I. Writ of Kalikasan Vs Continuing Mandamus: Environmental Law Midterms (Atty. Cabrido) USJ-R School of Law SY 2019-2020
I. Writ of Kalikasan Vs Continuing Mandamus: Environmental Law Midterms (Atty. Cabrido) USJ-R School of Law SY 2019-2020
I. Writ of Kalikasan Vs Continuing Mandamus: Environmental Law Midterms (Atty. Cabrido) USJ-R School of Law SY 2019-2020
damage ce of duty
2. In summary hearing, parties must submit
affecting two 2) Unlawful all available evidence in support of their
or more cities exclusion positions.
description of the cause of action and 2. Shall return to the issuing court the return
reliefs prayed for
of search warrant within five days from
3. Require all interested parties to manifest date of seizure, in case of warrantless
their interest to intervene within 15 days arrest five days from date of seizure with
from notice.
pertinent documents
4. Plaintiff may publish the order once in a 3. Court may direct auction sale of seized
newspaper of general circulation or items. The court shall fix the minimum
furnish all affected barangays copies of bidding price
the order.
4. Auction sale shall be with notice of the
5. Citizen suits filed under RA 8749 and RA accused or the owner of the items seized
*publication for this remedy is permissive 6. Proceeds shall be held in trust and
and non-jurisdictional
deposited with government depository
bank for disposition according to
Ordinary Envi Civil Action Sec 4, Rule 2, judgement.
Part II
VII. Provisional remedies
Any real party in interest, including
government and juridical entities authorized 1. Attachment
by law, may file a civil action involving the • Accused is about to abscond
*may be filed a Filipino citizen or an alien as • Accused has disposed of, concealed or
long as it is shown that there is direct or removed his property or is about to do so
X. Osmeña v Garganera
• Temporary Envi Protection Order (TEPO)
Precautionary Principle as
rule in evidence The contention of the city government that
the failure of respondent to observe 30-day
Applicability condition precedent of notice to the public
When there is lack of full scientific certainty office must negate the action. However the
in establishing casual link between human Court said such contention must fail.
activity and environmental effect or harm
Pursuant to the Rules, the 30-day notice is
Standards in application
1. Threats to human life or health
The requisites to avail this extraordinary
2. Inequity to present and future remedy were all present:
1. There is an actual or threatened violation
3. Prejudice to the environment without of the constitutional right to a balanced
legal consideration of the environmental and healthful ecology
XII. Approaches in