Brochure Bucket Solutions
Brochure Bucket Solutions
Brochure Bucket Solutions
Bucket Solution
Why Liebherr?
The Philosophy
of Excellence
As an OEM service provider, Liebherr delivers an innovative bucket solution that complies with our
six pillars philosophy: productivity, efficiency, reliability, customer service, safety and environment,
leading to reduced owning and operating costs.
The Liebherr bucket is a fully OEM-integrated design to suit all mining applications - even the harsh-
est ones.
2 Bucket Solution
Productivity Efficiency
Easy Material Penetration Reduced Owning and Operating Costs
The bucket design and the self-sharpening tooth design provide Along with the bucket solution, Liebherr offers a high quality
an optimal combination of bucket penetration and loading range of buckets, Ground Engaging Tools and wear parts
capacity. solutions to increase wear life, leading to increased maintenance
Safety Environment
Truly Hammerless Optimized Wear Life Ratio
To increase safety on-site and reduce tooling to one unique ex- The Liebherr Bucket Solution is designed for longer service life.
traction tool, the teeth, shrouds and wing shrouds are equipped The bucket structure is fully protected from wear while most of
with one single hammerless locking system. the Liebherr Ground Engaging Tools parts are symmetrical to
ease parts inventory management.
Bucket Solution 3
Liebherr EVO Backhoe Bucket
4 Bucket Solution
New Bucket Design Enhanced Bucket Capacity
Liebherr has engineered a patented bucket design to meet With its innovative back and global optimized profile as well
its customers' expectations, even in the toughest mining as bended sidewalls, the Liebherr EVO Bucket provides a
applications. higher machine payload and reduces weight load / volume
Weight Optimization
By optimizing the bucket shape, Liebherr managed to re- Higher Productivity Output
duce weight by 10 % compared to traditional designs. To do This new bucket design provides customers with the bene
so, Liebherr has realocated the weight by reducing the bear- fit of an additional bucket volume from 0.5 m³ (0.7 yd³) to
ing block and lip width, which are the heaviest areas of the 1.5 m³ (2.0 yd³) depending on the excavator size-class and
bucket. application.
Easy Maintenance
Increased protections on key components such as the
greasing system mean increased maintenance intervals. The
aluminium covers can be easily handled manually, saving
maintenance cost and time.
1 Increased protection
plate cover
2 Reduced weight
1 aluminium cover, cover box
and bucket width
3 Increased capacity
2 contoured sidewalls and
augmented depth
Bucket Solution 5
Liebherr Face Shovel Bucket
Reliable Attachment
Efficient Solution
Customers can rely on Liebherr expertise and experience for face shovel attachments to reach high-
est productivity levels while reducing owning and operating costs of their machine.
6 Bucket Solution
Reliable Face Shovel Design Optimal Penetration and Digging Force
Liebherr face shovel buckets are designed using the most Liebherr face shovel buckets are made to ensure high pen-
advanced welding techniques and fatigue resistant steel etration efficiency, even in heavy duty applications such as
structure. Heat treatment is also used to reduce residual rock and compact soil. The Liebherr GET system is fully inte-
stresses and increase fatigue life. Liebherr mining face shov- grated with the Liebherr bucket design.
els can rely on their robust structure to face harshest condi-
tions and help maximize the machine's performance.
Bucket Solution 7
Liebherr Ground Engaging Tools
Higher Productivity
Reduced Operating and Owning Costs
With its unique design philosophy and innovative approach, the Liebherr-Mining Ground Engaging
Tools solution is able to meet the most stringent customer expectations. The Liebherr solution re-
duces operating and owning costs by extending the equipment life.
8 Bucket Solution
1 Wing Shroud 5 Adapters
To optimize the wear life and reduce parts inventory, Liebherr has developed center and corner adapters that
Liebherr has designed symmetrical wing shrouds that are perfectly balanced in terms of weight and resistance
are fully interchangeable from top to bottom, right to left. to breakout force.
2 Wear Cap 6 Corner Wear Cap
Designed to optimize the adapters protection and does The corner wear caps are symmetrical and can be
not require any locking device. easilly interchanged from right to left corner, optimizing
3 Teeth service life.
The self-sharpening teeth size and profile are designed 7 Locking Device
to optimize ground penetration, service life and wear ratio. To reduce tooling, the teeth, shrouds and wing shrouds
4 Lip Shroud are equipped with one single locking system requiring
The Lip Shroud is designed to protect the lip and increase only one extraction tool.
its service life.
3 5
Bucket Solution 9
Liebherr Ground Engaging Tools
Complete Mining
GET Solution
Liebherr has developed a complete mining Ground Engaging Tools solution to complement mining
backhoe and face shovel bucket design for machines from 100 to 400 tonnes. A synergy that en-
ables easy material penetration while extending the life of the bucket.
10 Bucket Solution
Truly Hammerless System Self-Sharpening Design
A single and easy-to-carry double headed (1/2" ; 3/4") ex- The self-sharpening tooth design provides an optimal combi-
traction tool designed by Liebherr to match the complete nation of bucket penetration and high fill factor over the teeth
range of tooth sizes. lifetime.
Bucket Solution 11
Liebherr Ground Engaging Tools
Optimal Material
Penetration Efficiency
Liebherr-Mining offers a complete range of mining Ground Engaging Tools designed to maximize
machine uptime and reduce cost per ton.
12 Bucket Solution
Fit to Any Application Higher Productivity
The Liebherr GET system is available in four sizes and five By choosing the perfect Liebherr GET match for specific
teeth profiles to cover an extensive range of application types, working conditions, customers will benefit from optimized
from well-blasted material to very hard ground. digging forces.
Bucket Solution 13
Wear Parts
14 Bucket Solution
A Full Bucket Solution Tailored Wear Package
The Liebherr buckets combined with Liebherr GET are de- Liebherr offers three types of wear packages to its customers
signed to work in harmony to deliver an optimised , vertically Liebherr is offering to its customers 3 types of wear pack-
integrated mining solution. ages in order to meet any application requirements but also
to comply with the Approved Rated Suspended Load of the
1 Banana Shroud
2 Wear Plates
3 Chock'bar
4 Wear Skid
5 Wear Button
6 Wear Heel
7 Inner Stripes
7 4
General Purpose Package Heavy Duty Package Heavy Duty Rock Package
For light duty applications For medium, hard and abrasive For very hard and abrasive applications
Bucket Solution 15
Customer Service
World-Class Support,
Everywhere, Every Day
Liebherr strives to exceed the expectations of our customers by providing exceptional service and
high-quality technical support for their bucket attachments. Liebherr personnel and facilities located
around the world are equipped to support our customers everywhere and whenever it matters.
16 Bucket Solution
Proactive Service and Support Quality: the Liebherr Trademark
Liebherr is more than just a mining equipment manufacturer. Our relentless desire to innovate combined with our long-
By ensuring a permanent dialogue with each machine own- standing tradition of high-quality product manufacture, has
er, Liebherr provides tailored assistance to customer specific enabled Liebherr to produce the highest standard in wear
projects and site requirements. resistance.
With a truly global network composed of Liebherr affiliates In collaboration with customers, Liebherr GET undergoes
and exclusive representatives, Liebherr’s worldwide pres- intensive factory and field testing program to diagnose tech-
ence enables the highest level of service support irrespective nical constraints that might occur in severe environment. The
of equipment location. strength of our field testing program is underpinned by repe-
Using advanced forecasting techniques and in-depth knowl- tition and consistency, giving the highest possible value.
edge of regional populations, Liebherr service centers en-
sure that customers are always well looked after.
Bucket Solution 17
18 Bucket Solution
Bucket Solution 19
The Liebherr Group of Companies
All illustrations and data may differ from standard equipment. Subject to change without notice. All indicated loads are based in
maritime cranes.
Worldwide and Independent
Exceptional Customer Benefit Hans Liebherr founded the Liebherr family company in 1949.
Every product line provides a complete range of models in Since then, the family business has steadily grown to a group
many different versions. With both their technical excellence of more than 130 companies with nearly 44,000 employees
and acknowledged quality, Liebherr products offer a maxi- located on all continents. The corporate headquarters of
mum of customer benefits in practical applications. the Group is Liebherr-International AG in Bulle, Switzerland.
The Liebherr family is the sole owner of the company.