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with the ACI CEU Online Program.
Members of the editorial subcommittee.
Chair of subcommittee that prepared this report.
‡Past chair.
This report presents to industry practitioners the various design criteria 2.2—Machine types
and methods and procedures of analysis, design, and construction applied 2.3—Foundation types
to dynamic equipment foundations.
fi1, fi2 = dimensionless stiffness and damping Mr = ram mass including dies and ancillary
functions for the i-th direction, piles parts, lbm (kg)
fm = frequency of motion, Hz m = mass of the machine-foundation system
fn = system natural frequency (cycles per second) md = slide mass including the effects of any
fo = operating speed, rpm balance mechanism, lbm (kg)
G = dynamic shear modulus of the soil mr = rotating mass, lbm (kg)
Gave = the average value of shear modulus of the mrec,i = reciprocating mass for the i-th cylinder
soil over the pile length mrot,i = rotating mass of the i-th cylinder
Gc = the average value of shear modulus of the ms = effective mass of a spring
soil over the critical length (Nbolt)CHG = the number of bolts holding down one
GE = pile group efficiency crosshead guide
Gl = soil shear modulus at tip of pile (Nbolt)frame = the number of bolts holding down the
G pJ = torsional stiffness of the pile frame, per cylinder
Gs = dynamic shear modulus of the embedment NT = normal torque, ft-lbf (m-N)
(side) material Phead, Pcrank = instantaneous head and crank pressures,
Gz = the shear modulus at depth z = lc /4 psi (μPa)
H = depth of soil layer Ps = power being transmitted by the shaft at the
Ii = mass moment of inertia of the machine- connection, horsepower (kilowatts)
foundation system for the i-th direction R, Ri = equivalent foundation radius
Ip = moment of inertia of the pile cross section r = length of crank, in. (mm)
i = –1 ri = radius of the crank mechanism of the i-th
i = a directional indicator or modal indicator, cylinder
Eq. (4.48), as a subscript ro = pile radius or equivalent radius
K2 = a parameter that depends on void ratio and S = press stroke, in. (mm)
strain amplitude Sf = service factor, used to account for increasing
Keff = the effective bearing stiffness, lbf/in. (N/mm) unbalance during the service life of the
K*ij = impedance in the i-th direction with respect machine, generally greater than or equal to 2
to motion of the CG in j-th direction Si1, Si2 = dimensionless parameters (Table 4.2)
Kn = nut factor for bolt torque s = distance between piles
Kuu = horizontal spring constant T = foundation thickness, ft (m)
Kuψ = coupling spring constant Tb = bolt torque, lbf-in. (N-m)
Kψψ = rocking spring constant Tmin = minimum required anchor bolt tension
k = the dynamic stiffness provided by the t = time, s
supporting media Vmax = the maximum allowable vibration, in. (mm)
* Vs = shear wave velocity of the soil, ft/s (m/s)
kei = impedance in the i-th direction due to
embedment v = displacement amplitude
kgi = pile group stiffness in the i-th direction v′ = velocity, in./s (cm/s)
ki = stiffness for the i-th direction vh = post-impact hammer velocity, in./s (mm/s)
ki(adj) = stiffness in the i-th direction adjusted for vo = reference velocity = 18.4 ft/s (5.6 m/s)
material damping from a free fall of 5.25 ft (1.6 m)
ki* = complex impedance for the i-th direction vr = ram impact velocity, ft/s (m/s)
ki*(adj) = impedance adjusted for material damping W = strain energy
kij = stiffness of pile j in the i-th direction Wa = equipment weight at anchorage location
kj = battered pile stiffness matrix Wf = weight of the foundation, tons (kN)
kr = stiffness of individual pile considered in Wp = bolt preload, lbf (N)
isolation Wr = rotating weight, lbf (N)
kst = static stiffness constant w = soil weight density
kvj = vertical stiffness of a single pile X = vector representation of time-dependent
L = length of connecting rod, in. (mm) displacements for MDOF systems
LB = the greater plan dimension of the founda- Xi = distance along the crankshaft from the
tion block, ft (m) reference origin to the i-th cylinder
Li = length of the connecting rod of the crank x, z = the pile coordinates indicated in Fig. 4.9
mechanism at the i-th cylinder xr, zr = pile location reference distances
l = depth of embedment (effective) yc = distance from the CG to the base support
lc = critical length of a pile ye = distance from the CG to the level of
lp = pile length embedment resistance
Mh = hammer mass including any auxiliary yp = crank pin displacement in local Y-axis,
foundation, lbm (kg) in. (mm)
loads for foundations supporting machinery. They include codes (such as the UBC, the SBC, or the NBC) and standards
definitions and other information on dynamic loads to be such as ASCE 7 and SEAOC Blue Book.
requested from the machine manufacturer and alternative The publication of the IBC 2000 provides building officials
assumptions to apply when such data are unavailable or are with the opportunity to replace the former regional codes
under-predicted. with a code that has nationwide applicability. The seismic
3.2.1 Static loads requirements in IBC 2000 and ASCE 7-98 are essentially Dead loads—A major function of the foundation identical, as both are based on the 1997 NEHRP (FEMA 302)
is to support gravity (dead) loads due to the weight of the provisions.
machine, auxiliary equipment, pipe, valves, and deadweight The IBC and its reference documents contain provisions
of the foundation structure. The weights of the machine compo- for design of nonstructural components, including dynamic
nents are normally supplied by the machine manufacturer. The machinery, for seismic loads. For machinery supported
distribution of the weight of the machine on the foundation above grade or on more flexible elevated pedestals, seismic
depends on the location of support points (chocks, soleplates) amplification factors are also specified.
and on the flexibility of the machine frame. Typically, there Static operating loads—Static operating loads
are multiple support points, and, thus, the distribution is include the weight of gas or liquid in the machinery equipment
statically indeterminate. In many cases, the machine manufac- during normal operation and forces, such as the drive torque
turer provides a loading diagram showing the vertical loads at developed by some machines at the connection between the
each support point. When this information is not available, it is drive mechanism and driven machinery. Static operating
common to assume the machine frame is rigid and that its loads can also include forces caused by thermal growth of
weight is appropriately distributed between support points. the machinery equipment and connecting piping. Time- Live loads—Live loads are produced by personnel, varying (dynamic) loads generated by machines during
tools, and maintenance equipment and materials. The live loads operation are covered elsewhere in this report.
used in design should be the maximum loads expected during Machines such as compressors and generators require
the service life of the machine. For most designs, live loads are some form of drive mechanism, either integral with the
uniformly distributed over the floor areas of platforms of machine or separate from it. When the drive mechanism is
elevated support structures or to the access areas around at- nonintegral, such as a separate electric motor, reciprocating
grade foundations. Typical live loads vary from 60 lbf/ft2 engine, and gas or steam turbine, it produces a net external
(2.9 kPa) for personnel to as much as 150 lbf/ft2 (7.2 kPa) for drive torque on the driven machine. The torque is equal in
maintenance equipment and materials. magnitude and opposite in direction on the driver and driven Wind loads—Loads due to wind on the surface machine. The normal torque (sometimes called drive torque)
areas of the machine, auxiliary equipment, and the support is generally applied to the foundation as a static force couple
foundation are based on the design wind speed for the partic- in the vertical direction acting about the centerline of the
ular site and are normally calculated in accordance with the shaft of the machine. The magnitude of the normal torque is
governing local code or standard. Wind loads rarely govern often computed from the following formula
the design of machine foundations except, perhaps, when the
machine is located in an enclosure that is also supported by ( 5250 ) ( P s )
the foundation. NT = --------------------------
- lbf-ft (3-1)
When designing machine foundations and support structures,
most practitioners use the wind load provisions of ASCE 7. The
analytical procedure of ASCE 7 provides wind pressures and ( 9550 ) ( P s )
NT = --------------------------
- N-m
forces for use in the design of the main wind-force resisting fo
systems and anchorage of machine components.
Most structural systems involving machines and machine where
foundations are relatively stiff (natural frequency in the NT = normal torque, ft-lbf (m-N);
lateral direction greater than 1 Hz). Consequently, the Ps = power being transmitted by the shaft at the
systems can be treated as rigid with respect to the wind gust connection, horsepower (kilowatts); and
effect factor, and simplified procedures can be used. If the fo = operating speed, rpm.
machine is supported on flexible isolators and is exposed to The torque load is generally resolved into a vertical force
the wind, the rigid assumption may not be reasonable, and couple by dividing it by the center-to-center distance between
more elaborate treatment of the gust effects is necessary as longitudinal soleplates or anchor points (Fig. 3.1(a)). When the
described in ASCE 7 for flexible structural systems. machine is supported by transverse soleplates only, the
Appropriate consideration of the exposure conditions and torque is applied along the width of the soleplate assuming a
importance factors is also required to be consistent with the straight line variation of force (Fig. 3.1(b)). Normal torque
facilities requirements. can also be caused by jet forces on turbine blades. In this case Seismic loads—Machinery foundations located it is applied to the foundation in the opposite direction from
in seismically active regions are analyzed for seismic loads. the rotation of the rotor.
Before 2000, these loads were determined in accordance The torque on a generator stator is applied in the same
with methods prescribed in one of various regional building direction as the rotation of the rotor and can be high due to
Reports are available (Mandke and Smalley 1992; d) Under the maximum level of upset condition the
Mandke and Smalley 1989; and Smalley 1985) that illustrate machine is designed to survive (for example, loss of one or
the effects of thermal loads and deflections in the concrete more blades).
foundation of a large reciprocating compressor and their Items a and b document the predicted dynamic forces
influence on the machine. resulting from levels of unbalance assumed in design for
3.2.2 Rotating machine loads—Typical heavy rotating normal operation. Using these forces, it is possible to predict
machinery include centrifugal air and gas compressors, hori- the normal dynamic vibration of the machine on its foundation.
zontal and vertical fluid pumps, generators, rotating steam and Item c identifies a maximum level of transmitted force
gas turbine drivers, centrifuges, electric motor drivers, fans, with which the machine could operate continuously without
and blowers. These types of machinery are characterized by tripping; the foundation should have the strength to tolerate
the rotating motion of one or more impellers or rotors. such a dynamic force on a continuous basis. Dynamic loads due to unbalanced masses— Item d identifies the higher level of dynamic force, which
Unbalanced forces in rotating machines are created when the could occur under occasional upset conditions over a short
mass centroid of the rotating part does not coincide with the period of time. If the machine is designed to tolerate this
axis of rotation. In theory, it is possible to precisely balance level of dynamic force for a short period of time, then the
the rotating elements of rotating machinery. In practice, this foundation should also be able to tolerate it for a similar
is never achieved; slight mass eccentricities always remain. period of time.
During operation, the eccentric rotating mass produces If an independent dynamic analysis of the rotor-bearing
centrifugal forces that are proportional to the square of system is performed by the end user or by a third party, such
machine speed. Centrifugal forces generally increase during an analysis can provide some or all of the above dynamic
the service life of the machine due to conditions such as forces transmitted to the foundation.
machine wear, rotor play, and dirt accumulation. By assuming that the dynamic force transmitted to the
A rotating machine transmits dynamic force to the foundation bearings equals the rotating unbalanced force generated by
predominantly through its bearings (with small, generally the rotor, information on unbalance can provide an estimate
unimportant exceptions such as seals and the air gap in a of the transmitted force.
motor). The forces acting at the bearings are a function of the Machine unbalance provided by the manufac-
level and axial distribution of unbalance, the geometry of the turer—When the mass unbalance (eccentricity) is known or
rotor and its bearings, the speed of rotation, and the detailed stated by the manufacturer, the resulting dynamic force
dynamic characteristics of the rotor-bearing system. At or near amplitude is
a critical speed, the force from rotating unbalance can be
substantially amplified, sometimes by a factor of five or more. Fo = mr emωo2Sf /12 lbf (3-3)
Ideally, the determination of the transmitted force under
different conditions of unbalance and at different speeds Fo = mr emωo2Sf /1000 N
results from a dynamic analysis of the rotor-bearing system,
using an appropriate combination of computer programs for where
calculating bearing dynamic characteristics and the response Fo = dynamic force amplitude (zero-to-peak), lbf (N);
to unbalance of a flexible rotor in its bearings. Such an analysis mr = rotating mass, lbm (kg);
would usually be performed by the machine manufacturer. em = mass eccentricity, in. (mm);
Results of such analyses, especially values for transmitted ωo = circular operating frequency of the machine (rad/s);
bearing forces, represent the best source of information for and
use by the foundation design engineer. This and other Sf = service factor, used to account for increased
approaches used in practice to quantify the magnitude of unbalance during the service life of the machine,
dynamic force transmitted to the foundation are discussed in generally greater than or equal to 2.
Sections to Machine unbalance meeting industry
criteria—Many rotating machines are balanced to an initial Dynamic load provided by the manufac-
balance quality either in accordance with the manufacturer’s
turer—The engineer should request and the machine manu-
procedures or as specified by the purchaser. ISO 1940 and
facturer should provide the following information:
ASA/ANSI S2.19 define balance quality in terms of a constant
Design levels of unbalance and basis—This information emωo. For example, the normal balance quality Q for parts of
documents the unbalance level the subsequent transmitted process-plant machinery is 0.25 in./s (6.3 mm/s). Other typical
forces are based on. balance quality grade examples are shown in Table 3.1. To
Dynamic forces transmitted to the bearing pedestals meet these criteria a rotor intended for faster speeds should be
under the following conditions— better balanced than one operating at a slower speed. Using
a) Under design unbalance levels over operating speed this approach, Eq. (3-3) can be rewritten as
b) At highest vibration when negotiating critical speeds; Fo = mrQωoSf /12 lbf (3-4)
c) At a vibration level where the machine is just short of
tripping on high vibration; and Fo = mrQωoSf /1000 N
where 2
Z p = ⎛ r + ------⎞ – r ⎛ cos ω o t + ------ cos 2ω o t⎞
Vmax = the maximum allowable vibration, in. (mm); and r r
⎝ 4L⎠ ⎝ 4L ⎠
Keff = the effective bearing stiffness, lbf/in. (N/mm).
To use this approach, the manufacturer should provide
effective bearing stiffness or the engineer should calculate it
Z· p = rω o ⎛ sin ω o t + -----
r - sin 2ω t⎞
from the bearing geometry and operating conditions (such as ⎝ 2L o ⎠
viscosity and speed). Loads from multiple rotating machines—If a
Zp = rω o ⎛ cos ω o t --- cos 2ω o t⎞
foundation supports multiple rotating machines, the engineer 2 r
should compute unbalanced force based on the mass, unbal- ⎝ L ⎠
ance, and operating speed of each rotating component. The
response to each rotating mass is then combined to determine where
the total response. Some practitioners, depending on the Zp = piston displacement, in. (mm);
specific situation of machine size and criticality, find it
r = length of crank, in. (mm);
advantageous to combine the unbalanced forces from each
rotating component into a single resultant unbalanced force. L = length of connecting rod, in. (mm);
The method of combining two dynamic forces is up to indi- ωo = circular operating frequency of the machine (rad/s); and
vidual judgment and often involves some approximations. In t = time, s.
some cases, loads or responses can be added absolutely. In Note that the expressions contain two terms each with a
other cases, the loads are treated as out-of-phase so that sine or cosine; the term that varies with the frequency of the
twisting effects are increased. Often, the operating speed of rotation, ωo, is referred to as the primary term while the term
the equipment should be considered. Even if operating that varies at twice the frequency of rotation, 2ωo, is called
speeds are nominally the same, the design engineer should the secondary term.
recognize that during normal operation, the speed of the Similar expressions can be developed for the local Z-axis
machines will vary and beating effects can develop. Beating (parallel to piston movement) and local Y-axis (perpendic-
effects develop as two machines operate at close to the same ular to piston movement) motion of the rotating parts of the
speed. At one point in time, responses to the two machines are crank. If any unbalance in the crankshaft is replaced by a
additive and motions are maximized. A short time later, the mass concentrated at the crank pin C, such that the inertia
responses cancel each other and the motions are minimized. forces are the same as in the original system, the following
The net effect is a continual cyclic rising and falling of motion. terms for motion at point C can be written
yp = –r sinωot (3-12)
y p = –r ωcosωot (3-13)
y p = r ωo2sinωot (3-14)
suction and discharge pressure for each stage should be anchor bolts and the foundation block. The mechanics
recorded before the repair and used in the Eq. (3-22). involved in transmitting loads are complex and cannot easily
On new compressors, the engineer should ask the machine be reduced to a simple relationship between a few parameters
manufacturer to provide values for maximum compressive beyond the given load equations. A detailed finite-element
and tensile gas loads on each cylinder rod and, if these are analysis of metal compressor frame, chock mounts, concrete
based on suction and discharge pressures, to recommend a block, and grout will account for the relative flexibility of the
value of F1. frame and its foundation in determining individual anchor
Gas forces act on the crankshaft with an equal and opposite bolt loads and implicitly provide a value for Fred. If the
reaction on the cylinder. Thus, crankshaft and cylinder frame is very stiff relative to the foundation, the value for
forces globally balance each other. Between the crankshaft Fred will be higher, implying more of the transmitted loads
and the cylinder, however, the compressor frame stretches or are carried by the frame and less by the anchor bolts and
contracts in tension or compression under the action of the foundation block. Based on experience, a value of 2 for this
gas forces. The forces due to frame deflections are trans- factor is conservatively low; however, higher values have
mitted to the foundation through connections with the been seen with frames designed to be especially stiff.
compressor frame. When acting without slippage, the frame Simplifying this approach, one report (Smalley and
and foundation become an integral structure and together Harrell 1997) suggests using a finite element analysis to
stretch or contract under the gas loads. calculate forces transmitted to the anchor bolts. If a finite
The magnitude of gas force transferred into the foundation element analysis is not possible, the engineer should get
depends on the relative flexibility of the compressor frame. from the machine manufacturer or calculate the maximum
A very stiff frame transmits only a small fraction of the gas horizontal gas force and maximum horizontal inertia force
force while a very flexible frame transmits most or all of the for any throw or cylinder. The mounts, anchor bolts, and
force. Similar comments apply to the transfer of individual blocks are then designed for
cylinder inertia forces.
Based on limited comparisons using finite element analysis FTHROW = (greater of FGMAX or FIMAX)/2 (3-28)
(Smalley 1988), the following guideline is suggested for gas
and inertia force loads transmitted to the foundation by a where
typical compressor
FGMAX = maximum horizontal gas force on a throw or
cylinder, lbf (N);
Fblock = Frod /Fred (3-25)
FIMAX = maximum horizontal inertia force on a throw or
cylinder, lbf (N); and
(Fbolt)CHG = [(Frod)/(Nbolt)CHG]/Fred (3-26)
FTHROW = horizontal force to be resisted by each throw’s
anchor bolts, lbf (N).
(Fbolt)frame = [(Funbalance/(Nbolt)]/Fred (3-27) Reciprocating inertia loads for multicylinder
machines—As a practical matter, most reciprocating
where machines have more than one cylinder, and manufacturers
Fblock = the force acting outward on the block from arrange the machine components in a manner that minimizes
which concrete stresses should be calcu- the net unbalanced forces. For example, rotating parts like
lated, lbf (N); the crankshaft can be balanced by adding or removing
(Fbolt)CHG = the force to be restrained by friction at the correcting weights. Translating parts like pistons and those
cross head guide tie-down bolts, lbf (N); that exhibit both rotation and translation, like connecting
(Fbolt)frame = the force to be restrained by friction at the rods, can be arranged in such a way as to minimize the unbal-
frame tie-down bolts, lbf (N); anced forces and moments generated. Seldom, if ever, is it
Fred = a force reduction factor with suggested possible to perfectly balance reciprocating machines.
value of 2, to account for the fraction of The forces generated by reciprocating mechanisms are
individual cylinder load carried by the functions of the mass, stroke, piston arrangement,
compressor frame (“frame rigidity factor”); connecting rod size, crank throw orientation (phase angle),
(Nbolt)CHG = the number of bolts holding down one and the mass and arrangement of counterweights on the
crosshead guide; crankshaft. For this reason, calculating the reciprocating
(Nbolt)frame = the number of bolts holding down the forces for multicylinder machines can be quite complex and
frame, per cylinder; are therefore normally provided by the machine manufac-
Frod = force acting on piston rod, from Eq. (3-22), turer. If the machine is an integral engine compressor, it can
lbf (N); and include, in one frame, cylinders oriented horizontally, verti-
Funbalance = the maximum value from Eq. (3-18) applied cally, or in between, all with reciprocating inertias.
using parameters for a horizontal Some machine manufacturers place displacement transducers
compressor cylinder, lbf (N). and accelerometers on strategic points on the machinery. They
The factor Fred is used to simplify a complex problem, thus can then measure displacements and accelerations at those
avoiding the application of unrealistically high loads on the points for several operational frequencies to determine the
Table 3.2—Load classifications for ultimate stability of a cohesive soil, frost heave, or any other relevant
strength design soils concern.
Load In general, problems involving the dynamic properties of
Design loads classification
soils are divided into small and large strain amplitude
Weight of structure, equipment, internals, insulation, and
platforms responses. For machine foundations, the amplitudes of
Temporary loads and forces caused by erection Dead dynamic motion, and consequently the strains in the soil, are
Fluid loads during testing and operation
Thermal loads usually low (strains less than10–3%). A foundation that is
Anchor and guide loads subjected to an earthquake or blast loading is likely to
Platform and walkway loads undergo large deformations and, therefore, induce large
Materials to be temporarily stored during maintenance
Materials normally stored during operation such as tools strains in the soil. The information in this report is only
and maintenance equipment applicable for typical machine foundation strains. Refer to
Vibrating equipment forces
Impact loads for hoist and equipment handling utilities Seed and Idriss (1970) for information on strain-related
Earthquake loads effects on shear modulus and material damping.
Transportation loads Environmental The key soil properties, Poisson’s ratio and dynamic shear
Snow, ice, or rain loads
Wind loads modulus, may be significantly affected by water table vari-
ations. Prudence suggests that in determining these properties,
b) Dead load + erection forces + reduced wind + snow, such variations be considered and assessed, usually in
ice, or rain conjunction with the geotechnical engineers. This approach
c) Dead load + erection forces + seismic + snow, ice, or rain often results in expanding the range of properties to be
2. Testing considered in the design phase.
a) Dead load + test loads 3.3.1 Poisson’s ratio—Poisson’s ratio ν, which is the ratio
b) Dead load + test loads + live + snow, ice, or rain of the strain in the direction perpendicular to loading to the
c) Dead load + test loads + reduced wind + snow, ice, strain in the direction of loading, is used to calculate both the
or rain soil stiffness and damping. Poisson’s ratio can be computed
3. Empty (shutdown) from the measured values of wave velocities traveling through
a) Dead load + maintenance forces + live load + snow, the soil. These computations, however, are difficult. The
ice, or rain stiffness and damping of a foundation system are generally
4. Normal operation insensitive to variations of Poisson’s ratio common in soils.
a) Dead load Generally, Poisson’s ratio varies from 0.25 to 0.35 for
b) Dead load + thermal load + machine forces + live cohesionless soils and from 0.35 to 0.45 for cohesive soils. If
loads + wind + snow, ice, or rain no specific values of Poisson’s ratio are available, then, for
c) Dead load + thermal load + machine forces + seismic design purposes, the engineer may take Poisson’s ratio as
+ snow, ice, or rain 0.33 for cohesionless soils and 0.40 for cohesive soils.
5) Abnormal operation 3.3.2 Dynamic shear modulus—Dynamic shear modulus
a) Dead load + upset (abnormal) machine loads + live + G is the most important soil parameter influencing the
reduced wind dynamic behavior of the soil-foundation system. Together
It is common to only use some fraction of full wind, such as with Poisson’s ratio, it is used to calculate soil impedance.
80% in combination with erection loads and 33% for test Refer to Section 4.2 for the discussion on soil impedance.
loads, due to the short duration of these conditions (ASCE 7). The dynamic shear modulus represents the slope of the
shear stress versus shear strain curve. Most soils do not
3.3—Dynamic soil properties respond elastically to shear strains; they respond with a
Soil dynamics deals with engineering properties and combination of elastic and plastic strain. For that reason,
behavior of soil under dynamic stress. For the dynamic analysis plotting shear stress versus shear strain results in a curve not
of machine foundations, soil properties, such as Poisson’s a straight line. The value of G varies based on the strain
ratio, dynamic shear modulus, and damping of soil, are considered. The lower the strain, the higher the dynamic
generally required. shear modulus.
Though this work is typically completed by a geotechnical Several methods are available for obtaining useful values
engineer, this section provides a general overview of of dynamic shear modulus:
methods used to determine the various soil properties. Many • Field measurements of stress wave velocities of in-place
references are available that provide a greater level of detail soils;
on both theory and standard practice, including Das (1993), • Laboratory tests on soil samples; and
Bowles (1996), Fang (1991), and Arya, O’Neill, and Pincus • Correlation to other soil properties.
(1979). Seed and Idriss (1970) provide greater detail on Due to variations inherent in the determination of dynamic
items that influence different soil properties. shear modulus values, it may be appropriate to complete more
This section does not cover considerations that affect the than one foundation analysis. One analysis could be
suitability of a given soil to support a dynamic machine completed with the minimum possible value, one could be
foundation. Problems could include excessive settlement completed using the maximum possible value, and then addi-
caused by dynamic or static loads, liquefaction, dimensional tional analyses could be completed with intermediate values.
218,200 ( 2.17 – e v ) σ o
2 1 ΔW
G = ---------------------------------------------------------- Pa β m = ------ --------- (3-36)
1 + ev 4π W
Table 3.4—Service factors from Blake (Richart, value. If the motion is not a simple pure harmonic motion, a
Hall, and Woods 1970) simple relationship among the rms displacement, rms velocity,
Not peak velocity, zero-to-peak displacement, and peak-to-peak
Bolted bolted displacement does not exist.
Item down down
Single-stage centrifugal pump, electric motor, fan 1.0 0.4
ISO 10816-1 identifies four areas of interest with respect
Typical chemical processing equipment, noncritical 1.0 0.4
to the magnitude of vibration measured:
Turbine, turbo-generator, centrifugal compressor 1.6 0.6
• Zone A: vibration typical of new equipment;
Centrifugal, stiff-shaft (at basket housing), multi-stage • Zone B: vibration normally considered acceptable for
2.0 0.8
centrifugal pump long-term operation;
Miscellaneous equipment, characteristics unknown 2.0 0.8 • Zone C: vibration normally considered unsatisfactory
Centrifuge, shaft-suspended, on shaft near basket 0.5 0.2 for long-term operation; and
Centrifuge, link-suspended, slung 0.3 0.1 • Zone D: vibration normally considered severe enough
Notes: 1. Vibration is measured at the bearing housing except as noted; 2. Machine to damage the machine.
tools are excluded; and 3) Compared or measured displacements are multiplied by the
appropriate service factor before comparing with Fig. 3.9. The subsequent parts of ISO 10816 establish the boundaries
between these zones as applicable to specific equipment.
Part 2, ISO 10816-2, establishes criteria for large, land-
based, steam-turbine generator sets rated over 67,000 horse-
power (50 MW). The most general of the standards is Part 3,
ISO 10816-3, which addresses in-place evaluation of general
industrial machinery nominally more than 15 kW and operating
between 120 and 15,000 rpm. Within ISO 10816-3, criteria are
established for four different groups of machinery, and
provisions include either flexible or rigid support conditions.
Criteria are also established based on both rms velocity and rms
displacement. Part 4, ISO 10816-4, identifies evaluation criteria
for gas-turbine-driven power generation units (excluding
aircraft derivatives) operating between 3000 and 20,000 rpm.
Part 5 (ISO 10816-5) applies to machine sets in hydro-power
facilities and pumping plants. Part 6, ISO 10816-6, provides
evaluation criteria for reciprocating machines with power
ratings over 134 horsepower (100 kW). The scope of Part 5 is
not applicable to general equipment foundations and the
criteria of Part 6 are not sufficiently substantiated and defined
to be currently useful.
Another document available for establishing vibration
limitation is from Lifshits (Lifshits, Simmons, and Smalley
1986). This document follows Blake’s approach of identi-
fying five different categories from No Faults to Danger of
Immediate Failure. In addition, a series of correction factors
are established to broaden the applicability to a wider range
of equipment and measurement data.
Blake’s paper (Blake 1964) has become a common basis
for some industries and firms. His work presented a standard
vibration chart for process equipment with performance
Fig. 3.9—Vibration criteria for rotating machinery (Blake rated from “No Faults (typical of new equipment)” to
1964, as modified by Arya, O’Neill, and Pincus 1979). “Dangerous (shut it down now to avoid danger).” The chart
was primarily intended to aid plant personnel in assessing field
v′ v′ installations and determining maintenance plans. Service
v = ------- = ----------- (3-37)
ωm 2πf m factors for different types of equipment are used to allow
widespread use of the basic chart. This tool uses vibration
where displacement (in. or mm) rather than velocity and covers speed
v = displacement amplitude, in. (cm); ranges from 100 to 10,000 rpm. Figure 3.9 and Table 3.4
v′ = velocity, in./s (cm/s); present the basic chart and service factors established by Blake.
ωm = circular frequency of motion, rad/s; and Baxter and Bernhard (1967) offered more general vibration
fm = frequency of motion, Hz. tolerances in a paper that has also become widely referenced.
The rms velocity yields an rms displacement, and a peak Again with primary interest to the plant maintenance operations,
velocity results in a zero-to-peak displacement value, which they established the General Machinery Vibration Severity
can be doubled to determine a peak-to-peak displacement Chart, shown in Fig. 3.10, with severity ranging from extremely
Residential 0.2 in./s 0.2 to 0.6 in./s 0.6 to 0.8 in./s 0.6 in./s
(5 mm/s) (5 to 15 mm/s) (15 to 20 mm/s) (15 mm/s)
Special or 0.1 in./s 0.1 to 0.3 in./s 0.3 to 0.4 in./s 0.3 in./s
sensitive (3 mm/s) (3 to mm/s) (8 to 10 mm/s) (8 mm/s)
Heat is transferred between the machine and foundation 9. The mounting system should provide a stable platform
through convection, radiation, and conduction. While from which to align the machine. Any deflections of the
convection and radiation dominate in the regions where an mounting system that occur should remain sufficiently
air gap separates the machine base from the foundation, the uniform at different points to preserve acceptable alignment
mounting system provides the primary path for conduction. of the machine. The specifications and use of adjustable
Ten critical performance criteria can be identified as chock mounts has become increasingly widespread to
generally applicable to isolator and anchorage-type compensate for loss of alignment resulting from creep and
mounting systems: other permanent deformations; and
1. A machine-mounting system should tolerate expected 10. The mounting system should impose tolerable loads,
differential thermal growth across the interface. This can stresses, and deformations on the foundation itself. Appro-
occur by combining strength to resist expansion forces and priate foundation design to make the loads, stresses, and
stresses, flexibility to accommodate the deflections, and deformations tolerable remains an essential part of this
tolerance for relative sliding across the interface (as the performance criterion. Some of the loads and stresses to
machine grows relative to the foundation); consider include:
2. A machine-mounting system should either absorb or • Tensile stresses in the concrete at the anchor bolt termi-
transmit, across the mounting interface, those internally nation point, which may cause cracks;
generated dynamic forces, resulting from the machine’s • Shear stresses in concrete above anchor bolt termination
operation not absorbed within the machine structure itself. points, which, if high enough, might result in pullout;
These forces include both vertical and horizontal compo- • Interface shear stresses between a grout layer and the
nents. Flexible mounts that deflect rather than restrain the concrete resulting from the typically higher expansion
forces become an option only in cases where the machine of polymer grout than concrete (best accommodated
and any rigidly attached structure have the structural rigidity with expansion joints); and
needed to avoid damaging internal stresses and deflections. • Hogging or sagging deformation of the concrete block
Large machinery may not meet this criterion; produced by heat conduction through the mounting
3. A nominally rigid mount should transmit dynamic system. Air gaps and low conductivity epoxy chocks
forces with only microlevel elastic deformation and negligible help minimize such deformation.
dynamic slippage across the interface. The dynamic forces Potential conflicts requiring attention and management in
should include local forces, such as forces from each individual these performance criteria include:
cylinder, which large machines transmit to the foundation • Requirements to accommodate thermal expansion
because of their flexibility. For reciprocating compressors, while transmitting dynamic forces; and
this criterion helps ensure that the foundation and machine • Requirements to provide a large anchor bolt clamping
form an integrated structure; force (so that slippage is controlled during transfer of
4. A machine-mounting system should perform its function high lateral loads) while stresses and deflections in bolt,
for a long life—typically 25 years or more. Specifications foundation, chocks, and grout remain acceptably low.
from the operator should include required life; Physical processes that can influence the ability of the
5. Any maintenance and inspection required to sustain mount to meet its performance criteria include:
integrity of the machine-mounting system should have a • Creep—Creep of all polymeric materials under compres-
frequency acceptable to the operator of the machine, for sive load. (Creep means time-dependent deflection
example, once per year. Engineers, installers, and operators of under load. Deflection increases with time—sometimes
the machine and its foundation should agree to this mainte- doubling or tripling the initial deflection);
nance requirement because the design integrity relies on the • Differential thermal expansion—This can occur when
execution of these maintenance functions with this frequency; two adjacent components at similar temperatures have
6. The bolts that tie the machine to the mounting system, different coefficients of thermal expansion, when two
and which form an integral part of the mounting system, adjacent components of similar coefficients have different
should have sufficient stretch and create enough normal temperatures or a combination of both. Machine
force across all interfaces to meet the force transmission and mounts with epoxy materials can experience both types
deflection performance stated above; of differential thermal expansion;
7. The anchor bolt material strength should tolerate the • Friction—Friction is limited by a friction coefficient.
resultant bolt tensile stresses. The mounts, soleplates, and Friction defines the maximum force parallel to an
grout layers compressed by the anchor bolt should tolerate interface that the interface can resist before sliding for a
the compressive stresses imposed on them; given normal force between the two interfacing materials;
8. Any polymeric material (grout or chocks) compressed • Limits on friction—The presence of oil in the interface
by the anchor bolts should exhibit a tolerably low amount of (typically cutting the dry friction coefficient in half)
creep to maintain bolt stretch over the time period between causes further limits on friction;
maintenance actions performed to inspect and tighten anchor • Yield strength—Yield strength of anchor bolts limits the
bolts. Indeed, the machine mount should perform its func- tension available from an anchor bolt and encourages
tion, accounting for expected creep, even if maintenance the use of high-strength anchor bolts for all critical
occurs less frequently; applications;
∑ Fzi
2 2 GP GP
ri ωo Fz = (3-47)
- cos2(ωot + αi )
+ mrot,i ----------
Li i=1
∑ Fzi
Fz = (3-48)
F yi = m rec, i r i ω o sin ( ω o t + α i ) (3-39)
∑ Fyi
where Fy = (3-49)
mrec,i = reciprocating mass for the i-th cylinder; i=1
∑ ( Fzi Xi )
′ = (mrec,i + mrot,i )ri ω o cos(ωot + αi)
Fzi (3-40) My = (3-52)
′ = mrec,i ri ω o sin(ωot + αi)
Fyi (3-41) n
∑ ( Fyi
Mz = X i )(moment about z [horizontal] axis) (3-53)
(secondary) i=1
n GS GS 2 GS 2 1 ⁄ 2
( F Y ) max = [ ( F Y0 ) + ( F Y45 ) ] (3-58)
Mz = ( F yi X i ) (3-54)
at tan–1 ( F Y45 ⁄ F Y0 )
where Xi = distance along the crankshaft from the reference
origin to the i-th cylinder.
Equation (3-43) to (3-54) provide instantaneous values of Maximum global horizontal primary moment:
time-varying inertia (shaking) forces and four time varying
shaking moments for an n cylinder reciprocating machine. GP GP 2 GP 2 1 ⁄ 2
( M Z ) max = [ ( M Z0 ) + ( M Z90 ) ] (3-59)
To visualize the time variation of these forces and moments
over a revolution of the crankshaft, they can be computed at
a series of crank angle values and plotted against crank GP GP
at tan–1 ( M Z90 ⁄ M Z0 )
angle. To obtain maximum values of the primary and
secondary forces and moments (and the phase angle at which
the maxima occur), they are computed at two orthogonal Maximum global horizontal secondary moment:
angles and vectorially combined as shown as follows
Maximum global horizontal primary force: GS GS 2 GS 2 1 ⁄ 2
( M Z ) max = [ ( M Z0 ) + ( M Z45 ) ] (3-60)
GP GP 2 GP 2 1 ⁄ 2
( F Z ) max = [ ( F Z0 ) + ( F Z90 ) ] (3-55) GS GS
at tan–1 ( M Z45 ⁄ M Z0 )
at tan–1 ( F Z90 ⁄ F Z0 ) Maximum global vertical primary moment: