Aerb NPP RR SM 01
Aerb NPP RR SM 01
Aerb NPP RR SM 01
March 2008
Activities concerning establishment and utilisation of nuclear facilities and use of radioactive sources are to be
carried out in India in accordance with the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act 1962. In pursuance of ensuring
safety of members of the public and occupational workers as well as protection of environment, Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board (AERB) has been entrusted with the responsibility of laying down safety standards and
enforcing rules and regulations for such activities. The Board has, therefore, undertaken a programme of
developing safety standards, safety codes and related guides and manuals. While some of these documents
cover aspects such as siting, design, construction, operation, quality assurance and decommissioning of nuclear
and radiation facilities, other documents cover regulatory aspects of these facilities.
Safety codes and safety standards are formulated on the basis of nationally and internationally accepted safety
criteria for design, construction and operation of specific equipment, systems, structures and components of
nuclear and radiation facilities. Safety codes establish the objectives and set requirements that shall be fulfilled
to provide adequate assurance for safety. Safety guides and guidelines elaborate various requirements and
furnish approaches for their implementation. Safety manuals deal with specific topics and contain detailed
scientific and technical information on the subject. Experts in the relevant fields prepare these documents. The
Board and its advisory committees review them before they are published. The documents are revised when
necessary, in the light of experience and feedback from users as well as new developments in the field.
The safety code on nuclear power plant design requires that design confirmation should be done by probabilistic
safety assessment in addition to deterministic analysis. The safety code on nuclear power plant operation
requires that the frequency of maintenance, testing, examination and inspection of structures, systems and
components including computer based systems according to their importance to safety should be determined
taking into consideration the probability of their failure to function, so as to provide assurance that they will
satisfactorily perform their functions as and when required. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) or probabilistic
safety assessment (PSA), is increasingly gaining importance in safe design and operation of nuclear reactors.
The methodology has matured over the years. It complements deterministic analysis for design basis events. It
also provides insights into beyond design basis events of very low probability and high consequences. This
document gives comprehensive coverage of PSA, such as performance, regulatory review, failure database,
different modelling and analyses, uses and validations of software packages, quality assurance in PSA preparation
and review process. The information is primarily meant for nuclear power plants and research reactors although
many of them could be usefully applied to other nuclear facilities. This document is prepared based on international
practices in this field.
Appendices are an integral part of the document, whereas annexure and references/bibliography are included to
provide information that might be helpful to the user. Approaches for implementation different to those set out
in the manual may be acceptable, if they provide comparable assurance against undue risk to the health and
safety of the occupational workers and the general public and protection of the environment.
Industrial safety is to be ensured through compliance with applicable provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and
the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.
This manual has been prepared by specialists in the field drawn from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indira Ghandhi Centre for Atomic Research and Nuclear Power Corporation of
India Limited. It has been reviewed by experts, relevant AERB advisory committees on codes and guides and the
advisory committee on nuclear safety.
AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who have prepared and reviewed the draft and helped in
its finalisation. The list of persons, who have participated in the task, along with their affiliations, is included for
(S. K. Sharma)
Chairman, AERB
Acceptance Criteria
The standard or acceptable value against which the value of a functional or condition indicator is used to assess
the ability of a system, structure or component to perform its design function or compliance with stipulated
An unplanned event resulting in (or having the potential to result in) personal injury or damage to equipment
which may or may not cause release of unacceptable quantities of radioactive material or toxic/hazardous
Accident Conditions
Substantial deviations from operational states, which could lead to release of unacceptable quantities of radioactive
materials. They are more severe than anticipated operational occurrences and include design basis accidents as
well as beyond design basis accidents.
Active Component
A component whose functioning depends on an external input, such as actuation, mechanical movement, or
supply of power, and which, therefore, influences the system process in an active manner, e.g. pumps, valves,
fans, relays and transistors. It is emphasized that this definition is necessarily general in nature as is the
corresponding definition of passive component. Certain components, such as rupture discs, check valves,
injectors and some solid state electronic devices, have characteristics which require special consideration before
designation as an active or passive component.
Active Maintenance Time
That part of the maintenance time during which a maintenance action is performed on an entity, either automatically
or manually, excluding logistic delays.
General process in which characteristics of structures, systems or components gradually change with time or use
although the term ‘ageing’ is defined in a neutral sense – the changes involved in ageing may have no effect on
protection or safety, or could even have a beneficial effect - it is commonly used with a connotation of changes
that are (or could be) detrimental to protection or safety, i.e. as a synonym of ‘ageing degradation’
Deviations from normal which could be due to equipment failure, human error or procedural inadequacies but do
not pose a risk which may exceed authorised operational limits and conditions.
Anticipated Operational Occurrences
An operational process deviating from normal operation, which is expected to occur during the operating lifetime
of a facility but which, in view of appropriate design provisions, does not cause any significant damage to items
important to safety, nor lead to accident conditions.
The fraction of time in which an entity is capable of performing its intended purpose.
Basic Event
An event in a logic model, which represents the state in which a component or a group of components is
unavailable. Generally, basic events are component failures, operator errors, adverse environmental conditions,
etc. However, they can also relate to operation, maintenance, etc.
Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA)
Accidents of very low probability of occurrence, more severe than the design basis accidents, those may cause
unacceptable radiological consequences; they include severe accidents also.
Beyond Design Basis Events (BDBE)
Events of very low probability of occurrence, which can lead to severe accidents and are not considered as
design basis events.
Catastrophic Event
Any event, which could potentially cause the loss of primary system function(s) resulting in significant damage
to the system or its environment and/or cause the loss of life or limb.
Cause-Consequence Diagram
A logic diagram showing the causes and consequences of an initiating event.
Common Cause Failure (CCF)
The failure of a number of devices or components to perform their functions, as a result of a single specific event
or cause.
Common Mode Failure (CMF)
Failure of two or more structures, systems or components in the same manner or mode due to a single event or
cause. It is a type of common cause failure.
The smallest part of a system necessary and sufficient to consider for system analysis.
Computational Model
A calculational tool that implements a mathematical model.
Conceptual Model
A set of qualitative assumptions used to describe a system (or part thereof).
Consequence Tree
A logic diagram showing the consequences of an initiating event.
Core Damage
Reactor state brought about by the accident conditions with loss of core geometry or resulting in crossing of
design basis limits or acceptance criteria limits for one or more parameters. (The parameters to be considered
include: fuel clad strain, fuel clad temperature, primary and secondary systems pressures, fuel enthalpy, clad
oxidation, % of fuel failure, H2 generation from metal-water reaction, radiation dose, time required for operator to
take emergency mitigatory action).
Corrective Maintenance
The maintenance carried out after fault recognition to put an entity into a state in which it can perform a required
Critical Component
Component, whose failure, in a given operating state of the system, results in the system failure.
Critical Event
Any event, which could potentially cause the loss of the primary system function(s) resulting in significant
damage to the said system or its environment (and negligible hazard to life or limb).
Criticality Analysis
Analysis for evaluating the likelihood and severity of the failure.
Cut Set
A combination of basic events resulting in an undesirable event.
Deductive Approach
The approach, where the line of reasoning goes down from the most general to the most specific.
Any deviation from the pre-defined acceptable limits, or any non-conformance with the stated requirements.
Degraded State
The state in which an entity exhibits reduced performance but insufficient degradation to declare the entity
unavailable, according to the specified success criterion. (Examples of degraded states are relief valves opening
prematurely outside the technical specification limits with less than 100 % flow but within a safety margin).
Dependent Failures
Interdependent, simultaneous or concomitant failures of multiple entities.
Design Basis Accidents (DBAs)
A set of postulated accidents which are analysed to arrive at conservative limits on pressure, temperature and
other parameters which are then used to set specifications to be met by plant structures, systems and components,
and fission product barriers.
Design Basis Events (DBEs)
The set of events, that serve as part of the basis for the establishment of design requirements for systems,
structures and components within a facility. Design basis events (DBEs) include operational transients and
certain accident conditions under postulated initiating events (PIEs) considered in the design of the facility (see
also “Design Basis Accidents”).
Deterministic Analysis
Analysis using, for key parameters, single numerical values (taken to have probability of 1), leading to a single
value of the result.
Direct Cause
The latent weakness, which allows or causes the observed cause of an initiating event to happen, including the
reasons for the latent weakness.
Vibration of earth caused by the passage of seismic waves radiating from the source of elastic energy.
Engineered Safety Features (ESFs)
The system or features specifically engineered, installed and commissioned in a nuclear power plant to mitigate
the consequences of accident condition and help to restore normalcy, e.g. containment atmosphere clean-up
system, containment depressurisation system etc.
It refers to a structure, system or component and in specific case may include humans.
Error of Commission
An error that amounts to an unintended action, excluding inaction. It includes selection error, error of sequence,
time error and qualitative error.
Error of Omission
An error that amounts to omitting a part or entire task.
Occurrence of an unplanned activity or deviations from normalcy. It may be an occurrence or a sequence of
related occurrences. Depending on the severity in deviations and consequences, the event may be classified as
an anomaly, incident or accident in ascending order.
Fail Safe Design
A concept in which, if a system or a component fails, then the plant/component/system will pass into a safe state
without the requirement to initiate any operator action.
Failure Mode
The effect by which a failure is observed.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
A qualitative method of system analysis, which involves the study of the failure modes that can exist in every
component of the system and the determination of the causes and effects of each failure mode.
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
A qualitative method of system analysis, which involves a failure modes and effects analysis together with a
criticality analysis.
Fault Tolerance
The attribute of an entity that makes it able to perform a required function in the presence of certain given sub-
entity faults.
Frontline Systems
The systems that directly perform a safety function.
Situation or source, which is potentially dangerous for human, society and/or the environment.
Human Behaviour
The performance, i.e. action or response of human operator to occurrence of event(s).
Human Reliability
The probability that an human operator will perform a required mission under given conditions in a given time
Human Reliability Assessment/Analysis
Assessment concentrating on the human errors liable to be committed by the operator having a mission to fulfil
on a system.
Events that are distinguished from accidents in terms of being less severe. The incident, although not directly or
immediately affecting plant safety, has the potential of leading to accident conditions with further failure of
safety system(s).
The component is in a condition that, if left unremedied, could manifest propagation of degradation or flaw,
ultimately leading to a failure or unavailable state.
Inductive Approach
The approach in which the line of reasoning goes from the most specific to the following sequences resulting
into condition or end state of concern.
Initiating Event/Initiator
An identified event that leads to anticipated operational occurrences or accident conditions and challenges
safety functions.
In-service Inspection (ISI)
Inspection of structures, systems and components carried out at stipulated intervals during the service life of the
Level 1 PSA (Nuclear Reactor)
It evaluates core damage frequency by developing and quantifying accident sequence (event trees) with postulated
initiating events together with system unavailability values derived from fault tree analyses with inputs from
failure data on components, common causes and human actions.
Level 2 PSA (Nuclear Reactor)
It takes inputs from Level 1 PSA results and quantifies the magnitude and frequency of radioactive release to the
environment following core damage progression and containment failure.
Level 3 PSA (Nuclear Reactor)
Taking inputs from Level 2 analysis, it evaluates frequency and magnitude of radiological consequences to the
public, environment and the society considering meteorological conditions, topography, demographic data,
radiological release and dispersion models.
Living PSA
A PSA which is updated to reflect the current design and operational features, and is documented in such a way
that each aspect of the PSA model can be directly related to existing plant information, plant documentation or
the analysts’ assumptions in the absence of such information.
Logistic Delay
The accumulated time during which a desired action cannot be performed due to the necessity to acquire
required resources, excluding administrative delay. Logistic delays can be due to maintenance activity, travelling
to unattended installations, pending arrival of spare parts, specialists, test equipment, information and suitable
environmental conditions.
Organised activities covering all preventive and remedial measures, both administrative and technical, to ensure
that all structures, systems and components are capable of performing as intended for safe operation of the plant.
Man Machine Interface (MMI)
The abstract boundary between people and the hardware or software they interact with.
Mathematical Model
A set of mathematical equations designed to represent a conceptual model.
Mean Down Time (MDT)
The expectation value of the down time.
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
The expected operating time between two failures.
Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
The expected operating time to first failure. The MTTF is also called MTTFF (mean time to first failure).
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
The expectation of the time for restoration (or repair).
Minimal Cut Set
Combination of a minimum number of events such that, if one of the events in a minimal cut set does not occur,
then the undesirable event will not happen.
Mission Time
Duration/period for which the operation of the system must be ensured.
An analytical representation or quantification of a real system and the ways in which phenomena occur within
that system, used to predict or assess the behaviour of the real system under specified (often hypothetical)
Observed Cause
The failure, action, omission or condition, which directly leads to an initiating event.
Operating State
The state when an entity performs a required function.
Partial Failure
A failure which results in the inability of an entity to perform some, but not all, required functions.
Passive Component
A component which has no moving part and only experiences a change in process parameters such as pressure,
temperature, or fluid flow in performing its functions. In addition, certain components, which function with very
high reliability, based on irreversible action or change, may be assigned to this category (examples of passive
components are heat exchangers, pipes, vessels, electrical cables and structures. Certain components, such as
rupture discs, check valves, injectors and some solid-state electronic devices have characteristics, which require
special consideration before designation as an active or passive component).
Plant Damage States
Accident sequences, obtained from Level 1 PSA analysis, that have similar effects on containment response and
fission product source terms are grouped into one state, called plant damage state, for further analysis.
Postulated Initiating Events (PIEs)
Identified events during design that lead to anticipated operational occurrences or accident conditions, and their
consequential failure effects.
Predictive Maintenance
It is a form of preventive maintenance performed continuously or at intervals governed by observed condition to
monitor, diagnose or trend a structure, system or component’s condition indicators; results indicate current and
future functional ability or the nature of and schedule for planned maintenance. It is also known as condition
based maintenance.
Preliminary Hazard Analysis
Analysis for identifying and assessing the (economic, human, etc.) hazards inherent in using a system and which
is carried out before using other more precise methods of analysis.
Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the
probability of failure or the degradation of the functioning of an entity.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)/ Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA)
A comprehensive structured approach to identifying failure scenarios constituting a conceptual and a mathematical
tool for deriving numerical estimates of risk. The term PRA and PSA are interchangeably used.
The totality of features and characteristics of an item or service that have the ability to satisfy stated or implied
Quality Assurance (QA)
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide the confidence that an item or service will satisfy given
requirements for quality.
Random Process
Set of time-dependent random variables whose values are governed by a given set of multidimensional
distributions, which correspond to all the combinations of the random variables.
Random Variable
Variable which can take any one of a given set of values, each with an associated distribution.
Provision of alternative structures, systems, components of identical attributes, so that any one can perform the
required function, regardless of the state of operation or failure of the other.
The probability that a structure, system, component or facility will perform its intended (specified) function
satisfactorily for a specified period under specified conditions.
A multi-attribute quantity expressing hazard, danger or chance of harmful or injurious consequences associated
with an actual or potential event under consideration. It relates to quantities such as the probability that the
specific event may occur and the magnitude and character of the consequences.
Risk Based Approach
Approach in which the decision making is solely based on the numerical result of the risk assessment judging
against the probabilistic safety criteria set or established.
Risk Informed Approach
An approach to decision making that represents a philosophy whereby risk insights derived from risk assessment,
by comparison of the results with the probabilistic safety goals, are considered together with other information
obtained from deterministic safety analysis, engineering judgment and experience.
Risk Monitor
A plant specific real-time tool used to determine the instantaneous risk based on the actual states of the systems
and components. At any given time, the risk monitor reflects the current plant configuration in terms of status of
various systems and/or components, e.g. whether a component is out of service for maintenance or tests. The
model used by the risk monitor is based on and is consistent with living PSA for the facility.
Root Cause
The fundamental cause of an event, which, if corrected, will prevent its recurrence, i.e. the failure to detect and
correct the relevant latent weakness(es) (undetected degradation of an element of a safety layer) and the reasons
for the failure.
Safety (Nuclear)
The achievement of proper operating conditions, prevention of accidents or mitigation of accident consequences,
reliability in protection of site personnel, the public and the environment from undue radiation hazards.
Safety System
System important to safety and provided to assure that under anticipated operational occurrences and accident
conditions, the safe shutdown of the reactor followed by heat removal from the core and containment of any
radioactivity, is satisfactorily achieved. (Examples of such systems are shutdown systems, emergency core
cooling system and containment isolation system). It is also called the “safety critical system”.
Scheduled Maintenance
The preventive maintenance carried out in accordance with an established time schedule.
Seismic Hazard
Any physical phenomenon (e.g. ground vibration, ground failure) associated with an earthquake that may
produce adverse effects.
Sensitivity Analysis
A quantitative examination of how the behaviour of a system varies with change, usually in the values of
governing parameters.
Severe Accident
Nuclear facility conditions beyond those of the design basis accidents causing significant core degradation.
Significant Event
Any event, which degrades system performance function(s) without appreciable damage to either the system or
life or limb.
Single Failure
A random failure, which results in the loss of capability of a component to perform its intended safety function.
Consequential failures resulting from a single random occurrence are considered to be part of the single failure.
Station Blackout (SBO)
The complete loss of both off-site and on-site AC power supplies.
Stochastic Analysis
Often taken to be synonymous with probabilistic analysis. Strictly speaking, stochastic conveys directly the
idea of randomness, whereas probabilistic is directly related to probabilities and hence, only indirectly concerned
with randomness. Therefore, a natural event or process might more correctly be described as stochastic, whereas
probabilistic would be more appropriate for describing a mathematical analysis of stochastic events or processes
and their consequences (such an analysis, would strictly be stochastic if the analytical method itself included an
element of randomness, e.g. Monte Carlo analysis).
Support Systems
Systems those are required for proper functioning of the frontline systems.
System Logic Model
A model that identifies the combinations of component states that lead to undesired system states.
An experiment carried out in order to measure, quantify or classify a characteristic or a property of an entity.
The inability of an entity to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given point
of time. It is measured as the probability (relative frequency) that the entity is in an unavailable state at a point of
Uncertainty Analysis
An analysis to estimate the uncertainties and error bounds of the quantities involved in, and the results from, the
solution of a problem.
The process of determining whether a product or service is adequate to perform its intended function satisfactorily.
Validation (Computer Code)
The evaluation of software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with the user
requirements. Validation is therefore ‘end-to-end verification’.
The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing, or otherwise determining and documenting whether
items, processes, services or documents conform to specified requirements.
Verification (computer code)
The process of determining that the controlling physical and logical equations have been correctly translated
into computer code.
(Specific for the present manual)
Down Time
The time interval during which an entity is in a down state.
Dual Failure
A normal operating system failure with simultaneous unavailability of a safety system or any other system.
Early Failure
Failure occurring at the beginning of the life of an entity and whose rate decreases rapidly with time.
Failed State
State of an entity characterized by the inability to perform a required function.
Failure Rate
The limit, if any, of the ratio of the conditional probability that the instant of time, T, of a failure of an entity falls
within a given time interval, [t, t + ∆t], to the length of this interval, ∆t, when it tends to zero, given that the entity
has not failed over [0, t]. It is also called as ‘instantaneous failure rate’.
Failure Mechanism
The physical, chemical or other process, which has led to a failure.
Conditional probability that a component would fail for a specified ground motion or response parameter value
as a function of that value.
Gradual Failure
A failure due to gradual change of a given characteristics of an entity with respect to time.
Ground Acceleration Capacity
The seismic capacity of a component measured in terms of peak acceleration value at which the equipment will
Human Error
The departure of a human behaviour from what it should be.
Hypothetical Accident
It is generally a beyond design basis accident condition, categorized by probability of occurrence less than 1.0E-
07 per reactor year.
Importance Measures
Quantitative measure of importance towards risk contribution, derived from PSA results.
Independent Basic Events
Two basic events, A and B, are statistically independent if, and only if P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)
Where P(x) is the probability of event x.
Knowledge Based Behaviour
When symptoms are ambiguous or complex, the state of plant is complicated by multiple failures or unusual
events, or the instrument gives only an indirect reading of the state of the plant, the operator has to rely on his
knowledge and his behaviour is determined by more complex cognitive processes.
An error in recall.
Large Early Radioactivity Release
A radioactivity release from the containment, which is both large and early. Large is defined as involving the
rapid, unscrubbed release of airborne aerosol fission products to the environment. Early is defined as occurring
before the effective implementation of the emergency response and protective action.
Latent Fault
An existing fault that has not yet been recognized.
The ability of an entity under given conditions of use, to be restored in or resulted to a state in which it can
perform under given condition and using stated procedures and resources. The measure of maintainability is the
probability that the above maintenance action can be carried out within a stated interval.
Markov Process
A process in which the probability that a system will transfer from one particular state to another depends only
on the initial and final states of the transition. The terms of the equations for each state in this case depend only
on the state itself, the possible immediately preceding and following states, and the rates of transfer between
these states.
Maintenance Time
The time interval during which a maintenance action is performed on an entity either manually or automatically,
including technical delays and logistic delays.
Performance Shaping Factor (PSF)
Any factor that shapes (influences) human performance to perform reliably or to make errors. It can be categorised
into external PSFs (relating to situational characteristics, task and equipment characteristics), stressor PSFs
(psychological and physiological)) and internal PSFs (characteristics of people resulting from internal and external
Proximity Cause
A characterisation of the condition that is readily identifiable as leading to failure. It might alternatively be
characterised as a symptom.
Precursor Event
Event whose occurrence makes it likely that another event having a probability and/or consequences larger than
expected will exist.
Preliminary Hazard and Risk Analysis
An analysis which involves a preliminary hazard analysis together with an assessment of risk.
Probability Density Function
The derivative, if any, of the cumulative distribution function of a random variable.
The part of corrective maintenance in which maintenance actions are performed on the entity.
Repair Time
That part of active corrective maintenance time during which repair actions are performed on an entity.
Risk Coefficient
The lifetime risk or radiation detriment assumed to result from exposure to unit equivalent dose or effective dose
Where, effective dose (E) defined as a summation of the tissue equivalent doses (HT), each multiplied by the
appropriate tissue-weighing factor (WT);
Equivalent dose HT is defined as R
HT, R = WR DT, R
Where, DT, R is the absorbed dose delivered by radiation type R averaged over a tissue or organ T and WR is the
radiation-weighing factor for radiation type R.
Rule Based Behaviour
A (hypothesised) mode of behaviour that amounts to following situation action plans.
Or, Rule based behaviour is governed by a set of rules or associations, which are known and followed. A major
difference between the rule based and the skill based behaviour stems from the degree of practice.
Screening Test
A test or a set of tests intended to remove or detect defective entities or those likely to exhibit early failures.
Secondary Failure
A failure of an entity caused either directly or indirectly by a failure or a fault of another entity and for which that
entity has not been qualified or designed.
Seismic Hazard Curve
Frequency of exceeding a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) versus PGA, usually expressed on a per-year basis.
Single Failure Criteria
A criterion (or requirement) applied to a system such that it must be capable of performing its task in the presence
of any single failure.
An ingrained ability or capacity toward specific action.
Skill Based Behaviour
In skill base behaviour, there is a very close coupling between the sensory input and the response action. Skill
based behaviour does not depend on the complexity of the task, but rather on the level of training and the degree
of practice in performing the task.
An error in implementing a plan, decision or intention.
Success Path
The path in a success diagram representing a combination of entity operating states, which ensure that the
required function is performed.
Sudden Failure
A failure that could not be anticipated by prior examination or monitoring safety function (s) and any consequential
failure (s), which result from it.
Super Component
A composite of related basic events modelled as single event for simplifying.
Given set of discrete elements (or components) which are interconnected or are interacting.
A classification or way to classify.
Time Reliability Correlation
A relationship of probability of the (failure of) occurrence of an event to the time over which the event could
Undesirable Event
Event (in the life of an entity) which should not occur or which should occur with a lower probability considering
dependability objectives.
Unscheduled Maintenance
The maintenance carried out, not in accordance with an established time schedule, but after reception of an
indication regarding the state of an item.
Walk down (plant)
A step or process during which data is gathered, assumptions on component capabilities are checked and
analysis is performed. (e.g. walk down for PSA with respect to component capacity assessment).
Wear-out Failure
A failure whose probability of occurrence increases with the passage of time, as a result of processes inherent in
the entity. It is also called ‘ageing failure’.
FOREWORD ................................................................................................... i
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... ii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 General ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope ................................................................................................... 2
Table 3.3 Basic Data to be extracted from the Plant Record .................................. 26
Table 3.4 Plant Specific Data Sources and Related Information ............................ 26
Table 3.7 Grouping done in RSS Based on Similar Physical and Chemical
properties............................................................................................... 46
Table 3.10 Selected Input parameters in Food Chain Model of the COSYMA
Code ................................................................................................... 66
Table 4.5 Radiological and Toxicological Sabotage Consequence Values ............ 102
Table 5.1 Checklist for Review of PSA Related Studies ........................................ 122
Table II-3 Major Features of the Consequence Level-3 PSA Codes Involved
in the OECD/NEA-European Commission Code Comparison Exercise .. 145
Table III-4 Common Links Resulting in Dependencies Among Components ......... 148
Table III-6 Formulae for Mapping down Event Impact Vectors .............................. 154
Table VI-1 Typical Format Used for Collection of Data ........................................... 174
Table X-3 Contribution of IEs to CDF/CMF for Published PSAs with Complete
Seismic Analysis ................................................................................... 208
Table XIII-1 Typical Containment Failure Modes And Mechanisms ........................ 218
Table XIII-2 Typical Binning Attributes for APET/CET End States .......................... 218
Table XIV-2 Core Inventories of Important Radionuclides (3700 MWd/t U) ............. 219
Table AIX-1 Accident Release Sources in the Historical Reactor Accidents ............ 238
Table AXI-1 Values of Risk Coefficient ‘S’ for Health Effects Calculations ............... 243
Table AXI-2 Values of Risk Coefficients ‘A’ for Health Effects Calculations ............. 244
Table AXIII-1 CDF Increases for Plant A: Base Case, Single Contributions ................ 247
Table AXIII-2 CDF Increases from Active Components for Plant A: Base Case,
Double Contributions ............................................................................ 248
Table AXIII-3 CDF Increases for Plant A: Control Alternative 1, Single Contributors . 249
Table AXIII-4 CDF Increases for Plant A: Control Alternative 1, Double Contributors 250
Figure 2.1 Typical documentation structure of the QA programme for PSA .......... 4
Figure 3.1 Qualitative Sequences of Events in Melt Progression and Release of FPs 49
Figure 4.3 Illustration of the Different Risks Associated with Downtimes ............. 78
Figure 4.8 Markov Model for Pipe Elements with In-Service Inspection and
Leak Detection ....................................................................................... 99
Figure 4.9 Basic Principle of the Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) .................... 107
Figure 4.11 Form Analysis With Linear Limit State .................................................. 110
FigureV-1 An illustration for House Event Incorporation in the fault tree ............. 163
FigureV-2 Dual Processor Hot Standby -Process Control System Configuration .. 165
Figure VI-2 HRA Event Tree for Calibration Task .................................................... 171
Figure VI-7 Support Logic for Small Break LOCA ET Top Event Ys, Failure to
Maintain RCS Make-Up Supply ............................................................ 180
Figure VI-8 Oconee: Event Tree for Small Break LOCA Events................................ 181
Figure IX-1 Illustrative Two-Stage ET for Two Redundant Components ................. 192
Figure X-2 A Probable Distribution of the Source to Site Distance for an Arbitrary
Site ................................................................................................... 209
Figure X-3 Flowchart of PSHA ................................................................................ 209
Figure X-5 Seismic Hazard Estimates for a Plant Site Based on Results from
Different Studies .................................................................................... 210
Figure AIV-2 Master Logic Diagram for Typical PHWR ............................................. 230
1.1 General
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA), also known as probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), of nuclear
reactors, essentially aims at identifying the events and their combination(s) that can lead to severe
accidents, assessing the probability of occurrence of each combination and evaluating the consequences.
PSA has been carried out for more than 200 nuclear power plants in the world and for most of the
remaining ones, it is in various stages of development and completion. The studies confirm the benefit
of PSA in identifying the plant strengths and weaknesses in its design and operation. In addition, it
provides inputs to decisions on design and back fitting, plant operation, safety analysis and on
regulatory issues. A major advantage of PSA is that it allows for the quantification of uncertainties in
safety assessments together with the quantification of expert opinion and/or judgment. PSA is considered
to complement the deterministic analysis for design basis events (DBEs) and for beyond design basis
accidents (BDBAs) that consider multiple failures including operator errors and low probability events
of high consequences.
In spite of the benefits, it is well recognised that PSA has its own limitations. The accuracy of the PSA
depends on the uncertainties in aspects like data and models on Common Cause Failures (CCFs) and
Human Reliability. CCFs can be eliminated to some extent by measures like providing diversity in
design, physical separation between the systems and reducing the inter dependence. The influence of
human error is reduced by automation and improved Man-Machine Interface (MMI). The benefits that
accrue from PSA overweigh its limitations. So worldwide, utilities are performing the PSA of their plants
and many regulatory bodies are using it as a risk informed approach in decision-making and some even
following it as a risk based approach in decision-making. Over the years, the PSA methodology has
matured and even new applications like Living PSA/Risk Monitor (LPSA/RM), Technical Specifications
(TS) Optimisation, Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) and Risk Based In-Service Inspection (RB-
ISI) have emerged. This makes it all the more useful in plant operation.
In order to achieve the goal of PSA, the PSA methodology integrates information on plant design,
component reliability, operating practices and history, human behaviour, postulated initiating events
(PIEs), accident sequences and potential environmental and health effects. This helps in focusing
issues like deficiencies and plant vulnerabilities, risk contributors, sensitivity of governing parameters
and uncertainties of numerical results. A full scope PSA is performed in three levels:
• A Level 1 PSA is the starting block of probabilistic safety assessment methodology, that
arrives at core damage frequency by developing and quantifying accident sequences (event
trees) with postulated initiating events (PIEs), together with system unavailability values derived
from the Fault Tree analyses with inputs from failure data on components, common causes and
human actions. This provides insights into design strengths and weaknesses and into ways
of preventing core damage that could be a precursor to a large release of radioactive material.
• A Level 2 PSA taking inputs from Level 1 PSA results quantifies the magnitude and frequency
of radioactive release to the environment following core damage and containment failure. It
provides insights into severity of accident sequences resulting in core damage, consequent
radioactive releases into containment, time and mode of containment failure, inventories of
radioactivity released to the environment and ways of improving the mitigation and management
of core damage accidents.
• A Level 3 PSA taking inputs from Level 2 PSA results, analyses the transport of radionuclides
through the environment, the contamination of land, air, water and foodstuffs due to dispersion
of radionuclides and assesses the public health and economic consequences of the accident.
This is essentially a consequence analysis. In addition, it provides further insights into the
relative effectiveness of the various aspects of accident management related to emergency
response planning.
Fig.1.1 gives a schematic representation of a full scope PSA analysis.
The Level 2 and Level 3 analyses focus on risks to the environment and public health and societal loss
and hence are being favoured by some users to be called PRA as compared to the terminology PSA for
Level 1 analysis. In Level 1 PSA, risk to public does not arise but potential exists for containment
degradation. However, both the terms PRA and PSA are interchangeably used and many favour use of
the term ‘PSA’ for all three levels of analyses.
1.2 Objective
The objective of this document is to provide guidelines for conducting Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 PSA
studies taking into account internal and external events considering CCF Analysis, Human Reliability
Analysis and Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis. Guidelines are also provided on the use of PSA in
applications during various operational states of the plant and review of the PSA studies.
1.3 Scope
The document provides guidelines for performing PSAs for design and operation of NPPs as well as
research reactors for all reactor states (shutdown, low power and full power) covering both internal as
well as external Initiating Events (IEs). The guidelines include Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 PSA and their
specific applications to studies like LPSA/RM, RCM, TS Optimisations with regard to allowed outage
time (AOT) and surveillance test interval (STI) and ageing management, RB-ISI, internal hazards due to
dynamic effects and certain man induced external hazards, operator training and accident management.
Guidelines are also given for Review and Quality Assurance (QA) of PSA.
These guidelines may be useful in carrying out safety analysis in other facilities like fuel storage, fuel
reprocessing plant and non-nuclear facilities like chemical plants, refineries, etc.
2.1 Introduction
Performing a PSA of a nuclear plant involves a multidisciplinary teamwork of experts with intimate
knowledge of plant design, operation and PSA techniques. Staff selection, project communication,
computer software configuration and document control are crucial to the effectiveness and quality of
PSA. Therefore, it is recommended that a detailed QA programme be established and made effective in
every PSA project. The QA programme sets forth the methods, resources, controls and procedures,
and defines the responsibilities and lines of communications for activities affecting the quality of a
PSA. Inadequate QA measures employed in the early stages of a PSA may lead to loss of information
and severely limit the usefulness of the PSA. The QA should include the project plan, QA assurance
plan and QA procedure.
2.2 Management of QA Activities
The organisation should develop and implement a QA programme, which includes details on how the
work in all the phases of PSA project is to be arranged, performed, assessed and associated management
control. It covers QA planning, information control, the organisational structure, functional
responsibilities, levels of authority for those managing, performing and assessing/reviewing the work.
It addresses procedures that provided guidance on actual work performance.
2.2.1 Programme
The QA programme for a PSA project is illustrated in Fig. 2.1. The QA programme should be developed
and documented to cover: (i) QA programme description, (ii) management documents and (iii) working
QA Programme Description
• A policy statement on PSA quality
• Missions and objectives
• Users, clients and reviewers of the PSA
• Job descriptions
• Interface arrangement
Working Documents
• Functional responsibilities
• Interface arrangement
• Information control
• PSA performance and control
• Verification and validation
• PSA review and assessment
• Standardisation QA Programme Description
The QA programme description should establish a basis for the PSA project management by including
the following:
(i) A statement of its applicability with regard to the overall QA programme of the responsible
organisation including the possible interfaces with other QA programmes.
(ii) A summary on the mission, objective and scope of the PSA in terms of the result to be obtained
and the uses to which the result are to be applied, the level of detail to be modelled, overall
details required in the results and special features if any required.
(iii) Description of the functions, authority, responsibilities and accountabilities of units and
individuals within the organisation and also the user, clients and reviewers of PSA including
the interactions among the groups involved in PSA project and with other groups, for example
review organisation.
(iv) The responsibilities of each organisation or group for the delivery of the different work packages
including other aspects, which can affect the quality of the PSA, such as purchasing of items
and services (e.g., consulting contracts) and mobilisation of adequate resources for completion
of the PSA project.
(v) Description of required coordination of activities among the different organisations and groups
and the interfacing between the constituent parts of the analysis.
(vi) Training of staff and levels of expertise required to achieve appropriate quality for each activity.
Identification of the members of the team that will perform PSA, which may include system
analyst, operational analyst and experts for specific PSA performance (e.g., seismic engineer
for seismic PSA), besides PSA analysts.
(vii) A commitment to develop the necessary working documents.
(viii) Summary of the processes for evaluating the PSA work in relation to completeness, consistency,
accuracy, document control and configuration control, including details of the QA for the
software used.
(ix) Description of review processes including resolution of issues identified during review. Management Documents
These documents are administrative in nature, and consist of the schedule of activities for the overall
QA programme of the PSA project and for its management throughout the development, resourcing,
performance, reviews, and applications of the PSA. Management documents include the following [2].
• Procedure for configuration management with regard to changes in all PSA related aspects
such as models and data specification.
• Job descriptions
• Procedure for control of organisation, functional responsibilities and resources
• Procedure for organising and conducting performance and internal and external reviews.
• Procedure for handling interfaces.
• Training framework.
• Procedure for handling plant information. Working Documents
QA programme working document covers PSA performance and control, verification and validation
aspects, PSA output, PSA change control, PSA assessment and standardisation aspects, detailed task
procedures, working documents and review procedures. The procedures include task specification,
development of plans and schedules, review of all tasks, initiating event analysis, development of
event trees i.e., procedure for each step of PSA. These work procedures and instructions include the
• Procedures for task specification
• Procedures for development of plans and schedules
• Procedures for review of all tasks
• Procedure for PIE analysis
• Procedures for sequence analysis and development of Event Trees (ETs)
• Procedures for system analysis and development of Fault Trees (FTs)
• Procedures for handling dependencies and CCFs
• Procedures for HRA
• Procedure for data collection, analysis, checking and computer input
• Procedure for developing/evaluating the hazard curve, fragility of components in case of
external and internal hazard
• Procedure for severe accident analysis and source term evaluation
• Procedure for consequence analysis in Level 3 PSA with regard to effect on public health,
environment impacts and social risk
• Procedures for FT/ET integration and quantification
• Procedure for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
• Procedure for display and interpretation of results.
Outline of a PSA Project Plan and Technical Instructions Sample for System Analysis is given in
Annexure-I and II respectively.
2.2.2 Programme Implementation
The QA programme should be implemented as per AERB codes and safety guides and other relevant
international safety documents.
2.2.3 Organisation
The responsible organisation should establish the organisational structure, laying down clearly defined
responsibilities and levels of authority and lines of communication. The PSA team, identified for PSA
project, has the responsibility in the following areas:
(i) Establishment of the overall QA programme for the PSA
(ii) PSA project plan as given in Annexure-I.
(iii) Involvement in technical reviews
(iv) Approval of reports.
The position of the QA function in relation to project organisation should be clearly indicated, including
lines of reporting to higher management and communication with other organisational units.
2.2.4 Interfaces
PSA project being complex, various internal and external interfaces should be carefully considered and
defined in appropriate procedures. (See Annexure-III)
2.2.5 Staffing, Training and Qualification
Plant familiarisation and training in appropriate PSA aspects and PSA QA is essential for all personnel
performing and verifying the activities affecting the quality of the PSA. Senior management should also
be strongly committed to and be supportive of training.
2.2.6 Planning
PSA activities should be defined in the overall Project Plan of the responsible organisation. Task
planning should take place well before the start of the PSA activities with reviews at appropriate levels
in the organisation.
2.2.7 Non-Conformance Control and Corrective Action
Systematic control should be maintained over the identification, documentation and disposition of
non-conforming items. Procedures and working instructions specify checks and reviews, which should
identify deficiencies and provide assurance that only logical outputs are obtained. Non-conformance
can come in the input data, modelling, target criteria (as set by Regulatory Bodies) and minimal cutset
combinations, design aspects, operational aspects. Procedures and working instructions applicable
should be used to handle non-conforming work. Results not confirming to design, operating framework
(e.g. TS) or deviation in data modelling (e.g., failure data, CCFs, HRA) and PSG/PSCs set by analysts/
regulatory bodies, etc., should be appropriately resolved and documented.
2.2.8 PSA Document and Information Control
PSA document and information control should be as per written procedure. It should include the work
proposed along with the background (of the project), general description of the plant, extent of the
study, specifying the output product i.e., methodology, initiating event, event tree development, fault
tree analysis, integration, etc. General Considerations
The objective of this process is to control and document all the steps of the work. A large amount of
information is available at the start of the project. This information must be quality assured and well
documented. This information typically includes:
(i) Project scope, definition and objectives
(ii) Input data
(iii) Pre-performed analyses and calculations to be used for the PSA (deterministic analysis, success
criteria, etc.)
During the actual work, information control covers items such as
(i) Documentation of assumptions
(ii) Data file control
(iii) Consistency of data used during the work
(iv) Traceability of the sources for information and data used in the different tasks
(v) Access to relevant information for all parties involved in the project (internal interfaces), and
(vi) Controlled documentation on changes, updating, new assumptions, that lead to iterations in
the work process.
The outcome of the work can be intermediate or final. Proper quality in all results should be assured.
The outcome consists typically of the PSA report(s) including the PSA model with all the corresponding
data files. Special attention should be paid to the detailed documentation of input data from outside the
PSA project and the detailed documentation of all assumptions, criteria and calculations including
exclusion criteria or screening analysis, performed during the development of the model. Source Information Control
The fundamental source of data for the PSA is the information from the plant. Thus a system should
exist to assure that all the information needed for the PSA is received or made available to the PSA team.
For consistency of the PSA models it is convenient that Plant Design and Operating documentation
represent a picture of the plant at frozen date (snap shot of the plant). Work Control
Control of information and documents developed during the projected processes needs to be subjected
to appropriate QA. Regular updating of the PSA has to be subjected to a QA programme equivalent to
the one applied during the development phase. PSA model can be subjected to iteration processes due
to the following.
• Identification of errors or mistakes
• Refinement of assumptions, criteria or availability of additional input data
• Revision of input data (e.g., plant procedures, plant design, etc.) or further refinement after
obtaining preliminary PSA results.
The iterations/modifications should be properly documented.
2.2.9 Configuration Management
The Purpose of PSA model configuration management is to ensure that any change in a part of the
model is reflected in an appropriate manner in all other associated PSA parts,viz. identification, labelling,
cataloguing and documentation of configuration. Configuration management is applied to PSA
information and its documentation throughout the whole life-cycle to ensure that the models, data,
specification, verification evidence, documentation and software used are all mutually identified and at
a known status (issue revision/version, identifiers, date of stamp).
2.3 Carrying out PSA (Performance of PSA)
The basis for QA of a PSA project derives from (a) QA of the task inputs (i.e. technical basis), (b) QA
of the task performance, and (c) QA of the task output at the completion of the task. QA for each task
will entail verifications of compliance with the task instruction; verification of the technical accuracy of
inputs and results and compliance with the required form and verification of content for input to other
2.3.1 Use of Verified Inputs
QA must not only embrace the work activities of the PSA, but must necessarily control the quality of
the information input for each task. Information input will come from either the output of other tasks, or
from outside the PSA project. QA of input data requires that information should be taken from a
recognised approved and published source for its applicability to specific PSA. In case the design data
did not meet this requirement the quality of the data must be established by acceptable/justifiable
2.3.2 Use of Verified Computer Codes
In order to ensure QA for the PSA, all computer codes used in the development of the PSA must be
verified and validated, either in the course of their development or by the responsible organisation.
2.3.3 Verification and Validation of Analytical Work Products
Verification and validation should be performed in accordance with a pre-established plan. Each output
of each task should be checked in the most appropriate manner prior to being released for use in other
tasks. Whenever possible, the intermediate results should also be considered in the verification and
validation process. The QA programme should define appropriate means for verification and validation
of each work product. Persons appointed for verification and validation should be individuals competent
in the area to be verified and validated and those who did not perform the original work.
2.3.4 PSA Reviews
A comprehensive review process for in-house review and regulatory review should accompany the
PSA project for a quality PSA.
2.3.5 PSA Change Control
Changes in PSA models, data, information and results, including changes to requirement, scope,
objectives and input data should be made in a controlled manner. The reason for a change should be
documented. When carrying out a change, the modifications should be handled in the same way as for
carrying out the complete PSA. Activities, which should be performed, include: (i) PSA information
control, (ii) PSA configuration control, (iii) PSA documentation control, (iv) Verification and validation
and (v) Review.
Depending on the type of changes, a new version or an update of the previous PSA version may be
2.3.6 PSA Outputs
PSA outputs for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 studies should be produced as given in Appendix-I.
2.4 Assessment
Measures should be in place for evaluating the PSA work in relation to the characteristics like: (i)
Completeness, (ii) Consistency, (iii) Accuracy, (iv) Document control and (v) Configuration control.
This evaluation includes review at various levels and stages of the work performed. The activities
should also include details of the QA of the software used in the PSA if necessary. It should include
procedures for verification, documentation, and control of the software, whether procured from an
external source or developed within the organisation. These procedures will apply to both the computer
programmes used in the analysis and the models and data stored in electronic form. PSA results should
be adequately reviewed by management to ensure that the PSA study has served its purpose.
2.5 Standardisation of PSA
The results of PSA may have uncertainties due to inherent variability in and limited availability of failure
data, limitations in representations of system unavailability and event sequence for possible situations,
uncertainties in modelling CCFs, HRA, Source Term and release consequences. Therefore,
standardisation of various aspects like uses of proper failure data and models, including CCFs and
Human Error Probability (HEP), methodology of quantification of end states/consequences, uncertainty
analysis in the results and computer codes etc. are imperative for use of PSA insights meaningfully in
risk informed decision making. Although, general QA aspects described above may ensure a certain
minimum level of acceptable quality, this sub-section highlights recommendations in specific area/
aspects where standardisation can assure high confidence level in the performance/review of PSA
studies. These areas/aspects are the following.
2.5.1 PSA Organisation
The team needed to conduct a PSA must include the following specialists.
System Analysts: Persons familiar with the plant design and accident analysis with regard to the DBA,
severe accident progression, and containment performance under DBA/BDBA and computer codes for
analysis of accident situations.
PSA Specialists: Persons familiar with event tree, fault tree methods and computer codes for analysis.
Plant Operation Specialists: Persons familiar with operating, test and maintenance procedures,
administrative controls, control room layout and operating procedures for emergency conditions.
Data Analysts: Specialists in the collection and analysis of data.
Human Factor Analysts: Specialists in the collection and analysis of human reliability data and
Persons familiar with severe accident phenomena, uncertainty issues, containment performance, chemical
and physical processes governing accident progression, containment loads, release of radionuclides.
Persons familiar with neutronics, source term evaluations, transport of radionuclides and dose evaluation.
Specialists in External Events: Persons familiar with external events for e.g., seismic PSA, expertise in
earthquake engineering, structural design, evaluation of fragilities of components are required.
2.5.2 PSA Methodology
(a) Most commonly used and versatile techniques should be adopted for carrying out system and
event sequence modelling. Fault tree methodology should be preferred for system unavailability
analysis. Techniques allowing for modelling of the situation, as realistic as possible with less
number of uncertainties and easy integration of models, which is essential in PSA, should be
used. Core damage categorisation should be clearly discernible and as per the acceptable
(b) Since CCF analysis and HRA are very important in PSA, modelling techniques should take care
of these aspects appropriately. Use of β-factor modelling should be limited to redundancies
upto 3 components and independent failure probability should be the highest one of the
values of these components. Where redundancies are more (4), it is recommended MGL model
or α-factor model be used. As a thumb rule, to start with, HEP can be taken in the range of 1E-
2 to 1E-4. A typical value could be 3E-03 [3], which can be modified by Performance Shaping
Factors (PSFs) by expert judgement. Alternatively, a value in-between the range of 1E-02 and
1E-04 can be assigned in FT/ET quantification using a simple human error probability matrix.
This can be developed by classifying jobs as simple, moderately complex and complex, human
error attributes as less experienced, experienced and highly experienced and with the time
availability for completion of jobs as more than half an hour, 10-30 minutes and less than 10
minutes. Once cutset shows the human error event as a dominant contributor, detailed human
error modelling needs to be done to arrive at more realistic values. It should be ensured that the
approximations and assumptions used in modelling techniques do not lead to erroneous results.
(c) Shared systems and passive safety features should be modelled appropriately. Considerations
in shared system modelling include TS requirements with regard to the operability of units
among which the Structure, System or Component (SSC) is shared, maintenance and surveillance
aspects, capability to cater to unit requirements simultaneously or one at a time, human
actions involved in successful operation, and operating procedures. The functional requirements
that should be complied with, for success of passive system operation, should be carefully
examined and accounted for. The unavailability values should be taken conservatively higher
for passive systems, which may have not been experimentally verified.
(d) Support system/component and human actions should be modelled in FT level so that preferred
small ET - large FT analyses can be done. However, one support system impacting two or more
mitigating systems can be placed as header in the ET before these mitigating systems. Human
recovery action should be modelled in ET level only. Credit for a human recovery action when
needed especially in a short time should be justified (e.g., operator having undergone simulator
training). In order to assess uncertainties in progression of severe accident, some reliance on
numerical assignment of subjective probabilities is essential. Table 2.1 provides an example of
probability values that could be assigned to various subjective descriptors.
2.5.7 Use of Computer Codes
The computer codes used for carrying out PSA should be state-of-the-art, user friendly, well verified,
validated and documented. If the user intends to add new modules, the code should preferably have
facility for this purpose. Such computer codes should contain modules for carrying out uncertainty,
importance and sensitivity analyses. The uncertainty analysis technique can be by Monte Carlo
simulation with Latin hypercube sampling method.
2.5.8 Quality of a PSA for Application
In the context of an application, the PSA is of an appropriate quality if it conforms to a set of attributes
that are required for the application. Two types of attributes are defined in this section.
General attributes, which apply for a typical Base Case PSA apply for all PSAs and applications.
Special attributes, which generally provide enhanced capabilities supporting certain applications of a
PSA. These attributes need not be met in Base Case PSA. The general attributes represents a fundamental
set of attributes that can be recognised as being associated with the performance of a technically
correct PSA in accordance with the present state of art methodology and technology. Special attributes
may arise because of the need to model specific impacts of changes proposed by the application which
may require a higher level of detail for certain elements than required for the base case. They provide
elevated capabilities in terms of resolution, specificity, scope, realism, and less uncertainty for the
various applications.
There might be applications for which not all the attributes would need to be met or for which some
attributes can be relaxed. These are applications for which either the risk information required is limited
or for which the approach to decision making compensates for a lesser level of detail in the PSA by
making a more conservative decision than would be the case for the more detailed plant specific model.
Use of a more detailed and more plant specific PSA would allow more components to be classified as
low safety significant when compared with what would result from use of a less detailed model. It
should also be noted that the PSA results used by the decision making process may be adequate even
if certain specific attributes are not met or not met fully. In this case ,special provisions should be made
in the decision making process to compensate the lack.
3.1 General
As stated earlier, PSA is performed at three levels depending upon the scope of the study and requires
large amount of information. Level 1 PSA requires the Safety Analysis Report including PSAR and
FSAR, piping, electrical, and instrumentation drawings, descriptive information on various systems of
the plant, procedures related to test, maintenance and operation of the plant components, generic and
plant-specific data on PIEs, component failures and human errors. The additional information needed
for a Level 2 PSA includes more detailed design information on the containment and associated
Engineered Safety Features (ESFs). Level 3 PSA requires site-specific meteorological data for the
radioactivity transport calculations, local population densities, evacuation plans and health effect
models for risk evaluation. If external events are to be analysed, more information will be needed,
depending on the external events to be included. For instance, detailed structural, seismic design of the
plant and seismicity of the site are needed for a seismic analysis. Information on the compartmentalisation
of the plant is necessary to analyse susceptibility to fires and floods [4]. The tasks associated with
various levels of PSA involve project plan, input data, quality assurance, realistic assumptions, system
analysis, containment analysis, analysis of radioactivity dispersion and deposition in the environment
and consequences, external event analysis, uncertainty analysis, importance measure calculations,
sensitivity analysis, development and interpretation of PSA results and documentation. The tasks
involved in various PSA levels are briefly described below.
3.2 Procedure for Conducting Level 1 PSA
3.2.1 Scope and Objective of Level 1 PSA
The objective of Level 1 PSA is to calculate Core Damage Frequency (CDF) considering all PIEs, which
may lead to core damage. Level 1 PSA can be used for (i) identification of dominant accident sequences,
(ii) identification of systems, components and human actions important to safety, (iii) assessment of
important dependences (system and man-machine) (iv) risk monitoring, (v) Technical Specification
optimisation with respect to AOTs and STIs, (vi) Reliability Centred Maintenance, (vii) plant configuration
management, (viii) prioritisation of inspection/testing activities, (ix) design modifications and plant
back fitting, etc.
The scope of Level 1 PSA is to identify potential sources of radioactive release, to identify PIEs, which
may lead to core damage, to identify core damage states and to evaluate CDF. If Level 2 PSA analysis
is contemplated, all plant related features that are important to the analysis of containment response
and source term, which are necessary input for carrying out Level 2 PSA analysis should be included in
Level 1 PSA analysis.
The procedures for performing Level 1 PSA can be divided into four major steps [5], which are (i)
identification of sources of radioactivity and accident initiators, (ii) accident sequence modelling, (iii)
data assessment and parameter estimation and (iv) accident sequence quantification. Each of these is
discussed below.
3.2.2 Identification of Sources of Radioactivity and Accident Initiators
A list should be made of all the sources of radioactivity (i.e. the reactor core, the spent fuel storage pool,
the spent fuel handling facilities and the radioactive waste storage tanks) from which accidental releases
could be postulated during different operational states of plant (i.e. full power operation, low power
operation, shutdown stage, etc.) depending on the scope of the PSA being performed. The end result
of the Level 1 PSA is CDF. An exhaustive list of accident initiators, also called ‘PIEs’, is identified.
Several approaches are available for this task. The aim is to produce a list of PIEs and group these
appropriately so as to ensure that the list is as complete as possible and includes bounding cases.
13 Approaches for Preparation of PIEs List
(a) Engineering evaluation
The plant systems and components are systematically reviewed to identify failure modes (e.g.
failure to operate, spurious operation, breach, disruption and collapse) that could lead directly,
or in combination with other failures, to core damage. Partial failures of systems, although they
are generally less severe than complete failure, should also be considered. They are of higher
frequency and are often less readily detected. Special attention should be given to common
cause initiators.
(b) Reference of previous lists
It is useful to refer to lists of PIEs used for previous PSAs and accident analysis of similar
(c) Deductive analysis
In this approach, core damage is made the top event in a diagram, which has the appearance of
a fault tree. This top event is successively broken down into all possible categories of events
that could cause it to occur. Successful operation of safety systems and other preventive
actions are not included. The events at the most fundamental level are then candidates for the
lists of IEs for the plant. Examples of such diagrams are the Master Logic Diagrams (MLDs) as
shown in Annexure-IV.
(d) Operational experience
In this approach, the operational history (if any) of the plant under study and of similar plants
elsewhere is reviewed for any events that should be added to the list of PIEs. Identification of Safety Functions Required for PIEs
Once the exhaustive list of PIEs is prepared, detailed analysis of each PIE listed should be carried out to
assess the causes and consequences and only important PIEs should be selected for the further
analysis. This step is required because a larger list of PIEs would result in avoidable wastage of
resources. Care should be taken for low frequency PIEs that can cause containment failure at high
probability, if the scope of the PSA is to be extended to a Level 2 PSA analysis. Then grouping of the
PIEs is done to reduce the effort required for the analysis of large number of PIEs, which may have the
same consequences. This can be done if the demands these PIEs place on safety functions, front line
systems and support systems are the same. Hence, the safety functions that need to be performed in
order to prevent core damage for each PIE should be identified. Typical safety functions required for
NPPs are: control of reactivity, core cooling and containment of radioactivity. Assessment of Plant System Requirements
The performance required of a front line system depends in general on the PIE. Required performance
means the minimum system performance that will allow for the successful fulfilment of its safety function
under the specific conditions created by the PIE. The success criteria of front line systems are of
particular importance for the PSA because they will define the top events or the starting point for the
subsequent modelling. Success criteria for support systems cannot be so readily defined because in
most cases they serve more than one front line system, and consequently each possible state of the
system (e.g. two trains operating, one train operating, no trains operating etc.) has different effects on
the front line systems that perform certain functions. A particular support system state could therefore
lead to a safety function success or failure depending on the operational requirement of the front line
system with which it is combined.
14 Grouping of PIEs
Once the task of assessing the requirements of the plant systems has been completed, the initiating
events can be grouped in such a way that all events in the same group impose essentially the same
success criteria on the front line system as well as the same special conditions (challenges to the
operator, to automatic plant responses, etc.) and thus can be modelled using the same event/fault tree
analyses. In the process of grouping, it will be clear that some categories of PIE need to be subdivided
(e.g. Categorising LOCAs as Large Break LOCA and Small Break LOCA). One methodology of grouping
is by functional aspects such as, increase of heat removal through secondary circuit, loss of primary
coolant flow, reactivity and power distribution anomalies, increase of primary coolant inventory, decrease
of primary coolant inventory, LOCA with leakage into atmosphere of secondary coolant system,
radioactivity release from a subsystem or component and anticipated transients without scram. The
main objective of grouping is to arrive at PIEs of manageable number that should represent each group
appropriately including bounding cases for PSA modelling.
3.2.3 Accident Sequence Modelling
A typical accident sequence consists of a PIE group, specific system failures and successes, and their
timings and human responses. Some of these accident sequences may result in plant damage states.
The system failures/unavailabilities are in turn modelled in terms of basic component failures, CCFs and
human errors to identify their basic causes and to allow for the quantification of the system failure
probabilities (Unavailabilities) and accident sequence frequencies. Accident sequence modelling can
be subdivided into (i) event sequence modelling and (ii) system modelling. Event Sequence Modelling
An event sequence model provides sequences of events that, following an initiating event, lead either
to a successful state or to a core damage state in which one or more design basis parameters are
exceeded. The design parameters to be considered are those that include clad temperature, central fuel
temperatures, design pressure for primary coolant, secondary (steam) system and containment, linear
heat rating of fuel, departure from nucleate boiling, fuel enthalpy, clad strain, clad oxidation, percentage
of fuel failure, hydrogen generation from metal water reaction, radiological dose and time available for
operator action for emergency action (where a parameter cannot be identified for such assessment).
Every accident sequence that does not lead to successful end state (safe reactor shutdown state as
defined in the plant design and technical specifications for plant operation) is assumed to lead to core
damage. There are several possible degrees of ‘core damage’; the severity is categorised on the basis
of extent of core damage and the magnitude of the resulting radioactivity release from the core.
There are several methods available for event sequence modelling, viz., (i) Event trees; (ii) Cause
consequence diagrams and (iii) Event sequence diagram.
(a) Event trees
Event Trees (ETs) are graphic models that order and reflect events according to the requirements
for mitigation of each group of initiating events. Events or ‘headings’ of an event tree can be
any (or combination of) safety functions, safety systems, basic events and operator actions.
The event tree headings are normally arranged in either chronological or causal order.
Chronological ordering means that events are considered in the chronological order in which
they are expected to occur in an accident as depicted in (deterministic) Safety Analysis. Causal
ordering means that events are arranged in the tree with ‘Cause’ relationship of the preceding
to the succeeding events.
(b) Cause consequence diagrams
A Cause Consequence Diagram (CCD), a logic diagram that follows the chronological and
causal order of the events, can contain more information than an event tree because it allows
for more complex branching than the Yes/No logical operator allowed in the event trees. The
use of CCD is typically limited to qualitative analysis, or as an intermediate modelling stage
prior to event tree construction.
(c) Event sequence diagrams
Event Sequence Diagram (ESD) is a variation of cause consequence diagram. ESDs are developed
for each group of IEs. The purpose of the ESDs is to illustrate all possible success paths from
a particular PIE to a safe shutdown condition. The ESDs tend to include a significant amount
of design and operational information and are used as intermediate steps prior to the construction
of event trees. System Modelling (Reliability/Availability Analysis)
Once the response of the plant to the PIEs has been modelled by one of the available event sequence
modelling techniques, the details of the event sequence can be analysed through one of the available
system models such as fault trees, state space diagrams, reliability block diagrams, go charts, etc.
Before any specific method is applied, a very good understanding of the system operation as well as the
operation of its components and the effects of their failure on system success is necessary. Such
knowledge and understanding can be achieved through a qualitative analysis, e.g., a Failure Modes
and Effect Analysis (FMEA).
(a) System fault trees
Fault Tree (FT) modelling is the most widely used method for representing the failure logic of
the plant systems. It is a deductive failure analysis, which can be simply described as an
analytical technique whereby an undesired state of the system is specified, and the system is
then analysed in the context of its environment and operation to find all credible ways in which
the undesired state could be brought out. The following aspects should be considered while
constructing FTs.
(1) Methods and procedures for the construction of FTs should be agreed to at the beginning of
a PSA and should be followed by all analysts. This is necessary in order to guarantee
consistency of the analysis. Items to be considered in this context are system boundaries,
logic symbols, event coding and representation of human errors and CCFs.
(2) All assumptions made in the process of constructing a fault tree should be documented together
with the source (and revision number) of all design information used. In this way, consistency
will be promoted throughout the analysis and traceability will be maintained.
(3) Clear and precise definitions of system boundaries are be established before the analysis
begins. These definitions should be adhered to during the analysis and should be included in
the final documentation covering systems modelling. The interface points between front line
systems and various support systems could, for example, be located as follows.
• for electrical power supply, at the buses from which components within the system are
• for actuation signals, at the appropriate output cabinets of the actuation system
• for support systems providing various media (water, oil, air), at the main header line of
the support system.
In cases where equipment or piping is shared between several systems, guidance with respect
to proper establishment of boundary conditions is usually provided by system descriptions
and drawings. This aspect should be carefully checked in order to avoid possible omissions
and/or double counting.
(4) When systems are not modelled in detail and system level reliability data are used, failure
events in common with other systems should be separated out and explicitly considered.
(5) Validated computer codes should be used for handling the solution and quantification of FTs
to ensure consistency, comprehensiveness, efficiency and quality. Information on the available
computer codes for level 1, level 2 and level 3 PSA is provided in Appendix-II.
(6) A standardised format should be employed for coding (naming) basic events in the FTs.
Appendix-V gives suggested tables for basic events and gates. Whichever coding scheme is
used, it should be compatible with the computer code selected for the systems analysis/event
tree analysis and also enable the basic events to be clearly related to the following:
• Plant coding for the components
• Specific system in which the component is located
• Specific component identification and type, including ‘House Event’
• Component failure mode.
To prepare the system models for a concurrent or subsequent evaluation of operating/accident
environmental effects, the models will need to contain information on component location and
susceptibility to the environmental effects of interest, e.g., high humidity and temperature,
earthquake, fire or flooding. The information of this type should be encoded within the
component name or provided in separate tables correlating events with applicable information.
(7) The FTs should reflect all possible failure modes of basic events that may contribute to the
system unavailability. This should include contributions due to outage for testing and
maintenance. When redundancies are involved, relevant technical specifications requirements
should be taken into account. Human errors associated with failure to restore the equipment to
its operable state following testing and maintenance and human errors associated with
switching operations or valving operations should also be included in FTs.
(8) The following aspects of dependent failures should be reflected in the FTs.
(i) interrelations between IEs and system response
• common support system faults affecting more than one front line system or
component through functional dependencies
• human errors associated with component test and maintenance activities
• components shared among front line systems.
(ii) Dependent events should be modelled explicitly and implicitly as reflected in the following
• Multiple failure events for which a clear cause-effect relation can be identified
should be explicitly modelled in the system model. The root cause events should
be included in the system fault tree so that no further special dependent failure
model is necessary. This applies to multiple failures caused by internal equipment
failure (such as cascade failures and functional unavailability events caused by
components) and multiple failures due to clearly identifiable human error (such
as human error in the steps of a prescribed procedure).
• Multiple failure events which are susceptible to dependencies, and for which no
clear root cause event can be identified, can be modelled using implicit methods
such as the parametric models, which are given in Appendix-III.
• Between the two previous extremes, there is a set of multiple failure events for
which the explicit modelling of the cause, even if in principle feasible, is not
performed because it would be too onerous; it is preferred to encapsulate the
events in a parametric model. The decision to do this is taken by the analyst on
the basis of experience and judgement, taking into consideration the aim and
scope of the analysis. Moreover, explicit modelling may in some cases be
impracticable because the component failure data do not allow different failure
causes to be distinguished. Explicit modelling should in principle go as far as
reasonable, depending on, among other things, the resources for the analysis
and the level of details needed. For the remaining dependencies, at least an
upper bound should be assessed and for this parametric modelling can be used.
The analyst should clearly document what has gone into the parametric modelling
and what has been modelled explicitly.
(9) To permit proper quantification of accident sequences in which the IE may affect the operability
of a responding system, the impact of IEs on the operability of the system should be explicitly
included as appropriate in each system fault tree. In the small event tree/large fault tree approach,
the impact of the IEs may occur at the component level. Alternatively, the failure probabilities
for basic events will be modified in order to take account of the impact of the particular IE. In
the large event tree/small fault tree approach, the initiators may appear as boundary conditions
on the top event.
(10) To simplify and reduce the size of the FTs, certain events are often excluded owing to their low
probability in comparison with other events.
(11) The testing procedures used in the plant must be closely examined to see whether they introduce
potential failure modes.
(12) Trips of pumps and other safeguards intended to protect a component must be carefully
identified. These can be a source of common mode failure. For example, spurious trips of
auxiliary feed water pumps on low suction pressure can lead to system failure if recovery does
not occur.
(13) Control and instrumentation systems (C & I) : Safety significant C & I systems including
computer based systems in the NPPs and research reactors are necessary for safe and long-
term reliable operation. There are certain difficulties in quantification of failure data for some of
C&I components. Hence, care must be taken while developing Fault Trees for C&I including
computer-based systems. These aspects have been further detailed in Appendix-IV.
(14) Shared systems : The impact of sharing of systems, between two or more units at a given site,
on plant safety should be considered. The treatment of shared systems is based on the following
(i) Safety functions (including shutdown function) of any unit should not be affected
beyond acceptable limits due to sharing of any system.
(ii) While the system is operating for one unit, mal-operation/failure of some component of
the part of the shared system for the other unit, should not result into spurious
(undesirable) actuation of the system into the other (operating) unit, or diversion of the
flows etc. from the intended unit. This aspect can be modelled in the FT analysis.
(iii) Impact of non-availability of a shared system for one unit due to its being used by the
other unit at that time is to be considered.
(iv) Impact of CCFs of these systems should be within acceptable limits.
(v) Checks should be made to assess whether the impact of sharing can be further reduced
due to items such as those listed below:
• whether independent and physically separate control circuits are provided for
operation of the shared systems for units.
• whether interlocks prevent simultaneous use of shared system by the units.
• whether operability of the shared pumps and the valves is tested periodically
and proper log of these tests is maintained and reviewed at subsequent levels.
• whether follow-up checks are carried out after all the maintenance activities, to
ensure that the normal state of the shared system components is restored back,
in order to reduce probability of maintenance errors creeping in.
(vi) While modeling FT for shared systems, the following should be considered.
(a) Shared system may not be available because of the demand of the system for the
other unit during the mission time for unit under consideration or system itself
fails. This can be modelled by top gate of ‘OR-gate’ type.
(b) In the modeling of shared systems, human actions, CCFs and spurious actuations
should be considered appropriately to account for the unavailability of the
(15) (a) Passive systems
One of the aims of using passive systems in NPPs is to add simplicity, reliability in
functioning and cost reduction. Although passive systems are based on inherent
properties of the physical processes, they may be vulnerable due to deviation from
physical processes although to lesser probability than the active systems. Passive
systems perform their intended functions once actuated and started, by following driving
forces of nature. There are considerable uncertainties related to these forces in real
situations. For example, heat transfer coefficients and pressure losses have to be studied
with conditions in the plant. Final plant-specific conditions, layouts, configurations
and human actions may be factors that affect the operability of the passive systems to
a significant amount. These factors should be appropriately modelled in the FTs and
values for each of these factors should be properly taken into account.
Basic FT symbols, illustration of ‘House event’ and sample FT are given in
(b) State space diagrams and markov analysis
Markov process for State Space analysis can be a very useful tool for modelling scenarios
in which system states change with time. It may be used for reliability/availability
estimations, particularly for systems subjected to periodic testing and maintenance as
well as failure and repair cycles. The state space diagram is a logic model depicting the
various states of a system and the paths along which the system can transfer from one
state to another. It is possible to represent a state space diagram by a set of simultaneous
differential equations representing the change with time of the probabilities of the
states. However, for a general case, it is not possible to obtain a closed analytical
solution to such a set of equations. Hence, the simulation techniques would have to be
used. In the case of systems with a failure, repair, test and maintenance cycle, it is
possible to make a special case by assuming that the transfers from state to state follow
a Markov process.
(c) Reliability block diagrams
Reliability block diagrams show the logical relation among system components in order
to indicate which elements (blocks) of the system must operate successfully for the
system to perform its intended function. Each block represents an individual component
or a convenient grouping of components of the system. The block diagrams consist of
blocks in series, parallel, series-parallel or in ‘m out of n’ configuration. Blocks
representing redundant components are shown in parallel. Individual components
whose failure causes system failure are placed in series. It is usually convenient to
arrange blocks on a reliability block diagram in the sequence in which their functions
are performed. The main disadvantages of reliability block diagrams are that it is difficult
to model support systems adequately and causes of failure are not systematically
identified (this is particularly relevant for human errors and CCFs).
(d) Go chart
The Go chart (Go) method is a success oriented system analysis technique. The Go
method parallels that of the CCDs and ESDs in that it follows an inductive success
oriented logic. Some key features of the Go method are [4]: (i) models follow the normal
process flow, (ii) model elements have almost one-to-one correspondence with the
system elements and handle most component and system interactions and
dependencies, (iii) models are compact and easy to validate, (iv) outputs represent both
success and failure states, (v) models can be easily altered and updated, (vi) fault sets
can be generated without altering the basic model, (vii) system operational aspects can
be incorporated, and (viii) numerical errors due to truncation are known and can be
The main advantage of the Go chart is that it is easily created from system engineering
drawings and follows the normal flow path. It lacks, however, the inquisitive nature of
the fault tree deductive logic, which asks, “how can it fail?” Recommended Methodology
Use of combined event tree/fault tree method represents the recommended basic modelling approach.
Other methods mentioned are to be regarded as supplementary and are of interest in specific modelling
situations as explained earlier. One usual problem in selecting the method for a PSA is the determination
of the level of event resolution at which event sequence modelling stops and system modelling begins.
Two approaches have been identified in this regard: (i) small event tree/large fault tree approach and (ii)
large event tree/small fault tree. Both approaches are acceptable since in principle they are equivalent.
(a) Small event tree/large fault tree approach
In this approach dependencies between front line systems and support systems do not appear
in the ETs. ETs with safety functions as headings are developed and then expanded to ETs
with the front line systems as heading. The front line system FT models are developed down to
suitable boundaries with support systems. The support system FTs may be developed separately
and integrated at a later stage into the front line system models. This approach generates ETs
that are concise and that allow for a synthesised view of an accident sequence. Furthermore,
subject to availability of computer codes, the small ETs may be more readily computerised.
However, handling of large FTs requires more computation time and in some cases special
(b) Large event tree/small fault tree approach
In this approach dependencies between front line systems and support systems do appear in
the ETs. The top events on the FTs have associated boundary conditions; the boundary
conditions include the assumption that the support system is in the particular state appropriate
to the event sequence being evaluated. Separate FTs must be used for a given system for each
set of boundary conditions. These separate FTs can be produced from a single FT that includes
the support system and that, before being associated with a particular sequence, is ‘conditioned’
on the support system state associated with this sequence. This approach generates large ETs
that explicitly represent the existing dependencies. Since they are associated with small FTs
(i.e., front line systems without support systems), they are less demanding in terms of computer
resources and code sophistication. However, the complexity of the ETs increases rapidly with
the number of the support systems and the number of the support system states that are
explicitly depicted in the ET.
20 Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)
Human performance and human reliability play an important role in nuclear reactor safety. Human
factors considerations should figure not only in reactor operation but also in other tasks such as
design, testing and maintenance. HRA should be primarily applied in PSA, where it is important to
identify human errors, which have a significant effect on overall safety and also quantify the probability
of their occurrence. The application of HRA in PSA requires quality data. The systematic collection and
classification of human error and human reliability data is essential for quantifying the human error
The main objective of treating human reliability in a PSA is to ensure that the key human interactions of
typical crew/members are systematically incorporated into the assessment. The aim is also to make it as
realistic as possible, by taking into account the emergency procedures, the man-machine interface, the
training programme and the knowledge as well as the experience of the crews. It should be noted that
PSA by itself cannot fully address all important human reliability and human factors. Issues relevant to
nuclear safety, e.g., some aspects of management and organisation, are generally excluded.
The treatment of human reliability in a PSA is still evolving owing to complexity of human behaviour
and general lack of relevant data. There is a growing consensus, however, on the need, usefulness and
modelling of human reliability in PSA. The aspects of HRA and use of certain techniques are detailed in
Appendix-VI. Dependence Analysis
All the dependences should be listed separately and should also be properly included in the FT/ET
models in order to evaluate correctly their impact on the level of risk. Multiple failure events that are
susceptible to dependencies and for which no straightforward clear cause event can be identified
should be modelled using implicit methods, such as parametric models categorised as CCF models. So,
CCFs represent all dependences that are not explicitly modelled in the event sequence and system
models, i.e., they are residual dependencies. CCFs can therefore belong to any of the below mentioned
types of dependences. For all CCF contributions, a rather conservative joint probability of failure is
assumed and the effect on the probability of the core damage is assessed. If the impact is substantial,
then a more careful and detailed CCF analysis is performed. Dependences are categorised into the
following types.
(a) Functional dependences
These dependences are among system, train, subsystem or component due to the sharing of
hardware or due to a process coupling. Shared hardware refers to the dependence of multiple
systems, trains, subsystems or components on the same equipment. In process coupling, the
function of one system, train, subsystem or component depends directly or indirectly on the
function of another. A direct dependence exists when the output of one system, train, subsystem
or component constitutes an input to another. An indirect dependence exists when the functional
requirements of the one system, train, subsystem or component depend on the state of another.
Possible direct process coupling between system, train, subsystem or component includes
electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical connections.
(b) Physical dependences
There are two types of physical dependences.
• Those dependences that cause an initiating event (IE) and also possibly failure of plant
mitigating systems due to the same influence, e.g., external hazards and internal events.
Such events are certain transients, earthquakes, fires and floods, etc.
• Those dependences that increase the probability of multiple system failures. Often
they are associated with extreme environmental stresses created by the failure of one or
more systems after an IE or by the IE directly. Examples are fluid jets and environmental
effects caused by LOCAs.
It should be emphasised that proximity is not the only ‘environmental’ coupling inducing
physical dependence. A ventilation duct, for example, might create an environmental coupling
among systems; trains, subsystems or components located in seemingly decoupled locations.
Radiation coupling and electromagnetic coupling are two other forms not directly associated
with a common spatial domain.
(c) Human interaction dependence
Two types of dependence introduced by human actions can be distinguished: those based on
cognitive behavioural processes and those based on procedural behavioural processes.
Cognitive human errors can result in multiple faults once an event has been initiated.
Dependences due to procedural human errors include multiple maintenance errors that result
in dependent faults with effects that may not be immediately apparent (e.g., miscalibration of
redundant components).
3.2.4 Data Assessment and Parameter Estimation
This procedural step, aims at acquiring and generating all information necessary for the quantification
of the FT model i.e. identification of the various models and the corresponding parameters that need to
be estimated, determination of the nature and sources of relevant data, and compilation and evaluation
of the data to produce the necessary parameter estimations and associated uncertainties. Common Procedures
The procedural steps of data assessment and parameter estimation are concerned with the analysis of
three major categories of data: (i) IE data, (ii) component failure, repair, test, maintenance and CCF data
and (iii) human error data. For each of these categories the following common sub-tasks are distinguished.
• Event definition
• Model and parameter selection
• Identification of data sources and data gathering
• Selection and application of the estimation techniques. Assessment of the Frequency of PIEs
The data required for quantification of the models that yield the frequencies of PIEs are the numbers of
occurrences of the events and the total periods over which these events have been observed. Sources
of such data are the plant logbooks, in which ‘significant occurrences’ are recorded, and licensee event
records. If a plant specific assessment is not attempted, then the frequencies are taken from appropriate
‘generic’ lists or ‘databases’. Bayesian techniques, based on a more complicated model that estimates
frequencies of occurrence by combining data from several plants, while taking into account the differences
between the plants, can be applied. Assessment of the Component Reliability
Component data analysis has as its objective the modelling of component failure, component repair,
and component testing and maintenance. Component failure definition requires specifications of
component boundary and mode of failure. The mode of failure is given as an undesirable state of
component performance (e.g., a closed motorised valve does not open when required owing to a
mechanical failure of the valve prior to the demand). Component testing and component repair and
maintenance data are analysed to find out how often and for how long they render a component
inoperable for the plant operating state. On-line testing, repair and maintenance are of primary concern
in calculating system unavailabilities. However, leaving equipment in a failed or unavailable state
following off-line testing or maintenance also has to be accounted for. Following aspects are to be kept
in mind while assessing component reliabilities and generating failure database.
• Component description
• Failure mode
• Test interval
• Mission time
• Technical specification on AOT
• Maintenance times
• Failure rate (per hour) or failure per demand, expressed as mean or median values
• Upper and lower bounds (if a distribution is being used), high and low values, maximum and
minimum values or other parameters (e.g. error factors) defining a possible range of failure
• Repair time.
(a) Component failure model and parameter selection
The models to estimate the probability that a component will not perform its intended function
and depend on the mode of operation of the system to which the components belong. Some
such models are described below.
(i) Operating systems
For operating systems, the reliability characteristic of interest is generally the probability
that the system operates successfully for a given period of time TM (the mission time).
Operating systems contain two general types of components: non-repairable
components and repairable components.
• Repairable and Non-repairable Components : The word ‘repairable’ means
repairable without taking the total system out of service’. Thus, unless there is
a redundant component, and unless the failed component is accessible for repair
with the system operational, the component should be treated as non-repairable.
The expressions for component unavailability for operating systems are given below in
Table 3.1
• Periodically tested standby components
If components are found to have failed in a test, they are repaired. In addition,
the components may be subjected to periodic scheduled maintenance. For these
components there are five kinds of contributions to the component unavailability:
hardware failure, unavailability due to testing, unavailability due to unscheduled
repair/maintenance, unavailability due to scheduled maintenance; and
unavailability due to interfacing maintenance. The expressions for these
unavailabilities are given in Table 3.2. The parameters that must be estimated
from data are the standby failure rate, the mean time to repair, and the mean time
of on-line maintenance actions.
• Untested standby components
If a standby component is not tested, then the averaged unavailability is given
by the formula presented in Table 3.2. In this formula, the fault exposure time Tp
(the time during which a failure can occur and the state of the component is
unknown) is set equal to the life of the plant if no demand comes. However, it
often happens that the component is indirectly tested or renewed. For example,
if the system to which the component belongs is called upon to operate, the
state of the untested component might be detectable when the system is
• Continuously monitored components
Some components, although they belong to standby systems, are continuously
monitored for their status. This is equivalent to assuming that a failure is
detectable as soon as it occurs.
An alternative model that has been proposed for components during the standby
period is that of constant unavailability or constant failure probability per demand. This
model assumes that the failure of the component is only caused by immediate influences
related to the demand.
(iii) Standby systems in operating mode after start-up
Standby systems are usually required to operate for a required mission time after successful
start-up, the models can be handled analogously to operating systems. In principle, the systems
can be regarded as repairable, provided that the conditions on repairability of operating systems
mentioned earlier are fulfilled.
26 Determination of Accident Sequence Boolean Equations
The determination of the Boolean equations for accident sequences requires the selection of the
accident sequences to be quantified and the manipulation of the sequences to place them in a form
suitable for quantification. The system models are also placed in the form suitable for the quantification.
The selection of accident sequences also requires screening out of sequences at the system level
because of their low contributions in comparison with those of other sequences. This screening takes
place at the system level within the same plant damage category. For example, assume accident sequence
IABC has been quantified and IABDE is to be quantified. If it is known positively that DE has no
dependence with IAB and has a much lower probability (e.g., two orders of magnitude) than C, then
IABDE might not need to be quantified. Care must be taken in determining that no dependence exists.
The manipulation of ETs and FTs to obtain the minimal cut-sets (MCS) and the reduced Boolean
equations are discussed in Ref. [4]. Annexure-VI gives basic laws of Boolean algebra. Initial Quantification
The primary events and the frequencies of the IEs are initially quantified by using as point values, i.e.
the mean values of the distributions that quantify the associated uncertainties. Where details are not
available, conservative values can be used for the primary event data or the IE frequencies. If the
conservative values result in significant contributors, then they can be more precisely evaluated. In
this task, screening values are used for the Human Error Probabilities (HEPs) identified in ETs/FTs.
Human errors, which contribute significantly to CDF, are then studied further as part of the HRA.
Post accident recovery, such as recovery of actuation faults or of pre-accident mispositioning faults, is
not credited at this stage. Final Quantification
The final quantification is obtained by using more accurate HEPs and other data values. Where necessary
appropriate recovery actions are to be considered. The final results are to be calculated by applying an
appropriate multiplicative factor to each cutset probability. This multiplicative factor, which is the non-
recovery probability, accounts for the possibility that operator action will eliminate one of the faults in
the cutset and thereby prevent core damage. Details of the recovery analysis are given in Appendix-
3.2.6 Uncertainty Analysis
The objective of uncertainty analysis is to provide qualitative measures of the uncertainties in the
results of the PSA, for the frequency of core damage and system unavailability. In fact uncertainty
analysis is required to be performed in Level 2 and Level 3 analyses also (see section 3.3.6 and section respectively). Since the PSA model attempts to simulate reality, it is inevitable that there will be
simplifying assumptions and idealisations of rather complex processes, phenomena and variability in
the data. These simplifications and idealisations will generate uncertainties. Major Sources of Uncertainties
Three major sources of uncertainties are as given below.
(a) Completeness
The main thrust of the PSA model is to assess the possible scenarios that can lead to undesirable
consequences i.e., core damage for a Level 1 PSA. However, there is no guarantee that all
possible scenarios have been identified and properly assessed. This lack of completeness,
which is due to the difficulty to assess and/or quantify all possible scenarios, introduces an
uncertainty in the results and conclusions of the analysis.
(b) Modelling adequacy
Even for those scenarios that have been identified, the event sequence and system logic
models do not precisely represent reality. There are uncertainties introduced by the relative
inadequacy of the conceptual models, the mathematical models, the numerical approximations,
the coding errors and the computational limits. These uncertainties are addressed as a part of
the uncertainty analysis in the PSA, and sensitivity studies are usually performed to assess
their relative importance. The uncertainty analyses and sensitivity studies are also required to
be performed in Level 2 and Level 3 analyses.
(c) Input parameter uncertainties
The parameters of the various models used in the PSA are not exactly known because of
scarcity or lack of data, variability within the populations of plants and/or components, and
assumptions made by experts. These uncertainties can be represented by probability
distributions. Propagation of Uncertainties
The quantification of the input parameter uncertainties is usually done by considering a PSA result as
the output of a model, in which input parameters are characterised as random variables. The probability
distribution function assumed for each parameter then quantifies the uncertainty that is due either to
lack of knowledge about the exact value of this parameter or to actual variations in the value of the
parameter among the members of a certain population. Annexure-VII gives various uncertainty
distributions and their associated parameters. The most widely used technique for propagating
uncertainties is Monte Carlo simulation. In general, a Monte Carlo simulation consists of generating a
random sample of the inputs of the model and determining the PSA output from each set of inputs in the
sample. This process results in a random sample of the PSA output. Quantitative measures of the
uncertainty associated with the output are then derived from this random sample. The various Monte
Carlo techniques can be distinguished on the basis of the random sampling methods as follows.
(a) Simple random sampling (SRS)
Simple random sampling is the simplest of the sampling methods. In this method, every value
of the sample is randomly sampled from its distributions. The main advantages of SRS are
simplicity of generation, statistical analysis, and aggregation. With regard to aggregation,
simple random samples obtained using the same models and parameter distributions can be
combined to make larger samples. There is one main disadvantage of SRS. It requires many
simulations, and hence it is time consuming.
(b) Latin hypercube sampling (LHS)
Latin hypercube sampling is one method of sampling a large number of input variables that
yields estimators of model response more efficiently than SRS. The name of the sampling
method derives from its similarity to certain fractional factorial sampling plans. LHS partitions
a parameter range into discrete intervals. A parameter value within each interval is sampled
using SRS. This approach reduces the sample size (relative to SRS) required to obtain estimates
of a specified precision. The beneficial characteristics of LHS include its unbiased and efficient
estimators. The efficiency of LHS versus the SRS has been demonstrated for cases in which
the output is a monotonic function of the input variables, as is the case for PSA models when
the rare event approximation is used. (In the rare event approximation, the frequency of core
damage is expressed as a closed, monotonic function of the various input parameters, i.e.,
sums of MCS). Furthermore, sub-samples of LHS do not constitute a Latin hypercube sample
and hence the LHS dose not exhibits the advantage of aggregation.
3.2.7 Importance Analysis
Importance analysis requires the determination of the importance of contributors to system unavailability,
core damage frequency and accident sequence frequencies. However, it can also be extended to Level
2 and Level 3 analyses (e.g. for release frequency, consequence frequency). The importances, which are
determinable from a PSA, can be grouped into two classes: (i) qualitative importances and (ii) quantitative
importances. Qualitative Importances
Qualitative importances are importances to CDF that are derived from the logic structure of the PSA
models. The logic structure of the PSA includes the fault tree and event tree models and the failure
combinations causing undesired events (minimal cutsets). The qualitative information in a PSA provides
valuable criteria by which to evaluate the importances of risk contributors and changes. Quantitative Importances
The quantitative importances are the importances of CDF contributors and changes that are derived
from the quantitative results of the PSA. The quantitative importances utilise the estimated system
failure probabilities, accident sequence frequencies or CDF. Although quantitative approaches can
provide more detailed information than the qualitative importances, they are also subject to the greater
uncertainty associated with the quantification. There are various types of quantitative measures, which
have been defined for the interpretation of PSAs and for use in prioritisation of operational and safety
improvements. Some of the measures of importance [6] are:
(a) Birnbaum Importance: It is the change in risk for a change in failure probability (1 to 0) for a
component or system, i.e.
IiB = (∂R/∂pi) (3.1)
Where R is a measure of the risk that can be defined at various levels (either at the system level,
accident sequence level, core damage level, radioactivity release level or consequence level)
and pi is the failure probability between 1and 0 of ith component. Birnbaum importance identifies
components/systems important to safety. But it does not consider the likelihood of component
failure, i.e. highly important component in the model will have high Birnbaum Importance
irrespective of their reliabilities.
(b) Inspection Importance: It is the Birnbaum Importance of a component multiplied by the
probability of failure of that component. Inspection importance is the risk due to cutsets
containing i component i.e.
IiI= pi*(∂R /∂pi) (3.2)
(c) Fussel-Vesely Importance: It is the fractional change in risk for a fractional change in a component
failure probability i.e.
IiFV = (∂R/R) /(∂pi/pi) = (pi/R)*(∂R /∂pi) (3.3)
(d) Risk Achievement Worth Ratio (RAWR): It is the ratio of the risk with the i-th component failed
to the risk as modeled i.e.
IiAR = Ri+/R (3.4)
Where Ri+ is the risk with i component failed.
(e) Risk Achievement Worth Increment (RAWI): It is the incremental change in risk due to the
failure of the i component i.e.
IiAI = Ri+ - R (3.5)
(g) Risk Reduction Worth Increment (RRWI): It is the incremental change in risk that results from
i component being perfect (Unavailability = 0) i.e.
IiRI = R - Ri- (3.7)
Where Ri- is the risk with i component perfect.
The relationships among various importance measures can be deduced from their definitions [6].
3.2.8 Sensitivity Analysis
When risk or reliability analysis is performed, it is appropriate to inquire into the sensitivity of the
results to input assumptions, models and data. It should be realised that importance and sensitivity of
basic events are related. Basic events, which have high importance measures initially without recovery
actions, will also display high sensitivity.
The purpose of sensitivity analysis is twofold: (i) to address modeling assumptions suspected of
having a significant impact on the results and (ii) to determine the sensitivity of the core damage
frequency/system reliability to possible dependences among component failures and among human
errors. Sensitivity analysis should be extended to Level 2 and Level 3 PSA studies as required (see
section 3.3.6 and section respectively).
3.2.9 Treatment of External Events
External hazards/events are events that originate from causes external to the plant and create extreme
environment common to several plant systems. The external hazards due to sabotage are addressed in
section 4 of this document. External hazards are significant since they are ideal candidates for CCFs.
External events can be considered at any level of PSA, depending on the scope and objectives of the
study. However it is more applicable in general to Level 1 and Level 2. External hazards include
earthquakes, floods, high winds, aircraft crashes, cyclones, etc. Table-3.5 includes a list of probable
external hazards.
Natural Events
Origin Principal Phenomena Associated Topic
From earth Earthquakes Capable faults, liquefaction, vibratory ground motion
volcanoes ejected missiles, lava, lahar (mud flow), poisonous gas,
volcanic ash
Soil failures Slope instability, subsidence, swelling clays, karst collapse
From water River floods Dam failure, extreme rainfall, snowmelt Tsunami, seiche, wind
Coastal floods generated high waves
From air Extreme meteorological Temperature, rain, snow
High winds
Hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, sand storms, forest fire
Man Induced Events
Transportation (airways, railways, Aircraft impact, explosion, missiles, vibration, fire
highways, water ways)
Nearby hazardous facilities Drifting clouds, explosions, missiles, vibration, toxic gases,
(pipelines, petrochemical facilities, fire
factories etc.)
The external event analysis should address the influence of design errors (e.g. numerical errors, wrong
assumptions, wrong mass in the seismic model, and error in material properties) and construction errors
(e.g.,mistakes in size and material and defective installation), state of the art errors (e.g. loads not
envisioned during original design and discovery of partial active fault in the vicinity) degradation
effects and human errors due to operator action or inaction. Design and construction errors could be
accounted for by using as built drawings, latest plant status and ‘walk down’ of the plant. The random
equipment failures include uncertainty due to maintenance errors. Analytical models may need to be
developed to handle effect of ageing and deterioration of electrical and mechanical components. Operator
errors under external stress condition in accident situation arising from external event are difficult to
model. Nevertheless an attempt can be made to impact these in the PSA model as realistically as
The complete treatment of external event analysis should be carried out as per QA programme described
in Chapter 2 as done for internal event analysis. The key elements in this regard include proper
organisation and composition of PSA team, task breakdowns, documentation, peer reviews of methods
and data and parameters elicited from experts’ opinion and use of refined and validated software. Some
of the important external events such as Fire, Seismic and Flood are discussed in Appendices IX, X and
XI respectively. Aircraft crash and sabotage are addressed in section 4 of this document.
The standard approach for assessment of risk from external events involves IE analysis, or hazard
analysis, analysis of effects (plant response analysis), evaluation of fragility/vulnerability of plant
components, event sequence and plant system analysis and consequence analysis. Details of these are
given below [4, 7, 8]. IE Analysis/Hazards Analysis
In hazard analysis, the frequency of occurrences of different intensities of external event called ‘hazard
intensities’ are calculated and presented in the form of hazard curves. This is done in the following
(a) Selection, screening and parameterisation of IEs
An extensive analysis of plant siting and design data needs to be done to list out the possible
IEs from which the probable significant events with respect to plant safety can be screened.
Since it is not possible to identify all site-specific features, external hazards assessments have
been concentrated on a few of these hazards namely earthquake, flood and man induced
events, which have emerged as important safety significant events. However, other site-specific
IEs need to be considered based on experience and relevance. The preferred approach is to
start from a full list and to narrow down the field based on expert judgement. This screening is
qualitative. Screening can be done based on impact or based on the frequency of the IE. The
reasons for using a particular screening criterion should be recorded. Screening based on
assessed frequencies requires regulatory review. If not specified any, the natural hazard initiator
that can be shown by detailed analyses to be less than 1.0E-07/year, are screened out.
IEs can be screened out if it can be shown that it is unlikely to have a significant effect on the
plant safety.
The task of parameterisation of the events involves identifying the parameter(s) to describe a
hazard, with a view to quantification of the damage potential of the event. In case of high wind,
wind velocity resulting in dynamic loading is a parameter. Earthquake event can be measured
in terms of parameters like frequency of occurrence, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA). Tornado
intensity can be measured on the Fujita Pearson intensity scale, pressure difference and possible
missile impact loading. Fire can be measured by sizes (area/number of safety related equipment
in a plant getting disabled). For man induced events, maximum amount of material released in
transportation, mass and velocity of the impacting object in case of a collision, sizes (weight)
and speed in case of aircraft crash, the inventory of material released, nature and pressure of
the material for pipeline accidents and overspeed conditions under which missiles are generated
under low trajectory turbine disintegration missile accident should be considered for calculation
of damage potential.
The damage potential would also depend on the location of the effect in the plant. The effect
of co-location of other equipment and structures nearby is to be addressed in fragility analysis,
which is done later in plant vulnerability analysis. The simultaneous effect of another PIE
resulting from one external hazard should also be considered as applicable. For example, wind
speed, duration and direction, which can occur simultaneously with the flood, should be taken
into account along with probabilistic assessment of wave action at lower levels, which can be
more serious, depending on the site conditions. A severe storm can produce concurrent
flooding, high winds and associated missiles and dam overtopping. Although, it is assumed
that two external events are statistically independent and that the frequencies of simultaneous
occurrence of two or more external event are small, related event sequences need to be
considered. For example, seismically induced dam failures and pipe line failures are considered
in the seismic analysis. Although two external events may not simultaneously exert stresses
on a specific plant component, they may affect different components in the some accident
sequence (i.e. an earthquake may fail the reactor components, whereas flooding may damage
intake service water pumps).
(b) Hazard analysis
This task involves full hazard analysis that should be performed for each initiating event/
initiator, which has not been screened out or bounded in the earlier task. The objective is to
generate a curve that relates the frequency or frequency of exceedance, or the probability to
the different size/damage potential of the parameter selected for that particular initiator (external
event). In fact a family of hazard curves are developed to take into account the uncertainties in
the hazard parameter values and in the mathematical model of the hazard. Such a curve is drawn
for a different non-exceedence probability level. A probability is assigned to each hazard curve
and the summation of probabilities assigned over the family of curves is unity. This basic
information, when combined with plant response analysis, provides the analysts with the
information needed to determine the probability of an accident with significant consequences.
The full hazard analysis will have to include aspects like warning time, location dependence
and recognition of special issues concerning rare events. For example, with respect to warning
time, if the reactor can be shut down and secured before the occurrence of the hazard, the risk
will be greatly reduced. Such operational procedures should be taken into account by the
(c) Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis can explore those issues that concern the model used, the data or the
approximations introduced. Sensitivity analysis is required wherever an issue or a parameter
affecting the outcome of an analysis cannot be treated in a fully satisfactory way in the main
analysis itself. Plant Response Analysis
The plant response analysis covers analysis of the full spectrum of the possible undesirable plant
responses in which hazard impact is translated into response (e.g. for earthquake, the response parameters
could be displacement, shear moment, spectral acceleration, for extreme winds they could be force or
moment on a structural element and deflections). For some external events like fire and flood, no specific
response analysis is performed as manifestations, physical effects, response or hazard parameter value
itself is significant for evaluation of fragility of SSCs. Plant response includes the response of component
to the initiator and the response of the personnel and also the effect it may have on the pre-planned
onsite/offsite emergency plan. The analysis will be different for different situations like existing operating
power plant, plant under design stage and plant in siting stage since the results of PSA would reflect
upon the decisions to be made regarding design aspects of the plants under construction. The information
on the plant site, design, as built condition of the plant and operational aspects are required for plant
response analysis. Plant Vulnerability/Fragility Analysis
This involves evaluations of component fragility, i.e. ultimate capacity to which component can withstand
without failure (functional disability, on the exceedence of which the component fails), which are the
conditional frequencies of component failures for different values of the response parameter. Again
some differences exist between external events depending on plant system and event sequence analysis.
For example, in seismic PSA, fragility may be expressed as function of local response parameter (e.g.
PGA versus frequency of failure) and evaluated separately for each component. In turbine missile risk
analysis, the conditional frequency of failures from turbine disintegration missile impact is evaluated
for different components in the accident sequence. Uncertainties in fragility evaluation arising due to
insufficient understanding of the properties and failure modes of structural materials, error in the
mathematical modeling for calculations of response, etc. use of generic data and engineering judgement
in absence of plant specific data are represented by developing a family of curves for each component
and assigning nonexceedance probability/confidence level to each fragility curve. The steps involved
in component fragility evaluation are outlined below.
(a) Identification of vulnerable features
The key vulnerabilities are to be identified for the listed IE’s. These are further discussed in
detail in failure mode analysis and fragility analysis. The analysis should also address certain
items that might be ruled out by proving their non-vulnerability to the IE and documented. The
basis of considering the vulnerabilities for analysis should be documented for better clarity.
For example, in case of flood, vulnerabilities of low lying areas of the plant and components
therein should be considered.
(b) Generalised load analysis
The term load is a generalised term and includes conditions such as acceleration, impulse,
impact, temperature, etc. or other adverse conditions because of the effect of the IE. For floods
loads can be static (hydrostatic pressure, etc) or dynamic (wave action, water velocity etc.) and
both should be considered. For translational wind, wind speed and aerodynamic considerations
determine the loading. Pressure differential effects, which can produce very large load on
structures, should also be considered for tornado type winds.
(c) Failure mode analysis
The objective of this task is to determine the specific failure modes that will cause each
vulnerable component or structure to fail. A crucial aspect of this determination is to decide on
definition of failure. For the purpose of PSA analysis, failure is always understood in context of
function: each SSC has a safety function that it must perform and the failure means failure to
perform or support the relevant safety function as per design intent.
Component may have ‘n’ different failure modes and different failures may lead to different
subsequent effects. For example, for an electrical pump failure could be “fails to run” or “fails
to start”, mechanical failure (shaft seizure) and support failure. The different modes of failure of
a component are to be listed out for each item under consideration. When making the evaluation,
and particularly when reviewing the data, it might be possible to screen out some failure modes
that are insignificant. The fragility curves have to be drawn for all failure modes for finding out
the dominant failure mode.
(d) Fragility analysis
The fragility or vulnerability of a component is defined as the cumulative frequency of its
failure (conditional failure probability) for hazard intensity (e.g., ground acceleration, over-
pressurisation in an explosion, or wind speed) of less than or equal to specified value. The
fragility is estimated from the actual capacity (ability to withstand the effect of initiator) in any
given failure mode.
The objective of Fragility Analysis (FA) is to determine the probability of failure of specific
components or structures because of the loads experienced due to external hazards. For FA,
perform the following steps:
• Calculate the appropriate strength of component in failure mode(s) under consideration
• Calculate stress or load to the components resulting from the external initiator
• Provide a factor to account for inelastic absorption of energy
• Consider any additional loads from its operating environment and the external events
resulting from secondary failures, e.g., safety valve operation, LOCA, turbine trip, collapse
of wall, etc.
• Generate fragility curves considering uncertainties in capacity estimation of components.
(e) Event sequence and system analysis
The objective of this task is to identify and analyse the combinations of failures leading to an
undesired end state for the ensemble of postulated accidents. This is performed by developing
ETs/FTs with external events of particular hazard intensities and/or impacting external event in
the component failure modeling for the range of hazard intensities defined in the problem and
merging with internal event analysis. However, the analyst may treat, as required, the external
events separately and calculate the frequencies of release categories resulting from external
events. The FT/ETs developed for the internal initiator part of the analysis can also be used for
external initiators, but this is not always the case. In some instances it would be necessary to
develop special ETs or special FTs for the specific initiator under study. The important issue in
this analysis is that of dependent failures. Another key issue is combining failures caused by
external initiators with unrelated failures caused by internal plant faults or human errors.
(f) Consequence analysis
Various failure sequences leading to core damage are evaluated separately. Containment failure
and specific release categories and consequences in the public domain are evaluated in Level
2 and Level 3 PSA analyses described in the later sections. The unconditional frequency of
core damage/melt or of radionuclide release for a given release category is obtained by
integrating over the entire range of hazard intensities. If the external event analysis is merged
with internal event at the ET development stage, information should be provided on the IEs for
each range of hazard intensity, necessary modification to the ET/FTs, changes to APET/CETs
and differences in consequence analysis results. If the external event analysis is merged with
internal event analysis at the consequence stage, the analyst should provide the probability
distribution of the frequency of release for each release category. If the analyst decides to keep
the external event analysis totally separate from the internal and other external event analysis,
the probability distribution of frequency release categories is input into the consequence
model developed for the external event analysis. Also, the effect of one external event may be
inducing radioactivity release, whereas the other initiated/initiator external event may modify
the parameter of consequence model. For example, a large earthquake or external flood may
disrupt the communication network and damage the evacuation routes to account for the
effect of large seismic events on roads, bridges, structures and communication. An extreme
wind may carry radioactive material to more distant locations.
(g) Uncertainty analysis
There are many uncertainties in the analysis of external events. These arise from lack of data
indicated and analytical models used in the analysis. In the hazard analysis the uncertainties to
be considered are those in the frequency of occurrence of the hazard intensity. The
characterisation of the phenomenon (e.g. line source or point source for seismic events, fault
width and length for a tornado etc.) and transmission of effect (e.g. overpressure, missile
impact ground acceleration, etc.) from the sources to the site. In the component fragility
evaluations, uncertainties arise from an insufficient understanding of the properties and failure
modes of structural materials, errors in the calculated response due to the approximation in
modeling, and the use of generic data and engineering judgement in the absence of plant
specific data. These uncertainties in this document are grouped into two categories as required
with regard to the external event under consideration; one is the frequency/inherent or statistical
randomness to represent the underlying randomness of variables and events and the other is
‘uncertainty’, ‘probability’ to represent modelling uncertainty accounting for current level of
ignorance concerning these variables and events. As external events are analysed with plant
level FTs, uncertainties are propagated by assigning probability distribution for each component
failure frequency in Boolean expression. Usually a family of curves for plant level fragility for
core damage/melt and for each release category is obtained. Integration over the hazard curve
family gives the probability distribution for CDF and the frequency of each category. Integration
can be accomplished by commonly used methods like discrete-probability distribution,
arithmetic, moment methods, Monte Carlo error propagation or other statistical techniques.
3.2.10 Documentation of Level 1 PSA
The main objectives and format of the documentation of Level 1 PSA are given in Appendix-I.
3.2.11 Computer Codes
Some of the software packages or computer codes used for Level 1 PSA are mentioned in Appendix-II.
3.3 Procedure for Conducting Level 2 PSA
3.3.1 Objective and Scope of Level 2 PSA
The objective of level 2 PSA is to cover events occurring in accidents that generate thermal and
mechanical loads on the containment boundary with the potential for causing structural failure and
consequent release of radioactive material to the environment. Typical uses of Level 2 PSAs [9] are: (i)
to gain insights into the progression of severe accidents and containment performance and identify
plant vulnerabilities, (ii) to identify major containment failure modes and to estimate the corresponding
release of radionuclides, (iii) to provide a basis for the evaluation of off-site emergency planning
strategies, (iv) to evaluate the impacts of various uncertainties, (v) to provide a basis for accident
management strategies, (vi) to provide a basis for the prioritisation of research activities for minimisation
of risk and (vii) to provide insights to Level 3 PSA.
The scope of level 2 PSA is to analyse accident progression and phenomena leading to potential
containment failure and release of radionuclides to environment. If a Level 3 analysis is contemplated,
the input requirements such as the inventory of radioactive material released, its physical and chemical
characteristics, and information on the time, energy, duration and location of the releases (ground level
or stack level) must be accommodated in Level 2 analysis. The ultimate product of a Level 2 analysis is
a description of a number of accident situations demanding containment integrity, a description of the
possible containment responses and their estimated probabilities and an assessment of consequent
releases to the environment.
3.3.2 Interface with Level 1 PSA: Grouping of Sequences
PSA level 1 identifies a very large number of accident sequences, which may lead to core damage.
These sequences are grouped together into Plant Damage States (PDSs). PDSs group sequences that
would be expected to have similar effects on containment response and fission product source terms.
The grouping is based on the initiator type (e.g. large LOCA, transients), Reactor Coolant System (RCS)
pressure at core damage, status of Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS), status of containment’s
engineered safety features, and status of primary and secondary containment (like isolation/ bypass,
failure). By doing so, the number of unique accident conditions that must be addressed in Level 2 is
greatly reduced.
Broadly PDSs can be grouped into two main classes: those in which radioactive material are initially
released to the containment and those in which the containment is either bypassed or ineffective.
(a) For PDS in which the containment remains intact, account must be taken of plant failures that
are defined in Level 1 analysis that could influence either the containment challenge or release
of fission products. This will include the following.
(i) The type of initiator (e.g. LOCA) since this will affect the rate of discharge of fluid to the
containment and timing of release of fission products.
(ii) The mode of failure of ECCS (e.g. injection mode, recirculation mode) since this will
influence the timing of core melt (early or late). Injection mode failure is likely to lead an
early core melt. Whereas failure during recirculation will lead to a late melt.
(iii) The circuit pressure at vessel failure (in case of PWRs) since this may influence the
mode of vessel discharge and could challenge the containment (e.g. high pressure melt
ejection, direct containment heating)
(iv) The pressure at vessel failure which will be influenced by the size of the initial breach in
the circuit (i.e. the initator type) as well as by the functionality of any depressurising
(v) The status of containment’s engineered safety features (e.g. containment pressure
suppression system, containment filtration and pump back system, etc.)
An Accident Progression Event Tree (APET, as mentioned in NUREG-1150 or Containment
Event Tree CET, as called by some countries like Russia, TECDOC-1002) analysis will need to
be performed. The terms APET/CET are used interchangeably in this document. Event trees
generated in accident progression analysis in Level 2 for various plant damage states are called
(b) For PDSs with containment bypass, only source term analysis is required. Here the main
consideration will be the identification of those attributes that influence the fission product
source term. This will include the initiator type, status of ECCS (including failure time) and
whether the leak is isolable after a period of time. For leaks into the auxiliary buildings, the
status of the air conditioning and ventilation systems could be important. In principle, the
extension of other initiators (internal and external hazards), could lead to the definition of a new
set of distinct PDSs. In many cases, the hazards simply cause dependent failures of plant items
and so are treated using the same plant models as are used for internal initiators. They will
therefore yield the same PDSs. The area where there may be differences relates to direct
containment damage. Events such as earthquake or external missiles may lead to containment
failure as well as core damage. It may be necessary to create additional PDSs to cover these,
but it may be possible to use existing PDSs which represent isolation failure.
The extension of PSA to states other than full power introduces requirements to determine
whether additional PDS, may be required. The significant differences occur primarily as a result
of differences in inventory, primary circuit and containment state.
3.3.3 Accident Progression and Containment Analysis
The purpose of the accident progression and containment analysis is to track the physical progression
of the accident from the IE until it is concluded that no additional release of radioactive material from the
containment building will occur. The analysis tracks the impact of the accident progression on the
containment building structure, with particular focus on the threat to containment integrity posed by
pressure loadings or other physical processes. A typical list of the important accident phenomena for
plant specific analysis, to be addressed in accident progression models, is given in the Appendix-XII.
An important part of Level 2 PSA is modelling of the severe accident phenomena that occur with onset
of core damage and progresses to failure of containment and release of radioactive material from the
containment to the environment. Core damage progression results in core debris formation, release of
large heat source, hydrogen and radioactivity into containment threatening its integrity. The severe
accident progression phenomena are highly complex set of physical and chemical phenomena [9]. The
purpose is not to fully describe this complexity, the understanding of which is still going on as a
research activity, but to place the phenomena within the overall structure to locate areas effectively, to
model these into Level 2 PSA studies. These of course contribute to uncertainty in the analysis.
(a) Accident phenomena for LWR/PHWR accident sequences
The phenomena can be divided into three stages, viz., (i) Phenomenon within Reactor Pressure
Vessel (RPV) and Reactor Coolant System (RCS), (ii) Phenomena within reactor cavity/vault
and (iii) Phenomena within containment building.
(i) Phenomena within RPV and RCS
When means of removing decay heat are inadequate or lost, core heats-up and fuel clad
material softens. Fuel clad gap gas pressure causes clad to swell (ballooning). Eventually
cladding fails releasing gap inventories (‘Gap Release’) into RCS. At higher temperature
clad will melt, interact with fuel, fuel can slump. As the core heats up in-vessel heat
transfer and fluid flow are affected, which lead to steam formation and failure of RCS
pressure boundary. With core-heat up, clad material (Zirconium) reacts with water/
steam to form zirconium oxide and hydrogen. The amount of hydrogen generated will
depend on factors that include oxide layer, steam concentration, operator action, accident
scenario, etc. As the fuel heats to its melting point more fission products would be
released from the fuel (‘melt release’) and will be transported through RCS. With the
heat-up process, melting of clad, fuel, control rod, other structural material and failure of
RPV involving core degradation and loss of geometry will progress. The in-vessel core
coolant reaction may cause steam explosion, missile generation and failure of reactor
vessel. Vessel melt-through would otherwise result as core melt debris does not get
cooling or becomes uncoolable. In some situations, consequent to high temperature
and pressure, lower welding of RPV may rupture with sudden release of steam and
molten core material (in reactor cavity/vault) and may cause vessel lift-off.
(ii) Phenomena within reactor cavity/vault
With core debris ejection from vessel, in absence of ex-vessel core catcher or failure of
functioning of the core catcher, core-concrete reaction (Corium) takes place, with
dispersed melts getting released into containment. This phenomenon is called High
Pressure Melt Ejection (HPME) that causes Direct Containment Heating (DCH) and
threat to the integrity of the containment.
In case of PHWR , core debris from vessel on getting into vault water, might cool off. In
adverse condition, it may react with vault water and may cause steam explosion. If
reactor vault including structural and biological shield fails, HPME will find way to
containment. If the cooling to the core debris, having fallen on to the concrete at the
bottom of the cavity/vault floor, is inadequate or the core debris is in uncoolable
configuration, then concrete will heat up and break-up physically and decompose
chemically. The chemical reaction will produce gases. The extent of the ablation of the
concrete and rates of gas production are strongly dependent on the composition of the
concrete aggregate. Basemat penetration is generally considered to be a less severe
mode of containment failure, because (i) penetration rate is likely to be slow and
cooling from the surroundings may arrest progression of basemat penetration and also
(ii) the fact that the fission products have to pass through the subsoil before they can
reach the external atmosphere. The gases from corium bubble through melt, and take
fission product vapours and aerosols with them and finally release to containment.
Cooling/quenching of corium may take place with surrounding water or water introduced
by engineered system and prevent or minimise the severity of further accident
progression. However, possible formation of insulating crust on the top of the debris
also needs to be examined also.
(iii) Phenomena within containment
The thermal hydraulic phenomena subsequent to release of heat and injection of gases
into containment from core damage progression and operation of engineered safety
features will govern pressurisation of the containment. Hydrogen, released into the
containment with oxidising atmosphere there, can cause burning. Three different rates
of combustion depending on concentration of hydrogen, concentration of steam and
other gases such as CO or CO2 can take place; local burning by diffusion flames,
deflagration and detonation. Deflagration is a form of combustion in which the flame
moves at a subsonic speed relative to the unburned gas. Local burning as well as
deflagration may cause static or quasistatic pressure loads on the containment owing
to extra heating of the containment atmosphere. Hydrogen detonations involve the
reaction of hydrogen through the supersonic propagation of a burning zone or
combustion wave. The pressure loads developed are essentially dynamic loads, which
may cause a breach of the containment or damage to safety equipment. The ESFs to
remove heat and steam may be water sprays, fan-cooling units, and ice beds. The ESFs
to prevent pressure loads from hydrogen burning is hydrogen recombiners.
In PHWR the containment venting (Primary Containment Controlled Discharge System)
to release containment pressure, filtration and pump back system to remove iodine
activity and the containment isolation system to reduce ground level release of
radioactivity are other containment ESFs. The radioactivity release in a severe accident
occurring in stages are categorised broadly as in-vessel and ex-vessel release, and
described later in this chapter under section
It is essential to ensure that relevant accident phenomena are addressed in the plant
specific analysis. If published data from experiments or reference plant analysis is used
to evaluate certain phenomena, the relevance of that information to the plant being
studied should be confirmed. If plant-specific analysis is performed the data used to
perform the calculations should be checked.
(b) Phenomena in FBR accident sequences
In FBR, before the FP can reach core cover gas and subsequently to the reactor containment
building (RCB), they may get removed by diffusion in sodium and reaction with structural
material and sodium. Several models [11-12] have been developed on these phenomena but
these have not been verified experimentally. Based on experiments conducted in several countries,
following assumptions are made: (1) the fission gas release is total; (2) the volatile fission
products release fraction depends on their physical-chemical properties and evolution of
thermodynamic conditions during the development of accident, and (3) the non volatile FP and
fuel released fraction is closely bound to the molten fuel coolant interaction and then to the
coolant decontamination factor depending on many parameters such as bubble formation,
pool depth, etc. It has been observed that for volatile FP, the iodine cesium vapor contribution
to the source term in RCB is negligible compared to the iodine and cesium combined with liquid
sodium aerosol contribution. For non-volatile radionuclide, the source term depends on the
pool height above the core and on the obstacles present in the plenum.
The FP accumulated in core cover gas find path in the RCB through the penetrations to the top
shield. Physical processes that take place in the RCB are agglomeration, sedimentation,
thermophoresis, diffusophoresis and turbulent impaction. Wherever it is not possible to model
the processes, the data from experiments are used to calculate the effect of the processes. It is
found that gravitational sedimentation contributes maximum to the removal rate of the aerosols.
The codes developed dealing in this aspects are given in References [13,14]. Modelling and Analysis of the Progression of Severe Accidents
The plant specific analyses of the progression of severe accidents are performed using any of the
appropriate computer codes as given in Appendix-II or developed by the user (need to be validated). In
addition, if available, literature for similar plants and containments could be used as a basis for establishing
an adequate framework for the APET/ CET quantification. Deterministic accident progression analyses
could be performed for dominant PDSs with respect to frequencies and PDSs that involve either direct
containment bypass or early failure of the primary and /or secondary containment.
The user should identify the computational tools (codes) used to perform accident progression analysis
depending on the objectives of the PSA study. The requirements for a meaningful code are
(i) most of the events and phenomena that may appear in the course of the accident are modelled,
(ii) interactions between various physiochemical processes are correctly considered and
(iii) computing time and resource requirements are reasonable.
Computer codes that address the entire spectrum of processes (integrated computer codes) provide an
integrated framework for evaluating the timing of key accident events, thermodynamic histories of the
RCS, core and the containment, and corresponding estimates of fission product (FP) release and transport.
However, the broad scopes of these codes demand simplifications in many aspects of accident
progression models so that they complete calculations in a reasonable short time.
In some studies, calculations with integrated codes are replaced or supplemented with calculations
performed by other codes that address specific aspects of severe accident progression. These computer
codes allow them to address important accident phenomena in a greater level of detail. The user should
take note of the specified areas in which these codes are used, and determine whether results obtained
with them are used, in conjunction with, or in place of, those obtained from integral code calculations.
The user must be aware of the limitations and weaknesses of the codes. Containment Performance
Calculations of severe accident progression generate pressure and temperature histories within
containment during various accident sequences. To determine whether the containment pressure
boundary will be able to withstand these loads, quantitative estimates of its structural performance
limits (ultimate pressure/temperature capabilities) must be generated. This analysis should include all
important elements and factors such as,
(i) specific design and features of the containment to be analysed (containment configuration,
construction materials and reinforcement, penetrations of all sizes, their location in the
containment structure and local reinforcement, penetration seal configuration and materials
and local discontinuities in the containment structure),
(ii) specific material properties,
(iii) influences of surveillance tests, inspections, maintenance, repairs and effects of ageing,
(iv) assumptions (conservatisms used when information is limited or missing),
(v) initial (ambient pressure and temperature) and boundary conditions (transient pressure,
temperature and heat flux etc.). Status of the containment elements depending on the plant’s
operating conditions and initiating and consequential events in accident sequences,
(vi) failure modes and the extent of failures; failure criteria,
(vii) loads and phenomena impacting on the containment during accident sequences (pressure,
temperature, thermo-mechanical erosion of concrete, missiles, shock waves, etc.),
(viii) performance of containment systems and equipment during accident sequences, and
(ix) accounting for uncertainties.
The typical containment failure modes and mechanisms are given in the Table-XIII-1 of Appendix-XIII.
(a) Structural response analysis
An analysis of containment structural response to imposed loads (such as pressure,
temperature) should consider interactions between the containment structures and appended
neighbouring structures, internal and external (e.g. reactor vessel and pedestal, auxiliary
A complete structural performance assessment should distinguish conditions that would result
in catastrophic failure of the pressure boundary from those that result in small scale damage,
and identify the anticipated location of failure. Two basic models have been used in PSA
studies to characterise the loss of containment integrity resulting from structural failures.
(i) Threshold model: It defines a threshold pressure, with some associated uncertainties,
at which containment is expected to fail, with a large rupture, with the potential for
significant and rapid blow down of the containment atmosphere to the environment.
(ii) Leak before break model: It is pertinent to linear tear and penetration failure. Containment
leakage is expected to precede major rupture. In general, leakage begins at a pressure
below the ultimate capability pressure and progressively increases up to the ultimate
capability pressure, at which point a catastrophic failure is expected to occur.
While internal pressure loading is the principal determinant of potential containment
failure, consideration is also given to the possible effects of temperature on structural
performance of containment. Containment temperature could affect the strength
characteristics of the structural material as well as cause degradation of penetration
seal materials.
If external events are considered in the PSA, containment structural response to
postulated external events should be evaluated. Analysis of structural response to
dynamic loads (i.e. shock phenomena, hydrogen combustion, etc.) should also be carried
out. The containment structural performance must also take account the uncertainties
associated with estimating the structural capacities for withstanding extremes of pressure
and/or temperature. These uncertainties can be determined by standard techniques for
uncertainty quantification and propagation.
(b) Containment bypass
In addition to structural failure of the containment pressure boundary, a thorough
characterisation of containment performance should examine mechanisms and pathways by
which FP released from the RCS may bypass the containment and be released directly to the
environment. Typical bypass mechanisms include:
(i) interfacing system LOCAs (such as LOCA in FM system when connected to channel,
LOCA in feed and bleed system),
(ii) steam generator tube rupture and
(iii) failures/leaks associated with personnel and material air locks. Development and Quantification of APET/CETs
APETs or CETs are used to characterise the progression of severe accident and containment failure
modes that lead to releases of fission products beyond the containment boundary. For a given core
damage scenario, APETs/CETs are used in modelling the severe accident progression and containment
response. Each branch point in APET/CET corresponds either to the availability of some containment
system function or to the likelihood of occurrence of some physical phenomenon. A containment/
accident progression event tree can therefore be used to define sequences and serves to link core
damage sequences with radiological source terms. In developing the event trees (APET/CET), following
guidelines are required to be followed.
(i) The APET/CET structure must be logical, open to scrutiny, complete, consistent and to an
appropriate level of detail.
(ii) The APET/CET nodal questions must determine the likelihood of whether the containment is
isolated, bypassed, failed, vented or intact. Typical APET/CET nodal questions for a PWR are
is given in Annexure-VIII.
(iii) It is desirable to keep the number of nodal questions reasonably small at a level consistent with
the current understanding of severe accident phenomena.
APET/CET structure and nodal questions must address all the relevant issues important to the
progression of severe accidents, containment response and failure and source terms.
(a) Accident recovery/management actions
Any recovery actions beyond the initiation of core damage (e.g. accident management actions)
could be taken into account in APETs/CETs, provided that the following guidelines are followed.
(i) The recovery actions are those, which are beyond EOPs and which operators may be
able to take as emergency measures, and also actions identified in EOPs for which
analysts has not taken credit of. APET/CET quantification is based on a realistic
human reliability analysis, thus providing an adequate base for selection of the branch
probability estimates.
(ii) The effect of the environmental conditions resulting from a severe accident on the
survivability of active components must also be considered (e.g. unavailability of pump
due to excessive flooding).
(iii) Potential adverse effects (the potential for an energetic fuel-coolant interaction, fuel
shattering, steam explosion, additional release of hydrogen and fission products) of
recovery (e.g., injection of water into a degraded core, which can have adverse effect of
fuel shattering, steam explosion) must also be considered as part of the event tree
(b) APET/CET quantification process
The quantification of the conditional probabilities for the branch point must be supported by
documented analyses and recent data, including considerations of uncertainty issues for
severe accidents. The determination of conditional probabilities (at each branch point) is
based on deterministic analyses and expert judgement. The quality of this expert judgement is
dependent on the analyst’s current state of knowledge on a particular issue. However, sources
of up to date information should be available to support the nodal probability (branch probability
at each node) assignments, such as,
(i) deterministic analyses using severe accident codes or basic principles,
(ii) other PSA studies of similar plant, and
(iii) relevant experiments, reviews and analyses.
At present, there is no standard method for use of expert judgement and FT analysis as
applicable in PSA process. Assignment of subjective probabilities to various events and
phenomena is itself controversial. But in order to assess the uncertainties in the progression of
severe accidents, some reliance on numerical assignment of subjective probabilities is essential.
(c) Threshold approach
The failure probability is a function of how close the parameter is to the failure threshold. An
example, for failure of the RCS induced by natural circulation, is given below.
First, perform calculations for the accident sequence using a code and determine the structural
temperature distribution. Second, on the basis of these calculations, and the body of evidence
that exists in the literature, determine the likelihood of creep rupture failure by comparing
temperatures. Third, find out how close is the calculated structural temperature to the yield
point at a given pressure and assign the probabilities. If calculated temperature is much less
than the yield point at a given pressure assign 0.01; assign 0.5 for structural temperature near
to yield point and 0.9 for structural temperature greater then the yield point. The assignment of
numerical values, is therefore, indicative of the analyst’s judgement of and belief in the
acceptability of the deterministic predictions of uncertain phenomena.
(d) Integral approach
In this approach, both the quantity of interest (pressure, temperature, etc.) and failure criteria
(failure pressure, failure temperature, etc.) are treated as uncertain parameters. Probability
density functions representing uncertainty distributions are arrived at on the basis of
deterministic analyses and expert judgement. The failure probability is determined by the
overlap/ interference of these two uncertainty distributions. An example of containment failure
induced by DCH due to HPME is given below.
Perform parametric HPME and/or DCH calculations to arrive at containment pressure at vessel
breach. Determine the upper bound pressurisation (based on parametric assumptions) and
assume that it corresponds to the 90th or 95th percentile of the distribution. Determine the
reasonable lower bound pressurisation and assume that it corresponds to the 5th or 10th percentile
of the distribution. Construct an uncertainty distribution (distribution shape and/or type is
judgemental and depends upon strongly on the extent of information available) for pressurisation
loads inside containment due to HPME and/or DCH. On the basis of analyses of the structural
performance of the containment, determine the uncertainty distribution for containment structural
failure pressure. These uncertainty distributions determine the degree of belief (subjective
probabilities) for failure. Binning of Event Tree End States into Release Categories/Bins
The APET/CET produce a large number of end states, some of which are either identical or similar, in
terms of key release attributes. These end states are often grouped together on the basis of appropriate
attributes that affect fission product releases and accident consequences. These attributes are specific
to the plant and the containment type. Table-XIII-2 of Appendix-XIII provides a list of important
binning attributes for APET/CET end states.
In defining the attributes of the release categories, attention is paid to the requirement of Level 3 PSA.
The source term information, that the Level 3 PSA analysis requires for each release category covers,
the following.
(i) The radionuclides including the chemical forms of each radionuclide.
(ii) Frequency of each release category.
(iii) Amount of radionuclides released as a function of time.
(iv) Time of the release relative to reactor shutdown.
(v) Warning time (for implementation of counter measures).
(vi) Location of release (ground level or elevated release).
(vii) Energy content of release.
(viii) Particle size distribution of the released nuclides.
The rationale for a particular grouping scheme of the APET/CET end states into release categories must
be thoroughly discussed and documented, as it could affect the results of a subsequent Level 3 PSA. Treatment of Uncertainties in Accident Progression
Uncertainties arise in the Level 2 PSA as a result of several factors, including incomplete merit of
possible scenarios, incomplete knowledge of severe accident phenomena, simplification in modelling,
inaccuracy in grouping of Level 1 sequences in to PDSs as the input to the Level 2 and input parameters
associated with the specific Level 2 PSA. There is no universally accepted approach to uncertainty
analysis. In general, uncertainty analysis is carried out by the following three principal steps.
(a) Definition of the scope of the uncertainty analysis: The nature of uncertainties in the accident
progression, containment and source term analysis must be considered. The choice of method
depends on the requirement for uncertainty analysis in the overall PSA and the need to
achieve compatibility with the other components of PSA.
(b) Characterisation/evaluation of each uncertainty issue: The issues may be derived from those
which have been identified as a result of review process (by experts). The selection of issues
is mainly achieved by sensitivity analysis and the analyst’s judgement.
(c) Display and interpretation of the results: The results of uncertainty analysis should be carefully
displayed carefully to strengthen the Level 2 conclusions using displays such as histograms,
probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and tabular formats showing
the various quantities of the calculated uncertainties together with the distributional mean and
median estimates. Evaluation of uncertainties are discussed in section 3.2.5 and 3.3.6.
3.3.4 Source Term Evaluation
A source term is defined as the quantity, timing, duration and characteristics of the release of radioactive
material to the environment, following a postulated severe reactor accident. However, a distinction
needs to be made here between the ‘Accident Release Source’ and the ‘Source Term’ as used in this
document. The accident release source refers to the estimates made for an actual accident or to the
measurements made for an actual accidental release and is specific to that particular accident. Source
term analysis is performed under Level 2 PSA. The following are different aspects of the source term
having bearing on the accident consequences.
(i) The rate and the total amount of radio-active material released: This is determined by the
reactor inventory (which in turn depends on the design and operating power of the reactor)
and the nature and severity of the accident.
(ii) The relative mixture of radionuclides released: This may be different from the composition
existing in the core prior to the accident. It is determined by the chemical, physical, and
radiological properties of the nuclides concerned.
(iii) The relative mixture of gases, volatiles and particulates released: The physical form of the
activity released determines primarily its escape potential from the plant.
(iv) The environment of release and the accompanying energy: Atmospheric releases at high
elevation, accompanied by high energy ensure a wide dispersal of radioactivity.
A simplified characterisation of the source is a first step in comprehending and analysing the
consequences of release of radionuclides with a wide variety of physical and chemical forms,
into the environment. The release may occur through the liquid route as well as the air route,
the former generally considered as being less important and may result in the contamination of
ground or surface waters. The nature of release may change over time, particularly if the release
itself is prolonged.
Historical perspective of the source term evaluation is given in Annexure-IX. Source Term Determination in PHWR Safety Analysis [111]
In the Source Term estimation for the DBA in a standardised Indian PHWR rather conservative
assumptions are made as follows:
• Releases to the containment
- 100 % of core inventory of iodine and noble gases is assumed to be released from the
core. All FPs are assumed to be released instantaneously to the reactor containment.
- For accident scenarios involving LOCA with failure of the ECCS water-trapping factor
of 2 on iodine releases is considered in the Primary Heat Transport (PHT) circuit.
- For a LOCA with availability of the ECCS, the water trapping factor for iodine is 2 x 10 5.
• Reduction factors for iodine during transport in containment
- The iodine plate out half times for deposition in the containment are 1.5h in the primary
envelope and 2.0h in the secondary envelope.
- Once the air concentration of iodine in air has reached 10 % of the original value, further
plate out of iodine is not considered
- A plate out factor of 10 is considered for all leak paths in containment
- The radioactive decay of FPs in the containment shall be permitted.
• Cleanup efficiency in ESF iodine filters shall be as follows.
- Particulates in HEPA filters : 99.9 %
- Elemental iodine (I2) in charcoal filters : 90.0 %
- Organic iodine (CH3I) in charcoal filters : 90.0 %
• Containment leak rate
The containment leak rate for the primary and secondary envelopes shall be assumed as
stipulated in the TS. An appropriate secondary containment bypass factor obtained by
measurement or as considered in design shall be allowed.
Details of the FP core inventories for different types of reactors are given in Appendix-XIV. Source Term (ST) Analysis Methodology
The starting point of ST analysis is a description of the accident sequences and damage states for the
plant. This consists of collecting together groups of sequences, which are similar in their initiation,
timing and state of plant damage into a limited number of source term or release categories. A single
sequence, generally the one of highest ST which contributes a significant frequency within each
category is then selected, and the ST evaluated for this is taken to be representative of the whole
category. The core of a power reactor contains several million curies of radioactivity of hazardous
nuclides built up during equilibrium power operation. Several barriers (e.g., fuel matrix, fuel cladding,
RCS and reactor containment) must be breached before any significant part of this radioactivity can be
released to the environment. Establishing the timing and nature of breaching of these barriers is an
essential part of ST analysis.
Another requirement is an analysis of the chemical and physical behaviour of the radioactive material,
which controls its release from the core and its transport through the plant to the environment. The aim
is to find out what part of the activity originally released from the core will be retained in different areas
of the plant, and what part will escape. Early containment failures are usually associated with high
source terms. On the other hand, a delayed containment failure will ensure that a good part of the
radioactivity reaching the containment is retained therein. It must be pointed out that the possibility of
containment bypass - both partial bypass and total bypass - must be established, for that would result
in high ST scenarios even when the reactor has a strong containment. All severe reactor accidents that
result in large source terms must have two features; first the core must be grossly damaged, and
secondly, the containment must undergo some degree of failure.
A generalised severe accident sequence would consist of the following parts:
- IE and response of the ESFs
- Core heat-up and reactor coolant system response
- Vessel penetration (if appropriate)
- Core-concrete interaction (if appropriate)
- Containment response.
An ET is drawn for each of the IEs with the postulated system responses, and a set of severe accident
sequences is obtained, each one terminating in a different end-state. The end states are subsequently
binned into a limited number of release categories.
(a) Computation of FP inventories and their grouping [15, 16, 17]
The second step in ST analysis is ascertaining properties of radionuclides and their grouping.
In a nuclear reactor, there are several hundred radionuclides generated that can be grouped as
FPs, actinides and activation products. The amount of actinides/transuranics increases with
burn-up, and is particularly high for those reactors, such as the FBRs and LWRs, having high
burn-ups. It should be noted that fuelling with mixed oxide fuel increases the inventory of
transuranics due to the irradiation of plutonium throughout the cycle. In spite of the fact that
3 - 4 % of the transuranics were released in the Chernobyl accident in the initial disruptive
phase, these are not expected, in general, to contribute significantly to source terms.
Based on the criteria of the quantity, release fraction, half-life, emitted radiation type and
energy and chemical characteristics, these are reduced to 54 nuclides (24 elements). Table 3.6
gives the list of elements and nuclides. These are further arranged into eight groups, each
comprising elements with similar chemical and physical properties (hence similar release and
transport behaviour). This is shown in Table 3. 7.
A precise computation of FP inventories is a fairly complicated process, which involves finding
the actual composition of the fissile nuclides (U-235, U-238, Pu-239) in the core mass, actual
history of power operation, and the effects of formation by fission, radioactive decay, and
neutron absorption. The nuclide growth and decay equation for all FPs are solved using
elaborate computer codes, such as ORIGEN2 [17]. Some of the computer codes for computing
fission product buildup in a reactor core can be modified to generate actinide and activation
product inventories. These are finally grouped into three broad categories based on their
volatility, which primarily governs the extent to which the core activities are released from the
reactor fuel and escape from the primary system, with their chemical properties in the existing
environment also playing a role.
1. Cobalt Co, 60Co
2. Krypton Kr, 85mKr, 87Kr, 88Kr
3. Rubidium Rb
4. Strontium Sr, 90 Sr, 91Sr
90 91
5. Yttrium Y, Y
6. Zirconium Zr, 97Zr
7. Niobium Nb
8. Molybdenum Mo
9. Technetium Tc
10. Ruthenium Ru, 105Ru, 106Ru
11. Rhodium Rh
12. Tellurium Te, 127mTe, 129Te, 129mTe, 131mTe, 132Te
13. Antimony Sb, 129 Sb
131 132 133
14. Iodine I, I, I , 134I, 135I
15. Xenon Xe, 135Xe
16. Cesium Cs, 136Cs, 137 Cs
17. Barium Ba
18. Lanthanum La
19. Cerium Ce, 143Ce, 144Ce
20. Praseodymium Pr
21. Neodymium Nd
22. Neptunium Np
23. Plutonium Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu
24. Curium Cm, 244Cm
- Group 1 consists of the fission gases Xe and Kr, which are gaseous at normal
- Groups 2, 3 and 4 comprises halogens (in particular iodine), alkali metals (in particular,
cesium), and the tellurium group elements. These are partially volatile at the reactor
operating temperatures, and are likely to be rapidly released in substantial amounts in
the case of fuel over-heating. I and Cs appear to be the most important in the Volatile
- Group 5, 6, 7 and 8 elements are relatively involatile even at fuel melting temperatures.
These would be dispersed significantly only in the event of fuel melting temperatures
being reached or as a result of chemical reactions. In the event of fuel vaporisation, the
non-volatiles would condense to aerosols.
(b) Factors determining importance of radionuclide in ST analysis
The main factors determining the importance of a radionuclide are the total inventory of the
nuclide in equilibrium, the nature of its radioactive emissions, chemical and physical properties
determining its transport behaviour in the plant and in the environment, and its biological
characteristics. Some of the factors mentioned are inherent to the radionuclide involved (such
as fission yield, half-life, radioactive emissions, etc.), while others are dependent on the features
of the reactor and the accident (such as the temperature profile of the core after an accident, the
chemical environment in the release pathway, physical and chemical form of the radio-nuclide
released, etc). However, in general, the fission gases and the volatiles (iodine, cesium and
tellurium) are of importance in practically all severe accidents. Release Stages [15,16]
The next step is to determine releases in different stages. In a severe accident, the initial heat-up and
melting of the core occurs inside the RPV and the radionuclides released during this stage is called the
In-vessel release. In the first stage of in-vessel release, processes involved are i) cladding rupture, ii)
transport from the solid fuel matrix, iii) evaporation from molten fuel in core, iv) leaching of fuel following
a cladding failure, and v) oxidation of fragmented fuel. The second stage of in-vessel release involves
the transport and retention processes in the reactor coolant system. The third stage involves the
transport and retention in the containment. The fourth stage is the leakage of fission product from the
containment either through the intact containment or escape through the failed containment. If the
containment is bypassed, some retention of radioactivity may still occur because of plate out in leakage
path and/or if the bypass occurs into an auxiliary building.
If the accident progresses such that the molten core burns or melts through the vessel, or if there are
severe accident phenomena such as steam explosion or high pressure melt ejection, then substantial
quantities of the molten core will find their way directly into the containment (PWR/BWR plant). The
release which takes place from this displaced fuel mass is called the ex-vessel release.
For PHWR plants, such ex-vessel release can take place, after reactor vault fails in damage progression
in severe accident scenario. The chief mechanism of ex-vessel release is the molten core concrete
interaction, which will drive additional active and inactive materials into the containment atmosphere.
Moreover, the release of some materials is enhanced in the oxidising atmosphere of the containment. Escape of Material From a Degraded Core
The in-vessel release of radioactivity from fuel constitutes the first stage of release in severe accidents.
The initial inventory of radioactivity in the fuel can be calculated with relatively small uncertainty, as it
depends on known parameters, such as the fuel type, core design, and the reactor operating history. For
reactors with continuous refuelling, the equilibrium core inventory calculated at full power is considered.
For other reactors, the end of cycle radionuclide inventory is considered in source term analysis. Severe
accidents are characterised by high temperatures approaching fuel-melting temperatures (~2800° C).
Temperature is the primary driving force for release. In reactivity insertion accidents, core melt
temperatures are reached in 1 s or less. In loss of coolant accident scenarios, the rise of core temperature
is relatively slow.
(i) Gap inventory [16]
The gap inventory refers to the volatile fission products - stable as well as radioactive - that are
released from the fuel matrix during normal reactor operation, and which reside in the gas
plenum between fuel and fuel clad and cracks and voids available in the intact fuel pin. When
the clad ruptures, the entire gap inventory may be released into RCS. For thermal reactors, this
release usually represents < 1 % of the volatile FP inventory (see Table 3.8), but for LMFBRs
the gap release may constitute > 50 % of the inventory. Practically no non-volatile material is
expected to be found in the gap.
Gap Volatiles and Refractories
release semi volatiles
Core heat-up, degradation, relocation and slump
Temperatures (C0)
walls or on other aerosols (say, the structural materials). Usually the process of conversion
into aerosols is complete in the primary circuit. The analysis in the RCS is the analysis of the
distribution of the radionuclides amongst the vapour phase, the aerosols in gas, aerosols
deposited on surfaces, and vapour plated on surfaces, all as a function of time (Fig.3.2).
Chemical Form
Physical Form
Aerosol Condensation Vapour
on aerosol
The aerosols may grow/deposit considerably in the primary coolant circuits. Most of the data
on radionuclide transport in RCS has been obtained from small scale and large scale test
facilities such as Marviken-ATT series (1985) at the Marviken nuclear plant, Studsvik in Sweden,
LACE tests at Hanford, USA and STEP tests at the TREAT reactor at the ANL. These tests
provide valuable database for validation of radionuclide transport in RCS modelling codes
such as TRAP-MELT, VICTORIA etc.
(c) Release and attenuation behaviour of specific radionuclides in the RCS [18]
For noble gases, complete release can be assumed with no chemical or physical attenuation in
the primary system. Iodine is most likely to be in the elemental atomic form in the matrix of the
fuel, and cesium iodide in the fuel-clad gap inventory. When the iodine in the oxide fuel is
released to the primary circuit, the most likely form is cesium iodide on account of the reducing
atmosphere prevailing therein. Cesium iodide exhibits simple condensation either onto surfaces
or on aerosols. However, there is doubt whether the cesium iodide can remain unchanged
throughout its movement through the primary circuit, on account of the fact that volatile iodine
(e.g., hydrogen iodide) is likely to be formed upon its interaction with boric acid (from borated
water supplies or from the decomposition of the boron carbide control rods).
Cesium migrates in the fuel in the element form and will be released from the fuel rod into the
reducing steam environment of a severe accident and will rapidly form cesium iodide and
cesium hydroxide or cesium molybdate. The reaction of the iodide or hydroxide with boric acid
leads to the formation of non-volatile cesium borates and hence attenuates the release. It is
also likely that cesium hydroxide will react with structural materials (SS and Inconel) to diffuse
into the inner chromium sesquioxide layer; this mechanism further attenuates the release of
Tellurium (Te) is as volatile as iodine or cesium but its release from the fuel rod is attenuated on
account of the formation of zirconium tellurides. The release of Te depends on the degree of
oxidation of the zircaloy cladding; if there is adequate oxidation, the release of Te occurs.
Recent experimental data suggest that the eventual release of Te will occur as stannous telluride,
formed by the reaction of the tellurium with the tin component of the zircaloy clad. Tellurium
and hydrogen telluride could also be important vapour species depending on the thermal
hydraulic conditions. However, if formed, they will interact rapidly with surfaces, and aerosols
and will be attenuated.
Barium and strontium exist in the fuel as non-volatile oxides; their reaction with unoxidised
zirconium could generate the elemental species. The latter species are relatively volatile, and
will form hydroxides on reaction with steam. The hydroxides may also be formed by reaction of
the oxides with high temperature and high-pressure steam. The hydroxides would behave in a
similar manner to cesium hydroxide. Molybdenum will be present in the fuel as element, oxide
and cesium molybdate. Formation of molybdenum oxide, cesium molybdate and molybdenum
hydroxides will enhance the volatility of molybdenum.
The FPs (Technetium, Rruthenium, Rhodium and Palladium), are present in the fuel as element
and will not be released to any significant extent. Also, no significant reactions with surfaces
or with aerosols are predicted. Lanthanides and actinides are present in the fuel as non-volatile
oxides. Any release is small and no significant interactions are likely to occur. Silver, cadmium,
indium, tin, antimony, are relatively volatile, but as FPs have rather low fission yields. Hence,
they will not contribute significantly to the radioactive source term. For FBR, it is observed that
the contribution of iodine and cesium vapours in containment is small, as compared to the
contribution of iodine and cesium combined with sodium aerosol. For non-volatile radionuclides,
the source term in RCB depends on the sodium pool height above the core and obstacles
present in the core [19]. Transport and Retention in Containment Systems [20]
Gases and aerosols coming from the RCS (in-vessel release) and from the reactor cavity after vessel
melt-through (ex-vessel release) have to pass through the containment before escaping to the
environment through the leak paths or containment opening. The aerosols may be accompanied by
steam. The mechanisms of aerosol production involved here are the ‘vaporisation release’ and the
‘oxidation release’. The nature of the aerosols added in the latter process is qualitatively different from
the former process. The mass of the aerosols in the containment is overwhelmingly inactive, being
contributed by structural materials such as zircaloy, steel, control rod metals, boron, and concrete, and
these have a decisive influence on aerosol behaviour in the containment. There are two sets of aerosol
processes in the containment: those that serve to agglomerate the air-borne aerosols, and those that
remove them. Agglomeration reduces the number density of the aerosols but not the air-borne mass
concentration. The agglomerated particles have a larger probability of removal. In addition, increase of
particle size on account of steam condensation is a strong growth process. The main aerosol removal
processes in the reactor containment are: Gravitational settling, Diffusiophoresis, and Diffusion (laminar/
turbulent). Gravitational deposition is by far the most important removal processes in the containment.
This process is assisted both by steam growth and by particle agglomeration. Thermophoresis,
resuspension, and electrical effects are second order effects that are usually neglected. In FBR, sodium
oxide aerosols in containment acts as scavenging agent for iodine. Iodine either in the form of sodium
iodide or cesium iodide is carried by sodium oxide aerosols. Studies on leakage of aerosols from
containment have shown that aerosols do not pass through leakage paths and plate out fully [21].
The function of a reactor containment is to reduce the probability of FP release to the environment,
should they escape from the RCS under accident conditions. This is achieved by containment isolation
and other ESFs provided to mitigate the effect of in vessel and ex-vessel radioactivity release (energy
as well as radioactivity) in severe accident conditions. During the heat up process in the core, core
slowly melts from the center and increases the load on the lower crust and the core support structure.
During core melt, quenching will form copious amount of steam, which produces a steam pressure spike
and possible steam explosion. These internal missiles might fail the containment (a-mode containment
failure). An energetic steam explosion can deliver shock loads, ejecting core debris as missiles, failing
vessel and causing vessel lift-off in case of PWR and BWR. In PHWRs, the molten core after melt
through calandria, comes in contact with vault water, cooling the core debris. It might cause steam
explosion and direct radioactivity release along with core debris ejection can take place after reactor
vault structure fails during accident progression. This direct core debris ejection to containment would
result in an ex-vessel release of radioactivity into the containment.
In PWR and BWR, there are essentially three modes of ex-vessel release; High pressure melt ejection,
core debris/concrete interactions, and steam explosions.
(a) High pressure melt ejection (HPME)
In the LWR high-pressure accident sequences, where the RPV and the RCS are at high pressure,
if failure of a penetration in the lower head should also occur, then a high pressure jet of molten
core material may be ejected directly into the containment or into a pool of water present in the
reactor cavity/vault. In either event, the molten mass may fragment and become dispersed
throughout the containment. Dispersion of core debris in containment can potentially induce
numerous hazards. If hydrogen is present in the containment atmosphere, dispersion of the
hot debris particles could serve as a catalyst to promote recombination of the hydrogen with
free oxygen, even though hydrogen concentration may be below the conventional flammable
limits. Direct containment heating (DCH) from the molten mass may threaten the containment
integrity. In addition, the core melt to the containment atmosphere may result in oxidation
reactions, which generate still more heat. If the melt falls or is ejected into the cavity under
vessel, then steam explosion can occur. If core debris is finely fragmented in the containment
atmosphere, either by steam explosion or HPME, an additional release of FPs may occur. The
airborne radioactive inventory in the containment may suddenly increase by the following two
mechanisms: one, of course, being the radioactive aerosol directly injected by the jet into the
containment, and the second the enhanced release of certain FPs from the molten fuel on
account of its oxidation in the air. A major source is likely to be tellurium, released after the
zirconium has been quantitatively oxidised. A second source is likely to be ruthenium, which
forms volatile oxides, RuOx, and hydroxides under highly oxidising conditions.
(b) Molten core-concrete interaction (MCCI)
The molten core debris may melt through the lower head in a coherent manner, forming a large
molten pool in the reactor cavity. The high temperature (> 2000° C) melt will rapidly interact with
the concrete of the cavity floor. This process is called molten core-concrete interaction. The
gases produced in the process (steam, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide) will bubble through
the melt and will transport the vaporisable part of the activity to the pool surface. This is called
the ‘vaporisation release’. The released material, which may comprise both radioactive (FPs,
fuel, actinides) and inactive (control rod, steel, concrete) materials, is discharged into the
containment, where the vapours will form aerosols. If the containment is intact, these aerosols
will enhance the aerosol inventory already present in the containment from in-vessel release.
On the other hand, if the containment has already failed, then these may comprise a large
additional source term.
(c) Steam explosions
A steam explosion refers to the reaction of the finely divided molten fuel matter with water
coolant and is a potential threat to the reactor containment structure. An in-vessel steam
explosion is postulated to occur as the molten core hits the water in the lower plenum, producing
a large explosion, which sends a fragment of the RPV as a missile into the containment. An ex-
vessel steam explosion occurs if the molten corium contacts a pool of water after emerging from
the vessel. A steam explosion will enhance both the aerosol mass in the containment air as well
as lead to enhanced release of radioactivity into the containment.
A steam explosion to be highly efficient would require at least three stages to be met; a) pre-
mixing, b) triggering, and c) propagation. Pre-mixing is a requirement that the molten particles
(about 1 cm in diameter) be dispersed in water; the particles will be blanketed initially by an
insulating layer of vapour. The next requirement is that of the existence of an internal trigger,
which would fragment the pre-mixed, hot molten droplets in the liquid water. Propagation
across the interaction zone must follow to generate the shock wave associated with an explosion.
If a failure of containment should occur in severe accident, then the time and manner of the
failure are decisive in determining the magnitude of a release. If a containment failure occurs
just after the volatile fission products (I, Cs and Te) have been released into the containment
and converted to aerosol, it is predicted that 80 % of the Cs and I core inventories would be
discharged to the atmosphere. On the other hand, if five days were to elapse between the
reactor vessel failure and the containment break, there would be adequate time for aerosols to
deposit on the internal surfaces, and the calculated release of I and Cs would be only 10 -2 % of
the reactor inventory.
Along with the timing of failure, another factor in ST prediction is the size of the breach in the
containment through which the release occurs. A large hole would result in a rapid discharge
of the air-borne aerosol, while a small hole would considerably delay the discharge, thus
enabling natural removal processes in the containment to cleanse the air to a greater extent. In
the QUEST study, it was shown that the FP release to the environment varies by an order of
magnitude as the breach effective area was varied from 0.001 m2 to 10 m2. The hole size is
expected to have no effect on the release fraction beyond a certain value. Releases Through Containment
The integrity of the reactor containment structure is of the prime importance in severe accidents.
Normally containment will be designed to accommodate the postulated pressures and temperatures of
a design basis accident. The transport paths in the containment usually lie through a large number of
inter-connected compartments with opportunity for recirculation through these volumes. The default
flow path is via suppression pool (in BWR/PHWR or ice condenser in PWR). Aerosols and iodines
along with associated energy, in their transport, in reactor containments, are removed by natural
processes, which are supplemented by the ESFs such as sprays, filter banks, building coolers. Besides,
in modern double containment systems, the annular space between Primary and Secondary containment
envelopes is held at negative pressure to prevent ground level leakage during accidents; Primary
containment also has hydrogen recombiners as ESFs to reduce hydrogen concentration below hazardous
level of deflagration/detonation.
The containment loads may be different in the case of severe accidents. Two categories of containment
loading scenarios are postulated; the rapid pressurisation and relatively slow over-pressurisation.
Rapid pressurisation includes events such as steam explosions, steam spikes, or hydrogen burns. An
in-vessel steam explosion is postulated to occur as the molten core hits the water in the lower plenum,
producing a large explosion, which sends a fragment of the RPV as a missile through the containment.
An ex-vessel steam explosion occurs if the molten corium contacts a pool of water after emerging from
the vessel. A steam explosion will enhance both the aerosol masses in the containment air as well as
lead to enhanced release of radioactivity into the containment. Hydrogen burns can cause detonations,
which involve the hydrogen reaction through the supersonic propagation of a burning zone or
combustion wave. The dynamic pressure loads created by hydrogen detonation may cause a breach of
the containment or damage to important safety related equipment.
Relatively slow over-pressurisation includes events due to steam production and/or formation of non-
condensable gases, including hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. In absence of containment ESFs, if a core-
concrete reaction occurs the pressure will slowly start increasing. If the containment leaks before
breaking, then the associated loss of gases will modify the thermal-hydraulics of the containment.
During core melt accidents, Zircaloy as well as the other in-core metallic materials react at high temperatures
with water or steam. Consequently, a large amount of hydrogen is produced. This hydrogen can get
ignited through local burning by diffusion flames, deflagration or detonation. Local burning and
deflagration may cause static or quasistatic pressure loads on the containment. Slow over-pressurisation
can be caused due to compressed air in-leakage in the containment.
(a) Basemat penetration
In accident sequences, in which a large amount of the molten core debris falls on the concrete
in the reactor cavity, a physical and chemical reaction occurs which gradually erodes the
concrete, leading to a potential penetration through the basemat. The rate of melt penetration
is estimated to be extremely slow, and given the basemat of considerable thickness, such an
event is most unlikely. However, if such a penetration does occur over a time scale of hours or
days, the radioactive aerosols would be attenuated considerably, through filtration in the
engineering backfill, such that the resultant source term would be extremely low.
(b) Heat removal
In reactor containment, heat removal is by containment sprays, suppression pool, sump, cooling
systems, and building air coolers. Such systems are normally protected from damage by steam
jets, pipe whip or missiles. It is necessary to postulate the failure of these heat removal
mechanisms in order to challenge the containment integrity in PSA Level 2 analysis.
Other considerations for containment accident progression that might lead to breach of
containment integrity following a severe accident include: build-up of non condensable gas
pressure, in-leakage of instrument compressed air to supplement other sources of pressurisation
over the long-term, high temperature degradation effects on mechanical and electrical
penetrations, failure to isolate containment, starting of fires in any combustible materials within
the containment, and other possible events. Fig. 3.3 shows various accident phenomena in the
containment building associated with source term calculation.
Some containments have engineered safety features to remove heat and steam from the
containment atmosphere. These include water sprays, fan coolers and ice beds. These features
can also accelerate the removal of fission products from the containment atmosphere. However,
If hydrogen flame encounters a region containing obstructions, the turbulence induced by the
obstructions can increase the burning rate and even cause a transition to detonation. Fan
coolers, which not only induce turbulence in the gas, but also remove steam from the atmosphere
at the same time, may be of concern when operating in the presence of hydrogen at elevated
levels. Some examples of the ST evaluation are given in Annexure-X.
3.3.5 Containment Modelling Codes [15, 16]
The first modelling of aerosols within the containment was carried out with the CORRAL code, which
assumed a single settling rate for the aerosols. Since the rates used in CORRAL were derived from the
containment system experiments, which did not truly represent the reactor conditions, it’s use is limited.
Mechanistic aerosol codes were first developed for studies involving sodium fire under dry conditions
in severe fast reactor accidents. There are essentially two types of containment codes; the discrete
codes, which divide the size range into discrete size classes, and the log-normal codes, which make the
more restrictive assumption that the size distribution is always log-normal. Comparison with test results
have shown that there are systematic differences between the log-normal and the discrete codes, and
that the results from discrete codes are in much better agreement with the experimental results. Some
examples of discrete codes are: NAUA-5, CONTAIN, PARDISEKO III, AEROSIM-M AEROSOLS/B1,
and those of the lognormal codes are HAA-4, HAARM-2 and CONTAIN-LMR. Containment aerosol
modelling codes are highly developed, and it is currently believed that the uncertainties in the input
data are larger than the uncertainties in aerosol modelling and computation. Many of these codes were
verified and validated against small and large-scale containment aerosol tests [15, 16, 20].
3.3.6 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
Severe accident phenomena are highly complex, and so there are significant uncertainties in the prediction
of what will happen. The mechanistic source term assessment is driven essentially by the phenomenology
of the events involved in the accident sequences, and in spite of numerous tests and experiments, there
are still certain areas which are not very well defined and judgement has to be exercised to define the
parameters. It is in the modelling of these events that the maximum uncertainty arises in the value of the
source term. Table 3.9 gives levels of uncertainties and sensitivities in severe accident phenomena. The
uncertainties are graded high (H), medium (M) or Low (L). These are relative judgements. In some cases,
where an M mark has been given, the uncertainty may be high, but the judgement is that this uncertainty
is not as important as some of the other issues. Areas in which expert judgement is most likely to be
necessary are indicated by (e).
A distinction is made between intrinsic and consequential uncertainties. When one phenomenon
depends on initial or boundary conditions set by an earlier phenomenon, it will inherit the uncertainties
from that earlier phenomenon. Here an attempt has been made to judge intrinsic uncertainties; those
that would persist even if the initial conditions were known exactly. In discussing sensitivity, a distinction
has to be drawn between different outputs and end uses of the calculation. In Table 3.9, we consider
sensitivities on three aspects: assessing accident management procedures, assessing challenges to
the containment and calculating source terms.
Core debris behaviour Thermal-hydraulics Fission product behaviour
Core inventory
Core heat-up and Heat and mass flows Heat and mass flows
degradation in core region in core region
3.3.7 Documentation of Level 2 PSA
The main objectives and format of the documentation of Level-2 PSA is in Appendix-I.
3.4 Procedure for Conducting Level 3 PSA
3.4.1 Objective and Scope
The objective of a full scope PSA is to assess the risk of public health and economic loss consequent
to an accident and release of radionuclides from NPPs in as realistic a way as can reasonably be attained
and to bound this assessment with upper and lower values. A Level 3 PSA provides insights into the
importance of accident prevention and mitigation measures in terms of the adverse consequence to the
public health, and the environment (i.e. contamination of land, air, water and foodstuffs). Therefore,
some call it, in short, ‘Consequence’ Analysis.
To date, most of the experience with Level 3 PSAs is related to the assessment of the risk of potential
NPP accidents. For this, the methodology is most formalised and several large, sophisticated codes are
available. This document limits discussion to that type of analysis for which atmospheric release and
dispersion of nuclides have been shown to be dominant, as compared to releases to aquatic or terrestrial
environment. However, the general methodology is also valid for other nuclear facilities such as research
reactors, reprocessing plants and spent fuel storage installations, although specific aspects of Level 2
and 3 PSA analyses may be different for these facilities.
3.4.2 Probabilistic Consequence Analysis [22]
The main elements of consequence analysis are shown in Fig. 3.4 [22]. Invariably, these elements are
incorporated into a computer program, referred to as a Probabilistic Consequence Analysis (PCA)
code. Description of the Radionuclide Release
The starting point for a consequence assessment is the radionuclide release to the atmosphere, as
produced by a level 2 PSA. This information, provided for each of the representative accidents to be
assessed, obtained by grouping accidents with similar release characteristics together, referred to as
the ‘source term’. This specifies both the time dependent magnitude of the release and the manner of
the release, the latter being defined by a number of release parameters. To aid realistic modelling of the
dispersion and risk of accidentally released radionuclides, the following parameters are included in the
ST of each category, in addition to its release fractions and its frequency:
• The time delay between the reactor shutdown and release of radioactive material to the
environment, which reduces activity by radioactive decay, and also may influence the
introduction of countermeasures before the release.
• The duration of the release, which influences the dispersion of released material
• Height of the release
• The thermal energy associated with the release.
These parameters are direct input for the atmospheric dispersion. Other characteristics of release (the
physical form and chemical properties of radionuclides) are assumed to be constant in each release
phase. It is assumed, that they are released in oxide form as aerosol particle with 1 mm activity median
aerodynamic diameter (AMAD), except for noble gases, which appear in elemental form, and iodine,
which may appear in elemental, organically bound, and particulate forms.
Meteorological data Sampling of meteorological data
release data Atmospheric dispersion and deposition
Dose conversion
Dose evaluation for each exposure pathway
Population and
Estimation of health effects, land, food Risk conversion
agricultural data
restrictions and other damages factors
deposition mechanisms. Deposition mechanism fall into two categories: dry and wet. Dry deposition
is the process by which material is removed from plume by impaction with the underlying surface or
obstacle on it, such as vegetation. The rate at which material is deposited from the plume will depend on
the nature of airborne material and the underlying surface. Wet deposition is the process in which
material is removed by the process of precipitation and scavenging by the action of rainfall. Material
may be removed from the plume by the action of rain falling through it. All these mechanisms are
considered in consequence analysis. Meteorological Data and its Sampling
It is a normal practice to use the meteorological data from the meteorological station nearest to the
release point. Data compiled at other stations may, however, be acceptable if they are representative of
the general condition experienced by the plume. Consequence analysis codes using atmospheric
dispersion models other than Gaussian plume model may require additional meteorological data. Typically,
such a code requires meteorological data at regular spatial interval, over the region of interest beyond
site (so-called non-source meteorology); this is obtained by interpolation of available meteorological
data. This process is complex and may need considerable judgement. The choice of meteorological data
often represents a compromise between an ideal, the available and what is adequate for a particular
In PCA using various types of atmospheric dispersion models, the atmospheric dispersion and dose
calculation must be repeated for a large number of sequences of conditions selected from the
meteorological data file used to predict the full distribution of consequences, which may occur. Ideally
the calculation may be performed for every possible sequence of weather conditions in the data file; in
other words, a weather sequence each hour on the file. It is neither practicable nor necessary to
consider every such sequence. Instead, one or more year’s data is sampled in such a way that a truly
representative set of weather sequences is selected. The selection should be made in such a way that
the sequences chosen represent the complete set of possible sequences, and yield the correct probability
distribution of consequences. The simplest method of selecting starting times for the sequences is to
do either at random or by selecting every nth sequence (cyclic sampling). These methods tend to
sample common sequences frequently, whilst overlooking the more unusual ones. A more sophisticated
method of sampling is stratified sampling, in which the intention is to group all those sequence of
conditions on the meteorological data file, for which the consequences are similar. Sequences can be
chosen at random from those within each of groups, and assigned a probability based on the number of
sequences allocated to each group and the number selected from within each group. Exposure Pathways and Dose Assessment
There are six principal pathways by which people can accumulate a radiation dose after an accidental
release of radioactive materials to the atmosphere. For each pathway a dosimetric model is required to
convert the concentration of radionuclides in the atmosphere, on the ground, in foodstuffs, or on skin
and clothing, to dose to humans. These pathways are shown in Fig. 3.5 and briefly described below. If
other parts of nuclear fuel cycle are considered, different exposure pathways may be dominant. For
example, migration of radionuclide in soil and ground water, in case of waste storage and spent fuel
storage facilities. In this regard details can be seen in AERB safety guide ‘Methodoligies for
Environmental Radiation Dose Assessment’ (AERB/NF/SG/S-5).
Contamination of
skin and clothing
Deposition Ground
contamination Ingestion
(a) External β and γ irradiation from materials in the cloud (cloud shine)
Both β and γ emitters in the passing cloud contribute to individual external exposure. The
contribution of β dose is less significant due to their short range in air. Two models are commonly
used for evaluation of dose from such exposure depending on the dimension of the plume and
the distribution of activity within it; these are categorised as semi-infinite and finite cloud
models respectively. Semi-infinite approach is based on the assumption that the air concentration
is uniform over the volume of the plume from which photons can reach the point at which dose
is delivered, and that the cloud is in radiative equilibrium. Correction factors for plume geometry
and distance from the plume centreline should be taken into account.
The finite cloud model involves simulating the plume by a series of small volume sources and
integrating over these sources. There are two stages in the calculation; the evaluation of
photon flux at the point of interest and the conversion of photon flux to absorbed dose in air.
For people indoors, the structure of the building attenuates the gamma rays and so provides
shielding. In evaluating the doses it is generally assumed that a certain proportion of population
is indoors and the reminder outdoors at the time of release.
(b) Inhalation of material in the cloud
The direct inhalation dose is obtained as the product of inhalation rate, the time integrated air
concentration and a pre-calculated dose per unit activity inhaled. These pre-calculated inhalation
dose conversion factors, which are also age dependent, are obtained from the metabolic models.
The air concentrations inside and outside building may be different: evaluations should
incorporate this by using an appropriate attenuation factor.
(c) External dose from radioactive material deposited on skin and clothing
Both β and γ emitters contribute to individual external exposure following the deposition of
radioactive material onto the skin and clothing. The doses received from deposited material are
evaluated using the pre-calculated data giving the dose rate per unit deposit and information
on the physical half-life of the material on the skin. The dose response relationships for non-
stochastic effects are applied with the small area of skin, and therefore the dose calculated can
be used directly. However, for stochastic effects the average dose throughout the skin should
be used in dose-response relationship. An allowance for only a part of body being contaminated
in calculating this average skin dose should be included. The deposition density on skin or
clothing is taken to be a function of that to the ground at the same location. It is standard
practice to use a shielding factor to account for the shielding effects of clothing on β dose to
(d) External γ irradiation from deposited radionuclides on ground (ground shine)
Both β and γ emitter radionuclides deposited on the ground contribute to individual external
exposure. The evaluation of β dose is less significant due to their short range. This pathway is
often evaluated by multiplying the deposit by a dose per unit deposit conversion factor,
integrated to appropriated time period. These dose conversion factors are precalculated using
simple formulae to account for long-term removal mechanism. These precalculated factors are
stored in a data library. More complex models for generating the data library have been developed
in recent years. The model used allows for shielding by ground roughness and the air in
calculating photon fluxes above the ground. The doses from deposited γ emitters calculated
with these factors are, therefore, appropriate for those people who are outdoors. The building
shielding factors must be specified for the calculation of dose to people indoors.
(e) Inhalation of resuspended material
Resuspension can be caused by wind or by human activities (eg. traffic or ploughing). The
relationship between the air concentration and the amount of material deposited is evaluated
using a time-dependent resuspension factor.
(f) Ingestion dose
Ingestion doses are calculated from amount of activity deposited, the concentration of material
in foods for unit deposition, the consumption rate and dose per unit activity ingested. Both the
consumption rate and the dose per unit activity ingested are age dependent.
Food consumption is generally treated in one of two ways. One is based on assumption that all
food is derived at the point of consumption, and that required amount of food is produced at
each grid point. The second is based on assumption that all food produced is consumed
outside the contamination zone. Population, Agricultural and Economic Data
Calculation of exposure of the population in the path of a plume travelling over a region requires that the
specific geographic population distribution around the release site be known. Evaluation of economic
impact requires knowledge of not only the distribution of population but also the general nature of land
use by sector. The real property loss due to damage, the agricultural damage and costs, and
decontamination costs all involve knowledge of the percentage of the area used for agricultural and
urban activities.
While compiling agricultural data, it is important to take into account the growth cycle of corps, so that
seasonal effects, which can be significant, are properly taken into account. When agricultural data are
not available, they can be approximated by using information on the land area used for farming within
each grid element, in conjunction with information on the proportion of the farmland devoted to each
agricultural product (in the region or the country). If food distribution is taken into account it is
necessary to specify the regions of food production and consumption in the form as required (r, θ) or
any other format). Countermeasures
A variety of possible countermeasures or protective actions may be taken following an accidental
release to reduce the impact of the accident on the environment and the public. A realistic estimate of
the exposure of the population must therefore take appropriate account of these countermeasures.
The various protective actions available fall broadly into two categories, depending upon the time at
which they are implemented and the effects, which they are designed to mitigate. Short term protective
actions, sometimes termed ‘emergency response’ actions, include those measures, which might be
implemented either before or shortly after a release to the environment. The primary objective of such
measures is to limit the exposure of the population to both internal and external irradiation with the
intention of preventing deterministic effects and minimising risks of stochastic effects. Short-term
countermeasures include sheltering, evacuation, issuing stable iodine tablets, and the decontamination
of people. Long-term countermeasures are designed to reduce chronic exposure to radiation, both
externally from deposited material and internally from ingestion of contaminated food, with the intention
of reducing the incidence of late health effects. Long-term countermeasures usually incorporated into
PCA codes include relocation, land decontamination and food bans. There are other long-term
countermeasures, which are generally not modelled, in current PCA codes. These include changes to
agricultural practices, deep ploughing, alternate feed, cesium binders, alternative crops and alternate
Consequence analysis codes include intervention levels for imposing or withdrawing food bans.
Generally, these intervention levels are based either on activity levels in food and drinking water or on
maximum individual doses, which should be incurred although in some codes they are based on the
level of ground contamination. Health Effects
The exposure of individuals to ionising radiation can lead to health effects, which are generally classified
as either ‘deterministic’ or ‘stochastic’. Effects observed in exposed individuals, i.e. deterministic effects
and cancers are termed ‘somatic’ effects, while those observed in their descendants are known as
‘hereditary’ (genetic) effects. Deterministic effects and stochastic effects are often referred to as ‘early’
effects and ‘late’ effects, respectively. The methods currently used in consequence analysis for
evaluating the various health effects identified above are now briefly summarised.
(a) Deterministic effects
The probability or risk of an individual being affected, r, is given by 'hazard function'. Scott and
Hahn developed a model of deterministic effects for the NRC [4];
r = 1- exp (-H) (3.8)
Generally, H, the cumulative hazard, is given by a two-parameter Weibull function of the form:
H = 1n 2 for D > T (3.9)
D is the (average absorbed) dose to the relevant organ,
D50 is the dose, which causes the effect in 50% of the exposed population,
S is the shape parameter, which characterizes the slope of the dose-risk function,
T is the threshold dose.
Doses which are protracted over a period of time are less harmful than those delivered over a
very short period. This is included in the model by summing over doses delivered in different
time periods, with each normalised by an appropriate D50. The equation above is then replaced
H = 1n 2 Σi D for D1 > T1 (3.10)
Di is the dose delivered in the time period i,
Di,50 is the dose which causes the effect in 50% of the exposed population
if delivered in time period i,
Ti is the threshold dose for time period i.
Values of 'S' are given in Annexure-XI.
In a recent revision to the NRC health effects model, dose rate dependent models are proposed
for fatal deterministic effects. These account for the fact that the dose received at a low dose
rate is less harmful than the dose received at a high rate. This dependency is expressed by a
medium lethal dose LD50 as a function of dose rate. This development is now being implemented
in most current PCA codes.
The deterministic fatal effects usually calculated with the above model which comprises selective
irradiation of the organs are. (i) Bone marrow (haematopoietic syndrome), (ii) Lung (pulmonary
syndrome), (iii) GI tract (gastrointestinal syndrome) and (iv) Skin (skin burns).
In addition, the mortality of pre and neonates after exposure in utero is normally quantified.
The above model also enables a wide variety of radiation induced injuries to be estimated (e.g.
hypothyroidism, temporary sterility, microcephaly and cataracts)
(b) Stochastic somatic effects
The principal stochastic somatic effects are the increased incidence of cancers, both fatal and
non-fatal, in the irradiated population. Their appearance is likely to be spread over several
decades following an accidental release. Generally, for each cancer type the risk of cancer
incidence r is given by a linear-quadratic dose response function of the form:
r = aD + bD2 (3.11)
where, D is the absorbed dose to the organ of interest and a and b are effect specific model
parameters that quantify the risk per unit dose and are usually referred to as 'risk coefficients'.
These coefficients are given in Annexure-XI.
In current consequence analysis codes it is usual to assume b=0, so that a linear dose response
function is used. The application of such a no-threshold linear dose response function is in
accordance with recent recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological
Protection (ICRP) and may lead to an overestimation of the stochastic somatic effects at low
doses. For low doses and dose rates below some threshold, some codes modify the parameter
'a' by a low dose and dose rate effectiveness factor (DDREF).
Two types of models are available for estimating the risk coefficients a and b, the relative and
absolute risk models. The absolute (additive) risk model is based on the assumption that the
probability of incurring radiation induced cancer depends only on the dose received and is
independent of the cancer incidence due to natural and other causes. On the other hand, the
relative (multiplicative) risk model assumes that the incidence of radiation induced cancer is
related directly to the spontaneous rate, and that radiation acts multiplicatively to yield total
risk. Which model is used depends on the type of cancer.
In the calculation of the number of stochastic somatic effects in the population as a result of an
accident, the following aspects have to be considered.
(i) The life expectancy and age distribution of the exposed population,
(ii) As stochastic effects may not appear for some tens of years after a single exposure,
some of the risks may not be expressed in the population, as people may die naturally
before the possible radiation induced effect occurs,
(iii) Most of the routes of irradiation lead to doses protracted over a period of years or
decades, with changing contributions of the various radionuclides released.
The calculation of the risk of stochastic somatic effects, allowing for the time variation of dose
and the age and lifetime distribution of the population, requires, in principle, the evaluation of
complex multiple integrals. Some codes, however, use a simple approximation.
(c) Stochastic hereditary effects
Hereditary effects may occur by changes arising in the base sequence in the DNA of a single
gene, ‘gene mutation’, or by rearrangement of collections of genes within and between
chromosomes; ‘chromosomal aberrations’. Radiation damage to the male and female germ cells
may increase the incidence of these effects; they range from being very obvious to being
virtually undetectable. The above procedure can be used for evaluating stochastic hereditary
effects in current consequence analysis code.
(d) Dose mortality criteria
Three dose-mortality criteria are proposed depending on the degree of medical treatment. The
curves are reproduced from [43] in Fig. 3.6 and are denoted by A, B, and C for minimal, supportive,
and heroic treatments, respectively. Mortality criteria are often stated in terms of the dose that
would be lethal to 50% of the exposed population within 60 days (denoted by LD50/60). In Fig.
3.6, the LD50/60 may be read on the abscissa opposite the 50 % value on the ordinate. An early
and commonly accepted value for LD50/60 is 300 rads to the whole body. This data was based
on atomic bomb victims, who received only limited medical treatment at a time when radiation
medicine was less advanced than today. As a result of the additional data accumulated over
the years, it is recommended that LD50/60 would be 340 rads if only minimal medical treatment
were available.
It is likely that, in the event of a serious reactor accident governments will mobilise medical
resources throughout the nation to aid the exposed population. A major constraint would be
the availability of specialised resources. For this reason, the medical advisors evaluated
following two levels of medical treatment:
• Supportive: Supportive treatment would include barrier nursing, copious antibiotics,
and transfusion of whole blood, packed cells, or platelets. For such people the LD50/60
would be 510 rads. Supportive treatment is not needed immediately following irradiation
but can be started about 20 days later.
• Heroic: Heroic treatment includes, in addition to the therapy outlined for supportive,
extraordinary procedures such as bone marrow transplantation. Heroic treatment should
be initiated within 10 days. Economic Consequences
Several models for predicting the economic impact of accidents have been developed and incorporated
into consequence analysis codes. In general, these models include the cost of countermeasures, namely
evacuation, relocation, sheltering, food restrictions and decontamination, and also the cost of health
effects in the exposed population. The cost may also include the cost of decrease in the value of
property, psychological effects, ecological impact, loss of revenue and capital, compensation, etc. Presentation of Results
A complete consequence model can consider a spectrum of possible source terms and treats weather as
a stochastic variable. Given a source term, the magnitude of consequences are estimated for a variety of
meteorological conditions and wind directions, with associated probabilities based on observed
Percent Mortality within 60 days
Dose (rads)
In the same manner, the list of sensitive parameters in all the sub-modules is collected. For the overall
analysis, a brief list of the more important parameters is given in Table 3.11 below.
Modelling uncertainties and the adequacy issue will require critical examinations of the model, and the
way, these are combined in the overall assessment. This requires intensive peer reviews and discussion
with experts.
3.4.3 Documentation of Level 3 PSA
The main objectives and format of the documentation of Level 3 PSA is given in Appendix-I.
3.5 Performance of Shutdown and Low Power PSA- SPSA [24, 25, 26]
This section highlights the important aspects pertaining to the PSA for the shutdown and low power
operational states. PSA studies for NPPs considering shutdown and low power have shown that these
states can contribute to the CDF at a level comparable to full power operations. One important reason
is that, traditionally, less attention and importance are given for low power and shutdown states,
compared to high power operational states of a reactor. The main risk significant characteristics for
shutdown and low power operational states are the variability in plant configurations, simultaneous
unavailability of safety significant systems and components, blocking of automatic actuation of safety
systems and absence of specific clauses on limiting conditions of operations. PSA for shutdown and
low power mode can provide useful insight and feedback with respect to (a) outage planning, (b) plant
operation and procedures during an outage, (c) shutdown technical specifications, (d) outage
management practices, (e) personnel training, (f) emergency planning and emergency operating
procedures, and (g) hardware modifications. For such applications, risk from all operating states should
be considered in an integrated manner. A write-up on Shutdown PSA is given in Annexure-XII.
3.5.1 Objective and Scope
The objective of including PSA of NPPs for shutdown and low power modes is to provide insight into
the importance of various aspects of design, operating practices, maintenance, technical specifications,
accident procedures and outage management with regard to the prevention of fuel and core damages,
as well as releases of radioactive materials.
A full scope PSA should consider both the shutdown and low power operational states. This may be
helpful in addressing cases such as shifting of maintenance activities from shutdown state to full power
operations and changing the duration of AOTs in technical specification that can affect not only the
shutdown PSA, but also the full power PSA. An isolated view based only on changes for individual
applications without consideration of the risk impacts during different operational states, might be
3.5.2 Structure of PSA for Shutdown and Low Power Modes
The major procedural steps characterising a shutdown and low power mode PSA, should include the
(a) Identification of the potential source of radioactive release, generation of the list of operational
states, and the IEs for the PSA for shutdown and low power modes, including quantification of
IEs and identification of system dependencies (e.g. off-site power failure frequency may be
higher in shutdown states).
(b) Accident sequence modelling using a combination of tools, such as ETs and FTs, that may
differ from a corresponding PSA (due to the specific conditions during shutdown states) in
terms of modelling of important tasks like human performance and dependence analysis. It
should be noted, however, that in a low power/shutdown PSA, in which long mission times or
recovery times are often applicable, use of Markovian techniques instead of standard FT/ET
evaluation methods have the potential to yield more realistic results. Special care is required to
be taken in choosing the appropriate success criteria.
(c) Data assessment to generate information necessary for the quantification of the model, including
component reliability data, test and maintenance unavailability data and an assessment of
(d) Inclusion of external IEs like earthquakes, flood; and internal events such as fire and flood, as
well as heavy load drops during maintenance activities, dropping of reactor fuel assemblies
(wherever applicable), etc. should be given due consideration.
(e) Accident sequence quantification may be performed using the same techniques as for a PSA
for full power conditions. Sensitivity analysis should also be carried out for verification of the
data, models and assumptions. Importance and uncertainty analyses should be performed,
using the same techniques as for a PSA for full power operation.
On completion of the study, results should be reviewed to determine need for safety improvement
measures in areas such as outage planning, operating procedures, technical specifications, accident
procedures, emergency planning, hardware modifications, and training of personnel and management
3.5.3 Outage Types, Plant Operational States and Accident Initiators
The current practice for modelling the changes in plant operational states during low power and shutdown
PSA, is to define a number of plant operational states (POS) that are used to describe the operational
stages during outages, and identification of IEs that are feasible in every POS. The different procedural
steps or actions (Pre-POS), which occur during the outage, should be listed and grouped to form a
shorter list of POS for consideration in the analysis. The POS/IEs combinations require screening and
re-classification in order to achieve a manageable number of POS-IEs combinations (grouping). The
emphasis given to this screening and grouping process, together with the large number of POS/IE
combinations to be analysed are the key methodological differences compared to a PSA for full power
A clear interface should be defined between the POS modelled in the full power PSA and those to be
modelled in the SPSA. The status of major safety functions may be more important than only the power
level (or reactivity coefficient), for defining the interface. Two such important elements are; (i) Status of
automatic actions and (ii) Status of support system. Typically, below a certain level (e.g., power level,
PHT temperature, pressure or some combination of these parameters) automatic actuation of the main
safety systems may be blocked to prevent inadvertent actuation. In some cases, as a plant approaches
shutdown conditions, the essential support system configuration may change. Also containment may
have been breached (e.g., interlocking doors of main airlock/emergency airlock may be open due to
some maintenance job).
3.5.4 Identification of IEs
For shutdown conditions, a number of IEs are unique and different from those for the full power PSA.
The major categories of IEs include: (a) Failures in the heat removal, (b) Loss of primary circuit inventory,
(c) Event threatening primary circuit integrity, (d) Events affecting reactivity control and (e) Human
activity related initiating events.
IEs may be grouped following the same criteria that are used for full power PSA and the following
should be ensured in this regard.
(a) All IEs in the group have similar effect on safety and support system availability and operation
(b) All IEs in the group have similar success criteria for safety and support system
(c) All IEs in the group place similar requirements on the operation.
3.5.5 Quantification of IE Frequencies
As for full power, quantification of IE frequencies follows standard PSA practices. It is important,
however, that the quantification of IE frequencies for shutdown and low power conditions account for
plant specific items such as equipment configuration, availability, technical specifications, and outage
management, including refueling operations (wherever applicable). IE frequencies also need to be POS
specific, as discussed below.
In a shutdown PSA, IE frequencies are usually calculated on a ‘per calendar year’ basis. In other words,
the IE frequency assigned to a particular POS takes into account both the expected hourly rate of
occurrence of the initiator while in a particular POS and the duration of POS. When IEs are calculated on
a ‘per calendar year’ basis, the core damage frequencies calculated for different POS are additive: the
total core damage frequency is the sum of the core damage frequencies of the relevant POS.
Three different conceptual models can be applied for the IE frequency calculation in an SPSA, in order
to generate ‘per calendar year’ frequencies:
(1) fannual = fhourly x tPOS
(2) fannual = f_ precursorhourly x P(IE|precursor) x tPOS
(3) fannual = n_ precursorPOS x f_ POSyearly x P(IE|precursor)
fannual = ‘per calendar year’ frequency of occurrence of initiator in POS (/year)
fhourly = hourly rate of occurrence of initiator in a particular POS (/hour)
tPOS = duration of POS (hours in POS/year)
f_ precursorhourly = rate of occurrence of a precursor event per hour in the POS (/hour)
P(IE|precursor) = probability of an IE given occurrence of the precursor
n_ precursorPOS = expected number of occurrences of a precursor in POS (/entry in POS)
f_POSyearly = expected number of entries into POS (/year).
Model (1) is suitable for IEs, which may occur randomly at any time in a POS. In this case, the IE
frequency is proportional to the time spent in the POS. This model is useful when IE frequencies are
estimated directly from operational experience.
In model (2), the IE frequency is also dependent on the POS duration. This model is suitable when data
is available on the occurrence of precursors, but not on the occurrence of the IE itself. A typical
situation where this model might be used is for an IE which might arise from human error in some
manipulation or manoeuvre, which is performed with a certain frequency in a particular POS. In this
case, the conditional probability, P(IE|precursor), is the probability of the human error which would lead
to the IE.
Model (3) is relevant for situations in which the IE frequency is not dependent on the duration of the
POS. In this case, IEs arise due to errors or failures following an event which occurs a fixed number of
times in the POS. For example, to model the frequency of an overdraining IE, n_precursorPOS would be
the number of times a draining operation is performed in a particular POS (e.g. once) and P(IE|precursor)
would be the probability of an overdraining per draining operation. It is important for the analyst to
appreciate that situations of this type lead to IE frequencies, which are not proportional to POS durations
and model these accordingly. Recognition of this type of situation is important because the risk from
some IEs can be reduced by shortening the duration of critical POS, whereas the risk from others (e.g.,
overdraining) cannot.
There are basically three approaches for quantifying IE frequencies in a given POS: (i) direct estimation
from operational experience (the plant being analysed, other plants of similar design, or generic reactor
type), (ii) estimation from power PSA frequencies with supplementary analysis and (iii) use of a logical
model including all the foreseen inputs leading to the IE.
3.5.6 Accident Sequence Modelling and Quantification
The methodology followed is more or less same as that followed for full power PSA. The front line
safety systems may be different in low power and shutdown state of plants (e.g. ECCS for cold shutdown).
In SPSA Level 2 analysis, further ET modeling of containment isolation and other containment safeguard
systems may be required. This is particularly important for shutdown analyses as the availability of
these systems is not necessarily assured in all stages of an outage. If the analysis is restricted to Level
1, it may still be useful to define POSs for grouping the accident sequences. Greater importance would
then be associated with accident sequences involving failures of containment isolation and containment
safeguard systems. It is recommended that an SPSA should always include, as a minimum, information
on the status of containment integrity for each POS.
This step may involve six tasks:
(1) Event sequence modelling
(2) System modelling
(3) Human performance analysis
(4) Qualitative dependence analysis
(5) Impact of physical process on development of logic models
(6) Classification of accident sequences into POSs.
3.5.7 External Events
The following items should be considered during the performance of the external hazards analysis for
the shutdown PSA.
• As for the internal events analysis, a table showing all systems required to perform the required
critical safety function for each POS should be constructed.
• Structures and components that are only present in certain areas during some POSs, should be
identified. For example, some plants have their vessel head parked close to the vessel or spent
fuel pool, and if it is not fixed in place with seismically qualified restraints, it could be set in
motion and impact upon critical safety equipment. Additional structures are often erected,
which could jeopardise essential equipment if not suitably located or restrained. Identification
of these configurations generally requires additional walkdowns of the plant during shutdown.
• For many plants the containment (equipment hatch) is open during many stages of shutdown
operations. Under these conditions external hazards can add additional risk. Seismic events
may preclude the rapid closure of an open equipment hatch. High winds may produce missiles
that damage critical equipment within an open containment. Failures of building structures
outside the containment may result in a direct pathway to the environment for radionuclide
3.5.8 Heavy Load Drops
PSAs normally focus on the failure to cool the core inside the reactor vessel or fuel stored in the spent
fuel pool. But other more direct damage can occur, e.g. by heavy load drops onto the vessel, fuel pool
or systems required to perform the critical safety functions.
Potential heavy load (e.g., confinement dome, RPV head, spent fuel cask, concrete shielding blocks)
drops should be analysed in areas having the potential to damage systems required to perform the
critical safety functions or having the potential to directly result in mechanical damage to fuel assemblies.
If the load transport pathway is neither above fuel nor above regions containing critical equipment,
screening out of particular heavy load drop initiators may be possible. However, screening out of all
heavy load drop accident initiators is generally not possible because of the significant damage that can
occur. Consequently, probabilistic analyses must be performed. The analysis should consider locations
in addition to the reactor-refuelling floor where heavy loads are handled. For example, some plants (e.g.,
WWER-440) have open areas in the turbine hall where decay heat removal systems, which are vulnerable
to heavy load drops, are located. Risk from dropping of shipping flask in spent fuel storage bay is
addressed in sec. 4.4.5.
3.5.9 Accidents Involving Other Sources of Radioactive Materials
As for full power PSAs, potential accident sequences involving other in-plant sources of radioactive
materials should be considered. Potential sources of radioactive material release include the spent fuel
pool, radioactive waste tanks, processing facilities for radioactive waste, and on-site waste storage
facilities including (dry) storage of fuel assemblies, etc. For these sources of radioactive materials,
potential events or sequences of events, which could potentially lead to significant radioactive releases
should be identified. For these events, a preliminary probabilistic analysis should be performed to
quantify the frequency of a radioactive release and the potential magnitude of the radioactive material
release estimated. A screening analysis should be performed to screen out events which have a low
probability of occurrence (e.g. screening value lower than 1.0E-6 /year) or which lead to only small
radioactive releases (e.g. screening value lower than the yearly allowed radioactive plant release). After
this screening step, only the significant events need be analysed in detail.
Drain-down and loss of cooling events should be analysed for the fuel assemblies in the spent fuel
pool. Identification of IEs should be performed, including a review of the operating procedures, which
could lead to drain down, and loss of cooling IEs. Accident sequences which takes into account
potential recovery actions taken by the operator, should be developed and quantified.
As mentioned earlier in section 1, PSA is now being widely used by utility and regulators all over the
world. This chapter discusses some of the important applications of PSA.
4.1 Living PSA/Risk Monitor [27]
The configurations of nuclear facilities are subject to change with time. These changes can be physical
(resulting from plant modifications, etc.), operational (resulting from enhanced procedures, etc.) and
organisational. Therefore, if the PSA is to be of continuing use in the enhancement and understanding
of plant safety, the PSA must be updated as necessary to reflect the above changes. This has lead to the
concept of “Living PSA/Risk Monitor” (LPSA/RM). The purpose of LPSA/RM is to provide safety
information on a plant for decision making about whether continued plant operation is tolerable under
certain system function outages based on the impact it has on the plant safety. It may also support
operations and be of help in deciding the maintenance strategies allowing immediate assessment of
different plant configurations. A Living PSA is defined as a PSA of the plant, which is updated as
necessary to reflect the current design and operational features and is documented in such a way that
each aspect of the model can be directly related to existing plant information, plant documentation or
the analysis assumptions in the absence of such information. The analysis in LPSA represents periodic
updating of reference or base PSA and does not reflect plant configuration changes of short duration.
The LPSA should be used by designers, utilities and regulatory personnel according to their needs. A
risk monitor is a plant specific time analysis tool to determine the instantaneous risk, based on the
actual status of the systems and components. At any given time, the risk monitor reflects the current
plant configuration in term of the known status of the various systems and/or components out of
service for maintenance or test. The risk monitor model is based on, and consistent with, the LPSA. The
risk monitor is generally used by the plant staff in support of operational decisions.
The factors, which should be considered in deciding the scope of LPSA/RM are radioactivity source
considered, IEs treated, plant operational modes analysed and Levels of LPSA/RM included (Level 1,
Level 2, Level 3 PSA). SPSA should be used along with full power PSA for applications requiring
decision based on comparison of risk at power with risk during shutdown state. The modelling approach
for the development of LPSA/RM should be governed by the end application for which the LPSA/RM
is intended. LPSA/RM model should facilitate updating as necessary to reflect the current design and
operational features, and documentation in such a way that each aspect of the model can be directly
related to the existing plant information, plant documentation or the assumptions. RM should cater to
the on-line application of PSA model of the plant. RM should be updated at least with the same
frequency as LPSA. Generally, updating or reconfiguration of the RM is performed on a daily basis or
as often as necessary to monitor the operational risk of the plant.
This section provides the guidelines on the use of an existing PSA study as an input for developing a
LPSA or RM tool. It covers the modelling, software and data aspects involved in the implementation of
a LPSA/RM tool for on-line use.
4.1.1 LPSA Updating Process Preliminary Assessment
Preliminary assessment of the importance of modifications on the LPSA model implies a qualitative
analysis of the identified modifications with respect to the LPSA assumptions, evaluation models and
data. This process allows the LPSA team to decide whether
(a) the impact of the identified modifications is judged not to require an immediate LPSA update,
in which case, the preliminary assessment is logged and held for the next scheduled or necessary
(b) the impact of the identified modifications is judged to require an immediate LPSA update, in
which case, the modifications and preliminary assessment are logged and an update is
scheduled, taking account of the resources and support required. Assessment of the Modification
For the assessment of how the modification relates to one or more elements of the model, it is necessary
to evaluate the need to perform further analysis e.g., thermal hydraulic calculation or statistical data
processing and take necessary action to collect all the required information to update the LPSA. LPSA Updating
LPSA/RM should be updated as changes occur in any aspects of plant design or operation, or if there
is improved understanding of the thermal hydraulic or accident phenomenology, new information
leading to new revised data, or advances in analytical techniques.
In order to maintain LPSA, the documents, which should be maintained, are LPSA/RM updating
procedure, LPSA/RM update database and LPSA/RM application guide. The LPSA/RM should be
updated as frequently as necessary to ensure that the model remains an accurate representation of the
safety of the latest plant configuration. While it is likely that each modification will be assessed on a
case-to-case basis, it would be a good practice not to accumulate a backlog of such assessments for a
period longer than one year.
The quality assurance procedure in LPSA/RM updating should be based on and consistent with IAEA
QA guidelines [1]. These guideline indicate that changes in LPSA/RM models, data information and
results, including changes to the requirements, scope, objectives and input data should be made in a
controlled manner. The reason for the change should be documented and consideration should be
given to the impact and implication of the changes. Computer Codes
The development of computer codes for LPSA/RM application should be governed by functional
requirements such as development and maintenance of LPSA/RM models, performance of LPSA/RM
task including updating and management of LPSA/RM documentation.
The code should facilitate manipulation of not only reliability data but also data, which represent the
FT/ET models, together with any other information which might be considered part of LPSA/RM model.
The code should have required administration and protection functions such that the software provides
required security and at the same time using access control features, allows authorised staff to carryout
required functions. The code should provide graphical printing capabilities and should display a variety
of results in the form of graphics and tables. If a separate code is used for Level 2 PSA analysis, it
should be possible to import the sequence or cut-set definitions, frequencies, etc. from the Level 1 PSA
If the level 1 PSA code does not provide functionality to bin these sequences or cut-sets in plant
damage states, this functionality should be provided by the Level 2 code. The Level 2 code should also
provide sub-models other than FTs, provision of handling global variables (for example to allow tracking
of hydrogen generation and combustion at different points in an accident sequence). The code should
automatically bin containment ET end points into source term categories, in accordance with user-
defined criteria. The code should facilitate tools for performing sensitivity studies. A formal uncertainty
analysis capability, using Monte Carlo type or equivalent methods is desirable. It would be desirable to
tabulate the frequencies of the source term categories and their contributors. Level 3 PSA model
should consist of input files for PCA codes. The interface between Level 2 and Level 3 codes should be
carefully defined in order to reduce the possibility of error.
4.2 Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)
Reliability Centred Maintenance is a systematic consideration of system functions, the way functions
can fail, and a priority-based consideration of safety and economics with risk insights, that identify
applicable and effective preventive maintenance tasks. Both passive and active components are included.
4.2.1 Objective and Scope
The main objective of the RCM process is to provide a systematic set of criteria, based on risk, for
deciding which of the components considered in the process are to be defined as ‘risk-critical
components’ for prioritisation of maintenance tasks. Only these risk-critical components are included
within the scope of the RCM process. The second major purpose of the RCM process is to provide
criteria and guidance for establishing RCM program for the risk-critical components identified in the
process. The RCM concept, also called Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) or Risk-Focused Maintenance
(RFM) should be applied to all categories of equipment that control off-site radioactive doses or that
could adversely impact the ability of the plant to prevent or mitigate accidents or transients.
4.2.2 RCM Program [28]
The RCM program mainly consists of two steps; (i) identifying risk-critical components and (ii)
determining what maintenance activities are required to ensure reliable operation of the risk-critical
components identified. This guide describes general guidelines for the use of PSA in RCM. Level 1 PSA
can be used to identify risk-critical components. Identification of Risk-Critical Components (RCCs)
The process for identifying the RCCs begins with a consideration of the functions that must be performed
for safe operation of NPPs. The next step is to identify major systems and components that provide
these essential safety functions, including mitigation of accidents and components. Then the support
systems for the functioning of frontline system are identified. There are two approaches to identify
RCCs: (a) Non-(explicit) PSA method, which identifies components that enable performance of essential
safety functions by the frontline and support systems, using system evaluations from design reports,
FMEAs. (b) PSA method, which is a more recent quantitative approach based on risk evaluations using
accident sequences to core damage, cutsets, sensitivity studies, importance measures of components.
This is a risk-based approach for identifying RCCs using the Level 1 PSA results and is illustrated in
Fig. 4.1.
The following are the main steps for the use of PSA in a RCM program to identify RCCs.
(i) Choose a fraction of the CDF that represents the most likely accident scenarios. Identify the
components whose failure modes are represented in this set of accident scenarios. These
components are to be considered as RCCs including passive components (e.g. reactor pressure
vessel, steam generators, accumulators) and standby components for which ageing or CCFs is
a concern.
(ii) Identify RCCs from accident sequences, PIEs associated with these sequences using Minimal
Cut-Sets (MCSs), components with failure modes that could result in these accidents, importance
measures/sensitivities and rank them. For this purpose, any input used in deriving the system
unavailability/frequency of PIE, core damage etc., such as plant specific data, plant incident
records, corrective maintenance records, and station logbook, should be carefully considered
and used in the analysis. Determining Maintenance Activities for RCCs
In this step of the RCM program, maintenance activities required for the reliable operation of the RCCs
determined in the first step are identified. There are mainly two steps in this task. The first step is to
determine the dominant component failure modes. The second step is to determine maintenance
activities for these dominant failure modes (which will be defended against). This should be worked out
as a total maintenance activity that includes besides field maintenance activity, prioritisation as per
ranking, purchase, stores and inventory control. Details are given in Ref. [28].
Consider all cutsets that contribute to CDF,
for all accident sequences
Determine components that may be critical due to Determine components whose failure would
ageing and common cause considerations result in the above IEs
4.3.3 Data Rquirements for TS Modifications
System FTs should be sufficiently detailed to include all the components for which surveillance tests
and maintenance are performed. Since PSAs involve treatment at the component-level, they can be
used to analyse changes in both AOTs and STIs. The data required for such analysis are as given
(i) Maintenance downtime data
(ii) Maintenance schedules and frequencies
(iii) Data relating to component testing such as duration of test, efficiency of the test, test strategy
(staggered or sequential testing), test interval and any potential negative effects of testing.
(iv) Parameters for component unavailability like failure rate, maintenance/repair downtime, test
downtime, human errors following test/maintenance and demand failure vs. standby failure
(v) For the analysis of AOT for shutdown/low power operation risk, the following additional data
are needed.
(a) CCF data for components/systems required for shutdown/low power operation of reactor
(b) Time margin for recovery
(c) Likelihood of Limiting Conditions for Operation/Shutdown related transients during
power reduction/reactor cool down.
4.3.4 Assumptions in AOT and STI Evaluations
Using PSAs to evaluate TS changes requires consideration of a number of assumptions made within
the PSA that can have a significant influence on the ultimate acceptability of the proposed changes.
Assumptions that should be considered for AOT change evaluations can be summarised as follows
(a) If AOT risk evaluations are performed using only the PSA for power operation, the risk
associated with shutting the plant down because of AOT violations is not considered. For
some situations (e.g. those requiring residual heat removal systems, service water systems,
auxiliary feed water systems), comparative risk evaluations of continued power operation vs.
plant shutdown should be considered.
(b) When calculating the risk impact (i.e. a change in CDF or LERF caused by AOT changes),
change in average CDF should be estimated using the mean outage times for the current and
proposed AOTs.
(c) When the risk impact of an AOT change is evaluated, the yearly risk impact that is calculated
takes into account the outage frequency. An AOT extension may imply that the maintenance
of the component is improved, which may reduce the component failure rate, and consequently,
reduce the frequency of outages needed for correcting degradations or failure. Again, there are
no experience data for the extended AOT; therefore, the assumption should be made that both
the frequency of outage for corrective maintenance and the component’s failure rate remain the
same. Here, the beneficial aspect of maintenance is not quantified and this may give a slightly
higher estimate of the yearly AOT risk measure for the proposed AOT.
(d) When AOTs of multiple safety system trains are extended, the likelihood of simultaneous
outages of multiple components increases. The impact of such occurrences on the average
plant risk, e.g. CDF, is small, but the conditional risk can be large.
Assumptions that should be considered for STI evaluations can be summarised as follows.
(a) The test-limited risk is estimated by assuming that a surveillance test of a component detects
the failures, and after the test, the component’s unavailability resets to zero or ‘false’ in the
Boolean expression. A few component failures, depending on a component’s design and test
performed, may not be detected by routine surveillance test. Usually, their contribution to risk
is considered negligible.
(b) Generally, for most components, the increase of a STI beyond a certain value may reduce the
component’s performance (i.e. increase the failure rate). Experience data are not available to
assess the STI values beyond which the component failure rate increases. If, in a risk-informed
evaluation of surveillance requirements, the failure rate is assumed to remain the same, the
assumption implies that the STIs are not being changed beyond the value at which failure rate
may be affected. Care should be taken not to extend the STIs beyond such values using risk-
informed analyses only.
(c) The risk impact of adopting different test strategies (e.g. sequential vs. staggered) should be
evaluated to determine whether there is an impact on the evaluation of the change being
(d) Downtime and errors of restoration are usually modelled in a PSA, unless they are negligible.
Test-caused transients and wear of the equipment are applicable to a few tests, but they are not
generally modelled separately in PSA. However, they can be evaluated using PSA models
supplemented with additional data and analysis. Methods are available to quantitatively address
these aspects; however, qualitative arguments can also be presented to support the extension
of a test interval. If the adverse impact of testing is considered significant, such cases should
be addressed quantitatively.
4.3.5 Methodology for TS Optimisation
The steps include the following. (a) identify the STIs and AOTs to be evaluated for consideration of
changes, (b) determine the risk contribution associated with the subject STIs and AOT, (c) determine
the risk impact from the change of proposed AOTs and STIs by evaluating risk measures of SSCs for
which change in AOT/STI is sought, (d) ascertain the acceptability or otherwise of the risk impact (e.g.,
change in system unavailability, CDF, release frequency, etc) from target value established for risk
informed decision (e) perform sensitivity and uncertainty evaluations to address uncertainties associated
with the STI and AOT evaluation. The various risk measures and methodology for TS modifications
related to AOTs and STIs are discussed here. Measures Applicable for AOT Evaluations
(a) Conditional risk given the limiting condition of operation (LCO)
Increase in risk (DCDF or DLERF) associated with component outage is shown in Fig.4.2.
(b) Incremental conditional core damage probability (ICCDP) or single down time risk
Increase in risk (e.g. single down time risk ri of ith component is obtained by multiplying the
increase in CDF by the duration of the configuration for the occurrence of a given configuration
i.e., outage of ith component only).
ri = ∆Ci × d = ( Ci+ - Ci0) × di (4.1)
ri = Single downtime risk of the ith component
Ci+ = CDF when component is known down including reconfigurations
Ci0 = CDF when component is known up
di = Downtime
By imposing an acceptable limit (i.e., target or reference value for risk informed decision process)
to the risk contribution of an AOT, a risk based AOT can be calculated, dmax = rmax/∆R where
∆R is the change in risk (change in system unavailability, change in CDF (∆Ci ) or change in
LERF). Then the risk based AOT can be compared to the real time duration of maintenance and
to the AOT established in the TS.
(c) Yearly AOT risk
Risk increase from the projected (or expected) number of down times over 1 year period is
yearly AOT risk. Fig. 4.3 shows the single down time risk and cumulative down time risk over
some time period.
Ri = Niri (4.2)
Ri = Yearly down time risk for ith component
N= Expected number of down time occurrences in a year = wT
w= Down time or maintenance frequency = kλ
Where, k = maintenance factor, λ = failure rate and T = time period, 1 year.
Maintenance frequency includes failure frequency and the frequency of maintenance due to
degraded or incipient conditions.
CumulativeDown time
Risk (CDF increase
Risk (accumulated CDF
ICCDP over someover
increase time)
some time
Nominal CDF
Down time
Operating time
When comparing the risk of shutting down with the risk of continuing power operation for a given LCO,
the applicable measures are:
• risk of continued power operation for a given down time, similar to ICCDP and
• risk of shutting down for the same down time
The risk associated with simultaneous outages of multiple components, called configuration risk, is
calculated as part of AOT changes. The applicable measures are similar to the AOT measures stated
above. Measures Applicable for STI Evaluations [30]
(a) Test-limited risk
The analysis of STIs is based on the risk contributions arising from failures occurring between
tests and detected at the moment of the test. The STI risk contribution of a component is given
RD = ½ λsT ∆R (4.3)
where ∆R is the risk increase when the component is found failed at the moment of the test, λs
is the standby constant failure rate and T is the STI. Similar to the AOT risk contributors, the
STIs can be classified and set to a limiting value to the risk contribution,
Tmax = (2RDmax)/(λs ∆R) (4.4)
(b) Test-caused risk
To evaluate and identify the test-caused risk, events should be analysed and those caused by
a test should be identified. These could be due to failure in human interactions or component
wear out on testing. Failure due to HEP can be modelled and quantified from detailed HRA
(Appendix-VI). Component wear out can be addressed by ageing risk analysis (Sec. 4.8).
However an integrated approach to work out such test caused risk is a developing subject and
presently is beyond the scope of this document. Measures for Multiple Technical Specification Changes
When multiple changes are requested, the total collective risk impact from all the changes should be
evaluated. For example, for a group of AOT and/or STI changes, this includes the total impact of all the
requested AOT changes, STI changes, or both.
If multiple changes are made, the impact of each change is assessed individually and then the total
impact on the plant PSA is assessed. Considerations in Quantification of Risk Due to TS Change
(a) In calculating the measures discussed for evaluating TS changes, two specific risk levels are
discussed, which should be quantified using a PSA. Focusing on the CDF level, they are R1,
the increased risk level (e.g., CDF) with the component assumed down and R0, the reduced
CDF with the component assumed up. Depending on menu provided in the software it can be
calculated from PSA end results (e.g., CDF) or MCS. It is to be ensured that the component
down event appears in MCS significantly; this may call for changing truncation limit or re-
manipulation in FT representations to make the relevant component more sensitive without
violating plant logic.
(b) Contributions from CCFs need special attention when calculating the increased risk level R1. If
the component is down because of a failure, the common-cause contributions involving the
component should be divided by the probability of the component being down because of
failure since the component is given to be down. If the component is down because it is being
brought down for maintenance, the CCF contributions involving the component should be
modified to remove the component and to only include failures of the remaining.
(c) If other components are reconfigured while the component is down, these reconfigurations
can be incorporated in estimating R1 or RO, using the PSA. If other components are tested
before repair or if maintenance is carried out on the down components, the conduct of these
tests and their outcomes also can be modelled. If other components are more frequently tested
when the component is down for the AOT, this increased frequency of testing also can be
(d) In STI risk calculation, the contributions of CCFs should be appropriately modified. The common
failure terms modelled, as a function of the test interval should be modified to reflect the new
STI. Typically, CCFs are modelled using a-factor or Multiple Greek Letter model when the CCF
of multiple components is a function of the STI. When changing STIs, care should be taken to
change this term within the common cause contribution. The common cause of failing multiple
components resulting from human error following a test is not a function of the STI, but may be
affected by the test strategy used.
(e) When different test strategies are being evaluated, the human error term should be evaluated.
Specific assumptions that were used in quantifying the human error common cause term should
be identified and checked if they apply for the test strategy being analysed. For example, if the
term was developed assuming a sequential test strategy, but a staggered test strategy is being
analysed, the term should be modified to reflect this change. The failure probability from a
common cause human error for a staggered test strategy is expected to be significantly lower
than that for the sequential test strategy.
4.4 Risk Assessment for Internal Hazards Due to Dynamic Effects
4.4.1 General
The internal hazards (PIEs) in a plant other than fire and explosion, due to dynamic effects include pipe
whip, jet impingement, missile, failure of critical components and dropping of heavy objects [36]. The
effects of these could be any of the following
(a) Large pipeline displacement due to break (pipe whip) causing possible impact on adjoining
(b) Internal forces and reactive forces due to fluid jet leak from fracture/crack in piping, equipment,
equipment housing, etc.
(c) Damage of safety significant components and loss of safety functions.
(d) Flooding and environmental consequences.
(e) Other PIEs of potential consequences.
(f) Release of radioactive/toxic material into the environment.
PIEs may cause direct damage called ‘primary effects’. In addition, they may cause indirect damage by
means of failure mechanisms that can propagate the damage. These indirect damages are referred to as
‘secondary effects’ and in some cases may cause damage that exceeds those caused by the primary
ones. Potential damage by secondary effects can be identified by studying plant layout drawings and
walk-down. Important secondary effects could be any of the following.
(i) Secondary missiles: A missile or a pipe whip may produce secondary missiles such as pieces
of concrete or parts of components, which may do unacceptable damage.
(ii) Falling objects: A pipe whip, jet impingement or a missile can damage a supporting structure
of some heavy objects located above a safety component, creating falling object which may
cause further damage.
(iii) Failure of high energy pipes and other components: Where a PIE can result in the rupture of a
pipe or component besides causing loss of system inventory (possible LOCA), the fluid may
cause further damage by any of the means like jets, pressure, temperature, humidity, pipe whip,
flooding, secondary missiles, chemical reaction and radiation.
(iv) Flooding: Energetic missiles striking pipes, tanks, or pools normally filled with fluid may cause
potential flood.
(v) Radiation dose: The release of radioactivity material may result from the impacts on items
containing such material or necessary for control of radioactivity. The releases may also result
from flooding.
(vi) Chemical reaction: Missiles or pipe whip impacts can release dangerous chemicals and may
result in fire, explosions, exothermic reactions, accelerated corrosive attack, release of toxic
materials, etc.
(vii) Electrical damage: Missiles, pipe whips or flooding may damage electrical equipment and/or
result in malfunction including spurious actuation.
(viii) Damage to life lines: Some fluid commanded equipment and instrumentation needed for
monitoring and/or control of important parameters/reactor state may be damaged due to missile,
pipe whips or jet effects.
(ix) Fire: Some PIE may result in fires: For example an electrical arc produced by impact of a PIE in
the proximity of flammable material.
(x) Personnel injury: A PIE may directly or indirectly cause injury to plant personnel.
The PSA for a plant requires consideration of such PIEs in the analysis for assessment of overall risk in
a plant. The general approach for analysing risk from such internal hazards includes the following
(i) Evaluation of the probability of occurrence of PIE (P1), (ii) probability of a possible threat to SSCs
(P2), (iii) the probability of causing damage to SSCs with unacceptable consequences (P3) and finally
(iv) the probability of unacceptable consequences (P) in the plant. Conservative design is a way of
reducing P1. While evaluating P1, design features, inspection (surveillance including ISI), monitoring
and possible operator action should be taken into considerations. Physical separation by appropriate
layout is a means of reducing P2. While evaluating P2 (probability of SSCs being hit/affected), plant
layout and barriers provided for protection of SSCs against possible strike effects should be taken into
account. Comprehensive design and qualification of component is a way of reducing P3 (plant
vulnerability/component fragility). For evaluation of P3, due considerations should be given to primary/
secondary effects, fail-safe features, qualifications, etc. Redundancy, other favorable designs and
minimising CCFs are ways of reducing P. There is a variation in the level of confidence with which
probabilities and consequences for such rare events can be determined. The consequence analysis
should take into account ,besides physical separation and redundancy aspects, EOPs and operator
recovery actions. The probability for successful recovery actions should be assigned, based on a
number of factors that include expert judgement, insights from simulator training and operator PSFs like
skill, knowledge and experience, and time availability for taking corrective actions. In order to cope with
uncertainty in quantifying P1, P2, P3 or P, some studies should be performed, involving an appropriate
combination of analytical and experimental work to determine the worst case and enable conservative
estimate to be made.
Based on plant design and complying with design criteria and worldwide experience, some of these
PIEs, viz., pipe whip, jet impingement, low trajectory turbine disintegration missiles, internal flooding,
failure of some critical structures and fall of shipping flask, have been addressed in brief below for
probabilistic risk assessment.
4.4.2 Pipe Whip and Jet Impingement
(a) Pipe whip
Pipe whip is an uncontrolled motion of a ruptured pipe. Cracks are postulated in weld areas of
pipe (at bends, elbows, valves, etc.) and at nozzles to equipment, connections etc. The postulated
rupture pattern is transverse or longitudinal. A transverse rupture is assumed an instantaneous
circumferential break resulting in double ended guillotine rupture with chance of pipe ends to
go away from each other. A longitudinal rupture is specified as a pipe line wall crack, located
along the pipe axis, but without pipe parts going away from each other. This kind of rupture has
the potential of impact by contact or jet impingement. Break probability depends on pipe
diameter, service stress level, material crack location and size, leak detection capability (inside/
online) and corrective actions taken.
If axial stress component is at least 1.5 times the circumferential stress component, a transverse
rupture is to be postulated. And vice-versa, if circumferential stress component is at least 1.5
times the axial stress component, the a longitudinal rupture is to be postulated.
The phenomenon of ‘pipe whip’ can only occur as a consequence of a double ended guillotine
type break in high energy piping (internal operating pressure larger than or equal to 2.0MPa or
operating temperature greater than 1000C, and operation is at greater than 2% of unit normal
power operation) and when pipe whip restraints of an effective design are not present or give
away due to reaction forces.
On impact with other components or structures, the whipping movement is slowed down or
stopped and the kinetic energy of the moving pipe branch is transferred partly or totally to the
target, as an impact load. Such mechanical impact on other components would challenge the
success of consequently needed safety functions like reactor trip, emergency core cooling,
residual heat removal and containment isolation/control of radioactivity release, after an IE.
(b) Jet effects
A jet is a stream of fluid ejected from a leak or break in a pressure retaining system in a certain
direction with significantly high velocity. Jets usually originate from a broken component such
as pipe or vessel containing high energy pressurised fluid. The PIE is then a leak or break of
that pipe or vessel. Jet effects can be excluded for low energy systems (<2 MPa and <100 0C) or
if the reactor power is less than 2% FP. For each postulated break location and size, the jet
geometry (shape and direction) and physical parameters (temperature, pressure) should be
evaluated as a function of time and space. If the PIE generates more than one jet, possible
interference of the jets should be taken into account. Either up-to-date computer code or a
simplified approximation based on computational data or appropriate conservative assumptions,
can be used for analysis of jet shape and properties.
Protection against dynamic effects from pipe whip, jet impingement, etc., against postulated
pipeline rupture inside or outside the containment, is generally done in design by
(a) Ensuring physical separation of SSC from high energy components of other systems.
(b) Substantiating applicability of leak before break (LBB) concept
(c) Special design measure to ensure safety performances by
(i) providing redundant system/multiple trains
(ii) designing SSC with considerable capabilities to resist effects of postulated
(iii) creating additional restraining support and barriers.
The following steps are involved in evaluating plant risk from these hazards.
(1) Identification of high-energy fluid pipes : High-energy pipes may cause pipe whip or jet
impingement on surrounding SSCs. The broken pipe is powered by the thrust force of
the cooling medium, which is calculated by detailed hydrodynamic analysis that produces
time-force function. The pipe whip analysis is performed as one continuous calculation,
starting with the pipeline break and ending with the completion of the pipe movement,
whereas evaluation of jet impingement effect involves a time history of jet impingement
loads for the assumed jet shape and direction is determined. The force is a function of
jet properties, such as quantity, velocity, cross-sectional area at the point of interaction
with target, etc.
(2) Evaluation of frequency : The frequency for a double ended guillotine break of high
energy piping (P1) is derived from operating experience, generic data and probabilistic
fracture mechanics calculations and is available from evaluations for use in PSA. The
probability of the initiating pipe break event considers also the existence of the pipe
whip restraints in the piping system. A hazard curve may be generated for frequency of
occurrence for different break sizes for pipe whip and those for different magnitude of
force for jet impingement.
(3) Evaluation of probabilities that safety relevant piping or equipment will be hit (P2) : The
whipping branches should be analysed geometrically in order to identify possible
directions of movement that may potentially hit and endanger SSC targets, as well as to
evaluate its kinetic energy. Any mechanical impact on the target should be investigated
by an appropriate dynamic analysis, based on a detailed assessment of the system
transient to quantify the discharge forces and the energy of the whipping pipe, as well
as the fraction of energy transformed to the target with precision. In the case of pipe
whip, it conservatively assumes a full circumferential rupture and that the pipe will form
a hinge at the nearest rigid restraint. The analysis of the whipping pipe should also
include the potential for a following break and for an impact on a possible target ejecting
a secondary missile. Sources of missile can be single calculated masses such as valves
and pumps. The usual approach is to model these into fault tree and assigning individual
event probabilities based on expert judgement and considering the response of plant
SSCs. Similar approach may be followed for evaluating P2 for jet impingement.
(4) Calculation of plant response : Probability that the SSCs affected will suffer unacceptable
damage is P3. With input from step 2 above and insight from dynamic analysis,
probabilistic fracture mechanics and/or expert judgement values for P3 need to be
(5) Computation of consequence probabilities : Quantification of each accident sequence
from the IEs, including secondary effect initiated PIEs leading to core damage, source
term and release consequences (P), can be done as required as per the methodologies
of PSA Level 1 to 3.
Uncertainties arising in each step of analyses need to be propagated to arrive at
vulnerabilities in consequence analysis.
4.4.3 Missiles [31] Missile is the high energy mass generated by failure of high-energy components, as a primary and/or a
secondary effect. The missile sources include the following.
(a) Off-normal/emergency modes of operation
(i) Ruptures of SSC operating under pressure (vessels, pipelines, and valves)
(ii) Destruction of equipment operating at high rotational speed (e.g. turbine rotor, pump
(iii) Accumulation of explosive gases
(iv) Operator errors.
(b) Collapse and fall of large structure (height, mass as hazard parameters)
Possible PIEs of this category include the following
(i) Large structure failures (stack, turbine building, cooling tower, crane etc.)
(ii) Heavy equipment falls down (crane and lifted loads)
Although the plant is designed against these hazards from deterministic considerations, it is the
randomness in the variables, which requires probabilistic considerations in the analysis. Pressure
vessel rupture although not considered under PIEs in internal events PSA, is addressed under seismic
PSA in Appendix-X. The following section addresses low trajectory turbine disintegration missile as
regulatory bodies in many countries require besides deterministic evaluation, probabilistic risk analyses
from these missiles, if safety significant SSCs are not located in the plant layout beyond turbine
disintegration missile trajectory zone (typically 250 on either side of the plane of rotation). Low Trajectory Turbine Missiles
The steam turbine, part of the turbo generator set, has the potential to generate massive, energetic
missiles if a turbine disc were to fail catastrophically. The missile can be generated in two modes; at
normal operating speed due to fatigue crack growth and destructive over speed failures. Upon sudden
unloading of the generator, failure of the turbine over speed protection system and/or turbine stop and
control valves, can cause the turbine to reach the destructive over speed. If a turbine disc fails and if a
large portion of the disc is ejected from the turbine casing, it may be possible for the turbine missile to
strike and cause damage to components or systems, that might possibly result in the release of
radioactivity to the environment, following the accident.
From the above, the probability (P) of loss of safety systems due to low trajectory turbine missiles can
be defined as the product of the following three probabilities.
P = P1 × P2 × P3 (4.5)
P1 = Pgeneration = Probability of turbine missile generation
P2 = Pstriking = Probability of turbine missile striking on a target (degradation/failure)
P3 = Pimpact = Probability of turbine missile strike causing impact (resulting in failure/unavailability) on
safety related equipment.
Furthermore, Pgeneration is the sum of the following four probabilities (a to d).
(a) PO = Probability of inherent defects during manufacture of turbine rotor that grow up to
critical crack size. This comprises of the following four probabilities:
p1 = Probability that a forging will have a defect in spite of proven manufacturing process
p2 = Probability that this defect will not be revealed by tests during manufacturing of the
p3 = Probability that this defect will not be detected by incoming inspection and during turbine
manufacture before delivery
Pmanufacture = p1 X p2 X p3
p4 = Probability that the crack will grow and will cause fracture before it is found out in
Po = Pmanufacture X p4
(b) Pdesign = Probability of errors occurring during design
(c) Poverspeed = Probability of turbine over speed
(d) Pincipient = Probability of inherent defects below instrument detectable range which will grow and
propagate to critical crack size during the service life
The typical values of p1, p2, p3, p4, Pdesign, Poverspeed, and Pincipient are 2E-02, 1E-02, 4E-02,1E-01, 5E-2, 5E-9
and 8E-10 respectively for 1000 MWe turbine made by “Electrosila” [32]. This is shown in the Fault tree
form Fig. 4.4
Probability of turbine
Probability of turbine Probability of turbine missile
missile strik causing
missile generation striking on a target
impact on SRE
To determine Poverspeed over speed protection system should be evaluated for reliability by developing
and analysing FT. This includes instrumentation for detection of over speed, power supply, any valves,
circuit breakers or other final control elements, protection mechanism hardware and software, and
procedures involved in periodic calibration and readiness in testing, of the above. Details of calculation
methodology for P2 and P3 are given in Ref.[33].
4.4.4 Failures of Some Reactor Components Core Shroud Crack in BWR Plant
The reported cracks, predominantly in horizontal welds in core shroud, in overseas BWR plants during
1990-1995 necessitate, besides deterministic evaluation to ensure availability of adequate margin in
structural integrity, PSA of core shroud having 360 0 circumferential through-wall crack undergoing
displacement under dynamic effects, and possible decapitation of safety functions. The PIEs considered
for dynamic effects are MSLB, recirculation line break or SSE.
The hazard (P1), i.e. frequency of failure and displacement, can be calculated from generic data and/or
fracture mechanics approach and fault tree methodology considering propagation of circumferential
cracks on the equipment welds, especially horizontal ones, to catastrophic failures and failure of other
restraining features (like stabilizer pins) as provided in the design. The plant response; that is probability
of safety significant SSCs getting affected consequent to such displacement (P2), should be evaluated
with insights from thermal hydraulic analysis and expert judgement. The safety functions likely to get
affected involve core cooling via normal and emergency spray injection modes, control rod insertion,
and emergency poison injections for safe shutdown capability. The system unavailabilities (P3) and
event sequences leading core damage probability (P) can be evaluated from ET modelling and Boolean
reduction. The release consequence, if required, can be evaluated, as per Level 2 and Level 3 analyses
using failure probabilities/frequencies for SSCs/PIEs. End Shield Rupture in PHWR
Rupture of end shield due to embrittlement and crack propagating to catastrophic failures on continued
operation in adverse environment, and loading (transient, accidental), may entail damage of lattice
tubes housing coolant channel resulting into loss of inventory of end shield cooling water and LOCA.
The hazard (P1) i.e., probability of such rupture and size of rupture need to be evaluated. The size of
rupture can be defined from the extent of damage affecting a number of coolant channels and/or rate of
inventory loss of end shield cooling system. The value of P1 may be estimated by considering a number
of factors, which include FT methodology, existing crack configuration (size, orientation etc.), embrittled
condition of end shield, and environmental condition and insights from fracture mechanics approach.
The plant response and fragilities of components that rupture, would cause unacceptable damage to
coolant channel and/or end shield cooling can be evaluated by system analysis and probability values
can be assigned from fragility studies and its randomness, uncertainty along with expert judgement.
The quantification of event sequences leading to core damage should be done by impacting increase in
frequency of LOCA IE, loss of end shield cooling system inventory, any secondary effects of end
shield rupture and operator recovery actions. The consequence (P) can be evaluated as per PSA Level
2 and Level 3 analyses. Control Rod Housing Rupture
Damage to control rod housing/mechanism outside the core may lead to SBLOCA and possible control
rod ejection in some PWR plant designs (e.g., KK project) The probability of such hazard (P1) can be
evaluated using FT methodology and can be modified based on factors that include expert judgement.
Bayesian approach, degradation mechanism, surveillance and fault detection techniques. This PIE, if
not already considered in the existing PSA module, needs to be evaluated along with other PIEs to
arrive at CDF and further source term and consequence to public domain. The contributions from this
PIE and dominant contributors to the occurrence of such event and other plant risk contributors can be
evaluated from MCSs obtained at the different stages in the analyses. The uncertainties associated
with FT/ET modeling and quantification should be propagated to the top event probability.
4.4.5 Dropping of Shipping Flask in Spent Fuel Storage Bay (SFSB)
The hazard due to dropping of shipping flask weighing over 25 T into the SFSB involves possible pool
liner failures and/or damage to the spent fuel stored in the racks of the storage bay, resulting release of
radioactivity to outside environment through leakage paths. The probability of dropping shipping flask
(P1) and its effect (strike) probability (P2) can be evaluated using FT methodology, considering various
design features such as interlocks, fail safe mechanisms, operating procedures and possible human
errors, and impacting failure rate based on plant experience and generic data as available. The damage
or failure probability P3 should be evaluated individually both for the pool liner and spent fuel stored in
the bay from users expert judgement, based on insights from structural analysis/probabilistic fracture
mechanics. Probability of the consequence of release to the outside environment (P), should be evaluated
by modelling various design features provided in the SFSB, leakage paths and possible operator
actions to mitigate the situations, into the ETs, and integration of the quantifications of accident
sequences leading to release.
4.4.6 Flooding from Internal Events
The treatment of flood in general has been highlighted in Appendix-XI. This part highlights only
internal flooding caused as secondary effect by all PIEs, which result in a release of a liquid (usually
water) consequent to leaks/breaks of pipes, vessels or tanks, as well as events which lead to actuation
(spurious or desired) of a spray system (e.g. containment spray or fire extinguisher sprays). It also
includes flooding caused by human error during maintenance. Flooding means not only water pools on
the room floor but also collection of liquid in upper locations (e.g. spray or condensed steam collection
in cable tray).
While evaluating hazard (P1), i.e., liquid level as a function of time and frequency of occurrence,
possible blockage of drain, drainage system in the plant, cracks in floor, walls, etc. should be kept in
view. While evaluating P2 and P3 for plant response and vulnerabilities and for event sequence,
secondary effects by flooding such as electrical hazards, and possible pressure excursion when liquid
comes in contact with hot object, where applicable, should be considered. Standard FT methodology
can be used, assigning for events, plant specific/generic data supplemented by expert judgement. In
consequence modelling, detecting systems, mitigating measures including OPECs and possible operation
recovery actions should be considered and quantification can be done using PSA ET, Level 2 and 3
analyses. Uncertainties arising in different stages of estimation should be propagated to arrive mean
and deviations for the top event probability.
4.5 Risk Based Regulatory Inspection
One important use of PSA insights is regulatory inspection of NPPs in operation and under construction.
Regulatory inspection is an involved job, and is done with periodicity to get some first hand knowledge
on the safety status of the plant. Therefore, it needs to be optimised with regard to resources of
manpower, money and time. PSA can provide valuable insights as regards where efforts need to be
concentrated on for optimised benefits. It starts with identifying critical components based on
consideration of dominant accident sequences and risk importance measures, and review of analysis of
risk based technical specifications on allowed outage time, surveillance test intervals and in-service
inspections of SSCs, including computer based systems hardware and software. From these details,
schedules of inspection are worked out, giving emphasis to items important to safety ,as per the risk
categorisations, high, medium and low, and spending efforts in accordance with risk hierarchy.
4.6 Risk Based Backfitting / Plant Upgrades / Modifications [35]
Use of insights obtained from PSAs of operating NPPs for identifying potential safety modifications
and supporting the selection, design, installation and licensing of plant upgrades, is perhaps one of the
most important applications of PSA. If the results show that CDF or severe off-site release is largely
dominated by a very limited number of accident sequences, effective backfits may be proposed to
prevent or to mitigate these scenarios. Similarly, backfits may also be suggested if PSA results show
that a plant does not meet recommended or established national or international PSG/PSCs. Proposed
backfits may involve changes to system designs and installation of new hardware, changes to operational
procedures, development of specific accident management procedures, or changes in operator training.
PSA can only be used to identify which safety improvements are most effective to reduce overall plant
risk within the limitations of the PSA models and scope of analysis. However, final selection of the
backfits may also take into consideration of deterministic design criteria, cost-benefit evaluations, and
other factors including applicable codes/guides, regulatory requirements/new policies.
Deterministic analyses and a detailed Level 1 PSA (with internal and external events) are necessary pre-
requisites for evaluation of proposed modifications. The analysts should be aware that the proposal of
changes may also affect the risk in other operating modes, and, as a minimum, a qualitative analysis of
the impact of the proposed changes on the risk associated to other modes of operation should also be
performed. Sometimes proposed backfits that may not significantly contribute to CDF reduction may
still be very effective to reduce the frequency of off-site releases. Considerations on the containment
vulnerabilities are also important for this application in such cases. Hence, it would be useful for the
scope of analysis to include at least a limited scope Level 2 PSA in such cases.
The first step in the evaluation of the proposed backfit or upgrade is a qualitative assessment of its
impact on risk. Comparative evaluation of proposed backfits requires that the PSA results should
realistically account for actual plant operating experience. To the extent possible, the PSA should use
plant specific data. Since, the accumulated operating experience is often not sufficient to justify the
use of only plant specific values for the majority of components and failure modes, the PSA should use
a consistent method to combine plant specific experience and generic data. Decisions about proposed
plant improvement options should be based on a thorough review of the PSA event sequences and
examination of different measures of importance. Recommended improvement options should consider
the inherent uncertainties in the PSA methods, models, and results. In some cases, additional analyses
are necessary to refine the PSA results and, if possible, to reduce important sources of uncertainty
before specific plant modifications are recommended.
4.7 Risk Based Operator Training [35]
Operator training in any nuclear plant plays a key role in reducing the operator error probability.
Operator training should be extensive and continuous. It should consist of a combination of classroom
lectures, assignments, simulator exercises, training in emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and also
in-plant actions to the extent possible and appropriate. Periodic testing of the operator capabilities for
satisfactory performance, individually and also as a team, helps in improving operator performance.
Level 1 PSA results highlight the significant contributors to core damage. Many of these contributors
are human errors. Sometimes, the high probabilities for such human errors arise from deficiencies in
training. This important insight can be used to help in selection of accident scenarios for training.
Accident sequence frequency and risk significance of operator actions in terms of relative contribution
to CDF can be used as selection guides. Similarly, the relative consequences of various operator errors
and PSA results could be used to select those actions that would benefit from emphasised training. By
performing sensitivity analyses, PSA analysts can determine how enhanced training can contribute
towards reducing risk. PSA can be used to improve operator training for emergency conditions because
it can help to select and rank the accident scenarios based on established criteria, such as accident
sequence contribution to core damage, fractional contribution of human errors in the sequence, etc.
Both high frequency-low consequences and low frequency-high consequences are important
considerations in risk assessment. Hence, operator training should include both sequences. For this
reason, Level 2 PSA can be of great advantage because it provides information on consequences as
well as on frequency. Level 2 PSA can be useful in understanding complexities and uncertainties of
severe accident processes, containment response, consequences of failures of containment ESFs and
identification of possible human recovery actions for operator training, expected plant specific responses
and limitations of the instrumentation and protective systems in such circumstances. However, the
impact of enhanced training programmes cannot be directly evaluated with PSA, if the analysis of
operator errors does not include the impact of training as one of the PSFs considered in the quantification
of HEPs.
4.8 Risk Based Ageing Management
Frequent failures of components increase plant risk by increasing component unavailability/failure
frequency, increasing frequency of process system upsets including initiator and hence more plant
risks such as increase in probability of core damage. Failures of components beyond their useful life are
more than random failures on account of ageing. Fig. 4.6 [36] shows the familiar bathtub failure curve for
components, related to power supply, control and instrumentation. Fig.4.7 [37] shows the failure rate
curve for mechanical components; nature of failure rate is slightly different, not so flat, even during its
useful life, and failure rate increasing significantly particularly in the later half. The useful life as
specified by designer/vendor is affected by factors like operational transients, environmental conditions
and maintenance and test schedules. History dockets, trend analyses are helpful in assessing whether
ageing of a component is contributing to failure rate. This is the phase, management has to decide,
whether to go for repair with more surveillance or replace the component. This is besides the consideration
of obsolescence. PSA can provide valuable insights in this regard. It evaluates risk impact of ageing of
components. It can be performed at a system level or CDF or release frequency level; more relevant
being consideration of impact on CDF in Level 1 PSA. It models random failure with ageing induced
failures derived from fracture mechanics approach and works out risk factors, i.e., combined (random
plus ageing) risk importance measures, by sensitivity studies.
λ(t) λ(t)
to wear out
b u W b u W
time time
Figure 4.5 : Failure Rate Curve for Figure 4.6 : Failure Rate Curve
Electronic Components for Mechanical Components
The root cause of increase in failure rate can be any of an ageing phenomenon, fatigue or corrosion of
components or systems. The other type of ageing phenomenon is a process that gradually degrades
characterisation of the component, such that it no longer fulfils its design requirements. Examples
include snubbers that lose their damping capacity with increase in fluid leakage through the seals, or
heat exchangers losing heat transfer capacity as oxidation layers/scales are formed on the tubes/shell
surfaces and reactor vessel losing pressure capacity as fluence and number of power transients increase
threshold value. Determining risk significance of this degradation is more complex as it involves
combining probabilistic load distribution with fragility curves and considering the impacts of the different
failure modes. However, bounding calculations can be performed. Such an analytical approach is a
developing field. Basic mathematical approach for determining risk sensitivity to component ageing is
given by
dR dR dq
dt j dq j dt
where, = Rate of change of component j’s unavailability qj and R = Risk
Component unavailability is given by,
qj = qoj + (qj - qoj) (4.7)
where qoj = component unavailability with ageing contribution not included.
Rate of risk change due to ageing for ageing for all components in a plant is given by
dR dR d ( q j − qqoijoj ) (4.8)
=∑ = ∑ rj
dt A j dq j dt j
= 0, where no ageing (i.e., qj = qoj) (4.9)
dt A
dR d ( q − q 0 )
where r = and q0 being unavailability with no ageing (4.10)
dq dt
The component ageing risk sensitivity contribution = (Risk importance of the components) X
(the extra rate of change of component unavailabilities due to ageing) (4.11)
A specific formula is to be used for q and qo to obtain specific expressions for component ageing risk
sensitivity r at time (t). Unavailability (q) including ageing contribution, for a component is given by
q = 1 − expe − ∫ λ (t ' )dt '
o (4.12)
The expression for qo for random failures will be different depending on component modelling i.e. for
irrepairable component.
q 0 = 1 − e − λ0 t (4.13)
where λ(t') is the time dependency component failure rate with ageing and λ0 is the constant failure rate
assuming no ageing.
4.8.1 Simplified Methodology
A variety of time dependent component failure rate models exist for treating potential ageing effects,
which include Weibull distribution, gamma distribution, truncated normal distribution etc. They require
knowledge of detailed time to failure data, which cannot be retrieved from gross failure data. The linear
ageing failure rate is the best time dependent failure rate that can be derived from gross data. The linear
failure rate can be simply viewed as a straight line fit to the wear out portion of the curve (Fig. 4.6 and
4.7). Further the linear rate ageing model is suitable for modelling ageing mechanisms which cause a
cumulative degradation in the component, so as to continually increase failure rate, and hence is
applicable to such ageing processes as linear wear, linear material build-up and linear elastic related
phenomena. It can also serve as a first order linear approximation, even where degradation build-up is
not linear or independent of the previously accumulated damage, such as that due to vibration. The
inaccuracies due to using the linear model will often be shadowed by the data uncertainties. The
simplistic approach that can be followed in evaluating risk impact of ageing is as presented below.
It involves calculating appropriate risk of components having significant impact on plant risk, i.e.,
importance measures from usual PSA and combining them with ageing effects determined from ageing
models to determine the CDF impacts of ageing. The methodology permits detailed models of testing
and maintenance to be incorporated, thus allowing ageing evaluations, the risk effectiveness of
maintenance programmes and ageing management programme and to prioritise the task in ageing
Basic formulae are given below and sensitivity study of risk impact of ageing of NPP, is illustrated in
tables subsequently.
The failure rate, λ(t) as a function of time (or number of cycles) is expressed as λ (t ) = λ 0 + at
where λ0 = constant failure rate (random) contribution and a = appropriate component ageing rate [37].
NUREG/CR-4769 describes the basis for the linear ageing model and its applicability. The ageing rate
values are obtained from expert opinion and checked with certain plant data. NUREG-1362 [38] describes
the data used. The unavailability increase, ∆q due to ageing [59] of a component is given by:
1 1
∆q = a( L − T )T + aT 2 (4.14)
4 6
Where L= Replacement interval (MTBF) and T= Surveillance test interval
The CDF increase (∆C) due to ageing can be expressed as sum of contribution term from successively
higher order of ageing interactions [39].
∆c = Σ Si ∆qi + Σ Σ Si j ∆qi ∆qj + ………+ Σ Σ …… Σ (Sij i2…im) ∆qi1 ∆qi2….. ∆qim… (4.15)
Where i1 > i2 >….> im
Si = CDF importance of component i, identified to be having significant effect on plant risk
Sij = CDF joint importance of components i and j
Si1 i2…im CDF joint importance of components i1 i2…im
∆qi = Ageing effect in component i
∆qi ∆qj = Product of ageing effects in components i and j
Si, Sij …..etc. can be computed from presently available PSAs (considering random failure) which do not
include ageing effects. Then, the ageing effects ∆qi can be calculated from the separate ageing model
stated above. The risk importance factors, Si, Sij …..etc. thus need to be calculated once from reference
PSA. As different ageing effects or different maintenance programmes are evaluated for their effectiveness
in controlling ageing, only the ageing effects ∆qi need to be changed and substituted in ∆qi (4.15) to
determine the resulting CDF changes, ∆c.
The specific additional risk based ageing related maintenance activity involves carrying out scheduled
overhauls at given intervals and carrying out improved surveillance tests on the risk dominant ageing
contributors. The illustrations (given in Annexure-XIII) show that ageing can have large CDF impacts,
but these can be controlled effectively by introducing additional ageing management activities for the
risk dominant contributors.
4.9 Accident Management
Accident Management is essentially accident prevention and mitigation of their consequences. The
objectives of the accident management are to prevent or minimise core damage, to maintain the integrity
or delay the failure of the RCS, to maintain the integrity or delay the failure of the containment and to
mitigate the release of radioactive material [41]. The full scope PSA can support the development, of
strategies to deal with the identified vulnerabilities, and of calculational aids that would be used to
assist in the selection and application of the strategies. Here, only the severe accident management is
addressed. These measures include reliable prevention and/or mitigation of containment threatening
phenomena, so that dose to the public is minimised and/or emergency measures can be taken for public
safety. Three source terms have been identified accounting to the delay in containment failure and
fission product retention capability of the release pathway [40].
• S1 corresponding to early containment failure and a direct pathway.
• S2 corresponding to delayed (24 h) containment failure and a direct pathway.
• S3 corresponding to delayed release through pathways that provide retention of radionuclide.
Containment function can be improved by accident management procedures like
(a) monitoring containment integrity and making effort to restore the containment function, if
degraded, by complementary action,
(b) prevention of an early basement leakage by drain filling, and
(c) implementation of a containment filtered venting system (e.g., PCCD)
From the point of view of emergency plans (e.g. evacuation in 5 km range and confinement in a 10 km
range) a delay between 12 to 24 h is compatible only with a S3 source term. Three types of management
strategies can be employed to limit the consequences to the level compatible with emergency plan
measures for public protection.
(1) Prevention of accident sequence leading to S1, by eliminating risk of hydrogen combustion,
steam explosion and direct containment heating.
(2) Reduce S2 source term below S3 level by,
• taking corrective measures against containment breach,
• reducing containment failures by over-pressurisation beyond design limit pressure,
• eliminating basement ablation by molten core concrete interaction.
(3) Implementation of the national crisis management organisation and elaboration of severe accident
guides for crisis management teams, in order to manage the core damage situation with a
priority oriented to the containment function protection.
Accident management strategies associated with timing of containment failure (S1 or S2/S3) are as
4.9.1 Early Containment Failure
(a) Hydrogen risk management
As soon as severe accident is initiated, hydrogen production is unavoidable. To prevent
unacceptable consequences from hydrogen combustion, either one can increase the volume
of containment or inertise the containment atmosphere or use hydrogen passive auto catalytic
recombiners (PAR) or igniters in such a way that explosion is impossible or any possible
explosion would not threaten the containment.
(b) High pressure core melt risk management
Core melt relocated in the lower head can lead to vessel melt through. If pressure is high before
melt through, a high pressure melt ejection in reactor cavity can lead to transfer of fragmented
molten mass into the containment. Associated heat transfer in the containment atmosphere
could lead to high pressure peak beyond the containment integrity pressure limit. Further, in
most of the high pressure core melt situations, secondary side of steam generators (SG) is
empty of water. This can lead to SG tube creep rupture and subsequently to containment
bypass. For high pressure core melt situation, the following accident management is envisaged.
In most of the situations, the fuel bundles fail. So, in the early stage of the accident, the
operator is to inject cold water appropriately, so as to avoid the core melt.
(c) Steam explosion risk management
In-vessel steam explosion risk is studied in PSA Level 2. Ex-vessel steam explosion or potential
loads resulting from melt pouring in a flooded reactor cavity/vault are also considered. However,
feasibility and efficacy of flooding reactor vessel/cavity, during melt progression in severe
accident situations, for in-vessel/ex-vessel core melt cooling need to be evaluated as accident
management measures, to prevent further core disruption or corium formation and propagation.
4.9.2 Long Term Containment Failure Risk
The prevention of high pressure melt ejection risk is considered for management of in-vessel to ex-
vessel accident progression. But there are no specific measures to manage ex-vessel corium progression.
However, in order to mitigate potential consequences of sub-soil contamination in case of basemat
ablation, short and long-term isolation of reactor subsoil is envisaged to prevent contamination of
underground water. Provisions for in-vessel/ex-vessel needs to be made to prevent core-melt progression
reaching to basement. Concerning source term evaluation, two topics are important: (i) Kinetics of
basemat ablation for long term and (ii) iodine behaviour in the primary circuit and containment. For S3
source term evaluation, corium concrete interaction assessment is important. Calculations indicate
large discrepancies concerning properties and rate of the time of basemat melt through. Regarding
iodine source term, studies show that large fractions of gaseous iodine exist in hot leg of the circuit.
Due to sump radiolysis, iodine production is only low and in the long term, organic iodides released
from the painted surfaces in the gas phase would dominate the volatile iodine fraction.
4.10 Risk Based In-Service Inspection (RB-ISI)
4.10.1 Introduction
In-Service Inspection (ISI) ensures reliable functioning of components important to safety. Current ISI
programmes are based on past experience and engineering judgement with deterministic approach.
Service experience has indicated that failures are dominated by corrosion or fatigue mechanisms and
typically occur in areas, which might not have been included in ISI programs. Risk based ISI (RB-ISI)
approach provides insights into the contribution of components to plant risk for a certain ISI programme.
It also provides insights into the optimal use of scarce resources for ISI, i.e. less inspection/testing
towards low risk significant components, and focussing more attention on components having high
risk [41,42,43,44,49].
The RB-ISI evaluates risk with the insights from component degradation mechanism and establishes an
effective plant integrity management programme, which maintains plant safety, while at the same time
reducing the burden associated with existing ISI requirements. It also reduces man-rem exposure and
achieves economic benefits.
4.10.2 Current Inspection Categorisation Philosophy
Current ISI philosophy considers the determination of inspection areas and the degree of inspection by
taking into account the safety margins and magnitude and type of failure. Inspection categories are
function of size of failure, stress ratio and fatigue usage factor [45]. The size of failure is expressed as the
ratio (RE) of the maximum energy release rate from the failure being considered, to maximum energy
release rate from the most severe failure considered during design of the system, that directly transports
heat from the nuclear fuel. This ratio is denoted by RE. The failures are categorised as large, medium and
small depending on calculated value of RE.
RE < 0.1 —————————> Small
0.1< RE < 0.3 ———————> Medium
RE > 0.3 —————————> Large
Fatigue usage factors shall be determined by the rules given in ASME BPVC Section III. Stress Ratio is
defined as the ratio of calculated stress to allowable stress as per PHWR practices (CANDU standard).
The criteria for developing inspection programmes are derived from stress ratio and fatigue usage
factor matrix. According to the above criteria, four categories are defined viz. A, B, C1 and C2 signifying
decreasing order of severity. Table 4.2 and 4.3 represent four categories for the matrices of fatigue usage
factor and stress ratio for medium and large size failures respectively. Depending on the category in
which each component falls, the inspection method, quantum of inspection and interval are determined.
Regarding inspection interval, first inspection will be carried within first 5 years of reactor operation and
subsequent inspections are to be done for time intervals that do not exceed 1/3 of the design operational
life of the plant or 10 years, whichever is less.
High C1 B A
Medium C1 B B
Low C2 C1 C1
High B A A
Medium C1 B A
Low C2 C1 C1
94 Risk Categorisation Based on Importance Measures
A new parameter called inspection importance measure has been developed, in order to prioritise the
systems for ISI, viz. a system level ranking based on inspection importance measure (I ). Inspection
importance (I ) of a component is defined as the product of the birnbaum importance (I ) times the
failure probability [43].
I sys = I sys
* Pf sys
Pf sys = System failure probability due to structural integrity failures
The inspection importance is an approximation of the Fussel-Vesely (FV) importance of pipe break for
the system and has all the useful properties of the Fussel-Vesely importance measure for establishing
the inspection priorities.
Birnbaum and Fussell-Vesely importance measures have been suggested by ASME for risk informed in-
service inspection. In most of the applications, the exact ranking is not important. Guidance and
experience for applying importance measures for in-service testing/in-service inspection is mainly
based on expert opinion. A sample categorisation is given below, where RAW refers to risk achievement
worth [6].
These categorisation can however be only applied to safety system components. In order to overcome
this limitation, another importance measure called Differential Importance Measure (DIM) has been
suggested [44],
δ CDF x i
DIM x i =
δ CDF (4.17)
δ CDF x i = CDF (x i + δ x i ) − CDF 0
δ CDF = ∑ δδ CDF
CDF i i
which can be applied to components in process as well as safety system. Differential importance
measure (DIM) can be defined as the fraction of total change in risk or core damage frequency that is
due to a change in parameter xi. Risk Categorisation Based on Risk Matrix
Risk based decision regarding ISI, involves determining the inspection programme based on risk
information with inputs from deterministic insights. As a first step it is required to estimate likelihood
failure frequency/failure probability of components (e.g. failure rate, unavailability)[50,51]. The estimation
of likelihood failure frequency/failure probability of the component can be done broadly through three
approaches; statistical analysis, structural reliability analysis and expert elicitation. Statistical analysis
involves rigorous data collection programme and analysis of collected data. Structural reliability analysis
is based on fracture mechanics methods. Various codes like PRAISE, PIFRAP, etc. are available for
estimation of likelihood failure frequency/failure probability from the structural reliability analysis.
From experience, it has been found that likelihood frequency is influenced by the degradation mechanism
prevailing on the component. Electrical power research institute (EPRI) has adopted likelihood failure
frequency and degradation mechanism information as the deterministic criteria [44].
The risk information provides an estimate of consequence of failure of a component using PSA models.
Consequence can be quantified through the estimation of conditional core damage probability (CCDP).
The risk from failure of a component on failure of a specific joint i (e.g. a particular weld) is expressed in
terms of CCDPi. The consequence evaluation group is organised into two basic impact groups; (i)
initiating event and (ii) loss of mitigating ability.
In IE impact group, the event occurs when a pressure boundary failure occurs in an operating system.
This could occur as a result of loss of fluid in a frontline system (LOCA, feed water line break), or in
support system (like service water cooling). The importance of every initiating event, caused by a
component failure, needs to be assessed in order to assign it to its appropriate consequence category.
The CCDPi for a component failure from ‘i’th joint, can be directly obtained from the PSA results, by
dividing the CDF due to the specific IE by the frequency of that IE.
In the loss of mitigating ability group, the event involves the component failures in safety system.
Safety system can be in two configurations, standby and demand. While in standby configuration, the
failure may not result in an unsafe situation, but degrades the mitigating capabilities. After failure is
discovered, the plant enters into the configuration of AOT, i.e., the time available for component to be
restored to service or to effect plant shutdown otherwise for safety considerations. In consequence
(risk) evaluation, AOT is referred to as exposure time.
CCDPi = [CDF(qi = 1) – CDF(BASE)] * TE (4.18)
Where, CDF(qi = 1) = CDF given the component failure from joint i
CDF(BASE) = Base or reference CDF
qi = Component failure/unavailability due to failure from joint i.
TE = Exposure time (detection time + AOT)
While in demand configuration, the failure occurs when the system/train operation is required in an
actual demand. Here, instead of exposure time, mean time between the tests/ inspection intervals or
demands is to be considered. The expression can be written as
CCDPi = [CDF(qi = 1) – CDF(BASE)] * Tt (4.19)
Where, CDF(qi = 1) = CDF, given the component failure due to joint i
CDF(BASE) = Base or reference CDF
qi = Component failure unavailability due to failure of joint ‘i’
Tt = Mean time between tests or demands
Risk matrix is designed with different categories, depending on the risk (change in CDF) values and
degradation mechanism for determining the inspection interval. Risk matrix is defined as the decision
matrix that is used to categorise the components based on degradation mechanism and consequence of
its failure (Table-4.3). From international experience [46], a basis has been established for ranking
component rupture potential as high, medium or low, simply by understanding the type of degradation
mechanism present (Table-4.4).
Each component is assigned the appropriate category depending on its ∆CDF and degradation
mechanism and seven categories of inspection programme strategy are developed. This inspection
programme will include prioritisation of components for inspection, inspection interval, method of
inspection and scope/volume of inspection.
If a component falls in risk category 1, 3 or 5, it has to be inspected under existing flow accelerated
corrosion (FAC) programme since the failure frequency may be dominated by FAC degradation
mechanism. Similarly, if a component falls in risk category 2 or 5, it has to be inspected under existing
inter granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) programme since the failure frequency may be dominated
by IGSCC degradation mechanism. For the risk category 4, there may not be any prominent degradation
mechanism, but consequence wise it requires attention. Risk categories 6 and 7 may not be falling under
any inspection programme, and no volumetric or surface examinations are required. Irrespective of risk
categories, all components should be pressure or leak tested.
F0j = Frequency of component failure at location j subject to no inspection
IAj = Inspection effectiveness factor (between 0 and 1)
This is the probability that the flaw is detected. It can be derived from the inspection effectiveness
curve developed from various data collected from experience and tests for different inspection
methodologies like visual, ultrasonic, radiography, etc.. It is also assumed that flaws detected by
inspection methodologies will be attended to by necessary corrective actions before returning to
service and that would in turn effectively reduce the probability of failure (initiated by the failure at the
location, under consideration)
After the estimation of risk impact (∆CDF), depending on the acceptable target criteria for ∆CDF, the
decision shall be made regarding the adoption of inspection strategy. (The decision criteria suggested
by EPRI is to ensure that the cumulative change in CDF is less than 1E-7/yr/system for the employment
of the new methodology).
The frequency of a failure of a component subjected to no inspection or contemplated after a long time
during plant operation can be evaluated from generic data or from software developed and validated for
similar plant and/or with expert judgement. The probability of a flaw below detectable range of inspection/
test instrument growing to a critical size and resulting into catastrophic failure before detection (or with
no online leak detection instrumentation, ISI programme) can be estimated using fracture mechanics
approach. The uncertainties arise in the different stages of analyses, and besides random failures, use
of risk matrices for potential failure frequency vs degradation mechanism, development of inspection
strategy based on risk matrix categorisation, assigning inspection effectiveness factor and arriving at
failure frequency from statistical data and with fracture mechanics insights, also need to be quantified
and propagated to the final output for refinement and assuring high confidence level, in the assessment. Incorporating ISI Changes in Failure Probability Calculations
The objective of Markov modelling approach is to explicitly model the interactions between degradation
mechanisms and the inspection, detection, and repair strategies that can reduce the probability that
failure occurs or the failure will progress to rupture. This Markov modelling technique starts with a
representation of “piping segment” in a set of discrete and mutually exclusive states. At any instant of
time, the system is permitted to change state in accordance with whatever competing processes are
appropriate for that plant state. In this application of Markov model the state refers to various degrees
of piping system degradation or repairs, i.e., the existence of flaws, leaks, or ruptures [55]. The processes
that can create a state change are failure mechanisms operating on the pipe and process of inspecting
or detecting flaws and leaks, and repair of damage prior to progression of failure mechanism to rupture.
(a) Three state Markov model
This model would be applied to a pipe element such as a weld or small section of pipe that is
uniquely defined in terms of the presence or absence of degradation mechanisms, loading
conditions, and status in the inspection program. The model in Fig. 4.7 is developed to examine
the singular role of the in-service inspection program, which can influence the total failure rate
of pipe segments but has little if any impact on the conditional probability that a failure will be
a rupture. A limitation of this model is that it does not distinguish between leaks and ruptures,
cannot model leak before break, and cannot be used to examine the role of leak detection as a
means to reduce pipe rupture frequencies. Another limitation is that leaks and ruptures are
only permitted once the system is in the flaw state. This limitation makes the model suitable for
degradation type failure mechanisms, but not for severe loading condition related causes,
such as vibration fatigue or water hammer. These limitations are removed in the next section in
which a four state model is developed and more possibilities are introduced for leaks and
rupture transitions from the success state. However, to build up the knowledge about pipe
reliability modeling in a step by step fashion, it has been found instructive to analyse this more
simplified model to understand some basic properties of this approach to reliability modelling
such that the necessary details can be built up in an organised fashion.
Piping System States
S = Success
F = Flaw
D = Degraded
(Leak or Rupture)
State Transitions
φ = Occurrence of Flaw
λ’ = Occurrence of Leak or Rupture
ω = Inspect and Repair Flaw
S φ F λj L ρl R
ω ρf
S = Success; F = Flaw; L = Leak stage; R = Rupture
Another parameter is introduced in four state Markov model to represent the leak repair.
Repair rate µ = PLD / ( TI + TR) (4.23)
PLD = probability that leak in the element will be detected per detection period.
Mainly the rupture state is defined as failed state. Accordingly the component failure probability is
defined as the probability of finding the system in that state. This failure probability will be used is our
PSA models for risk informed in-service inspection.
4.11 Sabotage
Sabotage (Nuclear) is any deliberate act directed against a nuclear facility, nuclear transport cask or
nuclear material and associated fission products, which could directly or indirectly endanger the health
and safety of the worker, the public, and the environment by exposure to radiation [56]. Specific acts of
sabotage include: vehicle bombs, deliberate aircraft crash against containment, explosive attacks against
a reactor core, cooling system, and shutdown, diversionary arson, kidnapping or murder of critical
personnel, etc. Sabotage may be classified into three general categories viz.: radiological, operational,
and personnel.
4.11.1 Primary Targets and Threat Objectives
For radiological sabotage, the target at an NPP includes fresh fuel, the reactor core, and spent fuel. The
threat objectives in attacking this target include irradiating people and contamination of the site and the
environment. Sabotage against personnel would include as targets critical NPP personnel, such as the
plant manager or the control room operators, other plant personnel, and any other people who may be
on the site. Attacks against personnel targets have the objectives both of causing fatalities and of
impacting plant operations. For operational sabotage, the target would be any equipment that would
impact power production, or risk to the operations of the plant.
4.11.2 Physical Protection System Design and the Relationship to Risk
To prevent sabotage, plant physical protection system should be analysed to be adequately reliable.
The analysis of a physical protection system includes the determination of the physical protection
system objectives, characterising the design of the physical protection system, the evaluation of the
design, and possibly, a redesign or refinement of the system. The process must begin by gathering
information about the facility, defining the threat and then identifying targets. Determination of whether
or not the assets are attractive targets is based mainly on the ease or difficulty of acquisition and
desirability of the material. The next step is to characterise the design of the physical protection system
by determining the elements of detection, delay, and response. The physical protection system is then
analysed and evaluated to ensure it meets the physical protection objectives. Evaluation must allow for
features working together to assure protection rather than regarding each feature separately.
The basic premise of the methodology described here is that the design and analysis of physical
protection must be done from a systems standpoint. In this way, all components of detection, delay, and
response can be properly weighted according to their contribution to the physical protection system
(PPS) as a whole. Without a methodical, defined, analytical assessment, the PPS might waste valuable
resources on unnecessary protection or, worse yet, fail to provide adequate protection at critical points
of the facility. Due to the complexity of protection systems, an evaluation usually requires computer
modelling techniques. If any vulnerabilities are found, the initial system must be redesigned to correct
the vulnerabilities and a re-evaluation conducted. Then the system overall risk should be calculated.
This risk is normalised to the consequence severity if the adversary could attain the target. The facility
is then able to make a judgement as to the amount of risk that exists and if this is acceptable.
The risk approach to physical protection system should attempt to work out the probability of interruption
(PI) of the defined adversary along the most vulnerable path in the facility. This PI should be acceptable.
However, a question may be addressed as regards how much risk the facility is willing to accept versus
the cost of reducing risk. If the facility and regulators understand that there are a limited amount of
resources to be applied to physical protection of everything at the facility, then each application of a
portion of those resources must be carefully and analytically evaluated to ensure a balanced risk. This
section briefly explains the method of risk identification and mitigation [Sandia National Laboratories].
The risk equation used is:
R = PA * [1 - (PI)] * C (4.24)
where the terms are as follows:
R= Risk to the facility of an adversary gaining access to, or stealing, critical assets. Range is 0 to 1.0,
with 0 being no risk and 1.0 being maximum risk.
PA = Probability of an adversary attack. This may be difficult to determine, but generally there are
records available to assist in this effort. The value of this probability is from 0 (no chance at all of
an attack) to 1.0 (certainty of attack). Usually in the calculation of risk, we assume PA = 1.0, which
means that it is a ‘conditional risk’ calculated given that that an attack on a facility will occur.
PI = Probability of interruption. This is the probability that the defined adversary will be interrupted
by the response force in time to stop the adversary from accomplishing their objectives. The
principle of timely detection is used in calculating this probability from 0 (the adversary will
definitely be successful) to 1.0 (the adversary will definitely be interrupted in their path).
C = Consequence value. This has a value from 0 to 1 that relates to the severity of the occurrence of
the event. This is the normalising factor, which allows the conditional risk value to be compared
to all other risks across the site. A consequence table (Table 4.5) of all events could be created
which would cover the spectrum of loss, from highest to lowest. Therefore, by using this
consequence table, the risk can be normalised over all possible events. Then the limited PPS
resources can be appropriately allocated to ensure that the risk is acceptable across the spectrum.
If we assume that PA is equal to 1 (there will be an attack), this term drops out of the equation. If we then
also assume that C is equal to 1, that is, the consequence is the highest we can imagine, this term also
drops out. This leaves a conditional risk, R, that is determined solely by the effectiveness of the PPS,
which can be useful in establishing the ‘worst case’ risk i.e. an attack by the most capable adversary on
the most valuable target. It is then possible to go back and use different consequence values to
determine the risk to the enterprise for lower consequence losses. This will allow a prioritisation of
targets and appropriate protection. Finally, the probability of attack may also be varied, based on
available data where possible, and a realistic assessment of risk can be obtained. This three-step
process can help in simplifying the complexity of the risk assessment by varying only one term at a time,
allowing an appreciation about the influence of each factor on the outcome.
Consequence Impact of Effects on the public, Employees, and Value from acts of radiological
the Environment or toxicological sabotage
Catastrophic on-site and off-site fatalities and injuries, long term 1.0
denial of facility (> 2 years) due to damage or radiation contamination,
and off-site denial of food, water, or habitat due to contamination
for more than 1 year
High off-site injuries and on-site fatalities and injuries, on-site facility 0.8
denial for 1-2 years, and off-site denial of food, water, or habitat due
to contamination for less than 1 year.
Moderate on-site injury (no off-site injury), on-site facility denial 0.5
for 6 months to 1 year, and denial of food, water, or habitat due to
contamination for less than 6 months.
Low on-site injury, on-site facility denial for less than 1 month, and 0.2
no impact on food, water supply or habitat.
Once the risk value is determined, the security manager can justify the expenditure of funds based on
a scientific, measurable and prioritised analysis. This information can be presented to executive
management of the corporation or facility to demonstrate how the security risk is being mitigated and
how much risk exposure remains. The analysis can then form the basis for a discussion on how much
security risk can be tolerated or how much to increase or decrease the budget based on risk. This
analysis can also serve to demonstrate to any regulatory agencies that a careful review of the security
of the facility has been performed and that reasonable measures are in place to protect people and
assets. The analysis will allow the facility to state the assumptions that were made (threat, targets, risk
level), show the system design, and provide an analysis to show system effectiveness.
4.11.3 Analysis
The DEPO [56] process is used with the Graded safeguards table to evaluate risk. In general, the DEPO
process or any similar methodology is satisfactory for analysing the physical protection system at a
NPP. There are many path models available, such as EASI and SAVI in the United States, and EVA in
France, for use in the analysis process. These path models are used to construct adversary sequence
diagrams, which predict the most vulnerable pathways into a facility, the detection probability, and the
time for an adversary to access the target. The analysis is usually stopped when the saboteurs reach
the target, and denial is the response force strategy. As an enhancement to the usual analysis, NPPs
might consider including reactor safety and accident prevention experts in the process. Considering
the proposed new target types and sabotage categories, their input could be invaluable in identifying
new ‘vital’ areas. In addition, it should always be borne in mind that any human error, equipment
malfunction, or procedure that could result in problems for the NPP might also be used by a saboteur.
4.11.4 PSA to Physical Security Management [57]
Physical security at a NPP must address a broad spectrum of potential incidents, ranging from minor
intrusions to radiological sabotage. A process must be developed that uses risk information contained
in its PSA to modify the physical security plan. The risk information contained in PSA is used to focus
the contingency plan and thereby support an efficient use of risk security resources [58]. The safeguard
contingency plan contains a predetermined set of decisions and actions to arrest a potential saboteur
and assigns decisions and actions to specific security personnel. Fulfilment of this plan also determines
the number of security personnel required to protect the plant.
By using the risk information developed for PSA, a list is generated of sets of critical equipment, whose
successful defense would prevent core damage and hence radiological sabotage. This list can be used
to prioritise the allocation of guards to critical locations within the plant. The risk information can also
be used to list sets of equipment whose concurrent destruction would cause core damage. Finally,
these sets can be used to develop scenarios for training the security force.
4.12 Aircraft Crash [59,60]
Prevention of possible catastrophic effects as a result of aircraft falling down on the NPP, requires
certain protection measures to be built in the plant. As these measures may be extremely expensive it is
necessary to ensure that the protection measures taken are optimal and adequate for the real danger,
which could be expressed in terms of probabilities of the external destructive impacts (risks). In order to
protect important and potentially dangerous ground objects against the accidental aircraft impacts,
special air traffic zones could be imposed where the aircraft flights are forbidden or restricted. This
measure reduces probability of the accidents caused by the aircraft impact onto the objects but it does
not eliminate it completely. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the probability of external hazard of
aircraft impact to assure adequate protective measures engineered for the NPPs. Air traffic can be
characterised by the average distance from NPP, altitude, airplane velocity, fuel storage capacity of
aircrafts in flight, and number of flights, angles of flight of the aircraft and the standard deviation of
these parameters.
4.12.1 Risk Identification
The analysis of flight safety statistics revealed the following types of aircraft accidents, which could be
hazardous for ground objects.
(i) Airplane destruction and fragmentation during its flight at safe altitude.
(ii) Loss of controllability and inability to continue the flight along the route at safe altitude.
(iii) Loss of space orientation under conditions of low visibility.
(iv) Aircraft direct impact and fire consequence in its flight at unsafe altitude.
(v) Aircraft impact, fragmentation and fire during take-off and landing.
The hazard listed under (iv) could be due to extremely low probability gross error of pilot or more
probable by sabotage/terrorist suicidal actions, probability of latter type could be assigned by expert
judgement based on existing political situation. The last type of accident occurrence (listed under v)
probability is ruled out (P1 = 0), based on siting criteria for NPP, viz., by screening distance value (SDV)-
typical value being 10 km and/or screening probability level (SPL)-typical value being less than
10-06/R-y aircraft crashing probability, on an area of 10,000 m2 anywhere in the country. However, if due
to changing circumstances such as political, military and international airport authority regulations, the
NPP happens to come to be within the zone of take-off/landing, this probability of occurrence need to
be accounted for.
4.12.2 Hazard Analysis
The probability of an event with an aircraft falling onto the NPP as a result of an aircraft accident
(hazard) for the above first three types is determined as
P12 = ∑∑ Pij
i j
where PAAij is the probability of the fact that the aircraft accident (AA) of the ith type with class j aircraft
occurs in the vicinity of the object. The class of aircraft can be categorised based on factors that include
aircraft weight and fuel storage capacity.
Pnij is the conditional probability of an aircraft or its fragments falling onto the object as result of the
aircraft accident.
Probability PAAij is determined according to Poisson's law,
PAAij = 1 − exp(− PFij ∗ τ ) (4.27)
Where PFij is the flight safety parameter, which equals to the probability of an accident within an hour
of flight and is found according to:
While evaluating the effects of fuel burning, parameters on amount and type of fuel carried by the
crashing aircraft are important. The amount of fuel to be considered for energy release calculation
should be based on the type of aircraft, typical flight plans (paths) and flight travel time and velocity. Event Sequence and Consequence Analysis
The conditional probability of these SSCs getting damaged to unacceptable consequences should be
assessed based on load/time function, insights from structural engineering, fracture mechanics and
expert judgement. The core damage consequence can be evaluated by event sequence development
and quantification of the same after impacting failure probabilities of components, both at FT and ET
level, as appropriate. The source term should be worked out with Level 1 PSA inputs and APET/CET
analysis, also considering the fact that there could be direct radioactive release probability by
simultaneous damage of containment and other SSCs like reactor block, PHT pipeline breaks, etc. The
overall release consequence to public domain can be evaluated from PSA Level 3 analysis taking into
account any possible effect on implementation of counter measures. The uncertainties associated with
each stage of evaluation should be appropriately addressed.
4.13 Probabilistic Structural Integrity Assessment
4.13.1 General Approach
There are numerous sources of uncertainty in structural design and the absolute safety of a structure
cannot be guaranteed due to unpredictability of future loading, variations of material properties as they
exist in the structure, simplifications to analysis methods for predicting behavior and human factors.
However, the risk of a failure with unacceptable consequences can be reduced to an acceptably low
number. Estimation of this level of risk is evaluated using the methods of probabilistic structural integrity
The fundamental concept for reliability analysis is that resistance and load factors are statistical quantities
with a central tendency (mean), dispersion about the mean (variance) and some form of distribution
(probability density function, e.g. Normal). When combined together via an expression to describe the
limit state (such as fracture or collapse) there will be a finite probability that the load will exceed the
resistance. This defines the probability of failure (Pf) and since reliability is equal to 1- Pf, the inherent
reliability of the component against a particular failure mode, and with given resistance properties, is
Initial concepts in this area of structural reliability were developed in the nuclear and offshore industries
in the 1980s, applications that have associated with them a very high consequence of failure. More
recently, these methods have begun to be used in structures that are more conventional and guidance
now exists in many design and integrity analysis codes. This may be either in the form of a direct
reference to such methods, their use to derive partial safety factors or their application to maintenance
and inspection. Public perception and understanding of risk, the associated role of regulatory bodies
and the necessity for a common basis on policy where safety is an issue have further strengthened the
move to reliability-based methods. The advantage of such methods in integrity analyses is that the use
of pessimistic assumptions for data inputs is avoided, and the compounding effects of such assumptions
can be minimised. This compound effect makes the results of deterministic analyses often very
conservative leading to a lack of credibility in their results. The methods can be applied to any mode of
failure (e.g. fracture, collapse, fatigue, corrosion, creep and buckling) provided the limit state can be
described by an equation(s) and that one or more of the variables in the equation is statistically
A high probability of failure can be accepted where the consequences of that failure are low; conversely,
a high consequence of failure must be allied to a low probability of occurrence. Societal and governmental
acceptance of risk dictates that different industries and structures will have different combinations of
probability of failure and consequence of failure, There are also targets of what is considered to be
negligible risk, unacceptable risk and a region in between where risk is treated in terms of 'ALARP' (As
Low As Reasonably Practical). High risk can be treated in terms of mitigating either the frequency of
occurrence or reduction of consequence. The interpretation of failure probability must be made in the
context of the type of structure or component. Mass produced components (pumps, valves, electrical
devices) can be assessed in terms of failure frequency, or time to failure, due to the numbers involved
and the fact that they generally comprise parts which wear out, rather than fail by some unexpected or
complex mechanism, which may involve human factors. In contrast, engineering structures tend to be
unique in their structural form and location and are subjected to a range of operating conditions, which
can cause failure, by one failure mode or a combination of many.
The concept used for structures is therefore to sample from the input distributions many times and
theoretically create similar structures under the full range of operating conditions. For the case of an
existing structure, information can be gained on its behavior and this can be used to refine the calculations
of risk, a form of reliability updating, which is not possible with newly, designed structures. The
assessed reliability is not solely a function of the structure itself, but is also dependent on the amount
and quality of information available for the structure.
The general concept behind all probabilistic methods is that some or all of the inputs contain inherent
uncertainty and these can combine to give an uncertainty rating for structural performance. For general
structural assessment purposes, it is standard practice to assess safety by comparison of load and
resistance effects using established design rules to predict the likelihood of failure. Where there are
uncertainties in the input variables, or scatter in the material properties, reliability-based methods can
be employed to determine the probability that the load effects will exceed the resistance effects. Inherent
scatter in a material property will affect the failure probability and it is therefore not only the mean value
of a property which is important, as in deterministic analysis, but also its variance and the type of
distribution used to represent the dataset.
Depending on the failure mode, material properties, temperature, geometry and loading will influence
the reliability of the component. It is more usual to assess failure modes, which contribute to the
ultimate limit states rather than serviceability limit states. These include yielding, fracture, fatigue,
creep, corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking, bursting and buckling. Hierarchy of Structural Reliability Methods
It is generally accepted that reliability methods can be characterised into one of 4 levels:
Level 1: uses partial safety factors to imply reliability and is used in simple codes.
Level 2 : is known as second moment, First Order Reliability Method (FORM). The random variables are
defined in terms of means and variances and are considered to be normally distributed. The measure of
reliability is based on the reliability index b. In advanced Level 2 methods, the design variables can have
any form of probability distributions.
Level 3 : have multi-dimensional joint probability distributions. System effects and time-variance may
be incorporated. They include numerical integration and simulation techniques.
Level 4 : includes any of the above, together with economic data for prediction of maximum benefit or
minimum cost. Types of Uncertainties
Formal uncertainties can be classified into three categories; physical, knowledge based and human.
The first represents natural randomness intrinsic to a variable and is known as objective uncertainty,
such as wind loading. The second, subjective uncertainties, can be reduced at a cost by collecting more
data or adopting more realistic models while the third category is hardest to quantify and modify.
Knowledge based uncertainty can be further subdivided into statistical, model and phenomenological
uncertainties. Statistical uncertainty arises due to a limited number of observations being used to make
up a sample, which is then taken to represent a population. Generally, a sample does not perfectly
represent the full population but the degree of imperfection is never known, although it can be estimated.
Modelling uncertainty is caused by the use of simplified relationships between variables to represent
real behavior. Methods are used to simplify loads and structural responses. Limit state equations are
examples of modelling uncertainties. Phenomenological uncertainty arises because unimaginable
phenomena occur which affect structural failure. Examples include wind-induced resonant effects and
frequencies of earthquake loading and since such phenomena has not been previously encountered,
they are particularly important for novel structures or those which attempt to extend the state-of-the-
The difference between ‘real’ experienced risk of structural failure and the modelled or predicted failure
probability (which is lower) is usually referred to as the adjunct probability of failure. It is mainly
attributable to human error and modelling uncertainty. As long as these remain there will always be a
gap between predicted and experienced risks, this gap is generally 1 to 3 orders of magnitude, although
accounting for modelling uncertainty alone in fracture analyses gives a difference of one order of
magnitude and for these reasons, predicted reliability levels are best referred to as notional, rather than
absolute, levels and are better suited for comparison purposes. Use of Reliability Methods in Nuclear Industry
The probabilistic structural integrity evaluation in nuclear industry covers predominantly fracture,
fatigue, creep and corrosion failure processes. These methods are applied for inspection scheduling,
life extension, design and change in operating conditions. Fracture is the most important postulated
design basis event for the Indian PHWR.
4.13.2 Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics
The R5 [61] and R6 [62] methodologies are the most widely applied for high and low temperature failure
assessments respectively, and both can be treated probabilistically. R5 reliability analysis is currently at
the development stage, while examples of R6 application in reliability are well documented. Application
of R6 to estimate probability of failure of Indian 540 MWe nuclear reactor is presented in [63-64]. The
use of the R6 method in support of safety cases, and determination of acceptable levels of reserve
factors, has however demonstrated that it is usually the lack of high quality input data, particularly
defect size distributions, that limit the usefulness of the approaches rather than any inherent limitation
of the methods themselves.
The R6 method uses the well-known failure assessment diagram (FAD), which enables simultaneous
analysis of fracture and collapse for a component with a flaw (Fig. 4.10).
Kr = f(Lr)
Kr = K1/Kmat
Lr = P1/PL (a,αy)
Lrmax = σ1/σy
Material properties and flaw sizes are usually treated probabilistically, while applied and residual stress
is deterministic. Ideally, full conditional probabilities for material properties should be established since
strength and toughness are related but alternatively realistic lower tails can be imposed on the
distributions to reduce the level of pessimism. By using the actual composition from a test certificate,
and based on knowledge of the performance of different compositions, a more realistic estimate of
failure probability can be obtained than if the minimum or maximum allowable limits of each element had
been assumed.
The failure assessment diagram (FAD) gives a graphical representation of the potential effect of a
defect on the integrity of a structure. The FAD is a two-dimensional plot and indicates the propensity
of the defect to cause failure by plastic collapse and brittle fracture. The basic FAD has two axes, Kr and
Lr where:
Kr = Applied stress intensity/fracture toughness
Lr = Applied stress/yield stress
Applied load/limit load
Kr is known as the brittle fracture parameter and Lr the plastic collapse parameter. The safe region is
bounded by these two axes and a curve known as failure assessment line (FAL). The simplest case of
R6 called Option gives the equation of FAL by equation (4.30).
for Lr ≤ Lmax
Kr = 0 for Lr > Lmax
Lrmax = σf / σy
The three principal inputs, which are necessary for a basic deterministic calculation to be performed, are
crack size, stress and fracture toughness. If all three are known, the safety of a structure can be
evaluated, while if any two are known the critical level of the third parameter can be determined. The
brittle fracture parameter can also be defined in terms of J Integral or crack tip opening displacement
(CTOD) -based fracture toughness. Once the co-ordinates of the analysis point has been evaluated and
plotted on the FAD, further information can be gained depending on the relative position of the analysis
point in FAD space. The FAD locus divides this space into ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ regions, the shape of the
locus allowing for the interaction of yielding and fracture. Furthermore, depending on where the analysis
point falls the most likely failure mode can be estimated; the regions of ‘fracture-dominated’, ‘collapse-
dominated’ and ‘intermediate’ behavior are divided up according to the ratio of Kr/Lr. Another feature
of the FAD is that some element of work hardening is allowed for since the L r cut-off level of 1.0
represents an allowable maximum stress equal to the mean of yield stress and UTS.
4.13.3 Target Reliability Levels
Target reliability levels depend on the consequence and the nature of failure, the economic losses, the
social loss or inconvenience, environmental consequence and the amount of expense and effort required
to reduce the probability of failure. Target levels are usually calibrated against well-established cases
that are known from experience to have adequate reliability, although novel types of structure require
formal approaches to define appropriate levels. The reliability index of a structure is often quoted rather
than failure probability since there is a substantial difference between the notional probability of failure
in the design procedure and the actual failure probability. An acceptable frequency of failure in case of
nuclear piping can be taken as lower than that of the “Core Damage Frequency”. This value is normally
quoted as of the order of 10-6 per year.
4.13.4 Types of Analysis : Simulation v Transformation Methods
In simulation methods, a number of random samples are drawn and the probability determined by simple
ratios. In transformation methods, the integrand is transformed into a standard type of distribution,
which can then be analyzed using the particular properties of the distribution. Decision of relevant
failure modes and their limit states are common to both classes of analysis, as is interpretation of the
consequences of failure. The methods differ in the middle step of determination of failure probability
from distributions of applied and resistance factors. Simulation Based Methods
(a) Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS)
MCS is a relatively simple method, which uses the fact that failure probability can be expressed
as a mean value of the result of a large number of random combinations of input data. An
estimate is therefore given by averaging a suitably large number of independent outcomes
(simulations) of this experiment. The basic building block of this sampling is the generation of
random numbers from a uniform distribution. Simple algorithms generate random numbers
repeating after approximately 2 x 103 to 2 x 109 simulations and are therefore not suitable to
calculate medium to small failure probabilities. Once a random number u, between 0 and 1, has
been generated, it can be used to generate a value of the desired random variable with a given
distribution. A common method is the inverse transform method. To calculate the failure
probability, one performs N deterministic simulations and for every simulation checks if the
component analysed has failed. The number of failures is NF, and an estimate of the mean
probability of failure is the ratio of NF to N. A schematic of the MCS method is shown in
Fig. 4.10 below.
Contours of
increasing MCS
number of
Limit state
Increasing N
109 Transformation Based Methods
(a) First order reliability method (FORM)
FORM uses a combination of analytical and approximation methods and comprises three
stages. Firstly, independent of whether each parameter has been defined as a Normal, Log-
Normal or Weibull distribution, all variables are first transformed into equivalent Normal space
with zero mean and unit variance. The original limit state surface is then mapped onto the new
limit state surface. Secondly, the shortest distance between the origin and the limit state surface,
termed the reliability index β, is evaluated; this is termed the design point, or point of maximum
likelihood, and gives the most likely combination of basic variables to cause failure. Finally, the
failure probability associated with this point is then calculated via the relationship between β
and Pf. This is shown schematically for the case of a linear safety margin in Fig. 4.11 below.
Z2 = N(O,I)
Contours of PDF are
circles with radius β and
centre at point O.
Z1= N(O,1)
Straight line in
Z1-Z2 plane
5.1 Introduction
The review process provides a degree of assurance of the objective, scope, validity and limitations of
the PSA, as well as better understanding of the plant itself in risk informed decision making. The review
of the PSA may be performed by the regulatory body. The review approach is expected to differ
depending on the purpose of the review. For example, the review carried out on the PSA for a new
reactor design may differ from that for an existing reactor, carried out as a part of a periodic safety
5.2 Scope
The guidelines are given to address issues such as the timing and the extent of review, review of aims
and objectives of the PSA, review and audit of the utility’s PSA production process, and the
documentation of the findings of the review.
5.3 Levels of Review
There are four levels of review in the organisation; (i) Study-team review, (ii) Plant operating personnel
review, (iii) Peer review and (iv) Management review [4]. These are briefly described below.
5.3.1 Study Team Review
The review of all work done should be carried out by the team leader and the internal peer group.
Although this review should cover all aspects of the study, it is at this level that methodological
mistakes, if any, are identified with the greatest confidence.
5.3.2 Plant Operating Personnel Review
It is desirable to have the PSA reviewed by persons most familiar with the plant design, operation and
utility operating practices. It is at this level that technical mistakes concerning representation of the
plant and site characteristics are identified with the greatest confidence.
5.3.3 Peer Review
This review should be carried out by true peers, that is, persons who are not involved in the study but
have capabilities essentially equivalent to those of the persons performing the study. The peers should
span the range of disciplines required for the study. In general, this review should concentrate on the
appropriateness of methods, information sources, judgements, and assumptions.
5.3.4 Management Review
This level of review should concentrate on perspective, scope and product suitability in meeting
program objectives. The reports from the peer review should be a part of the management review.
5.4 Review Process
There are mainly four steps in this process: (i) Approach to the review, (ii) Review of aims, objectives
and scope of the PSA, (iii) Review of the methods and assumptions used in the PSA, and (iv) Review/
audit of the utility’s PSA production process [77].
5.4.1 Approach to the Review Timing of the Review
There may be an on-line or an off-line review depending on the time when the review is carried out. An
on-line review is carried out immediately after the PSA team has finished one particular task and it has
the advantage that many of the findings of the review can be incorporated in the PSA and significantly
reduces the amount of reworking. The disadvantage is that the reviewed reports may change significantly
as the analysis proceeds and may need further review. An off-line review starts after the submission of
the final report on PSA to the regulatory body. The advantage of this approach is that the PSA
documents are reviewed once. The disadvantage is that the review may find significant problems that
could have been identified and corrected more easily at an early stage of the analysis. An on-line review
is recommended for first two levels of the review and off-line review is recommended for third and fourth
levels of review. Extent of the Review
The extent of the review can range from an extensive review to a much more limited review. During an
extensive review, the PSA would be reviewed in considerable detail to make sure that the models and
data used are good representations of the actual plant design and operational practices. This approach
has significant advantage in terms of learning, building confidence in the PSA and reducing the efforts
required for reviewing PSA applications. During a limited review, the aim would be to ensure that all
aspects of the event sequences leading to end states are modelled adequately and the data to determine
the frequencies of the event sequences is representative of the plant. The advantage of this approach
is that it is less intensive in resources for the regulatory body but leads to lower levels of learning and
confidence. An extensive review is likely to be required if it is intended to use the PSA as a basis for risk-
informed decision making. Documentation for the Review
The documentation for the review would include systems descriptions, associated flow sheets and
drawings, operating procedures, test and maintenance procedures, accident management procedures,
and the documentation of the PSA itself. It is recommended that regulatory authority agrees with the
utility on the format and content of the PSA documentation before the start of the PSA
It is considered a good practice that the reviewers obtain and use the electronic version of the PSA
model rather than rely on paper copies of the event/fault tree analysis. This would allow reviewers
(i) to use the PSA as a basis for risk informed regulation
(ii) to search for specific information in the model
(iii) to perform spot checks on the model and its quantification
(iv) to carry out importance analysis to identify the areas of the PSA on which the review should be
(v) to carry out their own sensitivity studies to determine how changes in assumptions can affect
the results of the PSA. Setting Up the Review Team
It is important that the review team be experienced in the techniques for carrying out state-of-art PSAs.
The range of expertise should be sufficient to address all the issues, which are likely to arise during the
review of the PSA. Where necessary, additional training may be provided as required. The review team
should include experts with experience in deterministic analysis. Identification of/Focus on Important Issues
The reviewers should identify the issues, which have the highest risk significance such as IEs and
system/component failures. This may be done by using the importance measures, sensitivity studies
and uncertainty analysis. Comparison With Other PSAs
The reviewers may consider it useful to compare the results of the PSA with those of other PSAs. For
example, in PSA Level 1 analysis, CDF, dominant sequences and their initiators, dominant systems, etc.,
can be compared with the results of the PSAs of similar plants. However, there could be differences in
design among the plants compared; neither the similarity, nor the lack of similarity, of the results is a
clear indication of correctness or incorrectness of the PSA, but it can stimulate thinking about areas to
review in more detail. Research
In the course of the review, the reviewers may identify areas that they see as promising candidates for
research to develop the state-of-the-art, for example, reducing uncertainties, increasing confidence,
and reducing conservatism.
5.4.2 Review of Aims, Objectives and Scope of the PSA
If the PSA is going to be presented to regulatory authority for the review, it is advisable that before the
PSA is started both parties agree on aspects of the PSA such as its aims, objectives and scope.
5.4.3 Review of Methods and Assumptions
It is recognised that PSA methods are still evolving in certain areas. However, it is important that both
the regulatory authority and the utility determine what the state-of-the art is in PSA and this should be
agreed upon by both parties. Methods of Analysis
It is necessary for the reviewers to determine whether the methods used for the analysis are adequate
to meet the aims and objectives of the PSA. Wherever method or tool different from the state-of-the-art
is identified, this matter is to be raised immediately with the utility as a significant area of concern. The
reviewers need to check that best estimate methods, assumptions and data have been used in the PSA
wherever possible. With the aim of best estimates throughout the PSA, it is important to check that the
conservatisms present are not so great that they lead to an unacceptable bias and distortions in the
results of the PSA. The reviewers should confirm that all the sources of data have been identified and
are relevant. The aim is to ensure that plant specific data are used wherever possible. Where this is not
possible, use of data from the operation of the same type of reactor system or generic data is acceptable.
Where no relevant operating data are available or data paucity exists and judgement has been used to
assign the IE frequency, the basis for this judgement is to be stated and shown to be valid, as far as
possible. Verification and Validation of Computer Codes
The computer codes used in the PSA are to be validated and verified. In this context, verification is
defined as providing the theoretical examination to demonstrate that the calculation methods used in
the computer code are fit for purpose. A code that solves a differential equation might be tested on a
known analytical solution of the equation to confirm that it is indeed giving solutions to an acceptable
level of accuracy. Validation is done to ensure that the controlling physical and logical equations have
been correctly translated into computer code which represent accuracy and reality of the situations/
phenomena. It is necessary for the reviewers to determine whether the codes, which have been selected
by the PSA team, are fit for purpose, and that the users of the codes are experienced in their use and
fully understand their limitations. The set of computer codes to be used by the utility should be in
agreement with the recommendations of the Regulatory Body.
5.4.4 Review/Audit of the Utility’s PSA Production Process
In addition to carrying out a review of the technical issues involved in a PSA, the regulatory authority
may also carry out a review/audit of the utility’s PSA production process and the procedures being
used. The reason for this is to give confidence that those parts of the PSA, which have not been
reviewed in detail, have been performed satisfactorily. The reviewers usually check that the utility has
procedures in place for the production of the PSA, which set out the basic principles and methodologies
to be followed, and that they are adequate to produce a state–of-the-art of PSA. The reviewers determine
whether the utility has QA program in place for the production of the PSA. It is necessary for the
reviewers to check that the PSA is being produced and documented in a way that makes it easy to
update and to extend its use to other applications.
5.5 Review of Level 1 PSA [68]
The technical issues that need to be addressed in carrying out the review of the Level 1 PSA are
discussed below.
5.5.1 Identification and Grouping of IEs
The reviewers need to check that a systematic procedure has a been used to identify the set of IEs used
in the PSA. The set should include internal events, internal and external hazards. For twin or multiple
unit sites, some safety systems may be shared or cross-tied. In this case, the reviewers should check
that those IEs that can affect both units have been identified and the PSA takes account of the shared
systems that are required by both/ all of the units (instead of available fully for one unit). Missiles from
turbine disintegration could strike a vulnerable part of the other unit, and this event should have been
identified, even though it may be screened out later after analysis.
The set should include partial failures of equipment that may make significant contribution to the risk.
The reviewers are expected to check the criteria used for including events into or excluding them from
the set. Reviewers should compare the set with that for similar plants. The reviewer should ensure that
any IEs that have actually occurred are included in the set of IEs addressed in the PSA.
The reviewers need to check that the corresponding ET has been developed to envelop all potential
sequences and consequences of these IEs with appropriate success criteria for mitigating system.
However, where such IEs are grouped, the reviewers should satisfy themselves that this does not
introduce undue conservatism into the analysis.
5.5.2 Event Sequence Analysis
The reviewer has to check whether the safety functions are identified along with the success criteria for
the safety systems. The success criteria should identify the operator actions that are required to bring
the plant to a safe, stable shutdown state. Reviewers should also check the mission times for the safety
systems based on the accident analysis carried out. If any operator action is considered in the event
tree, reviewer should check that it appears in chronological order since the probability of error will be
conditioned by whole sequence of events up to that point. If the different system success requirements
in ETs are modelled by means of house events in the system FTs, the house event descriptions should
be reviewed and the interfaces with the respective ETs should be checked.
The reviewers should check that the PDSs are appropriately grouped taking into account each core
damage sequence having influence on the containment response or the release of radioactivity to the
environment. These PDSs should be consistent with what has been done in previous PSAs for similar
5.5.3 System Analysis
It is necessary for the reviewer to check that FTs have been developed for each of the safety systems
identified in the ETs. When a system success criteria is different for different event sequences, a single
FT may be developed for that system using house events with appropriate description. Reviewers
should check that all the individual basic events, which could lead to system unavailability, either
directly or in combination with other basic events, are modelled in the FTs. Reviewers should also
ensure that all support systems including electrical systems, cooling systems, I&C requirements, etc
are included in the FTs. Passive components whose failure could fail the system (e.g., filter blockage,
pipe break etc.) also should be modelled and should not be screened out on the basis of very low
probability. Where components are grouped into super components, the failure modes of each of the
elements should have the same effect on the system. Also, all super components should be functionally
independent in that no component appears in more than one super component, or elsewhere as a basic
event. Reviewers should ensure that the CCFs, which can affect groups of redundant components, are
identified and modelled in the FTs. Adequate justification is to be provided for these common cause
failure probabilities. Where possible, they are to be based on plant specific data. Where this is not
possible, use of data from the operation of similar plants or generic data is acceptable. Reviewers
should also ensure that modelling of maintenance unavailability in the FTs does not violate the TS
requirements. Reviewers should ensure that the shared systems have been appropriately modelled. It is
necessary for the reviewers to check that the HRA has been performed in a structured and logical
manner and that all the steps of the analysis are documented in a traceable way. The reviewers need to
check the HRA process used in PSA to ensure that all the necessary steps are included in the PSA.
5.5.4 Data Used in PSA
The reviewers should ensure that the maximum use has been made of plant specific data, but should
compare this with the recent or updated generic data and satisfy themselves that there are reasonable
explanations for any notable differences. This is necessary even when the two sources are combined
by Bayesian approach or any other method. Data from the operation of similar plants are preferred to
more generic data, such as that from all PHWRs, but may not have been readily available to the PSA
analysts. In any case, the data used should be sufficiently well justified in the PSA documentation.
For IEs with a low frequency or for equipment with a low failure probability, the data will be sparse or
non-existent, even on a generic basis, and the values to be used in the PSA will then have to be
assigned by informed judgement. The reviewers need to ensure themselves that bases for the judgments
on these numerical estimates have been given and are acceptable. The estimation of the number of
demands, operating hours or standby hours is important in the analysis of specific plant records. The
reviewers need to check this estimation for selected components.
5.5.5 Computer Based Systems
For a computer-based system, the failure rate will generally be dominated by errors in the software, with
the contribution from hardware faults being relatively small. The software failure rate of a large computer
based systems like protection system, may be judged, taking account of the following factors.
- the size and complexity of the system (the number of lines of computer code is an indication),
- the novelty of any of its features,
- whether it identifies a safety kernel,
- the degree of conformance with procedures and standards in the production, checking and
testing processes,
- the independence of the teams performing the static analysis and the dynamic testing,
- the number of errors found in these two processes,
- the extent of use of formal analysis tools in the static analysis,
- the number of dynamic tests carried out,
- the experience of the designers of the system, and
- experience with similar systems in service.
If software failure rate is claimed to be very low (e.g. < 1E-04/demand), the reviewers should ensure
proper justification. Where a control system and protection system are both computer based,
consideration is to be given to software dependencies between them. There may be potential for a
software error to give rise to a control fault (IE) and also disable the protection against that fault.
5.5.6 Sensitivity, Uncertainty and Importance Analysis
The reviewers should check that sensitivity analyses have been performed on all the appropriate
assumptions and data. The reviewers should check that uncertainty introduced by incompleteness,
modelling inadequacy and input parameters have been properly calculated and ensure that the
uncertainties have been propagated through the model correctly. The reviewers should check that the
importance analysis results are logical and in agreement with the sensitivity analysis, qualitatively, as
5.5.7 Review of Results
The results of the Level 1 PSA are expected to give the numerical estimate of the CDF and include
sufficient information to give insights into what are the main contributors. This would typically include
CDF, contribution to the CDF from each of the PIE groups, dominant accident sequence, results of
sensitivity, uncertainty and importance analysis, etc.
The reviewers should ensure that the results of the PSA are logical, correct and the overall objectives
and requirements of PSA are met. The assumptions made in the PSA should have proper basis. In
particular, where relevant experiments have been carried out, the reviewers should compare the
experimental results with the assumptions made in the PSA. In addition, where major expert opinions
have been formed in previous PSAs, any deviations should be identified and explained. The reviewers
need to check whether the contributions to the risk from issues such as operator error and the CCFs,
and the benefits from carrying out accident management measures are reasonable in relation to the
results of the other PSAs.
5.6 Review of Level 2 PSA [69]
The technical issues that need to be addressed in carrying out the review of the Level 2 PSA are
discussed below:
5.6.1 Identification of Plant Damage States (PDSs)
The reviewers should check PDSs identified and grouped appropriately. The reviewers should check
that total frequency of event sequences below the cut-off value is a small fraction of the total CDF (e.g.
less than 5 %) and that the accident sequences that could potentially lead to large consequences (i.e.
containment by-pass sequences, steam generator tube rupture accidents, sequences with containment
isolation failure) are not systematically removed from the PDS grouping and addressed appropriately.
5.6.2 Accident Progression Models
Deterministic analysis of reactor and containment behaviour during postulated accident sequences
represents the principal basis for event quantification in a Level 2 PSA. The probabilistic framework of
a Level 2 PSA is the mechanism for delineating and quantifying uncertainties in deterministic severe
accident analyses. Computational Tools
The reviewers should identify the computational tools used to perform accident progression calculations.
In some studies, a single integrated severe accident analysis computer code is used to model all aspects
of severe accident progression (e.g., MAAP, MELCOR, ESCADRE and THALES-2), and reviewers
should be familiar with the applicability and limitations of the computer codes. Review of Treatment of Important Accident Phenomena
The reviewers should ensure that all important accident phenomena are addressed by plant-specific
analysis or by application of information from other credible and relevant sources. For each accident
phenomenon, the reviewers should be able to identify the computer code or data source used to
address it. If published data from experiments or reference plant analysis is used to evaluate certain
phenomena, the relevance of that information to the plant being studied should be confirmed. If plant-
specific analysis is performed using the computer codes, the data (e.g. volume of water coolant, volumes
of various compartments in containment, other basic data to define the configuration, geometry and
material composition of the plant) used to perform the calculations should be checked. The reviewers
should examine the level of detail used to develop a nodal thermodynamic model (i.e. lumped parameter
control volumes) including RCS and containment nodalisation schemes as well as the core nodalisation
structure. The reviewers should confirm that the spatial nodalisation schemes used by the analysts are
consistent with contemporary approaches used for other, similar plants.
The reviewers should compare the calculated results of the analysis with the severe accident calculations,
performed with computer codes and published in the literatures. This provides a useful basis for
gauging the extent to which unique plant design or operating characteristics influence severe accident
progression. In the absence of such information (e.g., for unique plant designs), the reviewers should
check global results by means of simple hand calculations; e.g., mass/energy balances to estimate the
timing of key events. The reviewers should check whether uncertainty/sensitivity analyses are
performed. Without such analyses, the Level 2 PSA is incomplete.
5.6.3 Containment Performance Analysis
Calculations of severe accident progression generate pressure and temperature histories within
containment during various accident sequences. To determine whether the containment pressure
boundary will be able to withstand these and other loads, quantitative estimates of its structural
performance limits must be generated. The reviewers should check that following features of the
containment pressure boundary are included in the analysis:
- containment configuration, construction materials and reinforcement (e.g., free-standing steel
shell, concrete-backed steel shell, pre-tensioned or reinforced concrete; post-tensioned),
- penetrations of all sizes, their locations in the containment structure and local reinforcement
(e.g., equipment and personnel hatches, piping penetrations, electrical penetration assemblies,
ventilation system penetrations),
- penetration seal configuration and materials, and
- local discontinuities in the containment structure (e.g., shape transitions, wall anchorage to
floors, changes in steel shell or concrete reinforcement). Structural Response Analysis
The reviewers should check that the analytical tools used to develop containment failure criteria are of
accepted industry standard or validated. Alternatively, experimental results can be used directly. The
reviewers should also examine the terms in which containment failure criteria are stated. A complete
structural performance assessment should distinguish conditions that would result in catastrophic
failure of the pressure boundary from those that result in smaller scale damage, and identify the anticipated
location of failure.
If the external events (e.g. seismic) are considered in the PSA, containment structural response to
postulated seismic events should be reviewed. As with other mechanisms for containment failure, the
relationship between seismic intensity and the location and size of containment failure should be
readily identified in the study. Containment Bypass
In addition to structural failure of the containment pressure boundary, the reviewers should also examine
analyses performed to identify locations, pathways and associated sizes of bypass mechanisms such
as containment isolation failure, interfacing system LOCAs and steam generator tube rupture. With
regard to steam generator tube rupture, the reviewers should also check that such events are not only
treated as PIEs, but are also considered as an event that may occur during in-vessel core degradation.
5.6.4 Quantification of CETs/APETs
The reviewers should carefully check that the technical basis used to quantify events and the
probabilities generated from them represent an unbiased characterisation of accident behaviour.
Appropriate consideration should be given to the uncertainties that accompany deterministic calculations
of severe accident phenomena. There are many approaches to transforming the technical information
concerning containment loads and performance limits to an estimate of failure probability, but three
approaches are most often used in contemporary studies. In the first approach, expert judgement is
applied in translating qualitative terms expressing various degrees of uncertainty into quantitative
(point estimates) probabilities. For example, terms such as “likely” or “unlikely” are assigned numerical
values such as 0.9 and 0.1 respectively. In the second technique, probability density functions are
developed to represent the distribution of credible values for a parameter of interest (e.g. containment
pressure load) and for its corresponding failure criterion (e.g. ultimate pressure capacity). The basis for
developing these distributions is the collective set of information generated from plant-specific integral
code calculations, corresponding sensitivity calculations, other relevant mechanistic calculations,
experimental observations, and expert judgement. The conditional probability of containment failure is
then calculated as the convolution of the two density functions. In the third technique, the probability
density functions representing uncertainty in each term of the containment performance logic model
are propagated throughout the entire model to allow calculation of statistical attributes such as
importance measures. It is particularly important for the reviewers to note which method is used to
quantify events that are found to be important contributors to risk measures, such as the frequency of
early containment failure, or the frequency of large fission products releases.
The technical basis for the event quantification is available from computer code calculations of severe
accident behaviour, interpolation of results from code calculations, applications of relevant experiments,
hand calculations, expert judgement and engineered system and human reliability analysis. Information
derived from the containment system analysis (system unavailabilities, non-recovery probabilities, and
human error probabilities), should be reviewed with special attention paid to modelling consistency
with relevant Level 1 PSA models.
5.6.5 Source Term (ST) Characterisation
The attributes used to define source term bins should be reviewed to determine if accident progressions
that are grouped into a common ST bin would, in fact, have similar radiological release characteristics
and potential off-site consequences. The reviewers should examine the accident progressions selected
for representative ST calculations, and agree with rationale used by the PSA analysts that other accident
progressions within the same release category would result in a similar ST. The reviewers should
examine the method used to calculate radionuclide release to the environment, and be confident that the
radionuclide grouping scheme is consistent with current, state-of-the-art practices. If the frequency of
the following accident conditions is significant, the corresponding STs should be reviewed with particular
- Release from unisolated SG tube ruptures can span a very range. Very large releases can
accompany accident sequences in which the SG secondary inventory is depleted; conversely,
moderate release may result if the ruptured tube is submerged.
- Release from accidents with unisolated containment; depending on the size of the failed isolation,
and on the path of release, estimates may vary from small to very large.
- Releases from accidents with late containment failure; depending on the containment capacity,
late failure may occur anywhere between 10 hours and 48 hours after core damage. Over these
long time periods, revaporisation of volatile species I, Cs and Te from dry, overhead surfaces
can dominate the source term.
- Releases from accidents with scrubbing provided by containment sprays; the effectiveness of
containment spray in reducing airborne radionuclide concentrations can span several orders
of magnitude, depending on spray water temperature, droplet size and spray distribution within
the containment atmosphere.
5.6.6 Review of the Results
The reviewers should check that the results of the Level 2 PSA are logical and correct and the overall
objectives and requirements of the PSA are met. The reviewers should check that a sufficient range of
sensitivity studies have been carried out which relate to the aspects of the analysis which are most
significant in determining the level of risk, and those which have the highest uncertainty. The reviewers
should check that the results of the sensitivity studies demonstrate that the conclusion of the analysis
and the insights derived from it are still valid. The results of the Level 2 PSA study should be compared
with those for similar plants and any differences identified. The reviewers should check the assumptions
and their justifications made during the study.
The results should include sufficient information to give insights into main contributors to the risk, and
the uncertainties in these estimates of the risk.
5.7 Review of Level 3 PSA [22]
The technical issues that need to be addressed in carrying out the review of the Level 3 PSA are
discussed below.
5.7.1 Interface with Level 2 PSA
Reviewers should check the assumptions, methodology and computer codes used to calculate the ST.
5.7.2 Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition
Radionuclides released to the atmosphere as a fine aerosol or gas will create a plume, which is carried
downwind. Reviewers need to check which model is used in the Level 3 analysis. Generally, Gaussian
model is used for its simplicity and less computational time. Although, choice of atmospheric dispersion
model is not major contributor to the difference in the final results, reviewers should see that data
required for the chosen model are available in detail. Reviewers need to check that deposition
mechanisms are properly modelled in the analysis.
5.7.3 Meteorological Data and Its Sampling
Reviewers should check that the data used in the analysis is taken from the meteorological station
nearest to the release point. However, data from the other stations may be acceptable if they are
representative of the general conditions experienced by the plume. Stratified sampling minimises the
chances of omitting significant but rare weather sequences. Reviewers should ensure that this sampling
method is used in the analysis or satisfy themselves with the justification given for the use of other
sampling methods.
5.7.4 Exposure Pathways and Dose Assessment
Reviewers should check that correct dosimetric model is used to convert the concentration of the
radionuclides to dose in humans for each of the possible exposure pathways. Reviewers should check
that proper geometrical correction factors are used for the modification of the semi-infinite cloud results
to obtain approximate finite cloud results. Reviewers should ensure that persons indoors and outdoors
are considered separately in estimating acute health effects rather than averaging the shielding factors
in order to avoid underestimation. Reviewers should promote generation for Indian sites and based on
this information, PCA codes should be modified, if possible, to get realistic results.
5.7.5 Population, Agricultural and Economic Data
The spatial distribution of the population, agricultural production and economic data are important
elements of PCA codes for the calculation of the health effects and economic impact of implementing
countermeasures, such as relocation and food bans. These data (population, agricultural and economic
data) may be available in different forms. Reviewers should check that these data are properly mapped
into the compatible format of the PCA code used for the analysis.
5.7.6 Countermeasures
Reviewers should check that both short term and long term countermeasures have been properly
accounted for the realistic estimate of the exposure of the population. In current PCA codes,
decontamination process is modelled with the decontamination factors, which should be checked by
the reviewers.
5.7.7 Health Effects
Both deterministic and stochastic health effects are calculated based on the models used by the PCA
codes. Reviewers should check that various parameters (average dose, absorbed dose, threshold dose,
etc.) of the model equations are properly calculated and the risk-coefficient factors used are latest and
supported by proper justifications.
5.7.8 Review of the Results
The results of the Level 3 PSA are expected to give various factors such as concentrations of important
radionuclides, radiation doses (individual and collective), health effects (individual and collective),
areas, persons and amounts of agricultural produce affected by countermeasures as a function of time,
and economic costs. In consequence models it is traditional to present results as complementary
cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs), also known as complementary cumulative frequency
distributions (CCFDs). Along with producing CCDFs, it is also standard practice to produce the
expectation and various percentile values for each CCDF. Reviewers should check that these results
are provided appropriately.
5.7.9 Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
Consequence analysis codes endeavour to produce ‘best’ estimates of the various consequence end
points, i.e. without undue conservatism. In order to assist in the interpretation of these results, they
should be associated with an estimate of the uncertainties. Reviewers should identify various sources
of uncertainties at different stages of the analysis. The reviewers should check uncertainty introduced
by incompleteness, modelling adequacy, and that input parameters have been properly calculated and
ensure that the uncertainties have been propagated through the model correctly.
5.8 Review of Low-Power and Shutdown PSA [24]
Shutdown and low power operations can contribute to CDF at a level comparable to full power operations.
The technical issues that need to be addressed in carrying out the review of the shutdown and low
power PSA are discussed below:
5.8.1 Interface with Full Power Operation
Reviewers should recognise that not only the power level of reactor but also the status of automatic
actuation and status of front line and support systems are also important from the safety perspective.
For example, in VVERs, the large LOCA signal is inactive below 245 °C primary temperature. In some
Westinghouse PWRs, an automatic RPS actuation signal will be blocked below 7 % power. In PHWRs,
ECCS is blocked during low power and cold shutdown. For example, during turbine trip, power is
transferred from the main transformers to auxiliary transformers. These different plant configurations in
shutdown state decide the IE, which can lead to various core damage states.
5.8.2 Identification of PIEs
For shutdown conditions a number of PIEs are unique and different from the PSA for full power
operation, for example, heavy load drops. The major categories of PIEs, which can threaten critical
safety functions are events which affect normal heat removal, events causing a loss of primary circuit
inventory and integrity and events affecting reactivity control. Human activity related PIEs are more
important during shutdown states. Reviewers should check whether these PIEs are properly taken into
5.8.3 Quantification of PIE Frequencies
In a shutdown PSA, PIE frequencies are usually calculated on a ‘per calendar year’ basis. These
frequencies are estimated by any of three methods (i) based on direct estimation from operational
experience, (ii) based on full power PSA frequencies with supplemental analysis and (iii) using system
modelling techniques (i.e. Fault Tree Analysis, Markovian technique etc.). Reviewers should check the
justification given for the selection of the method for estimating PIE frequencies. When PIEs are
calculated on a “per calendar year” basis, CDF calculated for different plant operating states (POSs) are
additive (i.e., the total CDF is the sum of the CDFs of the relevant POSs). Reviewers should check that
all possible POSs are identified, and for each of these POSs, PIEs are calculated.
5.8.4 Event Sequence Modelling
The analysis of human interactions during shutdown is complex. Hence, reviewers should check while
developing the ETs, issues such as HRA are appropriately addressed. If the existing full power PSA,
ETs are modified for shutdown PSA, reviewers should check the success criteria for the safety systems
modelled into ETs, according to the TS requirement applicable to shutdown state.
5.8.5 System Modelling
Success criteria (number of trains required), operating condition (stand-by or operating), mission times
and actuation mode (i.e., automatic or manual) are different (for the same system) during full power
operation and shutdown states. Hence, reviewers should see that such differences are taken into
account in the systems modelling. For example, if “House event” is used to modify the existing FTs,
reviewers should carefully examine that top gates of the FTs meet the required success criteria of the
systems under consideration. The methodology for the CCF analysis is same as for full power operation.
However, reviewers should be aware that testing and maintenance activities might create new sources
of dependencies.
5.8.6 Uncertainty, Importance and Sensitivity Analysis
The same techniques are used as for a full power PSA. Hence, Reviewers can see whether consistency
has been maintained in both the full power PSA and shutdown PSA.
5.9 Documentation Format for Review Report
The format, content, and structure of the report may depend on the scope of the review. The review
report should cover the objective, approach, and a description of the review process. The report should
summarise the PSA study carried out and briefly describe the plant features. A list of the reviewers and
plant staff and PSA team involved in the whole review process may be pertinent. The review findings
should be thoroughly documented, and should include the following:
• The acceptability of the PSA
• The adequacy of the methods and measures used
• The completeness of and consistency in the study
• The major findings and suggested ways to resolve the issues
• Conclusions and recommendation to enhance the plant safety.
For the completeness and future reference, it would be a good practice to document the discussions
held with the PSA/utility team and the responses/justification provided by the PSA/utility team to the
questions asked by the reviewers.
5.10 Checklist for Review of PSA Related Studies
Table 5.1 shows the checklist to facilitate review process.
- Flood
- Fire
- Other external events (air craft crash, tornadoes, sabotage etc)
4.5 Extent of analysis of special issues
4.5.1 Assessment of human error, identification, modelling, etc. used Whether all kinds of human errors are considered, i.e. error of omission,
error of commission, etc. Whether conservative screening method used Whether best estimate human error probabilities used Whether operator and/or maintenance personnel error considered Whether repair actions considered Whether operator recovery considered Any others (please specify)
4.5.2 Extent of dependence analysis (CCF) Whether accident sequences were analysed to identify human error
dependence Whether explicit modelling of impacts of environmental conditions
associated with specific IEs Whether equipment dependence is explored through fault tree linking Models used for CCF (e.g. Beta factor, MGL, shock model etc)
4.5.3 Release of radioactivity
4.5.4 Impact on occupational worker/public domain Individual risk Societal risk Environmental risk
4.5.5 Uncertainty analysis
4.5.6 Sensitivity analysis
4.5.7 Importance (risk) measures
4.5.8 Time duration of analysis (mission times) Whether mission times following each IEs mentioned Whether the bases for mission times considered are appropriate
(Consistent with technical specification, deterministic and accident
analysis studies)
5. Level 1 PSA
5.1 System analysis
5.1.1 All PIEs and their frequency of occurrence considered with bounding cases in
a systematic manner
5.1.2 All related system reliability/unavailability analysis carried out including
computer based and shared systems
5.1.3 FT modelling and analysis Human actions identified
5.1.4 Event tree analysis Modelling of accident progressions with success/failure criteria done. Identification of plant damage states Software used for analysis
5.2 Failure data used for analysis (generic/plant specific)
5.2.1 At component level
5.2.2 Human error
5.2.3 C CF
5.3 Adequacy/Acceptability of human error modelling/data
5.4 Adequacy/Acceptability of CCF modelling/data
5.5 Uncertainty analysis
5.6 Rationality of assumptions made in modelling
5.7 Adequacy of sensitivity studies
5.8 Adequacy of importance risk measures
6. Level 2 PSA studies
6.1 Accident progressions modelled
6.2 Codes used for core damage progression (e.g. reactor physics model, thermal hydraulics
codes including system, sub-channel and porous media, computational fluid dynamics
code, etc.)
6.3 Source term analysis and code used
6.4 Containment analysis (analysis and adequacy of structural code used)
6.5 Software for accident progression in the core
6.6 Software for radioactive release and retention from the containment
6.7 Adequacy/Acceptability of human error modelling/data
6.8 Adequacy/Acceptability of CCF modelling/data
6.9 Uncertainty analysis
6.10 Rationality of assumptions made in modelling
6.11 Adequacy of sensitivity studies
6.12 Adequacy of importance risk measures
7. Level 3 PSA studies
7.1 Atmospheric dispersion model for radioactivity transport to public domain and dose
code used.
7.2 Estimation of risk to public/individuals/environment
7.3 Uncertainty analysis
7.4 Rationality of assumptions made in modelling
7.5 Adequacy of sensitivity studies
7.6 Adequacy of importance risk measures
8. Fire PSA
8.1 Identification of interfaces with internal events
Summary Report
1. Introduction
2. Objective and scope of the study
3. Overview of the approach (methodology, computer codes, etc.)
4. Results of the analysis depending on the scope of the study
4.1 Level 1 PSA
4.1.1 System unavailabilities
4.1.2 Accident sequence frequencies
4.1.3 Core damage frequency
4.1.4 Dominant contributors and ranking as necessary
4.1.5 Uncertainty, importance and sensitivity analysis
4.2 Level 2 PSA
4.2.1 Containment failure modes
4.2.2 Radiological source terms and their frequencies (cumulative and distribution functions)
4.2.3 Uncertainty, Importance and sensitivity analysis
4.3 Level 3 PSA
4.3.1 Concentrations of important radionuclides at different locations and times
4.3.2 Radiation doses
4.3.3 Health effects
4.3.4 Economic and social impacts
4.3.5 Complementary cumulative distribution functions
4.3.6 Uncertainty, importance and sensitivity analysis
5. Plant vulnerabilities to severe accidents, and interpretation of results
6. Conclusions and recommendations.
7. Organisation of the main report
2 QA program in PSA
2.1 Objective and scope
2.2 Project organisation, responsibilities and resources of units and individuals
2.3 Coordination among different organisations and groups
2.4 PSA production process
2.5 Peer reviews
3 Description of the plant systems
3.1 System function
3.2 Design basis
3.3 Test and maintenance
3.4 Technical specifications
3.5 Success/Failure criteria
3.6 Assumptions in the modelling
4 Identification of radioactive sources, accident initiators and plant response
4.1 Sources and conditions of radioactive release
4.2 Selection and screening of PIEs
4.3 Grouping of PIEs
4.4 Evaluations of hazard intensities, plant response and component fragility for external events
5. Accident sequence modelling
5.1 Event sequence modelling
5.2 System modelling
5.3 Human reliability modelling
5.4 Qualitative dependence modelling
5.5 Classification of plant damage stages
6. Data assessment and parameter estimation
6.1 IE data and frequencies
6.2 Component data and parameters
6.3 Human reliability data and parameters
6.4 CCF data and parameters
7. Accident sequence quantification
7.1 Quantification of system reliabilities
7.2 Quantification of accident sequences and over all CDF
7.3 Uncertainty, importance and sensitivity analysis
7.4 Computer codes used in the analysis
8. Display and interpretation of results
8.1 Dominant contributors to CDF
8.2 Results of uncertainty, importance and sensitivity analyses
8.3 Interpretation of results and engineering insights
8.4 Conclusions and recommendations
8.5 Findings of peer review team
• Data used in the analysis
• Plant logic diagrams, flow sheets, schematic diagrams, control circuit diagrams, etc.
• Detailed reliability analysis, event trees and quantification
• Basis for choice of different models (CCF, HRA, component failure modes)
• Detailed results of uncertainty, sensitivity and importance analyses
• Basis for uncertainty/sensitivity ranges
• Appendices and annexures, as applicable
Supporting documents to be submitted for review as required
(i) Design basis report
(ii) Design manuals
(iii) Safety analysis reports
(iv) Technical specifications
(v) Operating procedures for emergency conditions
(vi) Verification and validation of software
2.4 PSA production process
2.5 Peer reviews
3. Description of the design of the plant and the containment
3.1 Plant design features including containment and its ESFs mitigating severe accidents
3.2 Technical specifications and operating requirements
3.3 Description of plant and containment system modifications
4. Interface to level 1 PSA
4.1 Grouping of sequences with justifications
4.2 PDSs for internal initiators and uncertainties
4.3 PDSs for external initiators and uncertainties
4.4 PDSs for other power states and uncertainties
5. Analysis of the containment structural performance
5.1 Description of the structural design and failure modes of the containment
5.2 Structural response and fragility results
5.3 Fragility analysis for containment performance including uncertainty analysis
5.4 Evaluations of hazard intensities, plant response and component fragility for external events
6. Accident progression and containment analysis
6.1 Severe accident progression analysis
6.1.1 Scope of the analysis
6.1.2 Method of the analysis (codes, models etc.)
6.1.3 Summary of release into containment for analysed PDSs (estimates of quantity and
6.2 Accident progression ETs/Containment ETs
6.2.1 APET/CET development using operating procedures and recovery actions
6.2.2 APET/CET quantification
6.2.3 Binning of APET/CET end states
6.2.4 Treatment of uncertainties
6.2.5 Results
7. Source term
7.1 Grouping of fission products
7.2 Method of analysis (codes, models, etc.)
7.3 Summary of point estimate results for analysed PDSs
7.4 Treatment of uncertainties
7.5 Results
8. Sensitivity and importance analyses
8.1 Identification of sensitivity issues
8.2 Results of sensitivity analysis
8.3 Importance ranking of issues
9. Conclusions
9.1 Key insights on severe accidents and containment response characteristics
9.2 Design features and inherent mitigatory benefits
9.3 Conclusions relative to PSA objectives
9.4 Recommendations
• Detailed containment structural fragility evaluations.
• Detailed APET/CET and reliability analysis and quantification
• Results of deterministic severe accident analyses
• Basis for choice of different models used in the analysis
• Detailed results of uncertainty/sensitivity analysis
• Basis for uncertainty/sensitivity ranges
• Appendices and annexures, as applicable
Supporting documents to be submitted for review as required
(i) Design basis report
(ii) Severe accident analysis reports
(iii) Technical specifications
(iv) Operating procedures for emergency conditions
(v) Verification and validation of software
2.2 Project organisation, responsibilities and resources of units and individuals
2.3 Coordination among different organisation and groups
2.4 PSA production process
2.5 Peer reviews
3. General aspects of level 3 PSA
3.1 Description of the radionuclide release and source term
3.2 Atmospheric dispersion and deposition
3.3 Meteorological data and its sampling
3.4 Exposure pathways and dose assessment
3.5 Population, agricultural and economic data
3.6 Countermeasures (short term and long term)
3.7 Health effects
3.8 Economic and social consequences
4. Description of the consequence analysis
4.1 Brief description of the code
4.2 Input data
4.3 Computational models and parameters
5. Display and interpretation of results
5.1 Results of the analysis
5.2 Results of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
5.3 Interpretation of results and engineering insights
5.4 Conclusions and recommendations
• Basis for selection of the probabilistic consequence code
• Basis for data used in the analysis
• Basis for uncertainty/sensitivity distributions/ranges
• Basis for choice of various models used in the analysis
• Appendices and Annexures, as applicable
Supporting documents to be submitted for review as required
(i) Reports on meteorological, population, agriculture and economic data
(ii) Off-site Emergency plan
(iii) Verification and validation of software/computer codes
Various features of the computer codes used for different levels of PSA (i.e. Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3) are
described here for information. Analysts can choose any computer code from this list or in-house developed
computer code for the PSA study. However, suitable verification and validation of the computer code should be
performed as per QA requirement.
II-1 Level 1 PSA Computer Codes
The accuracy of the radionuclide inventory output by ORIGEN2 is poor; the uncertainty in the
results is about ± 30% under ideal conditions for individual isotope concentrations. The
calculated decay power curve of LWRs matches reasonably well with the ANSI-ANS-5.1 (1979)
curve from one minute to several months.
(iii) CORSOR : It is for calculating release of fission products from the fuel. In addition to the
temperature profile of the core as obtained from a thermal hydraulic code, the user of the
CORSOR code has to provide the inputs like the number of axial and radial nodes, the inventories
of the various core materials, the radial and axial power peaking factors, the volume distribution
factors for the annuli, the release model (default/modified) to be used in calculations, the time
steps to be used and the degree of detail desired in output.
The main output from the code is the cumulative amount of material released up to a given time
into the heatup transient. The release curve is subsequently reduced by piecewise linearisation
into a table of time vs. release rate, which is the input for TRAPMELT.
Limitations of CORSOR
- it is a purely empirical release model, strictly applicable only to the high burn-up LWR
fuel to which the default data corresponds;
- the effect of fuel burn-up, power history, etc., is not explicitly available;
- the effect of change of geometry of fuel during heat-up is not considered; the code is
not applicable for melt releases;
- the effect of chemical environment and interactions among the species released is
considered only to a limited extent (the application is limited to tellurium);
- the effect of UO2 oxidation, leading to hyper-stoichiometric UO2+x, in which the volatile
atom mobility is considerably higher, is not explicitly considered;
- the possible effects of gas flow rates, system pressures, etc. on FP release are not
- the effect of radio-active half-life is not reflected in the composition of the released
- the initial burst release observed in release experiments is not modelled;
- the burst release expected during the re-wetted stage of the LOC transient is not modelled.
(iv) TRAPMELT3 : It is a combination of MERGE code and TRAPMELT2. MERGE provides more
detailed flow rates and temperatures in the RCS and TRAPMELT calculates the FP transport
and deposition in RCS.
The TRAPMELT3 computer code calculates the radionuclide transport through, and retention
in, the primary coolant system under severe conditions in Light Water Reactors. The thermal-
hydraulic conditions are provided by the MERGE code, while the transport and deposition
models are provided by TRAPMELT.
TRAPMELT3 requires as input extensive thermal-hydraulic data such as steam mass flow
rates, steam and surface temperature, steam qualities, pressures, etc. as a function of time. It
also needs source data (from CORSOR) in the form of mass rates by species, phase and
TRAPMELT3 determines particle number, median size and logarithmic variance of the mass for
each location and each control volume at the end of each time step.
Limitations of TRAPMELT3
The code contains a number of approximations, which compromise its accuracy. These are as
- It considers only steam in the carrier gas, ignoring hydrogen, which has a considerably
different kinematic viscosity. TRAPMELT3 violates the well-mixed assumption and the
validity of several rate equations governing aerosol behaviour.
- Re-evaporation is neglected.
(v) NAUA MOD5 : It is advanced multi-compartment aerosol behaviour analysis code [72] for use
in reactor containments (BWR) following core melt accidents (LWR). The version used in
STCP was NAUA MOD4, which was further modified, essentially to study FP aerosol transport
and removal in the containment following a core meltdown accident in a LWR. The code has a
strong experimental base.
NAUA can be applied with equal ease to both dry and condensing steam atmospheres. NAUA
requires as input containment dimensions, shape factors for different processes, information
on the number of particle size classes and the lower and upper particle size limits, aerosol
processes to be included in the run, aerosol and steam source rate, mean aerosol size and gsd
for each release phase, and leakage rate from the closed volume. NAUA generates as output at
each time step, the amount of steam and aerosol removed by each removal mechanism, the
amount and characteristics of the aerosol remaining air-borne, and that leaked out from the
Some of the aerosol phenomena not included in NAUA are: turbulent agglomeration, thermo-
phoresis, electrostatic effects and re-suspension. The limitations of NAUA are as follows.
- Only physical processes are calculated; chemical effects cannot be included.
In NAUA, FP materials, such as iodine, whose behaviour is strongly controlled by its
chemistry cannot be directly modelled. Similarly, soluble aerosol materials cannot be
handled. Furthermore, only the natural aerosol phenomena are handled by the NAUA
code. Code modification would be required if aerosol is removed by containment ESFs
such as containment sprays, particulate/iodine filters, coolers, and suppression pools.
NAUA does not have an integral containment thermal-hydraulics model.
- NAUA MOD4 excludes thermo-phoresis, and turbulent diffusion.
- The code requires input values for the steam deposited on suspended aerosol mass.
- NAUA is basically a single-component code, and treats only water as a separate
constituent in the co-agglomerated aerosol mass.
(vi) VANESA : It calculates the ex-vessel fission product release and aerosol generation from the
core concrete interaction. VANESA code (in conjunction with the thermal-hydraulic code
CORCON) provides a mechanistic model for the release of aerosol, which escapes during the
core-concrete interaction.
The VANESA code requires as input the melt temperatures, composition of melt, chemical
composition of concrete, gas generation rate (CO2 and steam) and other inputs supplied from
CORCON. It contains a library of thermodynamic properties for about 125 chemical species
(mostly elements, oxides and hydroxides) from which vapour pressures of the species can be
calculated. The code outputs include essentially the rate of ex-vessel aerosol formation, and
the mass composition and mean particle size of the materials liberated as particles.
Limitations of VANESA
The main omission from the code is the effect of an overlying water mass, with potential crust
formation on the melt, together with the scrubbing of the released mass in the pool. Also, the
presence of chlorides, fluorides and sulfides in the melt is not considered, which could lead to
higher escape rates from the melt.
(vii) Suppression Pool Aerosol Removal Code (SPARC) [73] : It models the scrubbing of the vent
gases bubbling through the suppression pool. SPARC focuses on the aerosol removal processes
that are related to gas bubble transit through the suppression pool. These processes include
sedimentation, inertial deposition, diffusion, and diffusio-phoresis. The effects of jet
impingement on the water surface and the discharge of contaminated water into the air space,
as the bubbles burst at the pool surface are modelled. The scrubbing efficiency depends on
particle size, pool depth, steam quality, and the pool temperature. Higher Decontamination
Factors (DFs) are obtained with small, oblate bubbles saturated with steam, in colder and
deeper pools. SPARC accepts as input the size and shape of the rising bubbles, the temperature
and depth of the pool, the characteristics of the carrier gas and the aerosol parameters. The
code outputs include the pool-scrubbing factor, the characteristics of the aerosol discharged
into the air space, and the resultant pool temperature.
Limitations of SPARC
SPARC does not calculate the iodine-scrubbing factor. A comparison of SPARC with other
suppression pool scrubbing codes indicates that it under-predicts DFs by a factor of 2-4.
(viii) ICEDF : It models aerosol behaviour in ice containment (PWR)
It is now being superseded by the more advanced integrated code MELCOR, which addresses
the weaknesses of the STCP, such as (i) inadequate or inconsistent modelling of the important
phenomena or plant features, (ii) inability to address sensitivities or uncertainties, (iii) an
inflexible structure that does not facilitate introduction of new models or improvements in the
existing ones and (iv) interfaces between code modules that do not take into feedback effects.
II-2.3 MELCOR [74]
MELCOR (Version 1.8.5, October 2000.) is a fully integrated, relatively fast-running code that models
the progression of accidents in LWRs. The MELCOR code includes following.
- Thermal-hydraulic response of the primary coolant system, the reactor cavity, the containment
and the confinement structures;
- Core uncovery, fuel heat-up, cladding oxidation, fuel degradation, and core material melting
and relocation;
- Heat-up of RPV lower head due to relocated fuel materials, the thermal and mechanical loading
and failure of the lower head, and transfer of core materials to the reactor vessel cavity;
- Core-concrete interaction and the ensuing aerosol generation;
- Forming of non-condensable gases, combustion gases and direct containment heating (DCH-
heat transfer from high pressure melt ejection and thus reaction in containment in severe
- In-vessel and ex-vessel hydrogen generation, transport and combustion;
- FP release, transport and deposition;
- Behaviour of radioactive aerosols in the containment building, including scrubbing in water
pools and containment behaviour in the containment, and
- Impact of ESFs on thermal-hydraulics and radionuclide behaviour.
MELCOR facilitates sensitivity and uncertainty analyses through the use of sensitivity coefficients.
The new MELCOR models include: an iodine chemistry model, a passive autocatalytic recombiner
model, many improvements to the core degradation modelling, updates to several of the code default
values, and improvements to the hygroscopic aerosol model. Core re-flood modelling is in progress.
II-2.4 Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP) [9]
The Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI’s) Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP3.0B),
developed as a PSA tool, is a fully integrated code that couples thermal-hydraulics with FP release and
transport. It has been used for most of the US individual plant examination programmes. It analyses the
accident progression from a set of IEs either to a safe, stable and coolable state, or to structural failure
of the containment and radioactive release to the environment. The design intent for this code for PSA
application results in major differences in modelling assumptions, in comparison with the mechanistic
codes. For example, the debris pool in core-concrete interaction is modelled as a homogenous molten
debris pool, in contrast with the mechanistic code representation of a stratified pool which requires
more complex modelling of under layer heat transfer.
MAAP uses a control volume and flow path approach in which the geometry of the control volumes
(called regions) is pre-specified and different for a PWR and a BWR. The primary system is divided into
region; upper and lower plenum, reactor core and down-comer; and for PWRs, cold and hot legs, and
steam generator loops. Separate mass and energy conservation equations are solved for each of the
regions. The PWR containment is divided into regions; upper and lower compartment, cavity, annular
compartment, pressuriser relief tank, pressuriser, possibly two extra compartments for an ice condenser,
and primary system. The containment is divided into two regions; reactor pedestal cavity, dry well, wet
well, possibly an upper and a lower containment compartment, and primary system. The equations are
lumped parameter, non-linear, first order, coupled, and ordinary differential equations. The core is
divided into concentric radial rings and axial segments. MAAP uses a single core relocation model.
Features are included in the code such that limited sensitivity studies can be carried out on the core melt
behaviour and hydrogen generation. With regard to hydrogen combustion, MAAP does not distinguish
between flame ignition and flame propagation. The incomplete burning model is one-dimensional.
MAAP models the transport and retention of FPs. The materials released from the core are divided into
6 groups. The FP states modelled are: vapour, aerosol, and deposited and contained in-core or molten
core material. Re-vaporisation is included as a transfer between the states. The retention rate is calculated
using a correlation, which is a function of the aerosol concentration. Agglomeration of aerosols is
calculated using a correlation derived from experiments.
An updated version MAAP 4, apart from general modelling enhancement, is designed, to evaluate
potential accident actions, and also for applications in ALWR studies.
The THALES/ART codes developed by JAERI consist of THALES for severe accident thermal-hydraulics
and ART for PFP release and transport. The package analyses the accident progression from a set of
PIEs to the ultimate containment failure and radioactive release to the environment, with sensitivity
analyses on source terms, accident mitigation analysis and Level 2 PSAs. Separate versions are available
for PWRs and BWRs. In its hydrogen combustion modelling, THALES does not distinguish between
flame ignition and flame propagation. Burning occurs only in the compartments where ignition conditions
are reached and global burning is assumed to occur. The THALES core-concrete model is one-
dimensional. ART uses the same control volumes as THALES and models the transport and retention
of FPs.
THALES2 is the second version of the THALES/ART code package, which takes into account the
feedback effect of FP behaviour on thermal-hydraulics and FP re-vaporisation.
Containment transient analysis code for pressure and temperature transients in the containment following
LOCA and MSLB, (BARC, INDIA) [75].
For the analysis of hydrogen mitigation phenomena in the containment using catalytic recombiners,
(BARC, INDIA) [76].
II-2.8 Mechanistic Code for Containment Response:
II-3 Level 3 PSA Codes for Probabilistic Consequence Analysis [77,78]
The first accident consequence analysis code developed is CRAC during the Reactor Safety Study in
1975. Since then a number of complex packages have been generated, such as ARANO (NEL, Finland,
1977), CRAC2 (USNRC, 1982), CONDOR (NRPB, 1984), MACCS2 (USNRC, 1990), LENA (SRPI, Sweden,
1993), MECA (PUM, Spain, 1993), COSYMA (KfK & NRPB, 1995).
II-3.1 CRAC2
CRAC2 is a revision of the CRAC (Calculation of reactor accident consequences) program. It estimates
reactor accident consequences. CRAC2 requires an inventory of radioisotopes released from the reactor
containment to the environment and a description of the accident conditions as input. It (1) models the
meteorological dispersion of the cloud of radioactive material, (2) determines the health effects of the
material upon the surrounding population, and (3) estimates the costs to the public from the accident.
CRAC2 samples specific meteorological conditions from a set of representative reactor locations and
probabilistically combines the results to form frequency distributions of consequence from a reactor
accident. It requires detailed meteorological, population, economic, and health data. In addition, CRAC2
models emergency planning procedures, such as evacuation. Detailed parametric and sensitivity studies
can be simply accomplished in one computer run. Data utilised by some of the models have been
upgraded; (1) latent cancer fatality risk factors have been changed to reflect the lifetime risk of latent
cancer from radiation exposure, and (2) economic data have been upgraded to reflect 1980 economic
statistics for the United States.
CONDOR is a joint venture of the then United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), the
Central Electricity Generating Board and NRPB. CONDOR estimates the consequences of hypothetical
accidental releases of radionuclides to the atmosphere allowing for the range of atmospheric conditions.
It considers the impact, both on the population, in terms of doses and health effects, and on the
As inputs, the code requires size, type and timing of the released activity, locations of the release
together with information on the population and agricultural products grown in the surrounding area,
subsequent distribution of the foodstuffs to other locations, and mitigating actions required to reduce
exposure of the population (countermeasures). e.g., evacuation of sections of the population, banning
foodstuffs based on location or predicted dose/activity levels, and meteorological conditions under
which the released material will travel, through the atmosphere.
CONDOR outputs several indicators of consequences of the release, which include spatial and temporal
distribution of activity levels or individual doses, collective doses to the population as a whole, numbers
of people affected by the following countermeasures : Evacuation, sheltering, relocation, taking of
stable iodine tablets, individual decontamination, areas of land interdicted or decontaminated, quantities
of foodstuffs banned, number of cases of individual types of health effect in current and future
generations e.g. early deaths or injuries, fatal and non-fatal cancers and hereditary effects, and individual
risks of being affected by a particular countermeasure or of contracting a particular health effect.
MACCS2 is a major enhancement of the previous MACCS 1.5.11 package. The principal phenomena
considered in MACCS are atmospheric transport, mitigative actions based on dose projection, dose
accumulation by a number of pathways including food and water ingestion, early and latent health
effects, and economic costs. MACCS can also do sensitivity studies and cost benefit analysis.
A MACCS calculation consists of three phases: input processing and validation, phenomenological
modelling and output processing. The phenomenological models are based mostly on empirical data,
and the solutions they entail are usually analytical in nature and computationally straightforward. The
modelling phase is subdivided into three modules. ATMOS treats atmospheric transport and dispersion
of material and its deposition from the air utilising a Gaussian plume model with Pasquill-Gifford dispersion
parameters. EARLY models consequences of the accident to the surrounding area during an emergency
action period. CHRONC considers the long term impact in the period subsequent to the emergency
action period. The atmospheric model included in the code does not model the impact of terrain effects
on atmospheric dispersion. The code also does not model dispersion close to the source (less than 100
meters from the source) or long range dispersion. The economic model included in the code models
only the economic cost of mitigative actions.
The probabilistic Accident Consequence Assessment (ACA) code COSYMA was principally developed
by FZK and NRPB but with significant inputs from a number of other contractors within the EC MARIA
(Methods for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Accidents) research programme.
The endpoints calculated by the code are:
• air concentration and deposition at specific locations and as a function of distance from the
• numbers of people and areas affected by countermeasures, and their time integrals,
• amounts of food banned,
• the duration of countermeasures at particular locations,
• the probability of implementing countermeasures, both at specific locations and as a function
of distance from the site,
• doses received in selected time periods, both at specific locations and as a function of distance
from the site,
• the individual risk of early and late fatal and non-fatal health effects, both at specific locations
and as a function of distance from the site,
• the numbers of early and late fatal and non-fatal health effects, and
• the economic costs of the off site consequences of an accident.
COSYMA can be used for deterministic or probabilistic assessments. Deterministic assessments give
detailed results for a release in a single set of atmospheric conditions; probabilistic assessments give
results taking account of the full range of atmospheric conditions that may be experienced and their
respective frequencies of occurrence. The input is menu driven, and sub-divided according to the steps
of an ACA calculation. The user must provide information on the characteristics of the released material,
the location where the release occurs, details of the countermeasure strategy adopted, and the endpoints
required. The user may also change the values of some of the parameters used in the models. Default
values are provided for all parameters. The system includes data libraries for many of the quantities
required, such as dose per unit intake or food chain concentrations per unit deposit. Gridded population
and agricultural data for the whole of Europe, and two example sets of atmospheric conditions, are also
provided. Detailed information on the population distribution near the site and on site-specific
atmospheric conditions can be included by the user if available. The major features of the PCA codes
are shown in Table II-3.
III-2.1 Plant Familiarisation, Problem Definition and System Modelling
In this stage FT models of the various systems are developed considering system success criteria, TS
limitations, detailed plant design and operating practices.
III-2.2 Preliminary Analysis of CCF Vulnerability
The objectives of this stage are to identify the groups of systems components to be included in or
eliminated from the CCF analysis, and to prioritise the groups of system components identified for
further analysis, so that time and resources can be best allocated during the CCF analysis. These
objectives are accomplished through the qualitative and quantitative screening steps.
III-2.2.1 Qualitative Analysis
In this step, a search is made for common attributes of components and mechanisms of failure that can
lead to common cause events. Past experience and understanding of the engineering environment are
used to identify signs of potential dependence among redundant components. The analyst should
focus on identifying those components of the system, which share one or more of the attributes, such
as same design, same hardware, same function, same installation, maintenance, or operation staff, same
producers, same location and same environment.
An effective qualitative analysis for CCF should review detailed plant design and operating practices
and identify defences built in plant. The defences such as ‘diversity’ (functional, equipment and staff),
‘barriers’ (spatial separation, physical protection, interlocks, removal, or introduction of administrative
control, cross ties), ‘testing and maintenance’ (staggered) and ‘additional redundancy’ (in the context
of limiting the size of Common Cause Component Group (CCCG) or providing operational diversity),
can eliminate or reduce the coupling among component failures.
A systematic and automated method for identifying plant vulnerabilities to dependent failures is known
as the generic approach. According to this approach the generic causes are divided into two groups;
generic environment such as humidity and temperature, and common links such as maintenance and
manufacturer. Tables III-1, III-2 and III-3 provide a list of some location-dependent generic environments
and Table III-4 contains some possible common links other than location, which help in identifying
sources of dependency.
III-2.2.2 Quantitative Screening
In this step, a conservative value is assigned to the probability of each basic event in the system FT,
including the independent as well as the CCF events. For this beta factor model is used, which provides
a conservative approximation to CCF frequencies regardless of the number of redundant components
in the CCF group. The system unavailability is evaluated using conservative values and the dominant
contributors to the system unavailability are identified. These dominant contributors will be emphasised
in Phases 2 and 3.
III-2.3 Review of Operating Experience
This step enables the analyst to develop insights regarding the failure causes and mechanisms, and
more importantly root cause of such failure mechanisms relating to the physical and operational
characteristics of SSCs, maintenance program, training of personnel, quality control and several others.
III-2.4 Development of Cause-defence and Coupling Factor-defence Matrices
An effective way to present the results of a detailed qualitative analysis is the so-called cause-defence
matrix. In developing a plant-specific cause-defence matrix the analyst must be very familiar with the
specific characteristics of the plant, knowledgeable about large number of causes of failure, and familiar
with the defences that have been used to defend against them.
One set of matrices needs to be developed for each of the component groups identified as the result of
the screening phase, and those that may have been added to the list as the result of the plant walk-
through and data review in this phase. This step is very useful in event impact vector analysis for
parameter estimation using operating data. This is explained in the next subsequent subsection (III-2.6).
A comparison between the generic and plant specific matrices will help prioritise the list of CCF
vulnerabilities and quantify the contribution of CCFs.
III-2.5 Selection of Probability Models for Common Cause Basic Events
Common cause basic events (CCBEs) are events that represent multiple failures of components from
shared root causes. The objective of this step is to provide a transition from the FT logic model in
Phase-1 to a model that can be quantified. This is done by associating a probability model, such as the
constant failure rate model or the constant probability of failure with demand model with each basic
event (common cause or independent).
Although historical data collected from the operation of NPPs, indicate that common cause events do
not always fail all redundant components, experience from using b factor model reveals that, in some
cases, it gives reasonably accurate (only slightly conservative) results for redundancy levels up to
about three or four. However, beyond such redundancy levels, this model generally yields results that
are conservative. With the current state of data that involve large uncertainties, the numerical impact of
selecting one model over another is not significant, given a consistent treatment of data in all cases.
However when interest centres around specific contributions from third or higher order trains, more
general parametric models like MGL or alpha -factor model are suitable. The models can be classified
into two major categories; (i) Non-shock models and (ii) Shock models [79]. These are described below.
III-2.5.1 Non-shock Models
Non-shock models are CCF models that estimate multiple failure probabilities without postulating a
model for the underlying failure mechanism. Examples : The basic parameter model, the beta-factor
model, MGL model, and the alpha-factor model.
III- Beta Factor Model
The beta factor model is a single parameter model; i.e. it uses one parameter in addition to the total
component failure probability to calculate the CCF probabilities. This model assumes that a constant
fraction (β) of the component failure rate can be associated with common cause events shared by other
components in that group. Another assumption is that whenever a common cause event occurs, all
components within the common cause component group are assumed to fail.
QI = (1 − β )Qt
Qm = βQt (III-1)
This implies that β = (III-2)
QI + Qm
Where, Qt is the total failure probability of one component (Qt = QI + Qm ), QI is the independent failure
probability of the single component, Qm is the probability of basic event failure involving m specific
components, and m is the maximum number of components in a common cause group. To generalise the
equation, it can be written for m components involving failure of k components (k ≤ m) as,
(1- β) Qt k = l (III-3)
Qk = Qk = 0 2 ≤ k < m
βQt k=m
(4 )
+ 3Q 3 + Q4
(4 ) ( 4)
3Q 2
β = (III-5)
+ 3Q 2 + 3Q 3 + Q4
( 4) ( 4) (4 ) ( 4)
+ Q4
( 4) (4)
γ = (III-6)
+ 3Q3 + Q4
( 4) (4) ( 4)
δ = (III-7)
+ Q4
( 4) (4)
β = Conditional probability that the cause of a component failure will be shared by one or more
additional components, given that a specific component has failed.
γ = Conditional probability that the cause of a component failure that is shared by one or more
components will be shared by two or more additional components, given that two specific
components have failed.
δ = Conditional probability that the cause of a component failure that is shared by two or more
components will be shared by three or more additional components, given that three specific
components have failed.
For a general case,
Qk(m ) = Π ( ρ l )(1 − ρ k +1 )Qt (III-8)
− 1 l =1..k
k −1
Where ρ1 = 1, ρ2 = β, ρ3 = γ , ……., ρm+1 = 0
The following equations express the probability of multiple component failures due to common cause,
Qk , in terms of the MGL parameters, for a 4-component group:
β (1 − γ ) * Qt βγ (1 − δ )* Qt ; Q 4 = βγδ * Q
Q14 = (1 − β ) * Qt ; Q24 = ; Q34 = 4 t
3 3
III- Alpha - factor Model
The alpha factor model defines common cause failure probabilities from a set of failure frequency ratios
and the total component failure frequency, Qt. In terms of the basic event probabilities, the alpha factor
parameters are defined as:
m (m)
αk =
m (m)
∑ k Qk
k =1
m (m )
Where Qk is the frequency of events involving k component failures in a common cause group
of m components, and the denominator is the sum of such frequencies. In other words, αk(m) is ratio of
the probability of failure events involving any k components over the total probability of all failure
events in a group of m components, and Σk α k(m) = 1. The basic event probabilities can be expressed in
terms of Qt and the alpha factors as follows.
kα k
(m) m
Qk( m ) = Qt Where α t = ∑ kα k ( m ) (III-10)
m − 1
α t k =1
k − 1
III- Extended β Factor Model
The extended β model is based on that developed by R. A. Humphreys. The method involves the
scoring of the system design against eight criteria, namely (i) separation, (ii) similarity, (iii) design
complexity, (iv) analysis, (v) procedures, (vi) training (vii) environmental control and (viii) environmental
tests. The total score is then converted on a regression basis, into a β value. This model reflects levels
of redundancy, by defining generic β factors for different levels of redundancy. For instance redundancy
level 2 or 3 uses β1 and level 4 or 5 uses β2 and levels above 5 use β3, with β1 > β2 > β3. These β factors
are selected based on comparison between the failure probability of redundant components as obtained
by this method and the more precise MGL method [80].
III-2.5.2 Shock Models
Shock models are CCF models that estimate multiple failure probabilities by postulating a shock that
impacts the system at certain frequency to cause multiple failures. Example : Binomial failure rate model.
The BFR model considers two types of failures. The first represents independent component failures;
the second type is caused by shocks that can result in failure of any number of components in the
system. According to this model, there are two types of shocks: lethal and non-lethal. When a non-
lethal shock occurs, each component within the common cause component group is assumed to have
a constant and independent probability of failure. The name of this model arises from the fact that, for
a group of components, the distribution of the number of failed components resulting from each non-
lethal shock occurrence follows a binomial distribution. The BFR model is, therefore, more restrictive
because of these assumptions than all other multi-parameter models presented here. When a lethal
shock occurs, all components are assumed to fail with a conditional probability of unity. Application of
the BFR model with lethal shocks requires the use of the following set of parameters:
Ql - independent failure frequency for each component
µ - frequency of occurrence of non-lethal shocks
p - conditional probability of failure of each component, given a non-lethal shock
ω- frequency of occurrence of lethal shocks
m- total number of components in common cause group
Thus, the frequency of basic events involving k specific components is given as:
III-2.6.2 Parameter Estimation Using Operating Data
To complete the description of the event impact at the original plant, the analyst needs to identify (i)
Component group size, (ii) Number of components affected, (iii) Shock type (lethal or non-lethal) and
(iv) Failure mode.
III- Development of Impact Vector for Original Plant [79]
The outcome of the event classification can be represented in the form of an Impact Vector. This impact
vector of an event that has occurred in a component group of size m has m+1 elements, each representing
the number of components, which did or could have failed in the event. If in an event, k components fail,
the k-th element of the impact vector is 1 while all other elements are 0. The general form of the impact
vector is
I = { F0, F1, F2 …… Fm } (III-12)
For e.g., I = {0, 0, 1} represents an event in a system of two components (m=2) in which both components
failed due to a shared cause (F2 = 1).
Experience with database and event reports indicates that in a large number of cases the event descriptions
are not clear, the exact status of components are not known, and the causes and coupling factors are
seldom identified. Therefore, the classification of the event, including the assessment of its impact
vector, may require establishing several hypotheses, each representing a different interpretation of the
event. In such cases a probability is assigned to each hypothesis, representing the analyst's degree of
confidence in that hypothesis. For example, in an event involving a group of three components, the
description does not indicate how many components have actually failed. The analyst presumes that
two components might have failed with 90 % confidence and three components might have failed with
10 % confidence. Then the impact vector for this event can be given by
I = {I0, I1, p1*I2, p2*I3}, Where, I0 = 0, I1 = 0, p1 = 0.90, I2 = 1, p2 = 0.10 and I3 = 1 (III-13)
III- Development of Impact Vector for Plant Being Analysed
Having developed the impact vector of the event in the original plant in which it occurred, the next step
is to determine what that implies for the plant and system being analysed (target plant). This requires a
two-step adjustment of the original impact vector to account for qualitative and quantitative differences
between the original system and the target system.
For qualitative adjustment, analyst checks the cause and coupling mechanism of the event with respect
to the target plant and decides whether the event is applicable to target plant or not. If analyst is unable
to decide, based on the available information, he can assign an “event applicability factor”, r (0 < r < 1).
Then the resulting modified impact vector is
I' = r*I. Table III-5 gives some suggested values for r.
For quantitative adjustment, the impact vector must be ‘mapped up’, ‘kept unchanged’ or ‘mapped
down’, depending on whether target system ‘size’ ( number of component in a CCCG) is larger, equal or
smaller than the original system.
A complete set of formulae for mapping down data from systems having four, three, or two components
to any identical system having fewer components is presented in the Table III-6. In this table, P k(m)
represents the k-th element of the average impact vector in a system (or component group) of size m.
(4) (4)
(1/2) P2 (1/2) P3 P2(4) + (3/4) P3(4) + P4(4)
(3) (4) (2) (4) (4)
P2 = (1/2) P2 + P2 = (1/6) P2 + (1/2) P3 +
(3/4) P3(4) P4(4)
P3(3) = (1/4) P3(4) + P1(2) = (2/3) P1(3) + (2/3) P2(3)
3 P2(2) = (1/3) P2(3) + P3(3) P1(1) = (1/3) P1(3) + (2/3)
P2(3) + P3(3)
P2(2) = (1/3) P2(3) + P3(3)
2 P1(1) = (1/2) P1(2) + P2(2)
Mapping up the impact vector introduces uncertainties. To reduce the uncertainty inherent in upward
mapping of impact vector, event is classified into three categories; (i) independent event, (ii) non-lethal
shocks and (iii) lethal shocks. The following relationships can be given for independent events and
lethal shocks. General formulae for mapping up non-lethal shocks are given in Table III-7.
For mapping up an independent event, PI(l) = (l/k) PI(k), where l and k is the sizes of the target system and
original system respectively.
By definition, a lethal shock wipes out all the redundant components present within a CCG. Hence,
Pl(l) = Pk(k).
A maximum likelihood estimator for r is r = k/m, where k is the number of components affected in the
event, and m is the size of the original system.
III- Development of Event Statistic From Impact Vectors
Once the impact vectors of all the events in the database are assessed for the system being analysed,
the number of events in each impact category can be calculated by adding the corresponding elements
of the impact vectors. That is,
n k = ∑ Pk (i ) (III-14)
i =1
where n k = total number of basic events involving failure of k similar components, and
Parameter estimation
β = 2 n2 /( n1+2 n2) = 0.17
Calculation of failure probabilities
Qt = n1 + 2 n2 /(2 ND) = 1.8E - 2 /d
Q2 = β * Qt = 3E-3
(b) Check list based estimator
If failure data is scarce, then checklist-based estimation of β could be used [89]. The main
advantage of this method is that it provides an auditable trail of assessment and also details
the scope of improvement directly. The checklist method is as follows. CCF are mainly influenced
by factors like physical separation, redundancy level, design complexity, environmental control,
environmental testing, maintenance, operating procedures and training level. Quantitative
scores are awarded to each of this qualities. The accumulated grade is converted to β based on
suitable scaling.
(c) Estimators for the MGL parameters
Based on the definition of the MGL parameters, the simple point estimators are
Σ knk
ρl = k =l
(l = 2, 3,..m), where nk is defined as the number of events involving the failures
Σ knk
k = l −1
of exactly k components.
Example for MGL model:
ND = 1000
Redundancy level = m =4
No of independent events = n1 = 50
No of events involving 2 components = n2 = 10
No of events involving 3 components = n3 = 4
No of events involving 4 components = n4 = 1
Parameter estimation
4 4
Σ knk Σ kn k 4n 4
k=2 k =3
ρ2 = β = 4 = 0.42, ρ3 = γ = 4 = 0.44 and ρ4 = δ = 4
= 0.25
Σ knk Σ knk Σ kn k
k =1 k =2 k =3
Qt = n1 / 4ND + 3. n2 / 6. ND + 3. n3 / 4. ND + n4 / ND
= 2.15E - 2 /d
Calculation of failure probabilities
β (1 − γ ) * Qt
Q14 = (1 − β ) * Qt = 1.25E-2 ; Q24 = = 1.68E-3
βγ (1 − δ ) * Qt
Q34 = = 9.9E-4 ; Q4 = βγδ * Qt = 9.9E-4
(d) Estimators for the α - factor model parameters
An estimator for each of the α - factor parameters (αk) can be based on its definition as the
fraction of total failure events that involve k component failures due to common cause. Therefore,
for a system of m redundant components,
αk = m
Σ nk
k =1
n2 n3 n4
α2 = 4 = 0.154; α 3 = 4 = 0.062 ; α 4 = 4 = 0.015
Σ nk Σ nk Σ nk
k =1 k =1 k =1
λt = nt / ND
ω = nL / ND and p is the solution of the following equation,
∑ kn
k =1
k =p
1 − (1 − p) m (III-18)
An estimator for µ can be obtained from the above estimators as follows
λt (III-19)
1 − (1 − p) m
nt = 65 , λt = 6.5E - 2
ω = 1E-3, assuming one lethal shock.
p = 0.18 (using polynomial solver )
µ = 0.1168
Q1 = 1.25E - 2
Q2 = 2.5E - 3
Q3 = 5.6E - 4
Q4 = 1E - 3 + 0.12* 0.184 = 1.13 E - 3
III-2.7 Parameter Estimation With no Operating Data
With the current status of databases, it is not possible to determine parameters by analysing operating
data for all the components of interest in risk and reliability analyses of NPPs. There is, therefore, a
practical need for estimating parameter values based on engineering judgement. Table III-8 provides a
suggested set of generic values for the parameters of the Alpha factor and MGL parameters, which may
be used when a more detailed evaluation of CCF events is not possible.
IV-1 Introduction
There is an increasing trend in the use of computer-based control and instrumentation (C & I) both for
safety and non-safety related systems in NPPs. Typical safety significant C & I systems in NPPs and
Research Reactors are : (i) Neutron flux and process parameter sensors and associated signal processing
equipment, (ii) Reactor power control and process control systems (e.g. RRS, PCS), (iii) Control room
and important parameter monitoring equipment, and (iv) Safety parameter sensing, safety system
actuation and operation (e.g. reactor trip (shutdown) system, ECCS).
International standards like IEC-1226, IAEA-50-SG-D1 and AERB Safety Guide AERB/SG-D1, give the
safety classification of C&I systems used in the NPPs. The basic purpose of safety classification is to
identify the possible target reliability values, the requirement specifications for QA, and reliability
testing and design features.
Defence-in-depth, redundancy, fault-tolerance through redundancy, single failure criteria, diversity
and fail-safe design philosophy are important in the design considerations for C&I systems. C&I
systems in the recent times use microprocessors that contain both hardware components and software.
The important aspects to assure quality and reliability of the C&I systems include the following.
(i) QA in the procurement of Electronic Components (ECs) including cables, relays, etc.
(ii) Environmental qualification /testing of ECs
(iii) Reliability screening tests (100%) for all the components
(iv) Standard practices for the design of circuit hardware and software (e.g. IEC-880, IEC-987,
IEC-125, IEC-1226, draft AERB guide-D-25, etc.)
(v) Redundancy and diversity concepts for subsystems, channels and sensors
(vi) Verification and validation testing for both hardware and software
(vii) Man-Machine interface considerations in design, operation and maintenance
IV-2 Reliability Analysis Methods
Reliability and safety assessments for computer-based systems are done using an integrated combination
of deterministic and probabilistic techniques. C&I systems contain both hardware and software.
IV-2.1 Hardware Reliability
The failure rate of electronic components follows a systematic characteristic bath-tub curve,[Fig 5.6, Pg
89] where-in life pattern can be broadly divided into three regions; (a) Initial high failure rate period (few
weeks to one year), (b) Constant failure rate period (usually 10-15 years), and (c) Wear out increasing
failure rate period. Failure of electronic components could be by open mode, short mode, degradation,
etc. and dominant failure mode needs to be identified for operational safety.
Reliability analysis methods include (i) MIL-217 Methodology for Electronic Equipment (applicable to
electronic hardware of non-redundant components, sub-system or channel of duplicated/triplicated
system), (ii) Fault Tree Model Technique, (iii) Block Diagram (cutset/tie-set method), (iv) Markov Model,
(v) Go Chart Model (vi) Fuzzy Logic, (vii) Petri Nets and (viii) Neural Network Methods and Dynamic
Fault Tree modelling. Block diagram method is mostly used for small systems. The Fault Tree methodology
is widely used; its greatest advantage being incorporation of CCF/CMF models. Markov model and Go
chart model represent system states including failure and repair conditions. Mathematical expressions
for reliability assessment are available for moderately small size C & I system.
IV-2.1.1 MIL-HDBK-217F Method
An updated version of this, MIL-STD-217F, is used for failure rate assessment of electronic component
or circuit modules [82]. Failure rate models are given for a very broad category of electronic components,
in which base failure rate values are given, and failure rate of each type of component is calculated by
multiplying the base failure rate by stress factors for the given application. Stress factors for the
component models are given in the Handbook [82], for factors like environment, power consumption,
voltage and thermal stresses, quality, construction etc., for the application of C&I systems in NPPs.
If for a typical electronic component, base
failure rate is expressed as λb, then final failure rate of the
component is expressed as λcomp = λ b ∗ ∏ ( SF ) I . Where ( SF ) I is ith stress factor of the component and
‘n’ is total number of stress factors. I =1
In a similar way, failure rates of all the components in the equipment or circuit board are estimated, and
as an approximation, a series component model is assumed to estimate the failure rate of the equipment.
This information becomes an input to the FT model.
IV-2.1.2 Dynamic Fault Tree (DFT) Analysis [83]
The traditional FT analysis is limited in its ability to model some of the failure modes associated with
digital systems, especially those that incorporate fault tolerance. Markov methods are generally accepted
as an appropriate method for analysing fault-tolerant digital systems. Dynamic Fault Trees (DFTs) are
useful for reliability analysis of embedded computer systems. DFTs together with Markov method
depicting 'chain of states' can be useful to assess reliability of any computer based system. DFTs are a
superset of traditional (static) FTs in that additional gates such as the Sequence Enforcing gate (SEQ),
the Functional Dependency gate (FDEP), the Priority And gate (PAND) and the Cold, Hot and Warm
Spare gates (CSP, HSP and WSP) are used. SEQ gates only allow component failures in the order
specified by its inputs. FDEP gates fail their dependent inputs based on whether their trigger input is
failed or not. The FDEP has no output and hence it is connected to FT with dashed line. PAND gates
output a failure if their inputs fail in order, and the CSP, HSP and WSP gates model primary-spare
relationships. In CSP, HSP and WSP gates, output occurs when primary and all spares have failed (or
otherwise unavailable). In CSP gate, spare components have zero failure rates before being switched
into active use. In HSP gate, spare components have same failure rates before and after being switched
into active use. In WSP gate, spare components have reduced failure rates before being switched into
active use. This gate represents events happening in order. The output occurs if and only if the events
listed below the gate happens from left to right. For any other sequence gate output is zero.
Using all these special gates and traditional FT gates such as AND, OR, K/M gates system, model is
developed. Static gates are solved using simple Boolean algebra. In order to solve DFT gates, it is
necessary to use Markov chains, which contains all the information regarding component failures,
sequence of component failures, and information on spare allocations. The Markov Chains map into a
set of equivalent ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with variables corresponding to state
probabilities. These equations are solved using an ODE solver. The probability of being in any failed
state during the mission time gives an estimate of the system unreliability.
Fig. V-2 and V-3 [84] of Appendix-V gives the FT representation for a computer based reactor regulating
system (Dual Processor Hot Stand-by process control System for an Indian PHWR).
IV-2.2 Issues Related to Quantification of Software Reliability
The software reliability concept has been adopted from electronic hardware reliability. However, it
differs in its behavioural characteristics. If it is compared with the ‘bath-tub’ curve of electronic hardware
components, software error rate will be only in decreasing order of magnitude from the beginning to the
end of useful life of computer based C & I system. There is no wearout phenomenon in software, and
once the software errors are corrected (some times called as ‘bug-fixing’), the same error is not likely to
occur at the particular location in the software structure. Adequate verification and validation needs to
be carried out during design phase and system integration phase. Tools like ‘Static Analysers’ are
commercially available to detect errors in software.
Although, there are limitations to accurately assess the software reliability, USNRC recommends [85]
use of PRA techniques to quantify software reliability. Standard methods for quantification of the
software are not reported and are still in developmental stage. However, the analyst should make efforts
to represent the event in FT at basic event levels. A study sponsored by Rome laboratories, publisher
of MI-HDBK-217 made some effort to quantify software failure rate for the use of FT analysis [82]. It is
mentioned that similar to hardware reliability, the analysis starts with determination of initial failure rate
l0 that is an estimate of fault content at the beginning of the formal system testing (in other words, when
software developer finishes his/her job).
λ0 = f × K × ω 0 (IV.1)
f = linear execution frequency
K = fault exposure ratio, (average value considered 4.2E-07)
ω0 = number of faults in the program = wf X Is, where
ωf = Fault density (re commended value based on experience is 6 faults per 10000 source instructions
or line of code).
Is = Number of source instructions
f = , Where r = processor speed expressed in Mega Instructions per seconds (MIPS)
I s C ex
and Cex = language expansion ratio (2.5 for C language)
There are also several adjustments to be made. First, software can fail only when it is running, and there
are times when the microprocessor is not executing the code, such as during data acquisition from an
A/D converter. Hence, system operating failure rate λs can be given as
λ S = λ 0 × U es (IV.2)
where U es = t C t N , tC = Software cycle time and tN = data acquisition time
With all these values λs can be calculated. One can also express the cumulative effect of the software
testing and fixing, on the failure rate reduction. This is expressed as V0 =
where B is a fault reduction factor (<1). Usually B = 0.995 should be used.
Assigning variable t as a cumulative execution time since the start of the system testing, the fault
− t
density as one continues to test is expressed as, λ (t ) = λ s × e V0
This failure rate value can be plugged into a FT analysis as a basic event for ‘software failure’.
NAND gate Not all input events TRUE (at least one input
event FALSE)
NOR gate None of the input events TRUE (all input events
Basic event
Undeveloped event
House event
House Events : A house event can be included in the fault tree logic like a basic event but it operates as
a ‘logical switch’, which can have only one of the Boolean values TRUE or FALSE (ON/OFF). House
events are used to change the FT structure. Different variations of one basic FT can be obtained by
defining house events as TRUE or FALSE. This is very useful when system logics could be different for
a set of components to meet functional requirements under different situations. The house event
‘settings’ can be defined in two ways.
(i) By setting the house event to TRUE or FALSE in the database (“hard” setting). This means it
is always TRUE or FALSE in all analyses, which include this house event.
(ii) By including it in a Boundary Condition Set (BC Set), where a list of house events can be
specified, along with a TRUE/FALSE setting. The BC Set can then be used in Analysis Cases,
in IEs or in Function Events.
House events affect the logic for different gate types. Gates that become TRUE or FALSE due to house
events will themselves operate as house events, and the impact of house events can propagate up
through the FT structure. In all cases, the house events (and gates that become TRUE or FALSE) are
removed from the tree structure after their effect on the logic have been determined. The impact of a
house event for some gates is given in the following table and illustrated with a FT in Fig.V-1 below:
System unavailable
If both componens
fail,this event will occur
Failure Probabilities for House Event State Number of MCS Top Event Unavailability (Q)
BE1 & BE2 = 1E-2 True (q=1) 3 2.1E-3
BE3 & BE4 = 1E-3
False (q=0) 2 2.0E-3
V-2 Fault tree for dual processor hot standby (DPHS) - Process control system (PCS) [84]
Cross comb.
fail event
Relay fails
to change
Signal over
processing (CTU-1)
VI-1 Introduction
Worldwide, it is found that human error caused events constitute about 70 % of all events occurring in
a plant. Therefore, human reliability plays an important role in nuclear safety. The main objective of
treating human reliability in a PSA is to ensure, that the key human interactions (HIs) of plant staff are
systematically incorporated into the assessment, in order to find which of these actions are dominant
risk contributors that should be carefully attended to, to reduce HEP in operator actions. To make the
analysis more meaningful and reliable, the input to PSA from HRA should be of quality. This requires
systematic data collection and classification, and modelling and quantification of human error. This
should take into consideration emergency procedures, Man-Machine Interface (MMI), training
programmes and knowledge and experience of plant operators. Here the term ‘plant operator’ refers
commonly to all operation, maintenance and other staff involved in plant operation. This section covers
all the key issues involved in the incorporation of HRA into PSA, including the requirements and
limitations of HRA, categories of human interactions, modelling, assessment and quantification of each
interaction, outputs and documentation of the overall HRA process. It does not include external HIs
such as sabotage. The management and organisational issues, which have recently been receiving
increased attention under the safety culture umbrella, have also not been addressed. Human error
events are incorporated in the FT/ET and recovery actions in event sequences. HRA can be done for
both internal and external events. While there is an increase in the occurrence of error in HIs during
some external events, e.g., seismic, flood, as compared to cases of internal events, they may be difficult
to model and quantify because of scanty data.
VI-2 Human Behaviour, Rasmussen’s Model and Human Error
A person makes an error if he/she does something incorrectly, fails to do something, or fails to do
something in time. An error of omission occurs when an operator omits a step in a task or the entire task,
amounting to an unintended or unnoticed action. An error of commission occurs when the person does
the task, but does it incorrectly, amounting to an unintended action excluding inaction. It is a broad
category, encompassing selection errors, sequence errors, time errors and qualification errors. Any
factor that influences human performance is termed as a Performance Shaping Factor (PSF). PSFs could
be categorised broadly as external, stressors and internal. The external PSFs include situational
characteristics (e.g. quality of environment - noise and vibration), task, equipment characteristics (e.g.
MMI factors) and job task instructions (e.g. written or oral communications). The stressor PSFs include
psychological stressors (e.g. monotonous work) and physiological stressors (e.g. fatigue). The internal
PSFs are organismic factors that include characteristics of operator resulting from internal and external
influences (e.g., cultural background, personality variables, motivation, etc.). Human actions in a plant
can be grouped into following types based on work complexities.
(i) Skill based : Highly practiced activities that can be performed with little apparent thought.
(ii) Rule based : Performance of tasks, as per the procedures, within the normal experience and
ability of the particular individual.
(iii) Knowledge based : Performance of tasks in unforeseen situations where familiar patterns and
rules cannot be applied directly as symptoms could be ambiguous, state of plant is complicated
by multiple failures, instrument does not give true representation of situation, etc. A high level
of cognitive processing is necessary.
These three types of human behaviour can be represented by Rasmussen’s model, which provides an
acceptable framework to identify the type of human behaviour and associated error mechanism as
shown in Fig. VI-1.
This model is based on the assumption that humans will generally perform tasks at the lowest level
possible to minimise the amount of decision-making or cognitive thought required. Skill based tasks
require little or no decision-making and hence a task proceeds directly from initial stimuli, i.e. activation
to the execution stage. Rule based tasks require some decision making and hence move first from the
initial stimuli to the ‘integration’ phase where information is processed and only then an appropriate
‘procedure’ or ‘rule’ is selected. Finally, the selected ‘procedure’ or ‘rule’ is executed. Knowledge
based tasks require the highest degree of decision making and this leads to interpretation of information
and then to its evaluation, before appropriate ‘procedures’ can be selected and tasks executed.
Behaviour Decision making elements
analysis of tasks will help in identifying potential human errors. For completeness of coverage
and modelling, HIs identified are grouped into following three categories for appropriate
modelling in HRA, depending on timing and impact on the plant operation.
(i) Category A, pre-initiators
These are pre-initiators, e.g., maintenance/test/repair actions. Error in this type of
interaction can cause equipment or systems to be unavailable when required post-fault.
Pre-initiators consist of those actions associated with maintenance and testing that
degrade system availability. They may cause failures of a component or component
group or may leave components in an inoperable condition. Particularly important are
actions or errors that result in concurrent failure of multiple trains of safety related
systems. This unavailability is added to other failure contributions for components or
system at the FT level. Recovery action for such human errors could be error alarm,
post-maintenance testing and post-maintenance inspection checklist, which may be
modelled as applicable in quantification stage.
(ii) Category B, initiators
These are initiators, e.g., control room actions, maintenance/test actions during normal
operations. The errors in this type of interaction, either by themselves or in combination
with other failures (other than due to human error) can cause IEs. Most important are
errors that not only precipitate an accident sequence but which also concurrently
cause failure of systems related to safety, either front-line safety systems or support
systems. There should be particular emphasis on such ‘common cause initiators’, which
are caused by human error.
(iii) Category C, post-initiators
These are post-initiators. The errors in this type of interaction can occur in the
performance of safety actions or there can be actions/errors that exacerbate the fault
sequence. These HIs can be separated into three different types.
Type 1. Procedural safety actions
These actions involve success or failure in following established procedures in response to an
accident sequence and is incorporated explicitly into fault and event trees.
Type 2. Aggravating actions/errors
These actions are a special set of commission errors that occur post-fault following an IE and
significantly exacerbate the accident progression. They are the most difficult to identify and
model. A type of such action occurs when the operator’s mental image of the plant differs from
the actual plant state, leading the operator to perform the “Right” action for the “Wrong”
event. Another form of Type 2 action or error occurs when the operator correctly diagnoses the
event, but chooses a non-optimal strategy for dealing with it. Once the actions and their
significant consequences are identified, they can be incorporated into an ET/FT.
Type 3. Improvising recovery/repair action
These consist of recovery actions, which are generally only included in accident sequences
that dominate risk profiles. They may include the recovery of previously unavailable equipment
or the use of non-standard procedures to ameliorate the accident conditions. They can be
incorporated into the PSA as recovery actions in the accident sequence event trees.
Some diagnosis is required for Type 1, 2 and 3 actions and time is a limiting factor, The general
approach for dealing with Type 1 and 3 actions is the same and this guideline will treat them as
one category. For convenience Type 2 actions are also included in this category although
specific measures are outlined for dealing with them.
(b) Screening
Screening is to identify the human actions that are significant to the operation and safety of the
plant. Screening can be carried out by a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches
by the analyst, with appropriate justification.
(c) Qualitative analysis
This is to develop a detailed description of important human actions by defining the key
influence factors necessary to complete the modelling. The potential for errors and mechanism
for recovery from the identified errors should be determined or estimated. Recovery actions
identified in EOPs and also cut-sets not in approved procedure should be included. The
specific treatment for recovery analysis is given in Appendix-X. This will often require
information additional to that collected during the initial task analysis. The above steps should
have identified most of the specific constraints and PSFs associated with the overall task (e.g.
time available, sequence of steps, specific context of the task). But there may be other factors
that need to be considered, particularly relating to the individuals performing the tasks, e.g.,
experience, level of training, stress levels, etc.
(d) Representation and model integration
Once HIs are selected after screening, and broken down into elements with detailed descriptions,
the next task is to select and apply techniques for depicting important human actions in logic
structures. There are various models advocated by experts, such as time independent model-
Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP), time dependent model- Human Cognitive
Reliability (HCR), and Operator Action Tree (OAT), etc. Some of these HRA models are
discussed below.
(i) Time independent models
In time independent models, time available to the operator is not a major constraint on
action, i.e., the probability of the operator taking the action is not significantly altered
by reducing or increasing the time available for action. Errors related to such cases
usually (but not always) occur before the IE. The models are therefore also referred to
as Latent Error Models. For modelling of such errors, THERP is used.
THERP is somewhat analogous to hardware reliability analysis with human actions
substituted for component outputs. In THERP, tasks and task steps are identified
along with PSFs that influence the steps. The task failure event is modelled in what is
called an HRA ET (to distinguish it from a PRA ET). The HRA ET (Fig. VI-2) structures
the activities, potential failures and dependences (redundancies) in HIs, in failure logic
and includes a failure probability at the end of failure paths. Diagnosis in THERP is
considered to be a holistic process and is assigned a single HEP value. HEP data are
taken from the THERP Handbook.
Accident sequence evaluation programme (ASEP) HRA procedure
In complex systems like NPPs, HRA can be an involved and time-consuming process.
THERP was therefore expanded to cover a more cost effective three-stage HRA procedure
called ASEP for application to PSA. The three stages are:
• Screening HRA using the screening HEP assignment methodology of ASEP.
• Nominal HRA using the nominal HEP assignment methodology of ASEP for
those tasks whose estimated HEPs are greater than the screening limit.
• THERP HRA methodology applied to those tasks whose HEPs are greater than
screening HRA as well as nominal HRA limit values.
The ASEP-HRA procedure includes both screening model and nominal diagnosis model
time reliability curves. The details of the ASEP HRA procedure are given in reference
A =Failure
A= Failuretotoset-up
equipment properlyproperly
b BB= Failuretotocalibrate
= Failure calibrate
instrument correctly
Success Failure
The human cognitive reliability (HCR) model
This is one of the models used in the SHARP technique. The HCR model has been developed
for quantification of control room crew success/failure probability as a function of time allowing
for skill, rule and knowledge type behaviour that can result in different probabilities. The
model also allows for selected PSFs that can influence crew response times. An assumption
made is that the probability distribution for crews responding to a plant event is a function of
normalised time (actual crew response time to the event/median response time for a number of
crews). It depends on the behaviour involved (skill, rule or knowledge). PSFs affect response
probability by changing the median response time. PSFs considered in the use of the HCR
model are operating experience, stress and quality of the MMI.
The HCR correlation is given below and is represented in Fig. VI-4. The model relates the non-
response probability P(t) to normalised time t/T1/2
T1 / 2 − Bi
P (t ) = exp −
Ai (VI-1)
where, t = time available to complete the action or set of actions following a stimulus
T1/2 = estimated median time to complete the task (action or set of actions) as adjusted by
specific PSFs. This is arrived at on the basis of an analysis of simulator data for similar plants
or on the basis of discussions with crews. Ai , Bi , Ci are the correlation coefficients specified for
skill, rule and knowledge based processing.
This model involves the four steps given below.
(i) Determine the cognitive process (skill, rule or knowledge) applicable to the HI involved.
(ii) Estimate the time window by thermal hydraulics/transient analysis.
(iii) Estimate the median time reflecting key plant and task specific PSFs
(iv) Estimate the crew response probability using the HCR correlation.
Simulator data have been used to examine the validity of the HCR model. EPRI's Operator
Reliability Experiment (ORE) Project also examined the validity of the HCR model and arrived at
the conclusion that the operator response time can be well represented by a lognormal probability
distribution, which provides as good a fit as the Weibull and is easier to use.
Analyst should use his/her judgement in applicability of any model for the specific tasks in the
plant. Model integration is done to describe how the significant human actions are integrated
into the plant and system models of the PSA, either in FT or ET stages. The analysis pathways
for this step are depicted in Fig. VI-5.
(e) Quantification
This step involves use of appropriate data or quantification methods to assign probabilities for
the various actions examined, determining sensitivities and establishing uncertainty ranges
[88]. The human error data collection and analysis is an important aspect in assuring quality in
quantification. The following gives data collection and analysis methodologies.
1E -1
1E -2
1E -3
1E -0
(e.g. SHARP
(e.g. SHARP steps)
OAT, HRAtree,tree,
Confusion Matrix)
confusion matrix)
HR Time-Reliabilitycorrelation
Time-Reliability Mathematicalmodel
Mathematical Modelor Expert
HR Database
database estimate
(model/data) Correlation e.g.response
e.g. simulator simulator orcorrelation
HCR estimateHR
(model/data) paired
response times
times HCR model)
model) paired comparison)
Data collection for HRA [89, 90]
HEPs can be obtained by observational and/or experimental methods. Observational data is
obtained from some regular activity being carried out for a different purpose (e.g. a simulator
training session). Experimental data are data that are obtained by carrying out activities, the
prime intention of which is the generation of error probability data. The main data collection
methods are: (i) Observation methods, (ii) Direct observation, (iii) Photo, video and audio
recordings, (iv) Experimental Methods, and (v) Part/full scope simulator experiments including
simulator training and interview of personnel.
Data are of three main kinds. These are as given below:
(i) Empirical information : The sources of empirical information are reports on plant outages/
power changes and their causes, plant trips and post-trip investigations, maintenance
reports and operator logs which indicate unsuccessful activities with no hardware
cause present. A typical Human Error Reporting Form (HERF) used for collection of
data is given in Table VI-1[90].
(ii) Generic information : When using non plant-specific information, attention has to be
paid to plant differences that can affect the applicability of data and assumptions made
(if any) in modifying the data before use. Both empirical and generic information are
scarce. The scarcity of published information that is readily accessible is by and large
due to national or other constraints.
(iii) Subjective information : This consists of information from subjective non-empirical
sources like experts and experienced operators. The information can include direct
estimates of HEPs and information needed to modify the HEPs in order to make them
applicable to a particular situation. Some important issues to be addressed in use of
subjective information for a HRA are relevance of the information, biases of subject
matter experts, their experience base, chosen sample size and inter-shift differences.
Type of human error (Nos. from error type list) Systems affected USI
Mode of human error (Nos. from error mode list) Type of Recovery
Cause of human error (Nos. from error cause list) 1. Error alarmed
Effect of human error Immediate 2. Supervisory check
Delayed 3. Regular check
Space for additional information, if any 4. Post maintenance test
Recommendations for improvement
Filled by Checked by senior
Tech. Engr. Tech. Engr.
Issued by TSS Approved by SORC
C. Analysis of human error (not to be filled by
the station)
Human error probability
Performance shaping factor
Recovery Factor
Time List
Code Time
1 < 1 Minute
2 < 5 Minutes
3 < 10 Minutes
4 < 30 Minutes
5 < 60 Minutes
6 > 60 Minutes
For the case of HCR model, the HEP actions are treated in an integral fashion and thus include intra-
crew dependences. The system dependences are included in the construction of the representation
and the way they are integrated into the event trees.
VI-4 Human Error Analysis
Estimation of HEP for the human error under consideration, wherever possible, can be done as follows.
Actual HEP = Basic HEP x PSFs x RF (VI-2)
where Basic HEP (i.e., the probability of human error for the task considered as an isolated activity/
entity) is modified or weighted by the PSFs and the Recovery Factor (RF). The PSF multiplier would
depend on the values assigned to applicable PSFs (external and internal to the operator) and stressors.
The RF multiplier takes into account a recovery (if any) effected by the operator on detection of error;
by way of suitably reducing the Basic HEP.
Examples of modelling and quantification
The details of modelling and quantification with regard to the different categories of HIs and also with
HCR and THERP models are illustrated with some examples below.
(1a) Category A, pre-initiator tasks
The basic methodology that can be applied here is the ASEP -HRA procedure and the original
THERP Handbook methodology. Data used and recommended in the ASEP-HRA procedure
are largely judgemental, but seems to have a reasonable justification based on everyday life
experience. Other methods of quantification could be used based on judgemental values. Such
methods as Paired Comparisons or the Success Likelihood Index Methodology (SLIM) could
be used to consolidate expert opinion.
In finalising the quantification of dependent errors it is essential to exclude from the generic
CCF database, those events that are accounted for by the plant specific human reliability
Example: The following typical example presents a method for determining the mean
unavailability for a manual valve in the wrong position. This is typical for a two-train system
consisting of two similar manual valves, e.g., MVs 3LP - 40 and 41 in the low-pressure injection/
recirculation system shown in Fig. VI-6.
Train A Low pressure
Pump A
Train B Low pressure
Pump B
probability of failure to restore the value to ‘open’ of 0.01 is recommended. Quality Control
(QC) personnel check the completion of the procedure. Given that an independent HEP for QC
personnel’s failure to detect the fault is 0.1 and using dependency equations for a low
dependence interaction [91] between two groups the conditional HEP is:
1 + 19n 1 + 19 × 0.1
HEPc = = = 0.15
20 20
Thus, the probability of MV 3LP-40 being in the wrong configuration immediately following
test/maintenance is then estimated as 0.01 x 0.15 =1.5 x 10-3.
Since tests for the two loops may be performed by the same shift of QC personnel, a high
dependence will be assumed between the two loop tests. The dependent probability for MV
3LP - 41 in the wrong configuration given that the probability for valve MV 3LP - 40 in the
wrong configuration is 1.5 x 10-3 is,
1 + n 1 + 1.5 × 10 −3
HEPc = = ≈ 0.5
2 2
This results in a mean unavailability for common error of both valves in the wrong configuration
of (1.5 x 10-3) x 0.5 = 7.5 x 10-4
Incorporation of category A errors into the PSA is straightforward and is generally made via
basic events in a fault tree. Assigning an independent unavailability of 1.5 x 10-3 to both MV
3LP- 40 and 41 assuming no dependency, an unavailability of the two trains of 7.5 x 10-4 can be
assigned to the CCF basic event.
(1b) Category B, incident initiating tasks
The purpose in quantification is to determine the frequencies of category B errors. This means
that any probability per opportunity numbers must be multiplied by frequencies of the
The character of category B errors is such that the same methods as mentioned for category A
errors in section 4.1 can be used as a basis for quantification. ASEP-HRA and other simplified
versions of THERP may not be sensitive enough to account for all aspects of the layout,
readings and procedures. They may be only good enough for conservative screening purposes.
(1c) Category C, post incident tasks
As human performance is very context dependent, any PSF may have a strong impact on
human reliability. Quantification is uncertain because this impact cannot presently be modelled
with high confidence because no fully validated model is available. Therefore, the best method
is to use data, which has been collected in a similar context. This means that one should use
plant specific simulator data, which includes
• Probabilities of errors of omissions and commissions, including misdiagnosis as well as
execution phase errors.
• Time Reliability Curve (TRC)- A curve representing the probability of not carrying out
the required action in a given time.
It is clear that one cannot possibly obtain extensive plant specific simulator data for all plants.
In particular, misdiagnosis and commission errors in general may be so rare that no quantification
is possible with a reasonable number of experimental runs. Some methods can be used that are
based on judgements.
Misdiagnosis : The confusion matrix concept can be used to assess the probability of confusing
a transient i with a transient j, possibly leading to erroneous actions. The probabilities Pij of
such confusions depend mostly on the similarity of symptoms such as alarms, annunciations
and the duration and rate of change of various signals. Another factor influencing the confusion
probability is the degree of training and simulator practice given to the operator with respect to
each transient. Further, it is also possible to recover from a misdiagnosis if unexpected new
symptoms appear and alert the operators and if there is enough time available to normalise and
correct the error. Recovery factor Rij may be defined to account for the alerting symptoms and
the time available for action.
Slow diagnosis : Time reliability curves/correlations (TRCs) [3] can be used to assess the
probability that a correct diagnosis is not done within the time available.
Execution errors : For slips and omissions associated with the execution phase of the action,
one may use THERP Handbook data [3].
Recovering from execution errors: If enough time is available and excution error is alarmed one
can use the following methods based on expert judgement.
• Paired comparisons : It is a psychological scaling technique in which experts judge
whether a human error is more likely in task ‘A’ or task ‘B’. Paired comparison judgements
are required between all pairs of a set of tasks. To convert the interval scale of tasks'
error likelihood to a ratio scale of HEPs, at least two (or preferably more) of the tasks
must have known HEPs for calibrating the interval scale.
• Success likelihood index methodology (SLIM) : SLIM is a HRA technique that uses
expert judgement to develop HEP estimates. It is a systematic method that scales task
error likelihood as a function of the conditions (PSFs) influencing successful completion
of the task. An absolute measure of success probability for the scaled tasks can be
calculated after calibrating the scale with reference tasks of known reliability. Multiple
judges assess relative importance (weight) of each PSF with respect to its impact on the
task. A second independent assessment is made of how good or how bad each PSF is.
These are called the ratings of the PSFs. The sum of the products of the weights and
ratings of the PSFs considered is the SLI. SLI represents the judges' belief regarding
positive and negative effects of PSFs in task success. SLIM assumes that the SLI is
logarithmically related to the probability of success Pr(S) of the task, i.e.
log (Success Probability) = a * SLI + b where a and b are empirically derived constants.
At least two tasks of known reliability are required to calibrate the relationship empirically.
Direct Numerical Estimation (DNE) or Absolute Probability Judgement (APJ) as it is
also called, is recommended if two tasks of known reliability cannot be obtained.
• Absolute probability judgement: APJ/DNE requires experts to provide HEP estimates
for each task. An advantage is that it can be used to obtain estimates of the uncertainity
bounds. The experts do not have to make as many judgements as in 'paired comparisons'.
Individual estimates are aggregated by arithmetic or geometric average.
The uncertainties of the probabilities obtained from these various methods are high. This is
also true for plant specific simulator data as the operator behaviour may or may not be the same
during real and simulated accidents. However, these data are the one most recommended.
Example on Post Incident Task : Small Break LOCA (Oconee PSA)
The example illustrates the modelling of Type-C human actions and presents a case of the human error
quantification. The event is modelled in the ET is depicted in Fig. VI-8. The events depicted are:
S : Small break LOCA
K : Failure of the RPS to trip the reactor
Us : Failure of core heat removal by high-pressure injection (HPI)
Ys : Failure to maintain reactor coolant system (RCS) makeup supply
Xs : Failure to maintain long-term heat removal.
Further modelling is developed in the support logic and system FTs. There is no support logic for event
K as this event is not evaluated further. Event Us corresponds to the top gate of FT for high pressure
injection and so has no support logic. The support logic for event Ys is presented in Fig.VI-7. One
operator action that features in the dominant accident sequence is YRBSH in Fig.VI-7. The errors
appear in the dominant accident sequences and the quantification is briefly outlined here.
Event 1, YRBSH : Operator fails to terminate RB spray operation during a SBLOCA.
Situation : The RB sprays are automatically actuated after a small break LOCA. They may not be needed
for extended operation, depending on the operability of the RB cooling units. The operator could
terminate spray operation to conserve the Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST) supply for HPI.
Factors : Once spray operation is initiated, there is no procedure that requires its termination (in fact,
this would violate a general caution not to defeat a safety system)
Analysis : The conditions stated suggest an HEP of 1.0. However, some credit was given for an
operator to respond, after the sprays have reduced the RB pressure, by turning off the spray pumps,
thus also conserving the BWST supply. Thus, the HEP assessed for this event is 0.5.
Failure to maintain
RCS make-up supply
Steam line break inside Small break LOCA Feedwater line break
containment (IE) inside containment
Small Break RPS to trip the High pressure SC make up Long term heat
LOCA reactor injection (HPI) supply removal
Example for Quantification of Human Reliability using the HCR and THERP Models
The objective of treating human reliability in a PSA study is to ensure that the key HIs of typical
operating crews are systematically incorporated into the study. In doing this, factors like MMI, training,
procedures, knowledge as well as experience of the operators are also considered. This exercise helps
in formulating/modifying the accident management procedures to reduce the chances of human error,
thereby minimising the CDF. The example given here [92] considers HRA of the scenario during the
total power failure due to fire incident that occurred in NAPS. The occurrence of fire in the turbine
building and explosive sound were cues to the operator regarding the seriousness of the situation.
These cues led him to trip the reactor and initiate crash cool down. Subsequent occurrence of total
power failure at around 8 minutes into the incident was an additional cue that Station Blackout event
has occurred.
Station blackout actions
The actions required to be taken in this situation are:
To start diesel engine driven fire fighting pumps
To open Fire Water (FW) injection valves (2 Nos.) to Steam Generators (SGs)
To ensure PHT system integrity for assuring continued core cooling
To ensure sub-criticality status of the reactor
The time available (t) for injecting FW into SGs is about 60 minutes and this is based on the inventory
in the SGs. Hence, all the above actions are needed to be taken within an hour.
Quantification for crew non-response probability using HCR model
The nominal time for starting two diesel driven pumps and opening two valves is assessed as 20
minutes. This is the median time.
(i) Performance shaping factors (PSFs)
In Indian PHWRs, the operator is well trained. Hence the PSF for operator experience,
K1= - 0.22. Considering the situation to be one of grave emergency, the PSF for stress level,
K2 = 0.44. MMI is considered not applicable here, as the situation is one of total power supply
failure. Hence, the PSF for quality of operator/plant interface K3 = 0.
Hence, the median time adjusted for the PSFs,
T1/2 = 20 x (1- 0.22) (1+ 0.44) (1+ 0) = 22.46 minutes
The normalised time = t/T1/2 = 60 / 22.46 = 2.67
The actions are rule based. Hence the HCR correlation coefficients are:
Ai = 0.601, Bi = 0.6, Ci = 0.9.
P(t) the crew non-response probability in time t is given by Eq. (VI-1). For this situation
P(t) = 0.048
(ii) HEP for actions using THERP handbook data
Starting of diesel driven pumps:
The subtasks involved are listed below. The associated HEPs are given in brackets.
(i) Starting the diesel engine (0.001)
(ii) Observing whether the rated speed has been attained (0.001)
(iii) Opening the pump discharge valves (0.001)
(iv) Checking downstream pressure gauge (0.001)
(v) Informing the control room.
As the fire fighting water pumps are tested weekly, the operator is experienced in carrying out
this task. The stress level is considered to be moderately high. Hence a stress factor of 2 is
considered. The non-recovery factor is taken to be 0.1, as the action is supervised. Hence, the
HEP = 0.004 x 2 x 0.1 = 8 x 10-4. For two pumps, the HEP contribution for starting of the pumps,
HEP (pumps) is 1.6x10-3.
Operation of the fire water injection valves to SGs:
Probability of failure to open one valve is 1E-03. Since the action is not frequently carried out,
a stress factor of 5 is considered. Hence HEP for a valve is 5E-03. For two valves, the HEP
contribution for operation of the valves, HEP (valves) is 1E-02. For ensuring PHT system
integrity and core sub-criticality, the time available is sufficiently large. Hence the associated
HEPs are negligible. The overall HEP is therefore:
P(t) + HEP (Pumps) + HEP (Valves) = 4.8E - 02 + 1.6E - 03 + 1.0E - 02 = 5.96E - 02
(f) Integration of HEPs into overall PSA quantification
HEPs arrived at based on above quantification processes are included in FT/ET modelling for
accident sequence/core damage quantification (Level 1 analysis), for release frequency (level
2 analysis) estimation and also for consequence to public domain (level 3 analysis), as required
with the consistent established scope of PSA work.
(g) Sensitivity/Uncertainty analysis [88]
Each HEP is an estimate derived by using models, more basic (task oriented) data and judgement.
To assign a distribution to an estimated HEP depends on expert judgement, since background
data for HEP is scanty. For each specific HEP, a best estimate and an upper and lower bound
can be provided. It is suggested that log normal distribution be used with the upper and lower
bounds as the 5th and 95th percentiles. A simplistic method of assessing uncertainty in the
quantitative value (rather than identifying precisely the underlying cause of HE) could be as
The HEP results using best estimate, can be divided into two regimes, 0.1 to 1 and < 0.1; A beta
distribution can represent HEP in the regime 0.1 to 1.
P(x) = xy-1 (1- x)s-1 (0 < x <1) (VI-3)
B(r, s)
B(r, s) : normalisation factor; r and s >1,
For the regime < 0.1 assign log normal distribution
(c) Actions without procedure
The number of configurations possible in shutdown is too many. If clear written procedures are
not there for all such states, then operator response would have to be strongly based on
knowledge and training. Uncertainty about plant configuration would lead to error. Also,
mistakes are possible while considering potential consequences during response planning. In
accident management, EOPs include Accident Management (AM) guidance. The possible lack
of procedures may bring out unconstrained possibilities of plant state, due to actions that
include situations not identified by procedure or misrepresentation of instrument readings.
Furthermore, there could be a change of persons executing the job. The situation in case of
external events is similar to the AM case for internal events. The data needs are dictated by the
actions to be improvised.
(d) Decision burden
Decision burden arises in ‘real’ situations when operators have to consider the consequence
of a real action. When there are uncertainties about plant states, with the appearance of
unexpected alarms/‘values’ of parameters or when actions foreseen and/or addressed in the
operating procedures, are not in accordance with plant safety vis-à-vis the real situation
involving probability-consequence tradeoffs between two or more actions, decision burden
results HEPs would then also be related to chances of recovery. While the approach to
quantification of human reliability would remain essentially the same as for events in full power
operation, there is a need to explicitly consider the factors arising out of the issues in the
particular context or environment in which the operations are to take place. The risk associated
with events in non-full power operations is in general seen to be somewhat higher.
VI-2.3 Additional Points to Consider in HRA
While selecting the reliability model for quantifying human error, one should be careful that human
tasks considered, fit into the model; otherwise, quantification results could be different from reality.
Uncertainties in modelling play a significant role in such assessment and hence in the overall PSA
In Indian NPPs operators are qualified, trained/retrained (presently on simulators too) and licensed.
They follow procedures to execute an action and it may be difficult to draw a distinct line and label an
operator action (in particular one from the control room) as skill, rule or knowledge based. (Jens
Rasmussen, the originator of these terms himself acknowledged that the dividing lines among them can
be fuzzy at times). The HEPs themselves may be more influenced by PSFs relating to personality traits
like stress, motivation and culture. In the absence of adequate plant specific data, as a first order
analysis, a HEP of likely value say 3E-3 [3] may be used and modified by PSFs using the analysts
judgement; Alternately a simplistic approach based on a, adequacy of time available, quality of indication
and type of task, matrix could be used, giving HEP values from expert judgement/generic data. Such a
matrix is given in the table below. Once specific human actions have been identified to be dominant or
recurring in safety significant event occurrences, detailed modelling of HE should be done after careful
review of various available models and discussions with plant personnel. Table VI-2 gives preliminary
post-IE HEP quantification [84].
Each accident sequence minimal cutset represents one possible way the sequence may occur. The information
available to the operator and the recovery action to be taken generally depend on the combination of events that
have occurred and hence on the particular minimal cutset. Therefore, recovery actions are generally established
considering at the minimal cutset level rather than at the accident sequence level. Since there may be a large
number of minimal cut sets for an accident sequence, it may be necessary to consider recovery for only the most
significant minimal cutset. A probability of non-recovery is estimated for each minimal cutset which is recoverable
by some operator recovery action. The frequency of the minimal cutset is then multiplied by its probability of
non-recovery to estimate the final minimal cut set frequency. The final estimated frequency for an accident
sequence is computed using these minimal cut set frequencies with recovery. In general, recovery actions can be
separated into those which can be accomplished from the control room, and those which can only be performed
locally. If recovery can only be performed locally and the local site is inaccessible, the primary event is considered
non-recoverable [5]. The recovery actions considered here are primarily the responses beyond EOPs taken to
mitigate the consequences of an accident. Some analysts may also include responses identified in EOPs, but for
which deterministic accident analysis has not taken credit.
Once a primary event is deemed recoverable and the location of the recovery action is determined, a critical time
for the recovery action is estimated. Two types of critical times are considered when determining the critical time
for a recovery action.
The primary event itself can have a critical recovery period, which is independent of the accident sequence or of
the state of the core or containment in an accident sequence. An example of this type of primary event critical
time is that associated with the lubricating oil cooling for a pump. If the primary event is the loss of such cooling,
there is a definite time interval during which the pump can operate without the cooling, and this time interval
defines the critical time for the recovery of the primary event.
For the second case, the time in which a mitigatory action can be carried out is considered. In general, the
accident sequences can be combined into groups with each group having its own set of critical times. For
example, sequences initiated by large LOCAs have different time constraint for recovery than do sequences
initiated by small LOCAs. In this second type of critical time examination, the questions asked in determining the
critical time for recovery are phenomenological in nature. For example, if none of the containment spray pumps
receives an actuation signal, the critical time during which they can be manually actuated is determined by how
long it takes for the containment to be pressurised to the point of failure. When both types of critical times are in
application for a particular recovery action, the shortest critical time is used. Table VIII-1 gives probabilities of
recovery and non-recovery based on generic recovery model.
IX-1 Introduction
The impact of fire would be extensive in terms of common mode failure of redundant and diverse safety
systems. Deterministic and probabilistic techniques are used to assess a fire hazard. Deterministic
analysis is typically, carried out first as a regulatory requirement. It is usually developed early in the
design of new plants and updated as and when required. Fire risk analysis, i.e. Fire PSA, may not be
practical before construction stage since there could be significant changes in layout and construction
and materials involved. Fire PSA is to supplement the deterministic Fire Hazard Analysis (FHA) and is
recognised as a tool that can provide valuable insights into plant design and operation. Fires are
generally treated as external events, although these may be covered, under this section are generated
by plant equipment and personnel.
Fire PSA requires information on several important aspects of fire (e.g. ignition, progression, detection
and suppression, characteristics of materials under fire conditions) as well as plant safety functions
and their behavior under accident conditions. The fire PSA can be divided into 5 major parts: data
collection , hazard analysis, propagation analysis, which is analogous to component-fragility analysis,
plant system and event sequence analysis and release frequency analysis. The hazard analysis develops
the frequency and magnitude of the ‘externally imposed stress’ where ‘stress’ is in terms of potential
fire induced accident sequences. The propagation analysis investigates the resistance of the plant to
fire damage by studying the propagation of the fire and the effectiveness and timing of suppression.
Plant system and event sequence analysis evaluates the response of plant systems to the accident
sequence triggered by fire leading to core damage and the release frequency analysis evaluates, taking
input from preceding analyses, the response with respect to release of radioactive material from the
The availability of a plant PSA model for internal initiators that represents the contributions to core
damage (Level 1 PSA), is a prerequisite for fire PSA. Expanding internal events PSA to fire PSA requires
other plant specific data, like cable locations, grouping, and routes. Where plant specific data are not
available, generic or other sources could be used with justification for conservatism.
The expertise needed to conduct Fire PSA must combine several disciplines. Thorough knowledge is
required of plant design and operation, PSA techniques, fire science, as well as the design and operational
aspects of the fire protection systems, including their interaction with the nuclear safety systems. It is
essential that the fire PSA team includes specialists who are capable of evaluating the fire damage
effects on the SSCs important to safety, and of assessing fire induced failures of power and C&I
circuits. The ability to evaluate the adequacy and the likely performance of the installed fire detection
and suppression system is also of importance, especially regarding the timing of system actuation
compared with timing of component failures, where such timing is used in the analysis.
IX-2 Interface with Internal Events PSA
This task covers examination and interpretation of the existing internal events PSA to determine the
plant systems and components as well as those related items of the model that are important to fire PSA.
Each IE of the internal PSA has to be reviewed in order to determine whether it can be induced by fire.
Based on low probability consideration, some IEs could have been excluded from the internal events
PSA. In such cases the analyst must also consider the possibility of more severe faults that are induced
by fire than which have been previously analysed. For such situations a new set of event sequences
may have to be developed. For each IE that has potential to be caused by a fire event, it is necessary to
determine the systems required for mitigation.
The failure probabilities of the components may have to be adjusted to take into account the unusual
environmental conditions imposed by the fire event. The values of HEP before occurrence of fire IE
need not be altered.
For the components identified for fire hazard, it is necessary to determine the cables and circuits
required to perform its safety-related function. Each such cable should be evaluated to determine the
effect of its failure on the operation of the components. It is important that all possible failure modes are
identified. The following failure modes or a combination of these may be considered for cables
(1) Open circuit
(2) Short to ground
(3) Short circuit
(4) Hot short
(1) Intra cable hot short
(2) Inter cable hot short
These faults may lead to false readings on a sensor circuit, actuation of non-energised systems, or
application of high and destructive voltages to low voltage systems. Depending on the plant and the
fire scenarios these may lead to serious IEs, or to the additional contributors of system unavailability.
Also, credit should not be taken for proper functioning of any electrical or I&C circuit for which detailed
analysis could not be done.
IX-3 Methodology [94-97]
The analysis is carried out in five steps, (i) Data Collection, (ii) Hazard Analysis, (iii) Propagation
Analysis, (iv) Plant and System Analysis and (v) Release Frequency Analysis
IX-3.1 Data Collection
Fire PSA relies on availability of plant information, both qualitative and quantitative. It concentrates on
collection of the plant specific data required for fire risk modelling. The information required for FHA
can be summarised as follows:
(1) Description of plant systems, including the location of components and systems within
structures. Especially important are routings of safety-related power and control cables.
(2) Fire-protection report, which contains information on temporary and permanent combustible
material loading, suppression systems, ventilation systems, and safety equipment inventories
for each fire zone, as well as a simplified FMEA for some zones.
(3) Reports on the fire qualification of components with physical data for electrical cables and
(4) Results of the plant-system analysis for internal IEs, especially accident sequences descriptions.
Accident sequence frequencies are also useful for screening purposes.
(5) A compilation of plant event reports of safety significance involving fires at NPPs.
Two types of plant specific data are to be obtained; internal events PSA data and fire related data. The
information that is needed from the internal event PSA data is the list of IEs, PSA logic models, basic
events of the model, CCF events, and human actions. Fire related data can be classified as physical
characteristics of the fire compartments, and their inventory, fire occurrence data, reliability estimates of
the fire detection and suppression system, human actions and HEPs, and fire induced equipment failure
modes and damage criteria. The data for the physical characteristics of the fire compartments may be
readily available from the deterministic analysis.
The required plant specific information can be acquired from various design sources, as well as from
plant walk downs, where in-situ information is gathered and verified. The recommended sources of
plant specific information include design manuals/design basis reports of systems, equipment lists,
design drawings and plant procedures and safety reports. All information obtained from plant
documentation has to be verified by visually inspecting each fire compartment throughout the plant.
Information on any modifications made to the SSCs during the maintenance, etc. should also be collected.
Plant specific fire occurrence data are collected for the source of ignition, the materials involved in the
fire, and the damage to the equipment and cables. It is advisable that, in addition to the fire events, the
analyst collects generic data on the fire initiation frequencies which are available in the literature and
which are drawn from the NPP operating experience. Reliability data for fire protection features include
data for active fire protection equipment and for inter-compartment fire barriers. These data can be
derived from plant operational experience or using the available plant specific data, extrapolated from
generic sources of information. A number of operator actions in the internal events PSA model, including
certain important recovery actions will have to be reviewed and, in some cases, re-quantified because
of fire effects like smoke, heat, etc. The analyst will also have to establish a list of equipment types
within the plant and to specify their damage mechanisms (e.g. heat, flame, smoke, water, etc.) and failure
IX-3.2 Hazard Analysis
Under this, frequency and magnitude of the event-generated impact are evaluated. This is done as a
first step by identification of critical areas and assessment of fire frequencies.
IX-3.2.1 Identification of Critical Areas
The plant has to be divided into distinct fire zones/areas, which include compartments or fire cells
depending upon the fire containment capabilities. If the location is surrounded completely by walls,
ceilings, doors that are fire rated, then the location may be called a ‘Fire compartment’. If the separation
of the location from others is not by fire barriers but by methods like spatial separation, so that the fire
in one location doesn’t affect in the other, then the location may be called a ‘fire cell’. Where a fire rating
cannot be established and justified, it is necessary to consider larger areas of the plant as a single fire
compartment. In such a situation fire compartments may be divided into fire cells. The division of all
plant buildings and structures into fire compartments and cells, which are scrutinised individually in the
analysis, is an important task that permits systematic evaluation of fire events. Use of comprehensive
and flexible numbering system for fire compartment and cell identification is advisable. The fire resistance
ratings of the walls and ceilings may be determined analytically or be evaluated by engineering judgement
according to simplified state-of-the-art methodology that involves the thickness and material of the
wall (from graphs or tables published in the literature). The fire resistance rating of each fire compartment
barrier is determined by the lowest fire rated element of that barrier.
IX-3.2.2 Location Screening
The purpose is to identify the locations important to the fire risk analysis. The information about the
location of safety related equipment, combustible material quantity, frequency of fires and availability
of detection and suppression systems are to be obtained and analysed for identifying the areas with
significant fire risk. The methods available for identifying the important and critical areas are described
(1) The first method considers only the presence of fire vulnerable safety components. The location
of interest is considered important if it contains enough safety components so that a severe
fire could fail one or more safety systems, which may or may not be in same train. The loss of
only one division of safety equipment means a loss of redundancy and does not necessarily
lead to core damage and a release of radionuclides; nevertheless, the analyst may decide that
this is an event to be quantified.
(2) Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
The locations containing fire-vulnerable safety equipment are identified as in method 1.
Assuming the loss of all equipment at the location, if there is no IE to occur, the area is screened
out. Given a LOCA or a transient, a number of safety functions are required for safe shutdown.
If the loss of all equipment in the location of interest prohibits the performance of any or all
required functions, the location is tabbed for further analysis. The fire-induced loss of control
systems is judged to dominate fire induced hardware losses. The event may be screened out if
fire causes an IE that will not cause any harm to the safety functions such as safe shutdown of
reactor and maintaining in safe shutdown state, decay heat removal and prevention/monitoring
of radioactive release.
Where inter zone fire propagation (within fire compartment due to some damage caused during
maintenance) may be considered to be important, a more complicated screening approach
considering fire loads, effectiveness of fire barriers in the compartment and importance of
equipment in adjacent locations may be employed.
(3) In addition to the consideration of a fire in the safety significant component and loss of
functions as in method 1 and 2 above, this method takes into account the inventories of
combustible materials, the nature of adjacent locations, fire brigade access, ventilation systems,
and qualitative judgements on the likelihood of fire initiation and progression. Since the
characteristics of adjacent compartments are explicitly considered, the possibility of fire spread
from the rooms containing large inventories of combustible materials to compartments containing
safety equipment is not overlooked. Fleming et al. discuss a method where the frequency of
occurrence of a particular release category, due to all IEs except fire, divided by conditional
frequency of that release category, given the loss of all components in the zone of interest, is
compared with a rough estimate of the frequency of fires for that zone. If the release category
frequency ratio is greater than fire frequency, the location is judged to be an insignificant
contributor. This method requires a prior or concurrent assessment of other IEs.
IX-3.2.3 Fire Occurrence Frequency Analysis
The frequency of occurrence can be established from the historical records. Unavailability of this data
leads to large uncertainties. Kazarians and Apostolakis (1980) model the frequency of fires for various
compartments, using a probability-of frequency framework to consistently treat uncertainties. The fire
frequencies are derived by Bayes’ theorem using statistical data (as relevant to plant under study) on
number of fire incidents in the specific areas. NUREG CR/2300, Section gives the procedure
and relevant data applicable to US light water reactors for working out fire frequency probability
density function. For the places where there is insufficient data available, relevant generic data may be
used with cautious judgement.
IX-3.3 Propagation Analysis
The purpose is to determine the likelihood and extent of various levels of damage in the fire compartment
given that a fire has occurred. The methods that can be used for fire propagation analysis are as follows.
Stage1 Stage 2
Component A Component B Component Loss
Ignition Detection Suppression Ignition Detection Suppression
FA D1 S1
D1 P FA D1 S1 PS2
S2 A&B
S1 •
FA D1 S1 PS2
FA D1 S1 P
S2 A
▼ FA D1 PD2 S1
S2 A&B
P •
FA D1 PD2 S1
D2 A&B
IX-3.3.2 Construction of Physical Models
In this approach, fire growth and suppression are viewed as competing time dependent processes. One
or more representative fire growth scenarios are developed for each location depending on the physical
configuration of the area. The distribution for the analyst-defined characteristic spread time is then
compared against the distribution for suppression time to obtain the conditional frequency of fire
growth, given the fire scenario. For example, assume the two horizontal cable trays, one stacked over
the other, contain critical power and control cables. In the representative fire scenario, a fire initiated in
lower tray spreads to upper tray in tg minutes. The mean fire suppression time is ts minutes. Note that ts
includes the time to detect fire, which often requires human response. Therefore, the distribution of the
fire-spread frequency is the distribution of frequency with which ts exceeds tg. The fire-spread time is
computed by using physical models, while ts is estimated from statistical data
The key to this approach is the explicit use of simple physical models for fire, which enables the analyst
to properly account for the extremely strong dependence of fire behavior on physical configuration of
the fuel and its surroundings, and the consistent treatment of large uncertainties in the model outputs.
With these physical models, using a simple ignition- or damage-threshold temperature criterion, the
impact of fire on its surroundings is then computed as function of time.
Various computer models like Available Safe Egress Time (ASET-B), CFAST, and COMPBRN, etc. can
be used. ASET-B is used for calculating the temperature and position of hot layer in a single room with
closed doors and windows. The unavailability of a provision for accounting for ventilation, forms a
major limitation of this code. CFAST (Consolidated model of Fire growth And Smoke Transport) is a
multi-room fire model that predicts the conditions within a structure resulting from user specified fire.
An important limitation of this model is the absence of a fire growth model. COMPBRN III has been
generally used in conjunction with PSA in nuclear industry. This model assumes a relatively small fire
in a large space or fire involving large fuel loads early during pre-flash-over fire growth period. The
model emphasis is on the thermal response of elements within the enclosure to a fire and on modelling
simplicity. The temperature profile within each element is computed and an element is considered
ignited or damaged when its surface temperature exceeds the user-specified ignition temperature or
damage temperature. This has been used successfully for small experimental fires with good results but
for very large room fires approaching flash over, may be subject to greater uncertainties.
Details of other codes available and their origin can be found in Chapter 11[94]. Because the behaviour
and effects of fire do depend strongly on the layout of location of interest, the physical modelling
approach is better compared to others.
IX-3.4 Plant and System Analysis
Once the frequencies of fire induced component losses are assessed, it is possible to estimate the
frequency of fire-initiated accident sequences leading to core damage. As with other IEs, separate ETs
may be constructed for fires because the operator, rather than the automatic actions, may be responsible
for shutting down the plant in response to fire. Often the analyst simply modifies the front end of
existing ET for other IEs to model fire in the PSA. The conditional branching probabilities would be
altered to reflect the dependence on fire. However, if fires are to be treated as a separate event, care
should be taken that data from which basic component failure rates are determined, don’t double count
these failures from fires.
The operators may extinguish the fire or operate the equipment manually and prevent fire or they may
be misled by the faulty information generated by the effect of fire and may exacerbate/aggravate the
situation. Some other issues that have to be addressed in the analysis of fire induced accident sequences
are smoke propagation, effects of fire-suppression activities, fires outside the plant and failures of fire
barriers. Particular attention must be paid to the inter-system dependencies introduced by fire. Fire as
cause of component failures may be included as “house events” directly in the system FTs as function
of location and size.
Once the sequences involving fires are delineated and frequency distributions are quantified, the
assessment of plant system response and event sequences proceeds as with other IEs. Besides direct
impact on system components, fires have other secondary effects like the flooding that results from fire
fighting agents; smoke, which may hinder personnel access; the generation of ignition sources for
other inflammable products; the possible boiling of water inside pipe passing through the fire, etc. The
dependencies of fire as secondary event to some other external event (e.g. fire initiated by an earthquake)
should be evaluated in the other external initiator event.
IX-3.5 Release Frequency Analysis
The purpose of this analysis is to derive the frequencies of accident sequences leading to radioactive
material release using the results of previous analysis. The distributions for the various categories of
radioactivity release from containment should take into account that the same fire that would lead to
damage of the core may as well damage the containment ESFs also.
IX-3.6 Special Issues
The steps described above need to be supplemented with additional considerations based on specific
features associated with the locations or additional aspects. These include the following.
IX-3.6.1 Analysis of Control Room
In the event of fire in the main control room, the potential impact on safety systems is higher than that
of any other area. The potential also exists for the operator to receive contradictory information and for
an impact on operator habitability and performance. The potential for any physical dependence between
control room and remote shutdown capability and core cooling (e.g., from supplementary control room)
are also to be considered in analysis.
IX-3.6.2 Cable Spreading Room and Other Sensitive Areas
The cable spreading rooms, switchgear rooms and other control equipment rooms are centres of
convergence for equipment and wiring. These compartments contain electrical equipment and cables
that may belong to more than one safety system train. So the impact of fire would be relatively high in
these areas. Fire in these locations may also result in spurious actuation because of hot shorts, etc.
Since these areas are very significant to fire risk, they have to be handled thoroughly.
IX-3.6.3 Environmental Survival of Component
The combustion products or the fire suppression agents have potential to damage some safety-related
component. The data available for impact of these materials is scarce, so the analyst may treat the issue
with his expertise and data from other plants. It should be ensured that the effect of actuation of fire
suppression system is taken care of in the analysis.
IX-3.6.4 Fire Induced Explosions
During the screening process or the detailed analysis, the potential for fire sequences that lead to a
consequential explosion may be identified. It may be outside the scope of a fire PSA to provide a best
estimate assessment of the consequences of explosions arising from fire sequences because the damage
spread mechanisms from fire explosions (blast effects, missiles, etc) require that different methodologies
be applied. It is important that these potential hazards are listed and attached to the report for
completeness of the analysis. This list provides input to plant’s overall fault schedule, for inclusion
under relevant analysis topics.
IX-3.6.5 Integrity of Containment
The factors to be emphasised in fire analysis of containment integrity include the following.
• Prevention of containment bypass sequences via high pressure - low pressure interfaces,
together with the potential degradation in the redundancy related to isolation via hot shorts.
• Failure of the containment isolation provisions that may be required to operate, prevent or
mitigate the release of radioactivity from the containment; In some plants it may be necessary
to critically examine the ability of containment seals and penetrations to withstand the postulated
• Fire induced degradation in the active systems used to sustain containment performance
during DBA and BDBA, like decay heat removal, containment spray systems, etc..
X-1 Introduction
Seismic PSA combines knowledge of earthquake engineering, plant systems and risk analysis. Earthquake
engineering is a broad field drawing on aspects of geology, seismology, geotechnical engineering, and
structural engineering. Hazards associated with earthquake for a specified exposure time include ground
shaking, structural hazard, liquefaction, landslides, lifeline hazards, tsunamis and seiches. The probability
that social, economic casualties will exceed a specified value at a site in earthquake (seismic event) is
called earthquake risk. The terms earthquakes or seismic events although used interchangeably, are not
exactly the same. Seismic events include earthquake. Any disturbances in the interior of the earth,
which sends elastic waves in different directions, are called seismic events. The seismic events, depending
on sources, can be categorised into natural seismic events (i.e. tectonic, volcanic, collapse and oceanic
microseisms) and man-made seismic sources i.e. industrial or military explosions, quarying/mining
operations, construction work, nuclear explosions, traffic and reservoir induced earthquakes. This
section addresses seismic PSA considering only earthquake event, as significant for a NPP site.
The phenomenon of sudden internal movements in the earth’s crust setting up the tremors (ground
vibrations) is called an earthquakes. These are caused mostly by faulting and some by volcanic eruptions.
The earth’s surface (crust) consists of a large number of blocks/rocks called planes (plate tectonics),
which may extend deep down to outer layer of mantle. These plates move with respect to each other (the
underlying blocks/rocks which are less brittle allow such movement). The differential movement between
these two blocks in the earth’s crust along new or pre-existing lines is called a fault. Fault may range in
length up to a few hundred kilometres and extend to a depth of several tens of kilometres. Based on the
type of movement there are different kinds of faults. The slow (typically 2-10 cm/year) and continuous
displacements of plates set up deformation and elastic strain with neighbouring plates. When the
energy that accumulates due to deformation becomes greater than the rocks can endure, the rock
fractures along a plane of the weakness (fault plane), gets displaced/rebounds into a new position
(elastic rebound theory) relieving strain energy totally or partially and earthquake originates. The rock
fracture usually starts from a point (called focus) close to one edge of the fault plane and propagates
along the plane (with a typical velocity 3 km/sec.). The point on the earth’s surface vertically above the
focus is called the epicentre. The oldest measure of size of earthquake is intensity relating to destruction
potential of ground motion upon structure and living beings. Maps of isoseismal curves are drawn for
equal values of intensity for different locations on the earth’s surface. The most widely adopted scale
to measure intensity is Modified Mercali Intensity (MMI) Scale. It has twelve grades (I-X), which can
be related to ground acceleration. The magnitude M is the measure of energy release (during an
earthquake) derived from the recorded amplitude on a seismograph. The Ritcher magnitude is the
logarithm to the base 10 of the maximum amplitude expressed in microns with which a Wood-Anderson
standard short period torsion seismometer (characterised with a period of 0.8 second, magnification
2800 and damping nearly critical) would register the earthquakes at an epicentral distance of 100 km.
Different magnitude scales saturate at different sizes of earthquakes because of the saturation and non-
linear effects in ground motion and wave propagation. Moment magnitude, which depends on the
energy released during an earthquake, shows a linear behaviour.
The parameters used to describe characteristics of ground motion from earthquake are as given below:
• Based on amplitude of motion: Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Peak Ground Displacement
(PGD) and Peak Ground Velocity (PGV). These are based on amplitude of motion.
• Based on frequency content of motion: Ground Motion Spectra and Response Spectra. These
are based on frequency content of motion. Response Spectra, which is most widely used,
describes the maximum response of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) of structure to a particular
input ground motion as a function of frequency (or natural period) and damping ratio of the
SDOF system. It is usually normalised with respect to PGA. The shape of the response spectrum
changes according to the site conditions.
Current NPP requires design of SSCs based on ground motion for two levels of severity;
• S1 level corresponding to Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) considering regional, local geology
and seismology and characterisation of subsurface materials by either a probabilistic or a
combination of probabilistic and seismotectonic approaches. The magnitude for this earthquake
could be reasonably expected to affect the plant during its operating life and has a minimum
recurrence interval of 100 years. The SSCs, which need to be functional to continue plant
operation, are to be designed for OBE.
• S2 level corresponding to Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) level, which is the maximum
earthquake potential and is to be evaluated for magnitude based on seismotectonic approach
and history of earthquake in the region with a minimum recurrence of 10,000 years. All SSCs
necessary to assure integrity of primary coolant system pressure boundary, safe reactor
shutdown, decay heat removal and for Anticipated Operational Occurrence preventing AOC
leading to accident condition and mitigating accident consequences, are designed for SSE
magnitude of earthquake.
Earthquake motion can initiate accident sequences and has the potential for simultaneously damaging
several components in NPP. The main objectives of seismic PSA are as follows:
(i) To identify the most likely accident sequences leading to core damage in the event of an
(ii) To identify major seismic risk contributors inside the plant.
(iii) To calculate the overall CDF and overall consequences.
The calculation of seismic risk requires detailed information about seismotectonic characteristics of the
region, capacities of SSCs to withstand the earthquake motion, different failure modes of the structures
and interactions between failures of various SSCs of a NPP. But in many cases, the details available are
not adequate. Though sophisticated analytical tools to calculate the real inelastic capabilities of
structures and components and high speed computers are available, many a time, engineering judgement
based on expert opinion will be required to supplement sparse data and limitations in analyses.
The major steps in the seismic PSA are: (i) seismic hazard analysis for plant site; (ii) calculation of
response of SSC; (iii) computation of component fragilities; (iv) modelling plant systems and accident
sequences including for new IEs not considered in the internal IEs earlier, integration of events into the
existing FTs and accident sequences and quantifications of end states, and (iv) consequence analysis.
Some of the factors which may have significant contribution to overall risk, but are difficult to be
considered in the analysis are:
(1) Increased probability of human error subsequent to occurrence of a destructive earthquake.
(2) Increased probability of damage to lifelines (air, fluid commanded equipment and instrumentation
needed for mitigating and control off-site emergency measures) and other infrastructure, which
is used during the emergency evacuation procedures.
(3) Increased probability of delayed response by the authorities and public to nuclear accident
due to interference from another catastrophic event (e.g. bridge collapse).
This section covers Level 1 PSA and performance assessment of containment during the seismic event.
Because of inherent difficulties in assessment of events, which includes (2) and (3) above, off-site
consequences (Level 3 analysis) related to seismic events are not addressed here.
X-2 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)
Seismic hazard is the frequency of occurrence of earthquake parameter. It is usually expressed in the
form of a hazard curve, which is a distribution of frequency of exceedence of the seismic parameter to
that parameter, usually PGA. Since there may be a great deal of uncertainty in the parameter values and
in the mathematical model of the hazard, the effects of uncertainty are represented through a family of
hazard curves. Each curve is plotted for a postulated set of the parameter values and a selected hazard
model and a probability value. In contrast to the typical deterministic analysis, which makes use of
discrete, single valued events to arrive at the description of seismic hazard, probabilistic analysis
allows the use of multi valued or continuous events and models. The basic steps in PSHA are as
(a) Definition of earthquake sources
This involves the identification and characterisation of individual, or groups of, capable/
identified earthquake generating faults and their location. This also includes identification of
seismotectonic provinces (a region where there are no identifiable active faults but are having
diffused seismic activity). This also includes characterisation of the probability distribution of
the potential rupture location. It is assumed to have similar earthquake potential throughout
the region. The sources are represented by different earthquake source models as given in Fig.
X-1 (e.g. reservoir induced seismic event may be considered as a point source model).
(b) Calculation of recurrence relationships for each source
It involves evaluation of average rate at which the earthquake of some size will be exceeded. It
is derived as the best-fit curve between annual frequency of exceedence of magnitude and
corresponding magnitudes. The ordinate of the plot represents the logarithm of a number of
earthquakes having their sizes greater than or equal to a particular earthquake magnitude, and
the abscissa contains increasing earthquake magnitude. The recurrence relationships are
usually represented by straight lines.
The recurrence relationship can be represented by Gutenberg-Richter recurrence law, Bounded
Gutenberg-Richter recurrence laws or with characteristic earthquake recurrence laws [98]. A
study has concluded that while available data sets are not sufficient to disprove the Gutenberg-
Ritcher recurrence law, the characteristic earthquake model better represents the observed
distribution of earthquake magnitudes [98]. Gutenberg Ritcher recurrence law is represented as
given below and shown in Fig.X-4.
Log N = A - Bm (X-1)
where, N is the cumulative number of earthquakes of a given magnitude or larger that are
expected to occur during the study period of time and m is the magnitude of the earthquake.
For calculation of the seismic hazard that occurs within a time period of study (temporal
occurrence), the distribution of the occurrence of earthquake with respect to time should be
considered. It is generally assumed that the earthquakes occur at random (after the removal of
aftershocks from the data set, which also simplifies the occurrence models used). The Poisson
model also assumes that events of a Poisson process occur randomly, with no memory of the
time, size, or location of any preceding event. But, it is to be noted that this assumption is
inconsistent with elastic rebound theory. If the earthquakes are triggered when the stress on
the fault reaches some limiting value, the chances of occurrence should depend on the time,
size and location of preceding events. A number of models (time predictable, slip predictable
models, Markov models, non-homogenous Poisson models, etc.) have been proposed to account
for the past seismicity. Many of these models require additional parameters whose values must
be evaluated from historical and instrument based seismicity records that are in many cases
too sparse to permit accurate evaluation. A discussion on the different types of models used
to represent temporal uncertainty and their applicability is given in Ref. [98]. The temporal
occurrence of earthquakes is generally described with the help of a Poisson model. Investigation
on the applicability of Poisson and non-Poissonian models have shown that Poisson model is
useful for practical seismic risk analysis except when seismic hazard is dominated by a single
source for which the time interval since the previous significant event is greater than the
average interval time and when the source displays strong 'characteristic time' behaviour.
(c) Calculation of the range of earthquake magnitudes and distances to be considered in the
Since the earthquakes are assumed to occur anywhere from the earthquake source, distances
from all possible locations within that source to the site should be considered. A probable
distribution of the source to site distance for an arbitrary site is given in Fig. X-2. In order to
estimate the earthquake effect at site, suitable attenuation relationships representing the
seismotectonic characteristics of the site should be identified.
(d) Determination of seismic hazard at site
During the determination of seismic hazard at site, the effects of all the earthquakes of different
magnitudes occurring at different locations due to different earthquake sources at different
probabilities of occurrence (to account for uncertainties in earthquake location, size, ground
motion parameter values) are integrated into one curve which depicts the probability values for
exceeding different earthquake parameter levels at the site during a specified period of time.
This can be expressed as
m ur=∞
N (X-2)
E(z) = Σ αi ∫ ∫ fi (m) fi (r) P(Z > z | m, r) drdm
i=1 m r=0
Where, E(z) is the expected number of exceedences of ground motion level z during a specified
time period t (usually taken as one year), is the mean rate of occurrence of earthquakes
between the lower and upper bound magnitudes ( ) considered for the ith source, is the
probability distribution of magnitude (i.e., recurrence relationship) for the ith source, N is total
number of sources, is the probability distribution of the distance to the source for the various
locations within the source i, and is the probability that a given earthquake of magnitude m
and epicentral distance r will exceed the ground motion level z [98].
Assuming earthquakes are Poisson events, the annual frequency of earthquakes, which will
produce the ground motion parameters Z smaller than z is given by
can be postulated, with each hypothesis consisting of a specified configuration of seismic
sources, a value of Gutenberg-Richter slope parameter, a value of upper bound magnitude for
each source, etc. A seismic hazard curve representing the annual frequency of exceedence of
a specified earthquake parameter is generated for each hypothesis. This exercise can be repeated
for all hypotheses resulting in a family of hazard curves. From these, curves corresponding to
different levels of exceedence of the earthquake parameter can be generated.
Fig. X-5 shows a family of curves corresponding to different seismic hazard studies conducted
for a particular region. The composite best estimate and a measure of uncertainty about this
estimate are obtained by assigning, subjectively, relative weights to each estimate. For any
level of acceleration, it can be seen from that there are five estimates with corresponding
relative weights. This discrete distribution can be converted to a convenient analytical probability
distribution such as lognormal and uncertainty can be calculated and plotted (Fig. X-6). The
plots obtained are in terms of annual frequency of exceedence, where as for calculation of
annual frequency of release, annual frequency of occurrence is needed. This is obtained by
taking the differential with respect to the ground motion parameter, for which the hazard curve
has been prepared.
The hazard curves are defined in terms of a single parameter. But, for calculation of response of
structures, hazard curve has to be translated into engineering quantities. Additional information
like response spectrum or a set of time histories is to be defined for calculating the same. This
can be done based on experience with similar tectonic and geological regimes and the
uncertainties introduced due to these additional parameters also have to be estimated. The
variability in response spectra will be pronounced when different source mechanisms and
focal distances have to be considered. For example, the duration and long period accelerations
will be considerably larger for the larger magnitude earthquake, whereas short period motions
will be higher in the moderate magnitude earthquake.
X-3 Computer Codes
(1) EQRISK : EQRISK is a computer program for the evaluation of earthquake hazard at chosen
sites. Seismic events are considered as point sources; their occurrence in space is defined by
the user. A variety of parameters may be used to quantify ground shaking, such as peak
ground acceleration, velocity, displacement, modified Mercalli intensity, spectral velocity, etc.
An attenuation function must be specified by the user, and may be in analytical form or (with
slight reprogramming) in tabular form. Output gives annual hazard (probabilities of equalling or
exceeding) for chosen values of the parameter values for pre-selected hazard levels. The hazard
from each seismic source may be output, if desired, by the user. Also, if particular hazard levels
have been input, the parameter values associated with these hazard levels are calculated and
(2). EZ-FRISK : This is a software package for both probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard
analyses at a single site. It is targeted for use by structural engineers and earth scientists who
want to evaluate ground motions at a site due to the expected seismic activity. Three primary
sets of input data needed to execute a study are site location, the seismic sources (faults and
areas), and the attenuation equations. The software includes a database of 66 faults for California,
and has some attenuation equations built-in.
Both these codes are available from National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, University
of California, Berkeley.
X-4 Responses and Analysis of Plant SSCs
For the calculation of failure frequencies of SSCs, it is necessary to calculate the responses of these
components to various levels of seismic excitation, thus translating the hazard input into responses
acting on a component (e.g. displacement, shear moments, etc). This generally involves an analysis of
the structures, piping systems and other components. The responses of interest could be spectral
acceleration, moment, stress and deflection at selected structural, piping and equipment locations. The
depth and coverage of analysis will depend on the type of analysis, which was carried out during the
design stage of the plant and the applicability of the seismic design procedures and criteria used at the
time of design. Although the failures may result in inelastic responses, the analysis can be limited to
linear dynamic analysis of structures and subsystems. The variability in the ground motion is
incorporated by simulating a set of time histories compatible with a particular peak ground acceleration
and spectral shape. The sub-systems are analysed by using multi-support time history analysis. The
output of the structure response analysis is the probability density function of the peak response of the
structure in terms of moment, stress, deformation etc. of each SSC and the correlation between them.
Uncertainties related to the input parameters like damping values of the systems/soil, structure/sub
system frequencies could be incorporated with the help of a suitable sampling technique (e.g., Latin
hypercube) [4]
X-5 Fragility Evaluation
The fragility of a component is defined as the conditional frequency of its failure for a given value of
response parameter like moment, stress, deformation or spectral acceleration.
The objective of fragility evaluation is to estimate the ground motion parameter value for which the
seismic response of a given component located at a specified location in the structure exceeds its
capacity. Due to many sources of variability in the estimation of capacity, developing a single fragility
curve is not appropriate, although a single curve may sometimes be used as shown in Fig. X-8 [99].
Instead the component fragilities are usually described by means of a family of curves with a probability
value assigned to each curve to reflect the uncertainty in fragility estimation.
Three major steps in the development of seismic fragilities are selection of components, identification
of failure modes and evaluation of ground acceleration capacity. Structures can be considered to fail
functionally when the operation of the safety related equipment is potentially interfered with due to
seismically induced inelastic deformations or when the failure of their attachments to the structure
occurs. If a structural collapse occurs resulting in the failure of many safety related equipment (common
cause failure), the event and FTs should be modified to account for this aspect.
(a) Selection of components for fragility evaluation, walk down and screening
Selection of SSC for the fragility evaluation is an iterative process including system analysis.
and structural analysis. The system analyst based on the knowledge of plant systems, identifies
the SSCs whose failure would lead to core damage and subsequently to radiological
consequences. A walk down by the structural analyst is required to add and/or delete certain
components from this list.
A detailed walk down of a NPP uncovers seismic vulnerabilities of safety related equipment
and identifies spatial seismic interactions between systems. This identifies the components
that require a detailed fragility assessment. The walk downs should be conducted by experienced
engineers who can make engineering judgement decisions on the relative seismic capacity of
equipment. The objectives of plant walkdown are:
1. To confirm that no weakness exist in the plant structures and equipment due to abnormal
aging and poor maintenance, which will render the use of generic failure values
2. To confirm the accuracy of system descriptions found in plant design documents
3. To identify any spatial system interactions and system dependencies
4. To gather information on certain potentially weak components.
In general, rigid equipment that is well anchored are not vulnerable to seismic events. Such
equipments are pumps, valves, compressors, diesel generators, chillers and heat exchangers.
Some times, there may be a potentially vulnerable ancillary item that governs the failure mode
of rigid equipment. Other items, which have been demonstrated to be seismically rugged are
piping, cable trays and electrical conduits, provided the support systems do not fail in a brittle
manner. The major concern with distributive systems is seismic anchor movement due to
differential building motions, or at a flexible anchor point.
Most of the emphasis during a walk down is to judgementally rank the structural capacity of
essential equipment based upon its anchorage and its ancillary equipment, identify potential
system interaction as discussed earlier and look for other seismic issues that could affect the
function of essential equipment. Detailed procedures for plant walk down may be found in
(b) Failure modes
The first step in generation of fragility curves is to develop a clear definition of what constitutes
a failure of a safety related SSC. The structural and system response analyst should define the
various failure modes of each SSC and the possible interactions between them, including the
failure of non-safety related systems, which could lead to failure of safety related systems. It
may be necessary to consider several modes of failure of a component (each with different
consequences) and fragility curves are required to be generated for each mode of failure. It may
be also possible to identify the most likely failure mode by reviewing the equipment design,
thereby reducing number of failure modes to be considered. Identification of credible mode of
failure is largely based on the experience and judgement of analyst, results from earlier studies
and reported failure modes of SSC.
Structures may be considered to fail when they cannot perform the designated functions, i.e.,
when inelastic deformations are beyond the available values, for the systems supported by the
structure and of loss of safety related functions like leak tightness. A structural failure might
also result in common cause failures of other systems it houses. For piping, the failure of
anchorages and pressure boundary constitute dominant failure modes. Failure of buried
structures may also have to be considered. Consideration should be given to potential failure
of soil (e.g., liquefaction, toe bearing pressure failure, base slab uplift, etc.)
(c) Calculation of component fragilities
Component fragility is computed by developing the frequency distribution of the seismic
capacity of a component and finding the probability of the capacity being less than the response
value. Information required for this includes the material strength data of concrete, steel
reinforcement, as -built dimensions of the structural members, qualification procedures/test
reports for the equipment. Failure of equipment may also consist of failure of function or failure
of pressure boundary, with each failure mode having totally different effect upon the plant
systems. For most of the mechanical and electrical equipment the fragility data is based on the
design analysis data and equipment qualification data. The capacity of a component is evaluated
based on its ultimate strength and its capacity for inelastic deformation/energy absorption. A
flowchart of response analysis and fragility evaluation is given in Fig. X-7 [99].
(d) Sources of randomness and uncertainty
Two distinct sources of variability contributing to overall variability (uncertainty) can be
identified as random/ statistical/frequency and systematic/probabilistic/uncertainty. The random
variables represent underlying randomness of variables and events. This variability may arise
in part from the stochastic nature of underlying physical processes and in part from the inability
to measure precisely the parameters, which characterise those processes. Examples of these
are variability in material properties (structure, soil and component) such as strength, inelastic
energy absorption and damping, the variability in earthquake time history and that in structural
response when earthquake is defined in terms of PGA. The variability from uncertainty arises
mainly from modelling uncertainty and represents the current level of ignorance concerning
the variables and events. Sources of such uncertainties include variability due to an insufficient
understanding of structural material properties, errors in the calculated response that result
from using inappropriate modelling for the structure and inaccuracies in mass and stiffness
representation, inaccurate representation of attenuation laws, generic configuration of seismic
sources and also the use of engineering judgement in view of in complete plant specific data on
the fragility levels of component and on response. It is distinguished from randomness because
it originates with the methods used to model the seismic hazard and the plant response rather
than as the result of inherent variability in the physical processes being modelled. All the
variables that attribute to the response or strength of a component has some randomness and
uncertainty associated with it and this results in uncertainty and randomness in response and
strength. Tables X-1 and X-2 able gives some guidance on the dominant source of uncertainty/
randomness of some important variables [99].
The fragility analyst may often assign both randomness and uncertainty to some parameters whose
variability is affected by both the input motion time history and lack of knowledge in the modelling of
the phenomenon. Damping and ductility are examples where the variability is usually defined as a
combination of randomness and uncertainty.
The fragility of a particular component for a particular failure mode can be expressed as the best
estimate of a median input parameter and two random variables. When the capacity is expressed in
terms of PGA, it can be expressed as,
A = Amε R ε U (X-5)
where, is the median capacity and are the random variables with unit medians representing inherent
randomness about the median and uncertainty in the median value [99]. It is typically assumed that
both these random variables are lognormally distributed with standard deviations respectively.
The lognormal distribution can be justified as a reasonable distribution since the statistical variation of
many material properties and seismic response variables may be well represented by this distribution,
provided one is not interested with the extreme tails of the distribution [101, 102]. Also, the central limit
theorem states that the products and quotient of random variables tend to be lognormally distributed
regardless of the distribution of individual variables. The use of lognormal distribution for estimating
very low failure probabilities of components or structures associated with tails of distribution is
considered to be conservative since the low probability tails of the distribution generally extend further
from the median than actual structural resistance or response data might extend.
With perfect knowledge (i.e. only accounting for the random variability), the conditional frequency of
failure f0 for a given peak ground acceleration level, a, is given by,
In(a/Am) (X-6)
f0 = Φ
where Φ[ ] is the standard Gaussian cumulative distribution. The frequency of failure f 1at any non-
exceedence probability level Q can be derived as
In(a/Am) + βU Φ (Q)
-1 (X-7)
f 1= Φ
where Q = P [f < f 1 | a] = probability that the conditional frequency of failure, f, is less than f 1 for a
peak ground acceleration ‘a’. For the purpose of displaying fragility curves, the non-exceedence
probability level Q is utilised. Subsequent computations are made easier by discretising the probability
‘a’ into values ‘q’ associated with different values of failure frequency f 1. A family of fragility curves
each with an associated probability ‘q’, is developed. In some applications, the composite variability
β C is used which is defined by,
βC = (β 2
R + β U2 ) (X-8)
As an example, let the fragility parameters for a component be Am = 0.7 g , βR = 0.35 and βU = 0.25. Using
Eq. (X-6), the best estimate of the conditional failure frequency for a peak ground acceleration of 0.60 g
is calculated as 0.33; the conditional failure frequency at 95 % non-exceedence probability for a ground
acceleration of 0.50 g using Eq. (X-7) is calculated as 0.77. Using similar calculations, fragility curves are
The following two methods are generally used to develop fragility curves for use in seismic PSA-
Scaling method and Simulation method. In either method, the hazard definition and the system models
are the same. The difference lies in the details of development of the fragility description for structures
and components as shown in Fig. X-7. In either case though, the final fragility description is a conditional
probability of failure relative to a hazard parameter defined at ground. In the scaling method, existing
structural analysis are utilised and the fragility curves are referenced to a ground motion parameter. In
the simulation method [90], new structural and equipment analyses are conducted and the fragility
curves are referenced to the component/structure interface response parameter, but must ultimately be
scaled to reference a ground motion input parameter.
Scaling Method
In this method an overall factor of scaling is developed to represent best estimate of actual response
and capacity as opposed to the design response and capacity. In estimating fragility parameters, it is
convenient to work in terms of an intermediate random variable called factor of safety. This is defined as
the ratio of the ground acceleration capacity to the safe shut down earthquake acceleration ASSE used
in plant design. The median factor of safety Fm can be directly related to the median ground acceleration
capacity as
Fm = (X-9)
The standard deviations βF,R and BF,U are identical to that of Am. For structures, the factor of safety is
modelled as a product of three random variables
F = FS Fµ FRS (X-10)
Where FS represents the ratio of ultimate strength (or strength to loss of function) to the stress calculated
for ASSE . In calculating the value of FS , the non-seismic portion of the total load acting on the structure
is subtracted from the strength as follows
S − PN (X-11)
FS =
where S is the strength of the element for the specific failure mode, PN is the normal operating load and
PT is the total load on the structure (i.e., sum of the seismic load for ASSE and normal operating load). Fµ
is the inelastic energy absorption factor and FRS is the load response factor, which accounts for the
conservatism in the calculation of deterministic response parameters. Many factors like spectral shape
factor, damping factor, modelling factor, mode combination factor, earthquake component combination
factor, factor to account for effect of soil-structure interaction, influence the value of FRS
For equipment and other components, the factor of safety is modelled as
F = FS Fµ FRE FRS (X-12)
The factors FS Fµ together represent the capacity factor of safety for the equipment relative to the floor
acceleration used for equipment design. The equipment response factor FRE is the ratio of equipment
response calculated in the design to the realistic equipment response, with both the responses being
calculated for floor response spectra. Important variables that influence the equipment response and its
variability are spectral shape, modelling, damping, combination of modal responses, combination of
earthquake components and qualification method.
The total failure probability of a component can be calculated as
Pf = ∑a φ (a ) f (c | a ) (X-13)
Where, φ (α) is the annual rate of occurrence of the ground motion parameter and f (c | α) is the fragility
of the particular component associated with the value of ground motion parameter α .
Simulation Method [99]
In the simulation method, multiple response analyses are conducted from the ground up for structures
and selected equipment and piping. The equipment and piping models may be coupled or uncoupled
from the structural models. Multiple time history analyses are conducted in combination with variations
of the important variables contributing to response. The resulting response, whether load in a structural
or equipment element, or a floor response spectrum, is defined probabilistically so that factors associated
with the response are not required. The capacity of the structure or component is then computed and
a capacity factor relative to the local input motion parameter is derived. The randomness and uncertainties
associated with the capacity is estimated and a fragility curve relative to the local input motion parameter
is developed. Since the hazard is defined at the ground, this fragility description must be translated to
the ground by dividing by the ratio of the local response parameter used as a response for fragility
curve development to the ground input parameter used to define the hazard. The randomness and
uncertainty is computed for the capacity, to quantify the randomness and uncertainty relative to the
ground motion input.
Apart from these, various other methods (from simple calculation procedures to detailed analytical
studies), which can be used for the derivation of the fragility curves are elaborated in Ref.[4]. Often,
generic fragility curves are used directly. Ref [103] contains a compilation of seismic fragilities developed
in PSAs of numerous nuclear plants. These may be used when results of the walk down and a review of
the design basis suggest that they are appropriate. Some of these generic fragilities may be used in
conjunction with earthquake experience data using Bayesian methods [104]. Fragility description for
components qualified by testing may be approximated from the test results but, unfortunately, the true
capacity is unknown. Usually, the test level represents appropriately a 95% confidence of less than 5%
probability of failure, commonly termed as High Confidence Low-probability of Failure (HCLPF) value.
There is usually conservatism in the structural response and in the testing input so that the HCLPF
relative to ground is substantially greater than the SSE. This conservatism defines the structural response
factor and an over testing factor. If the test data are used to develop the fragility curve, the randomness
βR and βU on the capacity must be estimated. They are usually estimated to be of the same magnitude
as the βR and βU developed for the capacity of the other components. The fragility curve is initially
defined relative to the floor response of the structure and then translated to ground by incorporating
the structural response factor and its randomness and uncertainty. A schematic picture of combination
of structural responses and system capacity is given in Fig. X-8 [99].
X-6 Plant System and Event Sequence Analysis
The frequency of core damage and radioactivity releases to the environment are calculated by using
plant logic combined with component fragilities and seismic hazard estimates. Event trees are constructed
considering all initiated events for the seismic initiator(s) and FTs are developed incorporating additional
(failure) basic events to account for seismic mode of failure probability to random failures for the
components, in particular to safety significant components as identified by well established methods
like importance measures and FMECA and keeping in view all possible dependencies and secondary
effects of seismic initiator. The analyses are done, integrating failure probabilities due to seismic event
evaluated from component response and fragility analysis both at FT and ET levels (including CET) to
arrive at core damage frequency (Level 1 PSA) and/or frequency of release to environment in Level 2
PSA. Fig. X-9 gives an overview of Seismic PSA for Level 1 PSA analysis. If internal event PSA already
exists, then this only need to be modified by seismic failure related inputs. However, there are various
aspects that should be kept in view while performing plant system and event sequence analysis. The
major differences between seismic and internal events are:
• Identification of initiated events from seismic initiator
• Increased likelihood of multiple failures of safety systems requiring a more detailed ET
• Secondary seismic effects
• More pronounced dependencies between component failures as a result of correlation between
component responses and between capacities
Initiating events
Some IEs, which are considered improbable for an internal event PSA, may not be negligible in the
seismic PSA. An example of this could be reactor vessel rupture. For large earthquake, multiple initiated
events may occur at the same time with markedly different effects on problematic ESFs. The effect of a
seismically induced flood may be quite different from those of other external floods because the plant
may be subjected to more problems than one threat to safety, and effects may be greater than that
arising from either separately. Perhaps more than the associated external initiated events are internal
initiated events such as fire and flood. The seismic initiator may fail the barriers and fire detection/
mitigating systems and the combination of fire and structural motion may together produce more
damage in this safety systems than if these had occurred separately. These aspects of indirect (seismic
failures) are quite complex to model besides other PIEs in ETs.
Dependent failures
The potential in seismic PSA for additional CCF/dependent failure should be considered in ET/FT.
Most secondary effects are termed as system interactions i.e. failure of a safety and more likely non-
safety systems or components affecting the performance/functioning of a safety-related system/
component. These interactions may be spatial (location) or systematic. Spatial interaction is failure of
un-reinforced, masonry walls impacting safety component. System interactions include such scenarios
as failure of a non-safety heat exchanger or cooling line affecting decay heat removal capacity or
associated system in ultimate heat sink.
Seismic-fire interaction
Other types of secondary effects include fire following an earthquake, inadvertent actuation of fire
protection systems and plant specific secondary effects such as flooding due to outside dam failures.
Fire protection system is typically not designed for earthquakes. Fire protection system (FPS) failures
on earthquake though are reviewed as spatial system interaction sources of spray or failure in the event
of a fire; the unavailability then becomes an even more serious concern. Another issue with fire protection
systems is (spurious) unintended actuation resulting from earthquake. This is often a source of damage
to equipment. Other consequences, which could result from inadvertent activation of FPS, are
inhabitability of the control room and shutdown of emergency diesel generators upon a fire signal.
However, in some cases seismically induced secondary events may not constitute an immediate input
into seismic PSA. For example, for an earthquake causing failure of a dam and consequently flooding a
NPP site, additional risk can be accounted for within the framework of ‘Flood PSA’. It may be necessary
to produce a new seismic hazard curve for some secondary effects if they take place some distance
away from the site; for example, the loss of offsite power may be initiated at a switching station remote
from the NPP. The time aspects of secondary effects should not be forgotten, the most obvious example
is impact due to aftershocks. It is possible that in performing PSA, it may be discovered that secondary
effects have not been excluded when siting/constructing the plant. Some of the reasons could be
discovery of a new fault in the site vicinity, new constructional features in the site vicinity such as
pipeline, petrochemical facility or a dam. Also, new understanding and/or interpretation of safety
concept/regulations may also require considerations of earthquake levels beyond design basis.
Treatment of simultaneous occurrence of external events
The consideration of effects from simultaneous external events in the context of seismic initiator becomes
an issue, treatment of which brings in complexity. One may calculate the probability of sustaining
severe external events simultaneously and assume some maximum damage state to result. The frequency
of such damage states arising from this simultaneous occurrence would then be simply equal to the
expected frequency of simultaneous occurrence to the two external events. This frequency may be well
within whatever is deemed to be an acceptable risk for the facility. If so, then no further analysis would
be necessary. If not, then it might be necessary to re-evaluate the situation to reduce conservatism and
possibly resort to rigorous analysis dealing with the effect of two simultaneous events.
System response
System response for seismic PSA need to be modelled as in internal event PSA considering additionally
seismic mode of failure. If operating procedure and equipment are designed to respond differently to
seismic initiated failures, these could be appropriately modelled in FT/ET. Operator error could be
enhanced due to seismic event, this should be difficult to quantify due to lack of data and unless
specifically called for is usually ignored in a seismic PSA.
Fault tree
There are two major modifications to internal initiator FTs, which must be made for seismic PSA. First it
is necessary to incorporate failures, which because of their extreme improbability are not included in the
internal event FTs for example, wall or roof collapse, severe concrete spallation, basemat uplift, tilting,
relay chattering etc. The second major modification involves those failures, which are considered in the
internal initiator analysis, which may have a second mode of failure that should be included in FTs. For
example, internal initiator PSA might include as a primary failure, random failure of a MOV to ‘close on
demand’. The seismic PSA FT could be modified to change the MOV failure to close from a primary
failure to a gate failure having two primary failures as inputs, the random failure of the valve and the
seismically induced failure of the valve. This has the potential for increasing the size of the FTs.
However, this can be kept to a manageable size by impacting seismically induced failures only to
components which have significant risk contribution as identified by internal initiator PSA or FMEA.
Some failures such as maintenance errors or electrical cabling might be considered so highly resistant
to seismically induced failures that their probability for seismically induced failures can be neglected.
Also operator errors need not to be modelled with two separate failures modes- random and seismic, as
it would be difficult to impact separately such earthquake induced failures. However, in general, these
earthquake dependent failures need to be quantified assigning probabilities which vary with earthquake
level but which are estimated without necessarily employing explicit response/fragility model.
The seismic unavailability analysis and ET quantification are done in the similar manner as with internal
initiator PSA after incorporating seismic related failure probabilities as evaluated from component
response and fragility analyses.
X-7 Consequence Analysis
The consequence model (radioactivity release consequence to public domain) developed for external
events may be employed to analyse the consequence of seismic events. The impacts of huge earthquake
affecting the parameters of consequence models such as evacuation time, disturbing communication
network, damaging roads, population distribution, public response, etc need to be incorporated for
refinement in analysis. Also seismic event may invalidate the consequence modelling assumptions that
people will seek shelter in nearby buildings from external radiation. In the presence of the multiple
hazards (i.e., earthquake itself and reactor accident) people may react differently than they would if
faced only with a reactor accident. For such reasons, the spectral distribution of population exposed to
radiation effects in a seismically induced reactor accident may be different from that for internal events.
Similarly, there are some differences in the expected property damage for the two events. These differences
may be difficult to incorporate in modelling. However, large uncertainties assigned to the parameters of
consequence model may cover the variation due to seismic events. The final output of the consequence
analysis is a family of risk curves (e.g. no. of fatalities vs. frequency of occurrence per reactor year, for
different confidence levels to give non-exceedence probabilities)[4].
X-8 Documentation and Presentation of Results
These should be done as per the general guidelines given in Appendix-I. Special care should be taken
for external events. Documentation for seismic PSA should include the following:
(a) List of external events identified as potential hazards,
(b) The site specific screening criteria used,
(c) Detailed description of hazard analysis for each selected external event,
(d) Development of plant response, component fragility, IEs, ETs, and FTs, APET/CETs, probability
distribution of CDF, frequencies of various release categories and risk curves.
Results should include the following:
(a) Identification of external events appropriate to the site and plant,
(b) Selection of events with detailed assessment,
(c) Hazard analysis, plant response as applicable, component fragilities, modifications to the ETs/
FTs and APET/CETs drawn for internal PSA and modification to consequence model, as
(d) Probability distribution of CDF, frequencies of various release categories, risk curves on
consequences as appropriate,
(e) Conclusion or recommendation including areas needing more studies.
X-9 Interpretation/Review of Results
The seismic PSA results can be represented as median or mean value of the frequency of occurrence
and the fragility curves (lower and upper) defining a range of frequencies within 90 % (or any other
desired fraction) of the frequency contained. The central value (median or mean) can be roughly
thought to reflect the contribution to the risk due to intrinsic randomness while the confidence interval
gives the measure of uncertainty with which CDF, release to environment (Level 2) or consequence
(Level 3) is obtained. Final results of a seismic PSA are typically compared to results from internal
events and other external events. If there are significant differences, unique vulnerabilities of one plant
from the other are not apparent, then there may be some modelling differences that may warrant further
examination. The Table X-3 [105] shows a comparison of mean core melt frequencies. It may be kept in
view that the radiological risk associated with external events should not exceed the range of radiological
risks associated with internal events. Also it should be kept in mind while comparing seismic results
that uncertainty is much greater than that obtained for internal or other external events. Once PSA
results for internal and external events are available, it is customary to conduct sensitivity analysis and
cost benefit studies (without compromising risk) before making decisions on backfit measures. If the
seismic PSA includes a containment performance evaluation, useful information should be obtained on
the potential sources of seismic induced containment failure or containment bypass. This information
along with sensitivity studies may be important findings useful for risk informed decisions. It can be
concluded that the events that lead to core damage, also result into loss of mitigating systems and
containment failures, and the supporting systems that are common for core cooling and containment
cooling may have more importance from a risk viewpoint than systems dedicated to one or the other.
Site Site
S o u rce L1
L dt
S ite r m in r
f R(r) f R(r) Nr
dr dr
rs R f m in R R
(a ) (b) (c)
Seismic History
History Geology
Seismo-tectonic modelling
Mathematical model of
earthquake occurrence
(e.g., Poisson)
Strong motion
accelerograph data
Frequency of ground
motion parameter at site
Uniform risk spectra
S o u rce 1 S o u rce 3
S ite O
R 3
S o u rce 2
R M ag n itu d e, X
D ista n ce , R P a r a m e te r Va lu e, Y '
E 0.09 0.10 0.11
Σ 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
B e st E stim ate
(P = S C T )
P = 1 0%
Seismic Input
fAR (a), fAF (a)
Probability density functions
condition A B C states
Peak ground accel
RPV ruptures
Power density
Frequency of motion
Fault tree
System B
Individual components:
Local seismic response
Related fragility Initiator
Probability distribution
or or
The risk analysis from flooding is performed along similar lines to those followed for other external
events like earthquakes and fires. The method includes flood hazard analysis, fragility and vulnerability
evaluation, plant and system analysis and release frequency analysis.
The first step in flood hazard analysis is the identification and selection of the initiator(s), which can
cause hazard to the plant and next step, is to perform flooding hazard analysis, i.e., to establish the
relation between the frequency and magnitude of flood parameter.
XI-1 Selection of IEs [7]
Two types of flood phenomena; River floods and Coastal floods are identified for contribution of risk to
NPPs. These floods could arise as a result of dam failure, heavy rainfall, snowmelt, tsunami, seiches and
high waves.
XI-2 Parameter Definition for Each Initiator [7]
Usually, the most important characteristics of this analysis are those parameters that are related to size
(meaning damage potential). Parameterisation of an initiator by size is relatively easy, e.g., for river
floods, in which the key issue is elevation of the river compared with elevation of the plant structures,
equipment, dykes and embankments.
An extreme river flood may result from one or more of the following causes; precipitation, snowmelt,
failure of the water flow control structures, either from seismic or hydrological causes or because of
faulty operation of the structures, and channel obstruction as a result of landslides, ice effects, log or
debris jams. Rivers and river floods are usually subject to significant changes over time due to natural
or man made causes. Water level data at a specific site are, therefore, usually inhomogeneous over time.
The size of a river flood can be measured in terms of discharge, velocity, water level, duration and the
contribution of wave action.
Extreme floods from the sea can be of the following types, or a combination thereof: storm surge, tide,
tsunami, seiches and waves. An extreme draw down condition resulting from a combination of wind,
tsunami and an extremely low tide, may also affect the site. Alongside the extreme water levels, wave
action is also a major contributor to hazard. Wind speed, direction and duration; which can occur
simultaneously with the flood, should be taken into account, along with a probabilistic assessment of
wave action at lower levels, which can be more serious, depending on the site conditions.
XI-3 Approximate Screening by Impact [7]
In this task, the objective is to perform an approximate screening in order to eliminate those initiators on
the initial list whose impact cannot initiate an event sequence that could lead to core damage. The main
screening rationale is to examine the immediate consequences of the event. For a screening process the
following points are important.
The available warning time: This can be sufficiently long to shut off the operation for river sites (e.g.
more than 1 day in advance). For coastal sites, in general the warning time is shorter, sometimes only a
matter of hours. The warning time is the period needed for a possible flood to travel from the main
source (river, basin upstream, dams, earthquake, etc.) to the site, and is therefore also directly related to
the accuracy of prediction.
The type of water retaining structure: For sites with a dyke system, there is more urgency to shut down
the plant even when floods lower than the design basis occur, because any dyke burst will cause severe
flooding of the plant.
The adjacent areas: It is possible that other areas will be flooded as the design basis flood occurs, so
that the level will be lower than expected. A plant at the edge of a narrow flood plain is more likely to be
flooded than one in a wide delta area, where additional/adjacent flooding is possible.
XI-4 Detailed Screening by Frequency [7]
In this task, the analyst should perform a careful and detailed analysis to screen out those classes of
initiators whose frequency is so low that elimination of the hazard source will not modify the risk profile.
To provide the means for appropriate review at a later stage it is important that the analyst carefully
records the reasons for using a particular screening criterion. In case of floods if the site is in an area in
which there is a danger of flooding, only those sources relevant to flooding need to be considered.
XI-5 Detailed Parameterisation of Each Initiator [7]
It is necessary to select the parameter(s) to be used to characterise the initiator’s damage potential. Of
course, the damage potential may depend on the location in the plant, etc. The damage potential may
also depend on the co-location of equipment and structures in close proximity, selection of the parameters
to characterise the initiators damage potential cannot be accomplished without careful interaction with
the plant response. The commonly used parameter to determine the risk of flood is flood height since
little flood-induced damage can be postulated unless flood exceeds some minimum level.
For floods, the following parameters are commonly in use
Rivers: The water level, water discharge/velocity and duration.
Sea/lake: The water level, duration and velocity.
Waves: The height, length, period, wind speed and direction.
Wave run up: The height, overtopping and quantity per second.
Seiche: The wave oscillation and height.
Ice: The thickness and stream velocity.
After screening, once the initiators to be considered for flood risk analysis and the parameter(s)
associated with them are decided upon, the next step of flood hazard analysis is performed.
XI-6 Flood Hazard Analysis [7]
This task is the full hazard analysis that should be performed for each initiator, which has not been
screened out or bounded in earlier tasks. The objective is to generate a curve that relates the frequency
(or the frequency of exceedance, or the probability) to the size of the parameter selected for that
particular initiator.
The frequency of occurrence of Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a magnitude of parameter (flood
height, flood intensity, flood rate, etc.) can be derived from statistical data, fitting available data with
historical or theoretical distribution like lognormal. In fact a family of hazard curves should be drawn for
non-exceedence probability levels (e.g. 5 to 95 % probability values) to represent uncertainties in
developing the curve.
XI-7 Plant Vulnerability/ Fragility Evaluation [7]
The objective of a fragility evaluation is to estimate the frequency of producing certain flood damage
states as a function of flood intensity. Therefore, the first step in fragility evaluation is to define the
flood damage states. These could be expressed as specific contributions of structural failures that
might result from external floods or the occurrence of flooding for various combinations of important
impact locations resulting in functional disability of SSCs important to safety.
The failure mechanisms that should be considered for the fragility evaluation include loss of structural
integrity through collapse, sliding, overturning, water run up and ponding, excessive impact and
hydrostatic loads, missile strikes, flooding/submergence of component, seepage through walls and
roofs, flow through openings, sprays and thermal shocks and blockage of cooling-water intakes, etc.
The methodology to estimate fragility follows a line similar to that given for seismic fragility evaluation
of components in terms of safety factors incorporated into design.
XI-9 Plant and System Analysis [7]
The plant analysis covers analyses of the full spectrum of possible undesirable plant consequences,
including analysis of the probability of core degradation for each of the initiator and flood damage
states and integrated. This step of analysis uses the basic event and fault tree methodology. The
phrase plant and system analysis, encompasses not only how the physical equipment behaves after an
external initiator has occurred, but also how the operating staff and other utility personnel respond, as
well as common mode failures. However, in common mode failure modelling, the situation is not as well
developed as that for internal initiators and the analyst must use judgement as to the best approach.
The information required for the plant and system analysis includes information on the plant site, the
plant design, the as-built condition of the plant and the operational aspects.
Treatment of human failures will also need some judgement as stress levels and conditions under which
the operators will have to work may differ considerably.
XI-10 Release Frequency Evaluation [7]
This covers evaluation of the conditional frequencies of source term and off-site consequences given
the occurrence of initiator and damage state. The methods described for Level 2 (sec. 3.3) for analysing
CET and off-site impact (sec. 3.4) for Level 3 for internal events would be applicable, with the difference
that dependences between the cause of the flood and certain factors that might affect off-site
consequences must be taken into account. These dependences include weather conditions, the effect
of the flood on emergency plans and evacuation, and liquid pathways for radionuclides.
* For PWR/BWRs
Noble Gases Radionuclide Half-life Core Inventory (Bq) Core Inventory (g)
Kr 10.7 y 5.065 X 10 4 129.0
Kr 4.48 h 6.144 X 10 6 0.746
Kr 1.27 h 1.184 X 10 7 0.418
Kr 2.80 h 1.670 X 10 7 1.330
Xe 5.29 d 4.430 X 10 7 236.6
Xe 2.23 d 1.398 X 10 6 3.118
Xe 9.17 h 2.965 X 10 6 1.160
Halogens I 8.04 d 2.158 X 10 7 174.0
I 2.28 h* 3.129 X 10 7 3.030
I 20.8 h 4.472 X 10 7 39.46
I 52.6 m 4.867 X 10 7 1.824
I 6.68 h 4.145 X 10 7 11.80
(3700 MWD/T U) [107] (CONTD.)
Alkali Metals Radionuclide Half-life Core Inventory (Bq) Core Inventory (g)
Cs 2.05 y 2.355 X 10 5 1.819 x 102
Cs 13.0 d 3.654 X 10 5 4.984 x 100
Cs 30.1 y 4.980 X 10 5 5.723 x 103
Tellurium Te 109.0 d 1.787 X 10 5 18.93
Te 9.35 h 2.037 X 10 6 0.771
Te 33.4 d 9.512 X 10 5 31.56
Te 30.0 h 3.218 X 10 6 4.034
Te 3.25 d 3.080 X 10 7 101.4
Te 55.4 m 1.720 X 10 7 0.674
Te 42.0 m 3.613 X 10 7 1.076
Alkaline Earths Sr 52.0 d 2.253 X 10 7 7.750 x 102
Sr 28.1 y 3.866 X 10 5 2.833 x 103
Sr 9.48 h 2.805 X 10 7 7.735 x 100
Sr 2.71 h 3.007 X 10 7 2.391 x 100
Ba 12.80 d 3.888 X 10 7 5.329 x 102
Noble Metals Mo 2.75 d 3.973 X 10 7 8.281 x 101
Ru 39.6 d 2.954 X 10 7 9.148 x 102
Ru 4.44 h 2.041 X 10 7 3.034 x 100
Ru 1.01 y 3.181 X 10 6 9.502 x 102
Rh 1.48 d 1.598 X 10 7 1.892 x 101
Refractory Oxide Zr 65.5 d 3.404 X 10 7 1.584 x 103
(Alkaline Earth) 97
Zr 16.8 h 3.710 X 10 7 1.940 x 101
Nb 35.1 d 2.969 X 10 7 7.589 x 102
Rare Earths 91
Y 58.6 d 2.758 X 10 7 1.124 x 103
Y 10.2 h 3.458 X 10 7 1.036 x 101
La 1.68 d 3.965X 10 7 7.122x 101
Ce 32.5 d 3.637 X 10 7 1.276 x 103
Ce 28.5 d 1.222 X 10 7 3.830 x 103
Pr 13.6 d 3.379 X 10 7 5.017 x 102
Nd 11.0 d 1.437 X 10 7 1.788x 102
Pm 2.62 y 1.379 X 10 6 1.487 x 103
Pm 2.21 d 9.454 X 10 6 2.385 x 101
Sm 92.9 y 1.000 X 10 3 3.801 x 101
Eu 15.2 d 1.422 X 10 6 2.578 x 10-1
Note: For reactors with continuous refuelling, the equilibrium core inventory calculated at full power is considered. For
other reactors, the end of cycle radionuclide inventory is considered in source term analysis.
Isotope Core OECD Release Release into RCB FR Release Release into RCB (Bq)
Inventory Fraction Into (Bq) with OECD Fraction into with EFR Fractions
(Bq) RCB Fractions RCB
I-131 1.48 E + 18 0.9 1.33 E + 18 0.1 1.48 E + 17
I-132 1.96 E + 18 0.9 1.76 E + 18 0.1 1.96 E + 17
I-133 2.54 E + 18 0.9 2.29 E + 18 0.1 2.54 E + 17
I-134 2.53 E + 18 0.9 2.28 E + 18 0.1 2.53 E + 17
I-135 2.23 E + 18 0.9 2.01 E + 18 0.1 2.23 E + 17
Cs-134 2.82 E + 14 0.81 2.28 E + 14 0.1 2.82 E + 13
Cs-137 8.42 E + 16 0.81 6.82 E + 16 0.1 8.42 E + 15
Rb-88 5.22 E + 17 0.81 4.23 E + 17 0.1 5.22 E + 16
Ru-103 2.41 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 9.64 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 9.64 E + 16
Ru-106 1.06 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 4.24 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 4.24 E + 16
Sr-89 7.12 E + 17 0.11 7.83 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 2.85 E + 16
Sr-90 2.88 E + 16 0.11 3.17 E + 15 4.00 E - 02 1.15 E + 15
Ce-141 2.11 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 8.44 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 8.44 E + 16
Ce-144 1.05 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 4.20 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 4.20 E + 16
Te-131m 1.63 E + 17 0.16 2.61E + 16 0.1 1.63 E + 16
Te-132 1.88 E + 18 0.16 3.01 E + 17 0.1 1.88 E + 17
Ba-140 1.93 E + 18 0.11 2.12 E + 17 4.00 E - 02 7.72 E + 16
Zr-95 1.76 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 7.04 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 7.04 E + 16
La-140 1.96 E + 18 4.00 E - 02 7.84 E + 16 4.00 E - 02 7.84 E + 16
Kr-85m 2.26 E + 17 0.9 2.03 E + 17 1.0 2.26 E + 17
Kr-87 4.08 E + 17 0.9 3.67 E + 17 1.0 4.08 E + 17
Kr-88 4.94 E + 17 0.9 4.45 E + 17 1.0 4.94 E + 17
Kr-85 4.69 E + 15 0.9 4.22 E + 15 1.0 4.69 E + 15
Xe-133 2.55 E + 18 0.9 2.30 E + 18 1.0 2.55 E + 18
Xe-135 2.66 E + 18 0.9 2.39 E + 18 1.0 2.66 E + 18
Pu-239 4.51 E + 15 1.00 E - 02 4.51 E + 13 1.00 E - 04 4.51 E + 11
CORE [106]
CORE [106] (CONTD.)
Project Objectives
Contains a short and concise description of the objectives of the PSA project, a description of user requirements
and expectations, and a description of the intended safety related applications of the PSA.
Regulatory Requirements and Applicable Technical Standards
Regulatory requirements on PSA and its applications should be in place and should be outlined.
Contains a short and concise description of the context and extent of the work in the PSA project.
Identifies the recipients and users of the PSA project.
Quality Assurance Programme
Describes the context and extent of the QA programme for the PSA project. It should be ensured that the PSA
project plan is reviewed and approved.
PSA Project Work Process
A detailed delineation of the main steps and tasks of the PSA project. It should include scheduled evaluations,
reviews and assessments, presentation of interim and final results.
Schedule and Milestones
A schedule for the main steps and tasks of the PSA project. Special care needs to be devoted to steps and tasks,
which require an iterative process with other tasks.
Project Interfaces
Description of project interfaces with groups, organisations or projects not explicitly integrated within the PSA
Project Deliverables
Description of the reports, scope of the reports and relationship between the reports and the requirements of the
identified recipients.
Resource Allocation
Describes the duration of work and how resources will be planned and allocated. This includes staff, budgets
and equipment. There should be a description of facilities for carrying out the work and or required modifications
or upgrades.
List of references cited in the PSA project plan.
Where work specification is to be issued before commencement of work, it should include the following as a
minimum [5]
(a) A summary of the work proposed.
(b) An introduction, which should explain the background of the project and give a general
description of the plant and the extent of the work, the purpose of the study and the nature of
the work to be carried out.
(c) A detailed and clear description of the scope of the work.
(d) A description of the extent of the study, which should clearly specify what will be produced in
the PSA and the work to be carried out by the organisation responsible for the analysis. The
methodological steps that should be included should also be specified. For example, the
specification would include:
• the proposed method
• a list of PIEs to be considered and justification and verification required
• the FTs to be constructed for the plant by an approved method and their review if
• the database to be developed, if necessary, methods for covering newer plant specific
components in the generic database, the justification of additions and/or modifications,
and wherever applicable, the extent of intended use of plant specific experience
• analytical work, including the studies to be carried out to determine the consequences
of operation, and requirements for the use of real time simulation for fault development
The contents of written reports and the format to be adopted should be detailed. The form of
the output may differ depending on the end use envisaged for the PSA. Specifically, the form
of a detailed numerical report relevant to the needs of a design or licensing organisation is
unlikely to meet the requirements of the operating staff.
(e) Input from the organisation that commissioned the PSA should specify the documentation
that it will provide. The commissioning organisation should nominate a representative through
whom all communications should be collected, and should call for changes to existing computer
software. All this should be clearly specified.
(f) The required time-scale for completion of the project should be specified or the body carrying
out the analysis should be required to submit a programme for approval. The project programme
should include milestones, which mark completion of significant parts of the work.
(g) The form of the contract, confidentiality and copyright are not covered in the report, but
should be taken into consideration if external resources are used.
Core Damage
Core Damage
PSA Report I
1. Name :
2. Process :
3. Transaction details : Failure data is generated based on running input DR Step I, VI, IX & X & History feed back.
4. Pre-requisites : History feed back
5. Input : USI, Tag. No., Unit No.
6. Lay-out : As per attached sheet.
USI No. Tag No. Unit Reactor Status Equipment Failure Detection Problem Type & Mode of Component Repair
Before After Run-hours Time Date Description failure/Cause of Description Time taken Date & Time
failure failure failure for repair of Eqpt.
PSA Report II
1. Name :
2. Process :
3. Transaction details : Required Maintenance/Test data is generated based on PM job plan.
4. Pre-requisites : History feed back
5. Input : USI, Tag. No., Unit No.
6. Lay-out : As per attached sheet.
USI No. Tag No. Unit Duration of Reactor Test Data Equipment PM
Critical hours in Test Test No. of changeover frequency
calendar year Frequency Duration Demands
The Table AVII-1 below lists the probability distribution types along with the distribution parameters.
σ = ln(EF) / 1.6449
M = exp( µ )
E(x)= exp( µ + σ2 )
Beta Distribution
Γ( α + β ) α -1 β -1
f(x) = x (1 - x )
Γ( α )Γ( β )
E(x) =
Gamma Distribution
β α α -1 -βx
f(x) = x e
Γ( α )
E(x) =
Normal Distribution
1 (x - µ )2
f(x) = exp -
σ 2π 2σ
E(x) = M = µ
Poisson Distribution
e −λ λx
f (x ) = , x = 0, 1, 2, 3, …..
E (x ) = λ , where λ = pn, p = probability of failure of interest and n = sample size
Negative Exponential Distribution
f (x, λ ) = λe −λx
E (x ) =
Discrete Distribution
A discrete distribution is defined by specification of at least two percentiles.
Weibull Distribution
β −1
β x ( δ)
− x
f ( x; δ , β ) = e
δ δ
E (x ) = δΓ1 +
Bayes Theorem
It relates values called a priori (or prior) probabilities, which existed before we guess any information from the
outcome itself, and also values called a posteriori (or postrior) probabilities which are determined after the
outcomes (results of the experiment) are known. If, H1, H2, …..Hn are mutually exclusive events whose union is
the sample space of an experiment, and if E is an arbitrary event deifned on this sample space such that P(E) > 0,
Bayes' theorem says that the probability of H1, given by E, is
P(H i ∩ E )
P (H i \ E ) =
P (H 1 ∩ E ) + P (H 2 ∩ E ) + ..... + P (H n ∩ E )
P (E \ H i )P (H i )
= nn
∑Σ P(H )P(E \ H )
i i
1. Historical Perspective
The first significant attempt to estimate the source term in LWRs was made as part of the WASH-740
study. The next stage in the development of the Source Term estimation was the publication of Dinunno’s
TID-14844. WASH-1400, the work of Rasmussen’s Reactor Safety Study (RSS) in 1975, which is the first
major application of PRA to NPP, includes also the study of estimation of source term. Similar work was
followed by the German Risk Study in 1979 [109] for German plants. Source Term estimates were also
made in the UK as part of the licensing of the Sizewell B PWR [110]. While WASH-1400 established the
methodology for source term estimation, for use in probabilistic analysis, it could not explain the
extremely low iodine releases from the degraded TMI-2 core. Another gap in the WASH-1400 study was
the behaviour of Fission Products (FPs) in the primary coolant system, and the effect of ESFs on the
time-dependent behaviour of FPs in the containment.
The Chernobyl accident source term was undoubtedly the largest accidental release of radioactivity
ever recorded. The following table gives accident release sources in some major reactor accidents.
2. Current Status
The source term estimation has evolved from overly conservative empirical release factors to reasonably
sized but still empirical methodology. The methodology set in place by the Reactor Safety Study is here
to stay, inspite of the use of unwieldy computer code packages, which it entails; and the several gaps
in the knowledge about the phenomenology of severe accidents.
1. RSS Study
Designation Description
1. RSS PWR large containment
(i) TMLB’ - δ, γ, ε Loss of RCS heat removal given loss of all AC power; containment
(2 x 10-6, 7 x 10-7, 6 x 10-7 per Rx-y) failure due to over-pressurisation, H2 burning, or melt-through
(ii) S2C - δ Failure of containment spray injection given a small LOCA;
( 2 x 10-6 per Rx-y) containment failure due to over-pressurisation
(iii) S2D - ε Failure of ECCS given a small pipe break; containment failure due to
(9 x 10-6 per Rx-y) containment melt-through
(i) TC - γ Failure of reactor shutdown system given a transient event;
(1 x 10-5 per Rx-y) containment failure due to over-pressure, release through RB.
(ii) TW - γ - γ’ Failure of decay heat removal system given a transient event;
(1x 10-5 , 3 x 10-6 per Rx-y) containment failure due to over-pressure, release through reactor
building or release direct to atmosphere.
2. Examples from the Sizewell B Source Term Study [108]
In the Sizewell B study, the degraded core accidents were divided into 21 categories, each comprising
similar states of plant damage. For each category, a CET was drawn and the results were grouped into
12 release categories, each having a similar type of release of radioactive materials. The categories (UK-
1 to UK-12) are described briefly in the Table-AX-2. The annual probability of each release category is
estimated from the quantification of the branches of the ET. The different categories are distinguished
by different amounts of FPs released, the amount of energy in the plume, the height of release and the
warning time available prior to the release.
The STs were estimated in two stages. In the ‘first estimate’ many conservative assumptions were
made such as no FP retention in the reactor coolant circuit; as a result, the STs were high. In the ‘second
estimate’, a set of source terms were calculated using the best judgment for the release categories UK-
1, UK-2, UK-5 and UK-6, as these categories were the major contributor contributors to risk. The STs
for UK-1, UK-2, UK-5, and UK-11 are given in Table AX-3. The Westinghouse analysis estimated that
the containment would be breached in only 6 % of the degraded core accidents, corresponding to an
annual probability of about 7.5 x 10-8. This low value shows that the containment has an important
effect in reducing the risk from beyond DBAs. Of course, the estimated radiological consequences of
degraded core accidents without containment failure would be akin to those of a DBA.
Category Description
UK-1 This category is used for accident sequences in which a containment bypass pathway exists
from the reactor coolant circuit to the environment. The pathway considered in WCAP is the
failure of the isolation valves separating the reactor coolant circuit and the low-pressure
residual heat removal system. This category is also used for multiple steam generator tube
rupture sequences.
UK-2 This category is used for early failure of the containment due to high internal pressures, with
a ST reflecting the occurrence of a steam explosion, and in which containment sprays are not
functioning. It also includes those sequences where, although there is no over-pressure
failure, a failure to close containment penetrations or a small containment bypass occurs.
UK-3 This category is used for early over-pressure failure of the containment where sprays are not
functioning. It is also used for sequences where sprays are functional, but where containment
failure occurs so soon after most of the FPs are released from the reactor, that the sprays are
not effective in removing FPs and, in particular, for small LOCA sequences
UK-4 This category is used for early over-pressure failure of the containment with the assumed
occurrence of a steam explosion at a time when the spray system is functioning. It is also
used to include isolation failure with sprays functioning and for single SG tube rupture
UK-5 This category is used for late over-pressure failure of the containment without sprays operating.
Failures are as a result of relatively slow pressure build-up due to loss of containment heat
removal capability. Cooling of the core debris is lost so that dry-out and vaporisation release
occurs. It is pessimistically assumed that containment failure occurs after 4 h.
UK-6 This category is used for late over-pressure failure of the containment without sprays operating.
Failures are as a result of relatively slow pressure build-up due to loss of containment heat
removal capability. Debris in the cavity from the molten core remains covered by water so that
no vaporisation release occurs
UK-7 This category is used for early over-pressure failure of the containment with spray systems
functional for a significant period before reactor pressure vessel failure.
Category Description
UK- 8 This category is used for late over-pressure failure of the containment where spray systems
are functional and core debris remains covered by water.
UK-9 and These categories are used for melt-through of the base of the containment, with and without
UK-10 spray failure, respectively. A release takes place through the surrounding soil to the
UK-11 and These categories are used for all core melt accidents in which the containment remains intact
UK-12 or for which cooling is successfully restored to the core while still in the pressure vessel. UK-
11 and UK-12 refer to cases with and without spray failure, respectively. Radioactivity released
to the environment would be that due to normal rates of containment leakage.
Notes: (i) ‘Early failures’ may occur in the first few hours of an accident, due, for example, to a coincidence of the
containment fans and sprays failing to operate and hydrogen burn or steam spike occurring.
(ii) ‘Late failures’ may occur up to 10-12 h into an accident.
Dose in Organ/Tissue Effect Slope Median does D50 (Sv)(1) Upper End of Threshold for Exposure
External Internal Parameter Exposure Interval (days) During Time Interval Ti (Sv)
Irradiation Irradiation ‘S’ 1 7 14 21 30 200 365 1 2 3 4
lung lung pulmonary syndrome 7.0 9.3 - 94.0 - - 22.0 540.0 5.0 47.0 110.0 270.0
red bone red bone haematopoietic syndrome 6.0 4.7 - 8.5 - 17.1 - - 2.3 4.2 8.5 -
marrow marrow
remainder(2) - gastrointestinal 10.0 15.0 35.0 - - - - - 10.0 23.0 - -
skin burns (5%) 4.7 35.0 50.0 - - - - - 23.0 45.0 - -
Organ/Tissue Effect Model(2) Fraction of Cancers which Effects (1) per 106
are Fatal Persons and 102 Sv
Red bone marrow Leukemia A 1.0 52
Bone surface Cancers A 1.0 1
Breast Cancers R 0.4 80
Lung Cancers R 0.75 90
Stomach Cancers R 0.85
Colon Cancers R 0.55
Liver Cancers R 1.0 224(3)
Pancreas Cancers R 0.9
Thyroid Cancers R 0.1 17
Remainder Cancers R 0.6 38
(1) The numbers given are the numbers of fatal cancers of serious hereditary effects,
averaged over males and females (including breast) assuming linear dose risk
(2) A absolute risk model. R: relative risk model
(3) Sum for the GI-tract
(4) Morbidity
In general the methodology and steps followed for PHWR shutdown PSA is similar to the steps followed for
internal initiating events. However, special attention is required with regards to initiating event identification,
initiating event, frequency calculation, event tree development and system modeling. A typical PHWR specific
shutdown PSA case with regard to various stages is brought out here.
Initiating events : The number of initiating events assessed for shutdown PSA in terms of their safety implications
are generally very low. A typical PHWR shutdown PSA identifies seven initiating events mainly related to
support systems and regulation actions, i.e., loss of regulation, loss of instrument air, loss of service water, loss
of shutdown cooling system, etc.
Initiating event frequencies : To calculate plant specific initiating event frequencies for shutdown PSA of PHWR,
all possible shutdown state cases, such as reactor is shutdown with the HTS cold depressurised and full, with
HTS depressurised and full, and with HTS drained to the header level, etc. need to be considered.
Event tree development : In the event tree development, special care is required to introduce the operator actions
to initiate most of the auto logic linked with reactor power operation state, such as initiation of manual injection
of ECCS, etc. Also, for the availability of systems to provide a heat sink, shutdown cooling system and auxiliary
boiler feed water system should not be taken out for maintenance together.
System modelling : Due to low decay heat levels, the success criteria for most systems are less stringent at
shutdown than at full power such as the number of air supply compressors etc. Also the standby failures are
dominated by maintenance unavailability.
Results and discussion : Shutdown State PSA analysis provides insights into the importance of various aspects
of design, operating practices, maintenance restrictions, accident procedures and outage management with
respect to the prevention of core damage.
Because the ageing contributions were identified to be large, additional test and maintenance actions
were evaluated which could better control the ageing contributors. The specific additional activities
evaluated involve carrying out scheduled overhauls at given intervals and carrying out improved
surveillance tests on the risk dominant ageing contributors. Since the motor operated valves (MOVs) in
the ECCS (i.e. the HPI and LPR systems) are dominant contributors to the ageing effects, as was
identified in Table AXIII-1 and AXIII-2 [119], additional ageing management is focused on these valves.
The additional ageing management, which is considered, consists of overhauling or replacing the
valves every 60 months, as well as improving the test efficiency and increasing the test frequency to
once every 6 months. A total of 14 valves are involved in this additional ageing management process.
Table AXIII-1 presents the top individual ageing contributors and Table AXIII-2 presents the top two
component ageing interactions. Higher order ageing interactions were determined not to be significant
for this application. The top 25 contributors with component names are given in each table, representing
approximately 99% of the total contributor. The CDF risk importance, Si or Sij is then given for the
contributor. The ageing rate (a) and the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) are also shown in the
table. The MTBF is used as the replacement time (L). Components whose MTBF is larger than 40 years
are indicated by MTBFs of 720 months. For those components, the appropriate non-replacement
unavailability equation was used. The other entities in each table are the test intervals (T), the
unavailability increase (∆qi) due to ageing, and the CDF increase (∆C) for the contributor. The sum of
CDF increases from the contributors is given at the upper right hand side of the table. It is interesting
to note that the ageing interactions, which arise from the simultaneous ageing of multiple components,
are significant contributors.
Tables AXIII-3 and AXIII-4 [121] give single and double interaction contributions to the CDF increase
with the modified overhaul and testing schedules. From these tables, these modified activities result in
a CDF increase from ageing of 3.8 × 10-5 + 1.9 × 10-5 = 5.7 × 10-5 per year. This compares with the base case
CDF increase from ageing of 1.8 × 10-4 + 7.6 × 10-4 = 9.4 × 10-4 per year from Tables AXIII-1 and
AXIII-2. The additional ageing control thus produces a factor of 16 reduction in the CDF increase due
to ageing. (From 9.4 × 10-4 to 5.7 × 10-5 per year). The CDF increase due to ageing is now comparable to
the baseline CDF without ageing. It is important to note that ageing controls need to be focused not
only on the top single MOV contributors (in Table AXIII-3), but also on the MOVs involved in the
ageing interactions (Table AXIII-2), since different valves are involved.
The methodology illustrated above is applied to CDF (Level 1 PSA). However, it can be applied to other
risk levels (e.g. consequence in public domain) and can include structural as well as component ageing
focusing on risk importance contributors, which can be used as additional insights for risk-informed
decision on ageing management and life extension programme.
Plant A : Double Contributors Total ∆C : 7.6E-04 /year
Rank Component Name Sensitivity Ageing MTBF Test ∆q1 Component Name Ageing MTBF Test ∆q2 ∆C
Coefficient Rate (a) (L) Interval Rate (a) (L) Interval (/year)
(S i ) (/hr/yr) (months) (months) (/hr/yr) (months) (months)
1 HPI-MOV-FT-1115B 1.9E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 HPI-MOV-FT-1115D 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.3E-04
2 LPR-MOV-FT-1115C 1.9E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1115E 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.3E-04
3 LPR-MOV-FT-1890A 1.5E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1890B 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.0E-04
4 LPR-MOV-FT-1860A 1.5E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1860B 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.0E-04
5 LPR-MOV-FT-1862A 1.5E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1860B 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.0E-04
6 LPR-MOV-FT-1860A 1.5E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1862B 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.0E-04
7 LPR-MOV-FT-1862A 1.5E-03 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 LPR-MOV-FT-1862B 3.6E-06 167 30 2.6E-01 1.0E-04
8 SIS-ACT-FA-SISA 6.5E-03 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 SIS-ACT-FA-SISA 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 5.9E-06
9 RMT-ACT-FA-RMTS 1.5E-03 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 RMT-ACT-FA-RMTS 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 1.4E-06
10 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG3 5.6E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG1 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 1.1E-06
11 OEP-DGN-FS-DG01 4.9E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FS-DG02 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 9.9E-07
* Control values
* Control Values
Plant A: Double Contributors Total ∆C : 1.9E-05 /year
Rank Component Name Sensitivity Ageing MTBF Test ∆q1 Component Name Ageing MTBF Test ∆q2 ∆C
Coefficient Rate (a) (L) Interval Rate (a) (L) Interval (/year)
(S i ) (/hr/yr) (months) (months) (/hr/yr) (months) (months)
1 SIS-ACT-FA-SISA 6.5E-03 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 SIS-ACT-FA-SISA 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 5.9E-06
2 RMT-ACT-FA-RMTS 1.5E-03 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 RMT-ACT-FA-RMTS 3.0E-07 720 6 1.8E-02 1.4E-06
3 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG3 5.6E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG1 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 1.1E-06
4 OEP-DGN-FS-DG01 4.9E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FS-DG02 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 9.9E-07
5 OEP-DGN-FS-DG01 4.9E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FS-DG03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 9.9E-07
6 OEP-DGN-FS-DG01 4.0E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FS-6HDG2 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 8.1E-07
7 OEP-DGN-FS-DG01 4.0E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG3 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 8.1E-07
8 OEP-DGN-FS-DG02 4.0E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG1 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 8.1E-07
9 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG1 4.0E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG2 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 8.1E-07
10 OEP-DGN-FS-DG03 3.9E-03 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 OEP-DGN-FR-6HDG1 3.6E-06 72 4 1.4E-02 7.8E-07
11 HPI-MOV-FT-1115B 1.9E-03 3.6E-06 60 * 6* 1.9E-02 HPI-MOV-FT-1115D 3.6E-06 60 * 6* 1.9E-02 6.8E-07
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