Gamification and Evaluation of The Use The Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

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Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software

Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

Isaac Souza Elgrably and Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira

Graduate Program in Computer Science, Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences,
Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Keywords: Gamification, Learning, Teaching, Education, TDD, Agile Tests.

Abstract: With the greater immersion of software development teams to agile methods and practices, it became
necessary for students to have earlier contact with Agile Testing practices. Thus, this study aims to use the
gamification concepts to stimulate the support to teach and engage the motivation of students in the
Software Quality subject taught in postgraduate and undergraduate courses in computer science. For this,
classes were set up to teach agile tests that used games elements as motivation for students. Therefore, this
research resulted in an enrichment of the knowledge of these students in testing practices. This work aims to
contribute to the teaching of agile test practices for students, aiming at a better preparation for the software
development market. It was also verified that the use of gamification elements for the teaching of agile tests
was efficient, because the participating students dedicated themselves more to the tasks and were
participative in all the different types of classes.

1 INTRODUCTION problems and to promote learning (Kapp, 2012).

Additionally, Kapp (2012) defends the proposal to
Software Testing is one of the main activities that use the games elements to involve the students to
are part of software quality assurance. Additionally, stimulate their learning. Perhaps one of the great
studies show the increasing adoption of agile advantages of using gamification in education is to
methodologies in the software industry, where until provide a system in which students can visualize the
the 2018 three out of four Information Technology effect of their actions and learning as the activity
companies in the world will be using the agile progress happens, making it easier to understand the
methodologies in their work, prioritizing the relationship of the parts with the everything, as in
delivery of value, efficiency, security and games (Fardo, 2013).
assertiveness (Gartner, 2015). As one of the agile In this context, we used a set of programming
techniques, we have the Agile Tests, where, techniques adopted by agile development teams,
according to Nadalete and Kryszczun (2013), agile such as DOJO (Luz and Neto, 2012) and LAB
testing requires a strong adaptation in the routine (Programming Laboratory), with the objective of
and dynamics of the team in relation to the providing a practical teaching of agile tests, giving a
development process adopted. greater emphasis on practice of TDD (Test Driven
However, the teaching of agile tests still has Development). A technique developed by Beck
several limitations, since this topic requires that the (2010), which describes an evolutionary approach to
student has a certain knowledge of programming and development, where it must write a test before
techniques of software quality, which may not writing a sufficient production code to perform this
happen the adequate absorption of these contents by test and perform its refactoring, thus doing that code
the students when teaching is restricted to theoretical is born tested. In parallel with these classes, students
classes. Thus, the phenomenon of gamification participated in a game, as in (Freitas et al., 2016), in
(Werbach and Hunter, 2012), which consists in the which they got achievements in each of the classes.
use of the games elements outside their context, is Thus, the objective of this paper is to report and
used to mobilize the subjects to act, to help solve discuss the results obtained in the application of
these techniques for the teaching of Agile Testing in

Elgrably, I. and Oliveira, S.
Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies .
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 416-423
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

a Software Quality subject, which was taught in DOJO and Programming Laboratory; to be more real
postgraduate and undergraduate courses in computer challenges for students, because it motivates them to
science. The study presented in this paper has the learn in depth techniques to be able to meet
purpose of analyzing and discussing the results challenges of programming that were developed.
obtained by the classes with the teaching practices Finally, in the work of Matsubara and Silva
mentioned, considering the gamification as a (2017), the authors present a process of gamified
motivating point. Thus, this research aims to experience with volunteers in a laboratory, aiming
contribute to the teaching of agile test practices for the teaching of the subject of Software Engineering,
students, aiming at a better preparation for the in order to know if “the elements of games and the
software development market, and to discuss how game design enhances learning in a Software
the elements of gamification can contribute as a Engineering subject?”. In this work, the game
motivating teaching technique and trying to show elements are well defined using elements such as:
that the gamification is much more than a set of points, levels, challenges, and feedback, among
points, medals and progress bars, as well as others. The work being presented in this paper has
criticized (Chou, 2015). the differential of having been carried out the Case
One of the reasons for the concern with the Study in a Software Quality subject, so different
teaching of Agile Testing with a focus on the from volunteers the competitive aspect was more
practice of TDD is that in the research conducted by impacting, as the result of the Case Study reflected
Elgrably and Oliveira (2017), it was verified that the directly in grades of the students in the subject, and
TDD practice is one of the main agile test techniques later the Case Study was replicated making changes
used in the software development of Brazilian that were collected through interviews in class with
industry and most of the MPT-Br (Brazilian Test students at the end of the case study, enabling an
Improvement Model) consultants find it difficult to improvement in the learning process and in the
implement the technique, where one of the main structure of the gamification.
reasons is the little or no prior knowledge of the
technique by the developers.
The Software Quality subject, which used in the
In order to identify works that propose the use of Case Study described in this paper, is offered every
gamification as support to teaching, not necessarily semester to regular and special postgraduate (master
to the teaching of Agile Tests, a search was made and doctoral courses) and undergraduate students in
in the specialized literature with emphasis on Computer Science. It is a subject considered as
published papers. No work found focuses on the optional for the training of these students in the
teaching of Agile Testing, using gamification as Software Engineering research area. Currently, the
a motivation to aid teaching. This already course is taught by a professor with a broad
underscores the importance of this study, academic experience (with a master's, doctoral and
demonstrating the relevance and originality of the postdoctoral degree in Software Quality, having
case studies carried out. graduated more than 40 master's and doctoral
There are studies that propose the use of students in this research area) and professional
gamification as teaching support, without the use of (being certified in MPS.BR, CMMI, CERTICS,
software or applications, only the elements of MEDE-PROS – Software Product Quality
gamification to support students. Thus, authors of Assessment Method). All students of this professor
the (Freitas et al., 2016) work created a gamified act actively in the administration of this subject
environment for the subject of Fundamentals of based on monitoring and practices. The discipline
Computer Architecture. The central element of the discusses aspects related to Software Engineering
game was the duel of knowledge among students and its subareas and its content is made through
enrolled in the subject, either individually or in a expository classes, debates, exercises and
group, where the purpose of the game is to elaboration of practical works accompanied by the
accumulate points that were the final mark of the responsible professor and his monitors.
student in the subject. The work described in this
paper has the differential of application of
techniques used by agile development teams, such as

ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering

4 THE GAME OF AGILE In both case studies, at the beginning of the first
TESTING day of class, the students were informed that they
would be participating in a gamified classroom on
Agile Testing, and a spreadsheet with a gamification
The Software Quality subject was the context of the
was presented, an instrument responsible for
case study that will be presented and had the
punctuating all the practices that the students would
following Research Question (QP): Does the use of
exercise in the subject, such as: Daily Penalties,
gamification aid the engagement of the class and
which could be Fouls without Warning, Fouls with
increases the learning about the topic of Agile Tests
Warning, Delays and Penalties (use cellphone,
in the Software Engineering area?
disrupt class, use of laptop, etc.); Daily Bonuses,
In order to answer this QP, a gamified classroom
which could be the presence of the students, an
was created for this case study, which has the
initiative to question something about what was
following elements: physical space (classroom);
being taught, suggestions for possible improvements
players (students); judges (monitors and professor);
of the classes and participation, which would be any
the applied teaching methodology and rules of the
other question about the classes that generated a
game; and other gamification elements that were
discussion in the class; General Bonus of Case
used, detailed in the next subsection.
Study, are unique bonuses that were worth more
points for students.
4.1 The Methodology of the Case Study These punctuation generated the gamification
score, in which the result of the first case study for
The stages of accomplishment of the case study are
the postgraduate students had that the student with
represented in Figure 1.
the highest grade received a prize, and also
generated part of the grade of the students in the
Software Quality subject, using the following
formula: LAB * 0.04 + EvaluativeActivity * 0.04 +
Participations * 0.2. It is worth emphasizing that for
the participations were added all the Daily Bonus,
and the students who obtained more than 10
participations would receive the maximum score,
otherwise they would have the participation number
multiplied by 0.2. In the second case study, the
formula was slightly updated in order to increase the
students' competitiveness and performance: LAB *
Figure 1: Stages of Realization of the Case Study. 0.04 + EvaluativeActivity * 0.04 + Participations *
0.032 (Number obtained through a rule of 3 with the
The case study was carried out twice, the first in highest grade of participation in the case study). It is
a postgraduate class, divided in 6 days of classes, worth emphasizing that the student with the most
being: 2 days of classic lectures with the Software participation points in the gamification level scored
Testing theme, as well as their history, types of the grade of the group above in Participations, which
Software Tests, Software Testing in traditional and were 62 points of participation.
agile contexts, and especially the agile practice of
TDD and the "Agile Testing Quadrant" created by 4.2 The Game
Marick (2003) and modified by Gregory and Crispin
(2014); in the third class students participated in a The main element of the game is the competition
DOJO of the Randori type; in the fourth class there between the students, in which the knowledge on the
was a LAB practice with pairing; and in the sixth subject of Agile Testing was verified.
class all students in the Case Study participated in a At the beginning of each class was presented the
feedback class on the practices used for teaching and previous result of the competition, showing the
if the gamification met the expectations of the QP. points and the current Ranking of gamification, this
The second case study was carried out in an was done with the intention of promoting a fierce
undergraduate class and the feedback that was competition among students, as in the (Hanus and
collected in the first case study was taken into Fox, 2015) work. All the activities of the game,
account, so there was an addition of one more class. when performed successfully, gave points. In Table
1 we can identify which elements of gamification

Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

were used in each class and also the forms that the students stayed in pairs, one pilot and the other co-
students were able to score in each of them. pilot, to finish the list of challenges and the other
students were as audience, being able to analyse
Table 1: Relationship between Class Types and what was being done by the pair and discuss the
Gamification Elements and Points. decisions, and to build strategies for when their
Class Gamification Grades on the respective times of action in the challenge. Each
Types Elements Spreadsheets student had a time of 5 minutes in each function.
Points, Ranking, Presence, Participations
Expository Table 2: Functionalities and Test Cases of DOJO
Narrative and Suggestions
Points, Ranking, List
Presence, Participations,
DOJO of Challenges, Functionalities Test Cases
Suggestions, Initiative and
Class Learning Curve and
Participation in DOJO It must make a Deposit Making a Deposit
Activities in Teams
It must consult the Balance Making a Bank Draft
Presence, Participations,
Points, Ranking, List Duplicating a value of a
Suggestions, Initiative,
of Challenges, It must make a Bank Draft deposit
LAB Class Participation in LAB,
Learning Curve, Is must add up to Investment Cashing out if value is less
Concluding of LAB and
Monitoring than what is available
Mini Game (LAB)
Evaluative Points, Ranking, List Presence and Grade in the It must validate if a Bank Draft Invaliding the Bank Draft
Class of Challenges Test is valid greater than available
Feedback Points, Ranking,
Class Winning Prizes
Presence and Participation In the fourth class of the second Case Study the
focus was on unit testing. The students performed
In the first class was made the narrative of the this mini-game in the format of LAB, thus formed
importance of the students' participation in the case pairs for one of the activities, in which the students
study, how the gamified classroom would work and made a list of challenges, with the possibility of
the punctuations. It was reported that there were two adding more test cases to increase their scores. In
judges (monitors) who were responsible for this challenge the system codes were delivered to the
punctuating the students' participation and at the end pairs and they had to build five test cases at least as
of each class they would discuss the results that had seen in Table 3.
been obtained. From the beginning it was
encouraged that the students did not miss and Table 3: Test Cases of LAB Challenge.
participate as actively as possible in the classes, Store System Challenge
since their attendance and participation would testingProductsValues;
generate points for gamification. Test Cases testingProductsAmmount; testingAddProducts;
In the classical expository classes the topics testingSearchProducts; testingRemoveProducts
covered in the Case Study were presented to the
In the fourth class (fifth class in the second case
students, an introduction to Software Testing was
study) the focus continued to be the use of TDD and
done, later presented the main techniques and tools
the students are in pairs to perform one of the
used in the Agile Testing quadrant, with a greater
activities with greater grade of the case study, the
emphasis on TDD. In these classes the students
LAB. In this activity the students performed a list of
scored with their presence, active participation with
challenges, with the possibility of adding more test
questions and discussions, making suggestions of
cases to increase their scores. Table 4 shows the list
new topics that could be approached and
of challenges.
improvements that could be made in the material
In this challenge, the monitors observed the
performance of the students and evaluated the
In the third class there was a greater focus on the
following criteria for the grade: if the activity was
agile practice of TDD, presenting a kind of class of
completed; if the cycle of TDD was used by the
DOJO of the Randori type, in which a list of
students; and whether the refactoring was used in the
challenges related to code construction and testing.
development of functionalities; in addition to
In Table 2 it is possible to visualize the
completing the gamification with suggestions given
functionalities and the test cases of this challenge.
by the students about the LAB activity, evaluating
In the beginning of the challenge one of the
the initiative of each one in the activity to perform
monitors performed the first functionality and the
functionalities and test cases more than what was
first test case with the support of the students
requested in the challenge.
participating in the case study. Afterwards, the

ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering

Table 4: Functionalities and Test Cases of LAB Table 5: Results of the LAB II Challenge of the First Case
Challenge. Study.
Challenge 1 Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 TO
Writing Sum Function TAL
Functionalities AC FT UR ND AC FT UR ND AC FT UR ND
Refactoring Sum Function (If necessary)
summingTwoPositiveNumbers ST 1 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 60
Test Cases ST 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 100
summingTwoZeroNumbers ST 3 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 60
Challenge 2
Writing Subtraction, Multiplication and ST 4 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 100
Division Functions
ST 5 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
Functionalities Refactoring the Created Functions (If
necessary) ST 6 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 100
Treating Division by Zero
ST 7 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
Performing tests that validate its operation
(Operation with two positive numbers, ST 8 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 90
Test Cases positive number with negative, decimal
numbers and operations with two zero ST 9 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 100
Challenge 3 ST 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 66
Making a test function with an assertion, ST 11 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 90
Test Cases with the result of the expression (using the
classes already created): ((30 + 10) - 10) * 2 ST 12 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 66

In the fifth class (sixth class in the second case ST 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

study), the results of the lessons learned were ST 14 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 100
evaluated, where an evaluation activity was carried
out with 9 objective questions and 1 discursive on
The result obtained in the LAB activity had
the topic of Agile Tests. This activity had greater
criteria for the total grade of the students, where
grade in the final score of the gamification, and from
from the three challenges the student needed: to
it would be possible to analyze the students' learning
complete the activity (AC); to use the TDD flow to
through the teaching practices that were chosen.
perform each activity (FT); to use the code class or
Finally, the sixth class (seventh class in the
the test class refactoring (UR). If the student
second Case Study) was used to receive feedback
completed the criteria in the activity, he / she would
from students about what they found of the use of
receive a flag of 1, otherwise a flag of 0. In the end,
gamification and the types of class adopted for the
one of the monitors would correct the code and give
case study, analyzing their interest in gamification,
a grade between 0 and 10 points, of the Challenge
agile testing, TDD, etc. In this class the students
Grade (ND). The formula of the total calculation for
earned punctuation with their presence and from the
each challenge was: AC * 4 + FT * 3 + UR * 3 +
following scale of participation: Little participation,
ND * 2, which totalled 30 points per challenge, and
Regular Participation, Good Participation and
all participants were rewarded with 10 points for
Excellent Participation.
participating in the LAB. In the first case study it
was evaluated that the 3 challenges would each be
worth 30 points plus the bonus, worth 10 points,
5 THE EVALUATION OF THE totalling the final value of the LAB challenge in 100
USE OF AGILE TESTING AND points. In the second case study it was continued that
each of the 3 challenges would be worth 30 points
THE STUDENTS MOTIVATION each, but the bonus was changed so that the Tests
and the extra methods performed by the students’
In order to evaluate the learning, the results of the pairs had a value of 0 to 10 points, as can be seen in
LAB and the evaluation activity were used. Table 5 Table 6: Daily Bonus in Participations Class (PA5).
shows the LAB result from the first Case Study and This was done with the intention of stimulating the
Table 6 from the second Case Study. In these tables competitiveness and trying to extract the maximum
the ST acronym represents the Student. of the effort of the pairs in the activity.

Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

Table 6: Results of the LAB II Challenge of the Second were highlighted in the feedback class, such as: the
Case Study. use of pairing in the activity; in the pre-LAB class a
DOJO of the Randori type was performed; and the
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
use of a non-evaluative LAB that enabled a first
5 experience with the practice. The student 19 missed
the LAB activity; soon he received the grade 0 in
ST1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 10 6 92 this practice.
ST2 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 8 98 The other activity used for performance
evaluation was a traditional evaluative activity
ST3 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 10 5 91 (Test). The students also had results considered very
ST4 1 0 0 10 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 41 satisfactory. The spreadsheet used in the first case
study, containing the results that were obtained in
ST5 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 10 6 92
addition to several observations, is available at:
ST6 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 10 2 90
bm1JbW h0c3c. Still on the result obtained in the
ST7 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 60
traditional evaluative activity of the first case study,
ST8 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 8 98 a peculiar case happened with the Student 6, who
obtained a maximum score in the LAB class, having
ST9 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 8 98
the largest number of participations in the case
ST10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 10 2 90 study, but obtained one of the lowest grades in the
evaluation activity and in the feedback class. The
ST11 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 60
student when asked about the evaluation method of a
ST12 1 0 0 10 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 41      tional test stated that he always had a great
difficulty concentrating and excessive nervousness
ST13 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 8 98
when he participated in activities of this nature.
ST14 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 58 Most of the students present agreed that evidence in
the traditional model could cause a considerable
ST15 1 0 1 10 1 0 1 10 1 1 1 10 10 94
amount of stress for everyone.
ST16 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 58 The spreadsheet that was used in the second case
study is available at
ST17 1 0 1 10 1 0 1 10 1 1 1 10 10 94
id=0B1VyGWbovbpVSVpwUXltVnNwZjA. In this
ST18 1 0 0 10 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 41 second case study there was another peculiar
occurrence, where the Student 3 obtained excellent
ST19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
grades in Evaluative LAB, 91, and evaluative
ST20 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 10 5 91 activity, 9, but it was verified that he had some
difficulties of expressing himself and of speaking.
The students' results in the LAB class in the first Thus, in the extra participations of the gamification
case study were considered satisfactory, with a mean he only punctuated in extra activities of codes
of 7.7 as a grade, with the exclusion of the missing without at any moment having interacted with the
student. The possible causes cited by the students as class. However, his results and learning was great
determining factors for the successful execution of and raised a question for the authors of this paper
this challenge were highlighted in the feedback that will be taken into account in future case studies:
class, such as: the use of pairing in the activity; and can gamification be used with any type of student
in the pre-LAB class a DOJO of the Randori type and situation? Or how to adapt the gamification so
was performed. Student 13 missed the LAB activity; that it is not punitive to some student who has some
soon he received the grade 0. difficulty or special need?
The students’ results in the LAB class in the On students’ motivation in the context of the
second case study were considered very satisfactory, case study, regarding the use of gamification as a
because even with the stimulus of competitiveness in motivating tool was unanimity among the students
which only one pair obtained the 10 points in present in the feedback class, evaluating the use of
Participations in the class, the general average of the gamification as positive.
students was of 7.8, the student 19 missed. The
possible causes cited by the students as determining
factors for the successful execution of this challenge

ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering

5.1 Comparison between the Results student was very participative, this made the grades
Obtained of many students fall, as can be seen in the Figure 3.
As can be ascertained, using the levelling factor,
The quantitative data that were collected for the where there was a student with a total of 62
analysis of these Case Studies are allocated in the participations in the game, and taking into
spreadsheets of each respective case study, while the consideration that the average participation of the
qualitative data were collected by audio and class was 31 participations, excluding the student 19
analysed by the authors of the paper. who only participated in the last day of the Case
Study, it can be concluded that most of the students
5.1.1 Quantitative Results lost a grade compared to the average parameter that
was used as the levelling factor of the first case
Some of the feedbacks collected served as a way to study.
improve the gamification, aiming to improve the Analysing a comparison of concepts between the
students' achievement in the subject. This resulted in classes, it was noticed that when we increased the
a good increase in student participation in the second difficulty of gamification, imposing a levelling by
case study, as can be seen in the graph of Figure 2, the greater participation, this portrayed directly in
which shows the sum of all the Daily Bonuses the concepts of the students.
obtained by the students in the case study, divided There was a greater balance in the concepts in
by the number of students and number of classes. the first case study, even comparing that on average
the grade of the evaluative LAB in the first Case
Study had a mean achievement of 77.8% versus
78.1% of the second Case Study. In the issue of the
test grade, the first case study group was 7.2 versus
7.0 of the second case study, disregarding the
student who missed the activity. Therefore, the main
factor of difference of the concepts comes from the
choice of levelling of gamification.
Only one student achieved the concept of
excellent in the second Case Study, and considerably
Figure 2: Comparison the participations between the case increased the difficulty of the students who
studies. participated in this model with levelling by the
participant with more points in the gamification.
It is apparent that the stimulation of the
visualization the gamification results and its 5.1.2 Qualitative Results
competitive made that the students' grades were
levelled in the gamification in the second case study The qualitative results were collected from
by the student with greater participation in the interviews in the feedback class with all the students
classroom, causing an exponential increase in the and the review of the quality of the codes obtained
participation of the students. However, as the highest during the Case Studies.
student levelled the grade in the classroom and this As in (Matsubara and Silva, 2017) work, there
were a lot of positive effects observed by students.

Figure 3: Comparison the grades between the case studies.

Gamification and Evaluation of the Use the Agile Tests in Software Quality Subjects: The Application of Case Studies

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gamification concepts and serious games and can Nadalete, L. G., Kryszczun, J., 2013. Agile Test, How to
return instant feedback to students; using a digital implement? Available in:
coin that can be computed both in activities in the mundo-de-teste-de-software/capitulo-7-teste-agil-com
tool and in activities outside it; creation of medals o-implementar/. Accessed in 10/2017.
for challenges and milestones to motivate student Werbach, K., Hunter, F., 2012. For The Win: How Game
participation; adapting the gamification to students’ Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business.
cases who have some difficulty in communication Filadélfia, Pensilvânia:Wharton Digital Press.
and learning, so as not to exclude them from the
game; performing an analysis between how to level
the gamification grade for an upcoming Case Study;
adding to the case study the use of pre and post
questionnaires, seeking to know the previous
knowledge of students in Agile Testing and TDD.


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