S&W Rules Cheat Sheet 1.3
S&W Rules Cheat Sheet 1.3
S&W Rules Cheat Sheet 1.3
Attributes: enable bonuses and are used for requirements for class choices. Prime Retreat: free attack for foe
attribute gives 5% bonus experience if higher than 13.
Death: 0 = unconcious, dead at negative level hit points or more
STRENGTH melee hit, damage, doors INTELLIGENCE languages, spells
DEXTERITY ranged hit, armor bonus WISDOM XP, extra cleric spell Spells: no casting in melee, damage interrupts casting. Wands & Staffs work.
CONSTITUTION HP bonus, raise dead CHARISMA XP, max special hirelings
Terrain: give bonus of no more than +1 to +2
Advancement: XP is gained for monsters killed and treasure acquired
Weapon modifiers: dual wielding +1 to hit, two-handed +1 damage, shield +1 AC
Time: A turn takes 10min, a combat round 1min
Grappling: Attack roll, on success d6 per HD/Level. Higher wins. Attacker pins and can kill
Saves: roll equal or over, add modifiers to roll next round, defender stuns for HD/Level rounds.
Distance: d6*10 feet indoors, d6*100 feet outdoors Secret Doors: 2 in 6 per round of 10 feet searched. Elves: 4 in 6, 1 in 6 without search.
Reaction: 2d6, 2-6 hostile, 7-9 neutral, 10-12 positive Traps: 2 in 6 to trigger. Searching as above. Dwarves 4 in 6, 1 in 6 without search.
Attack: d20+modifier+to hit bonus (Items, STR for Fighter, DEX for ranged) vs AC. Listening: 1 in 6 chance to hear something, demi-humans 2 in 6 chance.
Damage according to die (Fighter adds STR). The modifier refers to the rules for
ascending armor class. Check table for PCs, for monsters user number of HD. Opening Doors: STR determines chance, multiple characters trying lose initiative
Morale: after first casualty and after 50% die. 2d6 roll under rating to stay in fight. Movement: below 75lbs = 12, 76-100= 9, 101-150=6, 151-300=3. Regular exploration: base
movement times 20 feet per turn (running times 40 feet per turn). In Combat: Indoors base
1. Surprise: 2 in 6 chance if unnoticed movement times 10 feet, outdoors time 10 yards.
2. Declare Spells: casters announce spells to cast Travel: base movement in in miles, forced march 4d6 vs STR check or stop. 1in 6 get lost.
3. Roll Initiative: d6 per side, higher goes first. Ties resolve simultaneously Encumbrance: 10lbs for misc items + armor + weapons + treasure (0.1 per gem/coin)
4. Resolve Winners: Casting spells, attacking, moving OR hold initiative Dungeon Turn: first roll wandering monsters 1 in 6 (e.g every other turn), next the party
takes actions, then you describe the results and finally end the turn (mark turn, track light
5. Resolve Losers: same as above and spell timers, trigger events)
Prime Attribute: Strength (at 13 or higher adds 5% XP) Prime Attribute: Wisdom (at 13 or higher add 5% XP)
Armor & Weapons: any Armor & Weapons: all armor, but only blunt weapons. Ranged only Sling and Oil.
Saving Throw: +1 to all except spells Saving Throw: +2 vs paralysis and poison
Multiple Attacks: vs creatures with 1HD or less: 1 attack per Fighter level each round Spell Casting: Each morning the Cleric has to pray for the spells he wishes to use from their
list. See table for number of spells and list of available spells.
Parry: If DEX is higher than 14, a malus is applied to attacks against the Fighter (see table)
Banishing the Undead: Clerics can ‘turn’ the undead. Roll 2d10 vs table, equal or higher is
Strength Bonuses: Fighters add their STR bonus to both to hit rolls and to damage rolls. success, undead depart for 3d6 rounds.
Thief Magic-User
Prime Attribute: Dexterity (at 13 or higher add 5% XP) Prime Attribute: Intelligence (at 13 or higher add 5% XP)
Armor & Weapons: leather, no shields, any weapons, magical only daggers and swords Armor & Weapons: no armor or shields, staffs, dagger and darts only
Backstab: +4 to hit on surprise from behind and deals double damage (triple at 5th, Spell Casting: Magic-Users have to prepare spells from their spell book each morning that
quadruple at 8th level. they wish to cast that day. See table for number of spells and list of available spells.
Thieving Skills: The thief has special training in these skills and might succeed where others Spell Learning: INT determines minimum and maximum number of spells, as well as
cannot. These include: Climbing Walls or Cliffs, Delicate Tasks, Hearing Sounds, Hiding in maximum spell level that can be learned. Magic-Users roll a check to learn spells from their
Shadows, Moving silently, Opening Locks. Reference the table for appropriate rolls. list to add them to their spell book. Found spells can be transcribed into the spell book if
the Magic-Users knows ‘Read Magic’.