Objectives:: Arena U, 2015)
Objectives:: Arena U, 2015)
Objectives:: Arena U, 2015)
The main goal of this paper is to study the current practices related to the various waste management
actions taken in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The objective of any informal enterprise should be to minimize the amounts of unwanted products or by-
products to reduce impact on human health and the environment ( Arena U,2015) [14].
Therefore, the objectives of writing this paper include mainly, to come up with some policies that will be
reflecting on clear and comprehensive studies that have explored the current situation of solid waste
management in the country, thereby pushing for a more effective waste management system that will
lead to forming a strong Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) plan, which will further help finding
out the scope for improvement in the management of waste for the welfare of the society. Secondly, this
paper aims at finding out the need for creation of policies that address waste management, not only
according to collection, transportation and disposal facilities but also to consider policies on segregation,
recycling and resource recovery. The third objective is to provide some suggestions and
recommendations to improve the waste management practices and encourage the residents to start
recycling. The paper also aims at enhancing environmental awareness in the community.
Applications: 150
There are various methods used to conduct this study
The questionnaire used in the survey helped to measure and evaluate the existing municipal waste
management system in the Kingdom of Bahrain which revealed the satisfaction levels of residents
regarding the municipal waste storage, collection and transportation within the various locations.