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Bachelor of Engineering

Electrical Engineering (Sem. V to VIII), Revised course

(REV- 2012) from Academic Year 2014 -15,



(As per Semester Based Credit and Grading System)

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13


To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality
needs to be addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is
the principal means of quality assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of
accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of the program that is being accredited. In
line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a lead in
incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum
Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved
that, each Board of Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s) and
give freedom to affiliated Institutes to add few (PEO’s) and course objectives and course
outcomes to be clearly defined for each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated
institutes understand the depth and approach of course to be taught, which will enhance
learner’s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty from colleges
and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am happy to state
that, each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology,
and developed curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester
based credit and grading system is also introduced to ensure quality of engineering education.
Semester based Credit and Grading system enables a much-required shift in focus from
teacher-centric to learner-centric education since the workload estimated is based on the
investment of time in learning and not in teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation
which will enhance the quality of education. University of Mumbai has taken a lead in
implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of Technology has
devised a transparent credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner’s
performance. Credit and grading based system was implemented for First Year of
Engineering from the academic year 2012-2013. Subsequently this system will be carried
forward for Second Year Engineering in the academic year 2013-2014, for Third Year and
Final Year Engineering in the academic years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 respectively.

Dr. S. K. Ukarande
Faculty of Technology,
Member - Management Council, Senate, Academic Council
University of Mumbai, Mumbai

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

The overall technical education in our country is changing rapidly in manifolds. Now it is
very much challenging to maintain the quality of education with its rate of expansion. To
meet present requirement a systematic approach is necessary to build the strong technical
base with the quality. Accreditation will provide the quality assurance in higher education
and also to achieve recognition of the institution or program meeting certain specified
standards. The main focus of an accreditation process is to measure the program outcomes,
essentially a range of skills and knowledge that a student will have at the time of graduation
from the program that is being accredited. Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai
has taken a lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of
curriculum development.
I, as Chairman, Board of Studies in Electrical Engineering of University of Mumbai, happy to
state here that, Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) were finalized for undergraduate
program in Electrical Engineering, more than twenty senior faculty members from the
different institutes affiliated to University of Mumbai were actively participated in this
process. Few PEOs were finalized for undergraduate program in Electrical Engineering are
listed below;
 To provide the overall strong technical foundation to formulate, solve and analyse
engineering problems during undergraduate program.
 To prepare students to demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical
based issues.
 To prepare students to demonstrate an ability in the area of design, control, analyse and
interpret the electrical and electronics systems.
 To prepare students for successful career in industry, research and development.
 To develop the ability among students for supervisory control and data acquisition for power
system application.
 To provide opportunity for students to handle the multidisciplinary projects.
 To create the awareness of the life-long learning and to introduce them to professional
ethics and codes of professional practice.
The affiliated institutes may include their own PEOs in addition to the above list

To support the philosophy of outcome based education, in addition to stated PEOs, objectives
and expected outcomes are also included in the curriculum. I know, this is a small step taken
to enhance and provide the quality education to the stake holders.

Board of Studies in Electrical Engineering,
University of Mumbai

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

Scheme for Semester VI

Teaching Scheme
Course Credits Assigned
Course Name (Contact Hours)
Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract./Tut. Total
EEC601 Power System Analysis 4 2 4 1 5
EEC602 Electrical Machines – III 4 2 4 1 5
EEC603 Utilization of Electrical Energy 3 1 3 1 4
EEC604 Control System – I 4 2 4 1 5
Microcontroller and its 4 2
EEC605 4 1 5
EEC606 Project Management 3 1 3 1 4
Total 22 10 22 6 28
Examination Scheme
End Exam. Term Pract.
Course Internal Total
Course Name Sem. Duration Work / oral
Code Assessment
Exam. (in Hrs)
Test Test Avg
1 2 .
EEC601 Power System Analysis 20 20 20 80 03 25 -- 125
EEC602 Electrical Machines – III 20 20 20 80 03 25 25* 150
EEC603 Utilization of Electrical Energy 20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
EEC604 Control System – I 20 20 20 80 03 25 -- 125
Microcontroller and its
EEC605 20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
EEC606 Project Management 20 20 20 80 03 25 - 125
Total -- -- 120 480 -- 150 75 825

* Includes both Practical and Oral examination

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching Scheme
Course Name Credits assigned
Code (Contact Hours)
Power System Analysis Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract./tut. Total
(Abbreviated as PSA) Examination Scheme
Term Prac/ Tot
Course work Oral al
Course Name
Code Internal Assessment End Exam.
Test Test Sem. Duration
1 2 Exam (in Hrs)
Power System Analysis
EEC601 20 20 20 80 03 25 - 125
(Abbreviated as PSA)
Course Name Credits
EEC601 Power System Analysis 5
Course  To give the students basic knowledge of the various faults and it’s analysis
Objectives  To give the students basic knowledge of transients occurring in power system
Course  Students will be able to analyze various types of faults occurring in power system
Outcomes  Engineering knowledge in effects of faults and mitigation of transients
4 2 4 1 5

Power System Analysis

(Abbreviated as PSA)

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

Module Contents Hours
Symmetrical Fault Analysis:
Introduction to synchronous machine, basic construction and operation and
equivalent circuit diagram , short circuit of synchronous machine: no load and
loaded machine, transient on a transmission line, selection of Circuit breaker, 14
short circuit MVA, algorithm for SC studies, Z Bus formulation, symmetrical
fault analysis using Z bus (numerical on Z bus formulation upto 3x3
Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis:
Symmetrical component transformation, phase shift in star-delta transformers,
sequence impedances and sequence network of transmission line,
synchronous machine and transformer, power invariance, construction of
2 14
sequence network of a power system.
Fault analysis of unsymmetrical faults, single line to ground (SLG) fault, line
to line (L-L) fault, double line to ground (LLG) fault, open conductor faults,
bus impedance matrix method for analysis of unsymmetrical shunt faults.
Power System Transients:
Review of transients in simple circuits, recovery transient due to removal of
short circuit, arcing grounds, capacitance switching, current chopping
Travelling waves on transmission lines, wave equation, reflection and
refraction of waves, typical cases of line terminations, attenuation, Bewely
3 lattice diagram. 08
Lightning phenomenon, mechanism of Lightning stroke, shape of Lightning
voltage wave, over voltages due to Lightning, Lightning protection problem,
significance of tower footing resistance in relation to Lightning, insulator
flashover and withstand voltages, protection against surges, surge arresters,
surge capacitor, surge reactor and surge absorber, Lightning arrestors and
protective characteristics, dynamic voltage rise and arrester rating.
Insulation Coordination:
Volt time curve, over voltage protection, ground wires, insulation
4 02
coordination based on lightning, surge protection of rotating machines and
Phenomenon of corona, Disruptive critical voltage, Visual critical voltage,
corona loss, factors affecting corona loss, Radio interference due to corona,
5 04
practical considerations of corona loss, corona in bundled conductor lines,
corona ring, corona pulses- their generation and properties in EHV lines,
charge voltage (q-V) diagram and corona loss.
Uncompensated Transmission Line:
Electrical Parameters, Fundamental Transmission Line equation, Surge
6 Impedance and Natural Loading, the uncompensated line on Open circuit, the 06
uncompensated line under load- Effect of line length, load power and power
factor on voltage and reactive power, Maximum power and stability

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13


Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test
(on minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project.
End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Term work: Term work shall consist of minimum Five Tutorials and Three simulations.
The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:

Laboratory work/Tutorials (Journal) : 10 marks

Assignments : 10 marks
Attendance : 05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
practical work and minimum passing in the term-work.

Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Wadhwa C.L. Electrical power system, New Age International,4th edition,2005
2. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, TMH publications,2002
3. D. P. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Mc Graw Hill,3rd
4. B.R. Gupta, Power System Analysis And Design, S.Chand,4th edition,2007
5. Begamudre R.D. “Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering”, New Age
International, 2nd edition
6. Soni M.L., Bhatanagar U.S, Gupta P.V, A course in electrical power, Dhnapat Rai
7. Timothy J.E.Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems” Wiley India Pvt
Ltd. 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Stevenson, Modern power system analysis, TMH publication
2. Turan Gonen, Modern power system analysis, Wiley,1988
3. Mehta V.K., Principle of power system, S Chand,4th edition,2005.
4. Arthur R. Bergen, Vijay Vittal, “Power System Analysis”, Pearson Publication,
Second Edition.

Tutorial /Assignment based on following topics:

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13
1) Symmetrical Fault Analysis
2) Bus Impedance formulation and symmetrical fault analysis using Z Bus
3) Symmetrical Component
4) Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis
5) Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis
6) Travelling Waves and Corona

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching
Course Name Credits assigned
Code Scheme(Contact Hours)
Electrical Machines-III Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract.tut. Total
(Abbreviated as EMC-III ) 4 2 4 1 5

Examination Scheme
Term Pract.
Theory Total
work / Oral
Course Name Internal
Code End Exam.
Sem. Duration
Test Test
Avg Exam (in Hrs)
1 2
Electrical Machines-
EEC602 III (Abbreviated as 20 20 20 80 03 25 25* 150

Course Code Course Name Credits

EEC602 Electrical Machines-III 5
 To impart the knowledge of working principle, operations, performance
Course and applications of 3φ Synchronous Generators and Synchronous Motors
Objectives  To develop the d-q model of 3φ Synchronous Machines and Induction
 Students will be able to understand the engineering fundamentals of
Course synchronous machines.
outcomes  Gain an ability to design and conduct performance experiments, as well
as to identify, formulate and solve machine related problems.

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

Module Contents Hours
Synchronous Generator:
Construction, Emf induced in ac winding, winding factors, armature
reaction, phasor diagram, OC and SC test, voltage regulation by EMF, 20
1 MMF, ZPF, ASA, Saturated synchronous reactance method, power flow and
maximum power conditions, parallel operation, effect of changing
mechanical torque, effect of changing excitation, effect of excitation on
alternator connected to infinite bus.
Salient Pole Synchronous Generators: Blondel’s two reaction theory, 06
power angle characteristics, synchronizing power and torque.
Synchronous Motor:
Principle of operation, phasor diagram, power flow and maximum power
conditions, excitation circles, power circles, V curves and O curves, power 12
factor control (Effect of change in excitation on power factor), Hunting,
Dampers, Starting methods, Starting against high torques, Measurement of
Xd and Xq.
Theory of Synchronous Machine:
The ideal synchronous machine, synchronous machine Inductances,
4 05
Transformation to Direct and Quadrature axis variables, Basic machine
relations in dq0 variables, Steady state Analysis.
Theory of Induction Machine:
5 The ideal Induction machine, Transformation to d-q variables, Basic 03
machine relations in d-q variables, Steady state Analysis.
Sequence Reactance of Synchronous Generator (Only for practical)
6 Measurement of positive, negative and zero sequence reactance of 02
Synchronous generator.

*Includes both Practical and Oral examination


Internal assessment consists of two tests out of which one should be compulsory class test
(on minimum 02 modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Practical and Oral examination:
The distribution of marks shall be as follows:
Performance of Experiments : 15 marks
Oral examination : 10 marks
Term work:
Term work shall consist of minimum seven experiments, Assignments (minimum Two).
University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13
The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (experiments) : 10 marks
Assignments : 10 marks
Attendance : 05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
practical work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:

1. Electrical Machinery by P.S.Bimhhra, VII Edition, Khanna Publisher

2. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari.TMH Publication.
3. Electrical Machinery by Fitzgerald and Kingsley, Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book
4. Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines by Dr. P.S.Bimhhra, V Edition, Khanna
5. Electrical Machines by Smarajit Ghosh, Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. Performance and Design of AC Machines by M.G.Say, CBS Publishers
2. Electrical Machines, by Charles I. Hubert, Pearson Education
3. Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power System, by Theodore Wildi, Pearson Education

List of Laboratory Experiments Recommended:

1. Construction details of Synchronous machine

2. Regulation of alternator by direct loading.
3. Regulation of alternator by EMF and MMF method
4. Regulation of alternator by ZPF, ASA and saturated synchronous reactance method.
5. To study the Excitation required to maintain terminal voltage of an alternator constant.
6. V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor
7. Determination of Xd and Xq by slip test.
8. Synchronization of Alternators.
9. Parallel operation of alternators.
10.Starting methods of synchronous motor.
11.Use of Synchronous motor as a synchronous condenser.
12. Performance curves of synchronous motor by conducting brake test with rated excitation.
13. To determine positive sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence reactance of an

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching Scheme(Contact
Course Name Credits assigned
Code Hours)
Utilization of Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract.tut. Total
EEC603 Electrical Energy
3 1 3 1 4
(Abbreviated as UEE )

Examination Scheme
Term Pract.
Theory Total
Course work / Oral
Course Name
Code Internal Assessment End Exam.
Test Test Sem. Duration
1 2 Exam (in Hrs)
Utilization of
Electrical Energy
EEC603 20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
(Abbreviated as

Course Code Course Name Credits

EE603 Utilization of Electric Energy 4
Course  To impart the basic knowledge of some major applications which utilizes
Objectives electrical energy.
Course  Recognize the need for technical change & ability to learn in the broadest
Outcomes knowledge of Technical Advancement in Traction, Illumination and other

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13


Module Contents Hours

Systems of Traction:
Diesel Traction, Electric Traction, Various systems of Track Electrification
like DC, single phase, Three phase & Composite system.
Train Movement & Energy Consumption-Typical Speed /Time Curves, 12
Mechanics of Train Movement, Power & Energy output from the driving
axles, Specific Energy consumption, Factors affecting Specific Energy
consumption, Dead weight, Accelerating weight and Adhesive weight.
Electric Traction Motors & Control:
Suitability of DC/AC motors for traction purpose, Starting & speed control
2 by using rheostat method, series parallel method, Thyristor control method.
Power supply for electric traction - Current collection systems and related
overhead equipment, substations - location & Distribution System,
substation equipment, Traction SCADA & Signaling.
Illumination Engineering:
Basic terms in lighting systems, Laws of illumination, Polar curves,
Photometry, Measurement of illumination, sources of light, study of
different types of lamps ,types of luminaires , various factors related to 10
luminaire selection, their control, and their features .Types of lighting
systems, Recommended Illuminance levels for various tasks/activities/
Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV):
4 Architectures of hybrid EV/HEV power system, Energy Sources for EV 03
/HEV applications, Type of motors used in EV/HEV and their comparison.
Other applications of Electrical Energy:
Terminology, Refrigeration cycle, Vapor compression type, vapor
5 03
absorption type, Electrical circuit of a Refrigerator, Room Air conditioner
window type & split type
Electric heating & Welding:
Basic working principle of Arc furnace, Induction furnace, Power supply
6 02
requirement for furnaces, Electric welding equipment & power supply
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test
(on minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project.
End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are six questions
to be set each of 20 marks. Out of these any four questions to be attempted by students.
Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester examination.
Term work: Term work shall consist minimum of eight practicals / tutorials.

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work/Tutorials (Journal) : 10 marks
Assignments : 10 marks
Attendance : 05 marks

The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
practical work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Oral examination: Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Utilization of Electric Energy by J.B.Gupta, SK Kataria & Sons
2. Utilization of Electric Energy by R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd
3. Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electric Energy by C.L.Wadhwa, Wiley
Eastern Ltd
4. I. Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Art & Science of Utilization of Electric Energy by H.Partap, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
2. Electric Traction By H.Partap, Dhanpat Rai & sons
3. Designing with light-A Lighting Handbook By Anil Valia, Lighting System
4. Generation and Utilization of Electric Energy by S.Sivanagaraju, Pearson Education
5. M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S.E. Gay and Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press. 2005

Website Reference:
http://nptel.iitm.ac.in :Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles - Web course
Numerical on Module 1, 2 &3
Practicals :
1) Study & Testing of various lamps
2) Measurement of lux levels by using Luxmeter
3) Visit to a railway workshop near by
4) Demonstration of Air conditioning system

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching
Course Name Credits assigned
Code Scheme(Contact Hours)
Control System-I Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract./tut. Total
(Abbreviated as CS-1 ) 4 2 4 1 5

Examination Scheme
Term Pract.
Theory Total
Course work / Oral
Course Name
Code Internal Assessment End Exam.
Test Test Sem. Duration
1 2 Exam (in Hrs)
Control System
EEC604 – I (Abbreviated 20 20 20 80 03 25 -- 125
as CS-1 )

Course Code Course Name Credits

EEC604 Control System-I 5
Course  To model a system using transfer function and state space.
University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13
 To determine the system parameters to yield stability.
 To analyze and design system parameters to meet transient and steady
state error performance specifications.
Course  Knowledge of different techniques for analysing the performance of linear
Outcomes time invariant system.

Module Contents Hours

Introduction to control system:
History of control system, open loop and closed loop control system with 02
examples, brief idea of multi variable control system.
Modeling in the frequency domain:
Transfer function of electrical (Network and OP Amp) and electro
mechanical systems. Transfer function model of AC & DC servomotor, 10
potentiometer & tachogenerator. Block diagram reduction technique and
signal flow graph, Mason’s rule, Signal flow graph of electrical network.
Modeling in the Time domain:
Introduction to state variable, General state space representation, State
space representation of Electrical and Mechanical systems. Conversion
between state space and transfer function. Alternative representations in 08
state space: (Phase variable, parallel & cascade). Similarity
transformations, diagonalizing a system matrix. Laplace Transform
solution of state equation.
Transient, Steady state and Stability analysis:
Time response analysis of first and second order systems, Under damped
second order system with step input. System response with additional poles
4 12
and zeros. Steady state error for unity feedback systems. Static error
constants and system type. Concept of stability, absolute and relative
stability using Routh Hurwitz criteria, stability in state space.
Root locus techniques:
5 Definition and properties of root locus, rules for plotting root locus,
stability analysis using root locus, Transient response design via gain
Frequency Response techniques:
6 Polar plots, Bode plot, stability in frequency domain, Nyquist plots.
Nyquist stability criterion. Gain margin and phase margin via Nyquist
diagram and Bode plots. Relationship between Closed loop transient,
Closed and open loop frequency responses. Steady state error
characteristics from frequency responses.

Internal assessment consists of two tests out of which one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or
course project.

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Term work: Term work should consist of four experiments and four programs/ simulations
covering all the six modules of the syllabus.
The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work/Tutorials (Journal) : 10 marks
Assignments : 10 marks
Attendance : 05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
practical work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Books Recommended:
Text books:
1. Control system engineering by Norman Nise 2nd to latest edition
2. Control System engineering by Nagrath and Gopal, 5th to latest edition , Wiley
3. Modern control system engineering by K. Ogata, printice Hal
4. Modern control Systems, Twelfth edition, by Richard C Dorf, Robert H Bishop,
Reference books:
1. Linear Control system Analysis and design with MATLAB, by J.J. Azzo, C. H.
Houpis, S.N. Sheldon, Marcel Dekkar, ISBN 0824740386
2. Feedback control of Dynamic System, G.F. Franklin, Pearson higher education, ISBN
3. Control System Engineering, Shivanagraju s. Devi L., New age International latest
edition .
4. Control Systems Technology, Curtis Johnson, Heidar Malki, Pearson
5. Control Systems Engineering, S. K. Bhattacharya, Pearson.
6. Control Systems, Theory and applications, Smarajit Ghosh, Pearson

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching
Course Name Credits assigned
Code Scheme(Contact Hours)
Microcontroller and its Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract.tut. Total
EEC605 Applications
4 2 4 1 5
(Abbreviated as MCA)

Examination Scheme
Term Pract./
Theory Total
work Oral
Course Name Internal
Code End Exam.
Sem. Duration
Test Test
Avg Exam. (in Hrs)
1 2
EEC605 Microcontroller 20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13
and its
(Abbreviated as

Course Code Course Name Credits

EEC605 Microcontroller and its Applications 5
 To impart knowledge of PIC microcontrollers along with the
Course programming using assembly language and C language.
 To make the students aware of recent microcontroller based design.
 Students will understand the basic programming used in microcontroller
Course based systems.
 Students will be able to implement any system using microcontrollers

Module Contents Hours

Introduction to microcontroller:
Block diagram of generic microcontroller, Microcontroller versus
1 microprocessor, Overview of the PIC 18 family, A brief history of PIC 04
microcontroller, PIC 18 features and family, Internal bus structure of PIC
PIC Controller : PIC 18
Block diagram PIC 18 microprocessor, PIC microcontroller program
memory and data (File) memory organization, Special Function Register
2 (SFR), General purpose Register (GPR), CPU registers, WREG register, 08
Status register, BSR register, Instruction register, Program counter and
program ROM, Stack pointer and Stack RAM, PIC 18 internal architecture
(ALU, EEPROM, RAM, I/O port, Timer, CCP, DAC), Pipelining.
PIC 18 Assembly language programming:
Instruction format, Addressing modes, Assembler directives, Assembly
language programming structure, Instruction set, Reading writing data in
programme memory, Arithmetic and logical instructions: Writing programs
3 10
to perform arithmetic and logical computations, Rotate instructions:
Writing program to perform divide and multiplication operations, Branch
instruction, Subroutine and instructions associated with it, Stack and
instruction associated with it, Time delays and delay calculations.
PIC Programming in assembly and C:
Timer programming for generation of time delay :
Timer register, control registers, interrupt register, 16 bit and 8 bit
programming, Counter programming to count events:
4 16
Serial port programming, Basics of serial communication, Synchronous and
asynchronous communication, SPBRG, TXREG, RCREG,
TXSTA,RCSTA,PIR1, Interrupt programming:, Interrupt versus polling,
Interrupt structure, Enabling and disabling interrupt, Programming Timer

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

interrupt, LCD and Keyboard interfacing.
Parallel Ports
5 I/O Addressing, Synchronization. Overview of the PIC18 parallel ports, 06
Interfacing with simple output devices.
Input/ Output (I/O) port Interfacing
Interfacing matrix keyboard and 7- segment LED display, ADC Interface,
6 04
Stepper Motor Interface, Dc Motor interface, Interfacing an LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display).

Internal assessment consists of two tests out of which one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or
course project.
End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Term work: Term work shall consist of minimum eight experiments and Assignments
(minimum Two).
The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) :10 marks.
Assignments :10 marks.
Attendance (Practical and Theory) : 5 marks.
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.

Oral examination: Oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus.

Books Recommended:
Reference Book:

1. Fundamentals of Microcontrollers and applications in Embedded System (PIC 18

Microcontroller familiy), Ramesh Gaonkar, Penram International publishing (Ind)
pvt. Ltd.
2. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded systems, Mazidi, Muhmmad A. Pearson
3. Han Way Huang, PIC Microcontroller, Cengage learning
4. Microprocessor from assembly language to C using PIC 18FXX2, Robert B. Reese,
Davinci Engineering press
5. Microcontrollers (Theory and Applications), Ajay Deshmukh, Tata McGraw Hill
Edu. Pvt. Ltd.

List of recommended experiments:

The experiments can be performed by using Proteus VSM Platform (any 6)

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

To design and test circuits
1. Addition , Subtraction
2. BCD Adder
3. Multiplication, Division
4. 4 bit LCD driver
5. Working of ADC/ DAC
6. Demonstration of Traffic light
7. Implement door bell
8. Working of calculator

University of Mumbai
Course Teaching Scheme(Contact
Course Name Credits assigned
Code Hours)
Project Management Theory Pract./Tut. Theory Pract./tut. Total
(Abbreviated as PM) 3 1 3 1 4

Examination Scheme
Term Pract./
Theory Total
work Oral
Course Name Internal
Code End Exam.
Sem. Duration
Test Test
Avg Exam. (in Hrs)
1 2
University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13
EEC606 20 20 20 80 03 25 - 125
(Abbreviated as

Course Code Course Name Credits

EEC606 Project Management 4
Course  To Introduce the concept of Project Management to the students
Course  Students will be able to handle the Industrial Projects effectively and
Outcomes efficiently.

Module Contents Hours

Understanding Projects and Project management:
1 Difference between Project and Operation. Definition of Project & Project
Management. Selection and Qualities of a Project Manager. Life cycle of
Project. Project Management Methodologies & Growth
Project Selection & Appraisal:
Project ideas generation, Pre-Feasibility Analysis (SWOT). Feasibility
Analysis-Market& Demand appraisal, Technical appraisal, Financial
2 appraisal ( debt/equity ratio, different sources of finance, financial
institution, Cash Flows, Profitability projections like PBP, NPV, IRR,
Break–Even Analysis). Risk analysis (Sensitivity analysis & Scenario
Analysis). Economic Feasibility (SCBA-UNIDO approach). Preparing a
detailed Project Proposal (Executive Summary).
Project Planning:
Attributes & Definition of planning. WBS. Time Planning
(PERT/CPM/Trade off). Material Planning (Procurement logistics &
storage). Machines & Technology planning. Human Resource Planning 12
(Project Organization). Planning the cost (Budgeting). QAP. Planning of
Risk Management. Statutory Clearances. Resource Allocation & Resource
Leveling. Introduction & use of PM software.
Project Execution, Monitoring & Controlling:
Motivation (Motivation Theories). Communication & Reporting (Types and
4 04
Methods). Co-ordination. Management of scope. TQM. Stake Holder
Management, Risk Management and Logistics Management.
Project Closure & Termination:
Inspection. Testing. Transportation. Commissioning. Trial Run.
Documentation required for Project Handover. Preparing a Project Report
for Future Reference.
6 Contracts Management:
Types of contracts, Tendering (techno commercial aspects). Negotiations 03
and Awarding the contracts. Contract closure.

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test
(on minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project.
End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as, six
questions to be set each of 20 marks, out of these any four questions to be attempted by
students. Minimum 80% syllabus should be covered in question papers of end semester
Term work: Term work shall consist of minimum six tutorials, Assignments (minimum
The distribution of marks for the term work shall be as follows:
Tutorials (Journal) : 10 marks
Assignments : 10 marks
Attendance : 05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
practical work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Project Management & Appraisal, Sitangshu Khatua, Pub. Oxford University
2. Project Preparation , Appraisal, Budgeting & Implementation by Prasanna
3. Project Management & Control by Narendra Singh, Himalaya Pub.
Reference Books:
1. Project Management- a Managerial Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and
Harold Kerzner, 10th edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Project Management - a Managerial Approach : Jack R. Meredith & Samuel J
Mantel, Jr., 7 th Edition John Wiley & Sonns, Inc.
3. Project Management Institute (PMBOK)â Guide, 5th Edition

Tutorials/Practicals Recommended:
1) Case study on Pre-Feasibility(SWOT Analysis)
2) Case Study on Market & Demand Analysis
3) Numerical on Profitability Projections
4) Case study on Preparing Project Appraisal/ Executive Summary
5) Numerical on Network Technique & Trade-off Analysis
6) Hands on experience using the PM software MS Project 2000

University of Mumbai Electrical Engineering Rev 2012-13

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