Drag Cizek Reintroduction Cerdo 2015

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Successful reintroduction of an endangered veteran tree specialist:

conservation and genetics of the Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)

Article  in  Conservation Genetics · April 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s10592-014-0656-2


21 399

2 authors, including:

Lukas Cizek
Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences


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Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276
DOI 10.1007/s10592-014-0656-2


Successful reintroduction of an endangered veteran tree specialist:

conservation and genetics of the Great Capricorn beetle
(Cerambyx cerdo)
L. Drag • L. Cizek

Received: 17 April 2014 / Accepted: 3 September 2014 / Published online: 16 September 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract Habitat fragmentation is one of the main threats population was the lowest from the three studied popula-
to biodiversity. Reintroductions or translocations may tions and represented a subset of the alleged source pop-
mitigate its effects by allowing species with limited dis- ulation suggesting its establishment due to a translocation
persal ability to exploit otherwise inaccessible habitat from southern Moravia. Despite the lower genetic variation
patches. Despite the fact that reintroductions are among the at the reintroduced site, our results suggest that reintro-
most effective conservation measures, they are rarely used ductions could serve as a highly effective measure in bio-
for invertebrates. In this study we investigate the potential diversity conservation and in some cases it may be the only
of reintroductions as a conservation measure for beetles, chance to prevent extirpation of many endangered
and present the first genetic results for an endangered populations.
veteran tree specialist. After translocation of 10 adults in
1987, a population of the Great Capricorn beetle reap- Keywords Xylophagous insect  Threatened 
peared in Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic) in 1990s. Saproxylic  Doudlebia  Oaks
Using population genetic analyses of 79 individuals based
on nine microsatellite loci and 82 individuals based on the
mitochondrial COI gene we assessed the origin of this Introduction
population, and compared its genetic variation, population
structure and demography to the alleged source population Habitat fragmentation is one of the main threats to the
(southern Moravia) and to the closest autochthonous pop- survival of organisms with limited dispersal abilities
ulation (Třeboňsko). Although the reintroduced and the (Hanski and Gilpin 1997; Hanski 2005). By allowing such
closest autochthonous populations are geographically close organisms to exploit otherwise inaccessible habitat patches,
(24 km), their mutual genetic distance was much higher reintroductions or translocations may thus reduce the effect
than that between each of them and the geographically of fragmentation, boost biodiversity conservation by direct
distant ([150 km) potential source population in southern spread of an endangered species (Hayward 2011), or
Moravia. The genetic diversity of the reintroduced improve ecosystem functioning through reintroduction of
keystone species (Gibbs et al. 2008). Reintroduction is an
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this effective and increasingly common conservation measure
article (doi:10.1007/s10592-014-0656-2) contains supplementary (Seddon et al. 2007). It is, however, also highly taxo-
material, which is available to authorized users. nomically biased, with only 3 % of reintroduction studies
dealing with invertebrates (Bajomi et al. 2010), and very
L. Drag (&)  L. Cizek
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branisovska few of them focusing on the most diverse group on the
31, 37005 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Earth: the beetles. Except for the campaign to reintroduce
e-mail: lukasdrag@gmail.com the American burrowing beetle Nicrophorus americanus
(e.g. Amaral et al. 1997), and several, mostly unsuccessful
L. Drag  L. Cizek
Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre ASCR, v. v. i., attempts to reintroduce or translocate endangered beetles in
Branisovska 31, 37005, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Northern America and New Zealand (Nothnagle 2002;

268 Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276

Knisley et al. 2005; Sherley et al. 2010), beetle transloca- Today, its continuous range has shrunk to south-east of the
tions are rarely performed, or are under-reported in scien- country and only six isolated populations remain in the rest
tific literature. This is surprising given that in comparison of the republic. Following a reintroduction attempt in 1987,
to for example some large mammals the reintroduction of however, the beetle re-appeared at a site where it was
beetles is an inexpensive and logistically simple task considered extinct.
(Perrotti et al. 2001). In order to investigate the potential of reintroductions of
Beetles depending on old trees and dead-wood (=sapr- saproxylic invertebrates as a tool for their conservation, we
oxylic beetles) constitute a diverse, functionally important, apply population genetic analyses based on ten microsat-
but numerically decreasing portion of global biodiversity ellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene, to
(Berg et al. 1994; Jonsson et al. 2005; Müller et al. 2008; (i) assess the origin of the reintroduced population by
Nieto and Alexander 2010; Lindenmayer et al. 2012). The comparing it to the alleged source population and to the
notoriously poor dispersal abilities of some species make closest autochthonous population and (ii) compare genetic
them especially sensitive to habitat fragmentation (Ranius variation, population structure and demography of the
2006). Moreover, numerous populations of endangered reintroduced population, the large autochthonous popula-
veteran tree specialists inhabit isolated sites where their tion and the isolated autochthonous population. Finally,
long-term survival is compromised by the absence of trees (iii) we present data on the development of the reintro-
that would become the next generation of veteran trees duced population over time.
(Alexander 1998; Miklı́n and Cı́žek 2014). On the other
hand, suitable management measures allow for surprisingly
rapid restoration of habitats for at least some veteran tree Materials and methods
specialists (Sebek et al. 2013). Reintroduction to sites that
have regained suitable conditions might therefore be the Sites
key to preventing local extirpation of many species due to
fragmentation. It is, however, unclear, to what extent such The reintroduction site, Hluboká nad Vltavou (Hluboka) is
attempts are likely to succeed, as no cases of successful located in the south-western region of Czech Republic,
reintroduction of an endangered saproxylic beetle have 115 km south of Prague (49.045°N, 14.441°E, 380 m
been reported (but see Karlsson 2012). a.s.l.) in the Budejovicka Basin, near the river Vltava.
Small and isolated populations are prone to bottlenecks Large open-grown oaks of up to 200 years old (with
and founder events and thus susceptible to genetic degra- maximum diameter at breast height *160 cm) inhabited
dation caused by increased rates of inbreeding or loss of by the beetle are found in alleys, on fishpond dams and on
genetic diversity due to genetic drift, both reducing long- wooded meadows. The locality is protected as a Site of
term fitness (Frankham et al. 2002). Since the number of Community Importance (total area: 67.2 ha), with C. cerdo
translocated individuals is usually small, the newly estab- as one of its target species (see Albert et al. 2012 for
lished population is susceptible to the above-mentioned details). At the locality and in its wider environs, C. cerdo
problems. Evaluation of the genetic variation in reintroduced was present till mid 1950s, with the last record in 1953
populations should therefore be one of the main concerns (Kletečka and Klečka 2003). Despite intensive activity of
following a reintroduction attempt. Despite this fact, there amateur and professional entomologists in the area during
are no studies on the genetic structure of a reintroduced the second half of 20th century, only old larval galleries
beetle population available, and there are surprisingly few indicating past occurrence were found before the reintro-
studies available on population genetics of non-pest sapr- duction event.
oxylic beetles (e.g. Jonsson et al. 2003; Audisio et al. 2009; The nearest site inhabited by C. cerdo is Třeboňsko
Oleksa et al. 2013; Ahrens et al. 2013; Solano et al. 2013). (Trebon; 48.995°N, 14.769°E, 450 m a.s.l., 24 km from
The Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo, Linnaeus, Hluboka), a protected landscape area found in the Třeboň
1758) is an important umbrella species and considered an basin, where an isolated autochthonous population inhabits
ecosystem engineer (Buse et al. 2008). It is a globally old oaks on several fishpond dams (Kletečka and Klečka
threatened and internationally protected (Council of the 2003).
European Communities 1992; Nieto and Alexander 2010; The source population, located in southern Moravia
IUCN 2013) inhabitant of old, sun exposed oaks (Quercus (Moravia; 48.774°N, 16.797°E, 190 m a.s.l., 174 km from
spp.). Mainly in northern parts of its distribution range it is Hluboka), inhabits mostly oak woodlands along the lower
rare and rapidly declining (e.g. Sláma 1998; Ehnström and Dyje (Thaya) river (see Miklı́n and Cı́žek 2014 for details).
Axelsson 2002; Starzyk 2004; Ellwanger 2009). In the It is a large population connected to other populations in
Czech Republic, the beetle inhabited most of the lowlands western Slovakia and north-eastern Austria and most likely
and major river valleys till the last century (Sláma 1998). also to the rest of Slovakia and Hungary.

Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276 269

Fig. 1 Establishment of the

Great Capricorn beetle,
Cerambyx cerdo, population at
the site Hluboká nad Vltavou
(Hluboka) since its
reintroduction in 1987

Reintroduction and establishment of the population 29 from Moravia and 21 from Trebon; Table 1) were
genotyped for 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci (Drag
Seven females and three males of C. cerdo were collected et al. 2013). Since locus CC_06 exhibited deviation from
in Lednice Chateau Park (48.806°N, 16.817°E) on the 11 HWE (Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium) as well as high esti-
and 12 of June 1987. One day later, they were released on mated frequencies of null alleles for the Trebon and Mor-
five oaks on Podskalska meadow (49.044°N, 14.439°E) avia populations, we decided to exclude it from further
near Hluboka (Anonymous, personal communication). The analyses and all results presented here are based on 9 loci.
reintroduction was carried out without any institutional or PCR products were run on an ABI 3730XL sequencer
legal backing. (Applied Biosystems) by Macrogen (Korea) and allelic
After several decades of no sightings in the area, a single patterns were scored using the software GeneMapper 3.7
dead and damaged adult beetle was found ca 0.5 km from (Applied Biosystems). For 82 individuals (33 from Hlu-
the reintroduction site in 1989 (Kletečka and Klečka 2003). boka, 27 from Moravia and 22 from Trebon; Table 1) a
Given the circumstances of the finding, this record may partial fragment (814 bp long) of the mitochondrial gene
concern the remains of one of the translocated individuals. cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) was amplified and
The first observation of a live individual comes from 1995. sequenced. We used universal forward and reverse primers;
Beetles were then observed in 1997 and 1998. Since 2000, C1-J-2183 (alias Jerry) (50 CAA CAT TTA TTT TGA TTT
beetles and fresh exit holes have been observed by TTT GG) and TL2-N-3014 (alias Pat) (50 TTC AAT GCA
numerous entomologists on a yearly basis and became CTT ATT CTG CCA TAT TA) (Simon et al. 1994). PCR
more abundant. In 1997, fresh exit holes were observed on cycling parameters included a denaturation step at 95 °C
two trees (one was cut down in 1997, the other a few years for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 92 °C for 30 s, 50 °C
later). In 2003, Kletečka and Klečka (2003) found three for 30 s, 72 °C for 1 min 30 s, with a final elongation step
oaks with fresh exit-holes. In 2006, 14 inhabited trees were at 72 °C for 10 min. Sequencing was performed on both
found (Hauck and Cizek 2006). Today, there are [30 strands by the commercial company Macrogen (Korea).
inhabited trees at the site (Fig. 1). The reintroduction site,
Podskalska meadow, remains the centre of the population. Microsatellite data analyses
Most inhabited trees are found \300 m from this site,
despite the fact that the most distant inhabited tree was Loci characteristics and genetic diversity
found 3.8 km away (personal observation).
For each population we calculated the number of alleles
DNA extraction and analyses and the observed and expected heterozygosity using Gen-
AlEx 6.5 (Peakall and Smouse 2006, 2012). Frequencies of
In 2011, we sampled 84 individuals from three sites in the null alleles were estimated by FreeNA (Chapuis and Es-
Czech Republic. A middle leg from each individual was toup 2007) and the linkage disequilibrium between all pairs
taken and stored in a vial containing ethanol for molecular of loci as well as the HWE was tested with Genepop 4.1.3
analyses. Genomic DNA was extracted using the Genomic (Raymond and Rousset 1995; Rousset 2008) using the
DNA Mini Kit Tissue (Geneaid) following the manufac- default parameters. We calculated the allelic richness (AR)
tureŕs protocol. In total, 79 individuals (29 from Hluboka, in FSTAT v2.9.3.2 (Goudet 2002).

270 Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276

Table 1 Genetic diversities of the three sampled populations of the Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo) derived from nine microsatellite
loci and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI)
Population Locality Microsatellites MtDNA (COI)
N NA AR Ho He N H h p P

Reintroduced Hluboka 29 3.7 3.55 0.482 0.491 33 2 0.061 0.00007 1

Source Moravia 29 5.0 4.59 0.592 0.636 27 8 0.510 0.00194 13
Nearest native Trebon 21 3.9 3.87 0.522 0.576 22 3 0.537 0.00179 7
N number of individuals analyzed; NA average number of alleles across the nine loci; AR average allelic richness per locus, based on a minimum
of 19 individuals; Ho observed heterozygosities; He expected heterozygosities; H number of haplotypes; h haplotype diversity; p nucleotide
diversity; P number of polymorphic sites

Population structure 2013) represented a better choice compared to LDNe or

other frequently used software. Also, this program allows
Genetic differentiation was evaluated by computing pair- for screening out rare alleles. The critical values in our
wise FST values for all pairs of populations in Arlequin analysis were set as a default to 0.05, 0.02 and 0.01. A (Excoffier and Lischer 2010). The significance of jackknife method was used to construct 95 % confidence
the derived genetic distances was tested by 99,999 per- intervals (Waples and Do 2008).
mutations. To avoid any potential bias by null alleles, we We searched for a putative founder event by using the
also calculated the pairwise FST values using a correction ‘changes in allele frequencies test’ and ‘heterozygosity
for null alleles with FreeNA (Chapuis and Estoup 2007). excess test’, both implemented in Bottleneck 1.2.02
The population structure of our dataset was assessed using (Cornuet and Luikart 1996). The first of these tests expects
Structure 2.3.4 (Pritchard et al. 2000), assuming an admixture that many rare alleles are lost following a population bot-
model (individuals may have mixed ancestry) and correlated tleneck: resulting in changes in the shape distribution of
allele frequencies (closely related populations might have allele frequencies, the second assumes that the allele
correlated allele frequencies). We ran Structure for values of number is reduced faster than the heterozygosity during the
K ranging from 1 to 5 with 100,000 burn-in and 1,000,000 bottleneck: resulting in higher observed heterozygosities
MCMC steps for ten replicates for each K. The best K value than expected relative to the total number of alleles
was chosen according to Evanno et al. (2005) using the online available in such a population (Cornuet and Luikart 1996).
software Structure Harvester (Earl and vonHoldt 2012). The Based on Luikart and Cornuet (1998), we considered two
obtained results for a given K were post-processed using proposed models; the stepwise-mutation model (SMM),
CLUMPP 1.1.2 (Jakobsson and Rosenberg 2007) and visu- and the two-phased model (TPM) (variance = 30 %,
alized in Distruct 1.1 (Rosenberg 2004). SMM = 70 %). The statistical significance of each model
To assess the genetic structure of the studied popula- was evaluated by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test.
tions, we also used factorial correspondence analysis
(FCA) using the software Genetix 4.05 (Belkhir et al. COI data analyses
1996-2004). All individuals were grouped on multiple
factorial axes based on shared alleles and formed clusters The sequences from each individual were edited and
with similar genotypes in a 2D space graph. aligned (MUSCLE, default settings) in Geneious 6.1.6
(Biomatters) and translated into amino acid sequences to
Demography check for the presence of stop codons. All unique
sequences were submitted to GenBank (KM516109–
Single-sample estimates of effective population size (Ne) KM516119 accession number). Standard genetic indices
were calculated using the linkage disequilibrium (LD) (the number of polymorphic sites, the number of haplo-
method (Waples and Do 2008) implemented in NeEsti- types and the nucleotide and haplotype diversities) were
mator v2 (Do et al. 2014). The LD method assumes the computed using the program DnaSP 5.10 (Librado and
selective neutrality of the marker and that the populations Rozas 2009). As most of the sequences showed low genetic
are isolated as well as assuming that the species has dis- variation (a low number of haplotypes), no phylogenetic
crete generations; all of these assumptions were met where trees were reconstructed. Instead, a haplotype network was
possible. Because of the small amount of missing data in produced using the statistical parsimony method (95 %
our dataset, NeEstimator v2 which implements an connection limit; Templeton et al. 1992) implemented in
improved method to account for missing data (Peel et al. the program TCS 1.21 (Clement et al. 2000).

Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276 271

Fig. 2 Localization, geographic

and genetic (FST) distances and
genetic structure of the three
studied populations of the Great
Capricorn beetle, Cerambyx
cerdo. The population genetic
structure is represented by three
barpots created in Structure and
based on the analysis of nine
microsatellite loci. Each
individual is represented by a
vertical line devided into two
colours proportional to the
assignment probability of each
individual into two clusters

Pairwise FST values for all pairs of populations were between Hluboka and Trebon, i.e. the two geographically
computed in Arlequin. The statistical significance of the closest (24 km) populations. Both populations were
FST values was tested by permutation test (99,999 equally genetically differentiated from the geographically
replicates). most distant one. We gained similar results after the ENA
(=excluding null alleles) correction (Chapuis and Estoup
2007) with the highest value of FST = 0.119 between
Results Trebon and Hluboka.
The Bayesian clustering analysis in Structure identified
Microsatellite data the best number of clusters as two (K = 2). Almost all
individuals from the Hluboka population were assigned to
Loci characteristics and genetic diversity one cluster, whereas nearly all individuals from Trebon fell
into the other cluster corroborating the higher genetic dif-
All loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles per ferentiation (measured by FST) between Hluboka and
locus ranging from four to nine (Online Resource S1). The Trebon. The Moravia population consisted of individuals
highest average number of alleles (5) was found in the assigned to both clusters (Fig. 2).
Moravia population and the lowest (3.7) was found in the In accordance with previous, the results of the factorial
Hluboka population (Table 1). The same pattern was correspondence analysis (FCA) demonstrated practically
observed for the allelic richness. The average observed and non-overlapping ranges on the first axis for the populations
expected heterozygosity over all loci ranged from 0.482 to of Hluboka and Trebon. The first axis explained 9.07 % of
0.592, and from 0.491 to 0.576 respectively. After the variation in the data, while the second axis explained
Bonferroni correction for multiple tests, all loci were in 6.77 % of variation (Fig. 3).
HWE in all studied populations. No linkage disequilibrium
was found between the pairs of loci except for the pair: Demographic factors
CC_03 and CC_07 in Trebon (p = 0.00254). An estimated
frequency of null alleles per locus [10 % was found in loci Depending on the minimal threshold of rare allele fre-
CC_08 in Trebon (19 %) and CC_03 in Moravia (13 %). quency, the Ne estimates ranged between 98–111 individ-
uals for Hluboka and 29–34 individuals for Trebon. For
Population structure Moravia a negative value indicated that Ne was unrecog-
nizable from infinity, i.e. Ne was large or limited data were
FST values were significantly different in all pairwise available (Waples and Do 2010). The confidence intervals
comparisons and showed a rather low amount of genetic were, however, extremely broad for all populations
differentiation (Fig. 2). We found the highest FST (0.101) (Table 2).

272 Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276

Fig. 3 Factorial
correspondence analysis (FCA)
scatter diagram of the
reintroduced (empty circles),
source (grey circles), and
nearest native (black)
populations of the Great
Capricorn beetle, Cerambyx
cerdo, based on analysis of nine
microsatellite loci. The number
of analysed individuals was 29
for the reintroduced, 28 for the
source and 21 for the nearest
native populations

Table 2 Single sample estimates of effective population size (Ne) for bottleneck effects using the stepwise mutation model (SMM) and
the three sampled populations of the Great Capricorn beetle, two-phase model (TPM) based on nine microsatellite loci
Cerambyx cerdo, and the probability values of Wilcoxon’s test for
Population Locality Estimates of Ne Wilcoxon’s test
0.05 (CI 95 %) 0.02 (CI 95 %) 0.01 (CI 95 %) SMM TPM

Reintroduced Hluboka 111 (24-inf.) 101 (34-inf.) 98 (24-inf.) 0.8496 0.3672

Source Moravia inf. (59-inf.) inf. (64-inf.) inf. (99-inf.) 0.8984 0.0820
Nearest native Trebon 29 (11-inf.) 34 (13-inf.) 34 (13-inf.) 0.4102 0.1504

For Ne estimates, alleles with a frequency \5, 2 and 1 % were excluded

The results of tests for heterozygosity excess in Bottle- one individual where a unique mutation in one position was
neck gave congruent results under the different mutation found.
models. Both SMM and TPM models did not detect het- FST values were significantly different in all pairwise
erozygosity excess in all three studied populations comparisons and showed a similarly low amount of genetic
(Table 2). Although according to allele frequency histo- differentiation as FST values based on microsatellites.
grams many rare alleles were lost in the Hluboka popula- Specifically, we found the highest FST (0.142) between
tion (Online Resource S1), all populations had a normal Hluboka and Trebon, and almost equal distance between
L-shaped distribution under both mutation models. Hluboka and Moravia (0.04) and Trebon and Moravia
COI data

Based on the 814 bp long fragment of the mitochondrial Discussion

gene COI, we identified 11 different haplotypes. The
overall haplotype diversity (h) was 0.398 and the nucleo- Our results present the first documented evidence sup-
tide diversity (p) was 0.0016 (Table 1). Markedly low porting the success of an endangered saproxylic beetle
diversity values were found in the Hluboka population reintroduction, the first population genetic analysis of a
(h = 0.061, p = 0.0001) compared to the other popula- reintroduced beetle population, as well as the first popu-
tions studied. Statistical parsimony analysis produced the lation genetic study of the endangered Great Capricorn
haplotype network with one haplotype dominant in all beetle, Cerambyx cerdo.
three populations (79 % of all individuals) and ten other
haplotypes separated by one or more mutations (Fig. 4). Origin of the reintroduced population
Except for the dominant haplotype, no haplotypes were
shared among populations. Based on the 33 samples, the The Hluboka population was genetically closer to the geo-
Hluboka population was entirely composed of individuals graphically distant Moravia population than to the nearby
bearing the most common haplotype, with the exception of Trebon population. The genetic makeup of the Hluboka

Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276 273

evidence for a bottleneck according to the calculations of

Bottleneck software. Given the rarity of the unique hap-
lotype in Hluboka (a single individual out of 33) and the
relatively high haplotype diversity in the source population,
it is certainly possible that the haplotype was not detected
due to its rarity in the source population. We, nevertheless,
can not rule out the possibility of further reintroductions
from an unknown source. On the other hand, the low
diversity of the maternally inherited COI sequences in the
reintroduced population suggests that the number of
females founding the population was indeed low. The lack
of the evidence for bottleneck (results are based on
microsatellites) in the reintroduced population can be
explained by the beetlés biology. C. cerdo females usually
mate with more than one male (personal observation). The
seven females reintroduced in 1987 were collected as
adults, making them most likely to be mated at the site of
their origin. Hence, the translocation of 10 beetles might
have resulted in translocation of genetic information of
substantially more individuals. Also, the rapid growth of
Fig. 4 Haplotype network of mtDNA (COI) of the Great Capricorn the population in the last 20 years (see above) probably
beetles, Cerambyx cerdo from the three populations, including the allowed for the survival of even rare alleles due to the
Hluboka (reintroduced), Moravia (source) and Trebon (closest native) small effect of genetic drift (Nei et al. 1975). On the other
population. The network was constructed using statistical parsimony
method; each haplotype is represented by a circle; the circle color hand, of the three studied populations the Hluboka popu-
coresponds to one population (white: reintroduced; grey: source; lation has the lowest allelic richness and haplotype diver-
black: nearest native). The circle size is proportional to the haplotype sity suggesting the presence of the founder effect in the
frequency. The number in brackets represents the number of past. We therefore conclude that the Hluboka population
individuals bearing the haplotype within a given population. Small
black circles indicate missing haplotypes that are not present in the was most likely established due to the recent translocation
sample, but are necessary to link all observed haplotypes to the from Moravia.
Autochthonous populations
population represented a subset of the Moravia population
(but see below). Natural colonisation, unnoticed survival of The Moravia population exhibited the highest genetic
a local population, or translocation might have been the diversity and it was genetically equidistant from the two
cause for the recent re-appearance of C. cerdo in Hluboka. other populations. Its estimated infinite Ne, together with
Due to the geographical distances between Hluboka and the high allelic and haplotype diversity indicates that the
other neighbouring populations, natural colonisation other Moravia population is part of continuous (or very recently
than from Trebon is unlikely. The high genetic differenti- fragmented) distribution of C. cerdo in the region. In the
ation between Hluboka and Trebon, however, rules out past, the population probably reached further northwest
colonisation from Trebon as well. The unnoticed survival of along the Danube River and was connected with the Tre-
a native population in Hluboka is also highly improbable bon population. The presence of two unique COI haplo-
since it would be expected to be genetically very close to types in Trebon, however, suggests its longer isolation or
that in Trebon given the formerly continuous distribution of connection to other populations, perhaps to those inhabit-
C. cerdo in the region in the past (Kletecka and Klecka ing the lower Vltava river valley.
2003), the rather high dispersal abilities observed in large Reliable estimates of Ne can be obtained with the LD
longhorn beetles (e.g. Smith et al. 2001; Drag et al. 2011; method when populations are small (Ne \ 200) and well
Torres-Vila et al. 2013; David et al. 2013), and the low sampled (*50 individuals, Waples and Do 2010). These
genetic differentiation over much larger distances. Rein- requirements have not been met for any of the studied
troduction from the more distant Moravian source is, populations which might have resulted in the broad confi-
therefore, the most parsimonious explanation for the dence intervals of the Ne estimates. Despite that, the esti-
observed genetic structure. mates seem rather realistic for the Moravia and the
Facts not favouring the translocation hypothesis include Hluboka populations (see above). The Ne estimates may
the existence of a unique COI haplotype, and the lack of thus also be realistic for Trebon despite being surprisingly

274 Conserv Genet (2015) 16:267–276

low. Although such low Ne values are not rare even for with the habitat. On the other hand, C. cerdo is considered
beetles (e.g. Beebee 2007; Kajtoch et al. 2014), and an ecosystem engineer whose presence on oaks allows for
although the number of analysed individuals would need to their colonisation by other threatened organisms (Buse
be higher to obtain more rigorous estimates, this is cur- et al. 2008). Its reintroduction may thus boost biodiversity
rently the only information on Ne available for Trebon conservation as long as the size and age structure of the
population. Despite all the reservations, the low Ne is local open-grown oak population enables gradual replace-
worrying and active management measures (Buse et al. ment of dead trees, or if suitable managements such as
2007; Albert et al. 2012) should be considered to support coppicing, pollarding, and wood pasture are applied to
this isolated, autochthonous population. increase the amount of suitable habitat.
Careful consideration of reintroductions is particularly
Translocation of saproxylic beetles important for organisms with a potentially high impact on
their habitat. Given the ever increasing habitat fragmenta-
Nearly three decades after the reintroduction event the C. tion combined with highly specific substrate requirements
cerdo population is among the two largest of the several and low dispersal abilities of many organisms depending
populations in Bohemia (the western part of the Czech on old trees and/or dead wood, reintroductions and trans-
Republic) where the beetles range collapsed in the past locations may represent the only chance to prevent extir-
century (Sláma 1998). It is thus the first successful docu- pation of many populations of endangered beetles, and are
mented reintroduction of a threatened saproxylic beetle. thus likely to become more common in the future.
Although the amount of habitat available at the reintro-
duction site is crucial, similar biotic and abiotic conditions Acknowledgments We would like to thank to M. Plátek, M.
Borovanská for assistance with obtaining samples or molecular
at the source and reintroduction sites, as well as the rather analyses, and M. Mende and S. Segar for manuscript review and
similar genetic make-up of the source population and that language correction. The study and its authors were supported by the
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