Minor RP (Final)
Minor RP (Final)
Minor RP (Final)
Research Paper
(Session 2023-2024)
Submitted by:
Dhruv Gupta(06111502721)
Anukrit Goyal(06711502721)
Harshit Agarwal(06811502721)
Himanshu Uniyal(06911502721 )
● Usability Goals:
We took great care in designing our audio- ○ Ability To Learn and
visual tool with the goal of improving the Remember: We designed all of
interaction and experience of users as well as
our visualizations to have the
their enjoyment of the tool and its learning
materials. same comprehensible and
intuitive interface in order for
Design Considerations
students to quickly learn how to
● Pedagogical Goals: use the tool and remember its
○ Increased Understanding:
Visual and textual information
○ Ease of Learning: For quick
was combined in our tool, which
understanding, common
also had context-based assists
elements such as play, pause
and user data input capabilities
and reset buttons were
to increase interaction.
incorporated. Visuals were in
○ Active Learning
perfect harmony with the
Encouragement: Animations
included pseudocode for all the
have a zoom in factor, enabling
animations showing how the
users to control animation fast,
real code would look.
animate in a reverse fashion, or
step into parts of algorithm
● Accessibility Goals:
○ Global Perspective: The tool automatically with the ongoing
was made to be compatible on algorithm.
any platform so that learners
would be able to use any device
and all the tools would still be