0manual Operacion AIA 1800 PDF
0manual Operacion AIA 1800 PDF
0manual Operacion AIA 1800 PDF
Operator’s Manual
Fax: 877.898.9883
Technical Service: 800.248.6764
Email: info@tosoh.com
This Operator’s Manual is designed to ensure that users can operate the AIA-1800 Automated Immunoassay
System safely and correctly.
This manual is geared to operators who have acquired all the technical qualifications required for working with
the AIA-1800 system
It is recommended for users to carefully read and familiarize themselves with the information in this manual and
operate the AIA-1800 system in strict accordance with the instructions provided.
Keep this manual in a safe, easily accessible location for reference purposes.
All safety precautions outlined in this manual must be strictly adhered to.
This material presented is subject to change without prior notification due to ongoing enhancements to system
performance and functionality.
Should you notice any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the information provided, you are requested to
immediately notify the nearest Tosoh service center or local representative.
Transfer or copy, in whole or in part, of the information contained in this manual is strictly forbidden.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows XP are globally registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. (USA). Other
product and company names mentioned in this document are the registered trademarks of the respective
Safety Precautions
It is recommended that both administrators and operators carefully read and familiarize
themselves with the following safety precautions to ensure safe and correct operation of the
AIA-1800 analyzer.
The information displayed using “Warning” and “Caution” signs in this manual is provided for
the purposes defined below.
Installation Precautions
- Connect System to Suitable Power Source
- Be sure to connect the AIA-1800 to a power source with a sufficiently high power rating
that is free of voltage fluctuations.
- Power sources that have an insufficient power rating or significant fluctuations in voltage
pose a potential fire hazard.
- Carefully Check Ground Connections
- Failure to properly ground the system is a potential source of electrical shock.
- Be sure to connect the system to a three-pin power socket.
- Grounding the system helps to both prevent system malfunctions due to noise and to
reduce the chance of electrical shock.
- Do not connect the system ground line to gas pipes, water pipes, lightning rod lines or the
telephone system ground line.
Gas pipes: can ignite fires and cause explosions
Water pipes: are not an effective ground
Lightning rod and telephone lines: are a potential source of danger when lightning strikes
- Select Installation Site with Care
- Refer to Chapter 3: System Installation in this manual to select a suitable site for
installation of the AIA-1800 system. Always notify a Tosoh service center or local
representative when installing or moving the AIA-1800 system.
- Avoid Modifying Power Cables, Using Insufficiently Rated Extension Cables or
Power Distribution Adapters
- These are potential sources of electrical shock or even fire.
- Always select extension cables that have a sufficiently high power rating and that have a
ground line.
- Confirm Plug Is Free of Dust or Dirt and Insert Firmly Into Socket
- Be sure to remove and inspect the power plug several times a year.
- Contamination by dust and/or foreign matter, failure to fully insert the plug into the
socket or a loose connection may result in electrical shock or fire.
Safety Precautions
Precautions for Use
- Handling Biohazards With Care
- Only personnel with sufficient knowledge of immunological assay techniques and the
procedures for handling infectious waste materials should be allowed to operate the AIA-
1800 system.
- There is always the possibility that blood and body fluid may have been contaminated by
infectious agents. Mistakes in system operation and handling of such materials can
result in the transmission of infectious agents to the system operator and/or to nearby
personnel. It is recommended that all specimens be handled with the utmost of care and
that the proper protective clothing (goggles, gloves, masks etc.) be used at all times
during maintenance procedures.
- All specimen containers, including used reagent cups, sample tips, reagent bottles,
sample cups and waste fluids may have been contaminated by blood add body fluid. It is
recommended that proper protective clothing (goggles, gloves, masks etc.) be worn at all
times and that waste materials be disposed of in accordance with the following directives
and all other relevant laws and regulations to protect all personnel in the general
operating vicinity and the surrounding environment.
- Operate Only in Accordance with the Procedures Described in this Manual
- Attempts to operate the AIA-1800 using procedures not prescribed in this manual may
adversely affect the integrity of assay results and cause system malfunctions.
- Immediately Shutdown the System and Remove the Power Plug when Signs
of Malfunction (Burning Smell, Etc.) Appear. Contact the Nearest Tosoh
Service Center or local representative.
- Continuing to operate a system that is malfunctioning may result in electrical shock
and/or fire.
Safety Precautions
- Keep Covers and Doors Closed During Operation
- Keep all covers and doors firmly closed during operation. The interior of the AIA-1800
contains various moving parts, high-temperature components and high-voltage circuitry.
Fingers and hands can easily get snared or tangled in the mechanisms, resulting in
lacerations, burns and electrical shock.
- Special precautions must be taken when opening doors to replenish reagent and sample
tip supplies during system operation.
- Avoid Stopping and Starting System by Simply Inserting and Removing the
Power Plug
- Operating the AIA-1800 system in this way may damage and corrupt data on the hard
disk in the controller PC and is a potential source of electrical shock and fire.
- Whenever closing down the system, be sure to exit the system program using the
Shutdown button, then exit Windows and turn off using the power supply switch located
on the left front of the system.
Safety Precautions
- Always Wear Protective Clothing
- Always wear suitable protective clothing (goggles, gloves, masks etc.) to prevent
infection when working with specimens, waste fluids and system calibration accessories.
- Avoid Opening the STAT Specimen Door During STAT (Priority) Sampling
- The red STAT door lamp lights up to indicate that a sampling operation is in progress.
Forcing the door open will damage the sampling nozzle and affect the integrity of assay
- Contact the authorized representative
- Blood to be tested might have been infected by pathogen. Misconduct on repair or disposal
may bring infection to the operator or others working together. In the case of repairing and
disposing, please contact the authorized representative.
Safety Precautions
Additional Precautions
<2> <3> <1> <6>
A red lamp on the door indicates that a STAT dispense operation is in progress.
Forcing the door open may damage the sampling nozzle and/or smash the test
Safety Precautions
<2> B/F Drawer Caution Label
Make sure that system operation has stopped and the power is off before
performing wash probe maintenance. Failure to do so may result in personal
injuries caused by contact with moving parts.
Maintenance procedures should always be performed by trained
maintenance personnel.
Never touch the wash probe while the system is in operation, as this may
affect the integrity of assay results. Doing so may also result in personal
injury caused by contact with moving parts.
The wash probe tip is contaminated by the specimen, so must be handled
with the utmost of care.
Always use the handle when opening and closing the sorter drawer.
Attempting to grasp other parts may result in injuries from your hand getting
caught during opening or closing.
Safety Precautions
Note that the diluent and wash solution tanks are of the same shape and size.
Be sure to select the one of the correct color.
Selecting the wrong tank will directly affect assay results.
- Contact Tosoh Service Center or local representative if the Warning or Caution labels
become difficult to read due to dirt or peeling. Replacement labels will be sent out.
- Always store this manual in a safe, readily accessible place. Ensure that all new
operators and administrators have access to this manual.
Thank you for purchasing the AIA-1800 Automatic Enzyme Immunoassay System. This Operator’s Manual is
designed to ensure that users can operate the AIA-1800 Automatic Immunoassay System safely and correctly.
It is recommended that users carefully read and familiarize themselves with the information provided in this
manual before operating the AIA-1800 system.
Chapter 9: Maintenance
Chapter 9 describes the inspection and maintenance procedures required to keep the AIA-1800 operating at
peak performance.
Symbol Representation
A peculiarity of the AIA-1800 controller is that it both displays and prints the µ (micro) symbol as a
small “u”.
The AIA-1800 manual is organized according to the layout shown below. Use this as reference when reading
this manual.
Section Headings
Sections are divided into
up to three subsections
and Title
Illustrations and
Menu Screens
Used in combination with
the text to provide
precise explanations.
Key Points provide helpful hints for mastering system operation.
14.6 Levey Jennings Charts ......................................................................................... 14-4
14.7 QC Materials Lists ................................................................................................ 14-5
14.8 Test Files .............................................................................................................. 14-5
14.9 Checklists ............................................................................................................. 14-6
1: General Precautions for Use
General precautions for use of the AIA-1800 are provided in the following sections.
While the actual assay tasks are performed automatically by the AIA-1800 system, the user
is required to manage reagents, enter specimen request information, assess results and
perform daily maintenance tasks. Mistakes made at any stage can compromise the integrity
of assay results.
Users of the AIA-1800 system are required to log on as either ordinary operators or
administrators. Both the operator and administrator level users are able to perform routine
assay operations, however, only administrator-level users are authorized to change critical
system parameters and assay settings of individual system components.
System parameters that are not accessible to ordinary operators can only be modified by
logging on as an administrator.
- Operational Training
Trained service personnel always oversee and provide detailed orientation during the
installation of the AIA-1800 system. Tosoh or local representative in each countries also
operates a training class for system operators. Feel free to contact a Tosoh Service Center
or local representative for detailed information on training programs.
- Managing Reagents
The AIA-1800 is designed to manage reagents by lot number. Mixing reagents with different
lot numbers will create confusion in assay results due to the inability to distinguish between
lots. Carefully read the insert sheets provided with the reagents for information on how to
manage reagent lots.
- Specimens
Applicable specimen type for the AIA-1800 is indicated on the insert sheet provided with
reagents for each analyte. Any questions regarding specimen assay operations should be
addressed to a Tosoh Service Center or local representative.
Users are asked to avoid assaying the following types of specimens, as they can affect
system operation.
(1) Specimens that have a tendency to clot during the assay process.
(2) Specimens containing solid particles that tend to form occlusions during dispense
(3) Specimens containing alkaline phosphatase inhibitor.
2: System Configuration and Functionality
The AIA-1800 Automated Enzyme Immunoassay System is comprised of the AIA-1800 analyzer unit
(the main unit) and a personal computer (the controller PC) that are linked by an RS-232C cable. The
system is designed for the main unit to perform assay operations in response to instructions sent from
the controller PC unit.
The controller PC, in turn, can be linked by an RS-232C cable to a host computer from which it
receives assay requests and returns assay results.
Remote host
Controller PC computer
Be sure to observe the following precautions, which are designed to prevent system
2: System Configuration and Functionality
Do not edit or move any of the files located in the C:¥Nexus folder of the
controller PC, as this may make the system unstable.
2: System Configuration and Functionality
Avoid editing system parameter files, as this may make the system unstable.
Refer to the CD burning software help for information on operating the CD-RW drive.
- Wait until system operation has terminated before backing up Nexus system
- Attempting to perform backup operations while the system is in operation may
damage the files.
2: System Configuration and Functionality
2.3 Specifications
Main Specifications
Assay principal Fluorometric enzyme immunoassay (FEIA)
Processing method Automated continuance random access
Processing capacity Max. 180 tests/hr. (ST reagents)
In vitro diagnostic reagent AIA-PACK Series
Sample volumes 10 to 125 ul
Sample clot detection Pressure detection (Note 1)
Measuring conditions Reaction temperature: 37 degree Celsius
Antigen-antibody reaction time: 10 min. or 40 min.
(depending on assay specification)
Specimen dilution factors 2 per assay specification selectable in the 2 to 625 range
Specimen pretreatment Automatic pretreatment (10 min. at 37 degree Celsius)
Detection method Fluorescent measurement (top-to-top system)
Precision control Leyey-Jenninqs charts,
Reagent Sorter
Reagent set count Max. 31 trays (equivalent to 31 analytes and 620 tests)
Can be added or changed at any time by key request
Sample Loader
Specimen set count ST model: 170 specimens, (add/ change as required)
LA model: 90 specimens, (add/ change as required)
STAT: 1 specimen
Sample containers Test tubes :13x75, 13x100, 16x75, 16x100(Diameter x Long)
Can be used in combination with dedicated sample cups
Specimen barcodes CODE39, CODE128, ITF, NW-7 compatible (compliant with
ASTM14466-92 and CLA guideline compliant bar codes)
Min. element width: 0.191 (0.254 or over recommended)
Tip/Reagent Loader
Tip Dedicated tips
Tip set count 288 (96/rack, in 3 racks)
Reagent set count Holds a max. of 8 reagent types
Can be added or changed at any time by key request
External Input/Output
RS-232C (for connecting controller PC and Beltline)
Power Supply/Power Consumption
100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA (excluding controller PC and printer)
External Dimensions/Weight (excluding controller PC and monitor)
1800ST 1650 (W) x 930 (D) x 1250 (H) mm 300 kg
1800LA 1650 (W) x 1100 (D) x 1250 (H) mm 300 kg
Operating Environment
Temperature 15 to 30 degree Celsius
Humidity 40% to 80% (with no condensation)
Dust Average office level
Conformity Standard
EMC standard IEC60601-1-2: 2001
CISPR class and group categories Class A, Group 1
FCC Part 15, Sub Part B, Class A
Note 1: Sample clot at nozzle tip will be checked after specimen suction and reported by flag “SC” if vacuum
pressure exceeded approximately 10% or more of that when it is completely clogged.
Another flag UC, which does not work at the default setting, will be reported if the system detected abnormal
vacuum pressure variance during specimen suction.
2: System Configuration and Functionality
2: System Configuration and Functionality
10 Controller PC operating
(monitor, keyboard and mouse)
3 Sample loader
(specimen set position)
12 Drawer handle
6 (From left)
Wash solution tank, Diluent tank
8 Waste tank
2: System Configuration and Functionality
2: System Configuration and Functionality
2: System Configuration and Functionality
Request: Includes Clear, Open, Save and Print Page Setup settings
Log: Displays the error log
Database: Closes the system database and opens past data
Version: Displays program version details
Displays current reagent information.
Click on each tool button to display submenus.
Check box
Text box
Tree view
Simply click on any item in the list to display the desired form. Form
Operation of the software is based around using the tree view Button
to switch between forms.
2: System Configuration and Functionality
2: System Configuration and Functionality
3: System Installation, Transportation, and Storage
This chapter provides specific guidelines to be followed both before and after installation of the AIA-1800
The AIA-1800 is a high-precision analyzer that requires careful adjustment according to specific standards to
ensure stable and reliable operation. Tosoh or local representatives dispatches service personnel trained in
installation and maintenance procedures to oversee system delivery and installation. It is recommended that the
AIA-1800 system be installed in accordance with instructions provided by the service personnel.
3: System Installation, Transportation, and Storage
System Dimensions
ST model: 1650mm (W) x 930mm (D) x 1250mm (H)
LA model: 1650mm (W) x 1085mm (D) x 1250mm (H)
For both the ST and LA models, a depth of 1100 mm and height of 1900 mm is needed when the cover
is open.
It is important to ensure sufficient peripheral space exists to accommodate flow of ventilation from
internal cooling fans. Also avoid directly exposing the system to exhaust discharged by nearby
3: System Installation, Transportation, and Storage
Choose specimen
Sample Loader
Not used
Use of barcodes
Remote Host Remote Host
Computer Computer
Assay Requests Assay Requests
Controller PC Controller PC
Note that Beltline mode is not available with the ST model. (All operating modes are
available for the LA model).
4: Overview of System Operation
The procedures for loading specimens are described in the following sections. Be sure to follow these
procedures when operating the AIA-1800 main unit.
(2) Take out the wash solution tank and remove the lid.
Note that the wash solution and diluent tanks are of the same shape and size. Be sure to select
the one of the correct color (orange). Selecting the wrong tank will directly affect assay results.
Take care not to spill wash solution in the compartment by immediately transferring
the feed tube to another container when disconnecting it from the tank. Fluid leakage
is a potential source of current leakage and electrical shock.
(3) Refer to the insert sheet of Wash when mixing wash solution.
4: Overview of System Operation
It is important to mix Wash and pure water in the correct proportions. Failure to do so will result
in an uneven concentration gradient in the tank that will adversely affect assay results.
(1) Open the diluent compartment by gently pressing on the lower front doors of the AIA-1800 main
Diluent Tank
(2) Take out the diluent tank and remove the lid.
Note that the diluent and wash solution tanks are of the same shape and size. Be sure to select
the one of the correct color (green). Selecting the wrong tank will directly affect assay results.
Take care not to spill diluent in the compartment by immediately transferring the feed
tube to another container when disconnecting it from the tank. Fluid leakage is a
potential source of current leakage and electrical shock.
(3) Refer to the insert sheet of Diluent when mixing the diluent.
It is important to mix Diluent and pure water in the correct proportions. Failure to do so will
result in an uneven concentration gradient in the tank that will affect assay results.
4: Overview of System Operation
(1) Open the waste solution compartment by gently pressing on the lower front doors of the
AIA-1800 main unit.
Waste Tank
(2) Grasp handle and pull forward gently to remove the waste tank.
(3) Place the waste tank on the floor and confirm that any fluid remaining in the tube flows into the
4: Overview of System Operation
- Avoid removing the lid before placing the tank on the floor, as this can result in
fluid spillages.
- Be sure to wear appropriate protective clothing, such as gloves, when handling
the waste tank, as waste solution has been contaminated by potentially infectious
- Take care not to spill waste solution in the compartment by immediately transferring
the outlet tube to another container when disconnecting it from the tank. Fluid
leakage is a potential source of current leakage and electrical shock.
(1) Open the waste compartment by gently pressing on the lower front doors of the AIA-1800 main
Waste Box
Be sure to wear appropriate protective clothing, such as gloves, when handling the
waste box, as discarded cups and tips have been contaminated by potentially
infectious specimens.
(3) Remove the waste bags containing discarded cups and tips and dispose of them at the
designated location.
(4) Place new waste bags in the waste box and return the box to its normal position.
4: Overview of System Operation
Note that the discarded tips drop into the bag at the front, while cups drop into the bag at the
back, and that the sizes of the bags differ.
(5) Close the lower front doors of the AIA-1800 main unit.
(6) After disposing of the waste cups, go to the Waste Cup menu on the Toolbar and reset Waste
Cup status.
(7) After disposing of the waste tips, go to the Waste Tip menu on the Toolbar and reset Waste Tip
Note that waste cups and tips are counted as they are discarded. Waste Cup status changes
Point from “OK” to “Full” when the count reaches 2000. Tip status changes when the count reaches
1600. Resetting changes status back to “OK” and clears the count to zero.
Waste box content is not sensor-monitored, so always check the waste level prior to
commencing system operation.
4: Overview of System Operation
(1) Open the substrate fluid compartment by pressing on the lower front doors on the AIA-1800 main
Always install the substrate bottle with the label facing the front. The substrate level optical
sensor is located at the rear, so having the label face the rear will cause sensing errors.
Avoid placing the potential sources of sparks or flame near substrate lines, as the
substrate cleaning solution consists of 70% ethanol.
4: Overview of System Operation
(1) Press the Reagent/Tips key on the AIA-1800 main unit control panel.
If the LED on the Reagent/Tips key is continuously red, either a 2-step reagent (conjugate)
dispense operation or pretreatment is in progress. The Reagent/Tips key must not be pressed,
as this may cause the assay process to abort with loss of the results.
4: Overview of System Operation
(5) Pull out the tip rack and replenish the sample tips. A single rack holds 96 sample tips.
(6) Replace the tip rack by aligning it with the positioning pins. The Reagent/Tips loader holds a
maximum of three tip racks (a total of 288 tips).
(7) The AIA-1800 automatically detects the current number of sample tips when the cover is closed.
(Reagent/Tips scan)
Avoid opening sample tip cover for long periods of time when working with 2-step reagents and
pretreatment solutions. Skipping and the loss of assay results may occur when timing
coincides with conjugate dispense or pretreatment operations.
The system detects the presence of a tip in the far back line of the rack as a row of 12 tips.
Therefore, it is important to fill each row without leaving any vacancies.
Note that inventory is not updated if tip positions in the back row remained unchanged between
opening and closing the Reagent/Tips cover. Therefore, it is important not to remove tips from
the first partially full row, as this is included in the inventory count.
In the example below where the count has fallen to 124, the system assumes that no tips were
replenished and maintains the same count. This is because there was no change in the back row of
tips after the cover was opened and closed (using Reagent/Tips key). (Count not updated to 131.)
4: Overview of System Operation
(1) Press the Reagent/Tips key on the AIA-1800 main unit control panel.
A continuously red LED on the Reagent/Tips key indicates that either a 2-step reagent
(conjugate) dispense operation or pretreatment is in progress. The Reagent/Tips key must not
be pressed, as this may cause the assay process to abort with loss of the results.
(5) Load the conjugate and SDS into the rack with barcode labels facing the front
Positioning pin
4: Overview of System Operation
(7) Close the cover. The Reagent type and lot number are automatically read when the cover is
closed. (Reagent/Tips scan)
(8) The Reagent/Tips key LED flashes red during the Reagent/Tips scan.
Avoid leaving the sample tip cover open for long periods when working with 2-step reagents
and pretreatment solutions, as this can cause skipping and the loss of assay results when it
coincides with conjugate or pretreatment operations.
Point - The different types of solutions are managed using serial numbers included in the barcode
label. The system uses the previous remaining level value when a barcode read record
exists. Level detect values from the next fluid feed operation are used to update the level
- Pretreatment solution 2 must be set on the right side position of pretreatment solution 1.
The solution 2 which has no barcode label is automatically registered the right side
position of the solution 1 registered with barcode.
(1) Specimens can be loaded in their test tubes or only dispensed in required amounts into Tosoh
sample cups and loaded into sample racks.
Note that sample cup adapters must be installed in the sample rack when using the Tosoh
sample cups.
Sample Cup
Point The dead-volume specification is 100 ul for Tosoh sample cups and 500 μl for straight
round-bottomed test tubes.
Note that sampling results cannot be guaranteed for tapered test tubes. Feel free to
contact a Tosoh service center or local representative for information on the type of test
tubes that can be used.
In barcode mode, install test tubes with the barcode label facing towards the opening in the
sample rack.
Make sure barcode labels are within the valid barcode read range, as illustrated in the
figure below. Dirty, wrinkled labels or crooked labels will affect barcode reading.
4: Overview of System Operation
(2) When loading the sample rack into the sample loader, position with the rack opening facing the
Non-readable Non-readable
length: 20 mm length: 20 mm
An upright retainer guide is positioned on the right side of the sample rack. Make sure to
load sample racks aligned to the groove on the right. Failure to do so disables the upright
retainer function and affects sample rack motion.
(3) Load the sample racks to be assayed and insert an end marker or an empty sample rack at the end.
4: Overview of System Operation
With specimen
No specimen
(4) If planning additional assay tasks after an operation has started, load new sample racks only after
dispensing of the previous rack has completed and the sample loader has stopped.
(5) Use the Pause function in cases where the sample loading requires significant amount of time. Go
to Assay on the Toolbar and select Pause from the drop-down menu.
(6) Load additional sample racks after the sample loader has stopped.
(7) Either an end marker or an empty rack must also be inserted at the end of the new sample racks.
Additional Racks
4: Overview of System Operation
When adding specimens frequently, End pointer can be used for pointing the very end so that
adding point is easily shown.
End pointer
4: Overview of System Operation
- Confirm that the sample loader has stopped before loading the new racks. Doing so
while the loader is operating may result in stoppages caused by rack feed errors.
- An end marker or an empty rack must be inserted at the end, otherwise the loader will
continue its circulating motion. Locations where sample racks cannot be loaded are
shown below.
4: Overview of System Operation
Do not open port when lamp is red, as this may damage the sampling nozzle.
(2) STAT port door can be opened by turning the knob to the right.
13 diameter
- The test tube length limit is 75 mm.
- The STAT port is not equipped with a sensor to distinguish between sample cups and
test tubes, so the specimen container type must be specified using the Request menu.
For a detailed description, refer to Chapter 6: Section 6.7.1 Entering Specimen Assay
4: Overview of System Operation
The red LED on the Cup Sorter key indicates that a pretreatment operation is in progress. The
Sorter key must not be pressed during this operation, as this will cause the assay process to be
skipped and results to be lost.
(2) The Cup Sorter key LED flashes for a few seconds.
(3) When the led changes to green, the lock has been released and the Sorter Drawer can be opened.
(4) Open the Sorter Drawer.
Load reagent cup trays into the drawer with the barcode labels facing the front, otherwise they
cannot be read by the unit.
Avoid leaving the sorter drawer open for long periods when working with pretreatment
reagents, as skipping and the loss of assay results may result when coinciding with
pretreatment operations.
(6) After the loading, push the drawer fully to the back to close the Sorter Drawer.
4: Overview of System Operation
(7) The reagent cup specifications, lots and numbers are automatically read while the Cup Sorter
LED flashes red. (Sorter scan)
Always use drawer handle when opening and closing the Sorter Drawer, as attempting
to grasp other parts may result in injury to hands or fingers.
5: Operational Flow
The following flow chart illustrates the workflow during a standard operation performed using the AIA-1800
system. Referred to “Chapter 6: System Operation” for a detailed description of system operation. System
operations can roughly be divided according to whether specimens are supplied by the use of the built-in
sample loader or the beltline unit.
The AIA-1800 system provides three basic operating modes. These are the Non-Barcode, Barcode and Host
Query modes.
Parameters entered?
6. System Operation
Point Since preset username “root” has authority of administrator without password, password
setting for “root” is recommended for safety reason.
For a description of username and password registration procedures, refer to Chapter 8:
Section 8.7.1 Registering Administrators and Operators.
(7) This starts the system initialization sequence and displays the following splash screen until
initialization is completed.
6. System Operation
Clicking Daily Maintenance in the tree view menu displays the following screen.
Check each
box after
Inspection procedures,
progress and results
displayed here.
6. System Operation
Remove the substrate bottle from refrigerator and acclimatize at room temperature for
15 to 30 minutes. Wipe away any condensation from the bottle before installing in the
substrate compartment. Air tends to enter the supply lines when the substrate is cold,
causing inconsistent assay results. Condensation on the bottle can also cause level
sensor malfunctions. In addition, make sure that the bottle label faces forward to
prevent interfering with sensor operation.
(7) Reagent
Install SDS, conjugate and other required reagents in the Reagent/Tips loader, then click the
check box.
(8) Tips
Replenish tips in the Reagent/Tips loader as necessary, then click the check box.
(9) Wash Nozzle Inspection
Perform maintenance of the wash nozzle as necessary, then click the check box. Clean the
wash nozzle once a week and replace the No. 3 wash probe tip once a month. For a
description of cleaning procedures, refer to Chapter 9: Section 9.2.1 Cleaning the Wash
Probe. For a description of replacement procedures, refer to Chapter 9: Section 9.3.2
Replacing Probe Tips on No. 3 Wash Probe.
(10) Lot Number Entry for Common Reagents
Entering lot numbers for wash solution, diluent, and substrate in the upper right text boxes
in the Daily Maintenance screen. This enables these lot numbers to be recorded in the
online maintenance checklist.
(11) Click the Start button after all items on the maintenance checklist have been verified.
- Maintenance routine progress reports are displayed in text form in the lower half of the
- Once the Start button is clicked and processing begins, this changes to the red Abort
button. Note that other menu screens cannot be loaded while the daily maintenance
routine is in progress.
“2296: Wash probe 1 flush failure” appears when wash probe 1 flush fails.
“2297: Wash probe 2 flush failure” appears when wash probe 2 flush fails.
“2298: Wash probe 3 flush failure” appears when wash probe 3 flush fails.
These messages indicate that air was not completely flushed from the wash solution
lines. If errors occur, press the Reagents/Tips key, open the cover and check inside for
possible causes of the malfunction. After this, go to the toolbar, click Prime Wash,
6. System Operation
Solution then Prime Diluent to repeat the flush procedure until the lines are full and the
errors stop. Contact Tosoh service center or local representative if error messages still
appear after five flushes.
The wash probes are designed to draw wash solution that was dispensed into the detector
standardization cup. The following error messages appear when a problem occurs.
“2293: Probe 1 suction failure” appears when probe 1 suction operation fails.
“2294: Probe 2 suction failure” appears when probe 2 suction operation fails.
“2295: Probe 3 suction failure” appears when probe 3 suction operation fails.
If these appear, check the wash probe tip for foreign matter. If clogged, refer to the probe
tip cleaning procedures described in Chapter 9: Section 9.2.1 Cleaning Wash Probe.
Contact Tosoh service center or local representative if messages still appear after the
probe tip has been cleaned.
<2> Measurement results are displayed as soon as the measuring operation completes.
The following results are displayed.
- Substrate Priming
In the event of a prime failure, make sure there is substrate in the substrate bottle
loaded in the AIA-1800 unit. If the “Error has occurred” message appears even when
substrate is present, the substrate prime detect parameter probably needs adjusting.
It is recommended you contact a Tosoh service center or local representative.
6. System Operation
6.2.3 Checklists
Daily maintenance results are recorded in the online maintenance checklist, displayed by clicking
Checklist in the Tree view Menu. The list records up to 1,100 entries.
Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select All List displays all results. Print displays a
entries in the order of date. preview of print image.
6. System Operation
- The number of characters that can be input in the comment cell is up to 48, but just its
first 26 characters can be printed out.
- The following messages will not be printed out: “Ref BG”, “Smp BG”, “Ref Sub”, and
“Smp Sub”.
6.3 Inventory Check
To check the inventory of reagent cups, reagent solutions, SDS and tips, go to the tree view, click
Setup and select Inventory Check
There are no entries to be made in this menu screen.
6. System Operation
Top List:
Tip: Displays current, requested and required tip counts and estimated
time of shortage
Specimen Treatment Cup: Displays current, requested and required specimen treatment cup
(STC) count and estimated time of shortage
Standard cup: Displays current, requested and required standardization cup (STD)
count and estimated time of shortage
Middle List:
Displays the current, requested and required reagent cup count and estimated time to shortage.
The current inventory (test count) of conjugate is displayed on the reagent worksheet bottom
list in the case of 2-step reagents.
Point If the conjugate inventory is not checked, current inventory count (test count) is
designated as “unknown.”
Bottom List:
Displays current, requested and required SDS and pretreatment solution inventory and
estimated time to shortage.
- If current SDS and pretreatment solution inventory is not checked, the current
inventory is designated as “unknown.”
- Inventory levels are updated by the level check performed during dispense
6. System Operation
Key of
Analyte, lot
no., count
6. System Operation
Clicking the Reagent/Tips key displays the following pop-up dialog box when the No. 3 Tip Rack has
been designated as a reagent load area.
The barcode labels on reagent bottles in this area cannot be read automatically, so must be
registered in the screen using the bar code scanner.
6. System Operation
Some parameters may not be edited depending on the authority allocated to a user.
For detailed description of Test File parameters, refer to Chapter 10: Appendix 1 Test Files.
6. System Operation
Calibration curves are generated and managed using the reagent lot numbers read
by either the sorter or the Reagent/Tips loader units. This means that the
immunoassay reagents (test cups and conjugate) must be loaded prior to the curve
generation step.
(2) Confirm the reagents required to generate calibration curves are in the inventory list.
(3) When using 2-step reagents, confirm that the analyte names and lot numbers listed in the
Test Cup section and Reagent section match.
6. System Operation
(2) Click the Calibration button to display the following dialog box.
(3) Select the check box next to the desired analyte in the Valid Analyte list on the left and
click the Add button. Then confirm selection and click the OK button to generate the
calibration request.
- The reagent cup analyte and lot numbers in the sorter are displayed next to the
check boxes in the list. Blue in the “Analyte” box shows the analytes with valid
calibration, Red with no calibration and Orange expired calibration.
- Note that requests for calibration checks are automatically generated when
calibration checks have been validated in the QC Materials Registration screen. For
a detailed description, refer to Chapter 7: Section 7.2 Registering QC Materials.
6. System Operation
Lot numbers and assigned values for calibrators can be entered by simply clicking the
desired cell to enable editing and using the scanner provided to read the barcode of the
6. System Operation
Assigned values
Use the Test File screen for entering the calibrator lot numbers and assigned values for
analytes not included in the sorter unit inventory.
<1> Go to the tree view and click Test File.
<2> Select the analyte to be calibrated.
<3> Click on the calibrator Lot No. cell.
<4> Use the handheld barcode scanner to scan the calibrator barcode from the barcode sheet
included with the calibrator set.
<5> Click the Conc. cell for the CAL(1).
<6> Use the handheld scanner to scan the CAL (1) barcode from the barcode sheet of the
calibrator set
<7> Use the same procedures to read with the assigned values for calibrators from CAL (2) on.
Always register calibrator assigned values in incremental order starting with the
calibrator with the lowest value (CAL 1, CAL 2, …) to ensure correct assay results.
6.5.4 Worklists
Worklists can be previewed as soon as the calibration request is complete by clicking the Print
button on the Request (non-barcode) screen. The worklist can also be printed out.
Sample cup dead-volume is 100μl.
6. System Operation
(1) Go to the toolbar, click Assay and select the Start Assay menu item.
(2) Select the desired mode. In the case of non-barcode calibration, enter the last record number for
each request. Calibrators do not normally have barcodes, so select the NonBarcode mode and
click the OK button.
The following screen is displayed if a reagent shortage is detected. Replenish reagents and click
OK. Note that affected tests will be skipped if the OK button is clicked without replenishing
6. System Operation
Date & time: Date and time calibration curve was generated
Analyte: Analyte name
Lot .: Calibrator lot no.
Sts: Void (expired)
Pending(not fixed)
Assay in progress
Rate 1 to 6: Mean value (rate value) of results for each calibrator
Conc: Calibrator assigned values
Rate: Calibrator rate value
Dil: Calibrator dilution factor
Flag: Calculation flag
Posi: Calibrator calibration position, used as key for position changes
Regt: Measurement order for calibrators of identical concentration
Editing Data
Unnecessary data can be eliminated by simply unchecking the checkboxes in the Deci column
under the Pending status. I can’t see Pending Status anywhere in the window. The
underlined section could be delete
Concentration priority can be changed in the Edit tab at the upper right of the screen. Redundant
calibration curve data can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the Edit tab.
The more calibrations, the longer the access and processing times required for curve
Point data. Maximum calibrations should be limited to 300 and unnecessary data regularly
6. System Operation
The delete button on the Edit tab deletes the currently displayed calibration curve
To ensure accuracy of the calibration curve calculation, data needs to be entered in order. The
Reposition button on the Edit tab enables calibration results to be sorted in ascending or descending
Going to the Graph Info tab and selecting the Graph Memory checkbox stores the graph to be
overlaid, enabling overlaying of subsequent calibration result graphs. Unchecking the box cancels
the graph overlay function.
The graph can be overlaid on only when the data are of the same analyte and the same lot.
6. System Operation
6. System Operation
(4) Confirm reagent cup lot numbers, as they are required for confirming the presence of
calibration curves.
(5) When using 2-step reagents, go to the Inventory tab and confirm that the analyte names
and lot numbers listed in the inventory cells in the analyte cup section and reagent section
(6) Confirm that the SDS for each analyte is listed in the Reagent section of the Inventory tab
when dilution is required.
(7) Then check the Reagent Table to confirm availability of reagents.
6. System Operation
<1> Go to the Material cell and select specimen type from the dropdown box.
<2> Select Specimen ID, then enter the barcode IDs either manually or using the handheld
barcode scanner.
<3> Double clicking Analyte 1 displays a dialog box of valid analytes. Select the desired
analyte and click OK. Multiple analytes can be selected at one time.
6. System Operation
Automatic Request Generation
- The automatic request generation function simplifies the copying procedure. The
first (top) cell of selectable range can be copied into the second and lower cells.
Note that copying is only possible when the first cell is not blank.
- Information in the leftmost cell is copied when a single row is selected. This
feature is used to generate multiple copies of the same request in one sample.
- If specimen type has already been entered, the automatic generation process
copies the dilution factors for the individual items as well. Copying of individual
specimen type information can be avoided by holding down the Ctrl key during
the generation process.
- Specimen IDs are copied incrementally. The number of digits is not automatically
“9” followed by “0.”
“09” followed by “10.”
Specimen Information
Patient information is entered in the top half the screen.
Clicking an assay request line enables patient information for that specimen ID to be either
entered or confirmed.
Patient ID: 14 or less alphanumeric characters
Surname: Patient last name entered using 16 or less alphanumeric characters
Name: Patient first name entered using 16 or less alphanumeric characters
Comment: Individual remarks entered using 32 or less alphanumeric characters
Birthdate: Patient date of birth entered using “YYYY/MM/DD” format
Sex: Patient gender, selected from Male/Female/Unknown
Smoker: Indicates whether or not the patient smokes tobacco
6. System Operation
Point Note that all remaining requests are stored at program shutdown, even if not
previously saved.
6. System Operation
This shows a list of registered QC materials and their lot numbers. Choose the desired QC
material by selecting the check box. For a detailed description of the QC material registration
procedure, refer to Chapter 7: Section 7.2 Registering QC Materials.
Next, select analytes for each QC material and click the OK button.
Dilution factors can only be changed by editing the control dilution factor information in the test
Requests can be done from the Barcode request screen when operating with a
beltline unit
Point Only the assay results obtained by putting QC material name to the specimen ID are
used for quality control.
Control data will be checked with the assay range(<L,>H) but will not be checked with
the reference range(L,H) nor the reschedule range(RL,RH).
6. System Operation
02-01 (position 1 in sample rack 2)
- Requests can be automatically generated by simply entering the first position and
dragging and dropping the required lines of the request.
- Note that non-barcode assay requests are not valid for Beltline operation.
- Specimens without barcodes cannot be automatically rescheduled.
6. System Operation
The downloaded request is displayed in the following dialog box. Select the data to be assayed,
then select the mode and copy to Assay Request screen. Any unnecessary lines can be
deleted from this form.
Any requests issued unilaterally by the host computer will appear as “Reservations” beneath
“Host” on the toolbar.
This dialog box can also be displayed by clicking on Host on the toolbar and selecting from the
Download List.
Although requests for controls can be issued from the host computer, control results cannot
be used as quality control data unless the QC material name is used as
the specimen ID.
6. System Operation
When the AIA-1800 reads the specimen ID barcode, it searches the database for an existing
assay request. If not found, it queries the host computer. If an assay request for the specimen
ID is still not found, the specimen is skipped.
6. System Operation
Control and specimen loading positions can be checked in the Assay Request screen.
Point Specimen volumes, on the other hand, are checked by clicking the Print button in the
Assay Request screen and displaying the worklist.
Load a sample rack containing specimens with an end marker (or empty sample rack) inserted at
the final position. Note that the sample loader will simply continue operating unless if detects the end
With specimen
No specimen
End Marker
Empty Rack
Confirm that the sample loader has stopped before attempting to load new sample racks.
Doing so while the loader is still operating may result in stoppages caused by rack feed
Locations where sample racks cannot be loaded are shown below.
The sampling operation ends normally when the sample loader detects the end marker and stops. If
planning additional assay tasks, be sure to load a sample rack containing specimens and insert a
rack containing an end marker before starting.
6. System Operation
(2) Select the desired assay mode. Be sure to enter the number of the last line (last
sequence) of the assay request when operating in non-barcode mode.
Point System operating modes can be switched between batch processing units.
(3) The Beltline option is included in the mode list on the LA model. Select Beltline mode
when operating from the Beltline.
(4) Clicking the OK button now starts the assay operation. If Clear Assay Monitor is
checked, all data from previous assay operations will be cleared from the Assay
The following warning dialog box indicates a reagent shortage. Replenish the
reagent and click OK. Note that affected tests will be skipped if the OK button is
clicked without replenishing reagent.
6. System Operation
Previous batch
In cases where the sample loader requires significant time to stop, stop operation by
Point first selecting Pause from the Assay menu on the toolbar, then load a new rack.
- Note that additional assay requests cannot be added to the batch once assay
operation has started.
- When entering additional assay operations before the sampling operation for the
current batch has completed, first select Pause to stop the sample loader, then
load the new sample racks. Not pausing the sample loader before loading may
result in stoppages caused by rack feed errors.
- Note that additional assays cannot be entered during automatic retest assay
6. System Operation
When adding new racks while the sample loader is paused, be sure to
position the sample racks in front of the designated line to ensure racks load
properly (see the appropriate warning labels).
6. System Operation
(2) Enter specimen Material type, Specimen ID and specimen container Type.
The STAT port is not equipped with specimen container sensors, so the correct
container type (sample cup or primary tube) must be entered in the Container Type
cell. Incorrect settings can cause abnormal assay results and / or even damage the
sampling nozzle.
(3) Double clicking analytes 1 (to 24) displays the following analyte entry dialog box.
(4) The dialog box shows a list of valid analytes, which are selected by highlighting and
clicking the OK button. The dilution factors displayed for each specimen type can be
modified by clicking the Dil cell.
(5) Right clicking on Analyte cell displays a pop-up menu of registered panels, enabling batch
entry of analytes.
(6) Enter specimen information as necessary once the STAT assay request has been entered
(entry of all information not required).
6. System Operation
Do not open STAT port when lamp is red, as this may damage the sampling nozzle.
13 diameter
・The test tube length limit is 75 mm.
・The STAT port is not equipped with sample cup and test tube detect sensors, so
specimen container type must be specified in the Request menu screen.
6. System Operation
6. System Operation
6. System Operation
Point By scrolling the screen to the right can show patient information.
The following function keys can be used to change the view of the screen,
F1: Jump to the head line F2: Jump to the last line
F5: Scroll to the left F6: Scroll to the right
F7: Jump to patient information
6. System Operation
The incomplete sample or the rescheduled sample can be displayed clicking the List button.
The dialog box for the incomplete sample list cannot be edited. The list will not be updated
automatically but by clicking the Update button.
The rescheduled sample list can be found in the dialog box for the rescheduled samples.
An assay request can be created using this list. After selecting the request mode, either Barcode or
NonBarcode, choose the records to be re-assayed, and then click the Create Request button. The
chosen records will be deleted from the list and a new request will be created accordingly on the
Assay Request screen. Some requests in the request screen can be deleted if they are not
6. System Operation
Point The dialog box of the reschedule list automatically appears when a result was judged as
The records judged as retest will not be displayed on the reschedule list.
6. System Operation
Patient information can be displayed at the upper right of the screen by clicking on individual cells.
Specimens whose assay results could not be obtained are displayed on the left side of the screen,
enabling easy sorting and confirmation of specimen positions when rescheduling an assay
Point This function is available for assay operations performed using the built-in sample
6. System Operation
Each error message has a check box that can be selected to indicate the error was confirmed.
When the entire error message text cannot be seen, double click the cell to expand the
size of the cell. Double-clicking a second time to restore the cell to its original
Error logs can be deleted by selecting the area, right clicking and then selecting
“delete”. Note that they will not be recovered if once deleted.
6. System Operation
6. System Operation
6.10.2 Specimens
To view routine specimen assay results, go to the tree view, click Assay Results and select
Specimens, which displays the following screen. STAT specimen results are also included.
Point - The latest data is shown in the first line of the table.
- To view only STAT specimen results, click Assay Results and select STAT
Cell Definitions
Specimen ID: ID of specimen being assayed
Analyte: Assay analyte
Dil: Assay dilution factor
Result: Assay result
Unit: Unit of the assay result
Flag 1: System flags. For a detailed description of flags, refer to Chapter 12:
Appendix 3: Types of Flags.
Flag 2: Calculation flags
Flag 3: Verification flags
Date time: Most recent date and time of assay result calculation
Status: Assay result status
Host: Status of result transmission to host computer
I unsent
X send
Operator: Name of operator performing assay operation
Rate value: Rate value
6. System Operation
Point Only assay results showing the “Pending” status can be recalculated.
Used to check the integrity of results, “Pending” assay results will be either accepted as Final or
Rejected. Data selection procedure is identical to that for Windows. Refer to the Examples
illustrated in the foregoing Recalculate button description.
About Delete UC flag (UC flag function is set as no working at the default setting)
When abnormal pressure is detected during specimen suction, the UC flag will be attached to
the result. The possible causes are the suction of clot or air or high viscosity of the sample. If the
same flag were attached to the retested result even after the removal of clots or bubbles from
the specimen, then high viscosity of the sample would be most probable. If the result was
reproduced and thus the result would be no concern, then the UC flag could be deleted from the
result selecting “Delete UC flag” on the Verification dialog.
Used to transmit assay results to the host computer. Select the target data, then click the Upload
The data selection procedure is identical to that of Windows operation. Refer to the examples
6. System Operation
To reschedule an assay request. Select the results to be re-assayed, then click the Reschedule
button and the reschedule list dialog will appear. After selecting request mode, whether Barcode
or NonBarcode, choose records to request then click the “Create Request” button.
The first search condition can be entered by clicking the Add (AND) button and additional search
conditions can be added by clicking the Add (AND) or the Add (OR) buttons.
6. System Operation
Clicking the upper Find button shows the results that meet the search condition set.
Frequent used search condition sets can be registered into the Register Condition List box using
the Register button. Clicking the lower Find button shows the results that meet the registered
condition set. Use the Delete list button to delete research conditions from the registered list.
When clicking the upper Find button, the input value dialog will appear as below. After inputting
Specimen ID, click OK. Then the results with the same Specimen ID will be searched and be
displayed on the screen.
6. System Operation
Clicking All discards search conditions and displays all assay results.
Changes the order of obtained results as specified in the Sort dialog box. Up to three Sorting keys
can be defined.
The results are sorted when the screen is displayed.
The sort conditions are stored. Choose "<None >" at the top of the list to clear the sort conditions
The Print feature allows a printout of the current screen with or without patient information added
(by selecting the check box).
Select the target data then click the Print button . Refer to the examples illustrated above for the
data selection procedure.
Real time reports are printed in the order that data arrives, which means that the most recent data
is printed last.
Assay results can be used in other applications by first copying them to
the Clipboard.
(1) Double clicking the mouse switches from line selection to cell selection.
(2) Drag the mouse to select the section of data to copy.
(3) Press Ctrl-C (hold down Ctrl while pressing C) to transfer the data to the
(4) Double clicking the mouse once more to return to line selection mode.
Some function keys can be used to change view as below,
F1 (or Ctrl + PageUp key): Jump to the top of the list
F2 (or Ctrl + PageDown key): Jump to the end of the list
These functions are available only when the worksheet is active.
6. System Operation
Note that previous data cannot be recalculated, so it is important to confirm the data before
shutting down the system.
6. System Operation
6.10.3 Controls
To view control specimen assay results, go to the tree view, click Assay Results and select Control.
The menu items and button functions are identical to those provided in the Assay
Results/Specimens screen.
6. System Operation
6.11 Retest
Retest condition is defined on Flag and Rules screen as follows, (See 8.2 Utilities- Flag and Rules
for further information)
1. Retest
Retest the sample on the same analytes with the same condition
2. Retest (TestFileDil.)
Dilute the sample with the dilution factor defined in Test File and retest it on the same analytes.
3. Retest (Panel)
Retest the sample on analytes defined in Panel
(It is possible to apply other dilution factor that is not defined in Test File.)
When assay results meet the retest condition, Retest Mode starts. The cell color turns to be light
After sampling process on all of requested samples is finished, sample racks are rotated quickly
seeking for the samples to be tested again. Sample rack loading stops as the corresponded
barcode label is found. The sample position must be identical to the original position. The sought
samples are tested with the retest condition defined above.
6. System Operation
It is recommended that operators perform an emergency stop of the system during assay operations
when the possibility of the system causing personal injury, and/or fire arises.
(1) Turn the power switch on the left side of the main unit off.
(2) Take first-aid measures as necessary to limit any injury or damage.
(3) Report all details of the incident to the nearest Tosoh service center or local representative
and follow the instructions provided by the service personnel.
Note that the normal shutdown routines will not be performed when the power supply
switch is used to terminate operation.
6. System Operation
When assay operations have completed, store specimens, immunoassay reagents and other
materials that deteriorate at room temperature to a refrigerator. Prime the substrate lines with
Substrate Replacement Solution (70% ethanol).
(1) Remove specimens from the sample loader and the entire rack that contains conjugate
and SDS from the Reagent/Tips loader and transfer them to refrigerator.
Cover the tops of the reagent bottles using parafilm etc.
(2) Remove all reagent cups from the sorter and transfer to refrigerator.
(3) Transfer substrate bottles to refrigerator and replace with Substrate Replacement Solution
- The specimen database contains assay data from STAT specimens, routine
Point specimens and control specimens. The QC Database contains QC data.
- It is recommended that the QC Database be closed according to the terms of
Quality Control.
- It is recommended that the specimen database be closed on a daily basis
- Log files will be automatically compressed and stored at the system closing
showing the following message.
- Note that new assay operations cannot be performed until the system is closed
in cases where the current number of assay results exceeds 10,000.
- All specimen results have to be confirmed before the specimen database is closed,
or recalculation cannot be performed.
- Please note that when QC database is closed the database switches to new one
and data in the previous database is not retrievable.
(5) Click the × button located at the top right of the screen, followed by the Yes button shown
6. System Operation
(6) When the following dialog box prompts you to replace the substrate, confirm that Substrate
Replacement Solution has been set in the substrate compartment and click “Yes” to
commence the substrate flush operation.
(7) The program closes when this procedure has completed. Turn the main power switch off.
7. Maintaining System Precision
Point The data displayed in the Levey-Jennings chart is comprised of the assay results for
controls requested as QC materials, which results must have been finalized. It also
includes finalized data filed as calibration checks.
The above screen is the Levey-Jennings chart that can be displayed by selecting “QC Material Name, Lot and
Analyte”. The daily average Levey-Jennings Chart data are displayed on the right of the screen.
Double-clicking a cell displays a dialog box containing detailed data, which can be used to delete unnecessary
data. The authority of Administrator is required to delete unnecessary data.
The R1 to R6 flag assessment results, which are entered using the QC-Selectable Rules screen are
displayed in graph and worksheet form. Also shown in the graph is the calibration log.
The Period is used to set the date range for the Levey-Jennings chart displayed.
7. Maintaining System Precision
The Update Button (QC update) is used to update the Mean, SD and CV values (expected
values), as well as the Levey-Jennings chart.
Pressing F1 key enables “expected” values (mean, SD and CV) to appear on the input
form. Pressing F2 key enables SelectCumulative values (mean, SD and CV) to appear
on the input form.
Statistical Information
Control range(Expected)
Date: The updated date
Mean: Expected average value (corresponds to the mean value of the graph). If
the value is not updated, it is determined from the following formula
using the Range Low and Range High values that were entered
when registering the QC material.
Mean = (Range High + Range Low) / 2
SD: Expected standard deviation value (corresponds to the SD value of the
graph). If the value is not updated, it is determined from the
following formula using the Range Low and Range High values that
were entered when registering the QC material.
SD = (Range High - Mean) / 2
CV: Expected CV%. If the value is not updated, it is determined from the
following formula using the Range Low and Range High values that
were entered when registering the QC material.
CV = (SD / Mean) × 100
Environment settings can be used to specify the display of three items. Not all
information can be shown in a single screen. Undisplayed results can be viewed by
double-clicking on the graph, which will change the results view. For information on
entering settings, refer to Chapter 8: Section 8.5 Other Settings.
When an analyte is selected in an analyte box while pressing the Ctrl key,
control data with the same analyte but with different lots of the QC material can
be displayed in the other control charts.
7. Maintaining System Precision
(2) Clicking the Add button displays the following dialog box. To add materials, enter the
material name, Lot No. and expiration date and select analytes by checking the boxes,
then click the OK button.
The Add from File button is used to enter QC material data from previously saved files.
Note that hyphens (-) cannot be used for QC material names or lot numbers.
(3) Enter upper and lower acceptable limits for each analyte in the Range Low and Range
High cell.
(4) When simultaneously measuring control materials during calibration, check off the Cal.
Chk. cell and enter the repeat count in the Cal. Chk. Reps. cell
(5) Clicking the Del button deletes the currently displayed material name and lot no.
- While users may register QC materials with the same name but differing lot numbers,
only one can be assayed at a time. In this case, the lot number with the Active checkbox
checked specifies the QC material that will be assayed.
- The control material to be used for quality control operations must first be registered as
a QC material. Note that results of unregistered control materials will not be used as QC
7. Maintaining System Precision
R1: Result is R1-flagged when one control observation exceeds the specified SD value.
R2: Result is R2-flagged when one control observation exceeds the specified SD value.
R3: Result is R3-flagged when two consecutive control observations exceed the specified SD
R4: Result is R4-flagged when the difference between two consecutive control observations
exceeds the specified SD value.
R5: Result is R5-flagged when four consecutive control observations exceed (in same
direction) the specified SD value.
R6: Result is R6-flagged when ten consecutive control observations fall on the same side of
the mean.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Note that test files can be saved with respect to each individual analyte.
Press the Print button to display a print preview.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Use this function in strict accordance with the instructions provided by Tosoh to
ensure accurate verification of results.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8.1.3 Panel
Registering analytes a panel simplifies complex assay request operations, such as those used for
tumor markers and thyroid hormones, which involve the use of multiple analytes.
(4) Note that the panel names entered here can be viewed in the pop-up menus displayed by
right clicking on the Analyte cells in the Assay Request screen. Selecting the panel name
will enable batch entry of all analytes selected.
(5) To delete any unused panels, select the panel name and click the Del button.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Selecting the “All Pending” radio button assigns the “Pending” status to all assay results.
Selecting the “User Defined” radio button activates the operation settings specified for each flag.
Completed assay results are either assigned a status or automatically issued an assay request
to reschedule processing, depending on the flag setting.
Flag: (for a detailed description of flags, refer to Chapter 12: Appendix 3: Flags)
Indicates that assay results are accepted and fixed as final.
Indicates that assay results are pending further decision.
Indicates that assay results (excluding those for calibrators) were rejected. Same status as
when assay results are rejected in the Result screen.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Automatically generates reassay requests for the assays put flags in previous assay cycle.
Reschedule (TestFile Dil.)
Automatically generates a reassay request based on the dilution factor in the Test file.
When “Reschedule (TestFile Dil.)” is set for the flag “>H” , a reassay request will be
automatically created with the dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the
number which is set in “Default multiplier for >H” in the Test file.
When being set for the flag “DO” , a reassay request will be automatically created with the
dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the number which is set in
“Default multiplier for DO” in the Test file.
When being set for another flag other than above, a reassay request will be automatically
created with the dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the number
which is set in “Dilution factor for each specimen (SP1 or SP2 or Control)” in the Test file.
The maximum dilution factor is 625 times.
Reschedule (Panel)
Automatically generates a reassay request based on a reschedule panel registered on the
Reschedule Panel tab. The panel can be selected on the Panel cell on the right side. Refer to
“8.2.3 Reschedule Panel tab” in this chapter for reschedule panel setting.
Automatically generates reassay requests and starts the assay operation.
Retest (TestFile Dil.)
Automatically generates reassay requests based on the dilution factor in the Test file and starts
the assay operation.
When “Retest (TestFile Dil.)” is set for the flag “>H” , a reassay request will be automatically
created with the dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the number
which is set in “Default multiplier for >H” in the Test file.
When being set for the flag “DO” , a reassay request will be automatically created with the
dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the number which is set in
“Default multiplier for DO” in the Test file.
When being set for another flag other than above, a reassay request will be automatically
created with the dilution factor used in the previous assay cycle multiplied by the number
which is set in “Dilution factor for each specimen (SP1 or SP2 or Control)” in the Test file.
The maximum dilution factor is 625 times.
Retest (Panel)
Automatically generates reassay requests based on a reschedule panel and starts the assay
operation. The reschedule panel is registered on the Reschedule Panel tab. The panel can be
selected on the Panel cell on the right side. Refer to “8.2.3 Reschedule Panel tab” in this
chapter for reschedule panel setting
Point Flags are displayed in order of priority with the highest priority flag at the top of the list.
Flags 01 to 99 are all user-definable flags. The various flag verification criteria are entered
using the Rules Tab.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8.2.2 Rules
Flags 01 to 99 are user-definable and can be assigned a two-character (alphanumeric) name. Flags
can be assigned different names according to whether their verification criteria were met or the
verification criteria were not applicable.
Verification results for flags 01 to 99 are displayed at the Flag 3 position in the Result screen.
Flag verification criteria can be defined according to analytes that have been applied, analytes
assigned the flag, conditions, age and gender.
As the verification screen guide illustrates, whether the target falls within the Low (L), Normal (M) or
High (H) range is determined by the use of criteria. The low and high limits here are reference range
(L, H) of the analyte and the values can be modified.
【Types of Criteria】
L :Result (Conc.) is in a Low-range
M :Result (Conc.) is in a Normal-range
H :Result (Conc.) is in a High-range
!L :Result (Conc.) is out of Low range
!M :Result (Conc.) is out of Normal range
!H :Result (Conc.) is out of High range
8. Other Aspects of Operation
(1) Position the analyte to be assigned the flag on the first line and click the Flag Target checkbox.
(2) The Reference Range for the Test File is normally entered using the “Low limit” and “High limit”
values(the values entered when the analyte was first entered are used by default.)
(3) With verification criteria, the verifiers (L, M, H, !L, !M, !H) shown in the lower section of the screen
are used to select the type of result values to be flagged.
(4) Two coupling conditions “Or” and “And” are provided and are used according to the following
<1> When there is one or zero of analyte to be verified, apart from those assigned the flag
(combination conditions are not applied):
Analyte assigned the flags will be flagged when all the all verification results are “True”
(items are ignored if the Flag Target checkbox has not been selected.)
<2> When there are multiple analytes to be verified, apart from the one assigned the flag
(and combination condition is “Or”):
When the analyte assigned the flag is “True,” other analytes are checked in sequence to
determine whether their status is True/False/No Result/Not Tested. (See Case A.)
- When “True,” is found, the analyte is flagged and verification terminates.
- When “False,” is found, the analyte is not flagged and verification terminates.
- If all analytes are “No Result,” the analyte is flagged with the “ Unverifiable” flag.
- If all analytes are “Not Tested,” verification ends without the analyte being flagged.
<3> When there are multiple analytes to be verified, apart from the one assigned the flag
(and combination condition is “And”):
When the analyte assigned the flag is “True,” other analytes are checked in sequence to
determine whether their status is True/False/No Result /Not Tested. (See Case B.)
In this case all analytes are verified.
- If all analytes are “True,” the analyte is flagged.
- If any analyte is “False,” the analyte is not flagged.
- If any analyte is “No Result,” the analyte is flagged with the “Unverifiable” flag.
- If any analyte is “Not Tested,” and there are no “No Result,” the analyte is not flagged
Verifications are performed at the point when all assay results required for the specimen in question
have been completed.
Assay results include the following indicators
Result normal: Assay result of the detected concentration. Results “DO,” “>H” or “<L” are verified. In
the case of DO, concentrations are verified as either very high or very low, depending
on calibration factor.
No result: Indicates inability to determine the concentration.
This is for cases when all system flags and arithmetic flags (NC, CL, CE, DL, BH) are
Not tested: Indicates that analyte was skipped instead of being tested due to SS or PS status.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Case A
When the values for analytes A and B are high, or when the values for analytes A and C are high,
the analytes are flagged.
When no concentration is detected for analytes B and C, the analytes are not verified and the
“Unverifiable” flag is applied. In this case, analyte B takes precedence over analyte C and
thus analyte C is not referenced when concentration is detected in analyte B.
If the “Unverifiable” flag is not required it can be disabled by not entering a setting for that name.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Case B
When the values for analytes A, B and C are high, analyte A is flagged.
When no concentration is detected for analytes B or C, analyte A is not verified and the
“Unverifiable” flag is applied.
If the “Unverifiable” flag is not required it can be disabled by not entering a setting for that name.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Real-time Upload
Specifies the types of specimens for which reports are issued to the host computer when assay is
Upload Option
Send Instrument Flag With C Record
This specifies whether or not to send instrument flags.
Result Flag 1
This determines the way in which date is reported instead of concentration when no concentration
is obtained.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Point Close the system program and restart the system in order to validate the new parameter
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Connection Setting
Setting of the IP Address of the host computer and the Port Number between the AIA-1800
and the host computer.
First the AIA-1800 system reads a specimen ID and issues a query to the controller PC. Then
the PC checks the assay requests already generated and stored in it and returns the relevant
information to the AIA-1800. If no matched information was found, the controller PC issues a
query to the host computer when the “Yes” button has been selected.
Real-time Upload
Specifies the types of specimens for which reports is issued to the host computer when their
assays were completed.
Result Flag 1
This determines what data is reported instead of concentration if no concentration is obtained.
Close the system program and restart the system in order to enable the new parameter
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Real-time Report
With the Page Report setting, assay results are printed in the order they are received, a page at a
time as soon as each page is filled. In cases where assay results do not fill an entire page, they are
printed at the end of the assay operation.
With the Specimen Report session, assay results are printed in units of specimens as soon as all
operations for individual specimen IDs have been completed. This enables reports to be issued for
individual patients. Note that any previous results for the same specimen ID will be included in the
report in cases where the system has not been shut down since that operation.
Paper Size
A4 is the standard page size for report printouts.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
- Be sure to restart the system after changing communication ports in order to validate the new
- The main unit (AIA-1800) is normally assigned the COM1 port and the host computer the
COM2 port.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8. Other Aspects of Operation
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Start Digit
Indicates the first digit position used for specimen IDs in barcodes on specimen containers.
Indicates the valid digit length used for specimen IDs in barcodes on specimen containers.
Example: When the Start Digit is 3 and effective length 10, the specimen ID for barcode
“123456789ABCDE“ will be” 34567890AB”.
For a detailed description of barcode parameters, refer to Chapter 11: Appendix 2: Barcode Settings.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
For detailed information on the use of this feature, contact Tosoh service center or
local representative.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
The number of “Patient Sample” does not mean the number of patients assayed but the number of all
assayed samples including patient samples, controls, calibrators and calibration check materials.
Statistical data can be cleared by going to the Database menu and selecting System Close, followed
by Clear Statistics. Note that you cannot select specific information to clear, but must clear all
information at once.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
(1) Enter the necessary information by clicking the corresponding cells shown in the menu
User names can be entered using up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Passwords are
entered using up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
Administrators register as “Super User” and assay operators as “Operator.”
Register the required number of users (administrators and operators) for the AIA-1800
system. The factory default administrator username is “root” with no password.
Point Certain test file parameters are only accessible to administrator level users.
8. Other Aspects of Operation
Online: Enables the AIA-1800 to process specimens from the beltline unit
Offline: Disables AIA-1800 processing of specimens from the beltline unit
Restart: Restarts sending specimens from the beltline unit
Error Reset: Clears any errors that occurred during operation with the beltline unit
Signal Control: Displays the following dialog box used for defining the signal configuration of
the beltline unit
The Signal Control screen is used for maintenance of the beltline unit. It should not
be used during normal operation. For detailed description, refer to the “Beltline
System Manual”.
9. Maintenance
Implementing a program of regular maintenance will ensure maximum safety and optimal performance for
AIA-1800 system operation. Orientation on the correct maintenance procedures is provided during the
installation process. Make sure to allow only qualified, properly trained personnel to perform maintenance work.
Do not replace the substrate with distilled water. If left too long, this may cause
contamination of the substrate line and raise the substrate background.
(1) Replace the substrate bottle with the 70% ethanol substrate replacement solution.
(2) Go to the Toolbar, click Substrate and select Replace Substrate from the menu. This starts
the substrate replacement sequence.
(3) Repeat the foregoing procedures three times.
(4) Prepare nitric acid of concentration 0.14 mol/L. (Concentrated nitric acid mixed with distilled
water at 1:100 creates an equivalent concentration.)
(5) Replace the 70% ethanol solution bottle with the one containing the nitric acid solution.
(6) Go to the Toolbar, click Substrate and select Replace Substrate from the menu. This starts
the substrate replacement sequence.
(7) Repeat the foregoing procedures three times.
(8) Reinstall the 70% ethanol solution bottle.
(9) Go to the Active Bar, click Substrate and select Replace Substrate from the menu. This
starts the substrate replacement sequence.
(10) Repeat the foregoing procedures three times.
(11) Replace the 70% ethanol solution bottle with the substrate bottle. Go to Tree view, and
perform the daily inspection once more.
9. Maintenance
(3) Remove the B/F unit by pulling on the knob shown below. (The B/F unit can be removed
while the lamp on the left is on (green).)
(4) Close the AIA-1800 system program. (A dialogue box prompting you to replace substrate
will appear. Simply ignore this (Push No) if planning to continue assay operations.)
(5) Turn off the main power.
- Probe tips are constantly in contact with specimens which may contain infectious
substances, so always wear gloves when replacing probes.
- Be sure to turn the system power off before performing maintenance tasks. Personal
injury may result from getting caught in moving mechanical parts of the system.
9. Maintenance
Screws Cleaning Wash Probes
(1) Pull off the probe tips from the each of the end of the probes.
Probe Tip
(2) Clean the removed probe tips for approximately 5 minutes in an ultrasonic neutral wash
solution bath, then wash with deionized water. If still not clean, replace with new probe tips.
(Part No.: 020107)
(3) After cleaning, reattach the probe tips to their probes.
(4) Reinstall by firmly inserting the probe tips with the stainless steel pipe passing through the
center. The stainless steel pipe at the center should protrude slightly past the tip when
correctly installed.
9. Maintenance
(5) Reinstall wash probes to their position and tighten the securing screws.
Improper installation of the probe tips may cause inaccurate assay results.
9. Maintenance
(2) Take the out the 5 L tank of wash solution or diluent and the remove lid from the side where
the tube is inserted.
(3) As shown in the figure below, remove the wash solution or diluent filter attached to the end
of the suction nozzle and replace with a new one. (Part no.: 018585)
9. Maintenance
(4) Screw the lid back onto the tank and return it to the main unit.
9.3.2 Replacing Probe Tips of Wash Probes
(1) Confirm that the AIA-1800 has stopped, then go to the Toolbar, click Wash and select B/F
Unit Unlock from the menu.
(3) Remove the B/F unit by pulling on the knob shown below. (The B/F unit can be pulled out
while the lamp on the left is on (green).)
9. Maintenance
(4) Close the AIA-1800 system program. (A dialogue box prompting you to replace the
substrate will appear. Simply ignore this (Push No) when planning to continue assay
(5) Turn off the main power.
- Because probe tips are constantly in contact with specimens which may contain
infectious substances, always wear gloves when replacing probes.
- Be sure to turn the system power off before performing maintenance tasks. Personal
injury may result from getting caught in moving mechanical parts of the system.
(6) Loosen the securing screws on wash probes and remove by lifting upward.
9. Maintenance
Probe Tip
Incorrect Correct
Press on firmly until
stainless-steel pipe
protrudes slightly.
(10) Return wash probes to their position and tighten the securing screws.
Improper installation of the probe tip may cause inaccurate assay results.
(11) After the wash probes have been reinstalled, reinstall B/F unit by pushing it right to the
back. (Unit locks into place when pushed right to the back.)
(12) Close the Reagent/Tips cover.
9. Maintenance
9. Maintenance
9.8 Controller PC
9.8.1 Maintaining Optimum Performance
Operating the AIA-1800 for extended periods results in a large buildup of information in the database
that can slow down processing speeds and destabilize system operation. If this occurs, follow the
procedures listed below.
(1) Shut down system. (Save current database and change to new database).
For detailed description, refer to “Chapter 6: 6.12 Shutting Down Operation.”
(2) Close Windows XP.
(3) Run Defrag and ScanDisk (refer to the Help and support features provided for Windows XP).
System Shutdown
Running Defrag and
Item Specimen QC database Program close
Recommended When shutting QC segments When shutting Once every 3 months (as
times down system down system a rule)
(daily basis) (daily basis)
Point Refer to the CD burning software help files for information on operating the CD-RW drive.
- Wait until system operation has terminated before backing up the Nexus
system files.
- Attempting to perform the backup operation while the system is still
operating may damage the files.
9. Maintenance
10. Appendix 1 Test Files
The assay conditions (sampling volume, calibration curves figure, and dilution factor) for individual analytes are
entered in test files. This chapter provides detailed description of the various items that go into the test files.
Symbols R, W or H under an item show edit permission to a systems engineer, a super user, and an operator,
respectively in that order. If no symbol is shown, all users can edit the item.
R means Readable only, W means Writable and H means Hidden (not displayed).
Item Meaning
Unit Unit of measurement for concentrations.
Used when displaying, printing and sending to the host computer assay
Decimal places Specify the degree of concentration in decimal terms.
Used when displaying, printing and sending to the host computer assay
results expressed in decimals.
Reference Range
Reschedule Range
Assay Range
10. Appendix 1 Test Files
Item Meaning
Specimen diluent code Specifies code used for specimen diluting solution (SDS).
Specimen diluent name Specifies name used for specimen diluting solution (SDS).
Dilution factor for Sp.1 Specifies default dilution factor for specimen material 1 (Sp.1).
Dilution factor for Sp.2 Specifies default dilution factor for specimen material 2 (Sp.2).
Dilution factor for Control Specifies default dilution factor for control sample.
Default multiplier for DO Default multiplier for generating reschedule request when assay result
flagged with Detector-over-range (DO) flag. Current dilution factor will be
multiplied by this value.
Default multiplier for >H Default multiplier for generating reschedule request when assay result
flagged with >H flag. Current dilution factor will be multiplied by this
Item Meaning
Factor A, B Compensation factors(concentrations).
10. Appendix 1 Test Files
Item Meaning
Incubation Time (10/40)
Assay Protocol (1-4)
Specimen Volume
Diluent Volume
Conjugate Volume
Diluted Conjugate Volume
Pretreatment Specimen Represent parameters specific to individual measurements.
Do not modify.
Pretreatment Reagent
Pretreatment Reagent
Pretreatment Reagent 1
Pretreatment Reagent 2
System Factor
Calibration Check Code Used to check calibration lot entered manually.
Virtual Concentration Parameters in log-logit cubic format specifying virtual concentration.
Graph Origin Parameters in log-logit cubic format specifying graph origin.
Calculation with Dilution This factor is for result review .
11. Appendix 2: Barcode Settings
The definitions for the parameter settings in the Barcode Settings screen are provided below.
11.1 CODE 39
(1) Start Stop Character Output
Specifies whether to read the asterisk“*”, used as a start stop character, as part of the ID.
ON read as part of ID
OFF do not read
(2) Check Digit Check
Specifies whether to perform check digit verification.
ON check digit verification enabled
OFF check digit verification disabled
(3) Check Digit Output
Specifies whether to use check digit as part of the ID.
ON use
OFF do not use
11. Appendix 2: Barcode Settings
11.3 ITF
Note that ITF cannot be disabled as ITF is used in the calibrators and controls supplied by
12. Appendix 3: Flags
The various assay results are flagged to indicate status. Descriptions of the flags are provided in the following
The concentration values displayed together with system flags are for use as reference values.
It is important that users not to ignore the flags with assay results of the AIA-1800.
12.1.2 L
Indicates that assay result is below the lower limit value of reference range (Reference range (L)
value). This flag will not be attached to control results.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (flag) :L
12.1.3 H
Indicates that assay result is above the upper limit value of reference range(Reference range (H)
value). This flag will not be attached to control results.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (flag) :H
12.1.4 RL
Indicates that assay result is below the lower limit of reschedule range(Reschedule (L) value in test
file). This flag will not be attached to control results.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculated value
RS-232C output (flag) :L
The RL check is only performed for the first assay result with concentration value for a single
analyte of a single specimen.
12.1.5 RH
Indicates that assay result is above the upper limit of reschedule range (Reschedule (H) value in test
file). This flag will not be attached to control results.
The RH check is only performed for the first assay result with concentration value for a single
analyte of a single specimen.
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.2.2 >H
Calculation failed due to assay result being over assay range (represented by assay range upper limit
value in test file).
->Dilute specimen and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 2”setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :>
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.4.3 SC
Indicates that vacuum pressure exceeded abnormal level after the suction of a specimen. The
measurement will be skipped due to clogging.
->Check for lumps or clots. If found, use centrifuge to remove and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.4.4 UC
Indicates that abnormal vacuum pressure pattern was observed during the suction of a specimen.
The cause could be semi-coagulated specimen or air suction or high viscosity of a sample.
->Check if there is no lump, clots or bubbles in the specimen. If found, make a centrifugation to
remove them and reschedule assay operation. If the same flag was attached to the retested result
again, the possible cause is high viscosity of the sample.
Print, display (rate value) : outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) : outputs calculated value
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.5.2 CL
Indicates concentration calculation failed due to calibration curve not registered (accepted).
->Register (have accepted) calibration curve and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.5.3 CV
Indicates validity of calibration curve has expired. The expired calibration curve was used to calculate
->Calibrate reference solution, register calibration curve and reschedule assay operation.
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.5.4 CE
Indicates calculation error due to use of approximate expression for calibration curve.
->Check calibration curve and reschedule assay operation.
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.6.2 PS
Indicates inability to perform assay operation due to reagent cup shortage.
->Replenish reagent cups and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.6.3 RS
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to conjugate shortage.
->Replenish conjugate and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.6.4 ES
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to pretreatment solution shortage.
->Replenish pretreatment solution and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.6.5 TS
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to sample tip shortage.
->Replenish sample tips and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.6.6 LS
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to SDS shortage.
->Replenish SDS and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.6.7 WS
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to wash solution shortage.
->Replenish wash solution and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs calculation value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs obtained value
blank when NC, CL, CE, >H or <L is assigned
RS232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculation value or
Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
when NC, CL or CE is assigned. Follow the “Flag 2”
setting of the Utility-Host screen when >H, or <L is
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.6.8 BS
12.6.9 DS
Indicates inability to conduct assay operation due to diluent shortage.
->Replenish diluent and reschedule assay operation.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculation value or
blank when NC, CL, CE, >H or <L is assigned
RS232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculation value
Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
when NC, CL or, CE is assigned. Follow the “Flag 2”
setting of the Utility-Host screen when >H, or <L is
RS232C output (flag) :A
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.7.2 WU
Indicates B/F separation failure.
->Perform maintenance of wash probes by referring to “Chapter 9: Maintenance.”
If this fails to resolve the problem, contact Tosoh service center or local representative.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculation value
blank when NC, CL, CE, >H or <L is assigned
RS232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculation value
Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
when NC, CL or, CE is assigned. Follow the “Flag 2”
setting of the Utility-Host screen when >H or, <L is
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.7.3 DL
Indicates malfunction in detector unit or substrate dispense failure.
->Contact Tosoh service center or local representative.
Print, display (rate value) :outputs obtained value
Print, display (concentration value) :outputs calculation value or
blank when >H or, <L is obtained.
RS232C output (concentration value) :outputs calculation value
Follow the “Flag 2” setting of the Utility-Host screen
when >H, or <L is assigned.
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.7.4 SE
Indicates that either operator terminated (aborted) operation or system error occurred.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12. Appendix 3: Flags
12.7.5 MF
Indicates inability to perform assay operation due to mechanical failure.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.7.6 NB
Indicates inability to perform assay operation due to no breaking (NB) of reagent cup seal.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
12.7.7 RF
Indicates inability to perform assay operation due to error when dispensing conjugate.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
12.7.8 SP
Indicates in ability to perform assay operation due to one of the following causes.
- Either sorter or Reagent/Tips cover was open at the operation.
- Reagent/Tips cover was open at conjugate dispense operation.
- Mismatch error detected when comparing specimen ID received from host and ID of
specimen arriving at beltline when operating in beltline query mode.
- Other causes.
Print, display (rate value) :blank
Print, display (concentration value) :blank
RS232C output (concentration value) : Follow the “Flag 1” setting of the Utility-Host screen
RS232C output (flag) :A
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
[2012] Detector table lower heater temperature control error! Operation stopped
Cause: Detector table lower heater temperature too low at start of measurement.
Solution: Contact local service center. If temperature is still low after waiting 30 minutes, inspect
Detector table lower heater and temperature sensor (T140).
[2013] Detector table upper heater temperature control error! Operation stopped
Cause: Detector table upper heater temperature too low at start of measurement.
Solution: Contact local service center. If temperature is still low after waiting 30 minutes, inspect
Detector table upper heater and temperature sensor (T141).
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
[2322] Rack not fed out from sample loader step feed position
Cause: Rack end position (X1) sensor (S0708) detected rack present, even after rack out (Y2) belt
was operated.
Solution: Check sample rack path for obstacles. If problem recurs, Contact local service center.
Inspect rack end position (X1) sensor (S0708) and step feed mechanism.
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
[5001] PC error
Cause: Error warning received from PC.
Solution: Contact local service center. Inspect PC unit.
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
13. Appendix 4: Error message
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
Clicking the Print button on any of the operation screens displays a preview of the print results for that screen.
Users can print from the Preview screen by clicking the Print button on the toolbar. The Preview screen can also
be used to enlarge or reduce images and change the page order.
Displaying multiple Preview screens is useful for comparing different combinations of print settings.
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14.2 Worklist
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
This screen is designed to enable information to be printed in units of individual specimen items.
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14. Appendix 5:Printing Format
14.9 Checklists
Scientific Instruments Division
Shiba-Koen First Bldg.
3-8-2, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8623, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5427-5181
Fax: +81-3-5427-5220
Website: www.tosoh.co.jp
This manual may not be reprinted or copied in whole, or in part without written consent of TOSOH
CORPORATION. The contents of the manual is subject to change without notice.
The AIA-1800 has passed strict product testing standards. Any failure
occurring during use of this product will be repaired in accordance with
the warranty provisions.
1. No Cost Repairs
For a period of one year from the date of installation, TOSOH
Bioscience, Inc. will repair the AIA-1800 at no cost when the malfunction
is caused by a manufacturing defect or premature component failure.
2. Chargeable Repairs
The following repairs are chargeable at TOSOH Bioscience, Inc.
standard service fees during and after the warranty period:
Repairs made and parts replaced during the warranty period are
warranted for the entire warranty period.