Design & Analysis of Vehicle Speed Control Unit Using RF Technology
Design & Analysis of Vehicle Speed Control Unit Using RF Technology
Design & Analysis of Vehicle Speed Control Unit Using RF Technology
Abstract: Nowadays people drive very fast, accidents occur frequently and there is loss of property and life. In order to
avoid such kind of accidents, to alert the drivers and to control their vehicle speed. RF technology is being used the
main objective is to design a Smart Display controller meant for vehicle‟s speed control and monitoring of zones,
which can run on an embedded system. Smart Display & Control (SDC) can be custom designed to fit into a vehicle‟s
dashboard, and displays information on the vehicle. The project is comprises of two separate modules: zone status
transmitter unit and receiver (speed display and control) unit. Once the information is received from the zones, the
vehicle‟s embedded unit automatically alerts the driver, to reduce the speed according to zones, it waits for few
seconds, and otherwise vehicle‟s SDC unit automatically reduces the speed.
Keywords: RF, Modules, Smart display &control, Zones.
Road facilities are a major concern in the developed generated digital maps. The key idea offered by this paper
world. Recent studies show that one third of the number of is to use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
fatal or serious accidents are associated with excessive or technology to tag the warning signals placed in the
in appropriate speed, as well as changes in the roadway dangerous portions of the road. While artificial vision
(like the presence of road-work or unexpected obstacles). based recognition of traffic signals might fail if visibility is
Reduction of the number of accidents and mitigation of poor (insufficient light, difficult weather conditions or
their consequences are a big concern for traffic authorities, blocking of the line of sight by preceding vehicles), RF
the automotive industry and transport research groups. signals might still be transmitted reliably. In the last years,
One important line of action consists in the use of RFID technology has been gradually incorporated to
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) [9], which are commercial transportation systems. A well-known
acoustic, hectic or visual signals produced by the vehicle example is the RFID-based highway toll collection
itself to communicate to the driver the possibility of a systems which are now routinely employed in many
collision. These systems are somewhat available in countries, like the Telepass system in Italy or the Auto
commercial vehicles today, and future trends indicate that pass system in Norway. Other uses include monitoring
higher safety will be achieved by automatic driving systems to avoid vehicle theft, access control to car
controls and a growing number of sensors both on the road parking or private areas and embedding of RFID tags in
infrastructure and the vehicle itself. A prime example of license plates with specially coded IDs for automatic
driver assistance systems is cruise control (CC), which has vehicle detection and identification. Placement of RFID
the capability of maintaining a constant user preset speed tags on the road lanes has been proposed in order to
and its evolution, the adaptive cruise control (ACC), provide accurate vehicle localization in tunnels or
which adds to CC the capability of keeping a safe distance downtown areas where GPS positioning might be
from the preceding vehicle .A drawback of these systems unreliable. In the work by RFID tagging of cars is offered
is that they are not independently capable of distinguishing as an alternative to traffic data collection by inductive
between straight and curved parts of the road, where the loops placed under the road surface. The information
speed has to be lowered to avoid accidents. However, about the traffic collected by a network of RE readers is
curve Warning systems (CWS) have been recently then used to regulate traffic at intersection or critical
developed that use a combination of global positioning points in the city. The work by Sato describes an ADAS,
systems (GPS) and digital maps obtained from a where passive RFID tags are arranged in the road close to
Geographical Information System (GIS) [10], to assess the position of real traffic signals. An antenna placed in
threat levels for a driver approaching a curve to quickly, the rear part of the car and close to the floor (since the
Likewise, intelligent speed assistance (ISA) systems warn maximum transmitting range of the tags is about 40 cm)
the driver When the vehicle„s velocity is inappropriate, permits reading of the information stored in the tag memo
using GPS in combination with a digital road map and conveys a visual or additive message to the driver.
containing information about the speed limits However Initial tests at low driving speeds (20 km/h) show good
useful, these systems are inoperative in case of unexpected results The work described in this paper is collaboration
road circumstances (like roadwork, road diversions, between AUTOPIA (Autonomous Vehicles Group) [9]
accidents, etc.), which would need the use of dynamically and LOPSI (Localization and Exploration for Intelligent
B. Hardware scheme in normal Automobiles The transmitter is to be fixed to the top of the pole at the
locations where speed of the automobile needs to be
controlled as shown in figure 6.
The job of the transmitter is to transmit the frames that
specify the maximum speed and the time for which the
speed limitation must be implemented. Whenever the
vehicle passes nearby transmitter, receiver in the
automobile detects the frame and gets ready to receive the
Figure 3: Block Diagram of Hardware scheme in normal frame. After completion of receiving the frame it generates
Automobiles interrupt to microcontroller. Then the microcontroller
process the frame received from the wireless module and
C. HARDWARE SCHEME OF AUTOMOBILE IN OUR PROPOSED then enters in to the active mode.
Figure 5: Hardware scheme of transmitter on remote place Figure7: Circuit diagram of Robot
This is the circuit diagram for developing the robot with 2
DC motors interfaced with microcontroller we use L293D.
L293D are quadruple high-current half-H drivers. The
L293 is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of
up to 1 A at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. The L293D is
designed to provide bidirectional drive currents of up to
600-mA at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. Both devices are
designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids,
All inputs are TTL compatible. Each output is a complete
totem-pole drive circuit, with a Darlington transistor sink
and a pseudo- Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in
pairs, with drivers 1 and 2 enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3
Figure 6: Control of vehicle and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is high, the
associated drivers are enabled, and their outputs are active medium range full-duplex, high-speed and reliable
in phase with their inputs. communication. RF 2.4HGhz Serial Link module is an
embedded solutions providing wireless end-point
connectivity to devices. These modules use a simple
proprietary networking protocol for fast point-to-
multipoint or peer-to-peer networking.
Circuit Diagram
Circuit Diagram
Figure 11: circuit diagram of sensor node based on This the circuit diagram for developing the SPEED ZONE
ATMEGA16A Microcontroller 2 with IR sensor based on LPC2138 microcontroller which
the sensors are applied to detect the obstacle or to make
This the circuit diagram for developing the SPEED ZONE the RFID so that to control the speed of the vehicle and if
1 with IR sensor based on ATMEGA16A microcontroller the speed of the robot is maximum then 90 rpm then the
which the sensors are applied to detect the obstacle or to speed is automatically reduced by interfacing with the IR
make the RFID so that to control the speed of the vehicle sensor or by RFID technology. If the speed is less than 90
and if the speed of the robot is maximum then 90 rpm then rpm then it is stable to move from that zone. Here in
the speed is automatically reduced by interfacing with the ZONE 2 it has long distance setup to cover the vehicle
IR sensor or by RFID technology. If the speed is less than speed control so has to distinguish that the interface of
90 rpm then it is stable to move from that zone. ZONE 1 & ZONE 2. Here we can clearly see that up to
how much range we can control the speed of control.
Figure 12: Sensor node based on ATMEGA16A Figure14: Sensor node based on LPC2138 Microcontroller
0 5 10 15 20 25
speed distance
To have a theoretical study on our design, we consider an
atmel‟s microcontroller with an operating frequency range Figure 16: speed v/s distance graph in ZONE 1
of 16MHZ and wireless module. It is a 2.45GHZ radio
transceiver. It can operate in the temperature range of -40
Figure 16 shows speed v/s distance for which the
degree centigrade to 85 degree centigrade. At86rf230 in
automobile will be in the range of transmitter at different
the transmitter section will be either in the transmission
speeds. So that in ZONE 2 the maximum limit of speed is
state or sleep state and the at86rf230 in receiver section 90 rpm if the robot is moving maximum of 90 rpm then
will be in the receiving state. the sensor will interface and then the speed will be
reduced. We have taken a reading of speed rate of robot
for every 10cm so that when it enters to ZONE 1 that is
the range of about 195 cm and we placed sensor at 65 cm
away and started testing as we can clearly observe that it
will reduces the speed of robot and then after finishing the
ZONE 2 we can accelerate the robot speed and in between
the zone if we accelerate then also the speed is not
increased but we can slow down the robot. Here it has
maximum signal strength so that it can cover large area to
control the speed