Godly Wisdom For A Pastor's Wife - Oyenike Areogun

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Oyenike Areogun
Copyright © 2012 by Oyenike Areogun.

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ISBN: Hardcover

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are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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Chapter One The Multifaceted Ministry of the
Pastor’s Wife
Chapter Two The Pastor’s Wife as an Armour
Bearer and an Anointed Shield
Chapter Three A Worthy Help
Chapter Four Are You a Liability or an Asset?
Chapter Five The Power of Example
Chapter Six Succeeding Where Eve Failed
Chapter Seven Pastor’s Wife: Service or
Chapter Eight Beware of Distractions
Chapter Nine Be Yourself
Chapter Ten The Danger of Neglecting Your
Source of Strength
Chapter Eleven Creating the Right Atmosphere
in the Home
Chapter Twelve Partaking of the Anointing Upon
Your Husband
Chapter Thirteen The Helper of the Helper
Chapter Fourteen Cultivating the Family Spirit
Chapter Fifteen Carry Your Cross
Chapter Sixteen The Danger of Minding It
About the Book

There are four basic types of wives a man of God

can have. Each wife must know the category she
falls into and stay there. The worst damage will be
done if a wife in category A copies the wife in
category B. Before you take after a pattern, be sure
of three things:
1. It is in the same category as where God has
placed you.
2. God is leading you into it.
3. It will strengthen the pattern and structure
God has called your husband to build in the
Listed below are the categories based on divine
And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but
he that is called of God, as was Aaron.
(Hebrews 5:4)
You cannot choose what type you like, you cannot
aspire to anyone, you’ve just got to discover your
place in God and stay there and do His will.
There is no ambition in the things of God; things will
only work for you when you stay in your place.
Four Basic Categories of a Pastor’s Wife
1. Pastor’s Wife with a Direct Calling from Jesus
This is a woman who God calls just like He calls
the husband. Most times, she will see traces of
the call from childhood. Before marriage, it will
be clear and evident.
Those in this group need a lot of grace to be
able to blend with their husband as one team and
a single entity. They cannot afford to marry
wrong, or else they may get frustrated.
They must marry whosoever God (not man or
their desire) gives them to, who will be able to
manage and harness that call.
They will give account to God for the calling.
They may or may not be married to pastors.
Most times, such a calling spans across the
body of Christ outside of the husbands’ zone of
2. Pastor’s Wife Who Shares in the Calling of the
By being faithful in supporting the man, a
portion of his spirit rests on her (by God) to
stand with him in the pulpit ministry. She must
remain humble and not take over. It is a privilege
to share in the anointing. Allow no competition,
always take the place that is a step lower, and
remember he is the main man called.
Such wives function solely in the husbands’
ministry (church or anywhere God opens doors
for the husband). If she keeps teaming up, the
flow remains upon her.
3. Pastor’s Wife Who is Planted as a Pillar to the Man
This is a woman that God has not given a
portion in the husband’s pulpit, but she is given
a role of standing like a mighty pillar of support
for the husband—being always there for him
physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially,
and in every way.
However, such a pastor’s wife shall use her
believer’s grace to strengthen the husband’s
work (e.g., music, intercession, children
ministry, hospitality, and so on).
She shouldn’t come under pressure to preach or
do programmes; she should stay in her place
and have a large heart that accommodates, to
allow other sons in the house through which
God wants to do other things. Then God will
defend and honour her.
4. Pastor’s Wife Who Doesn’t Have the Good of the
Ministry at Heart
This is the category of wives that married their
husbands (though pastors) for social reasons.
She is not deep in spiritual matters. She’s given
to fanfare, frivolity, and flamboyance. She is
position conscious and goes by the saying “I
have my life to live.” This will be a major drag
to the husband’s assignment. She doesn’t team
up with him; she lives her life, faces her career,
and even commands the children after her. Such
a woman needs a major encounter with God to
repent and get committed to God to rediscover
who and what God has made them.
The devil’s major strategy in these last days is
In those days, I also saw Jews who had married
women of Ashdod, Ammon and Moab.
And half of their children spoke the language of
Ashdod, and could not speak the language of
Judah, but spoke according to the language of
one or the other people.
So I contended with them and cursed them,
struck some of them, pulled out their hair, and
made them swear by God, saying, You shall not
give your daughters as wives to their sons, nor
take their daughters for your sons for
Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these
things? Yet among many nations there was no
king like him, who was beloved of his God; and
God made him king over all Israel. Nevertheless,
pagan women caused even him to sin.
“Should we then hear of your doing all this great
evil, transgressing against our God by marrying
pagan women?”
And one of the sons of Joaida, the son of
Eliashib the high priest, was a son-in-law of
Sanballat the Horonite; therefore I drove him
from me.
Remember them, O my God, because they have
defiled the priesthood and the covenant of the
priesthood and the Levites.
Thus I cleansed them of everything pagan. I
also assigned duties to the priests and the
Levites, each to his service,
And to bringing the wood offering and the
firstfruits at appointed times. Remember me, O
my God, for good! (Nehemiah 13:23–31)
One major way the devil weakens the church is to
marry ladies who are devil’s agents to careless
pastors who have no regard for truth, who are not
jealous over the oil of God on their heads, but honour
their fleshly desires above the will of God.
Such wives marry men of God for satanic reason—
destruction! And if they go undiscovered, oh, what
hell will break loose! The man’s hands will be tied to
the back, evil forces will take over his work, and the
end result is devastating.

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the

For the husband is head of the wife, as also
Christ is head of the church; and He is the
Saviour of the body.
Therefore, just as the church is subject to
Christ, so let the wives be to their own
husbands in everything.
—Ephesians 5:22–24 NKJV

Being a pastor’s wife is a great privilege that cannot

be neglected. The ministry of a pastor’s wife is
multifaceted in nature. However, God does not
expect you to fail in any facet of ministry, and that is
the reason why He will equip and help you.
The following are the different aspects of a pastor’s
wife’s ministry:
1. Ministering to Your Husband (Eph. 5:22–24; 1 Pet.
And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man
should be alone. I will make him a helper
comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18 (NKJV)
As a pastor’s wife, you should know that you
are a suitable helper created by God for your
husband. According to the Bible, the woman is
created for the man (1 Cor. 11:7–10). A pastor’s
wife therefore has a ministry towards her
husband, and this she carries out in two major
(a) Ministering to his person: Man is a tripartite being.
He is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a body.
A pastor’s wife needs to minister to her husband
in these three areas. You should minister to his
spirit through powerful intercession for him. Also,
your husband should be able to draw inspirations
from you.
As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the
countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17)
A pastor’s wife can minister to her husband by
ministering to his soul, which comprises of his
mind, his emotions, and his intellect. She does
this through rich and effective communication.
Every man naturally works with the information
at his disposal and information majorly comes
through communication. Therefore, you should
ensure that the line of communication is kept
open. And you should communicate gracefully
with your husband, knowing the nature of the
work of a pastor, how “heartbreaking” it is. You
should not allow any communication gap
between you and your husband.
Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression,
but a good word makes it glad. (Proverbs 12:25
Another way you can minister to your husband
is by ministering to his body. This you can do
by ensuring that his physical appearance is good
and honourable and caring for his general well-
being, which includes clothing, food, and sex.
(b) Ministering to his vision: A pastor’s wife is
ordained of God to be a help to her husband in the
fulfilment of his vision and assignment from God.
Your husband is living for a vision, which is his
mandate from God to fulfil on the earth.
Therefore, you shouldn’t compete with the
assignment; rather, you should believe in it and
enhance the fulfilment of it. You should be ready
to make every sacrifice necessary for the
realization of God’s purpose for your husband.
Part of ministering to his vision is learning to adapt
to him, praying for him, and providing support and
comfort needed for the accomplishment of that
2. Ministering to Your Children
This is another aspect of the ministry of a
pastor’s wife. You should cooperate with your
husband to train the children using scriptural
principles of child rearing. Don’t incite them
against their father. It is your responsibility to
provide the right atmosphere at home in which
the great destiny of each of the children can be
nurtured. Also, you must ensure that you
influence them to do the right things, don’t
indulge them. As their mother, you should also
be intimate with your children and pray for them
always (Lam. 2:19).
A pastor’s wife should see this as an important
aspect of her ministry that she must not fail in. She
should receive God’s help and grace to raise children
that are balanced socially, spiritually, physically,
emotionally, and in every wise.
3. Ministering to Your Household
Your household refers to the people living with
you, your husband, and, your children. A
pastor’s wife, like the virtuous woman of
Proverbs 31, must see to the well-being of her
household. You should also ensure that your
house is well kept, be very sensitive and Spirit-
led when it comes to the issue of people coming
to stay with your family. Don’t open your life
and home to wrong spirits, even though you
should seek opportunities to sow into other
people’s lives (2 Kings 4:9).
4. Ministering to the Ministry
A pastor’s wife should see to the well-being of
the sheepfold (the people).
Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and
attend to your herds. (Proverbs 27:23 NKJV)
Whether you are a pastor or not, there is a
mother’s comfort the sheep receives from the
pastor’s wife, don’t deny them. You should be
caring and praying for them, be concerned
about what happens to them. Don’t fight them
or lord it over them, rather be a mother to them.
In addition, a pastor’s wife is to see to the
overall well-being of the ministry, whether she is
a staff in her husband’s ministry or not. You
should be concerned with the day-to-day
running of your husband’s ministry—offer
counsel, pray for the staff and the
administration. Ensure that you have a good
relationship with the vision-runners in the
5. Ministering to Your Family
The family here refers to the one which the
pastor’s wife comes from (extended family). A
pastor’s wife’s commitment to her family or
kinsmen should be by revelation. Don’t be
distracted (Gen. 2:24). You should know your
priority, which should be your own home. Don’t
be influenced negatively by your family against
your husband’s vision or spiritual things. You
cannot deny the fact that they are your people,
but let us see what the Bible says:
A man who is in honour, yet does not
understand, is like the beasts that perish. (Psalm
49:20 NKJV)
Relate with your kinsmen in honour; if not, they
will despise your calling and grace. Pray for
them, give to them, and visit them in such a way
that it will not destroy your commitment. Let
them be what God wants them to be and
minister to them with your gifts.
6. Ministering to Your In-Laws
Relating with your in-laws must also be based
on revelation. Don’t make them enemies, neither
make them little gods. A pastor’s wife should
learn to shield her husband from any
unnecessary family burden, and pray against
family ties that destroy destiny like Jonathan’s
ties with Saul, his father.
As a pastor’s wife, you should love your in-
laws, pray for them, minister to them by
spiritual gifts, and let your husband fulfil his
obligations to them. Don’t turn your husband
against his people.
7. Ministering to Yourself
This is another aspect of the ministry of a
pastor’s wife that is very crucial. The work of a
pastor’s wife is an awesome responsibility that
compels her to work on herself. As a pastor’s
wife, you must avail yourself of every
opportunity to develop in the following areas:
(a) Spiritual Development: A pastor’s wife must make
fellowship with God a priority in her life. You must
develop your spirit in prayer, study of God’s
word, worship, and witnessing.
Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it
spring the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23 NKJV)
The forces that will rule your life will flow from
your heart, which is your spirit man. Your
inward man should be daily renewed (2 Cor.
(b) Mental Development: A pastor’s wife must be
sound mentally. You need to develop yourself
mentally. Cultivating an unbroken communion with
the Holy Spirit is not negotiable for He will bring
all things to your remembrance (John 14:26).
A pastor’s wife who will be mentally sound also
has to be given to reading the Bible, edifying
books as well as other publications that could be
a blessing to her. You need to read wide because
reading will make you versed.
(c) Physical Development: A pastor’s wife should
maintain a good appearance. She should take care
of her looks and maintain good health. You need
your body to fulfil destiny here on earth, so you
must take care of your body. Don’t permit the
devil to afflict your body or attack your health.
Avoid stress or anything that can lead to
breakdown. Make up your mind to stay healthy
and carry yourself smartly and gracefully. Dress
for honour and dignity (Exod. 28:2).
(d) Your Gifts: A pastor’s wife’s ministry to herself
also involves the area of her gifts. These are
spiritual gifts that God has endowed her with, with
which she should be a blessing. A pastor’s wife
should develop all the God-given gifts on the inside
of her and utilize them maximally.
You should not allow any gift in you to be
dormant. Every gift should be cultivated and
used for the advancement of God’s programme
and assignment. The gift of a man makes room
for him and brings him before great men (Prov.
God always gives every person an opportunity
to develop his gifts before he comes to make a
demand. Joseph was in prison, but he developed
his gift, and his gift took him to the throne.
Develop your own gift, and this same gift shall
bring solutions to many people’s problems.
(e) Your Career, Profession, and Calling: A pastor’s
wife is to minister to herself in these three areas
by developing herself and making herself an asset
in her career and calling. Apostle Paul admonished
us to “walk worthy of the calling with which you
were called.” (Eph. 4:16).
You should develop all your talents, skills, grace,
and calling and use them to advance your
husband’s assignment or vision. You cannot
afford to fail heaven.

And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man
should be alone; I will make him a helper
comparable to him”
—Genesis 2:18 NKJV

The main purpose of God giving a wife to a man is

for “help.” As a pastor’s wife, one of the key ways
you will be a true help to your husband is to be a
shield, an armour bearer that God can use to protect
him because you are the closest to him.
The Armour Bearer
An armour is a protective article of warfare, an
armour bearer is a carrier of that protective article of
warfare. In the context of this book, the armour
being referred to is not a physical one, but a spiritual
armour, which the wife of the pastor carries or
bears. The way she bears the armour determines
whether or not he is shielded, wounded, or killed in
For a pastor’s wife to be successful in her ministry
of armour bearing, she needs to do four major things:
1. Be the right person. A weak, sick person cannot
shield another person. You should be strong in the
Lord and develop strong intimacy with God—in
the word, prayer, worship, and obedience to the
Holy Spirit. Such pastor’s wife must have a
warfare mentality.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this age, against
spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly
places. (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV)
To be the right armour bearer, the pastor’s wife
must be committed to God’s purpose for her,
her husband, her home, and the ministry.
2. Know her spouse’s weak points and cover them,
not expose them. The weak point refers to any
weakness in him that can open the door to the
devil in his life, if care is not taken. The pastor’s
wife should be very sensitive to pick such things,
which could include too much eating and jesting
with friends. All these vary from person to person.
3. Know the things that are dangerous to him and
shield him. This calls for sensitivity on the part of
the pastor’s wife. She must never allow spiritual
poisons to get to her husband. They include
anything that will affect him negatively. It must be
quenched before it gets to him. Examples of such
things are offences, seducers, fatigue, etc.
4. Be sensitive to divine timing in doing things. There
is what is called divine timing, which the Holy
Spirit sensitizes our hearts to in order to bring
about the fulfilment of divine purpose. The Holy
Spirit can move in your heart at awkward times to
do what seemingly looks odd for the hour. Obey
on the spur of the moment.
For instance, travelling with your husband to
minister when you would have naturally stayed
back home with the children or being led to
leave the office to go home. Responding to these
different leadings or instructions at different
times helps you to safeguard the life and
ministry of your husband.
Your Weapons
(a) Praying in the spirit (Rom. 8:26)
(b) Wisdom (Prov. 24:3–4)
(c) Sex power (1 Cor. 7:2–5)
(d) Your God-given gifts (1 Cor. 12:1–12)
(e) The Holy Spirit’s guidance (Rom. 8:14)
The Anointed Shield
In the context of marriage, God introduced the
woman into the man’s life for help, additional
strength, and glory. As a pastor’s wife, you can’t
afford to be indifferent, let alone be a burden on or a
liability to God’s servant. You are expected to fit into
his life as a help. One major way that this can be
done is for you to be a shield to him.
What is a shield?
A shield, according to the Chambers’ Dictionary, is
anything that protects from harm. You are God’s gift
into your husband’s life, to be a shield to him,
protecting him from harm. Therefore, if you will be a
shield, you must be solid yourself. There must not be
any loophole in your life for the enemy’s arrow to get
at your husband; you cannot afford to be porous.
You must be sensitive, discerning, wise, and strong.
Some pastors’ wives conducted interviews for the
secretaries who brought their husbands down. They
had certified them to be wonderful. Some ignorantly
opened the door to the seducer that came to hunt the
man of God. Some have even taken pure agents of
the devil as prayer partners. Oh, what a cracked and
failing shield!
Dear friend, the time we are in is so crucial to God
and to the devil that you cannot afford to just face
your life, the women ministry, music ministry, or
whatever it is that you do and then leave your
husband to secretaries and personal assistants.
Beloved, note that your husband is your number one
priority. So be there right beside him because you are
a shield to him.
For the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away,
the shield of Saul, as though he had not been
anointed with oil. (2 Samuel 1:21b)
That was the lamentation of David for Saul after the
latter’s death on Mount Gilboa. If the shield is cast
away or has been rendered ineffective as a result of
being weak or having holes, the armour becomes
exposed to the enemy’s arrows. Thus, things happen
to the anointed as if he is not called or anointed.
It is not only the wife of the man of God that God
gives him as his shield. He also gives him his friends
and associates in the ministry. However, the wife has
the lion’s share of this awesome responsibility of
being a shield to the man.
How can you operate as a shield?
(a) Always be available for your husband in intimacy.
Don’t be too busy with household duties,
children affairs, or ministry affairs that you have
little or no time to spend with your spouse. You
should be there for him to be able to unburden
his heart and deep thoughts. You should
thereafter turn such burdens into intercessions.
Be there with your body all the time. Don’t let
an ongoing prayer and fasting programme make
you feel your husband doesn’t want sex.
Beloved, never you feel that the increasing level
of anointing on him is synonymous with loss of
appetite for sex. I’m not trying to be vulgar, but
I need to tell you that you can effectively
operate as a shield to your husband and thus
preserve the oil of God on his head. So prepare
yourself, school yourself, and do all you can to
give him super-sex as often as he wants it! You
should not see that as a burden. You should
rather do it readily with all delight and sense of a
You may be saying, “Well, my husband is getting
old, and next week, we will celebrate our thirty-
fifth wedding anniversary.” That may be the
height of deception. Most men of God that fell
did so about that age when the wife thought she
was too old for sex. If you say you are too old
for sex, your husband is most likely not too old
for it and still wants it. Don’t deny him. Don’t
assist the devil with your flawed thinking and
wrong assumption. The consequences could be
shattering. Beware. I don’t intend to scare you,
but I need to warn you because of what is at
(b) Remove distractions from him.
As you grow older in marriage, some of the
things you are to discover about your spouse are
things that destabilize him and things that give
him boldness or confidence.
If you know that when you as the wife or any
of the children take ill on a serious note, he
becomes demoralized; that is an area to take
exceedingly serious. Grasp the truth of divine
healing and health and walk in it. Know also
how to stand in faith for your children. If
pressure from creditors is a monster that haunts
him, you should avoid borrowing or getting into
debt. Live at your level; avoid anything you do
that will become a weight on his spirit.
Matters that can generate offences in his heart
should be kept from him. Be an anointed and
effective shield in your husband’s life.
(c) Intercede for him.
Always stand in the gap for him. Pray
preemptive prayers, the Holy Spirit works with
such prayers to avert evil. He also causes
revelations to come and releases supernatural
(d) Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
Be sensitive to spirits, people, and things. Pick
dangers from afar. Don’t be carried away with
emotions. You should discern spirits. If there is
any gift of the spirit you need, it is that of
discerning of spirits, but be wise in its
In this end time, the devil has heightened his
activities against God’s servants, using the same
old strategies of girls, gold, and glory. Have
what it takes to read the handwriting on the
(e) Develop yourself.
Develop all your talents, gifts, skills, grace, and
calling and throw all behind your husband.
When a pastor’s wife does not develop herself
in these five areas, her input is lacking, and the
man may look for it elsewhere. However, the
process of looking elsewhere can bring negative
exposure. God has put certain things in you that
your husband doesn’t have to look elsewhere.
Develop yours to give the necessary quality of
service required. Be wise. Of course, it is not by
power nor by might; it is by His Spirit. Human
strength will surely fail, but if you put your trust
in the Lord, He’ll surely lift you up. You will not
fail as God’s anointed shield in Jesus’s name

In Genesis 2:18 mentioned in the previous chapter,

we saw what God had in mind when He was forming
Eve for Adam. He wanted a suitable help for Adam.
What did God have in mind when He was giving you
to your husband (that man of God)? He intended that
you be a suitable help for him.
The only thing that can please God is for you to live
out the purpose for which you have been made. Who
or what is a help? A true help is found in God. The
Bible talks about three kinds of help that are all similar
in operation.
1. God, a help to His people.
Because thou has been my help, therefore, in the
shadow of thy wings, I will rejoice. (Psalm
My help cometh from the Lord which made
heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:2)
2. The Holy Spirit, a help to believers.
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.
(Romans 8:2)
The Holy Spirit does this as our comforter (John
16:7, 15:26, 14:26).
3. The wife, a help to her husband.
The wife as a helpmeet is called to be the following
seven things in her husband’s life:
(i) Comforter: This is someone that imparts
strength to another to go through hard times. As
a pastor’s wife, you must know how to fire up
your husband’s fighting spirit and encourage
(ii) Counsellor: A counsellor is someone who
advises. Be a counsellor to your husband, but
don’t manipulate, control, or intimidate him. It
will be a privilege if he takes your advice.
(iii) Helper: A helper is one that does part of the
job the other cannot do. Learn to relieve your
husband of domestic activities and social
engagements. He is a man of God.
(iv) Advocate: An advocate is a person who
favours or supports somebody and speaks good
things about him. Don’t mess up your husband
in public, be on his side always.
(v) Intercessor: This is one who stands in the
gap. Sometime ago, God told me he would
honour my prayers for my husband above the
prayers of anyone and also respond on impulse
to me. You are the best intercessor your
husband can ever have. Do not leave that job to
(vi) Strengthener: A strengthener is anyone who
makes his strength available in the area of
another’s weakness such that his weakness is
not visible. You know your husband’s weakness,
supply strength to him in that area, and cover
his nakedness.
(vii) Standby: A person that is readily available
when needed. Always be there to discharge any
help your husband needs.
You are a true help to whosoever you do things for.
As a pastor’s wife, you are a help to your husband
on two major levels. For the sake of emphasis, I will
like to reiterate this point and dwell more on this very
crucial statement. Your ministering to your husband
as a helper rests on two legs, but to effectively
manifest, you must take being a help as a ministry. If
you wish to live for yourself, you might not be able
to fit in.
For the man is not of the woman, but the
woman of the man.
Neither was the man created for the woman, but
the woman for the man. (1Corinthians 11:8–9
Know what you are carved out for, and stay there to
manifest the glory of God.
FIRST LEG: You are a help to the person of your
A pastor’s wife can get so carried away with church
activities and home life that she may totally find
herself neglecting the person of her husband, I mean
things that affect him personally.
Almost everything in the ministry depends on the set
man. He must always be sound spiritually, morally,
mentally, and physically. Look at David’s account (2
Sam. 21:15–17).
Thank God for such men who placed so much value
on what God values—the person of the anointed.
They understood the worth of David’s life and could
not afford to allow anything affect his life negatively.
They therefore wanted him to stay out of battle
because he had become faint. So much in your
husband’s ministry depends on his spiritual sanity;
therefore, you must know how to protect and
preserve the anointing and the anointed.
Help his spiritual life. Help him to pray more, study
the word more, and rely more on the Holy Spirit.
Don’t intrude and don’t let others intrude into his
closet, his fellowship with God.
Relieve him of certain physical activities that can
drain him spiritually (e.g., entertaining guests, family
members, and children’s tantrums). Help him to
withdraw when he wants to refresh.
And lastly, be a very spiritual woman. Be sound in the
word, don’t just depend on your husband’s super
revelation, get into the word. There are many cases
and meetings you will be able to handle for him if you
develop yourself spiritually. Be given to prayer
because you need to be extra sensitive and accurate
in the spirit. If you are spiritually sound, it will be
difficult for any satanic attack to work against him.
This comprises his will, emotions, and intellect.
Don’t compound your husband’s problems with
grumbling, complaints, and malice. Create for him
such a peaceful environment at home and in the
ministry. This will help him to think straight. Don’t
confuse him. He needs you as a help, not a stumbling
The food he eats must not be treated anyhow or
handled by just anybody. It must be prepared
preferably by you or by proven and tested saints.
Make him eat a balanced diet at the right time. Don’t
be unconcerned as he goes on and on without good
food. His body is his tool to fulfil ministry.
See to it that your husband’s clothing is neat and
always fit for the occasion. Don’t expose his briefs
anyhow. That is your privacy.
SECOND LEG: You are a help to his vision
The most important thing in your husband’s life is his
vision. He is living because of it. I am talking of his
life assignment, the mandate that he has received
from God to fulfil on the earth.
You must understand how powerful divine
assignment can be in a man’s life. It takes hold of his
heart just like a baby takes hold of a pregnant woman
in labour. Don’t compete with that assignment; help
in the fulfilment of it.
Many wives complain that their husbands give more
time to church work (the vision) than to them. Such
comments will not come up at all if the wife throws
herself behind the vision.
And the Lord answered me, and said, write the
vision and make it plain upon the tables, that he
may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at
the end, it shall speak, and not lie; though it
tarry, wait, for it will surely come. (Habakkuk
How shall this be?
1. Understand clearly the vision God has given your
own husband. This understanding can come in
two ways:
• By asking your husband to share with you
what God told him and what he is planning to
• By going to God for a divine understanding of
what your husband has told you.
Don’t, in any way, compare your husband’s
vision with another man’s. Help your husband to
stick to God’s pattern for him.
2. Have a personal revelation of who your husband is
in God. This can only be revealed to you by God
who called him. Or in a little way by men who are
close to your husband in ministry who knew
where he is coming from and have watched God’s
operation in his life.
When the Lord opened my eyes and heart to see
who my husband is in God, I broke down
completely and wept like a baby. I took a
decision under the anointing never to constitute
a hindrance and also pledged the totality of my
support, help, and absolute loyalty to his life
assignment. Strength invaded my spirit to go
through anything with him to see God’s vision
for him become a reality. That picture never left
my spirit; it drives me.
Getting the same revelation of your husband will
help you get over personal struggles you still
have with him. It will simply make you to let go
and let God. A lot of pastors’ wives just coast
along, trying to do in their own husbands’
ministries what they see other pastors’ wives
do. This is wrong and leads me to the next
3. Find out from God your own role in your
husband’s vision. Don’t operate the ministry of
error. Don’t let men that cannot reward you spell
out your assignment to you. Let God reveal what
He has equipped you for in that vision and pursue
it seriously. Your husband also can tell you what
he wants you to do based on his knowledge of
you. This will also depend on the kind of calling
your husband has (Eph. 4:11)—apostle, prophet,
teacher, evangelist, or pastor.
Also, your husband might be called into any of
the five-fold ministry offices, but not called as a
pioneer to headship. If that is the case, help him
to stay under covering. Don’t push him out to
start a new thing, such things wither off
4. Let the vision enjoy your strength. Everyone has
grace. If you are called to intercession, let your
husband’s vision enjoy your strong intercession
and let the women you lead major in that. If it is
hospitality, let it mark your church out. If it is
pulpit ministry, let it draw multitudes into the
church. If it is finances, lavish it on the vision.
Instead of building an empire for yourself by
pursuing “your own vision” or just enjoying the
benefit of office, invest your grace in the vision.
5. Encourage other runners with the vision. Don’t
see others that are fulfilling destiny in your
husband’s vision as a threat, rather encourage
them, pray for them, and let them be free to grow.
Some pastors’ wives are specialists in sending
vision runners away because of their insecurity.
Your security is in God, stay in the place that He
has put you.

When God calls a man, He is mindful of the

indispensability of that destiny, and He carefully
arranges in his way everything that will help him to
reach his goals safely. Of all such arrangements of
relationships, finances, materials, strength, favour,
and so on, a wife is most crucial to God.
For every man called of God to fulfil destiny in the
kingdom of God, most especially the destiny that will
affect and influence many other destinies as it is seen
in the lives of ministers of the gospel, God does not
joke with the wife factor at all. In fashioning that
vision for man, He has prepared a woman to stand by
him, to be an asset, a help, a strengthener so that
such a vision does not fail or is not limited in
I make bold to state here that to be a
pastor/minister’s wife is a calling just as being a
pastor is a calling. Failure to realize this basic truth as
a pastor’s wife will make you a liability instead of an
asset. A lot of tussles in ministers’ homes today are a
product of the ignorance of this truth by the pastor’s
God has created you, raised you, and equipped you
as an asset to that servant of His that you are married
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in
her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of
her life.
Her husband is known in the gates, when he
sitteth among the elders of the land.
He looketh well to the ways of her household,
and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed, her
husband also, and he praiseth her. (Proverbs
31:11–12, 23, 27–28)
You cannot afford to be an “Eve” or a “Jezebel.” I
see a vivid example in Sarah and Abraham. God, in
giving Abraham the vision of becoming the father of
multitudes, had Sarah in mind to carry the seed in her
womb. Not just any woman. Hagar or Keturah could
not fill that position. Sarah had been created, raised,
and equipped to conceive and give birth to Isaac.
This is an awesome and great responsibility (read
Gen. 17:1–21, 21:1).
Right inside you is a load of God’s gift to make you
an asset in your husband’s life and ministry. Your
spiritual endowments—grace for preaching, singing,
hospitality, your natural talents, and all skills you’ve
ever acquired at home, in school, and everywhere—
should be thrown behind your husband. This will
result in unexplainable blessings both from God and
your husband. You are not an ordinary wife. You are
not in the category of those women that burden their
husbands with natural demands. You are peculiar,
chosen from among women to occupy a position of
• Do not compete with your husband,
complement him.
• Do not complain to or about your husband,
pray for him.
• Do not strive with your husband, submit to
• Do not take a neutral stand, be involved.
Occupy your place; don’t let any woman in the
church/ministry be a better asset to your husband
than you are. Give your all.
Beloved, you need to get rid of all negative attitudes
and actions like nagging, laziness, covetousness,
indecision, indiscipline, and ungodly soul ties with
your family members. What are you contributing to
your husband’s life and ministry?
You are a role model to the entire women in your
assembly—arise, shine. Don’t be an extra load that
your husband has to carry with extra prayers, extra
time, extra finances, extra counselling, and rebuke.
Rather, take the burden off his shoulders. It takes a
crazy man not to love a woman that is an asset in his
life. Be one. Don’t slow your husband down; speed
him up. As you do this, God will multiply His grace
upon your life.
What does your husband say often about you? “God,
I thank you for this beautiful woman, she is an asset
to me” or “God, help this woman, she is a liability.” It
is not too late for you to change today from being a
liability to being an asset.
Steps to Becoming an Asset
1. Examine yourself
Examine yourself whether you be in the faith;
prove your own selves. Know ye not your own
selves how that Jesus Christ in you, except ye
be reprobates? (2 Corinthians 13:5)
2. Repent of your faults
Let the wicked forsake his ways and the
unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return
unto the Lord. (Isaiah 55:7)
3. Appreciate your position
A man who is in honour, and understandeth not,
is like the beast that perisheth. (Psalm 49:20)
4. Know and value your gifts, talents, and skills
A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth
him before great men. (Proverbs 18:16)
5. Ask God for wisdom
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God
that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth
not; and it shall be given him. (James 1:5)
6. Begin to use your gifts, talents, and skills to better
the life and ministry of your husband. As I said
earlier, you will need to be sure you understand
your husband’s vision clearly.
7. Receive grace and overlook your husband’s
mistakes. Your husband is not perfect, neither are
8. Whatever you need and your husband cannot give
you, go to God in faith and ask. As your source,
God will respond in mercy.
9. Enlarge your coast:
• Learn to pray over matters not just talk them
• Learn to read your Bible and live it. Feel
justified in reading your Bible the best way
convenient for you.
• Seize every opportunity to serve and minister
to your husband and do it excellently.
• Build up to your husband’s level, standard, and
taste spiritually in the word, ministry, anointing,
mental exposure, thinking pattern, physical
dressing, and appearance such that if you have
to stand in for him, the gap will not be too wide.
10. Receive grace from God.
And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for
thee! For my strength is made perfect in
weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9a)

When God calls, chooses, and raises a man, He

always puts beside him a woman that will magnify
His grace in his life, a worthy help according to His
design in Genesis 2:18.
The pastor’s wife’s major calling has basically two
legs, and the two are necessary in order to fill that
post with honour and dignity. She is
1. a help to the man of God—spirit, soul, and
2. a leader to the women in the sheepfold.
Every pastor’s wife is expected to provide leadership
(delegated or not) for the women in every assembly.
If she fails to take her place, God will raise up other
women in the fold who are faithful, loyal, committed,
and anointed to lead the women either officially or
Women need leadership to fall in place accurately.
Even in the wilderness, Miriam (Moses’s sister)
provided leadership for them but strictly under
Moses’s authority (Exod. 15:20). They went after her
because she was their leader.
In this chapter, I will focus on the second leg of the
pastor’s wife’s calling, a leader to the women in the
fold. Leadership is seen in these three things:
example, sacrifice, and influence. My emphasis here
shall be on “example.”
A dictionary defines example as something or
someone that shows the general rule. The pastor’s
wife should set the kingdom standard for the women
in the assembly.
You can’t afford to be myopic in your thinking. Your
life is like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden; you’ll
be accountable to the head of the church for the
“general rule” you’re setting for the women in your
The Greek word translated in example in 1 Timothy
4:12 is “Tupos,” and it means pattern, print, model,
or imitation.
You cannot afford not to present the divine picture of
a godly woman to the women. You are God’s pattern
for them, God’s model for them to imitate. You must
neither teach them to do evil nor allow them to go the
way they choose. They must see in you a practical
demonstration of a godly woman. What is the
implication of your lifestyle, both public and private?
(Esther 1:10–20). My emphasis is on verses 19–20.
The wise men knew the implications of Vashti’s
action of outrightly disobeying her husband’s
command. Being an example to the women, she was
their leader. They knew the other women would take
naturally after her and begin to treat their husbands
the same way; hence, law and order would break
down in the entire kingdom. So she was removed
and Esther replaced her.
As a pastor’s wife, it is either you are a good
example, a bad example, or no example at all. Any of
these three will reflect in the lives of the women and
then in the life of the church. Can the women in the
church make you their role model and have their lives
straightened out spiritually, materially, financially, and
in all ramifications?
Let us consider areas of example that Paul
emphasized to Timothy as a leader of God’s people.
Let no man despise thy youth: but be thou an
example of believers, in word, in conversation,
in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (emphasis
mine). (1Timothy 4:12)
Dare to be an example in these six areas to your
church women, be a worthy model. Be an example
WORD: Your speech must reveal the picture of a
godly woman. Be patient with people. Backbiting and
gossip must be far from you. Your word must
always be seasoned with grace.
CONVERSATION: The way you handle your life
affairs must be according to the Bible pattern,
including your relationships, financial management,
and comportment. Live to glorify God, not to
compete with any man. Apply God’s word to every
area of your life.
CHARITY: Pure love as highlighted in 1 Corinthians
13 must be manifested. Don’t be partial, give
everyone a fair chance. Don’t hold on to offences,
have a forgiving heart for all.
SPIRIT: You must be a woman of the Spirit, not
given to the flesh in any way. Your emphasis must be
on spiritual virtues, not on carnal things alone.
Prayer, commitment to God’s word, and sensitivity
to the Spirit must be magnified above hairdo,
dressing, etc., which are also necessary to a certain
FAITH: Demonstrate faith in God’s power, word, and
ability. They must see you depend on God for
solutions to health, financial, marital, and every
problem. Let the confession of God’s word always
be on your lips.
PURITY: Impurity must be far from you. Immorality
must not even be a supposed “allegation” against you.
Handle church money and materials with honesty.
Look at how The Living Bible Translation puts the
same scripture:
Don’t let anyone think little of you because you
are young. Be their ideal; let them follow the
way you teach and love; be a pattern for them in
your love, your faith and your clean thoughts.
(1Timothy 4:12)
Be their ideal! Sit back and think again. Is there any
negative thing a church member copied from you and
has stuck to it? You’ll give account to God.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these
least commandments, and shall teach men, so
shall he be called the least in the kingdom of
heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them,
the same shall be called great in the kingdom of
heaven. (Matthew 5:19)
Remember this always: Your accountability to God
will not be only over your single soul, but over the
multitudes that came under your leadership, for the
kind of example you were to them. Women in the
assembly will naturally take after you; make sure they
copy the right things from your life. Be their ideal.
Jesus said, for the sake of the church, he sanctified
And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, that they
also might be sanctified through the truth. (John
As the women’s leader, you will determine the level
of the women’s commitment and dedication to God,
spiritual things, and the kingdom. I always tremble at
the power of example because there is a spirit flow
involved. You don’t have to preach certain behaviours
to them. If you stand all out for truth, you will see it
in them. If you value spiritual affairs above the flesh,
you will see it in them. If it is the opposite, you will
see it in them also. Woman of God, teach them by
example how to submit to their husbands and at the
same time be spiritual giants as well as assets to the
assembly and the entire kingdom of God.

The history of men and women that failed in the Bible

is written down for us to learn from (1 Cor. 10:5–6).
Eve was the first minister’s wife God ever had, and
she failed woefully by putting not only her husband in
trouble with God, but also the entire human race
(Gen. 3:6; Rom. 5:19).
You must know that when God calls a man or
woman, he or she ceases to be a single entity, but a
nation, a race, a generation. Anything he or she does
or does not do affects all the people attached to him
or her in destiny, always walk conscious of this fact.
Eve failed in her life assignment from God, in her
place of divine posting, and in her gifting. She was to
help Adam fulfil his destiny, but because of her own
selfishness, she destroyed her husband with her
influence, causing him to displease God.
She failed when she entertained discussion with the
devil, became self-centred, and took unilateral
decision on a matter that Adam had given her God’s
Eve failed because she had no personal relationship
with God; therefore, God’s word was weaker in her
life than the enemy’s suggestions. This was unlike
Adam who had a personal relationship with God
(Gen. 2:14–16, 22–23).
As a pastor’s wife, take heed to yourself that you
avoid anything that will jeopardize your relationship
with God. Rather, you should do the things that will
enhance it.
The following will enhance your deep relationship
with God:
• Strong desire for God (Ps. 42:1; 84:1–2).
• Daily fellowship with God.
• Spiritual exercises such as speaking in tongues,
confessing the word, etc. (Jude 20, Josh. 1:8).
• Associating with people that have strong
spiritual lives.
• Doing God’s will.
On the other hand, the following will hinder you from
cultivating a deep relationship with God:
• Too many physical activities leaving little or no
time for God.
• Strife and tension at home, work or church.
• Works of the flesh (Gal. 5:22–25).
• Associating with carnal believers (1 Cor.
• Disobedience to God’s will.
You can learn from the life of Eve. You will realize
that after she failed in her assignment, not too long
after the assignment was committed to her hands,
her evil action overshadowed every good she had
She failed God by neglecting her spirit and was taken
over by the flesh. What feeds the spirit that she
neglected? The word of God (John 6:63). What
establishes the flesh? The lust of the eyes, the lust of
the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:15–16; Gal.
Beware of the error of Eve. Identify your assignment
and be committed to it. Don’t live for yourself and
flesh; live for destiny! You can certainly succeed
where Eve failed.

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all

things unto him and that he was come from God
and went to God,
He ariseth from supper, and laid aside his
garments, and took a towel and girded himself.
After that, he poured water into a basin, he
began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe
them with the towel where he was girded.
Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for
so I am.
For if I then, your Lord and Master have
washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one
another’s feet.
For I have given you an example, that ye should
do as I have done unto you.
—John 13:3–5, 13–15

With good will doing service, as to the Lord and

not to men:
Knowing that whatever good thing any man
doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord,
whether he be bound or free.
—Ephesians 6:7–8

When God calls someone to headship, it is to serve

and provide leadership for His people. You are not to
treasure a high status, but to serve the people you are
Before You Can Serve
From the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, we
could see how he laid aside his garment, took a
towel, and washed and wiped his disciples’ feet.
Before you can serve others, including those you
think you are better than, you will have to follow the
steps of Jesus. He was the Chief Servant, even up to
the cross, yet he is Lord of all. What a great example
to follow! What must you do?
1. Arise from supper: Come away from your
own comfort and satisfaction. Leadership is
2. Lay your garment aside: Empty your mind of
status consciousness—your educational status,
your marital status, your social status, your
financial status, and your position in the church.
Come low to the people’s level to minister to
3. Take a towel: Take the mantle of a servant in
your hand and mind. Form the attitude of one
who meets needs; be a solution to problems. Be
help indeed to the women.
4. And gird yourself: Make up your mind once
and for all, that it doesn’t matter what they do
or don’t do for you, you will serve them. Man
cannot reward you; God is the rewarder.
The Art of Serving People
Don’t expect them to serve you first or serve God
without a credible example from you. When you
serve God and serve them, they will serve God and
serve you better than you have done.
• Pour the water into a basin: Dig deep into the
word of God primarily to sow into your heart
and into them to be able to help people in various
• Begin to wash their feet: You are to wash their
feet thoroughly, not their heads. It is easier to
wash their heads, but you are to wash their feet
—their mess, their weakness—must be
thoroughly addressed with God’s word.
• Wipe them with the towel you are girded with:
Show them love. Make them feel wanted while
you minister to them. Share your life with them.
• Do it as unto the Lord, not to make them feel
obligated to you.
With good will doing service, as to the Lord and
not to men. (Ephesians 6:7)
Areas of Ministering to Women
1. Spiritual life.
2. Family life: husband, children, domestic
activities, etc.
3. Social life: relationships, associations,
ceremonies, etc.
4. Health: pregnancy, family planning, child
delivery and nursing, etc.
5. Finances: women should know how to give
and also depend on God, not just depend on
their husbands.
6. Career/business
To effectively minister to women, you must touch
these six areas that a woman’s life revolves round.
Resources to Make Use Of
1. Intercession
Epaphras who is one of you, a servant of Christ,
saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you
in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and
complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)
You should do the same.
2. Physical materials
Now there was at Joppa, a certain disciple
named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called
Dorcas. This woman was full of good works
and alms deeds which she did. (Acts 9:36)
We could see in verse 39 that the widows that
benefitted from her had their lives affected by
the materials she gave them.
3. The Word of God
Confirming the souls of the disciples and
exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that
we must through much tribulation enter into the
kingdom of God. (Acts 14:22)
Souls are established by constant exhortation
from God’s word after they have been saved.
4. Counselling
Without counsel, purposes are disappointed! But
in the multitude of counsellors, they are
established. (Proverbs 15:22)
Help people to make the right choices in life.
Learn to Refer Cases to Your Husband as the Need
Don’t forget that two are better than one because
they have a good reward for their labour (Eccl. 4:9).
Therefore, take advantage of your husband’s
rationality as a man and add to your own emotionality
as a woman. It is a wonderful combination that
provides solution to many life’s problems. On the
spur of the moment, a man will reason while a
woman will exhibit emotions.

If there is any set of people the devil hates with

perfect hatred, they are the ministers of the Gospel
who are not only living for God but are helping
others to do so. They are God’s battle-axes against
him, so he seeks their destruction, but God’s shield
upon His people is much greater.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome
them; because greater is He that is in you than
he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
The devil is not unaware that the woman God has
placed by His servant has tremendous capabilities to
help God’s man achieve God’s goal, so he tries to at
least fence out the wife’s input, which is most
crucial. If the woman’s input to a man’s life is not
most crucial, there wouldn’t have been any need for
God to create Eve after making Adam (Gen. 2:18).
The devil fences out the input of the wife by
distraction. He causes the woman to be distracted
from the vision of God for her life. Adam was Eve’s
vision. She was to help him to better accomplish
God’s task in his hand, but the serpent distracted her
with the forbidden fruit in the garden.
And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall
not surely die;
For God doth know that in the day ye eat
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye
shall be like God, knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree was
good for food, and that it was pleasant to the
eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
she took of the fruit thereof, and ate, and gave
also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
(Genesis 3:4–6)
Eve was distracted by the devil’s deceptions. In an
instance, she forgot she was to help the man be the
best. She opened herself to the love of the world,
which are the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life (1 John 2:15–16). And by what she
yielded to, her husband and his ministry were
completely destroyed.
Woman of God, note this clearly, that the primary
reason why you are alive is to stand solidly by that
man without blame and failure and help him fulfil
God’s plan for his life and ministry. Settling down to
face this is the beginning of your success and lifting
in life. You can do this with every gift that God has
put in you.
The devil distracts people by taking their attention
and focus away from the major things to focus on
minor things—taking people’s attention from God to
man, from vision to situations. Beware!
Personal Desires/Interests
When you don’t allow God to deal with you and
replace every bit of selfishness in you with
selflessness, then you will find out that the devil can
shift your focus, and you will begin to fight for your
personal interests and desires, which are mostly
contrary to God’s will and programme for your life.
You are created, called and gifted to be a help, so H-
E-L-P! Don’t try to live a separate life and fight for
your own things.
Consider the creation of Eve in Genesis chapter 2.
God did not form her from the dust like he did for
Adam. She was formed from Adam’s ribs. This
reveals clearly that you, as a wife, are not to do your
own things, but you are joined to your husband for a
There are three kinds of pastors’ wives. Whichever
category you fall into, this subject still applies to you.
1. A pastor’s wife who has a definite calling
from God that is separate from the husband’s
call. She is commissioned of God with a definite
assignment for her generation.
2. A pastor’s wife called of God to share in the
call on the husband and shares the pulpit with
him in the ministry.
3. A pastor’s wife not called to share in the
calling. She has no pulpit ministry, but she’s
there as a pillar, a strong support to the husband.
Whichever is yours, first of all, be a help to your
husband. Sow your life as a seed into his life and
ministry, and you’ll be glad at the harvest. If you
have a definite call, at the appointed time, your
husband will release you into that phase.
The genuine calling of many women has been
trapped and stopped because of their unfaithfulness
at the first stage of being a suitable help, assistant,
and relief to their husbands.
For the man is not of the woman, but eh woman
of the man,
Neither was the man created for the woman, but
the woman for the man. (1 Corinthians 11:8–9)
The following are the things the devil uses to distract
pastors’ wives from what they are made for. Watch
out for things like:
1. Demanding for more money and materials from
your husband by complaining and murmuring that
he is not taking care of you like other women. You
are not an ordinary woman; you cannot afford to
pick quarrels like other women do.
Complaints about money and materials are
common, especially when a man is just starting
out in the ministry or where there is not much
financial breakthrough yet. Take heed not to fall
for this distraction.
2. Getting carried away with your gift and neglecting
your role as a helpmeet. Any gift of ministry you
have that makes you compete with your husband
and not complement him cannot be fruitful. Don’t
fight for a ministry; use your gift to complement
your husband’s calling. That is where your
fulfilment and fruitfulness lies.
3. The devil can distract your attention from what
you are made for as a pastor’s wife by causing
people in the church/ministry to offend and
despise you, so that you can begin to respond
negatively towards them. You should be wise
enough to know that this will only bring weakness
into the church/ministry and this will put the devil
at an advantage. Love them and pray for them in
spite of what they do. You are their mother.
4. Family ties could be very dangerous for a pastor’s
wife. You cannot afford to be tied to your
mother’s apron; you are in the battlefront. Detach
yourself from all controlling family ties that hinder
your strong decisions for God. Be sold out to the
kingdom of God.
5. Comparison. Don’t let the devil compare you to
another pastor’s wife. It can lead to superiority or
inferiority complex. We are all different. Be
yourself while working on yourself to get better.
Don’t lose your individuality.
It takes strong focus on the vision, strength in the
inner man, stability of heart, and pursuit of divine
goals to render null and void every distraction the
devil brings.
Dear woman, deliver yourself from every distraction,
identify them, and retrace your steps. A greater level
of lifting awaits you as you eliminate every
distraction and face your destiny.

Having then gifts differing according to the

grace that is given to us, let us use them; if
prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our
—Romans 12:6 NKJV

A lot of pastors’ wives are trying to fit into the mould

cast by the society or church traditions and are
thereby drying up inside. Such pastors’ wives feel
miserable and unfulfilled. This, however, is not God’s
plan for them. God made every person to be himself
or herself. Just as God made you to be you and He
knows the plan He has for you (Jer. 29:11).
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
before you were born, I sanctified you; I
ordained you a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah
1:5 NKJV)
God knows you, and you must know yourself. You
don’t have to keep up with the Joneses. Of course,
you can learn from others, and you can follow godly
examples, but be yourself (see Heb. 6:12, 13:7).
How to Be Yourself
1. Know who you are. Who you are is not who men
say you are. You are who God says you are. To
know who you are, you have to seek God’s face
and discover yourself in God.
Mary was told who she was in Luke 1:28–31.
The angel called her the highly favoured one and
the most blessed among women.
Also, Deborah knew herself in God. Judges 4:4
refers to her as a prophetess who judged Israel
at that time. Don’t try to know who you are by
who others are. God is your source, go back to
2. Be careful of what men say of you. Whether you
are good or bad, men will naturally label you
wrong, except the people that God grants insight
into His purpose for you. You must understand
that anyone who does not know your purpose in
God does not really know you. People, who do
not know you in the light of divine purpose, will
call you by different wrong names.
• They called Elizabeth “barren” who was
already six months pregnant (Luke 1:36).
• They called the Messiah a “blasphemer” (John
• They called the forerunner of the Messiah
“Christ” (John 1:19–27).
• They called David (a king) a “break-away
servant” (1 Sam. 25:10).
Do not settle for what men call you, which does
not agree with God’s purpose for you, and do
not let what they call you condition your attitude
and life.
3. Discern accurately whom God has chosen to
father your destiny. The person chosen of God to
father your destiny could be your husband-
minister or another man or woman of God. God
has given that person the blueprint for your
destiny, and he/she is committed to ministering to
you till you become the person God wants you to
be. The word of such a person must be weighty
and important in your sight. Let us look at the
following Bible examples:
• For Esther, it was Mordecai (Esther 4:4)
• For Mary, it was Elizabeth (Luke 1:39–45) and
then Joseph (Matt. 1:18–25)
• For Paul, it was Ananias (Acts 9:10–17)
• For Elisha, it was Elijah (1 Kings 19:15–17)
• For Joshua, it was Moses (Num. 27:18–23)
• For you, who is he or she?
4. Step out in faith. After ascertaining the direction of
God in your life, it could be organization (helps),
writing, intercession, or music, step out in faith. It
is not about aspiring to be known, but doing things
at your level. Start sowing your gift as a seed into
the lives of others—your husband first, then your
children, church members, and people around
5. Seek to be a blessing, not to have a position. Just
go all out to bless, not to lord it over people or to
aspire to any position of authority. When you are
faithful, God will establish you.

Now in the morning, having risen a long while

before daylight, He went out and departed to a
solitary place; and there He prayed.
—Mark 1:35 NKJV

There has never been anyone who is as busy as

Jesus was both in physical and spiritual matters.
He trekked long distances, He fasted, He taught in
synagogues, He taught the disciples, He ministered to
the needy, yet He never neglected the source of that
peculiar strength: the Father. The greatest mistake we
often make is to become so busy as pastors’ wives,
serving people, doing programmes, keeping the
home, etc., and somehow neglect fellowship with
God, our strength, until we get fagged out, and
sometimes break down physically and spiritually.
The demand on a pastor’s wife is so much that if
you depend on your natural strength, skill, and talents
alone, you will soon burn out.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and
in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10)
There must be a constant pattern of fellowship with
the Lord that will open you up to the strength you
need, the wisdom and grace to minister to your
husband, children, family, church members, your
own career, etc.
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that
have no might he increaseth strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and
the young men shall utterly fall:
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with wings
as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and
they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:29–31)
You need to make fellowship with God a priority in
your life and build every other thing around it. Don’t
be carried away with activities and neglect your
private time with God. Note that if you spend more
time with God, you will have less trouble with men.
Be prepared for difficult times ahead and be equipped
to live above situations and circumstances.
Look at Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38–42; while
Mary sat and listened to Jesus’s words, Martha was
distracted with food preparation and serving. The
account of their brother’s death, Lazarus, and his
coming back to life revealed the emptiness of faith in
Martha’s heart (John 11:23–27).
Now it came to pass, as they went, that he
entered into a certain village: and a certain
woman named Martha received him into her
And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat
at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.
But Martha was cumbered about much serving,
and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not
care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?
bid her therefore that she help me.
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha,
Martha, thou art careful and troubled about
many things:
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen
that good part, which shall not be taken away
from her. (Luke 10:38–42)
As a pastor’s wife, you need to make a fresh
commitment to wait upon the Lord. In addition, you
should avoid stress and give no room to offence.
Take advantage of physical help for physical duties
and be careful of spirit flows around you, especially
in the home.
Be Immovable
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord, for as much as you know that your labour
is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Being immovable does not mean doing nothing or
being passive or staying on the spot, or not going
anywhere. It simply means refusing to shift when
something is trying to forcefully move you out of
your righteous wish and desire. It is an active word,
expending energy and force to oppose and overcome
what is trying to change your suitable place. Beloved,
if where you are is threatening the devil, he will seek
to displace you and move you out of the place so that
he can have room. He tried it with Mordecai in
Shushan’s palace, but he was immovable, and the
enemy lost. When an irresistible force meets an
immovable object, one of them loses its identity.
As a pastor’s wife, if truly God has called your
husband as a weapon of war in these last days, to
pull down the kingdom of darkness, and you are truly
a helpmeet to him in that assignment, get ready to
face oppositions; but fear not, be of good cheer. A
strong man will laugh at oppositions because he’s got
a stronger stuff inside. We only fail in adversity when
our strength is small. That is why you must load
your spirit man with strength to the immovable level.
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength
is small. (Proverbs 24:10)
There is no doubt that the devil’s assault against the
church of the Lord Jesus Christ is increasing by the
seconds, but it is written, “Upon this rock, I will
build my church and the gates of hell shall not
prevail.” It shall not, it cannot, and it will not prevail.
You must build up strength within you to walk in the
reality of that truth.
The devil can always get a man to do something he
will never succumb to do in his life, if his wife is
weak and the man is emotionally attached. A man of
God must be Spirit-controlled, not emotion-ruled.
The devil has three major weapons of attack against
highly anointed men of God via marriage or their
wives. He attacked Adam through his wife; if Jesus
were married, he would have tried to get him via the
same means.
1. The devil seeks to arrange for a highly anointed,
called, sincere man of God, a candidate of his in
marriage. It is sad today that many young
ministers have fallen prey to these wolves,
strangers, and enemies of Zion that have become
General Overseers’ wives. Only God can redeem
such men. Filled with carnality and all works of
the flesh, such women turn the man’s heart from
concentrating on the main thrust of the ministry to
the minor irrelevant aspects. These women don’t
pull them totally away from the ministry because it
will be obvious to friends and concerned brethren
who will quickly go into prayer and fasting over
their man of God. Rather, these women gradually
move the man to be taken over by the flesh and
begin to pursue dreams and ambitions that will
take him farther and farther away from God,
making him dull to the activities of the Holy Spirit.
Young pastors today must beware. This was the
strategy the devil used to bring down Solomon,
the wisest man on earth (1 Kings 11:4–6).
2. The devil seeks to pervert sincere, innocent
pastors’ wives who are weak in decision and
character so as to neutralize their effectiveness in
the spirit. This can be possible if the woman has
problems in the areas of covetousness, ambition,
wanting to outdo others, and worldliness; she
finds it difficult to reject offers, which are traps
that will eventually walk her out of the spirit flow.
These results into an absence of the necessary
push in the spirit she’s been giving to her husband.
The work grows physically but becomes weak
spiritually and before God where it matters most.
3. Most times, if the devil cannot succeed with the
first strategy against the bachelor-pastor, he tries
the second after he gets married. If that does not
work as well, he tries the third, which is a frontal
spiritual attack against the wife that is determined
to make it. He starts by pumping in physical
problems in order to distract her from the word
and the place of prayers. These include offences,
quarrels with family members, in-laws, and
church members.
Offences, hurts and pain in the soul are spiritual
energy drainers. The devil also introduces
overwork by withholding physical help that
should assist to do household chores/domestic
affairs including giving children extra care that
they may need. The devil’s aim is just to reduce
or steal completely the quality time for prayer
and the word; if he succeeds, he gradually
brings assault against her health, which results
in frequent physical breakdown.
However, a woman that is discerning and loaded
in the Spirit of faith will not bow to offences
and overwork. She will not allow whatever can
take from her, her daily strength renewal. In
faith, she will stand to resist sickness.
If she is careless and does not watch and pray
to stop it at that level, the enemy progresses to
take her life in order to replace her with his own
candidate in the anointed’s life, who will
wrought ruin in Zion. Can you see why you
should be immovable? The devil will always
seek to destroy anyone crucial in God’s move in
any vision. Jesus had to pray for Peter;
otherwise, Satan would have gotten him.
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold,
Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift
you as wheat;
But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not
and when thou art converted, strengthen thy
brethren.” (Luke 22:31–32)
We need to pray for one another and also take
advantage of the intercessory ministry of our Lord
Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father. You
cannot afford to be moved spiritually and physically.
Tell yourself, “No one will take my place.”
Before you allow anyone to become close to you, be
very careful, watchful, and sensitive and let the Holy
Spirit speak to you first about the person. Never open
up to anyone that will open you to attacks or anyone
that is porous. Let your husband be your best friend.
Don’t let strange people get access to your husband
through eye service and insincerity they parade
around you. Be immovable, impenetrable, unshakable,
and unbendable.
Five reasons why a pastor’s wife must be strong
Anyone that will walk with God and work for God
must be loaded with strength in the spirit man, in the
soul, and in the body.
But the people that do know their God shall be
strong and do exploits. (Daniel 11:32b)
Being strong here is not just physical, financial, or
mental strength, but being strong in every way,
particularly spiritually.
Operating as a pastor’s wife is not a matter of
glamour, but high-level responsibility. A
pastor/minister of the gospel is crucial in the
programme of God on earth, and God always
carefully prepares and works upon the woman that
will stand by such. Some pastors lose their
effectiveness, impact, and force in the spirit because
they have been wrongly hooked to a strange flesh.
God has placed you as a helpmeet beside a man who
is fighting the battles of the Lord, so you can’t afford
to be weak. Here are five reasons why you must be
strong. When you know the reasons, you will pay the
price. A pastor’s wife must be strong because of the
following reasons:
1. What is opposing you at the level of the calling is
too serious for you to be lax in the spirit
The high-level spiritual warfare that Elijah was
involved in stirred up great hostility from
Jezebel. Other prophets that were not called to
the national scene didn’t have that problem. If
Elijah were married, his wife would have also
been in for it (1 Kings 19:1–10). The degree of
weakness in you as the wife will be the degree
of troubles you will put your husband and the
vision through. See Abraham and Sarah also
(Gen. 16:1–6).
Other women can be careless in spiritual
matters, not a pastor’s wife. You are marked by
the enemy, therefore invest in your spirit-man.
Be strong!
2. For the sake of people that look up to you as
God’s standard and example for them
The pastor’s wife is the automatic pacesetter for
the women in the congregation and in the entire
scope of the husband’s ministry. That was the
sole reason for Vashti’s replacement with Esther,
which we saw in Esther 1:19. Those wise men
understood that the leader’s wife sets the pace.
If it please the king, let there go a royal
commandment from him, and let it be written
among the laws of the Persians and the Medes,
that it be not altered, That Vashti come no more
before king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her
royal estate unto another that is better than she.
(Esther 1:19)
You can’t afford to do it the way you like. You
are God’s woman, placed by God to set the
standard of God for women and others. You
need internal strength not to dance to every beat,
but display the strength of being controlled by
the Holy Spirit. Because of those that think you
are the best woman of God around and will
emulate your life, be strong!
3. For the sake of those you are to minister to and lift
up spiritually
If you are weak, if you complain and give
excuses, they will not be helped. Naaman’s maid
was strong to counsel her master to receive help
from the God of Israel.
And she said unto her mistress, Would God my
lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria!
for he would recover him of his leprosy. (2
Kings 5:3)
Jael was strong to offer Sisera milk and kill him
with a nail and hammer so that God’s people
could be spared
And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a
little water to drink; for I am thirsty. And she
opened a bottle of milk, and gave him drink, and
covered him.
Again he said unto her, Stand in the door of the
tent, and it shall be, when any man doth come
and enquire of thee, and say, Is there any man
here? that thou shalt say, No.
Then Jael Heber’s wife took a nail of the tent,
and took an hammer in her hand, and went
softly unto him, and smote the nail into his
temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he
was fast asleep and weary. So he died. (Judges
The Samaritan woman, though a prostitute, was
strong to take the news about Jesus to the city,
and they turned to Christ
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed
on him for the saying of the woman, which
testified, He told me all that ever I did.
So when the Samaritans were come unto him,
they besought him that he would tarry with
them: and he abode there two days.
And many more believed because of his own
And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not
because of thy saying: for we have heard him
ourselves, and know that this is indeed the
Christ, the Saviour of the world. (John 4:39–42)
For the sake of those whose survival and
relevance in life depends on your faithfulness
and yielding to God, be strong!
4. The level of strength in you will maximize or
minimize what God will do in and through your
What God will do for you and through you will
be amplified or reduced by the level of strength
you operate in. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was
strong in yielding to God and obeying divine
instructions, such that when the angel came
with a “ridiculous message” (a virgin to
conceive), she had the strength to believe.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the
Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And
the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:38)
Job’s wife was weak in understanding God and
His purpose, so when the husband entered into
crises, instead of supplying strength to the
husband, she asked him to curse God and die.
She was a vessel unto dishonour (Job 2:9). For
the working of God in your life to be
maximized, be strong!
5. To discern whose influence you should yield to
God’s, man’s, or the devil’s
As a human being, God, man, and the devil will
try to influence you. The strength you hold
inside will determine which influence you will
yield to. If you are not strong inside, you’ll fall
for the wrong influence, and it could be
disastrous. The devil came in Genesis 3:1–13 to
influence Eve to eat the fruit, but her lack of
inner strength to say “no” to the lies of the devil,
to say “no” to what was contrary to God’s will
and purpose, put humanity in trouble. The devil
will bring many things that look right. In order
to discern accurately, be strong!
• Be strong in truth and confront errors and lies.
• Be strong in God’s word; don’t neglect it.
• Be strong in prayers; have a strong closet.
• Be strong in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
• Be strong in being led by the Spirit, not your
• Be strong in saying “no” to compromise.
• Be strong in giving what you have to your
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very

heart of your house, your children are like olive
plants, roundabout your table.
—Psalm 128:3

Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a

house full of feasting with strife.
—Proverbs 17:1

Influence is a peculiar gift that God has given to the

woman, while He gave the man authority. Authority
gives birth to direction and internal strength while
influence brings about atmosphere which determines
total well-being. It is the woman that determines the
atmosphere, the mood, or how things will be in the
If the woman nags, quarrels, is unwelcoming, speaks
negative words, etc., the home will be a little hell. But
if she’s open-hearted, loving, caring, sweet, and
welcoming, the home becomes a sanctuary of God’s
glory, a paradise that both the rich and the poor want
to be in always.
Psalm 128:3 describes you as a fruitful vine to your
husband. Don’t ever forget that your husband, as an
anointed man of God, needs all the help from the
home-base to be all that God wants him to be. As a
pastor’s wife, you are to be a blessing to his destiny
and not a distraction.
A fruitful vine is a blessing to God and man. So in
creating the right atmosphere in your home, you
must have God in mind. This is necessary so that
God’s kingdom will forcefully advance in your
husband’s life.
The right atmosphere will usher in God’s presence
into your home, while a wrong atmosphere will
attract the devil and his activities.
How do I know the right atmosphere? A right
atmosphere is one
• free of strife, tension, offences and nagging;
• free of unspoken pressure and malice;
• of oneness and unity;
• of openness and sincerity;
• of faith and exaltation of God’s word;
• of submission to God’s principles; and
• of joy.
Beloved pastor’s wife, ensure that your husband
finds it easy to relax at home, to pray, study God’s
word, and hear God’s voice.
How to Create the Right Atmosphere
1. Know what a wrong atmosphere can do and avoid
it like a plague. Don’t allow envy and strife.
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is
among you envying, and strife, and divisions,
are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
(1 Corinthians 3:3)
For where envy and self-seeking exist,
confusion and every evil thing are there. (James
3:16 NKJV)
The wrong atmosphere will produce the
opposite of the seven characteristics of the right
atmosphere mentioned above.
2. Make up your mind to always have the right
atmosphere. Deliberately go out of your way to
create the right atmosphere even if it does not suit
your nature. Pay the price of self-denial and
readily overlook insults.
3. Let your actions and reactions be guided by God’s
word and the Holy Spirit, not what you like or
what your husband or church members do or
don’t do. Do not react to people, respond to God.
4. Make your home the house of prayer. Apart from
your personal quiet time and the corporate family
devotion, take time to pray around your home
from time to time, releasing God’s presence and
taking authority over the devil’s operations,
pleading the blood of Jesus.
5. Speak words of grace always. A pastor’s wife
must understand that words are spirits and they
are tangible. You must avoid curses, insults, lies,
gossips, backbiting, slander, negative confessions,
and the like (Prov. 6:2). Learn to speak life.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs
18:21 NKJV)
6. Always seek to be a blessing, show kindness to
people. Do things that will add strength to your
husband. Even when you are angry, receive grace
to be quiet until you become calm. Don’t give the
devil materials to use to work against you in your
home. Rather, make sure the atmosphere of your
home is never conducive for the devil. Remember
Proverbs 14:1.
The wise woman builds her house, but the
foolish pulls it down with her hands. (Proverbs
14:1 NKJV)
The Sacred Ministry of Counselling Your Husband
Where there is no counsel, the people fall, but in
the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.
(Proverbs 11:14 NKJV)
Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the
multitude of counsellors, they are established.
(Proverbs 15:22 NKJV)
The Holy Spirit Himself is the Chief Counsellor to the
believer, and that is part of His ministry to us (John
14:26), but because experience, exposure, revelation,
and insight differ from person to person, one may
require human counsel, but it should be godly.
For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and
they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is
the messenger of the LORD of hosts. (Malachi.
As good as counselling is, the way a lot of ministers
have gone about it has brought lots of woes and
calamities to the body of Christ through which some
pastors have fallen prey to seductive women. The
pastor’s wife must take herself serious, be developed
spiritually and mentally to counsel with women, but
that is not my focus here now; my focus is on the
counselling work of a pastor’s wife to her husband.
As the wife of the man of God, you stand in a place
of great responsibility and privilege to advise,
counsel, admonish, encourage, and lift him up
emotionally and spiritually. You cannot afford to fail
in this role.
The following things must be avoided if God will be
able to trust you with this assignment to your
1. Manipulation and control: The purpose of you
bringing suggestions, ideas, and counsel to your
husband must be for his own good and the
ministry and for the advancement of God’s
kingdom, not for your own ulterior motives.
You should never manipulate your husband.
Don’t suggest that you feel an associate pastor
be transferred just because you want to pastor
or he has offended you. No, God weighs your
motives, be careful.
Don’t tell your husband that he needs to rest and
take a break, just because you want to visit your
family at that particular period, be careful.
2. Selfishness: You must avoid pressing your husband
to do things for your own sake at the expense of
the people of God, the work of God, or the overall
plans and purpose of God. See Eve in Genesis 3:6.
And when the woman saw that the tree was
good for food, and that it was pleasant to the
eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,
she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and
gave also unto her husband with her; and he did
3. Ambition: Get rid of every “Jezebelic trait.” Don’t
seek to rule, instead seek to support the leader.
Avoid hijacking authority and taking decisions that
present you as the one in charge. See the example
of Jezebel in 1 Kings 21:1–16, 25.
4. Gossip, backbiting, and envy: To be effective in
your counselling ministry to your husband, you
must avoid gossip, backbiting, and envy.
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which
are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance,
emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and
such like: of the which I tell you before, as I
have also told you in time past, that they which
do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of
God. (Galatians 5:19–21)
Sarah: A Good Example
Sarah’s counsel to Abraham in Genesis 21:9–12
was not manipulation, selfishness, or ambition to
rule, but she had an understanding of divine
purpose of the Messiah to come through Isaac
and offered a counsel by the Spirit of God to
advance God’s purpose. She was a woman of
the Spirit. No wonder, God backed her up.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for

brethren to dwell together in unity.
It is like the precious oil upon the head, running
down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running
down on the edge of his garments.
It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon
the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord
commanded the blessing life forevermore.
—Psalm 133:1–3 NKJV

No river flows upward and so is the Spirit of God

and the anointing. It flows from the head to the body.
According to Ephesians 5:23 and 1Corinthians 11:3,
your husband, anointed of God, is your head, and if
you position yourself correctly, the anointing on him
should flow to you first, before his associates.
Deuteronomy 34:9 says that Joshua was full of the
spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on
Levels of Partaking of the Anointing upon Your
1. Receiving the anointing to work for you on any
personal matter. The anointing upon your husband
can work for you on any personal matter, great or
small, if you would take heed to the following
• Do not see your husband in the flesh.
Therefore, from now on, we regard no one
according to the flesh. Even though we have
known Christ according to the flesh, yet now
we know Him thus no longer. (2 Corinthians
5:16 NKJV)
• Relate with what your husband stands for in
the spirit and in destiny.
For every high priest taken from among men is
appointed for men in things pertaining to God,
that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for
And no man takes this honour to himself, but he
who is called by God, just as Aaron was.
(Hebrews 5:1, 4 NKJV)
• You should be submissive to him and the
anointing he carries. The anointing you oppose
regularly and despise cannot work for you in
crisis, be warned (2 Sam. 6:12–23, 1 Cor.
2. Becoming a carrier of that anointing. Another way
of partaking of the anointing upon your husband
as a pastor’s wife is by becoming a carrier of the
same anointing. How can you become a carrier of
his anointing?
• You must walk in the understanding of
anointing transfer through recognition,
awareness, strong desire, and contacts. See
Joshua’s example in Deuteronomy 34:9.
• To become a carrier of the anointing upon your
husband, you must serve him sincerely and
faithfully. As a pastor’s wife, don’t seek your
own things. Learn to follow your husband and
imbibe his spirit. Look at how Elisha received
from Elijah in 2 Kings 3:11, 2 Kings 2:1–15.
Remember, you will also carry the double
portion of the anointing you serve. Therefore,
avoid negative attitude towards your husband
and passing uncomplimentary comments about
him. God does not take kindly to it. Korah,
Dathan, and Abiram in Numbers 16 did the same
thing, and they could not become carriers of the
anointing they despised, instead they became
dead men. You will not die in Jesus’s name.
• Repent of every negative attitude that has been
blocking power flow from your life.
• Ask God for a back payment of all that you
have lost spiritually because of wrong attitudes.
• Make a fresh commitment to fulfil the laws of
the anointing.

But Aaron and his sons offered sacrifices on the

altar of burnt offering and on the altar of
incense, for all the work of the Most Holy place,
and to make atonement for Israel, according to
all that Moses the servant of God has command.
Now these are the sons of Aaron: Eleazar his
son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his son, Bukki
his son, Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son, Meraioth
his son, Amariah his son, Ahitub his son, Zadok
his son, and Ahimaaz his son.
—1 Chronicles 6:49–53

Do you know that Aaron was married? Yes, of

course. He had sons by his wife who operated so
much underground. You are to be like Aaron’s wife,
helping the helper of the man of God.
The beginning of rebellion, destruction, and failure in
life and before God is when an associate pastor’s
wife is seeking for the limelight in any ministry.
As the helper of the helper of the set man, the factors
below are highly crucial.
1. There is a divine call to the office of an
associate with no mind of graduating or learning
to set up something of his own. See Aaron in
Exodus 4:14, 16, 16; 28:1–2.
2. Deal with any negative thing still remaining in
your flesh, things that can take you away from
God’s plan (e.g., pride, ambition, etc.)
3. Understand who your husband is to the set
4. Understand what you are to do to your
husband as a helper. Be a suitable minister to
him personally, raise the children well, be a
hardworking woman, etc.
5. Never compete with the set man’s wife, she
is your mother.
6. Never resent the set man, he is your father.
Don’t think he is using your husband or taking
him away from you or not paying him well.
These are all the devil’s ideas to sow seeds of
offence, strife, and tension. Recognise that no
one owes your husband a salary, but an
opportunity to fulfil his destiny. Encourage him
to take the opportunity faithfully.
7. Fit in well and adapt yourself to what the
ministry demands from an associate pastor’s
Becoming a Strong Link in the Chain
The ministry under which God has put your husband
to serve is also God’s posting for you, and you need
to be part of the flow. You are like a link in the chain.
You cannot afford to be indifferent, weak, or
But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in
all things unto him who is the head - Christ:
From whom the whole body, joined and knit
together by what every joint supplies, according
to the effective working by which every part
does its share, causes growth of the body for
the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:15–16
In order to become a strong link in the chain, take
heed to the following advice:
• Let God show you your place and fill it with
zeal. There you will be blessed and be a blessing
(Adam: Gen. 2:8, 15, and 16).
• Walk in the family spirit in that ministry. Have a
mindset of “it is our ministry,” not “their
• Be properly related to the set man, his wife,
and the brethren.
• Don’t influence your husband negatively by
pushing him in subtle ways against his father.
• Know that God can call someone to be an
associate pastor, and this doesn’t reduce him.
Not everyone called is called to headship.
• Know how to handle folly in your spouse. See
how Abigail excellently handled Nabal’s folly and
thereby saved the entire family from anguish and
destruction (1 Sam. 25:1–44).
• Don’t disconnect from your roots (Ananias
and Saphira: Acts 5).
• Always labour in prayer over the vision you are
part of.
• Don’t be ambitious, let God lift you.
• Repent of every silent damage that you might
have done to the vision that you are part of
either by omission or commission.
• Receive grace to be a strong link in the chain.
• Pledge your commitment afresh to that vision.

Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of

foreigners, whose mouth speaks lying words
and whose right hand is a right hand of
That our sons may be as plants grown up in
their youths: that our daughters may be as pillars
sculptured in a palace style;
That our barns may be full, supplying all kinds
of produce; that our sheep may bring forth
thousands and ten thousands in our fields;
That our oxen may be well-laden; that there be
no breaking in or going out; that there be no
outcry in our streets.
Happy are the people who are in such a state;
happy are the people whose God is the Lord!
—Psalm 144:11–15 NKJV

Now when Abram heard that his brother was

taken captive, he armed his three hundred and
eighteen trained servants who were born in his
own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
—Genesis 14:14 NKJV

The kingdom of God is a family, one big family. God

is the Father. When anyone gets born again (i.e.,
comes into the kingdom) the first thing God does is
to connect him to a body of believers in form of a
local church.
God sets the solitary in families; He brings out
those who are bound into prosperity; but the
rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalm 68:6
The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He
shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those who are planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God. (Psalm
92:12–13 NKJV)
God connects a newly born again child of God to a
local church for growth, development, flourishing,
and fruit-bearing. As people continue in the plan of
God, they are to rise up to leadership to serve God in
the spirit of the house.
However, it is dangerous for any church family to
have in leadership, anyone that is not born into the
spirit of the church family and sees himself as part
and parcel of the house.
1. Those that have been in the same church
where the associate pastor was a leader before
marriage. It is easy for these to flow because
they already have the spirit of the house.
2. Those that have been in church, but not in
any leadership before becoming a pastor’s wife.
3. Those that were married from another
church. These need to really work on
themselves if they will not become strange
children in the house.
4. Those that have been married in the church
before the man was made an associate pastor.
Four things can happen if an associate pastor’s wife
does not walk in the family spirit of the church.
• She cannot receive into her life the anointing
on the set man and on the ministry. If in crises,
she can’t be helped by the same anointing.
• She cannot be a blessing fully to the church or
the ministry. All the gifts and potentials in her
will dry up, whereas they are supposed to
receive a boost from the umbrella anointing.
• She will hinder her husband’s productivity. She
is not adding; she is a drag.
• She will either start or join rebellion. Most
likely, she will team up with rebellion against the
set man or push her husband to it.
How to Cultivate the Family Spirit in Your Church
I am sure having read this book thus far, you desire
to know how to cultivate the family spirit in your
church. The following will help you considerably to
realize this.
1. Be convinced in your heart that God planted
you there. It is your place of divine posting.
2. Accept the set man as your father and your
husband’s father and relate accordingly. Accept
the leadership; don’t struggle with the
3. Iron out all differences you have biblically.
Ask in the right spirit and attitude, questions on
anything you don’t understand rather than
reacting negatively.
4. Begin to open up to ministrations from the
church, adhere to the structure of the ministry
and obey instructions fully. Never speak ill of
the church/ministry you belong to in secret or
public. It is a mark of a strange child.
5. Understand the ministry’s vision and see
where you fit in. Use your gifts with enthusiasm
and encourage others.
6. Encourage and help your husband to operate
at maximum productivity. Don’t be neutral; take
sides with the vision.
Divine positioning is real. You are not, as a child of
God, supposed to move about anyhow. God has a
place for you and your husband. Psalm 68:6 says
God sets the solitary in families. There is a place God
places everyone with the intention for them to
prosper. If God puts you somewhere, there is
nourishing for you there already, both spiritually and
physically. Outside of divine positioning, a man’s life
becomes miserable. When a child of God leaves,
migrates, or wanders from his/her divine position, a
wilderness journey begins for him/her. I am sure you
don’t pray that for yourself and your husband.
That is why as an associate pastor’s wife, you need
to know that God has a place for you where you are.
Settle this question deep down in your heart: Did God
send and put my husband here? If yes, that is where
he has put you also. Settle down and begin to take
nourishment and grow. If God puts you somewhere,
it is not inferior or secondary, it is a great place.
Don’t stir your husband up against the set man with
various strategies of the flesh—complaints,
grumbling, etc. Don’t let the devil use you to affect
God’s work on the earth negatively.
See the following people who left their places of
divine posting as assistants and how they ended:
• Lucifer (Isa. 14:12–17)
• Lot (Gen. 13:5–13)
• Gehazi (2 Kings 5:10–27)
• Dathan, Abiram, Korah, and On (Num. 16:1–
• John Mark (Acts 15:36–40)
Also, see those that held their places of divine
• Joshua (Exod. 24:13; Deut. 1:38; Joshua 1:1–
• Elisha (1 Kings 19:19–21)
• Timothy (Acts 16:1–3)
In rounding off this chapter, let me stress to you that
if God puts you under somebody, that position for
you is primary, and you need the anointing God has
put on him for you to grow and be nourished,
delivered, and built up for destiny. The associate
pastor and his wife must not have the attitude that
they are helping the set man out; he is not in trouble
in the first place. Your service is your channel for
receiving supernatural help into your own life.
Therefore, discharge your service excellently well.

And he who does not take his cross and follow

after me is not worthy of me.
—Matthew 10:38

Most times, when a man is led by the Spirit of God

to work for God under a set man as an associate, he
is the one who knows what he has seen or heard
before answering the call. It is after receiving the call
that he shares it with his wife because the call does
not affect man alone directly, but also his wife and
his entire family. From then, if he will be established
in his place of divine assignment and flourish, the
wife must be ready to team up with him, support him
and be in it together with him.
She is not to be neutral, indifferent or feel
embarrassed at the “subordinate role.” She must fill it
with honour.
As a pastor’s wife, you must carry your cross daily
in order to please God. The cross is simply God’s
will as opposed to your own will and desire. Because
of God’s love and reverence you lay yours aside to
pick “His,” that is how to win in life. There is no
promotion for anyone who holds on to and does
his/her own desires at the expense of God’s will.
Little did Joseph know he was going to be the prime
minister when he served wholeheartedly in Potiphar’s
And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and
Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the
guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of
the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down
And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a
prosperous man; and he was in the house of his
master the Egyptian.
And his master saw that the LORD was with
him, and that the LORD made all that he did to
prosper in his hand.
And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he
served him: and he made him overseer over his
house, and all that he had he put into his hand.
And it came to pass from the time that he had
made him overseer in his house, and over all that
he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s
house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the
LORD was upon all that he had in the house,
and in the field.
And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand; and
he knew not ought he had, save the bread which
he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person,
and well favoured. (Genesis. 39:1–6)
Little did Ruth know she would be an ancestress of
the Messiah and keep a home for Boaz (a noble man
in the society) when she served an aged mother-in-
law and laboured in the field as if she had no relation
(Ruth 2:1–5; 4:13–17)
Here are few points that will help you to carry your
cross daily and joyfully in hope of great reward.
1. Serve wholeheartedly as if your husband is
the set man. Serve as if you will be there
permanently, not as somebody who is thinking
of leaving one day. Serve as if that is all the
labour you will be rewarded for in heaven.
2. Have a clear understanding of your ministry,
calling, and anointing. Even if God will lead your
husband to leave and start a work, it is not you
(the ambitious wife) God will speak to. He will
speak to the set man except the man has fallen
from grace. God spoke to Moses about Joshua.
God did not speak to Elisha on his assignment
while Elijah was still alive. Elisha was like an
associate of the old man, Elijah. God does not
break ranks.
3. Develop yourself. Don’t operate at the
minimum level possible, stretch yourself, apply
yourself, and be a blessing.
Understand Teamwork
If you are going to function effectively and efficiently
in the ministry where your husband is an associate
pastor, you must understand the importance of
teamwork. In the book of Nehemiah, we see
teamwork in practice with different people doing
different things, contributing to the realization of the
corporate goals under Nehemiah’s overall leadership.
And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and
to the rest of the people, The work is great and
large, and we are separated upon the wall, one
far from another.
In what place therefore ye hear the sound of the
trumpet, resort ye thither unto us: our God shall
fight for us.
So we laboured in the work: and half of them
held the spears from the rising of the morning
till the stars appeared.
Likewise at the same time said I unto the people,
Let every one with his servant lodge within
Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard
to us, and labour on the day.
So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants,
nor the men of the guard which followed me,
none of us put off our clothes, saving that every
one put them off for washing. (Nehemiah 4:19–
Certain truths that must be clear to the wife of any
associate pastor under a set man include:
(a) The mystery of the body of Christ, and
(b) The principles that govern a team operation.
Habakkuk 2:2–4 reveals two sets of people in every
God-given vision, the visionary and vision runner.
The visionary is called by God and receives the
vision. When he makes it plain and spells it out
clearly, the vision runner reads to understand it and
runs with it.
You are a vision runner. Your operation is dependent
upon the spelt out vision by the set man
(founder/overseer). That applies not to you alone, but
also all others that are chosen to labour over the God-
given vision.
Please, let me reiterate that a man can be called by
God to be an associate. It is not every associate that
God has an assignment for that will become a
founder of a ministry. Don’t operate with the mind
that one day, you will put out to be a founder’s wife.
Remain in your place of divine posting.
Like a bird that wanders from its nest, is a man
who wanders from his place. (Proverbs 27:8
The Mystery of the Body
Christ is the head of the church; therefore, whatever
you do, you have to reckon with the head of the
church. There are many parts in the body and each
part is important. You are a part (1 Cor. 12:12). The
body of believers in various local churches constitute
the body of Christ on earth. God sets people in place;
you don’t aspire by ambition and jostle for a place
(Eph. 4:11; Ps. 68:6; 1 Cor. 12:18). What God
expects of you is to know where He has set you and
recognize others that He has set in their own places.
For as the body is one, and hath many
members, and all the members of that one body,
being many, are one body: so also is Christ. (1
Corinthians 12:12)
And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers; (Ephesians 4:11)
God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth
out those which are bound with chains: but the
rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalm 68:6)
But now hath God set the members every one of
them in the body, as it hath pleased him. (1
Corinthians 12:18)
The same life is flowing in members. No part is
inferior/superior to the other, but roles and divine
placement are quite different (Heb. 5:4).
Principles that Govern Teamwork
Achan is an example of someone who violated the
ground rules guiding the operation of the team he
belonged to and brought unnecessary calamity on the
group. Those who knew nothing about his sin in the
battle of Ai died before the culprit was eventually
fished out (Josh. 7:1–26).
In order to be a good team player, please take note of
the following:
• Your heart must be right with the set man
(leader) and flow with him, submitting with no
struggles (Heb. 13:7, 17).
• Your heart should be right with everyone that is
right in the team and flow with them.
• Never take sides with rebels. God is not on
their side. Don’t pull down the vision that you
are part of. You might be pulling down God’s
security and provision in your life (Neh. 2:19–
• Excel at your duty post; it will make all the
• Take advantage of corporate strength; don’t
insist you must do it alone. Two are better than
one, they have good reward for their labour.
Who are you trying to impress when you reject
the strength available in the team to defeat your
• Offences are dangerous to a corporate flow.
Don’t take offences whenever and from
whosoever they come.
• Avoid every secret sin of every form.
What if the set man fails?
In case the set man fails, don’t forget you have an
ultimate responsibility to Jesus Christ –the Head of
the church. Therefore, you should do the following:
• Get committed to the truth of God’s word.
• Get committed to the Head of the church not
to damage the body.
• Get committed to the Holy Spirit and keep a
clean conscience (1 Tim. 1:19–20).
• Give your best at your duty post.

The devil likes to isolate people before he oppresses

them so that they will not have any help to reach
them on time.
A pastor’s wife can fall for this, particularly the wife
of an associate pastor under a set man. You may feel
you don’t want the set man to know your problems
or that of your husband in order to keep up a false
picture of “things are okay,” but you are trying
privately on your own to look for help here and there
from family members, friends, etc. Why suffer in
Remember, God lays help for His people on the
shoulders of certain men, and He expects us to
receive that help.
Then you spoke in a vision to your Holy One,
and said: I have given help to one who is
mighty; I have exalted one chosen from the
people. (Psalm 89:19)
If you run to places where God has not put help for
you, it will be in vain. They will be empty of power
to change your situation.
Then, as the king of Israel was passing by on
the wall, a woman cried out to him saying,
“Help, my Lord, O King!”
And he said, “If the Lord does not help you,
where can I find help for you? From the
threshing floor or from the winepress?” (2
Kings 6:26–27 NKJV)
The good example of the son of the prophet’s wife
Let us learn a few lessons from a certain woman, the
wife of one of the sons of the prophets in 2 Kings
1. She cried unto Elisha (the set man). She didn’t
suffer in silence; she was not too proud to seek
help. She didn’t go to her family members and
friends who had no anointing from God to bring
supernatural supplies. If she had gone to them,
perhaps they would have lent her some money to
pay the debt or at best help her to pay it, and then
she would have become obliged to them forever!
She was wise; she went straight to the anointed,
the spiritual father of her husband. For you to be
able to do this, you must have the correct value,
regard, and estimation of that man and the
anointing God has put on him, particularly when
you were not in any crisis, for it to work for
you in moments of crisis. The anointing you
despise secretly in your heart cannot work for
you in crisis. What you run to in moment of
crisis is what you have always believed in all
your life.
2. She acknowledged who the husband was to the
man of God: “Thy servant, my husband.” This
enabled her to see and appreciate who Elisha was
over their family. Deep in your heart, do you see
your husband as a “servant” or “son” of your set
man? Or do you see him as a colleague of the set
man, often telling him, “You are anointed too.” Or
you feel he is being underpaid or overused. You
need to deal with all negative internal feelings.
They prevent the wife of an associate pastor from
drinking from the well of the anointing on the set
3. She came to Elisha. You are the one to build a
relationship with your set man, his wife and his
family, not vice versa. If she had waited for Elisha
to come looking for her before she would respond
to the anointing, the creditor would have carried
her sons away. You don’t need to suffer from the
creditor’s hands, when you have a father!
4. Her solution came from the questions Elisha asked
her and the words he told her. What is your set
man’s word to you? If it is a command, you are in
safety, but if you treat his counsel, messages and
utterances with levity, you may be trifling with the
solution to a problem you are facing.
5. She didn’t run away with an initial encounter. She
went back for further instructions until her joy
was full.
The good example of Peter’s wife
There are various kinds of associate pastor’s wives:
1. Those who team up with their husbands to do
the set man’s vision.
2. Those who do their own things and their
husbands alone team up with the set man.
3. Those who work against their husbands
because of their teamwork with the set man.
Which one are you?
Peter was an associate of Jesus during his earthly
ministry; he had a wife, he had a mother-in-law, but
he was in charge in his own house, and this helped
the wife and the mother to honour the anointing on
Jesus. What do we learn from Peter’s wife and her
• Peter’s wife was so committed to the vision of
Jesus that her husband, Peter, teamed up with
so much so that she carried her family (mother)
along in the commitment. How do you present
your husband and his work with the set man to
your family?
• She and her mother were given to ministering
personally to Jesus. Do you minister personally
to the set man your husband works with “in
prayers, service, giving and high estimation?”
Jesus was free in their house. Is your set man
free in your house?
• They received the ministration of Jesus. Do
you value or honour the anointing on the set
man of your husband to get blessed and draw
from his ministry? Or do you prefer another
man of God elsewhere in moments of crisis?
The anointing you honour is what will work for
you and your family in your moments of
trouble. Begin to honour the anointing God has
put you and your husband under; that is your
covering to make you and to help you. Get
connected and receive your portion.
Listen to me, you who follow after
righteousness, you who seek the Lord, look to
the rock from which you were hewn, and to the
hole of the pit from which you were dug.
Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who
bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him
and increased him. (Isaiah 51:1–2)

Godly Wisdom for a Pastor’s Wife is a perennial best

seller and healing balm for all the women that are
married to pastors and minsters of God. As the
pastor was called, so also the wife of the pastor is
called to stand by her husband to fulfil the call of
God upon his life. This book outlines from the Bible
the sacrifices, work, and the development necessary
to fulfil that role without losing out in the overall
scheme that God is working on the earth through
herself and her husband. This book is a must-read
for every Pastor’s wife and soon-to-be Pastor’s
wife. If your man is in any level of ministry, this
book will make you a blessing of immense value in
your generation.

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