Instigation V. Entrapment Instigation Entrapment
Instigation V. Entrapment Instigation Entrapment
Instigation V. Entrapment Instigation Entrapment
2. A is convicted of attempted robbery. A did not perform all acts of execution that would produce felony by
reason of some accident, other than his own spontaneous desistance. (Page 100)
3. B is responsible as a PRINCIPAL of the crime of murder while C and D are accessories although they are exempt
from criminal liability because the principal is their relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity.
4. The husband is not criminally liable by the virtue of defence of relative. The husband acted on impulse thinking
his wife was in danger.
5. If I was the judge, I would convict William Lee for forgery of currency notes of the Central Bank of the
Philippines. As stated in Article 2, Philippine courts has jurisdiction over crimes committed outside the Philippine
territory when offender should forge Philippine currencies and securities.
6. D, as an accessory to the crime, does not have any criminal liability. In the case, the felony committed was a
light felony of slight physical injuries and Accessories incurs no criminal liability over light felony.
Trap for the unwary INNOCENT Trap for the unwary CRIMINAL
It is the means by which the accused is lured into the Employment of such ways and means for the purpose
commission of the offense charged in order to of trapping or capturing the lawbreaker.
prosecute him.
Officers of the law INCITE, INDUCE, INSTIGATE OR LURE The criminal intent or design to commit the offense
an accused into committing an offense which he/she charged originates in the mind of the accused and law
would otherwise NOT COMMIT and has NO INTENTION enforcement officials merely facilitate the
of committing. apprehension of the criminal by employing RUSES AND
8. Yes, A can be prosecuted in the Philippines for the crime committed in Australia. In Art 2 of the RPC, the Court
has jurisdiction over offense (in this case, falsification of documents) committed by a public officer in the exercise
of his function even though offense committed outside the Philippine territory.
9. Yes, Jose was guilty of CONSUMMATED ROBBERY. All the elements necessary for its execution and
accomplishment is present. Actual taking with intent to gain of personal property is sufficient. It is not necessary
that the offender carries away the properties taken.
11. *PENALTIES FOR COMPLEX CRIME* ART 48: “… the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the
came to be applied in its maximum period.”
12. ART 89: Criminal liability is totally extinguished: 1) DEATH OF THE CONVICT, as to personal penalties; as to
pecuniary penalties, liability therefore is extinguish only when the death of the offender occurs before final
13. PROBATION is a privilege which allows criminals to avoid prison or be released from prison after serving only a
portion of their sentences. The goal is to rehabilitate offenders and guide the back into society while minimizing
the likelihood that they will commit a new offense.
14. Prision Mayor – When the principal penalty imposed is higher than prision correctional, no subsidiary
imprisonment shall be imposed upon the culprit. Since the penalty imposed to “P” is Prision Mayor (6 years and 1
day to 12 years), he cannot be compelled to serve subsidiary imprisonment in case of failure to pay the fine.
17. Generally NO. Civil action is not necessarily extinguished by the acquittal of the accused. Even if acquitted, the
court can still award civil liability if: A) acquittal is based on reasonable doubt and there was no negligence. B)
Declaration that the liability of accused is only civil. C.) civil liability is not derived from or based on the criminal act
which he accused is acquitted.
18. The public prosecutor is correct that the penalty to be imposed must be reclusion temporal as homicide is a
grave felony with an afflictive penalty.
20. (A) Battered Woman Syndrome refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and behavioural
symptoms found in woman living in battering relationships a result of cumulative abuse. (B) In BWS, the defence
would prosper in spite absence of any of the elements for justifying circumstances of defence under RPC. (page
1. Crimes committed in Philippine ship or airship
2. Forgery or counterfeit of coins and currencies of the Philippine Island and obligations and securities issued by
the Government
3. Introduction of forged/counterfeit currencies into the Philippines
4. Crimes committed by public officers in exercise of their functions
5. Crimes against national security (treason, espionage, piracy)
1. Crimes committed by RECIDIVIST.
2. Crimes committed at NIGHTTIME or any uninhabited place.
3. Crimes committed in the palace of the CHIEF EXECUTIVE, or in his presence, public authorities engaged in the
discharge of their duties.
4. Crimes with the AID OF ARMED MEN.
5. Crimes committed on during a CALAMITY or MISFORTUNE.
6. Crimes committed in consideration of a PRICE, REWARD, and PROMISE.
- It happens when a person buys, sells, accepts, keeps, conceals, acquires or in any manner disposes of
something that HE KNOWS or SHOULD KNOW is STOLEN. It is accompanied by the intent to gain from the
stolen object.