Vol 4 Issue 1

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NewsLetter Online



President 2 Convocation
Er. Koneru Satyanarayana
8 Samyak 2014
Vice - President
Er. K.L. Havish 13 Surabhi 2014
Er. K. Raja Harin 14 Industrial Practice School
16 IAS Academy Crash Course
Vice-Chancellor 17 KL University Policy Against Secual
Dr.R.Srihari Rao Herrassment at Work place
Pro-Vice Chancellor 18 Swamy Vivekananda Philosophy and
Dr.L.S.S. Reddy its Impact
19 CSI National Level Fun Quiz 2014
20 Technical Events Organized by
Department of KL University
Please send in ideas for the content
26 New Appointments
and other ways we can improve the
publication. 27 Awards & Achievements
email newsletter@kluniversity.in.
30 Games & Sports
31 KLUSO Events

The Newsletter is published by the Information Center of KL University on behalf of Manage-

ment of KL University.
Design: P. Sai Kiran, Prof In Charge, Information Center
Editorial Board:
Editor: Prof. P. Sai Kiran, Prof In Charge, Information Center
Photo Credits: ET Facilities, KL University
Contributors:Dr.S.Venkateswarlu, Samyak Team, KLUSO team, Womens Forum, Physical
Education Department, IRP Cell, IPS Cell, IAS Academy, Research Groups, HR Department,
and Newsletter Team: Mrs. M.Divya, Mr. V. Praveen Kumar, Mr. D. Satish Chandra,
Mr.K.V.D.Kiran, Mr.D. Seshi Reddy, Mrs.PSG Aruna Sree, Mr.D.V.A. Rama Sastry, Mr.V.
Srinivas, Mr.P. Sumathi Kumari, Mr.M. Venkateswarlu, Dr. B. Pradeep Kumar, Dr. G. Moha-
The 3rd convocation of KL University was held Addressing of Prof. Uday .B.Desai
on 28th December 2013 in which 1652 students Addressing the gathering, Director of IIT,
of Seven B.Tech courses of the University, 131 Hyderabad, Prof. Uday.B.Desai has called upon
students of M.Tech courses, 77 students of MBA the students to be innovative to achieve high
and 14 students of MCA were awarded gradua- positions in the society. He said knowledge was
tion certificates. 20 Gold Medals and 20 Silver a precious treasure which cannot be robbed by
medals were presented to students. anybody. A great life was awaiting the students
Out of the 1652 B.Tech students, 263 are outside the campus, he said. “We are living in
from the Computer Science and Engineering the age of innovations,” Prof. Desai said and felt
stream, 451 from Electronics and Communica- that there was hardly anyone who was
tion Engineering, 316 from Electrical & Electron- untouched by the technological innovations,
ics Engineering, 351 from Mechanical Engineer- business process innovations and lifestyle innova-
ing, 125 from Electronics and Computer Engi- tions in the present technology era. He
neering and 44 from Bio Technology. suggested to the students to invent products
The chief guest of the programme was Prof. which would provide universal recognition to
Uday.B.Desai, who is the Director of IIT the country. He said a curious and questioning
Hyderabad. mind, fertile imagination, daydreaming, outland-

and friendship.
KLU chancellor Prof.GL Datta, vice-chancellor
Prof. R Sreehari Rao and KLU president
Sri.Koneru Satyanarayana presented an honorary
doctorate to Prof Desai.
Later, Prof Desai presented gold and silver
medals to 40 students and degrees to B.Tech,
M.Tech, MBA and MCA students.

President’s Speech on Convocation Day

President of the University Sri K Satyanarayana
explained the gradual development of the Univer-
ish ideas, perseverance and the spirit of ‘why sity in a detailed manner. He said “KL College of
not’ were helpful for innovative inventions. engineering which was established in the year
Prof. Desai said that an inventor needs to 1981 has grown to a full pledged university
observe a plethora of problems and opined that during February 2009. It has achieved remarkable
India is the best place for innovators as there growth in all the forefronts of higher education
are so many challenges to be tackled in power
generation, power torage, power distribution,
water harnessing/storage, water shortage,
vaccine for diseases, low-cost roadways and
swift access between rural and urban areas. He
said that innovations should be useful to all.
Recalling the words of former President APJ
Abdul Kalam, he said, “We need to work on
innovations that will provide urban amenities to
rural India.”
He said students should become job creators
and not just job-seekers after completion of
studies. Young innovative entrepreneurs are not
only innovators but also the agents of social over the last four years. I derive a sense of great
change in the society. Lamenting the lack of satisfaction to say that all facets of the education
ethics in the present-day society, he said that that include academics, research, consultancy,
ethical culture is not only important in profes- extramural, extension, innovation, high standards
sional life but also in all other aspects of work, of delivery, all-round development of the
pleasure, social interactions, family relations students, application oriented development,
specialization in every program offered at all levels
of the education have been adequately addressed
thus meeting the very cause of the university.”
He expressed his aims and objectives in
promoting university. He said, “The students who
were imparted with knowledge and skills through
Academic and Research programs have been
working for wellbeing of the public. The institu-
tion is facilitating and promoting critical intellec-
tual engagement that addresses various kinds of
needs of diverse population of our country. The

He told students never to give up their dreams
and aspirations as these aspirations will drive to
higher levels of achievements and makes life
purposeful. He told students to think big and work
with conviction, then only they will reap the
benefits. He told the student to hold on to their
goals despite many hurdles that life throws and
proceed with determination by learning from
every bitter experience.
In His concluding remarks he congratulates all
the graduating students and offered his best wishes.
He also congratulated families who have sacrificed
institution has been adding many intrinsic values
for their children success; who have provided
to the students that include leadership, honesty,
emotive support in all endeavors and aspirations.
team work, problem solving, thinking innova-
He told students that their success today follows
tively, and investigate burning problems faced by
the society. The students are reaching the society
through extramural, extension and fields based
research and have been providing solutions to
some of the problems being faced by the neigh-
borhood. Distinct contribution to the areas of
specialization through innovative programs is
being made. The institution has positioned all its
programs to meet emerging needs of the country.
Our goal is to be recognized as an institution
capable of enriching the higher education system
as a whole.”
He said that the creative minds should use their years of patience, support and love of their
knowledge and technologies to address the needs parents and families and the dedication and com-
of the people. He called upon the students to mitment of faculty.
become creative leader as thrust will be on the He told students to remain in touch and be
growth of creative leaders for all the innovative participative in the progress of this University.
organizations. He told that Learning is a continu-
ous process and everyone should crave for learn- Chancellors Speech
ing with the application of our knowledge in Prof G.L. Datta, Chancellor of the University
upliftment of down trodden and betterment of exhorted on the occasion in his speech that a
living hood. university education is just a gateway to endless
possibilities. He said that Leaders don’t wait, but
they shape their own frontiers. He told that the
bigger the challenge the greater is the opportunity.
People with self-confidence can become achievers.
They propel themselves to the frontiers of activity
and shoulder responsibility without waiting for the
rewards. He advised student not to be arrogant
but to cultivate humility. Confidence without
doubt stem from knowledge and competence.
He also reminded that to succeed in life, one

rarely puts them to use”.
He concluded his address by saying “Wherever
you stay in India or abroad, you must maintain a
line of contact with the University. Be a member
of the KLU Alumni Association and strengthen the
bond with the University. We would be eagerly
looking for your revisits to us and any information
on your success stories”.

Vice Chancellor Message

needs to be focused and to bear in mind the Vice Chancellor Dr. R Sree Hari Rao in his mes-
importance of four C’s: concept, confidence, sage presented the memorable journey of about 33
competence and commitment. In everything, years packed with very many landmark achieve-
one needs to have an ‘observer mind’. He said ments. He made a brief presentation on some of
one must have an insatiable urge to work to the unique features and the achievements of the
succeed in life. Importance of self-esteem, hard University. He said that KLU since its establish-
work, determination, confidence and simple
realization that one is as good as anybody in the
world is the key to success. He told the
students to unlock their potential and realize
the strengths. Strive with a positive attitude to
excel in life.
He stressed the need for entrepreneurship
and said that those who would like to become
entrepreneurs, Journey for an entrepreneur is
replete with trials, failures and tribulations. But
staying resolved with determinations of the
highest standards is the key to success. He said
students to be a part of something amazing.
“Opportunities don’t come in search of you but ment as a University, it has been expanding its
you have to create them”. horizon of higher education and research. It offers
He said students to have creativity, skills, undergraduate and post graduate programs not
knowledge and intelligence. He said “Be crea- only in Engineering but also in Management and
tive in your approaches in your work places. Commerce as well. He mentioned the academic
Every individual is born with some creativity. flexibilities and several other flexibilities offered in
But he fails to acknowledge them because he the university for the benefit of students and
improving the standards of the university.
While presenting about the new centers of
excellence in the university he said that With a
view to carry on contemporary research in Alter-
native Energies with special focus on Solar Photo-
voltaic, Solar thermal, Wind and Biomass, K L
University has established “Centre for Advanced
Energy Studies” (CAES). KL University has also
started a center for Advanced Studies on Atmos-
pheric Sciences (ASAS), which will be a multidis-

ciplinary unit that coordinates activities in differ-
ent university departments in the frontier areas
of atmospheric, meteorology and Ionospheric
sciences by analyzing and modelling the data and
thereby forecasting atmospheric weather changes.
He said that the university is equipped with
many other facilities like Sports & Games, Gym-
nasium, Entrepreneurship Development and
Innovation Cells, Central Library and Interna-
tional Relations Cell.
Prof Sree Hari Rao said that university had M. Tech. - Computer Networks and Security
provided avenues for the student community to 11203102 Radhika Gudapati (9.47) KLU Gold
nurture their inner hidden talents line NSS 11203101 Avula Tejaswi (9.08) KLU Silver
Wing, Hobby Clubs and Life Skill and Inner B. Tech. – Computer Science and Engineering
Engineering. 109100526,Chunduru Pravallika - KLU Gold
He concluded his address by saying “I call 09100388, Mutcherla Satyasreeja- KLU Gold
09100377, Tummalapalli Sahithi - KLU Silver
Department of EEE
M. Tech. – Power Electronics and Drives
11206005, M Balakrishna - KLU Gold
11206007,N Venkateswarlu- KLU Silver
M. Tech. – Power Systems
11206105,N Vital Chowdary - KLU Gold
11206103, Yakkaluri Dharma Teja-KLU Silver
B. Tech. – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
09101566,G Raghavendra Sreehitha- KLU Gold
09101524,A Naga Venkata Kishore - KLU Silver
upon the 1878 proud products of KLU to give
their best to the nation building. The University Department of ECM
has endeavored to provide you with the best M. Tech. – Embedded Systems
training input. You are now ready to take off to 11205103,Haritha Tummala - KLU Gold
a new chapter in your life. Work hard with 11205102, Swathi Nallapati - KLU Silver
devotion, sincerity and integrity to convert the B. Tech. – Electronics and Computer Engineering
input that you have received from here into 09100299, Niteesha Cherukuri - KLU Gold
useful products to serve your profession and the
nation. Please bring name and fame to KLU. The
university blesses you and would always remem-
ber you.”


Department of CSE
M. Tech. - Computer Science and Engineering
11203012 Jaladi Vinusha - KLU Gold
11203038 Gunturi Sri Teja - KLU Silver

09101057, Vasireddy Srikanth - KLU Silver
Department of Biotechnology (BT)
M. Tech. – Biotechnology
11201001 Kanubothulasitarami Reddy -KLU Gold
11201003, Issac Newton Munigeti - KLU Silver
11201007, Sangeetha Sriram - KLU Silver
B. Tech. – Biotechnology
09100058, Ram Keshar Thapa - KLU Gold
09100026, Parupudi L C Pavani - KLU Silver
09100267, K Lakshmi Manasa - KLU Silver
Department of MBA
Department of ME Master of Business Administration
M. Tech. – Thermal Engineering 11251020, Narra Pravallika-KLU Gold
11207008, Saranya Eeday - KLU Gold 11251044. Prazwal Kranth Kothuri -KLU Silver
11207004, Shaik M.D Younus - KLU Silver
M. Tech. – CAD / CAM
11207105, Vijayalakshmi Muddana - KLU Gold
B. Tech. – Mechanical Engineering
09101422, Veeravalli Aravind -KLU Gold
09101454, Nikhil Kumar Jain - KLU Silver
Department of CE
B. Tech. – Civil Engineering
09100067,Keshab Neupane - KLU Gold
09100186, Varanasi Vamsi Krishna - KLU Silver
Department of ECE
M. Tech. – VLSI
Department of MCA
11204101, Sushmaja Kantheti - KLU Gold
Master of Computer Applications
11204102, Pentareddy Sujitha - KLU Silver
10102337, Vattikuti Sarada - KLU Gold
M. Tech. – Communication and Radar Systems 10102348, Battula Adinarayana - KLU Silver
11204012, Sri Lakshmi Ratnavathi M - KLU Gold
11204001, M L S N Swarajyalakshmi - KLU Silver
B. Tech. – Electronics & Communication Engi-
09100817, Kandepi Madhuri - KLU Gold

This fest was born 5 years ago as SAMYAK
to show the society what is real and right. The
beginning was marked by the scores of students Academic Staff College, Chairman SURABHI and
from various colleges and states. In year 2011, Chairman SAMYAK, along with the conveners
SAMYAK was inaugurated with the theme “Go SAMYAK and SURABHI has added accolade to
Green”, the initiatives were marked by hand the hard work of students. The large participation
imprints, signatures, drives to bring greenery in of students from all the colleges of India and the
the society and in the areas around the university, wave of enthusiasm near registrations boosted up
emphasizing the use of green technology and the confidence of the organizing team; inspite of
energy conservation. The next theme emerged as the problems existing in state, they strived to
“Ethics, ethos and etiquette.” The rich culture bring out the best days of enlightment and educa-
and heritage of India which attracted many invad- tion; they left no stone unturned.
ers and philosophers was the driving force behind The inaugurals commenced with the release of
the theme. souvenir, followed by the prayer and lamp light-
The year 2014 served as a guiding factor with ening. The chairman SAMYAK addressed the
the theme “Sustainable Socio Economic Rural gathering and increased their moral and congratu-
Development Through Technology Intervention” lated them on their effort. The gathering was
to upgrade rural areas with the help of technol- illuminated by the valuable messages from Vice
ogy. Chancellor Dr. G. L. Datta and Vice President K.
The inaugurals were started 10:30 a.m. where Harin. Vice President explained the importance
WIPRO country head Venkat Viswanathan of theme and how it can change our society, he
presided as the Chief Guest. Patrons and dignitar- thanked and congratulated everyone present at
ies like President, Vice president, Secretary, the moment and wished them good luck with the
Chancellor, Vice hancellor, Pro-Vice chancellor, events. He added that events like SAMYAK are
Principal College of engineering, Principal- essential to sustain in the society and serve people

tions of the projects were scholarly.
The solutions provided by the participants were
surreal. The project exhibited by the Biotechnol-
ogy department by participant V. Ishwarya of
Vignan college of Engineering was outstanding.
She presented the project regarding “Socio
Economic Development Through Greenhouse
Environment”. This was followed by ECE Depart-
ment with the topics like “Robotic Gun” done by
T. Basha. In the Civil Department the topics were
who need our support. Dr. L. S. S. Reddy, the “Submerged Floating Tunnel” presented by
Pro-Vice Chancellor augmented the confidence of M.Manikanta and team. “earthquake Resistant
the audience by stating that, “Winning is not Building” was much appreciated. Hence to cover
important, but participating is.” up all, the event was successful in all the depart-
ments with full enthusiasm.
Paper Presentation
First day of SAMYAK ‘13- ‘14 turned out to
be great success especially in ECE and CSE
departments of the our University, almost having
a footfall of 170 participants in ECE and around
150 in CSE from the other colleges. The sessions
were very interactive and the suggestions given
by the participants were applicable in daily lives.
One of the presentations which were most attrac-
tive was “On Chip Optical Interconnection” by
Ch. Supriya and G.Haritha from other college.
Another very interesting presentation which was
the attraction for judges was “Wind Energy
Without Turbine Blades” by Chandani from
Technical Events
R.V.R Collage. Results are not yet declared but
The Computer Science Engineering Department
the participation in such a high amount made this
has come up with five peerless events, pushing the
event an utter success and also made the coordi-
participants to their limits, Tech War, Brain Trig-
nators happy.
ger, Web Nexus, Code Heap and Program Quest.
Project Expo The Program Quest, making a jump start with 85
Project Expo became one of the most trium- registrations in less than one hour from the begin-
phant events of the SAMYAK ‘ 13- ‘ 14. Presenta- ning of the event. A three round event purely
based on the concepts of programming like C,
Python and algorithm designing. Web Nexus,
another top notch that tests the participant’s web
designing skills. At the end of the day, the Depart-
ment had around 400 registrations.
The Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department produced five superlative events,
Circuit Galaxy, Content Creator, Embedded Appli-
cation Development, Quiz and Signal Mania. The
Technical Quiz with 250 registrations drags the

lime light towards it. The best of the participants
will have another exciting round of quiz on the
second day of Samyak. Content Creator, another
event from the same department received huge
response from the participants proving it to be
nothing less than any of the other events. The
department of ECE wraps up the events on their
first day with more than 750 registrations.
Civil department hosted spot events like Bridge
Architect Game and Staad Masters, all the partici-
pants showed keen interest in taking part in all
the spot events Bridge Architect Game in M305
united 41 in the first half. Hema Chand from
G.E.C said it was helpful; he seemed to learn and from our university, which was followed by the
enjoy the event .CAD. Staad Masters had its CIVIL Department with topics like “designing Of
preliminary round witnessing 50 participants. Prosthetic Legs” by N.Pavan Kishore and Sai Jatin.
Tarun from B.E.G was admiring the new version The sessions were interactive and the sugges-
tions given by the young minds were worth appli-
cable in daily lives. The event went on with full
fledged rush and enthusiasm with indigenous
results which justified the theme “socio Economic
Development Through Rural Intervention”. Hence,
this was quite a triumphant event.

Fun Time
Spot events: A myriad of spot events like Bhale
Chanceley, LAN Gaming, Rate Your I.Q, Beg
Borrow Steel, Tic Tac Toe, Strike Your Luck,
Brain Storm, etc. attracted a large crowd of
software in the CAD/CAM LAB, he also said the
participants. The gusto was difficult to control, but
organization of the events went very good. Events
fun was unlimited, as the arena was badly flooded
in the Civil department acted as a crowd magnet.
with participants from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
On the other hand Mechanical Department also
Food stalls: According to an adage, “We must have
organized spot events like Your Truss, Cad Mela
a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
flooded with participants eager to take part. Paper
Food stalls in the fest was one of the centre of
presentations in both Mechanical and Civil depart-
attractions, where people enjoyed various north
ments went well. Other Departments such as
Biotech, ECM, KLUBS, EEE also presented spec-
tacular events which were attended by a good
number of participants and the response was

Poster Presentation
It became one of the most successful events;
with an appreciable amount of participants form
the other colleges. Some of the interesting titles
included “solar Fencing” by Monika and Kavya

Indian and south Indian cuisines, before, during
and after the hectic and mind boggling technical
sessions. The starters and a variety of snacks, ice
creams and flavored drinks were enjoyed by
every visitor in the premises.

second day of SAMYAK ‘13-‘14 witnessed some

of the great personalities from various fields such
as literature and corporate. On one side the
students were busy with the usual schedule of
paper, poster and project presentations which
continued on the next day as well, whereas on
the other hand they enjoyed the new flavors of dranath. He joined the celebrations as Guest
various dishes. Coming up to the technical side, lecturer and inspired the students with his motivat-
all the workshops were successful where partici- ing speeches and lecture. The students sat in still
pants were very enthusiastic to learn about new mode for the three hours and wanted to learn
things. “Robo Gravity” became the most more from this unique writer, novelist, film direc-
successful with around 100 plus participation. tor, and development motivator. Later in the even-
The instructor, Abhishek, who was CEO, from ing another interactive session between students
AB Labs And Solutions, Bhubneshwar was very and chief guest Jaydev Galla took place. He encour-
successful in delivering about the Robotis Grav- aged students and talked with them on personality
ity. An Interactive session on Entrepreneurship , development skills.
Subhas Chandra Achanta Co-Founder of “think Second day of Samyak ‘13-‘14 ended with lots
Source” from Hyderabad and Bhaskar from of new ideas from young minds. Judges were very
“viswamitra Academy” an Alumina from KLU delighted to see such talents in the platform. Even
shared their entrepreneur experiences guiding on second day the highest count of presentations
participants ,it turned out to be a very good was from ECE and CSE Departments which were
interactive session. Hacktrack was another most around 150 and 120 respectively.
successful workshop with ninety seven partici- The second night of Samyak was adorned with
pants whose instructor was Sunny Vaghela, the chief guest Jaydev Galla, Managing Director of
India’s second most top Hacker. the Amara Raja Batteries. He is one of the flourish-
Everything else went on quite successfully and ing business tycoons and entrepreneurs in India. As
participation from other colleges was remark- Chairman of CII-AP, Jay Galla contributes much to
able. The afternoon was a complete learning and the Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu (million jobs for the youth)
interactive session with the distinguished and scheme of the State, promoting the concept of
multi-faceted personality, Yandamuri Veeren- distributed development to ensure that rural people
do not migrate for jobs. Here in the cultural night
he congratulated the organizing committee for
taking such a bold theme for the national fest. He
boosted the confidence of students by stating many
examples from his life, the way he made it to the
top and the way he sustained there. He told all the
students to vote for the correct person and make
use of their right intelligently
One of the most electrifying events that K L
University has ever experienced was the Laser
Show, dazzled with brilliant colors and rocking
students attending Mr. & Ms. Samyak –Literary
event, took place with many interesting rounds,
standing as a field day to unveil their talents in
different respects. Each individual was to the
fullest to be a star of SAMYAK by answering
distinctive and interesting questions. Mansa kaur, a
student from V.R.Siddhartha college of engineering
said “Come be an Attraction - Mr.& Ms. SAMYAK
is indeed the best event. This event took place for
two days i.e. on 20-2-14 and 21-2-14 in F308
standing as one of the best attractions of Samyak.
Crush Story Telling….
music. With enormous crowd, the event reached
It was the podium to explore oneself, in a crea-
its heights when the thin shafts of light and
tive way. Participants had to narrate a story on
Rainbow-pure colors, “star Wars”- style Laser
their crush. Event was conceded with enormous
beams were dazzling. The host were astounded by
enthusiasm involving first sight, long lost, experi-
the thrilling beams of laser lights which was seen
ences, and many more things.
by their scream and howl at that place.
The breathtaking and enthralling performance
by the Chhau Dance Group was incredible. The
synchronization of the performers was outstand-
ing. The classical performances of Kathak and
Bharatnatyam were fabulous. Amazing thirty-
three spins by the Kathak Dancers brought Goose-
bumps within the audience and also, the classical
music performance was so melodious that it
touched the heart of the audience. The perfor-
mances were marked end by the fire show by
Ujwal, who performed stunts with fire.

Literary Events Mr and Ms Logical

Visitors witnessed a pool of literary events Seeking to step into the lime light as The
which were greatly appreciated. A few drops Mr/Ms Logical of Samyak, The atmosphere
from the pool are presented here- throughout was tense with the participants striving
Mr. & Ms.Samyak mentally to come up with logical conclusions to
Aiming to bring out the most intriguing the projected questions.
Youth parliament!!!
This literary event, fabricated young minds to
reflect over politics, social issues, general knowl-
edge with a medium of written assessment where
young thoughts explored themselves to witness the
excellence. The event took place in F307 on
20-2-2014 and 21-2-2014 on the occasion of
SAMYAK ’13-‘14.

was the chief guest for the occasion. He left the
audience mesmerized with his unique style of
addressing them. The spectators were bounded by
the aww.. Factor and wanted to listen to the great
personality more and more. Anant Sriram not only
spoke to audience about his career graph and jour-
ney in industry but also he entertained them with
The journey which began on 20th February, his songs and last but most surprising perfor-
2014, reached its destination on 22nd night. The mance, of producing instrument sound from his
OAT was filled rather flooded with enthralling nostrils. The performance was appreciated by the
audience. The third day was the celebrations of president K L E F, Er. Koneru Satyanarayana, and
SURABHI, a cultural fest, a gala of impassioned he awarded him a cheque of worth Rs, 1,
efforts and manifold thoughts springing from the 00,000/-congratulating him on his talent.
threshold of many students. Majestic events with The gathering was addressed by many dignitar-
cultural, represent eye blending expositions to ies of the college such as President K L E F, Er.
glean a day from life with merriment. Bounded Koneru Satyanarayana, Chancellor, Dr. G. L.
with no limits, congregating tremendous footfall, Datta, Director K L U B S, Prof. M. Bhaskar Rao
with a lots of colours and surprises, event was a and many more. Later the prize distribution took
grand triumph. place which was followed by the best perfor-
The famous writer and lyricist Ananth Sriram mances of the cultural from various bands, dance
groups and skits.

As a part of the curriculum, K. L. University
introduced an innovative concept of Practice
School for one full semester, which is usually for
4 ½ months duration. Students may opt this
program either in 7th semester or in 8th semester Evaluation
of their B.Tech. This allows the students to Unlike on-campus courses students are judged for
undergo on-the-job-engineer-training to get hands ability to work in teams, communication skills,
on experience in the industry. During Practice decision making ability, leadership quality etc.
School, some of the students may be offered 1. Continuous and internal evaluation.
stipend and/or job offer. This program benefits 2. Faculty evaluates the student and involves
the student to understand what he/she has studied professional experts.
in the class room and what is being practiced in
the industry. List of Companies for 2013-14
4S Telecom (P) Ltd.
Practice School for the Academic year 2013-14 Accendere Infotechnologies Pvt.Ltd
Adduri Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
645 students have done Practice School-1 in Aishu Castings Limited
their Seventh Semester at 84 different Companies Amara Raja Power Systems Pvt.Ltd.
across the country, Nepal and Bhutan for For and Andhra Pradesh Gas Power Corporation Ltd.
Arete Services
Half Months. Avineon India Pvt. Ltd.
Currently in this semester i.e Eigth Semester Better Castings Pvt. Ltd
388 students are doing Practice School - Phase 2 Bharat Heavy Plates & Vessels Ltd.
Bharat Synergy
in 90 companies cross the country and Nepal And Bhavanam Spinning Mills Pvt. Ltd
Bhutan. Bioserve Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd
Put together there are 143 companies where Botanika Universal Realtors Pvt.Ltd.
Cellular and Molecular Biology
our students did/doing Practice School in two Coastal Soil Engineering Consultancy Services
phases in this academic year 2013-14. Coherendz Pvt. Ltd.
Delta Paper Mills Ltd.
Benefits to Students Dept of Urban Development and Building Construction, Nepal
1. Enables students to have a smooth transition Division For Conservation of Heritage Sities, Bhutan
Dr.Computer.in IT and Ecom Services
from academics to professional world. Dynamatic Technologies Ltd.
2. Enhances interpersonal skills, communication Eastern Machine Elements
skills, leadership qualities etc. EBC Bearings India Limited
Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd.
3. Provides an opportunity to apply some of the Electro Magnetic Devices
ideas/skill sets that students learn during the Electro Wave Technologies
academic program. Enervator Global Solutions Pvt.Ltd (M/s Trisan Info Pvt. Ltd.)
Eqic Dies & Moulds Engineering Pvt ltd
4. Increases the confidence levels of students. Flourish Insurance Surveyors and Loss Adjusters Pvt. Ltd
5. Enables students to have awareness of personal G. S. Electricals
strengths and limitations as a professional. Gayjur Construction, Bhutan
GE Godavari Engg Ltd.
6. Increases marketability of students after gradua- Gestamp Sungwoo Stampings & Assemblies Pvt Ltd.
tion. Global Hospitals
7. Provides link with potential future employers. Green Buds Software Technologies

Hindustan Shipyard Limited S.V.Electricals Ltd.
Hitech Hydraulic Engineers Safe Way Infra
HMT Machine Tools Ltd. Samphel Drukpa Construction Pvt. Ltd., Bhutan
IComm Tele Ltd. Sampurna International Pvt Ltd, Nepal
Imaginate Software Labs Pvt. Ltd. Satinos Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Imaginate Technovating Reality Savithra Engineering Pvt.Ltd
Incap Limited Sector Soft India Pvt.Ltd.
Indiaone Business Services LLP Servomax India Limited
INVNTN Wireless Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Sitra Infotech Pvt.Ltd
Issar Pharmacuetical Pvt. Ltd. Society For Energy,Environment and Development
Itechnologies, Bhutan South Central Railway
IVRCL Ltd. Spark Insulators Pvt. Ltd
Izenice Technologies India Pvt.Ltd SPD Enterprises
Jabab Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Bhutan Spectrum Software Solutions
Jagdamba Steels (P) Ltd, Nepal Sri Jagadamba Transformers
JOCIL Limited Srimukha Precision Products
K B Power Care Pvt. Ltd. SRR Projects Pvt.Ltd
Kottaiyur Engineering Steel Exchange India Ltd.
Kumar Group of Industries Sujana Metal Products Limited
Kusalava International Ltd. Sumith Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Kwality Photonics P. Ltd. Sunmicro Technologies
Lakshmi Tool Tech. Symbiosys Technologies
Lampex Electronics Ltd Tammina Software Solutions
Living Word Solutions Tata Consultancy Services
Lucas TVS Ltd. Techno Village Pvt.Ltd, Nepal
M. V. K. Transformers Technosoft Solutions
M. Venkata Rao Infra Projects P. Ltd. The Associate Services
Madhu Babu Industries (P) Ltd The Associate Services(TPT)
Makro Cast Pvt. Ltd. The Krishna District Milk Producers Co-op. Union Ltd.
Manoj Krishna Enggineering Works Pvt. Ltd. The National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd.
Merxius Software Pvt.Ltd Thimphu (Druk) Thromde, Bhutan
Millennium Software Solutions Thrive Energy Technologies Pvt.Ltd.
Ministry of PPWTM, Division Roads Office No.-3, Nepal Universal Relators Pvt.Ltd
Ministry of PPWTM, Division Roads Office No.-7, Nepal Vajra Automation Pvt.Ltd.
Monsanto Holdings Pvt. Ltd Varsha Bioscience & Technology India Pvt.Ltd.
MVK Transformers Varun Infosys
Naina Power Pvt.Ltd. VPL Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Nano Bright solar technologies pvt ltd Vyas Informatics
Nanomindz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. We4services
Navatha Road Transport Webpros Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.
NCPE Infrastructure Pvt.Ltd. Wipro Technologies
New Tech Industries Woory Automotives Pvt. Ltd.
Novacom Digitronics Pvt.Ltd. Worthington Nitin Cyclinders Ltd.
Nucleonix Systems Pvt.Ltd. XRG Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Ogni Esco Pvt. Ltd. Zuari Cement Ltd
Omcon Infra Projects (P) Limited
Opel Constructions/Siddi Infracon Pvt. Ltd.
Optomech Engineers Pvt. Ltd
Pavani Engineers
Power Tech Industrial Services
Princeton IT Services Pvt. Ltd.
PSM Scientific Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
Puzzolana Machinery Fabricators
QMS Bio Pharmaa Engineering Pvt Ltd
QUE Technologies
R. K. Estates Builders & Developers
R. V. R. Projects (P) Ltd.
Ralco Industries
Rastriya Ispat Nigam Limited
RATO Communication & Electronics
Remote Sensing Instruments
S V Constructions

into IAS.
The Trainers are :-
1. Shri Bharat Reddy, Hyderabad
2. Shri Raja Kumar, Nellore
3. Ms. Lalitha Chaitanya, Vijayawada
4. Shri. S.Venu Madhava Sharma, KLU
5. Shri. Daniel Paul, KLU
The camp was inaugurated on the 5th December 6. Smt. Padmaja, KLU
2013 with a simple but auspicious ceremony. Shri
7. Mr. K.G.K. Choudary, Advisor
Raja Harin Vice-President of the KLEF, was the
The course had a very tight training schedule
Chief guest, while it was presided over by Dr.
for 7 days continuously. Early morning at 6’o
R.Sreehari Rao, Vice-Chancellor of the KLU and
clock, the day started by going to the indoor
Dr. N. Rangaiah, Registrar of the KLU was
gymnasium for warming up and conditioning
present as guest of Honor. In all,seven trainers
exercises, for 45 minutes. First day they had
and 26 trainees along with a few distinguished
Yogasanas, Second day Meditation, Third day
guests were present.
Brisk walk, Fourth day Badminton & Table
Shri K.G.K. Choudary, Advisor of the IAS
Tennis, Fifth day Gymnastics, one day, all played
Academy, welcoming all present, first of all gave
Volleyball, Tenicoit and etc. The candidates paid
a brief introduction of the purpose and param-
a special visit to the Central library and visited
eters of the camp. He said, it is a seven day
residential camp and the trainees will be kept
occupied in learning right from 6.30 A.M to
9.30 P.M with intermittent breaks.
The main aim of the camp is to acquaint the
trainees with the two papers of the prelims
1. General Studies
2. Civil Services Aptitude Test, containing 14
topics in all.
At the same time the trainees will be kept
fresh from time to time with psychosomatic
recreational and socio-cultural activities. the temple too. In the evenings after 6’o clock
Shri Raja Harin, our Chief guest, in his they were shown English films, mostly pertaining
address explained the back ground and the details to socio-cultural life of Europe. Everything went
of conducting this camp. He said, the entire on with scientific precision and no one missed
proceedings of the Crash-Course, will be even a single session.
recorded. He further stated that from the next All members were thoroughly trained in :-
semester the training programme will be merged Comprehension, Interpersonal Skills, Logical
and accommodated, in the main annual calendar reasoning, General mental ability, Basic
of the K L University and the IAS Academy may numeracy, Data interpretation, English Language
get 8 hours a week. Comprehension Skills, General Science, General
Dr. Shri Hari Rao, our Vice-Chancellor, in Issues on Environmental ecology, Economic and
detail explained the advent of the IAS Academy Social Development, Indian Polity and Govern-
in the premises of the KLU and explained that ance, Indian and World Geography, History of
entering IAS will be a glorious achievement for India, Current events.
the student and great honor to the KLU.Dr. N. The members attended 45 training Sessions,
Rangaiah garu, Registrar of the KLU explained in in addition to Debates, talks, group discussions,
detail the intricacies and efforts needed to get essay writings and so on.
has emphasized the need to give equal priority to
both male and female children.She reiterated that
house hold work must be equally shared by both
males and female members of the family. There
should not be any discrimination while assigning
house hold works among daughters and sons.
Mrs. Vidya congratulated K L University for organ-
KLU Women's forum conducted a half day
izing such a useful and essential programme for
workshop for the benefit of K L U female
their employees. She has suggested that more no of
such events may be conducted and the male
Dr.R.Sree Hari Rao, Vice Chancellor, KLUni-
employees also may be included.
versity encouraged all the female employees to
Dr. N. Rangaiah, Registrar, KL University enlight-
be confident. He adviced all participants that
ened the participants with his vast experience in
they must come forward actively when ever
the field of law and justice. He quoted several
situation demands their participation. He assured
examples from the past to present, where female
that KL University will always extend its full
employees were subjected to sexual abuse and he
cooperation to any needs of their employees and
described how boldly some ladies fought against the
especially to the female employees. He said that
injustice. He inspired all the members to under-
all measures have been taken to provide a safe
stand the spirit with which those ladies have fought
working environment for the female employees
and are still fighting against the highly powerful
in KLU He said that "Human values" cell has
opponents. He said that the surveys show that they
been established in the University to include
are at least 40 percent of the employed women,
moral values in the students and every student of
who get subjected to sexual harassment in one
KLU will take a course in this aspect.
form or the other.
Ms.Chennupati Vidya, President, Vasavya Mahila
He has explained the Visakha guidelines given by
Mandali Vijayawada addressed all the partici-
the Government and narrated all the actions which
pants. She has motivated all the members to
can be treated as sexual harassment. He has
come out of all their inhibitions to speak out
informed all the members about KLU policy against
their problems. She said that a majority of prob-
sexual harassment at work place. He said that
lems faced by women can be easily solved with
university has a perfect functioning mechanism to
a small initiative from them. She has urged all
deal with the cases of sexual abuse. He said that
the women to be bold enough to realize the
strict confidentiality will be maintained in such
injustice happening to them. She has pointed out
cases and the accused will be subjected to discipli-
that there is a marked difference in the way the
nary action based on the extent of allegation
children are being brought up in the houses. She
Dr. Rangaiah assured all the participants that KLU
will not retaliate against an individual who makes a
report of sexual harassment, nor will permit any
supervisor, officer or employee to do so. He
suggested all the members, that they can feel free
to report their problems and they will be solved.
His speech was highly informative and inspiring.
He has read out the names of the "internal com-
plaints committee "of the University.
A copy of "K L University policy to curb/avoid
sexual harassment" has been distributed among all
the participants.
With a View to Celebrate the 150th Birth Among the participants A. Deekshata Ist year
Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, befitting the student from ECE department topped the list
IAS Academy organized an Elocution Contest on followed by CH. Sesha Sravani CSE 3rd year and
a grand scale. With a view to study the philo- CH. Susmitha ECE 2nd year. Enclosed a copy of
sophical Quotient prevailing among the students the names of the first 7 Prize Winners.
of Science and Technology, the Academy selected As the performances were extremely well done,
a topic namely, “Swami Vivekananda‘s Philoso- judges and the K L U IAS Academy decided to
phy and its Impact”. The student response was encourage four more students by awarding them
spontaneous and over whelming. The Contest with consolation prizes. They are:-
was organized on the 25th February 2014 in the Ms. V Lakshmi Manasa Ist Year ECE
Peacock Hall of the KLU. Dr. L S S Reddy, Pro Ms. D S K Sumadhuri Ist Year ECE
Vice-Chancellor was the Chief guest who Mr. E Sai Kiran Reddy 3rd Year B.com (Hons)
presented, in brief the achievements of Swami Mr. T Ramakrishna 2nd Year ECE
Vivekananda who is still inspiring and model The Prize Distribution Ceremony was
ideal for the youth of India in particular. Judges conducted at the Session hall of the KLU IAS
were the contest were the three eminent person- Academy. Pro Vice-Chancellor of the K L Univer-
alities of the University, Dr. K Ramakrishna, sity, Dr L S S Reddy was the Chiefguest and Dean
Dean Academics, Dr. G Ramakrishna, Prof M V Academics Dr K Ramakrishna was the Guest of
Ramana Murthy. Honour at the Prize Distribution Ceremony. Few
The student participants of the Elocution Con- of the parents of the prize winners, the students of
test were given six minutes of time to present
their ideas on the given topic. The programme
commenced at about 11.00 AM on 25th Febru-
ary 2014 and continued for more than 3hours.
There were 40 registrations by the students for
the Elocution Contest. Among them 24 were
prior registrations and 16 were on spot registra-
tions. Among the total registrations, 29 students
The students gave excellent performances.
Each and every student presented the varied and
vast ideologies of Swami Vivekananda’s philoso- IAS Academy and participants also attended the
phy and its Impact. The speeches were quoted prize distribution ceremony.
with famous sayings of Swami Vivekananda and Subsequently, the Prize Distribution to the
the Peacock Hall was enthralled by vibrant winners and certificates to all other participants
applauds and clappings. was organized. The winners were honoured with
The speeches were judged by the 3 Judges beautiful shawls, certificates and complete works
very patiently for more than 3 hours. They of Swami Vivekananda and other valuable prizes
selected the winners depending upon the all given. The total event was very successful and it
round performances of the speakers and gave carried the messages of “Swami Vivekananda’s”.
report without any bias.

C omputer Society of India(CSI) Funquiz-2014 The winners were :-
of A.P State Level Competition is organized in K 1) K.Vivek & P S K Abhiram, Naryana Kanuru
L University on 25-02-2014. The main theme of CO’SPARK Campus,Kannuru
“DISCOVER THINKING 2014" event is 2) K.Lalita & E.Sai Nived ,V.P Siddhartha Public
Science and Information & Communication Tech- School ,Mogalrajpuram,Vijayawada
nology (ICT) to Middle School level (VI to IX 3) V.Swarna & R V B Vikram,Sri Prakash Vidya
Standard). Six teams from 6 Schools (two mem- Niketan, Payakaraopeta
bers per team) participated in the event from The appreciation certificates and prize amount
different parts of Andhra Pradesh. These teams were awarded by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
have been shortlisted from 725 student partici- Dr.R.Sreehari Rao , Hon’ble Pro-Vice Chancellor
pants (558 (Vijayawada& Guntur), 97 Dr.L S S Reddy, and Hon’ble Registrar
(Rajahmundry) and Ongole(70)) more than 45 Dr.N.Rangaiah. Prof. Y.Purandhar , Dr. G. Rama
schools of A.P, who participated in zonal rounds krishna Chairaman -Koneru Chapter, Dr.V.Srikanth,
, that were held at 4 regions Vijayawada, Guntur HOD-CSE were present. Sri.A.V.Praveen Krishna,
,Rajahmundry & Ongole on 15-02-2014. The CSI-A.P State Funquiz Coordinator of K L Univer-
top two teams from each zone are finalized as 6 sity had coordinated the complete program of
teams from the zones, to compete for the A.P CSI-Funquiz-2014 (Zonal Level & A.P State level).
state level Funquiz-2014 with a 6-round quiz in Student coordinator’s Ms V. Alakananda and
K L University premises .The schools repre- Ms.Shirini conducted the Quiz event.
sented to the State level are Naryana Kanuru The two teams represented Andhra Pradesh had
CO’SPARK Campus-Kanuru, V.P Siddhartha secured Third Position at National Level finals of
Public School –Mogalrajpuram, Sri Prakash Vidya CSI-Funquiz-2014,which was held at Cochin
Niketan-Tuni, Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan- Paya- University on 3rd March,2014.
karaopeta and Sriji High School-
The top 3 teams are awarded with cash prizes
of Rs.3000/-, Rs.2000/- and Rs.1000/- and
complete event is sponsored by the generosity of
our Hon’ble President Sri.Koneru Satyanaryana
garu, K.L.E.F .
The top two teams will represent the state of
Andhra Pradesh at National Level CSI-Funquiz-
2014, which is going to be held on 3rd
March,2014 at Cochin University

another prominent researcher and academician Dr
IETE Sponsored National K. Sri Rama Murthy of IIT Hyderabad.
Conference on Advanced Signal Nearly 120 Research Papers came for presenta-
Processing Application tion in this conference from all the corners of
(NCASPA - 13)
A Two Day IETE sponsored National Confer-
Practical Broadband
ence on Advanced Signal Processing Application Antennas And Trends In
(NCASPA-13) was organized by department of Antenna Technology
ECE and Signal processing Research Group of KL A guest lecture was given by Dr. M. Balachary
University on 20th and 21st December, 2013. Scientist ‘G’ DLRL Hyderabad on “Practical
The Conference started with a grand manner Broadband Antennas and Trends in antenna tech-
in Peacock Hall in K.L University on 20th nology “on 01-02-2014 from 10:15AM to 1:30
December 2013. Dr.V.Rajesh, Convener presided PM. Venuefor the guest lecture was Peacock Hall
over the function. Dr.V.Rajesh presented theme and was Conducted by RF, Microwaves and
of the conference and outlined the valuable antenna Research Group.: Dr.R.Srihari Rao,
contribution of Signal Processing Research Group Vice-Chancellor, KL University acted as the Event
in the University in terms of establishing Excel- Chairman, Co-Chairman was Dr.Habibulla Khan
lency centre and R&D Labs. He congratulated the ,RF, Microwaves and antenna research Group
members of the Group for getting sponsored
projects worth of 0.3 Crores from various pres-
tigious agencies in India. Prof.G.L.Datta Chancel-
lor, Prof R.Sreehari Rao Vice-Chancellor, Prof. N
Rangaiah Registrar, Prof.L.S.S.Reddy Pro-Vice
Chancellor, Prof A. Anand Kumar Principal were
present for the Inagural function of the confer-
ence. Prof.Habibullakhan, Chairman for the
conference and Dr.A.S.C.S.Sastry, HOD, ECE
department congratulated Organizing committee
for organizing the national conference. head and event Coordinator was Mr.K.Phani Srini-
Eminent personality Sri N. Sithaaam, CC vas.
(R&D), DRDO (ECS) precided as the Chief
Guest and delivered the keynote address. Dr. A Guest Lecture on “Low Power
Challa Subramanya Sastry, IIT Hyderabad precided VLSI Design and its Challenges”
as a Guest of Honour and gave a plenary talk.
On 21st Dec Plenary Talk was delivered by The IETE Student Forum of ECE Dept. of KL
University conducted a guest lecture on “Low
Power VLSI Design and its Challenges” by
Prof.M.Kamaraju Chairman IETE Vijayawada local
centre ,Professor & HOD of ECE Dept. of Gud-
lavalleru Engineering college on 8-01-2014. All
the third year B.Tech ECE students have partici-
pated. Prof. A.Anand Kumar Principal, Prof.
Habibullah Khan Dean Student affairs, Prof.
C.S.Sastry HoD of ECE Dept and Dr.
K.S.N.Murthy Coordinator, IETE Student Forum
of K L University have presided over the function.

One Day National Seminar on The inaugural session was followed by expert
Advances in Manufacturing lectures by eminent resource persons from
academia as well as industry. The expert lectures
Processes (AMP-13) were delivered by the following eminent person-
The production research group of the mechani- alities:
cal engineering department organized a one-day Dr. A. Gopal Krishna, Professor, JNTU, Kakinada.
national seminar on advances in manufacturing Dr. G L Datta, Chancellor, K L University.
processes (AMP-13) on 21/12/2013. The Semi- Dr. CSK Prasad Rao, Sr. Addl. General Manager
nar was attended by faculty, research scholars, and & Head of Division, BDL, Hyderabad.
students from various engineering institutions. The first expert lecture was delivered by Dr
The seminar focused on the current trends in Gopala Krishna, who spoke on the nano-
manufacturing processes and the research oppor- technology applications in manufacturing. In his
tunities for prospective researchers. The sessions talk Dr. Gopala Krishna explained the essential
were presented by eminent persons from principles of nanotechnology and discussed the
academic as well as industry. manufacturing applications of this technology. The
The national seminar was formally inaugurated production of nano particles, the related equip-
at 10:00 A.M. with a prayer song and the lighting
of lamp by the chief guest G Vijaya Bhaskar,
Group Leader, TIMKEN India. After the brief
opening remarks by Prof. K Shyam Prasad, coor-
dinator AMP-13, all the dignitaries on the dais
addressed the gathering. Finally the chief guest
Mr. G Vijaya Bhaskar, Group Leader, TIMKEN
addressed the august audience. In his talk Mr
Vijay Bhaskar introduced TIMKEN and touched
upon the various processes followed in their
industry. He stressed on the importance of the
growth of CORE industry and the required quali-
ties to be inculcated inorder to be successful in ment selection, and the characterization of nano
the industry. The honourable chancellor Dr G L particles were discussed.
Datta felicitated the chief guest before concluding Post lunch was the time for dwelling into
the inaugural session. joining processes, specifically welding processes.
Dr. Y.V. Hanumantha Rao (HOD, Mech. Engg. The session was handled by Dr. G. L. Datta who
Dept.), Dr. A. Ananda Kumar (Principal, KLU took the gathering on a welding exploration tour.
COE), Dr. R. Sreehari Rao (Vice-Chancellor, After briefly highlighting the salient features of
KLU), Dr G L Datta (Chancellor, KLU) graced various welding processes, Dr. Datta shifted gears
the dais during the inaugural session. to Hybrid Welding – A Potential Field of
Research and Consultancy Projects. A wide range
of topics were covered during the 90 min talk
which include, the trends and developments in
welding, types and characteristics of hybrid weld-
ing processes, productivity gains from hybrid
welding processes, and applications of hybrid
welding. In this presentation, the characteristic
features of HLAW together with hot wire GTAW
and hot wire laser welding were discussed. In

addition several potential areas of research were e) Practical oriented session on Canvas to Run
suggested by Dr. Datta. yourself.
The last session for the day was taken by Dr. The speaker of the workshop was Mr. ISN
Prasada Rao who is an expert in the area of flow Pradeep from CGManifest Group .He is the
forming technology. Dr. Prasada Rao discussed
several aspects related to cold forming process,
chipless metal forming technique, and flow form-
ing machinery. During his talk case studies of the
various components manufactured by flow form-
ing at BDL were explained. The capabilities of
BDL in flow forming were highlighted and the
possibilities for collaborative research were
outlined during this talk.
After a daylong very informative and useful
deliberation, it was time to call it a day. Dr K L
Narayana, dean, mechanical engg., presented the
vote of thanks. Founder & Director of Production and Research
One Day Workshop On Divisions of CGManifest and National Award
Winning School of Computer Graphics. He has
‘Html 5’ Trends 10+ years of experience in Multimedia produc-
Web Technologies Research Group of the tion, Interactive web technologies, Digital Film
Department of ECM organized a workshop on Compositing with in and out knowledge of
‘HTML5 Trends’ on February 1st 2014. The Market trends and technologies and 4+ years of
workshop was conducted in association with CSI- administration experience of Research oriented
Koneru Chapter and with the collaboration of academic environments via the Model Talent
CGManifest: a multimedia project consulting Incubation Center project initiated by him. He
Services Company specialized in Concept Build- Has a Masters degree in Computer Science& is
ing, 3D & 2D Content creation, Visual FX certified by APPLE.
Animation, Designer & Dynamic Web technolo-
gies, Documentation and HTML5 & AS 2.0 / 3.0
Two Day Work Shop On
Interactive Games. “PCB Design”
The main objective of this workshop was to The Dept. of ECM under the guidance of Em-
give undergraduates the opportunity to familiarize bedded Systems Research Group organized a two
with a HTML5 and motivate them to follow the day work shop on “PCB DESIGN” on January
trends in Game Development. The workshop is 24th and 25th. .
intended to cover very essential aspects of Html 5 Total 197 students were registered for the work-
trends along with a practical session on Html 5 shop from ECM, ECE and EEE departments. The
canvas exercises. Total 220 students were regis- workshop focused on the following topics.
tered for the workshop from ECM and CSE a) Basic PCB concepts.
departments. b) Drawing the schematic
The workshop focused on the following topics. c) Editing and routing.
a) Explore the possibilities with Html 5 & CSS 3 d) Creation of a library, Components.
b) Learn Basic Html 5 features e) Report generation.
c) JavaScript essentials - Refreshment f) Other software’s
d) Canvas concept & Drawing the graphics g) Manufacturing of circuit engraved PCB and
testing the PCB

All the students got hands on experience on the and food storage has been identified as a high
above steps, also provided the PCB Design tool priority. Water treatment devices that incorporate
(KI-cad) and started utilizing the toll in designing nano scale materials are already available, and
the PCB for their project based labs. The human development needs for clean water are
resource persons are from PRAYOG LABS. Out pressing. In this context given the interest in the
of 197 participants 9 students were selected for issue of water purification, food processing , alter-
the EFY Certification on PCB Design by EFY nate renewable energy , nano medicine drug
Tech Centre, New Delhi and 7 more students delivery and synthetic materials for catalysts, this
were recommended for EFY Certification which seminar explores the scale and significance of
is a good value addition for these students. Nano science and Technology applications for
sustainable rural India and other developing coun-
One day national seminar on tries , the broad array of challenges associated
“Nano Technology for Sustain- with improving access to water , and the possible
ability of rural India” opportunities and challenges in nanotechnology to
address in the seminar.
(NTSRI-2014) Resource Persons:
Nanotechnology encompasses a broad range of Dr . V.N.MANI, scientist-E, C-MET,GOI,Hyd.
tools, techniques, and applications and is widely Dr.M.SANTHOSH KUMAR,NIT,TIRCHY(T.N)
perceived as one of the most significant technolo- Dr.Y.L.N.MURTHY,Distinguished Prof. A.U.
gies of the 21st century. Engineered nano materi- Dr. P.SARAH,Prof.& Dean R&D, VCE,Hyd.
als are manufactured materials with a structure
between approximately 1 nm and 100 nm. Their
unique physicochemical (e.g. size, shape) and A workshop on NNSC-2014
surface (e.g. reactivity, conductivity) properties The Department of CSE, KL University in asso-
contribute to technological break thoughts that ciation with ACM, IIT Delhi has organized a two
enable new and improved technical solutions to day National Workshop for NNSC-2014 (National
problems that have been changeling to solve with Network Security Championship) on 9th and 10th
conventional technologies. Nanotechnology is January, 2014 in Jasmine Hall and Ground Floor
being applied to many areas (e.g., medicine, CSE Lab. The workshop was started by a quick
alternate energy, agriculture ) but from a human introductory session by the Cisco certified profes-
development perspective water purification sionals, Mr. VarunPathak, Mr. SachinSharma and
,sustainable agriculture industry include crop Mr. Neeraj on 8th January. On 9th January the
cultivation , water management, fertilizer applica- session began at 9:00 am and this dealt with basics
tion , pest management, harvesting, post- harvest like how the systems in a network are connected
handling, transport of food products, packaging , and various mechanisms involved in this process.
food preservation, food processing, food safety This was followed by a complete practical session
on 10th January which was held in ground floor
lab. In this session the participants were made to
do the practical on the simulator. This was
preceded by quick session of quiz. The top two
were selected from this round who are apprearing
the final round which will be conducted at IIT,
The presentation session in which all the
participants were given certificates by Dr. Khalim
Amjed Meerja, Dr. M.R. Narasinga Rao, Dr. D

Rajeswarar Roa and Dr. K V V Satyanarayana. Machine Vision-Augmented Reality” by Dr.P.
Then the winners of the quiz were given prizes Bhanu Prasad, Germany on 23-12-2013 at
by the Cisco professionals. 2.00pm in Peacock Hall. The resource person is
experienced in Professional Services such as
Guest Lecture on Teaching, Research, Market Survey, product
“Cloud Computing” definition, presales, deployment, customer
relations and project management in Europe,
The Department of CSE has organized a guest USA and India. The lecture has been attended by
lecture on “Cloud Computing” by Sri. Muni faculty of CSE & III/IV B.Tech students which
Reddy, Manager, IBM Software Labs, Bangalore have enlightened them on the aspects of latest
on 30-12-2013 at 10.00am in Peacock Hall. He ICT and techniques in augmented reality.
has above 17 years of experience in various
capacities at IBM. The lecture has been attended A Seminar on
by faculty of CSE & III/IV B.Tech students which “Big Data Analytics”
have enlightened them on the aspects of cloud
computing and its importance for today scenario. A seminar on Big Data Analytics conducted at
Peacock hall on 20/01/2014. Mr. Phani
Two Days Workshop on Satellite Kondepudi, Consultant addressed the II/IV CSE
Botrics students and enlighted them with the most

On the 13th & 14th of February, 2014, Satellite

Botrics Workshop was conducted by Faculty
Coordinators Mr. S.Susrutha Babu and Mr.
S.Suparshya Babu of ECE Department in associa-
tion with IIT Delhi & RoboSapiens Company.
Totally 173 students from various departments of
K L University participated in the workshop, as
well as in the zonal round conducted by the
Resource persons.

Guest Lecture on “Industrial emerging technology of data mining.

Applications using machine
A Guest lecture on
vision- Augmented Reality”
"Windows Appthon"
The Department of Computer Science & Engi-
neering under the aegis of CSI-Koneru Chapter A guest lecture on “Windows Appthon” deliv-
and K L University Student Branch has organized ered by Ms Deepthi conducted by Dept of CSE in
a guest lecture on “Industrial Applications Using collaboration with Microsoft Innovation Center,
Development Engineer from Microsoft on 03-01-

Faculty Development Program on

“Network Security”
The department of CSE, KL University in associa-
tion with ACM, IIT Delhi has organized a Faculty
Development program on “Network Security” to

change the world, its convergence, and new
trends such as mobility, “Internet of Things” and
3D printing. He also spoke of the role of these
technologies in advancing the nation by bringing in
inclusive governance through e-learning, e-health
and e-governance. He reiterated the importance of
a strong value system and the importance of keep-
ing it intact. He advised the students to consider
learning as a journey. The frequent technology
all the faculty of the department. Mr. Varun disruptions and high velocity change make it
Pathak a Cisco Certified professional and ethical imperative for the students to train themselves as
hacker has addressed the gathering. It was held multidisciplinary and multi-faceted professionals.
on 8th January, 2014 to all the faculty of CSE in Mr. Reddy, a large hearted philanthropist, encour-
Jasmine Hall. aged the students to give back to the society that
nurtured them.
Elocution on
“Requisite skills and knowledge Technical Session on the eve of
for effective research.” Srinivasa Ramanujam’s birth day
To improve the English speaking capabilities as
well as to bring out research skills the Academic The student Association body FOCUS (Forum of
Staff College under the monitoring support of the Computer’s Upcoming Scholar)’s Session II
RPACS of every department has organize an (Technical Session) was conducted on the eve of
elocution for Assistant Professors and Associate Srinivasa Ramanujam’s birth day. It was held on
Professors of every department of the University 27-12-2013 afternoon in the room C521.
on the topic “Requisite skills and knowledge for Four teams with the combination of second
effective research.” year and third year were competed in the quiz
The above was conducted on 1st March 2014 which consists of three rounds. Later, Great Minds
from 10.00 a.m.to 12.30 p.m. by the KLU ASC Challenge by IBM is the buzz going around, the
at the respective departments under the supervi- winners of last year’s challenge guided by Mr. A
sion of the members of RPAC of every depart- Vijay Kumar shared their experience and enlight-
ment. ened the crowd about its importance.
Each faculty has been assessed on a 10 Point Dr. Khalim Amjed Meerja delivered a lecture
Scale (Research Inclination -4, Communication on the opportunities available to the students for
Skills -4, Soft Skills -1, and Body Language 1). higher studies which raised the spirits of many
The faculty who scored less than ‘8’ are counse- students aspiring for further studies. Dr. M. R.
led by the respective RPAC Chairman. Narasinga Rao showed the audience a virtual view
of various emerging areas in computer science.
B.V.R. Mohan Reddy, Infotech Dr. G Rama Krishna handed over gifts to the
Visit to KL University winners of quiz. Then, Mr M. Vishnuvardhan, Dr
K Tirupathi Rao presented the gifts to the winners
BVR Mohan Reddy, Chairman and Managing of quiz conducted for audience. After prize distri-
Director, Infotech visited campus and interacted bution, electrifying dance performance by the
with students on 13 December 2013.BVR Mohan students and the audience were spell bound by his
Reddy addressed the gathering at his alma mater performance. Finally, vote of thanks was proposed
and shared his views on how technology will by Secretary T. Sri Mounika.

K L University knowledge-base stems from the 22. Dr.D.Srinivas - Asst.Prof. - ECE
presence of eminent and highly qualified
academic staff that brings with them rich indus- Faculty with Masters Degree
trial, research and teaching experience. 213 out
24 faculty with masters degree were
of 622 faculty are Ph.D Holders in the university
making the presence of strong research environ- newly appointed in various departments of
ment. the university between december 2013 to
februaru 2014.
Faculty with Ph.D
22 Faculty members with Doctoral Degree have Associate Professors
joined in the University between December 1. Sri.B.Lalitha Chaitanya - Asst.Director – IAS
2013 to Feb 2014. The Following is the list os Academy
newly appointed faculty with Ph.D Degree. 2. Sri.B.Tirapathi Reddy - Assoc.Prof - CSE
3. Sri.T.Poli Raju - Assoc.Prof. - Mechanical
Professors 4. Sri.E.Suresh Babu - Assoc.Prof. - CSE
1 .Dr.Y.Anjaneyulu - Director - Center for 5. Sri.G.Venkata Satyannarayana Prasad -
Energy Studies Assoc.Prof. - CSE
2. Dr.D.V.B.Bhaskar Rao - Director - Atmos- 6. Sri.P.Srinivasa Rao - Assoc.Prof. - Mechanical
pheric Sciences
3. Dr.A.S.R.Murthy - Distinguished Professor - Assistant Professors
Mechanical 7. Sri.V.Radha Krishna - Asst.Prof. - English
4. Dr.D Harish Kumar - Professor - Mechanical 8. Sri.M.Rama Narasimha reddy - Asst.Prof. -
5. Dr.Ranjan Kumar senapathi - Professor - ECE Mechanical
6. Dr.T.Uma Maheswara Rao - Professor - MBA 9. Sri.K.Beaulah Glory - Asst.Prof. - English
7. Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar - Professor - Mechanical 10. Sri.B.Krishna Veni - Asst.Prof. - Maths
8. Dr.M.Anjaneya Prasad - Professor - Civil 11. Sri.K.Ashokachary - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
9. Dr.K.S.Shiv Raj - Librarian - Library 12. Sri.T.Kanthimathi - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
13. Sri.P.Krishna Chaitanya - Asst.Prof. -
Associate professors Mechanical
10. Dr.Abid Ali - Assoc.Prof -Mechanical 14. Sri.CH.Siva Krishna - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
11. Dr.K.S.Srinivasa Rao - Assoc.Prof. - MBA 15. Sri.Y.Subba Rao - Asst.Prof. - Civil
12. Dr.K.Seetaiah - Assoc.Prof. - ECE 16. Sri.B.Srikanth Reddy - Asst.Prof. - VEC
13. Dr.G.Naveen venkata kishore - Assoc.prof. - 17. Sri.Malapaka Krishna M.V.Ratnam -
Maths Asst.Prof. - Civil
14. Dr.D.R.V.S.R.K.Sastry - Assoc.Prof. - Maths 18. Sri.T.Venkat Das - Asst.Prof. - Civil
15. Dr.P Paradhi Saradhi - Associ.Prof - ECE 19. Sri.M.Vimal Teja - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
20. Sri.Y.Suresh - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
Assistant Professors 21. Sri.J.Krishna Chaitanya - Asst.Prof. -
16. Dr.Ch.Rajesh - Asst.Prof. - Physics Mechanical
17. Dr.Y.Sarala - Asst.Prof. - Maths 22. Sri.V.Naga Raju - Asst.Prof. - Mechanical
18. Dr.Anandita Chatarjee - Asst.Prof. - Chemis- 23. Sri.Nawab Masid Abdul - Asst.Prof. -
try Mechanical
19. Dr.G.Kiran Kumar - Asst.Prof. - Physics 24. Sri.D.Mojeshwara Rao - Asst.Prof. -
20. Dr.R.Bala Krishnaiah - Asst.Prof. - Physics Mechanical
21. Dr.D.Raja Nandan - Asst.Prof. - MBA

Ph.D Awarded Dr.K.R.S.Prasad (Co-PI) of Chemistry department
1. Sri T Srinivasa Rao was awarded the Ph. D have received a research grant worth 38 lakhs
for the thesis "Optimal Control Of Two Phase granted by Ministry of Environment and Forests
Queuing Systems With Setup Time And (MoEF), Govt. of India. For the proposal “Red
N-Policy For An Unreliable Server With Mud As An Adsorbent/Amendment For Removal
Delayed Repair" under the guidance of Dr. A Of Pollutants”
Anjaneyulu and Dr. V Vasanta Kumar on 5.Dr.Pradeep Kumar Brahman of chemistry
26.02.2014 in the Dept. of Mathematics , department received a research grant worth
A.N.U, GUNTUR. Rs.21.6 lakhs granted by Start-up Research grant
2. Dr. P Naga Sekhar Reddy was awarded Ph.D (Young Scientists), DST, Govt. of India for the
from JNTU, Hyderbad under the Supervision of proposal “Development Of Electrochemical
Dr. P Linga Reddy, Professor, EEE Department, Immunosensor As A Prostate Cancer Diagnostic
KL University on 4th January, 2014. Tool”

3. Mr. P. Danaiah presently working as Assistant 6.The Department of Biotechnology signed MoU
Professor was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy with Sneha Biotech, Vijayawada on six different
degree in Mechanical Engineering from National projects related to life sciences. The MoU was
Institute of Technology, Warangal in February signed by Er.K.Satyanarayana, Chancellor KLU and
2014. Chukkapalli Venkateswara Rao.CEO, M.D.Sneha
Research Grants
Achievements & Awards
KL University received a total of 10.5 Crores as
research grants for various research projects 1.Ms. K.Ch. Sri Kavya, Women Scientist, ECE
being carried out by the faculty of University. department, has been invited by the International
Centre of Theoretical Physics to participate in
1.The Department of CSE received a research "School on Open Spectrum & Applications of
grant of worth Rs.45 Lakhs. The Department of White Spaces Technologies", during 3rd to 14th
Computer Science and Engineering received a March, 2014 in Trieste, Italy. Her participation is
research grant of worth Rs.45 Lakhs under financially sponsored by UK Foundation "Network
DST-FIST scheme to implement 'Networking The World"(NTW), along with co-sponsorship
and Computational Facilities'. from ITU, NIT, NSRC and ICTP
2.Dr.R.Sreenivasa Reddy of Department of 2.Dr.B.J.K.singh associate professor in the Depart-
Biotechnology received the sanction grant of Rs. ment of Biotechnology and Dr. Naik, Professor in
60.00 lakhs from Department of Biotechnology Physiology at NRI medical College, Guntur
and Dr.B.Jayakumar singh received project for presented their proposal on alzhmeir’s disease at
Rs.10.00 Lakhs from Indian Council for medical Indian institute of science Bangalore, as a part of
research. the multicrore welcome trust projects being
3.A. Jhansi Rani, Research scholar, has been jointly proposed by KL University, NRI medical
selected for the award of INSPIRE (Innovation College, IISc Bangalore and University of Oxford.
in science Persuit for Inspired Research) FEL- 3.Ms.Kandepi Madhuri of KL University received
LOWSHIP from DST. The fellowship shall be best student award from TCS Hyderabad. Mr
available to her for a period of 5 years or com- .Rajanna , Vice president and Regional Head of
pletion of doctoral (PhD) program, which ever TCS Hyderabad gave this award in the presence of
is earlier. Mr.C.Jonnalagadda, the Academic Relationship
4.Dr.G.V.Krishnamohan (PI) and Manager of TCS, Hyderabad.

4.Final year CSE student’s team CODEBUZZ of 1, Jan-2014, pp. 117-124.
KLU comprising three got selected in the Top 15 6. B T P Madhav, K V V Kumar, A V Manjusha,
teams of TGMC 2012 contest conducted by IBM. P Ram Bhupal Chowdary, L Sneha, P Renu Kan-
The award felicitation ceremony was held on tham, “Analysis of CPW Fed Step Serrated Ultra
08th November 2013 at IBM’s Head Quarters, Wide Band Antenna on Rogers RT/Duroid
Bangalore. KL University bagged the top 30 Substrates”, International Journal of Applied Engi-
performing colleges award and the same is neering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 9,
received by Mr. K. Raja Sekhar, Associate Profes- Number 1, Jan-2014, pp. 53-58.
sor, IBM COE – Incharge. The codebuzz team’s
guide Mr. A. Vijay Kumar received the Best 7. K.Shashank, N.SivaChaitanya, G.Manikanta,
Mentor award for guiding the team to be in top Ch.N.V.Balaji, V.V.S.Murthy, “A Survey and
15. Review Over Image Alignment and Stitching
Methods”, IJECT, ISSN: 2230-7109 (Online),
5. Alumni of Department of Electrical & Elec- ISSN: 2230-9543 (Print), Vol. 5, Issue Spl - 3, Jan
tronics Engineering Ms. Avirneni Sahithi (ID - March 2014, pp 50-52.
No.09101741) secured calls from Twelve IIMs.
8. Sarat K Kotamraju, B.T.P.Madhav,
Research Publications Annam.Manikantaprasanth, Yepuri. Bhargav,
Usirika Dinesh Naga Venkata Sai, Syed Feeraz,
1.Dr. B. Nageswara Rao Published a paper titled
“Design and Implementation of Rectifying
"Modal strain energy change ratio for damage
Antenna Array”, IJECT, ISSN: 2230-7109
identification in honeycomb sandwich structures"
(Online), ISSN: 2230-9543 (Print), Vol. 5, Issue
in Canadian Journal of Basic and Applied
Spl - 3, Jan - March 2014, pp 101-103.
9. Dr. Y Sarala had published a paper entitled with
2.Y. Kalyan Chakravarthy and Dr. A. Srinath
published a paper titled "Automatic Control
Using Haptics for Prosthetic Leg" in International
journal "International Journal of Development
Review of Applied Engineering Research Journal
Research" , vol 4, issue 1,pp no 195-199, ISSN:
Volume 4, Number 5 (2014), pp. 417-422.
2230-9926 in the month of January.
3.ri K Baburaja, Assistant Professor, Department
10. T Srinivasa Rao(1509) had published a paper
of Mechanical Engineering, has published a paper
entitled with " Asymptotic Stability of nonlinear
on “Need of Value Based Technology systems in
Difference Equations" in the journal " Far East
Engineering Education” in Challenges strategies
Journal of Mathematical Sciences" , vol 83, no. 1,
for Business management in December 2013
pp 21-39.
4.Dr. Mohammed Abid Ali, Associate Professor
11.M.Venkateswarlu, M.V.V.K.S.Prasad,
of Mechanical Engineering department, has
K.Swapna, Sk.Mahamuda, A. SrinivasaRao,
published a paper on “Thermal Characterization
A.MohanBabu, D.Haranath., Pr3+ doped lead-
of Neem and Cork Wood Polyacrylonitrile Com-
tungsten tellurite glasses for visible red lasers. in
posites” in Global Journal of Researches in Engi-
Ceramics International.40(2014)
neering (A ) Vol 39 Year volume XIV Issue III
Version I 2014 12. Dr.N. V. Suresh Kumar and Harjinder Singh.,
“Density Functional Theory Based Study on Cis
5.B T P Madhav, Madhuri Kandepi, Satish
−Trans Isomerism of the Amide Bond in Homodi-
Kanapala, B Anjaneyulu, N Anada Rao, K Vijaya
mers of β2,3- and β3\Substituted Homoproline”,
Vardhan, “Serrated Spike Antenna Performance
The journal of physical chemistry A.
Evaluation Based on Arlon Substrate Materials”,
International Journal of Applied Engineering 13. K.Shashank, N.SivaChaitanya, G.Manikanta,
Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 9, Number Ch.N.V.Balaji, V.V.S.Murthy, “A Survey and
Review Over Image Alignment and Stitching ment of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras
Methods”, IJECT, ISSN: 2230-7109 (Online), during 19-21 December, 2013.
ISSN: 2230-9543 (Print), Vol. 5, Issue Spl - 3, Jan
20.N.S,M.P.Latha Devi, D.Venkataratnam,
- March 2014, pp 50-52.
S.venkatesh, Presented a poster in 18th National
14. Sarat K Kotamraju, B.T.P.Madhav, Space Science Symposium (NSSS) 2014, from 29th
Annam.Manikantaprasanth, Yepuri. Bhargav, January-1st February 2014, Organized by Dibru-
Usirika Dinesh Naga Venkata Sai, Syed Feeraz, garh Universit, Dibrugarh and sponsored by ISRO
“Design and Implementation of Rectifying entitled “Analysis of Diurnal and Seasonal TEC
Antenna Array”, IJECT, ISSN: 2230-7109 Variations observed at Low Latitude Station Over
(Online), ISSN: 2230-9543 (Print), Vol. 5, Issue Transition Zone of EIA Phenomena”.
Spl - 3, Jan - March 2014, pp 101-103.
21. N.V. Suresh Kumar presented his research
15. Ms.K. HEMA DIVYA, Asst.Professor, work in International Symposium on “Chemistry
KLUBS, Published a paper in Asian Journal of with computers” held on 18th-19th January 2014
Research in Business Economics and Management at I I I T ,Hyderabad.
22. Mr. M. Sridhar, Associate Professor, Dept of
THEORY” Vol 3, No.11, Nov 2013, ISSN 2249-
ECE had participated in International Conference
on Electronics and Communication
16. Dr.P.Raja Babu , Associate Professor, KLUBS, Systems(ICECS’14) as a presenter held at Karpa-
published a paper in "International Journal of gam college of engineering, Coimbatore during
Applied financial Management" perspectives on 13th -14 th February-2014
“Cost benefit analysis in organic farming” issue
23. Mr K Deekshit presented paper in IEEE inter-
Oct – Dec 2013, ISSN – 2279-0896.
national conference INDICON-2013 at IIT
17.Mr M Nageswara Rao, Assistant Professor of BOMBAY on 13th-15th Dec 2013.
Mechanical Engineering department has authored
and presented a paper titled, “Simultaneous Guest Lectures Delivered
Scheduling of Machines and Agv’s in FMS with 1. Dr B Raghu Kumar, Professor of Mechanical
Rebust Factor Maximization Criteria” in Advance Engineering department has acted as a judge for a
Research and Innovations in Mechanical, Material National level student paper contest "ANVE-
Science, Industrial Engineering and Management - SHANA – 14”, conducted by Sasi Institute of
ICARMMIEM-held on Jan 06th & 7th 2014. Technology and Engineering, Tadepalligudem on
18.T.V.S. Raghavendra, Associate Professor and 8th February 2014.
Nagarjuna varma Ganna Assistant Professor of 2. S. Ramesh Kumar has delivered a guest lecture
Mechanical Engineering department has authored on ANSYS at PBR Visvovaya Institute of Technol-
and presented a paper titled “Two echelon Inven- ogy and Science in Kavali on 18th February 2014.
tory Model for the Supply Chain under Price
Dependent & Time Demand with Supply Ration- 3. Dr.S.Vijaya Saradhi Delivered a Key note
ing in the Chain”, Second International Confer- address at Biozone-2012, a cultural fest organized
ence on Advances in Industrial Engineering Appli- by Godavari institute of Engineering technology,
cations (ICAIEA 2014), Anna University Chennai, Rajahmundry.
India, January 6-8, 2014. 4. Dr. T. Prasad Rao Asst. Professor, Dept. Of
19.Dr. B. Nageswara Rao Published a paper titled Physics Presented a guest lectures on “Energy
"Higher Order Shear Deformation of Honeycomb conservation-basis of thin film solar cells” on 14
Sandwich Beams" in International conference on December at KBN College at Vijayawada.
computer aided engineering conducted by Depart-
Department Of B. Akhil, ECE/2nd Year (12004085)
K.S.S. Mallik, CSE/2nd Year (12003198)
Physical Education T.Tarun Chaithanya,ECE/1st Year(1300426811)
The following players of our K L Univer- B. Anudeep, ECE/2nd Year(12004289)
sity are Medalists in the National, South B. Sai Varun, CSE/2nd Year (12003430)
N. Anirudh, Civil/3rd Year (11002089)
Zone & State Tournaments of different
K. Nanda Kishore, ECE/3rd Year (11006038)
Games & Sports during December 2013
to February 2014 3. Volley Ball Runners of KITS Tournament held
at KKR & KSR Engineering College, Guntur
National & Inter State Championships during 30th & 31st January 2014
1. T. Sai Praneeth of Civil/4th Year (10100169) A.Swathi Krishna, MBA/2nd Year (12251335)
participated in Table Tennis in 75th Senior S. Mounika, M.Tech /1st Year (13205125)
National & Inter State Championships held at G. Vyshnavi, CSE/2nd Year (12003052)
Patna, Bihar during 7th to 12th January 2014. M.Poojitha, EEE/1st Year (13006077)
G.Sai Lakshmi Prasanna, EEE/1st
2. T. Sai Praneeth of Civil/4th Year (10100169 ) Year(13006075)
participated in Table Tennis in 75th Senior K.Tejasri, EEE/1st Year (13006067)
National & Inter State Championships held at K.Pravallika, EEE/1st Year (13006162)
Guwahati (Assam)during 15th to 20th January
2014. 4. Throw Ball Runners of KITS Tournament held
at KKR & KSR Engineering College, Guntur
3. P. Lavanya of CSE/4th Year (10100370) during 30th & 31st January 2014
participated in Shuttle Badminton at MANO- G.Sravya, ECM/3rd Year (11005132)
RAMA Indian Open 2013 held at Kochi during B.Mounika, ECM/2nd Year (12003136)
29-01-14 to 02-02-14,. Ch. Manju Priya, EEE/3rd Year, (11006221)
All India Inter University Tournaments K. Sneha, CSE/2nd Year, (12003201)
D. L. Poojitha, CSE/2nd Year, (12003190)
V. Jyothi Surekha of ME/1st Year (13007288) Y.Harshitha, CSE/2nd Year, (12003006)
secured 2nd Place for Archery at All India Inter K. Sravani, EEE/1st Year, (13004323)
University Tournament held at Punjab University, P.Varsha, CSE/2nd Year, (12003105)
Chandigarh during 15th to 24th January 2014, K. Prathyusha, CSE/2nd Year, (12003182)
State Level Competitions 5. A.Mithun Chakravarthy of ME/2nd Year
1. S.S.V.S. Nagendra Kumar of CSE/2nd Year 12007001 was winner of Athletics Shot-put in
(12003401) secured 2nd Place for Power Lifting State Level Inter Collegiate (KITS Tournament)
in 40th G. Chalapathi Rao Memorial Competi- held at KKR & KSR Engg. College, Guntur
tions Held at Perala, Prakasam District on 13-1- during 30th & 31st January 2014.
14,. 6. Table Tennis Runners in Singles & Doubles of
2. Volley Ball Winners of KITS Tournament held GEC FEST Held at Gudlavalleru Engineering
at KKR & KSR Engineering College, Guntur College during 30-01-14 to 01-02-14
during 30th & 31st January 2014 M. Chandra Shekar, ECE/4th Year (10100716)
G. Samba Siva Reddy,ECE/4th Year (10100967) T. Sai Praneeth, Civil/4th Year (10100169)
N. Sri Jwala, Civil/4th Year (10100191) V. S. S. Kaushik, Civil/3rd Year (11002152)
E. Ashok Mourya, ME/3rd Year (11007289)

Republic Day Celebrations
The Management , Staff and Students of K L
University celebrated 65th Republic Day with full
enthusiasm and dedication. The day’s programme
started with the hoisting of the National tricolor
flag by the Vice Chancellor of KL University. It
was followed by the National Anthem jointly sung
by all those who had assembled in large numbers
to witness the function.
In his addressing, the Vice Chancellor had
called on the staff and students of K L University
to re-dedicate ourselves to our duties and respon-
sibilities, conscious that we are a part of a great a skit for igniting the people of thier roles and
nation with a great destiny. The Chancellor of KL resposibilities to build a strong nation in the form
of Mana Badhyatha were enacted by students of
Abhinaya Club of KL University. It was an impact
play and every character gave a power packed
Mono Acting of Rahul as Subash Chandra Boss
and Bharadwaj as Bhagath Singh were extraordi-
nary. Dialogue delivery, facial expressions and
gestures of the students were superb and splendid.
The audience was spell bound and gave a standing
ovation to the student actors.
Chalana Chitra Club’s Documettary films on
National Integrity and Freedom Strugle were
University addressed the gathering and motivated
another Highlights of the Day Celebrations.
the students to care about each other, operate as
a team with a generosity of spirit, and have fun
in the process of working together in building a
strong nation.
Later Narthana Club of KL University have
showcased their talent and ignited the national
spirit by their dance performance for the patriotic
songs Raghupati Raghava Rajaram, Saare Jahan
Sey Acha and Vandemataram. There was thunder-
ous applause from the audience after every
performance thereby indicating the quality enter-
tainment put up by the students.
On the occasion of the Republic day celebra-
tions, a short skit based on the life history of
Tanguturi Prakasam, Alluri Seetaa Rama Raju and

Trekking on 26th January
by Arohana Club of KLU
Aarohana club of KLUSO [KL University
Student Ordinate] has yet another time pulled its
ropes on a one day trek to the hills of Mulapadu
near Ibrahimpatnam.
While the entire nation was celebrating
Republic Day on 26th January 2014, the Aaro-
The entire trip was organized efficiently without
hana Club, a Trekking Club of KL University
any bottle-necks by members of Hobby Clubs
chose to do something adventurous and hoist the
National Flag at the top of hill in Mulapadu, Mr.Jaikishan.Y - In-Charge
Vijayawada. Mr.Shaik Kareemulla-Office Assistant
The Arohana club members celebrated Repub- Mr.U Kanaka Prasad - Trainer for Dance
lic Day in a special way which showcased how Mr. Sumanth J - Trainer for Filmmaking and Pho-
freedom struggle was not a path of roses, but an tography.
uphill task and a test of endurance by walking Student Co-coordinators
and trekking to reach the top of hill.
At around 7 a.m. on Sunday, a group of 121 Mr.Naveen Sai ID NO: 10101620
students accompanied with Mr. Y Jaikishan, In Mr.M Hariprasad ID:12002047
–charge, Hobby Clubs started in two buses from About Arohana Club
KL University. To take adventurous, enthusiastic, passionate
The Students began trekking and passed five people to areas where the nature has afforded
hills with valleys, dense forests and wild beauty. them its beauty and a challenging task giving them
The members climbed up the hill in joy and a life time experience.
their hearts were full of patriotism when the To make AROHANA a brand of K L University
freshness of the showers received them with by conducting a national wide trekking event.
members hoisting the flag with enthusiasm and
vigour. The trekking time and distance by walk
if 5 hours and 16 kms.

event is organized by student coordinator Ms.
Spandana, ID No: 12005070

Rangoli competition
On 8th of January 2014, Vanitha Club conducted
a Rangoli competition on behalf of the Hobby
Clubs for Pongal festival.
The Purpose was to acknowledge and to celebrate
the traditions and cultures in our society. Over
104 girl students took part in rangoli competi-
Celebration of tions organised by the Vanitha Club. The event
was coordinated by Ms. Rishitha, ID No:
Tradition and Cultures 12005003

in Our Society
Ethnic day
On 7th of January 2014, Samskruthi Club
conducted ”Ethnic day” behalf of the Hobby Clubs
for Pongal festival.
It was not just another normal day in the college
as the campus was decorated in a traditional way.
The Purpose was to celebrate and highlight the
Indian Traditions in the University. With different
traditional Indian wear many students and staff
came to University looking their colourful best.

KITE festival
On 8th of January 2014, Samskruthi Club
conducted a KITE festival behalf of the Hobby
Clubs for Pongal festival.
The Purpose was to acknowledge and to celebrate
the traditions and cultures in our society. 142
members participated in the event and Kites of all
shapes and sizes adorn the University skyline. The


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