Local Buckling Nptel
Local Buckling Nptel
Local Buckling Nptel
Santha Kumar
sections on account of the fact that the very thin elements used will invariably
buckle before yielding. Thinner the plate, the lower will be the load at which the
flat plate simply supported on all edges and loaded in compression (as shown in
Kπ2 E ⎛t⎞
pcr = ⎜ ⎟ (5.1)
12 1 − v 2 ) ⎝b⎠
5.3 (b) Axially compressed plate with one edge supported and the other
edge free to move
Substituting the values for π, v = 0.3 and E = 205 kN/mm2, we obtain the value
⎛t⎞ (5.1a)
of pcr as pcr ≈ 185 x103 x K ⎜ ⎟ with units of N/ mm2
When one of the edges is free to move and the opposite edge is
supported, (as shown in Fig. 5.3b), the plate buckles at a significantly lower load,
as K reduces dramatically to 0.425. This shows that plates with free edges do not
perform well under local buckling. To counter this difficulty when using cold
formed sections, the free edges are provided with a lip so that they will be
constrained to remain straight and will not be free to move. This concept of
application of moments at the ends. The thin plate at the top is under flexural
compression and will buckle as shown in Fig. 5.5 (a). This type of buckling is
characterised by ripples along the length of the element. The top plate is
supported along the edges and its central portion, which is far from the supports,
will deflect and shed the load to the stiffer edges. The regions near the edges are
prevented from deflecting to the same extent. The stresses are non uniform
across the section as shown in Fig.5.5 (b). It is obvious that the applied moment
is largely resisted by regions near the edges (i.e. elements which carry increased
stresses) while the regions near the centre are only lightly stressed and so are
the elastic critical load. Under incremental loading, plate elements which are not
perfectly flat will begin to deform out of plane from the beginning rather than
instantaneously at the onset of buckling and fail at a lower load. This means that
a non-uniform state of stress exists throughout the loading regime. The variation
of mean stress with lateral deflection for flat plates and plates with initial
ratios of 30-60. For plates having a b/t value in excess of 60, the in-plane tensile
wide plates.
effective width. Lightly stressed regions at centre are ignored, as these are least
effective in resisting the applied stresses. Regions near the supports are far more
effective and are taken to be fully effective. The section behaviour is modeled on
The effective width, (beff) multiplied by the edge stress (σ) is the same as
the mean stress across the section multiplied by the total width (b) of the
compression member.
the magnitude of the applied stress fc, the width/thickness ratio of the element
The effective width concept is usually modified to take into account the
experimental data.
⎡ ⎧⎪ ⎡ f ⎤ 0.5 ⎫⎪ ⎤
beff ⎢ ⎥
= ⎢1 + 14 ⎨ ⎢ c
⎥ − 0.35⎬ ⎥ (5.2a)
⎢⎣ ⎪⎩ ⎣ pcr ⎦ ⎪⎭ ⎥
geometry etc.
Fig.5.7 Ratio of effective width to flat width (fy = 280 N/mm2) of compression
plate with simple edge supports
pcr) could be 4.0 for a stiffened element or 0.425 for an unstiffened element.
under uniform compression (Refer clause 4.5.1). The code also provides
modifications for elements under combined bending and axial load (ref. Clause
4.5.2). Typical formula given in BS 5950, Part 5 for computing K values for a
channel element is given below for illustration. (see BS 5950, Part 5 for a
1. Lipped channel.
K1 = 7 − − 1.43h 3 (5.3a)
0.15 + h
Where h = B2 / B1
⎛t ⎞
K2 = K2h ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎝ t2 ⎠
should not be less than 4.0 or 0.425 as the case may be.
2 2 + 4.8h
K1 = + (5.4)
(1 + 15h )
3 0.5 (
1 + 15h 3 )
IS: 801 and BS 5950, Part 5 limit the maximum ratios of (b/t) for
elements 500
However the code also warns against the elements developing very large
deformations, when b/t values exceed half the values tabulated above.
As stated previously, elements having b/t ? 60 and provided with simple lip
having one fifth of the element width may be regarded as a stiffened element. If
b/t > 60, then the width required for the lip may become too large and the lip itself
may have stability problems. Special types of lips (called "compound" lips) are
designed in such cases and these are outside the scope of this chapter.
of inertia (Imin) about an axis through the element mid surface). The required
minimum moment of inertia of the stiffener about the axis 0-0 in Fig. 5.8 is given
⎛ w ⎞ ⎛ fy ⎞
I min = 0.2t . ⎜ ⎟ . ⎜
⎟ (5.5)
⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ 280 ⎠
Where w = larger flat width of the sub element (see Fig. 5.8) between
If the sub-element width/thickness ratio (w/t) does not exceed 60, the total
effective area of the element may be obtained by adding effective areas of the
BS5950, Part 5, clauses 4.7.2 and 4.7.3) If an element has a number of stiffeners
spaced closely (b/t ? 30), and then generally all the stiffeners and sub elements
effective portions of the member are shown darkened (i.e. 1-B, B-2, 3-C, C-4, 5-
D, D-6, 7-E, and E-8). The parts A-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 and 8-F are regarded as being
to the supported edges are effective (see Fig.5.5c) . Note that in the case of
elements are considered to have effective widths. Some typical effective sections
elements are darkened in Fig.5.10. The portions 1-2 and 3-4 in Fig. 5.10(a) and
the portion 1-2 in Fig. 5.10 (b) are regarded as ineffective in resisting
stiffeners formed during the rolling process; the sum of the "effective widths" of
a lip) can be regarded as a stiffened element, when the lip or the edge stiffener
has a moment of inertia about an axis through the plate middle surface equal to
or greater than
b3 t
I min = (5.6)
Where t and b are the thickness and breadth of the full width of the
element to be stiffened.
For elements having a full width b less than or equal to 60 t, a simple lip of
one fifth of the element width (i.e. b/5) can be used safely. For lips with b > 60 t, it
would be appropriate to design a lip to ensure that the lip itself does not develop
A maximum b/t ratio of 90 is regarded as the upper limit for load bearing
edge stiffeners.
(w t )
for the lip given by I min = 1.83 t 4 − 281200 but not less than 9.2 t4 .
For a simple lip bent at right angles to the stiffened element, the required
(w t )
overall depth dmin is given by d min = 2.8t 6 − 281200 but not less than
4.8 t
Note that both the above equations given by the Indian standard are
narrower and therefore more effective elements. The minimum moment of inertia
about an axis through the element middle surface required for this purpose
equation 5.2 (a) and eqn..5.2(b) by replacing the sub element width in place of
When w / t < 60, then the total effective area of the element is obtained as
the sum of the effective areas of each sub element to the full areas of stiffeners.
When the sub elements having a larger w / t values are employed (w/ t >
model this reduced performance , the sub element effective width must be
ber beff ⎛w ⎞
= − 0.1⎜ − 60 ⎟ (5.7)
t t ⎝ t ⎠
A eff = Ast . (5.8)
For w / t values between 60 and 90, the effective stiffener area varies between
⎡ b 1 ⎛ b ⎞ w⎤
A eff = Ast ⎢3 − 2 er − ⎜1 − er ⎟ ⎥ (5.9)
⎣ w 30 ⎝ w ⎠ t⎦
When stiffeners are closely spaced, i.e. w < 30 t, the stiffeners and sub
for the complete element (along with the stiffeners) to buckle locally. In these
⎛ 12 Is ⎞ 3
ts = ⎜ ⎟ (5.10)
⎝ b ⎠
IS: 801- 1975 also suggests some simple rules for the design of
intermediate stiffeners.
126500td 100 cf
wf = x 4 (5.10a)
f uv d
d = depth of beam
The amount of curling should be decided by the designer but will not generally
12 Is
ts = 3 (5.10b)