08 Fault Code Category List (EH4000AC ) 131210
08 Fault Code Category List (EH4000AC ) 131210
08 Fault Code Category List (EH4000AC ) 131210
Warning High Output is limited (75% Torque), but possible driving continuously.
HCM Fault
SAE Code Fault items Limit Fault Condition
Code Category
F, N, R = OFF or
02400-002 00100-002 Shift Lever Signal Fault Fault A ---
More than 2 = ON
02401-002 00101-002 Accelerator Pedal Signal Fault Fault A --- V<0.25 or 4.75<V
02402-002 00102-002 Retard Pedal Signal Fault Fault A --- V<0.25 or 4.75<V
min-1 < 590 or
02420-000 00200-000 Engine Speed Fault Fault A ---
min-1 > 2200
B pulse > 6 and
02421-002 00201-002 Motor R-A Pulse Fault Fault A ---
A pulse = 0
A pulse > 6 and
02422-002 00202-002 Motor R-B Pulse Fault Fault A ---
B pulse = 0
B pulse > 6 and
02423-002 00203-002 Motor L-A Pulse Fault Fault A ---
A pulse = 0
A pulse > 6 and
02424-002 00204-002 Motor L-B Pulse Fault Fault A ---
B pulse = 0
02426-012 00206-012 Earth Fault Fault A --- (PG)-(GN) > 117V
Retard Com. > 95%
02427-015 00207-015 Retarding Capability Exceeded Warn. L ---
and Speed = Up
02428-015 00208-015 INV R Current Unbalance Fault A 2 (Max)-(Min) > 81A
02429-015 00209-015 INV L Current Unbalance Fault A 2 (Max)-(Min) > 81A
02430-017 00300-017 Grid Resistor R Disconnection Fault A 1 R > 7.5 Ohm
02431-017 00301-017 Grid Resistor L Disconnection Fault A 1 R > 7.5 Ohm
02432-000 00302-000 DC Over voltage 2 Fault B 2 PN > 3020V
02433-000 00303-000 DC Over current Fault B 1 A > 1838
02434-000 00304-000 INV R Over current Fault B 1 A>1195 5times
02434-015 00304-015 INV R Over current restart Warn. L --- A>1195 1time
A>520 or
02434-016 00304-016 INV R Overload Warn. H --- A>470 5min or
A>440 10min
02435-000 00305-000 INV L Over current Fault B 1 A>1195 5times
02435-015 00305-015 INV L Over current restart Warn. L --- A>1195 1time
A>520 or
02435-016 00305-016 INV L Overload Warn. H --- A>470 5min or
A>440 10min
02436-000 00306-000 CHOP R Over current Fault C 1 A > 1168
02436-015 00306-015 Grid Resistor R Overload Fault A 2 A>750 3min
02437-000 00307-000 CHOP L Over current Fault C 1 A > 1168
02437-015 00307-015 Grid Resistor L Overload Fault A 2 A>500 3min
EH4000ACII Fault Category List (2/4)
HCM Fault
SAE Code Fault items Limit Fault Condition
Code Category
02438-000 00308-000 REC Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 90 degC
t < -30degC and
02438-002 00308-002 REC Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
Coolant > -10degC
02438-016 00308-016 REC Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 80degC
02439-000 00309-000 DC Over voltage 1 Fault B 2 PN > 3014V
02439-017 00309-017 DC Under voltage Fault B 1 FB < Com/2
02441-000 00311-000 INV R Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 90 degC
t < -30degC and
02441-002 00311-002 INV R Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
Inverter > -10degC
02441-016 00311-016 INV R Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 80 degC
02442-000 00312-000 INV L Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 90 degC
t < -30degC and
02442-002 00312-002 INV L Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
Inverter > -10degC
02442-016 00312-016 INV L Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 80 degC
02443-000 00313-000 CHOP R Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 90 degC
t < -30degC and
02443-002 00313-002 CHOP R Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
CHOP > -10degC
02443-016 00313-016 CHOP R Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 80 degC
02444-000 00314-000 CHOP L Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 90 degC
t < -30degC and
02444-002 00314-002 CHOP L Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
CHOP > -10degC
02444-016 00314-016 CHOP L Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 80 degC
t < -20degC and
02445-002 00315-002 Cabinet Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
Coolant > -10degC
t<-20degC and
02445-015 00315-015 Cabinet Heater Fault 2 Fault A ---
CTT303 = ON
02445-016 00315-016 Cabinet Temperature Fault Warn. H --- t > 55 degC
t < -20degC and
02445-017 00315-017 Cabinet Heater Fault 1 Fault A ---
CTT303 = OFF
02446-000 00316-000 Cooling Water Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 75 degC < t
t < -30degC and
02446-002 00316-002 Cooling Temperature Sensor Fault Warn. L 3
Inverter > -10degC
02446-016 00316-016 Cooling Water Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 65 degC
02447-000 00317-000 Alternator Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 135 degC
02447-016 00317-016 Alternator Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 125 degC
02448-000 00318-000 Motor R Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 160 degC
02448-016 00318-016 Motor R Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 150 degC
02449-000 00319-000 Motor L Temperature Fault 2 Fault A 2 t > 160 degC
02449-016 00319-016 Motor L Temperature Fault 1 Warn. H --- t > 150 degC
EH4000ACII Fault Category List (3/4)
HCM Fault
SAE Code Fault items Limit Fault Condition
Code Category
02450-000 00320-000 Grid Box R Temperature Fault Fault A 2 t > 320 degC
02450-002 00320-002 Grid box R Blower Fault Warn. L 3 P < 50 Pa
02451-000 00321-000 Grid Box L Temperature Fault Fault A 2 t > 320 degC
02451-002 00321-002 Grid box L Blower Fault Warn. L 3 P < 50 Pa
A ≧ 45 or
02452-000 00322-000 Auxiliary Field Regulator Fault Fault C 2 V ≦ 183 or
V ≧ 276
CB301 = OFF or
02453-000 00323-000 CB301_CB302 Breaker OFF Fault A ---
CB302 = OFF
A ≧ 1250 or
t ≧ 115 degC or
02454-000 00324-000 Main Field Regulator Fault Fault A 2
V ≦ 13.5 or
VCE(set) < 10V
Com. = ON and
02455-000 00325-000 CTT301 Fault Fault A ---
CTT301 = OFF
V ≦ 200 or
02456-000 00326-000 INV301(Motors Blower) Fault Fault A --- V ≧ 400 or
A ≧ 85.8 etc.
02457-015 00327-015 Cooling Water Shortage Fault A --- Reserve < 2.47 L
CB303 = OFF or
02460-015 00330-015 CB303_CB304 Breaker OFF Warn. L ---
CB304 = OFF
02461-002 00331-002 VIO13 Connector Open (DC sensor) Fault C --- Connector = Open
02462-002 00332-002 VIO14 Connector Open Fault C --- Connector = Open
02463-002 00333-002 VIO15 Connector Open Fault C --- Connector = Open
02464-001 00334-001 Control Power Failure (VCC Under voltage) Fault C --- V < 4.46
02465-001 00335-001 Control Power Failure (P24A Under voltage) Fault C --- V < 15.0
V ≦ 200 or
02466-000 00336-000 INV302 (Resistors Blower) Fault Fault A --- V ≧ 400 or
A ≧ 85.8 etc.
02511-000 02001-000 P24A Over voltage Fault C --- V > 32.2
02512-001 02002-001 Control Power Failure (P24C Under voltage) Fault C --- V < 20.1
Control Power Failure (P12C, N12C Under P12C < 10.3V
02513-001 02003-001 Fault C ---
voltage) N12C > -10.8V
Control Power Failure (P12B, N12B Under P12B < 9.7V
02514-001 02004-001 Fault C ---
voltage) -10.1V < N12B
Drive Power Failure (INV-R Driver Under
02517-001 02007-001 Fault C --- V < 2.1
Drive Power Failure (INV-L Driver Under
02518-001 02008-001 Fault C --- V < 2.1
Com. = ON and
02520-001 02010-001 CTT302 Closing Fault Warn. L 3
CTT302 = OFF
CPU5 loses CPU1
02521-012 02011-012 CPU1 Execution Fault Fault C ---
more than 5sec
02522-012 02012-012 CPU2 Execution Fault Fault C 1 CPU2 = Fault
02523-012 02013-012 CPU3 Execution Fault Fault C 1 CPU3 = Fault
02524-012 02014-012 CPU4 Execution Fault Fault C 1 CPU4 = Fault
CPU5 = Fault or
P5A < 4.42V or
02525-012 02015-012 VDC07 Execution Fault Warn. L 3
P12 < 10.3V or
N12 > -10.8V
CPU5 loses CCU
03511-009 03001-009 CCU Response Fault Warn. L 3
more than 0.5sec
EH4000ACII Fault Category List (4/4)
HCM Fault
SAE Code Fault items Limit Fault Condition
Code Category
180V or more
02468-015 00338-015 Auxiliary Power Source Earth Fault Fault A 2
more than 5sec
[Motor Torque
command (R) ≧
02498-015 00210-015 MotorR SpeedFB Open or Drive Limit Warn. L ---
85%] and [Motor
[Motor Torque
command (L) ≧
02499-015 00211-015 MotorL SpeedFB Open or Drive Limit Warn. L ---
85%] and [Motor
Ap+An>100 A
02469-017 00339-017 DC Current Sensor Fault (P or N) Warn. L 3 or
Ap+An>-100 A
Supplement on "Breakdown reset Limitation"
(1) Once the total number of occurrences of a breakdown for each pattern exceeds the following threshold,
the reset function shall be disabled. You cannot reset the breakdown through a resetting operation.
(2) The disabled reset function in (1) can be released by turning on the AC drive maintenance switch.
The AC drive maintenance switch is located in 1: the CAB and 2: the EH system monitor.