Data Analytis Using Advanced Excel
Data Analytis Using Advanced Excel
Data Analytis Using Advanced Excel
Question 1: What do you mean by "##### error". In which situation it occurs, how can we
remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 1: The hashtag error does not actually represent a formulation error. When this is
indicated, the meaning is that Excel could successfully calculate the formula but could not
display the calculated value in the cell.
To solve this problem, you usually need to increase the width of the column to make the
calculated value appear in the column or change the cell format to the appropriate option. For
example, if the cell format is of a type, it may be necessary to change it to the number. For
Question 2 : What do you mean by "#NAME? error". In which situation it occurs, how can
we remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 2: The #NAME? error message appears if Excel can’t understand the name of the
formula you’re trying to run, or if excel ant compute one or more values entered in the formula
itself. This error occurs when you write the wrong name in the formulas, use the text values used
in the formula in the "Do not leave" column or leave the empty parentheses associated with the
function, to resolve this error, check the formula’s spelling or use the formula builder to have
Excel. For Example:
Question 3 : What do you mean by "#VALUE! error". In which situation it occurs, how can
we remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 3 : Value error means that you used an incorrect type of data as a formula input. Th
value error appears when a value is not the expected type. This can occur when cells are left
blank, when a function that is expecting a number is given a text value, and when dates are
evaluated as text by Excel. Fixing a value error is just a matter of entering the right kind of value.
For example, you might have entered a range in a function that takes a parameter of the type of a
cell, or in the form where you must refer to the number of texts, instead of the number. To
remove the error we must enter correct numeric value into cell E6.
Question 4 : What do you mean by "#DIV/0! error". In which situation it occurs, how can we
remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 4. This error indicates that you have divided some formulas from zero. The amount of
one of the cells you used in your formula may be zero or missing. Excel does not count the cells
in the calculation of zero. And if you divide some numbers into them , this error will be
displayed. This can be caused when :
The divisor or denominator in a division operation is equal to zero either explicitly, such
as =K3/M3 where M3 is 0, or as the result of a second calculation that has zero for a
A formula references a cell that is blank.
To solve these error some numerical value must be provided in the denominator or divisor.
Question 5 : What do you mean by "#REF! error". In which situation it occurs, how can we
remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 5 : This error means that you are referring to the cell in the formulas that are not there.
This error usually occurs when you delete cells, individual cells or entire columns or rows
containing data referenced in a formula are accidentally deleted. To resolve this error we must
rewrite or undo the deleted cell.
Question 6 : What do you mean by "#N/A" error? In which situation it occurs, how can we
remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 6 : This error is usually shown when the value you want is not found. For example you
do not have the required value in a LOOKUP function in any range cells that you defined for the
function. #N/A means “not available’ or “no value available”. The best way to solve these errors
is to make sure lookup values and lookup tables are correct and complete.
Question 7 : What do you mean by "#NULL!" error. In which situation it occurs, how can we
remove it? Explain with example in excel.
Solution 7: This error indicates that you used the distance from the formula where you should
use the math symptoms. For example, instead of the formula = A1 + A2 + A3, you mistakenly
entered the value = A1 + A2 A3. One of the other reasons why this formula is displayed is that
you have somewhere in the formula to specify a range between the two cells of the sign. To
resolve this error we should check the formulas and mathematical symbols used correctly.
Question 8 : When a formula yields an error value in a cell, Excel displays a green triangular
error indicator in the upper-left corner of the cell. What are the options available in drop-
down menu.
Solution 8: The Trace Error button appears next to the cell in which a formula error occurs,
and a green triangle appears in the upper-left corner of the cell.
When we click the arrow next to the button, a list of options for error checking appears.
Question 9 : Which error will occur when a formula has the wrong type of argument?
Solution 9 : The #VALUE! Error occurs when a formula has the wrong type of argument.
Question 10. Which error will occur when a formula refers to a cell that is not valid?
Solution 10. Excel displays the #REF! error when a formula refers to a cell that is not valid.