1. The girl or her sisters (watch, watches) 10. Either (is, are) suitable.
television every day. 11. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.
2. Rob (doesn't, don't) like sports. 12. The dogs (bark, barks,) at strangers.
3. His classmates (study, studies) before a 13. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the
test. movies.
4. One of the cookies (is, are) missing. 14. The game (was, were) exciting.
5. A lady with 10 cats (live, lives) in that big 15. They (worry, worries) too much.
house. 16. She (study, studies) every night.
6. Mumps (is, are) very serious. 17. Black or white (is, are) your choice.
7. The committee (decide, decides) when to 18. That (was, were) incredible.
adjourn. 19. Those (is, are) pretty shoes.
8. Our team (is, are) the best. 20. The cat or dog (is, are) in the yard.
9. Everybody (enjoy, enjoys) a good song.
21. ___ Cats and dogs love to run. 26. ___ The news are on at 10.
22. ___ He don't like chocolate. 27. ___ My family are a lot of fun.
22. ___ Her friends or Sarah excel at 28. ___ Mathematics is hard for many.
volleyball. 29. ___ The director, with all the cast
23. ___ Each of these have been ruined. members, works very hard.
24. ___ Trousers are baggy now. 30. ___ The teacher, along with the
25. ___ The students, as well as the teacher, students, read the announcement on the
are nervous about the test. board.