SuccessFactors Integration Guidebook PDF
SuccessFactors Integration Guidebook PDF
SuccessFactors Integration Guidebook PDF
Also, SAP has pursued a build/buy strategy for its products, which
has made it challenging for the software maker to create seamless
continuity among developed and acquired components in its HCM
Boomi is also ideal to ensure that employee •• Increased compliance, reduced risk
Application Types Common Applications
•• Payroll •• SuccessFactors expense reimbursements entered into an •• Detailed workforce and cost reporting
Employee Central expense management module such as
•• ADP SAP Concur are propagated to Employee
•• Security layer for sensitive personnel
•• Ceridian information
Central and on to payroll.
•• NGS
Whether applications reside in the cloud 2. Deploy: After building and testing your
or on-premise, the Boomi platform can integration processes, deploy them to a
manage those integrations. Boomi is lightweight runtime engine known as a
an enterprise-grade iPaaS, allowing Boomi Atom, which lets your integration
companies to share data using many types processes run on-premise or in the cloud,
of integration from the same platform. whether hosted by Boomi or a third party.
on-premise or in the cloud, and whether extensibility makes it possible to integrate •• Boomi Assure delivers crowd-
any application. sourced regression testing — you
they’re integrating SaaS, legacy or
can quickly and easily submit your
homegrown applications. Connectors
For more details on the applications Boomi integration processes and test data to
send data into and out of processes that
supports, please visit Boomi. Those regressions will be run
integrate data between systems. against every future Boomi release.
No updates will be released until all
Connectors include two components: a supported_applications.
regression tests are passed.
connection and an operation. Think of
the connection as the “where” and the Crowd-sourced Intelligence •• Boomi Resolve delivers crowd-
operation as the “how.” For example, Boomi’s single-instance, multi-tenant sourced resolutions for errors.
When you encounter a common
when extracting employee records architecture offers additional advantages
error, resolutions are automatically
from SuccessFactors, the connection that are key differentiators among iPaaS
suggested to you.
represents your SuccessFactors vendors. Boomi leverages the crowd-
organization account user name and sourced intelligence of its user community
password and the operation represents the to provide innovation and value for all
“query employee” action. users through these crowdsourcing
Boomi Master Data Management (MDM) modeling, which results in a reduced time no coding. You can publish APIs for
is a full cloud data management platform to implementation. use on premise or in the cloud with
that allows you to switch between Boomi comprehensive security and authentication
and MDM within the same interface. API Management options. All aspects of APIs, including
Boomi’s expertise in the cloud has made Boomi API Management provides a single, testing, versioning and monitoring usage
it possible to deliver capabilities that are scalable platform to access data and make can be managed from a single location.
secure, scalable and reliable, with benefits it available across your organization or
such as fast implementations and low among customers and partners. It provides Boomi Trust Site
TCO. a centralized online environment to control Boomi is transparent regarding the
the creation, deployment and management performance and availability of its iPaaS
When using the Boomi out-of-the- of APIs that will be used across a variety of integration platform. The Boomi Trust site
box SuccessFactors connector — business functions. ( displays a system health
and sharing your data with MDM to dashboard so you can see exactly how the
centralize the repository — you can With Boomi API Management, you can system is operating.
enrich the data in SuccessFactors and unlock legacy applications, support mobile
in the other applications that integrate devices and extend across Internet of
with SuccessFactors. Boomi’s MDM Things (IoT) sources. Available through
technology provides bi-directional the Boomi platform, API Management
synchronization and real-time integration, is 100-percent cloud-based. It’s single-
allowing seamless changes between instance, multi-tenant architecture lets
applications. you connect data between applications,
clouds and devices through a centralized
For MDM, the innovative Boomi Suggest API gateway.
feature draws on the knowledge of the
entire Boomi user community. Models are Using a set of high-productivity design
automatically suggested as a baseline or and development tools, Boomi API
Management equips you to create APIs