Learning Competency Directory in Science 9 (Quarter 1) : Inopacan National High School
Learning Competency Directory in Science 9 (Quarter 1) : Inopacan National High School
Learning Competency Directory in Science 9 (Quarter 1) : Inopacan National High School
Date of Competency Code Topic to be discussed Activities/Exercises Book Title Page Number
Delivery to be used
Explain how the respiratory and S9LT-la-b-26 Respiratory and
circulatory systems work together to Circulatory Systems
transport nutrients, gases, and other Working with the other
molecules to and from the different parts Organ Systems
of the body;
1 Determine the function of Function of Respiratory &
K-W-L-H Chart Science 9 Learner’s pp. 3
respiratory and circulatory system. Circulatory system
2 Identify the key parts of the Parts & Function of the pp. 4
breathing system. Respiratory System What a Bunch of Science 9 Learner’s
Grapes! Module
3 Describe the function of each part
of the breathing system.
Describe how the movement of
the diaphragm helps the air go in Bottled Balloons Science 9 Learner’s pp. 6-7
and out of the lungs. Module
6 Identify the parts of the circulatory Parts of the Circulatory Let’s Organize Science 9 Learner’s
system. System pp.13
7 Explain the different types of Types of Circulation
8-9 Identify the parts of the heart and The Human Heart Pump It! Science 9 Learner’s pp. 16-17
its function. Module
26-27 Explain the codominance pattern Codominance Mystery Bull Science 9 Learner’s pp. 33-34
of inheritance. Module
Science 9-Learning Competency Directory Q1
28-29 Explain the multiple alleles of Multiple alleles What’s Your Blood Science 9 Learner’s pp. 34-35
inheritance Multiple genes Type? Module
35-36 Measure species distribution using Index of Diversity Science 9 Learner’s pp. 54-55
the mathematical way of Module
expressing the amount of
biodiversity and species
distribution in a community.
37-38 Determine the pattern of
Measuring Science 9 Learner’s pp. 56-57
population distribution using Population Density Module
mathematical formula.
Conduct investigations that show Evidence of Evidence of Science 9 Learner’s pp. 79-85
47-50 pieces of evidence that plants are Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Module
really capable of making food.
51 Describe the process of cellular Cellular Respiration Let Us Recharge! Science 9 Learner’s pp. 89-91
respiration. Module