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Here’s what people are saying about

Celtic Flames
“There is a reason that Isaiah tells us to ask for the old
ways and stand in them. Nothing stimulates our faith faster
than being reminded of what God has already accom-
plished in, through and for others. Kathie in her book takes
us far into the past and reminds us that God doesn’t need
flawless vessels through which to reveal Himself, only will-
ing ones. This book is a must read for every believer, for
those walking in faith and those needing to. I recommend
it highly.”
“Kathie Walters has an amazing ability in her writings
to ignite a fresh fire in your heart. The lives of the early
Celtic Christians she is telling us of will encourage you to
come to a new level of intimacy with Jesus in your own
personal fellowship.”
“The fire of the Lord was lit in Ireland through a bold
and godly group of men and women. They gave themselves
whole-heartedly to prayer in order to bring the message of
the gospel with power to the people of Ireland, Scotland,
England and Wales.”
“When they walked into villages and towns and declared
the Gospel message, signs, wonders and miracles accompa-
nied their ministry. Kings and rulers were won because of
them and the fires were lit through their lives.”
“The life of one of the world’s greatest saints is only “The early Celtic pioneers of faith were people of “The
remembered as a kind of celebration of the Irish, but St. Book” seeking to find purity of faith in their community
Patrick was a mighty man of prayer and power whose life and lives, and finding miracles in austerity and everyday
changed the part of the world we call The British Isles. And life. They were drawn together in their quest by the
because many of us are descendants of that area, our lives regularity of their lives, especially in prayer and praise at
have been impacted by this great man of God.” regular and set times of the day and night.”
“I am confident that the life of St. Patrick is relevant to “In reading the lives of the ‘Saints’ the apparent dis-
us today. He lived in pagan times, and in a pagan land. The harmony of nature because a source of repose and strong
world we live in is fast regressing into the same type of
paganism. By reading how St. Patrick fearlessly took his faith in God’s love; by faith they often took control of the
stand against all the hordes of hell, that laid claim to what elements.”
they thought was their territory, we will learn how we too “In their travels, they always endeavored to reach the
can overturn the kingdom of Satan through the power of king or prince, knowing that if he came to faith in Christ
God. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to thousands of his subjects would follow suit. Their great gift
study the life of this mighty man of God and others of his of hospitality is still a way of life for the people of Ireland.”
day, from Brigid, Cuthbert, to Brendan, Kieran and the —JACK A. GAMBLE
abbot of the famous monastery at Bangor, Comgall.” EMERALD ISLE BOOKS
“The Lord was clear when He told His people (Deut.
“Kathie Walters found a gold mine when she rediscov- 4:9) ‘Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that
ered the treasure of the Celtic Christians and their depth of you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them
spirituality. If you want to mine the depths of God—and slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your
go deeper in intimacy with Him—then the writings of children and to their children after them.’ We are to be
these early Christians will help you reach that goal.” instructed and exhorted by what God did with our spiritual
—J. LEE GRADY, ancestors. Kathie Walters continues to seek out and recover
EDITOR, CHARISMA a wealth of buried treasure in the history of some of these
“Just as the scribes drew from their treasure, old and new, great men and women of God. I am sometimes embar-
(Matt. 13:52) there is a great value in learning from those rassed, after reading some of her works, at how little I know
who walked with God in the past. The signs and wonders about the mighty Champions of God who have lived since
of the early Celtic church will inspire us today, to press in the resurrection.”
and live in all that God has for us now.” —STEVE SCHULTZ,
“Celtic Flames will bless your socks off! The Father is
calling us to deeper intimacy with Him. This can only
transpire through those precious throne room experiences as
the Celtic fathers had. This anointed book will challenge
the reader to pursue this kind of intimate relationship with
God. Kathie is a gifted prophetess and author.” Celtic



Foreword by
Ruth Ward Heflin
CELTIC FLAMES by Kathie Walters
Copyright © 1999 by Kathie Walters
All rights reserved
Dedicated to
International Standard Book Number: 1–888081–55–4
Printed in the United States of America
Bob Jones
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or
otherwise, without prior permission from the author.
Published by
220 Sleepy Creek Road • Macon, GA 31210
E-book Distribution 2007
E-mail: goodnews@reynoldscable.net
Kathie’s website:
www.goodnews.netminstries.org/kathie.htm Prophet and Good Friend
Kathie’s e-mail:
Layout and Graphics by Quality Computer Works
Foreword Credits
Unless otherwise stated, all information is taken from the vast
resources of Very Rev. John O’Hanlon- Member Royal Irish

Rev. O’Hanlon’s Lives of the Irish Saints, (1875), consist of Rev.

John O’Hanlon’s research into many hundreds of historic docu-
ments and papers. Many are now contained in various museums,
universities, and churches around the world.
Rev. John O’Hanlon was born in Stradbally, Queen’s County
April 30th 1821 and educated first in his native place and then at
Ballyroan and again at Stradbally. He obtained a first class classi-
Kathie Walters is being used of God in this hour to cal education. He entered Carlow College in 1840 and stayed
until May 1842.
raise up the foundations of former generations as Isaiah Rev. O’Hanlon went to Quebec with relatives proceeding then
prophesied. Her understanding of the 4th, 5th, and 6th to the United States. His experiences in the United States are told
century revivals challenge us to believe for kings, rulers, in his Life and Scenery in Missouri. Published over the signature
presidents, prime ministers and others in authority to of An Irish Missionary Priest.
He was ordained by Archbishop Kenrick in 1847 and returned
know God. to Ireland in 1853. He held various appointments in Dublin, and
Kathie shows us clearly that there was Elijah anointing in 1885 was made Canon by Archbishop Walsh. In 1891 he went
to the United States to assist in the golden jubilee of the
and Mount Carmel successes in the early centuries that we Archbishop who had ordained him.
need to walk in again as we come to the new Millennium. Canon O’Hanlon was one of those most eminent of Irish
These apostles of old had great signs, wonders and mira- scholars and Hagiologists. He died May 15, 1905.
cles accompanying their prophetic words, which are He wrote history, poetry, biography, topography. His Lives of
the Irish Saints (9 volumes) appeared in a colossal work—a life-
clearly recorded in this book. time task for any ordinary writer. He also wrote 2 volumes of Irish
Reading her writing stirs up a simple faith for the American History.
demonstrations once again of Celtic Flames in our day.
Many Thanks
To Jack Gamble

Emerald Isle Books

539 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 3BU. N Ireland

For all of his efforts to find for me some of the hid-

den treasures of the early Celtic church.
Brendan of Clonfert
A.D. 448—A.D. 581

Cuthbert of Lindesfarne
A.D. 634—A.D. 687 (approximate)

Columba of Iona
A.D. 521—A.D. 597

Brigid – First Abbess of Kildare

A.D. 453—A.D. 524

Patrick – the Celtic Lion

A.D. 389—A.D. 471

Comgall, Abbot of Bangor

A.D. 516 (approximate)—A.D. 601

Kieran, First Bishop of Saiger

A.D. 352—A.D. 540
Celtic Flames
The Miraculous Birth & Death of the Celtic Saints
Looking at the many prophesies that have come of Clonfert
forth in the last few years about the powerful
anointing God wants to bring to the End-time
Church, I found myself looking back to the early
Celtic Christians, who had an awesome relation-
ship with God. Certainly they were on a different
faith level as far as the supernatural was con-
cerned; what was normal to them seems beyond us
today. Surely the End-Time Church should have
as much power and revelation and relationship
with God, if not more, than these 4th, 5th, and 6th
century Christians. So let’s take a look at their
lives and deaths and consider their sacrifice and
commitment. God hasn’t changed. He is the same;
His power has not diminished; it is still available.

A.D. 448—A.D. 581

CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 8 9 .......... Brendan of Clonfert

Brendan’s Birth angels in attendance to Brendan during the five years he was
with her.
Brendan’s father, Findlug, who lived in Alltraighe Caile,
a district in Ciaraige, Ireland, was married to a devout Bishop Erc
Christian woman and they were under the ministry of After his time with Ita, Brendan went to study with
Bishop Erc. Brendan’s mother had a vision of herself when Bishop Erc. During that time Brendan asked for milk but
she was pregnant, and in the vision, her bosom was full of there was none available. Erc however, said that he didn’t
gold. When she asked Bishop Erc the meaning of the vision, see a problem with that request. Every day after that a doe
he told her that the baby she was carrying would be full of came from Slieve Lougher with her fawn to give milk.
grace and full of the Holy Spirit.
On the night of Brendan’s birth, the chief prophet of Brendan and the Girl
Ireland, Becc mac De, was visiting the house of a wealthy One day when Brendan was young he accompanied
landowner, Airdi. Becc mac De began to prophesy that a Bishop Erc on a ministry trip to preach the Gospel. Bishop
worthy king (Brendan), would be born that night between Erc left him in the chariot (wagon) alone for a while. A
Airdi’s house and the ocean, and that he would take many young girl, the king’s daughter, came to the chariot, and see-
kings and princes with him to heaven. ing how pleasant he was to look at, she tried to play and flirt
Bishop Erc also saw in the Spirit, Alltraighe Caile, in a with him. Brendan asked her, “What brought you here? Be
great blaze and a multitude of angels shining in white, all off home.” With that he took the reigns in his hand and
around the land. Bishop Erc rose early the next morning began to beat her, until she ran crying to her father.
and went to the house of Findlug He took the child in his Meanwhile, Bishop Erc returned and severely rebuked
arms and prophesied, “O Man of God and destined servant Brendan. For punishment he left him alone for the night in
of God, accept me as thy own monk (teacher), and though a cave, but unbeknown to Brendan, he stayed close by.
many are joyful at your birth, my heart and soul are even Brendan began to sing praise to God and say Psalms aloud.
more joyful.” Although the name “Mobi” had been given to His voice was heard a mile away and Bishop Erc saw angels
the child, a drop of fair oil was seen upon his forehead so he coming and going between earth and heaven all night. It is
was called “Brendan, which means fair drop. said that the following day it was difficult to look upon the
Ita face of Brendan because his complexion was so bright.
Brendan was taken to be fostered first by Ita, herself a Barinthus’ Tale
famous Celtic nun, who loved him dearly. Ita often saw Several years later, when Brendan came to a place called
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 10 11 .......... Brendan of Clonfert

Leim na Subaltaige, he met a godly brother named bird then prophesied, “The day of the Lord’s supper you
Barinthus, grandson of King Niall. Barinthus told Brendan will spend with the Procurator. Every Easter you will spend
of an island he had once visited, called the Island of on the same island; and from Easter to Pentecost with us
Promise. He said the God had promised the island to those and Christmas in the Isle of Ailbe. And at the end of the sev-
who would come after him. Brendan was so affected by enth year you will be borne to the land which you are seek-
Barinthus’ tale of the island that he took fourteen of his ing, and you will be there forty days. After that you shall be
monks to pray and seek the Lord about it. After fasting and carried by the wind to your own land.”
praying Brendan heard the voice of an angel speaking to Upon hearing this, Brendan bowed himself to the ground
him saying, “Arise, Brendan, for that which you have and wept and gave thanks and praise to God. The bird then
requested, you will receive of God,—that is, to visit the returned to its own place. Brendan left the island three days
Island of Promise.” later and sailed for forty days and nights. The men with him
became concerned that they would have nowhere to cele-
The Angel brate Easter but Brendan assured that God was able to sup-
Brendan saw the island in a vision and shortly the angel ply a place, and he remembered the prophetic word given
came to him again and said, “From now on, I will ever be through the bird.
with you, and I will show you one day the fair island which
you have seen by the Spirit, and which you desire to find.” The Island of the Hermit
Brendan wept for joy and gave thanks to God. They passed by several islands and eventually drew near
After making three boats ready, sixty men left the coast to one of them. Brendan began to prophesy to his men about
with Brendan to seek the will of God. They visited many a man who was living on that island. “You shall shortly see
islands which God ordained for them and met many of a hermit of this island named Paul who has received suste-
God’s people. As they arrived at the island of the Paradise of nance from a special animal.” When they found a suitable
Birds to keep the Easter festival, they were met by the place to dock the boat, Brendan told them to stay until he
Procurator who greeted them joyfully. He brought them all obtained permission for them to come ashore.
kinds of food, and water to celebrate the festival. When Brendan came to the summit of the island, he saw
two caves with a waterfall in front of them. As he stood
The Prophecy Through the Bird before the caves, a very old man came toward him. “It is
When they sat down at the table to eat, a bird alighted on good for brethren to come together,” he said and bade
the prow of the ship and began to sing. Brendan perceived Brendan call the other men from the boat.
that the bird had been sent with a message for them, and the When the came the old man greeted them and kissed
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 12 13 .......... Brendan of Clonfert

them and called them by their own name one by one. Paul’s Prophecy to Brendan
Brendan was so amazed at the man’s countenance, which
Paul prophesied to Brendan, “Get ready to depart and
was glorious, and by his knowing their names, that he wept
take some of the water from the fountain with you, for you
and sobbed, saying, “I am not worthy to wear the monk’s
have a journey of 40 days until Easter and then you will
keep the festivals as you have done for this last seven years.
Paul, the old servant of God, said to Brendan, “O hon-
After that you will reach land which is exceedingly holy,
ored father, very many are the miracles which have been
more than any other and you will remain there for 40 days.
revealed to you, and you say in your heart that you are not
After that God will bring you in safety to your own native
worthy to wear the habit of a monk, but I say unto you, you
are more than any monk who is nourished by the labor of
Everything happened as Paul had prophesied. Brendan
his own hands, for God has fed and clothed you supernatu-
visited many islands on his journey and had many con-
rally out of His own secret treasure.”
frontations with demons, but also received many blessings
Brendan asked Paul how he came to that island and
from God.
where he was from previously. Paul answered, “I was
brought up in the monastery of Patrick for fifty years. I was The Island of Promise
in charge of the cemetery of the brothers. My Abbot one day Eventually they found the place that was promised to
pointed to the sea and said, ‘Tomorrow go there and you will Brendan, the Island of Promise. As they came near to the
find a boat which will bear you to a place where you will island, they heard a voice speaking. An old man who was on
remain until the day of your death.’ I did as he told me and the island, said, “O much traveled men, holy pilgrims, you
for three days I rowed and then left off the oars and I let the who look for heavenly rewards, laboring and looking for this
boat drift for seven days and let it be led by the Lord. Thus land, rest a little from your labor now. When they had rested,
I came to this island and here I have stayed, giving myself to the same elder said to them, “Do you realize that this lovely
prayer and intercession.” Paul continued, “The first day an land has never seen blood spilt? Nor any sinner or evildoer
otter came and brought me a fish to eat. After that the otter has been buried here. Leave everything in the boat and
came every third day and brought the same. The stream and come up here.” When they came ashore, he greeted them
waterfall brought water, and I have been here to 90 years, and kissed each of them and wept with joy. “Search and see
and fifty with Patrick. Now at 140 years I am still awaiting the border of this paradise,” he said, “There is no sickness,
the day of my account.” there is pleasure without contention; union without quarrel,
the attendance of angels, and meadows sweet with the scent
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 14 15 .......... Brendan of Clonfert

of flowers. Happy indeed would you be Brendan, son of Brendan did many miracles, and raised the dead. He
Findlug, to inhabit forever this island.” delivered the demonized and saved the souls of many men
Brendan and his companions marveled and were aston- and women of Ireland, by the grace and power of God.
ished at the wonders of God. The elder spoke with a voice
like that of an angel, “Let us all pray silently.” After a while
Brendan asked him, “Is it God’s will that I stay here until I Brendan refused to listen to any music and when asked
leave this earth?” The elder answered, “He who seeks his why, he replied that once Michael, the Archangel, had come
own will opposes the will of God. It is sixty years since I from the Lord to play him music and there was none
came here,” he said, “And the food of angels has fed me all sweeter. When music was played in his presence, it is said
that time. Christ bade me wait here for you, and now you that he would stuff his ears.
have come to me, it is time for me to go to heaven. And Holiness and a great zeal and passion for God were hall-
when you have departed for your own land, instruct the marks of Brendan’s ministry, as in many others: Columba,
men of Erin, for crimes and sins shall be corrected by you.” Patrick, Kiaran, Colman, Brigid, Maedoc of Ferns,
After they partook of the Lord’s Supper and prayed Coemgen, Berach—to name a few.
together, the elder sent his spirit to God. The sailors buried Brendan Prophesies About His Death
his body with great reverence and honor.
At the end of Brendan’s life he went to visit his sister, Brig,
Ireland and Britain at the Fort of Aed (Annadown in County Galway). The
After his time on the island, Brendan headed back to record in Irish Lives, by O’Hanlon says, “He raised the dead,
Ireland according to the prophecy. Sometime later he went cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind and hearing to
to Britain and did many wonderful miracles. He built a the deaf. He healed many sick people, cast out many devils,
monastery named Bleit in the district of Letha. One night founded many churches and cells, appointed abbots and put
Brendan had a vision which he spoke little of; it told of a down crimes.” After many great, perilous voyages Brendan
great heresy with regard to the faith and made Brendan drew near to the day of his death. He spoke to the brethren
afraid. He left and returned to Ireland. after the church service one Sunday, “God is calling me to
His eternal kingdom; my body must be taken to Clonfert,
Clonfert for there will be the attendance of angels and there will be
Brendan built a monastery in Clonfert. This was just after my resurrection.” He instructed them to take a small char-
the time of the famous battle fought about Columcille with iot and allow only one person drive it, so as not to attract
Diarmait mac Cerbaill. attention and cause people to dispute over his body. “A
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 16

young man with only one eye, the left one, to speak pre-
cisely, will meet the bearer of my body, viz. Cuirrine, a son
of Setna. And he will say to the brother bringing the body, ‘Is
that the body of Brendan that you have?’ He will say in a
rough voice, ‘Among us shall be his resurrection, give up the
body.’” Then said Brendan, “Let the brother offer Cuirrine Cuthbert of
a mass of gold to allow him continue to Clonfert.”
Brendan continued to specifically prophesy the conversa-
tion which would take place when his body was taken to Lindesfarne
Brendan Sends His Spirit to God
He then blessed the brethren and his sister and went to
the church with some of his friends and after he had prayed,
he sent forth his spirit to God. The journey of his body and
the conversation that took place when his body was taken to
Clonfert happened exactly as Brendan had prophesied.
Brendan was 93 years old and died in 581 A.D. His body
was buried at Clonfert with great honor, amid Psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, in praise of the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.

A.D.634—A.D. 687
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 18 19 .......... Cuthbert of Lindesfarne

Cuthbert’s Call he went when he left the monastery and so he followed him
secretly. Cuthbert waded into the river up to his neck and
When Cuthbert was a child he was not interested in any-
stayed for several hours worshiping and praying. When he
thing spiritual. He loved sports and he loved to play. He was
came out of the water two otters came to him and stretched
always looking for a challenge or a challenger. One day,
themselves out beside him, warming him with the heat of
when he was about eight years old, he was playing a game
their own bodies. Cuthbert’s custom of standing in the
in a field. A little boy of around three years old ran up to
water was to keep him awake in order to pray and praise the
him. The child asked Cuthbert why he was playing and
wasting his time on sports when he should be praying and
The young man who had followed him was so frightened
preparing to serve God. When Cuthbert laughed, the little
that he had difficulty making it back to the monastery.
boy threw himself on the ground and began to sob. The
When he saw Cuthbert, he fell at his feet asking forgiveness
other boys tried to console the child but it was no use.
for his spying.
Cuthbert also tried to comfort him. The little boy got up and
addressed Cuthbert sternly, “Why are you so stubborn in Cuthbert and the Birds
playing these games when God is calling you to serve Another time when Cuthbert and his servants were trav-
Him?” The child prophesied that one day Cuthbert would eling and hungry, they prayed for the Lord to send them
be a Bishop. Cuthbert was amazed and then he hugged the food. An eagle appeared and brought them a large fish. The
child, who immediately stopped crying. servant happily took the fish but Cuthbert asked him, “Why
Later on Cuthbert became a shepherd. One night he saw do you not give the fisherman a part too?” Cuthbert pro-
a light streaming from Heaven and he discovered that ceeded to cut the fish in half and return one half to the eagle.
Aiden, the beloved Bishop of Lindesfarne had died. He Later on Cuthbert decided that, having left the
immediately took the sheep to their owner and decided to monastery, he wanted to emulate the lives of the Desert
become a monk at the monastery at Melrose. Fathers, and live by the labor of his own hands. He asked
Cuthbert’s life was filled with incredible miracles, includ- the monks to bring him barley seeds to sow. Having planted
ing incidents with animals and birds which were fairly com- the barley, it soon sprang up, but just as it was ripening,
mon within the early Celtic church. some birds flew down and began to eat it. Cuthbert came
Cuthbert and the Otters out and began to scold the birds, “Why are you eating that
which you didn’t plant? Is it that your need is greater than
Cuthbert had the habit of leaving the monastery at night.
mine? If so, you have permission to help yourselves; if not,
One of the young men (a disciple), wanted to find out where
go away, and stop taking that which does not belong to you.”
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 20 21 .......... Cuthbert of Lindesfarne

The birds left and the barley was harvested. A while later, a continual closeness to Jesus made him endearing to all
the birds returned and began taking straw from the roof for those who he ministered to.
the nests. Cuthbert again came out and shouted at them, “In It was said that Cuthbert’s life was one of continual
the name of Jesus Christ, depart at once; do not dare to prayer. There was no place, no business, no person, no com-
cause further damage.” When he finished speaking, the pany which did not offer him a motive to pray. Having
birds flew away. Three days later they returned when prayed all day he would continue into the night hours—of
Cuthbert was digging, and they came and stood in front of which was to him a time of great light and internal delight.
him with their heads bowed down. Cuthbert happily for- He said, “Holy contemplation discovers to the soul a new
gave them then and invited them to return. Next time the and most wonderful world whose beauty, riches, and pure
birds came back bringing a lump of pig’s lard which delights astonish and transport us out of ourselves.” St.
Cuthbert kept in the guest house for his visitors to grease Teresa once said, as she came from prayer, that she came
their shoes. He said, “IF the birds can show humility, how from a world more beautiful beyond comparison than a
much more should we humans seek such virtues.” The thousand worlds that we behold with our natural eyes.
birds remained on the island with Cuthbert for many years,
building nests with materials they found for themselves.
Cuthbert Gives Up His Spirit
Just prior to his death Cuthbert felt a fire in his stomach
Preaching and the same day another minister arrived by boat. Cuthbert
Cuthbert went to many small mountain villages on foot. knew that he was going to be leaving this world and sat
He was an eloquent preacher. It was said that when he down and dedicated his final instructions to the brethren.
spoke the Word of God his countenance shone with an “Live at peace with one another, and when you meet try and
angelic brightness and the people would begin to confess agree and be of one mind. Live at peace with those around
their sins. you and never treat anyone else with contempt. Always wel-
Sometimes at night, in order to stay awake and pray, he come others to your monastery. Never imagine that you or
would walk around the island. If the other monks com- your way of life is superior to others, all who share the
plained of being awakened or disturbed in their sleep, he Christian faith are equal in God’s sight.”
would tell them that they were honored to be awake to When he had finished speaking, he was very quiet. In the
praise and magnify the Lord, the Creator. evening he took communion. As he took the bread he lifted
When he needed to correct someone, tears would course his arms upward as if embracing someone then, his face
down his cheeks. His zeal for justice was ardent, but his filled with joy, he gave up his spirit to God.
sweetness of disposition and constant joy and peace through
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 22

Bede says (Bede,hist h.iv.c80) that eleven years after
Cuthbert’s death, some monks taking up his body, instead of
dust which they expected, they found it unputrified with the
joints pliable and his clothes fresh. They moved it into a
new coffin above the other one. Columba
William of Malmesbury writes (L.4.Pontif.Angl.), The
“body was found again incorrupt 415 years later at Durham
and publicly shown. During the Danish invasion the monks of Iona
carried it away from Lindisfarne and after several removals
settled with their treasure on a woody hill almost sur-
rounded by the river Were. There they built a church which
Aldhune, Bishop of Lindisfarne, dedicated in A.D. 995.”

A.D. 521—A.D.597
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 24 25 .......... Columba of Iona

Mocha’s Prophecy and wonders and angelic visitations (See Columba—The

Celtic Dove—Kathie Walters).
Columba was born A.D. 521 at Gartan on the night in
which St. Buite (founder of monasteries), died (December Columba and the Druid
7th). His father, Phelim, was a chieftain of the clan Columba’s monastery in Iona was evangelistic as well as
O’Donnell. His mother was Ethne, a descendant of the one of teaching, training, prayer and worship. The super-
King of Leinster. He was of royal lineage by both parents. natural realm was a part of everyday life and they expected
A disciple of Patrick, Mocha prophesied concerning God to be God. Columba had many confrontations with the
Columba, “A son is to be born whose name, Columba, will druids. In one account Broichan, the druid (from King
be spread abroad, known through all the provinces of the Brude’s court), refused to release a captive slave girl at
islands of the ocean, and he shall shed luster upon the last Columba’s request. Columba told him that he would die if
ages of the world. The little fields of our two monasteries he refused. When Columba left the court, Broichan quickly
shall be separated by the space of one hedge. Columba will became deathly sick and released the slave girl.
be a man very dear to God and of great merit in His sight.” The same druid, Broichan, one day asked Columba when
Before the birth of Columba, an angel of the Lord he proposed to sail back to Iona. Columba replied that the
appeared to Columba’s mother, Ethne, while she was third day they would begin the voyage. Broichan answered,
asleep. Standing by her, he gave her a beautiful mantle “You will not be able to do so, for I will make the wind con-
(cloak), all the colors of many flowers. After a short while he trary to you, and bring dark clouds upon you.”
asked for it back and took it from her hands. Raising it and On the day of the sailing the shore of Lake Ness was filled
spreading it out, he sent it forth into the air. Ethne saw the with druids, heathen, and Christians who had come to see
mantle gradually receding from her in flight and increasing the outcome of the confrontation between Columba and
in size as to exceed the width of the plains and to overtop the Broichan. The druids began to rejoice when they saw a dark
mountains and forests. Ethne, saddened asked, “Why have storm come, and contrary winds in a tempest. Columba
you taken the lovely mantle away so quickly?” The angels called upon the name of the Lord and entered the boat,
again said, “Be not saddened, woman, for you will bring making the fearful sailors prepare the boat to sail against the
forth a son, illustrious and like the prophets of God he will wind. The whole crowd watched the boat being borne
be numbered among them, and will be a leader of innu- along, through the contrary wind with amazing velocity and
merable souls to the heavenly country.” after a short while the adverse winds turned around to the
Like Brendan, Columba’s life is full of eyewitness accounts advantage of the voyagers, and to the astonishment of the
of his incredible prophetic ministry, accompanied by signs onlookers.
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 26 27 .......... Columba of Iona

Columba’s Conference With Angels Columba said that he had asked the Lord to release him
from his time on earth at his thirtieth year (as Abbot of the
In one account, Columba instructed the monks to remain
monastery at Iona). “This was the cause of my rejoicing, I
behind as he went out to the fields. One young monk fol-
saw the holy angels sent from the throne on high to meet
lowed him, curious as to why Columba wished to be alone.
me, but they have been suddenly stopped and are standing
The young man hid behind a small hill and as Columba
on a rock on the other side of the Sound, desirous to
entered the field he raised his hands in the air in worship
approach me. But they have been prevented by the Lord and
and suddenly many angels came and gathered around him.
must soon return to heaven.” Columba said that the Lord
After a conference with them, Columba turned away and
had yielded to the prayers of many churches in Ireland, and
the angels went back to heaven. The curious young monk
that he was to stay and minister to them for four more years.
ran as quickly as he could back to the monastery.
After the four years were almost over Columba went to
When Columba returned, he sent for the young man and
visit the brethren at their work. “During the Easter festival
severely rebuked him and charged him to tell no one what
in April, I have desired to pass away to the Lord for He has
he had seen until after his (Columba’s) death.
invited me and granted me this now, but lest your festival of
Columba’s Remarkable Death joy be turned into sadness, I put off the day of my departure
Columba had a long and amazing ministry but he longed from this world a little longer.” He did not want his death to
for the day of his departure to be with the Lord whom he bring the monks sadness in the midst of the Festival.
loved and served with all his heart. It is amazing how these Nearer to the time of his departure, and while in the
early saints had such a rapport with God about their death, church, Columba’s face took on a heavenly glow (“When
which they called their “invitation.” the heart is glad the countenance blossoms,” Prov. 15:13.)
The monks, one day in the monastery of Iona, observed for he saw the angel of the Lord who had come to take a
Columba as his face blossomed into a great joy and radiance, deposit to heaven—the “deposit” being his soul.
his eyes raised to heaven he was filled with great delight. After At the end of the same week, Columba and his faithful
a few moments, his face became saddened. Pilu, a Saxon servant, Diormit, went to bless the fields and granary.
(Englishman), asked the cause of the joy which turned so Diormit became sad as Columba began to speak of his
quickly to sadness. Columba promised that he would tell on departing again. “This is the last day for me of this life and
the condition that what he said would not be revealed to any- this night at midnight, when the Solemn day of the Lord
one until after his death, as was his usual custom when telling begins, I shall go the way of my fathers, according to the
of the supernatural interventions of the Lord. scriptures, for already my Lord Jesus has invited me.”
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 28 29 .......... Columba of Iona

The White Horse then gave up his spirit to God. After his spirit had left his
body, his countenance remained ruddy and gladdened, like
After this, returning to the monastery, he stopped to rest
one living and not dead, for many hours,” (Life of St.
half-way and his white horse, a faithful servant, ran up to
Columba—Adamnan 1922).
him and whinnying, laid its head on Columba’s breast and
Luguid, in Ireland, had a vision of a great light streaming
shed tears. Diormit began to drive the horse away but
from heaven into Iona and knew that Columba was going to
Columba forbade him saying, “Let him alone for he loves
be with the Lord. Fisherman on the shores of Ireland also
me. You are a man and possessing a rational soul, you could
saw the light streaming from heaven down upon the island
not know anything about my leaving, except what I have
of Iona at the time Columba departed.
told you myself, but to this beast, devoid of reasoning power,
Before his death Columba had prophesied that crowds of
the Creator has Himself clearly revealed to him that his
people would not be allowed by God to come to Iona for the
master is about to leave.” And he blessed the horse as it
funeral services and although many people wanted to come,
turned to go away.
they were prevented by a great tempest of wind. After the
As the joyful hour approached, Columba was silent.
funeral, the tempest ceased.
Then when the bell began to toll at midnight, rising in
(From Original The Life of St. Columba—Adamnan.
haste, he ran to the church, where he went to the altar and
Columba—the Celtic Dove—Kathie Walters).
knelt down in prayer.
The Departing of Columba
Diormit, following from a distance, saw the church filled
with angelic light, and entering the church he called out,
“Where are you father?” and went forward. Finding
Columba lying on the floor, he sat down and laid Columba’s
head in his lap. Meanwhile the whole community of monks
came running up with lights, and began to weep at the sight
of their dying Father. Those who were present reported,
“Columba looked around with face upturned, with wonder-
ful cheerfulness and great joy of countenance on seeing the
holy angels come to meet him. Diormit then lifted up
Columba’s hands that he might bless the monks. And he
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 30

First Abbess of

A.D. 453—A.D. 524

CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 32 33 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

Brigid in his Confession, “Women who are kept in slavery suffer

especially. They constantly endure even terrors and threats.
Born about the middle of the fifth century, Brigid’s first
But the Lord gave grace to many of His handmaidens, for
miracle happened the same day she was born. A baby boy
although they are forbidden, they earnestly follow the exam-
had been birthed the day previously and the child had died.
ple set them.”
Somehow little Brigid had been brought into contact with
Christianity became extremely inconvenient to these
this dead child and as she happened to touch the dead baby,
masters, as those slaves who followed Christ wanted to stay
life came back into him. Those present immediately
with their families, whereas the masters would often sell the
declared it to be a sign to confirm some prophecies about the
wife or husband to someone far away. Children would be
coming of Brigid. The dead infant was said to be the son of
sold to others and brought up without any knowledge of
the King of Connaille, who was then on a visit.
their parents. This was the kind of stage that was set for the
Flames appearance of Brigid.
One day, Brigid’s mother, while working in a field had left It was into this environment Brigid was born. It is
the baby asleep in the house. Suddenly it appeared that believed by some that her actual birthplace was at Faughart,
flames were engulfing the cradle and those around ran to two miles from Dundalk in County Louth and was about
extinguish them. As they entered the room the flames went 453 A.D. Her father was Dubthach, a pagan petty king or
out and they found Brigid sweetly sleeping and smiling, chieftain, and her mother was a Christian bondwoman
with a rosy hue flushing her face. All proclaimed aloud the named Brocessa, who belonged to his household. This is
child was anointed with the graces of the Holy Spirit. from the account given in three of the six Lives contained in
Colgan’s, Triadis Thaumaturegae.
Slave Girls “Even before her birth there was a jealousy present in
In the Ireland of Brigid’s day there is no evidence of injus- Brigid’s life in the form of Dubthach’s wife who forced him
tice or subjection for most women, although another class, to sell Brocessa to a distant buyer—a druid who lived west-
the bondmaids or slave-girls were less fortunate. They had ward in Connaugh. As was the custom, offspring were
no rights and many were badly treated. Adamnan’s Law reserved to the original owner, which meant that when
recounts the injustices these girls suffered. When they Brigid was old enough to be useful, she was claimed back
became Christians they had problems, as their masters did into Dubthach’s household and assumed her mother’s role,
not expect them to live up to a high moral code. Slave girls grinding corn, washing the feet of the guests, tending the
were the property, body and soul of their owner. St. Patrick sheep etc.”
pitied them profoundly and made mention of them specially
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 34 35 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

Naming “Brigid” The sub-kings were ruled by, and owed tribute and war
service to the overlords or kings, who were in turn ruled by
Brocessa had no rights, but over the bed where the bond-
the High King of Ireland.
maid slept, a flame and fiery pillar was seen. There were
There were rivalries and coalitions arising and shifting
also three evil spirits who came, Servitude, Injustice and
among the seven kingdoms, which were sometimes further
Envy. Three angels in shining white came to banish them
divided by domestic feuds. During Brigid’s lifetime there are
and confirm the babe’s name—Brigid. When Brigid was old
listed fifteen internal wars with three main causes of strife.
enough to be useful, she was then transferred back to
One was over boundaries and lands. The second was among
Dubthach’s household where she carried out the daily rou-
the Ui Neill family group over possession of the High
tine. But she was capable also of sudden, disconcerting ges-
King’s throne. The third contention was because of a tax
tures. When a beggar came for alms, she would give him a
that had been levied on Leinster (Boramha). It was levied to
sheep from the flock. Once, five guests arrived and she was
avenge an insult to the High King’s daughters.
given five pieces of bacon to cook, but the dog, licking her
hand, looked imploringly at her and so she gave him a piece. The Traveling Ministers
As her master’s wrath was breaking out, five pieces of bacon The traveling ministers, like Patrick, often had to pay
were found again in the pot. There were many occasions heavy sums for their safe conduct through contending
when she gave food and other items from the master’s states. One report of Patrick’s says:
house, and then supernatural interventions occurred to
make up the losses of her owner. “On occasion, I would give presents to the kings,
Finally Dubthach’s wife, still jealous, demanded that he beside the hire that I gave to their sons who accom-
sell Brigid. Dubthach took her in his chariot and informed pany me; nevertheless, they seized me with my com-
her that he was selling her to the King of Leinser, baptized panions. And on that day they most eagerly desired to
a Christian by Patrick. kill me, but my time had not yet come. And every-
The Seven Kingdoms of Ireland thing they found with us they plundered, and me
myself they bound with irons. And on the fourteenth
Ireland was split into seven kingdoms, Ailech, Airgialla, day the Lord delivered me from their power.
Ulaid, in the north. (Roughly modern Ulster) Connacht, Moreover, you know by proof how much I paid to
then Mide and Laigin (Approximately Modern Leinster) those who were judges throughout all the districts
and Mumu (Munster). Each of these kingdoms was further which I frequented most, for I reckon that I distrib-
sub-divided into lesser kingdoms, ruled over by sub-kings. uted to them not less than the price of fifteen men, so
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 36 37 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

that ye might enjoy me. Daily I expect either slaugh- Brigid’s Rejection of a Husband
ter or to be defrauded, or reduced to slavery, or to an
On her return from a visit to her mother, Dubthach made
unfair attack of some kind”
one more attempt to order his daughter’s life by arranging a
marriage to, “A man of chaste life and a poet,” (Irish Lives.)
Dubthach’s Sword In those days a poet was given large amounts of money and
Taking Brigid to be sold to the King of Leinster, was an important fellow. He was often in the king’s court.
Dubthach arrived and left Brigid in the chariot while he Brigid would have none of it. She not only rejected mar-
went to haggle over the price with the king. He placed his riage, but the whole idea of it; she decided to become a vir-
sword on the seat near her. Then a leper appeared at the side gin for Christ. She had a part in the beginning of a great
of the chariot begging for alms. Unlike other countries, the movement toward monasticism, which St. Patrick found so
lepers in Ireland were not treated as outcasts but rather, astonishing. The Apostle wrote in his Confession:
because of their misfortune, were privileged members of
“See how in Ireland there has lately been formed a
society. As a result they often became impudent to a degree.
people of the Lord, sons and daughters of Irish chief-
Irish lepers went about freely, were compassionately toler-
tains are seen to become monks and nuns and their
ated, received bountiful alms and liberal medical succor—
number increases more and more. They do it,” he
not especially hygienic, but exceedingly humane. When
tells us, “Not with the consent of their fathers, but
Brigid saw the face looking at her with mournful eyes, she
they endure persecution and lying reproaches from
gave the only thing near her, which was Dubthach’s sword.
their kindred.”
At that very moment the King of Leinster was asking the
chieftain why he wanted to sell the child, and Dubthach was It was Brigid who saved the women’s ascetic movement
explaining that he could not keep her because of her open- by the innovation of community life. She began the organ-
handedness to the poor, saying that nothing was safe in her ization of women. When she appeared for ordination, she
keeping. Upon his return, and finding his sword missing he had seven others with her. These eight seem never to have
was “mightily enraged” as told by the old Life. Brigid was separated.
taken before the king who having become a Christian, was
nearer to understanding her. Poor Dubthach’s bad day Brigid—The Nun
reached a climax when the king said, “Leave her alone, for As a nun, Brigid dressed in white with her hair uncut. She
her merit before God is greater than ours.” Brigid was taken did not live an enclosed life. Going into a convent for her
back home by her father. meant becoming one of the most traveled people in the land.
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 38 39 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

This monastic movement in the 5-6th century expressed Brigid once requested of Aillill, a Leinster chieftain, some
itself in the most strenuous apostolic work for souls. The wattles for building a settlement at Kildare. Aillill had pre-
church hierarchy that Patrick established consisted of vari- pared the wattles (poles used for laying a thatch roof) for his
ous bishops under the primacy of Armagh. These bishops own houe and refused Brigid’s request. Suddenly all the
seemed to have received Brigid without hesitancy, on terms horses fell to the ground and nothing would induce them to
of equality. get up again. In the end he left the wattles for Brigid.
The Kildare foundation rapidly grew to such magnitude
The Column of Fire that it became as large as a city and a bishop had to be
As Brigid was officially received by the bishops, a column appointed to the territory. Many wonderful things were
fire descended over her head and was seen by the assistants made at Kildare and they poured forth over Ireland. Bells,
of the church. She rested her hand for an instant on the edge crosiers, chalices, book-rests and Kildare’s special prod-
of the wooden altar and all that part of the dry seasoned tim- ucts—manuscripts which became very famous. One
ber became green. One intimate of Patrick’s, Bishop Erc of description by the twelfth century historian, Giraldus
Slane, became a devout friend of Brigid. Erc afterwards Cambrensis, says of one of the manuscripts—The Book of
became Bishop of Ardfert in Kerry and was a tutor to the Kildare, “Delicate and ingenious, so artful, so involved and
great navigator-saint, Brendan. Many of Brigid’s chariot interlaced and illuminated with colors still so fresh, and
journeys were undertaken at the direction of Bishop Erc. He truly you would say these were all combined by the dili-
brought her on a tour of Munster in order to personally help gence of an angel rather than of a man. For my part, the
her to establish new foundations in his territory. Besides more often and carefully I look upon it, I am ever astonished
Munster, she traveled over the whole of Ireland. anew. I ever find food for wonderment.”
The Famous Convent at Kildare We tend to think of the monasteries and convent in terms
of poverty, but they were prosperous. Cogitosus wrote a
The most famous of Brigid’s foundations and the crown description of the church and tombs of Brigid and Conlaeth,
of her labors was her Leinster convent at Kildare. It was the about one hundred years after Brigid’s death. “The tombs
reigning King of Leinster who gave her the site. Brigid set were lavishly decorated with gold and silver and gems. A
up here a great religious center, modeled on the settlements crown of gold hung over Brigid’s tomb and a crown of silver
of Patrick. Often when a pagan king was converted, he over Conlaeth’s.” He says He says that the church was very
would donate a settlement. Brigid’s foundations were very spacious and lofty with a richly decorated interior. Tapestry
successful, and quite prosperous. All the bishops of Ireland and paintings extended through the sanctuary.
wanted her to found convents in their districts.
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 40 41 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

Finnian airs and harmonies. Another of the household anxiously

tried a second harp with the same results.
Finnian of Leinster was the founder of Clonard, the
Presently the place was filled with happy music and the
monastery/school that outrivaled Kildare. Finnian had as
chieftain arrived home to hear it. He heard rare laughter
many as three thousand students and a hundred bishops in
from his foster-father. Pleased with his homecoming he con-
charge of them. He was called the, “Tutor of the Saints of
ceded to Brigid all that she asked.
Ireland.” But he took counsel together with Brigid. Brendan
asked Brigid one time how she so powerfully prevailed with Brigid’s Giving
God. She replied that her mind was never detached from Brigid gave and gave and gave again. Everything she was
God. given she gave away. The Irish Lives are crowded with
A feature of this Celtic Christianity was the ideally accounts of the miraculous events in her life and some of
friendly relationship between monastic settlements. them are humorous, for example; two robbers stole some
Adamnan’s The Life of St. Columba, in particular abounds cattle from her fields at night time. They took the cattle to
with examples of affection between the early fathers. When the river to cross over. But the cattle became stubborn and
one visited the settlement of another, he was always received would not budge. The thieves shouted and hit them to no
joyfully and with honor. They exchanged gifts; they enter- avail and finally they decided on a plan. They removed their
tained each other. If they were fasting, they would cease the clothes, which they tied to the animal’s horns and plunged
fast in order to celebrate the arrival of a guest. into the river dragging the cattle after them. This worked
The Miracle of the Music unto they got to midstream, when the cattle suddenly
turned around and bolted back to the bank, clothes still on
Brigid loves music and one time at a chieftain’s fortress,
the horns. When the sun arose, the farm workers were
somewhere near Knockaney (County Limerick), Brigid
amazed to see naked men running along the river bank.
went to ask for the release of a captive. She was asked to sit
Another time Brigid saw a man passing by her gates car-
and wait for the chieftain by the man’s aged foster-father.
rying a sack on his back. “What are you carrying?” she
While she was waiting, she saw some harps hanging on the
asked, knowing that it was much needed salt.
wall. She asked for some music but the harpists were not
“Stones,” said the man who did not want to give up any
there. The sisters with Brigid told the foster-father to take
of his salt.
the harp, and while Brigid was present he would be able to
“Stones? Let it be,” she replied. The man’s knees began
play. The old man took down the harp from the wall,
to buckle under a new weight. He stumbled back to Brigid
thrummed it clumsily, but suddenly found he could produce
whose word he now feared.
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 42 43 .......... Brigid—First Abbess of Kildare

“What have you in that sack?” she asked again. disguised himself and joined the beggars who crowded
“Salt.” He replied. around Brigid every morning when she left the monastery
“Let it be,” said Brigid. And immediately it was salt. to go to the fields. He begged a sheep and she gave him one.
Brigid’s sole recreation was hospitality; everyone who He came on several other occasions with disguises, joining
came to her doors was received. Her only concern was that in with the crowd of beggars. In this way he obtained five
she had enough for everyone. sheep from Brigid. His own flock of course increased and he
laughed at the thought of Brigid’s decreased flock. But after
Brigid and the Fox his last visit, he found that the extra sheep were missing
Most of the Celtic Christians exercised great authority from his flock the next morning. Brigid’s flock was increased
over animals. Brigid, like Ciaran, once tamed a fox. A bond- by five! The sheep left and returned to Brigid’s flock.
man was cutting trees in a wood when he accidentally killed
a pet fox belonging to the King of Leinster. The fox was able Hospitality
to do several tricks and the king was very fond of it. He was Hospitality was a very great emphasis of the monasteries.
furious with the servant and, in anger, decreed the man’s The Abbot Conan transferred his whole monastery to
death. The news was brought to Brigid because she had another place when he realized it was somewhat inaccessi-
favor with the king. She set out in her chariot and on the ble to travelers. Truly the hospitality and entertainment
way she saw a fox and called out to it. It immediately sprang extended to travelers was extravagant. Brigid hated formal-
into the cart and nestled against her feet. Caressing it, she ism and legalism. One time during Lent when she and the
dismounted and she commanded it to follow her and it trot- other nuns were fasting, they became short on supplies
ted obediently behind her. Within the fortress, the king was because of a previous failed harvest, and they made a jour-
still angry at the loss of his pet. Brigid called the fox, fresh ney to another monastery which was under Abbot Ibar.
from the woods, and began to put it through some tricks They arrived famished and exhausted. All that was available
before a delighted household. The animal responded to her was bacon and bread. As they sat down Brigid heartily gave
voice and she offered it to the king. Being placated, he thanks for God for the food. The other nuns however made
released the prisoner. The following day the fox ran away— a point of refraining from the bacon. “Well we’re going to
back to the woods. keep the Lent fast, whatever you may do.”
With that Brigid got angry and threw them out of the room.
Brigid and the Fool
Another time, a smart young man who was well off, Revelation of Brigid’s Death
thought Brigid was a fool and decided to prove it. He Four years before her death Brigid received a revelation
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 44

from the Holy Spirit that the time of her departure was
approaching. She also had the prophetic foreknowledge of
her place of resurrection. This gave her great joy. She had a
great desire to visit the tomb of Patrick before she died, but
she knew that she would not return to her own place. Before
Patrick died, he had instructed Brigid to bless all Ireland Patrick–
before she departed. This she set out to do.
Brigid gave charge of her flock to her dear friend and fel-
low-laborer, Darlugdacha, prophesying to her that she the Celtic Lion
would survive Brigid by one year and die on the same day
(1st February).
When Brigid entered joyfully into the arms of the Lord
Jesus, Communion was ministered to her by Ninnid—the
pure-handed. It was said that she prophesied this event to
him when he was a young boy.

A.D. 389—A.D. 471

CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 46 47 .......... Patrick—The Celtic Lion

The Word of God to give me speech;

The Spiritual Breastplate of St. Patrick His heavenly host to be my guard, against the demon
snares of sin;
It is said that Patrick prayed this prayer every morning. The natural lusts that war within;
“I bind myself today to the strong Name of the Trinity, The hostile men that mar my course:
By invocation of the same, the Three-in-One, Few or many, far or nigh;
And One-in-Three. In every place and in all hours;
Against their fierce hostility.
I bind this day to me forever, by the power of faith,
Christ’s Incarnation; I bind to me these Holy powers against all Satan’s spells
His baptism in the river Jordan; and wiles; against false words of heresy:
His death on the cross for my salvation; Against the knowledge that defiles:
His bursting forth from the spiced tomb; Against the heart’s idolatry;
His riding up the heavenly way; Against the wizard’s evil craft;
His coming at the day of doom. Against the death-wound and the burning;
The choking wave and the poisoned shaft;
I bind myself unto the power of the great love of the
Protect me, Christ, ‘til thy returning.
Cherubim; The sweet, ‘Well done,’ in judgment hour;
The service of the Seraphim; Christ be with me, Christ within me;
Confessor’s faith, Apostle’s word; Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
The Patriarch’s prayers, the Prophet’s scrolls; Christ to win me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me;
All good deeds done unto the Lord. Christ in quiet, Christ in danger;
Christ in hearts of all that love me;
I bind myself today to the virtues of the starlit heaven;
Christ in the mouth of friend and stranger.
The glorious sun’s life-giving ray;
The whiteness of the moon at even; I bind unto myself the strong name of the Trinity;
The flashing of the lightning free; By invocation of the same, The Three-in-One,
The whirling wind’s tempestuous shocks; And One-in-Three;
I bind myself today to the power of God to hold and lead; Of whom all nature hath creation. Eternal Father, Word
His eye to watch; His might to stay. and Spirit.
The wisdom of my God to teach; Praise to the Lord of my salvation.
His hand to guide; His shield to ward;
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 48 49 .......... Patrick—The Celtic Lion

Patrick’s Childhood “Beholding not alone his wondrous works,

But, wondrous more, the sweetness of his strength,
Patrick was born of Christian parents toward the close of
And how he neither shrank from flood nor fire,
the fourth century. His father, Calpurnius, though of
And how he couched him on the wintry rocks,
British race, was by birth a Roman citizen, and held the
And how he sang great hymns to One who heard,
rank, Decurion.
And how he cared for poor men and the sick,
The father and grandchildren of Calpurnias, Potitus and
And for the souls, invisible to men.”
Odissus, had both been Christians; so that the family had
kept the faith for at least several generations. Patrick’s Baptism
Conchessa, Patrick’s mother, was a near relative of the Miracles happened over the birth of Patrick. As no priest
great St. Martin of Tours. She was a wise and good woman, was to be found, the infant was taken to the blind hermit,
and sought to bring up their children in the fear and love of Gornias, to be baptized. A difficulty arose because there was
God. no water to perform the ceremony. Gornias however, by
As the son of a Roman citizen, and a British noble, Patrick faith, took the baby’s hand and with it traced the sign of the
was bound to have had some education. According to the cross upon the earth, and as a result, water gushed forth.
custom of British citizens of the Roman Empire, Patrick was Bathing his own eyes the hermit saw, and he then baptized
given three names, rendered in Latin as Patricius, Magonus, Patrick.
Sacatus. Patricius meaning, ‘noble’, and Sacatus, a Celtic From his childhood he had been able to understand the
word meaning, ‘valiant in war’. things of God. Patrick, in his Book of Epistles,said, “And God
Patrick had a brother, Sannan, and five sisters. They all had pity on my youth and ignorance, and He took care of
became servants of God and the church. Calpurnius lived at me before I knew Him, and before I could distinguish
Bannavem Taberniae, which was near the rock of between good and evil. And He strengthened me and com-
Dumbarton, or in Wales. It was certainly in some part of forted me as a father does his son.”
Roman Britain or Brittany.
The fact that St. Patrick worked great and wonderful Patrick’s Fostering
miracles is beyond question, and those miracles won him Fostering was a custom peculiar to the tribal system of
enthusiastic admiration and enduring love of the people. ancient Ireland and was regulated by the Brehon laws,
De Vere wrote long ago of Patrick: which ordained that the sons of nobles should be educated
in the homes of the tribesmen until they reached the age of
seventeen—the daughters until their fourteenth year.
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Although of noble birth, Patrick was not brought up in happened he ran to his foster-father and putting his arm
luxury. Patrick’s foster-parents are represented as careful, around the dead man’s neck, he said affectionately, “Get up
thrifty people, perhaps living on the farm which belonged to and let us go home.”
Calpurnius, and attending to his flocks and herds. The man arose and returned home with his wife and boys.
Miracles in Patrick’s Childhood Sold As a Slave
At one time when he was out playing in the ice and snow, When Patrick was sixteen years old the Picts and Scots
Patrick took some icicles in his jacket and ran with them to began to raid the coast, plunder and take hostages. One of
his foster mother, thinking that she would be pleased. She the most victorious of these sea kings, was Niall, surnamed,
was irritated and told him that it would be better to bring a “Of the Nine Hostages,” (because he took hostages from
piece of wood for the fire. Patrick smiled sweetly and told nine places). It was during one of Niall’s raids that Patrick
her to trust God and the icicles would start a fire. Very soon was taken as a slave along with a maidservant, his sister,
a fire was roaring on the hearth. Lupita, and some other companions.
Once when Patrick was minding sheep with his little He was taken by ship to Ireland, somewhere along the
sister, Lupita, she tripped and fell, striking her head against coast of Antrim and sold to a petty king, Milcho. He was put
a stone. Her brother was some distance away, but when he in charge of a herd of swine and spent most time out in the
returned and found her laying unconscious, he prayed over fields. But it was there that God was made real to him, and
her and raised her up. The wound was instantly healed and as he said later, his eyes were opened to see his unbelief, and
the girl recovered. The scar remained visible, as a proof of he was truly converted. All the scripture which he learned as
the miracle. The children returned home together as if a child flooded his mind and heart and he decided that
nothing had happened. somehow he would become a servant of God.
On one occasion when the Britons had a meeting, his fos- Milcho was so impressed with Patrick that he asked him
ter-parents took him along with them. While they were to teach his children to read. But Milcho was a druid and
there his foster-father suddenly collapsed and died. At first a opposed to Christianity, which was spreading across Ireland.
great hush fell upon the assembly and then the man’s rela- Patrick had many conversations with the angel of Ireland,
tives began to weep and his wife cried, and calling to Patrick named Victor.
she said, “My boy, why have you allowed the man who has
been so kind to you to die?”
Victor, the Angel, Gives Instruction of Patrick
Patrick had been playing with the other children and had One night after six years, he heard the voice of the angel,
not noticed the distress of the people. But seeing what had Victor, who was standing near. He said, “Soon you will
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return to your country.” A while later, Victor spoke to him he said would ring when he came to a certain fountain
again, “Your ship is ready.” Patrick managed to escape, and where he was to build his church and monastery.
trusting God, he made his way to the coast. After a few days
he found a ship ready to sail, and was taken on board.
Patrick Returns to Ireland
Eventually Patrick, after months of journeying, arrived Finally Patrick returned to Ireland in A.D. 432. The min-
home. His parents had died but his relatives welcomed him. istry to the Irish began, not without opposition from the
One night he was awakened by the angel, Victor, whom he druids and wizards who tried desperately to keep Patrick
had known in Ireland. He was standing by Patrick’s bed away from the kings. Patrick believed that if the kings could
holding many letters in his hand. Victor selected one and be won for God then the people would follow.
handed it to Patrick. It read, “The Voice of the Irish.” Then The Battle on the Hill of Tara
he heard many voices calling to him to come back to Ireland
and bring the message of the Gospel. One of the first spiritual battles between Patrick and the
Although the angel, Victor said, “Go to Ireland, for you druids was fought at the Hill of Tara, in A.D. 433. The High
shall be an Apostle of its people,” Patrick determined to go King, Laeghaire (Leary), son of the renowned Niall of the
Rome to lay his case before the Bishop. However, he met Nine Hostages, had invited the sub-kings and nobles and
Germanus first and was ordained by him. There is some bards to a lavish festival. It was to start with great bonfires
confusion as to whether Patrick actually went to see Bishop but until the first ceremonial fire was lit by the Chief druid,
Celestine in Rome or not. But the angel cme to him while it was forbidden for other fires to be seen.
he was with Germanus and said, “You are commanded by King Laeghaire, in his efforts to hold his power over the
God to go to Ireland, to strengthen their faith and belief, and lower kings had given himself to the power of the wizards
that you may bring the Irish by the net of the Gospel to the and skillful magicians and druidic priests along with their
harbor of life.” And so Patrick bade farewell to Germanus idols. Lochru and Lucat-Mael were his chief wizards. Being
who gave him a blessing and sent one of his servants, a min- false prophets they had foretold that, “An evil teacher would
ister Segetius, to help and testify for him. come from over the sea to their land and that a multitude
would receive him, and that he would find love and rever-
Patrick and Kieran ence from the men of Ireland.” They said, “He would cast
During Patrick’s time with Germanus, he met and proph- out from their realms the evil kings and lords and would
esied to Kieran who was on his way from Rome. He told destroy all the idols, and that the worship established by him
Kieran that he would go before him to Ireland and be Abbot would abide in the land forever.”
over a monastery in Saigher. Patrick gave him a bell which No doubt the druids knew of the progress of Christianity
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in Britain and Europe. Their brethren abroad had been be quenched for ever. The man who kindled it will van-
discredited and they were afraid of the same fate. They were quish the kings and lords of Ireland unless he is forbidden.”
very much afraid of losing their influence and authority. “This shall not be!” cried the king, “But we will go down
Patrick, leaving the friendly hospitality of Dichu, sailed and kill this man who made the fires.”
southward and arrived at Inver Colptha, the mouth of the Meanwhile on the Hill of Slane, Patrick had begun with
river Boyne. They followed the course of the stream for the others the celebration of the Easter festival, singing and
about 12 miles until they came to the Hill of Slane where worshiping God.
Patrick proposed to celebrate Easter. It was late when nine chariots bearing the king and queen
While they rested there on the hill, they saw the magnifi- with two chief druids, and a number of nobles came thun-
cent view of the river Boyne; to the north, far away were the dering toward Slane. The wizards began to fear that the
purple mountains of Mourne, and to the south lay the beau- king might fail by taking a hasty action. As they drew toward
tiful hills of Wicklow. Against this background, about 10 the Christians, the druid wizards spoke to King Laeghaire,
miles away, stood the royal Hill of Tara. The roofs of the “You should be careful,” they cautioned the king, “Not to go
palace were shining in the setting sun. down to the place where the fire was made and give any
respect to the man who kindled the fire. Stay outside and
Patrick’s Fire have him brought out to you, so that he will know that you
When the sun had set, Patrick prepared to begin the cele- are the king, and he is the subject.”
bration of the Resurrection of Christ. It was the first time the The king was flattered and agreed.
Paschal fire was lit, never to be extinguished in the land. They drove to the place called, “The Graves of Fiacc’s
Hardly were the Christian torches seen to blaze, when the Men,” and they un-yoked the horses. The king and his
attention of the high king was drawn to the scene. The nobles sat in solemn state, and the warriors stood with their
whole of Mag Breg (the Beautiful Plain), was illuminated shields erect in front of them. In the light of the fires they
by the fires, while Tara was still in darkness. Angrily, the looked very fierce. The king forbade anyone to rise to greet
king called his attendants and told them to find out who had Patrick or any of his company (contrary to the custom of the
dared to light the fires and break the law he had made for Irish). A messenger was sent to fetch Patrick.
the occasion of the festivals of Beltane and Samhain. Soon a bright procession appeared descending the hill. As
The druids told King Laeghaire that there was no need to Patrick advanced, all eyes were fixed on him. Calmly he
send messengers to Slane for they knew what the fires were. sang as he approached the king, “Some trust in chariots, and
“We see the fire,” they said, “And we know that unless it some in horses; but we will call upon the Name of the Lord
is quenched on the night in which it is made, it will never our God.”
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As Patrick’s clear strong voice resounded, a feeling of awe be scattered. Let them that hate Him, flee from before His
filled the minds of the warriors. One man, Erc, the son of face! As smoke vanished, so let them vanish away: as wax
Deg, rose to greet Patrick. By grace, in a moment he believed melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence
in God and Patrick blessed him. Later on he was baptized of God.”
and eventually became the first Bishop of Slane. Patrick
prophesied to him, “Your city on earth will be high and
The Earthquake
noble.” By this time the sun had begun to rise and the morning
splendor bathed the earth. But at the words of Patrick, dark-
The Druid’s Defeat ness crept back over the sky and the ground shook with an
After a formal greeting between Laeghaire and Patrick, earthquake.
the wizard Lochru attached him angrily with contention The swords and spears of the warriors clashed against
and shouting. He became malicious and hostile and even their shields and it seemed to them that the sky was falling
violent, blaspheming the Holy Trinity. Patrick’s anger was down, and there was no hope of escape from impending
roused and he called upon God, “O Lord, Who can do all destruction. The frightened horses galloped away in confu-
things and on Whose power everything depends. You have sion, and the wind blew so fiercely that the chariots were
sent us here to preach Your Name to the heathen. Now let physically moved.
this ungodly man, who blasphemes Your Name, be lifted up Because of the confusion and fear, the warriors fled, leav-
and let him die.” ing on three people with King Laeghaire and Queen Angas.
No sooner had Patrick finished speaking than a super- The king remained sullen and silent but the queen rose and
natural force raised the wizard in the air. He fell heavily approached Patrick. She spoke to him with respect. “Just
down, his head striking a stone. And so he died in the pres- and mighty man,” she said, “Do not destroy the king. He
ence of those assembled. will come to you and he will do your will and he will kneel
The heathen, seeing their own subdued and realizing and believe in your God.”
that Patrick had more power than the druids, were greatly Her influence prevailed and because the events of the past
affected. But the king was enraged at the fate of Lochru, on few hours had shaken him, the king kneeled before Patrick,
whom he had depended. He then wanted to take the life of offering peace. It was a false gesture, designed to allow him
Patrick. to avoid the present situation.
“Slay this man,” he cried to his guards.
But Patrick stood firmly in his place. With flashing eyes
Invitation to Tara
and resonant voice he said, “Let God arise and His enemies Laeghaire designed a plan in his mind to try and kill
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Patrick on the way to his castle. “Follow after me, to my cas- When Patrick arrived at the banquet hall, King Laeghaire
tle, Cleric,” said the wily king. “And at Tara I may believe in and his dignitaries were already seated. Patrick waited to see
your God in the presence of the men of Ireland.” who would rise to greet him. It would have been considered
an insult to refrain from rising upon the entrance of a guest,
The King’s Trap especially one who had been invited personally by the king.
Patrick consented and Laeghaire gave orders to his ser- The man who did rise was the king’s poet, Dubthach, and
vants that an ambush should be set on several paths between a younger man named Fiacc. They both later became disci-
Slane and Tara. The chariots were yoked once more by the ples. Although everyone else including King Laeghaire
attendant who had now returned, and the royal party set out were very angry with Patrick because his words caused the
back to the palace. They were very weary and discouraged death of the king’s druid, Patrick stood firm and confident.
after their disastrous night with Patrick. The other druid-wizard, Lucat-mael, still very bitter
The King’s Banquet because of the death of his comrade, Lochru, and wanting
to please the king, had poisoned Patrick’s cup. Patrick,
Patrick and his company continued the interrupted aware that most of the people at the king’s court would want
Easter Day celebration with hearts full of gratitude to God. him dead, had already prayed on the way to the castle.
Then Patrick selected his companions and blessed them Patrick blessed all that he ate and drank in the Name of
before setting out for Tara. There were eight young clerics, the Lord and the poison had no ill-effect.
including Patrick and the boy, Benignus, who never left
Patrick’s side. They had ten miles to walk, but God covered Another Battle With the Druids
them with a cloak of darkness so that they could not be seen. King Laeghaire had decided that there would be an open
God had revealed to Patrick the evil design of the king. “competition” between Patrick and his God and the druids
The king’s servants watched but they saw only eight deer and their demonic power. This was to take place at the bot-
and a young fawn. It was after this that Patrick wrote his tom of the hill.
famous hymn, The Deer’s Cry, in which he gave God praise Lucat first proposed that they both try to bring snow upon
and expressed his firm belief in the resurrection, the incar- the plains and Patrick said he had no desire to go against the
nation and, death and ascension of Christ. He declared will of God. Lucat said that he didn’t care at all what
glory to God, who was his defense against the wiles of the Patrick’s God wanted, he was going to bring the snow and
devil and against all forms of superstition and idolatry; end- demonstrate the power of his gods. Because of his unwill-
ing with an appeal to Christ to be with him always and ingness, Lucat believed that snow was not among Patrick’s
speak to him through every creature. collection of miracles.
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Very soon, as Lucat chanted and prayed, snow fell all the fiery furnace, was unharmed. The wizard, of course,
around the people. Patrick then said to him, “Now get rid of died in the flames.
all the snow.” Great was the anger of King Laeghaire when he saw he
Lucat confessed that he was unable. was deprived of his second druid wizard. He would have
“In evil does your power lie,” said Patrick, and raising his liked to kill Patrick himself but he was prevented by the
right arm, he blessed the plain in the Name of the Lord Spirit of God.
Jesus. The snow immediately melted. “Unless you believe now, you will die quickly,” Patrick
The druid was disconcerted and he brought forth thick said to the king.
clouds of darkness. King Laeghaire was seized with fear and went aside to his
“Now dispel the darkness,” said Patrick. council-chamber and said to his officers, “In my opinion it
But he could not. Patrick again blessed the plain and the is better to serve Patrick’s God than for me to die presently.”
dark clouds rolled away. And so the king once more bowed before Patrick. Many
After several other manifestations of druid magic, the thousands that day were baptized as a result. Patrick went in
king saw that his wizard was losing the battle and then pro- peace to the king’s court and was met with hostility. He
posed that the druid books and the Christian books be cast stood firm in the power of God as he had done the day pre-
into the stream which flowed down the hill. Patrick was viously, and as a result King Laeghaire gave protection to the
willing but the druid was not. Christians in his own kingdom, although he was never truly
“He as water as a god,” he said (he was referring to the converted himself.
rite of baptism).
“Then throw them into the fire,” said the king.
Patrick Converts Dublin
But again the wizard would not. “He also venerates the As Patrick came near to Dublin, at that time a small vil-
god of fire” (he had heard of the fire of the Holy Spirit). lage, he prophesied, “That village which is now very small
Patrick finally decided to put an end to the demonstra- shall hereafter become very eminent. It shall be enlarged in
tions and suggested they both be put into separate huts and riches and dignity. Neither shall it cease to grow until it has
shut in, and the huts set alight. Seeing there was no escape become the principal seat of all the kingdom.
from the decision and as he already was humiliated, Lucat When the people of Dublin heard of the great signs and
agreed. miracles that were done through Patrick, and when they saw
him coming to their village, they went out to meet him.
The Fire At this time, Alphinus was King of Dublin. He and all the
The huts were set ablaze and Patrick like the children in citizens were in great sorrow over the death of the king’s two
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children. His only son, Eochadh, had died of a sickness in away from the worship of idols and they were baptized in the
his bedroom. His daughter had just been drowned in the spring.
adjourning river now known as the Liffey. She had ventured From that day the king and all the people worshiped God
into the deep part for the purpose of bathing. The young and gave liberally to Patrick, so that he was able to give to
lady’s body was drawn out of the waters after some consid- the poor in that place and other places and have enough to
erable search, and laid by her brother’s corpse, in order that build churches.
their funeral rites might be solemnized together. The tombs (Ref. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, Rev. Dr. Lanigan.
were prepared according to the superstition of the pagans. Sexta Vita S. Patricii, Joycelin notes.)
In the meantime news was spread over all the city that,
“Patrick, the potent reviver of many dead persons,” had been
Patrick and the King’s Daughter, Patrick’s Fast,
seen near the town. and Petitions for Ireland 434 A.D.
For Jesus, who burst asunder the gates of death and of Patrick and his companions arrived in the early morning
hell, smoothed the way for his servant. The king and the at Tulsk, in the county of Roscommon. As they sat down
people who before had said to the Lord, “Depart from us, near the fountains known as Clibach they were approached
we will not acknowledge any of thy ways,” were so cast by the two daughters of one of the kings of Ireland. They
down; saddened with grief, that all of their rebellion and all were intending to bathe in the fountain. Seeing the young
their barbarous rudeness, and all the pride and idolatry was clerics with their books in front of them, the young women
utterly subdued. wondered at the strange sight so early in the morning.
The two women, Eithne and Feidelm, inquired of Patrick
Patrick’s Challenge
as to what race he was of and from where he had recently
The king, hearing of St. Patrick’s arrival, greatly rejoiced come.
and asked him to come in to where his two children lay dead. “Are you some kind of gods?” asked Eithne.
He then promised, before all those present, that if God “It is better for you to ask about our God than to inquire
restored his children to life, he and all the citizens would as to our race,” said Patrick.
become Christians. Seeing such a gain of souls in the sight of “Where is God to be found? Is He under the earth? Or in
the king, his nobles, and all the common people, Patrick the streams? Or in the hills and valleys?” asked Eithne. “Is
raised from death to life those princely children. Their bodily He beautiful and to be loved? How is He to be found?” she
resurrection attributed greatly toward the spiritual resurrec- continued.
tion of their father and the rest of his people. The king and all Patrick, full of the Holy Spirit replied, “Our God is the
his subjects, being astonished at this great miracle, turned God over all; over heaven and earth: the God of the seas and
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rivers: the God of the sun and moon and stars: the God of demons in the form of large black birds, screaming and giv-
the high mountains and lowly valleys; He quickens all ing off a foul smell. Patrick continued singing psalms and
things; He gives the light to the sun and moon; He created hymns to no avail. Finally Patrick threw his bell at the birds
the waters in dry land; He places islands in the middle of and commanded them to leave. They left and immediately
the sea and He placed the stars in the heavens.” he was surrounded by an angelic choir. Also the angel who
Patrick went on to tell of God’s Son—Jesus. The two was always Patrick’s companion, Victor, came and said,
sisters, being of one heart cried out and said, “Our only “Everything you select shall be yours; every land—both
desire is to see Him face to face.” hills and valleys, glens and woods. Every petition shall be
Patrick baptized both women and they loved Christ with granted.”
all their hearts—for they had sought the true God a long Patrick’s first petition was that every Irish man, woman
time. and child would have opportunity to hear the Gospel and
secondly, that barbarian invaders should not prevail against
The Two Druids the Irish people. Victor commanded Patrick to get down
Shortly after, both sisters died. Two druids, Mael and from the mountain but Patrick refused until every petition
Caplait, entered into a great conflict with Patrick over this as he asked was granted. Patrick continued to ask for many
the youngest daughter was the foster-daughter of Caplait. blessings for Ireland.
Patrick preached the gospel to Caplait and he became a
believer to the great anger of the other druid, Mael. Patrick’s Invitation
“I will win him back to our gods and cause him to leave Many of the Celtic saints, because of the close relation-
you,” he said to Patrick. ship to God, knew when they were going to die and would
Patrick with great patience preached and reasoned with make arrangement to go the place which God told them was
him until he also gave his heart to God. Patrick continued to for their resurrection. In Patrick’s case he felt that he should
travel and preach to every town and village with many mir- die in Armagh, a place he was deeply attached to. He started
acles and signs and wonders. to make arrangements to go there but the angel Victor, for-
bade him saying, “It is not there that your resurrection is
Patrick’s Prayers For Ireland granted to you, go back to the place from which you came,
Patrick went to a high mountain in the range of Mayo in namely Dichu’s Barn. But God has granted that your name
order to seek god and to fast and pray. For forty days he shall be known and your teaching shall be in Armagh, as if
fasted with watching and prayers and travail. Toward the you were still alive in it.”
end of the fast, the mountain was surrounded by many So it has been since that time.
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Patrick’s Departing
Patrick returned to Saul, to Dichu’s Barn, on Strangford
Lough, where he had made his first celebration in Ireland.
He gave thanks to God, received Holy Communion from
Bishop Tassach and then prayed with the brethren and gave
up his spirit to God. The Tripartite Life sums up Patrick’s life
in the following words:

Now after founding churches in plenty; after conse-

Abbot of Bangor,
crating monasteries and baptizing the people of
Ireland; after great patience and labor; after destroy-
ing idols, and rebuking kings who did not do the will
County Down
of God; after ordaining three hundred and seventy
Bishops and three thousand priests, ministers and
laymen; after fasting and prayer; after mercy and
clemency; after love of God and his neighbor, he gave
up his spirit to God.”

It is said that for the twelve nights of his funeral rights,

an angelic radiance was seen around his body.
Before he died, on 17th march, 471 A.D. Patrick made this

“If I ever accomplished anything good for the sake of

my God, Whom I love, I ask Him to grant that I can
shed my blood with the strangers and captives for His
Name’s sake. If I, Patrick the sinner, have done any
small thing according to the will of God, I attribute A.D.516—A.D. 601
it to the gift of God alone. And this is my confession (approximate)
before I die.”
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The Prophecy The Pillar of Fire

In Jocelyn’s, St. Patrick’s Life, it is stated that Patrick Comgall grew in wisdom and love of the Lord. One day
prophesied of Comgall’s birth and the foundation of his as he fell asleep in a field his mother approached. As she
Abbey at Bangor, sixty years before his appearance in this drew closer, she saw a pillar of fire above his head and
world.1 became alarmed.
On the day before Comgall’s birth, Macniseus, Bishop of When he awoke, Comgall said, to her, “Fear not, mother,
Conner, had a vision concerning him. He heard the noise for I am in no way injured by the celestial fire—but take care
of a chariot outside and announced, “This chariot carries a not to tell anyone of this.”
king.” Comgall later on decided to leave the world and his father’s
His assistants immediately went outside to check on the farm in order to dedicate himself to God. His first religious
chariot. They soon returned returned saying that the chariot teacher was not too spiritual and one night while he took
only contained a man named Sedna and his wife, Briga. himself to a place of sin, and so Comgall prayed all night. The
The Bishop replied, “My children, do not think I have spo- following morning he went to meet his teacher in a purposely
ken falsely to you for that woman, Briga, bears a king, who soiled garment. When the teacher reproved him, he replied,
shall be born tomorrow at sunrise. He will be adorned with “What is more dangerous Master, to have our outer garment
all virtues and the world will be illuminated with the luster soiled, or our soul? The defilement of your soul last night is
of his miracles. Not only will many thousands obey him, but much worse than the condition of my garment.”
a great multitude of princes.” Although it silenced his teacher, Comgall’s reproof did
Around the place of his birth a light was seen through the not stop the vices of his master. Comgall resolved to find a
night. He was born in the northern part of Ulster in a region more spiritual place and went to the celebrated monastery of
known as Dalaradia. Clonenagh.
Being an only son, Comgall was much loved by his par- Comgall was at least 32 years old when he became a disci-
ents. He was brought for baptism to a minister, Dedelmid, ple of Fintan, who in turn had been a disciple of the famous
who had become blind through an accident. Angels were Columba of Iona. Eventually Fintan sent him out to start
seen at the service. When the minister washed his face in the cells in his own part of the country. He went to visit Kieran
water in which Comgall was baptized his sight was restored. of Clonmacnoise and preached the gospel everywhere with
many signs and wonders. He eventually found an island,
1. The prophecy of Patrick concerning the famous monastery Lough Erne, where he led a very austere life. Other younger
at Bangor. men submitted themselves to his discipleship but so great
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were the austerities that seven of them died. Lugidus, In the Ambrosian Library in Milan there is a manuscript preserved
through whom he had been ordained, persuaded him to which contains some of the Liturgy. The Perennial Praise or Laura
leave the island and continue the work for which he had Penernnis was founded upon the temple worship in Jerusalem, and
been destined, founding many churches and cells and they used the same scriptural basis. They were very much like the
preaching the gospel to the lost. early Essenes and Therepeutae who sang in a similar fashion in
Palestine and Egypt.
Bangor Monastery These early monasteries were more like our present-day Bible
schools with many hundreds of students who learned true devotion
When Comgall came to the place where the river Beg falls to Christ and the service of man. They were very evangelistic and the
into the Belfast Lough, he loved it so much that he founded gospel they preached to the heathen was demonstrated with the
the famous Monastery of Bangor there. The locality was in power of God in many miracles and wonders. They often confronted
the region of Ards—in the province of Ulster. In a short time the druids and many times put to shame the druidic powers by the
so many monks flocked to his monastery that there was no manifestation of the power of their God.
room and they were forced to build other houses, not only
there but in other places in Ireland. Bangor monastery was Many miracles occurred in the monastery as people came
the biggest and most famous and in time a whole city was to be healed and set free. One day a leper came to the
built around its wisdom and sanctity. Apart from the great monastery and came across Comgall kneeling with his
teaching and discipleship, Bangor Monastery was known hands upturned to heaven. As he watched him, he was
for its famous choir.2 healed immediately.
The Bright Flame
Another time a young monk, Meldan, approached
2. One day Patrick and his disciples came upon a valley in County
Comgall’s cell and as he came near he saw a bright flame
Down where they saw the whole valley filled with light and he
which burst forth from the window. He did not dare to go
heard heavenly choirs singing praise to God. They called it
nearer and the following day Comgall sent for him and told
Vallis Angelorum—the Valley of the Angels. This altar became
him not to reveal what he had seen while he (Comgall),
the same place where the monastery at Bangor was established,
was alive.
and the famous “High Choir” which celebrated praise and
worship to God like the world had never seen. Historians say The Monk Who Rose From the Dead
that this choir sang continuous praises in relays for 150 years. Another time one of the monks was sent from Bangor to
There were 3,000 monks at Bangor Monastery. another monastery and while there he died. Comgall
ordered his body be conveyed back to Bangor. When it
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 72 73 .......... by Kathie Walters

arrived, Comgall prayed for him and he was restored to life. service Critan saw a bright vision of angels. They touched
The brother told the other monks what had happened after the hands and mouth and the head of Comgall and joined
his departure from this life. in his benediction. Critan was very thirsty from fasting, and
“I was brought toward heaven by two angels sent by God, wanted in his heart to drink from the same cup as Comgall.
and while on our way other angels came to meet us saying, Although nothing was said, the prophetic gift in Comgall
‘Bear this soul back to his body for Comgall, God’s servant, was stirred and he knew the desire of Critan. After the serv-
has requested it. Therefore bear it to Comgall, with whom ice Comgall entered his cell and took some wine.
the monk will live to an old age.’” He then called a servant named Segenus and sent him
with the wine to Critan saying, “Bear this wine to the holy
The Thieves man, Critan, who is now very thirsty, and let him drink from
Some thieves came and took fruit and vegetables from the my cup, with thanks to God. Tell him from me, ‘You are a
garden time and again. Eventually Comgall went to the patient and faithful man.’”
garden and prayed, “Oh Omnipotent Lord, who is able to Because of the great influence Comgall had, he is
do all things, take away the sight of these robbers until they regarded as one of the principal Fathers of the Irish church.
have confessed their guilt.” Comgall is named among the chief framers of the monastic
That night when the robbers entered the enclosure they rules along with Brigid, Brendan, Patrick, Keiran,
became blind and were unable to find the exit. At last moved Columba, Molassius and Adamnan.
to repent of their crime they called for help and returned the
things they had stolen. Their sight was restored and they Comgall and the Mice
embraced Christ as their savior and stayed as disciples of One time, when the monastery was short of corn, Comgall
Comgall. asked a neighbor, Croidhe, if he would exchange some corn
Comgall is described in the Martyrology of Donegal (See for a silver cup. The man, who was a tyrant, refused, saying,
Dr. Todd and Reeves edition pp. 122, 123) as, “A man full of “I would rather the mice eat the corn than you.”
God’s grace and love who fostered and educated very many Comgall replied, “Be it as you say, for the mice will eat
other great saints, as he kindled and lit up an unquenchable your corn and you will not profit.”
fire of God’s love in their hearts and minds.” Mice came and ate two heaps of corn which belonged to
the avaricious man.
Comgall and Critan
An old man, an Anchorite, named Critan, once visited The Dead Monk Raised
Comgall during the Easter festival. During the Easter On another occasion one of the monks was taken ill and
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moved to another monastery nearer his family. There he Iniver Beg, they were greeted with much joy. The one that
died and his body was brought back to Bangor for burial. had died they left covered in the boat and went to the
Approaching the bier, Abbot Comgall prayed over him and monastery. Comgall washed their feet and asked if there was
the dead man was instantly restored to life. He later said that anyone else left on the boat. Columba replied there was one
he had seen a ladder ascending up into heaven with others and Comgall requested that he be sent for, so that he also
going before him. As he began to ascend the ladder, he could enjoy the refreshing. Columba said that the brother
heard a voice saying that Comgall would not suffer him to would not be able to come unless Comgall went to him.
ascend the ladder. He lived for another 15 years. Without delay Comgall went to the boat and there he found
the dead monk. He was astonished, but took to prayer.
The Dead Young Boy Raised “In the Name of Jesus Christ arise and hasten with me to
One day after a journey, Comgall returned to his your brothers.”
monastery and found that a young boy had died during his The brother awoke and accompanied Comgall to the
absence. He said, “It is my fault that this boy had died before monastery. Then Comgall noticed that he had lost sight in one
his allotted time.” eye. Comgall declared that a monk should not labor under
Approaching the body he prayed and the boy was such a defect and he bathed the man’s eye. His sight was
instantly restored to life. restored and he could see extremely well all the days of his life.
He asked the boy, “Do you desire, my son, to remain in
this life?” The Cook
The boy declared that he would rather go to be with the While Comgall and Columba were sitting at a table
Lord in heaven, and Comgall imparted a blessing, and the taking refreshments, they noticed that the seat belonging to
boy peacefully yielded his spirit back to God. the cook was occupied by a demon. The two abbots were
A prince who was a great sinner came to the gates of the suspicious of the cook and sent for him. When the cook saw
monastery with an offering of silver, but Comgall sent it back the demon sitting in his chair he cried out and rebuked him,
to him with a message saying, “Why do you wish to discharge “I have not served you since I was young, fly to the desert
your iniquities upon us? Bear your own crimes and fruits.” places where you can hurt no one.”
The demon fled and Columba and Comgall repented for
The Brethren From Iona their suspicisions.
A company of brethren, led by Columba, came by boat
from Iona to visit Comgall and during the crossing one of Comgall’s Bath
them died. When they arrived at the mouth of the river, A certain young man, Aedian by name, the grandson of
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 76

Dunlainge, after reading the minor prophets with the

teacher, Finell, saw in a dream his garments wrapped around
a leper. After rising from his sleep he found that his own
body was struck with leprosy. He hurried to Comgall and

when he reached him he found he had just taken a bath.
Comgall instructed him to bathe in the same bath-water and
when he stepped out of the bath he was totally cleansed from
the leprosy. Aedian returned joyfully and full of praises.
Comgall’s Death First Bishop of Saiger,
As the end of his life approached Comgall became deaf and
suffered a lot of pain. Many believe that it was because of the King’s County
extremely vigorous austerity that he placed upon himself and
the other monks that his body was in such bad condition.
The monks urged him to partake of the Lord’s supper,
but he refused, saying, “I will receive the Holy Communion
from no one else except St. Fiachra. He is the Abbot of
Leinster province, who will be sent to me by God.”
The angel of the Lord visited Fiachra whose monastery
was in Airard and was situated on the banks of the River
Barrow. He commissioned Fiachra to go to Comgall and
minister to him the Lord’s Supper. Upon his arrival he
served Communion to Comgall, now in his 85th years. (See
Sir James Ware, De Scriptoribus Hiberniae, lib.i. cap ii. P. 14 )
Then Fiachra asked for some keepsakes from Comgall for
posterity. The monks agreed, and after praying, Comgall
yielded up his spirit to God, his Lord and Creator, in the
presence of many godly men. His death occurred 6th May,
A.D. 601. A.D. 352—A.D. 540
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 78 79 .......... by Kathie Walters

The Light of the Gospel “Kieran, the faithful, noble coharb,

The senior of heaven-loving saints of Erin,
It was said of the early Irish, “Traditions and ties of race
Illustrious, the festival of the royal one,
and family have weight with the unconverted. They perform
Whose peaceful Cathedra is great Saigher.”
superstitious practices, frequent temples, and on certain days
have absurd rites and ceremonies. Their parents were super- There are many manuscripts on the Life of Kieran—Life
stitious, their friends and neighbors likewise. With difficulty of St. Kieran of Saigher in Irish transcribed by Brother
they break the chains which bind them to these things. For a Michael O’Clery. Among Messrs. Hodges and Smith’s col-
long time our ancestors were sitting in darkness and in the lection of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy are
shadow of death, until the people became the Lord’s portion a Life of St. Kieran of Saigher. In Marsh’s Library, Dublin in
and His inheritance. Yet Christianity was known in parts of the manuscript called, “Codex Kilkenniessis,” there is a Life
Ireland during the years preceding the arrival of Patrick. of St. Kieranus (Ossoriensis). There is a parchment manu-
After Ireland’s early reign of druidism and heathendom, the script belonging to Trinity College, Dublin. Another Life of
land that was desolate was to be made glad. The wilderness Kieran is in Bodleian Library at Oxford and it is a vellum
was to rejoice and flourish like a lily; the eyes of the blind to folio of the 14th century. Colgan furnished two Lives of
be opened; the ears of the deaf unstopped: water to break out Kieran. Colgan, with writer of the longer “Life” must have
over the deserts, and streams in the wilderness. The dry land been a monk living under Kieran’s rule. There are many
was to become a pool, and the thirsty lands have springs of other manuscripts in various libraries around the world.
water. The redeemed of the Lord were to come to Zion with
great praise, and everlasting joy was to be upon their heads, The Birth of Kieran
they obtained gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning Kieran was the son of Lughaida, son to Rumond, son of
fled away. The light of the Gospel arose over Ireland.” Conall. His mother was Lidania and was the daughter of
There can be little doubt that from a community at Saigher Manius Kerr, son to Aenguss of Lugad’s race. Kieran was
the first preachers of Christ went forth. In this place was the brother of St. Nem Mac Ua Birn, who succeeded St.
erected one of the first churches in Ireland. A date anterior to Enda as Abbot of Aran.
the advent of St. Patrick was assigned for the founding of a Kieran was born in A.D. 352 at a time when paganism uni-
cell by Kieran (or Ciarain) son of Lughaidh, at Saigher. versally prevailed in Ireland. He was born on the island of
In a sermon preached by Rev. N. Murphy in A.D. 1877, Clear which is the southernmost land in Ireland. Before his
Rev. Murphy added the following translation of an Irish conception, Lidania had a vision in her sleep of a star falling
stanza: into her mouth. When she related this vision to the Magi
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 80 81 .......... by Kathie Walters

(druids) they told her that she would bring forth a son To do Kieran replied, “The place where that fountain
whose virtue and fame would be diffused throughout all springs I do know.”
Ireland and to the end of time. Growing up, he appeared to Then Patrick answered, “My dearly-beloved brother, pro-
have a sweetness of spirit and a well-regulated mind. He ceed with full confidence and the Lord will be your guide;
was full of wise counsel. receive this bell which shall be the companion of your jour-
ney and will not sound until you come to the fountain I
The Kite have spoken of. When you arrive there the bell will ring out
As a youth, Keiran was sitting one day outside and a kite (a clearly and sound sweetly. After thirty years, I will meet you
large bird), suddenly pounced on a small bird and carried it in that place.”
off. Seeing this, the child grieved much over the fate of the With the kiss of peace these great men of God departed to
small bird and he prayed for its preservation. The kite flew their respective destinations.
back and returned the bird, which was then restored to its nest.
Although seemingly a small incident, the Lord answered the Kilkenny
request of one who was humble and compassionate. Kieran arrived in the present Kilkenny city and there he
collected his first band of disciples and established his first
Rome Irish monastery. He sang Psalms and hymns, practiced his
Kieran continued to his 13th birthday still unconverted. Christianity and confronted the druids and their pagan fol-
But he did receive some account of the Christian religion. lowers.
He resolved to go to Rome to find out what he could about According to his Life, after his arrival in Ireland, Kieran
the religion. It seems that there in A.D. 382 he became born made his way, by the Lord’s leading, to the fountain of
again. He remained in Rome for 15–20 years learning and Fuaran. This is generally thought to have been identified as
collecting copies of the scriptures. He was ordained a priest a stream which passes near the present Seirkyran, or Kieran,
and returned to Ireland, but on the way he met Patrick in which was formerly known as Saigher. It is a small village
Italy, according to the Tripartite Life. presently situated in the Barony of Ballybritt, Kings County,
Patrick prophesied to Kieran, “Proceed to Ireland before not far from the Slieve Bloom mountains. Kieran’s bell rang
me, and go to a fountain in the middle of Ireland which is when he arrived at that fountain according to Patrick’s
called Fuaran, on the northern and southern line of division prophecy. The bell was said to have been made for St.
in the island; build a monastery on that spot, for there you Germanus, the Bishop and instructor of St. Patrick. The bell
will be held in honor, and it shall be at the place of your had been called Bodhran—the mute.
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 82 83 .......... by Kathie Walters

The Wild Boar the gate. After his father’s death, Kieran’s mother, Liadain,
became a Christian and raised up a nunnery at Killyon.
When Keiran came to the place where he decided to
build his dwelling, a wild boar fled from him as he sat down The Dead Raised
under a tree. The boar afterwards came back and became One time a rich man named Fintan brought his son’s
domesticated and help Kieran build his house. The animal dead body to Keiran, asking that he raise him up. Kieran
with its tusks helped break down twigs and branches for the approached the body of Leoghaire and through the prayer of
walls. faith in Christ, he was raised and returned to his father. The
Kieran was known for his spiritual authority over the ani- young man lived for a long time, and in gratitude Fintan
mals. A fox, a deer, a wolf and a badger came to him and gave to the monastery the village of Rathfera (Rath-fearinn).
stayed with him. It wasn’t long before his disciples found A son of Erc had maliciously killed a horse belonging to
him, and in the place of his wicker hut there grew up a great St. Patrick. Being apprehended by the soldiers of Aengus, the
monastery and subsequently an ecclesiastical city. man was put in chains ready to be put to death. Upon the
Kieran began to attract many people from the surround- request of friends, Kieran procured his ransom at a consider-
ing areas to whom he spoke of salvation. Many Ossorians able cost. But after his liberation the gold and silver disap-
became Christians and were baptized by him. peared. The royal recipient angrily asked Kieran who he
About the same time, three other prelates ministered in dared to impose a phantom treasure on the king. Kieran
the southern part of Ireland with some success—all before replied that everything of the earth would return to the earth.
Patrick arrived on the scene. These were Ailbe, Ibar and Aengus became enraged and uttered threats against Kieran
Declan, who labored in the neglected vineyard of the Lord. and he immediately fell to the ground, blind. St. Carthage, a
The Pigs and Sheep disciple and grandson to Aengus begged Kieran to restore
the king’s sight. Kieran approached the prostrate form and
As the monastery was build many miracles accompanied
raised him after giving a sharp rebuke. The king afterwards
the ministry. At one time the steward came to Kieran and
bestowed many gifts upon Kieran and the monastery.
said that they needed to purchase some swine. Kieran
replied that the Lord would send them. The next day a sow The Harpists
and her litter appeared at their gate. A while later the same This same king Aengus had certain harpists in his court
steward told Kieran that they needed sheep and Kieran told who sang ballads and played music. While passing through
them that the same Lord who sent the swine would send the the territory of Muscra Thire, in the province of Munster,
sheep. The following day, there were 27 sheep standing at they were murdered and their bodies were thrown into a
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 84 85 .......... by Kathie Walters

lake, and their harps suspended on a tree on the borders of killed should arise and follow him. All of the soldiers who
the Lough. Aengus, not knowing what happened to his were resurrected that day became monks under St. Kieran.
musicians, remembered that Kieran was gifted with One time when Patrick, The King of Munster, and 20
prophecy, and not willing to consult the druids because he chiefs with their attendants were guests of Kieran, he
had become a Christian, he came to Kieran and learned ordered eight oxen to be prepared for their entertainment.
from him what had happened to his harpists. When they realized that this would not be sufficient for all
When the king had discovered the fate of the harpists, he the guests plus the monks themselves, Kieran said that the
asked Kieran to accompany him to the Lake. After they had Lord fed thousands with a few loaves and fishes; they
fasted all day the water drew back and revealed the bodies of should be content with what they had and trust God. The
the harpers. In the Name of Christ, Kieran commanded food lasted as long as it was needed and when he blessed a
them to arise, and, seeming to awake after a sleep, they took fountain, wine of good quality was found.
their harps down from the tree and began to play sweet
music for the king and for Kieran, and a crowd of people
Kieran, the Queen, and the Blackberry Bush
who were gathered there. The lake was afterwards named, One day Kieran felt led to spread a cloth over some black-
Loch na Cruitireadh, “The Lake of the Harpers,” although berry bushes to preserve the blackberries through the cold
the water in the lake had dried up. weather, to keep them for an occasion which he had some
foreknowledge about.
The Soldiers After Easter, King Aengus and his wife, Queen Ethnea
On another occasion the Chief of Aengus with his retain- Huathach, came to the castle of Conchryd, the Chieftain of
ers, while passing through Ossory, saw some swine belong- Ossary. The visiting king and queen had been entertained
ing to St. Etchean and ordered his solders to kill one of with a great banquet by Conchryd, who was a man of great
them. While they were preparing to roast it, their enemies personal attraction. Unfortunately, the queen conceived an
surprised them and killed the chief and some of the soldiers unlawful passion for him which was accompanied by a dis-
on the banks of a rivulet called Brosnach. honorable proposal on her part. Being a man of virtue,
An account of this disaster was brought to Kieran by his Conchryd rejected her advances, and the queen feigned
disciple, Carthage, who asked Kieran if he could have the sudden illness in order to remain behind in his castle after
bodies removed to that they would not be devoured by wild her husband’s departure.
beasts. When Kieran came to the place, the cart was not big Being asked what might help get her well again she said
enough to remove their bodies. He then cried out with a she would be made better by blackberries. She supposed that
loud voice that in the Name of Christ all those who were as the season had passed no one would be able to find any
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 86 87 .......... by Kathie Walters

blackberries. The chief went to Kieran with the account of his speech for seven days. Then he asked for forgiveness of
the circumstances. He expressed apprehension at the queen Kieran who then blessed his tongue and his speech was
remaining behind after the king’s departure. Kieran went to restored.
get the blackberries from his bush in the woods and sent That very ancient and interesting place commonly called
them to the queen. Upon eating them Ethnea found her St. Kyran’s is reputed to have been the seat of the oldest
passion for Conchryd cease. She prostrated herself at the bishopric in Ireland. While Kieran lived there Saints
feet of Kieran, confessing her sin and asking for forgiveness. Carthage and Bathene were disciples under him. He was
Kieran replied with a sigh, “Oh Queen, I cannot release also visited by St. Medran and St. Odhran who were broth-
you from an impending death, for daughter, your enemies ers. Another St. Kieran who was the Abbot of
shall kill both you and our sovereign king on the same day.” Clonmacnoise, a fellow disciple under Finian, Abbot of
This word was fulfilled in A.D. 489 when Aengus and the Clonard and St. Brendan of Birr and Brendan of Clonfert
queen were killed on the same day at the battle of Cell also visited him.
Osnadha, now Kelliston in the country of Carlow. This
battle was fought against them by Muircheartach Mac Erca,
by Illann and Ailill, sons of Dunlaing, andby Eochaidh Kieran visited and ministered in Cornwall, England,
Guineach. These events are rendered very notorious, where there are many memorials.
through the accounts left in our ancient annals (See Kieran converted many from paganism. He ordained a
Colgan’s Acta Sanctorium Hiberniae, Martil v, First Life, great number of bishops and clergy, and had numerous
chapter xix. Second Life, lect vii. Officium pp. 460–468). angelic visitations. On one occasion he asked God for the
production of a fountain in a certain place shown him by an
Raised From the Dead angel. Soon after, his prayed was granted, and many sick
A woman named Eathylla fell, and had such severe frac- people were healed at this spring, which was called, “The
tures that she soon died. The third day Keiran prayed and Well of Kieran.”
her life was restored. Another friend of Kieran’s Cronan, was In the language of an ancient Irish writer, “His heart was
killed by a Munster officer. When Kieran found this out, he chaste and shining, and his mind like the foam of the waves,
went and raised Cronan from the dead after seven days. or the color of the swan in the sunshine; without sin finding
a resting place in his heart,” (Irish Lives—O’Hannlon).
The King Struck Dumb Before his death, while engaged in prayer, the angel of
One day King Ailill, the king of Munster, spoke reproach- God appeared to him. At this time he was bowed down with
ful words in the presence of Kieran and he was deprived of old age and he asked these favors of the Almighty through
CELTIC Flames by Kathie Walters .......... 88
TOUR Ireland or
Scotland with Kathie Walters
the celestial messenger. He asked that all who celebrated the
festival of his death should have prosperity in this life and be COME TO IRELAND
happy in the next, and that the people of Ossory should ON A 10-DAY CELTIC HERITAGE TOUR WITH
have victory over their enemies, if they themselves did not KATHIE WALTERS!
invade the territory of others.
• Re-dig the spiritual wells of this beautiful country.
In one of the Lives in Colgan’s possession it is recounted • Pray on the Hill of Slane where St. Patrick lit his Pascal fire
that as his death approached, he called his monks together and defied the High King.
and said to them, “The Lord now summons me to Himself, • See the place where St. Patrick first landed to bring the
and I am solicitous about you; wherefore I commend you to Gospel to Ireland by God through the angel of Ireland, Victor.
the care of God, and to my son, Carthage.” • See the green hills and dales of Ireland—a picture you will
With this he released his spirit happily. It is said that 30 of never forget.
his bishops that same day departed and went with him to • Visit the ancient places of worship that will help enable you to
grasp hold of your godly inheritance.
the heavenly country. This was a manifestation of his, and
their, desire which had already been granted by the Lord. As Come to Scotland
Patrick prophesied, this was the place of his resurrection in On a Tour with Kathie Walters!
about A.D. 540. He was well over 100 years old. • Tour the beautiful highlands of Scotland.
• Visit the island of Iona, where St. Columba built his
• Tour the Hebrides Islands.
(Visit the church and talk to the peo-
ple who were in the great revival
there during 1949–1952.)

Please call us at 1-800-300-9630

or send us your e-mail address & we
will inform you of
the next available trip!
Did you know that angels are very active in our everyday
Equipping the Younger Saints The Bright and Shining Revival
A guide for teaching children about spiritual gifts. An account of the Hebrides Revival 1948–1952.
Children Aflame Celtic Flames
Amazing accounts of children from the journals of the Read the exciting accounts of famous fourth- and fifth-
great Methodist preacher John Wesley in the 1700’s and David’s century Celtic Christians: Patrick, Brendan, and others.
own accounts with children and youth today. Columba—The Celtic Dove
The Anointing and You Read about the ministry of this famous Celtic Christian,
What we must do to receive and impart the anointing and
filled with supernatural visitations.
to pass it on to the younger generation.
Worship Fur Dummies Parenting by the Spirit
What is worship? How important is music? David The author shows how she raised her children by listen-
Walters says he’s a dummy about music, but he knows about the ing to the Holy Spirit rather than her emotions.
Holy Spirit. Living by the Supernatural
Radical Living in an Godless Society How to live in our inheritance—supernaturally.
Our Godless society really targets our children and youth. The Spirit of False Judgement
How do we cope with this situation? In the light of holy revelation, sometimes things are
CHILDREN’S BIBLE STUDY BOOKS different from what we perceive them to be.
(ILLUSTRATED) FOR AGES 6–15 The Visitation
The Armor of God Supernatural visitations of a mother and daughter.
A children’s Bible study based on Ephesians 6:10–18. Elitism and the False Shepherding Spirit
Fact or Fantasy? Control, manipulation, spirit of abortion, grief and it’s
A study on Christian apologetics designed for children. devastating results.
Being a Christian Health Related Mindsets
A Bible study teaching children and teens how to be a Explanation of mindsets which can bring sickness.
Fruit of the Spirit
A study teaching children and teens how to be a fruitful
Children’s Prayer Manual
Children’s illustrated study on prayer (ages 7–14 years).
The Gifts of the Spirit
Children’s illustrated Bible study on the gifts of the Spirit
(ages 7 years–adult).

David and Kathie Walters are originally from England. They

spent eleven years under the ministry of the famous expository
preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones from London. After being bap-
tized in the Holy Spirit in 1969, they experienced a revival in their
hometown. A church grew out of their home meetings, and they
started to travel, evangelizing in schools, colleges and universities
throughout the country.
They also visited many churches and brought a move of the Holy
Spirit to them. The pages of this book present twenty years of minis- Raising a Generation of
tering on the anointing of God to youth pastors, Sunday school teach-
ers, children, young adults and parents. David and Kathie presently
reside in Macon, Georgia. They have two daughters, two grandsons
Anointed Children and Youth
and a granddaughter. One-Day Training Seminar to Equip
Kathie has written eleven books. Although she supports her hus-
band and occasionally travels with him, she now is in great demand Parents • Youth Pastors
to minister at churches and conferences. She believes that the super-
natural realm is the inheritance of every believer. Sunday School Teachers
David has written a number of books and a number of his articles Children’s Workers
have been published in magazines such as Ministries Today,
CharismaLife Learning Resources, Leading Children in Revival, and The churches in your area can experience one of these dynamic
Home School Digest. “Raising Godly Children” is one of his most seminars. Author and speaker David Walters imparts a fresh
recent articles. vision and anointing to parents and to those who work with
children and youth. Walters says:
“Children do not have a
If you would like to receive baby or junior Holy Spirit!”
further information about sponsoring a seminar
“Children are baptized in the Holy Spirit to do
or children’s youth crusade for your area:
much more than play, be entertained or listen
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