Solar Prism: Albertslund, Denmark
Solar Prism: Albertslund, Denmark
Solar Prism: Albertslund, Denmark
Albertslund, Denmark
2 Solar Prism
The challenge
To reduce the carbon footprint of existing housing
An initiative supported by the VELUX Group
4 Solar Prism
Active House meets the future demands for
sustainable buildings and has been developed
with focus on the health and comfort of the
people living in it.
The solution
The Solar Prism
The Solar Prism is a robust response to the
general carbon footprint debate and the
energy challenges in the existing housing
stock. The concept aims to simplify energy
renovation and make a positive impact on
global and environmental issues.
6 Solar Prism
VELUX windows
Heat pump
Solar Prism ensures a reliable and rational
way to incorporate all the major energy
installations in prefabricated elements,
thus avoiding excessive installation work
in the dwelling to be renovated.
8 Solar Prism
Roof windows from VELUX are the source A solar hot water tank stores the hot wa-
of passive solar energy, saving cooling loads ter heated by the solar thermal collectors.
by using natural ventilation and electricity It is custom-made, with a storage capacity
by the optimal use of daylight - and the key of 160 litres and with minimal heat loss.
to a healthy indoor climate.
Heat Recovery Ventilation from EcoVent
Solar thermal collectors from VELUX use (system S450) ventilates and heats the
the sun’s energy to produce domestic hot housing unit. The ventilation system permits
water and space heating. Two m² of solar continuous air exchange while recycling the
thermal panels supply sufficient hot water heat via an inbuilt heat exchanger. In this
for the daily use of two people. When scaled way, around 90% of the space heating is
up to family size, the solar thermal collec- recycled while ventilating. The unit has low
tors integrated into the Prism can be operating energy consumption (SEL value
configured to meet the needs of the 0.9 kj/m³). The ventilation system has a
entire housing unit. capacity of 150 m³/h.
sun’s energy into electricity, which repre-
sents a significant supplement to the mains
supply. 10.5 m² of solar cell surface gener-
ates 1.67 kW of electricity, meeting the The interface is the relation between the
needs of two people. hardware and software of the Solar Prism
and the house, intelligently unifying renew-
able energy sourcing and the necessary
Technologies daylighting, heat control and ventilation.
The prism shape was chosen to maximise
A heat pump from Danfoss (COMBI-305 the interior space for hosting the technolo-
3,5 kW) is installed to supply space heating. gies and to grant access for servicing. It
The ground source heat pump draws on also provides the greatest surface area for
natural ground heat to warm up the living effective solar energy collection.
space in the winter, supplementing the hot
water system and supporting the solar The interface of the Solar Prism makes the
collector system. Passive solar energy, the intelligently reinvented roof function highly
solar collectors and the heat pump fully suitable for simplified energy renovation of
replace the central heating system, thus re- the existing housing stock.
ducing the dependency on fossil fuel energy.
VELUX products
used in Solar Prism
10 Solar Prism
Solar Prism
Albertslund, Denmark
Teknologisk Institut
Cenergia ApS
Rubow arkitekter A/S
Danfoss A/S
KUBEN Management
Rockwool A/S
Racell Solar A/S
EcoVent ApS
SopiaGROUP ApS/KingspanTEK Danmark
Ådalsvej 99
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Tel. +45 45 16 40 00
© 2011 VELUX Group. ® VELUX, THE VELUX LOGO AND io-homecontrol are REGISTERED trademarks used under licenCe by THE velUX Group. Photographer: Michael Reisch. Renderings: Marcel Schwarz.