Skare Finante

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Technological and Economic Development of Economy

ISSN: 2029-4913 / eISSN: 2029-4921

2019 Volume 25 Issue 2: 103–133



Marinko ŠKARE1*  , Dean SINKOVIĆ2  ,

Małgorzata PORADA-ROCHOŃ3 
1, 2Facultyof Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”,
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia
3Faculty of Management and Economics of Services,

University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland

Received 25 August 2018; accepted 22 November 2018

Abstract. The aim of the paper is to study finance-economic growth nexus in Poland using a time
series approach. We find evidence of the existence of the finance-economic growth link in Po-
land. Most empirical studies do not consider the lending structure of the financial sector (share
of households’ vs firms in total credits). The obtained results show that when using the share of
households and companies in total credits, the long run empirical relationship in VECM is statisti-
cally significant and larger. Empirical studies using total private credit share in the GDP or the value/
volume of total credits tend to undervalue the impact of financial development on economic growth.
In the case of Poland, empirical evidence that supports this hypothesis was found, and therefore
policymakers and researchers should take bank lending structure into account. Furthermore, the
study shows that financial series may possibly have long memory properties and that researching
the financial development-growth nexus could require using fractional integration methods. The
reported evidence suggests financial development plays a significant role in both economic growth
and credit growth. Due to data limitation, this study focuses on a single country case – Poland with
the need for further research (larger sample).

Keywords: financial development, economic growth, transition, Poland.

JEL Classification: G2, O11, O23, O47.

Parallel with the construction of endogenous growth theories, the economic literature linking
financial development to growth has become one of the major research areas in the last 20
years. Although the first evidence of a positive correlation between economic growth and the
level of financial development was found in the works of Goldsmith (1969) and McKinnon

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

© 2019 The Author(s). Published by VGTU Press

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
104 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

(1973), it was the paper by King and Levine (1993) that catalyzed this research at both the
macro and micro level. Similar findings were reported in the later empirical studies using a
more sophisticated econometric methodology1.
To study the finance-growth link we use the Poland case. Main reason for selecting Po-
land for the study is that Poland was among the countries not greatly affected by the financial
crisis of 2008. Asteriou and Spanos (2018) investigated the relationship between financial
development and economic growth in the face of the recent financial crisis, using a panel
dataset of 26 European Union countries over the period 1990–2016. The results show that
before the crisis, financial development promoted economic growth, while after the crisis it
hindered economic activity. The degree of international trade openness in the economy of a
country was the primary factor that led growth during both crisis periods. The importance
and novelty of our study is in using modern econometric techniques to explore the long
memory properties of the finance-growth relationship. Our study contributes to the existent
body of literature on the finance-growth link by studying long memory properties of the
series. We find that fractional integration techniques studying this issue provide more robust
scientific results in relation to previous studies not addressing the persistence issue.
Although there is a degree of consensus that financial development stimulates economic
growth, there are still some ambiguities in the empirical research. The key problems are as-
sociated with the issue of causality, the nonlinearity component, the long-term versus short
term impact and the financial variables (indicators) used in the research. In regard to the
causality issue, the key question tends to remain the same – is financial development a pre-
condition for economic growth, or do financial intermediaries and their products develop
in parallel with economic development? The empirical outcomes could be classified within
three groups; the first implies that financial development follows economic development
(demand-driven finance)2, the second emphasizes that financial development crucially affects
the speed of economic development (supply driven finance)3, and the third stresses that the
causality runs both ways4. The overall consensus has been reached around the third group
of results, implying that causality between finance and growth runs both ways, therefore
accepting the assumptions concerning both demand-driven and supply-driven finance. This
conclusion seems entirely logical when observed from a theoretical standpoint. On the one
hand, it is obvious that the main engines of growth, such as physical and human capital accu-
mulation, technology advancement and innovative projects need efficient and well-developed
financial intermediation. On the other, technological advancement and the creation of more
sophisticated equipment affect the development of more efficient financial products and ser-
vices. Yet the second and third problems, concerning nonlinearity and long term versus short
term impact issues, are not completely tackled by empirical researchers. Deidda and Fattouh

1 SeeRousseau and Wachtel (2000), Benhabib and Spiegel (2000), Beck, Levine and Loayza (2000), Beck and Levine
(2002), Favara (2003), Calderón and Liu (2003), Christopoulos and Tsionas (2004), Loayza and Ranciere (2005),
Demetriades and Law (2006), Bordo and Rousseau (2006), Ahlin and Pang (2008), etc.
2 See Demetriades and Hussein (1996), Koivu (2002), Zang and Kim (2007).
3 See King and Levine (1993), Odedokun (1996), Christopoulos and Tsionas (2004).
4 See Berthelemy and Varoudakis (1996), Levine (1997) Neusser and Kugler (1998), Demetriadesa and Hussein
(1996), Rousseau and Wachtel (2002), Luintel and Khan (1999), Calderon and Liu (2003).
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 105

(2002) found a non-linear relationship between financial development and growth across a
large set of countries. They concluded that the correlation depends on the level of a country’s
economic development5. Quite contrary to this, Favara (2003) pointed out that nonlinearity
exists regardless of a country’s economic status or regional traits. Rams (1999) results stressed
that the problems of nonlinearity might be related to the econometric methods used in the
majority of research on this subject. He found that individual-country correlation results
are in sharp contrast to the correlations based on the cross-country data mostly used by
researchers. This implies that using cross country or panel data in research might result in
ambiguous outcomes and false conclusions concerning the finance and growth nexus for
an individual country. Another way to tackle the problem of nonlinearity is highlighted by
Demetriades and Hussein (1996), whose research pointed to the fact that this issue might
be caused by other factors, such as the institutional, legal and political framework pertain-
ing in a certain economy. The third way to explain the problem of nonlinearity is related to
the financial indicators used by researchers. Beck, Buyukkarabacak, Rioja, and Valev (2008)
tackled this problem by decomposing private sector credit into household and firm credit and
found that it is lending to enterprises, not to households, that drives the positive impact of
financial development on economic growth6. The last findings may actually shed some light
on the solution to several aforementioned problems associated with the finance-growth nexus
research. Supply-leading hypothesis seems to hold for the large part of the manufacturing
sector Topcu and Çoban (2017).
From a theoretical perspective, household and enterprise credits have a different im-
pact on economic growth. The crucial focus of theoretical models that include variables
of financial intermediation is mostly put on the enterprise’s need for external financing, in
order to underpin its productive investment plans7. The key theoretical assumption is that
financial intermediaries emerge due to market frictions (information and transaction costs)
and encourage the mobilization of savings, better risk management, corporate control and
allocation of resources, through which development of the financial institutions stipulate
accumulation of capital and productivity growth (Levine, 1997). While these theoretical as-
sumptions are mostly supported by empirical work, both theory and empirical work linking
household credit to economic growth provide some ambiguous conclusions8. Galor and Zeira
(1993) and De Gregorio (1996) claim that household credit can stimulate economic growth
if funds are channelled toward human capital accumulation. On the other hand, Jappelli and
Pagano (1994) pointed out that loosened credit constraints on households result in lower
saving rates and lower economic growth.

5 The strongest link between finance and growth was found in middle income countries. Similar results are found in
the research of Rioja and Valev (2004a, 2004b), Demetriades and Law (2006) and Fink, Haiss and Mantler (2005).
6 Authors constructed disaggregated dataset of bank credit for 45 developed and developing countries. To assess
the impact of different credit structures on GDP per capita they used cross country regression controlling for
other factors of economic growth; the long of initial GDP per capita to control for convergence, secondary school
enrolment to contol for human capital accumulation, the share of exports and imports on GDP, the inflation rate
and the ratio of government expenditures to GDP.
7 See Levine (2005) for extensive overview.
8 Furthermore, the research was conducted only for OECD countries.
106 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

The empirical literature is almost exclusively focused on aggregate credit measures,

known as private credit, which include both household and enterprise credits9. Bearing
in mind the huge spike of household lending in most of developed and developing coun-
tries, understanding the effect of credit composition on economic performance could lead
to some important repercussions for the theory. If household and enterprise lending have
an independent impact on growth, it might shape our understanding of why the effect of
financial development on economic growth varies across countries, as well as provide some
important insights regarding the channels through which financial intermediaries stimulate
GDP growth (see Beck et al., 2008). Financial repression policies have strong impact on the
finance-growth link (Yülek, 2017) as well as monetary freedom (Ivanović & Stanišić, 2017).
This paper assesses whether household and enterprise lending have different impact on
real GDP growth in Poland. The paper is organized as follows. Section II provides and over-
view on studies examining financial development, lending and economic growth nexus. Sec-
tion III discusses the methodology and main variables used in the model. Section IV presents
the results and Section V provides some concluding remarks.

1. Literature review
Although a large body of literature on the relationship between finance and economic growth
exists, the channel of transmission between two phenomena remains unexplained. Empirical
evidence of previous studies supporting conclusion in favor of supply-leading or demand-
following hypothesis remains open for debate.
Table 1 lists contemporary empirical studies on the finance and economic growth nexus
from the last few years. Most of the patented research on the relationship between financial
development and economic growth relates to multinational research, much less to individ-
ual economies. We summarize these studies below from the oldest to the newest ones, thus
showing a rise in interest.
Gómez-Puig and Sosvilla-Rivero (2018) analysed the effects of all sources of nonfinancial
debt (household, corporate as well as government) accumulation on economic growth in
ten euro-zone countries during the period 1980–2015. By using three models (a baseline, an
asymmetric and a threshold model), the scientists found that while public debt thresholds
are higher in peripheral than in central countries, private debt thresholds are higher in core
euro-area countries. Thus, in particular with regard to peripheral countries, the reduction of
private debt and household debt should be the key to stimulating economic growth.
Ruiz (2018) analyses the nonlinear relationship between financial development and eco-
nomic growth over the period 1991–2014 by examining 116 economies (industrialized and
developing economies). Using the dynamic panel threshold model, they found two regime-
independent effects for the finance variables (bank credit to the private sector or domestic
credit to the private sector). They report a positive and statistically significant effect of private
sector credit on economic growth in both developing (pension funds as the institutional
investor) and industrialized (all three types of institutional investors) economies.
9 Privatecredit or value of credit to the private sector by deposit money banks represents standard indicator of
financial development and is in most of empirical research linking finance and economic growth.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 107

Table 1. Review of empirical studies on finance and economic growth relationship

(source: authors’ review)

Time frame /
Study Study purpose Relevant findings
Gómez-Puig The effects of nonfinancial debt 1980–2015 There exists a relationship
and on economic growth in EMU 10 between the impact of
Sosvilla-Rivero countries euro-zone nonfinancial debt on
(2018) countries economic growth, however
it clearly differs between
Ruiz (2018) The nonlinear relationship 1991–2014 Two regime-independent
between financial development 116 countries effects for the finance
under the presence of variables were found (bank
institutional investors (assets in credit to the private sector or
insurance companies, mutual domestic credit to the private
funds, and pension funds, as sector).
a percentage of GDP) and
economic growth
Asteriou and The relationship between 1990–2016 Before the crisis, financial
Spanos (2018) financial development and 26 European development promoted
economic growth in the face of Union countries economic growth, while
the recent financial crisis after the crisis it hindered
economic activity.
Ibrahim and The economic growth affects 1980–2014 Financial development
Alagidede when the financial development 29 sub-Saharan supports economic growth,
(2018) and the real sector growth are African the extent, to which finance
unbalanced helps growth, depends
crucially on the simultaneous
growth of real and financial
Afonso and The relationship between 1990–2016 There is a positive and
Blanco-Arana economic growth and financial OECD countries statistically significant
(2018) development relationship between the
three indicators of financial
development and GDP per
Léon (2018b) Convergence of credit structure 1995–2014 The convergence of
143 countries household credit occurs
faster than in the case of firm
credit, inducing a process
of convergence of the share
of household credit in total
Bahadir and Convergence of credit structure 1995–2013 The convergence of credit
Valev (2017) 30 European levels is stronger for
countries household credit, including
housing loans and consumer
credit, when compared to
business credit.
108 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

Continue of Table 1

Time frame /
Study Study purpose Relevant findings
Ganiyu, The effect of private sector 1993–2013 Private sector credit
Amoo, credit on economic growth Nigeria positively and significantly
Eboreime, and affected economic growth
Maximillian after controlling for local
(2017) conditions and the policy
Durusu-Ciftci, The theoretical and empirical 1989–2011 Both credit market
SerdarIspir, role of financial development on 40 countries development and stock
and Yetkiner economic growth market development have
(2017) positive long-run effects on
steady-state level of GDP per
capita. Financial development
plays a role in economic
growth for the majority
of sample countries studied.
Ono (2017) The finance-growth nexus in 1999 to 2008 Russian banks do not play
Russia (Subperiod 1) the role of leading economic
2009 to 2014 growth.
(Subperiod 2)
Chudik, The long-run impact of public 1965–2010 There is no evidence for
Mohaddes, debt expansion on economic 40 countries a universally applicable
Pesaran, and growth threshold effect in the
Raissi (2017) relationship between public
debt and economic growth.
Belinga, Zhou, The causal relationship between 1969–2013 Causality running from bank
Doumbe- bank credit and economic Cameroon credit to gross domestic
Doumbe, growth in Cameroon product, implying that
Gahe, & Koffi monetary policies in favour
(2016) of banking credit will
definitely boost the economic
development of Cameroon.
Léon (2016) The effects of household and 1995–2014 Recent evidence documenting
enterprise credit on economic 143 countries the absence of the effect
growth (126 countries of total credit on growth.
were included Moreover, findings show
in econometric that household credit has a
analysis) negative effect on growth,
but it fails to provide robust
support for a positive effect
of business credit.
Angjelkovska, The effects of the decomposed 1995–2014 Enterprise credits are
Hani, and private sector credit on Albania, Bosnia positively related with
Eliskovski economic growth and Herzegovina, economic growth, whereas
(2016) Bulgaria, Croatia, for the household credits the
Macedonia, result is ambiguous.
Romania, Serbia
and Turkey
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 109

End of Table 1

Time frame /
Study Study purpose Relevant findings
Folwarski The relationship between credits 2005–2015 Credits for households and
(2016) and economics growth Poland enterprises significantly affect
economic growth.
Hasan, The effect of finance on long- 1960–2011 Commonly used indicators
Horvath, and term economic growth 72 countries of financial development are
Mares (2016) not robustly related to long-
term growth.
Ductor and The interdependence between 1970–2010 Non-linear relationship
Grechyna financial development and real 101 countries between financial
(2015) sector output and the effect on development and growth.
economic growth
Samargandia, The relationship between 1980–2008 An inverted U-shaped
Fidrmuc, and financial development and 52 countries relationship between finance
Ghosh (2015) economic growth and growth in the long run.
Sassi and The effects of enterprise credit 1995–2012 Household credit has a
Gasmi (2014) market and household credit 27 European negative effect on economic
market on economic growth countries growth in European
Enterprise credit boosts
economic growth.
Jedidia, The effects of financial 1973–2008 The domestic credit to
Boujelbènec, development on economic Tunisia private sector has a positive
and Helali growth effect on economic growth
(2014) suggesting that the financial
development is a driver of a
long term economic growth.

Ibrahim and Alagidede (2018) evaluated economic growth effects when the growth in
financial development and that of the real sector is unbalanced, relying on data for 29 sub-
Saharan African countries investigated over the period 1980–2014. They have found that
financial development positively affects growth, albeit non-monotonically with inflection
points ranging between 27 to 29%. Overall economic growth effect is contingent on the rela-
tive speed of growth in finance and that of real sector output.
Afonso and Blanco-Arana (2018) re-examine the relationship between economic growth
and the main determinants of financial development in OECD countries during the period
1990–2016. They found at least two different results. An increase in domestic credit provided
by financial-sector, in market capitalization and in the turnover ratio of domestic shares
entails a significant positive effect on the GDP per capita but different effects during crisis
Léon (2018b) analyses convergence of credit structure using an original database and
focusing on the breakdown between household credit and firm credit. The scientists ap-
plied data collected from diverse sources regarding 143 countries examined over the period
1995–2014. The obtained data show that countries whose financial development was limited,
110 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

experienced a more rapid growth of total, household and firm credits, thus confirming the
phenomenon of convergence. The results show that the low-income countries that expe-
rienced an initial low level of financial depth prior to 2008 experienced a generally faster
convergence process.
Bahadir and Valev (2017) studied household and business credit convergence in Europe
over the period 1995–2013 in 30 European countries. Their results led to a conclusion that
the process of financial convergence may slow down over time, and that it is stronger in the
case of transition economies. Moreover, it was found out that convergence is mostly related
to household credit, in the case of which it may offset the benefits of financial convergence.
Ganiyu et al. (2017) investigated the role of private sector credit on economic growth in
the Nigerian economy for the period 1993:Q1 to 2013:Q4 using fully modified least squares.
They found that credit plays a role of growth enhancer, even in a situation when trade open-
ness, monetary policy, investment climate and infrastructure are low. Furthermore, when
domestic or local conditions were favourable, economic growth was increased thanks to
private sector credit, whereas the absorptive capacity of the domestic economy for credit was
estimated at 29% of the GDP in 2013.
Durusu-Ciftci et al. (2017) investigated the role of financial development on economic
growth for a panel of 40 countries over the period 1989–2011. Although the cross-sectional
findings differ among various countries, the panel data analyses indicated that both channels
positively affected steady-state level of GDP per capita in the long run, and that contribution
of the credit markets is significantly greater.
The finance-growth nexus in Russia with the vector autoregression model was investi-
gated by Ono (2017). The analysis covered the period 1999–2008 (Subperiod 1) and 2009–
2014 (Subperiod 2). The results regarding Subperiod 1 confirm the causality from economic
growth to money supply and bank lending, which, in turn, implies demand-following re-
sponses. On the other hand, Subperiod 2 indicates that economic growth. Granger results
in bank lending with no causality from money supply to economic growth. This can be a
result of the dramatic decrease in the amount of intervention in foreign exchange markets.
Chudick et  al. (2017) analysed the long-run impact of public debt expansion on eco-
nomic growth. They used data obtained from examining a sample of 40 countries (grouped
into advanced and developing) over the period 1965–2010. They found significant negative,
long-run effects of public debt build-up on output growth. Provided that public debt is on a
downward trajectory, it was shown that a country with a high level of debt can grow just as
fast as its peers in the long run.
Belinga et al. (2016) examined the causal relationship between bank credit and economic
growth in Cameroon over the period 1969–2013. Their findings confirm that financial de-
velopment, including banking credit, does cause economic growth.
Léon (2016) investigated the effects of household and enterprise credit on economic
growth using data regarding 143 countries (126 countries are employed for econometric
analysis) over the period 1995–2014. The evidence shows that household credit has a negative
effect on economic growth in European countries, whereas enterprise credit boosts economic
growth. The credit-growth nexus is determined by credit composition.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 111

Angjelkovska et al. (2016) analysed the effects of the decomposed private sector credit on
economic growth and real effective exchange rate (REER) dynamics. They used data obtained
from 8 countries (SSE) examined over the period 1995–2014. Based on their findings, it can
be concluded that credit allocated to enterprises speeds up the economic growth, while the
results regarding the household credits are ambiguous.
Folwarski (2016) examined a link between credits and economics growth in Poland dur-
ing the period 2005–2015. The findings confirm that both kinds of credits significantly affect
economic growth.
Hasan et al. (2016) examined the finance-growth nexus using data of 60 countries for the
period 1960–2011. The main finding of the study is that the measurement of financial devel-
opment is crucial in determining the estimated effect of finance on growth. The efficiency of
financial intermediaries, used as newly developed indicator, is robustly related to long-term
growth. Furthermore, a greater importance of the banking sector in improving the economic
growth was emphasized.
Ductor and Grechyna (2015) evaluated the interdependence between financial develop-
ment and real sector output as well as the effect on economic growth, using panel data for
101 countries over the period 1970–2010. The findings show that the positive effect of finance
on growth is maximum under balanced growth of financial and real sectors. A fast financial
development that does not take place simultaneously with growth in the real sector mini-
mizes the positive influence financial development has on growth. In fact, this impact may
be negative in the case of financial development that is faster than real output.
Samargandia et al. (2015) analysed relationship between financial development and eco-
nomic growth using data regarding 52 middle income countries from 1980 to 2008. They
found evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship in the long run, that was, however in-
significant in short run. It has been suggested that too strong financing may negatively affect
growth in middle-income countries.
Using a sample of 27 European countries over the period 1995–2012, Sassi and Gasmi
(2014) examined the effects of private credit and firm credit on economic growth. The re-
sults proved that enterprise credit accelerates economic growth, whereas household credit
has an opposite effect. This may explain the issue of finance-growth, thanks to the fact that
the total credits allocated to private sectors constitute mainly of household credits. Lending
in use for productive investments and innovations drive the positive effect of credit market
development on economic growth.
Jedidia et al. (2014) re-examines the link between financial development and economic
growth in Tunisia during the period 1973–2008. The results produce evidence to support that
the domestic credit to private to private sector has positive effect on the economic growth
which means that the financial development is a motor of the long term economic growth
but at the same time leads to financial fragility at the short run.
This article adopts time series cointegration techniques to study finance and economic
growth nexus in Poland using disaggregated variable of total private credits.
112 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

2. Bank lending and composition of credit in CEE countries

The latest EBRD report (2017-18) (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development,
2017) grants financial stability of Poland’s financial system above the reaching transition
score of 7.64, that is close to Slovakia, Slovenia and Latvia. These countries achieved top
transition scores on financial stability among all other transitional economies. The only ex-
ception is Estonia with a financial stability transition score of 8.19.
Total financial lending in Croatia and Poland share a similar trend during 1994–2015
(see Figure 1).
Figure 1 shows an upward trend in the financial lending in Poland with few exogenous
shocks in the series. Lending in Poland was more stable during 1990–2007, in relation to
other CEE countries. As it can be seen, the financial crisis of 2008 had an immediate effect on
Poland, resulting in an abrupt decline of credit lending. The average size of financial lending
in Poland during the observed period amounted to 33% of GDP. There can be observed a
strong correlation between financial lending and economic growth in Poland. This points
to a possible causality between the level of finance lending and economic growth in Poland.
During the financial crisis of 2008, Poland did not experience an output cycle. Quite the
opposite – during 2008–2015, cumulative gross domestic product growth rate in Poland was
21.5%. Output and credit cycles in Poland appeared to be less volatile and more synchronized
in relation to other CEE countries. Figure  2 presents a possible positive two-dimensional
causality between output and credit cycles in Poland, which were tested in the next section.
The main difference between Poland and other banking sectors of transitional countries
arise from the monetary policy adopted by respective central banks in these countries. In
CEE countries, these demand/supply of foreign denominated loans (mainly mortgage loans)
played a significant role up to a point, which was determined by the role of the National
central bank in monetary policy. Consequently, in all CEE countries, the level of foreign
denominated loans rose rapidly, see Table 2.

Financial crisis 2008

In % of GDP

Financial crisis 1998


War ends Poland

20 Croatia

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


Figure 1. Financial lending in Croatia and Poland 1994–2015

(source: The World Bank, 2018a; Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego [KNF], June 2018)
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 113

1200000 60

Real GDP at chained PPPs (in mil. 2011 US$)


Private credits (% share in GDP)



1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Figure 2. Real GDP and lending dynamics in Croatia and Poland 1994–2017
(source: The World Bank, 2018a; Penn World Table 9.0, 2018; KNF, June 2018)

Table 2. Loans in foreign currency (% of total credits) 2012–2016 in selected CEE countries
(source: Deuber, 2017)

Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Albania 65 63 62 61 59
Bosnia and Hercegovina 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2
Belarus 45 50 51 57 56
Bulgaria 64 61 57 51 45
Croatia 75 74 74 71 66
Czech Republic 15 18 19 19 20
Hungary 55 51 51 23 22
Poland 32 30 29 29 27
Romania 63 61 57 50 43
Russia 17 18 25 32 27
Serbia 72 72 66 71 67
Slovakia 1.4 1.0 1.5 0.6 0.6
Ukraine 37 34 47 56 50

When compared to all other selected CEE countries listed in Table 2, it can be observed
that share of foreign currency denominated loans in total loans is the highest in Croatia. The
real extent of foreign currency lending is visible when compared with Poland’s, ranging from
27–32% of total credits, and Croatia’s – 66–75%. Countries following Croatia with similar
share of foreign currency denominated loans are Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Albania. It is
noticeable that central banks in CEE countries pursued an active and tight monetary policy,
however, not as tight as in the case of Croatia. Crucial point was made by central banks in
114 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

declaring the current and future status of their national currencies. In Croatia, Kuna served
as national currency from the very beginning, however, it was predetermined to be a “weak”
currency in relation to DEM (Deutch Mark) and later EUR. General argument is that people
do not have faith in Kuna, but experience shows that in other CEE countries the general
distrust was at the same level. The difference lies in the role central banks attributed to the
national currency from the start of the transition process. Monetary tightening in Croatia led
to import driven growth, deindustrialization, risk aversion, volatility and systemic banking
risks, slow growth and 230 thousand people unable to service their personal debt. Conse-
quently, the financial system was developed on weak foundations (wrong macroeconomic
policy) resulting later in the worst performance of the banking sector among all of the CEE
countries and short term driven economic growth (personal and government consumption).
This was followed by high unemployment rates in Croatia (among highest in the EU), top 2
highest long-term unemployment rates, among lowest activity and employment rates in the
EU. Thus, overall financial policy supported consumption and not investments (particularly
gross fixed capital investments) on the expense of the corporate sector and in favour of
households. This is clearly visible from the structure of the total lending in Croatia in com-
parison to other CEE countries.
Table 3 shows that Poland, together with Croatia and Slovakia, has the highest share of
loans to household in the GDP. Baltic countries register considerably lower share of loans
to households in the GDP in comparison to the Balkan region and Central Europe. This
is because of the still large market share in the hand of the state-owned banks (% of total
assets), which in 2016 amounted to 56% for Russia, 51% for Ukraine, and 67% for Belarus.
In contrast, there is Croatia with 5.7%, Czech Republic 2.4%, Slovakia 0.8%, Bulgaria 3.5%,
Bosnia and Hercegovina 1.7%. State bank lending policy significantly differs from the for-
eign-owned banks. Another important aspect is the focus on the monetary policy. In CEE
countries, central banks were generally oriented in maintaining monetary stability (low in-
flation and exchange rate-controlled volatility). Croatian central bank in an environment of
macroeconomic instability pursued the policy of over appreciated exchange rate in terms of
national currency. This, in turn, generated structural imbalances in the economy requiring
tight monetary policy to compensate for the interest and exchange rate risks. In turn, high
interest and exchange rate risks generate high systemic risk in the banking sector. In such en-
vironment, foreign owned banks in Croatia turn to excessive lending to households. Among
the CEE countries and in the Eurozone, the share of household credits in the GDP is the
highest in Croatia, even after the conversion of the Swiss franc loans and the crisis of 2008.
The banking sector massively lending to households instead of private enterprises resulted
in economic growth slowdown, structural imbalance, high unemployment and high level of
private debt in relation to other CEE countries. The average share of household credits in the
GDP in Poland is around 34%, while the average share of Croatia is 37.5%. Lending to house-
hold dynamics in both countries share a similar trend after 2010, with the exception that in
the overall period massive lending to households in Croatia resulted in an over-leveraged
economy. In an environment of over-leveraged economy, non-performing loans show high
synchronization with unemployment dynamics in Croatia. Such trend is similar in Poland,
however with a difference that share of the total loans in % of GDP in Croatia in 2016 was
77.6%, while in Poland it amounted to 54.6%. Therefore, a strong bi-directional Granger cau-
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 115

Table 3. Loans to Households and Private Enterprises (% of GDP) 2012–2016 in selected CEE countries
(source: Deuber, 2017)

Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Loans to Private Enterprises
Albania 30.2 28.6 29.3 27.8 26.9
Bosnia and Hercegovina 28.4 28.1 27.2 26 25.9
Belarus 30.7 32.3 32.3 35.5 30.4
Bulgaria 48.3 48.8 44.6 40.4 38.7
Croatia 26.2 25.7 25.7 24.3 23
Czech Republic 20.7 21.3 20.5 20.6 20.7
Hungary 24.1 22.2 20.9 17.5 16.9
Poland 17.1 17 17.5 18.2 18.5
Romania 20.3 17.8 16 15.1 13.7
Russia 32 34 41.6 40.1 37.6
Serbia 29.9 25.2 24.3 24.1 22.9
Slovakia 22.5 22.2 21.5 21.9 21.8
Slovenia 53.3 39.3 30.6 26.7 23.6
Ukraine 44.6 49.3 51 40.6 35.1
Loans to Households
Albania 11.2 11 10.7 10.7 11.2
Bosnia and Hercegovina 25.9 26.4 27.2 27.3 27.2
Belarus 7.6 8.5 8.1 7.9 7.6
Bulgaria 22.6 22.6 21.9 20.7 20.1
Croatia 39.1 38.5 38.4 37.2 34.1
Czech Republic 25.9 26.8 26.8 27.6 28.3
Hungary 25.2 22.7 20.8 17.3 16.3
Poland 33.4 34 34.1 35 35.6
Romania 17.6 16.2 15.3 15.2 14.9
Russia 12.4 15 16 12.9 13.5
Serbia 18 17.2 18.5 18.7 19.3
Slovakia 24.9 26.8 29.4 31.9 35.1
Slovenia 26.3 24.8 23.9 23 23.1
Ukraine 13 13 13 8.6 6.7

sality relationship between lending and economic growth in both countries, however more
prominent in the case of Croatia, is expected. Banks in Poland did not create the position
of an over-leveraged economy due to the active role of the central bank and more flexible
monetary policy. Bank lending policy favoring firm investments (particularly in the first
stage of transition) followed by firm investments in capital equipment and not building and
structures, led to the development of a strong, export oriented and competitive economy. An
opposite scenario was present in other CEE countries.
116 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

3. Data and methodology

This study considers Poland (as former transitional country) for the purpose of studying the
impact of financial development and banks’ lending on economic growth using time series
econometric techniques with quarterly data from 1990–2018. The list of variables we use in
the research:
–– RGDP = Real GDP at constant national prices (in mil. 2011US$) – Penn World Table
9.1. (2018).
–– Rkna  = Capital stock at constant national prices (in mil. 2011US$)  – Penn World
Table 9.1.
–– Emp = Number of persons engaged (in millions) – Penn World Table 9.1.
–– Hc = Index of human capital per person, based on years of schooling and returns to
education – Penn World Table 9.1.
–– Tfp = TFP at constant national prices (2011=1) – Penn World Table 9.1.
–– Trade  = Trade is the sum of exports and imports of goods and services measured
as a share of gross domestic product (in %) – World Bank, World Bank Indicators
Database (World Bank, 2018c).
–– Industry = Industry share in GDP (in %) – World Bank, World Bank Indicators Da-
–– Global = KOF index of globalization – Gygli, Haelg & Sturm (2018)
–– Invm = Gross fixed investments in machinery and equipment in % of total gross fixed
investments – WIIW Annual Database (2018).
Financial development proxies are listed below:
–– Credit  = Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to
GDP (in %) – Financial development and structure dataset, Global financial devel-
opment database (June 2018) (World Bank, 2018 a, 2018b).
–– Stockc  = Stock market capitalization to GDP (in %)  – Financial development and
structure dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– Stockv = Stock market total value traded to GDP (in %) – Financial development and
structure dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– Margin = Banks net interest margin (in %) – Financial development and structure
dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– Spread = Bank lending-deposit spread (in %) – Financial development and structure
dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– ROA = Bank return on assets (in % after tax) – Financial development and structure
dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– ROE = Bank return on equity (in % after tax) – Financial development and structure
dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– Turnover = Stock market turnover ratio (in %) – Financial development and structure
dataset, Global financial development database (June 2018).
–– Z score = Bank Z-score Financial development and structure dataset, Global financial
development database (June 2018).
–– Households1 = Household credit share in GDP (in %) – Florian Léon (2018a), The
Credit Structure Database (June 2018).
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 117

–– Firms1 = Firms credit share in GDP (in %) – Florian Léon (2018a), The Credit Struc-
ture Database.
–– Households2 = Households credit share in total credits (in %) – Bank for Internation-
al Settlements (BIS) database (June 2018).
–– Firms2 = Firms credit share in total credits (in %) – Bank for International Settle-
ments (BIS) database.
Since long time series financial data are not available on the quarterly basis and this is
particularly true for macroeconomic data we use in this analysis we use annual data trans-
formed using standard frequency conversion approach (low to high – quadratic match av-
erage in Eviews 10). The data were obtained from several databases: Penn World Table 9.1
(Feenstra, Inklaar, & Timmer, 2015), World Bank, World Bank Indicators Database (2018c),
Gygli et al. (2018), Financial development and structure dataset (Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, &
Levine, 2000, 2009; Cihák, Demirguc-Kunt, Feyen, & Levine, 2012), Global financial develop-
ment database (Cihák et al., 2012; Léon, 2018a), WIIW annual database. The Credit Structure
Database and BIS database for Poland, KNF-Polish Financial Supervision Authority database
(KNF, June 2018).
Plots of the variable’s series (not presented here) suggests that data are non-stationary in
level and stationary in the first difference. Variables also exhibit a trend pattern pointing to
a possible cointegrational relationship. First, we test for the stationarity in the series using
standard unit root test; (ADF) – Dickey and Fuller (1979), (PP) – Phillips and Perron (1988),
and (KPSS) – Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin (1992).
From Table 4 we can see that the battery of standard unit root test results show series
to be integrated of order 1, that is, I(1). Results of the stationarity test show that all the
variables are non-stationary in level and stationary in difference. Since all the variables are
integrated we look for a possible cointegration relationship between the selected variables
for Poland and apply the Johansen cointegration test (Johansen, 1991, 1995), (Johansen &
Juselius, 1990). Using standard VAR (vector autoregression) lag selection procedure based on
(AIC) – Akaike’s (Akaike, 1974) and (SIC) – Schwarz’s Information Criteria (Schwarz, 1978).
To investigate the impact of credits on economic growth we use the model:

RGDP = β0 + β1Tfpι + β2 Hct + β3Globalt + β4 FDt + et , (1)

where RGDP, Tfp, Hc, FD (represent a set of the proxy variables for the financial development
as defined in the methodology section) and et = stationary disturbance term. All variables
(series) in the Eq. (1) are in the expressed in logarithm form (we read them as partial elastic-
ity coefficients). To select the optimum lag length (since cointegration models are sensitive
to the number of lags) we estimate a vector error correction autoregression model (VECM)
of (1) in the form:
DRGDP1t = µ1t − φ1 (RGDP − γ 0 − γ1Tfp − γ 2 Hc − γ 3Global − γ 4 FD)t −1 +
j j j j j

∑ β1, j DRGDP1ι−i + ∑ β2, j DTfp1ι−i + ∑ β3, j DHc1ι−i + ∑ β4, j DGlobal1ι−i + ∑β5, j DFD1ι−i + ε1t .
=i 1
i 1= i =1
i 1= i 1
118 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

Table 4. Unit Root Test Results (source: Authors’ calculations)


(trend and (trend and (trend and (trend and (trend and (trend and
Series intercept) intercept) intercept) intercept) intercept) intercept)
First First First
Level Level Level
difference difference difference
RGDP –0.9579 –4.1382** –1.1595 –4.1826** 0.1579** 0.075
Rkna 0.7011 –3.344* 0.1977 –1.2900 0.2974*** 0.074
Emp –1.4472 –3.8764** –2.6113 –3.8764** 0.2394*** 0.0700
Hc –0.7124 0.3226 0.1023 –4.2056*** 0.1377* 0.2053**
Tfp –2.8351 –2.0896 –1.4739 –3.6626** 0.0982 0.1150
Trade –3.1189 –5.5789*** –3.1941* –5.5501*** 0.0744 0.0252
Industry –1.0459 –2.9042*** –2.3878** –3.2274*** 0.6797** 0.4910*
Global –1.4958 –2.8496 –0.6934 –6.0251*** 0.2860** 0.0633
Invm –3.0380 –4.0569*** –1.7044 –5.0608*** 0.1758** 0.1022
Credit –3.6708** –3.5291** –1.7682 –3.5919** 0.1885** 0.0924
Stockc –2.6929 –2.5013 –2.4131 –4.6176*** 0.1739** 0.044
Stockv 0.0839 –2.4591** –2.4104 –4.3694*** 0.9577** 0.0392
Margin –2.4654 –3.5336*** –3.5466** –5.7187*** 0.8395*** 0.1451
Spread –1.4083 –2.4229** –3.5602** –4.6749*** 0.2169*** 0.1173
ROA –2.8963 –3.0581*** –3.0802 –5.6343*** 0.0808 0.0343
ROE –2.8094* –3.256** –3.0283 –5.6691*** 0.1917** 0.0325
Turnover –2.2562 –4.6051*** –2.6195 –5.5013*** 0.2086** 0.070
Z–score –0.2530 –3.0709*** –3.2212* –5.5951*** 0.1874** 0.0373
Households1 –3.1247 –3.5032** –1.5484 –3.4907** 0.1631** 0.0928
Firms1 –2.6625 –4.1350*** –2.2975 –4.1350*** 0.1812** 0.0611
Households2 –1.0545 –3.1527** –0.4569 –4.1173*** 0.2538*** 0.1123
Firms2 –1.0544 –3.1528** –0.4584 –4.1166*** 0.2532*** 0.1124
Note: ***, ** and * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Maximum lag length for the test
was selected based on the lag length criteria (lag length test) considering loss in the degrees of freedom.

Checking the autocorrelation of the error terms in each of the VECM using Ljung-Box Q
statistics (Ljung & Box, 1978) we repeat the test by increasing one lag until regression error
term show no autocorrelation issue (optimum lag). Optimum lag selection is also tested by
using (AIC) and (SIC) in the Wald Lag exclusion test (Lütkepohl, 2005). Both test, (Ljung &
Box, 1978) and Wald test (Lütkepohl, 2005) select the lag lenght of 9 as optimum lag length
in the VECM. Table 5 show the results for the Johansen and Juselius (1990) cointegration test.
Test results (Table 5) show that both Trace test and Max-Eigen test are statistically signif-
icant in rejecting the null hypothesis of no cointegrating relations between the variables at
5% significance level. Trace and Max-Eigen test fail to reject the null of one (1) cointegrating
equation at 5% significance level finding one long run cointegration relationship between
RGDP and its determinants in the Eq.  (1). This holds for the FD with Credit as proxy as
long for Household2 and Firms2 series. Therefore, based on the unit root test results and Jo-
hansen-Juselius cointegration test we proceed with the VECM including Credit, Household2
and Firms2 as proxies for financial development in Poland.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 119

Table 5. Johansen-Juselius cointegration test results (source: authors’ calculation)

Hypothesized number Trace Max-Eigen Critical Values (5%) FD variable

of cointegrating relations Statistics Statistics Trace Max-Eigen
r=0 103.77** 41.08** 88.80 38.33
r≤1 62.68 28.55 63.87 32.11
r=0 170.56** 89.78** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 80.78** 53.46** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 27.31 20.36 29.79 21.13
r=0 157.24** 80.15** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 77.08** 45.91** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 21.17 14.90 29.79 21.13
r=0 199.89** 105.29** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 94.59** 61.16** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 33.42** 21.81** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 11.61 7.70 15.49 14.26
r=0 147.83** 82.53** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 65.29** 40.20** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 25.09 21.40 29.79 21.13
r=0 136.00** 57.68** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 78.31** 32.20** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 46.11** 28.15** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 17.96** 17.26** 15.49 14.26
r≤4 0.699 0.699 3.84 3.84
r=0 130.38** 55.74** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 74.63** 30.84** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 43.78** 27.39** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 16.39** 15.70** 15.49 14.26
r≤4 0.68 0.68 3.84 3.84
r=0 180.44* 77.02** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 103.42** 61.16** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 42.25** 29.51** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 12.73 12.70** 15.49 14.26
Z score
120 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

End of Table 5

Hypothesized number Trace Max-Eigen Critical Values (5%) FD variable

of cointegrating relations Statistics Statistics Trace Max-Eigen
r=0 159.88** 62.37** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 97.50** 44.20** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 53.28** 39.67** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 13.62 13.57 15.49 14.26
r=0 188.71** 106.15** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 82.56** 43.20** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 39.36** 20.75** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 18.61** 17.93** 15.49 14.26
r≤4 0.67 0.67 3.84 3.84
r=0 187.70** 88.92** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 98.77** 40.23** 47.85 27.58
r≤2 58.54** 39.60** 29.79 21.13
r≤3 18.94** 18.42** 15.49 14.26
r≤4 0.51 0.51 3.84 3.84
r=0 97.26** 49.72** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 47.54 26.54 47.85 27.58
r=0 96.52** 55.87** 69.81 33.87
r≤1 42.12 26.71 47.85 27.58

Note: ** denote significant at 5% significance level.

4. Results
The estimated VECM for Poland takes the form of the long run Eq. (3) after normalization
LnRGDPt −1 =
1.8874 + 11.1697 LnTpft −1 + 6.8623LnHct −1 + 0.7081LnGlobalt −1 + 0.3703LnCreditt −1
(std. er.) (0.5757) (0.5312) (0.3085) (0.0559)
(t-stat) [19.4002] [12.9268] [2.2954] [6.6225]. (3)

All variables in the Eq. (3) are positively significant at 5% significance level. Estimated
VECM show the long run equilibrium relationship between real GDP (output), total factor
productivity, human capital stock, level of country’s exposure to globalization and bank lend-
ing. Since all variables are expressed in the logarithm form, associated long run parameters
can be interpreted as partial elasticity coefficients. We can observe that a 1% increase in total
factor productivity (Tfp) rise Poland’s real GDP by 11%. Similar positive and large effect on
GDP we register for the increase in the human capital stock (Hc) with 1% increase in the
human capital stock leading to 6.8% increase in the real GDP. Globalization level has also
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 121

positive effect on the Poland’s real GDP with 1% increase in the KOF index (Global) result-
ing in real GDP increase of 0.71%. Lending activity of the financial sector measured by the
share of total credits in the GDP also has positive impact on the real output in Poland. An
increase in the bank lending activity measured by (Credit) of 1% leads to a growth in the
real GDP by 0.37%. The results are consistent and within reasonable bounds in accordance
with the theory.
Equation (3) show the long run impact of selected variables on the real GDP in Poland
over 1990–2018. To estimate the short run impact, we use the Granger causality test (Grang-
er, 1969). Granger causality test results together with the error correction terms – speed of
adjustment coefficients (loading matrix) are visible in the Table 6.

Table 6. Granger causality results from VECM (source: authors’ calculation)

Independent variable
c2 statistics of lagged 1st differenced term [p-value]
ECT coefficient
Dependent D Ln D Ln
D lnRGDP D LnTfp D LnHc (t-ratio)
variable Global Credit
31.99 25.13 11.60 23.78 –0.1502
D lnRGDP –
[0.000]*** [0.002]*** [0.236] [0.004] (–3.233)**
146.65 60.14 19.68 –0.074
D LnTfp – [0.007]***
[0.000]*** [0.000]*** [0.019]** (10.835)***

11.32 3.924 0.837 2.353 0.0015

D LnHc –
[0.254] [0.916] [0.997] [0.984] (2.221)**
D Ln 25.75 2.976 1.858 6.465 0.0184

Global [0.000]*** [0.965] [0.993] [0.692] (1.317)
D Ln 56.81 14.29 10.97 8.513 –0.074

Credit [0.000]*** [0.112] [0.277] [0.483] (–2.665)**
Note: *** and ** denotes significant at 1% and 5% significance level, respectively. The number in the
parenthesis (…) denote as t-statistic and in the squared brackets […] represent a p-value.

All speed of adjustment coefficients are statistically significant except for the globali-
zation (Global) parameter. Most of the adjustment in the real GDP for Poland is achieved
by the adjustment in the past real GDP values (15%), adjusting changes in the total factor
productivity (7%) and lending activity (7%). Human capital stock do not show important
adjustment properties in the short run which is expected since the nature of the educational
process (lagged returns to education). The same holds for globalization. Granger causality
test results show a bidirectional causality running between lending activities (Credits) and
output (RGDP). We find the finance-growth nexus to bilaterally support demand-leading
(economic growth lead to higher financial development) and supply-leading (financial de-
velopment leads to higher output growth) hypothesis. Increase in the lending activities leads
to increase in the total factor productivity, export competitiveness and favorable balance ac-
count position. We also find the credit structure to be important factor of growth in Poland.
In fact, a 1% increase in financial lending to firms (Firms2) result in a real GDP increase of
1.66% while 1% increase in household lending (Household2) gives rise to output by 1.47%.
122 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

Variance decomposition (see Figure 3) show the impact of variations in total factor pro-
ductivity, human capital, globalization and credit activity on the real GDP.
From the Figure 3 we can see that most of the changes in the RGDP dynamics can be
explained by changes (current and future innovation) in the output itself and human capital.
Past output level (starting level of real GDP) has the largest impact on current and future
values of real GDP in Poland which is in accordance with most growth econometric studies.
Innovation impact on future output dynamics diminish with time (from 100% in first quarter
to 50% after ten quarters). The impact of human capital innovation on output dynamics is
small after the first quarter but in the long run it becomes significant (more than 30% after
ten quarters). Forecast variance for the RGDP of the innovation in total factor productivity,
globalization and credit activity is positive ranging from 2% to 5% changes in the real GDP.
When we use the Credit variable as proxy for the FD in the VECM, the assessed impact of the
lending activity on the real GDP in Poland is positive but limited. There is a positive impact
of financial development on economic growth in Poland but on a limited scale. Same results
hold for the impulse response analysis from the VECM (3).






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Credit Global

Figure 3. Variance decomposition of RGDP (with Credit) (source: authors’ calculations)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Credit Global

Figure 4. Response of RGDP to innovation (Shocks) (with Credit) (source: authors’ calculations)
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 123

Figure 4 confirms the results obtained by the real GDP variance decomposition (Chole-
sky one standard deviation innovation on y axis and time – quarters on x axis). Innovation
(shock) in output has positive, long lasting impact on the real GDP (over ten quarters). We
can see that the effects of the shock in the real GDP is not dying out in the long run showing
long memory properties. Same holds for the exogenous shock in the human capital stock
with the innovation lasting over ten quarters. Changes (shock) in the total factor productivity
have positive effect on RGDP up to seven (7) quarters converging to zero becoming negative
in the long run (Baumol’s cost disease and great decoupling paradox). Shock in Credit has
neutral effect on the real GDP up to four quarters turning negative up to the seven quarters.
After seven quarters banks’ lending start to have positive effects on the real GDP dynamics
and the effects stay in place over the long run (beyond ten quarters). The same dynamics as
for Credit is visible for Global, that is, globalization has positive effect on the GDP dynamics
in Poland over the long run.
To study the impact of the credit structure using Firms2 as proxy variable for FD in the
model we use VECM of the form:
LnRGDPt −1 =13.74 + 7.80234 LnTpft −1 + 6.8623LnHct −1 + 3.8683LnGlobalt −1 + 1.6668LnFirms2t −1
(std. er.) (3.17497) (24.39263) (1.61819) (0.53546)
(t-stat) [–19.7804] [–9.80045] [2.39052] [3.11301]. (4)

We can see that models’ results are quite different when using (Firms2) firms credit share
(in %) in private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions. This in-
dicator gives more realistic view on the real impact of financial development on economic
growth. Using this indicator, the assessed impact of bank lending on economic growth in
Poland is twofold higher in respect to the one assessed when using total credit share in the
GDP indicator as proxy for financial development. Also, we can notice that the impact of
increase in total factor productivity and human capital stock have larger effects on output in
relation to the Eq. (3). This is because firms in Poland used bank lending to invest in machin-
ery and equipment, in fact over 1990–2018 average gross fixed investments in machinery and
equipment in total investments was 42.5%. Every second Euro of bank credit was invested in
machinery and equipment leading to increase in total factor productivity and human capital
stock finally rising the output in Poland. Figure 5 support this thesis.
From the Figure 5 we can see output dynamics in Poland can be explained by variations
in the starting level of real GDP, human capital, banks’ lending to firms and increase in the
total factor productivity. Thus, when using disaggregated data on bank lending, in this case,
bank lending to firms, we can observe that bank lending exercise more impact on output then
before. We can also see the long run relationship that exists between financial development
and economic growth in Poland and now the nexus between them is much stronger and
larger. Same results hold for the impulse response function of Eq. (4).
We can see on the Figure 6 that innovations (shocks) in real GDP, human capital, bank lend-
ing to firms and globalization have long term positive impact on the output dynamics in Poland.
Shock to total factor productivity in the short run has positive impact on output but in
the long run as sectors with growing productivity catch up with the Baumol’s cost disease
(Baumol & Bowen, 1966). Wages in the sectors with growing productivity rush up wages in
124 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

other sectors with stagnating labour productivity – education and health care. This in turn
demands large government spending to cover up the costs of the Baumol’s disease trailing
down total factor productivity and output in the long run. The impact of innovation in the
human capital stock on the real output is the largest since wages for skilled labor in the IT
and other growing productivity sectors go up pulling up personal consumption expenditures.
The effect of a change in the human capital stock is positive and show long memory proper-
ties. A shock to Firms2 has positive and long-lasting effects on the real GDP with the effect
continuing to persist beyond the 10th quarter. Global share the same dynamics since firms’
use bank lending and improve capital/output ratio resulting in a rise in competitive export
and share in the world trade.
To study the impact of the credit structure using Households2 as proxy variable for FD in
the model we use VECM of the form:
LnRGDPt −1 =
11.05 + 3.5346LnTpft −1 + 3.2780LnHct −1 + 2.1367 LnGlobalt −1 + 1.4737 LnHouseholds2t −1
(std. er.) (5.39271) (3.55081) (2.35343) (0.35586)
(t-stat) [–19.5699] [–11.0617] [3.88230] [–4.14137]. (5)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Firms2 Global

Figure 5. Variance decomposition of RGDP (with Firms2) (source: authors’ calculations)








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Firms2 Global

Figure 6. Response of RGDP to innovation (Shocks) (with Firms2) (source: authors’ calculations)
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 125

As in the previous models (3) and (4), a long run relationship between financial develop-
ment measured by household credit share (in %) in private credit by deposit money banks
and other financial institutions (Households2). Households lending has positive effect on the
real GDP through mortgage lending pushing up productivity and value added in the con-
struction sector. Households lending in relation to the firms lending has less impact on the
real GDP since the implied effect on the total factor productivity (Tfp) is lower as well on the
human capital stock (Hc) and globalization (Global). Long run effects of households lending
are positive but not so prominent as in the case of firms lending. Variance decomposition in
the Figure 7 show the effects of the households lending on the real GDP.
Previous level of real GDP, human capital stock and households’ credits contribute to
over 70% of the real GDP forecast error variance for Poland. Changes in the real GDP for
Poland to a large extent can be attributable to changes in the real GDP, human capital and
household lending. In the short run, up to seven quarters, majority of the change in the real
GDP dynamics is attributed to the change in the real GDP itself. In the long run, however,
this impact slows down declining to 30% of the forecast error variance over ten quarters.
Human capital stock do not affect real GDP forecast error variance in the short run which
is expected since educational returns show long memory properties. In the long run human
capital stock exert large effects on the real GDP forecast error variance around 35% almost
the same as household lending. Thus, in the short run forecast error variance of the real
GDP is dominated by shocks in the real GDP. In the medium run (5–6 quarters) forecast
error variance for real GDP is attributable to shocks in the real GDP and household lending.
In the long run (7–10 quarters) shocks to household lending, human capital stock and the
real GDP dominate over other selected variables. These results are confirmed by the impulse
response analysis of the VECM (5).
Shocks (innovation) to household lending and total factor productivity (see Figure  8)
show prolonged negative effects on the real GDP in the long run. Following a one standard
deviation shock to the Tfp and Households2, real GDP in Poland decline immediately (after
two quarters) and sharply (after five quarters). High non-performing loans share (non-per-
forming loans in %) in Poland may explain this strong sensitivity of real GDP and total factor
productivity to household lending. High level of non-performing loans intensifies credit con-
straints causing decline in total factor productivity and output. In response to a one standard
deviation shock (increase) to the human capital stock, the real GDP rises rapidly in Poland.
Same holds for the globalization impact on the real GDP and shocks to RGDP. The impulse
response analysis of the VECM (5) of one standard deviation shocks (innovation) in the
RGDP, Hc and Global move the output in Poland to a new equilibrium, higher in relation to
the previous one. Shocks in Tfp and Households2 move the real GDP to a new equilibrium
level lower than the previous.

5. Discussion of results
The error correction models (VECM), forecast variance decomposition and impulse response
analysis show a strong and positive nexus between financial development (bank lending) and
economic growth in Poland. Total factor productivity, human capital stock, globalization
and bank lending show positive relationship with the real GDP in the long run. Adjustment
126 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

coefficients are statistically significant finding a deviation from the long run relationship
between real GDP and Tfp, Hc, FD, Global is promptly restored to a new equilibrium by
adjustment of the same variables. The obtained results are in line with the results obtained by
Katircioglu, Kahyalar and Benar (2007) that confirm the existence of a bidirectional causality
between financial development, which was measured by financial sector lending activity, and
economic growth in Poland. The same results were also obtained in the studies by Bangake
and Eggoh (2011), Levine, Loayza and Beck (2000), Carby, Craigwell, Wright and Wood
(2012), Shan and Jianhong (2006), Odhiambo (2005) and Maswana (2009). This paper study
results are of significant practical importance for policy makers in charge of designing effi-
cient and growth promoting economic policies in Poland. Monetary policy targeted to drive
economic growth up must take into the account that expansive monetary policy supports
economic growth and in turn economic growth affect financial markets development. Paper
results have also important implication for further research in the field. Time series data
and empirical results for Poland show lending policy determines credit structure and in end
economic growth dynamics. Mortgage lending (households’ credits) versus investments lend-






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Household2 Global

Figure 7. Variance decomposition of RGDP (with Households2) (source: authors’ calculations)









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RGDP Hc Tfp Household2 Global

Figure 8. Response of RGDP to innovation (Shocks) (with Households2) (source: authors’ calculations)
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 127

ing (enterprise lending) differently affect economic growth in Poland. Academic studying the
finance-growth nexus should in future research study disaggregate lending data (household
and enterprise lending separately). They should also monitor the long memory nature of the
financial time series data and explore the finance-growth link using long memory models
The results of the study are limited to one country analysis over a sample of countries.
Empirical results found for Poland cannot be by default implied for other former socialist
countries, although it is excepted that the situation will look the same for most of the transi-
tional economies (former and current). Although the VECM model explains a large part of
the dynamics in the real GDP in Poland 1990–2012 with adjusted R-squared of 0.71, other
factors such as automatization, foreign direct investments, IT sector development, conver-
gence to the EU, outside the EURO zone could be important for the model. Although VECM
applied in this study passes the standard model stability test, some series properties point to a
possible presence of long memory and persistence. Under the long memory assumption and
persistence in the series, more robust results could be obtained for the study of the impact
of financial development on economic growth by using fractional integration model over a
larger sample of countries.
The results suggest that disaggregation of total bank lending into household credit share
(in %) as well as firm credit share (in %) in the total private credit by deposit money banks
and other financial institutions is important for better understanding of the impact of fi-
nancial development on economic growth. By using variable (Household2) for household
share in total private credits by deposit money banks and other financial institutions it was
observed that for 1% increase in the household lending, the real GDP in Poland rose by
1.47%. In the case of (Firms2) the share of firms in total private credits by deposit money
banks and other financial institutions, it was noted that for 1% increase in the firm lending
real GDP grew by 1.66%. When using the standard variable (Credit) for measuring financial
development level, such as private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institu-
tions to GDP (in %) it can be seen that the impact on economic growth is much lower, i.e.,
0.37% per 1% increase in Credit. When using values of private credit share in the GDP, study
results on the financial development and economic growth nexus tend to be undervalued. In
this sense, the results do not reflect the real impact of financial development on output. In
the case of Poland, the ‘supply-leading’ hypothesis stating that financial development leads
to economic growth is proved. The ‘demand-following hypothesis’ is also verified and shows
that economic growth in Poland affects financial sector development in the long run. The
‘feedback-hypothesis’ also holds, since there was observed evidence of bi-directional causality
between financial development and economic growth in Poland. Moreover, it was proved
that financial development and economic growth share a nexus in the short as well in the
long run.
Future research should take into the account larger sample of countries, preferably a
group of countries in transition and advanced economies. Studying countries in transition
could lead to the discovery of particular monetary and fiscal policy mistakes that have an
impact on the financial sector development. Furthermore, this can point out both the role
of the National banks, as well as economic expectations of the population and management
128 M. Škare et al. Financial development and economic growth in Poland 1990–2018

behavior in the banks. All of these findings could have an important effect on the financial
development resulting in similar monetary policies guidelines but in reality, completely in-
verse impact on the real sector because of the asymmetries in the bank behavior and lending

This study provides evidence for the importance of financial development (measured through
lending activity) to the output growth in Poland during 1990–2018. The analysis distin-
guishes the importance of the lending structure (credits to household vs credits to firms)
within the financial sector. It was found that a bidirectional Granger causality exists between
financial development and economic growth in Poland, both in the short and long run. The
findings are also in line with the ‘supply-leading’ and ‘demand-following’ hypothesis. Fi-
nancial development in the case of Poland plays an active and important role in supporting
economic growth. At the same time, development in the real sector through rise in real GDP,
total factor productivity and human capital stock led to faster and further development in
the financial sector itself. However, the extent and persistence of the financial development
on economic growth depends on the lending structure – firms lending over household lend-
ing, investments in machinery and equipment over mortgage lending. It is the same lending
structure that will, in the end, determine the extent of the financial development impact on
economic growth. This means that it is not important how much money financial system
lends, but to whom and for what purpose.
The results of the study suggest that by incorporating household and firm lending as
proxy for financial development, the way in which the financial development facilitates eco-
nomic growth could be understood better. Policy Central banks should pay close attention to
the structure of bank lending and tightness of monetary policy since this could have negative
effects on economic growth in the long run. These are lessons particularly important for the
policy makers in the transitional and developing countries. Financial development facilitates
economic growth, while in turn, growth leads to the development of the financial sector.
Although ‘neutral hypothesis’ does not hold for Poland, it is expected valid for most of the
ex-socialist economies. These findings are also important for bank owners and management.
Distorted lending activities (asymmetrical lending that does not consider economic expecta-
tions, stock market movements and interest rates policy management) in the long run could
expose them to galloping levels of non-performing loans issuing. This particular holds for
the banking sector in the EURO zone.
Although financial development facilitates economic growth, it is the structure of the fi-
nancial development (bank credit structure) that determines its final impact (extent and sign)
on economic growth in the short run, and even more in the long run. Policy makers should
promote economic policy relying on investments lending and not mortgage lending in order
to boost economic growth, particularly in the long run. Financial lending show to have long
lasting effects on economic growth and in turn economic growth promotes development of
the financial markets in Poland. Researchers should study the persistence and long memory
nature of the financial time series data and reflect on using long memory models (ARFIMA,
VARFIMA, SVARFIMA) in studying the financial-growth nexus.
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(2): 103–133 129

Although study results are limited to Poland (case study research), we find the result
robust to model change so similar results can be expected to hold also for other countries as
well. Further research on the finance-growth nexus should explore the long memory nature
of the financial data and use fractional integration modelling to explore the relationship

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