Patel - Spacecraft Power Systems PDF
Patel - Spacecraft Power Systems PDF
Patel - Spacecraft Power Systems PDF
Mukund R. Patel
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Cover photo source: Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH, Daimler-Benz
Aerospace, Germany. With permission.
TL1100.P38 2004
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The first man-made satellite was Sputnik I, launched and operated by Russia
in the low Earth orbit in 1957. In the decade that followed, the American
space exploration programs launched many Earth orbiting satellites. The
first commercial geosynchronous satellite, Intelsat-1, was placed in orbit in
1965, and, in 1969, NASA’s Apollo-11 became the first manned spacecraft to
land on the moon. Since then, many countries have successfully undertaken
small and large space programs. In 2003, a civilian became the first space
tourist and China became the third nation after Russia and the United States
to put a human in space. In 2004, U.S. President Bush announced a new
space initiative for manned landing on the moon by 2015, and then onward
to Mars. In the same year, both China and India announced their own plans
to send unmanned spacecraft to the moon by 2010. On the commercial side,
the recent worldwide communications technology boom has established the
satellite as an integral part of the national infrastructure. Today, many
countries have the capability of placing and operating satellites in orbit.
In the past, the U.S. government has provided a large share of the space
industry revenue, and telecommunications satellites dominated the non-
government market. The 1990s saw milestones in the development of
personal communications systems, expansion of the remote sensing
industry and the approval of sale of spy-quality data. The 2000 world
market for commercial communications satellites was 28 satellites at a
procurement cost of 12 billion dollars, about 50% of which went to U.S.
companies. Added to this was the insurance cost for launch and 1-year on-
orbit operation ranging from 7 to 15% of the launch vehicle and satellite
costs. According to Aerospace America, the total number of launches in
2003 was 90, and is projected to be 150 in 2012. These endeavors symbolize
the increasing expansion of a commercial market. Many changes occurring
in the industry continue the evolution of this dynamic sector of the
technology. New commercial ventures are rapidly expanding. It is on these
ventures that the future expansion of the space industry rests.
The GPS III of the U.S. Air Force with the first launch targeted in the
2012–2015 time frame may be among the largest defense satellite programs
during the next 20 years. It will have some 30 satellites at an estimated cost
of $5 billion. New large-scale commercial satellites, such as Europe’s Galileo
viii Preface
Mukund R. Patel
About the Book
This book has evolved from a three-day continuing education course taught
by the author on spacecraft electrical power systems over the last ten years.
The material covered is based on the author’s deep involvement in many
design and development programs at the General Electric Space Division
and the Lockheed Martin Space Systems.
Spacecraft power systems have undergone significant new developments
in the last decade and will continue to do so even at a faster rate in the
current decade. The design and analyses methods used by the engineers
have evolved as needed in every corporation. Except for limited publica-
tions in bits and pieces at various conferences, and a few books having short
sections with sketchy coverage on this vast subject, there is no single book
available as of today that covers the entire scope of spacecraft power
All aspects of the electrical power system design, analyses, and operation
are covered in this book in details not found in any other book. The wide
coverage of the fundamentals of energy conversion, energy storage, power
conditioning, energy management, and the operational aspects will help
engineers maintain a leading edge in designing and operating a variety of
spacecraft power systems.
The book is written to benefit the spacecraft power system design and
development engineers, mechanical and aeronautical engineers, chief
engineers and program managers. It can serve as a ready reference book.
It assumes a college level background in physics and mathematics, and can
also be used as a textbook for senior or graduate level university courses.
Although the designs are always mission specific, the design numbers or
curves are given at many places as examples or typical values for that class
of satellites only.
The book covers all aspects of spacecraft power systems in 27 chapters
divided in four major parts:
Part A: Satellite overview, space environment and its effects, power
system options, PV-battery system, power system requirements, and design
About the Book xi
Acronyms and Abbreviations
xiv Acronyms and Abbreviations
SA solar array
S&A safe and arm
SAD solar array drive
SAPS solar array position sensor
SAS solar array switch
SBA shunt boom assembly
SBR space-based radar
SC short circuit
SD shunt dissipator
SDI Strategic Defense Initiative
SDV shunt drive voltage
SESB single-event secondary breakdown
SEU single event upset
SEL single event latch-up
SLA stretched lens array
SMC safe mode controller
SOC state of charge (of battery)
SPA solar panel assembly
xviii Acronyms and Abbreviations
VE vernal equinox
V=f voltage to frequency ratio
V–t voltage versus time
V–T voltage versus temperature
mp maximum power point
oc open circuit
op operating point
sc short circuit
Trade names
A2100 Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Sunnyvale, CA
BSS-702 and BSS-601 Boeing Satellite Systems, El Segundo, CA
Bussmann Cooper Bussmann Inc., St. Louis, MO
Littelfuse Littelfuse Corporation, Des Plaines, IL
Microsheet Corning Inc., Corning, NY
Nomex, Mylar, Kapton E.I. Dupont Company, Wilmington, DE
Kevlar, KelF, Teflon
SuperNiCd Eagle Picher Technologies, LLC, Joplin, MO
P600L Fuse Mepcopal Corporation, San Diego, CA
PADS A/D Mentor Graphics, Wilsonville, OR
PSPICE Intusoft Corporation, Gardena, CA
Systems of Units and Conversion Factors
Systems of Units and Conversion Factors xxi
Space Flight Constants xxiii
List of Chapters xxv
Preface vii
Acknowledgment ix
About the Book x
About the Author xii
Acronyms and Abbreviations xiii
Systems of Units and Conversion Factors xx
Space Flight Constants xxii
List of Chapters xxiv
Contents xxvii
Index 663
Part A
Power System Fundamentals
Chapter 1
Satellite Overview
1.1 Introduction
A satellite consists of various systems designed to meet the mission specific
requirements. All but the simplest satellites require a common set of
systems shown by the solid lines in Figure 1.1. Complex satellites require
additional systems shown by the dotted lines. The systems are classified
into two groups, the payload and the bus. The payload consists of the
communications equipment in commercial satellites or science instruments
in research satellites. The bus consists of all remaining equipment grouped
into several functional systems that support the payload. The power system
is one of the bus systems that consist of the solar array, battery, power
electronics, distribution harness, and controls. Other essential bus systems
are the communications and data handling system to receive commands
and return information, telemetry sensors to gage the satellite state, and a
4 Spacecraft Power Systems
C ¼ fðX1 ; X2 ; X3 ; X4 Þ ð1:1Þ
sized for the average electrical power dissipation, the external heat input
from the sun, the Earth’s reflected sunlight (albedo), and the long
wavelength (infrared) heat radiated from the Earth.
FIGURE 1.2 Configuration and evolution of GPS, mid-Earth orbit navigation satellites of the
U.S. Air Force.
Molniya day
Low Earth Various Various 0 to high 0 to 90 >90 min
Closest distance from the Earth surface.
Farthest distance from the Earth surface.
Ratio of difference to sum of apogee and perigee radii.
Angle between orbit plane and equatorial plane.
One sidereal day is 23 h, 56 min, 4.09 s.
In the case of LEO and MEO, the orbit parameters are chosen to avoid the
radiation belts that surround the Earth at altitudes of 1.3 to 1.7 and 3.1 to 4.1
Earth radii. A typical LEO satellite has an altitude of 500 to 1500 km, an orbit
period of 1.5 to 2 h, and is visible to a given Earth station for only a few
minutes in every orbit period. A typical MEO satellite is between 5000 and
12000 km altitude with orbit period of several hours. In a highly elliptical
inclined orbit, it can see the polar regions for a large fraction of its orbit
A GEO satellite moving west to east at an altitude of 35,786 km (22,237
miles) results in a nominal orbit period of 24 h, and remains stationary with
respect to the Earth. Three such satellites spaced 120 apart in the equatorial
plane can provide continuous coverage of the globe except near the poles.
The launch vehicle booster and its upper stages deliver the satellite in the
transfer orbit, which is an elliptical orbit with the Earth at one of its foci and
the apogee at the geosynchronous orbit. An apogee kick motor is then fired
to circularize the orbit at the geosynchronous height. The primary features
of various orbits are described below.
position. This simplifies the design and operating requirements of both the
satellite and the ground station. However, it takes more fuel to reach and
maintain the geostationary orbit than any other orbit around the Earth at
that altitude. Numerous satellites already placed there make it difficult to
get a desirable location in this orbit that would avoid radio frequency
interference from neighboring satellites. The Tracking and Data Relay
Satellite (TDRS) of the U.S. Department of Defense is an example of a
geostationary satellite. A satellite placed in this orbit tends to drift away
from its assigned station. Hence, a periodic station-keeping operation is
The time in space is kept in sidereal time, which measures the rotation of
the Earth in relation to a fixed star. Solar time is used on Earth to measure
the Earth’s rotation in relation to the sun. The same star is not in the same
place at the same solar time, but is at the same place at the same sidereal
time from day to day. A sidereal day consisting of 24 sidereal hours is the
time the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis past an imaginary line from
the Earth’s center to any star. Thus, the sidereal time is measured from a
point in the sky called the vernal equinox, although no bright start marks
this point.
The geostationary orbit period is exactly 1 sidereal day. It is slightly
shorter than the mean solar day of 24 h because of the sun’s apparent
motion resulting from the Earth’s rotation around the sun, which is 360 in
365.24 days, i.e., 0.9856 per day. By the time the Earth has rotated once in
relation to a distant star, it has moved westward along its orbit, as depicted
in Figure 1.3. The sun is then 0.9856 east of its position at the start of the
Earth’s rotation. The Earth needs additional time to rotate eastward to come
back in line with the sun. The Earth must thus rotate a total of 360.9856 in 1
mean solar day so that the meridian will align itself with the sun from one
noon to the next in exactly 24 h (86,400 s). The time for the Earth to rotate
0.9856 past one rotation is 86,400/(0.9856/360.9856) ¼ 235.91 s. The side-
real period of rotation is therefore 86,400 235:91 ¼ 86,164.09 s, or 23 h,
56 m, 4.09 s, which is shorter by 3 m and 55.91 s than the mean solar day.
FIGURE 1.3 Sidereal day and mean solar day for Earth.
First law: The satellite orbit is an ellipse with the planet at one focal point.
Second law: The line joining the planet and the satellite sweeps equal
areas in equal times. If the time intervals it1 and it2 in Figure 1.5
are equal, then the swept areas A1 and A2 are also equal.
Third law: The square of the orbit period is proportional to the cube of
the semi-major axis,
42 a3
i:e:; To2 ¼ ð1:2Þ
where a is the semimajor axis of the orbit, and is the gravity constant of the
planet. For the Earth, is 3.986 1014 m3/s2 or 3.986 105 km3/s2.
For circular orbits, the third law gives the orbit period To in terms of the
orbit radius Ro,
2R1:5 o
To ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi s; or To ¼ 2:7644 106 R1:5
o h ð1:3Þ
For the orbit period to be 1 sidereal day of 86,164.09 s, the orbit radius must
be 42,164 km. Deducting the mean radius of the Earth surface 6378 km, we
get the geosynchronous satellite altitude of 35,786 km above the Earth
surface. This altitude is about six times the Earth’s radius.
The satellite velocity in circular orbit is given by
v¼ ð1:4Þ
which is 3.075 km/s in GEO orbit. In comparison, the Earth travels in its
orbit around the sun at speed of 30 km/s, about ten times faster.
introduced by the attitude and/or orbit control system to restore the vehicle
to the stable position. Fuel movement in the tanks may also add in to the
oscillations, but it is normally controlled by baffles. There are five points
within the reference frame in space at which a stationary body will be in
equilibrium. All these points are in the plane in which the dominant masses
rotate. They are referred to as the Lagrangian or Libration points, and are of
potential use for the spacecraft in the Earth–Moon type systems.
Inherently stiff due to rotational inertia Bias or zero momentum maintains the
Simple mechanical structure Complex attitude control
Only 1/3rd of the solar array generate power at Full solar array generates power all the
any time time
Power limited by body size that fits the launch Can have high power by adding solar
vehicle panels
Less flexibility in design Great flexibility in design
Suitable for small satellites Suitable for large satellites
16 Spacecraft Power Systems
circular orbit, called the parking orbit. Then, the so-called Hohmann
transfer takes the satellite to the final orbit using minimum fuel. The first
velocity increment changes the low circular orbit into a highly elliptical
transfer orbit with perigee that of the final circular orbit. The second
velocity increment at the apogee of transfer orbit places the satellite in the
final circular orbit. When the perigee and the apogee kick motors are fired,
some sort of stabilization is needed because the thrust would tumble the
satellite and cause incorrect orbit injection.
The fully deployed satellite, which is 3-axis stabilized in the operational
orbit, can use spin stabilization in the transfer orbit when the solar panels
are stowed into a box shaped body. The satellite is despun by applying
reaction wheel torque to bring to a non-spinning state at the end of transfer
orbit. The de-spinning operation takes about 10 min. Until the solar array is
fully deployed, the sunlit panel radiates heat from the front face only, as
opposed to both the front and back faces after the deployment. Moreover,
the exposed panel is oriented normal to the sun for maximizing the power
generation except during maneuvering. To keep the temperature of the sun
side panel from rising above the tolerance limit, the satellite is spun at a low
rate, such as 1/10th to 1 revolution per minute. Spinning at such a slow
barbecue rate is merely for thermal reasons even when the spinning is not
required for stability. The spin rate is gyro controlled. One can deploy the
array in the transfer orbit, but it adds a mechanism and structural
complexity, resulting in added mass, low reliability, and difficult transfer
orbit maneuvers.
duration is, therefore, important for the spacecraft power system design.
For the geosynchronous satellite, the longest eclipse occurs on the vernal
and autumnal equinoxes when the sun is in the equatorial plane as shown
in Figure 1.9. The duration for which the entire sun is blocked is called the
umbra (total eclipse marked by dotted arc). The total arc when the sun is
fully or partially blocked is called the penumbra (arc a–b). It is proportional
to the mean solar day accounting for the Earth’s orbital motion during the
eclipse. The umbra duration varies with the seasons, the longest being
69.4 min occurring around March 21 and September 21. From the
geometrical considerations of the geosynchronous orbit in Figure 1.9, the
penumbra duration is 73.7 min (1.228 h) and the umbra is 4.3 min shorter
than the penumbra. Since the solar array output voltage and current during
this 4.3 min would not meet the requirement for the power system
operation, penumbra is taken as the eclipse duration for the power system
As the sun moves above or below the equator after an equinox, the
eclipse duration becomes shorter and shorter, and finally becomes zero
when the inclination of the sun becomes high enough (Figure 1.10). The
number of days the geosynchronous satellite sees an eclipse, and the eclipse
18 Spacecraft Power Systems
duration on that day, are shown in Figure 1.11. The eclipse onset time on a
particular day is of interest to the satellite design engineer, because it
determines the required services and the battery requirement onboard the
In near-equatorial, circular, low Earth orbits, eclipses of approximately
equal duration occur once every orbit period. The eclipse duration is
FIGURE 1.10 GEO eclipse, once per orbit in spring and autumn seasons only.
Satellite Overview 19
FIGURE 1.11 GEO eclipse duration longest on vernal and autumnal equinox days.
where ¼ angle of the sunlight incidence on the orbit plane, i.e., the angle
between the Sun–Earth line and the local normal of the orbit plane.
The angle varies seasonally between (i þ ), where i ¼ orbit inclina-
tion with respect to the equator and ¼ angle between the sun line and the
ecliptic plane (23.45 ). As increases, the eclipse duration decrease, which
improves the load capability of the electrical power system. At certain value
of high , no eclipse occurs. There are polar and near-polar low Earth orbits
FIGURE 1.12 Eclipse in near-equatorial LEO, once per orbit in all seasons.
20 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 1.13 Eclipse duration and orbit period vs circular orbit altitude.
that never have an eclipse of the sun. On the other hand, the longest eclipse
occurs at ¼ 0.
1.8.1 Example
For a satellite in a 6343-mile radius and 20 inclination orbit, the above
equation gives Te ¼ 0.63 h or 38 min long eclipse (note that the argument of
the sin1 must be in radians).
For circular orbits, the eclipse duration and the number of eclipses per
year are plotted in Figures 1.13 and 1.14, respectively. The ratio of the
maximum eclipse to minimum sunlight duration is an indicator of a
FIGURE 1.15 Minimum sun time and maximum eclipse duration in circular Earth orbits.
challenge posed to the power system design engineer. The greater the ratio,
the heavier the battery requirement to power the load during an eclipse. It
also requires a larger solar array to capture the energy required during
shorter periods of sunlight, and to divert a higher fraction of it to charge the
battery while simultaneously supplying full load to the payload. Such a
demand is greater on a low Earth orbit satellite, as seen in Figures 1.15 and
FIGURE 1.16 Ratio of maximum eclipse to minimum sun time in circular Earth orbits.
22 Spacecraft Power Systems
Table 1.3 Variation of solar flux and angle of incidence with the seasons
FIGURE 1.17 Seasonal variations in solar parameters over 1 year in geosynchronous orbit.
1. Frohlich, R.C., Contemporary Measures of the Solar Constant: The Solar Output
and its Variations, Colorado Associated University Press, Boulder, CO,
1977, pp. 93–109.
Chapter 2
Near-Earth Space Environment
2.1 Introduction
The near-Earth space environment, i.e., thermosphere and ionosphere,
presents a substantial risk to space systems. The spacecraft power system
must withstand the space environment and meet full performance
specifications over the entire mission life, starting from the launch phase
to disposal at the end of life. General design criteria required for this
purpose are studied and documented by space research organizations such
as NASA.1 As the solar array is directly exposed to the space environment,
it is particularly vulnerable to damage. In fact, the rate of damage on a solar
array determines the spacecraft life in many cases. The environmental
factors also affect the overall design of all other components of the power
Near-Earth Space Environment 27
T ¼MB ð2:1Þ
Lay out the current carrying conductors such that they form the
smallest possible loops.
Make two adjacent loops in opposite directions, so that they compen-
sate each other.
Twist wires wherever possible to neutralize the moments of adjacent
After using one or more of the above design means, the net residual
magnetic moment is determined by tests after the satellite is assembled. A
moment that would limit the resulting torque below 100 mNm in the
operational orbit is generally considered acceptable.
meteoroid flux ¼ ð2:2Þ
impact speed of 20 km/s. The actual fluence varies with the orbit. For
example, in the geostationary orbit of TDRS, the estimated meteoroid
fluence for a 15-year mission is shown in Figure 2.2. The yearly fluence rate
in other orbits is shown in Figure 2.3.
In addition to the natural micrometeoroids, the man-made debris can
vary from 1 mm to 10 mm in diameter. They have an average density equal
to that of aluminum, the most widely used material for satellite and launch
vehicle components. Their relative velocity with respect to the spacecraft
varies from zero to twice the orbital velocity, with an average around
10 km/s. The impact energy of large meteoroids can instantly damage the
solar array protective glass and cells. Micrometeoroids, on the other hand,
erode the glass surface gradually with subsequent degradation in the power
output over time.
One million electron volts (1 MeV) is the unit of the equivalent energy
level of various charged particles. It is defined as the energy released
by the total charge of one million electrons falling through one volt
in the electric potential field. With the electron charge of
0:1592 1018 C, 1 MeV equals 0:1592 1012 J.
Flux density expresses the number of charged particles present per unit
Flux is the term that expresses the rate of flux hitting a surface. It is given
as the number of particles impinging upon a unit surface area per
unit time, i.e., in number/m2 s or in MeV/m2 s to account for their
total energy level. The flux varies as the spacecraft moves around the
orbit. It is greater on the sun-side of the Earth than on the farther side.
Often the orbit average flux is quoted.
Integrated flux or fluence expresses the accumulated number of particles
impinging upon a unit surface area over some time duration in orbit.
Its unit is number/m2 year or often MeV/m2 over the mission life to
account for the total energy level the surface must withstand.
Dose expresses the amount of energy absorbed per unit mass of the
subject matter. It is measured in rad or rad (Si). Since silicon makes
up the bulk of micro-electronic devices, it is taken as the reference
material for comparing the radiation energy. One rad is equal to 100
ergs of absorbed energy in 1 g of target material. One rad (Si) is the
Near-Earth Space Environment 31
F ¼ qV B ð2:3Þ
where q is the particle charge, V is the particle velocity, and B is the Earth’s
magnetic field intensity. The particle moving radially towards the Earth at
velocity V generates a circumferential force that will impart velocity V . The
resultant velocity is then VR, as shown in the plan view. The radial gradient
32 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 2.4 Lorentz force on a charged particle moving in Earth’s magnetic field.
in the field imparts a spiral motion to the particle. The spiraling particle
comes to rest once all the energy is absorbed, and then springs back and
forth as explained below.
A particle moving in a converging magnetic field generates a force that
pushes the particle into a weak magnetic field (Figure 2.5), causing it to drift
at velocity Vz. The Vz decreases as the particle moves towards the equatorial
plane of weak magnetic field; and V increases to keep the kinetic energy
constant. The particle eventually comes to a stop in the z-direction and is
reflected back into the weaker field. Since the field is again converging on
the other side, the particle is reflected back again. Thus, the converging field
confines the charge particle between two magnetic mirrors. This way, most
particles remain trapped in a certain belt all the time. However, particles
having sufficiently high axial kinetic energy do not get reflected, and escape
the confinement belt.
Most particles become trapped in two doughnut-shaped radiation belts
known as the Van Allen belts, which are a part of the magnetosphere. The
belts are stronger on the sun-side than on the side away from the sun, as
shown in Figure 2.6. The trapping is concentrated in two belts shown in
Figure 2.7. The electrons get trapped in a belt spanning 2 to 5 Earth radii
with a heavy concentration between 3 and 4 Earth radii. The high-energy
protons penetrate closer to the Earth and get trapped in another belt
spanning around 1 to 2 Earth radii with a heavy concentration around 1.5
Earth radius. Since the charged particle flux varies over the satellite orbit,
the integrated radiation flux (fluence) is used in the power system design.
FIGURE 2.7 Extent of Van Allen radiation belts around Earth per NASA’s AP-8 Environment
34 Spacecraft Power Systems
Table 2.1 gives the total annual fluence in a typical geosynchronous orbit.
The integrated flux of solar flare protons per 11-year cycle based on NASA/
JPL model with 80% confidence level is given in Table 2.2.
Spacecraft going beyond the solar system, such as Pioneer and Voyager,
experience the so-called termination shock wave at the edge of the solar
system. The termination shock wave is a zone around the solar system
where the solar wind crashes into the tenuous gas and dust that fills
interstellar space.
1 5.3 1011
5 2.0 1011
10 1.0 1011
30 2.3 1010
50 9.7 109
70 6.6 109
100 2.5 109
Based on the NASA/
JPL model with 80%
confidence level.
FIGURE 2.9 Trapped proton environment in 852-km, 99 -inclined circular orbit.
(Source: NASA/GSFC.)
The total fluence is calculated for a given mission using the environmental
model specified by the customer. As an example, the orbit integrated flux of
trapped proton and electron environment in a 852-km, 99 -inclined circular
orbit is shown in Figures 2.9 and 2.10, where the y-axis is the fluence with
energy levels on the x-axis.4
The total fluence in equivalent MeV/cm2 day is the area under such a
number (n) versus energy level (E) curves for the electrons, protons, solar
flares, and any other source of radiation, natural or man-made. That is,
FIGURE 2.10 Trapped electron environment in 852-km, 99 -inclined circular orbit.
(Source: NASA/GSFC.)
Near-Earth Space Environment 39
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1
fluence ¼ n dE electrons þ protons þ flares þ nuclear
o o o o
Z1 ð2:4Þ
þ any other
1. NASA, ‘‘Space Vehicle Design Criteria (Environment),’’ Technical Report No.
SP-8005, 1980.
2. King, J.H., ‘‘Solar proton fluence for 1977–1983 space missions,’’ Journal of
Spacecraft and Rockets, 11, 401–407, 1974.
3. Feynman, J., ‘‘New interplanetary proton fluence model,’’ Journal of
Spacecraft, 27(4), 403–408, 1990.
4. Stassinopoulos, J.M., Barth, J.M., and Smith, R.L., ‘‘METSAT Charged
Particle Environment Study, Revised Edition, Method 2,’’ NASA Report No.
GSFC X-600-87-11, 1987.
Chapter 3
Power System Options
3.1 Introduction
Power requirements in very early satellites were several watts. In today’s
communications satellites, it is several kilowatts and is growing. Some
strategic defense spacecraft power requirements are estimated to be in
hundreds of kilowatts and some concepts require hundreds of megawatts
of burst power. Solar radiation is the only external source of energy
available in space. Any power system not using solar energy must carry its
own source of energy on board, such as the primary battery, fuel cell,
nuclear or chemical fuel.
The basic components of the spacecraft power system are shown in
Figure 3.1. They are the primary energy source, energy conversion, power
regulator, rechargeable energy storage, power distribution and protection,
and power utilization by the user’s equipment (loads). Candidates for the
primary energy source include solar radiation, radioisotopes, nuclear
reactors, and electrochemical and/or chemical fuel. The energy conversion
may be photovoltaic, thermoelectric, dynamic alternator, fuel cell, or
thermionic. The energy storage has been primarily electrochemical,
although flywheel technology is under development at NASA Glenn
Research Center (GRC).
From the available options that are compatible with a given mission and
its environment, the satellite level optimization study is conducted to select
the best combination of energy source, energy conversion, and energy
storage technologies. Final selection must meet multiple criteria, but the
Power System Options 41
FIGURE 3.2 Optimum energy sources for various power levels and mission durations.
primary criteria are always low mass and low life-cycle cost. Such selection
is largely influenced by the product of the power level and the mission
duration as shown in Figure 3.2. The dividing lines among various options
are only approximate and have large overlaps. The following sections
briefly describe these options with their optimum application ranges. The
detailed description and performance of often-used options are covered in
separate chapters.
recharged once its Ah capacity has been drained. It is then discarded, often
jettisoned from the spacecraft to shed mass.
refurbishes the energy, the cell does not run out of energy. Hence, the fuel
cell is not rated in terms of the Ah capacity, but in terms of the power
generation rate. The cell voltage remains constant (Figure 3.4(b)) as long as
the fuel is supplied at the required rate. Therefore, the fuel cell can be an
optimum choice for supplying hundreds or thousands of watts over a few
weeks using the on-board fuel.
A fuel cell is a static electrochemical device that generates direct current
electricity by a chemical reaction without altering the electrodes or the
electrolyte materials. In concept, hydrogen and oxygen are combined to
produce electricity and water, which is the reverse of the electrolysis of
water. The crew in manned missions can use this water. The fuel does not
burn as in an internal combustion (IC) engine. Thus, the fuel cell operates
differently from both the electrochemical battery and the IC engine. The
conversion efficiency of the fuel cell is not limited to that of the Carnot cycle,
because the fuel cell bypasses the thermal-to-mechanical conversion and its
operation is isothermal. That is why its efficiency can be, in principle, much
greater than that of the IC engine. The efficiencies of some commercial fuel
cells approach 70 to 80%, about twice the combustion engine efficiency. The
space qualified fuel cell efficiency, however, is around 10% at present, but
has a potential for a significant increase.
most common form of drive is a slip ring assembly with a solar array
drive in 3-axis stabilized satellites, and a rotary power transfer assembly in
gyrostats. Angular errors induced by the structural distortions are often
compensated by the and/or drive settings.
The seasonal variations of the angle and the eclipse duration over 1 year
for the International Space Station in 400-km (220-n.m.) altitude and 51.6
inclination orbit are shown in Figure 3.6.1 For a given system design, the
FIGURE 3.6 Beta angle and eclipse duration variation with season for the International Space
Station. (Source: NASA Glenn SPACE Team/J. Hojnicki.)
Power System Options 45
power available to the load varies over the year due to seasonal variation in
the angle. At high when the eclipse duration is zero, the load
capability of the electrical power system would be the greatest, as no battery
charge power is required. For the ISS, there would be no eclipse at all for
> 71 , making the orbit sun-synchronous.
The PV cell has been a building block of space power systems since the
beginning. The cell is a diode-type junction of two crystalline semiconduc-
tors, which generates electricity under sunlight. Its performance at the
beginning of life (BOL) is characterized by the output voltage and current at
its terminals as shown by the heavy line in Figure 3.7. The two extreme
points on this curve, namely the open circuit voltage, Voc, and the short
circuit current, Isc, are often used as the performance indicators. The
maximum power a cell can generate is the product of Voc, Isc, and a factor
that is approximately constant for a given junction. The I–V characteristic of
the PV cell degrades as shown by thin lines with the increasing fluence of
charged particles on the solar array in the space environment. Such
degradation results in decreasing power generation with time. With the
combination of seasonal variations of angle and yearly degradation of
charged particles, the power generation of the solar array over the mission
life varies as shown in Figure 3.8.
FIGURE 3.8 Degradation of solar array output power versus service years.
The dynamic power system was a primary candidate for early space
station design, having an estimated power requirement of 300 kW. The
system configuration is shown in Figure 3.9. A parabolic concentrator
focuses the sun’s heat on to a receiver, which boils a fluid. The fluid can be a
suitable liquid or even a liquid metal, such as potassium chloride. High-
pressure steam produced in the receiver drives a steam turbine based on the
Rankine cycle. The fluid can also be a gas, such as a mixture of helium and
FIGURE 3.9 Solar concentrator–dynamic system. (Source: NASA Glenn Research Center.)
Power System Options 47
xenon, having a molecular weight around 40. The heated gas drives a
turbine working on the Brayton cycle. The gas-based system, however,
minimizes erosion and the problem of sloshing when transporting a liquid.
In either case, the high-pressure high-temperature fluid drives the turbine,
which in turn drives an electrical generator. The energy conversion
efficiency is about twice that of the photovoltaic system. This minimizes
the deployed collector area and the aerodynamic drag in the low Earth
orbit. An indirect advantage is that the energy storage is interwoven in the
system at no extra cost. It primarily resides in the form of latent heat with
the phase change at high temperature around 1000 K.
The usable energy extracted during a thermal cycle depends on the
working temperatures. The maximum thermodynamic conversion effi-
ciency that can be theoretically achieved with the hot side temperature, Thot,
and the cold side temperature, Tcold, is given by the Carnot cycle efficiency,
which is
Thot Tcold
Carnot ¼ ð3:1Þ
where the temperatures are in degrees absolute. The higher the hot side
working temperature and lower the cold side exhaust temperature, the
higher the efficiency of converting the captured solar energy into electricity.
The hot side temperature, Thot, however, is limited by properties of the
working medium. The cold side temperature, Tcold, is largely determined by
the cooling method and the environment available to dissipate the exhaust
The dynamic power system incorporates the thermal energy storage for
hours with no degradation in performance, or for longer duration with
some degradation. This feature makes the technology capable of producing
high-value electricity for meeting peak demands. Moreover, compared to
the solar–photovoltaic system, the solar–thermal system is economical, as it
eliminates the costly PV cells and battery. The solar concentrator–dynamic
system with a turbo-alternator also offers significant advantage in efficiency
and weight, and hence the overall cost over solar PV technology. The
efficiency advantage comes from the higher efficiency of the engine (about
30%) as compared to silicon solar cells (about 15%), and higher efficiency of
thermal energy storage of the receiver (about 90%) as compared to the
battery efficiency (about 75%).
The concept is sufficiently developed for use in the future, particularly in
high-power LEO missions. It may also find applications in high-power
defense spacecraft where large solar arrays can make the mission
nonmaneuverable and vulnerable to enemy detection and attacks. The
higher efficiency requiring less solar collection area results in reduced drag
and less concern regarding station dynamics, approach corridors, and
experimental viewing angles. The reduced drag is particularly important
48 Spacecraft Power Systems
3.6 Nuclear–Thermoelectric
Interplanetary and deep space missions far away from the sun cannot be
effectively designed using photovoltaic power generation because of weak
solar flux. The spacecraft must therefore carry on board a primary energy
source, such as a radioactive isotope or a nuclear reactor. In the first
alternative, the radioisotope heats a thermoelectric (TE) material such as
lead telluride, which generates electrical potential (Figure 3.10). The
principle is similar to that in a thermocouple, only with higher conversion
efficiency. The radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) is being
routinely used for interplanetary missions requiring power levels of several
hundred watts. The reactor, on the other hand, has been considered for high
power in the 30 to 300 kW range. Both power sources have the advantage of
supplying power all the time, thus eliminating the need for a battery in base
load systems having no peak power requirement. The obvious disadvan-
tage is the heavy radiation shielding required around the electronic
components. Also the nuclear fuels that are safe and easy to handle with
little shielding, such as curium-244 and plutonium, are expensive.
Inexpensive easily available fuels, such as strontium-90, are unsafe.
High-energy particles emitted from the radioactive isotope material are
the primary energy source, which heats the absorbing material. The thermal
power radiation decreases proportionally with the remaining mass. The
mass of the isotope material decay exponentially at a rate characterized by
the half-life, T1=2 , which is long. Therefore, the power generation essentially
remains constant for decades. This makes the nuclear energy source ideal
that used for balloon flights where a parabolic solar concentrator at the top
of the balloon collects the energy, boils a liquid, and drives a Stirling engine
at the base of the balloon.
3.8.1 Thermo-Photovoltaic
In the thermo-photovoltaic (TPV) scheme, the radioisotope or solar heat is
directed at the PV cells as opposed to the present use of RTGs for generating
electricity. It has a significantly higher conversion efficiency. Therefore, it
may find applications as the mission-enabling technology where its high
cost may be acceptable. The system can have a cylindrical or a flat
configuration as shown in Figure 3.11. A heated surface radiates infrared
heat onto an array of photovoltaic cells sensitive in the infrared range. A
part of the energy is converted into d.c. electricity; and some is reflected
back and dissipated as heat. The energy conversion process is different to
that in the conventional PV cell. The efficiency varies with the radiator
temperature. It ranges from 10% at 800 C to 12% at 1100 C based on the
absorbed heat, but is only 3 to 4% based on the total incident energy.
Most current TPVs use low bandgap PV cells such as 0.55 eV InGaAs or
0.73 eV GaSb to optimize the cell response to energy sources in the 1 to 2 mm
range. The low bandgap of these cells leads to low open circuit voltage
(about 0.25 to 0.45 V) and poor fill factor caused by high intrinsic carrier
3.8.2 Solar–Thermoelectric
The power system for a near-sun probe operating at high temperature
cannot effectively use PV cells because of severe temperature degradation
in performance. In such a mission, the collected solar heat can be directed at
a pile of thermo-electric converters (TECs). The energy conversion details in
such systems are common with the RTGs covered in Chapter 20. The only
difference between the RTG and the solar–TE is the source of heat. The RTG
heat source is the nuclear reaction in a suitable radioisotope, while heat in
the solar–TE scheme comes from the sun.
3.8.3 Thermionic
In this conversion process, the thermal energy is converted into electricity
by using the electrons released from a hot body, known as thermionic
emission, or the Edison effect. The electrons released from the cathode are
collected at the anode, and a closed path through a load is established to
complete the circuit back to the cathode. It has no moving parts. The
concept is an old one, but is attracting new interest due to advances made in
high-temperature materials. The thermionic converter is basically a heat
engine with electrons as the working fluid, and is subject to the Carnot
efficiency limitation. For this reason, it operates at much higher tempera-
tures with a hot side around 1800 to 2000 K and heat rejection around 800 to
52 Spacecraft Power Systems
1000 K. This imposes limits on candidate materials and life. Also, the
thermionic converter produce a very low voltage requiring extensive power
conversion and large power conditioning loss. Further developments are
under way with the DoD funding at present. A typical example of
development is the thermionic fuel element that integrates the converter
and nuclear fuel for space power in the kilowatts to megawatts range for
long missions. Converters filled with ionized gas, such as cesium vapor, in
the inter-electrode space, yield higher specific power due to space charge
A 100-kW thermionic power system with a nuclear reactor has been built
and tested in Russia, which is believed to be scalable to 300 kW and perhaps
to a megawatts power level. A solar concentrator–thermionic power system
may be practical up to 100 kW. This technology is not suitable for power
levels lower than several kilowatts. General Atomic has designed a 50 kW
unit in which solar heat is concentrated directly on the cathode, thus
eliminating a working fluid. The conversion efficiency is around 10% using
a high-side temperature of 1800 K, and 5% using the high-side temperature
just below 1000 K. The specific power can approach 700 to 1000 W/kg.
Table 3.1 Practical limit and performance comparison of various power system
Power system Practical power limit Net system efficiency power
option (kW) (%) (W/kg)
developed for various missions. Table 3.2 summarizes the present state of
the spacecraft technology options4 along with current development work
that has promising applications in the near future. It also includes some
concepts that potentially may find beneficial applications in the future.
Development engineers continuously evaluate new technologies for
possible incorporation into new designs as they become available from
research laboratories. Many times, these changes bring incremental benefits.
Quantum benefits can be achieved by incorporating several changes
simultaneously into a new design. For example, DoD and NASA have
funded development and testing of protoflight solar array designs which
could yield specific power over 100 W/kg, a factor of 3 greater than the state
of the art, and a factor of 5 greater than the state of the practice. The design
under consideration integrates three promising technologies: a flexible
copper indium diselenide thin-film PV cell, smart mechanisms using shape
memory metal, and a multifunctional lightweight structure.5 An important
criterion in the application of a new technology is the development and
flight qualification status. New components must be subjected to time-
consuming and expensive testing to prove their ability to withstand launch
and space environments.
Table 3.2 Technology options and status of various power system components
PV cell: converts sunlight into electricity Used in most long-mission spacecraft for power
generation. The mission design life is generally
limited to about 15 years due to degradation in
the Van Allen radiation belts.
TE cell: converts radioisotope heat into Well developed and flight-proven for a few
electricity hundred watts. It is expensive. Solar heated TE
may be considered in regions of intense Van
Allen radiation belts and/or missions with
nuclear threats.
AMTEC: converts isotope heat into Under development. Suitable up to a few
electricity using an alkali metal TE hundred watts systems for interplanetary and
converter deep-space missions, rovers, etc.
Thermionic: converts heat into electricity Solar and nuclear heated thermionic converters
have been built and tested in the laboratory.
Suitable for hundreds of kilowatts. Have high
specific power.
Nuclear reactor: converts heat into US prototype designs have been developed, but
electricity not proven in space. Russian space programs
have flown many such units. Scalable to the
megawatt power range.
Fuel cell: converts a fuel’s chemical Used routinely for the space shuttles. Was
energy into electricity considered for the ISS. May find more
applications in the future.
Battery energy storage Most spacecraft use secondary batteries, and
some short mission spacecraft use primary
battery. Fully developed.
Flywheel energy storage Under active development for installation on
ISS in 2006–2007 time frame. Targeted to
replace the battery.
Thermo–PV: converts heat into electricity Under development. Low specific power, but
using PV type cells may find niche application.
solar array, where the plasma contactor keeps the structure close to the
plasma potential. However, the most positive end of the solar array being
more than 100 V positive, the solar cell edges would collect more current
than otherwise, essentially increasing the power drain and demanding a
high current capacity for the plasma contactor. For other high-voltage LEO
spacecraft, such as the 200-V SP-100, analysis has shown that the power loss
from currents to other surfaces is small compared to the total delivered
current, and thus the percentage efficiency loss is also small.
A rule of thumb is that for every square meter of exposed conductor in
LEO at 100 V positive, a parasitic structure current of about 1 mA may be
expected. Thus, for a payload of about 100 m2 surface area on a 100-V bus,
for instance, only 100 mA of structure current may drain from the power
system capacity. This is negligible compared to 100 A that a 10-kW power
system would deliver at 100 V.
Voltages higher than 160 V can be used in low Earth orbit with insulated
cables covered in a shielded enclosure as shown in Figure 3.13, and by
encapsulating all connectors and circuit boards. NASA has selected a 120-V
distribution system for the ISS with necessary step-down converters for
existing 28-V hardware. Early in the ISS design, 270 V d.c. and 440 V 20 kHz
a.c. were considered, but, finally, a 160-V solar array voltage and 120-V
distribution voltage were selected. Alternating current was seriously
considered for the space station design in the 1980s for multiple benefits,
but was dropped as the power requirement was significantly scaled down
and high development costs were projected.
High-voltage design, however, impacts upon the component selection.
Moreover, the space environment considerations also limit the voltage to a
certain level for a given mission. The factors that influence the voltage
selections are:
new power requirement 0:7
mass of new design ¼ mass of similar design
power in similar design
For example, the mass of a new system with 10 times the power
requirement is 5 times the similarly built system using the same technology.
This equation suggests that specific power doubles for every 10-fold
increase in the power level.
For a.c. systems, the power system mass depends both on the power level
and also on the frequency. The design and fabrication experience of
commercial and aircraft industry suggest the following rule of thumb.
mass of a:c: system ¼ ð3:3Þ
where the exponent is equal to 0.5 for small systems in hundreds of watts,
and 0.75 for large systems in hundreds of kilowatts.
1. Hojnicki, J.S. et al. ‘‘Space Station Freedom Electrical Performance Model,’’
NASA Glenn Research Center, Report No. TM-106395, 1993.
2. Brown, E.J. et al. ‘‘Measurements of conversion efficiency for a flat plate
thermo-photovoltaic system using a photonic cavity test system,’’ in
Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
AIAA, 2000, Paper No. 3029.
3. Pantalin, J.E. et al. ‘‘Advanced AMTEC converter development,’’
Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, ASME, 2001, pp. 519–524.
4. Hyder, A.K. et al. ‘‘Spacecraft Power Technologies,’’ Imperial College Press/
World Scientific Publishing Co, London, 2003.
5. Marshall, C.G. et al. ‘‘Example of a prototype lightweight solar array and
the three promising technologies it incorporates,’’ Proceedings of the 35th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No.
Chapter 4
Photovoltaic–Battery System
4.1 Introduction
Photovoltaic conversion of the sun’s energy is the most common source of
electrical power in space. An array of photovoltaic cells powers the load
and charges a battery during sunlight. The battery powers the load during
an eclipse. If the solar array, the battery and the load were operated at the
same constant voltage, no voltage regulator would be needed. All the
equipment could be wired to the same bus. However, the solar array output
voltage is higher at the beginning of life, and when the array is cold for
several minutes after each eclipse. Also, the battery has a lower voltage
during discharge than during charge. Since the system is required to
provide power to the load at a voltage regulated within specified limits, a
voltage regulator is always needed to match voltages of various power
components during the entire orbit period.
The photovoltaic power system, therefore, primarily consists of a solar
array, a rechargeable battery, and a power regulator which regulates power
flow between various components to control the bus voltage. Other
components such as various sensors are also required to make the array
and the battery work together. The total power system is thus coordinated
internally as well as externally through interfaces with other systems of the
spacecraft. The top-level performance characteristics of the basic PV–battery
system are described in this chapter, leaving the component level details for
later chapters.
Photovoltaic–Battery System 59
4.1.2 Battery
The battery is made of rechargeable electrochemical cells connected in a
series–parallel combination to obtain the desired voltage and current. Its
terminal voltage depends primarily on the state of charge (SOC), and to
some extent on the operating temperature. The battery charge is measured
in terms of the ampere-hours stored between the positive and negative
plates. The voltage is highest when the battery is fully charged, and the
lowest when it is fully discharged. Since the battery works more like a
constant voltage source over the normal operating range, its terminal
characteristic is generally expressed in terms of the battery voltage versus
the state of charge. Figure 4.3 depicts the voltage of one fully charged cell as
it discharges and then gets recharged. The voltage scale in the figure
FIGURE 4.3 Battery cell voltage versus state of charge in one complete cycle.
represents both the NiCd and the NiH2 cells. The battery voltage drops
significantly with increasing discharge, and then rises during charge. The
average voltage during charge is higher than that during discharge.
FIGURE 4.4 Stability of operating point and shunt control during sunlight.
Photovoltaic–Battery System 61
sunlight voltage at say 35 V; the system will pull back from point B to point
C by shunting the excess current to the ground. The shunt current in this
operating mode would be Ishunt, the difference between the source current at
D and the load current at C.
The mode controller sets the system’s operating mode in response to the
error signal, which is the difference between the actual bus voltage and the
reference voltage representing the required bus voltage. Depending on the
error signal value and its polarity (positive or negative), the mode controller
sends a control signal to either the shunt regulator, or the battery charge
regulator, or to the battery discharge regulator (Figure 4.5). One of these
three sub-regulators, in turn, maintains the bus voltage within the specified
limits. Details of the next level of the mode controller during the battery
discharge regulation are shown in Figure 4.6.
External interfaces of the power system with other systems of the
spacecraft are mission specific, and difficult to describe in general.
However, Figure 4.7 depicts key external interfaces in a typical commu-
nications satellite.
spacecraft body and the sun-facing solar array, and (2) the power
distribution unit consisting of load switching relays and fuses to protect
the power system from faults in the load circuits. The DET can be further
subdivided into two classes: (1) the fully regulated bus, and (2) the sunlight
regulated bus. The components and operation of these two busses are
similar, except that the latter has no battery discharge converter in the
power regulator unit (PRU).
4.3.4 Battery
The battery stores energy in an electrochemical form to supply power to the
loads during eclipse periods over the entire mission life. NiCd secondary
batteries were extensively used in satellites until the mid 1980’s. In the
Photovoltaic–Battery System 65
newer designs, however, they have been replaced by NiH2 for better
performance and lower mass.
4.3.11 Loads
The term load includes all loads, i.e., the payloads (transmitters, receivers,
science instruments, etc.) as well as the bus system loads. Most loads in
satellites are constant power loads. Some loads may have a low duty ratio.
For all loads, the orbit average power requirement is taken into account in
sizing the PV array and the battery.
Shunt mode regulates the bus voltage by using a shunt dissipator. In this
mode, the batteries are fully charged and the solar array power
generation exceeds the spacecraft’s needs, so the excess current from
the solar array is shunted. This mode is established when the shunt
drive voltage signal is greater than 2.5 V d.c. and the battery charge
currents are not responsive to the shunt drive voltage.
Battery charge control mode regulates the bus voltage using the battery
chargers as linear shunting circuits. In this mode, the batteries are
charged and the spacecraft loads are met by the solar array. If the
solar array power capability is only slightly above the system load,
the battery charge current must be limited. This mode is established
68 Spacecraft Power Systems
when the shunt drive voltage is 1.0 to 2.5 V d.c. and the battery charge
current is linearly responsive to the shunt drive voltage and is
between 0 and 3.6 A.
Discharge mode regulates the bus by the battery discharge converter. In
this mode, solar array current is not adequate for spacecraft bus
loads, so the batteries are in discharge to provide the power needed
for the bus. The solar array power capability is less than the bus load
demand. This mode is established when the shunt drive voltage is
less than 1.0 V d.c.
Reference and error amplifiers measure the difference between the 28-V
volt bus and reference voltage. Depending on the magnitude and sign of the
error signal, signals are sent to activate the shunt dissipators, the battery
charge controllers or the battery discharge controllers. These modes are
mutually exclusive and easily identified by monitoring the shunt drive
voltage telemetry signal. The PRU performance is significantly different for
each mode but varies only slightly for various input conditions within each
In another example, in an EOS-AM type fully regulated 120-V LEO bus
with a 3000-W load, the bus voltage is regulated within 5 V to remain
between 115 and 125 V as shown in Figure 4.9. This regulation band is
further subdivided into five sub-bands. The voltage control is implemented
using a mode controller, which places the power system in one of the
following operating modes:
FIGURE 4.9 Bus voltage versus operating mode bands in a 120 5-V regulated bus.
Photovoltaic–Battery System 69
Discharge mode when the bus voltage falls below the specified limit
(point a)
Dead band (do nothing band) when the voltage is between the dead-
band limits (a and b)
Charge mode when the bus voltage rises above the dead-band limit
(point b)
Shunt mode when the battery is fully charged and solar array output
power exceeds the load power requirement (point c)
As a refinement, the control scheme may have two dead bands between
the charge mode and the shunt mode, one for placing the battery in high
charge rate, and the other for a low charge rate, as shown between the 122
and 124-V bands in Figure 4.9.
The bus voltage is regulated at a specified bus sense point, generally
defined inside the power regulator unit. For dynamic stability of the
feedback control loop, the mode controller amplifier provides a minimum
phase margin of 45 and gain margin of 10 dB. The bus is generally
designed to accommodate payload shedding in case the bus voltage drops
to 90–95%, and is capable of powering the essential spacecraft functions to
75–80% of the nominal bus voltage.
battery voltage. Therefore, the bus voltage falls as the battery discharges
during eclipse, and rises as it gets recharged during sunlight. The bus
voltage variations are the same as the battery voltage. A nominal 28-V bus
voltage typically varies from 22 to 35 V during the orbit period. In the
absence of shunt regulation, the solar array output voltage would settle at
the naturally stable operating point B in Figure 4.4, which would be too
high particularly in the beginning of life and for several minutes after each
eclipse when the array is cold. The maximum to minimum bus voltage ratio
without the shunt control may approach 3 in some cases during mission
life, versus about half as much with the shunt control.
The mode controller controls the battery charger and the shunts as
needed. The power and energy management software maintains the energy
balance. Non-critical loads are powered through switches and fuses.
Low battery mass and cost, as it allows use of fewer higher capacity
battery cells.
Low solar array mass and cost due to not having a battery latch-up
problem, which requires over-sizing the array as described in Chapter
13. The saving is typically 7 to 10%, and can be as high as 15 to 20% in
some cases.
Lighter power distribution harness mass, since the main bus works at a
constant voltage. In contrast, the sun-regulated bus requires heavier
wires to carry high current at the lowest voltage level at the end of
Lightweight load power converters, since they are supplied with
constant voltage input.
In the sun-regulated bus, if the battery latch-up occurs at the eclipse exit, the
resulting bus current can be in theory 60% higher than that in the fully
regulated bus. However, due to the reduced thermal load in eclipses and
the availability of charge power, latch-up in equinox is not a design driver.
Summer solstice is more critical period, when the bus latches onto a fully
charged battery, limiting the array over-sizing to 10 to 15%. The over-sizing
can be further reduced by temporarily reducing the heater load.
The harness connecting two pieces of equipment is usually designed to
limit the voltage drop under maximum load current. The specified
allowable voltage drop primarily depends on the bus voltage, and can be
from 100 to 500 mV in a 28-V bus, and 1 to 2 V in a 120-V bus. The sun-
regulated bus requires thicker conductors to limit the voltage drop at high
Photovoltaic–Battery System 73
current at the end of eclipse. For a 5-kW load power capability, the power
distribution harness, including the metallic cable shield and various
connectors, could weigh approximately 20 to 30 kg in a sun-regulated bus
and 15 to 20 kg in a fully regulated bus.
The load power conditioner (LPC) provides interface between the EPS
bus and the radio frequency (RF) amplifier of the communication loads. The
output ratings of LPC vary in the 50 to 500-W range. Generally, it has a pre-
regulator and a switch mode converter if the bus is sun-regulated, or a
linear regulator with fully regulated bus. The LPC efficiency ranges from 90
to 98% depending on the design. However, for comparable power ratings,
its efficiency is about 2% higher for a fully regulated bus than that for a sun-
regulated bus, and the LPC mass is lower by 2 to 4 g/W of output.
A fully regulated bus in general provides straightforward power system
specifications, simple design interface, in-orbit operating flexibility, auton-
omous overload and eclipse entry control, and simple testing at the user
end. At power levels above a few kilowatts, it also provides high efficiency,
low mass and low overall cost at the power system level and/or the satellite
level. On the other hand, it needs a battery discharge converter. This can be
expensive, as each item of equipment has some base cost associated with
the design, documentation, manufacture, quality control, and testing.
The fully regulated bus also offers great flexibility in battery cell selection.
Fewer high capacity cells can be selected, since the battery voltage can be
any value within the charge and discharge converter duty ratio limit, This
generally reduces the battery cost and footprint by selecting one of the
standard ampere-hour capacity cells to match the exact requirement of the
bus. On the other hand, the required cell ampere-hour rating in a sun-
regulated bus may fall between two standard capacity cells, forcing the
design engineer to select the higher capacity cell, costing more in mass and
FIGURE 4.11 Peak power tracking architecture for a mission with wide variations in solar
flux and temperature.
charging or the load demand exceeds the solar array output. Otherwise, the
excess power is left on the array raising the array temperature. The battery
relay is opened up when the battery is fully charged.
The peak power tracking (PPT) electronic controller senses the maximum
power point in one of the following ways:
The solar array output power — the product of voltage and current —
is continually computed and fed to the peak power tracker. The array
operating voltage is changed until the peak is detected.
As seen in Chapter 8, the bus dynamic and static (a.c. and d.c.)
impedances are equal in magnitude at the peak power point. A ripple is
injected into the solar array bus, and the dynamic impedance dV/dI
and the static impedance V/I are continuously measured. The bus
voltage is adjusted such that both impedances are equal.
The ratio of the Vmp to the Voc for any solar array is approximately
constant, say K (typically 0.70 to 0.75). The Voc of a solar cell coupon
maintained in the same environment as the main array is continuously
monitored. The operating voltage of the main array is then adjusted to
KVoc to extract the maximum power.
The inner voltage control loop regulates the solar array output voltage
to the reference value from the PPT controller. By changing this
reference value at regular intervals, the PPT controller moves the
operating point of the solar array. In each time interval, the PPT
controller calculates the solar array power slope by multiplying the
sensed solar array voltage and current. If this power slope is positive,
the PPT controller increases the reference value until the sensed power
slope is negative, and vice versa. Thus, the operating point of the solar
array is located near the peak power point where the power slope is
zero. The algorithm can be written as
Photovoltaic–Battery System 75
Vref ðn þ 1Þ ¼ Vref ðnÞ þ K ð4:1Þ
Small satellites having no pointing gimbals, such that the solar array is
not always oriented towards the sun
Satellites having the solar radiation and array temperature varying over
a wide range, indirectly varying the array voltage
In low Earth orbit, where the battery must be charged in a short period.
The PPT allows maximum power to be captured for several minutes after
each eclipse when the array is cold. Architecture without the PPT feature,
such as a DET bus, would waste a significant amount of power as shown in
Figure 4.13. If a DET system were designed to deliver the required power at
one-half the illumination at EOL, the power waste would be CD watts at
EOL full sun, BD watts at BOL full sun, and AD watts at EOL full sun on a
cold array. The PPT design eliminates this waste by utilizing all the power
that can be generated.
FIGURE 4.13 Power wasted in direct energy transfer architecture in certain conditions.
Photovoltaic–Battery System 77
The main advantages of the peak power tracking are that it maximizes
the solar array output power all the time, and it does not require the shunt
regulator and the battery charge regulator. On the other hand, it results in
poor system efficiency due to power loss in the peak power tracking
converter. Moreover, since this loss is dissipated inside the spacecraft body,
it negatively impacts the thermal system.
The PPT can have three configurations: series, parallel, and series–
parallel, as shown in Figure 4.14.1 The series–parallel configuration yields
better system efficiency because the input and the output power conversion
is processed by a single converter for all operating modes, as seen in Table
A PPT algorithm has been developed2 and tested using only the solar
array voltage information, giving the tracking control without using current
sensors. This results in low ripple current, hence lighter bus filter
FIGURE 4.14 Battery charge and discharge options in peak power tracking architecture.
78 Spacecraft Power Systems
Table 4.2 Pros and cons of various architectures and their best applications
Like any other large space programs, such as the manned landing on Moon,
the engineering and technology spin-offs on our everyday lives on Earth are
the side benefits.
The ISS power system generates 105 kW using a solar array with an area
of nearly 1 acre. The loads are powered during an eclipse by thirty-eight
80 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 4.15 International Space Station with solar array and other modules in view.
(Source: NASA.)
FIGURE 4.16 International Space Station single channel power flow diagram.
(From E.B. Gietl et al. NASA Report No. 210209, 2000.)
the assembly. Parallel bypass diodes are used every eight cells for reliability
in case of cell damage and to avoid reverse current heating during
prolonged shadows. Sequential shunt units (SSUs) on the solar arrays
operate at 20-kHz switching frequency.
The seasonal sun-pointing is done by gimbals and the orbit sun-
following by drive and roll rings. For currents of the space station
magnitudes, the roll rings provide superior power transfer performance
over the slip rings with rubbing contacts, as described further in Chapter
The solar array output voltage is 160 V, which is the highest voltage that
can be practically used in a low Earth (high plasma) orbit in view of
potential plasma arcing and/or leakage current concerns. The 160 V is
stepped down to 120 V using d.c.–d.c. converter units (DDCUs), each rated
at 4.25 kW, for utilization inside the user modules. The DDCUs provide
150% current limiting capability and 20 dB isolation between the generation
point and the distribution points for personnel safety.
The solar array area and the operating voltage are greater than in any
other spacecraft flown before. Therefore, the nature of the single point
ground on the ISS in high plasma in LEO poses an arcing problem. To
preclude such arcing, a device called the plasma contactor located on the
82 Spacecraft Power Systems
Each battery is built in multiple packs to distribute the mass and heat as
needed to balance the spacecraft layout. Each pack has redundant heaters,
reconditioning circuit health sensors, and cell bypass diodes in case of cell
failure. The sensor monitors the cell voltage, pressure, temperature, and
bypass and reconditioning circuit status telemetry. The cells are 5.5-inch
diameter NiH2 and are stacked vertically with the electrodes on two
separate sides.
The solar array panel tracks the sun in one axis only, so the seasonal
variations in power generation can be more than 10% over the year. The
original solar array design was a concentrator type with channeled solar
reflector panels along both sides of the wing with GaInP2/GaAs/Ge PV
cells mounted on a graphite face sheet on an aluminum honeycomb
substrate. After suspecting some plume related problems, the array was
replaced with a traditional flat panel array.
Loads are either unfused, fuse protected, or switched by relay or
transistor, depending on the current magnitude and the nature of the load.
and also load power switches for controlling the bus load when needed.
The transient over-voltage and under-voltage following a large load step,
such as turning on an arc jet (>4 kW total), is individually analyzed to
ensure meeting the bus ripples requirement.
In the A2100 bus, the energy balance is managed by controlling two
batteries independently in the following steps:
Using the current telemetry, determine the total battery charge and
discharge current
Determine the cell voltage and pressure
Compute the state of charge
Control the battery charge rate
If the battery temperature exceeds a set limit, reduce the charge rate
Shed load if the battery discharge falls below the set level
Provide for parallel or sequential battery charge
Prevent the disconnection of all battery power converters
Provide ground override capability
A solar array covering a wide range of solar flux and temperature with
wide swings in the I–V characteristics.
Photovoltaic–Battery System
FIGURE 4.19 Sun-regulated low voltage bus architecture. (Source: Dornier Satellitensysteme Gmbh, Daimler-Benz Aerospace. With permission.)
88 Spacecraft Power Systems
Early small satellites were spin stabilized, with their drum-like body
covered with PV cells all around. Such configuration used the cells
ineffectively; because it uses less than one third of the PV cells for power
generation at any given time. Today’s spacecraft have 3-axis active attitude
control with solar cells installed on flat panels pointed normally to the sun.
The PPT is more suitable for being one common architecture for a
number of small satellites for a variety of missions. The design can be
modular and adaptable without component redesign, thus being cost
effective. The power control unit maximizes the energy delivered to the bus
by driving the solar arrays to operate at their maximum power point over a
wide range of temperature, sun inclination, and illumination intensity. The
tracker system, in addition to its flexibility, does not dissipate power
associated with the shunt regulation inside the spacecraft. It adjusts the
operating point of the solar array as needed, thereby leaving the excess
power on the array.
A PPT bus that has flown successfully had the following design features,
which can be easily changed to accommodate other missions.
The solar array continuously tracked the sun using a solar array drive.
The PV cell could be either 8 mil or 2 mil thick silicon or 5.5 mil thick GaAs.
The NiH2 battery used 22 cells. The maximum battery DOD for LEO was
nominally 30% and 35% with one cell failed. For GEO, it was nominally 70%
and 75% with one cell that failed. The charge/discharge ratio was
maintained at 1.05 for LEO and 1.2 for GEO.
The peak power tracker received telemetry from the battery charge
control loop, which varied the modulation of the control signal operating
the tracker in each PRU.
The PRU worked as the interface between the solar array and the bus,
designed to deliver the total power generated by the solar array to the
spacecraft bus. It contained a peak power tracker comprised of a buck
regulator with pulse width modulation (PWM) control and the required
battery voltage–temperature (V–T) control. After receiving the battery
telemetry and comparing with the selected V–T charge curve, the PRU
varied the duty ratio of the buck converter. This changes the solar array
operating point thus reducing the power to the bus. All power regulation
functions were monitored and controlled within the PRU, including the
battery charge control. Separate PRUs were used for each wing if more than
Photovoltaic–Battery System 89
one solar array wing under different operating conditions were needed for
some satellites in the standard product line. This ensures that the EPS
design remained modular to accommodate all possible mission scenarios
with little or no design changes.
FIGURE 4.21 Micro-satellite power system with shunt regulator and series regulator.
provide the solar array regulation and battery charge control are
eliminated. Low loss diodes are used in series with a solar array for fault
isolation. The bus voltage is the same as the battery voltage, which may
vary from 2.7 to 4.0 V per cell. The design can be modular in that for a
higher power microsat, two modules can be connected in series as shown in
the figure.
1. Cho, Y.J. and Cho, B.H., ‘‘A novel battery charge–discharge of the
regulated peak power tracking systems,’’ in Proceedings of the 34th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper
No. 01-2445.
2. Veerachary, M., Senjyu, T., and Uezato, K., ‘‘Voltage-based maximum
power point tracking control of PV system,’’ IEEE Transactions on Aerospace
and Electronics Systems, 38(1), 262–267, 2002.
3. Gietl, E.B., Gholdston, E.W., Manners, B.A., and Delventhal R.A.,
‘‘Electrical power systems of the international space station — A platform
for power technology development,’’ in Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper No. 35-AP-SS-
1. Also NASA Report No. TM-210209, June 2000.
4. Hill, R., ‘‘Boeing Satellite Systems 702 Electrical Power System,’’ in
Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper No. AT-59.
5. Salim, A.A., ‘‘In-orbit performance of Lockheed Martin’s Electrical Power
System for A2100 Communication Satellite,’’ Proceedings of the 35th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper
No. 1-AP-SP-1
6. Castell, K. and Wingard, R., ‘‘Recent advances in power system design at
GSFC,’’ Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2534.
Chapter 5
Environmental Effects
5.1 Introduction
The radiation and other aspects of the space environment that have
damaging effects on various power system components are discussed in
this chapter. The charged particles impinging on the spacecraft surface slow
down by collision and lose their energy. The deposited energy in the
material causes damage by atomic excitation in metals and semiconductors,
and ionization in plastic materials. Various particles lose energy at different
rates as they penetrate the surface and cause damage at different rates. The
higher the rate, the more damage they produce. The damage is most severe
in the Van Allen belts because of the high level of radiation. Although the
belt region, which is between the low Earth orbit and the crowded
geosynchronous orbit, is potentially a valuable piece of orbital real estate,
the region has remained relatively unexplored because of the practical and
economic difficulties of shielding conventional satellites from charged
particles. NASA has measured charged particles in many orbits to develop
and validate a computer model. In 2002, nine astronauts aboard the ISS each
wore a 0.04-inch square silicon chip dosimeter that measured the levels of
radiation they were exposed to during space walks. On Earth, similar
devices are used in hospitals worldwide to measure the radiation given to
cancer patients.
Environmental Effects 93
Environment Effect
the solar array is considered to have reached the end of life. Figure 3.7 and
Figure 3.8 showed the gradual degradation of the I–V curves under
increasing fluence levels, which result in continuously decreasing power
output with years in service. With traditional silicon cells, the average
power degradation is about 1% per year in LEO and less in GEO. Because
the radiation damage to the n-type crystalline lattice is less than that on the
p-type, the n–p type PV cells are more radiation resistant than the p–n type
used in early satellites. Today, almost all cells used in the industry are n–p
type. A coverglass, such as fused silica or ceria doped MicrosheetTM, over
the PV cell is used for protection against radiation. The degree of radiation
protection provided by the coverglass comes from both the density and
thickness of the material. For example, 12-mil fused silica coverglass
provides the same protection as 10-mil ceria Microsheet. Normally, the
coverglass is coated with anti-reflective material, such as silicon monoxide.
The coating minimizes reflection of the sunlight, thus enhancing the solar
energy absorption and the power output of the cell. Susceptibility to
radiation can be further enhanced using radiation-hard solar cells. Higher
resistivity of the cell substrate (base), while initially less efficient, may
provide higher EOL power in a long mission spacecraft.
FIGURE 5.2 Aluminum substrate and coverglass charging under 20-keV electron gun in
The above three types of damage do not occur one after another in steps as
the radiation dose increases in a device. All three types may occur
simultaneously in a single device. The results of the damage can be
classified into two categories:
The worst-case cosmic ray radiation can cause the following types of failure
in semiconducting devices:
Single-event upset (SEU). This causes a change in the state of the stored
memory (bit-flip) in the semiconductor device. However, it does not
result in a damaged device.
Single-event latch-up (SEL). This causes a high current condition with
loss of stored data, inability to function, and even burnout. The device
must be powered off to restore the function.
Environmental Effects 97
dose (krad) Buck Boost Buck–Boost Cuk
0 0 0 0 0
4 negligible negligible 0 negligible
8 negligible negligible 69% negligible
12 negligible negligible 100% negligible
98 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 5.3 Radiation hardness of various capacitors under integrated fast neutron flux.
e¼ ð5:1Þ
Silver Teflon erosion rate has been recently reported to be 1 mil/year in the
ISS orbit. This rate is 10 times higher than some old estimates. In coating
other solids or films with Kapton, the coefficient of thermal expansion must
match; otherwise it may eventually crack. For LEO missions, it is
recommended that: (1) sulfuric acid anodization be used as an insulating
surface in regions where thermal control is not an overriding concern, and
(2) AO protected aluminized Kapton blankets (Kapton surface on the
outside) of 1000-V dielectric strength be used in all other outside surfaces of
a high-voltage spacecraft.
MIR solar array did not have internal bypass diodes, only string isolation
diodes. PV cells were silicon with 14% efficiency and 76% fill factor. No
arcing or soldering damage or open circuits were found. Some cells were
shorted due to micrometeoroid damage through a ceria microsheet cover-
glass. The array showed a high level of contamination, which was believed
to be there when built due to poor bake-out procedures.
The most damaging effects of the environment on the power system
occur during solar storms. The damage can be minimized if the intensity of
such storms can be predicted in advance. A new scale for rating the severity
of solar storms has been developed by NOAA. The storms are rated on a
scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most severe. The scale categories and their
effects on power system are given in Table 5.5. Satellite owners can take
protective measures as a storm approaches, including reducing power
levels on certain components that are vulnerable. For example, the solar
array can be rotated on the edge to reduce the surface area normal to the
radiation flux. Such precautionary measures are taken when required in
view of the predicted risk.
A new sensor under the trade name CEASE is available on the market to
monitor local radiation in the environmental and to provide an autonomous
real-time warning of the following:
The sensor can alert satellite operators to hazardous conditions before the
mission is affected. Under such an alert the operators can, in turn, re-
prioritize the operation, inhibit any anomalous sensitive tasks, such as
attitude control adjustments, or initiate other prudent actions as indicated
by the warning flag.
Category Effects
S-5 Permanent damage to solar panels, loss of controls, serious EMI including
common mode noise
S-4 Accelerated degradation of solar panels, orientation problems
S-3 Damage to exposed components, decrease in soar array current
S-2 Isolated problems possible
S-1 None
104 Spacecraft Power Systems
1. Crofton, M.W. and Francis, R.W., ‘‘ESD measurements on solar cell
coupons in a simulated GEO environment,’’ Proceedings of the 35th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, IEEE, 1999, Paper
No. 2634.
2. Attia, J.O. et al. ‘‘Radiation effects on dc–dc converters,’’ Proceedings of the
35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, IEEE, 1999, Paper
No. 2696.
3. Banks, B.A. et al. ‘‘A space experiment to measure the atomic oxygen
erosion of polymers,’’ Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, IEEE, 1999, Paper No. 2695.
Chapter 6
Power System Requirements
6.1 Introduction
The overall mission requirements are set by the customer and given to the
satellite contractor in the form of mission specifications and statement of
work. The customer performance requirement specifies only the launch,
transfer orbit, and operational orbit constraints, and the payload power
demand over the mission life with specified power margin. This leads to the
spacecraft requirements. All systems of the bus derive their requirements
from the spacecraft requirements, and all components of a system derive
their requirements from the respective system requirements. The flow-
down of the requirements along with the design, manufacturing, assembly,
and testing is shown in Figure 6.1.
The spacecraft requirement specifications generally do not specify the
power system requirements per se. It merely includes a general statement
such as ‘‘ the power system shall generate, condition, distribute and store
electrical power to meet the requirements of the spacecraft payload and bus
systems during all phases of the mission.’’ To meet such a broad statement
of work, almost all requirements of the power system are self-derived based
on the design analyses and approach taken by the satellite manufacturer.
The basic satellite level parameters impacting the EPS design are the orbit
altitude, orbit inclination, and the mission duration. These parameters are
used to determine the orbit period, sunlight and eclipse durations, and the
solar angle between the orbit plane and the Earth–Sun line. The power
system design is then driven by the load power requirement in all phases of
the mission, which are as follows:
Launch and ascent. This phase extends from the lift-off to the sun
acquisition, during which the battery supplies the needed power.
Transfer orbit. During this phase, the geosynchronous spacecraft is
transferred from LEO to HEO and then to GEO with the solar array still
stowed. Only the outer panels are exposed to the sun and generate a
fraction of the rated power. The load power is, therefore, rationed. The
energy balance in this phase is desirable, but is not a rigid requirement.
A small energy deficit may be drawn from the battery up to the
allowable DOD as long as it is fully recharged before commencing the
full load operation.
106 Spacecraft Power Systems
Parking orbit: Often this orbit is specified for storage until the satellite
is placed in service in the operational orbit.
Operational orbit: All solar panels are now deployed and generate full
power. In this phase, all required loads are on. The battery charge and
discharge energy balance must be maintained in each orbit.
Disposal orbit: A disposal method at the end of the life may be
specified, and the satellite may be required to function at a specified
power level in the disposal orbit.
They are derived from the spacecraft level requirements and in-house trade
studies. The EPS self-derived requirements are based on various analyses
performed on the power system under design. The final requirements
generally come from the operational orbit analyses, but other orbits must
also be analyzed to ascertain that the proposed requirement is met in the
worst case. The power system design team commonly performs the
following worst-case analyses:
The electrical power system shall provide for the generation, storage,
control, protection and distribution of electrical power to the
spacecraft payloads and housekeeping loads during the entire
mission life of ______ years.
Operational orbit load: during sunlight _____ watts, during eclipse ____
Peak load of additional _____ watts for ____ minutes in every ________
minute period.
Pulse load of additional _____ watts for ____sec with duty ratio of 5
percent, with 1 ms turn on time and 1 ms turn off time.
Power System Requirements 109
7.1 Introduction
The power system design process starts with analyzing the orbit para-
meters, the load power requirement, and heritage data on similar satellites
built and flown earlier. The design that meets the mission requirements at
minimum mass, volume, and cost at present generally incorporates new
technologies as they become available and space qualified. The design
process starts with a top-level trade analyses — formal or informal — in
order to select the power system architecture that would lead to an
optimized design. The detailed design then follows and continues in several
iterations until it is fully optimized. The engineer would know that the
design is fully optimized when a small change in any one component
would result in a penalty of some sort at the power system level or at the
spacecraft level.
1. As the satellite altitude increases, the orbit period increases and the
eclipse time, as a fraction of the sunlight time, decreases. The demand
on the battery discharge and the charge power therefore decreases.
112 Spacecraft Power Systems
influence the cell selection. A cell that gives high BOL power may be
beneficial for a short life mission, whereas a cell that is radiation hard and
gives high EOL power may be beneficial for a long mission. Figure 7.3 is an
example of such a trade. The cell designated as A (10 cm base resistivity)
would be better for a mission which would accumulate more than 10 1014
MeV fluence over 15 years lifetime. It gives lower BOL power but offers
high radiation resistance. For a shorter mission, the cell designated B (2
cm base resistivity, such as used in EOS-AM spacecraft) would require
smaller array area since it has high BOL power but is not as radiation hard.
With the same PV technology, it is generally true that the cell that gives
high BOL power degrades faster, giving less power at the EOL. The mission
life thus plays a definitive role in cell selection.
For a LEO or GPS type MEO satellite, the radiation degradation in power
generation over 10 years life is about 40–50% for silicon cells and 25–35% for
GaAs/Ge cells. The additional cost of high radiation resistance cells may be
more than recovered in long duration missions in such high radiation
For minimizing the mass of a long life satellite, attitude control reaction
jets that use chemical propellant are often replaced with torque rods and
reaction wheels. However, the torque rod performance is limited by the
Earth’s magnetic field and the reaction wheel performance is limited by the
angular momentum storage capability. Subsequently, reaction control jets
may be required to supplement the torque rod system in large disturbance
torque environment. This is especially true for low park orbits where drag
is high. In such situations, the cost of a high efficiency array with a small
area may be more than compensated by not requiring reaction jets to
supplement the torque rod.
FIGURE 7.4 Bus voltage trade example for a 2000-W GEO satellite.
volume fall significantly. As a result, a 100-V bus does not reduce the total
mass compared to a 50-V or 70-V fully regulated bus.
duty ratio is defined as the ratio of the average power to the peak power
over a certain time period. For a well-defined load, which is on or off, the
duty ratio is merely the ratio of on-time to the period of repetition, that is
D ¼ Ton/T. For a continuously varying load at the other extreme, it is
defined as
PðtÞ dt
D¼ ð7:2Þ
Ppk T
The average power required by any equipment is then Pavg ¼ DPpk. Figure
7.6 is a typical communication load profile for a geosynchronous satellite.
The load reaches high peaks of short duration when the transponders are
communicating with the ground.
The average power is used to determine the solar array and the battery
ratings. On the other hand, a load averaged over five thermal time constants
of the equipment is used to determine the equipment power rating, the wire
gage, and the fuse size. The peak power and duty ratio of most equipment
are significantly different during the launch, the transfer orbit, and the
Seasonal day Solar fluxa Sun angle Power generationb Heater load
Vernal equinox 1.001 0 1.001 High
Summer solstice 0.967 23.5 0.887 Low
Autumn equinox 0.995 0 0.995 Low
Winter solstice 1.034 23.5 0.948 Medium
Normalized with the annual average.
Accounting for seasonal variations in both solar flux and sun angle.
operating orbit. They may also vary seasonally during the operating orbit.
The worst-case seasonal power situation is sometimes known from a similar
satellite designed and flown in the past. When there is no such heritage to
draw from, considering 4 key days in the year, as listed in the first column
of Table 7.1, may be adequate for a geosynchronous satellite. On these 4
days, both the power generation and the heater power requirements vary.
Since the energy balance must be maintained all the time in the operating
orbit, any one of these 4 days may most probably be the worst case for
setting the power system capability. Because the heater power requirement
is low when the power generation is low, it may not be obvious which day
is the worst for the power system design. In the absence of some heritage
data, it may be necessary to conduct a preliminary design for all 4 days to
determine the worst case, and then to focus on the worst case for detail
design. The summer solstice is usually the worst day for the load power
capability of the GEO communications satellite. After establishing the worst
day, the design process focuses on meeting the load power requirement on
that day.
The load requirement of each of the bus systems and the payload
components are then complied during the transfer orbit and the worst-case
operating orbit. Table 7.2 and Table 7.3 are examples of loads and their
characteristics in one satellite during the transfer orbit and operational
orbit, respectively. The load power values in these tables are input powers
to the components that must be supplied by the power system. In new
Quantity X1 X2 Xn XTO
Peak power Y1 Y2 Yn YTO
Peak heat dissipation Z1 Z2 Zn ZTO
Duty ratio D1 D2 Dn DTO
Average power P1 P2 Pn PTO
Average loss (dissipation) L1 L2 Ln LTO
122 Spacecraft Power Systems
Quantity X1 X2 Xn XOP
Peak power Y1 Y2 Yn YOP
Peak heat dissipation Z1 Z2 Zn ZOP
Duty ratio D1 D2 Dn DOP
Average power P1 P2 Pn POP
Average loss (dissipation) L1 L2 Ln LOP
designs when the loads are somewhat uncertain, appropriate margins are
incorporated in the power estimates. For example, it may be acceptable to
the design team to have no margin for heritage components requiring no
change at all, 10% margin for components modified from a heritage design,
and 30% margin for new component yet to be developed.
Various system loads obtained from Table 7.2 and Table 7.3 are then
condensed into the total power system load budget as shown in Table 7.4.
All bus systems are to be included in this table, including the payload and
the housekeeping load for the electrical power system itself.
Table 7.4 Total average load and heat dissipation budget (allocation) for power
System Z .. .. .. ..
Payload .. .. .. ..
Spacecraft PTO POP LTO LOP
total load
Design Process and Trades 123
Table 7.5 Example of sizing solar array output power for a communications
satellite (average watts)
and output for the front and back of the array. All cells on an array are
assumed to operate at the same temperature. The heat input is the solar
radiation, albedo, Earth infrared radiation, and from the adjacent solar
array. The heat output is the power converted into electricity and the power
radiated back into space. If multiple wings connected in parallel operate at
different temperatures, the operating voltage is selected to be a few volts
less than the Vmp of the higher temperature wing to avoid the colder array
operating above Vmp where the power output drops rather quickly.
Assuming that the solar array output power calculated above is at the
shunt dissipater interface, where the calculated voltage is, say, 110 V in a
100-V bus, the BOL design power of 5880 W would require the solar array
output current of 5880/110 ¼ 53.5 A. Once the array output voltage and
current are determined, the array design proceeds as described in Section
8.9. The number of strings in the array and number of cells in each string are
then determined as follows:
Number of series cells per string ¼ array output voltage (110 V in the
above example)/cell voltage at the operating point
Number of strings in the array ¼ array output current (53.5 A in the
above example)/cell current at the operating point
FIGURE 7.7 Energy balance over one orbit period with constant load.
126 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 7.8 Power flow and energy balance analysis example for a 3000-W LEO satellite.
are factored in the computations. The current, voltage, and power loss in
the distribution harness are also determined in each segment of the system.
There is always an excess power generation, more so at the beginning of
life. The shunts, therefore, are required to bypass the excess power to the
ground, or leave on the solar array itself. In the design calculations at the
end of life, the shunt power should be equal to the power margin plus the
reliability margin.
The result of an energy balance analysis example for a 3000-W load LEO
satellite on a spreadsheet is depicted in Figure 7.8. As seen in the lower half
of the figure, the solar array must generate 5839 W and the battery must
have an energy storage rating of 6804 Wh. An 80-cell NiH2 battery would
require a 69-Ah rating to support a 3000-W load during an eclipse. The
assumptions used in this example are listed on the spreadsheet. The
spreadsheet algorithm is derived from the design methods developed in
various chapters of this book.
For a given EPS design, such a spreadsheet is also typically used to
perform the following two types of analyses:
Forward analysis to establish the EPS load capability, assuming that the
battery must be fully charged at the end of the sunlight in each orbit.
Backward analysis to verify whether a given load profile can be
supported without exceeding the component ratings, assuming that the
power can be drawn form the solar array and the batteries within the
permissible DOD during that time period. This is often done to assess
the peak power capability during a planned or contingency operation,
or when the load profile is not flat during the loading period.
involved, it may be acceptable to use the root sum squared (RSS) error
calculated as follows.
If errors in individual performance parameter are E1, E2, . . . with various
input parameter uncertainties, then the total error stacked in series is
Estacked ¼ E1 þ E2 þ . . . . However, the most probable error is given by the
RSS of the individual errors, i.e.,
X n
ERSS ¼ E2i ð7:4Þ
total ¼ 2radiation þ 2temp þ 2aging ð7:5Þ
1 10 100 1000
The engineer must also detect and correct the design early enough for
potential manufacturing and test problems. This would minimize, pre-
ferably reduce to zero as a goal, the design changes, test failures,
manufacturing disruptions, trouble shooting, and re-work. For such cost-
effective implementation of the design, all engineers — design, manufac-
turing, test, and field engineers — work in the total team on the total satellite.
Only such a concurrent design team can ensure that the design of each
system is compatible with all other systems, and also with the manufactur-
ing and test procedures. For this purpose, the design process incorporates
various reviews as it proceeds from the contract award to the delivery. A
typical design phase sequence is listed in Table 7.7.
130 Spacecraft Power Systems
The power system is on and the satellite goes on the internal power
about 10 min before lift-off, when the solar simulator is turned off.
Both batteries are on to supply power during the final 10 min before
lift-off and during ascent. No charging can occur until the satellite
is deployed and faces the sun.
The power converters are on and in discharge mode. The hardware
detection and switches are enabled. Software-controlled redun-
dancy is typically off.
The array drive electronics is on, but the array is not driven. All
components drawing power directly from the battery are on, except
turned off by an internal switch.
Ascent mode: The power system is on, but has no change from the
prelaunch phase.
Pre-handover: Two redundant cutters for each of the two bands are cut
to deploy the solar array. Both bands must cut for the deployment to
132 Spacecraft Power Systems
occur. Two cutters for the boom hinges and dampers are activated.
Redundant pin pullers activate the solar array cant angle.
Handover: The spacecraft control computer initiates handover based on
time as adjusted during the flight.
Orbit operation: Power system maintains the energy balance in each
orbit. The satellite is fully operational.
Part B
PV–Battery System
Chapter 8
Solar Array
8.1 Introduction
The solar array is made of numerous photovoltaic (PV) cells connected in a
series–parallel combination to obtain the required voltage and current. The
fundamental characteristics of the PV cell — the building block of the array
— is covered first in this chapter before moving on to the array construction,
performance, and design.
136 Spacecraft Power Systems
8.3 PV Technologies
The most important measure of the PV cell performance is the photoelectric
energy conversion efficiency and the cost per watt capacity. Together, these
two parameters indicate the economic competitiveness of the photovoltaic
with alternative power generation technologies. The conversion efficiency,
, of the photovoltaic cell is defined as
bottom of the cell in the form of heat. The effect of changing the wavelength
of illumination is shown in Figure 8.3. It may be noted that about two thirds
of the solar radiation energy lies between 0.4 and 1.1 mm wavelengths. A
photon of blue light having 3 eV energy generates around 0.5 eV electricity
and the remaining 2.5 eV is absorbed as heat. This heat must be dissipated
back into the space; otherwise it would decrease the electrical conversion
efficiency. A high-emissivity coating on the back surface helps to dissipate
the heat effectively, thus improving the electrical conversion efficiency.
The continuing development efforts to produce more efficient low cost
cells have resulted in various types of PV technologies available on the
market today in terms of conversion efficiency and cost. The major types are
discussed in the following sections.1
FIGURE 8.4 Single-crystal ingot-making by Czochralski process. (Source: G. Cook et al. DOE
Report No. DE91015001, 1995.)
8.3.5 Amorphous
In the amorphous technology, silicon vapor is deposited in a couple of mm
thick amorphous (glassy) film on glass or stainless steel rolls, typically 2000
feet long and 13 inch wide. This process forms a random bond structure, as
opposed to a crystalline structure. It significantly reduces the carrier
mobility and results in poor conversion efficiency, which is about 10% at
present. However, it uses only 1% of the material. Moreover, the sheet
manufacturing, instead of single cells from ingots, is inexpensive. The cost
per watt generated is significantly lower. With the stabilized efficiency
about one half of that in the crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells, the amorphous
silicon (a-Si) is not a serious candidate for space power at present. However,
Solar Array 141
crystalline technology has been with us for several decades and has entered
a plateau of a slow learning curve. On the other hand, amorphous
technology is new and hence a steep learning curve is anticipated. The
expected result is a rapid decline in the amorphous silicon price per watt by
increasing the efficiency and decreasing the manufacturing cost. On this
premise, in 1997, two plants in the U.S. started manufacturing a-Si sheets in
large quantity for terrestrial applications. It has been tested in space and
used in protoflights also.
8.3.6 Multi-Junction
Ever increasing demands on spacecraft power systems has produced
double and triple junction cells with improved performance, radiation
resistances, and lower cost. Recent advances have produced the tandem
multi-junction GaAs cell similar to the a-Si tandem cell, where one cell
consists of two tandem GaAs cells separated by thin tunnel junction of
GaInP, followed by a third tandem GaInP cell, separated by an AlInP tunnel
junction. The tunnel junctions mitigate voltage drop of the otherwise
forward-biased p–n junction that would appear between any two tandem
p–n junctions in opposition to the photon-induced cell voltage.
An n-on-p silicon junction converts only red and infrared light into
electricity, not blue and ultraviolet. The GaInP/GaAs cell captures infrared
photons as well, thus improving the efficiency. Efficiencies up to 35% in
double junction and 40% in triple junction space-qualified cells have been
measured by Spectrolab Inc. for DoE. The triple junction efficiency has a
theoretical limit of 50%. That is like capturing one half the sun. Today, the
GaInP/GaAs on Ge substrate multi-junction cells are being increasingly
used by many spacecraft builders seeking high efficiency and good
The last term in Equation 8.4 is the ground leakage current. In practical
cells, it can be ignored since it is negligible compared to Is and Id. The
terminal current versus voltage (I–V) characteristics under dark, partial
light, and full light are shown in Figure 8.6. The voltage developed and the
fraction of incident flux converted into electrical power depend on the
junction material and wavelength of the radiation. The maximum power
Solar Array 143
FIGURE 8.6 Terminal I–V characteristics under full, partial, and zero illuminations.
that can be extracted from the cell under full light is equal to the area of the
dotted rectangle. The maximum power is approximately proportional to the
short circuit current. In the forward direction, the power generation is
maximum at the knee point of the curve, where the voltage is typically 0.50
V, the current about 40 mA/cm2 and power about 20 mW/cm2 of the cell
area in crystalline silicon cells. For GaAs/Ge cells, these values are 1.0 V,
30 mA/cm2, and 27 mW/cm2, respectively.
The diode saturation current can be determined experimentally by
applying voltage Voc to the cell in the dark and measuring the current
going into the cell. This current is often called the dark current or the
reverse diode saturation current. If the voltage is externally applied in the
reverse direction, say during a system fault transient, the current remains
flat and power is absorbed by the cell. However, beyond a certain negative
voltage, the junction breaks down as in diode, and the current rises to a high
value. In the dark, the current is zero for voltage up to the breakdown
voltage, which is the same as in the illuminated condition.
FIGURE 8.7 Cell characteristics in sunlight and the maximum power point.
illumination. Ignoring the small diode and the ground leakage currents
under zero terminal voltage, Isc is the photocurrent, Is. The current under this
condition is the maximum current the cell can deliver. The I–V characteristic
is developed from the test data at various illuminations, temperature, and
ionized radiation doses. The bottom right of the curve at zero current is the
open circuit voltage measured with the output terminals open. The
maximum photo voltage is produced under the open circuit voltage.
Again, by ignoring the ground leakage current, Equation 8.4 with I ¼ 0
gives the open circuit voltage as
Voc ¼ logn þ1 ð8:5Þ
q Io
On the left hand side of the knee point, the cell works like a constant
current source, generating voltage to match with the load resistance. On the
right hand side, the current drops rapidly with small rise in voltage, and the
cell works like a constant voltage source with an internal resistance.
Figure 8.8 and Figure 8.9 are typical data sheets of two representative
space qualified cells. The basic requirement of the solar cell modules for
space applications is generally described in MIL-STD-83576 for the specific
FIGURE 8.8 Silicon PV cell performance data: Typical 8-cm, 8-mil thick on 10-cm
substrate with back surface field reflector, 14% efficiency in AM0.
146 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.9 GaAs/Ge PV cell performance data: Typical 4 4-cm, 3.6-mil thick, 19%
efficiency in AM0.
needs of the U.S. Air Force. However, the specifications of solar cells
intended for general use in space are not well defined. Even though the
PV cell performance standard is defined for specific procurement, the
performance measurement standard also needs to be defined. The ISO
Technical Committee C20 has issued one such standard ISO-15387 for the
aircraft and space vehicles that is endorsed by ANSI. NASA/Jet Propulsion
laboratory (JPL) performs such test in aircraft and balloons at 35 km height,
and plans to offer such tests in the space shuttle at about 500 km altitude at
a cost of around $5000 for a 2 4 cm cell. Comparing such tests conducted
by one organization with another is difficult. For example, in a round robin
test by six organizations to ISO-15387, including tests conducted at JPL and
in the PV engineering test bed at NASA GRC, the results showed deviation
Solar Array 147
FIGURE 8.10 Satellite showing one wing of solar array fully deployed.
such that the plume affect only one whole strings versus some parts of all
strings. This way, if one string were damaged due to a heavy plume, the
required power would still be produced with the built-in redundancy in the
number of string circuits. Exposing all strings to the plumes may pose
relatively higher risk.
Figure 8.11 is a representative cross section of the panel depicting cell and
various other layers with their typical thickness.
The rigid panels are initially stowed with the spacecraft body during
launch. They are deployed by cutting various spring-loaded cables and
bolts with electro-explosive devices. Figure 8.12 displays the sequence of
one wing stowed, being deployed, and after full deployment.
FIGURE 8.11 Panel cross section showing cells mounted on honeycomb substrate with face
150 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.12 Solar array wing: (a) stowed, (b) being deployed, and (c) after full deployment.
The spacecraft distance from the sun, the sun angle or the operating
temperature vary over a wide range, or
Flat deployed panels interfere with an instrument’s line of view.
When the body mounted array rotates, the illuminated strings are at rated
voltage and the dark strings are at zero voltage. This can cause ESD
discharge along the circumference of the body. The remedy is to use bleed
resistance across the isolation diode as shown in the figure. It equalizes the
potential of the sunny side and the dark side through a bleed current.
Solar Array 151
FIGURE 8.13 Body mounted array with bleed resistors in solar strings.
FIGURE 8.14 Three-wing solar array for small science mission satellites.
152 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.15 EPS architecture for 3-wing array with PPT for each wing separately.
and is deployed like an accordion panel or rolled out (Figure 8.16). Such
arrays have been used on the first Hubble Space Telescope, EOS-AM,
Olympus, and ISS. They must be designed to withstand the thermal snap on
exiting the eclipse. The snap is caused by the cell side facing the sun heating
up quickly, while the back side is still cold due to insignificant heat transfer
from front to back. Hence, a large thermal gradient builds up across the cloth
thickness. This and the mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion
between the cell area and the metal frame jointly cause the front to bend
FIGURE 8.16 Accordion type flexible cloth solar array for EOS-AM satellite. (Source: NASA.)
Solar Array 153
(buckle) since the flexible cloth cannot support bending stress. This produces
bowing in the array as shown in Figure 8.17. The electrical power is reduced,
since the array is not completely flat now. It comes back to a flat shape in
about 30 min when the temperature on the two sides is equalized across the
As an example of estimating the power reduction, consider a 2-m wide
cloth panel. Such a width may bow by 20 cm or so. In that case, the angle
in the figure is 11.3 , which is roughly the average off-angle across the
width. Cos ¼ 0.98 gives 2% loss of power until the cloth regains its flat
shape. This is about 30 min in every orbit. In LEO satellites with 1-h
sunlight, this loss may need at least 1% larger array area.
The rigid array does not experience such bowing, since the aluminum
honeycomb takes the front heat to the back quickly, and the front and the
back face sheets spreads the heat evenly over the entire front and back
The inflatable array is a new technology that has already been developed
and flight tested. It significantly reduces the mass and can be packaged in
small volume. Where usable, it reduces the overall program cost by
reducing the launch vehicle size, or by allowing more satellites per launch.
The inflatable array utilizes a flexible thin-film PV on a flexible composite
laminate structure densely packed for launch, and deployed in space using
inflation gas. It is finally cured and rigidized in situ in orbit without further
need of inflation pressure to maintain structural rigidity.
Is ¼ Io cos ð8:6Þ
where Io is the photocurrent with normal sun ( ¼ 0). The cosine law holds
well for sun angles ranging from 0 to about 50 . Beyond 50 , the electrical
output deviates significantly from the cosine value, and the cell generates
no power beyond 85 , although the mathematical prediction would give
30 0.866 0.866
50 0.643 0.635
60 0.500 0.450
80 0.174 0.100
85 0.087 0
156 Spacecraft Power Systems
Since the operating current and voltage change approximately in the same
proportion as the short circuit current and open circuit voltage, respec-
tively, the new power is
which reduces to
P ¼ Po ½1 0:005T ð8:9Þ
This expression indicates that for every degree centigrade rise in the
operating temperature, the silicon cell power output decreases by 0.50%.
Figure 8.21 depicts the power output versus voltage characteristics at two
operating temperatures. It shows that the maximum power available at the
lower temperature is higher than that at the higher temperature. Thus, a
cold temperature is better for the PV cell, as it generates more power.
However, the two Pmax points are not at the same voltage. In order to extract
Solar Array 157
back face, and with a 10 C gradient. The temperature is calculated from the
thermal model with the heat received primarily from the sun. The solar
array temperature is determined by the following thermal equation:
solar flux þ Earth’s albedo þ Earth’s thermal radiation þ heat coming from
adjacent components of the spacecraft ¼ electrical power output þ heat
radiated back into space (8.10)
The incidence and radiated heat from the spacecraft body varies with
location in the orbit as shown in Figure 8.23. The array temperature
variations over one GEO and LEO orbits are shown in Figure 8.24. During
an eclipse in GEO, the temperature drops exponentially to as low as
175 C. The time constant depends on the mass composition of the array
component, and is typically in the 30 to 60 min range. The front to back face
temperature gradient for rigid array with aluminum face sheet can be 5 to
10 C under steady sun and up to 20 C on sunlight snap after eclipse.
Various techniques are used to control the temperatures of spacecraft parts.
Figure 8.25 shows some passive techniques used in spacecraft thermal
FIGURE 8.24 Solar array temperature variations over one LEO and GEO orbits.
h2 00
fðx þ hÞ ¼ fðxÞ þ hf 0 ðxÞ þ f ðxÞ þ
Im ¼ I1 I2 ¼ 2Io sin 458 ¼ 2Io ð8:14Þ
if is in radians.
The motor turns towards the sun until the current is zero, and then it
remains there. At that position, the error angle, , is zero, i.e., the array is
normal to the sun. The two current sensors shown in (c) work as the
sunlight/eclipse binary detectors also.
As in the ISS, sun sensors are generally mounted on the main solar array
body itself. They may indicate that the solar array is off pointed when in
fact the array is shadowed from the sun, or the sun sensors themselves are
shadowed, or when the solar array is feathered in order to avoid the rocket
exhaust plumes during rendezvous with the space shuttle or any other
One-axis gimbals, which follows the sun from east to west during the
Two-axis gimbals which tracks the sun from east to west during the
day, and from north to south during the seasons of the year. The dual-
axis tracking is done by two linear actuator motors, which aim the sun
within 1 of accuracy (Figure 8.27).
Some sun pointing error cannot be avoided even after acquiring the
normal sun by the sun sensor and then tracking by the SAD. The error
generally comes from the cell flatness error of about 2 , and the gimbal
tolerance error of about 3 . The total 5 error must be accounted for in the
array design. Cos 5 ¼ 0.996, which means 5 sun pointing error will reduce
the power generation by 0.4%.
FIGURE 8.28 Operation and load matching of PV source with constant resistance load.
Solar Array 163
If the array is operating at voltage V and current I on the I–V curve, the
power generation is P ¼ VI watts. If the operation moves away from the
above point, such that the current is now I þ iI, and the voltage is V þ iV,
the new power is
The iP should be zero at the peak power point, which necessarily lies on a
locally flat neighborhood. Therefore, at the peak power point, the above
expression in the limit becomes
dV V
¼ ð8:18Þ
dI I
FIGURE 8.29 Operation and load matching of PV source with constant power load.
164 Spacecraft Power Systems
We take note here that dV/dI is the dynamic impedance of the source, and
V/I is the static impedance. Various electrical methods of extracting the
peak power from the module are now described below.
Io ¼ ao þ a1 T þ a2 Isc ð8:19Þ
This method can be used at least as a back-up for the software routine.
Gluck5 has published test results with values of all a and b constants in the
above equations for numerous GaAs cells tested at JPL.
FIGURE 8.31 Bypass diodes in PV string to minimize power loss under heavy shadow.
The commonly used method of eliminating the loss of a string due to the
shadow effect is to subdivide the string length into several segments with
bypass diodes (Figure 8.31). The diode across the shadowed segment
bypasses only that segment of the string. This causes a proportionate loss of
the string voltage and current without losing the whole string power. Some
modern PV cells come with such internally embedded bypass diodes to
eliminate the need of separate diodes on the back of the panel. Cross-
strapping cells in adjacent strings, also shown in the figure, is often used to
improve the reliability against open cell, but is not related with the shadow
effect mitigation.
If part of the array is shadowed for part of the orbit, the decrease in
incident energy during the sunlight portion of the worst-case orbit may
need to be accounted for in the energy balance. It is given by
1 X
Esun ¼ ð1 shadowi Þ cos i t ð8:21Þ
Tsun i
where Tsun ¼ sunlight duration, i ¼ angle between the solar vector and the
array normal at time step i, shadowi ¼ fraction of the solar array surface
shadowed at time step i, and it ¼ time step interval of the analysis.
maturity of the load estimate. The solar array in LEO must recharge the
battery in a short time during the sunlight. As a result, the ratio of the
needed array power to the load power is approximately 2.0 in LEO
compared to about 1.1 in GEO satellites.
The PV cells on the array are segmented in many strings connected in
parallel as shown in Figure 8.32. The following relations approximately
hold true with a suitable margin in the array segmentation. The margin
varies as the design progresses from the conceptual stage to the final design.
array voltage
Nseries cells per string ¼ ð8:22Þ
Nstrings per circuit ¼ ð8:23Þ
array current
Nparallel circuits ¼ ð8:24Þ
where N denotes a number, and Vmp and Imp are the cell voltage and cell
current at the maximum power point, respectively. Each circuit delivers the
output current to the bus via dedicated isolation diode and sliprings. One
extra circuit is provided for single point failure redundancy. The number of
power slip rings is thus equal to the number of parallel circuits. The
segmentation is done such that the circuit current is usually below 5 A,
which is the derated current capability of some standard SAD slip rings.
FIGURE 8.32 Array segmentation in strings with isolation diodes for each slip ring.
168 Spacecraft Power Systems
The solar array substrate is grounded using a separate slip ring and the
signal slip rings are kept separate from the power slip rings.
Substrate materials are selected to meet the space environment over the
mission life. Differential coefficient of thermal expansion between various
array materials is important to avoid thermal cycling of the array under
thermo-elastic stresses. Otherwise, the cell mounting on the substrate may
delaminate, leading to premature failure. Mechanically, large solar array
wings having output power of a few kilowatts are often required to have
the natural frequency exceeding 20 Hz in the stowed configuration. In the
deployed configuration, the typical requirement is 0.10 Hz in the bending
mode and 0.5 Hz in the torsion mode. This may have some bearing on the
cell and substrate selection.
The following factors directly or indirectly influence the total number of
cells required in the array design. Some of them are discussed in this
section, while others are covered elsewhere in the book:
Environmental radiation
Coverglass protection
Degradation factors
Operating temperature
Temperature coefficients for Isc and Voc
Cell size suitable for manufacturing
Magnetic dipole moment minimization
Power shunting method
As for the PV cell type, the silicon cell has met the industry need for
decades. GaAs/Ge has been used in the past where needed for high power
or high radiation resistance, although mainly in defense spacecraft.
Compared to the silicon cell, the GaAs cell gives approximately 40%
more power per square meter and 20% more power per kilogram with rigid
panels on an aluminum honeycomb. The material cost of the GaAs cell is,
however, an order of magnitude higher than the silicon cell. The space-
worthy rigid array cost in 2002 was $400 to $500 per watt using Si cells and
about three times as much using GaAs. In volume and/or weight limited
power systems, GaAs may find applications where high cost can be justified
from other considerations. Recently, however, various other PV cells, such
as the double and triple junction cells, have made inroads into spacecraft
power systems design. And the technology change will continue. The
responsibility for selecting the most optimum PV cell at the time of the
design remains with the power systems engineer.
Solar Array 169
Isc factors
Natural radiation Note a
Assembly mismatch loss bol 0.98
Coverglass charge particles 0.99
Coverglass coating (ITO) bol 0.98
Ultraviolet rays 0.97
Propellant contamination 0.98
Micrometeoroid damage 0.98
Voc factors
Natural radiation Note a
Coverglass charge particles 0.99
Pmax factors
Natural radiation Note b
Wiring loss (cell-to-cell) bol 0.98
Panel wiring voltage drop 0.05pPbol 1.50 V
some situations may not be accurate. For the silicon cell, the equivalent
fluence for Voc and Pmax is same, i.e., Voc and Pmax degradations are
identical. But for GaAs cells, the equivalent fluence for Voc and Pmax are
different, i.e., different particles degrade the GaAs cells differently with
respect to Voc and Pmax.
The degradation curves are established by testing numerous cells at
various fluence levels. The most common source of degradation factors is
NASA/JPL Handbooks, such as PUB 82-69 were originally published with
data on silicon cells. The GaAs data were added in the early 1990s. The
triple junction cell degradation curves have been published by organiza-
tions such as Aerospace Corporation. Some representative degradation
curves for silicon cells are shown in Figures 8.33 through 8.37. The radiation
not only affects the Isc and Voc, but also their temperature coefficients as
shown in Figure 8.38 and Figure 8.39. The Isc coefficient values in Figure
8.38 are for a 4 6 cell. Divide them by 3 for a 2 4 cell.
The coverglass is used to protect the cell from radiation damage. Its
thickness is increased as long as the saving in the array mass is more than
the added mass in the coverglass. This gives an optimum coverglass
thickness for a minimum array mass including the coverglass. For example,
estimated values for natural radiation in GPS orbit with various coverglass
thicknesses on GaAs/Ge cells are given in Table 8.3. The parametric curves
are generated at various coverglass thicknesses for candidate PV cells
Solar Array 171
FIGURE 8.33 Normalized Isc versus equivalent 1-MeV/cm2 fluence for 2-cm silicon cell.
(Source: NASA/JPL.)
FIGURE 8.34 Normalized Voc versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm silicon cell.
(Source: NASA/JPL.)
172 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.35 Normalized Pmax versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm silicon cell.
(Source: NASA/JPL.)
FIGURE 8.36 Normalized Imp versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm silicon cell.
(Source: NASA/JPL.)
Solar Array 173
FIGURE 8.37 Normalized Vmp versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm silicon cell.
(Source: NASA/JPL.)
FIGURE 8.38 Temperature coefficient of Isc versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm
4 6-cm silicon cell: divide by 3 for a 2 4 cell. (Source: NASA/JPL.)
174 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.39 Temperature coefficient of Voc versus equivalent 1-MeV fluence for 2-cm
silicon cell. (Source: NASA/JPL.)
FIGURE 8.40 Optimum coverglass thickness for radiation protection results in minimum
array mass.
FIGURE 8.41 Solar array power capability degradation versus years in GEO service. (Si cell
with 6 mil coverglass.)
176 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.42 Radiation fluence and power degradation versus orbit altitude for 3-year
mission in 45 inclination orbit.
T ¼ M B ¼ M B sin ð8:26Þ
The potential energy, U (in joules), stored in the loop is given by the dot
U ¼ M B ¼ M B cos ð8:27Þ
M ¼ k P2 ð8:28Þ
178 Spacecraft Power Systems
The magnetic moment of the solar array is minimized by laying the string
circuits such as to minimize the loop area. This is done not only to minimize
the fuel requirement, but also to minimize its influence on payloads,
particularly the instruments that are sensitive to magnetic field.
FIGURE 8.43 Cross section and I–V characteristic of typical large triple junction cell.
180 Spacecraft Power Systems
degrade faster than initially predicted. The present cost of 30% efficiency
cells is 12 to 15 $/cm2 ($350 to $450 per watt) at the cell level and $800 to
$1200 per watt at the array level.
Developments are under way at JPL for a new 46% efficient cell using
40% efficiency triple junction cell in the front and 10% efficient thermo-
electric cell in the back to use the waste heat. This technology, when
available, may produce a new cell with a maximum theoretically possible
efficiency of 47% in the laboratory and 37% in production cells.
The multi-junction c-Si cell significantly increases the efficiency, while a-
Si cells drastically decrease the material cost. The disadvantage of the a-Si
cell is that the cell efficiency is low to begin with, and degrades further by
about 20% in the first several months under sunlight before stabilizing.
However, afterwards, it suffers less radiation damage because of its very
thin PV junction. Gamma rays do not cause damage while penetrating the
super-thin junction. In fabricating the PV cell, better crystallivity means
better efficiency, but also greater radiation damage. Even slight damage to
the well-aligned crystalline structure degrades the power generation. The
random atomic structure in the amorphous cell cannot become misaligned
and there is no reduction in performance.
Amorphous silicon has an extremely low production cost, is inherently
radiation hard and performs better at high temperature. Such cells in large
volume for terrestrial applications cost $3 per watt, with the annual
production capacity in tens of megawatts at present. For space applica-
tions, their downside is lower efficiency compared to the c-Si cells. Multi-
junction thin-film a-Si deposited on a thin flexible substrate is an emerging
technology that may find space applications. The thin film cell is a few
microns thick and is supplied on aluminum sheets each with a thickness
of a few mils. The triple junction cells are produced by plasma-enhanced
chemical vapor deposited on a thin substrate with a textured silver/zinc
oxide back reflector. The top cell uses a-Si alloy of about 1.8 eV band gap
to capture the blue photons, the middle cell uses an a-SiGe alloy of 1.6 eV
band gap to capture the green photons, and the bottom cell uses a-SiGe
alloy of 1.4 eV band gap to capture the red photons. The sunlight, which
is not absorbed, is scattered back from the back surface at an oblique
angle to facilitate multiple passes. Indium tin oxide is deposited onto the
cells, which serves the dual purpose of ESD control and antireflective
coating. The top silver grid collects the current. Assuming 9% efficiency,
Guha7 estimates that the specific power of the cell with 0.5-mil thick
stainless steel substrate is about 770 W/kg, and about 2750 W/kg with 1
mil thick Kapton substrate. The triple-junction a-Si cell efficiency of 13%
has been achieved in small cells under AM1.5 spectrum prevalent on the
Earth. Since the AM0 spectrum in space is much richer in the blue
wavelength region, the component thickness in the triple-junction cells are
optimized differently. In space optimized cells under AM0 radiation
tested in NASA GRC laboratory, 0.27 cm2 cells have shown 12% efficiency,
Solar Array 181
and large 11 cm2 cells have shown 10.8% efficiency, all at BOL after the
initial stabilization.
In space optimized a-Si cells, Guha also reports the following:
Table 8.5 due to Guha compares the estimated EOL performance of the thin-
film triple junction a-Si cells with the conventional c-Si cells. The most
significant benefit of the a-Si cell is its low cost and low mass.
To drive the cost down further, scientists at the Swiss Federation of
Technology have recently developed a titanium dioxide cell with 33%
efficiency which, when fully developed, may cost about the same as a
comparable thickness of glass.
A new cell on the horizon is the thin film copper–indium–selenide cells
bonded on thin lightweight substrate of flexible sheets that are kept flat
prior to deployment. The shape-memory springs would unfold the array
frame into panels. The specific power of such panels can be up to 100 W/kg
at the array level.
Very large arrays generating 100 kW to 1 MW power for lunar or Mars
colonies may become possible using thin film cells on a monolithic polymer
substrate at a cost of about $100 per watt and specific power of 1000 W/kg.
For conventional spacecraft applications, thin films must have at least 15%
efficiency on monolithic polymer substrates to make them mass and cost
competitive. A thin film means a few micrometers (< 5 mm) thickness using
any semiconducting material, but mostly in amorphous or polycrystalline
single or multi-junction form. Their terrestrial versions use a glass substrate,
but the cells for space may use aluminum, stainless steel, or polyimide
substrates. The thin film cells are replacement cells (not monolithic) that
come in a few few inches rectangular sizes (e.g., 4 6 inches). At present,
the specific power of the thin film cells is about twice that of silicon cells.
The radiation resistance of these cells is inherently high because of both the
thin film and also the randomly aligned non- or poly-crystalline structure,
so the charged particle cannot damage the structure uniformly.
Table 8.6 summarizes major PV technologies on the market today.
The Naval Research Laboratory and NASA Glenn have incorporated a
suitcase-size solar cell experiment on the ISS. It is designed to monitor and
relay the voltage, current and temperature data on a variety of the present
and emerging PV cells for 1 year. The primary emphasis of the experiments
is on evaluating the long-term performance of current and future multi-
junction solar cell technologies.
Figure 8.44 is the technical data sheet for a GaAs concentrator cell. The
concentrator silicon cell is already being used, whereas use of the GaAs cell
is lagging behind, partly because a higher concentration is needed for peak
efficiency. The conversion efficiency peaks at tens of suns in silicon cells,
whereas it is at hundreds of suns in GaAs.9 For solar power satellites
discussed in Chapter 27, high concentrator GaAs cells would be needed
with a concentrator factor over 1000, perhaps in the range of 5000 to 10,000,
requiring extremely small area cells. It is easier to produce a high efficiency
cell of small area than to produce large area cells with comparable
efficiency. On the other hand, the major disadvantage of the concentrator
cells is that they require focusing optics, which results in added cost.
Two options of concentration cells are depicted in Figure 8.45. In the
dome shaped concentrator, the active cell lays in the center of an aluminum
cup covered with typically a 15-mil transparent silicon dome. Since the
dome lens produces high level of concentration, even slight misalignments
due to a small pointing error can result in significant loss of power. The thin
film inflatable array with dome concentrator is under development for
184 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.44 GaAs concentrator cell performance data: Typical 22% efficiency at 20 Suns.
space antennas and is being considered for extending into power systems,
particularly for high power electrical propulsion.10 The line concentrator
concept, on the other hand, produce relatively less concentration, but is less
sensitive to the pointing error.
Concentrator solar cells can dramatically reduce the cell cost, which is 35
to 45% in conventional arrays. However, two key issues seriously affect the
cell design at high concentrations. One is the minimization of the series
resistance, and the other is more active cooling of the array to remove the
energy not converted into electricity. The mounting structure can be a
flexible cloth or rigid panel made of a honeycomb structure. The rigid panel
approach takes away some mass benefit of the flexible blanket array, but
Solar Array 185
Degradation of optics.
Thermal control of the solar cells under concentrated sunlight,
particularly on exiting the eclipse. However, the thermal gradients
would be relatively small because of the thin structure.
Error in pointing the array to the sun. The greater the concentration, the
more power loss even with a small pointing error.
The solar concentration technology falls into three main groups described
FIGURE 8.47 SLA module I–V test results at AM0. (Source: NASA/GRC.)
188 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 8.48 Off-normal performance of 10 crystalline silicon cell in -plane (easy angle
with both linear and parabolic concentration array with GaAs/Ge cells. The
results are reported by Jones et al.11 This technology is suitable particularly
for high voltage arrays. It was also tested on NASA/JPL’s Deep Space 1
spacecraft to provide 2500 W power to the spacecraft and the ion propulsion
engine. It demonstrated 200 W/m2 and 45 W/kg specific power12 with a
dome lens.
FIGURE 8.49 Off-normal performance of 10 crystalline silicon cell in -plane (hard angle
Solar Array 189
8.50.13 The concentration ratio, which can be achieved using such reflectors,
has an upper limit of 2.75. The reflector panels can be rigid aluminum or
fluorinated polyamide film. In the latter, the reflective surface is achieved
by vacuum sputtering aluminum onto a polyamide substrate. The latter is
more advantageous for mass reduction. The reflectors roll up on themselves
and are stowed besides the folded PV panels, leaving one panel exposed to
generate power during the transfer orbit. A system of pulleys and cables
synchronizes the panel deployment and maintains the support booms
parallel to each other. Springs in the support booms keep the reflectors
under tension after the PV panels are deployed. The booms at every other
panel supports the reflectors and tensions them. The ends of the booms can
rotate past the perpendicular to the PV panels, making the reflectors
illuminate the entire length of the PV array even at extreme diurnal motion
of the sun in geosynchronous satellites. There are no shadows on the cells
even when the array angle is not zero. A panel length of at least twice its
width gives the maximum packing factor. The reflector flatness is critically
plane. The diameter of this first order image is di ¼ 2f tan , where is the
solid angle of the sun image, which is 0 0 0 32 00 from the Earth, and f is the
focal length. This gives di ¼ 0.0093f. A ray bundle reflected from the edge of
the mirror will form an ellipse on the focal plane. This distortion is known
as aberration. The intensity of the sunlight is uniform across the first order
image, but falls off to zero at the aberration edge. All the energy collected is
contained within the aberration image. The fraction of the total energy
collected which is concentrated in the first order image is
1 þ cos 2
i ¼ ð8:30Þ
Obviously, there are two concentration ratios, one for the first order image
and the other for the aberrated image. Their values can be derived as
actual Ci
i ¼ ð8:34Þ
theoretical Ci
For optical quality mirrors, i is near unity, whereas practical mirrors may
have i around 0.50 or less.
If a misalignment exists between the sun line and the mirror axis, the
image moves with respect to the axis and also becomes distorted. The
amount of the lateral displacement of the center of the image, or its edges,
can be shown in terms of Figure 8.53 to be
$ 2 f
¼ ð8:35Þ
57:3 cos m
where ¼ displacement of the image from the zero error position and i ¼
angular misalignment error in degrees.
1. Carlson, D.E., Recent advances in photovoltaics,in Proceedings of the 30th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 1995, pp. 621–
194 Spacecraft Power Systems
2. Cook, G., Billman, L., and Adcock R., Photovoltaic Fundamental, DOE/Solar
Energy Research Institute, February 1995, Report No. DE91015001.
3. Chern, P.C. and Leipold, M.H., Stress Fiat and Proof Testing of Silicon Wafers,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1987, Report No. NASA TSP-5.
4. Delleur, A.M., Kerslake T.W., and Scheiman D.A., Analysis of direct solar
illumination on the backside of space station cells, in Proceedings of the 34th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASE, 1999, Paper No.
5. Gluck, P.R. and Bahrami, K.A., A simple algorithm to compute the peak
power output of GaAs/Ge solar cells on the Martian surface, in Proceedings
of the 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME,
1995, pp 321–325.
6. Karam, N. H. et al. Development and characterization of high efficiency
GaInP/GaAs/Ge dual and triple junction solar cells, IEEE Transactions on
Electron Devices, July 1999, pp. 2116–2125.
7. Guha, S. et al. Low cost and light weight amorphous silicon alloy solar
array for space applications, in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, ASE, 1999, Paper No. 2553.
8. Krut, D.D. et al. ‘‘High efficiency space concentrator with soft angular
dependence and related cell technology, in Proceedings of the 36th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper
No. AT-90.
9. Algora, C. and Diaz, V., Influence of series resistance on guidelines for
manufacturing of concentrator p-on-n GaAs solar cells,in Progress in PV
Research and Applications, John Wiley and Sons, 2000, Vol. 8, pp. 211–225.
10. Laug, K.K. and Holmes, M.R., Paraboloidal thin-film concentrators and
their use for power applications, in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper NO. 2552.
11. Jones, P.A., Murphy, D.M., and Piszczor, M., A linear refractive PV
concentrator solar array flight experiment, in Proceedings of the 30th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 1995, Vol. I,
pp. 309–314.
12. O’Neill, A. et al. The stretched lens array (SLA), an ultra light concentrator
for space power, in Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, pp. 79–84.
13. Brown, M.A. and Moore, J., Solarcon concentrator solar array, in
Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper No. AT-38, pp. 75–78.
14. Stern, T.G. and Bonebright, P., Flight tests of a solar array concentrator on
Mightysat II, in Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper AT-37, pp. 69–74.
Chapter 9
9.1 Introduction
The energy storage is required to meet the spacecraft load demand not only
during eclipse, but also when the demand exceeds the power generation at
any time. The most widely used energy storage technology is the battery,
which stores energy in an electrochemical form. There are two basic types:
196 Spacecraft Power Systems
The state of charge affects the cell voltage, specific gravity, and freezing
point of the electrolyte. The electrolyte in a fully charged battery has high
specific gravity and freezes at a much lower temperature. On the other
hand, a fully discharged battery freezes at a higher temperature. This shows
the importance of keeping the battery fully charged when exposed to low
The battery depth of discharge (DOD) is defined as
The end result is a partial loss of capacity after repeated shallow discharge
cycles. The phenomenon is like losing a muscle in the human body due to
lack of use over a long time. Reconditioning
A remedy to counter the memory effect for restoring the battery to full
capacity is reconditioning, in which the battery is fully discharged to almost
zero voltage and then fully charged to about 1.55 V per cell. In the spacecraft
power system, this is done twice a year at a convenient time in the orbit. In
GEO, it is done outside the two eclipse seasons. In LEO, however, the
spacecraft must carry an extra battery just for reconditioning purposes,
adding significant mass and cost. Other types of batteries have negligible
memory effect, offering a significant advantage over the NiCd battery.
A battery letdown unit is used to recondition the battery in orbit
operation. It is capable of discharging the battery completely at more than
one discharge rate through dedicated resistors, either at the cell level or at
the battery level. In the latter case, each battery has its own battery letdown
resistor. Generally the battery reconditioning starts at high rate around
C/50. Upon the first cell reaching 0.5 V, the battery letdown unit is
commanded to disconnect one of the discharge paths, and continue the
battery discharge at C/100 rate. Upon any battery cell reaching 0.1 V, the
remaining discharge path is disconnected to terminate the discharge. After
the full discharge, the battery is then brought back to full charge in a normal
manner. The battery cell voltage monitor provides information on each cell
voltage during reconditioning and also during flight. The cell voltage data
during flight is not directly useful, as little can be done if anomalies are
found in flight. However, the data can be useful to the customer in the
following ways:
FIGURE 9.6 50-Ah 22-cell battery assembly using cylindrical NiH2 cells mounted vertically.
(Source: Dornier Satellitensysteme Gmbh, Daimler-Benz Aerospace. With permission.)
Battery 205
in a single pressure vessel (SPV). The CPV looks just like the IPV, except for
the internal connections (Figure 9.7). Two cells internally connected in
series in CPV doubles the terminal voltage to 2.5 V. The battery is then
assembled as usual, using one half as many CPV cells. Handling and testing
fewer cells save in the manufacturing cost. The CPV cells have been used
extensively on NASA/JPL programs. However, venting one vessel results
in the loss of two cells, partially offsetting the gain in mass and volume, or
compromising the reliability.
The SPV design places all cells in a single vessel. About 100 SPVs have
successfully flown in various NASA/JPL/Navy/Air Force programs.
Iridium satellites are flying with 50-Ah SPV batteries. The single pressure
vessel requires a thicker wall to limit the hoop stress, partially
compensating the mass savings. Overall, the SPV does save mass and
volume, but the reduced reliability is a significant concern. A pressure
leak or an internal arcing would result in a total loss of the battery.
Moreover, it does not have the means of monitoring the individual cell
voltages. The failed-cell bypass circuit generally used in the IPV battery
design cannot be used in this case.
The following are commonly available NiH2 cells from various vendors:
A pressure leak in one cell may potentially crush all cells in a zipper
mode. This concern is addresses by the cell designed with an internal
bracket to support the failed cell and prevent crushing under the
pressure of adjacent cells (Figure 9.9).
Complex thermal control due to concentrated heat dissipation
Must buy the whole battery from the vendor, which is uncommon at
most satellite builders.
For these reasons, the DPV does not offer significant advantage over the IPV
cell, and is unlikely to find applications in space in the foreseeable future.
The cell rupture due to internal gas build-up is one possible hazard. The cell
design with vent to release the gas pressure is therefore needed. The risk of
venting hydrogen is minimized by limiting its amount during over-
charging. As a health risk, nickel and its compounds may be carcinogenic,
as in other cells.
9.3.4 Lithium-Ion
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) technology is a new development that offers signifi-
cantly higher specific energy and energy density over that of NiH2. The
prismatic shape (Figure 9.10) results in higher energy density. The large
improvement in specific energy comes from lithium’s low atomic weight of
The long calendar life for GEO and long cycle life for LEO are two issues in
Li-ion technology that still need to be proven with a sufficiently long flight
history. To date, 6000 cycles of charge/discharge at 25% DOD has been
demonstrated on 35-Ah cells with stable performance. A Li-ion battery
requires trickle charge at a rate of C/50 to C/100. The self-discharge rate is a
few percent of that in the NiH2, but increases at high temperature. The
internal impedance is low but increases at low temperature. The two must
be traded in the design.
The present development funded by NASA and the U.S. Air Force has the
following goals at the cell level:
The 2001 test results on Mars Lander batteries showed specific energy of
about 150 Wh/kg.7 Nominally 5-Ah cells were tested for capacity when
discharged at a 1-A rate at various temperatures. The cells were cycled from
2.4 V to 4.1 V. The tests showed significant degradation at low temperature,
with only 60% capacity at 30 C. In internal heat generation tests on 25-Ah
cells at 10 C during charge and discharge at 5-A rate, the heat generation
spiked at the end of discharge due to increased polarization as the cell
reached full discharge. The heat generation reduction at the end of charge
was due to charge current tapered down to zero.
The tests on 10-Ah cells charged and discharged at the same temperature
have shown8 that 600 cycles at 100% DOD at 20 C resulted in 6% capacity
loss. Fellner9 reports test data on Li-ion cells cycled as follows for GEO and
LEO applications:
For LEO: 20-Ah cells, 40% DOD, charged to 4.1 V at 0.5C rate for 1 h,
discharged at 0.8C rate for 30 min
For GEO, 20-Ah cells, 100% DOD, charged at C rate to 4.1 V in 3 h,
discharged at C/5 rate to 2.5 V.
The initial test data for a discharged cell show that the internal resistance
grows exponentially with decreasing temperature for a given state-of-
The Li-ion batteries can release lithium gas and flames when over-
charged. This danger needs effective control of the over-charge. For this
reason, the maximum charge voltage and minimum discharge voltage must
212 Spacecraft Power Systems
Table 9.2 NASA goals for Li-ion research programs at cell level
as lithium, nickel and arsenic compounds, and possibly cobalt, copper and
Ei ¼ Eo K1 DOD
Ri ¼ Ro þ K2 DOD
214 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 9.11 Equivalent electrical circuit of battery showing internal voltage and resistance.
9.5.1 Charge/Discharge
The cell voltage varies during a typical charge/discharge (C/D) cycle as
was shown earlier in Figure 4.3. The charge/discharge characteristic also
depends on the charge rate, discharged rate, temperature, and age of the
cell. Figure 9.13 shows such variations for a LEO satellite.
FIGURE 9.12 Battery line and load line intersecting at operating point.
Battery 215
Typical average NiH2 and NiCd battery cell voltages are as follows:
and end of discharge voltages in NiH2 remain fairly flat with the number of
C/D cycles even for several years in LEO missions, but not in NiCd.
The battery performs better under slow charge and discharge rates. A fast
discharge rate results in fast voltage degradation and low ampere-hour
capacity to the load. For these reasons, high charge and discharge rate
applications require different design considerations than the low-rate
After the battery is fully charged, the charge efficiency drops to zero. Any
additional charge will be converted into heat. If over-charged at higher rate
than the self-discharge rate for long time, the battery would overheat posing
the SOC, charge rate, and the operating temperature, and is generally
higher than 97%. The charge efficiency is almost 100% when the cell is
empty of charge; the condition in which all charge received is deposited
between the plates. As the SOC approaches 1, the charge efficiency tapers
down to zero. The knee point where the charge efficiency starts tapering off
depends on the charge rate and temperature (Figure 9.18). For example, at
C/2 charge rate, the charge efficiency is almost 100% up to about 75% SOC.
At a fast charge rate of C/40, on the other hand, the charge efficiency at 70%
SOC is only about 50%.
FIGURE 9.18 Charge efficiency versus state of charge for NiH2 cell.
average charge voltage of 1.45 V, and the charge/discharge ratio of 1.10, the
efficiency is calculated as follows:
1:25 C
energy ¼ ¼ 0:78 or 78% ð9:5Þ
1:45 1:10 C
These calculations indicate that about 22% energy is lost per charge/
discharge cycle, which is converted into heat. Most of this energy loss
occurs during discharge. The round trip energy efficiency varies with
various factors, but is typically 75 to 80% for NiH2 and 80 to 85% for NiCd.
9.5.6 Self-Discharge
The battery slowly self-discharges even with no load under open circuit. It
must be continuously trickle charged to counter the self-discharge rate in
220 Spacecraft Power Systems
order to maintain the full state of charge. This rate is usually less than 1%
per day for most electrochemistry in normal working conditions. In NiH2
cells, the self-discharge rate shows as a proportionate loss in pressure as
seen in Figure 9.21. After the battery is fully charged, the charge efficiency
drops to zero. Any additional charge will be converted into heat. If over-
charged at higher rate then the self-discharge rate for long time, the battery
would overheat posing a potential explosion hazard.
FIGURE 9.21 Self-discharge rates versus time in NiH2 cell under open circuit.
9.5.7 Self-Heating
When the battery is initially put to charge, the internal heat generation rate
is negative for a while, meaning that the electrochemical reaction during the
initial charging period is endothermic (absorbing heat). The reaction
changes to exothermic and generates heat as the battery approaches full
charge. The temperature rise during this phase depends on the cooling
method used to dissipate the heat by conduction, convection, and radiation.
The internal power loss (in watts) causes self-heating in the battery. It has
a major impact on the battery temperature. During charge, it is equal to the
sum of heat generated by charging of active materials (am) and the heat
generated by over-charge reaction (or). That is,
Hc ¼ Hc;am þ Hc;or ¼ Ic c 1:45 Ec þ Ic ð1 c ÞEc ð9:6Þ
At the beginning of the charging process when c is near unity and Ec is low,
1.45c > Ec and Hc is negative, meaning the battery absorbs heat and self-
cools. Near the end of charging, as c approaches zero and Ec rises, the
battery generates heat and self-heats.
The heat generation rate (in watts) during discharge is given by
Hd ¼ Id 1:50 Ed ð9:8Þ
FIGURE 9.22 Battery power loss versus time starting with eclipse for 1200-W load and 1.2 C/
D ratio in GEO orbit.
Battery 223
FIGURE 9.23 Battery power loss versus time starting with eclipse for 3000-W load and 1.1 C/
D ratio in LEO orbit.
T ¼ 1 v þ d ð9:9Þ
M Cp Eo
iT ¼ adiabatic temperature rise of the battery, in degress centigrade
WHd ¼ watt-hour energy discharged
M ¼ mass of the battery
Cp ¼ battery specific heat, Wh/kg C
v ¼ voltage efficiency factor on discharge
Ed ¼ average cell entropy energy per coulomb during discharge,
i.e., average power loss per ampere of discharge, W/A
Eo ¼ average cell open circuit voltage, volts
For full discharge, the WHd/M ratio in the above expression becomes the
specific energy. This indicates that higher specific energy cells would also
224 Spacecraft Power Systems
Cp ¼ 200 þ 25 ð9:10Þ
FIGURE 9.24 Adiabatic temperature rise under full discharge of capacity in various
Battery 225
still deliver the required voltage for a short time if the load can be shed to
lower the DOD.
Battery end of life is defined as one or more cell voltages dropping below
1.0 V at any point during the C/D cycle, usually at the end of discharge. The
cell can fail either randomly or due to wear. It can fail open, short, or
somewhere between (a soft short). A short that starts soft eventually
develops into a hard short. In a low voltage battery, any attempt to charge
with a shorted cell may result in physical damage to the battery and/or the
charge regulator. On the other hand, the shorted cell in a high voltage
battery with numerous series connected cells may work for a long time.
However, it loses the voltage and ampere-hour capacity, and hence would
work as a load on the healthy cells. An open cell, on the other hand, disables
the entire string of series connected cells.
A spacecraft battery rarely fails randomly. Its primary failure mode is
associated with electrode wear due to repeated charge/discharge cycles.
The battery life is measured as the number of times it can be discharged and
recharged before the electrodes wear out. The life depends strongly on the
electrochemistry, the depth of discharge, and the temperature. Figure 9.25
shows the cycle life characteristic of NiCd and NiH2 batteries. The life also
depends to a lesser degree on electrolyte concentration, electrode porosity,
and charge and discharge rates. The electrolyte concentration makes a
significant difference to the cycle life of the NiH2 cell. The cell with 26%
concentration gives a greater cycle life compared to one with 31%
concentration. The first set of factors is application related, whereas the
others are construction related.
The number of charge/discharge cycles in a satellite equals the number of
eclipses during the mission life. It is at least an order of magnitude greater
in LEO satellites than in GEO. Such a long cycle life requirement in LEO can
be achieved only by limiting the battery design to a low depth of discharge,
typically 30% compared to 80% in GEO satellites. Obviously, such a design
requires a proportionately much larger battery. A long cycle life at a given
DOD and operating temperature reduces the battery mass in direct
It is noteworthy from Figure 9.25 that the life at a given temperature is an
inverse function of the depth of discharge. If the life is 100 units at 50%
DOD, then it would be about 200 units at 25% DOD. This makes the product
of the cycles to failure and the DOD roughly constant in the first
approximation. The cycle life multiplied by the DOD product decreases
with increasing temperature. Such is true for most electrochemistries. This
means that the battery at a given temperature can deliver the same number
of equivalent full charges regardless of the depth of discharge. Phrased
differently, the total watt-hour energy the battery can deliver over its life is
roughly constant in the first approximation. The battery lasts proportio-
nately longer if less energy is used per cycle. Such an observation is useful
226 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 9.25 Cycle life versus temperature and DOD for NiCd and NiH2 cells.
Pmax ¼ ð9:11Þ
Since Ei and Ri vary with the state of charge, the Pmax also varies
accordingly. The internal loss is I2Ri, which is also equal to Pmax delivered
to the load. The power transfer efficiency while delivering theoretical
possible peak power is therefore only 50%. Such poor efficiency may not
matter for a short-duration peak load. Both NiCd and NiH2 batteries are
228 Spacecraft Power Systems
Electro- Cut-off Discharge terminate
chemistry voltage voltage voltage Remarks
FIGURE 9.28 NiCd and NiH2 battery mass versus load and missions duration.
NiCd Prismatic cell requires less Cell performance not easily scalable to high
supporting Ah ratings.
Low operating temperature, Sensitive to over-charge at high temperature
hence simpler thermal Must be maintained within narrow
management temperature range of 5 to 10 C.
Memory effect requires periodic
reconditioning, making the fully autonomous
operation difficult.
NiH2 Less sensitive to over-charge Cylindrical cells results in low energy density,
Longer life heavy supporting structure, and poor cooling.
High self-discharge rate
FIGURE 9.29 Battery mass with various electrochemistries relative to NiCd cell.
Although NiH2 offers higher energy storage capability per kilogram, both
NiCd and NiH2 continue to find applications. One can be more advan-
tageous over the other depending on the mission-specific details. For
example, NiCd is a more likely candidate for low power missions, because
it is available in a wide range of capacity starting from a fraction of 1 Ah.
The NiH2 is generally better suited for high power satellites, and is not mass
and cost effective below 25-Ah capacity.
Regarding the number of batteries, all GEO satellites have traditionally
used two batteries, each with one half of the total Ampere-hours capacity
needed to meet the energy demand during the worst case eclipse. For small
LEO satellites, such as Iridium, one battery can be advantageous. The mass
and cost of one large battery is always less than two small batteries of one
half the capacity. On the business side, the customer generally has a strong
preference, sometimes for documented or undocumented reasons, which is
taken into account.
Once the chemistry and the number of batteries are settled, the battery
design depends on the following system parameters:
The life consideration is the dominant design driver in setting the battery
Ampere-hour ratings. Even when the load may be met with a smaller
capacity, the battery is oversized to meet the cycle life requirement. For
example, with the same watt-hour load, the battery that must deliver twice
as many C/D cycles needs approximately double the capacity.
232 Spacecraft Power Systems
Pe Te
Ahb ¼ ð9:12Þ
N b dis ðNc 1Þ Vcdis Vd Vhdis DOD
Ahb ¼ capacity of each battery
Pe ¼ load power demand during eclipse
Te ¼ eclipse duration, in hours
Nb ¼ number of batteries in parallel
dis ¼ discharge converter efficiency
Nc ¼ number of series cells per battery
Vd ¼ voltage drop in bypass diode in case a cell failed
Vcdis ¼ voltage per cell, average during discharge
Vhdis ¼ voltage drop in harness from battery to PRU
DOD ¼ maximum allowable DOD in the worst case eclipse
Equation 9.12 allows one cell failure in each battery for single fault
tolerant design. The failed cell is bypassed using diodes as shown in Figure
9.30. There is generally one bypass diode in the charge path and three
diodes in the discharge path to limit the leakage current. Without such
bypass diodes, if one battery in a two-battery system fails, the power
available to the payload is significantly reduced, plus one arcjet would not
work. The satellite must carry more fuel to compensate for this. Some
Battery 233
FIGURE 9.30 Cell bypass diodes in charge and discharge paths for reliability.
customers may prefer relay switches to the bypass diodes to minimize the
power loss.
The battery round trip energy efficiency under the worst case with one
cell failed is determined using the following expression:
" # " #
ðNc 1Þ Vcdis Vd Vhdis AHdis
b ¼ ð9:13Þ
ðNc 1Þ Vcchg þ 3 Vd þ Vhchg AHchg
Nc ¼ number of series cell, Vd ¼ voltage drop in one diode
Vcdis and Vcchg ¼ cell voltage during discharge and charge, respectively
Vhdis and Vhchg ¼ voltage drop in harness during discharge and charge
AHdis and AHchg ¼ ampere-hour discharged and charged, respectively.
For 800 psi full SOC pressure, the battery should withstand 1350 psi
without permanent deformation, 5000 cycles of pressure test cycles
from fully charge to fully discharge state, and 2400 psi proof test
without rupture.
d.c. isolation resistance of 50 M at 1000 V d.c.
Reliability of 0.985 over 10 years of life based on 30 FITS per cell
The radiation dose of 5 105 rads over a 10-year mission life
Ability to withstand the required dynamic environment of the launch
Case A: The battery fully charged at the time of launch is sufficient for
the launch/ascent energy requirement. This is usually the case in
most satellites, and does not require any extra step for the power
system engineer.
Case B: The battery fully charged at the time of launch is slightly short of
the launch/ascent energy need. In this case, a widely practiced
solution is to pre-cool the battery by cold air or nitrogen before the
Battery 235
Table 9.9 shows the temperature sensitivity of NiCd cell. The process of
determining the optimum operating temperature is illustrated in Table 9.10.
It indicates that different attributes have different desirable operating
temperature ranges shown by the vertical lines. With all attributes jointly
considered, the most optimum operating temperature is the intersection of
236 Spacecraft Power Systems
40 C 0 72 0.1
10 C 94 100 0.2
60 C 75 100 8.0
all the desirable ranges. For example, if we wish to limit the self-discharge
rate below 1.0% and the charge efficiency above 90%, the optimum working
temperature range is between 10 C and 25 C as shown by thin line in the
first column. The actual temperature is then maintained between 5 C and
þ10 C shown by the heavy vertical line in order to allow some design and
operating margins.
It is necessary to perform detailed thermal analyses for every mission,
because it is mission unique. Controlling the battery temperature is a critical
requirement of the thermal control system. This often requires dedicated
radiators, conduction paths, heaters, blankets, temperature sensors, and
40 0 72 0.1
35 0 80 0.1
30 15 85 0.1
25 40 90 0.2
20 75 95 0.2
15 85 97 0.2
10 90 100 0.2
5 92 100 0.2
0 93 100 0.2
5 94 100 0.2
10 94 100 0.2
15 94 100 0.3
20 93 100 0.4
25 92 100 0.6
30 91 100 1.0
35 90 100 1.4
40 88 100 2.0
45 85 100 2.7
50 82 100 3.6
55 79 100 5.1
60 75 100 8.0
65 70 100 12
70 60 100 20
Battery 237
control electronics. Multilayer insulating blankets are used to keep the heat
or cold away as required for maintaining the orbit-average battery
temperature. If the battery is running cold, blanketing a part of the external
radiator surface can reduce the heater power requirement. The battery
electrochemistry selection has a significant impact on the thermal system
mass and cost. The chemistry that costs more but is less sensitive to the
operating temperature can pay back at the satellite level.
Each cell in the battery pack is electrically insulated from each other and
from the ground. The electrical insulation must be good conductor of heat
to maintain low temperature gradient between the cells and also to the
ground. The maximum temperature must remain below a set value to avoid
damage to the battery or shortening the life. The minimum temperature
must not be too low to reduce the battery efficiency in the operating mode.
In the survival mode, the temperature must remain above the freezing point
of the electrolyte to avoid the battery from being inoperable.
The cylindrical shape of IPV and CPV NiH2 cells makes the thermal
cooling difficult. Moreover, it increases the volume significantly and makes
the heat conduction form the cell to the radiator plate inefficient compared
to the battery with prismatic cells. Figure 9.31 shows a battery pack with
prismatic NiCd or Li-ion cells. The cylindrical NiH2 cells are packed in one
of the following three configurations.
FIGURE 9.32 Mass-efficient conduction shims for vertical mounting of NiH2 cell.
Battery 239
Table 9.11 NiH2 cell stacking options and their relative performance
limit. As a rule of thumb, such photovoltaic array rating is kept below the
continuous trickle charge current that can be tolerated by the battery.
The battery design must consider a single failure mode of the battery
without creating any safety hazard of contamination, corrosion, explosion,
fire, injury or illness. This is required during all mission phases and ground
operations. Major failure modes are listed below. Any one or more
combinations could possibly cause venting of toxic, corrosive, and/or
flammable materials with associated fire or explosion risk:
Table 9.12 Typical thermal design requirement for NiH2 battery in large
communication satellite
The bulk charge and the taper charge termination criteria are pre-loaded
in the battery management software to match with the battery electro-
chemistry and the system design parameters. For example, the NiCd and
NiMH batteries are generally charged at constant current until about 95%
SOC in 75 to 85% of the available sun time. Then onward, the charge current
Battery 241
FIGURE 9.34 Battery voltage and temperature during charge showing rapid changes at the
end of charge.
242 Spacecraft Power Systems
where R and X are the battery resistance and reactance, respectively. The
dynamic impedance characteristics discussed in this section are applicable
to all electrochemistries. They apply at a given SOC, i.e., when net d.c.
current flow or energy conversion is not involved. The internal impedance
determines the battery response to ripple, noise, and transients during
charging and discharging. It varies inversely with the capacity, as large
capacity cells have large plate area. The impedance versus frequency of a
50-Ah NiH2 cell is shown in Figure 9.35. It has a relatively constant value up
to 10 Hz, but rises rapidly at higher frequency indicating a strong inductive
component. The battery R and X are obtained by multiplying the cell values
with number of series cells in the battery. A simple dynamic model of the
battery for stability analysis with the dynamic impedance Z(s) in the
Laplace domain is shown in Figure 9.36.
Complex battery models developed by electrochemists are not expressed
in terms of the electromotive force, resistance, inductance, and capacitance.
246 Spacecraft Power Systems
Therefore, they are unsuitable for everyday use by the electrical engineer,
who needs a model that represents the electrochemistry in the electrical
network terms. Ceraola14 has developed a model to represent the battery’s
nonlinear behavior using two electrical branches shown in Figure 9.37. The
main branch is designated with subscript m and the parasitic branch with
subscript p. The Em and Zm are the internal electromotive force and the
internal impedance, respectively. Both are functions of the Laplace
parameters, the electrolyte temperature, , and the SOC. The parasitic
branch models the nonreversible reactions that draw some current, but does
not contribute to the main reversible reaction. The energy that is absorbed
by Ep ceases to be electrical and is converted into other forms, such as gas or
water electrolysis that occurs at the end of the charge process. The power
dissipated in the real part of Zm and Zp is converted into heat that
contributes to the self-heating of the battery. The Ro is common to both
branches and represents resistance from the battery terminals to the plates.
FIGURE 9.37 Dynamic circuit model of battery with main and parasitic reaction branches.
( )
AhðI; Þ ¼ Aho ðIÞ 1 ð9:15Þ
FIGURE 9.38 Dynamic circuit model of the battery during charge and discharge.
248 Spacecraft Power Systems
( )
KAho ðIr Þ 1
AhðI; Þ ¼ ð9:16Þ
1 þ ðK 1Þ
FðLÞ ¼ 1 eðÞ ð9:18Þ
where F(L) is the fraction of the population failing by L cycles, and positive
parameters and are scale and shape parameters, respectively. The
parameter can be assumed to be constant, while is a function of
temperature and DOD. The values of both and are derived from test
data. The curve fitting can be a simple procedure using least squares
regression techniques if the failure times of all samples are known.
However, in typical situations, the battery test data includes samples: (a)
which are known to have failed during an interval, rather than at a specific
time, and (b) many samples not yet failed at the end of the test period. Such
censored data can only be analyzed by statistical techniques developed
for dealing with incomplete life test data.17,18 They use the method of
maximum likelihood, which involves selecting as an estimate for each
unknown parameter the value that appears to be most probable on the basis
of the given test data. The computations are based on the sample log
likelihood which is a function of the unknown model coefficients (Cl, C2,
C3). The estimates of the coefficients are obtained numerically by iterative
methods on a computer, and the variances of these estimates are used to
obtain approximate confidence intervals.
When the indicated analysis is performed on a set of test data, the
expected life relationships is derived with its coefficients C1, C2, and C3
established. Estimating the life from such considerations can be relatively
less complex if the battery were used in an identical manner in each cycle
over the mission life. It becomes more complex when it is used in one way
sometimes and another way at other times, with significant variation in the
usage patterns. In such cases, the life may be estimates using the Milner’s
cumulative damage theory19,20 often used in fracture mechanics and fatigue
studies on metals and other material. The theory utilizes the cycle ratio as
250 Spacecraft Power Systems
its basic measure of damage. For the battery life with two independent
variables as shown in Figure 9.39, it can be modified as follows. If a battery
temperature is Ti at depth of discharge Di for Ci number of cycles, and if the
life relationship estimates Li cycles as its life at Ti and Di, then the
proportional damage, PDi, caused during that time is
Ci ðTi ; Di Þ
PDi ¼ ð9:19Þ
Li ðTi ; Di Þ
remaining life ¼ 1 PDi ð9:20Þ
FIGURE 9.39 Life model for cycles to failure versus DOD and temperature.
Battery 251
Milner’s cumulative damage theory suggests the following for use with
some judgment and experience:
The battery life ends when sum total of the accumulated proportional
damage reaches its limiting value of 1.0.
A short time at high wear depletes the same fraction of life as a long
time at low wear.
Although the life model presented in this section could not justify direct
use of the life relationships in this fashion at present, it can be regarded as a
potential future application. It is hoped that the theoretical consideration
proposed here may serve as a guide to define, plan and analyze future
research in this field.
Candidate Li-ion Li-Poly Fly-wheel Super NiCd NiMH Sodium-sulfur H2/O2 RFC
In recent years, Li-ion has emerged as the battery of choice for high
performance commercial applications — cell phones, laptop computers, etc.
It offers significant advantages over alkaline-based NiCd and NiMH
batteries. The space applications often require the battery to operate over
a wide temperature range (40 C to þ65 C), long cycle life (> 30,000 cycles
in LEO), and long calendar life (>10 years in GEO). NASA has qualified
commercial off-the-shelf Li-ion technology to power electronic peripherals
on the space shuttle and the ISS. The Spirit and Opportunity rovers that
landed on Mars in 2004 were powered during eclipse by Li-ion batteries
capable of 200 cycles at 20 C.
At present, Li-ion appears to be a candidate that may eventually replace
the NiH2 for general use in space.21 There are other candidates as well, such
as the regenerative fuel cell and the flywheel. The flywheel is under
significant research funding with a schedule to fly to the ISS in 2006. The
NiH2 replacement candidates as seen at present are compared in Table 9.13.
1. Parez, M. E. et al. Energy storage for space applications, in Proceedings of
the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001,
pp. 85–89.
2. Rao, G.M., Ahmad, A., and Chetty, P.K.R., Super nickel cadmium battery
operation and performance on-board the Sampex spacecraft, in Proceedings
of the 30th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol. I,
ASME, 1995, pp. 111–116.
3. Pickett, D.F., Hayden, J.W., Lucero, D., and Johnson, Z., Comparison of
advanced NiCd space cell technology with other technologies in con-
sideration for LEO and GEO orbit and planetary missions, in Proceedings of
254 Spacecraft Power Systems
10.1 Introduction
The spacecraft power electronics basically control the bus voltage and
convert voltage levels to match the operating voltages of various
components. These functions are performed by solid-state semiconductor
devices used as controlled switches which are turned on and off at high
frequency. Capacitors and inductors are used to store energy when the
switch is connected to the power source. The stored energy is then
discharged to continue powering the load when the switch is off.
Transformers are used where needed. Major power electronic components
routinely used in the spacecraft are:
The device selection depends on the required voltage, current and the
switching frequency. A common feature among these devices is that all are
three-terminal devices. Their generally used circuit symbols are shown in
Figure 10.1. The two power terminals 1 and 0 are connected in the main
power circuit. The control gate terminal G is connected to the auxiliary
control circuit. In normal conducting operation, terminal 1 is generally at
higher voltage than terminal 0. Since the device is primarily used for
switching power on and off as required, it is functionally represented by a
gate-controlled switch. In absence of the gate control signal, the device
256 Spacecraft Power Systems
Time on Ton
D¼ ¼ ¼ Ton switching frequency ð10:1Þ
Period T
The available voltage and current ratings of the switching devices and their
gate triggering requirements vary with the device type. The presently
available ratings are listed in Table 10.1, not all of which are space qualified.
Various power electronic components built using such high-frequency
switching devices are discussed next.
Power Electronics and Magnetics 257
Voltage Current
rating rating
Device Volts Amps Remark
mode, while all others are fully on or off. The constructional and
performances features of various shunt circuits are described below.
Pshunt ¼ VL IL ð10:2Þ
Power Electronics and Magnetics 259
FIGURE 10.3 Partial shunt regulator with upper segment unshunted and lower segment
Partial shunts have been used in many satellites in the past, but have fallen
out of favor in modern high power satellites, which generally use full
shunts. Both the full and the partial shunts can be any one of the following
the outer space, thus minimizing the sliprings, thermal management, and
EMI related costs.
Another alternative is to use the switch-mode pulse width modulated
(PWM) shunt shown in Figure 10.5. This scheme is used on most modern
high power spacecraft. Instead of operating the linear shunt in the
unsaturated region, the PWM shunt is operated in the off or all the way
on (saturated) state when the bus voltage exceeds the reference value. The
on and off duration are repeated at high switching frequency with a
controlled duty ratio. This eliminates the power dissipation from liner
shunts. The string power fed to the bus equals the whole string power times
the duty ratio. The duty ratio is adjusted to keep the bus voltage in a narrow
range around the reference value. A disadvantage of the PWM shunt is that
it switches full current at high frequency, causing EMI on the platform.
However, the PWM shunt is widely used for its many benefits. On the other
hand, the linear shunt is still used where EMI cannot be tolerated, or where
heat is needed to maintain temperature inside the spacecraft body.
1 2 .... n
Solar Vref
drive control
control circuit to have the maximum duty ratio of 1. That way, all but one
shunts are operated continuously in the saturated state, and only the last
one is operated in PWM mode to shunt a fraction of power on or off at a
FIGURE 10.8 Polyphase PWM gate signals with 360/n phase difference.
Power Electronics and Magnetics 263
The partial shunt, on the other hand, requires twice as many slip rings, one
set from the upper section and one set from the lower section.
264 Spacecraft Power Systems
Higher power per circuit, hence more power margin is needed to allow
for one circuit failure for reliability
Higher local dissipation, hence hot spots
Fewer slip rings in the solar array
The solar array shunt control should limit the bus voltage dV/dt to less
than 1% of the bus voltage per microsecond, and conduction voltage drop
below 0.1% of the bus voltage per ampere of the shunt circuit current. For
example, a 5-A circuit on a 100-V bus should keep the dV/dt less than
1 V/ms and the conduction drop below 0.50 V. The control signals to switch
shunt circuits are degraded, buffered, shielded, and double insulated for
Is T
Vpp ¼ Is Rc þ Dð1 DÞ ð10:3Þ
Is ¼ current switched per shunt circuit
Rc ¼ bus capacitor ESR
D ¼ duty ratio of the PWM switching
T ¼ switching period
C ¼ bus capacitor value in farads
The ripple voltage varies with the duty ratio. It has the maximum value at
D ¼ 0.5, which is equal to
Is T
Vpp ¼ Is Rc þ 0:25 ð10:4Þ
FIGURE 10.11 Bus voltage ripple at shunt switching frequency with bus filter capacitor.
266 Spacecraft Power Systems
For a known ESR and switching frequency, the minimum bus capacitor
required to meet a given ripple specification is then found from
0:25 I s T
Cmin ¼ ð10:5Þ
Vpp Is Rc
A large bus filter capacitor is desired not only to get low ripple, but also
to reduce the bus impedance at high frequency. On the other hand, fast
transient response requires a low value of the bus capacitor for a given loop
gain crossover frequency. The engineer trades these two performance
Use of high frequency, i.e., low switching period, reduces the filter
capacitor size as indicated by Equation 10.5. Approximate mass saving is
shown in Figure 10.12 for the frequency range of 20 to 200 kHz.
The d.c. source charges the capacitor and supplies power to the load via the
inductor. During the off time, the switch is open and the circuit operates as
in (b). The power drawn from the d.c. source is zero. However, full load
power is supplied by the energy stored in the inductor and the capacitor,
with the diode carrying the return current. Thus, the inductor and the
capacitor provide short-time energy storage to ride through the off period
of the switch. The load current during this period is known as the free-
wheeling current, and the diode is known as a free-wheeling diode. The
voltage and current waveforms over one complete cycle are displayed in
Figure 10.15. A suitable bleeding resistor at the load terminals is sometimes
incorporated in the design to keep the converter working without the load.
The analysis of the power train of the buck converter follows. The
analytical principles that follow are applicable also to other d.c.–d.c.
converters. The power train analysis is based on the energy balance over
one switching period. Since the inductor stores energy during the on-time
and discharge during the off time:
Energy supplied to the load over total period T ¼ energy drawn from
the source during the on time, which powers the load and charges the
inductor and capacitor, and
Energy supplied to the load during off time ¼ energy discharged from
the inductor and the capacitor during off time.
The inductor generally uses magnetic core with lumped or distributed air
gap. The flux density in the core has to be kept below the magnetic
saturation level. For that reason, the net change in flux over one cycle of
switching has to be zero. Otherwise, the core would eventually walk away to
saturation on the high side, or be depleted of energy on the low side. The
magnitude of voltage drop across the inductor is given by Faraday’s law,
VL ¼ N d’/dt, where N ¼ number of turns, ’ ¼ flux in the core and t ¼
time. The equation can be written as VLdt ¼ Nd’. As d’ must be zero over
one switching cycle, we must have
VL dt ¼ 0 ð10:6Þ
i.e., the change in the volt–second product over one cycle must be zero.
Thus, in the steady state condition, the inductor volt–second balance during
Power Electronics and Magnetics 269
the on and off periods must be maintained. This in essence gives the energy
We now apply the volt–second balance in the voltage and current
waveforms shown in Figure 11.15. In terms of the inductance, the voltage
drop across the inductor is VL ¼ L dIL/dt. Therefore, during on-time,
If the inductor is large enough, as is usually the case in practical designs, the
change in the inductor current is small, and the peak value of the inductor
current is given by
Since the duty ratio D is always less than unity, the output voltage of the
buck converter is always less than the input voltage. Thus, the buck
converter can only step down the voltage, hence the name.
It is seen from Equation 10.10 that varying the duty ratio controls the
output voltage. This is done in a feedback control loop with the required
battery charge current as the reference. Modulating the pulse width of Ton
controls the duty ratio. Such converter is therefore known as the pulse
width modulated (PWM) converter.
The efficiency is calculated as follows. During the on time, the input
voltage, less the voltage drop in the transistor switch, supply power to the
circuit. The energy transfer efficiency is therefore (Vi Vs)/Vi, where Vi ¼
input voltage and Vs ¼ voltage drop in the switch. During the off period,
the inductor voltage, less the diode drop, is the output voltage. The
efficiency during this period is therefore Vo/(Vo þ Vd), where Vo ¼ output
voltage and Vd ¼ voltage drop in the diode. In addition, there is some loss
in the inductor, the efficiency of which we denote by i. The losses in the
capacitor and the wire are relatively small and can be ignored for simplicity.
The overall power train efficiency of the buck converter is, therefore, the
product of the above three efficiencies, namely
270 Spacecraft Power Systems
Vi Vs Vo
c ¼ ð10:11Þ
Vi Vo þ Vd i
With commonly used devices, the transistor switch and diode voltage drops
are typically 0.6 V each. If we denote both by the device voltage drop Vd,
then a sufficiently accurate simplification of the above equation is
c ¼ i ð10:12Þ
Vo þ Vd
The inductor efficiency can approach 0.99. The power train efficiency of
28-V output converters is therefore around 95%. The losses in the wires,
capacitors, and magnetic core may further reduce the efficiency by a couple
of percent, making it in the 92 to 94% range. The converter efficiency is a
strong function of the output voltage. It decreases with decreasing output
voltage, as the switch and diode voltage drops remain constant. For
example, a 5-V output converter would have efficiency in the 75 to 80%
Since the charge converter in LEO satellites handles more power and
works longer hours, it must be designed for high efficiency and better
cooling. The LEO charge converter design, therefore, gets more complex
than its GEO counterpart.
Vout ¼ ð10:13Þ
Since the duty ratio is always less than unity, the output voltage of the boost
converter is always greater than the input voltage. Therefore, the boost
converter can only step up the voltage, hence the name. The efficiency of the
boost converter can be shown to be
Vi Vd 2
c ¼ i ð10:14Þ
Vin D
Vout ¼ ð10:15Þ
FIGURE 10.18 Buck-boost converter output and input voltage ratio versus duty ratio.
This equation shows that the output voltage of the buck–boost converter
can be higher or lower than the input voltage depending on the duty ratio
(Figure 10.18). In addition to its possible use to charge and discharge the
battery with one converter, the buck–boost converter is capable of the four-
quadrant operation with a d.c. machine in the variable speed applications
and with the flywheel energy storage. In the flywheel system, the converter
would step-up voltage during generating mode, and step-down during
motoring mode.
Vo Ns Vi Vs Vo
¼D and c ¼ ð10:16Þ
Vi Np Vi Vo þ Vd i
FIGURE 10.22 Inductor coupled buck converter with integrated magnetics (Cuk converter.)
FIGURE 10.23 Three winding transformer equivalent circuit for multiple output converter.
FIGURE 10.24 Load power converter with single or multiple outputs. (Source: Ratheon
Corporation E-Systems Division. With permission.)
FIGURE 10.25 L–C filter at converter interface and free-wheeling diode protection.
current. It is all in the control system, rather than in the basic power train
In all types of converter, there is a trend to increase the switching
frequency to reduce the mass of the power train inductor and the output
capacitor filter. Frequencies up to a few hundred kilohertz are common at
present. However, the design challenges increase as the frequency
approaches megahertz. At these frequencies, the lead wire inductance
and capacitance become significant due to stray and parasitic effects, which
are difficult to analyze.
10.7 Magnetics
Inductor and transformer are two magnetic components used in the
spacecraft power electronics. The inductor stores energy in the form of
magnetic flux. The transformer changes voltage level from one coil to
another via mutual flux in its magnetic core. Figure 10.26 is the simplest
magnetic circuit showing one coil on a magnetic core. The coil current
produces magnetic flux in the core. The magnetic resistance of the core,
called the reluctance, <, is given by the follow expression:
<¼ ð10:20Þ
r o
Lm ¼ mean length of the magnetic path, cm
Ac ¼ cross sectional area of the core, cm2
r ¼ relative permeability of the core material
o ¼ permeability of free space (air or vacuum).
The energy storage or power transfer capability of the core is approximately
equal to Ap, where ¼ 0.85 0.95 and Ap ¼ area product defined as,
Ap ¼ Ac Aw ð10:21Þ
where Aw ¼ window area of the core available for winding a coil through it.
The inductor generally has one coil on the core, whereas the transformer
has at least two coils, and sometimes more. The core can take various
configurations shown in Figure 10.27, all of which are used in space power
electronics. The core selection depends on the design drivers, such as
efficiency, voltage regulation, EMI, and manufacturing cost. The toroidal
core contains the flux well internally, and therefore is widely used in high
frequency designs where EMI may be of concern.
The flux density, B, in the core is proportional to the magnetizing
intensity H (ampere-turns per meter length of the flux path). The B varies
linearly with H up to certain value, and then saturates at high H. Under
alternating H, the B also alternates, but does not follow the same path while
rising and falling. This is due to magnetic resistance (hysteresis) in the
atomic structure of the core material. As a result, one complete cycle of H
Ac Ac
G Aw
(a) C-core (tape wound and cut) (b) Tape-wound toroidal core
Aw D G
Aw G
traces a loop shown in Figure 10.28, known as the B–H or hysteresis loop.
The area of the B–H loop represents energy loss per magnetic cycle. The
power loss in the magnetic core is, therefore, the B–H loop area times the
frequency. It is proportional to B f, where is known as Steinmetz
exponent (or Epstein constant), which depends on the material. A great
variety of magnetic core materials having significantly different B–H loop
are available for various applications. Figure 10.29 is a collection of data on
several commonly used materials.
Under alternating flux, the core metal induces voltage as per Faraday’s
law of electromagnetic induction. The resulting eddy currents circulate
internally to the core metal and produce power loss. The eddy current
power loss is proportional to the core lamination thickness squared. For this
reason, the core is always made of insulated thin laminations or potted
powder to reduce eddy loss, as shown in Figure 10.30. The total loss (in
watts) in the core is made of the hysteresis loss and the eddy loss, and is
given by the following expression:
The magnetic saturation values of some of the common materials are listed
in Table 10.3. The higher flux density comes with a cost. It results in wider
hysteresis loop, hence higher hysteresis loss. It also results in higher eddy
current loss in the square relation.
FIGURE 10.31 Inductor and transformer core loss curves from vendors.
Saturation flux
Core material Composition density (tesla)
All of the above loss components must be included in the efficiency and
thermal calculations. Some losses, such as those due to fringing flux, skin
effect and proximity effects, can be significant at high frequency. Details of
their calculations can be found in books dedicated to magnetics.3
L¼ ð10:23Þ
ðLm Lg Þ Lg
<¼ þ ð10:24Þ
r o Ac o Ac
Equation 10.23 give the following expression simplified for most practical
designs having Lm/r << Lg:
0:0125N 2 Ac
L¼ h ð10:25Þ
In discretely gapped cores, the fringing flux around the air gap increases
the inductance by a factor
Lg 2G
¼ 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ln ð10:26Þ
Ac Lg
where G ¼ window height (leg height) in which the gap is located (see
Figure 10.27). A good inductor design maximizes the energy storage and
minimizes the losses. The design is driven by the following major factors:
Required inductance
Direct current it must carry
Alternating current (ripples or otherwise)
Power loss and temperature rise limitations
Mass, manufacturability, and cost
U ¼ 12 KA0:9
p Bm Jm Ku 10
K ¼ constant of proportionality derived from similarly built designs
Ap ¼ area product of the core
Bm ¼ Bdc þ 1=2 Bac ¼ maximum flux density in core before saturation
Jm ¼ maximum current density in coil before overheating
Ku ¼ window utilization factor, i.e., fraction of the window occupied by the
conductor cross section. It is about 0.5 for pot cores, 0.7 for laminated cores
and 0.8 for tape wound cores.
It is noteworthy that the magnetic energy cannot be stored in a perfectly
magnetic core with infinitely large permeability. This is because it would
produce flux in the core with no current in the coil. The energy can be
stored only in nonmagnetic materials such as air or free space. For this
reason, the inductor core must have some air gap in the flux path, either
discrete as shown in Figure 10.32, or distributed as in potted metal powder
286 Spacecraft Power Systems
cores. The energy storage is mostly in the air gap, and not in the magnetic
material. As a matter of fact, the energy stored in an ideal magnetic core is
always zero.
The above point is illustrated by a practical design of an inductor with
potted core 1.35 cm OD, 0.7 cm ID 0.155 cm high with 3.1 g mass. The coil
conductor mass varies with the conductor size around 9.1 g, making the
total mass approximately 12.2 g. The energy storage capability of this
inductor depends inversely with the relative permeability of the core
material as seen in Figure 10.33. The higher the permeability, the lower the
energy storage.
For a circuit simulation, the coil inductance, ohmic resistance and
capacitance to ground can be represented by the equivalent circuit shown
in Figure 10.34. The calculated parameters often need to be calibrated by
tests due to various factors that are not well understood or are complex to
watts. This is because an a.c. device can deliver zero watts when non-zero
voltage and current outputs are out of phase by 90 .
In steady state performance, the voltage ratio of the two coils is the same
as their turn ratio, the current ratio is equal to the inverse of the turn ratio,
and the volt–amp product on both sides remains the same. A good
transformer design maximizes the power rating while minimizing the
losses and the temperature rise. The following approximate relations are
useful in sizing a new transformer based on a similar unit built earlier. The
transformer power is the product of V and I. Since V is proportional to the
core cross section, and I is proportional to the window area available to
wind coils, the power rating is proportional to the area product of the core
Ap ¼ AcAw. That is, P ¼ KA0:9 4
p , which has the unit of cm . Alternatively, it
can be expressed (in volt–amp) as
P ¼ A0:9
p Ku Kj Bm Jm f 10
f ¼ frequency
Ku ¼ window utilization factor
Kj ¼ current density factor
Bm ¼ maximum flux density the core can carry before saturation
Jm ¼ maximum current density the coil can carry before over heating
Assuming that the total mass is proportional to the volume, which has the
unit of cm3, the transformer mass varies as the 3=4 th power of the area
product, i.e.,
M ¼ Ku A0:75
p ð10:29Þ
where values of the window utilization factor Ku are the same as given for
the inductor design, i.e., 0.5 for pot cores, 0.7 for laminated cores and 0.8 for
tape wound cores. The total surface area Ath available for thermal
dissipation of the power losses, having the unit of cm2, varies with the 1=2
power of Ap, i.e.,
Ath ¼ Ks A0:5
p ð10:30Þ
thin insulated wires, which results in poor space factor. The 20 kHz and
higher frequency coils are often wound with copper foil. Off course, there is
a diminishing rate of return after a certain frequency. Beyond that, the
losses, heating, and parasitic parameters may start impacting the design
As in the inductor, the transformer can be represented in the circuit
simulation model by the winding resistance, leakage reactance, and
capacitance to the ground for each coil as shown in Figure 10.35. Looking
from the primary sides, the secondary side impedance becomes trans-
formed by a2, where a ¼ Np/Ns, the turn ratio.
transferring power from the input side to the output side lose some power
internally in the form of heat. In practical designs, the efficiency of 95 to 98%
is typical in large power equipment in tens of kilowatt rating, and 80 to 90%
in small equipment in less than a kilowatt rating. Figure 10.36 shows the
efficiency versus load power for a battery converter boosting the voltage to
28 V from three different input voltages corresponding to the battery state
of charge. Although less boosting means higher efficiency, the efficiency at
each input voltage varies with load.4 It increases with load up to a certain
point beyond which it decreases. A good design maximizes the efficiency at
the load that the equipment supplies most of the time. For example, if the
equipment is loaded at 75% of its rated capacity most of the time, it is
beneficial to have the maximum efficiency at 75% load. This is important for
battery charge converter having output current that varies from the
maximum to a trickle charge level over the sunlight duration. The battery
discharge converter, on the other hand, works near the full load current all
the time during eclipse. Such a design practice is also important in
designing redundant battery converters, which may be working in active
or dormant redundancy. The method of achieving the maximum efficiency
at a desired load level follows.
The total loss in any power equipment has in general three components:
FIGURE 10.36 Typical buck–boost converter efficiency versus output load at various battery
voltage levels.
290 Spacecraft Power Systems
Diode and switching losses varying linearly with the load current, and
Ohmic loss in conductors varying with square of the load current.
loss ¼ Lo þ K1 P þ K2 P2 ð10:31Þ
where P is the output power delivered to the load, Lo is the fixed loss and K1
and K2 are proportionality constant derived from curve-fitting the power
loss data. The component efficiency is given by
output output P
¼ ¼ ¼ ð10:32Þ
input output þ loss P þ Lo þ K1 P þ K2 P2
For efficiency to be the maximum at a given load, its derivative with respect
to the load power must be zero at that load. That is,
d Pð1 þ K1 þ 2K2 PÞ ðP þ Lo þ K1 P þ K2 P2 Þ
¼ ¼0 ð10:33Þ
dP ðP þ Lo þ K1 P þ K2 P2 Þ2
FIGURE 10.37 Power converter loss components versus load current — fixed, diodic and
ohmic losses.
Power Electronics and Magnetics 291
1. Cuk, S., Switching dc-dc converter with zero input or output current ripple,
IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference Records, October 1978.
2. Cuk, S., Analysis of integrated magnetics to eliminate current ripples in
switching converters, Power Conversion International Conference
Proceedings, Intertec Publishers, Oxnard, CA, April 1983.
3. McLyman, W.T., ‘‘Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook,’’ Marcel
Decker, New York, 1988.
292 Spacecraft Power Systems
4. Fox, D., Testing of the engineering model of electrical power control unit
for the fluids and combustion facility, in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2435.
5. Wu, K.C., Pulse Width Modulated dc–dc Converters — Analysis and Design,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 1997.
6. Wu, K. C., Transistor Circuits for Spacecraft Power System, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Norwell, MA, 2002.
7. Mohan, N., Undeland, T., and Robbins, W.P., Power Electronics Converters,
Applications and Design, IEEE and John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
Chapter 11
Distribution Harness and Protection
11.1 Introduction
The harness includes the insulated conductors, connectors, and the shield.
Its mass is determined from the detailed layout and routing of all the
required wiring. For this reason, it is often considerably more than that
estimated without actual layout at a preliminary design stage. A typical
harness mass breakdown is given in Figure 11.1.
where d ¼ diameter of bare conductor in inches. Thus for every one gage
up, the diameter increases by a factor of 1.1225 and the area by 1.26. The
diameter doubles every six gages and the area doubles every three gages.
The ampacities of various gages of wires are listed in Table 11.1.
294 Spacecraft Power Systems
Single wire in
Diameter free air on ground Wires in spacea in 70 C ambience
AWG (inches) (MIL-STD-5088) (MIL-STD-975 and GSFC-PPL-19)
R¼ ð11:2Þ
R2 ¼ R1 ½1 þ ðT2 T1 Þ ð11:3Þ
Distribution Harness and Protection 295
where ¼ 0.00393 1/ C for electrolyte copper and 0.00390 1/ C for
For a cable with two parallel round conductors of equal radii (Figure
11.2a), the cable inductance (in H/m) in free space is given by
2o 1
L¼ þ ln
2 4 r
L ¼ 1 þ 4 ln 107 ð11:4Þ
ð2"o "r Þ
C ¼ 2
"o "r
C¼ " ffi#
s s 2
ln þ 1
2r 2r
where "o ¼ permittivity of free space ¼ 8.85 10(12 F/m, and "r ¼ relative
permittivity of the insulation between the conductors. The first expression
is for open wires at the harness ends, and the second expression is for
closely spaced conductors in the cable. Unlike the resistance, the L and C
parameters do not change with temperature.
Bus bars of thin rectangular cross section shown in Figure 11.4 are often
used in harness segments carrying high current. For such conductors, the
R-L-C parameters after ignoring the end fringing are
R¼ =m ð11:6Þ
Distribution Harness and Protection 297
o 2a
L¼ dþ H=m ð11:7Þ
b 3
"o "r b
C¼ F=m ð11:8Þ
wires are widely used on ground, but are forbidden in space due to growth
of whiskers.
Aluminum is sometimes used in power equipment where lightweight
and/or low cost is desired. It is used in overhead transmission lines and
pole mounted power transformers on ground, and in some aircraft and
commercial spacecraft harness. The performance of aluminum is compared
with copper in Table 11.3.
For the same power loss or voltage drop, the copper can be replaced with
aluminum of relative mass given by the product of the resistivity and the
mass density ratios. An aluminum conductor, therefore, would theoreti-
cally have (2.830/1.724) (2.70/8.89) ¼ 0.50, i.e., one-half of the copper
mass. However, in practice, aluminum does not produce 50% mass saving
owing to the following reasons:
Aluminum has about 1000 times higher creep rate then copper. For
long-term reliability of the terminal connectors, thicker wire is required
to keep the crimp joint temperature below 130 C to minimize creep.
Alternatively, soldered connections are used, which are expensive and
often inconvenient.
Aluminum oxidizes instantly when exposed to oxygen. This hinders the
electrical contact between the wire and the connector. Crimp terminals
that produce cold weld are often used to keep oxygen away from bare
11.6 Connectors
Both crimp and soldered connectors are used for connecting various wire
segments. They come in Class A and B with maximum operating
temperature of 125 and 200 C, respectively. They are further grouped in
four types as listed in Table 11.4.
Series A rectangular connectors are limited to AWG 20 pins, whereas
series B round connectors come in heavy pins, some of them in assorted
pins to handle different power circuits. The wires are crimped with pins
with a special tool. Wires thicker than pins are not permissible but can be
up to two gages thinner. In both series A and B connectors, contact pins are
further classified as Type A and B. The maximum voltage drop across type
A and B contact pins of various gages are listed in Table 11.5.
300 Spacecraft Power Systems
Pins in a connector and the SAD slip rings are assigned such that wires
at different electrical potentials are separated and are not on adjacent
pins or slip rings.
Twisted wire pairs are terminated on adjacent pins in the connector.
A minimum of 10% of spare pins is provided on the outer periphery of
the connector.
Each connector shell is grounded to the component case with
impedance less than 2.5 m.
Table 11.5 Permissible contact pin drop in millivolts at 200 C after conditioning
as per Military Standard MIL-C-39029
Wire Test Type A with Type A with Type B with Type B with
size current silver-plated nickel plated silver-plated nickel-plated
AWG (amp) wires wires wires wires
In defense satellites, multiple contact connectors are not used for high
voltages above 300 V d.c. or peak-to-peak a.c. voltage. Separate
connectors rated for the specified high voltage are used for each
Hermetically sealed boxes must use hermetically sealed connectors
with connector cases welded to the boxes.
4 Irated m
d¼ ð11:10Þ
Vopt ¼ k Psp ð11:11Þ
where Psp ¼ specific power of the source in watts/lb. The coefficient k is 0.03
for copper wires and 0.026 for aluminum wires. Harness segments having
varying Psp over the orbit period can be designed for optimum voltage drop
using weighted average Psp.
The harness mass optimization approach leads to the following obser-
vation for the conductor sizes in view of Figure 11.6.
Distribution Harness and Protection 303
The harness used with a source of high specific power, such as triple
junction solar array, may operate at higher current density, allowing a
higher voltage drop as percentage of the bus voltage.
Thinner wire is justified from the solar array to PRU, because the power
loss in that segment of the wire is supplied by the solar array alone.
Thicker wire is required from the PRU to loads, because the power in
that segment has been processed by the solar array, PRU, and the
battery, all together during a part of the orbit. The whole system has
much lower specific power compared to that of the solar array alone.
For the same reason, the current density in the discharge path should be
lower than that in the charge path. This is because the charge current
comes from the solar array alone, whereas the discharge current
involves the whole system.
So, as we move closer to the loads at the end of distribution lines, the
current density should be progressively lower. Each watt becomes more
precious at the load point compared to that at the generation point. In
ground-based utilities, this is analogous to the cost of power to end users
being more than five times the cost in the central power station yard. It must
be noted that the above considerations lead to the minimum harness mass,
and not the minimum cost at the power system level. The cost of adding one
pound of source is always much greater than the cost of adding one pound
of harness. However, the harness mass optimization may be warranted
when the spacecraft mass is rigidly constrained to fit the launch vehicle or
for some other reason.
11.7.1 Example
The harness mass optimization is more important in LEO satellites. The
heavy battery in LEO makes the specific power of the entire power system
304 Spacecraft Power Systems
about one-half of that in GEO satellites. For example, let us consider a fully
regulated LEO power system where the battery mass is equal the solar
array plus the PRU mass. We wish to determine the optimized wire gage
for a solar array circuit carrying 5-A current from the silicon PV array to
the load through slip rings, and also for a 5-A load circuit from the PRU
to the user load. We are given that the specific power of the (array þ
PRU) is 10 W/lb, and the specific power of the (array þ PRU þ battery)
p 5 W/lb. The6 optimum current density for the slip ring circuit is
f10=ð2:54 10 Þ ¼ 1984 A=in2 . Allowing 30% margin, the required cross
section area of the wire is (1.3 5/1984) ¼ 0.0033 in2, which requires AWG
14 wire. Using the GSFC-PPL-10, a bundle of 14 AWG wires has a derated
current carrying capacity of 8.5 A, which is greater than (1.3 5) ¼ 6.5 A.
Thus, the mass optimized wire gage meets the preferred part list require-
ments. If the solar array were made of triple junction cells with specific
power of 5 W/lb, then the optimum current density would have been p{5/
2.54 106)} ¼ 1192 A/in2. This results in conductor cross section 40%
smaller, requiring AWG 12 wires. If such optimized wire gage results in a
local hot spot somewhere in the harness run, spreading out the heat with a
local aluminum foil should be considered first rather than increasing the
wire gage for the entire harness run.
The rated current and the allowable voltage drop determine the
conductor gage
The bundle size and steady state temperature also determine the gage
The rated voltage determines the insulation thickness and the
temperature rise determines the insulation material
The derating requirement increases the gage thickness
Specific power of the source is factored in to determine the optimum
wire gage
Reliability goal may require redundant wires or double insulated wires
wires in parallel or increase the wire size until the voltage drop
requirement is met.
3. If an open wire in a current path constitutes a failure, i.e., if either the
voltage drop or the derating criteria is not met with one wire open, and
if there is no other redundant current path, then another wire should be
added to guard against this mode of single point failure.
4. Ensure that the wire(s) in a particular current path will not be damaged
to the point of propagating the damage to the surrounding wires when a
smart short occurs. A smart short is one that draws current insufficient
to blow the fuse but in excess of the wire derating. In such a case,
determine the value of the steady state current that can cause damage to
the wire insulation and could propagate to other wires. If that current is
less than the expected steady state d.c. or rms fault current, then the
harness must be increased in size to a point where the smart fault
current cannot cause damage that could propagate through the harness.
5. The harness should be secured to withstand the mechanical repulsive
forces, which can be significant during hard faults. The wires are
generally tied with each other or all in a group, often attached to
structural tubes as shown in Figure 11.7.
The mechanical repulsion force (in newtons per meter) between two
parallel conductors in configuration of Figure 11.2(a), carrying currents I1
and I2 in opposite directions, is given by
F ¼ 80 K I1 I2 107 ð11:12Þ
where K ¼ conductor shape factor ¼ 1.0 for round conductors. The force
calculation on high power rectangular bus bars is covered in Chapter 22.
The cable needs to be ultra-flexible with very thin hair-like strands. This
may impose a manufacturing problem in crimping and ascertaining that no
whiskers are left projecting out. A fully developed space-qualified flex
harness could eliminate the slip rings, which weigh several kilograms per
spacecraft. The harness mass, however, would remain the same. A flexible
fluoropolymer insulated cable with 20-gage wires for power and 24-gage
wires for signals has been built and tested in the past.
The flexible harness has been used by ESA in 2002 for a Mercury mission.
In this design, the solar panels rotate 180 around one axis to keep the
operating solar cell temperature below 150 C at AU < 0.375. The sun
shielded solar array drive has no slip rings, but uses flex harness sufficiently
flexible for 180 rotation.
Fuses are placed near the source for protection against faults in the
wires, and also to reduce the local fuse blow voltage spikes in adjacent
loads (cross-talks). Fuses are located as close as possible to the PRU
(Figure 11.8). The fuse boards are often located inside the PRU.
Distribution Harness and Protection 307
FIGURE 11.8 Fuse boards located in or near PRU for various load groups.
FIGURE 11.9 Full-length redundant wires with fuses in both lead wires.
308 Spacecraft Power Systems
nonsealed fuses, except that source control drawings are added for
tractability to qualify for space.
Picofuses use nickel elements in less than 1 A ratings, 50% silver and 50%
copper elements in 1 to 4 A ratings, and copper elements in greater than 5-A
ratings. All element materials have high positive temperature coefficient of
resistance. They rise in resistance with temperature, thus preventing an
absolute short.
Nonsealed fuses, however, pose design difficulties when bus voltage
exceeds 50 V d.c. This is due to arcing in partially evacuated construction.
Hermetically sealed fuses address this problem. P600LTM fuses made by
Mepcopal Corporation are such space-qualified fuses. These fuses are
made using thick film material. The fuse element is primarily gold while
the terminal pads are silver. These materials are deposited onto a 96%
alumina substrate and coated with dielectric overglaze cured at high
temperature. An arc suppressant glass of about 0.5 mm is then printed
over the fuse element. When the fuse melts under a fault, the gold
element melts and migrates readily into the arc suppressant glass coating,
thereby effectively preventing subsequent vaporization and ionization.
This suppresses arcs and restricts the circuit voltage after the fuse blow.
For these reasons, Mepcopal fuses are fast and more predictable in
clearing time. The hermetically sealed case contains the spark while
blowing. In fact, they have been developed for safe operation in explosive
mixture of chemical vapors for the National Electrical Code Class 1
environment (hazardous).
The fuse carries 110% of the rated current for a long time in hours
without exceeding 70 C above the room temperature.
The fuse clears 135% of the rated current within a specified time in
minutes, which depend of the type of fuse.
The fuse withstands full recovery voltage, which is equal to the open
circuit voltage that appears across the fuse terminals after clearing the
worst fault.
The selected fuse rating is typically 1.2 to 1.3 times the current rating of
the load circuit it protects, rounded upward to the next standard available
rating. The fuse rating must be carefully selected because both the
conservatively or liberally sized fuses are bad for the circuit protection.
The ambient temperature has an influence on the current rating of the fuse
as shown in Figure 11.12. It is desirable to up rate or down rate the fuse
As for the voltage rating, the fuse can be operated at any circuit voltage as
long as it can blow without suffering arc damage. When the fuse blows, the
sharp break in the circuit current cause the full circuit voltage to appear
across the blown fuse. If the load is inductive, the transient voltage across
the fuse may be substantially high due to the inductive kick. A destructive
arc may be formed across the fused element and continue to grow. The
resulting heat and pressure may cause the fuse to explode in the worst case.
The voltage rating of the fuse is conservatively given such that the fuse can
interrupt a dead short without shattering or emitting flame or expelling
molten metal.
310 Spacecraft Power Systems
di 1 h i
¼ Vs Vf Ri ð11:13Þ
dt L
I (t)
R I (t) I
+ 0 tp tt
Vs Vf
_ V +
the material. In silver fuses, it lasts until the joule integral I2ta2 reaches
80,000 A2smm4 with adiabatic heating, where I ¼ rms current in ampere,
t ¼ pre-arc time in seconds, and a ¼ fuse element cross-sectional area.
The typical blow-time and applications are listed in Table 11.6. Figure 11.15
shows current versus average blow characteristics of the three types. Even
within a given type, significant variations exist around the average value,
which must be considered in the system design to protect the circuit as
312 Spacecraft Power Systems
Rf ¼ Ro et= ð11:14Þ
FIGURE 11.15 Current versus blow time for three types of fuses. (NASA/JPL Specifications
Distribution Harness and Protection 313
where Rf ¼ fuse resistance at time t after the fault, Ro ¼ initial fuse resistance
at normal operating temperature (generally at 25 C), and ¼ thermal time
constant of the fuse. Typically, the fuse clearing time tc ¼ 1.5, giving Rf ¼
4.5Ro when the fuse clears. Until then, Rf = Ro e1.5t/tc. Denoting the fault
current by If, we have
If2 tc ¼ K
tc ¼ K=If2 ð11:15Þ
for 0 < t < tc. The fault current decays with the rising fuse resistance. The
root mean square value of the decaying fault current should be used in the
above expression for better accuracy.
The room temperature resistance of the fuse element has significant
manufacturing variations, but it primarily depends on the current rating.
However, the voltage drop across the fuse at nominally rated current is kept
between 100 and 200 mV by design. The manufacturing variation in
clearing time is also significant. For this reason, the I–t characteristic is
generally depicted by two curves bounding the minimum and maximum
times to clear the fuse at a given current (Figure 11.16). Such curves are
derived by the vendor from numerous tests. Test data on recent
manufacturing lots are often shown by dotted lines for guidance to the
users on the latest design and manufacturing practices. Even than, the
variations in clearing time are wide and must be accounted for in the power
system design. Table 11.7 shows the variations in hermetically sealed fuses.
Variations of 1:10 or 1:15 are common. They are even wider for traditional
nonsealed fuses. The clearing time is less predictable in the normal and
slow blow fuses, because the plasma lingers on for longer duration. The
plasma behavior is difficult to predict with high certainty. The fast fuse and
sealed fuse, on the other hand, have more predictable clearing time.
Many aerospace customers require transient survival analysis to demon-
strate that each load’s input current matches the blow curves of the fuse
assigned to the load. With the actual parameters of the assigned fuse,
detailed fault simulations are run on computer to verify that:
The fuse will clear under the minimum fault current using the right
hand side of the I–t envelope in the simulation run.
The fuse will not clear under maximum inrush current during start-up
of motor and heater type equipment using the left-hand side of the I–t
envelope in the simulation run. In circuits where high start-up current
lingers for a long time, posing a risk of unwanted fuse blow, one may
use a slow-blow fuse of the same rating.
35%, and 70% for 5 A and larger loads. Since the blow characteristic of
hermetically sealed fuse is more predictable, the corresponding derating
factor is 80% for fuses larger than 0.5 A rating. The largest hermetically
sealed fuse available at present is 10 A. Further derating can come from
higher than normal ambient temperature. It follows the following rules:
Fuse current rating after the required derating must be equal to the
nominally rated circuit current after allowing for the overload margin
and the harness gage.
Fuse voltage rating must be greater than the source voltage for a.c. or
d.c. circuits.
Maximum current interruption capability of the fuse must be greater
than the maximum possible fault current at the fuse location.
Fast fuse is not necessarily better in all applications. However, it is
required to protect semiconductor devices with I2tfuse < I2tsemiconductor.
With a fast fuse, the clearing time is less than the first peak of the fault
current, and is more closely governed by constant I2t because the rise to
melting temperature is much closer to being adiabatic.
FIGURE 11.17 Parallel fuses increase the current carrying capacity of fuse assembly.
such as NASA require redundant fuses in most load circuits. If one fuse
fails randomly under normal operation, the redundant fuse can carry a full
load for the remainder of the mission. A redundant fuse in a 5-A circuit
cannot be achieved just by placing two 5-A fuses in parallel, which
essentially derates the fuse by a further factor of one half. Instead, an
additional series resistance equal to several times the fuse resistance is
inserted in series with the redundant fuse as was depicted in Figure 11.10.
Since the current sharing between the redundant fuse branches is inversely
proportional to the branch resistance, the primary fuse normally takes
about 90% of the load current.
Parallel fuses (Figure 11.17) are used to obtain a fuse assembly with
current rating in multiples of the individual fuse rating. Parallel fuses are
not to be confused with the redundant fuses. Parallel fuses are required to
share equal current, and therefore do not have additional series resistance
in one branch. As a matter fact, two parallel fuses must be matched for
equal resistance at operating temperature. Parallel fusing is not feasible
with nonsealed fuses due to a great variability in their resistance at the
operating temperature. One of the nonsealed fuses would always be
stressed beyond its derated value and blow prematurely. Two heretically
sealed fuses with matching resistance, however, can be connected in
parallel to share almost equal current. Even with hermetically sealed fuses,
it is difficult to balance the current with more than two fuses in parallel due
to a possible zipper effect. For example, consider a 20-A fuse assembly
consisting of four 5-A fuses in parallel (Figure 11.17). If one 5-A fuse blows
prematurely, all will blow one after another by taking progressively higher
current. If the 5-A fuses are highly derated to avoid such effect, then the
protection level of the load circuit is compromised. The zipper effect,
however, can be used to avoid a large fuse blow transient voltage by using a
few small fuses in parallel with about 10% of the fuse resistance in series in
each fuse branch. In case of an internal equipment fault, these fuses blow in
zipper sequence, reducing the fault current as they blow progressively
faster in turn. The last fuse blows fast and under smallest current, thus
resulting in less severe voltage transient.
12.1 Introduction
The major components of a PV–battery power system are covered in
Chapters 8 to 11. All other components, including the solar array drive,
deployment devices, deployment controller, thermal controller, relays,
battery monitors, current meters, and shielding equipment, are covered in
this chapter.
320 Spacecraft Power Systems
permanent magnet rotor provide high torque per unit mass. The rotor is
typically on 440C stainless steel ball bearings and titanium case. Each SAD/
ADE draws power from the essential battery bus at 22 V via a latching
relay drive. The peak input power is about 10 W and the average power
about 1 W. Switch-mode power pulses applied to the stator coils at a
suitable frequency drive the motor. The grounding scheme for ADE uses
four separate grounds, one each for the power, signal, and communication
circuits, and one for all equipment chassis.
The ADE controls all three operating modes of the solar array, namely the
normal forward, slew, and the reverse. The SAD is capable of rotation in the
forward and reverse directions at speeds from 0 (stop) to 8 Hz as
commanded by the ADE. A typical stepping motor provides the stepping
rate of 1.8 /step at 0.25 Hz in the normal mode and 1.8 /step at 8 Hz in the
slew mode. The solar panel inertia, which can be in 50,000 to 500,000 lbin2
range, determines the response of the SAD.
The motor is capable of stepping at a rate of 0 to 16 pulses per second,
with the resulting array rotation of about 0.02 per step. It can have a direct
harmonic gear drive that can drive backward and does not need a slip
clutch. The other alternative is to use two orthogonal gears, which require a
slip clutch since it cannot drive backwards. The slip clutch allows slippage
which avoids breakage should there be backlash on the solar panel. The
shaft speed is clutched down by two orders of magnitude through a helicon
gear. This protects the shaft from backlash stresses.
The solar array is initially aligned by ground. The ADE maintains the
alignment in an open loop control system. It takes the time signal from the
spacecraft clock and turns panels to the sun continuously as per the clock
time without further command. The SAD is fairly accurate, but accumulates
small errors, typically a couple of degrees per month. The sun sensor
detects the errors, which are corrected by periodic commands from the
ground or from the spacecraft computer. In some satellites, the solar array is
slewed every 6 AM until the error is zero. The spacecraft computer
commands can be overridden by ground for maneuvering or other reasons.
The control signals for the required rotation rate comes from the TT&C
system, which also selects the rotation direction and one of four speeds —
slow (0.013 mradian/s), normal (1.03 mradian/s), fast (1.047 mradian/s), or
slew (5.236 mradian/s). In some LEO satellites, such as EOS-AM, the ADE
provides control signals and power to the SAD for the commandable drive
rates of ! 2.5% at 0.1% increment and 3! 12% at 0.5% increment, where
! ¼ 1.060 mradian/s. The ADE accepts commands to select the SAD
rotation rate and the direction. The ADE also accepts commands to select
primary or redundant side. In some satellites, the solar array has two rates
of rotation, one steady at one revolution per day and another slew at one
revolution per 45 min.
The slip ring assembly, also known as the power transfer assembly,
transfers power and telemetry signals to the spacecraft body. Each power
Ancillary Components 321
and telemetry lead wire uses a separate slip ring, but some returns may
share a common ring within its derated current capability. The current
collecting slip rings and carbon brushes make the rotary joint ( joint)
between the sun-oriented solar panels and the Earth-oriented spacecraft
body as the spacecraft revolves around the Earth. The slip ring brushes may
be traditional monofilament brushes, or high conductivity fiber brushes
made with graphite or silver fibers for enhanced current collection with low
power loss. The resistance of a 5-A slip ring–brush contact at the operating
temperature at the BOL is about 5 m, which degrades to about 10 m at
the end of life. With EOL current of say 5 A, the power loss is 0.25 W per slip
ring contact, or 0.50 W per slip ring lead and return circuit.
In a typical SAD, there are 20 to 30 slip rings each rated 5 A for power
circuit, and 10 to 20 rings rated less than 1 A for signal circuits. Some units
come with heavier slip rings (Figure 12.1). Slip rings are used such that all
positive rings are on one side and the negative rings on the other, with
possibly one empty ring in the middle. The positive and negative rings are
not placed side by side to avoid the possibility of a short. Advanced slip
FIGURE 12.1 Power transfer assembly of slip rings and drive motor.
(Source: Dornier Satellitensysteme Gmbh, Daimler-Benz Aerospace. With permission.)
322 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 12.2 Biaxial solar array drive and power transfer assembly.
12.5.1 Thermocouple
A thermocouple utilizes the Seebeck effect, which occurs at the junction of
two dissimilar metal wires. Thermally energized electrons in each metal
generate a d.c. voltage at the hot junction, which is measured at the cold
end. The magnitude of the voltage is linearly proportional to the
temperature. The measurement error is minimized by keeping the cool
end at a constant temperature and using a voltmeter that has high input
12.5.3 Thermistor
A thermistor is a semiconductor in which a small change in temperature
causes a large change in electrical resistance. Precise measurement of the
resistance gives direct reading of the temperature at the thermistor location.
This allows a simple readout instrument and the use of long leads without
loss of accuracy. The temperature coefficient of resistance for the thermistor
is negative and two orders of magnitude greater than metallic wires. The
resistance of a typical thermistor at various temperatures is 75 k, 7 k,
3 k and 1 k at 40 C, 0 C, þ20 C, and þ40 C, respectively. The thermal
time constant ranges from 5 to 15 s. The interchangeability tolerance is
within 0.1%.
The resistance wire and thermistor probes require applying a current and
measuring the voltage across the element, from which the resistance is
derived using Ohm’s law. Since the thermal time constants are relatively
long, the temperature is measured only periodically by passive telemetry to
save energy. A constant current pulse is sent and the voltage is measured
periodically across the element. The heaters are turned on or off as needed
Ancillary Components 327
12.6 Relays
An electromechanical relay has physical metal contacts that open or close
on command as required. It offers certain advantage over transistor
switching, such as negligible power loss, and it can be used singly without
auxiliary circuit or with very simple circuit. On the negative side, it has a
limited life due to a moving contact that wears. If arcing is present under
normal or abnormal operation, it results in EMI and a much shorter life.
Relays come in a holding or latching variety. Most space-qualified relays
are rated for 28 V and up to 30 A d.c. Larger current ratings come from
Leach and smaller ratings from Genicom and Teledyne corporations. They
are typically hermetically sealed in nitrogen at 1 atm and life tested for tens
of thousands of cycles. Typical weights of 1, 5, and 10 A d.c. double pole–
double throw (DPDT) 28-V relays are 3, 15, and 45 g, respectively. All relays
for space applications are derated to 50% of the ground base current rating.
Contacts are designed such that the voltage drop at rated current is 0.1 to
0.2 V.
Relay contacts for switching high currents around 50 A are difficult to
procure, are heavy and vulnerable to vibration and shock environments
during the launch phase. In a relay having spare poles, two poles can be
connected in parallel to double the current capacity of the relay. Multiple
pole space-qualified high-voltage relays are also difficult to procure. For
this reason, many engineers find it necessary to use relays at voltages higher
than rated values after derating to a lower current. Since the arcing voltage
328 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 12.7 Typical 5-, 10-, and 15-A, 28-V relay derating for d.c. voltages above normal
rating without arc suppression.
The derating data for 5, 10 and 15A latching relay is depicted in Figure
12.7. It is important to avoid arcing by absorbing and dissipating the
inductive energy in the relay coil and the load circuit. Various schemes
shown in Figure 12.8 for this purpose are: (a) steering and suppression
(freewheeling and series) diodes, (b) bifilar coil with one side shorted, (c)
diode and Zener, and (d) series R–C circuit. The relay is often required to
‘‘make before break,’’ or ‘‘not to make before break.’’ A relay failure in
maintaining this sequence can cause damage.
Relay coils interfacing with the command decoder discrete command is
isolated from all circuitry. Connections between the command relay coil in
the user equipment and any primary or secondary returns are prohibited.
Steering and suppression diodes are located in the user equipment (Figure
FIGURE 12.8 Relay contact protection schemes for absorbing inductive energy.
is adjusted at the battery vendor to meet the specified offset tolerance (in
microvolts) at room temperature and zero pressure, as well as at room
temperature and 1000 psig. The strain gage voltage is nulled at zero
pressure and is typically 6 mV at high pressure. A reading is also taken at
500 psig for reference. The strain gage signal is brought to the BPM circuit,
which contains a differential amplifier and a local regulator. Each BPM
amplifier is adjusted via select-in-test resistor for offset and gain for
normalizing the 6 mV strain gage signal to the 0 to 5 V level. In operation,
the strain gage offset voltage and cell pressure follow the linear relation P ¼
mVc þ b, where b is the zero pressure offset and m is the slope of the line,
i.e., iP/iV. Having recorded the zero and full pressure parameters, they
can be provided for the look-up and offset as described earlier. Typically, a
couple of cells in each battery have the pressure and temperature telemetry.
12.9.1 Shunt
This sensor is essentially a known precise resistance inserted in series with
the load. The voltage drop measured across it is linearly proportional to the
current. It has low cost, but inserts a power loss and a reliability risk of
failing open. Moreover, it offers no electrical isolation, which may be an
issue in high-voltage busses.
south solar array wings separately to provide a health check. In this use, the
amplifier has no mission critical failure mode. A loss of sensor is merely
that — loss of a sensor — with no impact on the bus power. It costs more,
but has no power loss in the transducer itself. However, it needs an
oscillator that requires power. Having no contact with the current path, it
provides electrical isolation and can be inserted as an afterthought.
12.10 Capacitors
Numerous capacitors are used in a typical space power system. In the bus
voltage ripple filter, they store and deliver energy over one cycle. In
snubber circuits, they absorb and dissipate transient voltage energy in solar
circuit, PRU, LPC, etc. The energy storage per unit mass of the capacitor
varies with construction and the voltage withstand capability. However,
typically low voltage (28-V) capacitors have specific energy of 20 J/kg,
medium voltage (1 kV) capacitors 100 J/kg, and high-voltage (20 kV)
capacitors 200 J/kg. The mass density of high voltage capacitors is around
2 kg/l (0.07 lb/in3). Various types of capacitor and their applications are as
The foil (film) type has a high ESR that gives high-power loss.
Naturally, this type finds applications in circuits where damping
resistance is a design requirement.
As a solid sintered powder bonded in one solid porous body. It has
low ESR and finds applications in ripple filters where pure energy
storage is required.
12.11 Filters
A filter reduces the conducted EMI entering or exiting the equipment. A
low-pass filter is most commonly used to suppress conducted high-
frequency interference using inductance, capacitance or a combination of
the two, as shown in Figure 12.13. The insertion loss IL of a filter is defined
as the noise voltage on load with the filter to that without the filter. It is
usually expressed in decibels (dB). The capacitor is an efficient low-pass
filter when connected in parallel to the high resistance load. It has IL ¼ 20
log(RC). The inductor is an efficient low-frequency filter when used in
conjunction with a low resistance load. It has IL ¼ 20 log (L/R).
When L or C alone cannot provide the desired insertion loss, the L-C filter
is constructed in L, or T configuration shown in Figure 12.14. These filters
are associated with suppression of signals in the frequency domain, such as
ripple harmonics of the switch mode power converters. They would also
suppress signals in the time-domain, such as transients spike voltages from
ESD, EMP, and lightening type sources. The response of such filter is
obtained by summing the pulse and frequency spectrum curves at each
FIGURE 12.14 Basic L-C low pass filters for power circuits.
Feed-trough capacitor
Ferrite bead around the conductor
Ferrite bead with capacitor
The on-off status of all EPS relays and switches with positive
Load currents
Bus currents and voltages
Array currents and voltages
Shunt voltages and currents with shunt switch status on or off
The open circuit voltage and short circuit current of the solar array test
Charge and discharge currents and terminal voltage of each battery
Temperature and pressure co-located on two or more cells in each
Individual battery cell voltage as often required by the customer.
Ancillary Components 335
A typical power system provides the TT&C system with about 60 analog
and 40 discrete telemetry. The telemetry accuracy is generally 3% of the
full-scale value of all analog signals, and 2 C of temperature. The types of
telemetry used on the spacecraft are listed in Table 12.1.
The bus voltage is controlled automatically, so the telemetry is only for
the information. The EPS telemetry is scanned every several seconds. The
battery current, pressure, and temperature are scanned less frequently
depending on the nature of the load and the battery SOC management
requirement. There is no criticality in the telemetry time intervals. More
frequent is better, but must be traded with the computing requirement.
Most telemetry is for information purpose, except the battery current,
pressure and temperature, in that order of criticality.
The OBC uses redundant telemetry to assure that the batteries are safe in
presence of a single EPS failure and its own failure. Its is not required to
continue automatic control after a failure without ground reconfiguration.
Commands are used to implement various functions and are typically of
three types:
Digital serial
Discrete logic
Discrete relay
monitoring functions. Most of them interface with PRU, which controls the
bus voltage.
The EPS command and telemetry interface with OBC via the TT&C
system. However, the EPS is capable of remaining in a safe mode in absence
of TT&C support for several minutes. It is also capable of operating
indefinitely in a mode in which all commands are issued from ground.
The circuit boards add significant mass to the electronic assembly. Some of
the mass reduction potential may lie in using lower density Kapton (0.06
lb/in3) versus glass (0.08 lb/in3), and thinner and narrower copper traces
(0.005 versus 0.010 inch). Circuit board fabrication is done on fiberglass
board, copper plated on one side that works as the common return plane.
All return leads are locally soldered to the copper back. A transformer
weighing less than a pound is almost always toroidal, not potted. It is
Ancillary Components 337
screwed to the board with a washer of the same outer diameter as the
transformer and 1/8 inch diameter machine screws with no silicon or other
adhesive. A transformer weighing less than 1=4 pound, however, is glued
directly on the board with silicon adhesive tab at the bottom and also at the
top. Aluminum heat sinks are bonded with the base plate to dissipate heat.
Nonmagnetic components may be potted using urethane resin filled with
alumina for thermal conduction. Large magnetic components are potted
using magnesia, which penetrates well. Small magnetics are merely bonded
to the board with alumina filled urethane resin.
Most electrical parts are required to be electrically isolated while
maintaining good thermal contact for heat transfer. The insulators must
be mechanically strong enough to withstand the short circuit forces. Most
commonly used washers as spacers are beryllia (0.10 lb/in3) and alumina
(0.14 lb/in3), 20 to 40 mil thick.
Advances are continuously being made in heat sinks. A detailed look at
what is currently available in the market can prove beneficial.
of the wall thickness and mass density. Since aluminum is the most widely
used enclosure material, the fluence penetration versus thickness curve is
generally plotted taking aluminum as the reference (Figure 12.16). The dose
absorbed by an electronic part inside the enclosure therefore depends on
the wall thickness. For example, the total ionization dose comprising mainly
the electrons and solar flare protons versus equivalent aluminum thickness
in three different orbits is shown in Figure 12.17. Such curves are used to
determine the required enclosure wall thickness as described below.
FIGURE 12.16 Radiation fluence penetration over 10-year mission versus shield thickness.
Ancillary Components 339
FIGURE 12.17 Total radiation dose over mission life versus shield thickness for three orbits.
FIGURE 12.18 Example of shield thickness determination for protection against charged
particle radiation.
340 Spacecraft Power Systems
<¼ ð12:1Þ
ZL þ Zo
The higher the value of <, the more wave energy is reflected from the shield
surface. For total reflection, i.e., for < ¼ 1, ZL must be small compared
with Zo. On the other hand, ZL ¼ Zo gives < ¼ 0, there is no reflection and all
the wave energy is absorbed by the shield wall thickness. This condition is
known as the impedance matching. The far field transverse electromagnetic
wave in free space has Zo ¼ 120 ¼ 377 . The electric dipoles have
Ancillary Components 341
dominant e-field and higher Zo. The current loops have dominant B-field
and lower Zo. The load impedance of a metallic surface is given by ZL ¼
(2f ) 2 where f, and are frequency, relative permeability, and
resistivity of the surface material, respectively. Their values for commonly
used enclosure metals are listed in Table 12.2. With these values, all metals
except stainless steel have values of ZL much lower than 377 . Therefore,
they all provide good shielding from high impedance sources (dipole
sources), but provide poor shielding from low impedance sources (loop
The reflection loss is defined as the ratio in dB of the wave field intensity
passing through the shield to the field impinging upon it. For aluminum
and steel, the two most widely used metals for enclosures, the reflection loss
at various frequencies is listed in Table 12.3.
Once the outside interference enters the shield box, a part is absorbed in
the metal wall as a resistive loss, and the remainder propagates further. The
I2R loss absorbed in the wall thickness depends on frequency and the skin
depth of the wall, and is given by
¼ ½ =ðfÞ0:5 ð12:2Þ
Relative Relative
Material resistivity permeability
Copper 1 1
Aluminum 1.6 1
Mild steel 10 100–1000
Stainless steel (no-mag) 50 1
342 Spacecraft Power Systems
Frequency E-field loss (dB) B-field loss (dB) Plane wave loss (dB)
If the wall thickness is five times the skin depth, all the energy entering the
metal wall is absorbed. For other thickness, the absorption loss, A (in dB), is
given by
60 0.8 13
1000 3.2 56
150 k 40 680
15 M 400 4240
Ancillary Components 343
Awith shield
SE ¼ 20 log ð12:4Þ
Awithout shield
13.1 Introduction
When we speak of designing the spacecraft electrical power system, we
really mean designing the electrical energy system. The satellite has a
limited time in orbit to generate power, but the loads need to be powered all
the time. The battery stores the required energy during sunlight and
delivers to the loads during eclipse. The energy balance between the battery
charge and discharge over one orbit period must be, on average, positive
with some margin. In a simple case of constant load shown in Figure 13.1,
the lightly dotted area must exceed the dark area with an acceptable
margin. Otherwise, the battery would become totally depleted after some
time. The power to and from various components must therefore be
managed in order to maintain the energy balance in both the transfer orbit
and the operational orbit.
In LEO satellites, the orbit period is short, about 1.5 h. The eclipse
duration, although short in clock time, is much longer as a percentage of the
orbit period. Consequently, the sunlight duration as a percentage of the
orbit period is much shorter, imposing a stringent demand on the power
system. It must not only collect the required solar energy in a relatively
short time, but also manage it efficiently over the entire orbit period. The
energy balance over the orbit period is maintained by a combination of
hardware and software control as described in this chapter. It amounts to
maintaining the following integrals equation:
ðsolar flux PV conversion efficiencyÞ dt ¼
ðloads þ charge power þ shunt power þ lossesÞ dt ð13:1Þ
þ ðloads þ lossesÞ dt
348 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 13.1 Energy balance over one orbit period with constant load power.
override the autonomous controls for any reason, (b) trim the system to
account for predicted or unpredicted degradation in the performance, or (c)
recondition the battery, if required.
The battery telemetry available — all with redundancy — for this
purpose are:
Two cell temperatures per battery, one at the hottest spot and one at the
coldest spot
Two cell pressure readings per battery, temperature compensated
All cell voltages for comparative performance analysis
Each battery voltage and charge/discharge current
The charge rate is selected between the full charge and trickle charge
rates as controlled by the PRU mode controller to maintain the bus voltage.
Typical charge rates in GEO satellites are:
During the transfer orbit, continuos ground control is not possible and
the on-board computer (OBC) automatically controls by the battery state of
charge (SOC). The OBC can adjust all charge rates from default values and
can inhibit automatic functions. At launch, the battery charger’s minimum
rate is set at C/120 for charge maintenance, and the maximum rate is set at
C/10 for sequential charging for high efficiency up to 85% SOC.
Energy Balance and Power Management 349
during sunlight,
during eclipse,
Variable charge management, V–T and/or V–P limiting, and full, cut
back, and trickle charge rates
Variable maximum allowable charge/discharge currents
Variable battery configuration (number of cells, number of open/short
Variable battery temperature
Tracking the performance of each battery individually
Dissipation in individual batteries and cell bypass diodes
Dissipation in battery charge and discharge converters
Variable bus voltage regulation profile
Constant or time varying efficiency from test data
then slowly degrades with age. For each battery, several V–T curves, each
representing an age period, is stored in the computer. For example, Figure
13.3 shows six curves for a mission divided into six periods. The top six
curves are for healthy battery with all cells working, and the bottom six are
with one cell failed and bypassed by the diode.
FIGURE 13.4 Battery current and voltage versus time for energy balance over one orbit
Time variable load, plus a constant load, over one or multiple orbits
BOL or EOL conditions
Off-pointing of the solar array
Launch and descent phase of the mission
Table 13.1 Typical output format of the energy balance computer simulation
(partial list)
Orbit Minutes Vbat1 Ibat1 DOD1 Qbat1 Qcell1 Qopen1 Vopen1 nbat1 AHout1 AHin1
1 2.0 23.89 13.81 0.0082 24.64 1.449 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.466 0.000
1 4.0 23.73 13.90 0.0163 26.97 1.587 0.000 0.000 1.00 9.28 0.000
1 6.0 23.58 13.98 0.0244 29.27 1.722 0.000 0.000 1.00 1.392 0.000
1 8.0 23.43 14.07 0.0326 31.59 1.858 0.000 0.000 1.00 1.860 0.000
1 10.0 23.27 14.16 0.0409 33.94 1.996 0.000 0.000 1.00 2.331 0.000
1 12.0 23.12 14.25 0.0492 36.33 2.137 0.000 0.000 1.00 2.804 0.000
1 14.0 22.98 14.34 0.0576 38.55 2.267 0.000 0.000 1.00 3.281 0.000
1 16.0 22.87 14.41 0.0660 40.41 2.377 0.000 0.000 1.00 3.760 0.000
1 18.0 22.76 14.48 0.0744 42.18 2.481 0.000 0.000 1.00 4.242 0.000
1 20.0 22.67 14.53 0.0829 43.53 2.561 0.000 0.000 1.00 4.725 0.000
1 22.0 22.59 14.58 0.0914 44.89 2.641 0.000 0.000 1.00 5.210 0.000
1 24.0 22.51 14.63 0.0999 46.18 2.716 0.000 0.000 1.00 5.697 0.000
1 26.0 22.44 14.68 0.1085 47.47 2.792 0.000 0.000 1.00 6.186 0.000
1 28.0 22.40 14.70 0.1171 48.08 2.828 0.000 0.000 1.00 6.675 0.000
1 30.0 22.37 14.72 0.1257 48.64 2.861 0.000 0.000 1.00 7.166 0.000
1 32.0 22.34 14.74 0.1343 49.14 2.891 0.000 0.000 1.00 7.657 0.000
1 34.0 24.73 12.00 0.1391 13.36 0.786 0.000 0.000 0.92 8.012 0.088
1 36.0 24.78 12.00 0.1327 16.46 0.968 0.000 0.000 0.91 8.012 0.488
1 38.0 24.83 12.00 0.1264 19.53 1.149 0.000 0.000 0.90 8.012 0.888
1 40.0 24.85 12.00 0.1200 22.33 1.314 0.000 0.000 0.90 8.012 1.288
1 42.0 24.88 12.00 0.1138 25.25 1.485 0.000 0.000 0.89 8.012 1.688
1 44.0 24.90 12.00 0.1076 28.26 1.662 0.000 0.000 0.88 8.012 2.088
1 46.0 24.93 12.00 0.1015 31.26 1.839 0.000 0.000 0.87 8.012 2.488
1 48.0 24.95 12.00 0.0954 34.37 2.022 0.000 0.000 0.86 8.012 2.888
1 50.0 24.98 12.00 0.0894 37.84 2.226 0.000 0.000 0.85 8.012 3.288
1 52.0 25.01 12.00 0.0835 41.34 2.432 0.000 0.000 0.84 8.012 3.688
1 54.0 25.05 12.00 0.0776 44.80 2.635 0.000 0.000 0.83 8.012 4.088
1 56.0 25.08 12.00 0.0718 49.18 2.893 0.000 0.000 0.82 8.012 4.488
1 58.0 25.11 12.00 0.0661 54.2 3.194 0.000 0.000 0.80 8.012 4.888
1 60.0 25.15 12.00 0.0605 59.31 3.489 0.000 0.000 0.79 8.012 5.288
1 62.0 25.18 12.00 0.0551 66.35 3.903 0.000 0.000 0.77 8.012 5.688
1 64.0 25.20 12.00 0.0498 74.89 4.405 0.000 0.000 0.74 8.012 6.088
1 66.0 25.21 12.00 0.0447 83.86 4.933 0.000 0.000 0.71 8.012 6.488
1 68.0 25.23 12.00 0.0398 92.37 5.433 0.000 0.000 0.68 8.012 6.888
1 70.0 25.25 12.00 0.0351 100.49 5.911 0.000 0.000 0.66 8.012 7.288
1 72.0 25.29 12.00 0.0306 107.20 6.306 0.000 0.000 0.64 8.012 7.688
1 74.0 25.30 10.98 0.0264 115.41 6.789 0.000 0.000 0.58 8.012 8.075
1 76.0 25.30 0.85 0.0233 17.12 1.007 0.000 0.000 0.20 8.012 8.413
1 78.0 25.30 0.85 0.0232 17.15 1.009 0.000 0.000 0.20 8.012 8.442
1 80.0 25.30 0.85 0.0231 17.17 1.010 0.000 0.000 0.20 8.012 8.470
After editing input file(s) to reflect the case to be simulated, the energy
balance program is recompiled using the new input file(s). The new
executable code is then run. The simulation is run for the following three
distinct phases of the mission.
FIGURE 13.6 Calibration example for battery DOD 1 and DOD 2. (–––– Computed, Hand
power generation is much greater than that at the EOL, the BOL power
analysis establishes the current rating of the sliprings and the shunts, both
of which always carry the greatest currents in the beginning of life. The end
of life energy balance, on the other hand, must be verified using the worst-
case orbit conditions, namely the yearly minimum solar flux, minimum
operation altitude and the maximum eclipse time. If applicable, the solar
angle of 0 usually results in the longest eclipse time.
Besides being a design tool, the energy balance analysis is also carried out
on board the spacecraft to detect and correct potential problems. This is
done by performing the following forward computations.
For a given load power profile the spacecraft is about to enter, the battery
DOD is projected at the end of the eclipse. If the projected DOD exceeds the
maximum allowed, an alert is sent to the spacecraft computer for an
approaching battery limited conditions and for a possible load shedding.
For the allowable DOD and the required charge power during the next
sunlight duration, the maximum allowable load is computed. If it is less
than the planned load, an alert is sent to the spacecraft computer for an
approaching solar array limited condition and for a possible load shedding.
FIGURE 13.7 Transfer orbit energy balance with full-wave rectified sine wave variation in
power generation.
360 Spacecraft Power Systems
to 95 . Each outboard solar panel sees full sunlight once per spin. During
apogee engine firings, however, the sun angle range increases to 60 to 120 .
Peak sunlight during rotation can be between full sun and cos 30 . In this
orientation, the communications antenna reflectors can create shadows on
the solar panels at spacecraft spin angles of 40 from the sun-normal.
Install more efficient soar cells on the outer panels. Such cells can be
selected from the given lot by cell selection without added cost, or by
procuring a class of more efficient cells at added cost.
Partially deploy the solar wing in transfer orbit. The risk with this
approach is a plume impingement by the control thrusters and some
propellant penalty.
Make outboard panel larger than the inboard panels. This may make
the packaging difficult and add some cost.
Improve the sun angle. For example, GPS II spacecraft spins at 55 rpm
in the transfer orbit, and the worst-case sun angle is 16 . This can be
improved by 10 by expending half a kilogram of fuel (one time cost).
This cost may be recovered at the end of the transfer orbit when the
spacecraft needs to move to apogee kick motor angle, which may be,
say, 90 . Thus, not all fuel is wasted in orienting the spacecraft in
transfer orbit for a better sun angle.
Power-down the transfer orbit operations as much as possible. Ask
whether we need all that heater power? Can we turn some loads off at
some times during the transfer orbit? Is the power usage by all other
equipment reasonable? Can they be reduced by better design or smart
utilization? Is it possible to design them with a special low-dissipation
pre-operational mode without adding much cost? Such questions may
lead to a solution or a partial relief.
Energy Balance and Power Management 361
Pmax ¼ f ð13:7Þ
Np cs
and ¼ sun angle measured from the horizon (90 gives maximum power),
Np ¼ number of panels on both wings, and fcs is the improvement in
outboard panel performance due to better cell selection (about 1.02). The
sun angle is tightly constrained between 80 and 100 , except during
maneuvers, when it can be between 30 and 140 .
FIGURE 13.8 Dwelling at favorable sun angle to improve energy balance during transfer
362 Spacecraft Power Systems
The average power during transfer orbit, ignoring the thermal effects, is
given by
Pt:o:avg ¼ Pmax ð13:8Þ
Edis ¼ total energy discharged during half a turn (dark shaded area)
Echg ¼ total energy charged during the same half turn (light shaded area)
1 ¼ crossover point between the charge and discharge mode
we have
1 ¼ sin1 ð13:9Þ
PL Pmax sin
Edis ¼ 2 d ð13:10Þ
Echg ¼ ðPmax sin PL Þ c b d ð13:11Þ
where 1 is in radians, and Edis and Echg are in watt-hours. For the satellite to
be in energy balance during the transfer orbit, Echg must equal or exceed Edis
with a suitable margin compatible with the uncertainty at a given design
stage. Such analysis determines the required peak power Pmax, the
spacecraft inclination or the maximum permissible load during the transfer
orbit. It does not account for eclipse during the transfer orbit, which must be
considered separately, if applicable.
FIGURE 13.9 Energy flow and battery SOC during launch and ascent phases.
FIGURE 13.10 Circuit model for battery with wiring resistance and inductance.
the electrode surface, diffusion layer, and electrolyte are not measurable.
However, the terminal voltage and body temperature is used to indirectly
determine the performance. Accurate modeling of the transport mechanism
inside the cell and the electrochemical and thermal models are needed for
this purpose. The cell internal impedance frequency spectrum technique
developed by Kozlowski et al2 can retrieve useful information about the
internal electrochemical conditions. The internal impedance of the cell is
measured by applying a small signal excitation to the cell and measuring
the response. A range of frequencies is used to account for the frequency
dependence of the of many electrochemical impedance parameters. The
impedance model of the cell between positive and netgative electrodes
separated by an electrolyte is shown in Figure 13.10,3 where R and L are the
wiring resistance and inductance, respectively. It represents the physical
electrochemical process via electrolyte resistance, Re, charge transfer
resistance, , double layer capacitance, Cdl, and the Warburg impedance,
Zw. These parameters represent the physical electrochemical process, such
as the charge and mass transfer during cycling. For example, the model
identifies the electrolyte resistance, Re, versus the state of charge for a NiCd
battery as shown in Figure 13.11. Such information is then used in a neural
network and fuzzy logic state of charge prediction model. This technique is
under development at the U.S. Naval Research Center and holds promise
for monitoring the state of charge, state of health, and remaining life of the
spacecraft batteries.3
The battery voltage drops below certain low point, drawing heavy
current to power constant power loads, and
The solar array current output upon entry to the sunlight is less than the
current drawn from the battery at the end of eclipse.
The remedy for avoiding the battery latch-up is to size the solar array
more than that required for meeting the end of life load power with
sufficient margin. In Figure 13.12, the I–V curve of fully illuminated solar
array should be at least above curve F (point A1) to unlatch the system from
the low battery voltage during eclipse. This generally required 5 to 10%
extra power margin compared to that in the fully regulated bus. The added
mass and cost in the solar array constitutes a major disadvantage of the sun-
regulated system. For this reason, large power systems, where this penalty
can be high, find fully regulated system advantageous. If the battery voltage
is too low during eclipse, even more solar array power is required to
unlatch the system. On the other hand, if the battery voltage is too high
during sunlight, the charge converter works inefficiently at low duty ratio
(close to zero). The design engineer trades these two features.
Another remedy for the battery latch-up is to add one (rarely two) cell.
With a 23-cell battery instead of the traditional 22-cell battery, the higher
battery voltage prevents the latch-up. That extra voltage of one cell is often
enough to avoid the latch-up. However, the 23-cell battery becomes fully
charged at 23 1.6 ¼ 36.35V, which is outside the 22-35 V limits on the bus.
This may be allowed in a system where the battery is charged directly from
a dedicated solar array without a charge regulator.
Energy Balance and Power Management 367
1. Singh, P., Gaddam, V., Arey, S., and Yang, Z., Battery state-of-charge
meters for high performance batteries based on Fuzzy logic methodology,
in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2467.
2. Kozlowski, J.D., Crawley, T., and Byington, C.S., Model Based Predictive
Diagnostics for Primary and Secondary Batteries, Pennsylvania State
University, Applied Research Laboratory, June 1999, Technical Report
No. 99-076.
3. Kozlowski, J.D., Watson, M.J., Byington, C.S., Garga, A.K., and Hay, T.A.,
Electrochemical cell diagnostics using on-line impedance measurements,
state estimation and data fusion techniques, Proceedings of the 36th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, pp.
Chapter 14
Dynamic Performance and Stability
14.1 Introduction
The dynamic performance of power system under an internal or external
transient perturbation is influenced by the dynamic bus impedance and the
control loop gain. Key performance attributes emerging from the dynamic
study are the bus voltage ripples, transient deviations, fault and fuse blow
transients, and the control loop stability under harmonic ripple excitation.
On the other hand, the static performance under a slow change or after the
dynamic response has settled in time is largely influenced by the static
impedance of the bus. The voltage regulation long after a load change is an
example of static performance. Since the dynamic and static bus impe-
dances are similarly defined, they are jointly covered in the following
Dynamic Performance and Stability 369
terminals 1 and 2 equals the source voltage Vs (since the internal voltage
drop is zero). Therefore,
Set all independent voltage and current sources in the system to zero
and determine the impedance between open terminals 1 and 2.
With the system energized and the load connected between points 1
and 2, measure the voltage drop iV for a slow load change iI. Then,
Zs is the ratio iV/iI.
The Thévenin equivalent source model derived under the steady state
static condition gives the static bus impedance Zs. The source impedance
derived under the dynamic condition — that is, for an alternating or
incremental load — is the dynamic bus impedance Zd. The Zd varies with
frequency and can be either calculated or measured with the test set up
shown in Figure 14.2. With the bus in operational mode delivering the rated
load, a small high frequency ac current Ih is injected into the bus using an
independent current source. The value Vh, the high frequency voltage
perturbation in the bus voltage, is measured. The dynamic bus impedance
at that frequency is then
370 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 14.2 Dynamic bus impedance measurement by injecting ripple current Ih.
Zd ¼ ð14:3Þ
FIGURE 14.3 Main bus source impedance requirement for typical GEO communications
Dynamic Performance and Stability 371
FIGURE 14.4 Pyro (battery) bus source impedance requirement for typical GEO commu-
nications satellite.
¼ 1=Zn ð14:4Þ
The stiffer the system, the quicker the fuse blow. This concept is useful in
top-level comparison of two power systems of different designs.
voltage regulation ¼ 100 ð14:5Þ
FIGURE 14.5 Transient voltage undershoot and overshoot following load step change.
system becoming unstable. If the load current rises in step, the voltage
oscillates before settling down to a lower steady state value. The steady-
state change in the bus voltage is then given by V ¼ I Zs if there were
no feedback control. The feedback voltage control loop, however, responds
to bring the deviated bus voltage back to the rated value as shown in Figure
14.6. The bus voltage is maintained within specified limits at a specified bus
FIGURE 14.6 Main bus transient voltage limit for typical 100-V bus.
Dynamic Performance and Stability 373
sense point, generally the power distribution point inside the power
regulator unit. In order not to flutter the system more than necessary, the
control system is designed with suitable deadbands. For example, Figure
4.9 in Chapter 4 illustrated a 120-V PV–battery system with two deadbands
in the control loop.
The bus voltage can deviate from its nominally rated value due to many
reasons. Computers and microelectronic circuits are more susceptible to
voltage transients than rugged power equipment such as motors, transfor-
mers and heaters. The deviation that can be tolerated depends on its
magnitude and the time duration. Small deviations can be tolerated for
longer time than large deviations. The tolerance band is generally defined
by voltage versus time (V–t) limits. The system voltage must be maintained
within the specified V–t envelope shown in Figure 14.7 as an example. The
right-hand side of the band comes primarily from the steady-state
performance limitations of the load equipments. The middle portion
comes from the voltage flicker considerations. And the left-hand side of
the band comes from the electronic load susceptibility considerations,
which is in microseconds range based on the volt-second capability of the
power supply magnetics and the dielectric withstand capability of the
FIGURE 14.7 Bus voltage deviation limits versus duration for typical 3-kW, 120-V LEO
satellite. (CE07 limits for EOS-AM.)
374 Spacecraft Power Systems
VrðrmsÞ ¼ pffiffiffi ð14:6Þ
2 2
FIGURE 14.9 Bus voltage ripple limits for typical 5- to 10-kW, 100-V GEO communications
VðtÞ ¼ V1 þ n¼2
Vn sin ðn!t þ n Þ ð14:8Þ
The first component on the right-hand side of the above equation is called
the fundamental component, whereas all other higher frequency terms
(n ¼ 2,3 . . . 1) are called the harmonics. The TRDF is then defined as
376 Spacecraft Power Systems
V22 þ V32 þ ::: Vn2
TRDF ¼ ð14:9Þ
The TRDF is useful in comparing the quality of power with respect to the
ripples between two or more power systems, or at various locations of the
same power system. In a pure ripple-free voltage source, TRDF ¼ 0. The
greater the value of TRDF, the more distorted the bus voltage. The major
operational concern arising from the ripples is the EMI. Additionally, the
interaction of ripple voltage and current do not contribute to the average
power. The ripple currents merely result in more I2R loss for the same
useful power delivered. Poor quality of power therefore adversely affects
the power system efficiency also.
The harmonic distortion on bus voltage caused by the nth harmonic
current In drawn by any nonlinear load is given by Vn ¼ InZn. This
distortion in the bus voltage that causes the harmonic current to flow in
other loads is called the victim load. A harmonic-rich bus voltage supplies
distorted current to all loads, linear or nonlinear. Therefore, harmonics are
generally filtered out before feeding power to the bus. A bus voltage having
the TRDF less than 3 to 5% is generally considered acceptable.
The power quality specifications are generally written in two parts. Part I
address the source and the distribution system. It specifies the following
attributes at the output of PRU that various loads can expect:
Part II, on the other hand, specifies the requirements the loads must
comply with in order to be connected to the bus. Specifically, it limits the:
The systems engineer ascertains that the source power quality specified
in Part I is compatible with the load power quality specified in Part II. For
example, the voltage transient created by the source should be less than the
voltage transient the load is required to withstand with some margin.
1 2
2LI ¼ 12CV 2 ð14:10Þ
Thus, the bus voltage on the instant of current interruption would rise to the
value given by, in the first approximation,
V¼I ð14:11Þ
14.7.1 Example
Consider a 28-V bus cable 5 m long, made of four parallel wires, each with
inductance of the 0.375 H/m and capacitance of 0.077 nF/m. If a fault
current in each wire before the fuse blow is 70 A, the energy equation gives
1=2 (0.375 5 m) 106 702 4 ¼ 0.018 J ¼ 1=2 C V2. To keep the voltage
FIGURE 14.14 A circuit model for a major fuse blow transient analysis.
Dynamic Performance and Stability 381
rise of the bus voltage under such major fuse blow is depicted in Figure
14.15. Thus, the entire power system is involved in clearing a large fuse. The
larger the rating of the affected fuse, the deeper the voltage sag. The power
system specifications generally limit such voltage sag to some minimum
value set by a critical equipment requirement. For example, the central
computer on a 70-V system cannot perhaps tolerate the voltage sag below
35 V for more than 5 ms. The power system design engineer must therefore
run the fuse blow simulation analysis and show that such a requirement is
Most faults are between the line and chassis involving the ground, rather
than between the line and return. The fuse-blow transient is sensitive to the
ground return resistance, which may vary from fault to fault. For this
reason, the fuse blow circuit simulation is carried out with various possible
fault resistances. The results are parametrically plotted as shown in Figure
14.16. This assures that under the worst-case fault resistance the bus voltage
meets the requirement. In addition to the random fault resistance, there is
always some minimum ground impedance depending on how the system is
grounded to the structure. For example, the structure with graphite
composite face-sheet has higher ground contact resistance. The resulting
spreads of the current give higher inductance also. For this reason, the
ground contact impedance of the graphite face-sheet used in some modern
communication satellites is about three orders of magnitude higher than
that with aluminum face-sheet. This significantly changes the transient
characteristic for faults involving ground. High ground impedance reduces
the final fault current only slightly, but greatly increases the L di/dt when
the fuse blows, thus raising the EMI/EMC concerns.
FIGURE 14.15 Bus voltage decay and recovery transient during a major fuse blow.
382 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 14.16 Bus under-voltage and over-voltage versus fault resistance during major fuse
blow transient.
FIGURE 14.17 Main power bus fault response requirements for a typical 5- to 10-kW, 100-V
GEO communications satellite.
FIGURE 14.18 The stability of a solar array operating point under a constant power load.
384 Spacecraft Power Systems
operating point is stable if and only if the following conditions are met at
that point
dV dV
> ð14:12Þ
di source di load
Zs < ZL ð14:13Þ
at all frequencies. When Zs > ZL, further analysis is needed to determine the
system stability.
The operation of solar array under a resistive load is shown in Figure
14.19. The load line is a straight line from zero with the slope equal to the
resistance value. For such a load, the above condition is always met, hence
the solar array powering a purely resistive load is always stable.
A nonlinear solar array source coupled with a nonlinear load may result
in multiple equilibrium points under a given operating condition. The
actual equilibrium point that the system resides at is determined by the
stability nature of the equilibrium points and the past history of the
operating point.
During eclipse when the battery directly supplies a constant power load,
the intersection of the source line and the load line always gives the stable
operating point as shown in Figure 14.20. The unstable point in this case is
outside the practical range of the constant power load, which its tripped off
before the voltage drops to the point where the battery operation may
become unstable.
FIGURE 14.19 The stability of a solar array operating point under a resistive load.
Dynamic Performance and Stability 385
FIGURE 14.20 The stability of a battery operating point under a constant power load.
FIGURE 14.21 Thévenin equivalent source and dynamic load impedance for a stability study
in a large power system.
GðsÞHðsÞ ¼ 1 ð14:15Þ
In other words, the open loop gain of 0 dB and the phase angle of 180 give
an unstable system. The stability is often judged two ways. In one method,
the gain in dB and phase angle in degrees are plotted with respect to
frequency in what are known as Bode plots shown in Figure 14.23. The
system is generally considered stable if the gain is below zero with about a
30-dB margin, and the phase angle is away from 180 with about a 30
margin. These margins vary with the spacecraft requirements and heritage
data on similar bus. In one 3000-W, 120-V LEO satellite, the PRU and mode
controller amplifier were required to provide stability phase margin of at
least 45 and gain margin of at least 10 dB.
FIGURE 14.23 Dynamic stability criteria from open loop Bode plots.
388 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 14.24 The dynamic stability criteria from poles plot in complex plane.
In another method for determining stability, the poles are plotted in the
complex plane. The system is stable only if all poles have negative real part
which results in damped oscillations. Or, in other words, all poles must be
in the left-hand side of the complex plane (Figure 14.24). In case the system
is found unstable, a compensating lead–lag network is introduced in series
with the main equipment as shown in Figure 14.25. The combined forward
TF is then C G, which is used in evaluating the stability of the
compensated feedback system. Since the circuit parameters of the compen-
sating network may vary with temperature and age, it is customary to check
the stability under the worst compensation and load conditions as
illustrated in Table 14.1. The table in this example shows that the system
is stable with comfortable margins under the worst conditions.
Table 14.1 An example of a stability study under the worst compensation and
load combination for a 100-V bus
configuration With maximum compensation gain With minimum compensation gain
Solar array
failure or shadowing can be inserted into the model. However, the number
of cells needed for a full simulation in a large satellite can be prohibitive and
inefficient. The macro model, on the other hand, can represent the entire
array as one component with the total I–V characteristic of all cells
combined in series–parallel connections.
The shunt control loop may show some sensitivity to the capacitance of
the solar string circuits. However, in practical shunt control loop designs,
the gain and phase margins in the stability analysis are found to be
insensitive to the cell capacitance varying over a wide range around the
nominal value. The solar cell capacitance can be calculated from the solar
array impedance measurements under sweeping frequency with d.c.
voltage and current bias conditions. The capacitance of 2 4 cm silicon
solar cell is typically 0.25 mF when in dark. Under illumination, it is about
0.50 mF near short circuit current and 0.75 mF near the peak power point. A
typical dynamic a.c. model for one 5-A, 70-V solar circuit is shown in Figure
Lindmyer3 gives the a.c. impedance (in ohms) of the solar circuit as
Zac ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ð14:16Þ
ð1 þ !
where Rd ¼ dV/dI, the slope of the solar cell I–V curve, i.e., the dynamic
resistance, and ¼ diffusion time constant of electrons in the p-region of the
cell. The Zac includes the a.c. resistance of the equivalent diode as well as
the Rs and Rsh components shown in Figure 8.5. It varies with the d.c.
operating point, and also the cell temperature via the term. The
capacitance, Cs (in farads), can be analytically obtained from NASA/JPL
data4 as follows:
q " Na
Cs ¼ A ð14:17Þ
2ðVb Va Þ
FIGURE 14.26 The solar array circuit dynamic model for system simulation.
Dynamic Performance and Stability 391
A ¼ cell area,
q ¼ electron charge,
" ¼ permittivity of silicon,
Na ¼ acceptor density in the p-region,
Vb ¼ barrier voltage,
Va ¼ applied voltage (positive in forward bias).
A typical 2 m silicon cell with " ¼ 1 pF/cm, Na ¼ 11016 cm3, and Vb ¼
0.8 V at room temperature gives a value for Cs, in mF/cm2, of
Cs ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð14:18Þ
0:8 Va
The maximum and minimum values of Cs occur at open circuit and short
circuit, respectively. Not much has been published on the variation in Cs
with temperature, probably because the changes in d.c. operating voltage
far outweigh the temperature effects. However, Cs increases with increasing
temperature at about 0.1% per C.
85 10.0
71 2.6
58 1.6
45 1.1
31 0.9
18 0.7
5 0.6
0 0.5
reflect as negative resistance on the converter, while all other loads reflect as
positive resistance.
Stability studies
Impedance plots versus frequency
EMI–EMC compliance verifications
Trade studies and parametric studies
Failure effects and worst-case analyses
Fuse blow under-voltage and over-voltage
1. Wilde, R.K., Aintablian, H.O., and Gholdston, E.W., International Space
Station U.S. major elements laboratory power quality test, in Proceedings of
the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999,
Paper No. 01-2434.
2. Fassburgh, H.D., Gholdston, E., and Mong, A, Development and
implementation of stability requirement for the International Space
Station electrical power system, in Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper No. AT-48,
pp. 281–288.
3. Lindmayer and Wrigley, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices, D. Van
Nostrand, 1965, pp. 47–48.
4. NASA/JPL, Solar Cell Radiation Handbook, 3rd edition, 1982, Report 82-69,
pp. 1–19.
Chapter 15
Electromagnetic Interference and
15.1 Introduction
All spacecraft systems are required to be compatible with the electro-
magnetic interference expected from internal and external sources. For
decades, the electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic
compability (EMC) requirements have come from MIL-STD-461. It specified
the maximum emission limit of the potential culprit, and the minimum
susceptibility level of the potential victim equipment. The companion MIL-
STD-462 defined the test methods for verifying that MIL-STD-461 require-
ments are met, and MIL-STD-463 defined the applicable terms and units.
The first two standards are now merged into one, MIL-STD-461. For
complying with the EMI/EMC requirements, the contractor of commercial
and defense spacecraft is required to develop the following three
documents and submit to the customer as deliverables:
1. EMC control plan containing the analysis of expected EMI in the
spacecraft versus the imposed requirement, and the steps to be taken for
making the two compatible.
2. EMI test plan with detailed test setups, cables to be used, the grounding
details, frequency range, point of monitoring, and the pass–fail criteria.
3. EMI test report, summarizing the findings of the tests, and steps to be
taken to rectify the failures, if any.
The EMI requirements broadly fall in two general groups, the conducted
EMI and the radiated EMI. In addition, some spacecraft-specific require-
ments may also be imposed. The EMI can enter the equipment either by
conduction via wires, or by radiation in space. For verifying that the
spacecraft would meet such requirements, the first task is to determine the
conducted EMI and the radiated EMI from potential sources, and the
degree of coupling to the victim equipments.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 395
comes mainly from power cables. In space systems, the main sources of EMI
FIGURE 15.1 Magnetic field due to current carrying conductors in various configurations.
o I
B ¼ ð15:1Þ
2 r
o I d Id
Bz max at z¼o ¼ ffi o ð15:2Þ
2 rðr þ dÞ 2 r2
at far distance.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 397
o I loop area
By max at y¼o ffi ð15:3Þ
at far distance.
For a common mode current,
o I 2h
Bz max at z¼o ¼ ð15:4Þ
2 rðr þ 2hÞ
Stray capacitance
Mutual inductance
Ohmic conduction
398 Spacecraft Power Systems
V2 ðC12 þ C2G Þ
¼ ð15:6Þ
V1 1
j! þ
RðC12 þ C2G Þ
The B-field coupling between a culprit and a victim cable can be strong
around the high-current bus, transformer or motor. The voltage induced is
given by V ¼ A dB/dt, where A is area of the loop formed by the victim
cable. If the radiation is sinusoidal at frequency f, then V ¼ 2fAB volts, or V
FIGURE 15.4 Capacitive and inductive coupling between two parallel wires over ground
400 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 15.5 Capacitive coupling between unshielded culprit and shielded victim wires.
dominant when the termination resistances are high, so that the current
flow is low and the magnetic coupling (inductance) is ignored.
At power frequencies up to 100 kHz, the coupling is primarily magnetic.
In this frequency range, the following are some practical design guidelines
for controlling the cable coupling:
The coupling increases with the common run length and frequency and
decreases with an increase in spacing.
The noise voltage of the victim’s termination load is a function of the
load impedance. A capacitive filter connected from the victim line to
ground can be used to decrease the load impedance at noise frequency,
provided the victim’s interface can accommodate such capacitance.
The cable shield characteristic is defined by the transfer impedance.
Lower impedance results in more effective cable shielding. Good
impedance values are in the milliohm per meter range.
The twisted shielded wire pair is effective up to 2 MHz, above which
the coaxial cable is required.
High current power lines and low impedance loads are prime sources
of low frequency magnetic coupling. Therefore, the power line leads are
always twisted with their returns.
The twisting effectiveness increases with the number of twist per meter
and decreases with the frequency. It is effective only on balanced or
single point ground system and up to 100 kHz. Above this frequency,
capacitance from the wires to the ground causes ground current to
circulate, which generates common mode coupling. Practical twist pitch
is 30–50 per meter.
The capacitive coupling of the electric field is best avoided by shielding
the culprit, victim or both cables, and grounding the shield (Figure
Single point ground is used at low frequency where the wavelength of
the frequency to be suppressed is longer than 10 times the shield length.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 401
If the culprit wire is shielded, the ground point is at the exit from the
culprit source. If the shield is on the victim wire, the ground point is at
the entry to the victim’s electronics (Figure 15.7).
The shield grounding at high frequency should be at both ends of the
shield. This directs the return current away from the ground and into
the shield, thus decreasing the ground loop currents and common
mode radiation pickup (Figure 15.8 and Figure 15.9).
Single point grounded shield does not reduce the common mode EMI
(Figure 15.10).
A 360 peripheral low-resistance bond should be used via a connector
backshell assembly to assure low-impedance shield grounding in high-
quality shield cable. This bond resistance limits the shield performance.
FIGURE 15.9 A cable with shield grounded at one end for low frequency and at both ends for
high-frequency signals.
The EMC specification applies at the load points, not at the PRU
FIGURE 15.11 Repetitive transient current limits for equipment on a typical 10-kW
communications satellite.
FIGURE 15.12 Conducted emission limits for equipment on a typical 10-kW communications
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 405
FIGURE 15.13 The CE07 limit for main bus voltage for a 3-kW, 120-V, LEO science satellite.
FIGURE 15.16 RS01 B-field susceptibility requirements for a 3-kW, 120-V, LEO science
FIGURE 15.17 RS03 E-field susceptibility requirements (14 kHz to 16 GHz) for a 3-kW, 120-V,
LEO science satellite.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 407
15.5.2 Grounding
Two configurations of the single point ground (SPG) used for d.c. or a.c.
power systems up to 20 kHz are shown in Figure 15.18. Configuration (a) is
preferred. Configuration (b) is simple but less effective for high frequency
EMI, since the ground wire inductance increases the Zground between two
pieces of equipment. The grounding at a single point in the system
effectively minimizes the radiated EMI by avoiding ground current loops.
Power return is grounded only at one point. All ground leads are directly
connected to one point, which is then solidly connected to the structure.
Single-point ground reduces the ground inductance. It is used when the
circuit dimensions are less then 3% of the wavelength to be suppressed.
As shown in Figure 15.19(a), a single point ground is used to suppress
low frequency EMI. On the other hand, multiple point ground (MPG)
shown in Figure 15.19(b) is used for radio and higher frequencies EMI
suppression. MPG is used when the circuit dimensions are greater than 15%
of the wavelength at the operating frequency. Each ground lead is
connected to the closest ground conductor. The ground plane minimizes
Zground between two pieces of equipment. In a box having circuit boards
sensitive to different frequencies, a hybrid of the SPG and MPG approaches
may be needed.
The cable shielding alternatives are the braids versus tape and copper
versus aluminum. The braids are used when extreme flexibility is required.
The shield mass as compared to the wire conductor is about 40% for flat
cables and 20% for round cables. In tapes, 2-mil-thick copper vapor
deposited on Mylar or Kapton tapes is widely used. The tape is applied
on the cable with insulation touching the cable, followed by another half-lap
layer on the top (Figure 15.20). The shield mass with such tapes is roughly
80% of that with braids. The bend diameter must be less than about 10 cm to
avoid unwrapping of the tape. Aluminum backed tape can be used, but
being brittle, it needs greater bend radius to keep it from cracking at cold
space temperatures. It does not create oxidation-related problems, as long it
does not come in contact with copper or other dissimilar metals.
15.5.4 Bonding
In fabricating a shielding enclosure or in making ground connections, the
conductors are bonded together by various processes. The bond is
schematically shown on the circuit diagrams by a heavy dot before the
conducting part meets the ground symbol. The solid bond generally
requires having impedance less than a few milliohms. Movable parts may
be bonded using a strap having resistance less than a few milliohms and
inductance less than a few tens of nanohenries. The mechanical and
electrochemical stability is required in the bond. Welding is recommended
for magnetic enclosures, while brazing and soldering are recommended for
conductive enclosures. The corrosion in bonding two dissimilar metals,
such as a copper strap to steel box using steel fasteners, is controlled by
FIGURE 15.20 The cable shielding method using metal backed insulating tape.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 411
selecting two materials in contact with about equal galvanic potentials. This
requires the electric potential differences between them to be near zero.
Otherwise the condensed humidity between the two acts as an electrolyte,
creating a voltaic cell. Copper, silver, platinum, and gold are cathodic,
having positive galvanic potential, while many other commonly used
metals are anodic, having negative galvanic potential.
NASA has performed tests as per SSP30237A and has compiled EMI test
data on various components. The system designers use this database for
locating and co-locating various components within the space vehicle. If
SSP30237A data cannot be correlated with data obtained from the
corresponding commercial test requirements, then the equipment may
either be placed in an environment where it can be susceptible or can cause
susceptibility without violating the system level performance requirements.
In addition, if correlation is not possible, the system designer may decide to
remove the component from a questionable environment to a benign
environment. This may cause an extensive redesign and impact on cost and
schedule of the entire system. RTCA/DO-160C
This Standard is used in avionics industry for use in commercial airlines.
The original version of the document was tailored from MIL-STD-461, but
has been updated over the years and contains requirements beyond the
MIL-STD-461 test methods, such as lightening and environment tests. Since
the space station requires equipment similar to that used in commercial
airlines, this standard is important when purchasing navigational and
communications equipment.
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 415
We first consider the NASA CE01 and CE03 requirements, and the
corresponding commercial requirements, which are listed in Table 15.2. The
table shows how each of the SSP30237A requirements are analyzed against
the various commercial standards. The analysis must be performed by
evaluating various instrumentation, measurement techniques, and applic-
able limits for each of the test methods. This includes evaluations of
different line impedance stabilization networks (LISNs), feed-through
capacitors, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, and other test instrumenta-
tions that are used in different test methods, which could lead to differences
between measured quantities. For example, CE01 and CE03 require the use
of a 10-mF capacitor on all power lines and measuring the RF current
directly on the power line using an RF current probe and EMI receiver. FCC
Part 15 and EN55022 each require an LISN on the power line under test and
the measurement of voltage across a resistor in the LISN. Therefore, the two
limits are in different units and cannot be simply compared. This requires
an analysis to determine the relationship between the measured quantities
and thereafter for developing the transfer function between the two.
CE01 – IEC-1000-3-2 –
CE03 Part 15 EN55022 Section 21
CS01 – IEC-1000-4-13 Section 18
CS02 – IEC-1000-4-6 Sec. 18 & 20
CS06 – IEC-1000-4-5 Section 17
RE01 – – Section 15
RE02 Part 15 EN55022 Section 21
RS02 – IEC-1000-4-8 Section 19
RS03 – IEC-1000-4-3 Section 20
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 417
FIGURE 15.23 A nuclear burst in LEO altitude can destroy many satellites.
The most dominant damage comes from the charged particle radiation
dose on solar array and sensitive electronic parts. A high-altitude burst test
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility 419
energy ¼ power dt ¼ ðExHÞ dt ð15:8Þ
FIGURE 15.24 Main bus voltage transient requirement following nuclear burst on a 28-V
fully regulated MEO communications satellite.
FIGURE 15.25 A main bus voltage transient requirement following a nuclear burst on a 28-V
fully regulated GEO defense communications satellite.
Chapter 16
Electrostatic Discharge
16.1 Introduction
Electrostatic charge accumulates on any probe in space regardless of being
inside or ouside the Van Allen belts. The accumulated charge raises the
electrical potential of the probe, causing a current flow from the probe to the
surrounding plasma (Figure 16.1). If the current cannot maintain a balance
of charge, the probe potential will keep rising until arcing takes place. Such
a problem can occur particularly when the spacecraft leaves or enters an
eclipse when the interaction with space suddenly changes. Arcing can also
arise due to differential charging of insulated surfaces electrically not
connected together. Each isolated surface acts as an independent probe in
space, which floats to a potential that results in no net current to or from the
space plasma. That potential is of the order of the plasma kinetic energy.
Insulating surfaces do not distribute surface charge, hence can charge up to
a much higher differential potential until discharge takes place by way of
arcing and/or flashover. The charging, the subsequent electrostatic
discharge (ESD), and their remediation in GEO and in LEO are significantly
different as discussed below.
422 Spacecraft Power Systems
holes in the cable insulation) when the conductor is highly negative of the
surrounding plasma or from anodized or other dielectric surfaces when the
underlying conductor is at a negative potential higher than the dielectric
breakdown strength of the coatings. Micrometeoroid and/or debris impact,
dielectric breakdown, etc may expose conductors. Arc currents may flow
out into the surrounding plasma, with the return currents distributed over
wide areas of other surfaces of the spacecraft. Arcs also can occur through
the plasma between closely spaced conductors at differing voltages.
Conducting surfaces highly negative of the plasma will attract high-energy
ions, and are liable to sputtering. Nearby surfaces may acquire a sputtered
conducting coating, changing their electrical, optical, and thermal proper-
ties. At high positive potentials, electrons are collected, leading to localize
heating and significant power drain.
The LEO has low energy plasma environment (E 0.1 eV), but high
electric field generated in the conductor moving in the Earth’s magnetic
field (V B 0.3 V/m). This can add up over a long conductor and may
cause arcing. The remedy is not to expose bare parts of large conductor, and
apply insulating coating on all large conductors in LEO. In GEO, on the
other hand, conductive coating and grounding the structural parts together
at one point equalizes the potential of the parts and eliminates the ESD.
Thus the causes and remedies of EDS in LEO and GEO are quite different as
compared in Table 16.1.
Ground tests for the International Space Station found that dielectric
coatings often break down at 100 V in LEO plasma. Rated dielectric
strengths and the strengths measured were not consistently reached before
breakdowns occurred in simulated space plasma. It is suspected that this is
due to porosity of the coatings, allowing plasma ions to reach much closer
to the underlying conductor than the nominal dielectric coating thickness.
Even coatings with rated dielectric strengths of much more than 100 V
seemed porous enough to the plasma ions to have real dielectric strengths
of less than 100 V. Thus, for surfaces that must be exposed at high negative
potentials, it is important that dielectric coatings be used. Or, its outer
surfaces are strong enough to stand off the full system voltage in plasma.
Care must be used in selecting surface coatings of high dielectric strength.
In particular, the chromic acid anodization commonly used on aluminum
exposed to space often have insufficient strength to stand off 100 V in
plasma. Thickening the coating usually influences its thermal properties, so
a thicker coating may not be a good answer. Sulfuric acid anodization
coatings have greater dielectric strengths, but very different thermal
properties. For LEO missions, the sulfuric acid anodization coating is a
preferred remedy where thermal control is not an overriding concern. On
all other exposed high voltage surfaces, AO-protected aluminized Kapton
of 1000-V dielectric strength is preferred.
Human safety
Operational disturbance
Component damage
In circuits using transformers, one of the windings and the chassis are
always grounded to the spacecraft structure ground. The core, on the other
hand, is kept floating with respect to the chassis by maintaining some gap
between the chassis and the core. It is possible that the charge from the
spacecraft can enter the core by flashover from the chassis, but cannot enter
the winding unless the major winding insulation punctures. The floating
core design is required by military standards, but the issue is debatable as
to its superiority over the grounded core.
The electrostatic discharge effects are analyzed and controlled in the
following steps:
Angstroms (0.07 mm) coating reduces the cell power output by approxi-
mately 4%.
Regarding the grounding and conductivity of the array, the following are
The back surfaces of the panels are coated to have electrical resistivity
of less then 100 M/square.
The booms have conducting outer surfaces. The use of non-conducting
tapes or paints over the conducting boom surfaces is minimized. The
conducting tapes used on the boom are grounded.
Blankets and loose surfaces are grounded to the array structure by
means of the appropriate number of bonding straps.
Snubber capacitors are used in the SAD before the slip rings and/or in
the PRU.
ESD damage
Device threshold (Volts)
MOSFETs 10–200
GaAsFET 50–2000
JFETs 150–7000
Bipolar transistors 300–7000
Laser diodes 100–2000
PIN diodes 200–1000
Schottky diodes 300–2500
Schottky TTL 500–2500
CMOS 150–3000
Operational amps 200–2500
Film resistors 300–3000
430 Spacecraft Power Systems
10–20% 65–-90%
Humidity Humidity
Walking across carpet 35,000 1500
Walking over vinyl floor 12,000 250
Working at bench 6000 100
Opening vinyl envelop for work instruction 7000 600
Picking up common polyvinyl bag from bench 20,000 1200
Working on chair padded with polyurethane foam 18,000 1500
Source: MIL-HDBK-263.
1. Ferguson, DC., Interactions between spacecraft and their environment, in
Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1992,
Paper No. 0092-X.
Chapter 17
Reliability and Derating
17.1 Introduction
The economic success of any system depends on its availability for the
intended use. The overall availability has two components: the reliability
and the maintainability. For satellites once launched, the availability
depends only on the reliability, as the maintenance is generally beyond
The system reliability is based on probability of numerous components
working together successfully over the entire mission duration. The
reliability of a given competent is derived from tests on a large number
of identical components under actual operating conditions. In the spacecraft
industry, an actual flight history is available on only a small number of
satellites. This makes the reliability estimate difficult, sometimes debatable,
or even questionable. However, the estimate is extremely useful, at least on
a relative basis, in identifying and correcting weak links in the chain of
reliability. The perspective of the system reliability developed during the
process is perhaps more important than the final reliability number.
The probability of failure of a component comes from four sources:
432 Spacecraft Power Systems
where ¼ failure rate, i.e., the number of failures in unit time, also known
as the hazard rate. The probability of failure in time t, i.e., unreliability, U,
is given by
UðtÞ ¼ 1 RðtÞ ¼ 1 e t and ¼ et ¼ fðtÞ ð17:2Þ
FIGURE 17.2 Constant hazard rate and failure probability density function versus time in
434 Spacecraft Power Systems
That is, if numerous identical parts were put to test under identical
conditions, then the mean time between failures would be 1/, always the
same because is constant. The probability of component working at any
time t in terms of the MTBF is therefore,
Zt ( )
1 1 t 2
RðtÞ ¼ 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp dt ð17:7Þ
2 2
2. When there are n identical components each with reliability R, then the
probability that there will be exactly k components working at any time
t is given by the binomial theorem,
Pk ¼ Rnk ð1 RÞk ð17:9Þ
ðn kÞ ! k!
Using the first theorem, the total reliability of a component under all failure
modes is the product of the reliability under each mode separately. For
example, the overall reliability under the four failure modes identified
above is
Ro ¼ Rr Rw Rd Rm ð17:10Þ
where the four reliabilities on the right-hand side account for the random,
wear-out, design, and manufacturing failures, respectively. The component
is designed with an adequate design margin. The reliability under wear-out
mode is made almost equal to 1.0 by making the mean wear-out failure time
much longer than the design lifetime. Eliminating potential failures using
consistent manufacturing and quality assurance procedures leaves only the
random failures to account for in the total reliability estimate, and so is done
in practice.
MBTF ¼ ð17:12Þ
1 þ 2
1 1 1
MTBF ¼ þ ð17:14Þ
1 2 1 þ 2
17.5.1 Examples
Applying the series–parallel reliability principles presented above we
examine a few examples below:
Practical systems are made with some components in series and some in
parallel. For example, we calculate the reliability of the overall system
shown in Figure 17.5 as follows. Dividing the system in sub-assemblies A,
B, C and D, we determine their unreliabilities and reliabilities as
FIGURE 17.5 The assembly and sub-assemblies of series and parallel components.
438 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 17.6 System reliability versus the number of series component and the reliability of
each component (rule of 72.)
Improvement in
Number of Overall system Incremental system reliability over single
components reliability reliability component (%)
The cross-strapping thus reduces the assembly failure rate to one third,
from 9 to 3 in 1000.
17.6 Redundancies
Redundancy is obtained by placing more units in parallel than necessary for
the specified operation. Redundancy has a value only if the failure is
instantaneously detected and acted upon to switch over to the backup unit.
It is therefore important to continuously monitor the unit performance.
Deviation in one or more performance parameters can be interpreted as
U ¼ U1 U1 . . . n times ¼ U1n
where U1 is the probability of failure for each unit, assumed to be the same
for all units. The reliability of the assembly is then
R ¼ 1 U ¼ 1 U1n ð17:15Þ
For a given series reliability, using two large units (n ¼ 2) in parallel, one
active and one spare, would result in a heavier assembly than three small
units, two needed and one spare. On the other hand, using 10 small units
would also be mass heavy, as there is always some fixed mass for each
small unit. Obviously, there is an optimum number of units in between for a
Thus, if the fixed mass is small, many small units will result in the
minimum assembly mass, although it would cost more. Practical experience
suggests that n ¼ 3 is the optimum for all values of Pout/ between 2 and 7.
Rnk ð1 R1 Þk ð17:17Þ
ðn kÞ!k! 1
The probability of at least m units working is the sum of all terms from
k ¼ m to n, i.e.,
R¼ R1nk ð1 R1 Þk ð17:18Þ
ðn kÞ!k!
chargers for each battery require more parts resulting in greater mass.
However, being simple in implementation, it is the most widely used
redundancy configuration for battery charge and discharge converters.
An internal fault in any one unit with the other unit feeding the fault, or
The drift in Vc1 and Vc2 can cause the primary unit to take, say, 110%
load and the backup unit to take 10%, i.e., the backup unit works as a
17.8 MIL-HDBK-217
This military handbook establishes the uniform method of predicting
reliability of military electronic parts, equipment, and systems. It lists the
base failure rates of numerous parts under base thermal, electrical, and
mechanical stresses. Any deviations from the specified operating conditions
would alter the failure rate as given by the following expression:
a ¼ b p ð17:21Þ
Major factors that modify the failure rates of electrical and electronic
parts are:
Table 17.2 Base failure rate for some selected electronic parts
Ceramic 66 22 Signal, NPN 71 14
Film 78 26 Signal, PNP 100 20
Tantalum 200 63 Power, NPN 650 130
Electrolytic 1600 480 Thyristor, power 1800 360
ICs, digital 1050 18
20 gates
Fixed, composition 45 45 ICs, linear
32 Qs 900 33
Fixed, wire wound 100 100
Fixed, film 3 3 TRANSFORMERS
Variable, cermet 2760 1380 Signal 10 3
Variable, wire wound 300 100 Power 82 32
Switches, 225 3
DIODES thermal
Signal 28 5.6 Connectors, 32 4
Power 2160 432 contact pairs
Fuses 300 100
Source: MIL-HDBK-217.
There are other modifying factors listed in the handbook, which must also
be accounted for in the reliability estimates. The base failure rate b for some
selected commercial and military power converter parts before applying the
modifying factors are reproduced from MIL-HDBK-217 in Table 17.2.
eqp ¼ Ni bi pi ð17:22Þ
pi ¼ product of all modifying factors for the ith generic part to account
for the environment, operating stresses and quality class
Ni ¼ Number of ith generic parts used in the equipment, i ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . m
m ¼ number of different generic part categories used in the equipment.
MTBF ¼ 1=½1 ð1 CÞT ð17:23Þ
17.11.1 Example
To understand the above method of quick estimate, suppose we put to test
20 units of a new part, and the first unit failed at 3000 h. The total operating
time of all units is then 20 3000 ¼ 60,000 h before the first failure occurred.
The MTBF of the population is then estimated using Equation 17.23 for
different confidence levels as follows:
Note that for exponential distribution, 1 – (1/e) ¼ 0.632, and that is why the
MTBF to the first failure has a confidence level of only 63.2%.
Reliability and Derating 449
17.12 FMECA
The reliability analysis provides an estimate of the inherent reliability of the
system. The failure mode and effect analysis (FMECA) on the other hand,
goes beyond that. Its primary purposes is to identify not only the failure
modes, but also their effects and criticality on the mission success. For
example, criticality 1 means that if the component fails, it can cause injury to
human, or cause the mission to fail completely. Obviously, such a
component needs sufficiently high reliability. In other components, the
probability of failure must be at the minimum possible level that is
acceptable for the mission under design.
To obtain such high EPS reliability of 0.95 over 15 years, many high-
reliability components are used with redundancy. However, redundancy
cannot be provided in the following power system functions, because it is
either not practical even for a critical function, or is not really needed for a
noncritical function:
SAD shaft, bearing, stepper motor rotor, and gears cannot be practically
made redundant from the spacecraft fabrication point of view
Telemetry not critical to the spacecraft operation is nonredundant, such
Battery cell voltage monitoring, and
Battery reconditioning circuit, if used.
It may be useful to cite some general design guidelines for achieving high
reliability in the power system.
For each unit, the wear-out failure rate is kept well below 10% of the
random failure rate, and the MTBF is designed to be 40 to 60% longer
than the mission life.
The slip rings can fail in seizure because of the cold welding, which
must be avoided.
450 Spacecraft Power Systems
18.1 Introduction
If an assembled spacecraft malfunctions, either on the test floor or in orbit,
or anywhere between, a great deal of time and money are spent in detecting
the problem, investigating why it happened, and in fixing it. A thorough
testing during various fabrication and integration phases is required to
weed out potential problems at an early stage, and to ascertain a timely
delivery within the contracted budget. The spacecraft customer requires the
prime contractor to prepare the Spacecraft Level Test and Verification Plan,
which becomes the guiding document for all systems and components
testing. The plan generally draws heavily from MIL-STD-1540 for environ-
ment testing and MIL-STD-1541 for EMC testing.
Once a component or an assembly is manufactured to the final design,
acceptance testing is done on the floor to verify that no manufacturing
errors or defects exist in the final product. Components are tested before
they flow into their respective system assemblies, and the systems are tested
separately before integrating into the spacecraft. The operating environ-
ment in space is simulated during the tests as much as possible and
The tests typically performed on key power system component are listed
in Table 18.1. If the thermal shock torture test on a component is required, it
is often carried out by quenching the part from boiling water (100 C) to
liquid nitrogen (193 C). The conformal coating and ceramic parts may
crack under such shocks.
Analyses may be used in lieu of testing to verify compliance to some
requirements which may pose undue test difficulties. The selected
analytical techniques typically include engineering analysis, comparative
analysis, statistics, analog and digital modeling and computer simulation.
The analyses must be preformed based on the data available at the critical
design review stage.
452 Spacecraft Power Systems
Battery power
Solar cells Battery packsa converters Pre- assembly
FIGURE 18.1 Temperature bands during normal operation and during acceptance and
qualifications tests.
The Test Plan is the contractual document that establishes the basis for
derivation of component temperature limits. The plan generally requires
that components be qualified at temperatures of 10 to 15 C more severe
than the minimum and maximum levels expected during the entire flight
mission. It requires a 5 to 10 C margin with respect to the same expected
mission extremes for acceptance testing. The minimum and maximum
temperature levels likely to be encountered during the flight mission are
based on thermal analysis of the spacecraft design, environmental
exposures, and internal dissipation profiles associated with all modes of
the spacecraft operation. Because such analysis is subject to physical and
mathematical modeling uncertainties, it is a standard practice to add 5 C
uncertainty to the temperatures predicted by the analysis to derive
qualification and acceptance test temperatures for the component. The
customer specification defines expected environmental extremes and
associated qualification and acceptance test levels for various components.
454 Spacecraft Power Systems
18.3.2 Leak
All pressurized or hermetically sealed units are subjected to leak tests. The
leak test is conducted before and after the thermal vacuum, vibration, and
pressure tests. The leak test is performed with the component pressurized
at the maximum operating pressure and then at the minimum operating
pressure if the seals are dependent upon pressure for proper sealing. The
duration of the leak test is 6 h except for units which are part of the
propulsion system. The duration of the propulsion component leak test
should not exceed the time that the pressurized condition is normally
experienced during propellant loading with a minimum of 6 h.
18.3.3 Pressure
All pressurized units are subject to pressure tests. The pressure test is
performed on the unit prior to and after successfully completed thermal
vacuum and vibration tests. The pressure level for qualification is at least
1.5 times the maximum operating pressure. The hold time is at least 5 min.
The test is then repeated for a number of cycles equal to at least 4 times the
mission life at the maximum operating pressure.
18.3.7 Acoustic
For units with large surface areas and relatively low density, it may be more
practical to expose the qualification unit to an acoustic test instead of a
random vibration test. If random vibration test is considered too severe, the
458 Spacecraft Power Systems
18.3.9 EMI/EMC
These tests are carried out using the test setup and procedures as per the
EMI/EMC Test Plan.
18.3.10 ESD
Each unit is subject to an ESD susceptibility test. The unit is mounted to a
graphite epoxy panel in a representative flight configuration. A current is
injected into the panel in order to demonstrate that the unit is not
susceptible to ESD induced transients. The test levels and duration is in
accordance with the ESD Control Plan.
Solar array illumination test under flash to verify that the bus power
generation meets the BOL requirement
460 Spacecraft Power Systems
Performance test to verify that all connections are made correctly, and
the currents and voltages are measured as expected within the specified
tolerance limits
Electromagnetic interference and compatibility tests, with a particular
emphasis on the conducted emission, which originates primarily form
the power system
Magnetic moment measurement on the assembled spacecraft. The solar
array and electrical harness are primary contributors to the total
Corona test under out gassing to demonstrate the minimum time to
turn on and off high voltage and high frequency components when
exposed to thermal vacuum
Mechanical tests such as shock, vibration, and acoustic
Thermal vacuum bake-out test to clean contamination, if any
The power system is again tested as follows when the spacecraft is fully
The electrical performance tests on solar array include the following series
of tests.
Integration and Testing 461 Current–voltage
Using a solar simulator, an I–V curve is developed for each circuit on a
panel, both before and after the vibration test. These data are used in
predicting the solar array performance.
Illumination tests: All sections of each circuit and full panel are
illuminated at AM0 equivalent intensity at þ35 C with a standard solar
cell selected in accordance with the power system specifications. The
current–voltage (I–V) curves of the solar cell circuits are generated and
electrical parameters such as Isc, Voc, and illumination intensity are
Diode tests: The isolation diodes connected to the output of each circuit
is tested for forward bias voltage drop at the operating current and for
reverse leakage current at the operating voltage.
Shunt dissipator tests: Each shunt dissipator section is tested to
demonstrate its capability to meet all the applicable electrical perfor-
mance requirements.
Temperature telemetry test: Calibration data is acquired by recording
temperature sensor data at ambient, hot, and cold temperatures.
Substrate isolation test: The resistance between each solar cell circuit
and the substrate to which it is bonded is measured and recorded.
strates both the step size and the drive rate to satisfy the panel
orientation and the dynamic criteria.
Maximum predicted current at maximum predicted operating tem-
perature is passed through the sliprings for one complete revolution.
The slip ring voltages are monitored to verify the slip ring operation
and the contact resistance.
Noise, vibration, acoustic, deployment shock, and steady state accel-
eration (spacecraft spin) are the mechanical tests performed on the solar
array drive.
secondary path redundancies are measured for their compliance with the
specification. Alternate modes of operation for the TT&C and payload
communications systems are functionally verified and cross-strap switches
are exercised during the test. The spacecraft RF signature is obtained in
parallel with the electrical systems tests.
The objectives of the EPS tests at this stage are to:
FIGURE 18.9 Hubble Space Telescope satellite in integration and testing before going to launch
site. (Source: NASA.)
Integration and Testing 469
prior to launch. The isolation diodes in the ground power supply prevent
the current flowing backward when the ground source is de-powered or
shorted. Typically, several amperes at nominal bus voltage are needed from
the ground supply interface after the isolation diode. A battery trickle
charge power supply may be connected to keep the battery fully charged
when the spacecraft is turned off, such as for transportation between
facilities. Such a feature minimizes the number of battery charge operation
at the launch site.
Figure 18.9 shows the new Hubble Telescope spacecraft in the final
integration and testing before going to the launch site for a planned launch
in late 2004.
Part D
Special Power Systems
Chapter 19
Interplanetary and Deep Space Missions
19.1 Introduction
The power systems for interplanetary and deep space missions differ from
those used in the Earth orbits because of the significantly different
environments they encounter. The mission environment depends heavily
on the spacecraft distance from the sun (Figure 19.1). Nine planets of the
sun are divided into two groups: the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars) and the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto). The inner planets are small and are composed primarily of rock and
iron. The outer planets are much larger and consist of hydrogen, helium,
and ice. The inner planetary missions are characterized by higher solar flux
FIGURE 19.1 The planets in our solar system with the distance from the sun.
474 Spacecraft Power Systems
I¼ ð19:1Þ
where IEarth ¼ solar flux in the Earth orbit (1358 W/m2), and R ¼ distance
from the sun in astronomical units (AU). This equation assumes the sun to be
a point source, and may give some error at distances less than a few sun
radii. The solar array power output varies linearly with the incident solar
flux. Therefore, as the spacecraft moves away from the sun, the power
decreases inversely with the distance squared. In the PV power system, the
array temperature also decreases in the same ratio, which results in a higher
PV conversion efficiency. The combined effect of the flux and the
temperature changes is such that the photovoltaic power generation varies
not inversely with the distance squared, but to a lesser exponent in R, where
Interplanetary and Deep Space Missions 475
Table 19.1 The solar flux and PV power generation in the orbits of the various
planets in our solar system (relative to those in the Earth’s orbits)
Planet Distance from Solar flux relative to PV power generation accounting for
the sun (AU) Earth orbits temperature difference
is approximately 1.5. Thus, the power generation is less than two times
with two times the solar flux, and more than one half with one half solar flux.
Table 19.1 lists planets in our solar system with their distances from the
sun, in AU, and approximate power generation rates in their orbits
considering both the solar flux and the temperature variations. The data
transfer rate to Earth from outer space depends on both the distance and the
power available as depicted in Figure 19.2.
I 4
T¼ ð19:2Þ
I 4
T¼ ð19:3Þ
The /" ratio of various surfaces varies from 0 to 1 (Table 19.2). It is near
zero for shiny mirror type surfaces, near 1 for flat black surfaces, and 2 to 8
for highly absorbing surfaces. Typical solar cells have this ratio near 0.8.
As an example of using the above equation, we determine below the solar
array temperature in the Earth’s orbit during sunlight after ignoring the
476 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 19.2 The data transfer rate from outer space at two power levels.
Earth albedo and infrared radiation on the spacecraft. The array with /"
ratio of 0.8 would give rise to
1357 0:8 4
T¼ ¼ 313K or 408C ð19:4Þ
5:67 108 2
And, the array with an /" ratio of 0.6 would give rise to
1357 0:6 4
T¼ ¼ 291K or 188C ð19:5Þ
5:67 108 2
On the other hand, a spacecraft in deep space at 2 AU distance from the sun
receives solar flux 1/4th compared to that on Earth. Its solar array with an
/" ratio of 0.8 would give rise to a temperature of
1357=4 0:8 4
T¼ ¼ 221K or 528C ð19:6Þ
5:67 108 2
Due to its proximity to the sun, the electrical power system for a Mercury
mission must meet the harsh thermal and radiation environment. Haines2, of
the European Space Agency, has recently reported the power system design
for a mercury sample return mission. It consists of three independent power
systems for each phase of the mission. For example, a 20-kW, 100-V high-
power system shown in Figure 19.4 is used for electric propulsion, which is
jettisoned just before the orbit insertion. After that, a 500-W, 28-V system is
used for the orbiter, and a smaller power system for the surface landing,
sample collection, and return phase of the mission. The electric propulsion
power system array has the following design features:
slip rings, but with flex harness (coiled cable) sufficiently flexible for
180 rotation
Lithium ion battery is used to meet the orbit parameters
FIGURE 19.5 The distance from the sun versus power output of PV cells of various band gaps
operating under 1000 C.
Interplanetary and Deep Space Missions 481
FIGURE 19.6 A solar probe in the intense heat of the sun at an AU distance of 0.1.
(From M.K. Choi, Proc. 36th IECEC, ASME, p. TM-17, 2001. With permission.)
or otherwise failed before they could complete the mission. And yet, in June
2003, we launched four spacecraft, two by NASA and two by ESA, to study
the history, geology, and biology of Mars. NASA’s rovers, Spirit and
Opportunity, reached Mars in January 2004.
Mars probably once had liquid water on its surface, but now its CO2
atmosphere is so thin that the planet is dry and cold. The Mars environment
has the following features:
The distance from the sun is 1.66 AU, with the average solar flux 36% of
that in the Earth’s orbit.
The typical operating temperature for large area solar array range
between 100 C and 0 C. The low-temperature affects material proper-
ties and PV cell performance.
The surface gravity is about 40% of that on the Earth.
Interplanetary and Deep Space Missions 483
was measured over a short period of time in 1997 during the Pathfinder
mission. The dust collection problem makes the solar array effective
only for 3 to 6 months on Mars.
The wind speed in the upper atmosphere can exceed 100 m/s.
However, near the surface boundary layer, the dust wind speed can
range from 3 m/s at the surface to about 50 m/s at 5-m elevation.
With an atmospheric pressure of only 6 torr, the PV array aerodynamic
loading is modest in high wind, about twice the body force.
Mars has a negligible global magnetic field — about 3 105 times that of
Earth. However, NASA’s Mars global survey data suggest that the planet
has pockets of magnetic areas that can be 10 to 20 times stronger than the
Earth’s magnetic field.
The electrical power system design issues in low Mars orbit are
somewhat similar to that in LEO, including the AO degradation and arcing
to plasma. On the surface of Mars and the moon, Paschen breakdown of
atmospheric gases in a low-pressure neutral environment, and chemical
and electrical interactions with dust may also be of concern.5,6 The Mars
environment is thick. It provides effective shielding from meteors and
proton/electron radiation. Therefore, the PV array design can ignore the
radiation degradation and meteoroid damage. The design must, however,
consider the radiation protection of human crews and sensitive electronics.
NASA is studying a novel wind power system using the sand storms on
Mars. Wind turbines designed to general electricity at Earth’s South Pole
and in remote regions of Alaska, where there are about 6 months of
darkness each year, may some day lead to similar wind machines for Mars
bases. One reason to propose wind power on Mars is that wind turbines
could generate electricity during the month-long Martian global dust
storms that can make days on the red planet as dark as night. Wind power
and solar power may complement each other on Mars. When a large dust
storm blocks the sunlight, a wind turbine can generate electricity.
of 171 C above the clouds, 305 C near the surface, and the wind speed of
400 miles per hour. The probe was destroyed due to high atmospheric
pressure. In 2003, the orbiter concluded its 14-year exploration of Jupiter
and its moons. This 3000-pound spacecraft traveling at 108,000 miles per
hour ran out of the on-board fuel used to steer it during its 35 orbits of
Jupiter. Galileo was then purposely plunged into its own atmosphere to
avoid crashing and contaminating Europa, one of Jupiter’s watery moons.
The radiation hardening of the power system components is more
important in Jupiter orbits than in orbits of other planets. This is because
Jupiter has a strong magnetic field and strong Van Allen type radiation
belts. Spacecraft encountering the powerful radiation belts of Jupiter have
undergone single event upsets. This becomes a significant design issue.
Pioneer-10 spacecraft was built by TRW Corporation (Figure 19.8) and
launched in 1972 to probe the environment of Jupiter. It was designed for a
3-year life, but kept ticking for more than 30 years. It passed Pluto’s orbit in
1983. In 1997, it was some six billion miles away from Earth, much beyond
Pluto, cruising at 27,700 miles per hour to become the farthest man-made
object in deep space. It used RTGs with plutonium-238, and produced more
than two thirds of its 1972 power in 1997. Citing diminishing return, NASA
FIGURE 19.8 The Pioneer-10 spacecraft with two RTG power sources at the end of two booms.
(Source: NASA Ames Research Center.)
486 Spacecraft Power Systems
halted all regular communications with Pioneer-10 in 1997. The last regular
signal received from it was 1 1021 W, and took 9 h to reach Earth. In 2002,
scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory sent a signal more than 12
billion kilometers away in an attempt to contact the spacecraft. After 22 h,
they detected Pioneer’s response on a 70-m dish antenna in Madrid, Spain.
Even without communication to and from Earth, it will continue its journey
in deep space. It carries pictures of terrestrial man and woman, and our
address, i.e., the location of the Earth in our solar system. It cannot reach
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star next to our sun, as it would take 100,000
years at the current speed.
Voyager-1 is another spacecraft, launch in 1977, which passed by Jupiter
and Saturn. In 2004, it left our solar system and entered the interstellar
space, when it was more than three times as far as Pluto from the Earth.
However, it is still working after more than a quarter century since its
launch. If it continues at its present speed of over one million miles a day, it
could take 40,000 years before reaching the nearest star.
The Cassini spacecraft was launched in 1997 on a 7-year mission to
Saturn. It is designed to send back data after entering the orbit of Saturn in
late 2004 and making 60 orbits in various orientations around the planet
over a 4-year period. The mission is a joint undertaking of NASA, the
European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency. It carries RTG with
30 kg of plutonium on board. Because of such a large amount of the
potentially deadly radioactive element, antinuclear groups opposed its
launch. Public concerns have negatively affected the future of nuclear
power in space, although Russians have built and flown many small
nuclear reactor–TEC power systems similar to the U.S. built SNAP-10.
for this purpose. The following is known about the operation of power
electronic components near liquid nitrogen temperature.
The performance of certain semiconductor devices improves with
decreasing temperature down to liquid nitrogen temperature. At low
temperature, the majority of carrier devices demonstrate reduced leakage
current and reduced latch-up susceptibility. In addition, these devices show
higher operating speed resulting from increased carrier mobility and
saturation velocity. An example is the power MOSFET, which has lower
conduction loss at a low temperature due to the reduction in drain-to-
source resistance Rds(on) resulting from increased carrier mobility. NASA
has tested other components such as resistors, capacitors, and magnetics
that are needed for various power converters at liquid nitrogen operating
temperature. Many of them have been found suitable for operating at
unheated interplanetary spacecraft.7
The battery can be a roadblock at very low temperature. The Li-ion
battery offers a somewhat favorable combination of the energy and power
density. However, its temperature performance below 40 C is poor. Tests8
have shown the following about the Li-ion cells:
FIGURE 19.9 The capacity of a 5-Ah Li-ion cell at low temperature in interplanetary missions.
488 Spacecraft Power Systems
1. Jenkins, J.E. and Dakermanji, G., Near Earth asteroid rendezvous—
Shoemaker spacecraft power system flight performance, Proceedings of the
36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001,
Volume I, pp. 251–256.
2. Haines, J.E., Inner planets sample return missions, the challenge for power
systems, Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2483.
3. Brandhorst, Jr, H.W. and Chen, Z., PV approaches for near-sun missions,
Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2631.
4. Choi, M.K., Power and thermal systems with thermoelectric generators at
930 C for solar probe inside 0.1 AU, Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. II, pp. 1161–
5. Kerslake, T.W. and Kohout, L.L., Solar electric power system analysis for
Mars surface missions, Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2482.
6. Kilecki, J.C. and Hilalrd, G.B., Proceedings of the Electrical and Chemical
Interactions at Mars Workshop, NASA Report CP-10093, 1992.
7. Elbuluk, M.E. et al. Low temperature performance evaluation of battery
management technologies, Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2543.
8. Nagasubramanian, G, Low temperature electrical performance character-
istic of Li-Ion cells, Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2462.
9. Smart, M.C, Huang, C.K., Ratnakumar, B.V., Surampudi, S., and
Sakamoto, J.S., Factors affecting Li-Ion cell performance, Proceedings of
the 37th Power Sources Conference, Paper No. 239, 1996.
Chapter 20
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
20.1 Introduction
Deep space and outer planetary missions cannot effectively use photo-
voltaic power generation due to insufficient solar flux. For those missions,
an on-board nuclear energy source or a radioactive isotope is often used to
generate electrical power. The radioisotope heat is directed at a thermo-
electric junction, which generates electrical potential just as in a thermo-
couple. This concept was briefly presented in Section 3.6, and is covered in
detail in this chapter.
The radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) has been fully devel-
oped and used for decades for power levels in several hundred watts. Such
a power source has an advantage of supplying power all the time, thus
eliminating the need for a battery in a base load system having no peak
power requirement. An obvious disadvantage is the heavy radiation
shielding required around electronic components. Also, the nuclear fuels
that are safe and easy to handle with little shielding, such as curium-244
and plutonium, are expensive. Inexpensive and easily available fuel, such
as strontium-90, is unsafe.
High-energy particles emitted from the radioactive isotope material are
the primary sources of energy, which heats the absorbing material. The
mass of the isotope decay exponentially at a rate characterized by half-life,
T1=2 . The thermal radiation decreases proportionally with the remaining
mass. Therefore, the thermal power P(t) radiated at any time decays
exponentially from its initial value Po, as given by
Table 20.1 compares the isotope fuels presently used in RTGs with their
half-life and specific power achievable.
The advantages of an RTG are:
490 Spacecraft Power Systems
The power output is not affected by radiation damage in the Van Allen
belts or due to man-made nuclear threats.
The efficiency depends on the material properties and the hot and cold
junction temperatures Th and Tc, respectively. The theoretical limit on this
efficiency is the Carnot efficiency, which is
Th Tc
max ¼ ð20:3Þ
Practical designs yield about one half the theoretical maximum efficiency.
The most widely used material, plutonium-238 with Si–Ge TE cells, gives
about 7% conversion efficiency. Removing the remaining 93% of the system
energy as waste heat poses a significant design challenge. The specific
electrical power output of RTGs is typically low. Based on the total power
system assembly mass, it was 2 W/kg in SNAP-19 spacecraft, and 5 W/kg
in Galileo spacecraft. Plutonium-238 costs more than a couple of million
dollars per kilogram. The DoE inventory of this isotope in 2002 was merely
10 kg. The U.S. currently does not produce it, but purchases it from Russia.
Z¼ ð20:5Þ
Another figure of merit for each material is the power output per unit mass.
It is defined as
Z0 ¼ ð20:6Þ
Z12 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 12pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 ð20:7Þ
1 k1 þ 2 k2
where and k are the electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity of the
two materials 1 and 2, respectively.
Equation 20.7 suggests that a good TE junction has the following
T ¼ Th þ Tc ð20:9Þ
With the external terminals shorted, the maximum current flows to the
load. We designate this current as Isc. The above equation gives
FIGURE 20.4 A radioisotope thermoelectric generator assembly. (From IEEE Spectrum, p. 63,
March 1998. With permission.)
496 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 20.5 Electrical equivalent circuit model and operating characteristics of TEC.
I ¼ Isc V ð20:12Þ
The power system design for extracting the maximum power from RTG to
the load must operate at a voltage such that, at the operating voltage,
It occurs when the RTG is operated at the voltage that is one half of the open
circuit voltage. This point is shown as Pmax in the power versus voltage plot
shown in Figure 20.6(b). The power at zero voltage is obviously zero. It is
also zero at Voc since the current is zero there. In between, the power rises
with the operating voltage, reaches the maximum value Pmax, and then falls
to 0 at Voc. The RTG conversion efficiency is maximum at the maximum
power transfer point. The I–V, P–V and –V curves with the operating
voltage as an independent variable are shown in Figure 20.7.
FIGURE 20.7 TEC current, power, and efficiency versus operating voltage.
498 Spacecraft Power Systems
downward for a lower iT, as shown in Figure 20.8. The amount of shift is a
characteristic of the couple material.
Aging has little effect on the RTG output, because the basic heat source
has a half-life in decades. For this reason, the power generation degrades
little, as shown in Table 20.2. Most power degradation is due to slow
precipitation of the phosphorus doping in the n-type leg of the thermo-
couple. The I–V and P–V curves shifts uniformly with time and the
temperature such that the maximum power point remains at the same
voltage (Figure 20.9). This is a happy coincidence for the design engineer.
The conversion efficiency is a function of the contact resistance and the hot
and cold side temperatures as shown in Figure 20.10 and Figure 20.11,
(Source: Data from Mondt, J.F., Proc. of the 36th IECEC, ASME, 2001,
Vol. I, pp. 133–139.)
FIGURE 20.9 I–V–P characteristics of RTGs with age.
500 Spacecraft Power Systems
Table 20.3
FIGURE 20.12 Galileo spacecraft using two RTGs attached to two long booms.
(Source: NASA.)
100 W output and flight qualified unit around 2005. Table 20.4 summarized
the ARPS’s goals.2
Three technologies under evaluations to achieve these goals are: (a)
segmented alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) with 15%
efficiency and 7 to 9 W/kg specific power, (b) Stirling engine with 25%
efficiency and 6 to 7.5 W/kg, and (c) thermo-photovoltaics (TPVs). In each
case, the heat comes from the natural radioactive decay of nonweapons
grade plutonium-238 pellets, clad in protective layers of graphite and
iridium. The TPV was briefly described in Chapter 3, the Stirling engine is
described in Chapter 21, and the AMTEC is described below.
In the AMTEC, the isotope heat vaporizes sodium that flows through a
-alumina solid electrolyte tube to produce electricity. -Alumina is an alkali
metal conducting ceramic: a solid electrolyte that conducts sodium ions. An
electrochemical potential is generated when sodium is present at two
differential pressures separated by an electrolyte. The free electrons are
captured by the electrodes, which are used to power the load and then get
recombined with the sodium ions. The temperature in the vapor circulation
drops. The conversion efficiency is a function of the differential temperature.
The electrical characteristic of AMTEC module is similar to that of the
conventional TEC. The terminal voltage drops linearly with increasing
current. The power output peaks at certain voltage, approximately one half
of the open circuit voltage. As in the traditional TEC, the open circuit
voltage and the maximum power in AMTEC are higher at higher-
temperature gradient.
The cooling effect can also be created by using the TEC as a heat sink in
the forward mode for cooling a delicate small device. In this mode, the heat
near a device is converted into electrical energy, conducted by wires, and
dissipated into a load away from the device to be cooled.
504 Spacecraft Power Systems
1. Choi, M.K., Power and thermal systems with thermoelectric generators at
930 C for solar probe inside 0.1 AU, Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. II, pp. 1161–
2. Mondt, J.F., Advanced Radioisotope Power System Technology develop-
ment for NASA mission 2011 and beyond, Proceedings of the 36th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. I,
pp. 133–139.
Chapter 21
Dynamic System with Alternator
21.1 Introduction
Solar energy can be used in systems other than the photovoltaic. A dynamic
energy conversion system is an example, where the sun’s energy is collected
in the form of heat using a concentrator. The heat, in turn, is used to
produce steam and drive a rotating turbo-generator or a reciprocating
alternator to generate electricity. Such a system was a primary candidate for
the space station design in the 1980s with an estimated power requirement
of 300 kW. The system configuration is shown in Figure 21.1. A parabolic
concentrator focuses the sun’s heat on to a receiver, which boils a fluid. The
fluid can be a suitable liquid metal, such as potassium chloride. A high-
pressure stream of liquid metal produced in the receiver would drive a
turbine based on the Rankine cycle. The fluid can also be a gas, such as a
mixture of helium or xenon having the molecular weight around 40. The
heated compressed gas would drive a turbine working on the Brayton cycle.
A gas-based system minimizes erosion and sloshing problems in transport-
ing the liquid metal. A functional schematic of dynamic power system for
space is shown in Figure 21.2. In either a liquid metal or a gas-based system,
the high-pressure high-temperature fluid drives the turbine, which in turn
drives an electrical generator. Waste heat transferred to the liquid coolant is
dissipated via radiator panels to space. The energy conversion efficiency is
506 Spacecraft Power Systems
much higher than the photovoltaic system. This minimizes the deployed
collector area and the aerodynamic drag in low Earth orbit.
The usable energy extracted during a thermodynamic cycle depends on
the working temperatures. The maximum thermodynamic conversion
efficiency that can be theoretically achieved with the hot side temperature,
Thot, and the cold side temperature, Tcold, is given by the Carnot cycle
efficiency, which is
Thot Tcold
carnot ¼ ð21:1Þ
where the temperatures are on the absolute scale. The higher the hot side
working temperature and lower the cold side exhaust temperature, the
higher the efficiency of converting the captured solar energy into electricity.
The hot side temperature, however, is limited by properties of the working
medium. The cold side temperature is largely determined by the cooling
method and the environment available to dissipate the exhaust heat.
An indirect but major advantage of this system is that the energy storage
is interwoven in the system at no extra cost. It resides in the latent heat of
phase change at high temperature — around 1000 K. The systems can store
thermal energy for hours with no degradation of electrical performance, or
longer with some degradation. This feature makes the technology capable
of meeting peak power demands with no added mass or cost of separate
energy storage. It eliminates the battery requirement altogether.
Today’s space power systems using well-proven PV technology provide
up to a few tens of kilowatts with system specific power of 10 W/kg and life
up to 15 years. Although the solar dynamic technology is not yet proven in
space flights, it offers potential advantages in efficiency, weight, scalability,
and the overall cost in high power spacecraft. The cost advantage comes
from elimination of costly semiconductor PV cells. The systems can be
Dynamic System with Alternator 507
loss and greater thermal system mass. A rough rule of thumb in trading
weight and loss over a narrow range using the same materials and design
configuration is to assume that the product of the machine mass and the
power loss remains constant.
21.2 Thermodynamics
On the thermodynamics side, the following two major configurations are
output was electronically converted into 28 V d.c. suitable for use on the
The reliability can be an issue in such concepts with only two engines. If
one fails, the other becomes overloaded unless both are designed for
delivering full power, which would result in a heavy mass penalty. For this
reason, the number of Stirling engines in practical systems designs is likely
to be four. The total specific power of a few hundred watts power source
with a matching converter is estimated to be around 8 to 10 W/kg in two-
engine systems and 4 to 5 W/kg in four-engine systems.
As reported by Thieme, Qiu and White,3 the baseline electrical power
rating of the present Stirling converter is 55 W. Multiple units will be
connected in parallel to achieve the desired power levels. Key design and
operating issues are parallel operation of two thermodynamically indepen-
dent free-piston Stirling converters and vibration reduction to about 2% of
that of single unbalanced converters over the entire mission life even with
one engine failed. An EMI compatible design for science missions is also a
challenge, which is addressed by Sargent.4
NASA GRC and DoE with two industry partners are actively developing
Stirling converters for an advanced radioisotope power system to replace
the currently used RTG systems for deep space missions. A standard
module of 100 W using a thin long alternator is being developed, which can
be connected in parallel for higher power. Boeing is developing a multi-
mission modernized 100 W RTG that will be flexible and adaptable to both
the orbiter and the lander missions to a planet. On the other hand, Lockheed
Martin is developing a Stirling radioisotope generator that will use
plutonium-238 heat and a reciprocating alternator driven by a Stirling
The multi-mission RTG is still 7% efficient, whereas the Stirling generator
would have about 25% efficiency requiring less plutonium. The disadvan-
tage of the Stirling is the moving piston that could reduce the reliability in
space. The multi-mission RTG uses a lead telluride TEC, which operates at a
lower temperature than the SiGe. This does not require a heat resistant
refractory metal structure, which oxidizes or erodes relatively easily in any
CO2 and CO in a planet’s atmosphere. One of these two new power systems
is targeted for use for a Mars mission in 2010.
The Stirling system is the most developed converter option for the
advanced isotope power system concepts presently being funded. It has the
following advantages:
The exciting current that produces the magnetic field in these machines is
always d.c., which must be controlled for regulating the voltage output.
Therefore, the permanent magnet machine, which inherently gives an
unregulated voltage output, is unsuitable here. The turbo-generator in the
energy conversion assembly often has two field excitation coils to produce
the required voltage. The series field supplies the bulk of the excitation
during normal operation and provides all excitation during start up from
rest. The shunt field supplies the remaining excitation for voltage control
during normal operation and for power factor control during start-up.
Since power is the product of torque and speed, the power and speed
ratings determine the shaft torque, and subsequently the overall machine
size and mass. If the machine must operate over a range of speed, its mass
will depend on the lowest speed at which the required power must be
delivered. For a.c. machines, the significant parameter becomes the volt–
ampere product per rpm, since the machine size depends on both the real
and reactive power output. The speed in turn depends on the frequency
and number of poles. Overall, the specific power improves significantly at
higher power and speed ratings.
Each of the machines, except the PM machine, is capable of producing
approximately twice the rated output for a short time. In addition, these
machines are usually capable of delivering several times the rated current
into the system fault to clear the fuse or trip the circuit breaker. This
additional output capacity is extremely useful when the machine must
operate over a variety of operating conditions. In a system where such
added capabilities are not needed, a mass saving of 15 to 20% is possible.
On the negative side, drawing twice the load for short time imposes a
transient torque of 3 to 4 times the rated value on the prime-mover unless
specific steps are taken to prevent it. The machine mass is also impacted by
the required quality of power expressed as departures from the rated
voltage and frequency, and the transient voltage deviation during load
switching. Normal power quality requirements add about 10% in the
machine mass.
As for the environment, the shock and vibration during launch and in
orbit may not pose a severe limitation on the rotating machines design.
However, the radiation damage on the insulation, bearings, and semi-
conductors used in construction may be of concern.
512 Spacecraft Power Systems
The reliability and life are limited by fatigue in the metal parts, and by
thermal degradation of the insulation at operating temperature. Typical
electrical machine used in the aircraft industry has an MTBF ranging from
2000 to 10,000 h. Attaining an MTBF over 100,000 h is necessary for a
10-year mission in space. Since this is an order of magnitude higher than the
aircraft machines, it is apparent that the electromechanical machines for
spacecraft must be design using significantly better materials and design
pilot exciter’s permanent magnets, and the rectifier diodes. The d.c. power
is fed to the exciter via rectifier that eliminates brushes. The voltage
regulation is controlled by varying the excitation.
in the stator. It has a solid rotor with notches. The d.c. field winding on the
stator applies variable flux to the output winding through the notched
rotor, which results in a.c. power generation. This generator is mechanically
simpler but has a higher specific weight and larger specific volume.
Parallel operation
Overload capabilities
Voltage regulation
Speed and frequency limitations
Start-up operations
Thus, doubling the speed of a generator doubles the frequency and the
electrical power output capability without requiring a change in the
magnetics. However, the mechanical stress increases with increasing
diameter and the speed squared, requiring increased structural material
for high-speed machines. The combined effect of the diameter and the
speed result in the stress proportional to the linear tip speed of the
outermost fiber of the rotor. Therefore, it is advantageous to define the
maximum speed as a function of peripheral tip speed in meter per second
rather than in rpm, since the diameter of the rotor depends on the machine
rating. The maximum rotor tip speed in meters per second for the four
generator types is shown in the first row of Table 21.1, which sets the
maximum frequency these machines can be designed for.
The maximum rpm is also a function of the diameter of the rotor and the
kilovolt-ampere rating of the alternator. For a lower frequency application
(such as 400 Hz) based on the near optimal turbine speed of the solar
dynamic engine (such as 45,000 rpm), the minimum frequency of a two-pole
generator would be 750 Hz. Therefore, for 400 Hz standard frequency, an
effective frequency conversion using a cycloconverter or d.c. link inverter is
needed. Rectifiers are needed for d.c. distribution. All of the generator types
considered are capable of producing 3-phase power up to 2400 Hz. On the
high frequency side, none are capable of producing 20 kHz, although it may
be possible to design a 20 kHz, 1-phase, homopolar induction alternator.
1. Mason, L.S., A solar dynamic power option for space solar power,
Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 01-2601.
2. Cockfield, R., Radioisotope Stirling generator concepts for planetary
mission, Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper No. 2843.
3. Thieme, L.G., Qiu, S., and White, M.A., Technology development for a
Stirling radioisotope power system for deep space missions, Proceedings of
the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999,
Paper No. 2454.
4. Sargent, N.B., The electromagnetic compatibility design challenge for
scientific spacecraft powered by a Stirling power converter, Proceedings of
the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001,
Paper No. CT-37, pp. 447-451.
Chapter 22
High-Power High-Voltage Systems
22.1 Introduction
The electrical power requirement in spacecraft remained under several
hundred watts for decades. It was traditionally met with the sun-regulated
28-V d.c. power system. However, the power levels for commercial, science,
and military spacecraft have been rising steadily (Figure 22.1).1 It has
doubled approximately every 7 years. Because high-voltage systems are
lighter and more efficient, the rising power levels have been accompanied
by rising voltage levels. For example, the mass saving in just the
distribution cables at various power and voltage levels are shown in
Table 22.1. Today’s GEO communications satellites use power in the 7 to
15 kW range at 70 to 100 V. The ISS uses 105 kW power at 120 V. Some
strategic Defense Initiative weapons platforms may require steady power in
several megawatts and burst power in hundreds of megawatts at voltages
up to 100 kV or more. This chapter first presents high-power, high-voltage
power system architectures and then discusses concerns and issues in
designing such systems.
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 519
In the SP-100 power system, the TEC modules are made of multicouple
SiGe/GaP thermoelectric (TE) cells having a TE conversion efficiency of
about 7%. However, the working heat losses reduce the overall system
efficiency to 5%. A 100-kWe electric power system, therefore, requires the
reactor thermal power of 100 kWe/0.05 ¼ 2000 kWt. The remaining 95% or
1900 kWt of the reactor heat must be radiated back to space in order to
control the spacecraft temperature within the material limits. The radiator
design, therefore, is a principal design driver. Figure 22.4 shows the
FIGURE 22.4 SP-100 power system configuration with nuclear reactor and TEC.
(Source: U.S. Department of Energy.)
522 Spacecraft Power Systems
radiator with panels fanning out in a conical shape for heat rejection to
space. The reactor core and the radiation shield are at the tip of the cone.
The user payload and sensitive equipment are located away from the heat
by placing them at the other end of a long 50-m boom.
The SP-100 uses a fast spectrum liquid lithium cooled reactor and SiGe/
GaP TE with Z ¼ 0.0007 for the state-of-the-art design and 0.0014 for the
future advanced TEC design. Each TE cell has a Voc of 0.50 V, and Isc of
12.8 A. Thus, the maximum power from each TE cell is 0.50 12.8/4 ¼
1.6 W. The specific power of the TE cell is 33 W/kg.
The nuclear reactor research and developments for space defense have
been funded in the past for electrical power in the 30 kW to 300 MW range.
The reactor is similar to a ground-based nuclear power plant, only much
smaller in scale.
In the baseline concept, the nuclear reactor boils the liquid metal. The hot
liquid is circulated on the platform by a liquid lithium pump loop,
transferred through an intermediate heat exchanger and delivered to an
array of heat pipes mounted to the 12-sided conical main body as shown in
Figure 22.4. The TE panels receive heat radiantly from the heat pipe array.
Thus, the heat is transferred from the reactor core to the TE modules, each
of which generates 4.6 kWe at 100 V. The heat not converted into electricity
is wasted. It is radiated into space from the outer surface of the TE panels.
The panels are deployed for effective radiation to the outer space. The
lithium coolant is pumped by an electromagnetic pump driven by a
dedicated TE module. The TE for the pump is powered by the temperature
drop between the working fluid and the pump radiators to assure pumping
as long as the reactor is at a temperature.
Twelve 4.6-kWe TE modules are connected in parallel to produce 50 kWe
at 100 V. Two such groups are connected in series with the mid-point
electrically grounded to the spacecraft structure. The voltage between two
outer conductors is therefore 200 V (Figure 22.5). The usable voltage to
avoid electrical breakdown in the SP-100 mission orbits is in the 150 to 200 V
range. However, the optimum voltage from the electrical efficiency point of
view was determined as exceeding 200 V. The finally selected bus voltage of
200 V is derived by using a center ground conductor between 100 V
conductors. This, in effect, gives only 100 V operating voltage from the
structure ground, while giving the load voltage of 200 V, keeping the
current level and ohmic loss low.
The SP-100 power system uses a regulated voltage bus with a shunt
dissipater. The TE modules continuously generate 100 kWe whether the
payload needs that much power or not. When payload power consumption
is less than 100 kWe, the excess power is absorbed by the shunt dissipaters
and dissipated into space. The shunts are made of traditional high-
temperature tungsten filament resistance wires. The shunts are turned on
automatically in response to the bus voltage error signal. The power output
of the TE panels are diode-isolated and are combined in a single 200 V d.c.
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 523
FIGURE 22.5 SP-100 thermoelectric converter assembly for 200-V system between 100-V
bus at the power module, which is located on the opposite end of the
extension boom. Such physical isolation helps reduce the amount of
shielding required.
A 300-W, 28-V auxiliary power supply from a separate RTG is provided
for startup, maintenance, and the shunt-down period. Under certain
mission constraints, solar or battery-only options may also be considered
for this purpose.
The following were the SP-100 system requirements:
Although significant development work has been done in the USA, no SP-
100 unit has flown. The Russians, on the other hand, have flown dozens of
such units. The U.S. research funding was reduced in the early 1990s after
the U.S. procurement of similar technology from Russia following the
collapse of the former Soviet Union. However, from 2003 to 2008, the SP-100
budget is expected to be over one billion dollars, primarily targeted at space
524 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 22.6 Pressure-spacing product versus breakdown voltage in various gases (Paschen
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 525
the pressure prediction difficult. For this reason, a high-voltage system can
be turned on only after reaching the orbit (0.1 Pa vacuum). Alternatively,
the equipment must be filled with insulating gas, such as nitrogen, or
completely encapsulated with a solid insulation.
Preliminary data have shown that material out-gassing causes the local
pressure around the high-voltage component to increase to the point that it
is no longer a good vacuum. This, in turn, results in lower corona inception
voltage. The approach to increasing the corona voltage, therefore, is to select
the material with a low out-gassing rate in the first place. Figure 22.74
depicts out-gassing test results on a few materials. It indicates that Teflon
has a low out-gassing rate among electrical insulation materials, making it a
good insulation candidate for high-voltage space applications.
V e
Emax ¼ 1 þ 0:25 ð22:1Þ
e r
For Emax to be equal to V/d, i.e., the same as the uniform stress in the flat
part with ends fully radiused, i.e., r ¼ a/2, the end distance is derived by
V 2e V
Emax ¼ 1 þ 0:25 ¼ ;
e a d
which gives
e¼ ð22:2Þ
a 0:5 d
FIGURE 22.8 Voltage stress concentration at flat conductor edge with radius.
For example, with a ¼ 3 mm and d ¼ 1 mm, e must be 1.2 mm, i.e., 20% more
than d, the insulation thickness. For a smaller radius, say r ¼ a/4, e ¼ ad/
(a d) ¼ 1.5, i.e., 50% more insulation is required at the ends.
The stress concentration at sharp corners and their effects on corona
voltage and dielectric breakdown in atmospheric conditions on the ground
are well studied and reported in the literature. Such is not the case in the
space environment. A thorough systematic study on this aspect of the
insulation design is required. Until then, the available data must be used
with interpolations and extrapolations using wide margins to minimize the
associated design risks.
5 880 835
10 1570 1420
where do is in mils. The product Eodo is the voltage across the gap, which has
the minimum Paschen value of 210 Vrms. The corona would start at this
voltage across the gap. The corona inception voltage of a cable with
polypropylene insulation is then
528 Spacecraft Power Systems
Vi ¼ 210 1 þ ð22:4Þ
Equation 22.4 is plotted in Figure 22.9, which shows that it takes about a 2-
mil delamination gap for corona to start at 1200 Vrms. This condition would
not normally lead to an immediate failure, but eventually would do so
under gradual corona degradation. Should the gap completely fail, the
dielectric stress in the solid insulation would be 1200/20 ¼ 60 V/mil, which
is two orders of magnitude lower than the solid insulation’s short time
breakdown strength.
As seen in Figure 22.9, the corona inception voltage decreases with
increasing gap size and asymptotically approaches the minimum Paschen
value of 210 Vrms. This is because the Paschen minimum is a constant value,
although occurring at different pressures for different gap sizes. As the gap
increases, the corona inception voltage across the gap remains constant at
210 V, while the voltage contribution of the decreasing dielectric stress in
the solid insulation decreases. This voltage is based on the worst possible
combination of the gap pressure and the gap size (i.e., the minimum
Paschen value). It is likely that there is always some pressure in the void
due to continuous out-gassing of the insulation, giving a higher corona
inception voltage. The location of the void along the cable length, therefore,
matters. If the void is at mid-length of the cable, out-gassing may take a
long time due to the high resistance offered to the gas flow in a long narrow
duct. For increased reliability, it may be desirable to bleed some gas (such as
nitrogen) along the length of high-voltage cable insulation. This would
assure the desired gas pressure to maintain the required dielectric strength
of the cable.
There is an increasing push for mass reduction to reduce launch cost. For
this reason, many HV components do operate with some corona, which
FIGURE 22.9 Corona inception voltage versus laminar void size in a flat conductor cable.
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 529
FIGURE 22.10 Mass loss due to atomic oxygen versus orbit altitude.
530 Spacecraft Power Systems
inLEO, and is negligible in GEO and beyond. The plasma acts as a shunt
resistance across the power components, such as the solar array, causing
power loss due to the resulting leakage current between bare conductors.
This loss becomes noticeable above 160 V. A voltage much higher than
160 V leads to voltage breakdown. The breakdown voltage versus plasma
density is shown in Figure 22.12. Combining Figure 22.11 and Figure 22.12
leads to the arcing voltage between bare conductors versus orbit altitude, as
plotted in Figure 22.13. The arcing voltage determines the maximum solar
array output voltage and also the minimum distance between printed
circuit board traces to withstand the voltage over the design life of the
mission. For this reason, NASA limited the ISS solar array output voltage to
160 V, with a 120-V distribution voltage and step-down converters where
required for existing 28-V hardware.
In plasma-free orbits such as GEO, the conductor in a near perfect
vacuum can withstand kilovolts or even higher voltages. However, the
FIGURE 22.12 Breakdown voltage threshold versus plasma density between bare conduc-
Paschen minimum breakdown voltage limits its operation only in GEO and
not during launch or transfer orbit. The out-gassing of the material inside
the spacecraft body and the flue plumes outside create an uncontrolled gas
pressure around the conductors. Moreover, the spacecraft interior during
launch undergoes a decreasing air pressrun as it attains the orbit, and may
take a long time after the launch to achieve a good vacuum. It is probable
that at some instant the p–d product may achieve a value corresponding to
the minimum breakdown voltage. Under such a condition, the bare
conductor would cause arcing and short circuit. For this reason, the system
designed to operate at higher than 160 V in GEO can be turned on only after
achieving the GEO orbit.
FIGURE 22.13 Arcing threshold voltage between bare conductors versus altitude.
532 Spacecraft Power Systems
As seen in Figure 22.13, the 300-km high orbit is the worst with the arcing
on-set voltage of only 160 V. If the spacecraft must go through this orbit, the
power distribution voltage must be below 160 V. If a solar array is
assembled by standard construction techniques — with coverglass not
completely shielding the metallic interconnects — is operated at voltage
higher than 160 V in LEO, the bare interconnects can act as plasma probes
and attract or repel charged particles. The generated voltages will be equal
to the space plasma potential at some location on the array. Since electrons
are more mobile than ions, the array will float at voltages that are mostly
negative with respect to space plasma potential. Cell interconnects at
voltages above this space plasma potential will collect electrons; those at
voltages below this will collect ions. The voltage distribution in inter-
connects relative to the space plasma potential must be such that these
electron and ion currents are equal (i.e., the net current collected is zero).
This flow of particles can be considered to be a current loop through space
that is in parallel with the operational system and hence is a power loss. In
addition, the coverglass used on the solar cells must also have a zero net
current collection. This interaction with space plasma forces the coverglass
to a small negative potential and can produce large voltage gradients in the
gap region between solar cells. This can subsequently give rise to arcing
conditions or transient breakdowns to space.
The severity of such plasma interactions depends on the array operating
voltage and the charged-particle environment. The operating voltage is
determined from power system trades, but will probably be less than
1000 V. At the projected operating voltage only the low-energy or thermal
plasma environment should be of concern since the array voltage is too low
to influence the higher energy environmental particles. This plasma
environment has particles with temperatures of about 1 eV and densities
that vary from a maximum of about 3 106 cm3 at 300 km to between 1
and 10 cm3 at geosynchronous altitudes. Hence, plasma interactions
should be more severe at the lower altitudes than at synchronous altitude.
A 100-kW space-worthy system operating at 500 V d.c. was designed by
NASA. It was made of ten arrays in parallel each with 10-kW capacity. It
was found that, under normal quiescent conditions, the power drain due to
the electron coupling current would be negligible. However, the arcing in
the negative voltage regions could seriously disrupt system operations
either by introducing a ripple on the output or by terminating operations
depending on the severity and location of the breakdowns. The orbital
oscillations range through ram, wake, and eclipse conditions. The shuttle
experiments that indicated that large space structures could create their
own plasma environment tend to make plasma interactions even more
Over the past decade, the advantages and disadvantages of large space
power system operations at high voltages have been argued and discussed.
There are obvious advantages to using high voltages in space. Possible
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 533
Turn ON the electrical system only after reaching the altitude where the
arcing onset voltage is higher than the distribution voltage. Until then,
the electrical power requirement (for survival heat, navigation or
controls) must be met by batteries operating at low voltage.
The 28-V d.c. system used in early aircraft, both military and commercial,
contributed to the selection of 28 V d.c. for the first spacecraft. The 28 V d.c.
remained in use until the 1980s. Modern aircraft power systems, however,
have changed to a 400-Hz, 3-phase, 200 Y/115-V variable speed constant
frequency system shown in Figure 22.17. The space shuttle fleet generates
d.c. power using a fuel cell, but converts and distributes the power at 120 V,
400 Hz, 3-phase. An advanced system proposed for the aircraft industry
centers around 270 V d.c. as shown in Figure 22.18. The spacecraft
secondary power distribution can be 208 V, 3-phase Y, such that 120 V is
available for single-phase utilization. The primary voltage can be any, such
as 440 V 3-phase Y or i. The Japanese and European space industry
preferred 120 V d.c. for secondary distribution on the space station even
when NASA strongly preferred 3-phase, 208-V Y/120-V, 20-kHz system in
an early phase of the ISS design. Arguments made in favor of 120 V d.c. over
120 V 20 kHz a.c. were:
Decades-long experience
Extensive design data base
Low cost
High reliability
Synergistic development using heritage
The simplicity, low parts count, and previous space qualification history of
d.c. systems offer advantages over a.c. systems for high reliability in space
FIGURE 22.17 Variable speed constant frequency ac power system for aircraft.
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 539
FIGURE 22.19 Load power converter mass versus input frequency of 3-phase a.c. power.
directly in mass and power savings. NASA trade studies compared the
mass per kilowatt processed by various power converters. They are
summarized in Figure 22.19, Figure 22.20, and Figure 22.21. Frequencies
higher than 60 not only reduce the mass of magnetic component, they also
offer a higher degree of safety to humans. Table 22.4 shows the relative
effect of various frequencies on human cells and tissues. Frequencies above
10 kHz are safer than d.c., while 60 and 400 Hz systems cause a higher
perception and paralysis effect than d.c.
As for the load power converter in high-frequency systems, the d.c.
power for loads can be converted from 20 kHz a.c. using a center tap
transformer with two rectifying diodes, an L-C filter and a free-wheeling
diode as was shown in Figure 10.21. The free-wheeling diode carries the
current when the voltage reverses, thus eliminating phase shift and a poor
power factor. This approach has one serious drawback in that the reflected
load current becomes a 20 kHz square wave loaded with high-frequency
harmonics. The power quality requirement for the proposed NASA system
required the reflected load currents to be high power factor sine waves.
Therefore, additional smoothing of the output and a post-regulation may be
required depending on the EMI sensitivity of the load.
Table 22.4 Relative effects of electric current on human cells and tissues
Perception and paralyses, relative 0.2 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.01
542 Spacecraft Power Systems
Transients in a d.c. system are much less severe than those in an a.c.
The grounding system in d.c. allows less structure ground current than
in a comparable a.c. system.
A d.c. harness is lighter than an a.c. harness, even without the extra
shielding that an a.c. system would require to meet the space station
radiated emission limits identified in JSC-30237.
The a.c. magnetic fields in the 10 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range, which
are of great concern to the plasma experiments, would be about 60 dB
higher from a 20 kHz power harness than from a comparable d.c.
NASA’s overall conclusions from the ISS trade studies on a.c. versus d.c.
in the late 1980s are summarized in Table 22.5. The NASA team debated
between 400 Hz and 20 kHz for a long time, and at one time finally
recommended 20 kHz. Significant developments for 20 kHz components
were under way before the program priorities changed to much lower
power levels for which 160 V/120 V d.c. was finally adopted for the ISS.
DC 400 Hz 20 kHz
The roll ring is a new rotary power transfer device developed for use in
the ISS. It transfers electrical power across the joint through rotating
flexures compressed between concentric conductors (Figure 22.24). Its
advantages are the elimination of sliding friction and the low torque needed
FIGURE 22.24 Roll rings for rotary power transfer in high-power d.c. or a.c. system.
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 545
to rotate the device. The roll ring can transfer both a.c. and d.c. power and is
lighter and more efficient (>99.6%). It consists of two concentric conductive
rings and many small rolling flexible conductive rings. The flexure is fitted
and captured in the annular space between the two rings. When the rings
are suitably attached to two structures on each side of the rotating axis, the
flexure provides a precise electrical coupling between the structures.
Performance and life advantages result from the optimum interfaces
where only micro-sliding occurs. NASA Glenn with Honeywell and
Sperry Flight Systems has developed a 400-kW roll ring assembly. Each
power circuit is capable of conducting 200 A at 500 V d.c., i.e., 100 kW. Five
power circuits may be used in parallel in a 500-kW assembly and 10 in a
1-MW assembly.
An alternative to the roll ring is the rotary power transformers at the
joint (Figure 22.25). The first design analysis performed was for 100 kW, 20
kHz unit consisting of four 25 kW modules. A 25-kW rotary transformer
with 300-V input and 1000-V output operating at 20 kHz was designed
based on the configuration shown in Figure 22.25. It has pancake geometry
and a radial axi-symmetric gap. The study found the rotary transformer
efficiency, mass and size favorable compared to those of the roll rings for
the same performance requirements and input characteristics. A 2-kW,
2-kHz square wave demonstration model was built at NASA Glenn and
performance characterized.
FIGURE 22.25 Rotary transformer for power transfer in high-power a.c. system.
546 Spacecraft Power Systems
For much larger currents at the main bus level, remote bus isolator are
developed for ISS with the following basic features:
For a higher voltage, such as 270 V d.c., contactors are available from
Hartman and Eaton Cutler for rated currents of a few hundred amperes
continuous with several hundred amperes interruption capability.
22.8.4 Capacitor
In the 1980s Maxwell Laboratories developed for NASA a 600-V space-
worthy capacitor with a maximum current capability of 125 A at 40 kHz.
The dielectric for the capacitor is polypropylene. This capacitor also has the
capability to operate with a 600 V d.c. bias. The calculated loss at full load
operation is 22 W, which may be compared to the 75-kVA rating of the
capacitor. This capacitor has a specific mass of 0.042 kg/kVAR, which
represents a decrease in size and mass by a factor of 7 and is commercially
available. It can be used in high-frequency d.c.–d.c. converters, d.c.–a.c.
inverters, tank circuits, and filtering and power factor correction.
cooled inductor was also developed. The mass of the inductor was reduced
by 40% compared to the conventional inductor, resulting in a smaller
capacitor bank in the input filter. This inductor was also designed to fit into
the 30-cm ion propulsion engine power processor. As for a scaled-up
design, a 1-MW transformer design using heat pipes and aluminum
conductor is estimated to have a specific mass of 0.14 kg/kVA at 400 Hz,
0.080 kg/kVA at 1 kHz, and 0.04 kg/kVA at 20 kHz.
FIGURE 22.26 Gas insulated 3-phase transmission line for very high voltage.
Moreover, like gas but unlike solid insulation, liquid tends to be self-healing
should a discharge occur in it. The commonly used liquid insulations with
their dielectric breakdown stresses are listed in Table 22.7. The design stress
margin depends on the dielectric stress concentration factors and other
uncertainties in the design calculations.
Major factors that cause the insulation to degrade are the operating
temperature and the corona discharge. Temperature degradation is well
understood. The insulation life reduces to one half for every 7 to 10 C rise in
the operating temperature. As for the corona, it degrades different materials
at different rates. The material which has high dielectric withstand
capability when new generally degrades faster under corona. The material
selection must therefore match with the mission duration. Yet another
degradation factor, applicable only to solid encapsulated components, is
thermal cycling. The differential coefficient of thermal expansion between
the conductor and the polymer encapsulant induces thermo-elastic stress
cycles. These may lead to internal cracks in the solid insulation, thus
degrading the dielectric properties of the insulation system.
As the power transmission distance increases, the voltage drop and
power loss can be kept reasonable only by using high voltage. For this
Air 1
Nitrogen 1.05
CO2 0.95
SF6 2.5
C5F8 (Freon) 5.5
Hydrogen 0.6
552 Spacecraft Power Systems
Design stress
Liquid (kV/mm)
reason, several kilometer long lines would require several kilovolts if the
drop were to be kept below 5%. At that voltage and distance, the use of SF6
to reduce the line mass by as much as 50% may be considered. As an
example, some kind of high dielectric strength gas insulation may be
necessary for connecting the SP-100 power source with a space station by a
several kilometers long tether cable operating at very high voltage. For such
a system, it is envisioned that the SP-100 power output may be stepped up
to about 10 kV and transmitted to a space station where it would be stepped
down to the user’s level. The electrical and mechanical performance and
mass characteristics of such a transmission line are compared using both
SF6 and vacuum. A 5-km-long transmission line mass can be significantly
reduced to about one half by substituting pressurized SF6 gas for vacuum
insulation. The improvements basically result from the higher dielectric
field strength that can be allowed in SF6. The insulating distance between
the several kilovolt line conductors and the grounded outer tube
substantially decreases with SF6, thus decreasing the outer tube diameter
and the support mass by a significant amount. There is an added mass of
the pressurized SF6 gas management system (reservoir, pumping, and
pressure monitoring systems) in a sealed line construction. However, this
added mass would be small compared to the mass of several kilometers
long line. On the other hand, the insulation mass reduction potential in the
50-m long SP-100 boom cable is much smaller than the added mass that
may be required for the gas management system. For comparison purposes,
the mass of a 100-kW, 10-kV, 5-km line is estimated to be 1600 kg with SF6
gas insulation versus 3200 kg with vacuum insulation, a net reduction of
1600 kg. The 200-V boom cable in the present SP-100 concept would weigh
7200 kg for a 100-kW 5-km line.
The major components of such power systems are the high voltage
capacitor, thyratron switch and the air-core transformer. The capacitor is
best suited for repetition rates in kilohertz. A battery may be used for a few
hertz rate. For a still lower rate, superconducting coils may find applica-
High-Power High-Voltage Systems 555
The following are the rough guidelines for selecting the energy storage
technologies for a pulse-power system:
270 V d.c., which does not require additional power conversion and
condition. The flywheel generally results in heavier power system that is
not used continuously. Cooling of the power system and the weapon
components in the study was achieved by a circulating ammonia loop.
The study found the following system optimization at the 10 MW power
The 10-MW SOFC system features are summarized in Table 22.8, and the
study results are summarized in Figure 22.27 for 5 min of the weapon run
The solar array-SOFC system mass breakdown in percentage of the total
power system mass was reported as follows: 60% in the fuel cell stack, 10 in
fuel and steam tanks, 8 in reactants, 6 in radiators and plumbing, 14 in solar
array, and 2% in all other components.
Recharging the fuel cell requires electrolyzing the by-product water back
into hydrogen and oxygen. The SOFC can electrolyze water using the
recharging process. The electrolyzer is generally a separate unit from the
stack and the two cannot operate simultaneously. Recharging the fuel cell in
1 day in Allen’s study required a 213-m2 solar array generating 70 kW.
Extending the recharge time to 5 days cuts the array to 55 m2 generating
18 kW power (Figure 22.28). However, this may conflict with some mission
scenarios due to condensed periods of conflict.
The dynamic system may be required for sustained high power. Some
strategic defense weapons platforms may require burst powers up to 300
Table 22.8 Ten megawatt solid oxide fuel cell burst mode power
systems features
FIGURE 22.27 10-MWe power system mass with alternate design concepts.
(Data source: D.M. Allen, Proc. 36th IECEC, pp. 243–249, ASME, 2001.)
Thus a total of 200 MeV thermal energy is released per fission. The
conversion between million electron volts and watts gives 3.1 1010 fissions
per second needed to release 1 thermal watt. This energy is used to generate
steam and drive a turbine-generator to convert to electrical power. In a
558 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 22.28 Solar array versus recharge time after 5 min of weapons run with 10 MWe
load. (Data source: D.M. Allen, Proc. 36th IECEC, pp. 243–249, ASME, 2001.)
FIGURE 22.29 The placement of multiple pairs of large rotating machines on a space
The platform’s dynamic-control and the pointing system must account for
the net effect of all the rotating machines (generators, turbines and pumps)
on the platform, which depends on their exact placement. The net effect of
all such machines is platform-specific and varies from one platform to
gage used, i.e., on the internal power loss in the wire. The total insulation
mass of a 200-V cable is less than 1.5 kg per 100 m. The 48 pairs of 50-m
boom cable have a total cable length of 4800 m with total insulation mass of
about 72 kg.
The conductor grade, which has a high electrical conductivity (close to
copper) and at the same time retains the necessary mechanical strength at
600 C suitable for the SP-100 boom cable application is CdCr copper. This
precipitation hardenable alloy has high mechanical strength, resistance to
softening at elevated temperatures, high flex life, and freedom from
embattlement. The boom cable is required to be flexible for ease in
deployment. Such flexibility is achieved by making the cable from
numerous thin strands (10 to 20 mils diameter). However, the thinner the
strands, the quicker they melt, should the temperature approach the
melting point even for a brief period (such as under a laser beam attack).
The threats and the resulting over-temperatures determine the final
conductor strand size. In the absence of a specific threat, adopting the
industry and military standards appears to be reasonable, which calls for
133 strands of 11 mils diameter in AWG No. 8 wire and 133 strands of 14
mils diameter in No. 6 wire. From the high-temperature insulation
candidates shown in Figure 22.31, glass ceramic or asbestos fibers are
potential candidates, although Nextel of 3M or Phosroc would surpass the
1. Barthelemy, R.R., Messie, L.D., and Borger, W., Military space power
system technology for the 21st century, Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, 1986, Vol. Ill, pp. 1401–1410.
2. Brandhorst, H.W. and Best, S.R., Effects of hypervelocity impacts on solar
cell modules at high voltage, Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. I, pp. 353–358.
3. Binz, E. and Hartung, J., Solar dynamic power for a space station,
Proceedings of the 21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
pp. 2072–2076.
4. Merryman, S.A., Bandy, A.J., and Gordon, L.B., The breakdown character-
istics of an out-gassing dominated vacuum region, Proceedings of the
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1987, Vol. Ill, pp.
5. Patel, M.R., High Frequency Power Distribution System, NASA Report No.
CR-175071, 1986.
6. Bouquet, F.L. and Winslow, J.W., Radiation Data Definitions and Compilation
for Equipment Qualification Data Bank, NASA Tech Briefs, January 1987.
7. SAE STD-1031, Aircraft 270 V dc power distribution bus, electrical power, HV
dc, aircraft, characteristics and utilization of.
8. MIL-STD-1399, Submarines 155 Vdc power distribution (100 kW range),
interface standards for shipboard systems.
9. Allen, D.M., Multi megawatt space powers technology program,
Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. I, pp. 243–249.
10. Patel, M.R., Dynamics of high power rotating machines on space
platforms, Proceedings of the 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, AIAA, 1990, Paper No. 990-X.
11. Gamota, G., One two three - zero resistance in defense applications, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-17, January 1981.
12. Patel, M.R., Nathenson, R.D., and Ahmed, M.E., ‘‘Designing pancake coils
of large 300 MW superconducting generator for electromagnetic and
thermal loads, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus, Vol. PAS-102, August
1983, pp. 2710–2716.
Chapter 23
Electric Propulsion
23.1 Introduction
Electric propulsion continues its expansion in space. More than 160
spacecraft in the Earth orbit and interplanetary space now use it in some
form. Many new programs have begun to develop the next generation of
electric propulsion for solar and nuclear powered spacecraft. Although it is
another load on the bus, some of its unique features that influence the
power system design and operation are discussed in this chapter.
In the geosynchronous orbit, the satellite must maintain the assigned
orbit altitude and inclination to stay locked with a fixed ground station. But
the orbit slowly degrades due to various drags in the space. The propulsion
system maintains the satellite in the desired orbit and controls its attitude
towards the Earth. Propulsion is also needed for orbit transfer and to
deorbit the satellite for disposal at the end of a mission. The requirements
for these functions are listed in Table 23.1.
The propulsion thrust in a typical satellite is produced by chemical fuels
carried on board. In a geosynchronous satellite, over 90% of the on-board
fuel is used for N–S station keeping, and the rest for E–W station keeping,
attitude control, and orbit transfer. The resultant thrust vector of all station-
keeping thrusters must pass through the center of the satellite mass. The
thrust vector for the attitude control, on the other hand, must be at a right
angle to the center of mass in order to generate the maximum moment.
Chemical propulsion typically uses a catalytic monopropellant hydrazine
(N2H4) fuel. No oxidizer is needed. Heat or a catalyst decomposes the fuel,
and the chemical reaction produces heat and thrust of the exhaust gas.
Some satellites use fuel and oxidizer in separate tanks to achieve higher
Electric Propulsion 567
thrust levels. Such bi-propellant fuel systems generally uses hydrazine and
nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4). This yields specific impulse around 300 s.
At present, electric propulsion is used in low-thrust maneuvers.
However, attractive mass saving results in applications requiring high-
velocity increments, such as for N–S station keeping (50 m/s per year), and
for orbit raising (1 to 5 km/s). Full orbit transfer from low to geosynchro-
nous orbit requires about 6 km/s velocity. Electric propulsion has several
times the efficiency of a chemical system, and is attractive for attitude
control in LEO satellites. In GEO satellites, it is often used for N–S station
keeping, and sometimes for orbit raising, in which the transfer time can be
long. Although in theory, the thrust-to-drag ratio must be greater than 1 to
raise an orbit, it must be greater than 3 for practical control stability
For the N–S station keeping (NSSK), electric propulsion can be powered
by the satellite battery without additional mass except for a dedicated load
power converter. Orbit raising requires much higher power, which must be
derived from the solar array. Small orbit raising using low specific impulse
devices may be considered using the existing solar array and battery. The
propulsion operation is performed during sunlight in the non-eclipse
season. During this period, the extra power available from the solar array
after meeting the load power requirement is used to fire the propulsion.
Additional power, if needed, can come from the battery up to the maximum
allowable DOD at the end of station keeping. Electric propulsion that
requires large amounts of power significantly impacts the power system
architecture and design. For example, full orbit raising would definitely
need an additional solar array or some other power source, which would
add mass.
Many electric propulsion technologies require a high-voltage power
source to generate arcs and plasma that is electrically conductive. The
power system control circuit must provide protection against damage to
either the thruster or power system components in the event of inevitable
arcing between high-voltage elements. The most frequent place for an arc
to occur is in the thruster. The high-voltage power source is designed in
two ways to provide protection against such arcing. One way is to
incorporate an over-current sensing circuit, which turns off the high
voltage in case of an arcing fault. Alternatively, the source can be
designed with high output impedance so that an arc merely results in
deep voltage sag. In the cesium thruster, discussed later in this chapter,
the thruster electrodes are subjected to excessive cesium atom deposition
when the high voltage is turned off. The cesium continues to flow from
the ion source, and the evaporation from the ionizer is neutral cesium
since no electrostatic field exists to draw off the ions. The voltage should
therefore be reapplied quickly. Under a loss of high voltage, electrode and
insulator contamination leading to excessive drain current and arcing is
possible at any time the cesium is flowing from the ion source. The power
568 Spacecraft Power Systems
Assuming that the expellant mass flow rate is constant during the
propulsion burn time, it is Me/Tb. We also assume a constant expellant
velocity during the burn. Then, the energy conservation requires the
balance of power, i.e.,
Electric Propulsion 569
expellant mass,
Mt Msc
Me ¼ ! ð23:2Þ
2Tb Psp
Mt Msc
Mp ¼ ð23:3Þ
2Tb Psp
TPR ¼ dt ð23:4Þ
With specific power achievable with the present power system technol-
ogies, a long burn time and low exhaust velocity are inherent characteristics
of electric prolusion. Significant power improvements of several fold are
needed to make electric propulsion viable for lift-off from a planetary
surface or orbit raising. However, electric propulsion for on-orbit maneu-
vering and interplanetary missions is practical and is being used at present.
In designing any type of electric propulsion, the exhaust velocity must be
selected to minimize the total mass added in the power system and the
propellant. That would maximize the available payload mass in a given
spacecraft with a given launch vehicle capacity. This trade is depicted in
Figure 23.1.
570 Spacecraft Power Systems
battery, 2 weeks before or after an eclipse season. The arcjets are always
fired during sunlight, nominally at 1200 and 2400 hours with respect to
local midnight. Each HAJ consumes 1 to 2 kW power depending on the
spacecraft size. The arcjet power circuits are always fused. Since this is
usually the heaviest single load on the spacecraft, the arcjet fuse-blow
voltage transient is generally the most severe on the bus. The computer
simulation of this transient is therefore required for all new designs. The
hydrazine arcjet thruster typical envelope and electrical performance are
shown in Figure 23.3.
FIGURE 23.3 Hydrazine arcjet thruster typical envelope and electrical performance.
field intensity. Under this force, negatively charged particles move along
the rising field, while positively charged particles move along the falling
field. If the expellant mass Me having a total charge of Q is exhausted at
velocity Ve through the electric potential difference of U volts (not to be
confused with velocity V), the energy balance (in joules) gives
1=2M 2
e Ve ¼ QU ð23:5Þ
The propulsion power (in watts) required to create the propulsion thrust F
then follows the balance of power, i.e.,
Pe ¼ 1=2FVe ð23:6Þ
The above two equations lead to the propulsion thrust to electric power
F 2Me
¼ ð23:7Þ
beam is very well focused. A larger model of XIPS is being used in a four-
thruster system designed to do both the N–S station keeping and a
significant amount of orbit raising in large commercial satellites. Boeing’s
BSS-702 and BSS-601HP busses are such examples. The mass savings could
be up to three times as great as that associated with NSSK alone. For low-
and mid-Earth orbits, the entire orbit raising and de-orbit functions could
be performed by an ion propulsion system.
NASA’s Deepspace-1 interplanetary probe uses a gridded ion propulsion
system using PV power. It produces thrust with specific impulse
(propellant efficiency) 10 times greater than a typical chemical propulsion
system used during interplanetary missions. It uses a hollow cathode to
produce electrons that ionize xenon gas through collisions, yielding
positively charged atoms of xenon. The xenon ions are then electrostatically
accelerated by a potential of more than 1000 V and emitted from a 30-cm
thruster nozzle through an electrically charged grid. The power available to
the IPS during the Deepspace-1 mission comes from solar arrays.
The ion propulsion degrades the solar array in one way. It generates ions
that are discharged into space at high velocity. A large number of low-
energy electrons are also emitted to prevent the satellite from building up a
negative ion slowing down the charge. A few non-ionized atoms drift out of
the thruster and get ionized in collision with ions in the high-velocity
stream and form plasma. Through the drifted plasma, the low-energy
electrons can flow as the leakage current, draining power from the solar
magnetic field produces a small azimuthal torque to the ions, which does
not change the thrust.
SPTs with improved performance are in various stages of development in
the 3 to 5 kW power range. A high power model SPT-100 has been used for
N–S and E–W station keeping operations on many satellites by Russia, and
is being used by Astrium, the French–German–British satellite builder on
Inmarsat and Intelsat communications satellites. It gives about 16 km/s and
generates about 80 mN of thrust using 1.5 kW of input power. This is a good
combination of thrust to power ratio of about 50 mN/kW and a fairly high
specific impulse. Its main advantage over the gridded ion thruster is the
high thrust density, which is possible with gridless acceleration. The thrust
output to power input ratio for the SPT is in the 50 to 70 mN/kW range. Its
drawback is a wide beam angle due to not having the focusing grids. This
may interfere with nearby spacecraft components. However, various other
alternatives for narrowing the exhaust plume are being developed.
23.3.5 Magneto-Hydrodynamic
The magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) propulsion — also known as the
electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) — uses plasma. Neutral plasma is accelerated
under both the ohmic heating and the electrodynamic force generated by
the interaction of the electric field E and the magnetic field B. The thrust
that propels the spacecraft in MHD comes from the Lorentz force
F ¼ E B, where ¼ electric conductivity of the plasma. The force is
perpendicular to both the E and B fields. The accelerating force is imparted
to neutral particles in the gas by collision with ions, thus providing a direct
and efficient increase in the propellant velocity that propels the vehicle. The
electric conductivity of the plasma-mixed exhaust is an important
performance factor. It varies directly with the temperature and inversely
with the pressure. Its value of 0.10 m is considered adequate for
acceptable performance in the MHD accelerator. Since the self-induced
magnetic field accelerates ions, the thrust is proportional to the current
squared. The overall efficiency ranges from 10% in the kilowatt range to
40% in the megawatt range. A pulse mode of operation is essential in high
power ion thruster. Significant development in this area has been under
way in Japan. A thrust power of a few newtons with a specific impulse of
2000 s is achievable. Cathode erosion is a major life-limiting factor.
A constant E-field applied to plasma is not of interest here, as it adjusts
itself by developing a thin sheet of space charge, which shields the main
body of plasma from the E-field (as in a conductor body). On the other
hand, a constant B-field causes a Lorentz force on the charged particle in
plasma. The force is given by F ¼ Q (E þ V B), which is always
perpendicular to the velocity, V, of the particle. It causes the charged
particle to gyrate about the field lines without altering the internal space-
576 Spacecraft Power Systems
about twice that of storable bipropellant, and the thrust of about 200 mN
using an input power just under 2 kW. Its thrust-to-power ratio of about 100
enables relatively fast maneuvers. However, its low exhaust velocity limits
the mass benefit relative to chemical propulsion. HAJ lends itself well to
spacecraft that already use hydrazine as a chemical propellant. HAJ used
for NSSK in many large commercial communication satellites gives an Isp of
about 500 s, compared to 200 s in traditional monopropellant thrusters, and
300 s in bi-propellant and EHT thrusters. This reduces the propellant mass
required for station keeping.
A gridless electrostatic ion thruster, such as the Russian SPT, has been
used on short duration missions with a specific impulse approaching 2000 s.
The gridded ion thruster can achieve a specific impulse in the 3000 to 4000 s
The specific impulses of major types of propulsion systems are compared
in Table 23.2, and the power-to-thrust ratio versus exhaust velocity is
plotted in Figure 23.5. As for the voltage requirement, the HAJ generally
works at the bus voltage, the SPT thruster works around 300 V, and the IPS
works at voltages exceeding 1000 V.
The HAJ, SPT, and XIPS, each have their own inherent advantages
and disadvantages. The development continues in order to incorporate
these systems in full orbit raising. When achieved, it would significantly
change the Earth-orbiting satellite designs.
FIGURE 23.6 Power system block diagram for 1-MW class electric propulsion.
Electric Propulsion 579
Table 23.3 One-megawatt class solar electric propulsion system for Mars
Parameter ISS cr-Si Linear concen. a-SiGe thin film CuInS2 thin film
Teflon insulation are used. NASA data on the space plasma effect at 500 V
d.c. operating voltage were used to estimate the parasitic leakage current.
The necessary 600-V silicon and silicon carbide based technology develop-
ments are well under way at NASA for switchgear components and remote
power controllers at this voltage.
The PV cell technologies considered by Kerslake and Gefert were:
In the conceptual design cited, the thin film cells are encapsulated with 1.5-
mil-thick FEP Teflon for isolation from the space plasma. The PV array
membranes are deployed using an inflatable rigidified longitudinal column
and a flexible composite lateral member. The array strings are negatively
grounded, and bypass diodes are incorporated every 10 cells to reduce
long-term degradation. The harness is multi-ribbon flat copper sized for 3%
voltage drop. The PV array surface is coated with transparent indium tin
oxide to prevent space charge buildup and arcing at high orbit altitudes.
In another study, Bailey, Hepp, and Raffaelle3 discuss the current state of
the art and address some of the technology development issues required to
make thin film PV viable for future solar–electric propulsion from Earth to
Moon or Mars. They have developed a conceptual design for a Mars solar
electric propulsion vehicle using thin film multi-junction PV array that fans
out (Figure 23.7). The study has concluded that the specific power around
580 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 23.7 The solar electric propulsion vehicle concept for human Mars mission.
(Source: NASA Glenn/Power and Propulsion/J. Hojnicki.)
block the sunlight if it were in front or behind the direction of travel. Also,
the exhaust plume would impinge on the concentrator and degrade its
performance. Laug and Holmes4 have proposed a solution to this in using
an on-axis concentrator, which takes two elliptical sections of the
paraboloid away from the axis of symmetry. The required concentration
ratio for solar thermal propulsion is 10,000:1, which is much higher than
that for solar PV propulsion. This means a very small surface accuracy error
tolerance, about 1 mm rms, which is comparable with that for a 15-GHz
and is not subject to day/night cycles as are solar arrays. The magnitude of
the power generated depends on the tether length. As an example, it has
been estimated that a current of 5 A through a 100-km tether can produce
upwards of 80 kW of power. Accounting for drag and other losses, the
system could operate at a net efficiency of 75%.
The concept has been around since the 1960s. In 1993, NASA’s Plasma
Motor Generator Mission used a tether equipped with a hollow cathode end
mass to collect electrons. In 1996, NASA flew another 20-km long, 2.5-mm-
diameter conducting tether between the space shuttle Orbiter and a 500-kg
satellite with scientific instruments provided by the Italian Space Agency.
This tethered satellite system (TSS) generated over 2 kW of power and 1 A
of current. While not a complete success, it provided valuable data for
future research and development on this unique concept of bleeding energy
from space charge.
The most critical requirement for the tether power system is the
availability of tether materials with the required strength, conductivity,
Electric Propulsion 585
The primary focus of the tether research is the plasma interactions for
power generation. It also considers plasma interactions related to the
system’s use as a source of thrust and as an extremely low-frequency (ELF)
antenna system. The concept of the tethered satellite system as a generator
or motor envisions the ejection of charge from one end of the system, and
the collection of a compensating current at the other end. The effect of the
magnetic field on charged particle collection is considered and is shown to
be substantial. Specific calculations of charged particle collection utilize
computer codes for geometrically complex objects and well-developed
analytical theories of spherical probes, both for the case of unmagnetized
plasmas. Without the aid of plasma contactors or large area collectors,
quiescent plasma theory indicates that the effect of the magnetic field would
limit the useable power developed in an initial electrodynamic tether
mission to about 1 kW. Since the plasma may be turbulent, however, this
estimate may be pessimistic. In any case, uncertainties in present knowl-
edge clearly point to a need for a better understanding of probes in
magnetized plasmas, including plasmas that are strongly perturbed by the
passage of electron beams.
The first electrodynamic tether experiment will involve electron beams.
The electromotive force (EMF) generated by motion across the geomagnetic
field will be used to operate an electron gun, which ejects a beam from the
shuttle into the surrounding plasma. Some fraction of the electrons
generated at the gun’s cathode may not escape the vehicle, instead leaking
current to the anode (shuttle ground) and causing a negative potential
buildup. This potential buildup, a sensitive function of the ratio of leakage
current to neutralizing current, is studied for the case where the
neutralization is affected by ram ions from the ambient plasma.
Estimates of the effect of leakage currents on shuttle potential ignore the
effect of interactions between the beam and ambient plasma. Strong
perturbations of the ambient plasma are frequently observed, but experi-
586 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 23.10 Tether working principle. (From L. Johnson, IEEE Spectrum, p. 40, July 2000. With permission.)
588 Spacecraft Power Systems
1. Kerslake, T.W. and Gefert, L.P., Solar power system analysis for electric
propulsion missions, in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2449.
2. Brandhorst, H.W., Power without wires, a solar electric propulsion
concept for space exploration, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic System,
Voltage. 16, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 3–7.
3. Bailey, S.G., Hepp, A.F., and Raffaelle, R.P. Thin film photovoltaic for
space applications, in Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, ASME, 2001, Paper No. AT-36.
4. Laug, K.K. and Holmes, M.R., Paraboloidal thin film inflatable concen-
trators and their use for power applications, in Proceedings of the 34th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No.
5. Lineberry, J.T. and Chapman, J.N., MHD Augmentation of rocket engines
for space propulsion, in Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper No. 3056.
6. Power, J.L., Microwave electrothermal propulsion for space, IEEE
Transactions on Propulsion in Space, Vol. 40, No. 6, June 1992.
7. Cosmo, M.L. and Lorenzini, E.G., Tethers in Space Handbook, NASA
Handbook, December 1997.
8. Johnson, L., The tether solution, IEEE Spectrum, July 2000, pp 38–43.
Chapter 24
Fuel Cell Power
24.1 Introduction
The fuel cell was developed as an intermediate-term power source for space
applications. It was first used in a moon buggy. At present, it is routinely
used to power NASA’s fleet of space shuttles (STS Orbiter) that carries
components and crew to the International Space Station and other space
service missions.1 The fuel cell resembles a battery in that it converts the
chemical energy of a fuel directly into d.c. electricity. However, unlike a
battery, it does not run down in energy and have to be recharged. It keeps
producing electricity as long as the fuel is supplied. One can call the fuel cell
‘the gas battery.’ A typical fuel gas is hydrogen or a hydrogen-rich mixture
and an oxidant.
A fuel cell finds applications in space missions lasting for a few days to a
few weeks where a battery is not practical. It also has a potential use as an
auxiliary power source for orbit transfer vehicles. The regenerative fuel cell
integrated with an electrolyzer unit presents an attractive mass saving for
LEO satellites requiring large energy storage. It was a serious candidate in
place of the battery for the ISS.
The working of a fuel cell is the reverse of the electrolysis of water. In the
electrolysis, electricity is passed between two electrodes in water to produce
hydrogen and oxygen. In the fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen are combined
to produce electricity and water. The energy conversion is direct from
chemical to electrical. Since the process is isothermal, the conversion
efficiency is not limited by the Carnot efficiency. This is unlike many
chemical-to-thermal-to-mechanical-to-electrical energy converters using
steam or internal combustion engines. It skips the usual combustion step
of conventional power systems and converts a high percentage of the fuel’s
available free chemical energy directly into electricity. The fuel cell
efficiency, therefore, can be about twice that of the thermodynamic
converter. It is as high as 65% in some designs, and 75 to 80% in solid
metal oxide fuel cells developed for ground base power plants. Its superior
reliability with no moving parts is an additional benefit over thermo-
dynamic power generators.
592 Spacecraft Power Systems
The anode (fuel electrode) provides a common interface for the fuel and
electrolyte, catalyzes the fuel oxidation reaction, and conducts electrons
from the reaction site to the external circuit.
The fuel cell is thus a static electrochemical device that generates electricity
by using a chemical reaction without altering the electrodes or the
electrolyte materials. This distinguishes the fuel cell from the electroche-
mical battery. Unlike the conventional battery, the fuel cell has no electrical
energy storage capacity. Hence, it must continuously supply the reactant
and withdraw the reaction products during operation.
where J is current density at the electrode surface, and and are constants
which depend on temperature and the electrode surface. The theoretical
potential difference of 1.25 V between the anode and cathode in the
hydrogen–oxygen fuel cell is determined by the difference of the free
energy of the reaction product and the fuel and oxidant. This potential is
different in different fuel cells depending on the reactions involved. The
electrical performance of a fuel cell is represented by the electrode voltage
versus surface current density, commonly known as the polarization curve
or the V–I curve as shown in Figure 24.2. Ideally, a single H2–O2 fuel cell
could produce 1.25 V d.c. under ambient conditions. Undesirable ions
and products of the intermediate irreversible reactions decrease the cell
594 Spacecraft Power Systems
potential, even at open circuit. Further voltage drop under load results from
various irreversible polarizations in the cell, such as:
The net result of these polarizations is that the practical fuel cell produces
between 0.5 and 1.0 V d.c. at currents of 100 to 400 mA/cm2 of cell area. Fuel
cell performances can increase by increasing cell temperature and reactant
partial pressure. A trade-off exists between achieving higher performance
by operating at higher temperature or pressure and confronting the
materials and hardware problems imposed at more severe conditions.
The practical operating range of the fuel cell is controlled by ohmic loss.
The V–I characteristic in this region is very similar to that of the battery,
except that the average discharge voltage is lower. The voltage drops
Fuel Cell Power 595
approximately linearly with increasing current and also with time, a shown
in Figure 24.3.2 At any given time, the terminal V–I relationship can be
expressed as
V ¼ Vo kI ð24:2Þ
Unlike the PV cell, the fuel cell does not work in the use the input energy or
lose it mode. It uses the on-board fuel to generate power. For this reason, the
fuel cell is not operated at Pmax until it approaches the end of life. It is rather
operated at the maximum fuel efficiency until the EOL.
Since Vo degrades with time, so does the Pmax. The open circuit voltage
can be expressed as a function of time as
where h ¼ number of hours since the fuel cell is placed in operation. With a
voltage regulating converter between the fuel cell and the load, the life of
the fuel cell can be defined as the time it takes for the voltage to decay below
the required input voltage, or the Pmax to fall below the required output
FIGURE 24.4 Pmax =Prated ratio versus time determines the life.
power. It can be predicted from the Vo versus time relation. The expected
life of the fuel cell is determined as shown in Figure 24.4.2
The transient electrical performance model of the fuel cell include
electrochemical, thermal and mass flow elements that affects the electrical
output.3 Of primary interest is the electrical response of the cell to a load
change. To design for the worst case, the performance is calculated under
both the constant reactant flow and the constant inlet temperature.
ground before launch, and then uses fuel cells after the launch. Each
shuttle has three fuel cells generating 30 to 36 V d.c. power. Some of
this power is used in d.c. form, and some is converted in 400 Hz a.c. for
aircraft-type equipment used in the shuttle. It has 118 kg of dry mass.
The output power capability of 12 to 15 kW gives a pecific power
around 100 to 120 W/kg based on the stack and accessories without
power conditioning and gas supplies. Although the electrical startup
time is 10 to 20 min and the shutdown is instantaneous, the whole
system requires about 2 h of warm-up time before it can be loaded. The
design life for the space shuttle power plant is 5000 h at rated power. It
is likely that the life of the shuttle power plant could be increased to
20,000 h (along with higher power capability) with the incorporation of
advanced technology items.
The alkaline fuel cell used in the space shuttle combines hydrogen
and oxygen to generate electricity, with water as a byproduct. Oxygen
enters the cell through the sintered-nickel cathode where a catalyst
produces OH ions and delivers them to the cell’s potassium hydroxide
electrolyte. The ions drift through the alkaline electrolyte to the anode,
where they combine with hydrogen atoms to form water molecules and
release electrons, and the electrical power is delivered to the external
load. The energy released by 1 kg of cryogenic hydrogen combines with
8 kg of oxygen is about 34,000 Wh. That is 3800 Wh/kg of fuel,
excluding the fuel tank and the supporting systems. This amounts to
the energy conversion efficiency of about 50%. The byproduct water is
used for the crew.
The PEM technology is found more suited for spacecraft applications at
present. NASA Glenn Research Center continues developing the PEM and
regenerative fuel cells for a wide variety of applications, including launch
vehicles, planetary and interplanetary spacecraft, planetary surface power,
aircraft propulsion, and terrestrial use. For spacecraft applications, the
PEM technology offers enhanced safety, longer life, lower weight, higher
reliability, higher peak power capability, compatibility with propulsion
fuel, and potential for lower cost. A prototype 5.25 kW modular PEM fuel
cell was tested in 2000.4 The goal of the current PEM programs at NASA5,6
are three times the power and four times the life compared with the alkaline
fuels cell of the same mass and volume; with the peak to average nominal
power ratio of six. Further developments will be needed to qualify for
manned flights.
The performance of various types of fuel cell for space applications is
compared in Table 24.1. Compared to the PV array, the fuel cell gives
much higher power per kilogram. Flexibility is another major advantage,
as it does not need sun pointing and provides the same power during
both day and night. Its disadvantage is that it needs to carry fuel on
598 Spacecraft Power Systems
be possible to service the RFC system for a LEO mission of 5 years. In LEO,
it has a reasonable specific energy around 5 to 8 Wh/kg and round trip
energy efficiency of 60 to 70%. Because of the lower efficiency compared to
the battery, both the solar array charging power and the thermal cooling
requirement would be greater. In high power GEO applications, mass-
optimized RFC units may provide 20 to 35 Wh/kg. The high specific energy
is largely due to the need for only a small electrolyzer unit because of the
relatively long recharge time available in GEO. The specific energy,
however, is sensitive to various thermal and electrical design requirements.
Proton Energy Systems7 is currently developing 1 to 100 kW RFC for LEO
and GEO applications. The company has tested 25 to 35% d.c.–d.c. round
trip efficiency. The efficiency is low, but the specific energy and specific
power are high compared to the battery. At stack level, 300 to 400 Wh/kg
and 70 to 100 W/kg are possible, including 10% for hydrogen storage. This
compares with about 200 Wh/kg with the Li-ion battery.
PV array for power generation during the cyclic day time periods of
approximately 14 Earth days
Electrolyzer that uses d.c. electricity from the array and electro-
chemically converts water into hydrogen, oxygen, and low-grade heat
Fuel cell stack that electrochemically converts hydrogen and oxygen
into d.c. electricity, water, and low-grade heat during the cyclic night
period of approximately 14 Earth days
Storage tanks for pure water
High-pressure hydrogen and oxygen tanks
Automated controls
600 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 24.5 Power system architecture for human colony in space (Moon or Mars.)
PEM fuel cell and electrolyzer requires less pressure control complex-
Containment of the aqueous KOH electrolyte is much more difficult
than polymeric membrane.
The environment is very demanding, while some aspects are simpler for
operating an RFC on the moon compared to on the Earth. The moon
operation requires storage of hydrogen, oxygen, and water, whereas the
terrestrial operation does not need to store oxygen, since air can be fed
through the cathode on a one-pass basis. It is easy to maintain the PV power
generation schedules on the moon, as the sun time and dark are nearly
constant in the lunar month (also day, which is 29 days, 12 h, 24 min and
2.9 s of the Earth.) On the Earth, the seasonal variations and the clouds can
make the sunlight vary over a wide range.
compared with that using two batteries in Figure 24.6 and Figure 24.7,
respectively. This study assumed a mission life of 5 years, orbit inclination
90 at various altitudes, power 20 kW, discharge time equal to charge time
giving the duty ratio of 50%, and the battery DOD 25% for NiCd and 35%
for NiH2. It is seen in the figures that the RFC power system results in low
mass in low orbits, comparable mass in mid orbits, and a very large volume
in both orbits. In GEO, the RFC would certainly result in much greater mass
in almost all cases.
However, when the designs are further developed, the RFC may find
applications in high-power spacecraft. For a 10-MW pulse power directed
energy weapon platforms in LEO as an example mission, Allen9 reports a
conceptual design study comparing the alternative systems, such as the
RFC, heat engines, flywheel, and batteries that could be recharged using PV
array. The study concluded that the solid-oxide RFC with PV charge power
could deliver the required power with the lowest mass. The details of the
Allen study are given in Chapter 22.
FIGURE 24.6 Alternative energy storage mass for 20-kW space-based radar.
602 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 24.7 An alternative energy storage volume for 20-kW space-based radar.
1. Oman, H., Fuel cells power for aerospace vehicles, IEEE Aerospace and
Electronics System Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2002, pp. 35–41.
2. Babasaki, T., Take, T., and Yamashita, T., Diagnosis of fuel cell deteriora-
tion using fuel cell current–voltage characteristics, in Proceedings of the 34th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No.
3. Hall, D.J. and Colclaser, R.G., Transient modeling and simulation of
tubular solid oxide fuel cell, IEEE Power Engineering Review, Paper No. PE-
100-EC-004, July 1998.
4. Perez-Davis, M.E. et al. Energy storage for aerospace applications, in
Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
ASME, 2001, Vol. I, pp. 85–89.
5. Hoberecht, M. and Reaves, W., PEM fuel cell status and remaining
challenges for manned space flight applications, in Proceedings of the 1st
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2003, Paper
No. 5963.
6. Burke, K., Fuel cells for space science applications, in Proceedings of the 1st
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2003, Paper
No. 5938.
7. Barbir, F., Dalton, L., and Molter, T., Regenerative fuel cells for energy
storage – Efficiency and weight trade off, in Proceedings of the 1st
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2003, Paper
No. 5937.
8. Voecks, G.E. et al. Operation of the 25 kW NASA Lewis Research Center Solar
Regenerative Fuel Cell Testbed Facility, NASA Technical Report No. 97295,
9. Allen, D.M., Multi-megawatts specifications power technology compar-
ison, in Proceedings of the 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, ASME, 2001, Vol. I, pp. 243–249.
Chapter 25
Flywheel Energy Storage
25.1 Introduction
A flywheel stores kinetic energy in rotating inertia. The stored energy can be
converted into electricity using an electromagnetic machine in the generat-
ing mode. Recharging — spinning the wheel — is done using the same
machine in the motoring mode. The round trip energy efficiency of the
flywheel system is high — 85 to 90% compared to 70 to 75% with the
electrochemical battery. Flywheel energy storage is an old concept that has
now been developed for a variety of commercial applications. Automobiles,
utility load leveling, and uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) are a few
examples. At present, commercial UPS systems using flywheel–battery cost
$300 to $500 per kWh. The space-qualified NiH2 cells cost $80,000 to $100,000
per kWh. The flywheel system is being developed by NASA and industry
partners for replacing the battery in the spacecraft power system.1–4 One is
scheduled to fly for flight tests on the International Space Station (ISS) in
2006. It is estimated that flywheel energy storage can improve the depth of
discharge (DOD) and life by a factor of 2 compared to those of the battery.
An integrated energy and momentum storage flywheel system can be even
more advantageous.
The following developments have made flywheel technology more
attractive now than ever before:
Flywheel Energy Storage 605
These benefits have the potential of making the flywheel the least-cost
energy storage alternative per Wh delivered over the operating life on
ground or in space. However, it has the following negative aspects:
FIGURE 25.1 Spacecraft power system architecture with flywheel energy storage.
Flywheel Energy Storage 607
FIGURE 25.2 Fatigue life of graphite fiber–epoxy composite compared with stainless steel.
voltages varying over the 1 to 3 range. This allows the machine speed to
vary over the same range. That is, a low rotor speed can be one third of the
full speed. Since the energy storage is proportional to the speed squared,
the flywheel state of charge at low speed can be as low as 10%. This means
90% of the flywheel energy can be discharged with no design difficulty in
the power electronics, or in any other components of the system.
The fatigue life of the composite rotor may limit the number of charge/
discharge cycles the flywheel can withstand. Experience indicates that
polymer fiber composites generally have longer fatigue life than solid
metals (Figure 25.2). A properly designed flywheel, therefore, can last much
longer than the battery and can discharge to a much deeper level. Flywheels
made of composite rotors have been fabricated and tested to demonstrate
more than 10,000 cycles of full charge and discharge.10
25.3.2 Hub
The hub supports the rotor and allows it to adjust radially under
mechanical and/or thermo-elastic stress. It also is made of fiber–resin
composites, with fibers oriented at suitable angle(s) to support the multi-
dimensional stresses.
The magnetic bearing raises and controls the shaft position using passive
magnetic and/or active electrodynamic forces. The passive design uses
permanent magnets of like polarities to keep them separate under the
repulsive force between them. The active magnetic bearings come in a
variety of configurations using permanent magnets and dynamic current
actuators to achieve the required restraints. A rigid body can have six
degrees of freedom. The bearings retain the rotor in five degrees of freedom,
leaving one for rotation. Among various alternatives, one configuration is
depicted in Figure 25.4. The dynamic actuator coils provide the horizontal
restraint. The currents in the coils are controlled in response to the feedback
loop controlling the rotor position. The permanent magnets are used to
provide free levitation support of the shaft. The permanent magnet bias also
helps stabilize the shaft under a rotor drop. The electromagnet coils provide
stabilization and control. The control coils operate at low duty cycle, and
only one servo controller loop is needed for each axis. The servo control
coils provide active control to maintain the shaft stability by providing
restoring forces as needed to maintain the shaft in the centered position.
The position and velocity sensors are used in the active feedback loop. The
electric current variation in the actuator coils compels the shaft to remain
centered in the air gaps.
25.3.6 Sensors
Various sensors, some embedded in the wheel, sense physical variables,
such as position, vibration, temperature, etc. They monitor the health of the
wheel during all phases of operation. They also detect failures to command
shutdown of the system if necessary.
Various sensors and bearing locations in one configuration of the
flywheel assembly are shown in Figure 25.6. In another configuration, the
rotor can be located radially outward, as shown in Figure 25.7, which forms
a volume-efficient packaging. Moreover, it minimizes the thermo-elastic or
rotational stress at the rotor–hub interface by providing radial resilience.
Figure 25.8 depicts a NASA concept for the flywheel system packaging. A
pre-stressed rotor, a strain-matched rotor, and mass-loaded designs are
other configurations that can minimize stresses.11
FIGURE 25.5 Radial load and speed limitations of ball and roller bearings.
Flywheel Energy Storage 611
FIGURE 25.7 Flywheel components and assembly packaging with stress-relieving hub.
612 Spacecraft Power Systems
E ¼ 1=2J!2 ð25:1Þ
The centrifugal body force is resisted by the hoop stress. The outermost
fibers on the wheel are stressed the most. This stress is kept below the
permissible limit. Stress analysis would show that the maximum hoop
stress is directly proportional to the linear speed of the outermost fiber (tip
speed of the wheel). For this reason, among wheels made from the same
material, a wheel of twice the diameter can be spun only at one half the
speed to keep the linear tip speed the same. Denoting this speed limit as
Vtipmax, the maximum energy that can be stored per unit mass in a wheel of
inner radius Ri and outer radius Ro can be shown to be
" 2 #
1 2 Ri
Emax ¼ Vtipmax 1 þ ð25:2Þ
4 Ro
Since the ratio Ri/Ro is always less than unity, the above equation clearly
shows that the thin rim flywheel design with Ri/Ro approaching unity
maximizes the specific energy storage for a given tip speed limitation. The
maximum design tip speed achievable in the modern fiber composite rotor
is 1150 m/s with the burst speed of 1500 m/s without preloaded design. A
30-cm (12-inch) rotor operating at 100,000 rpm would produce 1500 m/s tip
speed. Thus, a 100,000-rpm wheel has to be less than 25 cm in diameter.
For a thin rim flywheel of mass M and average radius R, the mass
moment of inertia J ¼ MR2. Therefore, Equation 25.1 can be written as
E ¼ 1=2MR2 !2 ð25:3Þ
It is the specific energy that matters the most in spacecraft power system
designs. The specific energy in Wh per unit mass, denoted by E1, is E
divided by M. That is, from Equation 25.3,
E1 ¼ 1=2R2 !2 ð25:4Þ
The hoop stress at the outermost fiber of wheel made with material of
mass density is given by
¼ R2 !2 ð25:5Þ
614 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 25.9 Theoretical maximum specific energy of rim flywheel of various materials.
Flywheel Energy Storage 615
FIGURE 25.10 Specific energy and mass of 10-kWh flywheel versus ult/ ratio.
energy of 90 to 120 Wh/kg has been demonstrated at the rotor (rim þ hub)
level in a commercial design running at 60,000 rpm.
Parameter Requirement
The first task for the system sizing is to perform an energy balance
analysis over one orbit period. Such analysis using a flywheel in the
example mission was performed using a spreadsheet program shown in
Figure 25.11. The analysis determines the component ratings, as seen in the
bottom half of the figure. It is noteworthy that the PV array output required
with the PV–flywheel system is lower, 4662 W versus 5000 W in the PV–
battery system. This reduction is because the round trip energy efficiency in
the flywheel system with the motor–generator machine is higher than that
in the battery system. The result is a 6.75% smaller PV array, which is a
significant side benefit of the flywheel system, in addition to its primary
benefit of reducing the energy storage mass.
The ratings derived in Figure 25.11 are for the total power system. A 20%
margin was added in all component ratings on and above those derived in
FIGURE 25.11 Power system configuration and energy balance analysis for determining
power system component ratings.
Flywheel Energy Storage 617
the figure. The mass and volume estimates were then developed for the
flywheel system assuming the following performance parameters:
Three equal wheels, two counter-rotating and one extra for reliability.
The number of wheels, however, may be greater than three depending
on the overall mission design
Rotor design speed 100,000 rpm at full spin-up (operating tip speed
<1.0 to 1.2 km/s)
Ultimate tensile strength of the fiber–resin composite 300,000 psi
Maximum allowable hoop stress in the outermost fiber of the wheel
200,000 psi
Rotor length-to-diameter ratio 0.75. This ratio influences the vibration
modes and the critical speeds
Minimum speed at the end of eclipse 35% of the full spin-up speed.
This gives the maximum depth of discharge of 88%
Efficiency of the charge and discharge converters in the PRU is 94%
Efficiency of the motor-generator machine is 95% in either direction
The mass estimate of various components using the NiH2 battery and
also the flywheel for this example spacecraft are given in Table 25.2. Table
25.3 summarizes the total mass and volume of the power system using the
NiH2 battery and also the flywheel. Table 25.4 highlights differences
between the two. It indicates that for LEO satellites with a 2500-W load, the
flywheel system can save 458 pounds mass (35%), 13.8 cubic feet volume
(55%), and 32 square feet solar array area (6.7%). Although the cost benefit
of using flywheel energy storage is not predictable at this stage, the
reduction in hardware and launch costs are expected to be several million
dollars per spacecraft.
Table 25.3 Total EPS mass and volumes using NiH2 battery
and flywheel in the example mission
M ¼ J1 !1 þ J2 !2
FIGURE 25.13 Energy–momentum wheel operation with two unequal wheels on each axis.
!2 ¼ ðM=JÞ !1 ð25:12Þ
which is a straight line with slope of 1 and !2-axis intercept of M/J. Thus,
with two equal wheels on each axis, the constant energy ellipse becomes a
circle and the momentum line takes the slope of 1.
FIGURE 25.14 Energy–momentum wheel operation during sunlight with two equal wheels
on each axis.
A pair of equal wheels that must maintain a given energy level, but
change its momentum level to meet the attitude control requirement, must
operate at any point on the circle, while changing the momentum line closer
or farther from the origin. This is shown in Figure 25.14. On the other hand,
if the system is required to deplete the energy without depleting the
momentum, the speed of the wheels must change to contract the energy
circles while maintaining the momentum line as shown in Figure 25.15. A
FIGURE 25.15 Energy–momentum wheel operation during eclipse with two equal wheels on
each axis.
622 Spacecraft Power Systems
DODmax ¼ 1 ð25:14Þ
1. The power system ratings derived in Figure 25.11 are for the total EPS,
i.e., for all operating wheels combined. The ratings of each wheel, the
motor-generator and the power and momentum management electro-
nics (PMME) would depend on one of the configuration options
applicable in the satellite under consideration.
2. If the flywheel is used only for the energy storage, the net zero
momentum requires two wheels counter-rotating on each axis. One
extra wheel is required for redundancy. Hence three wheels, each with
50% of system rating, are required.
3. In the IEMS configuration, however, one wheel is needed for the
momentum control on each of the three axes, which also stores energy
within its momentum limitation. One additional wheel is required for
Flywheel Energy Storage 623
the remaining energy storage requirement, and one more for redun-
dancy. Hence, five wheels are the theoretical minimum number of
wheels needed. Each wheel with 25% of system rating is used in the
IEMS mass and size estimates. The momentum constraint is not applied
in this study.
4. All wheels are assumed to be equal in size. However, it is recognized
that operational considerations in some satellites may require wheels of
different sizes.
5. A 20% margin is added in all component ratings on and above those
derived in Figure 25.11.
6. The rotor design was considered around three major design variables:
(a) the hoop stress, (b) the ultimate strength of the fiber–resin
composite, and (c) the length-to-diameter ratio, which influences the
vibration modes and the critical speeds. With the maximum hoop stress
to ultimate strength ratio of 0.7 and the length to diameter ratio of 0.75,
the rotor design speed of 100 krpm is used. This speed is considered
achievable. Chen et al.16 have reported a 100-Wh, 200 krpm flywheel on
magnetic bearings, where the rotor was made of fiber–epoxy composite
with the maximum operating hoop stress of 150 kpsi in the outermost
7. The hub mass is taken as 20% of the rim mass. This is the best estimate
available at present.
8. The PMME provides a total interface between the motor–generator and
the regulated voltage bus. It contains the charge and discharge
converters, the power management (mode control) function, the
momentum management function and the associated telemetry and
battery hardware) has been estimated and included in the IEMS designs for
comparison with the existing EPS.
120 f
speed ¼ ð25:15Þ
by exciting the winding whose magnetic axis aligns with the PM pole axis.
This, in essence, makes the machines work as synchronous machines.
The power electronic converters convert the variable voltage, variable
frequency a.c. power to d.c. and vice versa. The L-C filter is used between
the converter and the d.c. bus to minimize the harmonics generated by the
PWM converters. The 3-phase machine windings are connected in
ungrounded Y, which inherently eliminates all triple harmonics (3rd, 6th,
9th, . . . etc.)
The power transfer between the d.c. bus and flywheel during the charge
operation can be achieved in tapered power, constant power or constant
current mode. The first two may require high current in the beginning,
making it necessary to use a machine of high rating for a short time. The
constant current mode at three current levels, i.e., high, moderate, and low,
may be more mass efficient.
The synchronous machine can be electrically represented by a source emf
and series resistance and reactance as shown in Figure 25.16(a). The relation
between the internally generated emf and the terminal voltage is given by
the phasor diagram shown in Figure 25.16(b) and (c) for the generating and
the motoring operations, respectively. From the diagram, the power
transfer is derived as17
Vt Ia Ra
speed ¼ ð25:17Þ
Thus, the PM d.c. machine and the PM synchronous machine are the only
two candidates in flywheel technology for space. These two machines look
very much alike with almost the same specific power and no significant
difference in efficiency or cooling requirements. Sometimes the two are not
clearly distinguishable unless their control methods are examined. The
synchronous machine speed can be controlled only by varying the applied
frequency, whereas the d.c. machine speed is controlled by varying the
applied voltage. Therefore, these two machines significantly differ in their
speed control method and hence the power electronics design.
Being the heritage motor in the momentum and reaction wheels at
present, the permanent magnet (PM) d.c. machine would be the lowest
nonrecurring cost approach. In addition, the PM d.c. machine has certain
desired performance characteristics suitable for space applications.
Since the d.c. machine speed is controlled by voltage and it has linear
speed–torque–current relations, its controls and power electronics are
simpler and lighter than with the synchronous machine. For this reason,
the PM brushless d.c. machine is the most suitable candidate for electro-
mechanical power conversion to and from the flywheel. The selection of the
PM d.c. machine for flywheel technology in space is, therefore, a sound one
for the reason given here. There are further options in the PM d.c. machine,
namely the axial gap and the radial gap machines. Considering the flywheel
geometry, the conventional radial gap machine is the most natural fit,
which is also easily scaleable for different power levels.
mass ¼ ð25:18Þ
630 Spacecraft Power Systems
Voltage (%) 33 33
Current (%) 100 300
Power (%) 33 100
Armature loss 100 900
Eddy loss (%) 10 10
M–G rating (%) 100 300
Flywheel Energy Storage 631
FIGURE 25.19 Energy storage and attitude control flywheel system for spacecraft under tests.
(ßThe Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.)
NASA Glenn has also been developing flywheel energy storage systems
(FESSs) for the International Space Station.20 At present, the ISS power
system consists of solar arrays and NiH2 batteries. The estimated life of a
battery is 5 years. However, the design life of the ISS is 15 years. NASA
plans to replace one battery along with the battery charge/discharge
converters with a flight-qualified FEES in 2006. The flywheel will replace
the battery at the same time, thus requiring no modifications to the ISS. The
projected life of the FESS is 15 years (92,000 C/D cycles and 1100 startup
Flywheel Energy Storage 637
Operating speed 53,000 rpm to 41,500 rpm, which results in a tip speed
of 916 m/s and 39% DOD (versus 35% for the NiH2 battery. The laminar
stress at the rotor-hub interface is not an issue
Contingency DOD 89% (53,000 rpm to 17,800 rpm) for 30 cycles over the
Specific energy of 27 Wh/kg versus 10 Wh/kg with the NiH2 battery
Radial and axial magnetic bearings in 106 torr vacuum and mechanical
touchdown bearing
Two counter-rotating rotors made of carbon fiber composite with
titanium shaft
Eclipse power 4.1 kW, peak power 5.5 kW (comparable with the NiH2
Energy storage 5.5 kWh, versus 4.6 kWh for the NiH2 battery
Round trip energy efficiency 83% versus 65% for the NiH2 battery
1. NASA/Aerospace flywheel development program document, Web site http:// 15, 2001.
2. Harris, C., Flywheels for spacecraft energy storage and attitude control, in
Flywheel Energy Storage Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, National Technical
Information Service, Washington, D.C., November 1995, Conference
Records 9510242.
3. Wehmer, J., Spacecraft flywheel system requirements, in Flywheel Energy
Storage Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, National Technical Information Service,
Washington, D.C., November 1995. Conference Records 9510242.
4. Uherka, K., Experimental test facility for flywheel energy storage utilizing
superconducting magnetic bearings at the Argonne National laboratory, in
Flywheel Energy Storage Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, National Technical
Information Service, Washington, D.C., November 1995, Conference
Records 9510242.
5. Maass, D., Development in polar woven/RTM composite flywheel rotors,
in Flywheel Energy Storage Workshop, Oak Ridge National laboratory, TN,
National Technical Information Service, Washington, D.C., November
1995, Conference Records 9510242.
Flywheel Energy Storage 639
26.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with a technology that is fully developed on the ground,
and naturally fits even better in the low temperature environment of space.
Working at the liquid nitrogen temperature prevailing in space, the newly
discovered high-temperature superconductors are expected to make rapid
inroads into a variety of space applications. For example, it has a high
potential for storing large amounts of energy for multi-megawatt burst
power systems for space defense. While some barriers are yet to be
overcome, these materials have enormous potential for new space and
ground-based applications, or merely to expand proven technologies that
currently use liquid helium superconductors. Cryogens carried on board for
propulsion may be judiciously routed to augment the cooling of new
superconductors at selected places on the spacecraft platform.
The energy density in the magnetic field is much higher than in an
electrical field. The air can support a uniform E-field of 3.1 kV/mm in a
standard atmosphere. Most liquids break down at 10 kV/mm. A liquid-
filled capacitor operating at 3.5 kV/mm has a stored energy density of U ¼
1=2 "E2 ¼ 1=2 (2 8.88 10 –12) (3.5 106) ¼ 108 J/m3 between the electrode
producing a 2 tesla B-field would store U ¼ 1=2 22/(4 10 –7) ¼ 1.6 MJ/
m3 in the hollow of the coil. This is four orders of magnitude higher than
the energy density in the E-field. A superconducting coil carrying much
higher current density would result in an even higher energy density in
the square proportion of the magnetic field density. Commercial super-
conducting magnets are available at present to produce a 5 to 15-T field
over 1/100 to 1 liter volume for a variety of applications. They yield an
energy density of 40 MJ/m3 at 10 T and 90 MJ/m3 at 15 T.
U ¼ 1=2B2 =
Superconductors in Space 641
in joules/m3, or
U ¼ 1=2I 2 L ð26:1Þ
V ¼ RI þ L ð26:2Þ
where R and L are the coil resistance and inductance, respectively. For
steady-state energy storage at constant d.c. current, the second term in
Equation 26.2 becomes zero. The voltage required to circulate a d.c. current
is then V ¼ RI. The resistance of the coil is temperature dependent. The
electrical resistance of most conductors decreases with decreasing tempera-
ture as shown in Figure 26.1. In certain conductors, as the temperature is
reduced to the cryogenic range, the resistance abruptly drops to precise
zero at some critical temperature Tc. Below this temperature, no voltage is
required to circulate current in the coil, and the coil terminals can be
shorted to continue free circulation of the current. The circuit time constant
L/R is now infinite, meaning that the current will continue to flow in the
coil indefinitely. The coil is said to have attained the superconducting state
with zero resistance. The energy in the coil then freezes, and remains stored
The superconductor requires a supercool operating temperature to attain
the critical superconducting state. Early superconductors operating around
4 K were required to be immersed in liquid helium at almost absolute zero.
Recently discovered materials that become superconducting at much higher
FIGURE 26.2 Critical current density versus magnetic field density and temperature for
various superconductors.
Superconductors in Space 645
bulk material made with AT&T’s melt-textured growth process extend past
80 K, the liquifying temperature of nitrogen. The critical surfaces of the
earlier superconductors, niobium titanium and niobium tin, are smaller,
which force them to operate near 4 K, the liquifying temperature of helium.
When metals (A and B), and ceramics (C and D) operating at 4 K and 80 K,
respectively, are compared for current density and field relationships, the
melt-textured bulk ceramic (C) is inferior, but if normally processed, would
barely show up on the graph.
The superconducting coil is wound with wires made of numerous
superconducting filaments in a copper or aluminum matrix. Copper and
aluminum have lower resistance than the new materials in their non-
superconducting state. Thus, if the critical current were accidentally
exceeded in the superconductor, electrical current would switch from the
ceramic to the surrounding metal matrix, reducing ohmic heating. The goal
of the present development programs funded by the DoE and DoD are to
produce such wires with engineering current carrying capacity of 1000 A/
mm2 based on the entire cross sectional area of the wire, including
the copper matrix and the insulation. This is about 70 to 100 times that of
the traditional coil in standard atmosphere. The manufacturing process
includes the coating of noble metals like silver to turn brittle high-
temperature superconducting ceramics into flexible wires. It applies not
only to the powder-based wires made of a bismuth strontium compound,
but also to the next generation of wires using yttrium barium copper oxide,
which many companies are developing in the USA, Europe, and Japan. The
current density and magnetic field requirement for various superconduct-
ing applications are shown in Figure 26.3.
FIGURE 26.3 Current density and magnetic field requirement for various superconducting
646 Spacecraft Power Systems
If the system controller senses the line voltage dropping, it interprets that
the system is incapable of meeting the load demand. The switch in the
voltage regulator opens in less than 1 ms. The current from the coil now
flows into the capacitor bank until the system voltage recovers to the rated
level. The capacitor power is fed directly to the load or after inverting into
a.c. if necessary. The bus voltage drops as the capacitor energy is depleted.
The switch opens again, and the process continues to supply energy to the
load continually. The system is sized to store sufficient energy to power the
load for specified duration.
648 Spacecraft Power Systems
26.7.1 Semiconductors
The electrical behavior of a semiconductor device is dominated by several
key parameters, as follows.
26.7.2 Magnetics
Ferromagnetic metals generally behave poorly at low temperatures,
displaying reduced permeability and drastically increased losses. Nickel
iron in tape, laminations or powder form is much better. The saturation flux
Superconductors in Space 651
26.7.3 Capacitors
Some capacitors are usable at cryogenic temperatures, and some are not.
Film and mica capacitors maintain their capacitance values well at low
temperature. Solid tantalum types also hold up very well down to 4 K, but
wet tantalums are not usable at cryogenic temperatures due to large
capacitance change and very high ESR. Inadequate data are available on the
ESR of film capacitors at low temperatures, except that the dissipation
factor of the dielectric increases and the resistivity of the foil decrease. The
reduced ESR, coupled with the increased thermal conductivity of the
dielectric, translates into a much higher current rating for low-temperature
26.7.4 Resistors
Resistors are primarily used in the control circuits only, not in the power
trains. Most metallic resistance decreases at low temperature. The
performance of metal film resistors is more than adequate at 80 K. For
precision dividers or similar uses, the bulk metal resistors are generally
good and should be adequate even at 10 K (liquid helium temperature).
Wire-wound resistors also would work well. However, the ubiquitous
carbon composition resistor is not suitable for low-temperature operation. It
has a large temperature coefficient, and the resistance value displays
considerable hysteresis during temperature cycling.
652 Spacecraft Power Systems
1. DeWinkel, C.C. and Lamopree, J.D., Storing power for critical loads, IEEE
Spectrum, June 1993, pp. 38–42.
2. Balachandran, U., Super power, progress in developing the new super-
conductors, IEEE Spectrum, July 1997, pp. 18–25.
Chapter 27
Microwave Beam Power Satellite
27.1 Introduction
The traditional power system in space uses a solar array and battery for
each satellite. The concept of using a centralized large power-satellite
(powersat) has been receiving some seed funding at NASA for some time.
In this concept, depicted in Figure 27.1, one high-power satellite would
generate bulk power, which is then transmitted to multiple satellites by
laser or microwave beams. The electric propulsion of spacecraft using beam
power from a powersat was discussed in Section 23.8. The beam power can
also be used for a rescue operation on a remote Earth surface or anywhere
in the ocean. Advantages of the central power satellite transmitting beam
power to multiple user spacecraft are:
FIGURE 27.1 Power transmission to multiple missions from central power satellite.
654 Spacecraft Power Systems
Extends the mission life where the spacecraft life is solar array or
battery limited
Provides large peak power if and when needed, such as for electric
propulsion, thus significantly decreasing the on-board fuel mass
Orienting the spacecraft to the powersat beam may be simpler than
orienting to the sun
The distance between the powersat and the user satellite may vary.
Microwave transmission may be effectively used over short distances.
The frequencies considered for such systems2 are from 3 GHz to 300 GHz
with the corresponding wavelengths from 100 mm to 1 mm.
In 2003, a NASA funded experiment was designed to transmit power by a
microwave beam from the Goldstone 100-m antenna to a space sail at 800-
km altitude. The Goldstone steerable dish radiates up to 1=2 MW power.
However, the sail, being outside the range, was estimated to receive only
1700 W. The resulting microwave pressure was estimated to accelerate the
sail by 107g and demonstrate the principle of beaming power to a
spacecraft. The acceleration of the sail depends only on power and not on
the frequency of the beam. In another experiment at JPL and the University
of California at Irvine, a 10-kW, 7-GHz microwave beam in a vacuum
chamber produced a power density of 1 kW/cm2 to heat a sail surface to
2000 K.
Microwave transmitters have been under development for much longer
than lasers. They are far more efficient and cost much less to build. They do
not damage the receiving surface as lasers can, and do not refract while
passing through air. However, microwaves require much larger antennae
for the same focusing ability.
Microwave Beam Power Satellite 655
First the solar energy collected on the powersat is converted into a laser
beam using a solid-state solar pumped laser. It consists of a crystal
placed in the focus of a parabolic solar concentrator.4
The monochromatic laser radiation is then focused into a beam using an
optical mirror of appropriate size. The wavelength of such laser is equal
to 1.06 mm, and the conversion efficiency 20 to 25%. A focused power
laser beam then transmits the power to the user satellite or a rescue site
on the Earth at 80 to 90% efficiency.
Finally, the received energy is converted into electrical power using the
conventional PV cell. The conversion efficiency of PV cell under laser
illumination is around 50%. The maximum electrical power output of
the silicon PV cell using such systems can be 3000 W/m2 from laser
radiation compared to 300 W/m2 from natural solar radiation. The solar
array requirement on the user satellite is thus greatly reduced, and the
battery can be eliminated by avoiding powersat-to-user satellite
The powersat, once developed and built, can make the user satellite much
lighter and less expensive, so that many can be launched at low cost per
launch. This could open up entirely new kinds of missions in the Earth orbit
and in interplanetary space at much less incremental cost. The concept is
like the 19th century railroad system: once the tracks are laid, the train itself
is a small added expense.
Performance of the solar array placed on the Earth’s surface versus being
in LEO and GEO is summarized in Table 27.1. It shows that the energy
collection per square meter in space is several fold higher than that on
Earth. Furthermore, it is 50% higher in GEO than in LEO. The conceptual
study made in the past has considered the medium Earth orbit around
10,000-km altitude for such powersats for ground use.
NASA and DoE have explored ambitious proposals for harnessing solar
energy for terrestrial use by deploying solar powersats in geosynchronous
orbits that could generate power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. One
concept study has shown that one such satellite with 146-km2 solar array
could deliver power equivalent to 10 nuclear power plants on the Earth. Its
1 km2 antenna would transmit power in a sharp 2.4 GHz microwave beam
to an Earth-receiving station. Here, it would be converted into d.c. and
inverted into 10,000-MW 60-Hz a.c. and delivered to the distribution system
of the electrical power utility. The basic converter would use inductors —
perhaps superconducting — to store energy and boost the voltage.
In the proposed concept, the beamed power is converted to 60 or 50 Hz
utility power using high-voltage converters. Massive series–parallel con-
nections of numerous converters would be needed to beam gigawatts of
power to Earth from the outer space.5 The space-to-space power transmis-
sion would be in watts/m2, while the space–to-ground power transmission
would be needed in hundreds of watts/m2. However, U.S. government
regulations limits microwave radiation to 110 W/m2. Therefore, the
hundreds of watts/m2 beam intensity would require a change in the
regulations or special permission in a remote location from where it can be
transmitted to populated load centers. This high-beam intensity is still a
few-fold lower than the natural sun intensity of 1000 W/m2 on the ground.
Therefore, it may not be a cancer risk to humans, as some may fear.
Several innovative concepts are being studied for collecting solar energy
in space and transmitting microwave beams to another spacecraft that may
be orbiting the Earth, or on a planetary surface, or on its way to an
interplanetary mission. NASA’s Solar Space Power Exploratory Research
Table 27.1 The performance of solar array placed on the ground and in
A large sun-oriented solar array that tracks the sun and generates
power at high voltage in the 400 to 1000 V range
Rotating microwave transmitter in space that tracks a receiving antenna
(rectenna)/rectifier station on Earth
Microwave beam at several GHz frequency, using solid-state power
converters, magnetrons or klystrons
A rotary joint between the solar collector and the transmitter
High-voltage cables
d.c. to microwave power converters in space and microwave to d.c.
power converters and d.c. to 50 or 60 Hz a.c. inverters on the ground
A concept study for delivering 1200 MW from GEO orbit to the ground
grid has developed the following estimates:6
cost per kWh energy delivered to the ground competitive with grid
Between the two options, the solar dynamic using the Brayton cycle offers
the following advantages:
The solar dynamic power system was discussed in Chapter 21. The solar
dynamic concept described there was developed and demonstrated for
space station design during the mid-1980s. The development work then was
centered on a 300-kW, 3-phase, 460-V, 20-kHz power system. At the
hundreds of megawatts power levels of interest here, the proposed
dynamic scheme uses a refractive Fresnel concentrator to collect solar
energy, a heat receiver, a Brayton cycle turbine, and a rotating generator to
generate electrical power. The waste heat is dissipated back to space via a
The electrical generator is a 3-phase synchronous generator operating at
high frequency in the range from 400 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The higher the
frequency, the lower the mass of materials needed in the system magnetics,
such as the generator and the transformer. This is because lower magnetic
flux is required at higher frequency for a given voltage. The power can be
generated at a low voltage (200 to 1000 V) and transformed into a high
voltage (5 to 25 kV) for transmission and distribution to the transmitting
antennas. Alternatively, the generation and transmission both can be at the
same voltage around 15 kV.
Microwave Beam Power Satellite 659
(Data source: Mason, L.S., Proc. 34th IECEC, p. 2601, SAE, 1999.)
(Data source: Mason, L.S., Proc. 34th IECEC, p. 2601, SAE, 1999.)
660 Spacecraft Power Systems
FIGURE 27.2 Solar PV power generation using the sun tower concept.
For the powersat beam power from space to ground to be economical, the
cost at the 60 Hz side of the distribution station should be below 5 cents per
kWh. For this to happen, the following performance would be required:
All studies at present conclude that such powersats could not be cost
effective in the near future, but may become economically viable in a few
1. Lineberry, J.T. and Chapman, J.N., MHD Augmentation of rocket engine
for space propulsion, in Proceedings of the 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper No. 3056.
2. Koert, P. and Cha, J.T., Millimeter wave technology for spec power
beaming, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technology, Vol. 40,
No. 6, June 1992, pp. 1251–1258.
3. Grechnev, A.B. et al. Centralized power as basis of new philosophy of
space power engineering, in Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2436.
4. Mason, L.S., A solar dynamic power option for space solar power, in
Proceedings of the 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
SAE, 1999, Paper No. 2601.
5. Kusic, G., Conversion of beamed microwave power, in Proceedings of the
35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000,
Paper No. 3071.
6. SAIC and Futron Corporation, Space Solar Power Concept Definition Study,
NASA Report No. SAIC-99/1016, February 1999.
7. Mankins, J.C. and Howell, J., Overview of the space solar power
exploratory research and technology program, in Proceedings of the 35th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA, 2000, Paper
No. 3060.
662 Spacecraft Power Systems
A altitude, 111
aluminum, conductor material, 298–299
abbreviations, xiii–xviii AM0, see Air mass zero (AM0)
acceleration, xxii ambient functional performance test,
acceptance integration and testing, 455 456
acoustic integration and testing, 457–458 American National Standards Institute
acoustic tests, 460 (ANSI), 146
acronyms, xiii–xviii American Superconductors, 642
active unit redundancies, 440–441, 443 American wire gage (AWG), 293
ADE, see Array drive electronics (ADE) amorphous silicon (PV cell), 180
ADEOS-11 (Japan), 36 amorphous technology, 140–141
advanced NiCd battery, 199–200 ampacity of wires, 293–294
Advanced PV and Electronics Ampere-hour ratings, 234
Experiment (APEX), 187 Ampere’s law, 395
Advanced Radioisotope Power System AMTEC, see Alkaline metal thermal
(ARPS), 501 to electric converter (AMTEC)
advanced radioisotope thermoelectric system
generator, 502 analog control, control circuit, 69
AE, see Autumnal equinox (AE) analog-digital hybrid control, control
Aerospace Corporation, 170 circuit, 70
aging effect, 497–498, 497–498 ancillary components
AgO-Zn, see Silver zinc (AgO-Zn) basics, 319
battery battery cell voltage monitor, 328–329
AgZn battery, 41 battery letdown unit, 330, 330
AH counter and sensor, 353, 354 battery pressure monitor, 328–329
Air Force Research Laboratory, 555 BCVM, 328–329
air mass zero (AM0), 137 capacitors, 332–333
albedo ceramic capacitor, 333
launch and transfer orbit current meters, 330–332
environment, 26 deployment components, 322–325,
power, 147 325
spacecraft level trades, 112 electro-explosive device, 322–323
thermal control system, 5 electromagnetic interference shield,
alkaline metal thermal to electric 340–344, 341–343
converter (AMTEC) system, 52, electronic packaging, 336–337
502–503 filters, 333–334, 333–334
Allen studies, 555–556, 601 Hall-effect transducer, 331, 331
A2100 (Lockheed Martin Space laser initiated deployment, 323,
Systems), 84, 86 323–324
alternating current vs. direct current, magnetic amplifier, 331, 331–332
537–538, 538–539 metalized polypropylene capacitor,
alternator, see Dynamic system with 332
alternator metallic resistance wire, 326
664 Index
concentrator array, 183–193, 184–185 c-Si cell, see Crystalline silicon (PV cell)
conducted EMI, 395 cell
conductor materials, 297–299, 298 Cuk capacitors, 549
connectors, distribution harness, Cuk converters, 97
299–301, 300 current, power flow analysis, 126
constants, space flight, xxii–xxiii current limiting fuses, 311
constant torque vs. constant power, 630, current meters, 330–332
630 current regression method, peak power
continuity checks, 460 extraction, 164
control circuit, photovoltaic-battery current regulators, 277–279, 278
system, 69–70 current vs. voltage (I-V)
control electronics, 5–6 battery latch-up, 365
control system, stability, 386–388, photovoltaic-battery system, 58
387–389 power regulation, 60
conversion factors, xx–xxi shadow effect, 165
cooler, thermoelectric, 503 solar array, 143–147, 144–146, 389, 461
copper, conductor material, 297–299 solar cell test, 458–459
copper indium gallium diselenide sun intensity, 154
(CIGS), 140 cut-off wavelength, 137
corona CV-1147 silicone, 101
degradation, 526–529, 527–528 cycle life
high-power high-voltage systems, basics, 224–227, 226–227
526–529, 527–528 electrochemical cell, 197
power system tests, 460 model, 248–251, 250
cosmic radiation, 31 cycloconverter, 515
cost Czochralski process, 138
battery design, 233
concentrator array, 184–185
conductor materials, 297 D
GaAs, 168
multi-junction cells, 141 Daimler-Benz, 602
multipliers, Rule of Ten, 129 Daimler-Benz Aerospace, 86
plutonium-238, 233 damage, power electronics, 95–98,
power system options, 41 97–98, 102–103, 103
Si cells, 168 damping, three-axis stabilization, 14
solar concentrator-dynamic power DC-93-500 silicone, 101
system, 48 d.c to d.c converter unit (DDCU), 81
solar PV-power system, 47 deactivation, 131
solar thermal power system, 47 dead band, 69
spacecraft level trades, 111 debris
sun-regulated bus, 72 electric propulsion, 589
unregulated charging, 243 electrostatic discharge, 423
COTS, see Commercial off-the-shelf impacts, environmental effects, 102
(COTS) equipment near-Earth space environment, 28–29,
coupling modes, 397–401, 398–402 29
CPV, see Common pressure vessel spacecraft level trades, 112
(CPV) Deepspace 1, 188, 571, 574
critical parameters, superconductors, deep space missions, 486–488, 487, see
643–645, 644–645 also Interplanetary and deep space
Crofton and Francis studies, 94 missions
Croydon and Reynolds, Sack, studies, degradation
243 corona, 526–529, 527–528
cryogenic temperature, 648–652 solar array, 123, 169, 170
crystalline silicon (PV cell) cell, 180 solar cell tests, 459
668 Index
I & T, see Integration and testing (I & T) KOH, see Potassium hydroxide (KOH)
Italian Space Agency, 486, 584, see also Kozlowski studies, 364
Cassini Krut and Karam studies, 187
ITO, see Indium tin oxide (ITO) Krut studies, 183
I-V, see Current vs. voltage (I-V) Kuiper belt, 474
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Lagragian points, 15
current regression peak power Laplace domain and properties
extraction, 164 battery model, 245–246
IEMS, 624–625 current and voltage regulators, 277
microwave beam, 654 magnetic bearings, 631
PC cell performance, 146 large, high-power satellites, 14
Pioneer-10, 486 large communications satellite busses,
power regression peak power 83–86
extraction, 164–165 large signal analysis, 393
PV technology advances, 180 laser beams, 655
JIMO, see Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter (JIMO) laser initiated deployment, 323, 323–324
Johnson Island, South Pacific, 419 Laug and Holmes studies, 581
Johnson studies, 586 launch
Jones studies, 188 battery, 234–235
JPL, see Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) factory-to-orbit events, 130
Jupiter flywheel energy storage, 623
basics, 474 integration and testing, site, 467–469,
magnetic field, 477 469
mission, power systems, 484–486, 485 orbit, satellites, 15–16
radiation effects, 98 power system, 105, 234–235
radioisotope thermoelectric pyro power trades, 118
generator, 500 simulation, energy balance and power
Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter (JIMO), 520 management, 362–363, 363
site, 467–469
launch and transfer orbit environment,
K 26
launch vehicles, 8, 26
Kapton LCP, see Light concentrating panel
atomic oxygen, 30 (LCP)
cable shielding, 410 Leach corporation, 327
electronic packaging, 336 leak integration and testing, 456
ISS, 80 length, conversion factors, xx
radiation damage, 101–102 LEO, see Low Earth orbit (LEO)
superconductors, 652 Leonid meteor storm, 102
Karam. Krut and, studies, 187 Libration points, 15
KelF, 652 LiCFx battery, see Lithium/polycarbon
Kelly cosine, 147, 155 monofluoride (LiCFx) battery
Kepler’s laws, 12, 12 life-cycle cost, power system, 41
Kerslake and Gefert studies, 578–579 life test, 458
Kevlar light concentrating panel (LCP),
array construction, 148 188–191, 189, 191
flexible array, 151 limits of tests, 451–456
fuel cell power, 598 Lindeberry and Chapman studies, 582
high-temperature components, 561 Lindmyer studies, 390
King model, 34 linear sounds, 259–261, 260
678 Index