Biology Incomplete Dominance 5E Model Lesson
Biology Incomplete Dominance 5E Model Lesson
Biology Incomplete Dominance 5E Model Lesson
● I can explain that traits are inherited from parents.
● I can recognize genotypes and phenotypes.
● I can define incomplete dominance.
● I can determine the possible genotypes of parents from their
phenotypes and can separate the parental alleles by solving
monohybrid crosses.
● I can recognize that crossing two pure parents results in an
Learning Targets intermediate mixture when incomplete dominance occurs by color
(I-Can Statements) mixing.
***At the end of the week, what will
students know and what will students be
● I can predict the probability of gene expression in successive
able to do? generations by calculating genotypic and phenotypic ratios in
Dragon Egg genetics.
● I can use mathematical models to predict and explain incomplete
dominance by applying it to a real world situation.
● I can compare and contrast incomplete dominance with
● I can research which human diseases are caused by incomplete
dominant genes and explain the probability of the disease being
passed to offspring.
ENGAGE ● Put the students in flexible groups using the paint chip strategy.
Describe how the teacher will Get paint chip strips from the hardware store and cut them into 3’s
capture students’ interest. (light end, dark end, and medium). Pass them out and have
What kind of questions should the students find their match (this flexible grouping strategy directly
students ask themselves after the correlates to the concept of incomplete dominance).
● Show pictures (on page 7 of this document) to students that show
an interracial family with a child, carnations (red, white, and
pink), and hair types (straight, curly, and wavy). Have them also
look at their paint chips.
● Give them time to discuss what they think all 4 items have in
● Give students the lab sheet called “Color Mixing.” Students will
write a hypothesis as to what color they will get when they
○ blue + blue (result is blue)
EXPLORE ○ red + red (result is red)
Describe what hands-on/minds-on ○ blue + red (result is purple)
activities students will be doing.
List “big idea” conceptual questions the ● Students carry out the experiment, compare to their written
teacher will use to encourage and/or hypothesis and answer Why? (this leads to the teacher explanation
focus students’ exploration
and sample Punnett square...see below*)
● For the next activity, look at the following to see how to prepare
for “Dinosaur Egg Genetics” before class.
○ Get blue, yellow, green, pink, purple, and orange plastic
easter eggs.
KEY #2:
Pink - P,
Purple - L
Orange - PL
● Teacher tells the students that each half of the “dinosaur egg”
represents a parent. For example, if you have a yellow and green
egg, parent 1 is yellow and parent 2 is green. The beads or candy
inside represents the offspring.
● Students will look back over their Punnett squares to answer the
question: A pink dinosaur mates with a purple dinosaurs and all
the offspring in the F1 generation are orange. One of the orange
dinosaurs mates with an orange dinosaur from another valley and
in the F2 generation, they have some orange offspring but they
also have a few pink and a few purple offspring. Using what you
learned from this activity, explain how 2 orange dinosaurs could
have such a variety of offspring.
The Science of How These Twin Sisters Look So Different
It's not uncommon for siblings to bear no resemblance to one another, but at first glance you may
struggle to believe that these two beautiful girls, who appear to be polar opposites of one another, are
not only sisters, but are in fact twins. Isn’t genetics fascinating?
As you can see, Ava, the girl on the right, has fair skin, bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Maria, on
the other hand, has much darker skin, deep brown eyes and bouncy, black ringlets atop her head.
Understandably, they have left a few jaws hanging when they popped out, and people rarely believe
they are twins. So, what’s the science between this pair?
The girls mother and father are both products of a biracial relationship, themselves having a black
parent and a white parent . You’ve probably worked out by now that these girls cannot be identical
twins. Those occur when a single sperm fertilizes an egg that subsequently splits into two genetically
identical, but separate embryos. Non-identical, or fraternal, twins, on the other hand, are usually the
result of the mother releasing two eggs at the same time, both of which become fertilized by two
different sperms. Rather than being genetically identical, these share 50% of their DNA like normal
siblings do.
What happened with these girls is that, thanks to the parents carrying genes for both black and white
skin, Ava ended up inheriting the genes for white skin, whereas Maria inherited the genes for black
skin. Such dramatic genetics are unusual, but possible. Most of the time, children will inherit a "blend"
of their parents features - as was the case with their siblings. In the twins case, they each happened
to inherit incredibly different features.
Social Media Response Rubric
Punnett square Every part of the punnett Every part of the punnett There is a mistake in the
square is accurate. square is accurate. No punnett square which
Additional information additional information affects phenotypic
(such as offspring circled provided. results. No additional
on punnett square, information provided.
information about F2
Vocabulary Includes all applicable Includes most important Lacks most of the
vocabulary (incomplete applicable vocabulary important applicable
dominance, intermediate, (incomplete dominance, vocabulary (incomplete
phenotype, genotype) and intermediate, genotype) dominance, intermediate)
uses them appropriately. and uses most of them and/or does not use them
Additional vocabulary appropriately. No appropriately. No
(such as % chance, F1 additional vocabulary additional vocabulary
generation, F2 used. used.
generation, mixture,
dominant) is used and
enhance the explanation.