Mit6 S095iap18 Puzzle 7
Mit6 S095iap18 Puzzle 7
Mit6 S095iap18 Puzzle 7
Consider the following tiling problem. We have a courtyard with 2n × 2n squares and we
need to tile the courtyard using L-shaped tiles or trominoes. Each trominoe consists of
three square tiles attached to form an L shape as shown below.
Can this be done without spilling over the boundaries, breaking a tromino or having
overlapping trominoes? The answer is no, simply because 2n × 2n = 22n is not divisible
by 3, only by 2. However, if there is one square that can be left untiled, then 22n – 1 is
divisible by 3. Can you show this?1
We, therefore, have hope of properly tiling a 2n × 2n courtyard with one square that we
can leave untiled because, for example, there is a statue of your favorite President on it.
We’ll call this square that can be left untiled the missing square.
Since this is not a book of mathematical puzzles we’ll tell you! 22n – 1 can be written as
(2n – 1) (2n + 1). 2n is clearly not divisible by 3. And that means that either 2n – 1 is
divisible by 3 or 2n + 1 is divisible by 3.
Is there an algorithm that tiles any 2n × 2n courtyard with one missing square in an
arbitrary location? As an example, below is a 23 × 23 where the missing square is
marked Δ. Does the location of the missing square matter?
The answer is yes. We will describe and code a recursive Divide-and-Conquer algorithm
that can tile a courtyard with 2n × 2n squares with one missing square in an arbitrary
location. To help you understand how recursive Divide-and-Conquer works, we will
first describe how it is used in Merge Sort, a popular sorting algorithm.
Merge Sort
We can perform sorting using the elegant Divide-and-Conquer Merge Sort. Here’s how
Merge Sort works.
Suppose we have a list as shown here that needs to be sorted in ascending order:
a b c d
a b
c d
Then, we sort the sublists recursively. At the base case of the recursion, if we see a list of
size 2, we simply compare the two elements in the list and swap if necessary. Let’s say
that a < b, and c > d. Since we want to sort in ascending order, after the two recursive
calls return we end up getting:
a b
d c
Now we come back to the first (or topmost) call to sort and our task is to merge the two
sorted sublists into one sorted list. We do this using a merge algorithm, which simply
compares the first two elements of the two sublists, repeatedly. If a < d, then it first puts
a into the merged (output) list and effectively removes it from the sublist. It leaves d
where it was. It then compares b with d. Let’s say that d is smaller. Merge puts d into the
output list next to a. Next, b and c are compared. If c is smaller, c is placed next into the
output list, and finally b is placed. The output will be:
a d c b
Note that if the number of elements is odd, the subarrays will not be equal in size but
differ in size by 1.
Below is code for Merge Sort.
Lines 2-6 correspond to the base case where we have a list of two elements and we place
them in the right order. If the list is longer than two in length, we split the list in two
(Line 8), and make two recursive calls, one on each sublist (Lines 9-10). We use list
slicing; L[:middle] returns the part of the list L corresponding to L[0] through
L[middle–1], and L[middle:] returns the part of the list corresponding to L[middle] to
L[len(L)–1], so no elements are dropped. Finally, on Line 11, we call merge on the
two sorted sublists and return the result.
Initially, merge creates a new empty list result (Line 2). There are three while loops in
merge. The first one is the most interesting, which corresponds to the general case when
the two sublists are both nonempty. In this case, we compare the current first elements of
each of the sublists (represented by counters i and j), pick the smaller one, and
increment the counter for the sublist whose element we selected to place in result. The
first while loop terminates when either of the sublists becomes empty.
When one of the sublists is empty, we simply append the remaining elements of the
nonempty sublist to the result. The second and third while loops correspond to the left
sublist being nonempty and the right one being nonempty.
Exercise 1: You are given a 2n × 2n courtyard with 4 tiles missing. There are (at least)
two cases where this is possible:
Write a procedure that will determine if you can tile the courtyard or not using
recursiveTile. The procedure can just return True or False, given n, and a four-
element list of missing square coordinates.
Puzzle Exercise 2: Suppose you have a two-dimensional list or matrix T as shown below,
where all rows and all columns are sorted. Devise and implement a binary search
algorithm that works for lists such as T. You can assume that all elements are unique as
in the example below.
Here’s the strategy you should use: Guess that the value is at position i,
j and think of
what it means if the value is less than T[i][j], or if the value is greater than T[i][j].
For example, if we are searching for 21 and we compare with T[2][2]
9, we know
that 21 cannot be in the T[<=
2] upper left quadrant because all values in that
quadrant are less than 9. However, 21 could be in any of the three other quadrants, i.e.,
the bottom left T[>
2] quadrant, which it is in this example, or the top right T[<=
2] or bottom right T[>
2] quadrants in different examples.
You can always eliminate one of the four quadrants in your two-dimensional binary
search. You will have to make recursive calls on the other three quadrants.
Suppose we want to find out if element 13 exists in the two-dimensional list or matrix T.
Here’s the strategy you should use: Start with the top right element. If the element is
smaller than the element you are looking for, you can eliminate the entire first row and
move one position down. If the element is larger, you can eliminate the entire last column
and move one position left. Obviously, if the element is the top right element, you can
The neat thing about the above strategy is that it either eliminates a row or a column in
each step. So you will find the element you are searching for in at most 2n steps for a n ×
n matrix, or you will determine that it does not exist. Code the above algorithm by
making recursive calls on the appropriate submatrix (with one less row or one less
column). In our example above, we will move from 15 to 11 to 12 to 16 to 9 to 14 to 13.
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