Assignment: Name Noor Nihal Ahmad Class 3 Roll No 142
Assignment: Name Noor Nihal Ahmad Class 3 Roll No 142
Assignment: Name Noor Nihal Ahmad Class 3 Roll No 142
Automated Teller Machines
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) conduct many transactions that would otherwise
require staff attention: they furnish account information, accept deposits, draw down on
pre-approved loans, and transfer funds. The use of ATMs frees loan officers to focus on
personalized services, and the machines can potentially deliver a broader range of
services. ATMs are most effective for microfinance institutions (MFIs) that accept
savings and want to serve customers in multiple locations and/or during non-business
hours. But since a single machine can cost as much as US$ 35,000 and requires
reliable electric and communications connections, ATM technology may not be the first
choice for all MFIs.
Affordable dial-up or leased line rates for the ATM to send and receive data.
A central database where client data must be stored for balance verification.
Solid operational procedures and resources to distribute cards and control PINs.
MFI personnel are not required to be present for transactions and have more
time to serve clients.
More clients can be reached beyond the branch network, such as in smaller
population centers.
More low-cost funds are available because ATMs make it easier for clients to
deposit savings.
Costs differ depending on the technology provider and how the ATM network is
operated. If an MFI can partner with an existing ATM network and/or network
operating company, the MFI’s operating expenses will be less.
Up-front equipment acquisition cost or network participation fee.
Where money Borrowing money from a Funds taken from the money
comes from: bank or financial institution. that you have in your bank
(Spending "other's" money) account. (Spending your
"own" money)
PIN Number: Usually not. However, some PIN number provided, but not
credit cards may provide always asked to punch in.
PINs to allow consumers to
withdraw money from ATMs
just like debit cards. Such
withdrawals are generally a
bad idea because they carry
high fees and interest rates.
Picture ID Yes No
Credit History: Responsible credit card Does not affect credit history.
usage and payment can
improve one's credit rating.
Credit cards typically report
account activity to at least
one of the three major credit
bureaus on a monthly basis.
Legal Liability Strict. Consumer liability limit Lean. Consumer liability limit
laws: for credit card fraud is $50 if for debit card fraud is $50 if
the credit card company is the bank is notified within two
notified within 60 days in days of noticing the
written since the fraudulent fraudulent charges.
Fraud: Only problem is proving that With a debit card the person
someone else has used the has to figure out how to get
card. their money back and if any
checks bounced they are
responsible for those as well.