Dank Memer Currency Guide
Dank Memer Currency Guide
Dank Memer Currency Guide
The basics
Important information to know
Your wallet
Your bank
The shop
Experience and levelling up
Detailed guide
Dying in the currency system
Theft with `pls steal` and `pls bankrob`
Wallet Theft
Bank Theft
Items/inventory (extended)
Item Types
Item Persistence
Understanding the Inventory
Experience and levelling up (extended)
Experience Gain
Loot boxes
Normie Box
Meme Box
Dank Box
Donator Status
Premium Server
Steal Shield
The basics
If you’re completely new to the concept of currency in a Discord bot, or simply want to learn
more about how Dank Memer’s currency system works better, you can start at the basics to
learn how our system is structured, and the fundamentals on how it works.
You may be wondering why we even have a currency system on a meme bot, and the
simple/short answer is: why not? We’ve spent weeks organizing unique items and features for
our users to play around with and we think that you guys will absolutely love it. We’ve
specifically designed our currency system to be memey in nature.
One of the most important things to know about Dank Memer’s currency system is that it is
centralized and global. Coins that you earn on one server will be shared across all servers that
Dank Memer is in. The same principle follows with items, bank balance, experience, etc.
Your wallet
Your wallet on Dank Memer is similar to your wallet in real life, however there are a few key
differences. Your wallet can hold an infinite amount of money, and you can also use your wallet
to make purchases in the shop, as well as doing other money related things like paying fines,
sharing money with others, etc. As well as this, any money you earn from anywhere will
automatically go into your wallet.
The downside of keeping all of your money in your wallet is that you’re susceptible to being
stolen from via the pls stealcommand. People can easily target you, and when you have
lots of money in your wallet, you can easily lose it quickly if people know you have it. That’s
where this next concept comes in real handy…
Your bank
Your bank is a safe place to store coins. Whilst it is still possible to rob banks using pls
bankrob , multiple people are required to heist, and it is generally unlikely that your bank will be
robbed. However, your bank can only hold a certain amount of money at one time. Bank space
is determined by multiple factors, but the more you use the bot, the more bank space you will
The shop
The currency system offers a centralized shop where everyone can purchase different items.
Items purchased from the shop are stored in your inventory which can be accessed using pls
inventory . You can purchase items from the shop using pls buyprovided that you have
enough money to purchase the item. If for whatever reason you want to buy more than one of
an item, just use pls buy [item] [amount] .
Your inventory is a storage bin where all of your purchased items will be. You can access it
using pls inventory , and it will display the amount of items you have, as well as the type of
that item.
Certain items in the currency system can be “used” by using the pls use [item]command.
Different items in the currency will serve different purposes and whilst some can be beneficial to
you, some can be harmful if not used correctly. You can discover what each item does by using
pls shop [item]which will display more information on that item.
Detailed guide
This section of the guide features more in-depth information on different aspects of the currency
system, including how to use different commands and what they do. We’ll go over different
features like items, the ability to die and much more. If you want information on a specific detail,
use the table of contentsat the top of this guide or on the side.
Wallet Theft
To perform a robbery against a single user on their wallet, you can use pls steal [user]to
attempt to steal money from a user. You’ll need to ensure you first have at least 500 coins.
There’s a somewhat high chance that you’ll fail, however if you do succeed, you can fall into
one of three categories of payout reward depending on how lucky you are:
When robbed, the victim will receive a notification in pls notifications . If the victim has a
Reversal Card, they can use it to reverse any robbery within a 5 minute timeframe. If used
against you, you will lose the money you just gained from the theft, and the victim will gain
100% of it back.
Bank Theft
Similarly to wallet theft, users can use pls bankrob [user](or pls heist [user] ) to
heist a bank. Unlike wallet theft, you require 1000 coinsbefore you can rob another user.
Bank robberies will have much higher payouts at the risk of being much more dangerous, and
requiring a lot more people. With just 1 person, a heist against another user has a 100%chance
to fail. As you increase the number of people in the heist, your chance of succeeding and
bringing home a higher amount of money increases. Another important consideration for bank
robberies is that all members in the heist must be paid, and money earned from the heist will be
split (somewhat) equally between them.
Once started, other users can join your bank robbery against another user within 60 seconds if
they type "I WANT MONEY"(case insensitive) in the same channel. In order for other users to
join the heist, they also need to have 1000 coins on them at the time.
After 60 seconds has elapsed, you’ll see your results in chat and a different message will
appear depending on whether or not you failed. If you see a code block appear in chat, your
gang successfully ran away with a certain amount of money split between the amount of people
in your heist. If you see no code block appear, you unfortunately failed.
- Nevulo died.
If you see a red message in the codeblock with your name, this means that you’ve died. See
Dying in the currency systemfor more information.
Similar in nature to the Reversal Card, victims of a heist can use a Phoneto call the
police and stop a robbery beforeit has taken place. You cannot call the police if the robbery
has already happened; this only works if you are in the middle of being heisted, during the 60
second period of recruitment.
Items/inventory (extended)
This is a continuation of the brief description of items and inventorydiscussed in The basics.
Item Types
Indicates a regular item with no special attribute
An item with no purpose/use, simply for show as a collectable)
An item with a specific purpose to be used against something else such as a user
Specially designed to give a positive effect when used
A special item that cannot be obtained in the shop in most cases, and gives rewards when
Item Persistence
A lot of the items in the shop today will stay in the shop, however some items (such as seasonal
items specifically designed to be around for a set amount of time) will be removed from the bot
entirely once we see fit to do so. When removed from the bot, the item will be removed from
your inventory, you won’t be able to sell it or interact with it, and you will lose any effects from
that item once they expire.
The same principle may apply to item cost, where developers may decide to change the price of
an item if the economy is too inflated, the item is too overpowered, or the item doesn’t serve a
good enough purpose at the price it’s set at.
On the bottom line is the “ID” of the item, which is not typically used by normal users, however
this can be used as another way to reference the item. It can be useful if you can’t use spaces
to reference the item. Finally, after the ID and another dash ─ we have the “type” of the item.
More information about item types can be found here.
Non-items are any items that are rewarded from things like a loot box or levelling up, but don’t
appear in your inventory.
Things like “titles” will instead appear on your profile in pls profile
. In most cases, non-items
are non-equippable in the sense that they will automatically be equipped to you once you earn
Multipliers can be gained through levelling up on the experience system, and are a permanent
non-item which will affect your multiplier on things like slots, gambling and experience gain. You
can learn more about how multipliers affect you here.
Experience Gain
Experience gain is based on a complicated formula that accounts for all kinds of things,
including multipliers, donor status, the amount you’ve been spamming the bot, and even
whether or not you’re in a premium guild.
If at first you see you’re not earning much experience, don’t fret, this is normal! Experience has
been specifically designed to be difficult to obtain, so that way it’s more of a challenge to get to
the final level. It wouldn’t be much fun if getting to the final level would be as easy as pressing a
few keys on your keyboard, would it?
In the currency system, there are 25 levels total, and every odd level number (excluding
“milestones”) will grant you some kind of reward, whether it’d be itemsor non-items. When you
level up (odd level or not), you will receive a notification congratulating you on your level up, and
you will automatically receive a reward where applicable. You don’t need to do anything; it will
automatically be equipped/applied to you.
Rewards can be things such as permanent multipliers which will apply to you in pls
multiplier , coins, titles, or just regular items.
Milestones are defined as any major point in the levelling system, and are exempt from the
regular “odd number” levels you’d usually obtain. Milestones are currently defined as any level
divisible by 5, for example, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. When you reach a milestone, one of the
rewards you are guaranteed is a “title”.
Loot boxes
Loot boxes (or just “boxes”) are simple ways to earn more coins, items and other rewards.
When you receive a box, you can use pls use [name of box]to open the box. For
example, if you receive a Normie Box, you could use pls use normieto open that Normie
Box. Once opened, a small animation will play, and you’ll be able to see what you got in your
box in chat.
Normie Box
A “Normie Box” is the lowest tier of loot boxes, and it can be easily acquired by voting at the
vote link. You can vote every 12 hours. See more information in Voting for the bot.
Normie Boxes can contain;
● 100 - 750 coins
● A small chance at getting
1Box of Sand
1 - 5Chill Pills
1 - 25Day old Breads
Meme Box
A “Meme Box” is the second tier of loot boxes. It can only be acquired through pls redeemif
you’re a $2 donator.
Meme Boxes can contain;
● 1000 - 3000 coins
● A somewhat higher chance at getting
1Box of Sand
1P hone
1T idepod
1F idget Spinner
Dank Box
The “Dank Box” is the highest tier of loot boxes. It can only be acquired through pls redeemif
you’re at leasta $5 donator.
Meme Boxes can contain;
● 4000 - 8000 coins
● A higher chance at getting
1Box of Sand
1P hone
1 - 2 Tidepods
1 - 3 Fidget Spinners
1 - 2 Reversal Cards
1 - 2 Alcohol
1 - 2 Padlocks
If you’re a $20 donator, you can get two Dank Boxes every week using pls redeem
Donator Status
You can find out more about donator perks on our Patreon page, or on our website.
Dank Memer’s currency system is not “pay to win”. If you become a donator, you will simply gain
minor perks/advantages over other people. In the end, becoming a donator will notgrant you
instant, massive amounts of income. It simply makes getting coins, items and other benefits
Becoming a donor grants many perks, but you also gain a lot of different multipliers. Depending
on the level of patronage (the amount you donated), you can gain a higher multiplier, and gain
even more coins and experience at a faster rate.
Another multiplier included is inside of pls daily . When you reach a streak of 2 or more,
you’ll begin to see“... + $x for being a donator <3”. You can earn extra money on your daily
streak just by being a donator, and like before, this increases depending on how much you’ve
Premium Server
If you’re on a “Premium server”, this means that someone in your server is at least a $5
donator, and they’ve used the pls premiumservercommand to activate this server as
“premium”. Premium servers have access to more features, commands and benefits that all
users have access to. This includes music, tags, auto-posting memes and NSFW content, as
well as other miscellaneous things.
In the sense of the currency system, activating a premium server grants yourself and other
users a small multiplier bonus which will appear in p
ls multiplier .
If you’re on a premium server that was redeemed by a $20 donator, you will gain an even
higher multiplier bonus, followed by extra perks including $2donator perks for all users in your
server! This means that everybody in your server can gain donator multipliers and the other
great benefits of being a donator just by being in your server.
Steal Shield
A steal shield defines what percentage of coins the donatorwill keep when stolen from. If you
have a steal shield of 20%, you will keep 20% of the coins stolen from you at any time. This
means that robbers will only get 80% of what they stole from you.
A unique and recent addition to Dank Memer is a notifications system. Anything that has any
prevalence or importance will be placed into your notifications which can be viewed at any time
by using pls notificationsor p
ls notifs.
We understand that getting pinged or DM’d for simple things is annoying and frustrating, so all
of your important messages such as when you’re stolen from, or when you have levelled up will
be stored here until you dismiss them. You can use pls notifications view [index]to
view a specific notification in greater detail if it’s cut off. If you’re so popular that you want to
clear all of your notifications, you can use pls notifications clear . It’s also possible to
clear only notifications of a specific group by using pls notifications clear [group] .
Multipliers allow you to gain experience quicker and earn more money when gambling or using
the slot machine.
In the currency system, you can gain “secret multipliers” for doing certain things. Obviously,
they’re secret, so we can’t necessarily tell you what they are, however you may realise you
already have some if you use pls multiplier . You can also gain multipliers from other
specific things, like being a donator or being inside of a premium guild.
How can I earn coins?
There’s many ways to earn money in the currency system, but here is an outline on some of
the fundamental ways you can quickly earn money if you don’t have much, or you just need
pls daily
Using pls daily, you can gain a base amount of 250 coins. After you use the
command, you can’t use it again for another 24 hours (hence the name pls daily ). If
you manage to successfully use p ls dailyfor more than two days in a row, you can
gain extra coins for having a daily streak. Furthermore, if you’re a donator for Dank
Memer, you can gain even more coins on top of your extra streak coins depending on
the amount you donated.
pls search
This command allows you to search different places ranging from your couch, to your
pocket, to even your dog or an old lady’s purse. You can gain anywhere from a few
coins, to a few thousand coinsusing p ls search. There is a catch, however. There is
a very small chance that you can get caught by the police for searching for coins where
you’re not supposed to, and they can fine you a few hundred coins. If you don’t have
enough money to pay the fine, you will die (see Dying in the currency). There is also an
extremely tiny chance you will die just from searching in unhygienic places, such as a
dumpster or dog shit. pls searchis a great way to earn money quickly, but it does
have some risk.
In p
ls slots , you gamble on a slot machine, where there are 9 possible slot positions,
8 of them being hearts, and the last one being the jackpot slot (represented as ).
You need to have at least 2 or moreslots matching in order to win the game and earn
money. The slot position you land on as well as the amount of slots you get (either 2 or
3) will change the amount you get paid.
pls flip
Fairly self-explanatory, you call your bet on whether or not the coin will land on heads
or tails, and if you guess correctly, you will gain 1 coin.
pls beg
Another simplistic command, simply use it and have a 50/50 chance of gaining a few
coins (all the way up to 50) from begging to the Dank Memer lord.
pls steal
In the Dank Memer currency system, you can steal money from other people’s
pockets. If you use the pls stealcommand on somebody, you have a chance of
robbing a certain amount of money from them. Depending on how lucky you are, the
payout can be miniscule, or it can be their entire pocket (however this is rare).
pls bankrob
Similar to pls steal, you can use pls bankrobto rob someone’s bank, which differs
to their pocket. Bank robberies, better known as “heists” are best done with multiple
people, and the higher amount of people you get to join in on your heist, the higher
your success rate will be. If you are successful, everyone who joined in on your heist
(provided they didn’t die) will get a (somewhat) equal cut of what they stole from the
bank, where the host of the heist will be prioritized for payment. This is the best way to
earn monumental amounts of money, provided you understand the risks and have lots
of people to heist with.
pls sell
In the currency system, you can buy items. Later down the road, if you no longer want
these items, or you earned them from somewhere else and want to get monetary value
from them, you can use this command to earn back a third of what the original item
retail price is.