5th Week Report

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5th Week Report


Kalabagh Gas and Condensate Field – Batch-II

Muhammad Awais- Intern


University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore

Submitted to:
Syed Ali Mustafa - Production Engineer
Well Completion of Kalabagh 1A
Conductor Pipe
The main purpose of this first string of pipe is to protect unconsolidated shallow formations from
erosion by drilling fluids and collapsing of hole. Additional functions of the first casing string

1. Provide centralization for the inner casing strings, which limits potential buckling of
subsequent casing strings.
2. Minimize shallow lost returns.
3. Provides a mount in onshore applications for a diverter system that would be used in the
event of an unexpected shallow influx.

Conductor casings can be driven or jetted to depth or, alternatively, run into a predrilled or jetted
hole and cemented.

Surface Casing
Surface casing is installed to:

1. Prevent poorly consolidated shallow formations from sloughing into the hole
2. Enable full mud circulation
3. Protect fresh water sands from contamination by drilling mud
4. Provide protection against hydrocarbons found at shallow depths
5. Provide initial support for the blowout preventers
6. Provide kick resistance for deeper drilling
7. Support the wellhead system and all subsequent casing strings

The surface casing string is typically cemented to the surface or seabed. It is usually the first casing
on which blowout preventers are installed. The amount of protection provided against internal
pressure will only be as effective as the formation strength at the casing shoe.

Intermediate Casing
Intermediate casing is used to ensure there is adequate blowout protection for deeper drilling and
to isolate formations that could cause drilling problems. The first intermediate string is typically
the first casing providing full blowout protection. An intermediate casing string is nearly always
set in the transition zone associated with the onset of significant overpressures. If the well could
encounter severe lost circulation zone(s), intermediate casing would normally be set in a competent
formation below the loss zone. Intermediate casing can also be used to case off any known
hydrocarbon-bearing intervals as a contingency against the possibility of encountering lost
circulation, with attendant well control problems. An intermediate string may also be set simply
to reduce the overall cost of drilling and completing the well by isolating intervals that have caused
me technical problems in the past. Intermediate casing may be required to isolate
1. Swelling clays and shale that can result in tight hole and key seats
2. Brittle caving shale or weak zones prone to washout and creation of persistent on bottom
3. Salt intervals
4. Chemically active formations that can upset mud chemistry
5. Over-pressured permeable formation
6. High permeability sand(s)
7. Partly-depleted reservoirs that could cause differential sticking

A good well designer should plan to combine as many of these objectives as possible when
selecting a single casing point.

Drilling Liners
A drilling liner is essentially a string of intermediate casing that does not extend all the way to
surface. It is hung off in or above the previous casing shoe and is usually cemented over its entire
length to ensure it seals within the previous casing string. In many subsea well designs, the liner
is partially cemented around the shoe, and a liner lap packer is used to seal the liner top. This is
necessary when the fracture gradient cannot withstand the equivalent circulating density resulting
from the pressure drops associated with cementing the entire liner.
Drilling liners may be installed to

1. Increase shoe strength to allow further mud density increases

2. Isolate troublesome zones
3. Satisfy rig tension load limitations
4. Minimize the length of reduced hole diameter to overcome possible adverse effects on
drilling hydraulics and the size of drill pipe that can be used
5. Save money compared to running a full string.

There are a number of disadvantages to installing liners

1. Difficulty obtaining a quality cement job
2. Risk of liner running equipment being cemented in the hole
3. The liner lap represents a potential source of influx and typically must be isolated by a
retrievable bridge plug if it is necessary to remove the blowout preventer stack
4. The lap must be tested with both positive and negative pressure and remedial action taken
if it fails to perform.

Production Casing
Production casing is the conduit through which the well will be completed, produced and
controlled throughout its life. On exploration wells, this life may amount to only a very short
testing period, but on most development wells it will span many years, during which multiple
repairs and recompletions might be performed. Production casing should be designed to retain its
integrity throughout its life. In most cases, production casing must provide full pressure
redundancy to the tubing, isolate the productive intervals, facilitate proper reservoir maintenance
and/or prevent the influx of undesired fluids.

The size of the production casing is selected to accommodate the optimum method of completion
and production, along with
• Well flow potential, i.e., tubing size
• Possibility of a multiple tubing string completion
• Space required for downhole equipment, such as safety valves, artificial lift equipment, etc.
• Potential well servicing and recompletion requirements
• Adequate annular clearances to permit circulation at reasonable rates and pressures.
It is also possible that the production casing itself could be used as production tubing to maximize
well deliverability, to minimize the pressure losses during fracture stimulations, for continuous or
batch chemical injection or for lift gas.

The pipe centered in the annulus of an oil and/or gas well through which the hydrocarbons flow to
the surface from the formation is called tubing. It is important to size tubing properly. If too small,
production will be restricted, limiting the profitability of the well. However, tubing that is too large
can reduce fluid velocity and allow for buildup of produced water that can kill the well. Large
tubing will also affect the economics of the project, adding to the cost of the overall well design.

Conductor Pipe 30inch

Surface Casing 20 inch
Intermediate 1 13.375 inch
Intermediate 2 9.625 inch
Liner 1 7 inch
Liner 2 5 inch
Tubing 3.5 inch
End of Tail 2 7/8 inch
Subsurface Safety Valve

It is advisable, and in most cases mandatory, to have a secondary means of closure for all wells
capable of natural flow to the surface. The installation on of a sub-surface safety valve (SSSV) will
provide this emergency closure capability.

To isolate the tubing, there are two basic types of safety valves:

1. Tubing conveyed: Tubing Retrievable Subsurface Safety Valve (TRSV)

2. Wireline conveyed: Wireline Retrievable Subsurface Safety Valve (WRSV)

Operating Systems

Operating systems may be either remotely operated on a fail-safe principle from surface (SCSSV)
actuated from a control panel located on surface, or will be a subsurface controlled (SSCSV),
designed to close automatically when a predetermined flow condition occurs in the well (actuated
by the pressure differential/flow velocity across the valve).In case of SCSSV, a 1/4″ inch stainless
steel control line is attached to the outside of the tubing string and installed when the tubing is
installed. Depending on the wellhead pressure, it may be necessary to keep as much as 4000 to
5000 psi on the control line to keep the valve open.
Surface Safety Valve

Surface safety valve (SSV) is a hydraulically actuated fail-safe gate valve for producing or testing
oil and gas wells with high flow rates, high pressures, or the presence of H2S. The SSV is used to
quickly shut down the well upstream in the event of overpressure, failure, a leak in downstream
equipment, or any other well emergency requiring an immediate shut down.

SSV is remotely operated by an emergency shutdown device (ESD), which can be triggered
automatically by high or low pressure pilot actuators. If an emergency occurs, this feature
reduces the possibility of personnel injuries.
Sliding Side Door (SSD)
SSD is a high performance, Non-elastomeric equalizing sliding sleeve. The tool is designed
such that any lock profile and compatible seal bores can be specified and ordered to accept a
wide range of Wireline Locks, and accessories. The sleeve is available in downshift-to-open
or upshift-to-open versions.


Packers provide a structural purpose (anchor the tubing to casing) and a sealing purpose. They are
used in a variety of applications:

1. Isolate the annulus to provide sufficient barriers or casing corrosion prevention.

2. Isolate different production zones for zonal isolation.
3. Provide an annular seal.

Setting of Packer

Hydraulic set

Fluid sent pressure exerted. Below packer there is a nipple in which has a profile in it plug is set.
Run plug with slick line which reaches the nipple. Retrieve slick line. Now start pumping
completion fluid. Pressure up to specified range. Hold pressure. Packer expand. Metallic slips will
hold the casing as they strike against the casing. Nylon with the slips expand.

A type of downhole packer that is activated or set by applying compressive force to the packer
assembly. In most cases, this is achieved with set-down weight from the running string, which is
controlled by the driller or operator observing the weight indicator on the rig or coiled tubing unit.

Drillable Packer

A packer assembly that can be removed from the wellbore only by drilling or milling. Drillable
packers, and similar tools such as bridge plugs, are typically made from cast iron,
aluminum, plastic or similar brittle materials.

Retrievable Packer

A type of packer that is run and retrieved on a running string or production string.

Tail assembly:

1. Half mule shoe

2. Packer
3. Travelling joint
4. Tubing

Well Head

The surface termination of a wellbore that incorporates facilities for installing casing hangers
during the well construction phase. The wellhead also incorporates a means of hanging
the production tubing and installing the Christmas tree and surface flow-control facilities in
preparation for the production phase of the well.

Tubing hanger

A device attached to the topmost tubing joint in the wellhead to support the tubing string.

Casing hanger

The subassembly of a wellhead that supports the casing string when it is run into the wellbore. The
casing hanger generally incorporates a sealing device or system to isolate the casing annulus from
upper wellhead components.
Christmas tree
The set of valves, spools and fittings connected to the top of a well to direct and control the flow
of formation fluids from the well. An assembly of valves, spools, pressure gauges and chokes fitted
to the wellhead of a completed well to control production. Christmas trees are available in a wide
range of sizes and configurations, such as low- or high-pressure capacity and single- or multiple-
completion capacity. In each case, the Christmas tree provides primary and back-up control
facilities for normal production and wellbore shut-in. The Christmas tree also incorporates
facilities to enable safe access for well intervention operations such as slick line,
electric wireline or coiled tubing.
Master Valve
A valve located on the Christmas tree that controls all flow from the wellbore. A correctly
functioning master valve is so important that two master valves are fitted to most Christmas trees.
The upper master valve is used on a routine basis. Lower master valve providing backup in the
event that the normal service valve is leaking and needs replacement.

Wing valve
A flowing wing valve is used to control and isolate production Kill wing valve fitted on the
opposite side of the Christmas tree is available for treatment or well-control purposes.

Swab Valve
The topmost valve on a Christmas tree that provides vertical access to the wellbore.

A rectangular pit called a cellar is dug around the location of the actual drilling hole.
The cellar provides a work space around the hole for the workers and drilling accessories. The
crew then begins drilling the main hole, often with a small drill truck rather than the main rig.
Calibration of flow charts
The Barton flow chart recorders are used to calculate the flowrate of the gas flowing through a
particular pipeline. This is done using an orifice plate which is simply a plate with a hole of lesser
diameter than pipe inside it. The chart is circular in shape with three measurements being done
namely, differential pressure across orifice plate (red line), static pressure at the downstream of
the orifice plate (blue line) and temperature (green line) of the stream at which values are being
taken. The chart recorders are calibrated for errors according to the annual plan. The calibration of
differential pressure is done using manometer while of static pressure is done using dead weight

Calculations of water content in gas:

Temperature Pressure Water content
102F 880Psi 65.6 lb/MMSCF
In our gas 65.6lb/MMSCF water contents are present. We have to remove water content from the
gas so that it become valuable. For this purpose we need Dehydration unit.
Design Considerations
Absorber (Contactor)
The incoming wet gas and the lean TEG are contacted counter currently in the absorber to reduce
the water content of the gas to the required specifications.
The key design parameters for the absorber are
• Gas flow rate and specific gravity
• Gas temperature
• Operating pressure (gas pressure)
• Outlet dew point or water content required
The amount of water to be removed in a TEG system is calculated from the gas flow rate, the water
content of incoming gas, and the desired water content of outgoing gas.

Where Wr is water removed, lb/hr; Wi is water content of inlet gas, lb/MMscf; Wo is water
content of outlet gas, lb/MMscf; and QG is gas flowrate, MMscfd.
QG Wi Wo Wr
3 65.6 7 7.325

The glycol circulation rate is determined on the basis of the amount of water to be removed and is
usually between 2 and 6 gallons of TEG per pound of water removed, with 3 gallons TEG/lb water
being typical.
Higher circulation rates provide little additional dehydration while increasing reboiler fuel and
pumping requirements. Problems can arise if the TEG circulation rate is too low; therefore, a
certain amount of overcirculation is desired. An excessive circulation rate may overload the
reboiler and prevent good glycol regeneration. The heat required by the reboiler is directly
proportional to the circulation rate. Thus, an increase in circulation rate may decrease reboiler
temperature, decreasing lean glycol concentration, and actually decrease the amount of water that
is removed by the glycol from the gas.
The minimum glycol circulation rate can then be calculated as
Where QTEG, min is the minimum TEG circulation rate (gal TEG/hr); and G is the glycol-to-water
ratio (gal TEG/lb water removed). The industry accepted rule of thumb is 3 gallons of TEG per
pound of water removed.
G Wr QTEG, min
3 7.325 21.975


Kitagawa gas detector tubes are made from high-quality borosilicate glass tubes with a uniform
inside diameter. Inside, each tube is packed with a gas detecting reagent. When both ends of
detector tube are broken, inserted into the Model AP-20 Kitagawa Gas Aspirating Pump, and an
air sample is pulled through the tube by means of pulling back on the pump handle, the detecting
reagent changes color. The length of the discolored layer is proportional to the concentration of
the gas or vapour in the sample because of the fixed volume of sample, which is always 100 ml.

The detecting reagent is a reactive chemical adsorbed by granules of a highly purified silica gel,
activated alumina, silica sand or silica glass. This packing changes color by the chemical reaction
with the target gas. Magnesium per chlorate is also used which gives the color.


1. As the gas detector tube method requires no chemical analyzers, reagents, etc., advance
preparations are not needed; detector tubes are always ready for use
2. The gas detector tube method is well-suited for use at the work site because it is small,
lightweight, and needs only a small sample volume to determine the concentration of gas
or vapour in a sample.
3. The operating procedures are simple, allowing anyone to make measurements without the
need for individual sampling technique.
4. The results of measurements are available in just minutes, so fast action can be taken when
5. Since no electrical power source is required, detector tubes can be used even when
flammable gases are present.
6. Different types of detector tubes are available for different gases and measuring ranges,
from 0.1 ppm to more than 10 %, making the system flexible tor different sampling


The Kitagawa Model AP-20 consists of an aspirating pump, accessories, and a compact,
lightweight carrying case The Model AP-20 is provided with a sample flow indicator, detector
tube tip cutter and storage, and a two-stage locking mechanism on the pump handle that allows
sampling of either 50 ml or100 ml sample volumes. The carrying case can be used as a portable


The Model AP-20 pump includes an exclusive sample flow finish indicator as an aid in sampling.
Before sampling, the red flow indicator is sticking out from the indicator base. As a sample is
drawn through a detector tube, the red flow indicator will be sticking out from the indicator base.
As sampling progresses, this red flow indicator sticks out fully. Sampling cycle is completed when
the red flow indicator sticks out fully from the indicator base. With this handy sampling aid, it is
not necessary to always time each sample, allowing multiple tasks to be performed.


Glass ends of detector tubes broken off in the tip cutter collect in the tip storage compartment. This
reduces the possibility of glass cuts scatter .
Model AP-20 Aspirating Pump is provided with convenient grooves on the pump shaft at the 50
ml and 100 ml mark. When the red line on the pump shaft and bottom case are lined up and the
handle is pulled straight out, the pump will automatically lock at either the 50 ml or 100 ml mark.
To unlock the pump after sampling, simply turn the handle 90 degrees.

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