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YasrebiA PDF
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The speed and complexity of globalisation and reduction of natural resources on the one
hand, and interests of large multinational corporations on the other, necessitates proper
management of mineral resources and consumption. The need for scientific research and
application of new methodologies and approaches to maximise Net Present Value (NPV)
In some cases, drill core logging in the field may result in an inadequate level of
distribution and geomechanical features. For instance, ore grades, density and RQD
values are not included in conventional geological models whilst variations in a mineral
deposit are an obvious and salient feature. Given the problems mentioned above, a series
of new mathematical methods have been developed, based on fractal modelling, which
provide a more objective approach. These have been established and tested in a case
Recognition of different types of mineralised zone in an ore deposit is important for mine
planning. As a result, it is felt that the most important outcome of this thesis is the
(supergene and hypogene) zones from ‘barren’ host rock. This is based on subsurface
data and the utilisation of the Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal model, proposed by
Afzal et al. (2011), to optimise a Cu-Mo block model for better determination of an ultimate
pit limit. Drawing on this, new approaches, referred to Density–Volume (D–V) and RQD-
Volume (RQD-V) fractal modelling, have been developed and used to delineate rock
characteristics in terms of density and RQD within the Kahang deposit (Yasrebi et al.,
2013b; Yasrebi et al., 2014). From the results of this modelling, the density and RQD
populations of rock types from the studied deposit showed a relationship between density
and rock quality based on RQD values, which can be used to predict final pit slope.
Finally, the study introduces a Present Value-Volume (PV-V) fractal model in order to
identify an accurate excavation orientation with respect to economic principals and ore
grades of all determined voxels within the obtained ultimate pit limit in order to achieve
It would not have been possible to write this doctoral thesis without the help and support
of the kind people around me, to only some of whom it is possible to give particular
mention here.
I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my supervisors Dr. Andrew
Wetherelt, Dr. Patrick J Foster and Dr. Peyman Afzal for your tremendous support. I would
like to thank you for encouraging my research and for allowing me to grow as a research
scientist. Your advice on both research as well as on my academic behaviour have been
priceless. I would also like to acknowledge you for your brilliant comments and
I would like to be especially thankful to my first supervisor, Dr. Andrew Wetherelt, for the
patient guidance, encouragement and advice he has provided throughout my time as his
PhD student. I have been extremely lucky to have a supervisor like him who cared so
much about my work and who always responded to my questions and queries so
I would like to thank the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, the global network
IOM3, Cornish Institute of Engineers and Whittle Consulting (Business Optimisation for
the Mining Industry) not only for providing the funding which allowed me to undertake this
research, but also for giving me the opportunity to attend conferences and meet so many
interesting people.
I am grateful to the National Iranian Copper Industries Co. (NICICO) for their permission
to have access to the Kahang deposit dataset. Additionally, I would like to thank Dr.
Ardeshir. Saad Mohammadi (former CEO of NICICO), Mr. Reza Esfahani Pour (former
Moradalizadeh (current CEO of NICICO) and Mr. Babak Babaiee (current manager of
Above all, I would like to thank my parents who have given me their unequivocal support
throughout, as always, for which my mere expression of thanks likewise does not suffice.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to my parents for all of the sacrifices that they
have made.
At the end, the great appreciation to my blessed grandmother, her prayer for me was
Table of Contents
3.3 Statistical Characteristics 89
3.4 Block Modelling 96
3.4.1 Cell Declustering 102
3.5 Geostatistical Modelling 109
3.5.1 Inverse Distance Weighted Anisotropic Method (IDWAM) 110
3.5.2 Application of IDWAM 115
3.6 Validation Processes 133
3.7 Delineation of Mineralised Zones Using C-V Modelling 136
3.7.1 C-V Fractal Model 136
3.7.2 Application of C-V Fractal Modelling 143
3.8 Comparison and Correlation between Results of C-V Fractal and Geological
Modelling 146
3.8.1 Application of Logratio Matrix 155
3.9 Results 159
4 CHAPTER FOUR. Rock Mass Characterisation Utilising Fractal Modelling based on
Density and RQD Data 161
4.1 Introduction 162
4.2 Statistical Characteristics 166
4.3 Methodology 169
4.3.1 D-V Fractal Model 172
4.3.2 RQD-Volume (RQD-V) Fractal Model 177
4.4 Comparison between D–V and RQD Models 183
4.5 Results 185
5 CHAPTER FIVE. Mining Optimisation 187
5.1 Introduction 188
5.2 Methodology 192
5.3 Deposit Block Model via the C-V Fractal Model for Optimisation Study 193
5.4 Mine Topographical Features of Land Surface 194
5.5 Pit Geometrical Characteristics 195
5.6 Mine’s Annual Production 198
5.7 Ore Density 198
5.8 Kahang’s Exploitation Percentage 201
5.9 Economic Principles 202
5.9.1 Prices and Expenses 202
5.9.2 Annual Discount Rate 204
5.9.3 Cut-off Grade 207
5.10 Determination of the Kahang Deposit Ultimate Pit Limit 208
5.10.1 Ultimate Pit Limit 208
5.10.2 Internal Pit Shells (Phases) 211
5.10.3 Nested Pits 214
5.10.4 Identification of an Optimal Extraction Sequence (OES) 214
5.11 Comparative Case Study 216
5.12 Determination of an Ultimate Pit Limit when Ignoring the Three Isolated
Boreholes 221
5.13 Results 224
6 CHAPTER SIX. Present Value-Volume (PV-V) Fractal Modelling for Mining Strategy
Selection 226
6.1 Introduction 227
6.2 Methodology 229
6.3 Statistical Characteristics 231
6.4 Application of PV-V Model 233
6.5 Application of NPV-CTO Model 245
6.6 Results 247
7 CHAPTER SEVEN. Conclusions and Recommendation for Future Work 249
References 259
Appendices 297
List of Figures
Fig. 1. 1. An Example of the graph closure in the Lerch and Grossman algorithm
Fig. 1. 2. Bulking the block model voxels together (Mart and Markey, 2013) 44
Fig. 2. 1. a) Geological map of the Kahang study area, scale: 1: 10,000 (Alavi, 1994;
Tabatabaei and Asadi Haroni, 2006), and b) structural map of Iran, showing the
Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic belt (Alavi, 1994) 54
Fig. 2. 2. Eocene sub-volcanic rocks in the Kahang deposit (View towards SE) 55
Fig. 2. 3. a) Pyrite (Py), chalcopyrite (Ccp) and molybdenite (Mol), b) Copper secondary
sulphides and carbonate minerals from the oxidised zone (Azadi et al., 2014), c) Fe-
oxides, and d) reflected light photomicrograph showing bornite (Brn), chalcocite (Chl)
and chalcopyrite (Cpy) in the Kahang porphyry deposit 57
Fig. 2. 5. a) Alteration map of the Kahang deposit (Western, Central and Eastern parts;
Harati et al., 2013) and b) Conceptual model of Lowell and Gilbert (1970) 61
of amphibole phenocryst, and coarse-grained biotite cut by a quartz veinlet (Afshooni et
al., 2013) 63
Fig. 2. 10. The locations of drill cores with lithological units within the Kahang deposit
and its 3D surface topography 69
Fig. 2. 12. a) 3D lithology model of the Kahang eastern part (Yasrebi et al., 2012), and
b) lithological fence diagram (See abbreviation list for more details) 78
Fig. 2. 13. a) Alteration model of the Kahang eastern part (Yasrebi et al., 2012), and b)
alteration fence diagram (See abbreviation list for more details) 80
Fig. 2. 14. a) 3D ore-type zonation model, b) fence diagram of ore-type zonation model,
c) 3D dominant ore minerals, d); fence diagram of dominant ore minerals, e)
chalcopyrite in stockwork copper mineralisation from hypogene zone, and f) pyrite (Py)
and molybdenite (Mol) mineralisation in hypogene zone (See abbreviation list for more
details) 83
Fig. 3. 3. Histograms for data from the Kahang deposit: a) Cu wt.%, and
b) Mo ppm 91
Fig. 3. 4. 3D maps for original datasets: a) Cu wt.%, b) Mo ppm, c) density t/m3, and d)
RQD % 95
Fig. 3. 5. a) 2D, b) 3D, and c) Google Earth maps of the grid drilling in the Kahang
deposit 100
Fig. 3. 6. Boreholes location (ignoring the three isolated boreholes in the NW) map in
the Kahang deposit with selected closest borehole pairs 101
Fig. 3. 10. Scatterplots for correlation between Cu (wt.%) and coordinates: a) Cu values
trend in X, b) Cu values trend in Y, and c) Cu values trend in Z 115
Fig. 3. 15. Block models in the Kahang deposit: a) Cu, and b) Mo 124
Fig. 3. 16. Distribution models in the Kahang deposit: a) Cu ≥ 0.4 wt.%, and b) Mo ≥ 200
ppm 125
Fig. 3. 20. Samples (black discs) within Cu values higher than: a) 0.07 wt.%, b) 0.15
wt.% and c) 0.25 wt.% from boreholes carried out in the deposit 132
Fig. 3. 21. Optical correlation (visual verification) between Cu values of borehole and
block model 135
Fig. 3. 22. Correlation chart between original and estimated data using jackknife
resampling 136
Fig. 3. 24. Geological zones (Cu distribution) including supergene enrichment (a) and
hypogene (c) with modified zonation models via C-V showing regions of supergene
enrichment (b), hypogene (d), main hypogene (e) and enriched hypogene (f) 148
Fig. 3. 25. Histograms of estimated Cu values within the: a) supergene enrichment, and
b) hypogene zones 152
Fig. 3. 26. Mo distribution in supergene enrichment zone (a), hypogene zone based on
Mo C-V model (b), hypogene with Mo > 100 ppm (c), hypogene with Mo > 316 ppm (d)
and Mo enriched zone (e) 153
Fig. 3. 27. Correlation between chalcocite (a), chalcopyrite (b) and chalcopyrite ≥ 0.42
wt.% Cu (e) zones with supergene enrichment zone (c) and main hypogene zone (d)
based on C-V model 154
Fig. 4. 2. Density histogram based on raw data for the Kahang porphyry deposit 168
Fig. 4. 3. RQD histogram based on raw data for the Kahang porphyry deposit 168
Fig. 4. 6. RQD block model in Kahang porphyry deposit determined using estimated
data 171
Fig. 4. 8. Voxels with density ≥2.7 t/m3 within lithological units: a) porphyritic quartz
diorite, b) andesite, and c) dacite 175
Fig. 4. 10. RQD populations within the Kahang deposit based on thresholds defined
from the RQD-V fractal model: a) very poor zones, b) very poor zones, c) poor, fair and
good zones, and d) excellent zones 180
Fig. 4. 11. a) 3D lithology model for porphyritic quartz diorite , b) porphyritic quartz
diorite unit based on the RQD-V model for RQD > 89.12%, c) 3D lithology model for
andesite , d) andesite unit associated with RQD > 89.12%, e) 3D lithology model for
dacite , and f) dacite unit associated with RQD > 89.12% 183
Fig. 4. 12. Correlation between RQD > 70% with density > 2.7t/m3 block model within
the porphyritic quartz diorite 184
Fig. 5. 1. a) Design procedure in an open pit mine with regard to ultimate pit limit
determination (Akbari et al., 2008) and b) steps in mining design and planning by
circular and interdependent analysis (Osanloo et al., 2008b) 192
Fig. 5. 3. Land topographical surface of the deposit for optimisation study 195
Fig. 5. 4. Stable pit slopes in the Kahang deposit, input into NPV Scheduler (See also
chapter 4) 197
Fig. 5. 5. Density distribution for block models in the Kahang deposit for a) PQD, b)
ANS, and c) DAC lithological units (See abbreviation table for lithological units) 201
Fig. 5. 6. Metal commodity prices at the time of optimisation study: a) copper, and b)
molybdenum (London Metal Exchange, 2015a and b) 203
Fig. 5. 7. Annual discount rates for choice of parameters and model outputs for
domestic and foreign decision makers, a) Iran b) United Kingdom (Trading Economics,
2015) 206
Fig. 5. 9. Pit optimisation within the internal pit shells, stages of 80%, 90% and 100%,
driven by NPV Scheduler based on Table. 5. 8 (Cumulative profit, Incremental revenue,
Incremental total ore and Cumulative total ore) 213
Fig. 5. 10. Comparison between incremental and cumulative NPV values for the Kahang
deposit, driven by NPV Scheduler based on Table. H. 1 (the black arrow indicates
sequence No. 92 which specifies the Kahang ultimate pit limit) 216
Fig. 5. 12. 3D Cu block model excluding the three isolated boreholes 218
Fig. 5. 13. Cu histogram from original data in the Kahang deposit excluding the isolated
boreholes 218
Fig. 5. 14. C-V log-log plot for Cu concentration with respect to excluding the three
isolated boreholes 219
Fig. 5. 15. Estimated Cu histogram, ignoring 3 boreholes located in the NW part of the
deposit 220
Fig. 5. 16. Cumulative NPV and profit values for the comparative case study driven by
NPV Scheduler (the black arrow indicates sequence No. 90 which specifies the Kahang
ultimate pit limit) 223
Fig. 6. 1. Linear relationship between the NPV and metal prices 229
Fig. 6. 2. Present Value (PV) block model for the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit (the
grey platform distinguishes the boundary between open pit and underground mining
surfaces based on chapter 5, section 5.10.1 and Table. 5. 7) 230
Fig. 6. 3. a) Profit value histogram based on PV block model, and b) NPV histogram
based on the mining sequences for the Kahang deposit 232
Fig. 6. 5. PV distribution within the deposit based on the PV-V fractal modelling
consisting of a) moderate population, b) high PVs, and c) extreme population 235
Fig. 6. 6. Voxels with high and extreme PV values within the deposit (the grey platform
distinguishes the boundary between open pit and underground mining surfaces based
on chapter 5, section 5.10.1 and Table. 5. 7) 236
Fig. 6. 7. PV plan views based on the PV-V fractal model in elevations of: a) 2230 m, b)
2240 m, c) 2250 m, d) 2260 m, e) 2270 m, f) 2280 m, g) 2290 m, and h) 2300 m 244
List of Tables
Table. 3. 2. Density analysis from 11 boreholes in the Kahang deposit (See abbreviation
list for rock type) 92
Table. 3. 3. Distribution number of RQD samples among drill cores in the Kahang
deposit 93
Table. 3. 4. The particulars of the selected borehole pairs in the Kahang deposit 104
Table. 3. 5. Variation of voxel size based on mean, median and MAD 104
Table. 3. 6. Voxel numbers and Standard deviations and averages of Cu for different
block models 106
Table. 3. 10. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to hypogene zone as delineated in the
geological model and Cu and Mo main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal
model (Values are the number of voxels) 157
Table. 3. 11. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to potassic and phyllic alteration zones
and Cu main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal model (Values are the
number of voxels) 158
Table. 3. 12. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to potassic and phyllic alteration zones
and Mo main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal model (Values are the
number of voxels) 159
Table. 4. 1. Classification of Rock Quality Designation, Deere and Miller rock
classification (1966) 166
Table. 4. 2. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E,
respectively) with respect to PQD rocks resulted from geological model and high density
rocks obtained through D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained values are
the overlap number of voxels between two binary geological and fractal models) 176
Table. 4. 3. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E,
respectively) with respect to andesite rocks resulted from geological model and high
density rocks obtained through D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained
values are the overlap number of voxels between two binary geological and fractal
models) 176
Table. 4. 4. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E,
respectively) with respect to dacite rocks resulted from geological model and high
density rocks obtained through D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained
values are the overlap number of voxels between two binary geological and fractal
models) 177
Table. 4. 5. RQD populations (zones) based on three thresholds defined from RQD-V
fractal model 179
Table. 4. 6. Amount of the excellent RQD populations (voxels) defined from the RQD-V
fractal model (RQD ≥ 89.12t/m3) in each major lithological unit within the Kahang
deposit 181
Table. 5. 1. Ore density average of the mineralisation zones within the deposit 199
Table. 5. 2. Prices and mining costs for the Kahang optimisation study 204
Table. 5. 4. Initial imported data into the optimisation software based on Fig. 3. 13 and
Table. 5. 2 209
Table. 5. 6. Ultimate pit statistics determined by NPV Scheduler 211
Table. 5. 9. Cu thresholds defined by the C-V model in the Kahang deposit, ignoring the
three isolated boreholes 219
Table. 5. 10. Comparison between results obtained from the two Cu block
models 221
Table. 5. 11. Pit limit reserve of the comparative case study 221
Table. 5. 12. Ultimate pit characteristic for the comparative case study 222
Table. 5. 13. Pit optimisation phases for the comparative case study 223
Table. 5. 14. Differences between ultimate pit limits characteristics of the complete
dataset and without the three remote drillholes 224
Table. 6. 2. Comparison between OESs regarding cumulative NPV and ore, calculated
from NPV Scheduler and NPV-CTO fractal model 246
List of Appendices
Fig. A. 1. Letter issued by the Kahang deposit project manager authorising the use of
data and choice of input parameters to the pit optimisation study 299
Fig. G. 2. 3D Ultimate pit limit view of the Kahang deposit including all boreholes
(Section 5140.00 E) 323
Table. B. 1. 399 randomised samples for Cu selected and analysed for assay quality
assurance and quality control 300
Table. H. 1. Pit optimisation: Extraction sequences for incremental and cumulative NPV
generated by NPV Scheduler software (sequence No. 92 specifies OES) 324
List of Abbreviations
Qtz: Quartz
Plg: Plagioclase
Op: Opaque minerals
Kf: K-feldspar
Jar: Jarosite
Epi: Epidote
ICP-MS: Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
OK: Ordinary kriging
MAD: Median Absolute Deviation
SD: Standard deviation
IDWAM: Inverse Distance Weighted Anisotropic method
SK: Simple Kriging
G-T: Grade-Tonnage
T1E: Type I error
T2E: Type II error
OA: Overall accuracy
IBSD: In-situ block size distribution
V. RQD: Volumetric Rock Quality Designation
PQD: Porphyric quartz diorite
COG: Cut-off grade
UPL: Ultimate Pit Limit
BESR: Break-Even Stripping Ration
ODBC: Open Database Connectivity
CAF: Cost Adjustment Factor
CBI: Central Bank of Iran
WTO: World Trade Organisation
DCF: Discounted cash flow
NPV-CTO: NPV-Cumulative Total Ore
List of abbreviations for lithological units, hydrothermal alterations, ore minerals and ore-type
zonation in the Kahang deposit
Glossary of Notations
α: Probability value
n: Degrees of freedom
T: T-test statistic
e: Error analysis
U: Interpolated value
D: A given distance
q: Partition function
: 2D or 3D blocks dimensions
: A parameter in investigation
A: Area
υ: Threshold
Ah and Av: Areas horizontal (Plans) and vertical (cross sections) directions
Ah(ρ≤υ), Ah(ρ≥υ), Av(ρ≤υ) and Av(ρ≥υ): Areas with concentration values smaller and values
greater than the contour value ρ
C: constant value
V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ): Occupied volume with values that is smaller or greater than contour
value ρ
D: Fractal dimension
MC: Mining cost for a voxel
D: Voxel density
V: Voxel volume
V(ρPV≤υ) and V(ρPV≥υ): Volumes (V) with PV values that are smaller and greater than
PV threshold values
ρPV: PV values
CTO(ρNPV≤υ) and CTO(ρNPV≥υ): Cumulative total ore with NPV values that are smaller
and greater values than NPV threshold values
CHAPTER ONE. Introduction
1.1 Problem Description
Mineral excavation by open pit mining methods requires huge investment which will
inevitably rise over the life of a mine due to increases in the amount of cumulative waste
materials and mining costs (e.g., See Appendix. H for cumulative data; Caccetta and
Giannini, 1988; Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Akbari et al., 2008; Elkington and Durham
2011). Before starting the mining operation, it is necessary to design the final shape and
size of the pit in order to determine the minable reserve and amount of waste to be
removed. Following this, an optimised block model should be produced showing ore
grades, density and Rock Quality Designation (RQD). RQD is the method perhaps most
commonly used for characterising the degree of jointing in drill cores and can be
considered as an expression of intact core lengths greater than a threshold value of 0.1
m along any bore hole. An increase in the number of joints in a rock mass causes a
decrease in RQD (Bieniawski, 1984) and Net Present Value (NPV), the latter which is
defined as the sum of all cash flows discounted to a specific time in an investor’s minimum
rate of return, or discount rate. NPV is a measure of value created by investing in a project
(a mining project in this scenario) and not investing capital in any other project at the
minimum rate of return. NPV higher than zero is acceptable however; an NPV equal to
zero is a breakeven. The cumulative NPV indicates the value of one additional year of
cash flow and its impact on the overall project NPV (Stermole and Stermole, 2012).
Calculation of the final pit limit, which this study aims to optimise, is a function of numerous
variables, especially NPV, and may be re-evaluated many times over the mine life (Lerch
and Grossmann, 1965; Dowd and Onur, 1992; Akaike and Dagdelen, 1999; Hustrulid and
Kuchta, 2006).
Separation of different populations based on ore grades and consequently the ID of
identifying ‘barren’ host rock from the main ore body, is one of the fundamental issues
(e.g. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Electron Probe Micro Analyser (EPMA), Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM) and Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser (PIMA)) have been used since
the 1960s to delineate mineralised zones however these do not have enough detailed
information based on ore grades particularly in the porphyry deposits due to variation of
ore grade distribution within block models (Schwartz, 1947; Lowell and Guilbert, 1970;
Cox and Singer, 1986; Sillitoe, 1997; Beane, 1982; Berger et al., 2008).
Fractal geometry has a distinctive power to distinguish natural populations (zones) within
orebodies. The research within this thesis utilises the Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal
model developed by Afzal et al. (2011) to delineate mineralised zones in terms of grades
to obtain an optimised orebody model. Data from rock mass characterisation is then input
1. The key property of porphyry ore deposits is their low ore grades and high tonnage.
However, the importance of this issue should be attributed to this fact that the different
mineralised zones (leached, oxidised, supergene and hypogene) of those deposits are to
be distinguished carefully in order to demonstrate a comprehensive mine design and
planning (Sim et al., 1999; Cheng and Agterberg, 2009; Sadeghi et al., 2012). For
example, supergene enrichment zones are generally accepted to be the primary target
when mining porphyry deposits (Hartley and Rice, 2005; Berger et al., 2008; Asadi et al.,
2015). They are enriched in ore elements especially copper. The supergene enrichment
zone consequently has high values in terms of money pay-back due to high grades. It is
also usually located near surface which can reduce the costs of mining (Alpers and
Brimhall, 1989; Sillitoe, 2005). In addition, the concentrator capacity is usually determined
during the pre-feasibility study so it is necessary that the various zones with
porphyry ore deposits have provided us with a good knowledge of how they were formed.
It is now relatively easy to establish natural geochemical variability in terms of ore grades.
However, geoscientists are now able to decipher the reasons for extreme variability in
This type of approach would continue to enhance the potential to identify relations
between ore grade and their spatial distribution within a deposit (Monecke et al., 2005;
Davies and Mundalamo, 2010; Spalla et al., 2010; Sadeghi et al., 2012).
2. The hypogene zone, which often comprises the bulk of a porphyry Cu deposit, is
generally located below the supergene enrichment zone and contains lower grades with
high tonnages of ore. Therefore, the location of this zone must be accurately determined
because huge amount of feed input to the processing plant is generally from this zone
3. The oxidised zone, which overlies the enriched supergene blanket, contains generally
low but variable levels of Cu. By the end of the 20th century, this zone was generally
treated as waste but after developing leaching and bioleaching methodologies, Cu has
been exploited from this zone (e.g., copper (I) oxide or cuprous oxide for example cuprite
(Cu2O), copper (II) oxide or cupric oxide for instance tenorite (CuO), copper carbonates
such as azurite and malachite, copper sulphate mineral such as chalcanthite, copper
boundaries for this zone is fundamentally important so as to specify the distinct section
exposed to leaching.
4. The discrimination of ‘barren’ host rock from the orebody and delineation of the zone’s
for final pit limit and correspondingly pit optimisation. Unfortunately, in most cases the
‘barren’ host rock is mistakenly identified as ore and consequently the size of the reserve
is exaggerated (Agterberg et al., 1993; Panahi et al., 2004; Zuo et al., 2012; Zuo and
Wang, 2015). This results in egregious errors during production planning. On the other
hand if ‘barren’ rocks and ore are not properly delineated, some parts of the ore deposit
may be lost. As a result, an exact determination of the boundary and the locations of the
zones is necessary for the long-term planning of Cu mines and consequently should not
be subject to major changes during mining. For example, if basic requirements are not
met, the formerly selected input feed grade (considering plant initial ore grade) to the
processing plant will be lowered significantly which will reduce production. This is typically
the case in the large copper mines of Chile and the USA (Carrasco et al., 2004; Parhizkar
The use of geological data including structure, lithology and mineralogy, main ore types
morphology of the ore deposit is considered to be the most important method for
separating the various mineralised zones in descriptive models which were proposed and
developed by Cox and Singer (1986). These models have major disadvantages as
1. Geological core-logging is subjective rather than quantitative. In the event that both
thin and polished sections of all cores are prepared to improve the accuracy, this process
2. The grade of the ore element (particularly Cu) is not observed (visual assessment) with
these methods while the variation of the grades in each zone is an obvious and salient
feature which has to be always measured in a laboratory. Fractal modelling has proved
their superiority to the classical statistical and conventional geological methods as follows:
adhere to a normal distribution. In addition, separation of different populations
based on mean and standard deviation should be carried out with normalised data.
statistics can provide less statistical information which is less biased than that of
global statistics, such as mean and SD, because geochemical data generally
through fractal modelling (Agterberg et al., 1993; Cheng et al., 1994; Agterberg et
concentration and ignore its spatial variability. Specifically, the information about
the spatial correlation is not always available. Moreover, statistical methods e.g.,
respect the shape, extent and magnitude of a studied area (Armstrong and
Boufassa, 1988; Clark, 1999; Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000; Limpert et al., 2001).
A power law relationship between quality parameters (e.g., ore element) and their
occupied spatial positions (e.g., volume, area and perimeter) are illustrated in the
Those values which are not within the range (outliers) must be identified and
eliminated accordingly; otherwise they lead to the intended study having unreal
results. All data are contributed to fractal/multifractal modelling which is help for
better separation of different mineralised zones (Xiao et al., 2014; Zuo, 2014).
Given the problems as mentioned above, using a series of newly established methods
able to delineate the various mineralised zones in terms of grade and therefore the
accuracy of one’s pit limit optimisation. As a result, a C-V fractal modelling technique is
characteristics and economical populations in the Kahang Cu-Mo Porphyry deposit. The
of Isfahan in Central Iran. It contains more than 100 million tonnes of sulphide ore with an
average grade of 0.5 wt.% Cu and 90 ppm Mo. This deposit occurred within the Cenozoic
Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic belt, one of the subdivisions of the Zagros Orogenic Belt.
This belt extends for some 2,000 km from NW to SE Iran. Many of the Iranian large
porphyry Cu deposit such as Sarcheshmeh, Sungun and Meiduk are situated within this
The most important issue of this PhD thesis is to attempt to develop an innovative method
to separate oxidised, supergene-enriched and hypogene zones from ‘barren’ host rock in
a Cu-Mo porphyry deposit on the basis of fractal geometry using geochemical data. As a
result, an approach called C-V fractal modelling has been developed to determine proxies
from grades, densities, RQDs and Present Values (PVs) within a deposit for pit limits.
Euclidian geometry identifies geometrical shapes with an integer dimension say 1D, 2D,
3D, etc. However, there are many other shapes amongst spatial objects, whose
fractions (Bölviken et al., 1992; Agterberg et al., 1996; Aghanabati, 2004; Ali et al., 2007).
These spatial objects are called fractals. In an abstract form, fractals describe complexity
have been quantitatively recognised using fractal/multifractal modelling over the past
several decades, mainly how to identify geochemical populations and quantify the spatial
effectively detect geochemical populations from background (Darnley et al., 1995; Plant
et al., 2001; Lima et al., 2003, 2005 and 2008; Albanese et al., 2007).
Ore elements, especially trace elements, do not follow a normal or lognormal distribution.
However, they follow a positively skewed distribution toward high values (Ahrens, 1954
and 1957; Krige, 1966; Turcotte, 1986; Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000; Agterberg, 2007;
Carranza, 2009). Recent investigations of geochemical features have shown that self-
1992; Cheng et al., 1994; Zuo et al., 2009a and b; Afzal et al., 2011; Zuo and Wang,
2015). The most effective way to distinguish geochemical anomalies from the background
typical and most widely used method for detection of geochemical anomalies is the setting
of threshold values which include upper and lower limits of background variations
(Hawkes and Webb, 1962; Cheng et al., 1994; Xu and Cheng, 2001; Li et al., 2003; Lima
et al., 2003; Afzal et al., 2010, 2011and 2012; Agterberg, 2012; Zuo et al., 2015).
statistics are based on the frequency distribution of geochemical values and neglect
spatial variation (Tukey, 1977; Behrens, 1997; Yousefi et al., 2012 and 2014). In addition,
exploration geochemical data are typically spatially dependent and therefore a couple of
frequency–space-based methods such as the inverse distance weighted (IDW) and
different kriging methods have been used (Lam, 1983; Zimmerman et al., 1999). Although
these methods consider the spatial distribution of elemental concentrations, they do not
consider that spatial variability is rugged and singular rather than smooth and
irregular and complex phenomena or processes that exhibit similarity over a wide range
of scales; this is regarded as self-similarity (Mandelbrot, 1983; Zuo and Wang, 2015).
Fractal theory, which was developed by Mandelbrot (1983), has been widely applied in
the geosciences sector since the 1980s and up to the present (e.g., Turcotte, 1986;
Agterberg et al., 1993; Cheng et al., 1994; Sim et al., 1999; Goncalves et al., 2001; Shen
and Zhao, 2002; Ali et al., 2007; Yasrebi et al., 2013a). Methods of fractal analysis also
and spatial information derived from analysis of mineral deposit occurrence data
(Carranza, 2008; Carranza et al., 2009; Goncalves et al., 2001). A good understanding
indicate relations between ore grade and their spatial distribution within a block model
(Cheng, 1999; Sim et al., 1999; Li et al., 2003; Carranza and Sadeghi, 2010). Fractals
are characterised by a scaling law that relates two variables: the scale factor and the
physical properties of the object being measured. This scaling relationship is described
by a power law function, which in turn describes the inherent physical attributes of the
object being analysed (Takayasu, 1990; Lauwerier, 1991; Ortega et al., 2006). The
exponent of the power law function refers to the fractal dimension. Fractal dimensions in
such as rock type, nature of the hydrothermal fluids and alteration, structural features and
dominant mineralogy, and so on (Sim et al., 1999; Cheng, 2007; Cheng and Agterberg,
2009; Afzal et al., 2013a and 2014; Yasrebi et al., 2013a, b and 2014). Therefore, fractal
applicable criteria to recognise and classify mineralised and ‘barren’ zones within a study
area. Various log–log plots in fractal methods are considered to be useful tools in
values can be recognised and determined to indicate breakpoints within these plots.
These geochemical threshold values recognised via fractal analysis are usually correlated
given value and the actual concentrations themselves (Halsey et al., 1986; Evertz and
Mandelbrot, 1992).
The fractal method has several limitations and accuracy issues, especially when the
boundary effects on irregular geometrical data sets are involved (Agterberg et al., 1996;
Mandelbrot, 1992; Cheng et al., 1994), which is the basis of the C-V fractal model, seems
to be equally applicable in all cases, which is probably rooted in the fact that geochemical
evidence that geochemical distributions are fractal in nature and behaviour, at least
empirically according to Bölviken et al. (1992). Some approaches seem to support the
idea that geochemical data distributions are multifractal, although this point is far from
proven (Cheng and Agterberg, 1996; Turcotte, 1997; Goncalves, 2001; Afzal et al., 2010,
2013a and b). This idea may help in the development and validation of a method for
Cheng et al. (1994) proposed the Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal model, which is used
anomalies from background, relates the element concentration to the area enclosed by
concentration contours by a power law relation (Carranza, 2009; Zuo et al., 2012). He
precious metal district, British Columbia and found that various fractal patterns exist inside
and outside the potassic, sulfidic, and silicic alteration zones. The Spectrum-Area fractal
model (S–A), which was proposed by Cheng et al. (1999), is a version of the C–A
one cut-off value. Li et al. (2003) introduced the Concentration–Distance (C–D) fractal
model for discriminating geochemical anomalies from background. These models have
been widely used to identify anomalies as well as for determining the geochemical
baseline in environmental studies (e.g., Cheng et al., 1994; Cheng and Agterberg, 1996;
Cheng, 1999; Gonçalves et al., 2001; Xu and Cheng, 2001; Li et al., 2003; Panahi et al.,
2004; Cheng, 2007; Albanese et al., 2007; Afzal et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2013; Asadi et
al., 2014 Luz et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2014). Cheng (2012) suggested a Density–Area
Power-Law model to systematically confirm that singularity analysis is effective for the
investigated the fractal relationship between orebody tonnage and thickness by tonnage–
thickness model and metal tonnage–grade thickness model for better understanding
1.4 Methodology
The determination of a final pit limit in the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit is the major
aim of this research. To achieve this, subsurface data obtained by boreholes is entered
into the RockWorksTM software enabling one to generate a 3D geological model based
conducted in order to build the Cu and Mo block models based on the dataset with
utilisation of SGeMS software. The next step was to test different approaches, namely
Mo values, densities, RQDs and valuable voxels respectively. Consequently, data for the
main ore body of the Kahang, including ore grade, density, tonnage and rock type (ore
and waste), was used to generate a prototype for the determination of internal pit shells,
extraction sequences (Nested pits) and ultimate pit limit, which is a collection of optimised
pits. All pits were calculated on the basis of the Lerch & Grossman algorithm (Hustrulid
and Kuchta, 2006). Indeed, constructing optimised nested pits is considered an ‘art’
applied by design engineers to specify the ultimate optimised pit as well as to determine
the extraction sequence of the blocks, with respect to the obtained thresholds via fractal
modelling log-log plots. The result of this study will be a reserve estimation and the
modification of existing mineralised zones with respect to the different ore grades within
the deposit. Finally, NPV Scheduler was employed in order to establish the final pit limit
in terms of the maximum NPV and associated ‘’Nested pits’’ to produce an optimised pit
major mining companies employ some form of these methods in the design of their open
pit operations. These computerised optimisations can also be utilised to aid in the
transition from open pit to underground mining methods. Examples of widely used
systems include the NPV Scheduler. The primary focus of these software systems is to
determine an optimum size and shape of open pits to enable the generation of production
computerised grade block models and generate detailed economic analysis of different
open pit mines (See chapter 5 of this thesis and Appendices F and H). This analysis,
which includes discounted cash flows, also demonstrates productive information to assist
in the mine planning and scheduling of open pits (NPV – Scheduler, 2001).
limit (Zhao and Kim, 1992; Shishvan and Sattarvand 2015). The Lerch and Grossmann
algorithm, which is based on three-dimensional graph theory, is the most commonly used
optimisation algorithm which takes into account the influence of a grade block model,
operating costs, product prices, slope geometry, etc (Lerch and Grossmann, 1965;
industry standard, for example in NPV Scheduler and Gemcom’s Whittle software (Whittle
1998a, b and 1999), to find the optimal pit and pushbacks. The algorithm uses different
revenue factors to generate a value-based mining sequence strategy to design pit shells
(Dincer 2001; Bastante et al., 2008; Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou, 2010; Shishvan and
Sattarvand 2015). Early pit shells are constructed using high-grade blocks and a low
stripping ratio. The results also consider practical considerations such as haul road
access, cut-off grades and processing, etc. To maximise the use of block modelling
functions and optimise the pit design process, block modelling and slope stability analysis
have to be fully integrated. This is a logical extension to assign mines rock types and
grades to every block .This process will be further optimised by defining every block
location especially those blocks with high value of NPV (e.g., the use of fractal geometry
First, a directed graph (Bondy and Murty, 1976) is produced with the nodes of the
orebody, the blocks in the orebody model. These connected blocks have certain
restrictions, for example precedence and slope limitations. The method produces a tree
regarding Lerch & Grossman algorithm as a set of combined voxels with a dummy node
and strong and weak arcs between the nodes (Fig. 1. 1). When the restrictions are
satisfied, the pit has the maximum closure graph at a scaled capacity (Lerch and
Grossman, 1965; Zhao and Kim 1992; Seymour, 1995; Hustrulid and Kuchta 2006;
Meagher et al., 2010). In step one, the blocks/nodes are connected to the dummy node,
X0, with arcs from X0. Step two indicates the initial normalised tree, the positive strong
(PS) arcs are plus arcs supporting blocks with NPVs higher than zero (strong vertices)
and positive weak (PW) arcs indicates blocks with NPVs less than zero (weak vertices)
which have negative significance in calculation of the total open pit mining project NPV.
Step three indicates merging vertices X4 and X6; the arc between X0 and X6 will be
removed out. Minus weak (MW) denotes a minus arc supporting a strong arc. Step four
illustrates the tree when all the weak vertices above X6 are merged. Step five shows the
final graph closure with the strong vertices associated to the dummy node. In total, The
Lerch and Grossmann algorithm is based on two theorems (Caccetta and Giannini, 1986):
1. The maximum closure of a normalised tree is the set of that tree's strong
2. A normalised tree can be found such that the set of strong vertices in this tree
constitutes a closure of the graph so the set of strong vertices is the maximum
Fig. 1. 1. An example of the graph closure in the Lerch and Grossman algorithm
The optimised pit generated by the Lerch and Grossmann algorithm always has a crest
within a studied block model so no produced pit will break through the side of the model.
Consequently, if the region or model area is too small, an underestimated optimised pit
will be resulted (Kim, 1978; Frangois-Bongarcon and Guidal, 1982; Koenigsber, 1982;
Seymour, 1995; Hochbaum and Chen, 2000; Bernabe, 2001; Ramazan, 2007). On the
other hand, if the block model is too large and the optimisation software (NPV Scheduler
used in this thesis) cannot fit into RAM, so the optimisation software will work slowly. To
offset this, engineers wish to bulk the block model voxels together as depicted in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. 2. Bulking the block model voxels together (Mart and Markey, 2013)
based implementation of the Lerch and Grossmann method which used a block model,
whose blocks have economic values representing the net cash flow that result from
mining the block in isolation (Whittle, 1988, 1989 and1999). However, the resulting
The Floating Cone method, which is the simplest and fastest technique to determine
optimum ultimate pit limits to which variable slope angle can be easily applied, repeatedly
searches for and checks the total value of block groups forming inverted cones. Total
cones are identified for mining if their total value was positive. This procedure is iterated
until no more positive cones are recognised. However, this method cannot guarantee the
final pit is optimum. Other block groups (as mentioned above) also implemented a two-
The 4D (and subsequently Four-X) programs also use the same Lerch and Grossmann
technique to generate a set of nested optimal pits. Each pit that is optimal is used to guide
discounted cash flows allows selection and sensitivity analysis of the best pit (Dowd,
1994; NPV – Scheduler, 2001; Osanloo et al., 2008a; Askari-Nasab et al., 2011).
(Sameni Keivani and Khalili Sourkouhi, 2014). The following text describes Iranian
government policy, programs and aims with regard to the mining sector (revealed by
Mr.Nematzadeh, the minister of Industries, Mines and Commerce of Iran, at the Iran
Parliament, 2015).
“Governmental and private mining sectors in Iran are one of the largest and most effective
sectors of the country’s economy and own a vast diversity and complexity compared with
other sectors, providing considerable and noteworthy effect on the economy improvement
of Iran. Mining and in one single word mineral productions, is the motive engine of the
country’s economy which has a crucial role in the economic growth, decrease of inflation,
move towards a position in which it will be able to have a noteworthy position in the world
Iran by owning 57 billion tonnes of mineral ores (proved and probable), with 69 different
ore minerals, ranks first in the Middle East and is on a par with the top 10 mineral
producers globally. From among 7036 licensed mines, 5060 mines with reserves
amounting for 40 billion tonnes are active and in recent years, around 341 million tonnes
of minerals valued at 3.7 billion US dollars (with an average of each tonne equal to 21.4
dollars) have been extracted and nearly 3 billion US dollars of these have been exported.
Only two percent of the total mines of the country belongs to the governmental sector,
including 25% of total extracted minerals in the country, which is over 35% of minerals
production in terms of economic value. General aims of the Iranian government regarding
2- Increase the value added share of mineral products within the country.
7- Effort towards joining the World Trade Organisation and utilisation of the
capacities thereof.
The Iranian Government’s quantitative goals regarding mining development are:
4- The ratio of industrial and mineral exports to industrial and mineral imports
and trade.
inactive mines.
7- To help develop an optimal consumption management of energy in the
mining sector.
Here it is worth mentioning that the data sources to conduct this PhD research were
provided by the Kahang deposit owner (Appendix. A), the National Iranian Copper
The aims and objectives of the research are presented along with a brief description of
Chapter two deals with the geology and associated mineralisation in the Kahang deposit
Chapter three introduces the C-V fractal model. Additionally, a correlation between results
achieved from the C-V fractal model and those from geological models is used to optimise
the delineation of mineralised zones. A logratio matrix has been employed to validate the
Chapter four proposes the D–V and RQD-V fractal models to delineate rock
characteristics including density and RQD within the Kahang porphyry deposit. A
correlation of results from the D–V fractal and lithology models was carried out to illustrate
that the main lithological unit is associated with high values of density and also has a
strong correlation with high values of RQD. The log-ratio matrix was employed to validate
the D–V fractal model for density with the main rock type of the deposit. The results reveal
that there is a multifractal pattern of rock characteristics with respect to RQD for the
Kahang deposit.
Chapter five discusses the determination of an ultimate pit limit using the results achieved
from the proposed fractal models in the former chapters. Following this, the NPV
Scheduler was employed in order to establish the final pit limit in terms of the maximum
NPV and associated mining sequences. Finally, a comparative case study was also
conducted by ignoring three isolated boreholes located in the NW part of the deposit.
Chapter six introduces a fractal model to achieve a best mining scenario and strategy for
Chapter seven summarises the main conclusions drawn from the entire research project.
The knowledge gained from each specific investigation is summarised along with the
CHAPTER TWO. Geology and Associated
2.1 Regional Geology
Iran. This deposit is situated in the central part of the Cenozoic Urumieh-Dokhtar
magmatic belt, which extends for 2000 km and is 150 km wide, from NW to SE Iran (Fig.
2. 1; Alavi, 1994; Aghanabati, 2004; Alavi, 2004). This magmatic belt has been interpreted
as a subduction related Andean-type magmatic arc that has been active since the late
Jurassic within the collisional Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt, reflecting subduction and
collision of the Afro-Arabian plate with Eurasia (Schroder, 1944; Dewey et al. 1973;
Dargahi et al., 2010). The rock units of this belt are composed of voluminous tholeiitic,
calc-alkaline, and K-rich alkaline intrusive and extrusive rocks, with associated pyroclastic
and volcanoclastic successions, formed along the active margin of the Iranian plate
(Berberian and King, 1981; Berberian et al., 1982). The belt hosts the largest of the Iranian
The closure of the Neotethyan ocean and prevailing collisional tectonics during Tertiary
times built a highly fertile metallogenic environment with massive porphyry copper
segments, typically a few tens of kilometres wide (e.g., Agard et al., 2005; McInnes et al.,
2005; Shafiei et al., 2009; Dargahi et al., 2010; Richards et al., 2012; Asadi et al., 2014).
Oligocene (Ahmadian et al., 2009); (2) mid-late Oligocene (Kirkham and Dunne, 2000;
McInnes et al., 2005); and (3) mid-late Miocene (McInnes et al., 2005; Razique et al.,
2007; Richards et al., 2012). The Urumieh–Dokhtar belt occurred during the Cenozoic
into the Miocene and Quaternary. The magmatism was accompanied by the formation of
a wide range of ore deposits, consisting of epithermal ore deposits, skarn-type ores,
Most Iranian Cu porphyry deposits have been explored in the SE part of Iran especially
in Kerman province (e.g., Sarcheshmeh and Meiduk mines) and the NW part of Iran in
Azerbaijan province (e.g., Sungun deposit) since the 1970s. The central part of the
Urumieh-Dokhtar belt has recently received attentions for their porphyry-style ores. Few
porphyry Cu deposits are present in the central part of Urumieh–Dokhtar belt, typical
examples being Aliabad, Darehzereshk, Dali and Kahang (Zarasvandi et al., 2005; Ayati
et al., 2008).
(Landsat TM) and geophysical studies and then from drilling (Tabatabaei and Asadi
Haroni, 2006; Afzal et al. 2012). Subsequently, stream sediment sampling, alteration
exploration using induced polarization (IP) and resistivity (RS) which showed the
existence of a Cu-Mo prospect with Cu and Mo average grade of 0.1 wt.% and 33 ppm,
respectively (Afzal et al., 2010). This led into further subsurface exploration to find out if
there would be a deposit in this area. On the basis of alteration assemblages, the Kahang
prospect was divided into three divisions namely; Eastern, Central and Western Kahang
(Fig. 2. 4a). Within these, 48 boreholes were drilled in the Eastern Kahang with total depth
of about 22,000 m. There is a Cu resource greater than 100 Mt of sulphide ore with a Cu
mean value equal to 0.23 wt.% if the Cu threshold is 0.1 wt.% (See Chapter 3, Fig. 3. 18)
The Kahang deposit lies within Eocene volcanic–pyroclastic rocks, which have been
monzogranites and diorites (e.g., Alavi, 1994; Tabatabaei and Asadi Haroni, 2006: Fig.
2. 1a and b). The Eocene rock units consist of andesite, trachyte, trachy-andesite, silicic
breccias and tuffs. The main geological structure in the area is a NW–SE and NE–SW
trending fault system. The extrusive rocks, including tuffs, breccias and lavas, are dacitic
to andesitic in composition. Magmatic events in the Kahang area have been interpreted
2. Flows of andesitic to dacitic lavas with porphyritic textures. It is probable that eruptions
Fig. 2. 1. a) Geological map of the Kahang study area, scale: 1: 10,000 (Alavi, 1994; Tabatabaei
and Asadi Haroni, 2006), and b) structural map of Iran, showing the Urumieh-Dokhtar volcanic
belt (Alavi, 1994)
monzogranite and dacitic rocks (Tabatabaei and Asadi Haroni, 2006; Afzal et al, 2011,
2012 and 2013b: Fig. 2. 2). Ore minerals are dominated by chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite
and lesser amounts of chalcocite, covellite, malachite, molybdenite and Fe ores (i.e.,
Fig. 2. 2. Eocene sub-volcanic rocks in the Kahang deposit (View towards SE)
Fig. 2. 3. a) Pyrite (Py), chalcopyrite (Ccp) and molybdenite (Mol), b) Copper secondary
sulphides and carbonate minerals from the oxidised zone (Azadi et al., 2014), c) Fe-oxides, and
d) reflected light photomicrograph showing bornite (Brn), chalcocite (Chl) and chalcopyrite
(Cpy) in the Kahang porphyry deposit
groups of veins and veinlets were distinguished in the Kahang deposit (Afzal et al., 2010
and 2012; Azadi et al., 2014) namely; (1) Early biotite veinlets followed by (2) magnetite-
chalcopyrite ± chlorite veins, (7) tourmaline ± quartz ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins and (8)
2010, 2011 and 2013; Azadi et al., 2014). The main mineralisation at the Kahang deposit
is Cu-Mo porphyry that occurs within intrusive bodies and their surrounding sub-volcanic
rocks. The ore minerals, consisting of chalcopyrite, pyrite, malachite, magnetite, limonite,
jarosite, goethite, bornite, sphalerite, galena, digenite, covellite, hematite, chalcocite and
molybdenite are distributed in leached, oxidised, supergene and hypogene zones (e.g.,
Berberian and King, 1981; Alavi, 1994; Ayati et al., 2008; Afshooni et al., 2010, 2011 and
2013; Asadi et al., 2015), as depicted in Fig. 2. 4. Gold occurs as fine inclusions within
pyrite and chalcopyrite and as native gold (electrum) within grey quartz veins in hypogene
zone (Fig. 2. 4L). Drilling data shows that a large-scale Cu–Mo mineralisation also occurs
in the hypogene zone. Pyrite in the hypogene zones generally occurs as aggregates,
20 μm to 5 mm which occurs in two generations: early pyrite (Py I) that is small rounded
blebs (~20–50 μm) included in chalcopyrite crystals (Fig. 2. 4a) and late pyrite (Py II)
distributed widely and formed later than chalcopyrite (Fig. 2. 4b). Chalcopyrite is the most
common sulphide mineral in the Kahang deposit, and appears as small rounded blebs
(50 μm–1 mm) as depicted in Fig. 2. 4b. Cu values increase within chalcopyrite especially
Fig. 2. 4. Photomicrographs of ore minerals in the Kahang deposit (Afshooni et al.,
2013): a) type II pyrite (Py II) associated with chalcopyrite, b) replacement of pyrite by
magnetite in type I pyrite (Py I), c) subhedral sphalerite, containing chalcopyrite
inclusions enclosed by pyrite, d) magnetite grains associated with Ti-mineral, pyrite and
chalcopyrite, e) ex-solution between chalcocite and chalcopyrite, f) hematite blades, g)
galena grains associated with chalcopyrite, h) covellite occurs as fracture-filling in pyrite,
i) malachite occurs as fracture-filling in micro-diorites, j) bornite together with
chalcopyrite, k) chalcocite, digenite and pyrite occur as veins, l) Backscattered electron
Image showing native gold (electrum) grains within late stage grey quartz
2.2.2 Hydrothermal Alteration
Hydrothermal alteration in the Kahang deposit (Western, Central and Eastern parts) is
pervasive, occurring in an area greater than 10 km2. Detailed alteration mapping shows
four major types of hydrothermal alteration: potassic, phyllic, argillic and propylitic (Figs.
2. 5a) based on detailed studies of the mineralogy and petrography of drill cores and
surface samples (Harati et al., 2013). As a result, hydrothermal alteration zones in the
Kahang deposit can be divided into four types (Afshooni et al., 2013; Azadi et al., 2014):
mineralised veins and intrusions that contain Cu-Mo mineralisation, 2) Medial quartz-
sericite-pyrite (phyllic) alteration that partially overprints the early potassic alteration zone
and contains mineralised veins, 3) Argillic alteration in the outer and peripheral parts of
the altered and mineralised zone that overprints the previous alteration zones, 4)
Peripheral propylitic alteration of mainly sub-volcanic rocks, distal to the zone containing
mineralised veins and breccias. Cu-Mo-Fe sulphides are spatially and temporally
associated with the potassic and phyllic assemblages which include chalcopyrite,
molybdenite and pyrite (Afshooni et al., 2010, 2011 and 2013; Harati et al., 2013). The
alteration zones in this deposit follow the conceptual model of the alteration zones which
Fig. 2. 5. a) Alteration map of the Kahang deposit (Western, Central and Eastern parts; Harati et
The potassic alteration zone is located in the central part of the deposit with neo-formed
biotite and KF veinlets (Fig. 2. 6a). This alteration and associated hypogene
mineralisation mainly occurred within the deepest and central parts of the zone containing
mineralised veins and breccias, within quartz diorite and quartz monzonite (Harati et al.,
2013; Azadi et al., 2014). The common mineral assemblage within the potassic zone
contains secondary biotite (S-Bt: Fig. 2. 6b), K-feldspar (Kf), quartz, sericite, pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite and lesser amounts of anhydrite, chlorite, zircon, rutile
and hematite. Potassic alteration in this area is characterised by K-feldspar and irregularly
shaped crystals of Mg-rich biotite (secondary biotite) within volcano-plutonic rocks (VPR).
biotite, which is Fe-enriched, brown in colour, and generally euhedral and 2) hydrothermal
biotite (Fig. 2. 6c), which is mainly pale-brown to greenish-brown in colour and very
ragged (Shahabpour, 1982). The hydrothermal biotite occurs interstitial to feldspar and
quartz and locally replaces amphibole and primary biotite phenocrysts (Khayrollahi,
2003). Replacement biotite was formed commonly by the alteration of amphiboles (Fig.
2. 6d).
Fig. 2. 6. Photomicrographs of the potassic alteration zone of the Kahang deposit: a) neo-
formed biotite (Bt) and KF veinlets, b) secondary biotite (S-Bt) and quartz (Qtz), c) secondary
biotite–chlorite assemblage after igneous amphibole associated with the potassic alteration
(Afshooni et al., 2013), and d) fine-grained biotite as pseudomorphs of amphibole phenocryst,
and coarse-grained biotite cut by a quartz veinlet (Afshooni et al., 2013)
The phyllic alteration zone, developed in the eastern part of the deposit, contains high
amounts of quartz, sericite and albite within an argillic matrix. The phyllic alteration is
within acidic to intermediate sub-volcanic domes (Harati et al., 2013; Asadi et al., 2014).
pyrite, as main minerals and chlorite as an accessory phase. High abundances of quartz
in this zone are present within several generations of quartz stockwork veins, veinlets and
disseminations. Sericite also occurs as very fine grained to fine grained yellowish grains
within groundmass, veins and veinlets (Fig. 2. 7a). Chalcopyrite, zircon, rutile and some
clay minerals may be present. In sericitized rocks, K-feldspar is usually transformed into
sericite or fine-grained muscovite (Fig. 2. 7b) while biotite and amphibole are converted
to chlorite (Fig. 2. 7c). Phyllic alteration grades gradually into argillic alteration as
Fig. 2. 7. Photomicrographs of phyllic alteration zone in the Kahang porphyry deposit: a)
presence of sericite (Ser) and quartz (Qtz), b) plagioclase (Plg) phenocrysts are pervasively
replaced by sericite and surrounded by quartz grains in the phyllic alteration zone (Afshooni et
al., 2013), and c) biotite (Biot) altered to chlorite (Chl) in the phyllic alteration zone (Afshooni et
al., 2013)
The argillic alteration zone contains intermediate to high levels of alunite (especially in
the western and central parts of the deposit) indicative of silicified epithermal alteration
within the uppermost part of the deposit, predominantly in sub-volcanic rocks and
porphyry and dacite–rhyodacite stocks. This alteration zone is associated with the
formation of the clay minerals by extreme base leaching of alumino-silicate minerals (Fig.
2. 8a and b). This zone is represented by kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite that replaced
plagioclase and mafic minerals in andesites and tuffs. Clay occurs as fine grained white
to brown coloured patches with increasing amounts of iron oxides within surface outcrops
and the outer parts of altered rocks. Jarosite is the second major alteration mineral in this
zone. In some places jarosite occupies a huge vol.% (≥ 50%) of the rock probably
indicating that it has undergone advanced argillic alteration (e.g., Azadi et al. 2014; Fig.
2. 8c).
Fig. 2. 8. Photomicrographs of argillic alteration zone in the Kahang porphyry deposit: a) argillic
alteration with clay minerals, altered plagioclase (Plag) and opaque minerals (Op), b) K-feldspar
(Kf) phenocrysts partially replaced by clay minerals (fine grey material) in argillic alteration zone
(Afshooni et al., 2013), and c) Advanced argillic alteration containing jarosite (Jar) overprinted
on quartz-sericite (phyllic) alteration (Azadi et al. 2014)
The propylitic alteration zone marks the outer limit of the hydrothermal system and is
dominated by chlorite, epidote and albite (Fig. 2. 9). This alteration zone is more
developed in margins and upper parts of the deposit. The propylitic alteration is
characterized by chlorite, epidote, albite, calcite, sericite, quartz, and clay mineral
Excel database, included lithology, alteration type, and ore grades, were modelled using
the “Lithoblending” algorithm of the mentioned software. This subsurface data included
collar coordinates of drill cores, azimuth and dip (orientation), lithology, alteration,
mineralogy and zonation. The project dimensions were 600×660×780 m in the x, y and z
orientations and each voxel had a dimension of 4 m × 4 m × 10 m, respectively.
Topographical features of the deposit as well as other related data mentioned above were
Fig. 2. 10. The locations of drill cores with lithological units within the Kahang deposit and its 3D
surface topography
the field observations, variety of sampling, sample preparation and analytical approaches.
The estimate of reproducibility (precision) allows us to quantify variation of sampling and
result, any mistake in sampling and sample preparation may influence the results of the
From 48 drill holes in the Kahang deposit, 7146 lithogeochemical samples have been
collected at 2 m intervals. These samples were analysed using ICP-MS for 48 elements
by ALS Chemex (ALS Canada Ltd) and Zarazma Mineral Studies Company certified by
Geostats Pty Ltd (Australia: Appendix. A). Detection limits for Cu and Mo are 0.2 ppm
and 0.05 ppm, respectively. Moreover, 399 (Appendix. B) randomised samples for Cu
determination were selected and analysed for quality assurance and quality control
1976 and 1978). The following procedure is suggested for estimation of precision from a
(1) From the duplicate analyses, obtain a list of the means and absolute difference.
(2) Arrange a list (in Excel software) in increasing order of concentration means.
(3) From the first 11 results obtain the mean concentration and absolute difference of the
two results (controlling samples) from that group (each group contains 11
duplicated/reanalysed samples).
(4) Repeat step 3 for each successive group of 11 results, ignoring any remainder less
than 11.
(5) The mean of each replicate pair is plotted against the absolute difference between the
two analyses.
The highest value up the % scale on the right axis gives the precision. A precision around
5% is normal. If the precision is around 1%, the Y axis has not been properly calculated
with respect to the procedure mentioned above. The precision greater than 5% may have
cause for concern and reconsideration. However, the precision for Cu is around 2% in the
Kahang deposit with respect to 399 duplicated sample for Cu (Fig.2. 11; Appendix. B).
Fig. 2. 11. Estimation of precision of the Cu analyses using diagram of Thompson and
Howarth (1978). The mean of the replicate pairs is plotted along the X-axis, the absolute
difference of the two results along the Y-axis
2.4.1 Comparison of Geochemical Data Variances via F-Distribution
F-distribution test is used to identify variances equality of duplicated samples (e.g.,
geochemical data), which was introduce by the famous statistician, Sir Ronald Fisher
(1890–1962). This is the theoretical distribution of values which are expected by randomly
sampling from a normal population and calculating, for all possible pairs of sample
variances, the ratios as follow (Deutsch and Journel, 1998; Davis, 2002; Emery, 2012):
𝐹 = 𝑆12 S1 ≥ S 2
Equation 2-1
variances for pair of samples (S1 = 0.222 and S2 = 0.219). The variances of double
samples vary if the number of observations used in their calculation is small. Therefore,
the shape of the F-Distribution is expected to change with changes in terms of samples
The F-Distribution has two degrees of freedom equal to n1-1 and n2-1 in which n1 and n2
represent the number of observations equal to 398. Fisher showed that significance level,
1-α (α: probability value) is calculated in the cases of one-tailed and two-tailed
Null hypothesis: 𝐻0 : 𝜎12 = 𝜎22
Equation 2-2
Equation 2-3
1.015 which is less than 1.2175 (obtained from Appendix. C) With respect to the
representing that two variances obtained from the paired samples are almost equal to
each other.
sample T-tests typically include a sample of matched pairs of similar units (e.g., Cu wt.%
in this scenario), or one group of units that has been tested twice (e.g., Davis, 2002;
The correct rejection of the null hypothesis (no difference between mean values) can
become much more likely. Because half of the sample now depends on the other half,
the paired version of Student's T-test has only "n/2–1" degrees of freedom (n is the total
number of observations). Pairs are individual test units and the sample has to be doubled
To achieve the null hypothesis which the true mean difference is zero, the procedure is
as follows:
Calculate the difference between the two observations on each pair as follow:
di = yi − xi
Equation 2-4
2. Calculate the mean difference of the pair samples in terms of their grades (𝑑̅ ). The
grades means for the paired samples are 0.194% and 0.196% so 𝑑̅ is 0.002%.
3. Calculate the differences of standard deviation (Sd = 𝑆𝑑12 - 𝑆𝑑22 ) for the pair of samples.
To do this, the standard deviation of each sample (sd1 and sd2) was calculated and they
are equal to 0.468 and 0.472, respectively. Subsequently, standard error of the mean
SE(𝑑̅ ) =
Equation 2-5
4. Calculate the T-test statistic under the null hypothesis, this statistic follows a T-
T= 2
SE(𝑑̅ )√𝑛
Equation 2-6
Where 𝑛̅ is the number of paired samples which is 399 (See Appendix. B).
5. Use table of the T-distribution (Appendix. D) to compare value for T to the Tn−1
distribution. This will give a T critical (p-value), defined as the smallest level of significance
at which the null hypothesis would be rejected for a specific test, for the paired T-test
(Davis, 2002). The calculated T from paired samples is -0.06 according to the Equation
2. 6 and the T critical for “two-tailed test” resulted from Appendix. D with respect to
confidence level (probability value for α = 0.025) of 97.5% is equal to ∓1.9629 which
indicates that the Null hypothesis is again acceptable. Therefore, the mean values of the
Consequently, results derived from T- and Fisher tests show that there is no significant
differences between results obtained via raw and controlling samples giving an analytical
porphyric quartz diorite and tuff (See list of abbreviations). Dacitic rocks host ores in the
The most heavily mineralised rocks are composed of porphyritic quartz diorite (Fig. 2. 12),
The 3D lithological models in Figs. 2. 12a; 2. 13a; 2. 14a and c were generated using the
result, “lithoblending” is a solid modelling method that is utilised for generating geological
software which assigns the solid model by looking outward horizontally and vertically from
each borehole. The “lithoblending” first assigns the voxels immediately surrounding each
borehole according to the closest geological units (e.g., lithology). Then, it moves out by
a voxel to other neighbouring voxels located in one lithological unit or mineralised zone
and this action will continue in this manner until the program encounters a voxel that is
already assigned (Sweetkind and Drake, 2007; RockWorksTM 15, 2010; Amit et al., 2014;
Eslamian, 2014). Following this, the RockWorks™ v. 15 software looks at the observed
lithology intervals (2 m samples’ interval in the Kahang deposit), which are viewed in logs
and log sections already, and extrapolate the lithology throughout the project, outward
from the boreholes. This modelling process basically fills in the blanks between the logs.
The Borehole Manager Fence tools of RockWorksTM are available within the geological
model (e.g., lithology) which is utilised to display one or more vertical slices from the
inside of a lithological solid model. Subsequently, a lithological fence diagram was built
up using RockWorksTM software based on the constructed lithological model (Fig. 2. 12b).
This fence diagram contains two sections, showing NW-SE and SW-NE trends, which
contain high volume of PQD within the deposit. Furthermore, the andesitic rocks are
Fig. 2. 12. a) 3D lithology model of the Kahang eastern part (Yasrebi et al., 2012), and
b) lithological fence diagram (See abbreviation list for more details)
deposit, as illustrated in Fig. 2. 13. Potassic alteration is situated at depth and it is deeper
towards the eastern part of the deposit, although it does exist near surface in the western
part. Argillic and propylitic alterations are low in terms of their volume and occur near
An alteration fence diagram was created based on alteration model, as shown in Fig. 2.
13b. The fence diagram includes two NW-SE and SW-NE sections which reveal that
phyllic alteration is within the uppermost part of the deposit. Potassic alteration is limited
and scattered throughout the deposit at depth. Moreover, argillic alteration is dominant
Fig. 2. 13. a) Alteration model of the Kahang eastern part (Yasrebi et al., 2012), and b)
alteration fence diagram (See abbreviation list for more details)
ores consist of chalcopyrite and pyrite for hypogene, chalcocite, bornite and covellite for
supergene enrichment and malachite, azurite, tenorite and cuprite for oxidation zone
(Robb, 2005; Berger et al., 2008; Mihalasky et al., 2013). Studies of the pattern of zonation
in the eastern part of the Kahang deposit show that the most significant mineralisation (in
accompanied by pyrite. This can be easily seen in the 3D models in Fig. 2. 14c and d.
Molybdenite is present as vein and veinlet mineralisation with pyrite and chalcopyrite in
the hypogene zone (Fig. 2. 14f). The fence diagrams for mineralisation and zonation
models show the existence of high amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite within the
Fig. 2. 14. a) 3D ore-type zonation model, b) fence diagram of ore-type zonation model, c) 3D
dominant ore minerals, d); fence diagram of dominant ore minerals, e) chalcopyrite in stockwork
copper mineralisation from hypogene zone, and f) pyrite (Py) and molybdenite (Mol)
mineralisation in hypogene zone (See abbreviation list for more details)
CHAPTER THREE. Concentration-Volume (C-V)
Fractal Modelling for Separation of Mineralised
3.1 Introduction
host rocks (weakly mineralised zones) is one of the major purposes of ore deposit
modelling (Cheng et al., 1994; Li et al., 2003; Gałuszka, 2007; Makkonen et al., 2008;
Zeng et al., 2009; Afzal et al., 2012). Conventional geological methods for zone
alteration criteria (Schwartz, 1947; Beane, 1982; Sillitoe, 1997; Berger et al., 2008). A
conceptual model for lateral and vertical variations in alteration style was initially
suggested by Lowell (1968) and later by Lowell and Guilbert (1970), based on deposits
in the North American Cordillera Orogenic Belt. These models have been further
developed by Cox and Singer (1986) and Melfos et al. (2002). In addition, fluid inclusion
(e.g., Roedder, 1971; Nash, 1976; Ulrich et al., 2001; Asghari and Hezarkhani, 2008) and
S isotope studies (Wilson et al., 2007) have been utilised for determination of different
zones within porphyry Cu deposits. The mentioned models above do not consider the
distribution of elemental concentrations within ore deposits and do not rely on resource
modelling (See chapter 1, sections 1.1 and 1.3 for more information). It is a fact that ore
grades vary with changes in geological properties such as mineralogy and alteration
zones in porphyry Cu deposits (Zarasvandi et al., 2005; Berger et al., 2008; Pirajno, 2009;
Mihalasky et al., 2013; Xiao et al., 2014). Different geological clarifications would be
presented for defining boundaries of different zones in porphyry Cu deposits which may
also lead to different results if the ore element grade distribution is not taken into
consideration (Afzal et al., 2013c; Wang et al., 2013; Soltani et al., 2014; Sun and Liu,
3.2 Geometry of Natural Processes
The famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras of Samos, around 2500 years ago,
suggested that natural processes and behaviours are in accordance with mathematical
principles (Zhmud, 1989; Neimark, 2003; Hejazi, 2005; Neto, 2006; Rainer and Ruff,
2013). This hypothesis was not accepted by most scientists until the twentieth century.
Nowadays, models and theories based on mathematics are widely used by geoscientists
Lobachevsky and Bolyai (around 1830) established non-Euclidian geometry in the 19th
century which showed that nature is not just in compliance with Euclidian geometry.
Benoît Mandelbrot and Gaston Julia (1959) invented a new geometry called “Fractal”.
However, in the 1960s, Mandelbrot started writing about self-similarity in papers such as
“How Long the Coast of Britain Is”. Mandelbrot reached the point where measuring of any
length with a large scale (e.g., continental and regional) is more time consuming when
measured by a small scale (e.g., local scale mapping). However, how long this
measurement takes is relevant to the various feature changes of the coastline which does
not follow the regular dimensions. On the other hand, fractals are not limited to Euclidian
geometric patterns, but can also describe processes such as structure and texture of
minerals and rocks in thin/polished sections (Mandelbrot, 1983; Das and Edgar, 2005;
Afzal et al., 2013c). In addition, this theory presented a geometry in which the features do
not follow up dimensions with integer numbers and are not discrete, but they meet
decimal, irregular and continuous numbers. The general agreement is that theoretical
fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated and detailed mathematical features containing
fractal dimensions, of which many examples have been formulated and examined
precisely (Mandelbrot, 1983; Falconer, 1991; Falconer and Hu 2001). The self-similarity
of a feature is its shape on a much smaller scale, as depicted in Fig. 3. 1. Fractal patterns
with different degrees of self-similarity have been rendered or studied in images, sounds
and structures in nature (Turcotte, 1986; Cheng et al., 1994; Cheng, 1999; Zuo et al.,
2009a; Deng et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010a and b; Afzal et al., 2011and 2014; Yasrebi
The word “fractal” was coined by Mandelbrot (1976) from the Latin word “fractus” or
“fractum”, meaning broken, which he has applied to objects that were too irregular to be
defined by ordinary Euclidean geometry (Davis, 2002). Mandelbrot (1983) wrote a famous
book entitled “Fractal Geometry of Nature” and introduced “fractal” as a new branch of
non-Euclidian geometry.
The fractal geometry of each shape and its complications are shown in the form of real
volume. There are fractal dimensions which are not integers and can be real and decimal
Fig. 3. 2. Changes in dimensions of a fractal shape of Koch Curve (Zhu et al., 2003)
Many studies have indicated that hydrothermal ore deposits such as porphyry Cu,
ore element values in rocks, alterations and related surface materials such as water, soils,
stream sediments, humus and vegetation (Cheng, 2007; Cheng and Agterberg, 2009;
Afzal et al., 2011 and 2013a, c; Heidari et al., 2013; Yasrebi et al., 2013a; Soltani et al.,
zones from host rocks within a studied area. Different log–log plots in fractal/multifractal
models are proper tools for separation of geological populations based on geochemical
data since threshold values (breakpoints) can be determined in those log-log plots (Cheng
et al., 1994; Agterberg et al., 1996). These geochemical threshold values are identified
via fractal analysis which is usually correlated using geological field observations (e.g.,
mineralisation, alteration, lithological units and ore seams). In other words, fractal analysis
(Goncalves et al., 2001; Cheng, 2007; Carranza, 2008; Carranza et al., 2009; Cheng and
Agterberg, 2009; Afzal et al., 2011 and 2012). However, proper knowledge of the
Sim et al., 1999; Li et al., 2003; Carranza, 2009; Carranza and Sadeghi, 2010).
The aim of this chapter is to use a Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal model to delineate
Cu and Mo mineralised zones in the Kahang porphyry deposit of Central Iran in order to
generate an optimised block model for determination of an ultimate pit limit and a best
mining strategy. Moreover, to correlate and validate the results, the outcomes of the
fractal models will be compared with geological models using a logratio matrix proposed
by Carranza (2011).
In the studied deposit, 7146 core samples were collected from 48 boreholes at 2 m
intervals, and analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for
Cu and Mo (See section 2.3 and Appendix. A). The Cu and Mo distribution functions are
not normal, with Cu and Mo averages of 0.166 wt.% and 28 ppm, respectively (Fig. 3. 3).
The elemental distributions show an L shape with most of the volume of the deposit
containing low grades for Cu and Mo. Most values of Cu and Mo are lower than 1 wt.%
and 200 ppm, respectively. Variation between maximum and minimum of these data
shows a wide range among elemental concentrations (Table. 3. 1). Based on the
threshold values for separation of ‘barren’ host rocks and mineralisation which are 0.08
wt.% for Cu and 9.9 ppm for Mo (Davis, 2002). In this deposit, 33 and 14979 samples
carried out in the deposit for density and RQD analysis, respectively (Tables. 3. 2 and 3.
3). Figures for the original data sets used: Cu and Mo grades, RQD and density values
have been generated using MATLAB software, as depicted in Fig. 3. 4. Since the Kahang
deposit is at a pre-feasibility stage, and the main target is Cu, only 399 randomised
samples for Cu (section 2.4 and Appendix. B) were analysed. The error for Cu is 4.04%,
2 |𝑋𝑖−𝑌𝑖|
e = 𝑛 ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖+𝑌𝑖
Equation 3-1
Where e and n are error value, amount of re-analysed samples (399 duplicated sample
for Cu). Xi and Yi denote measured values for duplicated samples (See Appendix. B,
second and fourth column for Cu wt.% in Table. B. 1 for Xi and Yi).
Fig. 3. 3. Histograms for data from the Kahang deposit: a) Cu wt.%, and b) Mo ppm
Cu (wt.%) 0.0003 4.92 4.91 0.16 0.271 0.087 0.073 6.6 74.5
Mo (ppm) 0.5 1,479 1,478.5 28.27 76.178 9.9 5,803.132 8.4 96.1
Table. 3. 2. Density analysis from 11 boreholes in the Kahang deposit (See abbreviation list for
rock type)
Table. 3. 3. Distribution number of RQD samples among drill cores in the Kahang deposit
Fig. 3. 4. 3D maps for original datasets: a) Cu wt.%, b) Mo ppm, c) density t/m3, and d) RQD %
3.4 Block Modelling
minimising errors (Asghari and Madani Esfahani, 2013; Shahbeik et al., 2014). This
problem has been assessed for estimated block models using different geostatistical
methods such as ordinary kriging (OK) and inverse distance weighted (IDW). Results
obtained by the estimation methods relate to the determination of voxel size in block
Utilising a larger voxel size will increase the averaging effect in the estimated block model
in terms of concentrations, geophysical data, rock mechanical data and other attributes.
Additionally, a smaller voxel size will show more details, but potentially more error in an
anisotropic environment (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978). On the other hand, reducing the
voxel size results in an increase in estimated errors (variance and standard deviation) for
the final block model. Moreover, increasing the voxel size in the block model changes the
higher or lower grades of mineralised zones by smoothing of these points with high or low
Identification of an optimised voxel size is one of the most important aspects of building
with respect to the deposit geometry and drilling pattern because most of the
geostatistical software, e.g. RockWorksTM which was employed in this study, estimates
an ultimate block model based on the closest points considering particular parameters
Statistical parameters such as mean and median can be used for recognition of optimum
voxel dimensions in various types of ore deposits (David, 1970; Journel and Huijbregts,
particulars of the different types of ore deposits and grid drilling. Based on the method,
a) Length and width of each voxel is equal to between half and quarter of the distance
between the drill cores according to along the least variability deposit.
b) Height of each voxel is delineated due to the type of the deposit. In ‘massive’
deposits such as magmatic deposits (e.g., porphyry deposits), the parameter is equal to
the height of excavating benches in the open pit mines (Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006).
For recognition of the optimum voxel dimensions in the Kahang Cu porphyry deposit,
(MAD) were utilised. In addition, standard deviation (SD) was used for further comparison
and validation through the obtained results in the different scenarios of voxel size. If SDs
include very low changes then voxel size selection is carried out based on the Cu
estimated mean. The voxel sizes with the lowest value of Cu mean should be selected
because this is a worse scenario for mine planning and exploitation due to conservative
mine strategy and risk analysis. Moreover, the median and MAD are used for
David (1970).
The 2D map which indicated the location of 48 boreholes drilled in the Kahang deposit
was constructed by RockWorks™ v. 15 software (Fig. 3. 5a). From this, a grid model of
the boreholes on the surface was created to illustrate drill core locations including the
location information, symbol style and borehole names for the studied area. Since the
grid drilling pattern within this deposit is not homogeneous and systematic, 14 pairs of
closest boreholes were selected for an optimum voxel size investigation because this
action can improve the interpolation of voxel values (Cu grades in this scenario) that lie
between data point clusters (Fig. 3. 6). The particulars of these pairs are revealed in the
Table. 3. 4. The distance range of the selected boreholes varies between 5 to 27 m. For
identification of an optimum voxel size in the directions of X and Y, the vector analysis
was employed. The ranges of distances in the X and Y directions are 0.38-18.97 m and
3.47-25.97 m, respectively (Table. 3. 4). Based on the David (1970) method (as described
in the last page), the voxel size in the Z direction was determined as 10 m on the basis of
the ore deposit geometry and particularly height of the working bench.
Fig. 3. 5. a) 2D, b) 3D, and c) Google Earth maps of the grid drilling in the Kahang deposit
In the first step, the mean of distances between selected borehole pairs were calculated,
as depicted in Table. 3. 5. In the simple method, the range of voxel sizes in the X and Y
directions was considered between half and quarter of the mean value which is equal to
4.67-9.34 m. Moreover, the ranges of the voxel size according to median and MAD values
Fig. 3. 6. Boreholes location (ignoring the three isolated boreholes in the NW) map in the
In the second step, the voxel size was investigated via vector analysis between boreholes
based on the closest surface location on the 2D map. The mean values in the directions
of X and Y are 12.91 m and 11.76 m, respectively, meaning that the voxel size varies
between 3.23 m and 6.46 m in X and between 2.94 m and 5.88 m in Y. Based on the
median values, the voxel size value ranges are 3.8-7.6 m and 2.32-4.65 m in terms of X
and Y. The MAD values for X and Y are less than 3 m indicating that the voxel size is less
than 1 m, resulting in an increase in the error for the construction of a final block model
(Goovaerts, 1997). For a massive ore body, and homogenous distribution of element
voxel size (Davis, 2002). As a result, five different voxel size scenarios of 5 m x 5 m x 5
m, 4 m × 4 m × 10 m, 5 m × 5 m × 10 m, 10 m x 10 m x 10 m and 15 m x 15 m x 15 m
have been allocated to build the Kahang deposit pre-Cu block model. In order to find an
that the proper voxel size with respect to the different voxel alternatives is the one with
the minimum standard deviation. In addition, Cu mean of a pre-Cu block model with an
accurate voxels size should be close to Cu mean value obtained from the declustered
data (e.g., Fig. 3. 7; Table. 3. 6; Deutsch and Journel, 1998; Richmond, 2002; Emery and
Data are often spatially clustered which makes it difficult to determine whether they are
distribution, one approach is to assign declustering weights whereby values in cells with
more data receive less weight than those in sparsely sampled areas. The grid drilling in
the area is non-uniform and the data need to be declustered. This operation was carried
out using the Declus program which incorporates the GSLIB library (Deutsch and Journel,
1998). The Cu mean and standard deviation of the declustered data are 0.145 wt.% and
Table. 3. 4. The particulars of the selected borehole pairs in the Kahang deposit
From To (m) X Y
Topographical features of the deposit were formed into a block model. The block model
for Cu was produced by applying an upper and lower filter using RockWorksTM software,
based on the surface data (Fig. 3. 8) and borehole data collar heights, given by NICICO.
Those voxels located above the upper and below the lower topographical surfaces and
bed rock are considered as the waste voxels and are not included in the deposit block
model as the voxels are of negative significance (Todorov et al., 2002; Popov et al., 2003;
Hustrulid and Kochta, 2006; Yasrebi et al., 2011). The use of IDW to construct the block
model was employed in this research. The amounts of voxels with positive values (Non-
Zero) are shown in Table. 3. 6. The more Non-Zero voxels consequently correspond to
the voxel dimension of 5 m × 5 m × 5 m. The standard deviation value for the voxel size
averages for estimated Cu values were compared and the lowest value occurs in the 4 m
Value (NPV) and subsequently mine planning (Hustrulid and Kochta, 2006). The Cu mean
obtained from the declustered data (0.145 wt.%) in comparison with the other voxel
Table. 3. 6. Voxel numbers and Standard deviations and averages of Cu for different block
Block Model
Total Voxel Non-Zero Voxel Standard Cu Average
No. No. Deviation (%) (wt.%)
Borehole collar heights were compared with topographic surface heights to check that
correlate with used topographical points to provide a topographic surface for resource
modelling and further optimisation studies. For the optimised pit scheduling software, a
Scheduler, 2001).
Fig. 3. 9. Correlation between borehole data collar heights and topographical surface
3.5 Geostatistical Modelling
Geostatistical estimation methods are used commonly for interpolation and estimation of
estimation method with respect to geometry and geological properties of different ore
(David, 1970; Yasrebi et al., 2009; Shahbeik et al., 2014). Determination of estimation
methods is essential for decreasing the error estimation and increasing the accuracy of
resource and reserve evaluation (Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2007; Parhizkar et al., 2011).
in the C-V model. On the other hand, accuracy of the estimation methods and their errors
of interpolation affect the C-V fractal/multifractal modelling (Agterberg et al., 1993; Cheng
and Agterberg, 1996; Lima et al., 2003; Agterberg, 2012; Afzal et al., 2013a; Heidari et
al., 2013).
Linear and non-linear Kriging methods, Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), have been
used to interpolate polynomials and splines, to overcome the mentioned problem (Franke,
1982; Zimmerman et al., 1999; Juan et al., 2011). Among these methods, kriging and
IDW are usually utilised in most cases in mineral exploration and mining engineering.
Using real data rather than synthetic data has several advantages; for example, it
precludes one method from having an unfair advantage merely because the data used
for the comparison is generated under the same model on which the method is based.
On the other hand, only with synthetic data can the effect of certain data characteristics
Englund, 1992 and 1994; Zimmerman et al., 1999). Evaluation of ore element distribution
is an important parameter for mine planning and design (Hustrulid and Kochta, 2006).
Inverse Distance (ID) is one of the more common gridding and estimation methods. With
this method, the value assigned to a voxel is a weighted average of either all of the data
points or a number of directionally distributed neighbours. The value of each of the data
points is weighted according to the inverse of its distance from the voxel (Zimmerman et
points that estimates voxel values (e.g., ore grade) by averaging the values of sample
data points in the neighbourhood of each processing voxel. IDWA has a crucial
assumption that the interpolating surface is mostly influenced by the nearby points and
less by the more distant points. The interpolating surface is a weighted average of the
scatter points and the weight assigned to each scatter point diminishes as the distance
from the interpolated point to the scattered point increases. The main advantage of the
IDW method is to produce a smooth and continuous grid and does not exaggerate
extrapolations beyond the given data points (Franke, 1982; Goovaerts, 1997).
Therefore, the IDWAM is recommended for geochemical mapping where the data
(e.g., in C-V fractal models). The range of element concentrations will be smaller than the
raw data range meaning that highest grade values will be less than the maximum of raw
data, and the lowest grade values will be greater than the minimum data point (Tahmasebi
and Hezarkhani, 2010). A general form of finding an interpolated value at a given point
Equation 3-2
Equation 3-3
distance (metric operator) from the known point xi to the unknown point x, N is the total
number of known points used in interpolation and is a positive real number, called the
power parameter (e.g., an exponent of “2” = Inverse Distance Squared, “3” = Inverse
Distance Cubed; Shepard, 1968). The greater the value of the exponent, the less
influence distant control points will have on the assignment of the voxel value.
The disadvantages of conventional IDW methods are choice of weighting function which
In the IDWAM, all points will be used which increases error in the form of under and over
estimation so the samples located in a supergene enrichment zone (in a porphyry deposit)
can be influenced by the leached zone which correspondingly reduces the voxels grade
values within ore minerals consisting of say chalcocite, covellite and bornite (Pirajno,
Directional and non-directional searching in this method can improve the interpolation of
voxel values that lie between data point clusters and be useful for modelling drill-hole
based data in the stratiform and massive ore deposits (Zimmerman et al., 1999). In this
thesis, a combination of IDWAM and variography has been used in order to generate a
1- The grid drilling pattern is irregular and non-systematic, with an especially high drilling
density in the NE part of the deposit, and low density in the NW part (e.g., three isolated
boreholes: Fig. 3. 5a, b and c). Moreover, the grid drilling pattern has an anisotropic
geometrical shape.
2- There are too many scattered drill holes in the marginal parts of the deposit which leads
to a lack of data.
of the variable of interest, appropriate for various dispersed forms of data e.g. sparse
sampling points. As a result, this estimator requires adequate drill holes and data analysis
which are not met in the Kahang deposit. However, in this thesis a combination of IDWAM
and variography (horizontal and vertical) has been carried out for the development of
hypogene and phyllic, continue through to the marginal parts of the deposit (especially in
the SE area with high Cu and Mo values) which were not covered by the 48 boreholes
conducted in the studied area. The IDWAM is therefore appropriate due to the lack of
subsurface information.
5- Trends of Cu values in X, Y and Z show that there is no association between ore grade
and X-Y location or depth within the deposit (Fig. 3. 10), indicating again that “Universal
Fig. 3. 10. Scatterplots for correlation between Cu (wt.%) and coordinates: a) Cu values
trend in X, b) Cu values trend in Y, and c) Cu values trend in Z
The experimental variograms in Fig. 3. 11 in horizontal (Azimuth: 0 and Dip: 0) and vertical
(Azimuth: 0 and Dip: -90) directions were generated using MATLAB software with respect
to log transformations of Cu and Mo grades. The horizontal and vertical ranges for Cu are
56 m and 270 m, respectively. Moreover, the Mo horizontal and vertical ranges are equal
variograms. Accordingly, the theoretical variograms for Cu and Mo grade values are as:
𝛾𝐶𝑢 (ℎ) = 0.41 + 0.36 𝑠𝑝ℎ (10, 10, 25) + 0.85 𝑠𝑝ℎ (56, 56, 270)
Equation 3-4
𝛾𝑀𝑜 (ℎ) = 1.125 + 0.56 𝑠𝑝ℎ (10, 10,10) + 0.36 𝑠𝑝ℎ (40,40, 20) + 0.044 𝑠𝑝ℎ (∞, ∞, 80)
Equation 3-5
In addition, ‘Variogram Maps’ have been created using Varmap software from the GSlib
Library (Deutsch and Journel, 1998) in order to find out if there are any anisotropic
ɣ (h) as a function of the distance h along a particular direction. It is often useful to have
a global view of the variogram values in all directions (X-Y, Y-Z and X-Z in this thesis). To
before variography was carried out in the cases of: one set for the X-Y orientation (with
lag spacing of 15 m) to evaluate the range in plan view, and one set either X-Z and Y-Z
with lag spacing of 8 m to evaluate the range in vertical sections. There is an isotropic
anisotropic behaviour in the studied area based on the X-Z and Y-Z (vertical) variogram
Fig. 3. 12. Variogram maps for a) Cu in plan 1730 m, b) Mo in plan 1730 m, c) Cu in E-W
section with Northing = 3644585, d) Mo in E-W section with Northing = 3644585, e) Cu in N-S
section with Easting = 638325, and f) Mo in N-S section with Easting = 638325
The Kahang deposit was modelled with 489,927 voxels with each voxel having a
600, 660 and 780 m (Fig. 3. 13). 3D block models for Cu and Mo were evaluated by
IDWAW using the RockWorksTM software package, as depicted Fig. 3. 15. The ranges of
Cu and Mo from the variograms in Fig. 3. 11 were imported into the vertical and horizontal
In order to achieve this using the RockWorksTM software, the following tasks, in their
The Weighting Exponent value was determined as being equal to 2 in order to prompt to
enter a real number value for the Inverse-Distance exponent. Number of neighbouring
points were defined between 3 and 15 data points that were to be used when computing
the voxel value. The horizontal and vertical ranges (known as ‘Cut-offs Distances’ in the
RockWorksTM software) were recognised based on the combined variograms with lags’
Fig. 3. 13. Project dimensions of the studied area
The sections within 0.4 wt.% Cu and 200 ppm Mo were separated and showed that these
parts were located in the central, NE and NW parts of the area (Fig. 3. 16). Additionally,
Cu values higher than 0.4 wt.% exist in the SE part of the area and continue towards
Kahang village.
of 0.15 which is lower than the IDW (See Table. 3. 6), as shown in Fig. 3. 17 and Table.
3. 7. As a result, it shows that the variography decreases the values of error estimation in
the IDW indicator. Histogram and statistical particulars of the Mo estimated model (Fig.
3. 17) illustrate a lower standard deviation in comparison with raw data which are 0.56
and 0.76 respectively. Moreover, the mean of the Cu and Mo in the estimated models are
0.14 wt.% and 27.49 ppm respectively (Table. 3. 7). If the Cu threshold is equal to 0.1
wt.% then the resource is greater than 100 Mt with a Cu mean value equal to 0.23 wt.%,
as depicted in Grade-Tonnage (G-T) diagram (Fig. 3. 18). The G-T diagram shows that
the deposit has a good potential as a porphyry type because the mean Cu in the different
thresholds are comparable with other Iranian porphyry deposits such as Masjed Daghi,
Darreh Zar and Sar Kuh with 340 Mt and 0.27 wt.% Cu, 475 Mt and 0.36 wt.% Cu and
110 Mt and 0.26 wt.% Cu, respectively (e.g., Shahabpour, 1994; Afzal et al., 2011;
Aghazadeh et al., 2015). Several plans were generated for Cu and Mo, as depicted in
Fig. 3. 19. The plans reveal that the main mineralisation occurs in the SE, NE and central
parts of the deposit, especially in the NW section of the studied area (area around the
three isolated boreholes: Fig. 3. 20). Cu values higher than 0.25 wt.% (Fig. 3. 20c) in the
isolated bore holes (NW part) are more common at depth, and it may therefore be wise
to drill more bore holes in this area. Moreover, Cu samples with values higher than 0.15
wt.% are mostly accumulated in the central part of the deposit (Fig. 3. 20b). Cu values
greater than 0.07 wt.% are scattered in majority parts of the deposit (Fig. 3. 20a).
0.0003 4.00773 4 0.14 0.151 0.091 0.023 4.38 39.60
0.65 790.82 784.75 27.49 56.44 12.56 3,185.515 6.82 59.91
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. 15. Block models in the Kahang deposit: a) Cu, and b) Mo
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. 16. Distribution models in the Kahang deposit: a) Cu ≥ 0.4 wt.%, and b) Mo ≥ 200 ppm
Fig. 3. 18. a) Cu (%) Grade-Tonnage, and b) Cu (%) average-cut-off diagrams for Kahang
Fig. 3. 19. Cu and Mo plans in the Kahang deposit
Fig. 3. 20. Samples (black discs) within Cu values higher than: a) 0.07 wt.%, b) 0.15 wt.% and
c) 0.25 wt.% from boreholes carried out in the deposit
3.6 Validation Processes
For validation of the estimation, two methods were used: optical correlation and jackknife.
Optical correlation is a visual verification which tries to visually show correlation coefficient
between raw (original) and estimated data in cross-sections (Fig. 3. 21). It shows a
positive relationship between Cu values from the boreholes (raw or original data) and the
generated block model (estimated data) in the different cross-sections (Fig. 3. 21). For
optical correlation, randomised groups of boreholes which are close to each other (e.g.,
Fig. 3. 21b: Kag_59, Kag_17, Kag_09 and Kag_11) were selected and, for each individual
borehole, a histogram of original data was constructed. The areas between selected
that when the Cu values of the original data which are shown in the form of histogram for
each borehole (Fig. 3. 21) are high, the estimated Cu values within those two boreholes
should be high (RockWorksTM 15, 2010; Emery, 2012). For example, the Cu values of the
original data from deeper parts of boreholes Kag_17 and Kag_09 reveal high values of
element concentration therefor, the estimated Cu values between those original data
should consider high value of the element concentrations, as depicted in Fig. 3. 21b.
However, this method is not that sufficient because most of the boreholes were obliquely
good practice to validate the results obtained by the estimation method (IDWAM in this
thesis) prior to any production run. The generated block model is validated by re-
model, estimation method and search strategy, as close as possible to those of the
forthcoming production run (Deutsch and Journel, 1998). These re-estimation techniques
are discussed in most practical statistics and geostatistics books (Tukey, 1977; Efron,
1982; Davis, 1987; Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989; Goovaerts, 1997). The term jackknife
applies to resampling without replacement, i.e., when alternative sets of data values are
re-estimated from other non-overlapping data sets (Efron, 1982). The jackknife analysis
in the Kahang deposit indicates that the correlation between original data and Cu
estimated is 70%, as depicted in Fig. 3. 22. In this figure, the diagonal of the square plot
(black line) and the linear regression (red line) was derived and calculated using MATLAB
Fig. 3. 21. Optical correlation (visual verification) between Cu values of borehole and block
Fig. 3. 22. Correlation chart between original and estimated data using jackknife resampling
measured parameters (e.g., ore grade, density and RQD) and numbers of 2D or 3D
N ( )
q ( )
i 1
Equation 3-6
Where q, and are the partition function, 2D or 3D blocks dimensions and a parameter
q ( ) ( q )
Equation 3-7
In this case, the partition function is equal to the exponential relationship between the
Cheng et al. (1994) proposed the fractal Concentration–Area (C–A) model for separating
porphyry system in British Columbia (Canada). This model has the general form:
Equation 3-8
where A(ρ≤υ) and A(ρ≥υ) denote areas (A) with concentration values ρ that are,
respectively, smaller and greater than contour value ρ defining that areas υ represents
the threshold), which define those areas and a1 and a2 are characteristic exponents for
concentration contours representing breakpoints in the plots are considered threshold
values separating geochemical populations in the data. Zou et al. (2009) applied the
fractal C–A model to characterise the vertical distribution of element concentrations in the
Qulong copper deposit, Tibet, western China. Fractal models have been used to identify
mineral deposits in Gejiu, Yunnan Province, China) in the Earth crust associated with ore
deposits, such as porphyry ore deposits, which are characterized by high metal
Cheng et al. (1994) and Zou et al. (2009) have suggested that the fractal C–A model is
Ah( ) D
Equation 3-9
Av ( ) D
Equation 3-10
Ah and Av indicate two areas containing grades within horizontal (Plans) and vertical (cross
sections) directions, respectively. This reveals that the elemental distribution can also
exist in 3D dimension. Different forms of the C–A model expressed in Equations 3-9 and
Equation 3-11
Equation 3-12
where Ah(ρ≤υ), Ah(ρ≥υ), Av(ρ≤υ) and Av(ρ≥υ) denote two areas with concentration values
smaller and values greater than the contour value ρ defining that area respectively for all
variables are the same as those in Equation 3-6, but the subscripts h and v denote areas
In Equation 3-7, (q) is an auxiliary function. With respect to the Equation 3-7, the
multifractal range of the and the power value of α (q) can be calculated using the
following relationships:
𝛼(𝑞 ) = ; 𝑓(𝛼 ) = 𝛼(𝑞 ) − 𝜏(𝑞)
Equation 3-13
The multifractal range of 𝑓(𝛼 ) is a continuous function between two values αMin and αMax.
If (q) is a linear function with fixed values of á = áMax or á = áMin, 𝑓(𝛼 ) will be constant
which means that multifractal property changes to mono-fractal. In both cases, the
the format of mono-fractal in which 𝑓(𝛼 ) and α are fixed, for better understanding of the
relationship between concentration and its occupying volume (the volume containing
specific grade) in the way that a database considering various grade is generated in
accordance with a determined voxel size (ε), the following relationships are used where
𝑉(𝜀) ∝ 𝜀 −𝑓(𝛼)+2
Equation 3-14
𝜌(𝜀) ∝ 𝜀 𝛼−2
Equation 3-15
With the removal of ε from the two Equations 3-14 and 3-15, the relationship of
𝑉 (𝜌) ∝ 𝜌 [2−𝑓(𝛼)]/(𝛼−2)]
Equation 3-16
In the above equation, values of 𝑓(𝛼 ) and α vary between zero and two. If a multifractal
model followed by a continuous range for 𝑓(𝛼 ) values exist then, two scenarios will occur.
In the first case, the α value is allocated to áMin (lowest value) and in the second case α
𝑉(𝛼 < 𝛼𝑚𝑖𝑛 ) = 𝑉(𝜌) = ∫𝛼 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝜀 −𝑓(𝛼)+2 𝑑𝛼
Equation 3-17
Where C, ρ and 𝑉(𝜌) denote constant value, ore grade and occupied volume. Finally, the
relationship between concentration and volume in the multifractal mode can be addressed
𝑉 (𝜌) ≈ 𝑉 (𝑇 ) − 𝐶𝜀 −𝑓(𝛼)+2 𝑑𝛼
Equation 3-18
V( ) D
Equation 3-19
Where 𝑉 (𝜌) is a volume which contains ore grades equal and higher than ρ and D is a
fractal dimension.
Consequently, the relationships defined in Equations 3-11 and 3-12 suggest that element
distributions in a volume also follow a fractal model. The proposed fractal C–V model can
Equation 3-20
Where, V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ) denote volumes (V) with concentration values (ρ) that are,
respectively, smaller and values greater than contour values (υ),which defines those
have fractal properties, which can be described by power–law relationships between ore
element concentrations and volumetric extensions (Afzal et al., 2011 and 2012; Wang et
al., 2013; Coghill et al., 2014; Sun and Liu, 2014; Awadelseid et al., 2015). In log–log plots
populations within the data. To calculate V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ) enclosed by a concentration
contour in a 3D model, in this study, the original borehole data of ore element
weighted (IDW) method. The interpolated 3D block model was used for the purpose of
this study. Volumes V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ) are equal to the unit volume of a voxel (or volume
cell) multiplied by the number of voxels with concentration values (ρ) that are,
respectively, smaller and greater than a certain concentration value (υ). Log–log plots of
the concentration contours versus the corresponding volumes [V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ)] follow
a power–law relationship.
Breaks between straight-line segments in those log–log plots represent threshold values
deposits, which are mostly high tonnage – low grade, zones of high Cu concentrations
recognised by applying the proposed fractal C–V model that likely represents boundaries
The C-V fractal model for Cu has been created according to the Cu 3D block model.
Threshold values were identified from the log–log plot in Fig. 3. 23, which demonstrates
that there are five populations according to the log-log plot corresponding to 0.075 wt.%,
0.42 wt.%, 1.86 wt.% and 3.2 wt.% Cu in the deposit (Fig. 3. 23 and Table. 3. 8).
Depicted arrows in the log–log plot indicate threshold values (e.g., breakpoints: Fig. 3.
23). These separate various straight line segments in the log–log plots. There is a sudden
change in the rate of decrease of the volume enclosed by high values of Cu. The first
threshold of 0.075 wt.% represents the beginning of the Cu mineralisation in this scenario.
As a result of this, the range of Cu concentrations less than 0.075 wt.% is deemed as
‘barren’ host rock including weakly mineralised zone within the deposit which may be
assumed as waste from an exploitation point of view (e.g., propylitic alteration zone in
Sungun porphyry copper deposit, NW Iran: Lowell and Guilbert 1970: Sim et al., 1999;
Berger et al., 2008; Asghari et al., 2009; Wang et al. 2013; Soltani et al., 2014; Zuo and
Wang, 2015). In addition, the first threshold value obtained by the C-V fractal modelling
(Cu = 0.075 wt.%) can be defined as a Cut-off Grade (COG) of the deposit for the
process (See table 5. 3 of the chapter five for calculation of an economic COG),
economical parameters (e.g., Krautkraemer, 1988; Ataei and Osanloo, 2003; Gu et al.,
2010). However, what is classed as ‘barren’ today may be economic in the future
particularly when there is an increase in the metal world commodity price (Caccetta and
Giannini, 1988; Dagdelen and Mohammed, 1997; Cairns and Shinkuma, 2003; He et al.,
2009). The second threshold value of Cu is 0.42 wt.% where the main Cu mineralisation
starts. The range of Cu concentrations higher than 1.86 wt.% illustrates an enriched zone
for Cu. For these Cu concentrations the slope of the straight line fit is near to 90°.
were used to generate a C-V fractal model. Threshold values of Mo were identified in the
C-V log-log plot which revealed five geochemical populations and four threshold values
equal to 13, 100, 316 and 645 ppm Mo in the deposit (Fig. 3. 23 and Table. 3. 8). Enriched
mineralised zones are deemed to have higher than 645 ppm because with these Mo
The main Mo mineralisation starts from the second threshold which is 100 ppm in this
kind of scenario. It is important to bear in mind that the Mo concentrations which are
greater than 13 ppm represent the start of Mo mineralisation. Cu and Mo log-log plots
Table. 3. 8. Cu and Mo thresholds defined by the C-V model in the Kahang deposit
Fig. 3. 23. C-V log-log plots: a) Cu, and b) Mo
To separate major mineralised zones including the supergene enrichment and hypogene
zones, a correlation between the geological model (as mentioned in section 3.7.2) with
from the C-V model were included in the combined model, where in consequence the
supergene enrichment zone exists in small sections close to the surface and its Cu
concentration value does not exceed that of 1.4 wt.% (Fig. 3. 24).
Fig. 3. 24. Geological zones (Cu distribution) including supergene enrichment (a) and hypogene
(c) with modified zonation models via C-V showing regions of supergene enrichment (b),
hypogene (d), main hypogene (e) and enriched hypogene (f)
Histograms of estimated Cu values for supergene enrichment and hypogene mineralised
zones show that there are two populations within the supergene zone, one of which
includes Cu values less than 0.2 wt.% and introduces weakly supergene mineralised zone
(Sillito, 1997; Pirajno, 2009; Fig. 3. 25a). Moreover, most parts of the hypogene zone
contain Cu values near to zero, as depicted in Fig. 3. 25b. It reveals that a correlation and
validation between results obtained by geological and C-V fractal modelling is essential
The supergene enrichment zone with Cu > 0.42 wt.% concentrations is located in a small
area within both the central and the eastern surface parts of the deposit, as depicted in
Fig. 3. 24. As can be seen, the supergene enrichment zone derived via the C-V model
The correlation between the geological hypogene zone and the C-V model indicate that
marginal parts of the geological model have Cu concentrations ≤ 0.075 wt.% and are
hypogene zone with Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.% is located in the central, eastern and NW sections of
the deposit especially at depth, but in the NE part of the deposit it is close to outcropping.
The enriched hypogene zone with Cu ≥ 1.8 wt.% is situated in small sections of the
The Mo distribution model is correlated with the supergene enrichment and the hypogene
enrichment zone is 104 ppm and high values of Mo are situated in the hypogene zone.
The main Mo mineralisation with Mo ≥ 100 ppm in the hypogene zone correlates with the
main hypogene zone (Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.%). The enriched Mo zone with Mo ≥ 645 ppm is
located in the central part of the deposit and associated with the enriched hypogene zone
(Cu ≥ 1.8 wt.%), as shown in Fig. 3. 26. These results indicate that the enriched
mineralised zone is located within the hypogene zone especially in the central, NW and
In order to validate the results from the C-V model, a comparison between the
mineralogical model (for chalcocite and chalcopyrite distributions: Fig. 3. 27a and b) and
the main mineralised zones with Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.% (Table. 3. 8 and Fig. 3. 23a) was
distinguished using a mathematical filter facility within the RockWorksTM software which
is called “Boolean data type”. As a result, the studied mineralogical units in the 3D model
(See chapter 2, Fig. 2. 14c for the 3D dominant ore minerals) were allocated with binary
codes (zero or one). Consequently, zones with the code number of zero are removed and
the zones with the code number of one will remain in the 3D models (Fig. 3. 27a and b).
Subsequently, another mathematical facility within the software called “Multiple of Model
& Model” was used, which is a tool to manipulate the voxels in a solid model by the
mineralogical model and corresponding mineralised zones (e.g., RockWorksTM 15, 2010;
Fig. 3. 27c, d and e). After doing that, it has been shown that chalcocite is associated with
the supergene enrichment zone (Fig. 3. 27a and c) and chalcopyrite is also located within
the main hypogene zone with Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.% (Fig. 3. 27b and d). In addition, the
chalcopyrite from the mineralogical model containing Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.% has a proper
Fig. 3. 25. Histograms of estimated Cu values within the: a) supergene enrichment, and b)
hypogene zones
Fig. 3. 26. Mo distribution in supergene enrichment zone (a), hypogene zone based on Mo C-V
model (b), hypogene with Mo > 100 ppm (c), hypogene with Mo > 316 ppm (d) and Mo enriched
zone (e)
Fig. 3. 27. Correlation between chalcocite (a), chalcopyrite (b) and chalcopyrite ≥ 0.42 wt.% Cu
(e) zones with supergene enrichment zone (c) and main hypogene zone (d) based on C-V
3.8.1 Application of Logratio Matrix
Carranza (2011) has proposed a logratio matrix for further calculation of spatial
correlations between two binary models. Using the mineralisation model, an intersection
operation between a fractal mineralised zone model and different zones in the geological
ore model was performed so as to obtain the numbers of voxels corresponding to each
of the four classes of overlap zones as shown in Table. 3. 9 (the obtained values are the
overlap number of voxels between two binary geological and fractal models). Using the
obtained numbers of voxels, Type I error (T1E), Type II error (T2E), and overall accuracy
(denoted as OA) relate to the ability of the analysis to define ‘barren’ host rocks
(background) and mineralised zones delineated using the C-V fractal model with respect
to the geological models. Type I error (denoted as T1E) relates to the ability of the analysis
to define ‘barren’ host rocks whereas Type II error (denoted as T2E) relates to the ability
of the analysis to define mineralised zones. The lower the error (i.e. the higher value for
OA) the better the ability of the analysis to define ‘barren’ host rocks and mineralised
zones. The values for OA of the C-V fractal and geological models (alteration and
Table. 3. 9. Matrix for comparing performance of fractal modelling results with geological model.
A, B, C, and D represents the number of voxels overlapping between classes in the binary
geological model and the binary results from fractal models (Carranza, 2011)
Comparison between the hypogene zone obtained from the geological model and the
main Cu and Mo mineralised zones from the C-V fractal model demonstrates that the
hypogene zone has a better correlation with the main Cu mineralised zone (Cu > 0.42
wt.%) because the number of overlapping voxels (A) in the main Cu mineralised zone
obtained using the C-V model (20,839 voxels) is higher than in the main Mo mineralised
zone (16,990 voxels), as depicted in Table. 3. 10. The overall accuracy of the main Cu
and Mo mineralised zone derived via the C-V fractal model with respect to the hypogene
Alterations play a fundamental role in zone identification and also in presenting geological
models, as described by Lowell & Guilbert (1970). Correlation (from OA results) between
the main Cu mineralised zone obtained from C-V model and potassic alteration is higher
than the phyllic alteration because the OA for potassic and phyllic alterations have been
determined as 0.765 and 0.509 respectively (Table. 3. 11). As a result, the higher values
for overall accuracy in Tables 3. 10 and 3. 11 represent the higher overlap between
geological zones with mineralised zones identified by the C-V fractal model.
Table. 3. 10. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to hypogene zone as delineated in the
geological model and Cu and Mo main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal model
(Values are the number of voxels)
OA 0.154
OA 0.146
Table. 3. 11. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to potassic and phyllic alteration zones and
Cu main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal model (Values are the number of
OA 0.765
OA 0.509
Validation between the main Mo mineralised zone (Mo > 100 ppm) based on the C-V
fractal model and alteration zones from the geological model indicates that there is a
difference between the two alteration zones. Overall accuracy for the potassic and phyllic
zones has been determined as 0.770 and 0.524 respectively (Table. 3. 12). According to
these results, the main elemental mineralised zones have better correlation with the
Table. 3. 12. Overall accuracy (OA) with respect to potassic and phyllic alteration zones and
Mo main mineralised zones obtained through C-V fractal model (Values are the number of
OA 0.770
OA 0.524
3.9 Results
Results from this study show that the C–V fractal model can be used to recognise different
interpreted via the C–V fractal model. The C–V fractal model uses relationships between
the ore element concentration and the enclosing volumes, for example the concentration
proposed fractal model could be applied for delineating enrichment zones from the
‘barren’ host rock, or from the background value using the concentration values of the
proposed model is applicable to ore elements in the Cu and Mo porphyry deposits for
Results from this study reveal that the hypogene zone is a major mineralised zone within
the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Based on the C-V fractal model, the threshold value
of 0.075 wt.% Cu may be equal to the deposit COG however, further investigation in this
regard has to be conducted considering economic aspects of the optimisation study (See
chapter 5). The threshold values for the main Cu and Mo mineralisation are 0.42 wt.%
and 100 ppm, respectively. Enriched Cu-Mo mineralised zones with Cu ≥ 1.8 wt.% and
Mo ≥ 645 ppm are located in the central, NW and NE parts within the hypogene zone.
The supergene enrichment zone exists in small parts within the deposit, especially in the
The supergene enrichment and hypogene zones delineated by the C–V model correlate
well with the alterations and mineralogical data shown in the 3D models. The C–V log–
log plots from the Kahang deposit show that there is a multifractal model for Cu and Mo.
From a comparison of the C–V and geological models the supergene enrichment zone
shows a spatial correlation with the chalcocite-rich zone within the Kahang deposit. The
main hypogene zone of Cu ≥ 0.42 wt.% has an association with the chalcopyrite
distribution model. According to the correlation between results driven by fractal modelling
and geological models using the logratio matrix, the Cu and Mo main mineralised zones
generated in the C-V fractal model have a strong correlation with the potassic alteration
CHAPTER FOUR. Rock Mass Characterisation
Utilising Fractal Modelling based on Density and
RQD Data
4.1 Introduction
Assessment of rock density and RQD are crucial aspects of mineral exploration, resource
modelling and mine planning with huge cost implications for the design and the mining of
each block (ore or waste tonnage). These are calculated using the dimension and density
of each block. The results are assessed to identify a final pit slope angle and consequent
pit stripping ratio (Lerch and Grossmann, 1965; Little, 2006; Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou,
2010). The tonnage of these blocks located in each extractive zone is determined on the
basis of the density zones (e.g., ore and waste; Hamdi and Mouza, 2005; Hustrulid and
Kuchta, 2006; Rafiee and Vinches, 2008; Yasrebi et al., 2011). Host rocks of porphyry
monzonite and quartz monzonite which are lithological units with high hardness (Hitzman
et al., 1992; Laznicka, 2005). Parameters such as density, hardness, porosity and fracture
frequency (number of fractures counted each meter) give additional indications of rock
mass characteristics within porphyry deposits (Dershowitz and Einstein, 1988; Meyer and
Numerical models in geosciences have been created and consequently utilised to better
interpret the variability of geological parameters such as lithology, ore-type, alteration and
mineralogy or for a better understanding of the different attributes such as density, rock
mass characterisation and RQD (Jinga and Hudson, 2002; Rafiee and Vinches, 2008;
Yasrebi et al., 2013b, 2014). However, the classical statistical methods for delineation of
populations from a background level would be for example, a histogram analysis, box
plot, summation of mean and standard deviation coefficients and median. These are not
considered overly accurate due to the fact that these statistical methods consider only the
frequency distribution of information while not paying attention to the spatial variability
(Boadu and Long, 1994; Ehlen, 2000). In other words, the classical statistical plots (i.e.,
histograms) are based on the data abundance distribution and cannot quantify the spatial
positions of parameters such as RQD and density (Baecher et al., 1977; Rouleau and
Gale, 1985; Villaescusa and Brown, 1990; Lu 1997; Rafiee and Vinches, 2008; Madani
difficult task and requires 3D modelling for better interpretation of the problems found in
a mining operation such as rock discontinuities, planar failure, circular failure, wedge
failure and toppling failure (Zhang and Einstein, 2000; Lina and Kub, 2006; Yasrebi et al.,
2013b, 2014).
The earliest model regarding the quantitative description of in-situ block size distribution
(IBSD) was the Rock Quality Designation (RQD; See chapter 1, section 1.1 for the RQD
definition), which was proposed by Deere (1964). Priest and Hudson (1976) applied the
RQD method to scanline survey data with respect to an analytical relation between RQD
and the discontinuity frequency resulted from a scanline survey. A borehole or a scanline
are by their nature one dimensional. As a result, RQD values calculated using bore hole
data or a scanline survey are influenced by the orientation in which the measurements
are taken (horizontal or vertical) so the method does not consider calculation for the other
direction (Lu, 1999; Carvalho et al., 2007; Slob, 2010). In order to overcome the
dependence of RQD on orientation, Kazi and Sen (1985) proposed the use of the
This encloses the proportion of the volume of intact matrix rock blocks, equal to or higher
than 0.001 m3 in size, which can be associated with the average volume of a matrix block
and the number of matrix blocks per m3. To do this, the V.RQD is calculated by summation
of the volumes of intact blocks divided by the total rock mass volume which is expressed
as a percentage. However, the proposed model is limited to the estimation of the average
block volume rather than the IBSD (Deere and Deere, 1989; Şen and Eissa, 1992; Lu,
Discontinuity Count for RQD (known as Jv RQD) data and linear fracture frequency. He
suggested that there is a correlation between the in-situ block size and Jv is represented
(e.g., density of joints, RQD, block volume and joint spacing). However, this model can
only estimate a rough upper and lower range of block sizes and therefore has restricted
practical applications (Şen and Eissa, 1991; Milne, 2007). Şen and Eissa (1992) derived
values for Jv for RQD and block volumes of different shapes such as bars, plates and or
prisms quantity. The proposed model provides a simple tool for rock engineers without
the need for recourse to theoretical calculations. However, the block volume in this model
is given in terms of average block size so it cannot describe the block size distribution
introduce an analytical model to help achieve a proper fitted curve for interpreting the
distributions of measured RQD combining with density data is needed (e.g., Tables. 4. 5
and 4. 6; Figs. 4. 8; 4. 10 to 4. 12). An accurate description of density and RQD distribution
within a deposit plays a significant role in any optimisation study (See chapter 5, section
5.5 and 5.7). In recent years, models based on fractal geometry as a nonlinear
mathematical method, proposed by Mandelbrot (1983), have been widely used in different
branches of earth sciences since various geological processes and even mining-based
dimensions resulting from analysis of the relevant data and desirable attributes (density
and RQD in this scenario). Therefore, fractal analysis has the abilities to identify the
Cu deposits (Agterberg et al., 1993; Cheng et al., 1994; Li et al., 2003; Cheng, Q., 2007;
Harati et al., 2013). In other words, differences of fractal dimensions in density and RQD
Consequently, the aim of this chapter is to use the Density–Volume (D–V) and RQD-
relationship between desirable attributes (e.g., density and RQD values within the
deposit) and their cumulative volumes occupying spatial positions, to delineate density
and RQD populations associated with the major rock types (e.g., porphyritic quartz diorite:
PQD, andesite: ANS and dacite: DAC: Figs. 4. 8; 4. 11) which occupy 93% of whole
deposit volume (Yasrebi et al., 2013b). The results derived via the RQD-V fractal model
are validated using the Deere and Miller rock classification (1966; Table. 4. 1) to test
whether the RQD-V fractal model defines the best result with respect to the volume of
voxels (blocks) located within the mentioned lithological units in order to predict an
optimised experimental final pit slope. Moreover, for validation purposes and better
understanding of rock characteristics in the studied deposit, the Log-ratio matrix proposed
Table. 4. 1. Classification of Rock Quality Designation, Deere and Miller rock classification
RQD and density histograms provide a means for quickly evaluating the range of density
and RQD values for a selected data set (See chapter 3, section 3.3, figures for the original
data sets used for RQD and density values) without creating a 3D solid model in order to
illustrate the highest, lowest, sum, or average data values. These histograms are used to
read a single column of data (RQD or density) from a data set to determine the frequency
or percentage of the total number of measurements for that variable/attribute that falls
within each user-defined grouping. Location of boreholes which have been analysed for
density and RQD values is shown in Fig. 4. 1. In this deposit, 33 and 14979 density and
RQD samples have been measured from 11 and 42 boreholes, respectively, out of a total
of 48 boreholes carried out in the deposit (Fig. 4. 1; See chapter 3, Tables. 3. 2 and 3. 3;
Fig. 3. 4c and d). The density and RQD distribution functions are shown in Fig. 4. 2 and
4. 3, and are not normally distributed, with averages of 2.68 t/m3 and 48%, for density and
RQD, respectively.
Fig. 4. 2. Density histogram based on raw data for the Kahang porphyry deposit
Fig. 4. 3. RQD histogram based on raw data for the Kahang porphyry deposit
The multi-modal distribution for density (Fig. 4. 2) indicates that the deposit has high
values in terms of density especially in the major rock type of PQD occupying most parts
of the deposit. As a result, most density values are higher than the mean point which
increases the tonnage of each individual voxel and correspondingly produces a rise in the
total rock tonnage. There is the bimodal distribution for RQD (Fig. 4. 3). As a result, there
are two main populations with values of <25% and >90% for RQD which illustrates that
there are two classifications of rock qualities (poor and excellent) with respect to the
Deere and Miller RQD classification (1966). In addition, with respect to the RQD
histogram, the greatest frequency of the RQD data corresponds to the excellent rocks
within the deposit which will result in the highest stability of the final pit slope. The tonnage
of extractive blocks in the deposit is calculated on the basis of rock density (ore and
4.3 Methodology
Initially, a database was generated based on drill core data consisting of lithological units,
density and RQD values. Secondly, the database was entered into the RockWorks TM 15
software package to build 3D density and RQD block models (Fig. 4. 5 and 4. 6) utilising
IDWAM due to the lack of adequate density and RQD data and having a non-uniform
drilling grid. For RQD, an experimental variogram in horizontal (with lag spacing of 15 m)
and vertical (with lag spacing of 8 m) orientations was produced via MATLAB software
with respect to log transformation of RQD values (raw data), as shown in Fig. 4. 4. From
this, the horizontal (Azimuth: 0 and Dip: 0) and vertical (Azimuth: 0 and Dip: -90) ranges
for RQD are 120 m and 270 m, respectively. However, no proper variogram can be fitted
for density because of so few data (just 33 samples: See chapter 3, Table. 3. 2 and Fig.
3. 4c). The next step was to propose the Density–Volume (D–V) and RQD-Volume fractal
models to generate the separation of different populations in terms of density and RQD.
Subsequently, a mathematical facility within software called “Multiple of Model & Model”
was used to manipulate the voxels in a solid model using the corresponding voxels in
another equal-dimension solid model. From this, a correlation between the density and
RQD 3D block models interpreted via D–V, RQD-V and the porphyric quartz diorite
lithological unit was conducted (e.g., RockWorksTM 15, 2010; Fig. 4. 12). The theoretical
𝛾𝑅𝑄𝐷 (ℎ) = 135.71 + 190 𝑠𝑝ℎ (20, 20, 20) + 499.88 𝑠𝑝ℎ (120, 120, 270)
Equation 4-1
Fig. 4. 5. Density block model determined using estimated data
Fig. 4. 6. RQD block model in Kahang porphyry deposit determined using estimated data
4.3.1 D-V Fractal Model
Fractal and multifractal modelling was generated with respect to a partition function and
a power-law relationship between parameters such as density and RQD (Evertz and
Mandelbrot, 1992; Li et al., 2003; Carranza, 2008). The D-V fractal model was
Equation 4-2
Where V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ) denote two volumes with density values less than, or equal to,
and greater than, or equal to, the contour value ρ; υ which represents the threshold value
of a population (or volume); and a1 and a2 which are characteristic exponents. Threshold
values in this model indicate boundaries between different density populations within ore
deposits. To calculate V(ρ≤υ) and V(ρ≥υ), which are the volumes enclosed by a contour
level ρ in a 3D model, the drill core data of density values was interpolated by using a
geo-statistical estimation. The density 3D model was evaluated by IDW, which can
improve the interpolation of voxel values that lie between data point clusters and can be
useful for modelling drill hole based data in different types of deposits (Lima et al., 2013).
D–V fractal model reveals that there are two populations according to the log–log plot,
one above and one below 2.7t/m3 within the deposit (Fig. 4. 7), indicating that the rocks
with correspondingly high density commence from this break point. Most parts of the
deposit have density values higher than 2.7t/m3, especially in the central part of the
Results of the D–V model are correlated to the major lithological units of the deposit
consisting of porphyritic quartz diorite (PQD), dacite and andesite. High density rocks
(≥2.7 t/m3) defined by means of the D–V modelling are clearly correlated with porphyritic
quartz diorite defined by the 3D modelling of lithological drill core data (compare Fig. 4. 5
with Fig. 4. 8a). However, the high density rocks are also associated with andesite in the
marginal parts of the deposits, as illustrated in Fig. 4. 8b. The high density is not present
Fig. 4. 8. Voxels with density ≥2.7 t/m3 within lithological units: a) porphyritic quartz diorite, b)
Carranza (2011) has provided a method for determining the overlap correlations between
two binary models (See Chapter 3, section 3.8.1). An intersection operation between the
results from the fractal model and major lithological units was performed to obtain the
number of voxels corresponding to each of the four classes of overlap zones. Using the
number of voxels, Type I error (T1E), Type II error (T2E) and overall accuracy (OA) of the
fractal model were calculated with respect to the lithological model. Correlation between
the high density rocks obtained via the D–V fractal model and the major lithological units
show that the porphyritic quartz diorites have higher OA compared with andesitic and
dacitic rocks (OAPQD=0.65, as shown in Table. 4. 2). Moreover, overall accuracies of the
high density zones with andesite and dacite are 0.35 and 0.32, respectively, as depicted
in Tables 4. 3 and 4. 4.
Table. 4. 2. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E, respectively)
with respect to PQD rocks resulted from geological model and high density rocks obtained
through D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained values are the overlap number
of voxels between two binary geological and fractal models)
Table. 4. 3. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E, respectively) with
respect to andesite rocks resulted from geological model and high density rocks obtained
through D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained values are the overlap number of
voxels between two binary geological and fractal models)
Table. 4. 4. Overall accuracy (OA), Type I and Type II errors (T1E and T2E, respectively) with
respect to dacite rocks resulted from geological model and high density rocks obtained through
D–V fractal modelling of density data (the obtained values are the overlap number of voxels
between two binary geological and fractal models)
fractal (Yasrebi et al., 2013b) for separation of rock populations based on RQD as an
important parameter for the rock mass characterisation, can be shown in Equation 4-3:
Equation 4-3
Where V(ρ ≤ υ) and V(ρ ≥ υ) denote two volumes with RQD values less than or equal to
and greater than or equal to the contour value ρ; υ which represents the threshold value
of a volume; a1 and a2 which are characteristic exponents. Threshold values in this model
calculate V(ρ ≤ υ) and V(ρ ≥ υ), which are the volumes enclosed by a contour level ρ in a
3D model, the borehole data of RQD values were interpolated by using the IDW
RQD values were calculated to derive a RQD-V fractal model. Threshold values of RQD
were recognised in the RQD-V log–log plot (Fig. 4. 9) which reveals a power-law
relationship between RQD values and volumes occupied. Depicted arrows in the log–log
plot illustrate threshold values at three breakpoints corresponding to 3.55%, 25.12% and
89.12% for RQD. Based on the log–log plot, the excellent RQD populations are
considered to have > 89.12%. The range of RQD values between 89.12% and 25.12%
indicate a combination of good, fair and poor rock mass quality of which definition is in
accordance with the Deere and Miller rock classification (Table. 4. 1 and 4. 5). However,
very poor rock characterisation is for RQD < 25.12% containing of threshold value equal
to 3.55% so therefore, there are two very poor RQD populations in this deposit
Table. 4. 5. RQD populations (zones) based on three thresholds defined from RQD-V fractal
Deere and Miller RQD RQD Range Obtained by RQD-N The Amount of Voxels in Each RQD
Range within the Whole Model
Classification Log-log Plot
Based on the RQD-V fractal model, the majority of the deposit consists of very poor zones
which include 303,113 voxels (Fig. 4. 10 and Table. 4. 5). However, poor, fair and good
zones are present along NE-NW trend. Excellent zones in terms of RQD occur in the
central and NW parts of the deposit. As a result, for an RQD > 89.12%, the slope of the
straight line fit is near to 90° based on the RQD-V log–log plot (Fig. 4. 9).
Fig. 4. 10. RQD populations within the Kahang deposit based on thresholds defined from the
RQD-V fractal model: a) very poor zones, b) very poor zones, c) poor, fair and good zones, and
d) excellent zones
Results from the RQD-V model were correlated to the major lithological units (e.g.,
porphyritic quartz diorite, andesite and dacite: Fig. 4. 11a, c and e) which were
constructed using RockWorks™ v. 15 software and drill core data. Rocks with excellent
RQD, defined using the RQD-V model, show a good spatial correlation with porphyritic
quartz diorites, defined by the 3D modelling, in comparison with the andesite and dacite
lithological units (Table. 4. 6), particularly in the central and NW parts of the deposit (Fig.
4. 11b). Therefore, it can be concluded that the porphyritic quartz diorite unit hosts
Table. 4. 6. Amount of the excellent RQD populations (voxels) defined from the RQD-V fractal
model (RQD ≥ 89.12t/m3) in each major lithological unit within the Kahang deposit
Fig. 4. 11. a) 3D lithology model for porphyritic quartz diorite , b) porphyritic quartz diorite unit
based on the RQD-V model for RQD > 89.12%, c) 3D lithology model for andesite , d) andesite
unit associated with RQD > 89.12%, e) 3D lithology model for dacite , and f) dacite unit
associated with RQD > 89.12%
The RQD parameter is an extremely useful indicator of rock mass quality, especially if
used alongside density interpretation (Harrison, 1999; Zhang et al., 2012). This can lead
to better understanding of rock quality in the study area because density variation within
a rock mass has a direct relationship with changes in geomechanical properties such as
porosity and permeability (Singh and Baliga, 1994). Demonstration and analysis of the
correlation between RQD and density can be used in optimisation studies for the
determination of the ultimate pit limit and mine planning. As can be seen in the RQD
histogram (Fig. 4. 3) for all of the lithological units, the RQD average is around 48%
representing a “moderate” quality for the studied rock mass. However, use of the average
RQD can be misleading for design purposes. The increased RQD in the porphyritic quartz
diorite is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the density of the same rock type.
As a result, there is a positive correlation between RQD > 70% with density > 2.7t/m3, as
depicted in Fig. 4. 12. Since RQD is a quality indicator for the rock mass and is associated
different rock types, it can also be an indicator of potential slope stability. This suggests
that the porphyritic quartz diorite, which is the main host rock in this deposit, with a RQD
> 70% and a density > 2.7t/m3, would be associated with competent areas for potential
bench and slope stability which will ultimately influence the future pit slope design and
Fig. 4. 12. Correlation between RQD > 70% with density > 2.7t/m3 block model within the
4.5 Results
From the D–V log–log plot for the Kahang deposit, there is a mono-fractal model with a
break point in density at 2.7 t/m3. Correlation between the results of D–V and RQD models
reveals that the rock units with a higher density (>2.7t/m3) are associated with RQD values
> 70%. The final pit slope geometry and ultimate pit limit will depend on the economic
such as RQD, density can be used to assess geotechnical characteristics of the rock
mass1. This can then be used to evaluate potential slope stability and be incorporated
into a geotechnical risk model for the final pit geometry. Regions of high RQD may be
targeted as offering greater potential for increased slope angles or locations for siting of
critical haul roads. Regions of lower RQD should, where possible, be avoided for final pit
limits as they will require lower slope angles. As a result, it seems rather obvious that
there are likely to be multiple populations, presumably related to geology, e.g. lithology.
Certainly from a slope stability point of view it would be expected that anyone examining
this data would consider at least multiple domains for slope stability assessments, hence
two final pit slopes would be selected in determining an ultimate pit limit. Further
influence of the 3D fracture network and presence of any major discontinuity- controlled
The threshold RQD value for excellent rocks is 89.12% based on the fractal model as
situated in the central and NW parts of the deposit. Models of good and fair rocks in the
See Appendix. E for Density and RQD plans in different levels
central, eastern and NW parts of the deposit contain 25.12%–89.12% RQD values
according to the RQD-V model. According to the correlation between results derived by
fractal modelling and the major lithological unit of PQD in the Kahang deposit, rocks with
excellent RQD defined by the means of RQD-V model have a sensible correlation with
CHAPTER FIVE. Mining Optimisation
5.1 Introduction
Pit limit optimisations form an integral part of open pit mine planning and combined with
the other mine planning tools such as pit design and cut-off grade (COG) determination
are used in open pit mine planning to define the final pit limit and open pit mining
sequences (Johnson, 1968; Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006). Various definitions and
recognised techniques for the analysis of pit limit optimisation results have been
introduced, developed and consequently improved by the mining industry. Following this,
Armstrong (1990) said the Ultimate Pit Limit (UPL) is the maximum boundary of all
1. A block of the material will not be mined unless it can cover all costs for its
subsequent mining (ore and waste), processing (ore) and marketing (ore).
2. Any block meeting the first criterion will be included in the pit.
Whittle (1988) suggested that an ultimate pit meets the highest possible undiscounted
cash flow without considering of scheduling target including pushbacks and consequent
mine planning. Hustrulid (1995) proposed that the pit remaining at the end of mining (mine
life) is called the final or ultimate pit. However, the destination of the material with different
money values defined as cut-off grade must be identified meeting economic criteria. In
total, an ultimate pit is the pit producing the highest value of NPV compared with the other
potential pits. One of the best ways to recognise a final pit limit was suggested by Lerch
(Dynamic programming) to the conventional manual approach for open pit design through
a block model. They introduced a block model of a mine by a weighted directed graph
where each vertex represents the blocks and each arc represents the blocks
interdependency from an excavation perspective. The direction of the arcs from a vertex
to the other vertex reveals the excavation priority of the second block to the first block
and so on by the weights (e.g. NPV of each block) which comes from the blocks’ economic
values (Caccetta and Giannini, 1988; Akbari et al., 2008; Yasrebi et al., 2011). They
proposed that the aim of an ultimate pit limit is to find the maximum weight of the above-
stated weighted directed graph. In other words, the most famous optimisation algorithm
is the Lerch and Grossman algorithm which considers the influences of operating costs,
product prices, slope geometry, etc. The Lerch and Grossman algorithm is utilised with
introduces pit shells from revenue factors. The actual design has to also address
functional considerations such as haul road access, cut-off grades and processing, etc.
The determination of the final pit limit is one of the most significant aspects which must
be frequently reviewed and correspondingly corrected in the early stages and throughout
a mine life on the basis of deposit information and changes in economic parameters due
to uncertainty of the relative metal’s world commodity price and related mining costs
(Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2002; Akbari et al., 2008; Yasrebi et al., 2011; Asad and
function of financial affairs, which is well defined by Break-Even Stripping Ratio (BESR).
according to the final exploration information and economical regime of the country in
which the project is being carried out (Johnson, 1968). In other words, identification of a
final pit limit can be examined at almost every stage of a project, from exploration program
The determination of a final pit limit in an open pit mine in various implementation forms
is one of the most fundamentally important aspects of mine design which can produce
feasible optimum pit development geometries considering the geology, grade, slope and
ultimate pit limit is just one of the many steps which are used in optimisation studies and
following this, engineers continue to utilise software packages which can achieve yearly
optimised mine plans or even selective mining designs. The goal of this chapter is to
determine the ultimate pit limit of the Kahang deposit by employing 3D block models (for
Cu and Mo) via the C-V fractal model and rock mass characterisation through D-V and
RQD-V fractal models by which the achieved results can be comprehensively adjusted
for all kinds of open pit mines in a way that can be used by mine planners.
One way to maximise the use of block modelling functions in order to optimise the pit
design process is to fully integrate block modelling and slope stability analysis. This is
because it is believed that optimised slope stability results in a lower amount of waste
material removed which reduces mining cost and correspondingly raises the NPV of the
whole project (Lerch and Grossmann, 1965; Koenigsberg, 1982; Hustrulid and Kuchta,
2006; Yasrebi et al., 2011 and 2014; Marcotte and Caron, 2013). In addition, there is a
logical action where one identifies different rock types (ore or waste) in terms of the
grades of each block. This process can be further enhanced by defining at every block
information was required for the study (Fig. 5. 1). Technical data and economic
information are crucial within the optimisation process. These factors greatly influence pit
design. A sensitivity analysis was carried out on the basis of technical and economic
parametric changes for the mining strategy (See chapter 6). The Lerch and Grossman
algorithm considers the influences of operating costs, product prices, slope geometry,
Fig. 5. 1. a) Design procedure in an open pit mine with regard to ultimate pit limit determination
(Akbari et al., 2008) and b) steps in mining design and planning by circular and interdependent
analysis (Osanloo et al., 2008b)
5.2 Methodology
Initially, the dataset obtained from a block model, via the C-V fractal model, was exported
in the form of a table or Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) format which is compatible
with optimisation software packages. Before this, careful validation of all data analysed
and deposit block model which includes ore grade, rock density and rock type. The result
of this was a deposit reserve estimation and the likely modification of existing geological
maps matching the general observation of the region in question, and new cross sections.
Following this, NPV Scheduler was used in order to establish the final pit limit in terms of
the maximum Net Present Value (NPV) and associated ‘’Pushbacks’’ to produce a best
case mining scenario (Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Elkington and Durham, 2011; Yasrebi
et al., 2011; Armstrong and Galli, 2012). To do this, all the required data such as grade,
density and rock type (1 for ore and 0 for waste) and other similar data were entered as
numerical values into each of the deposit’s block models. Resulting 3D models were
1- Coordinates for the centre of sub cells in each plan were entered into an EXCEL
3- Coordinates and grades for each block (in all plans) were input into an EXCEL
4- Contours were drawn for minerals and specified zones in each plan;
7- Grades were allocated for each block and the geological 3D models were
5.3 Deposit Block Model via the C-V Fractal Model for Optimisation
Data from the C-V fractal model for the deposit (Fig. 5. 2) was entered into the
chapter 3 section 3.7.2, Table. 3. 8 and Fig. 3. 23a), the C-V fractal model has provided
a mathematic tool to delineate geochemical populations from ‘barren’ host rock, including
weakly mineralised zones, thus providing a cut-off grade. The mineralised zones with Cu
less than 0.075 wt.%, apparent from the C-V log-log plot (Table. 3. 8 and Fig. 3. 23a), are
(Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou, 2010). From this, a Cu deposit
block model was generated, at Cu ≥ 0.075, resulting in lower stripping, as shown in Fig.
5. 2. As can be seen, the weakly mineralised zones with less than 0.075 wt.% Cu occur
within the marginal parts of the deposit (e.g., propylitic and argillic alteration zones; Lowell
Fig. 5. 2. a) Estimated Cu block model and b) estimated Cu block model excluding Cu ≤ 0.075
data, are presented in a 3D block model entered in the optimisation software, prepared
using the most recent topographical maps. It is clear that blocks located between
topographical surfaces and deposit surfaces are considered as waste blocks and are
parameters are approximate. If they are changed then new optimisation studies have to
be carried out. However, generally, the variance of the results obtained from changing
these parameters are so insignificant that many of these parameters could be used
reliably with current approximations. Final slope angles of the mine are considered to be
the most influential geometrical parameters in an optimisation study (Singh and Baliga,
1994; Wyllie and Mah, 2004; Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou,
2010). Optimisation software algorithms have been designed in such a way that the
blocks of different levels are extracted given this gradient (final pit slope). In NPV
Scheduler, a slope region is a physical volume to which a particular group of overall slope
As a general rule, slope stability studies for establishing an accurate final pit slope should
needed which are often obtained after completion of drilling operations and geotechnical
studies (Little, 2006; Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou, 2010; Yasrebi et al., 2014). Therefore,
calculation of a final slope for a mine is the most essential matter which should be studied
carefully at the initial stages of design (See chapter 4). Unfortunately, due to the lack of
systematic drilling and sub-surface data in the Kahang deposit, the possibility of studying
slope stability is precluded. So, error percentage of any study performed using these
kinds of observations in this regard will be very high and accordingly the accuracy of the
Density-Volume and RQD-Volume fractal models have been created. As a result, the
mine’s general gradient of 35° and 45° have been applied for performing optimisation
calculations (Fig. 5. 4). However, the extracted benches are characterised according to
the general features of the mine under consideration and more importantly on the basis
of extraction capacity and the machines and equipment to be allocated during mining. In
well as harmonisation of the plan and executed plans, the heights of the benches have
been constrained to 10 m.
Fig. 5. 4. Stable pit slopes in the Kahang deposit, input into NPV Scheduler (See also chapter 4)
The results obtained from the optimisation software naturally have a ‘blocky’ nature so it
is necessary to use the characteristics of the benches and the roads in detail for
optimisation within the supplied ultimate pit surface. Given that, the phases and then
pushbacks need to be designed at different working slope angles to the final overall slope
angles. It makes more sense to use the working angles for internal phase and subsequent
neighbouring deposits (e.g., Sharif Abad Cu porphyry deposit located in Isfahan province,
central Iran; Dareh-Zereshk and Ali Abad Cu porphyry deposits in Yazd province and Dalli
determined as follows:
Face angle of the extracted benches: 70°
The estimate of cut-off grade is not consistent with the corresponding values for other
geometrical shape and especially economical parameters which are different from one
deposit to another (Lerch and Grossmann, 1965; Lane, 1988; Osanloo and Ataei, 2003;
Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; See Chapter 3, section 3.7.2 and Appendix. A).
capacity in this research should be subject to various detailed and basic studies.
Fortunately, optimisation software has useful capabilities that make it possible for
designers to conduct such studies extensively. Since the annual production will be limited;
i.e. around 1,000,000 tonnes (as the nominal capacity of the plant); this amount has been
density of that block. It is clear that the tonnage of blocks located in each zone is
determined on the basis of each zones’ ore density. The average density of three major
lithological units of porphyritic quartz diorite (PQD), andesite (ANS) and dacite (DAC)
Table. 5. 1. Ore density average of the mineralisation zones within the deposit
Density Average
Lithological Unit
Porphyritic Quartz Diorite 2.67
Andesite 2.69
Dacite 2.68
The density 3D model for the studied deposit, including all densities within the lithological
units (three of which are illustrated in Fig. 5. 5), were generated using IDWAM. The aim
was to generate the finalised block model (database) for the optimisation study (Yasrebi
et al., 2014).
Fig. 5. 5. Density distribution for block models in the Kahang deposit for a) PQD, b) ANS, and c)
DAC lithological units (See abbreviation table for lithological units)
the value of each block, some factors such as processing efficiency within the different
ore minerals must be calculated and applied in this study. By referring to the results of
mineral processing tests, obtained by the laboratory, and the data sources (See
Appendix. A) provided by the deposit owner, NICICO, the percentage of mining recovery,
mining dilution and recovery fraction for concentrated Cu and Mo have been specified as
Mining dilution: 3%
5.9 Economic Principles
5.9.1 Prices and Expenses
The results obtained from optimisation studies are significantly affected by the price of
the product (Fig. 5. 6) and operational costs of production. These parameters must
principles, and the large influence they have on the results, the above-mentioned
Determination of operational costs including ore and waste exploitation costs and milling
costs for the Kahang deposit is a demanding task. However, after consideration of studies
conducted previously and simulation of cost figures incorporated in the records of Iranian
(as well as western authorities; See chapter 1, section 1.5 for political context of mining
in Iran), these values were determined by the deputy of the Economic and Financial
Department of NICICO (See Appendix. A for data sources) and then included in the NPV
Fig. 5. 6. Metal commodity prices during the optimisation study: a) copper, and b) molybdenum
(London Metal Exchange, 2015a and b)
Table. 5. 2. Prices and mining costs for the Kahang optimisation study
Mining Mining Milling
Unit Unit Cost Unit
Price Unit Cost CAF Cost
& Selling
Waste - - 4 $/m3 1 - - - -
*Rock type mining CAF (Cost Adjustment Factor) = Mining cost for rock type/ Reference
the basis of exploitation time. Indeed, this task was undertaken by consideration of an
annual discount rate and updating the value of the blocks intended to be exploited in the
coming years. By comparing the optimisation studies of different mining projects in Iran,
it can be concluded that this annual rate varies slightly from project to project as this was
defined by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) from 10% to 18% for short-term and long-term
projects, respectively (Fig. 5. 7a; Appendix. A. However, discount rate can be higher or
less than the above-mentioned one for foreign investors in regard to their countries’
economic principles (e.g., in the United Kingdom, rates were cut to 0.5% by the Monetary
Policy Committee; Fig. 5. 7b). Iran has been a World Trade Organisation (WTO) observer
member since 2005 and policy of the Iranian government is to facilitate absorption and
development of foreign investment for the country’s mining projects as well as oil and gas
development projects by providing a secure investment climate and creating free trade
zones (See chapter 1, section 1.5). In addition, because of low labour and energy costs
in Iran, mining projects and related minerals production, which consume huge volume of
energy, are profitable for foreign fund managers and companies (e.g., British-based
Fig. 5. 7. Annual discount rates for choice of parameters and model outputs for domestic and
foreign decision makers, a) Iran b) United Kingdom (Trading Economics, 2015)
Given that the Kahang deposit is considered as a short-term project, a discount rate of
14% has been conservatively applied in optimisation calculations because the project
individual and governmental mining sectors in Iran, are seeking foreign investors, as
revealed by the Minister of Industries, Mines and Commerce of Iran (See section 1.5).
However, an extension of exploratory boreholes for the Kahang deposit is required, which
is likely to increase the reserve due to better geological constraints. The discount rate of
the project will be higher than 14% if the project expansion goes ahead which
correspondingly will increase the mine life so that Kahang becomes a long-term project.
The supplied discount rate is intended to determine the discounted cash flow (DCF). The
5.9.3 Cut-off Grade
Specifying the cut-off grade strategy is a matter which should be discussed before
consideration of the cost of mining, cost of processing as well as the price of the
commodity (Cairns and Shinkuma, 2003; Osanloo and Ataei, 2003; He et al., 2009; Wang
et al., 2010b). However, prior to performing such studies, it is necessary that a cut-off
grade needs to be considered for separating the blocks containing ore and waste. In
optimisation software, a grade is calculated similarly which is called the marginal limit
grade. The COG for the optimisation study is calculated in order to identify the best course
of action, either to mine or to leave, to mill or to dump. A COG of 0.07 wt.% Cu was
Where NPV, I1, I2, MC, MR, PC1 and PC2 are Net Present Value of each voxel, incomes of
Cu and Mo, mining cost for a voxel, mining recovery and processing costs for Cu and Mo,
respectively. Furthermore, PCu, PMo and PR are the metal commodity price for Cu and Mo
and fraction recovery. In addition, D, V, MCPU, PCPU, G1 and G2 denote voxel density,
voxel volume, mining cost per volume unit, processing cost per tonnage unit, Cu and Mo
concentration values, respectively. Economic cut-of grade was calculated using Equation
5-1, illustrated in Table. 5. 3. This indicates that the economic COG for Cu as the main
target is equal to 0.07 wt.% which has almost equal to the first threshold obtained by the
Mo Income Processing
Mining Processing Income Voxel Mining Processing Voxel
Price Cu Cost Cu
Recovery Recovery Mo ($/g) Cost ($/m3) Cost Mo ($/g) NPV ($)
($/g) ($/Tonne) ($/Tonne)
specified by application of the Lerch & Grossman algorithm in the mine’s economic model.
Through this method, a pit with maximum cash flow is determined. If the magnitude of the
pit is greater than this limit, it means that profitability will be low. Tables 5. 4 and 5. 5
depict the imported model data (the database obtained by the means of the C-V fractal
model extended by topography) and economic model of the Kahang deposit (Yasrebi et
Table. 5. 4. Initial imported data into the optimisation software based on Fig. 3. 13 and Table. 5.
The individual economic parameters of all sequences, before a finalised optimisation
As a general rule, nested pits which have the greatest cash flow are considered as the
mine’s ultimate pit limit. Tables 5. 6 and 5. 7 represent the specifications of the final pit
and ultimate pit limit reserve report. As a result, the pit located at the elevation equal to
2225 m (Fig. 5. 8) is determined as the Kahang final pit limit in which the NPV value, ore
and waste amount, strip ratio and mine lifetime are $3,032,862, 3,648,294 tonnes,
Fig. 5. 8. Kahang pit limit 3D view without consideration of ramps and safety berms
Table. 5. 6. Ultimate pit statistics determined by NPV Scheduler
optimised limit, but after completion of this phase, a general scenario for exploitation of
this pit and so-called exploitation sequences (Nested pits) will be discussed and optimised
in the form of some smaller pits (Koenigsberg, 1982; Bond, 1995; Yamatomi et al., 1995;
Darwen, 2001; NPV – Scheduler, 2001; Goodwin et al., 2008; Marcotte and Caron, 2013).
Occasionally, a mine is exploited at one stage and the ultimate pit is not divided into
smaller pits. Indeed, this condition is considered as the worst mining scenario. To improve
the economic and technical outcome, the ultimate pit will be designed in the form of mining
sequences as nested pits. By increasing the number of mining phases, the best mining
scenario will be achieved due to increase the number of working benches increasing
production capacity. In a different definition, after generation of the ultimate pit, internal
phases (pit shells) will be produced (Table. 5. 8 and Fig. 5. 9), each of which may be
The phase conducted for a supplied final pit is utilised as the basis for generation of a
nested pit, which is a block by block extraction sequence, and consequent optimal
extraction sequence (OES). However, each phase has been constructed to present the
the optimised number which ensures the project’s profitability and does not impose
designing open pit mines (Akbari et al., 2008; Yasrebi et al., 2011).
Table. 5. 8. Pit optimisation phases of the Kahang deposit
Fig. 5. 9. Pit optimisation within the internal pit shells, stages of 80%, 90% and 100%, driven by
NPV Scheduler based on Table. 5. 8 (Cumulative profit, Incremental revenue, Incremental
total ore and Cumulative total ore)
5.10.3 Nested Pits
Nested pits are a collection of optimised pits which are calculated on the basis of the
Lerch & Grossman algorithm (Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006). Indeed, constructing
analyses such as specifying the ultimate optimised pit as well as determining the
The total number of extraction sequences existing in the Kahang deposit reaches 100. In
other words, a maximum revenue factor of more than 100%, which is recommended in
NPV Scheduler software, can be determined, in which case the largest ultimate pit
produced is a pit ‘past the peak’, in terms of the base economic parameters (NPV –
Scheduler, 2001; See Table. H. 1 for both incremental and cumulative NPVs). Tonnage
of exploitable mineral, waste, waste ratio, cash flow and current value of the pits have
been calculated individually as depicted in Appendix. H. With this useful data, one is able
to perform the required analysis, detect a pit’s optimised limit and design an exploitation
schedule and timetable. In other words, the importance of nested pits is not always
evident in the long-term open pit planning procedure. Usually a mining sequence is
derived from a simple selection of pit shells based on optimum pit limits. The performance
of the obtained mining sequence to the production constraints is generally not questioned
alternative optimal pits in order to generate the best mining sequences (Dincer, 2001;
Godoy and Dimitrakopoulos, 2004; Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Osanloo et al., 2008a;
Elkington and Durham, 2011). For all of the blocks inside the ultimate pit, an OES is also
constructed. This aims to achieve the highest DCF based on the given discount rate and
ore processing rate. The phase structure created for a supplied final pit is utilised as the
basis for constructing the OES (a block by block extraction sequence). It may be that
some blocks towards the end of the ultimate pit may not be added to the DCF, in which
case a smaller pit than the ultimate pit could produce the highest DCF. In other words,
the ultimate pit limit may have smaller magnitude than the recognised final pit when it
indicates that the addition of higher sequences does not increase the pit NPV (See
No. 92 (specified as the Kahang ultimate pit limit due to the fact that the NPV cumulative
trend becomes steady), the mining operation can be terminated at this point (Fig. 5. 10).
The exploitable reserve existing (ore) at this point (from sequence 1 to 92) amounts to
3,291,944 tonnes with the total NPV of $2,884,968 and a strip ratio of 3.919. Furthermore,
the cumulative profit value at the mentioned extraction sequence is equal to £7,853,825.
It is good to bear in mind that the data obtained from this pit should not be considered as
a basis for the design during optimisation studies because mining orientation has not
been yet recognised. However, after selecting and designing the extraction phases
Fig. 5. 10. Comparison between incremental and cumulative NPV values for the Kahang
deposit, driven by NPV Scheduler based on Table. H. 1 (the black arrow indicates sequence
No. 92 which specifies the Kahang ultimate pit limit)
The boreholes drilled in the Kahang deposit are not evenly distributed (anisotropic grid
drilling), with a particularly large gap between the main cluster and the three drill holes
(KAG-43, KAG-38 and KAG-30) located in the NW of the study area, as depicted in the
Fig. 5. 11. The gap is due to the existence of a private garden that the National Iranian
Copper Industries Co (NICICO), as the project holder, is not allowed to enter and conduct
any drilling, even underneath. However, the aim of the comparative case study is to ignore
the three isolated boreholes and to compare the relative changes in terms of reserve
estimation, Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal log-log plot and finally the consequential
As a result, the Kahang deposit was modelled with 263,410 voxels corresponding to
112,950,208 tonnes of sulphide ore (Fig. 5. 12) with an average grade of 0.166 wt.%
based on a Cu distribution function which is not normal (Fig. 5. 13).
Fig. 5. 12. 3D Cu block model excluding the three isolated boreholes
Fig. 5. 13. Cu histogram from original data in the Kahang deposit excluding the isolated
The C-V log-log plot for the new Cu block model indicates that there are four Cu
populations corresponding to 0.071 wt.%, 0.4 wt.% and 1.86 wt.% (Fig. 5. 14 and Table.
5. 9). Cu concentrations higher than 1.86 wt.% are from an enriched zone.
Fig. 5. 14. C-V log-log plot for Cu concentrations, excluding the three isolated boreholes
Table. 5. 9. Cu thresholds defined by the C-V model in the Kahang deposit, ignoring the three
isolated boreholes
The Cu average values with and without the three boreholes are 0.164 wt.% and 0.166
wt.% respectively, and the Cu histograms are similar in the both scenarios. Moreover, the
Cu estimated histogram in the new scenario (Fig. 5. 15) is similar to the Cu estimated
from all of the bore holes (See chapter 3). The comparison between two block models is
Fig. 5. 15. Estimated Cu histogram, ignoring the 3 boreholes located in the NW part of the
Table. 5. 10. Comparison between results obtained from the two Cu block models
45 Boreholes by
Ignoring the Three 0.152 263,410 >1.86
112,950,208 0.166
Isolated Boreholes
Located in the NW
The pit located with an elevation equal to 2210 m (Table. 5. 11) is determined as the new
Kahang final pit limit in which the NPV value corresponds to $3,731,732. Furthermore,
the ore and waste, strip ratio and mining lifetime report values of 1,475,582 tonnes,
Table. 5. 12. Ultimate pit characteristic for the comparative case study
Cumulative Data
Processing Mining Strip
Profit Revenue NPV Total Rock Total Ore Total Waste
Cost Cost Ratio
$ $ $ $ $ Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes
4,301,274 21,355,959 6,494,525 10,560,160 3,731,732 6,188,790 1,475,582 4,713,207 3.194
The total number of nested pits existing in this scenario reaches 100 extraction
sequences and five pit shells (Table. 5. 13). The sequence No. 90 is determined as the
OES with NPV equal to $3,590,462. In addition, the total ore and waste and
corresponding strip ratio at this point reports as 1,349,158 tonnes, 4,228,982 tonnes and
Fig. 5. 16. Cumulative NPV and profit values for the comparative case study driven by NPV
Scheduler (the black arrow indicates sequence No. 90 which specifies the Kahang ultimate pit
Table. 5. 13. Pit optimisation phases for the comparative case study
5.13 Results
One of the most crucial parameters in mining is the cut-off grade (COG) which defines
the grade for discriminating between ore and waste in an orebody over a mine life. The
results of this study show that the economic COG of the Kahang for Cu is 0.07 wt.% which
Determination and analysis of the complete dataset, and the run without the three remote
drill holes, indicates that this deposit shows a positive NPV meaning that it is financially
feasible to produce Cu (as the main target) and Mo (by-product) for decision makers. The
pits located at elevations equal to 2225 m and 2210 m were determined as the Kahang
final pit limit for the complete dataset and dataset without the remote drill holes,
respectively (Tables. 5. 7 and 5. 11). The differences between the two scenarios
mentioned above in terms of the ultimate pit characteristics are shown in Table. 5. 14.
Table. 5. 14. Differences between ultimate pit limits characteristics of the complete dataset and
without the three remote drill holes
Dataset without
the Three Remote 3,731,732 1,475,582 4,713,207 3.19 1.48
Drill Holes
The NPV value of the pit without the three isolated drill holes is higher than the pit
generated with the complete dataset, although the productivity of the first scenario is
From a comparison of the two ultimate pit limit scenarios the sequence No. 92 was
determined as the Kahang optimal extraction sequence (OES) with respect to the
complete dataset. However, for the run without the three remote drill holes, sequence No.
Table. 5. 15. Differences between optimal extraction sequences characteristics of the complete
dataset (sequence No. 92) and without the three remote drill holes (sequence No. 90)
From the optimisation models run for the two scenarios, the cumulative profit value for
the Kahang deposit is lower when ignoring the three remote drill holes which may be due
to lower productivity (e.g., ore tonnage). From this, completion of more comprehensive
and systematic drilling in the deposit, especially to overcome the gap between boreholes
shown in Fig. 5. 11, seems sensible as it will likely increase the reserve due to better
geological constraints.
CHAPTER SIX. Present Value-Volume (PV-V)
Fractal Modelling for Mining Strategy Selection
6.1 Introduction
The definition of optimal pit limits and profit is a fundamental part of prefeasibility and
feasibility studies in open pit mines (Koenigsberg, 1982; Dowd and Onur, 1993; Whittle,
1998b; Bernabe, 2001; Dincer, 2001; Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2007; Osanloo et al., 2008a;
Armstrong and Galli, 2012). The pit limit defines the ore and waste tonnages and the ore
values. The OES of the optimal pit represents a maximised Net Present Value (NPV).
The classical problem of pit optimisation is solvable using well-known and efficient
algorithms like the Lerch and Grossmann (1965) in order to reach the highest value of
DCF (Picard, 1976; Bond, 1995; Seymour, 1995; Hustrulid and Kuchta, 2006; Yasrebi et
al., 2011; Mart and Markey, 2013). In practice, pit optimisation is performed on voxels
whose true grades are unknown and can only be estimated or simulated using the
available information. However, future metals’ commodity prices are uncertain (Dowd,
1994; Marcotte and Caron, 2013). One of the key pieces of information required is an
optimal determination of the COG which depends on all of the salient technological
features of mining, such as the capacity of extraction and of milling, the geometry and
geology of the orebody and the optimal grade of ore to send for processing (Dagdelen
and Mohammed, 1997; Cairns and Shinkuma, 2003). Following this, Krautkraemer (1988)
found that the COG changing rate depends on the difference between the price and the
rate of interest. As a result, an increase in the metal’s commodity price reduces the COG
(Cairns and Shinkuma, 2003). Alternatively, when the metal price drops producers
attempt to mine ores with higher grades. Consequently, it is often necessary to design a
of maturity time, geological factors, engineering parameters, economic conditions and
political issues which can all influence the economic regime (Costa Lima and Suslick,
The project value is a linear function with respect to commodity price (e.g., Costa Lima
and Suslick, 2006; Asad and Dimitrakopoulos, 2013; Fig. 6. 1). However, in real cases,
project value is a nonlinear function due to the effects of grade distributions, fixed and
variable costs due to the spatial location of mineable voxels (Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2002;
Costa Lima and Suslick, 2006; Elkington and Durham, 2011; Marcotte and Caron, 2013).
Open pit mine design and long-term sequencing is an intricate and critically important part
of mining ventures. It provides the technical plan to be followed from mine development
to mine closure which has a profound effect on the economic value of the mine. Therefore,
the aim of this chapter is to propose a Present Value-Volume (PV-V) fractal model to
identify an accurate excavation orientation with respect to the economic principals of all
voxels within the Cu-Mo block model. This is obtained using the C-V fractal model and
voxels located within the determined ultimate pit limit which will take into account best
mining strategy.
Fig. 6. 1. Linear relationship between the NPV and metal prices
6.2 Methodology
Based on the Cu-Mo block model of the Kahang deposit obtained by means of the C-V
fractal model (See chapter 3), a dataset was created for economic modelling including
the voxel’s coordination, density (See chapter 4), Cu and Mo values and metal prices,
rock type, mining and processing costs, recoveries and revenue (economic principals)
with respect to the each voxel. The PV values were calculated for each voxel.
Subsequently, a PV-V fractal model was generated for classification of the voxels’ values
Equation 6-1
Where V(ρPV≤υ) and V(ρPV≥υ) denote volumes (V) with PV values (ρPV) that are,
respectively, smaller and greater than PV threshold values υ. a1 and a2 are characteristic
Fig. 6. 2. Present Value (PV) block model for the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit (the grey
platform distinguishes the boundary between open pit and underground mining surfaces based
on chapter 5, section 5.10.1 and Table. 5. 7)
Secondly, the excavation orientation (pushbacks) were defined based on the results
obtained from the fractal modelling. In addition, a NPV-Cumulative Total Ore (NPV-CTO)
fractal model, in line with mining sequences (Nested pits: See Appendix. H), was
proposed in order to validate an optimal extraction sequences (OES). The fractal model
CTO(ρNPV≤υ) ∞ ρNPV−a1; CTO(ρNPV≥υ) ∞ ρNPV–a2
Equation 6-2
Where CTO(ρNPV≤υ) and CTO(ρNPV≥υ) reveal cumulative total ore (CTO) with NPV values
(ρNPV) that are, respectively, smaller and greater than NPV threshold values. υ defines
those CTO and a1 and a2 are characteristic exponents as fractal dimensions. For
According to the PV calculation for each voxel of the Kahang block model, 86,650 voxels
consisting of the positive PV values were used. The PV histogram generated based on
median was found to be $1,668 which reveals that the majority of voxels with positive
PVs have values lower than the mean. Moreover, most of the voxels contain PV values
lower than $10,000 and also a few voxels (1,253 voxels) have a PV value higher than
$20,000. Finally, a histogram of cumulative NPV was generated based on the mining
sequences derived via the optimisation operation considering the positive NPV values,
as depicted in Fig. 6. 3. Twelve out of 100 nested pits have positive cumulative NPV
values (See Appendix. H). There is a multimodal distribution for this variable. The main
population has high values of cumulative NPVs which are greater than its mean
Fig. 6. 3. a) Profit value histogram based on PV block model, and b) NPV histogram based on
6.4 Application of PV-V Model
According to the 3D PV block model, a PV-V fractal model has been created which, from
log-log plot, shows that there are four populations corresponding to $501, $1,995,
$19,054 and $31,623 (Fig. 6. 4). This indicates that there is a multifractal nature in terms
of the PV values within the deposit. The voxels with high and extreme values of PV
commence from $19,054 and $31,623, respectively, which exist in the NE and central
parts of the area (Fig. 6. 5). The majority of voxels have PV values between $1,995 and
$19,054 in the deposit (third population in the log-log plot) entitled moderate population
of PV, as depicted in Fig. 6. 5. The number of voxels is around 112,000 and 134,000 in
the weak and moderate populations based on the PV-V model, as depicted in Table. 6.
1. Low amounts of voxels (<2600) contain the high and extreme populations with high
values of PV. Most of the voxels with high and extreme PV values exist at depth, in the
Fig. 6. 5. PV distribution within the deposit based on the PV-V fractal modelling consisting of a)
Based on the ultimate pit limit (See chapter 5), most of the voxels with high and extreme
PV values are situated in the deeper parts of the mine, as depicted in Fig. 6. 6. The
majority of these voxels are close to the open pit limit, especially in the central part, which
means that an ultimate pit limit can be moved deeper if detailed grid drilling can be carried
out. The PV plans in the different excavation levels were derived via a PV block model
and classified on the basis of PV-V fractal modelling to propose an accurate mining
orientation in order to achieve an earlier pay-back period (Fig. 6. 7). As a result, the PV
values increase from the north of the deposit to the south which is defined as the
excavation orientation.
Fig. 6. 6. Voxels with high and extreme PV values within the deposit (the grey platform
distinguishes the boundary between open pit and underground mining surfaces based on
chapter 5, section 5.10.1 and Table. 5. 7)
Fig. 6. 7. PV plan views based on the PV-V fractal model in elevations of: a) 2230 m, b) 2240 m,
6.5 Application of NPV-CTO Model
The criteria used to determine an OES is subjective in the sense that the chosen
sequence is the one that has the NPV nearest to the highest NPV calculated via NPV
method to reduce the number of required mining sequences and practical time to obtain
optimisation software (i.e., NPV Scheduler). In addition, this model reduces the number
of analyses and data transfer processes that are often necessary in standard computer-
based practice for open pit optimisation. This is necessary to overcome probable mining
risks due to uncertainty resulting from e.g. any sudden economic changes or a decrease
in the commodity metal price especially if this happens at the end of mine life (Godoy and
Dimitrakopoulos, 2004; Montiel and Dimitrakopoulos, 2013). However, the best selection
of mining sequence is determined when the NPV cumulative trend becomes steady (See
chapter 5, Fig. 5. 10). This selection for identification of an OES is controlled manually,
typically from a nested pit shell methodology based on the experience of the engineer,
and consequently an optimum solution for this problematic issue cannot be developed
and it may lead to suboptimal results (Lerch and Grossmann, 1965; Bond, 1995; Hustrulid
and Kuchta, 2006; Elkington and Durham, 2011; Mart and Markey, 2013). As a result, a
In the author’s view, a proposed model should be rigorously tested against those already
available, and the possible errors discussed. Therefore, results of the proposed fractal
model were compared with the results of the OES, generated from NPV Scheduler (See
chapter 5 and Appendix. H). The NPV-CTO log-log plot indicates a mono-fractal nature
meaning that there is only one threshold value which corresponds to $2,754,229 and
3,288,516 tonnes of minable ore (Fig. 6. 8). The result of an obtained OES (from Chapter
5), which is the point that mining will be suspended due to a steady trend in the cumulative
NPV, is close to the result achieved through the NPV-CTO model. Possible errors for this
Table. 6. 2. Comparison between OESs regarding cumulative NPV and ore, calculated from
NPV Scheduler and NPV-CTO fractal model
NPV ($) Ore (Tonne) NPV ($) Ore (Tonne) NPV (%) Ore (%)
Fig. 6. 8. The NPV-CTO log-log plot in the Kahang deposit
6.6 Results
From the PV-V log–log plot from Kahang, there is a multifractal PV distribution within the
deposit. In addition, there are five threshold values meaning four PV populations for the
deposit. The threshold value of $1995 is the commencement of the moderate population
which occurs in the majority of voxels within the deposit. The high PV values are present
in the NE and central parts of the deposit. The extreme values are situated at the depth
and NW parts, around the three remote drill holes. The 2D and 3D maps for PV
distribution show that the profitability increases from the north to south of the deposit
The NPV-Cumulative Total Ore (NPV-CTO) fractal model was proposed in order to find
an OES. The NPV-CTO log–log plot from the Kahang deposit shows that there is a mono-
fractal model which has a threshold value for cumulative NPV and enclosing ore equal to
$2,754,229 and 3,288,516 tonnes, respectively. This indicates that the mining operation
can be terminated when reaching this point to reduce the number of required mining
sequences. This overcomes probable mining risks due to uncertainty of the relative
The comparison between the results for OES calculated from NPV Scheduler and NPV-
CTO fractal model shows that the errors for NPV and minable ore are 4% and 0.1%,
respectively. This may suggest that the developed model is reliable and can be used
beyond the Kahang deposit in determination of an OES for open pit mines.
CHAPTER SEVEN. Conclusions and
Recommendation for Future Work
Conventional methods including calculation of mean and standard derivation (SD),
probability graphs, explorational data analysis (EDA) and multivariate data analysis have
been widely used in geochemical exploration. However, these methods do not consider
modelling (the most commonly used fractal models have been introduced in this thesis).
fractal/multifractal models for this purpose have been introduced and used in different
kinds of deposits (e.g., Qulong copper deposit, Tibet, western China; Sungun porphyry
copper deposit, Iran; Mitchell Sulphurets precious metal district, British Columbia,
undiscovered mineral deposits in Gejiu, Yunnan province, China; Zaghia iron ore deposit,
central Iran; Tangedezan Pb–Zn carbonate hosted deposits, central Iran; bauxite
orebodies in the Guangxi province, China). The fractal/multifractal modelling has been
shown to be a useful tool for mineral exploration, rock mechanics and economical
evaluation of the Kahang porphyry deposit due to ore elements, rock mass and
economical parameter variation. The advantages of the fractal modelling, using C-V, D-
V, RQD-V, PV-V and NPV-CTO, is its simplicity and easy computational implementation,
as well as the possibility to compute numerical values for variables, e.g., geochemical
data, density, RQD and present value (PV) thresholds, which are deemed to be the most
Evaluation of ore element distribution via the C-V fractal model was carried out to
separate ‘barren’ host rock, below the cut-off grade in an open pit optimisation, from
mineralised zones, especially for the cases in which element concentrations occur in the
A comparison between the resulting 3D models from multifractal analysis and traditional
statistical methods indicates that the statistical methods can only consider the elemental
concentration and they ignore the spatial variability in the block models of the deposits
which may appear within the model. In fractal models, the spatial correlation of data is of
interest such as Cu and Mo grades, density, RQD and PV. Statistical analysis applied to
the data has shown non-normal distribution for Cu, Mo, density, RQD and PV.
Accordingly, in statistics, only one threshold can be extracted for each element which is
the mean value. The multifractal model provides several thresholds separating various
The Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in this case study consists of Eocene volcanic–
pyroclastic rocks which were intruded by Oligo-Miocene porphyric granitoids rocks, quartz
lithology, alteration and zonation and also subsurface geochemical data including Cu and
Mo values in this study have shown a porphyry deposit in this area. The main host rock
is porphyritic quartz diorite for Cu-Mo mineralisation. The alteration map in Fig. 2. 5a
shows four major types of hydrothermal alterations in the Kahang deposit: potassic,
phyllic, argillic and propylitic. The most extensive hydrothermal alteration zone in the
Kahang is phyllic. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite and molybdenite are seen in this zone,
but the major sulphide mineral is pyrite. The Cu mean value within this zone is equal to
0.14 wt.% based on raw data from drill holes. This zone has occupied a large part of the
deposit from depth to surface (Fig. 2. 13). Potassic alteration is observable in the NW and
deep parts of the deposit. The common potassic alteration zone in Kahang was
distinguished from the presence of mineral assemblages (e.g., KF, secondary biotite,
quartz veins and veinlets, magnetite and chlorite). Moreover, there is evidence of potassic
alteration to the west, especially around the three remote drill holes located in the NW
part, which can suggest that mineralisation within this zone may continue to the west (See
Cu distribution with different thresholds in the NW drillholes in Fig. 3. 20). In addition, the
Cu mean value within the potassic zone is 0.12 wt.% based on the raw data. Argillic
alteration is seen on surface. Main products of this alteration is kaolinite which was
second major alteration mineral in this zone is present (Fig. 2. 8c). The propylitic alteration
zone is developed in marginal parts of the deposit. The most important products of this
alteration in order of abundance are chlorite, calcite and minor epidote (Fig. 2. 9). Based
on abundance of chlorite and calcite, this alteration zone is divided into two main chloritic
and calcitic parts. Hypogene-type mineralisation hosts most Cu ore in the Eastern part of
the Kahang deposit but the supergene enrichment zone is relatively small and occurs in
According to the C-V fractal model, the main threshold values for Cu and Mo are 0.42
wt.% and 100 ppm, respectively. Enriched Cu-Mo mineralised zones with Cu ≥ 1.8 wt.%
and Mo ≥645 ppm are located in the central, NW and NE parts within the hypogene zone.
The supergene enrichment zone occurs in small areas within the deposit, especially in
the central and eastern parts close to the surface. The hypogene and supergene
enrichment zones outlined by the C-V model correlate well with the alterations and
mineralogical data shown in the 3D geological models. The C-V log-log plots from the
Kahang deposit show that there is a multifractal model for Cu and Mo. Correlation
between the results of the C-V model and the chosen geological particulars show that the
supergene enrichment zone has a high correlation within the chalcocite accumulations
within the Kahang deposit. The main hypogene zone has an association with the
between results driven by fractal modelling and geological models by a logratio matrix,
the main Cu and Mo mineralised zones generated by the C-V fractal model have a strong
correlation with the potassic alteration zone with respect to the overall accuracy.
In this research, the D–V (Density–Volume) fractal model has been proposed to delineate
rock mass characteristics. The results from the D–V fractal model have been correlated
with the major rock types and validated against an RQD model. The D–V model has been
successfully applied to model relationships between density values and volumes in the
Kahang Cu–Mo porphyry deposit. The D–V log–log plot from the Kahang deposit
indicates that there is a mono-fractal model which has a breakpoint in density of 2.7t/m3.
Correlation between the results of D–V and RQD models reveals that the rock units with
a higher density (>2.7t/m3) are associated with RQD values > 70%. The final pit slope
geometry and ultimate pit limit will depend on the economic evaluation of the ore body.
An awareness of the spatial variability of parameters such as RQD and density can be
used to assess the geotechnical characteristics of the rock mass. This can then be used
to evaluate potential slope stability and be incorporated into a geotechnical risk model for
the final pit geometry. Regions of high RQD may be targeted as offering greater potential
for increased slope angles or locations for siting of critical haul roads. Regions of lower
RQD should, where possible, be avoided for final pit limits. Further geotechnical
The RQD-Volume (RQD-V) fractal model was used to investigate and delineate various
RQD populations in the Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposit (Central Iran). The RQD-V
fractal model illustrates four RQD populations in the deposit. The RQD threshold value
for excellent rocks is 89.1% based on the fractal model as situated in the central and NW
parts of the deposit. Models of good and fair rocks in the central, eastern and NW parts
of the deposit contain 25.1–89.1% RQD according to the RQD-V model. Furthermore, the
correlation between results driven by the fractal modelling and major lithological unit
(PQD) in the Kahang deposit, rocks with excellent RQD defined by the means of the RQD-
V model have a strong correlation with porphyritic quartz diorite shown by the 3D
geological model.
The numbers of mining sequences (nested pits) were determined during optimisation
studies using an exported dataset of the Cu-Mo block model shown by the means of the
C-V fractal model. Furthermore, various combinations of nested pits (pit No.1 to pit No.
100) have been discussed and finally pit No. 92 was selected as the closure of the open
The need for copper especially in developing countries like Iran is of paramount
importance therefore, the first choice of Cu block model considering all 48 boreholes is
scenario, however the NPV of the second scenario is higher than the NPV of the deposit
including all 48 boreholes. Therefore, a minable reserve exists in the pit consisting of all
completed boreholes of 3,648,294 tonnes of sulphide ore which indicates the range of
greater productivity compared to the final pit, ignoring the three isolated boreholes in the
With respect to the C-V fractal model histograms, there is no major difference in terms of
Cu average grades for either of the Cu block models however; there are remarkable
differences between ore tonnage and the total voxel count considering the two block
The PV-V and NPV-CTO fractal models have been proposed to delineate economic
parameters. The voxels’ values were classified according to the PV-V fractal model in the
deposit which reveal that the open pit limit can be deeper if grid drilling can be developed.
Supporting that, the deposit sections in terms of elemental concentrations (Cu as the main
target) is low within the initial years of excavation and it will be gradually upgraded at
depth especially at plan level 2225 m in terms of Z direction (elevation) as depicted in the
Fig. G. 2 of Appendix. G and Fig. 6. 6 of the Chapter 6. Consequently, the results obtained
by the PV-V fractal model show that the majority of the orebody can be extracted by an
underground mining operation. The threshold values obtained by the means of the PV-V
fractal modelling suggest that the PV values have an increase from the north of the
deposit to the south which can be used as an indicator for determination of the excavation
Open pit mine design and determination of mining orientation are a critically important
part of a mining venture from mine development to mine closure and have a profound
effect on the economic value of the mine. The most established and frequently employed
practice to mine closure since the 1980s is based on the Lerch and Grossman three
dimensional graph theory to determine the best mining sequence by which the mining
operation (ore and waste excavation within the pit) will be terminated. However, the
proposed NPV-CTO fractal model provided an analytical tool which can be used for
determination of an OES for an open pit mine. The OES results via NPV Scheduler is
much the same with the results obtained by the suggested model (Table. 6. 2) meaning
that the NPV-CTO fractal can be implemented in the absence of optimisation software
Since hydrological and geotechnical studies have not been undertaken in the study area,
one is really forced to do such tests and experiments to calculate and evaluate the total
The necessity of reviewing the cut-off grade throughout the project lifetime and specifying
the grade limit using optimisation models to increase the project NPV is highly
features of the Kahang deposit suggests that the mineralisation continues to the west and
east and even also towards the Kahang village. As such a more comprehensive and
The Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) is widely utilised for this purpose which
degrees of confidence. Ore reserves are classified as proven and probable from either
measured or indicated mineral resource. However; it is recommended for those who are
interested in the area of this research to establish an innovative application based on the
An accurate description for geological domains which discriminates types of mineralogy,
alteration and lithology is an important task in mineral resource and reserve evaluation.
Deterministic models, based on drill hole data, define just one layout of these domains
and do not consider uncertainty in a study area so they cannot measure uncertainty in
spatial layout of the domains which contribute to enhanced geological control for the
domains that control the grade distribution to obtain a final grade model for the Kahang
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Appendix. A: Certificate of Data Sources
Fig. A. 1. Letter issued by the Kahang deposit project manager authorising the use of data and
choice of input parameters to the pit optimisation study
Appendix. B: Cu Re-Analysed or Duplicated Samples in the Kahang
Table. B. 1. 399 randomised samples for Cu selected and analysed for assay quality assurance
and quality control
Appendix. C: Geochemical Data Variances via F-Distribution
Table. C. 1. Fisher distribution F(n1,n2) with n1 and n2 degrees of freedom, α = 0.025 and 97. 5%
of confidence level (Emery, 2012)
Appendix. D: Distribution of Student (T) with n Degrees of Freedom
Table. D. 1. Critical values for student’s T distributions (column headings denote probabilities’ α
above tabulated values: Emery, 2012)
Appendix. E: Density and RQD Plans in Different Levels
Fig. E. 2. RQD plan view for layer # 32 (Z =1900 m)
Fig. E. 3. Density plan view for layer # 37 (Z =1950 m)
Fig. E. 4. RQD plan view for layer # 37 (Z =1950 m)
Fig. E. 5. Density plan view for layer # 42 (Z =2000 m)
Fig. E. 6. RQD plan view for layer # 42 (Z = 2000m)
Appendix. F: Economic Models in the Kahang Deposit
Table. F. 1. The individual economic properties at all elevations (generated by NPV Scheduler
Elevation 1840.00 9,106,318 17,010,375 3,941,386 37,493,496 872,562 2,838 89,443,509 2,202 69,408,163
Elevation 1830.00 9,090,488 12,593,760 3,422,890 37,303,833 773,824 2,046 82,995,508 1,587 64,404,514
Elevation 1820.00 9,078,981 7,194,576 2,678,609 37,060,244 619,413 1,303 6,684,634 1,011 5,187,276
Elevation 1810.00 9,071,219 6,688,723 2,205,226 36,894,177 504,733 1,204 8,440,405 934.0113 6,549,754
Elevation 1800.00 9,062,357 7,245,690 1,560,840 36,690,390 342,550 1,194 42,702,893 926.2184 33,137,445
Elevation 1790.00 9,056,654 2,567,146 1,098,557 36,539,766 257,866 423.285 15,007,978 328.4691 11,646,191
Elevation 1780.00 9,051,291 2,219,637 679,185 36,391,130 154,971 375.6501 10,035,073 291.5045 7,787,217
Elevation 1770.00 9,046,488 1,163,588 571,277 36,348,010 135,048 198.6992 4,720,615 154.1906 3,663,197
Elevation 1760.00 9,043,013 954,156 470,781 36,305,747 111,413 159.6237 4,879,002 123.868 3,786,105
Elevation 1750.00 9,039,635 684,504 367,443 36,263,473 87,443 111.4461 4,433,501 86.4822 3,440,397
Elevation 1740.00 9,036,195 533,661 295,403 36,229,341 70,467 84.729 4,113,223 65.7497 3,191,861
Elevation 1730.00 9,033,666 413,750 236,153 36,202,364 56,418 65.6459 3,202,658 50.9412 2,485,262
Elevation 1720.00 9,031,310 304,077 184,805 36,178,366 44,270 48.5246 2,268,665 37.6551 1,760,484
Elevation 1710.00 9,029,592 235,018 146,046 36,160,358 34,992 38.5344 1,439,899 29.9027 1,117,362
Elevation 1700.00 9,028,008 171,248 106,376 36,142,618 25,488 28.0368 1,061,847 21.7566 823,994
Elevation 1690.00 9,027,216 139,337 86,544 36,133,747 20,736 22.8096 864,816 17.7002 671,098
Elevation 1680.00 9,023,760 72,660 45,076 36,108,000 10,800 11.88 455,386 9.2189 353,379
Elevation 1670.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1660.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1650.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1640.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1630.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1620.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1610.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1600.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1590.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Elevation 1580.00 9,023,760 0 0 36,095,040 0 0 0 0 0
Total 734,934,618 1,433,650,948 536,892,565 3,118,312,984 124,521,903 248,105 4,815,385,183 192,529 3,736,738,904
Fig. F. 1. 2D economic model (Section level 1970 m, Plan view)
Fig. F. 2. 2D economic model (Section level 1900 m, Plan View)
Fig. F. 3. 2D economic model (Section 638400 E North-South View)
Fig. F. 4. 2D economic model (Section 3644688.00 N East-West View)
Appendix. G: The Kahang Ultimate Pit Limit
Fig. G. 2. 3D Ultimate pit limit view of the Kahang deposit including all boreholes (Section
5140.00 E)
Appendix. H: Extraction Sequences (Nested Pits)
Table. H. 1. Pit optimisation: Extraction sequences for incremental and cumulative NPV
generated by NPV Scheduler software (sequence No. 92 specifies OES)
Incremental Data
Processing Total Strip
Point Profit Revenue Mining Cost NPV Total Rock Total Ore
Cost Waste Ratio
$ $ $ $ $ Tonnes Tonnes Tonnes
1 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -301,976 170,280 0 170,280 0
2 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -300,489 170,280 0 170,280 0
3 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -299,010 170,280 0 170,280 0
4 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -297,537 170,280 0 170,280 0
5 -137,860 202,453 37,593 302,720 -134,990 171,420 7,980 163,440 20.479
6 26,464 412,809 83,624 302,720 25,506 172,867 18,009 154,857 8.599
7 793,812 1,268,154 171,621 302,720 769,741 174,971 33,969 141,001 4.151
8 105,371 499,501 91,410 302,720 101,672 175,492 19,329 156,163 8.079
9 -134,013 213,817 45,109 302,720 -128,436 172,222 9,772 162,449 16.623
10 -73,933 298,893 70,106 302,720 -70,094 173,537 15,427 158,110 10.249
11 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -287,275 170,280 0 170,280 0
12 64,932 467,785 100,133 302,720 61,523 177,492 21,734 155,758 7.166
13 -137,780 214,213 49,272 302,720 -129,308 173,390 10,812 162,577 15.036
14 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -282,968 170,280 0 170,280 0
15 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -281,574 170,280 0 170,280 0
16 -26,561 435,028 158,868 302,720 -24,522 177,174 36,691 140,483 3.829
17 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -278,752 170,280 0 170,280 0
18 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -277,380 170,280 0 170,280 0
19 -214,493 183,810 95,583 302,720 -195,599 172,751 22,631 150,120 6.633
20 -252,914 132,560 82,753 302,720 -229,454 174,083 19,784 154,299 7.799
21 -257,887 112,450 67,617 302,720 -232,801 173,248 16,134 157,113 9.738
22 -85,507 439,206 221,992 302,720 -77,039 192,001 52,473 139,528 2.659
23 -96,224 304,941 98,445 302,720 -86,066 174,462 22,491 151,971 6.757
24 -66,359 390,875 154,514 302,720 -59,158 178,339 35,945 142,393 3.961
25 -19,790 483,914 200,984 302,720 -17,443 179,244 46,889 132,355 2.823
26 21,957 567,760 243,083 302,720 19,451 184,651 56,820 127,830 2.25
27 -147,140 483,294 327,714 302,720 -128,609 186,587 78,619 107,968 1.373
28 -98,236 463,734 259,250 302,720 -85,557 182,576 61,686 120,889 1.96
29 -115,813 455,952 269,045 302,720 -100,337 179,969 64,195 115,774 1.803
30 -210,706 186,391 94,377 302,720 -181,214 177,382 22,313 155,068 6.95
31 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -259,296 170,280 0 170,280 0
32 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -258,020 170,280 0 170,280 0
33 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -256,749 170,280 0 170,280 0
34 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -255,484 170,584 0 170,584 0
35 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -254,225 170,280 0 170,280 0
36 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -252,973 170,280 0 170,280 0
37 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -251,727 170,280 0 170,280 0
38 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -250,488 170,280 0 170,280 0
39 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -249,254 170,280 0 170,280 0
40 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -248,027 170,280 0 170,280 0
41 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -246,806 170,280 0 170,280 0
42 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -245,590 170,280 0 170,280 0
43 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -244,381 170,280 0 170,280 0
44 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -243,177 170,705 0 170,705 0
45 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -241,974 170,948 0 170,948 0
46 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -240,781 170,280 0 170,280 0
47 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -239,595 170,280 0 170,280 0
48 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -238,416 170,280 0 170,280 0
49 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -237,242 170,280 0 170,280 0
50 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -236,074 170,280 0 170,280 0
51 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -234,911 170,280 0 170,280 0
52 -291,811 12,710 1,801 302,720 -225,335 170,280 360 169,920 472
53 -90,719 310,050 98,048 302,720 -69,561 170,280 22,320 147,960 6.629
54 -294,195 14,699 6,174 302,720 -224,927 170,280 1,440 168,840 117.25
55 -274,259 50,029 21,568 302,720 -208,641 170,280 5,040 165,240 32.786
56 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -229,169 177,332 0 177,332 0
57 -302,720 0 0 302,720 -228,008 170,401 0 170,401 0
58 -291,174 23,728 12,182 302,720 -218,235 170,523 2,880 167,643 58.209
59 -302,427 2,029 1,735 302,720 -225,540 176,907 420 176,486 419.407
60 -290,988 117,539 105,806 302,720 -215,870 183,144 25,688 157,456 6.13
61 -283,584 38,944 19,807 302,720 -209,301 170,462 4,680 165,782 35.424
62 -222,790 105,973 26,043 302,720 -163,611 170,888 5,760 165,128 28.668
63 -78,237 336,201 111,717 302,720 -57,438 176,603 25,560 151,043 5.909
64 58,983 558,886 197,182 302,720 43,221 170,948 45,360 125,588 2.769
65 -3,251 510,359 210,889 302,720 -2,364 175,132 49,145 125,987 2.564
66 177,601 853,272 372,951 302,720 127,686 175,630 87,265 88,364 1.013
67 113,192 776,331 360,418 302,720 81,061 179,400 84,694 94,705 1.118
68 -209,846 168,892 76,018 302,720 -149,388 180,129 17,832 162,297 9.101
69 406,831 1,080,798 371,247 302,720 288,339 176,116 85,246 90,870 1.066
70 251,995 721,505 166,789 302,720 178,042 177,089 36,608 140,481 3.837
71 -150,600 223,021 70,900 302,720 -105,686 187,547 16,163 171,384 10.603
72 -243,195 87,166 27,640 302,720 -169,701 188,144 6,300 181,843 28.86
73 -247,876 169,045 114,200 302,720 -172,022 176,707 27,430 149,276 5.442
74 129,464 629,298 197,114 302,720 89,151 178,622 44,865 133,756 2.981
75 92,462 621,500 226,317 302,720 63,619 175,950 52,219 123,731 2.369
76 1,112,962 1,882,716 467,033 302,720 760,176 176,907 103,460 73,446 0.71
77 1,589,793 2,450,295 557,781 302,720 1,080,859 173,441 122,120 51,321 0.42
78 1,263,254 2,087,980 522,005 302,720 854,637 180,251 115,748 64,502 0.557
79 1,541,488 2,339,445 495,237 302,720 1,036,973 172,772 107,238 65,534 0.611
80 1,578,076 2,398,261 517,465 302,720 1,055,895 180,731 112,385 68,345 0.608
81 1,528,337 2,422,321 591,264 302,720 1,017,190 185,284 130,700 54,584 0.418
82 2,781,670 3,698,135 613,744 302,720 1,842,401 182,654 127,238 55,416 0.436
83 1,465,090 2,214,107 446,296 302,720 965,308 181,782 95,931 85,851 0.895
84 1,210,660 2,057,535 544,154 302,720 793,814 186,803 121,572 65,230 0.537
85 388,737 1,214,670 523,213 302,720 253,478 187,854 122,406 65,447 0.535
86 737,539 1,691,310 651,051 302,720 477,955 190,339 151,100 39,238 0.26
87 391,134 1,261,510 567,655 302,720 252,373 191,819 133,255 58,563 0.439
88 296,330 1,010,935 411,885 302,720 189,996 186,951 96,048 90,903 0.946
89 474,331 1,278,375 501,323 302,720 301,919 190,363 116,561 73,801 0.633
90 808,655 1,580,718 469,343 302,720 512,737 191,439 106,399 85,039 0.799
91 1,747,427 2,596,472 546,324 302,720 1,101,455 190,678 118,568 72,110 0.608
92 1,732,457 2,464,485 429,308 302,720 1,086,318 190,430 90,212 100,217 1.111
93 3,810 460,839 154,308 302,720 2,278 179,721 35,340 144,380 4.085
94 -99,673 431,512 228,464 302,720 -61,923 182,126 54,153 127,972 2.363
95 151,539 643,635 189,376 302,720 93,866 181,168 42,872 138,296 3.226
96 -219,275 250,807 167,361 302,720 -134,725 178,635 40,136 138,499 3.451
97 10,026 517,422 204,675 302,720 6,124 188,830 47,606 141,224 2.966
98 -7,950 443,913 149,143 302,720 -4,579 184,275 34,216 150,059 4.386
99 114,108 642,500 225,672 302,720 68,995 181,112 51,915 129,196 2.489
100 296,279 774,060 221,780 256,000 177,855 150,406 50,110 100,296 2.002
Cumulative Data
16 -1,638,605 4,012,656 807,740 4,843,520 -1,579,729 2,760,529 173,727 2,586,801 14.89
17 -1,941,325 4,012,656 807,740 5,146,240 -1,858,481 2,930,809 173,727 2,757,081 15.87
18 -2,244,045 4,012,656 807,740 5,448,960 -2,135,860 3,101,089 173,727 2,927,361 16.85
19 -2,458,538 4,196,467 903,324 5,751,680 -2,331,459 3,273,841 196,359 3,077,481 15.673
20 -2,711,451 4,329,027 986,077 6,054,400 -2,560,913 3,447,924 216,143 3,231,780 14.952
21 -2,969,337 4,441,478 1,053,694 6,357,120 -2,793,714 3,621,172 232,278 3,388,894 14.59
22 -3,054,844 4,880,684 1,275,687 6,659,840 -2,870,752 3,813,174 284,751 3,528,422 12.391
23 -3,151,067 5,185,625 1,374,132 6,962,560 -2,956,817 3,987,636 307,243 3,680,393 11.979
24 -3,217,426 5,576,501 1,528,646 7,265,280 -3,015,975 4,165,976 343,188 3,822,787 11.139
25 -3,237,216 6,060,415 1,729,631 7,568,000 -3,033,417 4,345,220 390,078 3,955,142 10.139
26 -3,215,259 6,628,176 1,972,714 7,870,720 -3,013,965 4,529,872 446,899 4,082,972 9.136
27 -3,362,398 7,111,471 2,300,429 8,173,440 -3,142,574 4,716,459 525,518 4,190,940 7.975
28 -3,460,634 7,575,206 2,559,679 8,476,160 -3,228,131 4,899,035 587,204 4,311,830 7.343
29 -3,576,446 8,031,158 2,828,724 8,778,880 -3,328,467 5,079,004 651,400 4,427,604 6.797
30 -3,787,152 8,217,550 2,923,102 9,081,600 -3,509,681 5,256,387 673,713 4,582,673 6.802
31 -4,089,872 8,217,550 2,923,102 9,384,320 -3,768,976 5,426,667 673,713 4,752,953 7.055
32 -4,392,592 8,217,550 2,923,102 9,687,040 -4,026,996 5,596,947 673,713 4,923,233 7.308
33 -4,695,312 8,217,550 2,923,102 9,989,760 -4,283,744 5,767,227 673,713 5,093,513 7.56
34 -4,998,032 8,217,550 2,923,102 10,292,480 -4,539,228 5,937,811 673,713 5,264,097 7.814
35 -5,300,752 8,217,550 2,923,102 10,595,200 -4,793,452 6,108,091 673,713 5,434,377 8.066
36 -5,603,472 8,217,550 2,923,102 10,897,920 -5,046,424 6,278,371 673,713 5,604,657 8.319
37 -5,906,192 8,217,550 2,923,102 11,200,640 -5,298,151 6,448,651 673,713 5,774,937 8.572
38 -6,208,912 8,217,550 2,923,102 11,503,360 -5,548,638 6,618,931 673,713 5,945,217 8.825
39 -6,511,632 8,217,550 2,923,102 11,806,080 -5,797,892 6,789,211 673,713 6,115,497 9.077
40 -6,814,352 8,217,550 2,923,102 12,108,800 -6,045,918 6,959,491 673,713 6,285,777 9.33
41 -7,117,072 8,217,550 2,923,102 12,411,520 -6,292,723 7,129,771 673,713 6,456,057 9.583
42 -7,419,792 8,217,550 2,923,102 12,714,240 -6,538,313 7,300,051 673,713 6,626,337 9.836
43 -7,722,512 8,217,550 2,923,102 13,016,960 -6,782,694 7,470,331 673,713 6,796,617 10.088
44 -8,025,232 8,217,550 2,923,102 13,319,680 -7,025,870 7,641,036 673,713 6,967,323 10.342
45 -8,327,952 8,217,550 2,923,102 13,622,400 -7,267,843 7,811,985 673,713 7,138,272 10.595
46 -8,630,672 8,217,550 2,923,102 13,925,120 -7,508,623 7,982,265 673,713 7,308,552 10.848
47 -8,933,392 8,217,550 2,923,102 14,227,840 -7,748,218 8,152,545 673,713 7,478,832 11.101
48 -9,236,112 8,217,550 2,923,102 14,530,560 -7,986,634 8,322,825 673,713 7,649,112 11.354
49 -9,538,832 8,217,550 2,923,102 14,833,280 -8,223,875 8,493,105 673,713 7,819,392 11.606
50 -9,841,552 8,217,550 2,923,102 15,136,000 -8,459,948 8,663,385 673,713 7,989,672 11.859
51 -10,144,272 8,217,550 2,923,102 15,438,720 -8,694,858 8,833,665 673,713 8,159,952 12.112
52 -10,436,083 8,230,261 2,924,903 15,741,440 -8,920,193 9,003,945 674,073 8,329,872 12.358
53 -10,526,801 8,540,311 3,022,952 16,044,160 -8,989,753 9,174,225 696,393 8,477,832 12.174
54 -10,820,996 8,555,010 3,029,126 16,346,880 -9,214,680 9,344,505 697,833 8,646,672 12.391
55 -11,095,255 8,605,040 3,050,694 16,649,600 -9,423,320 9,514,785 702,873 8,811,912 12.537
56 -11,397,975 8,605,040 3,050,694 16,952,320 -9,652,489 9,692,118 702,873 8,989,244 12.789
57 -11,700,695 8,605,040 3,050,694 17,255,040 -9,880,497 9,862,520 702,873 9,159,646 13.032
58 -11,991,868 8,628,768 3,062,876 17,557,760 -10,098,731 10,033,043 705,753 9,327,289 13.216
59 -12,294,295 8,630,798 3,064,612 17,860,480 -10,324,271 10,209,950 706,174 9,503,776 13.458
60 -12,585,282 8,748,337 3,170,418 18,163,200 -10,540,140 10,393,094 731,862 9,661,232 13.201
61 -12,868,865 8,787,281 3,190,226 18,465,920 -10,749,441 10,563,556 736,542 9,827,014 13.342
62 -13,091,655 8,893,255 3,216,269 18,768,640 -10,913,051 10,734,444 742,302 9,992,142 13.461
63 -13,169,891 9,229,456 3,327,987 19,071,360 -10,970,489 10,911,048 767,862 10,143,185 13.21
64 -13,110,908 9,788,343 3,525,170 19,374,080 -10,927,267 11,081,996 813,222 10,268,774 12.627
65 -13,114,158 10,298,702 3,736,059 19,676,800 -10,929,631 11,257,129 862,368 10,394,761 12.054
66 -12,936,557 11,151,975 4,109,011 19,979,520 -10,801,944 11,432,760 949,633 10,483,126 11.039
67 -12,823,364 11,928,307 4,469,430 20,282,240 -10,720,883 11,612,160 1,034,328 10,577,832 10.227
68 -13,033,209 12,097,199 4,545,448 20,584,960 -10,870,270 11,792,289 1,052,160 10,740,129 10.208
69 -12,626,378 13,177,998 4,916,696 20,887,680 -10,581,930 11,968,406 1,137,406 10,831,000 9.523
70 -12,374,382 13,899,504 5,083,486 21,190,400 -10,403,888 12,145,496 1,174,014 10,971,481 9.345
71 -12,524,982 14,122,525 5,154,386 21,493,120 -10,509,573 12,333,043 1,190,177 11,142,865 9.362
72 -12,768,176 14,209,692 5,182,027 21,795,840 -10,679,274 12,521,187 1,196,478 11,324,708 9.465
73 -13,016,051 14,378,738 5,296,228 22,098,560 -10,851,295 12,697,894 1,223,908 11,473,985 9.375
74 -12,886,587 15,008,036 5,493,342 22,401,280 -10,762,144 12,876,516 1,268,774 11,607,742 9.149
75 -12,794,124 15,629,537 5,719,660 22,704,000 -10,698,524 13,052,467 1,320,993 11,731,473 8.881
76 -11,681,161 17,512,253 6,186,694 23,006,720 -9,938,348 13,229,374 1,424,454 11,804,920 8.287
77 -10,091,368 19,962,549 6,744,476 23,309,440 -8,857,489 13,402,816 1,546,574 11,856,241 7.666
78 -8,828,113 22,050,529 7,266,481 23,612,160 -8,002,851 13,583,067 1,662,323 11,920,744 7.171
79 -7,286,625 24,389,974 7,761,718 23,914,880 -6,965,878 13,755,840 1,769,561 11,986,278 6.774
80 -5,708,548 26,788,236 8,279,184 24,217,600 -5,909,983 13,936,571 1,881,947 12,054,624 6.405
81 -4,180,211 29,210,558 8,870,448 24,520,320 -4,892,792 14,121,856 2,012,648 12,109,208 6.017
82 -1,398,540 32,908,693 9,484,193 24,823,040 -3,050,390 14,304,510 2,139,886 12,164,624 5.685
83 66,550 35,122,800 9,930,489 25,125,760 -2,085,082 14,486,292 2,235,817 12,250,475 5.479
84 1,277,211 37,180,336 10,474,644 25,428,480 -1,291,268 14,673,096 2,357,390 12,315,705 5.224
85 1,665,948 38,395,007 10,997,858 25,731,200 -1,037,789 14,860,950 2,479,796 12,381,153 4.993
86 2,403,488 40,086,317 11,648,909 26,033,920 -559,834 15,051,289 2,630,897 12,420,392 4.721
87 2,794,623 41,347,827 12,216,564 26,336,640 -307,461 15,243,108 2,764,153 12,478,955 4.515
88 3,090,953 42,358,763 12,628,450 26,639,360 -117,464 15,430,060 2,860,201 12,569,859 4.395
89 3,565,284 43,637,138 13,129,773 26,942,080 184,456 15,620,424 2,976,763 12,643,660 4.247
90 4,373,939 45,217,857 13,599,117 27,244,800 697,194 15,811,864 3,083,163 12,728,700 4.128
91 6,121,367 47,814,330 14,145,442 27,547,520 1,798,650 16,002,542 3,201,731 12,800,811 3.998
92 7,853,825 50,278,816 14,574,750 27,850,240 2,884,968 16,192,972 3,291,944 12,901,028 3.919
93 7,857,636 50,739,655 14,729,058 28,152,960 2,887,246 16,372,694 3,327,284 13,045,409 3.921
94 7,757,963 51,171,167 14,957,523 28,455,680 2,825,323 16,554,820 3,381,438 13,173,382 3.896
95 7,909,502 51,814,802 15,146,900 28,758,400 2,919,189 16,735,988 3,424,310 13,311,678 3.887
96 7,690,228 52,065,610 15,314,261 29,061,120 2,784,465 16,914,624 3,464,446 13,450,177 3.882
97 7,700,255 52,583,032 15,518,937 29,363,840 2,790,590 17,103,454 3,512,052 13,591,401 3.87
98 7,692,305 53,026,946 15,668,080 29,666,560 2,786,011 17,287,729 3,546,268 13,741,460 3.875
99 7,806,413 53,669,446 15,893,753 29,969,280 2,855,007 17,468,841 3,598,184 13,870,657 3.855
100 8,102,692 54,443,507 16,115,534 30,225,280 3,032,862 17,619,248 3,648,294 13,970,953 3.829