Swordsmen & Skeletons Third Edition: An Old School Roleplaying by Dragon Trove LLC, 2019

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By John Vogel. Edited by Carl Heyl

CREATING A CHARACTER: Distribute 75 points (maximum 18, >=17 on a 20 sided die (D20), +1/level, (additional +3 for Swordsmen)
minimum 3) among 6 requisites. Nephilim roll extra STR and CON later (q.v.). characters may get a bonus/penalty for high/low requisites at GM’s discretion.
Monsters flee at 50% losses, unless they make a D20 Morale Check of 9+;
Strength (STR): Modifies attack rolls and damage. Each +1 bonus = +250 Gold and must check again each time they lose another comrade. At zero hit points
Pieces [GP] in weight carried without slowing movement (see EQUIPMENT). monsters are dead; PCs are unconscious at 0, dead at -5. At dawn each day,
Intelligence (INT): Bonus spell levels a Wizard memorizes per day. living characters SV modified by CON, for up to 5 hit points to heal. Traps cause
Wisdom (WIS): Bonus spell levels a Priest memorizes per day. 1d6 damage per dungeon level and poison paralyzes; a SV negates either.
Dexterity (DEX): Modifies Armor Class and saving throws (SV) to avoid traps. Note: A roll of 20 (on the die, not modified) to hit or save always succeeds
Constitution (CON): Modifies hit points/level, SVs to heal and against poison. (though immunities to attacks or spells, if any, will still result in no effect), and
Charisma (CHA): Modifies chance to persuade. a roll of 1 (again, on the die) always fails, regardless of bonuses or penalties.
REQUISITE MODIFIERS SPELLS: These rules apply unless the spell description specifically says
3 4-5 6-8 9-12 13-15 16-17 18 Every point above
otherwise: A spell affects one target in the same room, unless line of sight is
18 grants an extra
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +1 bonus blocked or target is adjacent to the caster, lasts the duration of the encounter
(damage lasts until healed), and is negated by a SV unless target is willing. Each
CHOOSE A CHARACTER CLASS, RACE AND ALIGNMENT spell can only be cast once/day, unless memorized multiple times. A Priest or
Player Character (PC) Classes
Wizard can memorize and cast 2 levels of spells/character level/day; he cannot
Swordsman: +1 to attack roll/level, Hit Dice (HD)=1d8/level, wields any armor
memorize spells of higher than half his character level rounded up, nor more
and weapon, gets an additional attack/round at levels divisible by 6. +3 to ALL
spells of a higher spell level than any lower spell level.
Saving Throws. Gets a Fighting Trick*, developed with the game master (GM).
Priest Spells (Miracles)
Priest: +1 to attack roll/2 levels, HD=1d6/level (hit points gained per level), uses Level 1
any armor and mace, casts Priest spells. Gains a Mystic Power*, developed Cure Light Wounds: Living target regains 1d6+2 lost hit points, range=touch.
secretly with the GM; he loses this permanently if he acts chaotically. Detect Evil or Magic: Detects one of these states on all creatures and items in the same room, no SV.
Light: Illuminates the room OR blinds one target (-4 to hit, cannot make ranged attacks).
Wizard: +1 to attack roll/3 levels, HD=1d4/level, uses dagger, no armor, casts Zeal: Creates a shield of pure law about the recipient, granting +2 AC.
Level 2
Wizard spells. Gains a Lore Mastery*, developed secretly with the GM. Hold Person: Paralyzes 1d4 man-like targets (if only one creature is targeted, it SVs at -2).
Forbidding: Destroys up to 1d4 x Priest’s level in hit dice of undead targets, nearest first.
Character Races: All races except men see in the dark (men attack at -2). Speak with Animals: Affects all in the room, lasts for one day. Caster can SV to persuade them to serve.
Level 3
Man: Gains a Background Ability* developed with the game master (PCs only). Remove Curse/Disease: Either effect is removed, unless the GM has extra requirements.
Defiance: +3 to spell saves for 1 day.
Dwarf: +4 SV vs. magic, and for underworld exploration and weapon smithing. Speak with Dead: Caster may need a persuasion SV, or dead Chaos creatures will try to deceive.
Spirit Power: Grants the power of a spirit amulet. Requires the fresh heart of the appropriate spirit beast.
Elf: As sorcerous monster, spells determined randomly at dawn. +2 forest lore. Level 4
Cure Serious Wounds: Triple strength cure light wounds.
Half Orc: +1 damage in melee, +1 AC, -2 to persuade, +4 sense of smell. Neutralize Poison: Destroys any poison or cures any poisoned character. Range=touch.
Protection Circle: 10’ radius, keeps out magical monsters, others attack into it at -1 to hit and AC, no SV.
Goblin: +1 (on D6) to surprise underground or in marsh. +4 to evade. Sticks to Snakes: Creates 1d8 snakes, AC 16, HD 1, Damage 1d3+poison, MV 9; obey the caster.
Level 5
Halfling: +6 to move unseen in woods or darkness, -1 damage in melee. Angelic Fire: All evil, magical monsters in the room are blinded (-4 to hit, cannot make ranged attacks).
Commune: GM must answer 3 of the priest’s “yes or no’ (only) questions, about anything, honestly.
Nephilim (Half Giant): +1d3 STR and CON; sorcerous monster, -4 SV to heal. Dispel Evil: As dispel magic, OR a single magical monster saves or is annihilated.
*Tricks, powers, masteries, etc., grant individualization and a little extra power. Holy Zeal: More powerful version of Zeal; divine light grants +5 AC.

Experience and Levels: Killing monsters is worth 100 experience point per Wizard Spells
Hit Die (HD), quadrupled if they can cast spells, can only be hit by magic, Level 1
Change Form: Target takes on the appearance (not abilities) of any roughly man sized, man-like creature.
and/or have ranged attacks, or doubled if they have other special powers. Charm Person: One man-like creature becomes caster’s ally.
Treasure is worth one experience point per Gold Piece (GP). Characters need Light: as Priest spell.
2,000 experience points to reach second level, doubled per level through 7th, Sleep: Puts 2d8 levels of living targets to sleep, all must be under 5 HD, no SV.
Read Magical Writings.: Required to read sorcerous books and hieroglyphs, but not spell scrolls.
then +100,000/level, Elves and Nephilim need double experience at all levels. Level 2
Hold Person: As Priest spell.
Alignment: Law (good; most PCs, other alignments allowed only by GM’s Detect Evil or Magic: Detects one of these states on all creatures and items in the same room, no SV.
consent), Chaos (evil), and Neutral (unintelligent monsters). Law must be Reveal Invisible: All invisible creatures and objects in the same room become visible.
honorable; Chaos need not, but -3 SV to persuade (Chaos does not trust Chaos). Invisibility: Range=touch, lasts until target attacks: grants +4 AC, and cannot be attacked at range.
Mirror Image: Creates 1d4 images of the caster; if he is damaged, an image is destroyed instead.
Phantasmal Force: An illusory monster joins the party; it is real in all ways until disbelieved, which requires
BUY EQUIPMENT: Beginning Characters have 100 gold (GP) a SV and an action. It must be a monster the Wizard has battled (caused it at least 1 hit point of damage).
Item Cost Item Cost Level 3
Cross (undead SV at -3) 50GP Holy Water Vial (1d8 damage to undead no SV)‡ 25GP Dispel Magic: Negates any spell; roll 11+ on 1d20, + Wizard’s level, -target caster’s level.
Flint, Steel & 6 torches 1GP 100’ rope & grapnel 2GP Fiery, Icy or Lightning Wrath: Causes 1d6 damage per Wizard’s level to all enemies in room, in line of sight,
Flask of wine‡‡ or oil 5GP Riding horse and saddle (MV 24) 50GP as a heat, cold or electric attack (3 different spells); SV for half damage.
Sword (1d8 damage) † 10GP Bow and 20 arrows (1d6 damage) † ‡ 20GP Fly: Target flies at MV 18 per turn, lasts one day. Range=touch.
Mace/spear (1d6 5GP Leather armor (Armor Class [AC]12, Move[MV] 5GP Haste: Caster and all allies get 2 attacks/round.
damage) † 12) Unarmored characters have MV 12, AC 10. Group Invisibility: As invisibility; affects all allies within 10’.
Dagger (1d4 damage) † 2GP Chainmail (AC 14, MV 9: As 250 GP penalty) 75GP Level 4
Shield (AC +1) 5GP Plate armor (AC 16, MV 6: As 500 GP penalty) 120GP Charm Monster: As charm person, affects any living monster.
†Silvered weapons cost triple GP. ‡range is same room, in line of sight, but not adjacent foes. A vial/flask Polymorph Other: Permanently turns target into any creature.
can only be used once; oil causes 1d8 damage, burns thrower on 1 to hit. ‡‡Wine flask adds +2 to persuade Polymorph Self: Caster turns into any creature; gains its MV (flight, if any), but no other powers.
Fire or Ice Wall: 60’ long. 20’ high, creatures under 3 HD cannot pass through, others take 1d6 damage;
double if fire/cold based, no save.
HOW TO PLAY: On entering a room, woodland clearing, cave or Fear: All foes SV or flee.
equivalent, each side rolls 1d6 to determine surprise; if only one side scores a Remove Curse: as Priest spell, but only effects curses, not disease.
1-2, they get a free round, then throw d6 each round to see which side goes Level 5
Animate Dead: Creates 1d6 skeletons/level over 8 to obey the Wizard, permanent.
first. Characters move up to full MV and do one other thing (attack, cast a spell, Hold Monster: As hold person; affects any living monster.
switch weapons, persuade, etc.). To Attack: Roll d20 >=monster’s AC, as Iron Wall: 60’ long, 20’ high, 3’ thick. Impenetrable by most forms of attack.
modified by character level and strength, to hit, +2 from side, +4 for rear. Tremendous Beasts: Adds Tremendous Monster (see below) to 1d6 animals; often used on trained dogs.
Monstrous Power: Grants the power of a monstrous amulet. Caster must have the fresh heart (less than a
Monsters attack as swordsmen. Roll damage based on weapon, modified by day old) of the appropriate monster.
strength. If a character tries something novel or difficult, he must save: Roll Bind Spirit: A dimensional or undead monster must SV or obey; still, if Wizard SVs, it cannot attack him.
WANDERING MONSTER ENCOUNTERS: Monster HD are D8 unless otherwise noted. Special attacks allow SV for no effect or per spell rules.
1 Blue Dragon S AC: 17 HD: 9 Damage: 2x1d6 & 3d6* Special: Breath as Lightning Wrath 3 times per day MV: 9/24 (flight)
2 Centaur S R AC: 15 HD: 4 Damage: 1d6 & 1d8 Special: SV to read the stars once per night, for reroll of any single die the next day; male MV: 18
3 Giant Spider F AC: 13 HD: 2+2 Damage: 1d6 + poison Special: Poison melee attack; surprise on 1-3 on d6 MV: 18
4 Gnoll M AC: 14 HD: 2 Damage: 1d10 Special: +6 SV to sniff out opponents MV: 9
5 Goblin C M AC: 12 HD: 1d6 Damage: 1d6 Special: -1 to hit in sunlight MV: 9
6 Harpy C R AC: 12 HD: 3 Damage: 2x1d3 &1d6* Special: Flies, charm person 1 time per day, female MV: 6/18 (flight)
7 Hill Giant M AC: 15 HD: 8 Damage: 2d10* Special: STR 21 (already factored in to statistics), throws boulders MV: 12
8 Human Bandit C M AC: 12 HD: 1 Damage: 1d8 Special: Surprise on 1-3 on d6 MV: 12
9 Lizardman R AC: 14 HD: 2 Damage: 2x1d3 & 1d8 Special: Breathes underwater, swims MV: 6/12 (swim)
10 Medusa F R AC: 14 HD: 6 Damage: 1d4 & poison* or Gaze Special: Gaze attack turns target to stone until/unless dispelled(range), female MV: 9
11 Ogre M R AC: 14 HD: 4+1 Damage: 2d6 Special: STR 19 (already factored in to statistics) MV: 9
12 Orc M AC: 13 HD: 1 Damage: 1d8 Special: -1 to hit in sunlight, causes +1 melee damage MV: 12
13 Skeleton U AC: 11 HD: 1 Damage: 1d6 Special: Never checks morale; mindless MV: 12
14 Werewolf R AC: 14 HD: 4 Damage: Bite 2d4* Special: Only damaged by fire, silver or magic MV: 12
15 White Dragon S AC: 17 HD: 6 Damage: 2x1d4 & 2d8* Special: Breath as Icy Wrath 3 times per day MV: 9/24 (flight)
16 Wight U F AC: 15 HD: 3 Damage: drains 1 level or HD only* Special: Only damaged by silver or magic MV: 9
17 Wolf AC: 12 HD: 2+2 Damage: 1d4 Special: As gnoll & howl panics horses MV: 18
18 Wraith U F AC: 16 HD: 4 Damage: 1d6 + drains 1 level or HD* Special: Only damaged by magic MV: 9/15 (flight)
19 Sorcerous Monster Casts 1d3 random spells, maximum level = HD/2, round down. A monster can get this result multiple times, and be both sorcerous and tremendous. Roll again for basic type.
20 Tremendous Monster Exceptionally big and savage. Add +4 to HD, AC, and damage per attack. Can get this result multiple times, and be both sorcerous and tremendous. Roll again for basic type.
*Attacks count as magical. S= Sees invisible on a successful save, no action required. F= Fanatic; +2 Morale. C= Cowardly; -2 Morale. U= Undead; immune to sleep, charm, hold and cold spells/powers, subject to Priestly Forbidding. M= Man-like creature. R=
Romantic; a living but unconscious player character of the opposite sex SVs, modified by CHA, to be captured (rather than slain outright) with some chance of escape in the future. Monster special abilities similar to spells are treated as spells, but effect only adjacent
targets, unless specifically stated otherwise.

TREASURE AND MONSTERS: Wandering Monster Encounters: Roll 1d6 each time you Adam: Okay, that will require a SV. The roll is 17+, +4 for his level, and +3 because he’s a Swordsman.
But, listening takes patience, and Clagar has a Wisdom penalty of -1. Altogether, you need to roll 11 or
enter a previously unseen area (open a door, turn a corner, etc.) on a roll of 6, roll 1d20 on the table
better on a twenty sided die (1d20).
above. For a weaker/tougher dungeon (Level 1-3 or 7-9) roll twice; encounter the weaker/tougher
Clint: [Rolls] 14. I got it, what do I hear?
monster. Number of monsters encountered=1d8-HD+dungeon level. There is a 7% chance per hit die of
Adam: Low, gruff voices, probably not human. It is faint, but sounds like they are arguing.
the toughest monster encountered (maximum 90%) to have the following treasures, roll once for each:
Bob: [To Clint] Let Brokus open the door. He can try his hold person spell if things get rough.
1d6 x 1,000 Gold Pieces , a Gem (weighs 1 GP) worth 1d6 x 1,000 GP and a single Magic Item. Roll 1d12
Bob: Brokus opens the door quietly, trying to gain surprise.
for magic items: 1=Cursed Item: Roll again, item has reverse effect. 2-4=Healing Potion: Heals 1d6 hit
Adam: The door opens. [Here Adam lays out what is behind the door. This is a 30’ x 40’ room, so it is set
points, one use only. 5-7=Spell Potion: Casts a random spell, one use only. 8=Enchanted Item: Ring, wand,
up on a grid –often a simple chess board, though more elaborate options exist- as 6 x 8, 5’ squares,
hat, whatever; casts the same random spell 1 to 3 times per day. 9=Enchanted Weapon: Random type,
crossing each of which will require 1 MV per round, there are no doors in the room (none visible, anyway)
roll 4d6, use the lowest single die for its bonus to hit and damage per attack; can kill monsters that are
but three large gnolls, at the opposite end of the room, backs to the adventurers, are arguing over a
immune to non-magical weapons. If two or more 6s are rolled, throw 1d6 for an additional damage effect,
wooden chest. Go ahead and roll for surprise.
against the target only, on a successful hit, SV applies: 1-3=2d6 fiery, icy or lightning wrath (SV for half
Bob: [Rolls 1d6], a 2, we surprised them!
damage), 4=poison, 5=holy (as forbidding spell), 6= unholy, 1 level drain, wielder gains half the hit points
Adam: Not necessarily. I won’t let them roll to surprise you, because their backs are to you and they are
lost by the monster, lasts until dawn the next day. 10=Enchanted Armor: Random type, roll 4d6, use the
obviously intent on their argument [This is an example of GM discretion]. However, gnolls have a special
lowest single die for its bonus to AC. Armor additional effects are complete immunity to the power rolled,
ability; a +6 SV to sniff out their opponents. In this case I’ll rule that they might have caught your scent
except 6, which give the wearer all undead (U) powers and vulnerabilities. 11=Spirit Amulet: +1d4 to
before you opened the door, and managed to get back on guard quick enough to avoid surprise. The roll
random requisite, animal based: lion=STR, fox=INT, owl=WIS, ferret=DEX, bull=CON, peacock=CHA.
is 17+, +2 for their level (2 HD monsters) and +6 for the special ability bonus; they need to roll a 9 [rolls
12=Monstrous Amulet: Roll two random monsters. Gain weaker monster’s ‘Special’ column abilities
11, so scores 19] neither party is surprised, so nobody gets a free round. Roll for initiative. [each side rolls
(above); can wear only one monstrous amulet at a time. ‘Tremendous’ and ‘Sorcerous’ results, count as
1d6, players score 5, gnolls score 3]. The adventurers go first.
additional special abilities for the monster. Each time a treasure roll (gold, gem or magic item) is made
Bob: Okay,[he looks at the position of the pieces on the game board] one of the gnolls is directly between
successfully, roll again for another of the same type, until a roll is failed. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance the
Brokus and another gnoll. That means line of sight is blocked, and he could only get a maximum of 2
monster with the most hit points (the chief) is aware of and can and will use any magic item present in the
gnolls with his hold person spell?
room, otherwise it is hidden, and the monsters know nothing of it.
Adam: Right. Note that even though they are monsters, since gnolls are man-like, the hold person spell
EXAMPLE OF PLAY: Swordsmen & Skeletons was written as an experiment. It was an attempt can affect them.
to see if all of the essential elements of an old school role playing game could be condensed onto a single Bob: If Brokus first runs to the middle of one of the side walls, could he target them all?
sheet of paper. It was a successful experiment, but it does assume a working knowledge of role playing Adam: [Looks at the board from that angle] Yes, they would all be in line of sight; no one of them would
conventions, which, in fact, the earliest rpg rules did. The best way to learn to play S&S (or any rpg, be blocking the others. The distance is only 4 squares, so Brokus can easily get there.
though this is a very simple one, and good to start with) is to take it to a friend who is an experienced Bob: Brokus does so and casts his spell. It affects 1-4 gnolls, [rolls 1d4] 2.
role player. He will figure out the rules in no time, and you can be playing shortly. However, if no one in Adam: That will affect a maximum of 2 gnolls. Each saves on a 17, +2 for level [they are 2 hit dice each],
your group has ever played an rpg before, the sample session below should make things clear enough. so needs a 15. One scores an 18 and is unaffected, the other scores a 7 and is paralyzed for the rest of
the combat, so he is out of action.
Three friends, Adam, Bob and Clint are playing a session. Adam is the GM. He has written up a dungeon Clint: Cool! Now it’s Clagar’s turn. He charges the nearest non-paralyzed gnoll and swings his sword.
(could be a city or wilderness) on a piece of graph paper, filling it with traps, monsters and treasure. The Since the gnoll is AC 14, and I’m a level 4 fighter [+4] with an 18 STR [+3], I’ll need a 7 to hit. [dice roll
players adventure through it, and Adam maps it for them as they go. Bob is playing Brokus, a 4 th level is 10] got him. Now I roll for damage [1d8 for a sword, +3 for 18 STR], rolled a 2, +3 is 5.
dwarf Priest: STR 13, INT 9, WIS 18, DEX 9, CON 16 and CHA 10, armed with mace, chainmail and shield, Adam: The gnoll is wounded, he gives a hyena-like yowl and blood spurts from his jaw. He swings at
AC 15 (no bonus for 9 DEX), he has 21 hit points (4d6, and an additional 2 points per level for 16 CON) Clagar with his scimitar; he’s trying to hit your AC 17, and he gets a +2 for his level, rolls a 14, barely
spells cure light wounds x4, hold person x1, forbidding x1, and three bonus first level spells for his high misses, otherwise he’d have done 1d10 damage.
WIS: detect magic, detect evil, and light; he has 9,400 experience points from previous adventures. With Bob: Brokus will close in on the same gnoll and attack. Needs a 14, +2 for a 4th level Priest, +1 for STR
Brokus is Clagar the Red (Clint), a 4th level human Swordsman: STR 18, INT 9, WIS 6, DEX 16, CON 16 13, needs an 11, scores a 13, hits. Mace does 1d6 +1 for STR 13, scores 7!
and CHA 10, armed with sword, chainmail and shield, AC 17 (because of a +2 bonus for 16 DEX), he has Adam: The gnoll is at -3 hit points; he drops dead. Since they are now at less than 50% of their original
27 hit points (4d8, and an additional 2 points per level for 16 CON) since he and Brokus are boon numbers, (even though one is only paralyzed) the remaining gnoll needs to check morale. That’s an
companions and have always adventured together, they have divided their experience evenly, and he also unmodified roll of 9, and [checking the monster table] gnolls get no bonus or penalty to it. [Rolls 5] the
has 9,400 experience points. Both are aligned with law. Each player has written his character information gnoll screams and tries to run. Since he’s running past you both, you’ll each get a free attack. [An example
on a 5 x 8 card. They have wandered in the dungeon and have arrived at a closed door. of GM discretion]

Bob: Brokus gives the door a very slight push, not enough to move it more than a fraction of an inch. Advice for the GM: Read the rules and play example carefully, and almost all questions will be answered.
Does it seem to be locked? If the players have a reasonable argument that will not ruin the game, give them the benefit of the doubt.
Adam: No, it seems to move freely.
Clint: Clagar listens at it to see if he can hear anything inside.
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izards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
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