Norms and Uses
Norms and Uses
Norms and Uses
A.K.Singh (1996)
Psychological tests are popularly used in making classification of persons, that is,
for assigning the persons to one category rather than to one another. There are
different types of classifications, each one giving emphasis upon a particular
purpose in assigning persons to categories. Important types of categories are
placement, screening, certification and selection.
Screening: It refers to the procedures of identification of persons with the help of
psychological tests, psychometricians often screen persons into creativity and
persons having exceptional talent in abstract reasoning.
Placement: It refers to sorting of persons into appropriate programmes according
to their needs or skills.
Certification and selection: These are done using psychological tests. Certification
implies that an individual has at least minimum proficiency in a discipline or
activity. Selection is very much similar to certification because it also confers
some privileges on the part of the persons who have been selected. These talks
are well accomplished with the help of psychological tests.
Psychological tests are often used in evaluation of various types of educational
social programs. In schools and colleges different types of programmes for the
betterment of academic achievement are carried out and the persons want to
know about its impacts. Such impacts are easily studied with the help of various
types of achievement and intelligence tests.
These are also useful in providing self-knowledge to the test takers to the extent
that such knowledge tends to change their career path. Every administration of a
psychological test gives a feedback to the test takers regarding the level of
trait/ability being assessed.
A.K.Singh (1996)
Devshree Dantale