Book of Abstracts

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book of

XXII Symposium of
Cryptogamic Botany

24 to 26 july 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal

Dear coleagues and friends,

Paula Matos It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to

president of the organizing Lisbon for the XXII edition of the Symposium of
committee Cryptogamic Botany, 2019.

Cristina Branquinho First, we would like to thank you all for joining
president of the scientific
this symposium. We are very happy with this year
edition, which is an excellent show-case of the
main scientific advances on the last two years
Juliana Monteiro | of research in cryptogamic botany. The program
Pedro Pinho | Helena has four invited talks, a selection of 9 hot-topics
Serrano | Bernardo sessions and a poster session, all intended to be
Rocha a of learning and discussion. We are also going
to award a prize to the best oral and poster
student presentations, sponsored by the Marine
and Environmental Sciences Centre - MARE.
The symposium counts also with a busy social
program. We will have a welcome reception at
Lisbon's Greenhouse, and the opening of an
art exhibition inspired in cryptogamic diversity,
"Hidden Diversity", with Lisbon Municipality
support and integrating the program of Lisbon
European Green Capital 2020.
All this has been possible thanks to your work,
to our sponsors' support and to our team
engagement. We do hope you enjoy your
attendance at XXII SCB 2019!
organizing committee Paula Matos (president) cE3c, Faculdade de Cências,
Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Bernardo Rocha cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Cristina Branquinho cE3c, Faculdade de Cências,

Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Helena Serrano cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Juliana Monteiro cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade

de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Paula Matos cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Pinho cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

scientific committee Cristina Branquinho (president) cE3c, Faculdade de Cências,

Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Alan Phillips Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências,

Microbiology & Biotechnology Lab (M&B-BioISI), Biosystems and
Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI)

Cecília Sérgio cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Cristiana Vieira Museu de História Natural e Ciência da

Universidade do Porto (MHNC-UP)
David Elustondo Laboratorio Integrado de Calidad Ambiental
(LICA), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Navarra

Eva Barreno Universitat de València, Facultad de C. Biológicas,

Dpto. Botánica y ICBIBE (Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y
Biología Evolutiva)

Francisco Arenas Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Group,

CIIMAR | Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental
Research of the University of Porto

Ibai Olariaga Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Área de

Biodiversidad y Conservación

Ireneia Melo cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de


Laura Concostrina Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, cE3c

Leopoldo Sancho Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

Faculty of Pharmacy, Section of Botany, Madrid, Spain

Manuela Sim-Sim cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade

de Lisboa

Nagore G. Medina Botany Department, University of South

Bohemia, Czech Republic

Natália Koch Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Paula Matos cE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de


Pedro Pinho ccE3c, Faculdade de Cências, Universidade de

Pradeep K. Divakar Departamento de Farmacología,
Farmacognosia y Botánica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid

Ricardo Melo MARE-Marine and Environmental Sciences

Centre, and Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Faculdade de
Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa

Rosalina Gabriel cE3c, Azorean Biodiversity Group,

Departmento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade
de Ciências Agrárias e do Ambiente, Universidade dos Açores

Sofia Augusto EPIUnit - Instituto de Saúde Pública,

Universidade do Porto
general schedule
24th July 25th July 26th July

8:30 - 09:00 registration plenary session III plenary session IV

(next to room C8.2.30) (room C8.2.30) (room C8.2.30)

09:00 - 09:30 opening

(room C8.2.30)

09:30 - 10:00

ecophysiology II
biogeography II

management &

systematics &
biodiversity &

10:00 - 11:00 plenary session I

physiology &
(room C.8.2.30)

(room C.8.2.47)

(room C.8.2.30)
(room C8.2.47)

evolution II
(room C8.2.30)

11:00 - 11:30 coffee break coffee break coffee break

(C6 atrium) (C6 atrium) (C6 atrium)

11:30 - 13:00

global change II
global change I

biogeography I

systematics &


biodiversity &

(room C.8.2.30)

(room C.8.2.47)

(room C.8.2.47)
(room C8.2.30)

(room C8.2.47)

(room C8.2.30)
evolution I

13:00 - 14:30 lunch lunch extreme

(C6 cantine) (C6 cantine) (C6 cantine)

14:30 - 15:00 plenary session II visit to Monsanto technological

(room C8.2.30) Biodiversity space applications
(room C.8.2.30)
15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00 coffee break

(C6 atrium)
ecophysiology I

16:00 - 16:30 society meetings

physiology &
(room C.8.2.30)

(room C8.2.47)

16:30 - 17:00 coffee break

(C6 atrium)

17:00 - 18:00 poster session closing ceremony

(C6 atrium) (room C8.2.30)

19:00 - 20:30 welcome reception &

art exhibition
20:30 symposium dinner
biogeography & biodiversity 99 physiology & ecophysiology 37
biomonitoring 161
systematics & evolution 7
extreme environments 85
technological applications 149
global change & long-term 57
urban environments 75
invited talks 1

managment & conservation 135
invited talks

Diversity, phylogeny and evolution of
lichen-inhabiting basidiomycetes

Ana María Millanes Lichens are complex systems that, in addition to the
Romero mycobiont and the photobiont, harbor a diversity of
Departamento de Biología y organisms, including both bacteria and fungi other
Geología, Física y Química than the mycobiont. Among the lichen-inhabiting
Inorgánica y Analítica fungi the term “endolichenic” was coined to refer
(ESCET), Universidad Rey
to endophytic-like fungi living asymptomatically
Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
inside lichens, whereas the term “lichenicolous” was
generally used for mostly macroscopically visible
fungi living on them. There are currently up to 2319
species of lichenicolous fungi described, which
belong both in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.
Lichenicolous basidiomycetes include only a
handful of generalists, and most taxa are very
host-specific. The latter include, among others,
genera in the Pucciniomycotina (Chionosphaera
and Cyphobasidium) and in the Tremellomycetes
(Heteroacanthella, Heterocephalacria, Syzygospora
and Tremella s. l.). The Tremellomycetes as a group
are also interesting in that they include, apart from
lichenicolous fungi, representatives with a variety of
nutritional habits, their actual diversity and evolution
are still poorly known, and they exhibit remarkable
coevolutionary patterns with their hosts. Host-
specialization has in fact revealed as an important
driver of speciation in lichenicolous basidiomycetes.
Both Cyphobasidium and Tremella are dimorphic
fungi, which means that they include a haploid
yeast phase and a dikaryotic filamentous phase
in their lifecycle, and it has recently been shown
that species growing on Parmeliaceae are able to
complete their life cycle within the lichen thallus. In
the last years molecular phylogenetics, studies on
character evolution, species delimitation methods
and cophylogeny analyses have increased our
understanding of these fascinating fungi. Relevant
results on the diversity, systematics and evolution
of lichenicolous basidiomycetes are presented,
together with an outline for future prospects.
New and old paradigms in
photoprotection and photoinhibition of
photosynthesis: lessons from algae

João Serôdio Photoinhibition is an unavoidable consequence

Departamento de Biologia, of oxygenic photosynthesis. Light-induced
Universidade de Aveiro inactivation of PSII represents a major limiting
CESAM - Centro de Estudos
factor of photosynthesis and primary productivity
do Ambiente e do Mar |
Centre for Environmental in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. New
and Marine Studies, Aveiro, paradigms have been proposed to explain the
Portugal fundamental processes of photoinhibition, namely
the relative importance of direct photoinactivation
and repair of PSII, and the role of excess light
energy vs inactivation of the MnCaO5 cluster as
primary mechanisms of PSII photoinactivation.
These shifts in paradigms were originally based
on research done on specific groups of algae or
cyanobacteria, but more recent evidence suggest
that these views may not hold when tested against
the large functional diversity of the various algal
groups. Also older paradigms, long established from
plant-based research are currently challenged by
experimental evidence from various algae groups.
Among these is the photoprotective role of energy
dissipation processes (e.g. xanthophyll cycle, XC),
questioned by their small contribution in effectively
preventing PSII photoinactivation, and the discovery
of fully functional XC-deficient monophyletic group
of algae. Current uncertainties reside in part in
difficulties in characterizing the large functional,
phenotypical diversity present in cyanobacteria
and photosynthetic algal protists. Ongoing
developments in novel high throughput phenotyping
platforms, based on bioimaging of photosynthetic
traits, and the growing field of algal phenomics, are
promising solutions.

Niche, environmental responses,
species interactions, biogeographical
processes and the dynamics ecological
local communities and regional

Joaquín Hortal Understanding the nature and dynamics of

Departament of ecological communities is a key question in ecology.
Biogeography and Global Evidence points to communities functioning both
Change, Museo Nacional de
as relatively deterministic structures shaped by
Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-
CSIC), Madrid, Spain predictable local interactions, or highly dynamic
entities determined by the environmentally-driven
Centre for Ecology, Evolution spatial dynamics of species. I aim at understanding
and Environmental Changes the role of ecological interactions, environmental
(cE3c), Faculdade de requirements, metacommunity dynamics and large-
Ciências, Universidade de scale biogeographical processes as determinants
Lisboa, Portugal
of species coexistence across scales. To do this, I
Departamento de Ecologia, study the effects of two aspects of the niche concept
Instituto de Ciências (i.e. abiotic conditions and biotic interactions) and
Biológicas, Universidade spatial processes in different systems through
Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, several collaborative research programs. We
Brazil assess the responses of moss species using field
and controlled to study how neutral competitive
interactions and responses to environmental
conditions determine species occurrence and local
success. We also conduct detailed field work on
dune xerophytic plant communities, assessing the
effects of positive and negative interactions (i.e.
facilitation and competition) on the distribution
and local co-occurrence of species. Further, we
use macroecological analyses and ecological
niche models to study how climatic suitability and
coexistence with other species determine the
local success of each species. Finally, we develop
theoretical models based on existing theory on the
dynamics of local communities, metacommunities
and species’ geographic ranges. These models are
parameterized based on the aforementioned study
systems, with the aim to obtain realistic outcomes
from the stochastic simulations. I use the results
of empirical analyses and theoretical models to
describe the scaling of the different ecological
processes that lead to the spatial and temporal
dynamics of biodiversity gradients.
Lichens matter. Exploring the scale
of lichens functions and responses in

Paolo Giordani Do small organisms produce small responses? Is

University of Genova, DIFAR, their function in the ecosystem negligible? Being
Genova, Italy small, but extremely complex organisms, lichens
can help answer these questions. During this
plenary talk, the known responses of lichens to
environmental drivers will be reviewed and their
main ecosystem functions will be examined from
the micro- to macro-environmental scale. Several
research ideas will be proposed for future studies
that connect the biological and ecophysiological
knowledge on lichens with the investigation of
broader ecosystem processes.

systematics & evolution

oral communications
Species delimitation in the Tremella
ramalinae complex

Alejandro R. Gijón1, Species of Tremella s. l. (Basidiomycota, Fungi)

Sergio Pérez Ortega2, grow associated with other fungi, including both
Raquel Pino Bodas3, lichenized and non-lichenized fungi and are often
Otto Gockman4, Jacob highly host specific. Taxa growing on lichens often
Walden4, Ana M. induce characteristic galls or deformations on
Millanes1 the host thalli. The lichen genus Ramalina hosts
several previously described Tremella species: T.
Universidad Rey Juan celata Pérez-Ort., Millanes, V.J. Rico & J.C. Zamora,
Carlos, Spain
Real Jardín Botánico, Spain
T. ramalinae Diederich and T. tuckerae Diederich.
Royal Botanical Gardens Tremella ramalinae was originally described
Kew, England growing on Ramalina fraxinea and R. lacera, but it
Independent Researcher has recently been reported on several additional
hosts. This, together with some morphological
variation, suggests that T. ramalinae could represent
a species complex. In this study, we analyze, both
molecularly and morphologically, the diversity of
Tremella species on Ramalina which appear close
to T. ramalinae. Our sampling includes specimens
from Europe, Macaronesia and North America
growing on different Ramalina species. Species
delimitation methods based on two ribosomal
DNA markers (ITS rDNA and LSU rDNA) are used
to identify independent evolutionary lineages.
A phylogeny is estimated to determine the
phylogenetic relationships among them. In parallel,
we reconstruct molecular phylogenetic hypotheses
of the Ramalina hosts, and use cophylogenetic
methods to investigate possible events of co-
speciation in this association. Our results show that
host selection, rather than geography is shaping
species delineation in this complex.

Australasian Hypnodendrales
(Bryophyta): addressing unresolved
taxonomic and phylogenetic questions

Diego Sánchez- Bryophytes are highly resilient descendants of the

Ganfornina¹, Isuru U. nexus between green algae and tracheophytes.
Kariyawasam¹, Mark Around 50% of bryophyta (mosses) derive
Hughes¹, Neil E. Bell¹ from a rapid radiation in the pleurocarpous
orders, which form a monophyletic group
The Royal Botanic Garden defined by a key innovation in reproductive
Edinburgh, No 20 A, Inverleith
Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR,
branching. Previous studies identified an
Scotland early-diverging order, the Hypnodendrales,
which presents plesiomorphic characters
informative for the evolution of pleurocarpy.
A dated phylogeny for the Hypnodendrales based
on nuclear and plastid regions confirms its early-
diverging position and generates hypotheses
about extinction-driven current diversity.
An in-depth study targeting the Australasian
Sciadocladus kerrii, S. menziesii, Hypnodendron
vitiense and H. marginatum, was undertaken
using ITS2 and rbcL. Sciadocladus kerrii and
S. menziesii are resolved as monophyletic,
concluding past taxonomic uncertainties.
Hypnodendron vitiense was found to be
taxonomically tortuous and paraphyletic with
respect to H. marginatum and taxonomic
solutions are investigated. Studied taxa are
hypothesised to present an intriguing evolutionary
history with unique dispersal pathways.

Species boundaries in European
species of Inocybe sect. Cervicolores
(Agaricales, Basidiomycota) through a
multigene phylogeny

Fernando Esteve Inocybe sect. Cervicolores comprises species with

Raventós1, Alberto a squamulose-tomentose pileus, often reddening
Altés1, Lidia Plaza1, flesh, smooth basidiospores and non-metuloid
Ibai Olariaga2, Gabriel cheilocystidia. Species identification relies
Moreno Hortal1 strongly on the basidioma odour: a sweet plum-
like (I. bongardii), earthy (I. cervicolor), fish-like (I.
Dpto. Ciencias de la Vida pisciodora) or pelargonium-like (I. geraniodora)
(Botánica), Universidad de
Alcalá, E-28805 Alcalá de
odour are used to identify species within the
Henares (Madrid), Spain group. Nevertheless, the odour is subject to
Área de Biodiversidad y variation during development, and may lead to
Conservación, Universidad wrong species recognition. Also, the interpretation
Rey Juan Carlos, E-28933
Móstoles (Madrid), Spain
of some species by early mycologists remains
doubtful in the absence of type specimens or
detailed odour descriptions. Other morphological
characters, such as basidioma size and colour, or
spore and cystidial size and shape, have not been
drawn much attention as diagnostic, but detailed
morphological studies in the light of molecular
data have not been carried out yet. In order to
assess species limits, we constructed an ITS-LSU-
RPB1-RPB2 phylogeny using maximum likelihood
and Bayesian approaches in connection with
detailed morphological studies. Type specimens
available were sequenced for the ITS region to
propose correct name interpretations. Based on
our analyses, we recognize at least 11 species in
Europe and prove that species like I. bongardii, I.
cervicolor and I. pisciodora, are often erroneously
identified. The I. cervicolor group comprises at
least 6 species, while I. calamistrata is actually a
species complex that needs to be disentangled.

About the presence of the lichen genus
Anzia in the Canary Islands

Israel Pérez-Vargas, The Canary Islands belong to the Macaronesian

Esther Gaya region, and with large areas protected by the
Natura 2000 regulations since 2001 it is listed
as one of the top 25 World Biodiversity Hotspots
(Myers et al. 2000). A phytogeographical
region that is characterized by high levels of
biodiversity and endemism across a vast array of
organisms (Juan et al., 2000). The lichen-forming
genus Anzia Stirt. comprises about 40 foliose
species that occur mainly in (sub)tropical areas
(Yoshimura 1987, Thell et al., 2012). The genus
is poorly represented in Macaronesia, with an
isolated species described from the very small
island of PortoSanto, A. centrifuga (Haugan
1992), with a very restricted habitat (Sparrius et
al. 2017); and a second species recorded from
the Canary Islands as A. colpodes (Sánchez-Pinto
et al. 1989) that has passed unnoticed for a long
time. In this study, we want to elucidate the proper
circumscription of this poorly known taxon from
the Canaries and the phylogenetic affinities and
relationships between macaronesian and non-
macaronesian species of this genus.

Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Polytrichum
sect. Polytrichum (Polytrichaceae;

Isuru Kariyawasam1,2, Polytrichum sect. Polytrichum comprises a

Neil E. Bell1 , Catherine well-circumscribed clade.. Within Polytrichum
A. Kidner1,2 , Laura sect. Polytrichum, P. commune s.l. seems to be
L. Forrest1, David G. polyphyletic, representing one or more species
Long1 complexes with a number of cryptic forms.
Two molecular approaches were taken to study
The Royal Botanic Garden the phylogeny of the group. Sanger sequencing
Edinburgh, No 20 A, Inverleith
Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR,
approach is conducted with nuclear ITS-2 and
Scotland two chloroplast markers rbcL and trnL-F. The
The Institute of Molecular Sanger phylogeny has resolved the confusion
Plant Science, The Graduate between P. commune var. perigoniale and P.
School of Biological Sciences,
King’s Buildings, The
commune s.s. and also the two South American
University of Edinburghm taxa P. brachymitrium and P. ericoides. Moreover,
EH9 3DW, Scotland scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spore
characters and other defining morphological
characters such as leaf lamellar end cell
morphology and capsular characters were
helped to delimit the taxa within the section. The
type species, Polytrichum commune Hedw. , is
ubiquitous and ecologically important, having
been recognised since pre-Linnaean era even
after 200 years after its valid publication, P.
commune remains to be typified. The name P.
commune has been erroneously used for many
morphologically cryptic and pseudocyptic taxa.
The “genuine” P. commune concept has been
established and a lectotype has been designated
from the original material for this name. Other
nomenclatural issues linked to allied subspecific
taxa were also addressed in this study.

Evaluation of three methods for amino-
acid substitution model estimation

João Brazão1, Cymon Typically, prior-computed empirical amino-acid

Cox1 substitution models are applied in phylogenetics
by choosing the best-fitting model. However,
Centro de Ciências do Mar applying data-specific substitution models is
(CCMAR), Universidade do
Algarve, Portugal
now a greater opportunity, but is often time-
consuming and therefore requires efficient
computational methods. In this study we test
the computational efficiently and accuracy
of three methods for computing substitution
matrices. Data-specific substitution matrices
were estimated using P4, PAML, and FastMG
using simulated and empirical amino-acids data
sets. The simulated data sets were produced
with different lengths using a given model and
tree. ML trees were inferred under the generated
data-specific models and the resulted ML score
and topology were used for assessment of
these models. Bayesian analyses from P4 took
considerably longer, but P4 models showed
to be the most accurate, since the resulted ML
scores and tree topologies from analyses using
the simulated data sets presented mainly the
lowest differences to the simulation model and
tree. Differently, FastMG models pointed to be the
least accurate. Nevertheless, empirical data sets
analyses under the FastMG-estimated models
were always able to outperform the best-fitting
models from previous studies, showing ML score
improvements. The three methods although with
different features support the estimation of our
own data-specific substitution matrices as an
efficient and non time-expensive solution.

Gametophyte phylogeny and
gametophytic character evolution in
Pteridaceae subfam. Cheilanthoideae
(Pteridaceae, Polypodiopsida): testing
cladistic tools for gametophytic data

Jose María Gabriel Fern systematics always looked with interest at

y Galán1, Andrea gametophytes, but a seemingly low variation in
Seral1, Sonia Molino1, finer traits has led to the view that gametophytic
Sofia Ruano1, Rubén characters are non-useful at low taxonomic levels.
Vázquez1 In the context of the study the gametophyte
of Doryopteris triphylla, a member of the
Fern Systematics Lab, UCM, hemionitids within the subfamily Cheilanthoideae
Madrid, Spain
(Pteridaceae), we decided to use the gametophytic
information to test its phylogenetic utility. The
aim of this work is: a) build a phylogeny of the
cheilanthoid ferns based on gametophytic
characters and compare it with previous molecular
phylogenies; b) propose evolutionary hypotheses
of gametophytic trait evolution in the group.
We selected species representing the following
clades: Doryopteris, other heminonitids, and
other cheilanthoids. We selected Jamesonia
rotundifolia, a non cheilanthoid Pteridaceae,
as outgroup. We codified information of 15
gametophytic relevant traits. The matrix
was analysed by maximum parsimony.
The phylogeny obtained is congruent with
previous molecular trees of the cheilanthoids,
at least the basic topology at the genus level.
We also were able to pinpoint the main events
in gametophyte evolution in this lineage.
While we are conscious that a better sampling of
species and characters is much needed, we show
in this work that it is possible to apply cladistic
techniques to gametophytic characters, to help
understanding and resolving questions about
fern phylogeny and evolution.

Family and genus delimitation within
the Lichinomycetes

Maria Prieto¹, Mats Lichinomycetes, with ca. 350 species distributed

Wedin2, Matthias worldwide, is a poorly understood but ecologically
Schultz³ important lichen-forming fungal group. Together
with the Coniocybomycetes they constitute a
Department of Biology clade distantly related to the main lineage of most
and Geology, Physics and
Inorganic Chemistry. Rey
lichenized groups, the Lecanoromycetes. The
Juan Carlos University , natural relationships and character evolution in the
Madrid, Spain Lichinomycetes are still very poorly understood
Dept. of Botany, Swedish and, both generic and family delimitation are major
Museum of Natural History,
P.O. Box 50007, SE-10405
challenges within the group. The delimitation of
Stockholm, Sweden the Class has also been demonstrated to remain
Institut für unsettled as shown with the recent exclusion of
Pflanzenwissenschaften und the genus Lichinodium and its inclusion in the
Mikrobiologie IPM, Universität
Leotiomycetes, a group thought to be exclusively
Ohnhorststr. 18, D-22609 composed by fungal species until now. Main
Hamburg, Germany diagnostic characters as the type of photobiont,
thallus morphology and anatomy, ascoma
ontogeny and ascus structure can occasionally
overlap, be ambiguous or symplesiomorphic and
cannot be used to delineate natural groups. Thus,
the main aim of this study is to propose a natural
classification of the group combining molecular,
morphological and ecogeographical data. For
this purpose we developed a 3-gene phylogeny
(mtSSU, mcm7 and RPB2) including a dataset
covering a broad selection of taxa within the
Lichinomycetes and studied character evolution
of selected traits and photobionts. As a result we
propose a well-supported systematic treatment
of the Lichinomycetes.

Revisiting the concept of indusia in the
Blechnaceae (Polypodiopsida)

María Vicent1, Blechnaceae is a leptosporangiate fern family

Jose María Gabriel (250 species in 25 genera) with subcosmopolitan
y Galán2, Carmen distribution. In the classic description of the
Prada2, Andrea Seral2, family, blechnoid ferns are treated as plants with
Sonia Molino2, Rubén monomorphic to dimorphic fronds, presence of
Vázquez2 linear sori, usually continuous or nearly so, and
protected by elongate introrse indusia (rarely
Faculty of Pharmacy, exindusiate), among other characteristics.
Universidad Alfonso X El
Sabio, Madrid, Spain
We are conducting an anatomical survey of
Ferns Systematics Lab, the fertile fronds in the family, and the results
Unit of Botany, Department are surprising. In this work we will focus
of Biodiversity, Ecoology and in a character that, under our perspective,
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
Universidad Complutense de
should be renovated or at least questioned
Madrid, Spain for the family: the concept of indusia.
We have detected that the presence of typical
indusia actually is an exception in this family:
most of the dimorphic genera (for example
Parablechnum, Lomariocycas or Lomaridium)
present complex structures with indusial
function, i.e. “lamina”-like structures with complex
anatomy, protruding from flat contracted pinnae
and with cell differentiation between adaxial
and abaxial surfaces. There are other cases in
which the indusia are heavily enrolled, such as
Spicantopsis, Salpichlaena or Lorinseria. And
even so, in Austroblechnum, the fertile fronds
have strongly revolved pinnae, whose margins
are very much displaced with respect to the
costa. These pinnae can bear laminar, typical
indusia but small, vestigial and non-functional,
being possible the fact that we should be
talking about the presence of a pseudoindusia.

Further information about origins and
evolution of the fern Asplenium x aran-
tohanum, a rare hybrid endemic to the
Iberian Peninsula

Pablo de la Fuente¹, Asplenium is one of the most diverse genera of

Sonia Molino¹, Andrea ferns in the Iberian Peninsula, and its proneness
Seral¹, Jose María to hybridization and polyploidization maybe one
Gabriel y Galán¹, Luis of the most important factors to explain this
García Quintanilla², fact. Two common species in this region are A.
Emily Sessa³ trichomanes and A. billotii, which show similar
ecological requirements and can often be seen
Unit of Botany, Department growing in the same rocks. Given the ease of
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
hybridization in Asplenium, it might be thought
Universidad Complutense de that an hybrid between these two plants would
Madrid. Avenida José Antonio be common, but it is in fact extremely rare, and
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, only three individuals have been detected so far.
Department of Biology
This hybrid has been called A. x aran-tohanum.
and Geology, Physics One of the three known individuals was found
and Inorganic Chemistry, in Madrid, from which we carried out a genetic
Universidad Rey Juan study, certifying that the maternal origin of the
Carlos, c/ Tulipán s/n. 28933
Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
hybrid was A. billotii. After this first approach,
Department of Biology, we had the opportunity to study material from
University of Florida, Box the other two individuals; therefore a more
118525, Gainesville, Florida exhaustive survey was made about the origins
32611, U.S.A.
and evolution of the hybrid, including: 1) the
certification of maternal origin in all cases, which
was unilateral; 2) the observation of viability of
the spores and later in vitro sowing that lead to
growth of gametophytes, and that could suggest
that the hybrid may have offspring, and from this
fact: 3) a study was made to prove the single or
multiple origin of the taxon; also with these data
in mind: 4) a molecular dating of the parental taxa
was created, to calculate from which moment
this hybrid could have been formed back in time.

Análisis filogenómico del orden
Ceramiales (Rhodophyta):
implicaciones para la clasificación

Pilar Díaz Tapia1, El orden Ceramiales incluye un tercio de la

Marisa M. Pasella2, diversidad de algas rojas (ca. 2700 especies).
Heroen Verbruggen2, Tradicionalmente se ha clasificado en cinco
Christine A. Maggs3 familias en base a estudios morfológicos. Sin
embargo, los primeros estudios filogenéticos
Coastal Biology Research basados en uno o dos genes evidenciaron
Group, University of A Coruña,
A Coruña, Spain
importantes problemas para resolver la mayoría
School of BioSciences, de esas familias como monofiléticas, así como
University of Melbourne, para resolver las relaciones filogenéticas
Melbourne, Australia entre los principales linajes. En base a esas
Portaferry Marine
Laboratory, Queen’s University
filogenias, la familia Ceramiaceae se dividió
Belfast, Belfast, Northern en cinco familias, mientras que las familias
Ireland Delesseriaceae y Dasyaceae se dividieron en
tres y dos subfamilias, respectivamente. El
objetivo de este trabajo es resolver las relaciones
filogenéticas entre los principales linajes del
orden Ceramiales y reevaluar su clasificación
a nivel de familia. Para ello secuenciamos y
anotamos 28 genomas nuevos plastídicos que
se combinaron con los 53 genomas previamente
publicados, incluyendo especies representativas
de los principales linajes del orden Ceramiales.
Los 208 genes del genoma plastídico se
alinearon y se emplearon para construir un árbol
filogenético de máxima verosimilitud que resolvió
la mayor parte de los nodos con valores de
bootstrap de 100%. Las familias Rhodomelaceae,
Ceramiaceae y Wrangeliaceae se resolvieron
como monofiléticas y proponemos mantener
su circunscripción actual. Por el contrario,
las familias Callithamniaceae, Dasyaceae,
Delesseriaceae, Sarcomeniaceae, Spyridiaceae e
Inkyuleeaceae necesitan ser revisadas.

Systematics of the genus Lomaridium
C. Presl (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida):
preliminary results

Rubén Vázquez1, Lomaridium C. Presl. is a Blechnaceae fern genus,

Sonia Molino1, Andrea created in 1851 and resurrected by Gasper in 2016. It
Seral1, Jose María comprises above 15 species of hemiepiphytic plants
Gabriel y Galán1, María that occur on tropical and intertropical rainforests. Its
Vicent1, Sofía Ruano1 main geographical distribution regions are in America
and in Africa-Indic, with a single species occurring
Unit of Botany, Department on New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island (Oceania).
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
Traditionally, this genus has been systematically
Universidad Complutense de interpreted by traits like the type of rhizome scales
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio (denticulate or entire, bicolorous or concolorous),
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, presence and number of vestigial auricles
proximally on the sterile blade, and adnate pinnae
with basal portion truncate, falcate or narrowed.
There is some partial taxonomic information
available, although some classification problems
persist, like the morphological separation of
some species along with a good definition
and delimitation of the type species of the
genus. A first approach to its phylogeny and
biogeographical history has been performed, with
not all species included; also, there are some taxa
of another Blechnoideae genera proposed to be
in Lomaridium instead by new molecular studies,
whose anatomical traits have not been checked.
We are studying most of these species, giving them a
first morpho-anatomical treatment and adding their
sequences to phylogenetic trees for the first time.

Approximation to solve the systematics
of the complex Parablechnum cordatum
(Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida)

Sonia Molino1, Rubén The genus Parablechnum is the largest in the family
Vázquez1, Jose María Blechnaceae with 66 species. It occurs in tropical-
Gabriel y Galán1, María subtropical America, Austropacific and South Africa.
Vicent1, Andrea Seral1, The classification of the genus may not be reliable
Sofía Ruano1 enough due to the lack of a complete phylogeny
and the lack of consensus among authors, as
Unit of Botany, Department not all consider the same number of species.
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
This is the case of the complex Parablechnum
Universidad Complutense de cordatum. Parablechnum cordatum, P. chilense and
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio P. schiedeanum are 3 similar species which are
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, difficult to discriminate by classical taxonomical
characters, so they have been treated as different
species by some authors and as synonyms of P.
cordatum by others. First molecular approaches
show that they could be different species.
In addition, some other taxa are similar to these
species and, in our opinion, deserve further research.
This is the case of P. falciforme, which is accepted
as a different species but has morphological
features that resembles plants of this complex.
Also, Blechnum varians, which has been treated
as a synonym of P. schiedeanum and thus has not
been included in the new classification but presents
some characters that make it somehow easy
to separate it morphologically from the rest. Our
aim is to complete the molecular study with more
samples including P. falciforme and B. varians and
make a morphological and anatomical study which
provides taxonomic characters to discriminate the
different species within the complex.

poster communications
Widespread stomatal degeneration
in the pleurocarpous moss family

Daniel Guerra-Mateo1, The presence and morphology of stomata in the

Belén Estébanez1, J. moss capsule is often recorded as a taxonomical
David Orgaz1 character, although its usefulness depends on the
group considered. In the course of a revision of the
Real Jardín Botánico, genus Brachythecium s.l., we have been observing
CSIC, Fac. Ciencias, UAM &
Universidad de Murcia, Spain
a striking high frequency of degenerating stomata,
with guard cells showing shape alterations and
disrupted, reddish cell content. This is a rarely
recorded phenomenon in mosses, and as its
significance is unclear, we decided to extend
the study to the whole family Brachytheciaceae.
Here we present our observations on 16 species
belonging to 8 genera of Brachytheciaceae,
with the addition of two external species:
Nogopterium gracile (fam. Leucodontaceae)
and Hypnum cupressiforme (fam. Hypnaceae).
Using both herbarium and freshly collected
samples, we dissected 5 capsules per species,
and recorded the status of all stomata present.
Our results indicate that stomatal degeneration,
even in immature and submature capsules, is
a widespread, common feature in the family
Brachytheciaceae. Stomata showing at least
some degree of degeneration is usually
above 30%, and complete degeneration,
mostly well over 10% (in B. salebrosum, as
high as 70%), whereas in Nogopterium and
Hypnum it affects only 1-3% of the stomata.
This previously overlooked character raises
questions on the stomata functionality in
these mosses, and on the use of precocious
degeneration as a distinctive feature in the group.

Ontogeny of internal cephalodia in the
lichen Ricasolia virens (With.) H.H.
Blom & Tønsberg, a novel research

Eva Barreno¹, García- The ontogeny of internal cephalodia were

Breijo, F.J.¹, Reig- investigated on fresh thalli of Ricasolia virens using
Armiñana, J.² O.M., epifluorescence, SEM and TEM techniques.
R. virens shows different anatomical features in
Dpto. Ecosistemas both cortex, the lower one is covered by a felt-
Agroforestales, Universitat
Politècnica de València,
like covering of downy hyphae (“tomentum”).
Camino de Vera s/n. Cephalodia originate from contact between hyphae
46022-Valencia, Spain and cyanobacteria on the paraplectenchymatous
Universitat de València, Inst. lower cortex, being initiated in small concave
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
portions and enabling the development of them
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, owing its plasticity. Consortia of cyanobacteria
46100 Burjassot, Spain can be observed between the tomentum hyphae.
The cyanobacterial inclusion process begins
with cortical hyphae growing out towards
adjacent cyanobacterial colonies, wrapping
them up and incorporating them into the
thallus. This intrusive process is accompanied
by a fast division of cyanobacteria cells. Finally,
developing cephalodia reach the center of
the thallus bulk continuing its growth there.
Simultaneously, various mycobiont hyphae,
contiguous to the cephalodium, spread through
the sealing area and reconstruct the lower cortex.
Cephalodium growth crops a disappearance
of the phycobionts layer (Dictyochloropsis
reticulata) in the upper region thereof. At the end
of the development process some of them make
appear a slightly concave degeneration structure
in the upper cortex called “ostiole”. Cellular
organization of these ostioles is analogous to that
of the pycnidia found in other Lobaria species.


Hongos liquenícolas de Isla Livingston

Javier Etayo1, Se han estudiado 23 localidades antárticas

Leopoldo G. Sancho1 situadas en Isla Livingston (Antártida) con el
objetivo de revisar la importancia de la flora
IES Zizur & Universidad liquenícola en estos ecosistemas, hasta el
Complutense Madrid, Spain
momento apenas estudiada en el continente.
Hemos encontrado unos 100 taxones
liquenícolas, de los cuales alrededor de 20%
eran desconocidos y se nombrarán en el futuro;
algunos de ellos necesita incluso la creación
de géneros nuevos. Otras 47 especies se han
recopilado de la bibliografía, por lo que alrededor
de 150 taxones componen el catálogo actual
antártico. La capacidad fúngica (Etayo & Sancho
2008) de los líquenes hospedantes ha sido
establecida por primera vez en el continente.
El género más importante en este apartado,
con gran diferencia respecto a los siguientes,
fue Usnea (con 23 hongos liquenícolas),
curiosamente varios hongos pueden encontrarse
en Usnea y también en su más abundante hongo
parasimbionte: Phacopsis usneae. En segundo
lugar se encuentran Psoroma y Ochrolechia
(con 8) y Caloplaca y Cladonia (con 7).
Lecania, Lecanora, Mastodia, Pertusaria, Physcia
y Rhizoplaca presentan 4 taxones cada uno. Siete
hongos y líquenes de amplio espectro pueden
colonizar varios líquenes o vivir autónomamente
sobre ellos. Otros 34 géneros de líquenes
presentan al menos una especie liquenícola.

Study of the gametophytic phase of
Diplazium caudatum (Athyriaceae,

Martin Alonso1, José The gametophytes of the Athyriaceae are not

María Gabriel y Galán1 very well known, with many species yet to
be described, such as Diplazium caudatum.
Unit of Botany, Department The aim of this work is to analyze the
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
gametophytic phase of this species, which
Universidad Complutense de includes, germination study, morphological
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio development and reproductive phase. Spores
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, belonging to two different sporophytes from
Spain, Canary Islands, have been mixed and
sown in multisporic cultures. Plates have been
cultured in chambers with nutritive agar at 25ºC
and 12 hours photoperiod. The germination
was registered every three days, and the main
vegetative and reproductive development was
checked throughout the observational period.
The germination rate reached a maximum of
58%. The spore germination followed a Vittaria
pattern meanwhile prothallial development
followed an Adiantum pattern (with a tendency
to delay the growth of the meristematic cell) or
almost Drynaria type. The adult gametophytes
were totally unisexual, all of them developed as
females, and no antheridia were detected in any
individual. In addition, vegetative proliferations
appeared on most of the prothalli.

Molecular study on the genus
Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta)
in the South of the Iberian Peninsula

Mónica Martínez1, The study of relevant morphological characters

Juan A. Jiménez- in a large number of samples of all the species of
Fernández1, Juan F. the genus Schistidium Bruch & Schimp., present
Jiménez-Martínez1, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, allowed
María J. Cano1, M. perceiving incongruities that suggested the
Teresa Gallego1 & existence of unknown or undescribed taxa. The
Juan Guerra1 lack of molecular data of the species reported
in the south of the Iberian Peninsula led us to
Área de Botánica, undertake a phylogenetic study in order to show
Departamento de Biología
Vegetal, Facultad de Biología,
the interspecific relationships and confirm the
Universidad de Murcia, 30100 results of the morphological study. For this study
Murcia, Spain was used the rDNA ITS1-2 region. This region had
already been used in several works on phylogeny
of Schistidium, in such a way that sufficient data
were available for a complete study. The results
obtained show the necessity of the present study,
since a new specie was described, Schistidium
convergens J. Guerra & M.J. Cano. In addition, has
been confirmed the presence in the Baetic System
of S. brunnescens Limpr., S. flaccidum (De Not.)
Ochyra, S. confertum (Funk) Bruch & Schimp.,
S. helveticum (Schkuhr) Deguchi, S. atrofuscum
(Schimp.) Limpr. and S. crassipilum H. H. Blom.
By other way the presence of S. pulchrum H. H.
Blom (cited in Sierra Nevada Mountains) and S.
apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. has been
discarded because they had been confused with
the new species. The isolated populations of
conflicting taxa are still being studied from the
point of view of their taxonomic identity.

Physcia (Physciaceae, Caliciales) from
Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: ten
new records and two new species

Natália Mossmann Physciaceae is the ninth largest family of

Koch1, Thiago Dias lichenized fungi. For the state of Mato Grosso do
Barbosa1, Jean-Marc Sul (MS), ten genera and 45 species are known.
Edson Torres1, Patrícia Physcia, with about 80 known species, is the
Jungbluth1, Adriano second largest foliose genus of Physciaceae
Afonso Spielmann1 and in Brazil it is represented by only 30 taxa
(28 species and two varieties), being only seven
Universidade Federal de species recorded for MS. The objective of this
Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS,
work was to provide a floristic inventory about
Physcia from MS (in natural and urban areas).
Fresh specimens were collected in 72 localities
and were deposited in CGMS herbarium.
Furthermore, all Physcia specimens previously
housed at CGMS and COR herbaria were also
studied raising the total sampled localities to 81.
The specimens were analyzed morphologically,
anatomically and chemically. From the 16 species
found, six are new records for MS, three are new
records for Brazil, one species is a new finding
to the Neotropics and two species are proposed
as new to science. These data indicate that the
diversity of Physcia has been underestimated,
since our results showed an addition of 128% of
this genus diversity for MS and 20% for Brazil.
Physcia aipolia and P. rolfii showed an extensive
distribution, being found in Cerrado, Chaco and
Pantanal and in natural and urban areas, while
P. kalbii was growing only in two Cerrado areas.
Finally, P. crispa occurred only in Pantanal.
Studies dealing with other genera of Physciaceae
can potentially bring similar results.

DNA Barcoding of Parmotrema s.l.
(Parmeliaceae) in the Atlantic Rain
Forest of the extreme south of Brazil

Natália Mossmann The internal transcribed spacer region of the

Koch1, Andressa S. ribosomal DNA (ITS) has been largely used as
Rodrigues1, Luciana a tool for the identification of lichenized fungi.
Canêz1, Aline P. However, its use becomes challenging where
Lorenz1 there are few sequences available for comparison.
The present work was based in an integrative
Universidade Federal de approach combining morphological, chemical
Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS,
and phylogenetic analyses to discriminate
species of Pamotrema s.l., a high diverse genus
in the southern region of Brazil. Sampling was
made in areas of restingas (coastal vegetation
from the Atlantic Rain Forest), extreme south
of Brazil. DNA extraction, amplification and
sequencing of the ITS region were performed.
Phylogenetic analyses were based on sequences
generated by us and from GenBank. Bayesian
inferences were used to test monophyly, and
genetic distances calculated and compared
with the values proposed for Parmeliaceae. In
total, 128 specimens were examined, 40 ITS
sequences were generated, representing 23
species. Sequences from ten of these species
were found in GenBank, though only P. tinctorum
was considered conspecific. P. austrosinense, P.
haitiense, P. clavuliferum, P. praesorediosum and
P. pilosum grouped to conspecific sequences, but
with higher divergence intraspecific. Three species
with different reproductive forms and chemical
compounds were genetically indistinguishable.
Additionally, seven new species to science were
discovered. From our results, we reinforce the
need of local databases for the successful use of
DNA barcoding.

Illumina assay reveals habitat/location
as the main factor driving microalgal
diversity in Ramalina farinacea

Patricia Moya1, Lichens provide interesting and poorly known

Arantzazu Molins1, habitats (microecosystems) for many other
Lucia Muggia2, Eva organisms besides the traditionally considered
Barreno1 as unique lichen symbionts: a mycobiont and one
photobiont. The current literature reveals that
Universitat de València, Inst. the coexistence of multiple microalgal taxa in
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
lichens is more common than previously thought.
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. has proven to be
46100 Burjassot, Spain suitable model to study this multiplicity due to the
University of Trieste, constant coexistence of at least two microalgae
Department of Life Sciences,
via L. Giorgieri 10, 34127
species (Trebouxia sp. TR9 and T. jamesii) in
Trieste, Italy long-distant populations. In 2017, we analyzed
the microalgal diversity and its community
structure in the lichen R. farinacea applying a
454 pyrosequencing approach. In addition to
corroborating the coexistence of Trebouxia sp.
TR9 and T. jamesii taxa in the same thallus, this
study showed a much higher microalgal diversity
associated with this lichen. Along the thallus
laciniae, we also detected variations in phycobiont
distribution that might correlate with the apical
growth and founder effects. These results were
the background to perform an Illumina paired-
end assay to go into detail about the microalgal
diversity performing an accurate sampling. In this
study we show interesting results used to analyse
the different factors influencing the microalgal
diversity inside Ramalina farinacea thalli. PCoA
analyses have stated the habitat/ location as the
main factor driving the microalgae arrangement.

(CGL2016-391 79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).

Contenido de ADN y modelo nuclear en
el género Plocamium J.V. Lamouroux

Rafael Pablo Martín El contenido de ADN nuclear es un carácter

Martín, Rubén fundamental en biología, utilizado en filogenia
Solsona Mayor, y biogeografía. No obstante, para macroalgas
Amelia Gómez solo hay valores para menos del 3 % de los
Garreta, Jordi Rull taxones conocidos, según la base de datos de
Lluch este parámetro del Real Jardín Botánico de Kew
(, entre los que
no existe ninguna especie del género Plocamium
J.V. Lamouroux. En este trabajo se presentan los
valores de este parametro en P. cartilagineum
(Linnaeus) P.S. Dixon y P. maggsiae G.W.
Saunders & Lehmkuhl procedentes de distintas
localidades (Antártida, Atlántico y Mediterráneo).
Además, se describe el modelo nuclear que
presentan estas especies. La cuantificación se
ha realizado mediante fluorometría, utilizando
DAPI (4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) como
marcador del ADN y eritrocitos de Gallus gallus
(Linnaeus) como patrón de contenido nuclear
estable, y análisis informático de las imágenes
obtenidas. En cuanto al modelo nuclear, se ha
confirmado la presencia observada por Goff &
Coleman (1990) de células axiales con un núcleo
poliploide acompañado de pequeños núcleos
y células pericentrales con numerosos núcleos
pequeños. Por el contrario, se ha observado que
la célula apical posee un núcleo poliploide, y gran
cantidad de núcleos pequeños que habían sido
observados hasta el momento. Para el contenido
de ADN nuclear, se han observado núcleos
de ploidía 2C, 8C, 16C y 32C. El valor mínimo,
corresponde a 2C, siendo 0,05 pg y el más
elevado, de 32C, siendo 0,8 pg.

Morpho-anatomical observations
towards a global understanding of the
genus Cranfillia Gasper & V.A.O. Dittrich
(Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida)

Rubén Vázquez1, Cranfillia Gasper & V.A.O. Dittrich is a Blechnaceae

Sonia Molino1, Andrea fern genus, which comprises currently 12
Seral1, Jose María species, three of them occurring in the neotropics
Gabriel y Galán1, Sofía and the rest in Oceania. This genus is very poorly
Ruano1, María Vicent1 known, since it has been created recently and
only relating its species with molecular traits. The
Unit of Botany, Department scarce morphological works with some Cranfillia
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
species have noticed a great variation in macro-
Universidad Complutense de morphological features, which could be pointing
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio to an entity of dubious circumscription. However,
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, phylogenies performed to date seem to support
these relationships, showing in Cranfillia two main
clades; one with 4 members in New Zealand,
New Caledonia and South America, and probably
having one single species in Africa revealed
by new phylogenies. The other main clade
comprises around 5 species with an indo-pacific
distribution; there are at least three species which
are not included in phylogenies yet. We are trying
to provide new anatomical data to relate the taxa
of the genus. In this work, we will show our first
results and observations to a global morpho-
anatomical treatment for the genus.

Breaking a lichen relationship: looking
at the mycobiont when the photobiont
has gone

Silvana Munzi1, Many authors tend to consider lichens as a form of

Catarina Gouveia1, controlled parasitism, mainly due to observation
Beatrice Castellani1, of parasitic behaviors of the mycobiont in
Cristina Cruz1 re-synthesis experiments with incompatible
algae. Moreover, saprophytism is a form for the
Centre for Ecology, Evolution mycobiont to supply carbon in case of insufficient
and Environmental Changes
(cE3c), Faculdade de
production by the algal partner in nature.
Ciências, Universidade de Accordingly, we hypothesized that facultative
Lisboa. Campo Grande, 1749- saprophytism in the mycobiont can be stimulated
016 Lisboa, Portugal by the death of the photobiont: deprived of its
carbon source, the fungus could survive for some
time degrading the algal cells and feeding on
them. In a laboratory experiment, the photobionts
of Xanthoria parietina and Parmotrema
hypoleucinum were either killed or inhibited
through application of herbicide or incubation in
the dark, respectively, to induce starvation in the
fungus. Measures of vitality indexes in both the
lichen partners and of extracellular enzymatic
activity in the mycobiont did not indicate a shift
to saprotrophic lifestyle in the lichen fungus
after a month in the experimental conditions.
However, our results showed a functional
supply of degrading extracellular enzymes in
the mycobionts of the two lichen species, each
one with a unique profile. This suggests that, in
certain conditions, parasitic/saprophytic modes
of nutrition can be relevant for the sustenance of
the mycobiont or even of the lichen association.

Ackowledgements: Fundação para a Ciência e

Tecnologia (FCT) Investigador grant and the FCT
project IF/00964/2013.

Study of the gametophytic phase
of Amphineuron immersum
(Thelypteridaceae, Polypodiopsida)

Sofía Ruano1, Jose The gametophytic phase is a stage in the life cycle
María Gabriel y of a fern that is generally quite unknown especially
Galán1, Sonia Molino1, in some species with tropical distribution such
Andrea Seral1, Rubén as those of the family Thelypteridaceae. The
Vázquez1 aim of the work is to describe this phase of the
tropical species Amphineuron immersum, with a
Unit of Botany, Department distribution in the islands of Southeast Asia and
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
North Oceania, which includes the germination
Universidad Complutense de rate and morphological study of each of the
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio most important phases of development. For this
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, purpose, spores were extracted from a single
specimen and spores were sown in Petri dishes
with nutritive agar at 22ºC, with a photoperiod
of 12+12 hours. The germination rate was
recorded every three days counting one hundred
spores randomly. In less than three weeks a
germination rate of 47% is reached, being the
germination pattern of the Vittaria type. The
ontogenetic development model conforms to the
Drynaria type. The adult gametophyte reaches
the cordated-thalloid form by the fourth week
presenting abundant simple, unicellular secretory
hairs on both surfaces and all over the margin.
The majority of the prothalli are unisexual, with the
females developing first. Female gametophytes
have been shown to produce anteroidiogen. In
addition, older gametophytes present vegetative

Sporangia and spores as characters to
support the separation of Spicantopsis
and Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae,

Sonia Molino1, Following a multi-character study of the fern

Jose María Gabriel genus Struthiopteris, a small genus of the family
y Galán1, Carmen Blechnaceae, it has been demonstrated that it
Prada1, Belén constituted a paraphyletic group, and to solve this
Estébanez2, Rubén problem the genus Spicantopsis was resurrected.
Vázquez1, Andrea Thus, right now there are three species within
Seral1, Sofía Ruano1 Struthiopteris: S. castanea, S. fallax and S. spicant,
the latter with 2 varieties recognised in the Iberian
Unit of Botany, Department Peninsula, S. spicant var. homophyllum and S.
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
spicant var. pradae. The rest of the species are
Universidad Complutense de now in Spicantopsis: S. amabilis, S. niponica
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio and S. hancockii. Spicantopsis niponica has
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid, an accepted variety, S. niponica var. minima.
Unit of Botany, Department
In that study, apart from the molecular evidence,
of Biology, Universidad some morphological and anatomical features
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain that support the separation of the 2 genera
were presented, as the anatomical section, the
stomatal pattern, the color of the petioles and the
spore morphology. Since spore and sporangia
characters have been widely used by the
pteridologists in taxonomy, we decided to carry
on a broader study of these traits in this group,
using both electronic and optical microscopy.
We have noticed that the best characters
to separate both genera regarding spores
are perispore structure and ornamentation.
Sporangia also provides valuable information,
mainly the number and the thickness of lip cells,
which notably differ between both genera. In
addition, we got full descriptions of the spores
and sporangia of Struthiopteris and Spicantopsis,
which were lacking in most of the taxa.

physiology & ecophysiology

Adaptations to environmental stresses:
the case of Seirophora villosa (Ach.)

Elisabetta Bianchi1, Seirophora villosa is strictly associated with

Ilaria Colzi1, Andrea coastal juniper habitats and could be used as
Coppi1, Paolo an indicator of their status of conservation. This
Giordani2, Cristina study aimed to evaluate how light regime and
Gonnelli1, Lorenzo water availability affect individual specimens
Lazzaro1, Stefano of S. villosa, by studying the relationship
Loppi3, Luca Paoli4, between photosynthetic activity and water
Alessio Papini1, content in thallus areas of different thalli sizes.
Andrea Vannini3, Furthermore, we investigated the role of the thin
Renato Benesperi1 tomentum on thallus surface characterizing S.
villosa to withstand the effects of seawater by
Department of Biology, continuous exposure to marine aerosols. Our
University of Florence, via G.
La Pira 4, 50121, Florence,
results showed that the size of the thalli influence
Italy the water retention capacity of S. villosa species,
DIFAR, University of Genova, and consequently influence responses to strong
Viale Cembrano 4, 16148, exposure to light. S. villosa are susceptible to
Genova, Italy
Department of Life
sudden increases in light exposure, especially
Sciences, University of Siena, in the case of small specimens, which after
via P.A. Mattioli, 53100, Siena, photoinhibition exhibited a reduced ability to
Italy recover. Our work evidenced the relevance of
Department of Biology,
University of Pisa - via L. Ghini
hairs as a strategic morphological trait. Hairs
13, 56126 Pisa, Italy could offer a passive, but selective, water control.
Hairs could repel the salt dissolved in water, by
activating a passive resistance mechanism,
which by not allowing salt to enter, allows the
thallus to tolerate the presence of salt. In brief,
considering that light regime, water availability
and high salt concentrations are generally the
main ecological factors modified by habitat
fragmentation, an incorrect management of dune
systems could be detrimental to the survival and
establishment of this species.

Which is the role of state-transitions in
the photoprotection of lichen phycobionts
during desiccation/rehydration cycles?

Francisco Gasulla1, Lichens employ several photoprotective

Rocío Galán-Cubero1, mechanisms to avoid the formation of
Leonardo Casano1 reactive oxygen species during desiccation/
rehydration cycles. It has been demonstrated
Department of Life that chlorolichens can activate the xanthophyll
Sciences. University of Alcala
(UAH). 28805, Alcalá de
cycle and alternative quenching mechanisms
Henares, Spain. -specific of poikilohydric organisms- in response
to desiccation. However, little is known about the
role of the state-transitions (ST) of photosystem
II (PSII) light-harvesting complexes (LHCII). LHCII
detachment from PSII reaction centres is induced
by the over-reduction of the PQ pool via reversible
phosphorylation of LHCII. We have studied
the activation of ST in isolated phycobionts
employing chlorophyll fluorescence, immunoblot
analysis and phosphatases inhibitors. The results
indicate that LHCII are not phosphorylated during
desiccation, only after rehydration. The inhibition
of LHCII dephosphorylation increases the
non-photochemical quenching and decreases
the photochemical yield of PSII. Probably,
detached-LHCII could form aggregates able
to dissipate the excess of excitation energy.
This mechanism might prevent the damage
of the photosynthetic machinery of lichen
phycobionts during the first stages of rehydration
when the electron transport chain is still
impaired and the Calvin cycle is not fully active.

Founding: This work was supported financially

by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
(Spain, CGL2016-80259-P) and the Universidad
de Alcalá (GGC2016/BIO-059).

Quantification of nitrate reductase
enzyme activity in Ramalina farinacea and
its isolated phycobionts

Joana R. Expósito1, NO is a key molecule in cellular functions, such

Paula Ramiro1, Alba as plant growth, defence against pathogens
M. Fernández1, Alba and tolerance to abiotic stress, among others.
Casillas1, Lina Ben It is also involved in the establishment of
Oukhiye1, Eva Barreno2, important symbioses like Rhizobium-legume,
Myriam Catalá1 plant-mycorrhizae and corals. In lichens, NO
release and reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Department of Biology increase during rehydration and in presence of
and Geology, Physics and
Inorganic Chemistry. ESCET
heavy metals. We observed that NO inhibition
– Campus de Móstoles. increases ROS release during rehydration in
C/ Tulipán s/n, E-28933 Ramalina farinacea and its isolated phycobionts.
Móstoles (Madrid), Spain Part of NO production can be catalysed by
ICBIBE, Dpto. Botánica
y Geología, Universitat de
nitrate reductase (NR). Experimental inhibition
València, Facc. CC.Biológicas, with tungstate increases catalase activity and
C/ Dr. Moliner 50. leads to oxidative stress. This enzyme has been
46100-Burjassot (Valencia), studied in plants and macroalgae but not in
lichens. We hypothesize that lichen NO synthesis
may be partly mediated by NR. Our objectives
were to quantify both the plant-like NR (EC activity and protein levels in R. farinacea.
A specific protocol for activity was designed using
the Griess method for the indirect measurement
of nitrite. The value found for plant-like NADH-
dependent NR specific activity in R. farinacea
is in the µU/mg protein range, lower than
specific activity reported for the chlorophyceae
Ulva intestinalis but similar to the bryophyte
Physcomitrella patens values and in the same
order of magnitude as some rhodophytes and
Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunodetection of EC NR isoform by Western blot showed the
presence of multiple precursors and degradation

What might be the early function of the
phytochelatin synthase enzyme?

Luigi Sanita’ di The phytochelatin synthase enzyme (PCS) is

Toppi2, Erika Bellini1,2, constitutively expressed in the majority of plants,
Laura Bruno1, Luca other eukaryotes and certain cyanobacteria. In
Paoli2 the presence of metal(loid)s (i.e., Cd, Pb, Hg, As,
etc.) eukaryotic PCSs are activated and produce
Dipartimento di Biologia, the so-called “phytochelatins” (PCn), thiol-
Università di Roma ‘Tor
Vergata’, Via Cracovia 1,
peptides able to segregate the above metals in
00133 Roma, Italy the vacuolysosomal compartment. However,
Dipartimento di Biologia, the constitutive expression of the PCS enzyme
Università di Pisa, via Luca throughout the plant clade, even in the absence
Ghini 13, 56121 Pisa, Italy
of toxic metal(loid)s, would lead us to postulate
other possible functions of this enzyme. Iron (Fe)
has always been widely c in all environments,
but, at the same time, its scarce solubility and
bioavailability pose serious problems for the vast
majority of organisms. Thus, we hypothesise
that PCSs and PCn might not only plays the
“classic” role directed to Cd detoxification, but
also possesses a function geared towards
the homeostatic control of physiological
requirements of Fe. To this end, our work deals
with molecular and functional characterisation of
PCSs in early organisms, such as the charophyte
Nitella mucronata, the liverworts Lunularia
cruciata and Marchantia polymorpha, the moss
Leptodyctium riparium, the lycophyte Selaginella
denticulata, as well as some cyanobacterial
strains (Geitlerinema sp., Gloeobacter violaceus,
Nostoc sp.). The results would allow us to achieve
comparative characterisations of ancestral PCSs
and further clarify their functions in a number of
photoautotrophic organisms.

Characterization of extracellular
components in dessication-tolerant
lichen microalgae

María González- One of the most distinctive features of

Hourcade1, Eva M. desiccation-tolerant plants is the high flexibility
del Campo1, Antonio of their cell walls. Most lichen microalgae are
Salgado2, Leonardo tolerant to drastic conditions of dehydration-
Casano1 rehydration (D/R), however, their mechanisms
of D/R tolerance are scarcely known. Apart from
University of Alcalá, Dept. its cell walls, the extracellular polysaccharides
Life Sciences, 28805-Alcalá
de Henares (Madrid), Spain
substances (EPS) have an important role
Centro de Espectroscopía to protect from abiotic or biotic stresses as
de RMN (CERMN), Faculty desiccation. We tested the hypothesis that
of Pharmacy, University differences in D/R tolerance among lichen algae
of Alcalá, 28805-Alcalá de
Henares (Madrid), Spain.
could be due to differences in EPS composition,
which in turn could be remodeled by exposition
to D/R. We extracted the EPS from isolated
Trebouxia sp. TR9 (TR9, adapted to rapid D/R
cycles) and Coccomyxa solorinae-saccatae (Csol,
adapted to seasonal dry periods), exposed to 0
or 4 cycles of D/R. Thereafter, we analyzed the
molecular profile of neutral and anionic (e.g.
uronic acids and S-sugars) polysaccharides
by liquid chormatography (Sepharose 4B,
Q-sepharose). Each alga showed a characteristic
molecular profile of neutral and anionic
polysaccharides, which changed after cyclic D/R.
Interestingly, only TR9 EPS contained significant
amounts of sulfated polysaccharides, which
were strongly induced by D/R, as confirmed by
specific stain in agarose and polyacrylamide
gels. Our results suggest that the extracellular
matrix is a dynamic component that play an
important role in D/R tolerance of lichen algae.

Funding: Ministry of Economy and

Competitiveness (Spain, CGL-2017-80259-P)”

Facilitation effects of moss vegetative
shoots and spores on Dicranum
germination and early development

Miguel Ángel Gómez- The colonization and establishment of a moss

Molinero¹, Belén community is known to be constricted by
Estébanez¹, Nagore G. both biotic factors, of which the interactions
Medina1 with other bryophytes may play a major role.
Nevertheless, the occurrence and extent of these
Dpto. Biología, Fac. Ciencias, effects is not very well known in bryophytes .
Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain
We have adjusted the sandwich in vitro culture
technique, that was designed to assess
allelopathic effects in vascular plants, and
checked the inhibitory effects of spores and
vegetative shoots on the spore germination and
early development of Dicranum scoparium Hedw.
Surprisingly, the protonematal development of
Dicranum is apparently promoted by the presence
of other mosses. In at least two species (Hypnum
cupressiforme Hedw. and Tortula muralis Hedw.),
the positive effect was triggered by spores and
shoots as well as by only an aqueous extract
of the shoot exudates. In contrast, positive
intraspecific effects (in cultures of shoots and
spores of Dicranum with its own spores) are
not so apparent. The water-soluble substance
mediating the positive effects of different
species on Dicranum spores is unknown as yet,
but the addition of vitamins, auxins (NAA), or
sacarose, did not result in a similar enhancement.
Our results suggest a rare case of development
facilitation, here in juvenile stages of mosses. This
phenomenon could be a successful competition
strategy of Dicranum spores that may enable
them to benefit from their potential competitors.

Is ABA involved in the responses of the
symbiotic green microalga Trebouxia sp.
TR9 to dehydration?

Patricia Moya¹, Marta Although tolerance to abiotic stresses have been

Pérez², Francisco thoroughly studied in plants and, to an extent, free-
Marco², Pedro living microalgae, experimental data regarding
Carrasco², Eva Barreno¹ stress on symbiotic lichen microalgae is scarce
to non-existent. Since lichen phycobionts are
Universitat de València, Inst. capable of enduring harsh, restrictive and rapidly
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
changing environments, they are interesting
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, candidates to study the metabolic machinery
46100 Burjassot, Spain operating under these extreme conditions.
Universitat de València, Previous results obtained exposing to high
Estructura de Recerca
Interdisciplinar en
salt concentrations the symbiotic phycobiont
Biotecnologia i Biomedicina Trebouxia sp. TR9, isolated from the lichen
(ERI BIOTECMED), Burjassot, Ramalina farinacea, revealed that this organism
Spain displays a rather different molecular response
compared to land plants and free-living halophile
microalgae, with no noticeable increase in ABA
levels and ABA-related gene expression until the
external NaCl concentration raised 3 M NaCl
(Hinojosa-Vidal et al., Planta, 248: 1473–1486
2018). However, the ABA transduction pathway
seems functional, given that the ABA-related
genes tested are responsive to exogenous ABA.
Since in its natural environments lichens are
often subjected to dehydration we are now
analysing the behaviour of Trebouxia sp.
TR9 under mannitol induced osmotic stress
conditions. We are trying to find out whether
this symbiotic green microalga uses the ABA-
dependent pathway or develops alternative
strategies to cope with highly dehydration.

(CGL2016-79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).

Ecophysiology studies on different strains
of Coolia monotis from the Portuguese

Patrícia The genus Coolia Meunier is considered

Nascimento1,2, Helena a potentially toxic genus of epibenthic
David1,2, Ana Amorim1,2 dinoflagellates that co-occurs with species of
other harmful genera such as Amphidinium
MARE-Centro de Ciências Claparède & Lachmann, Prorocentrum Ehrenberg,
do Mar e do Ambiente,
Faculdade de Ciências,
Ostreopsis Schmidt and Gambierdiscus Adachi &
Universidade de Lisboa Fukuyo. Coolia monotis Meunier, the type species
Departamento de Biologia of the genus, is frequently found on different
Vegetal, Faculdade de substrates such as macroalgae and sediments.
Ciências, Universidade de
Lisboa Campo Grande, 1749-
Its geographic distribution is restricted to the
016 Lisboa, Portugal Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic, unlike
other species of Coolia that have a transoceanic
distribution. So far, not much is known on the
physiology of species in the genus Coolia. The
present work investigates the effect of temperature
(15°C and 19°C) and light intensity (20-30 and
120-145 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on the growth and
photophysiology of distinct strains of C. monotis
isolated from different sites along the Portuguese
coast. Several parameters were analysed namely
growth characteristics, photophysiology and
photosynthetic pigment composition. For growth
characterization, two methodologies were
compared (in vivo fluorescence and cell counts).
Results indicate significant differences between
strains and treatments. Strains acclimated to low
light showed a better photophysiology than the
ones of high light, indicating to be a dark-adapted
species. Furthermore, for each treatment, a
consistent relationship between cell number and
in vivo fluorescence was observed. The in vivo
fluorescence in C. monotis showed to be a fast
and reliable methodology to follow growth rate.

A multidisciplinary approach to the
lichen-nitrogen relation

Silvana Munzi¹ Sensitivity to nitrogen is one of the most

used lichen functional traits in bioindication.
Centre for Ecology, Evolution However, although the numerous observations
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da
in the field and experiments in the laboratory,
Universidade de Lisboa, the lichen-nitrogen relation is still not completely
Campo Grande, 1749-016 understood. Here, I use a multidisciplinary
Lisbon, Portugal approach to the question presenting a synthesis
of ecological, physiological and molecular results.
Results of a proteomic analysis conducted on the
species Cladonia portentosa showed how at the
molecular level different nitrogen forms affect
different metabolic pathways in the photobiont
(mainly energy production) and the mycobiont
(mainly protein synthesis machinery), thus
contributing to explain previous eco-physiological
observations. The analysis of the proteome of
Xanthoria parietina collected in areas with different
nitrogen availabilities revealed that changes in
protein expression mostly occurred in proteins
involved in the protein synthesis machinery
(production, regulation, transport), carbohydrate
metabolism and production of stress proteins.
Among them, proteins responsible for
polyamines biosynthesis, tolerance to oxidative
stress and energetic metabolism. These findings
are discussed in relation to ecological and
physiological observations from previous studies.

Ackowledgements: Fundação para a Ciência e

Tecnologia (FCT) Investigador grant and the FCT
project IF/00964/2013.

How tissue expansion occurs in the
thick-walled prosoplectenchyma of the
lichen Ramalina usnea

William Sanders¹, Relatively little is known about where growth

Asunción de los Ríos² occurs in thalli of fruticose lichens, or how
such growth is achieved anatomically where
Florida Gulf Coast University, thick-walled fungal tissue is present. We used
Asunción de los Ríos,
TEM to study tissue sections of Ramalina
Museo Nacional de Ciencias usnea, a beard lichen recently shown to have a
Naturales, CSIC, Spain diffuse (“intercalary”) growth pattern, to better
understand how the highly thickened cell walls
of the prosoplectenchymous cortex behave
under conditions of continued expansion.
Cell protoplasts were surrounded by massive
accumulations of electron-dense wall layers and
amorphous, electron-transparent substances,
visible as concentric rings in transverse section.
With increasing distance from the protoplast,
the electron-dense wall layers were increasingly
disrupted and intermixed among the electron-
transparent materials. New cell branches
grew through the accumulated wall materials,
interrupting the layers they penetrated while
producing their own concentric wall layers. These
observations suggest that cell walls are disrupted
by diffuse tissue expansion and continually
replaced by new walls and wall materials
deposited to their interior at the interface with
the protoplast. This pattern of development,
documented previously in R. menziesii and U.
longissima, suggests that component cells
of lichen prosoplectenchyma behave quite
differently from those of diffusely expanding
filaments studied in non-lichen-forming fungi,
where a single, discrete cell wall is maintained
throughout growth.

poster communications
How do liverworts from different
geographic regions deal with water

Anabela Martins¹, Bryophytes have unique physiologies that allow

César A. Garcia¹, them to survive and prosper in extreme conditions
Cristina Máguas¹, of cold and dryness, more than any other group
Manuela Sim-Sim¹ of plants. It has traditionally been assumed that
bryophytes can persist in microhabitats where
cE3c, Centre for Ecology, a suitable microenvironment persists, long after
Evolution and Environmental
Changes, Faculdade
the general climate of the area has changed.
de Ciências de Lisboa, Among bryophytes, the thallus liverworts
Universidade de Lisboa, C2, Exormotheca pustulosa has a widespread
Campo Grande, 1749-016 distribution, that covers the Macaronesia,
Lisboa, Portugal
Mediterranean region, tropical and southern
Africa, the south Atlantic and western Indian
Ocean Islands of Saint Helena and Reunion.
The aim of this work was to: i) evaluate carbon
fixation patterns of E. pustulosa populations
from different geographic regions; ii) to relate
thallus evaporation and water status with the
characteristics of their habitats; iii) perform
predictive distribution models to infer the impact
of climatic changes in the distribution of the
species. For that we have used a combination of C,
O and N stables isotopes (δ13C, δ18O and δ15N)
and morphological traits of this species along a
large geographical gradient, covering tropical,
Atlantic and Mediterranean climatic conditions.
The adaptive potential of the bryophytes makes
them, good models to address hypotheses
about adaptation to changing environments and
survival to past and present climatic changes.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported

by FCT, Portugal (Project PTDC/AGR-
FOR/3427/2014, FCT/MEC (PIDDAC).

Analysis of phycobionts by fourier
transform-near infrared spectroscopy

Joana R. Expósito¹, Near infrared spectroscopy appears as an

Irene Bruñas1, M. Rosa alternative to conventional methods. The
de las Eras1, Patricia absorption of an incident light beam on the
Alonso1, Eva Barreno2, surface of a material causes the vibration of
Myriam Catalá1 molecular bonds known as absorption bands
which are a unique spectral signature of each
Department of Biology compound. This is a quick, cheap, precise, non-
and Geology, Physics and
Inorganic Chemistry. ESCET
destructive and safe technique, able to analyse
– Campus de Móstoles. various compounds simultaneously. Few studies
C/ Tulipán s/n, E-28933 have used this fingerprinting tool to study
Móstoles (Madrid), Spain cryptograms metabolism. The optimization of
ICBIBE, Dpto. Botánica
y Geología, Universitat de
non-destructive techniques for the study of the
València, Facc. CC.Biológicas, metabolomics of lichen symbionts would greatly
C/ Dr. Moliner 50. help in the elucidation of their complex biology.
46100-Burjassot (Valencia), Our aim is to develop a microbioassay in which
metabolomic changes in Asterochloris erici can be
analyzed using NIRS. The spectra of desiccated
and post-rehydrated algae were obtained using
NIRS working in reflectance mode. The samples
were scanned over the range from 1000 to 2500
cm-1 with a resolution of 16 cm-1 and 32 scans.
In the dehydrated algae spectra, we observed
correspondence between adsorption bands
at 1206 nm, 1494 nm and 2166 nm with lipids,
proteins and unsaturated fatty acids respectively.
Rehydration of algae in physiological or stress
conditions cause changes on the metabolic
spectra. The normalized FT-NIR spectra of
phycobiont exposed to several types of stress
suffered alterations in different spectral areas.

Supported by MINECO and FEDER (CGL2016-

79158-P), and PROMETEO/2017/039.

Variability of hydration traits in the
lichen genus Ramalina and its relation
with habitat and thallus anatomy

Miguel Blázquez¹, Water is an evasive resource in many terrestrial

Diana Nicole Puerto1,², habitats, and organisms in general have to deal
David Troya León¹, with its changing availability, both daily and
Francisco Gasulla3, seasonally. This is especially true for poikilohydric
Sergio Pérez-Ortega¹ organisms, such as lichens, because they
lack active control of their water relations.
Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC, The three main water sources for lichens are
Plaza de Murillo 2,
28014, Madrid, Spain
dew, rain and humid air. In order to optimize
Universidad de los Andes. algal photosynthesis under specific hydration
Bogotá, Cundinamarca, regimes lichens have evolved specialized thallus
Colombia morphologies and anatomies. Ramalina, a genus
Department of Life Sciences.
University of Alcala
of lichen-forming fungi with c. 200 species
(UAH). 28807, Alcalá de known worldwide and present in all continents,
Henares, Spain shows a remarkable diversity in morphological
architecture and medullar anatomy, which
is hypothesized to be related to habitat type.
Morphology ranges from tiny, cushion-like thalli
not larger than 1 cm to large pendulous thalli up
to 1 m long. Medullar anatomy has been divided
into several anatomical types described on the
basis of presence and position within the thallus
of chondroid and cortical tissues as well as the
medullar hyphal density. In this study we explore
the variability of hydration traits (specific thallus
mass, water-holding capacity and water content)
and hydration and dehydration kinetics in
Ramalina species collected in all continents and
their relation with thallus anatomy and habitat.

The importance of hydration traits in the
radiation of the Macaronesian Ramalina
decipiens group (Ramalinaceae,
lichenized Ascomycota)

Miguel Blázquez¹, Oceanic islands are natural laboratories,

Francisco Gasulla², providing innumerable replicated experiments in
Beatriz Fernández- the processes controlling speciation. One such
Marín³, Eva Miedes4, process is adaptive radiation, the differentiation
José Ignacio García- of a single ancestor into an array of species that
Plazaola³, Israel inhabit a variety of environments and that differ
Pérez-Vargas5, Sergio in traits used to exploit those environments.
Pérez-Ortega¹ Adaptive radiations of plants and animals are
well studied in islands, but other putative cases
Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC, may occur in other organisms. Ramalina is a
Plaza de Murillo 2,
28014, Madrid, Spain
genus of lichen-forming fungi with c. 200 species
Department of Life known worldwide. In Macaronesia it shows
Sciences. University of Alcala high diversity (c. 40 species), coupled with high
(UAH). 28807, Alcalá de levels of endemicity (c. 50%). These figures are
Henares, Spain
Department of Plant Biology
remarkable considering most lichen-forming
and Ecology. fungi show very wide distribution ranges. In
University of the Basque this study we focus on the Ramalina decipiens
Country (UPV/EHU). 48940 group radiation, which shows its highest diversity
Leioa, Spain
Departamento de
in the Canarian archipelago and has several
Biotecnología-Biología single-island endemisms. The genus Ramalina
Vegetal, Escuela is characterized by the ability to obtain water
Técnica Superior de from humid air and fog. We hypothesize that one
Ingeniería Agronómica,
Alimentaria y de
of the main drivers of the radiation is that the
Biosistemas, Universidad species evolved differentiated ecophysiological
Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), strategies to exploit the different water sources.
28040 Madrid, In order to characterize these strategies, we
Dpto. Botánica, Ecología y
studied surface hydrophobicity, hydration traits,
Fisiología Vegetal. hydration and dehydration kinetics, thallus
Facultad de Farmacia, anatomy by means of light and SEM microscopy
Universidad de La Laguna, c/ and cell wall composition by Fourier-transform
Astrofísico Sánchez
s/n 38071 La Laguna,
infrared spectroscopy. Results are analyzed and
Tenerife, Canary Islands, discussed in a phylogenetic framework.

Monitoring moss growth and
physiological state using a low-cost
image analysis system

Nagore G. Mosses are an important element of soil plant

Medina1,5, Manuel communities, being a main component of soil
M. Bustamante1,2, biocrusts together with other photosynthetic
Indradatta de Castro- organisms like lichens and microalgae. The last
Arrazola², Belén years have seen an increasing interest in using
Estébanez³, mosses as model organisms for ecological
Fernando Hurtado1,2, studies. To address this issue, ways for precisely
Cristina Ronquillo2, monitoring physiological activity are needed.
María Leo², Joaquín We have developed a protocol that takes
Hortal2,4 advantage of remote sensing and image analysis
techniques as non-destructive ways to monitor
Departmento de Biología moss growth and physiological status in small
(Botánica). Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid. C/
scale experiments. We culture six common soil
Darwin 2, E-28049 Madrid, moss species (Dicranum scoparium, Hypnum
Spain cupressiforme, Homalothecium aureum,
Departamento de Ptychostomum capillare, Tortella squarrosa and
Biogeografía y Cambio
Global, Museo Nacional de
Syntrichia ruralis) in three localities along an
Ciencias Naturales (MNCN- altitudinal gradient in central Spain. We use a
CSIC), C/José Gutiérrez low-cost system of modified drone visible (VIS)
Abascal 2, E-28006 Madrid, and near infrared (NIR) cameras to take moss
Centro de Investigación
pictures. We tried a set of more than fifteen
en Biodiversidad y Cambio indexes and twelve autothreshold methods to
Global (CIBC-UAM). estimate moss area and physiological status
Departamento de Biología, using ImageJ and a modified version of the
Fac. Ciencias Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
R package crustCover that we developed for
cE3c – Centre for Ecology, these image analyses. We provide an optimized
Evolution and Environmental protocol that allows monitoring moss growth and
Changes, Faculdade de physiological status with an easy to implement,
Ciências da Universidade de
Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-
non-destructive and low-cost method.
016 Lisboa, Portugal
Centro de Investigación
en Biodiversidad y Cambio
Global (CIBC-UAM).
Departamento de Biología,
Fac. Ciencias Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Preliminary study of chlorophyll:
a fluorescence measurement in
bryophyte Syntrichia ruralis [Hedw]
from different microhabitats in semi-
arid grasslands, Hungary

Ruchika¹, Zsolt The objective of this study was to determine

Csintalan1 the effect of microhabitats and seasons on
chlorophyll fluorescence parameters; Fv/Fm, qP,
Institute of Botany and PS II , qNP and NPQ after rehydration. S. ruralis
Ecophysiology, Faculty
of Agricultural and
(Hedw.) were collected from semi-arid grasslands
Environmental Sciences, near Kiskúnság region in Hungary from the
Szent István University, Pater two microhabitats based on orientation of the
karoly utca.1, H-2100 Gödöllő, sandy dunes; north-east (NE) and southwest
(SW) direction in the four seasons. Our results
showed statistical differences in terms of PS
II, qP, qNP and NPQ values (p≤ 0.05) between
microhabitats except Fv/Fm. In contrast, Fv/Fm
, qP, qNP and NPQ were found to be statistically
significant within each pair of seasons except PS
II .In both microhabitats, more favorable humidity
conditions observed from spring to autumn on
NE slope in comparison SW slope. In conclusion,
NE slope showed better photosynthetic activity
than SW slope. Spring and autumn season were
found to be the optimal periods for the growth of
S.ruralis in semi-arid dry grasslands.

Hydration traits in epiphytic lichens
of fragmented subcantabric Quercus

Sonia Trobajo1, Ana Epiphytic lichens present different functional

Belén Fernández- strategies according to their growth form or
Salegui¹, Arsenio type of photobiont. Hydration traits may be also
Terrón¹, Pilar influenced by these factors and many others
Hurtado¹, Isabel related with forest structure. Our main goal
Martínez¹ was to assess changes in lichens water holding
capacity (WHC) in relation with specific thallus
Universidad de León, mass (STM), growth form and type of photobiont
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
in 10 subcantabric Quercus forests with different
fragmentation level. For this purpose, we chose
seven species of epiphytic macrolichens and we
collected five samples per species and forest.
We measured WHC and STM in each of the thalli
collected by calculating weight at full hydration
(wet mass, WM), weight after 72h at 60°C (dry
mass, DM), and scanning area (A). Based on WM,
DM and A values, water holding capacity was
calculated as WHC= (WM-DM)/A and specific
thallus mass as STM =DM/A. Our results showed
dissimilar performances among the species
studied due to their different functional traits.
Besides, STM resulted to be a main driver of WHC.
High specific thallus mass was related to higher
water holding capacity. In addition, fragmentation
level could affect the hydration strategy of some
species, although further research is required.

Acknowledgements: This research was supported

by a grant awarded by Consejería de Educación
and Fondo Social Europeo to S. Trobajo (Orden
EDU/529/2017). It was also partially financed by
EPIDIVERSITY CGL2013-47010-P (Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad).

global change & long-term

oral communications
Effects of fragmentation on fungal-algal
interaction networks

Alejandro Berlinches Habitat fragmentation is one of the main causes

de Gea1, Sergio Pérez of current biodiversity loss. Identifying the effect of
Ortega¹ this disturbance on interaction networks between
organisms can help to understand in advance
Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. the degree of threat that the species have in
Plaza de Murillo, 2. Madrid
E-28014, Spain
ecosystems. In this work we study the interaction
networks between lichen-forming fungi and their
photobionts in epiphytic lichen communities in
a fragmented Mediterranean forest (Quercus
rotundifolia) embedded in an agricultural cereal
matrix. Using new generation sequencing
(Illumina MiSeq) we barcoded the photobiont
ITS2 region occurring in epiphytic lichens in a
gradient of 10 fragments of increasing size (from
0.002 ha to 250 ha). All interaction networks
showed low connectivity, anti-nestedness, high
modularity and high specificity. In addition, these
properties showed significant trends along the
gradient. As the fragment area becomes smaller,
modularity, the number of interacting bionts, and
specificity decrease. In contrast, nestedness,
connectivity and niche overlap increase. These
results confirm previous results and open a new
line in the field of the study the effects of global
change on lichens.

Facing the challenges of climate and
hydrological change: a case study on the
distribution of western oceanic riverine

Ana Paula Portela1,2, Several moisture-dependent, niche-specialist

Neil Bell3, Christopher bryophytes are closely associated with high
Ellis3, Isabelle Charissou4, humidity watercourses. Such species may
Sébastien Leblond5, face major threats from climate-mediated
Francisco Lara6, Sam hydrological change. The alteration of rainfall
Bosanquet7, Cecília Sérgio8,9, patterns and flow regimes is hypothesised to
João Honrado1,2, Cristiana impact the distribution and abundance of these
Vieira10 bryophytes, and western oceanic macrophytes
and rheophytes are expected to be particularly
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade vulnerable. In this work, we assessed the
do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre,
FC4-Biologia, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal;
impact of climate and hydrological change
CIBIO-InBIO - Centro de Investigação in the distribution of four western oceanic
em Biodiversidade e Recursos rheophillous bryophytes – Dendrocryphaea
Genéticos, Campus de Vairão, Rua lamyana, Fissidens grandifrons, Fissidens
Padre Armando Quintas, nº 7,4485-
661 Vairão, Portugal; 3Royal Botanic
polyphyllus and Racomitrium hespericum.
Garden Edinburgh, Arboretum Pl, Distribution data of the target species was
Edinburgh EH3 5NZ, United Kingdom; obtained from natural history collections and
Biard, Voutezac, France; 5Muséum on-line biodiversity databases. We modelled
national d’Histoire naturelle - Service
du Patrimoine Naturel, Paris, France;
the distribution of the four species for the
Departamento de Biología (Botánica), present and 2050 climate change scenarios,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad using habitat suitability modelling to quantify
Autónoma de Madrid, Campus de potential areas of occurrence, identifying gains
Cantoblanco, C/ Darwin 2, E-28049
Madrid, Spain; 7Natural Resources
and losses and range shifts for each species.
Wales, Plas Gwendraeth, Heol Parc Our results indicate a northwards range shift
Mawr, Cross Hands Industrial Estate, for the species distributions in Europe. Overall,
Llanelli, Wales; 8cE3c Centre for Ecology, the area of suitable habitat is projected to
Evolution and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade
contract, with increased habitat loss in the
de Lisboa, Edifício C2, 5º Piso, Sala Mediterranean linked to a greater seasonality
2.5.46 Campo Grande,1749-016, in precipitation and flow regimes.The results
Lisboa, Portugal; 9Museu Nacional de provide insights into the European distribution
História Natural e da Ciência, Rua da
Escola Politécnica 56/58, 1250-102,
of these conservation-interest bryophytes,
Lisboa, Portugal; 10Museu de História informing monitoring and presenting the first
Natural e da Ciência da Universidade spatial assessment of climate change impacts
do Porto (MHNC-UP/UPorto/PRISC), on their distributions.
Praça Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002 Porto,
One-year passive warming effect on
antarctic lichens Placopsis antarctica

Angelica Casanova- Although in Antarctica, long-term

katny¹, Milos Bartak2 ecophysiological studies have been carried out
on the only two existing vascular plants, only few
Laboratorio de Ecofisiología experiments have been focused on the far more
Vegetal, Facultad de
Recursos Naturales,
species-rich and dominant cryptogamic biota.
Universidad Católica de Here we report a field study of lichens growing
Temuco, Temuco, Chile under passive warming inside open top chambers
Department of Experimental (OTC) installed on Fildes Peninsula (King George
Biology, Faculty of Science,
Masaryk University, Brno,
Island, South Shetland Island Archipelago). We
Czech Republic compared primary photochemical processes
of photosynthesis between thalli of the lichen
Placopsis antarctica growing for one year inside
the OTC with controls outside OTC under ambient
conditions. We measured effective quantum yield
of photosystem II (ΦPSII) and photosynthetic
electron transport rate (ETR) in daily courses. We
examined the responses of diurnal ΦPSII to PAR
and in relation to environmental factors through
continuous 12-d-long monitoring of chlorophyll
fluorescence parameters. Our results indicate
that the OTC warming microenvironment leads to
partial limitation of photosynthetic processes in
P. antarctica during the austral summer season.
We suggest, that the limitation is caused by
accelerated dehydration of thalli inside OTC
compared to the outside conditions which are
generally colder and wetter, and thus shorter
physiologically active periods of lichens in OTC.
We deduct that global warming and correlated
desiccation potentially decrease photosynthetical
performance of lichens.

Grant INACH RT2716, FONDECYT 1181745 and

CzechPolar2 (LM2015078).

Impacts of ocean acidification on
macroalgae communities: evidence from
a natural laboratory

Carlos Sangil¹, Sara The impact of how acidification will affect

González-Delgado², the biodiversity and functionality of marine
Celso Hernández², ecosystems is still uncertain. Laboratory
Magdalena Santana- approaches predict major changes in marine
Casiano³, Melchor communities. However, these studies can only
González³, Beatriz predict a small fraction of changes expected, since
Alfonso¹, David the number of species tested and the experimental
González-Santana³, time are limiting. These limitations raise questions
Adrián Castro³, José about the reproducibility of the environment and
Carlos Hernández² the importance of indirect effects and synergies
in the final results of these experiments. One way
Departamento de Botánica, to address these experimental problems is by
Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal,
Universidad de La Laguna;
conducting studies in situ, in natural areas where
Islas Canarias, Spain expected future pH conditions already occur, such
Departamento de Biología as CO2 vent systems. These places are located
Animal, Edafología y in volcanic territories, where CO2 from volcanic
Geología, Universidad de La
Laguna, Spain
activity combines with sea water; changing
Departamento de Química, the abundance and the relative proportion of
Universidad de Las Palmas inorganic carbon compounds; and decreasing
de Gran Canarias, Spain pH. Recently, we discovered one of these CO2
vents in the south of La Palma (Canary Islands,
Spain), in rocky shallow bottoms (0-5 m) of Punta
de Fuencaliente. In this place macroalgae are
the dominant organisms in the shallow subtidal
communities. Our first studies show a strong
change in the structure and composition of the
communities following the gradient of CO2 and pH.
These changes are mainly based on the reduction
in the abundance of calcifying macroalgae, and
the increase of filamentous red macroalgae. The
findings suggest that shallow macroalgae are
very sensitive to changes in CO2 concentration
and ph decrease. In the future, if CO2 emissions
continue mayor changes in subtidal vegetation are
Lichen trait variation along a latitudinal
gradient in Chile

Clara Rodríguez- Understanding the inter- and intraspecific

Arribas¹, Pilar functional trait variability will help us to predict
Hurtado¹, Gregorio the capacity of communities to cope with climate
Aragón¹, María Prieto¹, change and acclimate to future environmental
Luca Di Nuzzo¹, Noelia conditions. Detailed protocols have been
Fernández-Prado¹, developed for the analyses of functional traits in
Carlos Zamorano³, vascular plants, but little is known in other groups
Lohengrin Cavieres¹, of organisms such as lichens. Thus, we have
Isabel Martínez¹ evaluated the inter- and intraspecific variability
of different functional traits in more than 100
Juan Carlos University, macrolichen species growing on Nothofagus
Concepción University, Chile
pumilio forests along its distribution range
Aysén University, Chile in the Southern Hemisphere. To know which
drivers are behind this functional variation, we
sampled 24 forests across a latitudinal gradient
in Chile, which covers a broad variety of climatic
conditions. Within each forest, we collected five
thalli of each macrolichen species found and we
measured the specific thallus mass (STM) and
the water holding capacity (WHC). Preliminary
results indicate that these ‘hard’ functional traits
related to water use strategy were influenced by
easily measurable ‘soft’ functional traits such as
growth form and type of photobiont. Besides,
after analysing trait-environment relationships,
we found significant effects of climatic drivers
shaping the response of these functional
traits. We also noticed contrasting functional
responses of the studied lichen communities and
those from Fagus sylvatica forests located in a
similar environmental gradient in the Northern

Historic herbaria offer first-hand data
for global change, long-term ecology
and documenting cryptogams

Cristiana Vieira1, The story of cryptogamic studies in the Iberian

Cecília Sérgio2, Maria Peninsula is inseparable of the origins of Porto
José Carvalho3, Sofia University and Instituto Nun’Alvres herbaria.
Dora Silva3 Both share intertwined botanists of late 19 and
early 20th centuries that often corresponded
Museu de História Natural and united efforts to gather the greatest
e da Ciência da Universidade
do Porto, Praça Gomes
information on plants and fungi other botanists
Teixeira, 4099-002, Porto, did not venture to study. These collections
Portugal present thousands of specimens with types
Museu Nacional de and collections that were the early basis of the
História Natural e da Ciência,
MHUNAC, Universidade de
cryptogamic research in Portugal. To this day
Lisboa, Portugal they support Floras and academic publications.
Instituto Nun’Alvres (INA), Since these herbaria are going through renovations
Caldas da Saúde, Santo Tirso, and efforts to digitizing their collections to
Portugal inventory, their data and meta-data are becoming
increasingly accessible. In this paper, we will
present their meta-inventory, collectors, and
databases and report the data typologies and
accessibility for future ecological studies.
By presenting their taxonomic and
spatiotemporal spectra and by revealing
recently detected specimens from imminent
botanists or naturalists, we aim to appeal to the
uniqueness of these cryptogamic collections
and alert researchers to contribute to its
potential future uses. Finally, we will present the
sphere of global change and long-term studies
that could be instructed by these collections,
including non-target specimen research.

We would like to acknowledge the support of the

Portuguese Infrastructure of Scientific Collections
- POCI-01-0145FEDER-022168 (

Modelling the invasibility of Campylopus
introflexus: a spatiotemporal framework

Helena Hespanhol¹, Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. is a

Cecília Sérgio², César widespread moss in the Southern hemisphere,
Garcia2,3, Manuela recently introduced in Europe, threatening
Sim-Sim2,3, Cristiana habitats that are often of high conservation
Vieira³, Ana Paula interest. Understanding which sites are
Portela4,5, João most susceptible to invasion is paramount
Gonçalves¹ for invasion management. Satellite-based
remote sensing is now providing the means
CIBIO/InBio - Centro for tracking landscape change over time.
de Investigação em
Biodiversidade e Recursos
This study presents a spatiotemporal framework
Genéticos, Universidade aiming to predict the areas of high susceptibility
do Porto, Campus Agrário to invasion by this moss. We compiled more
Vairão, 4485-661, Vila do than 200 mainland localities of C. introflexus
Conde, Portugal
Museu Nacional de
in Portugal. The current invasion pattern for C.
História Natural e da Ciência, introflexus was predicted by species distribution
MHUNAC, Rua da Escola models using three sets of variables: (i) regional
Politécnica, 56/58, 1250-102, variables (‘coarse scale’); (ii) local variables (‘fine
Lisboa, Portugal
cE3c - Centre for Ecology,
scale’); and (iii) integrative indicators of ecosystem
Evolution and Environmental condition and change. Regional variables were
Changes, Faculdade de related to climate and local variables to land cover
Ciências da Universidade de and human pressure. The integrative indicators
Lisboa, Portugal of ecosystem condition and change were based
Museu de História Natural
e da Ciência da Universidade
on Ecosystem Functional Attributes (EFAs),
do Porto, Praça Gomes derived from Terra/MODIS satellite time-series
Teixeira, 4099-002, Porto, (2001-2017) of the Enhanced Vegetation Index.
Portugal Our results suggest that this multi-scalar
Faculdade de Ciências,
Universidade do Porto, Rua
spatiotemporal framework is important to
do Campo Alegre, FC4- characterize a more detailed and realistic invasion
Biologia, 4169-007 Porto, pattern, improving the prediction of C. introflexus
Portugal invasibility. Therefore, this approach can offer
valuable contributions for effective management
of this invasive moss.

The phylogenetic diversity of biocrust
lichens is maintained along multiple
gradients of fragmentation

Laura Concostrina- Habitat fragmentation is one of the most

Zubiri¹, Isabel threatening drivers of global change for
Martínez¹, Adrián biodiversity. The reduction and isolation of
Escudero¹, María natural habitats can exert severe effects on
Prieto¹ community structure and diversity. This has
been demonstrated for taxonomic diversity, while
Universidad Rey Juan fragmentation consequences for the phylogenetic
Carlos, Móstoles, Spain
component remain largely unexplored. This
is particularly true for cryptogams, especially
for those living in the uppermost soil layers or
biocrusts. Here we show that the phylogenetic
diversity of lichen-biocrusts is rather resistant to
fragmentation. All phylogenetic indices (e.g., mean
phylogenetic distance of taxa, mean distance to
the nearest taxon) were similar in 50 remnants of
a Mediterranean shrubland that varied widely in
size, the degree of connectivity and distance to a
road. Our results indicate that the biocrust-lichen
species are not structured phylogenetically in
fragmented habitats. These findings support the
recent evidence that biocrusts can cope relatively
well with changes in habitat structure and have
important implications for conservation and
restoration ecology. The knowledge generated in
this work should be combined with the evaluation
of biocrust functional structure in future research
to better understand the assembly rules operating
on these communities in changing landscapes.

This study was funded by the Asociación

Española de Ecología Terrestre. L. Concostrina-
Zubiri was supported by the European Union
(INDECRUST H2020-MSCA-IEF-795380).

Assessing habitat determinants in the
southern border of Blechum spicant
(Pteridophyta): a perspective of range
margin dynamics

Manuel J. Pinto¹, Understanding species range dynamics and shifts

Conceição Freitas² is a prominent issue towards wise sustainable
decisions concerning biodiversity and prevention
Depts. of Plant Biology of extinction. A key part is understanding how
and Geology, FCUL, Lisbon,
organisms have reacted to climatic changes
Dept. of Geology, FCUL and its ability to colonize and promote stable
& Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), populations in extreme marginal areas.
Lisbon, Portugal Here we analyze southern Portuguese palaeo-
range models for the last 15000 years BP of
the terrestrial fern Blechnum spicant (L.) Roth,
discussing in light of habitat preferences,
range expansion and contraction after
the Last Glacial Maximum and its effects
on present habitat in its southern border.
Migration northwards of a dry warmer climate
made plausible a substantial loss of habitat
diversity, conducing to population fragmentation
and probably to the increase of local adaptation.
Comparatively with northern distribution under
a more temperate climate, the southern range
mismatches the set of suitable environments
by which population growth compensates
for recolonization of disturbed locations. A
significant ecological specialization is thought as
a relevant long-term mechanism for persistence
on most favorable long-lived micro-habitats,
strictly located in the margins of medium altitude
water streams.

Rapid shifts in lichen trait diversity due
to recent climate change

Paula Matos¹, Pedro Climate is changing rapidly, with impacts

Pinho¹, Alice Nunes¹, expected in ecosystems’ structure and
Amadeu VM Soares², composition worldwide. Lichens are within the
Cristina Branquinho¹ organisms more rapidly responding to recent
warming. Our objective is to understand what is
Centre for Ecology, Evolution changing in lichen diversity due to recent climate
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da
shifts. For that, we used lichen diversity collected
Universidade de Lisboa, over 20 years at a five-years interval (1994 to
Campo Grande, 1749-016 2015) in 22 sampling sites in Southern Portugal.
Lisbon, Portugal Several taxonomic and trait-based metrics
Departamento de
Biologia CESAM, Campus
based on two traits that respond to climate were
Universitário de Santiago, tested. 22 climate variables representing range,
Universidade de Aveiro, seasonal and annual variation of temperature
Aveiro, Portugal and precipitation, annual mean relative humidity
and the number of days with relative humidity
higher than 95% were calculated. Changes over
time and with climatic shifts were assessed
using generalized linear models.
Lichen taxonomic metrics didn’t change
significantly over time. However, a functional
turnover was observed for some functional
groups, functional diversity indices based on
abundance increased over this period and the
functional structure of some functional groups
changed also significantly over time. These
temporal shifts were strongly related to subtle
changes in climate, namely to an increase in
average relative air humidity and the number of
days with relative air humidity higher than 95%.
Overall, lichen trait diversity is changing with
recent climatic shifts, showing the importance
of looking beyond taxonomic metrics to track the
effects of climate change.

Are functional, phylogenetic and
taxonomic optimal climatic niches
congruent along a wide latitudinal

Pilar Hurtado1, Paula Spatial variation in biodiversity provides critical

Matos2, María Prieto1, information about the response of natural
Gregorio Aragón1, communities in a changing world. Identifying the
Cristina Branquinho2, optimal climatic conditions where communities
Isabel Martínez1 maximize their functional, phylogenetic and
taxonomic diversity is useful to assess the
Rey Juan Carlos University, impact of environmental changes. We surveyed
Madrid, Spain
Centre for Ecology, Evolution
epiphytic lichen communities in 23 beech forests
and Environmental Changes, along Europe covering a wide climatic gradient
Faculdade de Ciências da from Sweden to Italy. We quantified functional,
Universidade de Lisboa, phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity metrics
Campo Grande, 1749-016
Lisbon, Portugal
of lichen communities for each forest. To detect
where the diversity metrics peaked, we illustrated
non-parametric regressions of these metrics
against the climatic space using the ‘hilltop
plot’ method. Functional optimal climatic niches
overlapped with taxonomic and phylogenetic
ones, implying that functional traits shaped the
response of lichen communities to climate.
However, phylogenetic and taxonomic hotspots
did not overlap. These results highlight the need
of an integrative approach to assess the effect of
environmental changes on communities. Type
of photobiont and growth form showed clearly
defined climatic niches pinpointing their role as
ecological indicators, which can be used as a
rapid assessment method to evaluate the effects
of macroclimatic changes. In turn, hard traits
did not show clearly defined climatic niches in
response to macroclimatic variables and further
research is needed to unveil their response to
other environmental and small-scale variables.

Comparative effect of climate change
on the germination dynamics of tropical
and temperate fern species

Sofía Ruano¹, Jose Ferns are an important component of ecosystems

María Gabriel y Galán1, around the world and climate change is one of the
Antonio Murciano1, major environmental problems we are facing in
Sonia Molino1, the 21st century. Studies on global change impacts
Andrea Seral1, Rubén are scarce and indicate that some species of ferns
Vázquez1 may be particularly sensitive to climate change. Of
special interest are tropical species from rainforests,
Unit of Botany, Department which are among most affected by global change.
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
The aim of this work was to compare the impact
Universidad Complutense de of increased temperatures, as expected in a
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio climate change scenario, on germination capacity
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid of tropical species (Amphineuron immersum and
Christella subpubescens), and temperate species
(Dryopteris affinis and Athyrium filix-femina). To do
this, spores were extracted from a single specimen
of each species and were sown in Petri dishes with
nutritive agar. The spores were cultured at two
temperatures: T1 representing the mean annual
temperature of the location of the plants; and T2
8ºC higher than T1, with a photoperiod of 12+12
hours. The germination rate was recorded every
three days counting one hundred spores randomly.
Germination rates were use to feed predictive
models to evaluate how temperature increase
affects the studied species. For the four species
studied, the increase in temperature produces
a statistically significant drastic reduction in
germination dynamics. On the one hand, the
final germination is reduced by 30-40%. On the
other hand, this maximum percentage is reached
in the middle of time when the temperature
increases, despite the fact that the beginning of
the germinations does not present significant
differences, occurring around the ninth day after
sowing in all cases.
poster communications
Can beard-forming lichens of high
elevation forests help to detect the
impact of global change in the Alps?

Paolo Giordani², Global processes, including climate change

Chiara Vallese¹, Juri and anthropic emissions, are threatening the
Nascimbene¹, Renato European Alps that host habitats and species
Benesperi³, Martin of huge conservation value. In this scenario
Grube4, Lorenzo detecting early warning signals of changes that
Marini5 and Helmut can affect ecosystem stability is crucial. In the
Mayrhofer4 alpine landscape, high elevation forests, provide
a unique environmental setup that allow to
Department of Biological take full advantage of the potential of epiphytic
Geological and Enviromental
Sciences, University of
lichens as sensitive indicators for climate
Bologna, Via Irnerio 42, 40126 change and air pollution. The dynamics of these
Bologna, Italy forests, are mainly driven by natural factors.
DIFAR, University of Genoa, Further, in absence of local human disturbance,
Viale Cembrano 4, 16148
Genova, Italy
lichen patterns are mainly boosted by factors
Department of Biology, acting at large spatial scale, emphasizing their
University of Florence, Via suitability, to detect the effects of global change.
Madonna del Piano 6, 50019 Our literature review aimed to provide a starting
Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy
Institute of Biology, Division
point for developing practical biomonitoring tools
of Plant Sciences, NAWI elucidating the potential of fruticose-filamentose
Graz, University of Graz, (beard-forming) lichens associated to high
Holteigasse 6, 8010 Graz, elevation forests as ecological indicators of
DAFNAE, University of
global change in the Alps. By revising the available
Padova, Viale dell’Università literature retrieved from the main scientific
16, 35020 Legnaro, Padova, databases, we found support for a practical use
Italy of beard-forming lichens to detect the impact
of climate change and nitrogen pollution in high
elevation areas of the Alps. The use of these
organisms as ecological indicator could provide a
predictive tool in high elevation areas sustaining
decisions on how to mitigate the effects of global
change in the Alps.

urban environments

oral communications
Testing the poleotolerance lichen
response trait as an indicator of
anthropic disturbance in an urban

Bernardo Rocha¹, Urban environments are densely populated areas

Pedro Pinho¹, Joana buzzing with wide range of anthropic activities
Vieira¹, Cristina that cause disturbances like air pollution or
Branquinho¹, Paula the heat island effect, threatening both human
Matos¹ and environmental health. Mitigating its
impacts implies understanding the integrated
Centre for Ecology, Evolution effects that those disturbances exert on urban
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da
environments. Lichen diversity is frequently
Universidade de Lisboa, used as an ecological indicator, being able to
Campo Grande, 1749-016 integrate environmental effects in a quantifiable
Lisbon, Portugal way. The poleotolerance response trait classifies
lichens according to their tolerance to human
disturbance, but it was developed for Italy’s flora,
and has seldom been applied outside Italy or in
urban context studies. The aim of this work is
to assess this trait suitability as an indicator of
urban anthropic disturbance and test it outside
Italy. For that, we sampled lichen diversity in 41
green spaces in Lisbon. Lichens were classified
into the respective poleotolerance trait functional
groups and their community weighted mean
related with environmental variables used as
surrogates of urban disturbance. We showed
that disturbance-tolerant functional groups
could be used as an ecological indicator of the
integrated effects of environmental disturbances.
Some species were clearly misclassified so we
propose reclassification for those. Natural and
semi-natural functional groups didn’t behave
like expected, nevertheless, disturbance-tolerant
functional groups have potential to be used in in
others southern European cities.

Differential physiological responses to
nitrogen pollution by lichen Trebouxia

Francisco Gasulla¹, Lichens are widely recognized as bioindicators

Leonardo Casano¹, of air quality because they show a wide range
Sergio Pérez-Ortega² of sensitivity to atmospheric pollution. Main
pollutants in the atmosphere have changed
University of Alcala, Spain in the last decades from sulphur dioxide to
Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC,
nitrogen oxides (NOx), fine particles and ozone
as consequence of changes in legislation and
energy sources. At the same time, it has been
observed a general change of urban lichen flora
from acidophilous to more nitrophilous and
xerophytic species and the re-colonization of the
downtown “lichen desert”. In the present study
we tested whether the phycobionts may act
as drivers of this change in the most polluted
areas of the city. We isolated and cultured the
algae from lichen species occurring in areas
with contrasting levels of pollution in Madrid
city (downtown and a Quercus ilex forest on
the outskirts) and exposed them to different
concentrations of NO3 and NH4 during three
months. After nitrogen exposition the cultures
were maintained dried for 9 months. Photobionts
isolated from city centre lichens showed a
higher growth rate and a better photosynthetic
performance during nitrogen treatments than
those from uncontaminated areas, although all
of them showed similar tolerance to desiccation.
These results indicate that the absence of certain
species of mycobionts in cities may be mediated
by the sensibility of their photobionts to common
atmospheric pollutants.

Tools to measure the provision of
ecosystem services by cities green
infrastructure to create more livable
and resilient cities

Pedro Pinho¹,2, Ongoing urbanization creates environments

Paula Matos¹, Ana challenging to ecosystems and to human life.
Luz¹, Natália Koch², Cities’ green infrastructure is suggested by UN
Filipa Grilo¹, Bernardo New Urban Agenda to tackle the effects of cities
Rocha¹,Joana Vieira¹, atmospheric pollution and urban heat island
Teresa Mexia³, effect. Parks and urban forests are critically
Cristiana Aleixo¹, important for this, as they provide important
Cristina Branquinho¹ support & regulation ecosystem services, such as
microclimate and air quality regulation. Greenery
Centre for Ecology, Evolution importance to human wellbeing was made evident
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da
by Lisbon citizens movements across the city to
Universidade de Lisboa, visit green spaces. Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Campo Grande, 1749-016 services are also affected by the same problems
Lisbon, Portugal that challenge human life, added to other factors
Universidade Federal de
Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS,
that influence ecosystem functioning, such as
Brazil habitat fragmentation. Because monitoring
Centro de Estudos stations cannot measure impacts in ecosystems,
Florestais, Instituto Superior we used ecological indicators in urban areas of
de Agronomia, Universidade
de Lisboa, Portugal
Portugal and Brazil, to show how accumulation
of metals, satellite and microclimate measures,
and trait-based metrics of lichen diversity, can be
used as to quantify the impacts of urbanization.
This effect was modelled at city, park and square
spatial scales, allowing us to map, with high
resolution the provision of multiple ecosystem
services. This provided evidences of the trade-
offs that occur between ecosystem services, and
also how can management and city planning can
influence the provision of ecosystem services.

LiquenCity: A citizen science project to
explore lichen diversity and air quality
in Madrid and Barcelona

Sergio Pérez-Ortega¹, Air pollution is the main cause of respiratory

Alejandro Berlinches¹, diseases in cities, causing thousands of deaths
Laura Force², Felipe per year around the world. Lichens has been used
Castilla³, Cristina as indicators of air pollution for decades with a
Villaverde³, Miguel significant correlation between lichen diversity
Vega³, Katia Cezón³, and air quality. Liquencity is citizen science
Carmen Lujano³, project funded by FECYT and focused on using
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio4, lichens as sentinels of air pollution in Madrid and
Pau Guzmán², Antonio Barcelona cities. Didactic materials on lichen
Gómez-Bolea5, biology, their use as air quality bioindicators
Jaume Piera6, Bernat as well as species profiles of indicator species
Claramunt² (epiphytic) are available at the project website.
Contributors to the project uploaded lichen
Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC), occurrences (pictures) as well as phorophyte
Dept. de Micology, Claudio
Moyano 1, 28014 Madrid, Spain
identifications by means of the Natusfera app
CREAF, Centre de Recerca for mobile devices. Records were subsequently
Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals, checked by expert lichenologists and those
Edifici Ciències, 08193 Bellaterra, passing the quality filter incorporated to the
Nodo Español de Biodiversidad
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
(GBIF), Real Jardín Botánico, database. More than 4000 observations were
Claudio Moyano 1, 28014 uploaded to Natusfera, and c. 2000 students
Madrid, Spain from more than 60 secondary education centers
Departamento de
Matemáticas, Universidad de
participated in Madrid and Barcelona. Maps for
Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, both cities depicting zones of isopollution based
Spain on lichen diversity were generated from data.
Departament de Biologia Results showed that involving citizens in research
Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències
Ambientals (BEECA). Secció
projects of this kind two main goals may be
de Botànica i Micologia. Institut achieved: 1) to get quality data for a scientific aim,
de Recerca de la Biodiversitat and 2) to sensitize citizenship about the problem
(IRBio). Facultat de Biologia. of air pollution in urban environments through
Universitat de Barcelona.
Diagonal 643. 08028 Barcelona,
the contact with highly sensitive organisms to
Spain perturbations.
Institut de Ciències del Mar
(CSIC), Passeig Marítim de
la Barceloneta 37-49. 08003
Barcelona, Spain
poster communications
Revisiting the bryophytes of “Mata-
Jardim de José Canto (São Miguel
Island)” after 81 years

Rosalina Gabriel1, Parks and gardens are increasingly being

Michele Aleffi2, Marta considered as useful refuges for a great number
de Benedictis1, Clara of non-vascular species, otherwise absent
Polaino1, Ricardo from urban areas. However, the knowledge
Cruz3, Paulo A. V. of cryptogamic species in gardens is often
Borges1, Isabel incomplete. One of the aims of the project “Green
Albergaria3 Garden Azores” (PO2020-ACORES-01-0145-
FEDER-000070) is to inventory the biodiversity
CE3C/GBA - Centre for associated with Azorean parks and gardens,
Ecology, Evolution and
Environmental Changes
including understudied biota. The historic park
/ Azorean Biodiversity “Mata Jardim José do Canto”, in São Miguel
Group, University of the Island, is one of the largest and most interesting
Azores, 9700-042 Angra do of the Azores. In 1937, the Allorge couple, H.
Heroísmo, Portugal
University of Camerino,
Persson, and T. M. Silveira, collected 43 bryophyte
Camerino, Italy species there, 27 liverworts and 16 mosses.
CHAM - Centro de Almost 100 years later, the purpose of this work
Humanidades /Centre for the was to collect and identify the species present
Humanities NOVA FCSH UAc,
Ponta Delgada, Portugal
in the park, in order to compare the evolution
in terms of diversity (richness). In 2018, it was
possible to collect 65 bryophyte species (one
hornwort, 30 liverworts and 34 mosses). About
half of the species (n=23; 54%) were present in
both inventories. However, some differences
emerge, with a few of the most rare species (e.g.
Anastrophyllum minutum, Dumortiera hirsuta,
Cyclodictyon laetevirens, Tetrastichium fontanum)
not being found in the most recent collections.
It appears that, despite the protection and the
influence of this park as a reservoir of biodiversity,
some alterations of anthropic or climatic origin
have been affecting the ecosystem.

extreme environments

oral communications
The cryptogamic cover in the Antarctica:
the response to the temperature
discriminates Antarctic and
cosmopolitan species

Ana Pintado¹, Jose In maritime Antarctica, the cryptogamic cover

Raggio¹, Claudia that forms the tundra is dominated by lichens and
Colesie², T.G.Allan mosses, both with species with a broad ecological
Green1,3, Nuria distribution and endemic. The knowledge of the
Beltrán¹, Leopoldo G. photosynthetic and respiratory responses of the
Sancho¹ species with respect to the main environmental
parameters will allow us to anticipate changes
Department of in the composition and distribution of vegetation
Pharmacognosy and
in this Antarctic region where temperature
Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, oscillation is being more pronounced. We
Complutense University, examine the photosynthetic and respiratory
Madrid, Spain responses against light and temperature of
Edinburgh Global Change
Institute, School of
key species of the Antarctic tundra. Species of
GeoSciences, University of lichens and mosses, with different distribution
Edinburgh, Scotland were selected: endemic species to Antarctica
Department of Biological such as the lichen Himantormia lugubris and the
Sciences, University of
Waikato, Hamilton, New
moss Andreaea gainii and cosmopolitan species
Zealand as the lichen Sphaerophorus globosus and the
moss Sanionia uncinata. Measurements were
carried out in the laboratory of Juan Carlos I Base
(Livingston Island) using infrared gas exchange
measurement systems. Results showed optimal
temperatures for net photosynthesis at 7 and
11 °C in the endemic species (H. lugubris and A.
gainii, respectively) while cosmopolitan species
(lichen and moss) showed optimal temperatures
around 20 °C. Photosynthetic rates for the
latter were as twice as high than for the ones
with Antarctic distribution. Considering that
cosmopolitan species are under suboptimal
conditions in Antarctica, it is suggested that
these species could be favored under a climate
warming scenario.

Epiphytic diatoms on Deception Island
(Antarctica): effects of host macroalgae
phylum on diatom size

Andrea M. Burfeid Marine ecosystems are characterized by a

Castellanos¹, Rafael reduced availability of substrate and light.
P. Martín Martín² This increases the colonization of all present
surfaces, including multicellular organisms. As
AWI, Germany macrophytes (algae and plants) need light to thrive,
Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Barcelona, Spain
the adherence of smaller uni- and multicellular
organisms create a competition between these
basibionts and their epibionts. A biological arms
race ensues. In this study we have investigated
epiphytic diatoms. For these organisms, their
size correlates to their ability to utilise light.
Here we show that diatom size depends on the
basibiont they inhabit. The same taxon varies in
size depending on whether the macroalgal host
is a phaeophyte (brown algae), a rhodophytes
(red algae) or a chlorophyte (green algae). Our
results demonstrate that the morphological study
of the understudied epiphyte-host relationship
could give information about the biocidal and
chemical warfare of these organisms. Because
of the inhospitable conditions in a volcanic,
Antarctic island, this warfare is exacerbated
and. thus, easier to observe. This study can be a
starting point to further understand the effects of
macroalgae metabolites on diatoms.

Estructura de la comunidad bacteriana
asociada al desarollo de cubiertas
de musgos y líquenes en suelos

Asunción de los El desarrollo y la diversidad de cubiertas

Ríos¹, Noemí de la dominadas por musgos y líquenes ha sido
Mata¹, Isaac Garrido- muy estudiado en suelos de zonas áridas,
Benavent¹, Alvaro del posiblemente debido a su potencial contribución
Moral¹, Jorge Durán¹, a los ciclos biogeoquímicos globales. Sin
Carmen Ascaso¹, embargo, el conocimiento que se tiene sobre su
Starri Heiðmarsson¹ dinámica, estructura y función en zonas polares es
reducido, especialmente respecto a la diversidad
Depto. Biogeoquímica de microorganismos presentes en ellas. En
y Ecología Microbiana,
Museo Nacional de Ciencias
este trabajo hemos planteado caracterizar por
Naturales, CSIC Illumina la estructura de la comunidad bacteriana
en suelos dominados por criptógamas de
áreas deglaciadas por retroceso del glaciar
Breiðamerkurjökull (Islandia). Los resultados
muestran que la estructura de la comunidad
de bacterias asociada a las criptógamas difiere
de la de suelos bajo ellas. Mientras que el filo
Proteobacteria fue el más abundante tanto en
la cubierta, como en los suelos subyacentes,
las cianobacterias alcanzaron solo una
proporción significativa en la cubierta. Nuestros
análisis también han revelado que existe cierta
especificidad entre la composición bacteriana
y la criptógama dominante en cada cubierta.
Por otro lado, la estructura de la comunidad de
los suelos con cubierta criptogámica difiere de
la de los suelos sin colonización por musgos
y líquenes. Estas diferencias apuntan a que
las comunidades bacterianas asociadas al
desarrollo de cubiertas criptogámicas podrían
jugar un papel fundamental en la sucesión
ecológica, desarrollo del suelo y, por tanto, en la
colonización de áreas deglaciadas.

Growing in the dark: bryophytes
from Terceira Island (Azores) at cave

Clara Polaino- Due to their specific conditions of light, humidity

Martín1,2, Laura and availability of substrates, volcanic caves
Jennings3, Cristina are extreme environments for many plants.
Peroni2,4, Fernando Notwithstanding, a set of bryophyte species
Pereira1,2, Isabel R. may be observed in these habitats, growing as
Amorim1,2, Rosalina pioneers on the bedrocks. The main purpose
Gabriel1,2 of this study is to compare the diversity of
bryophytes inside and at the entrance of 11 of
Associação “Os the 69 lava caves from Terceira Island (Azores);
Montanheiros”, Angra do
Heroísmo, Portugal
the two show-caves (“Algar do Carvão”; “Gruta
CE3C/GBA - Centre for do Natal”) were included in this study, along with
Ecology, Evolution and other, less visited caves. Data from bibliographic
Environmental Changes references, Herbarium collections and fieldwork
/ Azorean Biodiversity
Group & University of the
are compared in order to assess if the bryophyte
Azores, 9700-042 Angra do communities remain as rich as they were
Heroísmo, Portugal and continue to include endemic and/or rare
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, species. More than 150 species (about 30% of
United Kingdom
University of Camerino,
the Azorean bryoflora) were referred to Terceira
Camerino, Italy caves, and although the number of species
varies over the time, the total number per cave
is quite impressive, particularly at the largest,
“Algar do Carvão”. Many IUCN conservation
concern species continue to be found in these
habitats (e.g. Tetrastichium fontanum, T. virens,
Cyclodictyon laetevirens). Thus, cave entrances
clearly serve as a refuge for native species, who
are not able to survive in the surrounding matrix
of unsuitable habitats (e.g. grasslands, exotic
forests) and should be protected and recognized
as biodiversity special areas for bryophytes.

Is morphology inducing desiccation
tolerance in bryophytes?

Ricardo Cruz de Bryophytes descend from early plants

Carvalho1,2, Manuel that developed desiccation tolerance (DT)
Francisco Pereira3, mechanisms, enabling to completely dry out and
Jorque Marques recover function upon rehydration. They occupy
da Silva4, Cristina practically every habitat, and recent research
Branquinho2 showed that even bryophytes from aquatic
environments can have DT mechanisms similar
MARE – Marine and to their desert counterparts, if slowly dehydrated.
Environmental Sciences
Centre, Faculty of Sciences
This led to the hypothesis that, if bryophytes from
of the University of Lisbon, contrasting habitats can have similar responses,
Campo Grande, 1749-016 colony morphology may be responsible for
Lisboa, Portugal inducing individual shoot DT. Denser colonies will
cE3c, Centre for Ecology,
Evolution and Environmental
have higher water surface tension and water will
Changes, Faculty of Sciences be lost at lower rates than less dense colonies.
of the University of Lisbon, Therefore, morphology, life form and colony
Campo Grande, Edifício C2, structure, may be a determinant factor in the
Piso 5, 1749-016 Lisboa,
adaptation of bryophytes to each habitat and
CERENA - Environmental corresponding predicted levels of desiccation.
and Natural Resources In the current approach, X-ray computed
Centre, Instituto Superior microtomography (microCT) was used to assess
Técnico, University of Lisbon,
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001
the three-dimensional structure of contrasting
Lisboa, Portugal and similar bryophyte colony morphologies,
BioISI, Biosystems and particularly of its inner structure. The aim of this
Integrative Sciences Institute, study was to determine if morphology of the
Faculty of Sciences of the
University of Lisbon, Campo
bryophyte colony, with different life forms, is a
Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, trait that controls water dehydration rate and
Portugal correlates it with individual shoot desiccation
tolerance, measured as recovery of chlorophyll a

Funding: FCT (SFRH/BD/31424/2006; PTDC/


Towards a worldwide checklist of lichens
living in gypsum soils

Sergio Muriel¹, Isabel Lichens are one of the dominant life-forms in arid
Martínez¹, Gregorio ecosystems, including gypsum soils. Although there
Aragón¹, María Prieto¹ has been a high number of studies focused on these
organisms, their taxonomy, ecology and functionality,
Departamento de Biología until the moment it does not exist a review of lichens
y Geología, Física y Química
Inorgánica, Universidad Rey
growing on gypsum soils. Additionally, as the affinity
Juan Carlos, C/Tulipán s/n, for the substrate is variable, it should be necessary
28933, Madrid, Spain to study this affinity for the gypsum substrate. In
order to solve these questions, we have compiled a
worldwide checklist of lichens growing on gypsum
areas and soils. We have searched in different
bibliographic data bases using different key words
related with substrate and bibliographic information
from countries where gypsum soils occur. As a result,
we have checked a total of 283 articles in which
we have found information about 26 countries.
The checklist includes 5392 specimens, with 381
terricolous and saxicolous species from gypsum
soils. Spain and Germany, with 179 and 106 species,
respectively, were the countries for which more data
and more species were found. It is important to
note the low or absent number of species found in
countries of the southern hemisphere (i.e. Australia
or Chile).We compared and discussed similarities
between countries. We have further analysed the
species occurrences in gypsum substrates and
found a gradient in their gypsum affinity: from
strict gypsophiles to gypsovags, but also species
accidentally growing on gypsum substrates or with
different degrees of appearance.

poster communications
Epiphytic diatoms on Deception Island
(Antarctica): observation of specific
pairings of epiphytes and macroalgal

Andrea M. Burfeid Marine ecosystems are characterized by a reduced

Castellanos¹, Rafael availability of substrate and light. This increases
P. Martín Martín¹ the colonization of all present surfaces, including
multicellular organisms. As macrophytes (algae
AWI, Germany and plants) need light to thrive, the adherence of
Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Barcelona, Spain
smaller uni- and multicellular organisms create
a competition between these basibionts and
their epibionts. A biological arms race ensues.
To counteract to the extrusion of metabolites of
the host, specific diatoms can acclimate and/or
adapt to them. Thus, the creation of metabolites
can create specificity of host and epiphyte. Our
results show that, even though most epiphyte
taxa are shared throughout phyla, some
diatoms are only found on one of the studied
taxa: Desmarestia J. V. Lamouroux, Palmaria
Stackhouse and Himantothallus Skottsberg. This
first light microscope approach demonstrates
that the ecology of this interspecific relationship is
a necessary first step to understand this extreme
ecosystem. This study is the starting point for a
further morphological study of diatoms which
will be presented in this symposium.

Bryophytes in mining areas: the case of
study of “Su Suergiu”, South-Eastern
Sardinia (Italy)

Antonio De Agostini¹, The characterization of bryophytic biodiversity

Pierluigi Cortis¹, in ecological contexts strongly compromised
Andrea Vacca², by the contamination of heavy metals in the
Annalena Cogoni¹ soil (such as abandoned mining areas) could
help the integration of taxa belonging to this
Department of Life and group in projects of phytoremediation and
Environmental Sciences,
University of Cagliari, Botany
phytostabilization of environmental pollutant.
Section, Viale S. Ignazio 1, Sardinia (Italy), hosted an intense mining activity
09123, Cagliari (CA), Italy and today many abandoned mining areas are
Department of Chemical present in the island. The present case of study
and Geological Sciences,
University of Cagliari,
focuses on a small mining dump of about 100
Cittadella Universitaria m3 in volume, located in the abandoned mining
(Blocco D) – S.S. 554 bivio site of “Su Suergiu” (South-Eastern Sardinia). This
per Sestu, 09042, Monserrato dump consists of the residues of the mechanical
(Ca), Italy
treatment of the extracted material and is mainly
composed of gravel and sand. The dump is
characterized by elevated concentrations of
numerous heavy metals and metalloids (Sb
24.5 mg/g; As 0.7 mg/g; Cd 0.007 mg/g; Hg
0.002 mg/g, etc.). Data are obtained from
the “”Plan of initial investigation of the mining
area of “Su Suergiu”, carried out by IGEA SPA.
A sampling of bryophytes was carried out
on the mining dump and this led to the
identification of exclusively acrocarpic species
belonging to the Bryophyta class, having a
predominantly cushion and small mats growth
form and forming small isolated populations.
In numerous individuals, white-colored crystalline
concretions have been registered at the apices
of the philloids. A SEM analysis will permit to
characterize these formations and clarify their
possible nature of biominerals.

Taxonomic and functional diversity
of lichens along an environmental
gradient in gypsum soils

María Prieto³, Luca Lichens are among the most important organisms
Di Nuzzo¹, Renato in gypsum soils, where they contribute to the total
García², Sergio diversity and biomass of these environments.
Muriel³, Isabel In the Iberian Peninsula, drivers shaping lichen
Martínez³, Gregorio communities are quite well-known. Still, some
Aragón³ main drivers that could influence lichen diversity
in these communities are poorly investigated.
Department of Biology, The aim of this work is to analyze the changes
University of Florence, Via La
Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
on the taxonomic and functional diversity and
Laboratorio de Biodiversidad composition of gypsum lichen communities
y Genética Ambiental along an environmental gradient in Spain. For
(BioGeA), Universidad this purpose, we sampled these communities
Nacional de Avellaneda,
Mario Bravo 1460, 1870
by establishing 3 plots in different sites along a
Pyñeiro,Argentina broad environmental gradient in Spain. Within
Department of Biology each plot we established ten 50x50 cm quadrats
and Geology, Physics and and we recorded the coverage of all lichen
Inorganic Chemistry, Rey
Juan Carlos University,
species. We calculated species richness and
Madrid, Spain diversity indices and characterized every lichen
species by a set of functional traits to calculate
the community weighted mean (CWM). We
also measured several quantitative functional
traits, including the specific thallus mass (STM)
and water holding capacity (WHC). Climatic
variables were retrieved at plot level from
WorldClim database. We analyzed the influence
of the climatic variables on the taxonomic and
functional composition and diversity using Linear
Mixed Models and PERMANOVA analyses. As a
result we observed differences in both taxonomic
and functional diversity in relation with changes
in temperature and precipitation.

biogeography & biodiversity

oral communications
Changes in stomatal traits and its
relations with bioclimatic variables in
three species of saxicolous ferns in the
Iberian Peninsula

Andrea Seral¹, Jose Stomata are specialized and conserved structures

María Gabriel y Galán¹, in plants that are involved in gas exchange
Antonio Murciano¹, between the atmosphere and plant; due to this,
Sonia Molino,¹ Rubén plants can vary their stomatal traits to adapt
Vázquez¹, María themselves to different environmental conditions
Vicent¹, Sofía Ruano¹ in order to maximize the photosynthetic rate
and water use efficiency. Density, length and PCI
Unit of Botany, Department (Potencial Conductance Index) are three main
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
stomatal traits that has been widely used to know
Universidad Complutense de how plants, mainly angiosperms, are adapted to
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio different temperatures and rainfall regimens. The
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid studies focused to the variation in stomatal traits
and its relation with climate variables in ferns
are scarce. The aim of this study is to analyse
the variations of the three functional traits
mentioned in three species of Asplenium that are
broadly distributed across Iberian Peninsula and
correlate these variations with macroclimatic
variables. Iberian Peninsula is a great scenario to
carry out this type of studies due to the existence
of two distinctly bioclimatic regions: Atlantic and
Mediterranean. We sampled several individuals
of three species from different populations living
under the two macroclimates and examined the
variation of the three functional traits between
both bioclimatic regions and the relations of this
variation with the following bioclimatic variables:
average of the maximum temperature in the
warmest month and in the coldest month, annual
rainfall and altitude. Analysis have shown that
stomatal traits are correlated with the climatic
variables selected.

Spatial dynamics within epiphyll
communities in a tropical lowland forest

Anna Mežaka¹, Noris Algae, fungi, lichens and liverworts can form
Salazar Allen², Glenda complex epiphyll communities on rainforest
Mendieta Leiva³, leaves. Due to their short life-span, these
Maaike Y. Bader³ assemblages are a promising model system for
studying community dynamics. The aim of the
Faculty of geography, present study was to characterize the dynamics
Marburg University,
Smithsonian Tropical
of spatial interactions in epiphyll communities by
Research Institute following individual leaves during one year. We
Smithsonian Tropical hypothesized that young epiphyll communities
Research Institute will have a random spatial structure, determined
Faculty of Geography,
Marburg University, Germany
by chance arrival of the particular epiphyll. We
expected stronger positive interactions in the
drier and lighter conditions of forest gaps, and
more negative (competitive) interactions in
the dark forest understorey. We photographed
epiphylls on the same twenty leaves four times
between November 2016 and December 2017
in rain forest of Barro Colorado Island. We
analyzed spatial and temporal patterns of the
occurrence of algae, fungi, lichens and liverworts
using spatial point pattern analyses, to detect
aggregation and segregation within and among
functional groups. Spatial patterns indicate
that epiphylls increasingly interact during
community development. Understanding these
interactions and their effects on community
structuring in epiphylls may also contribute to
theory development for biotic communities more

The study was financially supported by the

European Union Framework Programme for
Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie
Skłodowska-Curie action Global Fellowship.

Fungal specificity and selectivity of
microalgae in predominantly vegetative
reproducing (Parmelia saxatilis and P.
sulcata) species complexes

Arantzazu Molins¹, Parmelia s. str. is a widespread genus of lichen-

Cristina Dumitru¹, forming fungi with centres of distribution in boreal-
Salvador Chiva¹, Patricia temperate Europe, North America and eastern
Moya¹, Mª Carmen Asia. This genus belongs to the parmelioid crown
Molina³, Ana Crespo², of the Parmeliaceae family and includes 41
Pradeep K. Divakar², Eva currently accepted species. Usually, it has been
Barreno¹ strictly associated with Trebouxia phycobionts and
several studies focused on microalgae diversity
Universitat de València, Inst. have revealed a high specificity in the fungus-algae
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
association patterns within the members of the
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, Parmeliaceae. Recently, the presence of cryptic
46100 Burjassot, Spain species-level lineages has already been detected
Departamento de in early molecular studies involving Parmelia taxa.
Farmacología, Farmacognosia
y Botánica, Facultad de
P. saxatilis s. lat. mainly reproduces asexually via
Farmacia, Universidad isidia and P. sulcata s. lat. through soredia diaspores.
Complutense de Madrid, Co-dispersal of fungal and algal partners (high
28040 Madrid, Spain specificity) has been postulated in vegetative
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Área de Biodiversidad y
asexually reproducing taxa. In this study, we aimed
Conservación, Departamento to unravel potential fungus–algae associations in P.
de Biología y Geología, Física saxatilis s. lat. and P. sulcata s. lat., recently identified
y Química Aplicada. Móstoles as major groups within the genus. The microalgae
28939, Madrid, Spain
were identified using a nuclear and a chloroplast
genetic marker to unveil the diverse assemblages
of Trebouxia species forming holobionts with the
lichenized fungi in P. saxatilis (Trebouxia Clade I) and
P. sulcata (Trebouxia Clade S). Fungal specificity and
selectivity for microalgae seems to play a major role
in determining lichen partnerships across diverse
ecogeographic regions in the genus Parmelia.

Ayudas para la Iniciación a la investigación para
estudiantes de la Universitat de València, curso

Limited effects of marine protected areas
on the distribution of invasive species,
despite positive effects on diversity in
shallow-water marine communities

Ignacio Moreu2,3, Marine protected areas (MPAs) can be an effective

Eva Cacabelos1,2, tool for the conservation and management of
Gustavo M. Martins2, marine coastal habitats. MPAs have been shown
João Faria2,3, Afonso to halt habitat degradation, and enhance the
C.L. Prestes2,3, Tarso biomass of exploited species and diversity in
Costa2,3, Ana I. Neto2,3 general. Yet, we still know little about its role in
halting the spread of non-native species. In this
MARE – Marine and study, we assessed the role of marine protected
Environmental Sciences
Centre, Quinta do Lorde
areas in the structure of shallow subtidal
Marina, 9200-044 Caniçal, communities around São Miguel Island, in
Madeira Island, Portugal general, and particularly on distribution of the two
cE3c - Centre for Ecology, species of genus Asparagopsis: A. armata and A.
Evolution and Environmental
taxiformis. The former is in the Azores a well-
Biodiversity Group, 9500- established invasive species, whereas the status
321 Ponta Delgada, Açores, of A. taxiformis is still questionable. Overall, there
Portugal was a significant greater diversity in terms of
Faculdade de Ciências e
Tecnologia, Departamento
both species richness and number of macroalgal
de Biologia, Universidade functional groups within MPAs. However, when
dos Açores, 9500-321 Ponta considering the relative abundance of the various
Delgada, Açores, Portugal macroalgal functional groups, or the assemblage
as a whole, there was no significant difference
between areas within and outside MPAs. The
cover of A. taxiformis was significantly greater
within MPAs but not its biomass, whereas no
significant variation was observed for A. armata.
Overall, results suggest that surveyed MPAs
had a positive effect on the diversity of shallow-
water macroalgal communities. However,
they have a limited role on the distribution of
both Asparagopsis spp. and negligible effects
when considering the relative abundances of
macroalgal functional groups.

Tras los pasos de J.D. Hooker:
filogeografía conjunta de Mastodia-
Prasiola en las islas del Océano Antártico
y Oceanía

Isaac Garrido- Mastodia es un género de hongos liquenizados

Benavent¹, Asunción perteneciente a la familia Verrucariaceae
de los Ríos², Sergio (Ascomycota) que establece simbiosis con
Pérez-Ortega¹ algas macroscópicas del género Prasiola
(Trebouxiophyceae). En estudios anteriores, se
Depto. Biogeoquímica y evaluó la filogeografía de ambos biontes a partir
Ecología Microbiana, Museo
Nacional Ciencias Naturales
de poblaciones representativas del Hemisferio
(MNCN-CSIC), Spain Norte (Alaska y Canadá) y Hemisferio Sur (Tierra
Depto. Micología, Real del Fuego y península antártica), con importantes
Jardín Botánico (RJB-CSIC), repercusiones para el conocimiento del origen de
la funga liquénica antártica y de la distribución
bipolar en líquenes. En el presente estudio se
ahonda en la filogeografía de estos organismos
aportando muestras del Océano Antártico y
Oceanía. Algunas provienen de islas remotas que
fueron inspeccionadas con interés criptogámico
por J.D. Hooker a mediados del siglo XIX, como
por ejemplo las Kerguelen, Auckland, Campbell
y Tasmania. Además, se investiga material de
otras islas al norte y sur de Nueva Zelanda, las
islas Marion y Macquarie, así como poblaciones
todavía no estudiadas genéticamente de la Tierra
de Victoria (Antártida Continental). Algunas de las
muestras de herbario analizadas exitosamente
son históricas, datando de mediados de siglo
pasado. Los primeros resultados plantean
cuestiones interesantes sobre la diversidad y
distribución geográfica de los linajes del hongo
y alga liquenizados. En definitiva, este estudio
representa una de las primeras investigaciones
minuciosas de biogeografía de líquenes en el
Hemisferio Sur y, en particular, en el ámbito

Estudio del género Diderma
(Myxomycetes) en la Cordillera de los
Andes peruanos

Italo Treviño Diderma Pers. es un género de Myxomycetes

Zevallos¹, Carlos Lado con más de 80 especies reconocidas. Los datos
Rodriguez¹ sobre su ecología y distribución en Sudamérica
son escasos, más aún en los Andes. En este
Real Jardín Botánico de trabajo se dan a conocer los resultados de 6 años
Madrid, Spain
de recolección (2012-2018) en las vertientes
occidentales de la cordillera andina peruana. Se
abarcó un rango altitudinal de 500 a 5000 m desde
los 4-17°S, en 107 localidades. Se enumeran los
sustratos en los que habita, y se analizan sus
patrones de distribución. Para ello se generaron
modelos de nicho ecológico con el Programa
Maxent, a partir de 19 variables bioclimáticas
(, data de colecciones propias, y
la disponible en Se han analizado 17
especies, destacando Diderma hemisphaericum
en nro. de colecciones. El género presenta un
patrón de mayor diversidad y abundancia hacia
zonas más elevadas (>3000 m) en sustratos
como hojarasca y corteza de árboles o arbustos.
A nivel latitudinal hay una mayor riqueza de
especies entre los 8-10°, zona que coincide con
las mayores elevaciones de los Andes tropicales.
Por último, se analiza el papel de la cordillera
andina como barrera biogeográfica para este
género de Myxomycetes.

Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del Proyecto

Myxotropic V (CGL2014-52584P) financiado por
el gobierno de España. El primer autor agradece
PRONABEC por la financiación otorgada.

Populations of marine alga Polysiphonia
subtilissima (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in
freshwater habitats of Croatia

Nikola Koletić¹, Antun The ceramialian genus Polysiphonia includes

Alegro¹, Anja Rimac¹, over 207 currently recognized marine species
Nina Vuković¹, Vedran distributed along nearly all the coastlines of the
Šegota¹, Tihana Vilović¹ Earth. It is primarily a marine macroalgal genus,
with physiological mechanisms underpinning
Division of Botany, its tolerance to varying salinity. Polysiphonia
Department of Biology,
Faculty of Science, University
subtilissima is the only species from the genus
of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 20/II, recorded in truly freshwater habitats, with three
10000 Zagreb, Croatia known records: (1) Juniper Creek, Florida, USA,
North America; (2) Jamaica, Caribbean Sea,
Central America and (3) Pego-Oliva Natural Park,
Spain, Europe. Molecular studies have confirmed
that the freshwater populations are conspecific
with the marine collections of P. subtilissima. The
fourth freshwater record of this species is from
the Neretva River Valley, a complex of wetland
habitats in the Mediterranean part of Croatia,
SE Europe. The alga covered solid submerged
surfaces, mainly reed and other aquatic plants,
from the surface to approximately 50 cm of
depth at salinity levels ranging from 0.4 to 4.59
PSU. Vegetation surveys revealed coverage of
P. subtilissima between 5 and 75 %, forming
blooms in two sites: a river segment of 7 km and
a wetland area of 70 ha. All populations were
dense and associated with allochtonous tropical
red alga Compsopogon caeruleus and invasive
aquatic plant Myriophyllum heterophyllum. The
most recent record from Croatia provides new
insight into the species’ general distribution,
spread into freshwater habitats and its ecological

Polysiphonia scopulorum (Rhodophyta):
una especie cosmopolita o un complejo
de especies.

Pilar Díaz-Tapia¹, Polysiphonia scopulorum es una pequeña

Monica Ly², Heroen (<2 cm) alga roja cespitosa de la familia
Verbruggen² Rhodomelaceae. Su localidad tipo se encuentra
en Rottnest Island (Australia) y ha sido citada en
Coastal Biology Research base a identificaciones morfológicas en diversas
Group, University of A Coruña,
A Coruña, Spain
localidades del Atlántico, Índico y Pacífico.
School of BioSciences, Hasta la fecha, sólo se han publicado unas
University of Melbourne, pocas secuencias de esta especie provenientes
Melbourne, Australia de su localidad tipo y de la Península Ibérica.
Éstas indican que P. scopulorum podría ser
un complejo de especies. El objetivo de este
trabajo es reevaluar la diversidad de especies
que morfológicamente se corresponden con P.
scopulorum. Para ello recolectamos 122 muestras
en Australia, Sudáfrica, Canarias, Azores, Francia
(Mediterráneo) y el Atlántico de la Península
Ibérica. A partir de ellas se amplificaron los genes
rbcL y cox1, que se analizaron empleando PTP,
GMYC y ABGD. Nuestros análisis indican que P.
scopulorum es un complejo que incluye al menos
11 especies en el área estudiada. La mayor parte
de esas especies presentan una distribución
restringida. Por el contrario, una de esas especies
se ha encontrado en Australia, Sudáfrica y el
Atlántico norte oriental. Todas las especies
comparten las características morfológicas más
relevantes que se emplean para la delimitación
de especies en el género Polysiphonia. A pesar
de ello, algunas especies pueden distinguirse
en base a caracteres morfológicos concretos,
mientras que la diferenciación de otras especies
requiere el uso de secuencias de ADN.

Microalgal selectivity patterns in
biocrusts lichen communities

Salvador Chiva¹, Biocrusts are considered to be ecosystem

Patricia Moya¹, pioneers in colonizing soil surfaces creating a
Arantzazu Molins¹, Eva consistent layer and binding soil particles due
Barreno¹ to their presence and activities. These biocrusts
are particularly important in gypsum ecosystems
Universitat de València, Inst. which are normally dominated by lichens.
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
Different areas throughout the Iberian Peninsula
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, show gypsum biocrusts, that are colonised by a
46100 Burjassot, Spain well-developed terricolous lichen communities
cohabiting in these areas: crustose species
such as Diploschistes diacapsis, Acarospora
placodiiformis, A. nodulosa and Buellia zoharyi,
occasionally accompanied by Diplotomma rivas-
martinezii and Rhizocarpon malenconianum. A
squamulose community composed of Psora
decipiens, P. saviczii, Clavascidium spp. and
Placidium spp.. Moreover, foliose (Cladonia spp.)
covers microareas with an extra water.
We present a detailed study based on the
myco/phycobiont relationships and its
microalgal selectivity patterns. Barcode
nrITS mycobiont analyses were performed to
construct phylogenies, haplotype networks and
biogeographical hypothesis. For the microalgae
several nuclear and chloroplastic genetic
markers were studied, moreover isolation and
ultrastructural characterisation were included.
Three different microalgal genera where detected
in the community: Trebouxia, Asterochloris and
Myrmecia. We suggest the morphology and/or
growth type could be influencing the selection of
each mycobiont for a particular microalgal genus.

(CGL2016-79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).

The Macaronesian endemic Ramalina
decipiens group (lichenized Ascomycota),
phylogenetic insights of an island

Sergio Pérez-Ortega¹, Most lichen-forming fungi show wide distribution

Miguel Blázquez¹, ranges, usually larger than vascular plants, and
Isaac Garrido- similar to other cryptogams such as bryophytes.
Benavent¹,2, Lucía Selva There are not many examples of endemism in
Hernández¹, José Luís reduced areas and most of them correspond to
Herranz¹, Francisco island endemics. The genus Ramalina with c. 200
Gasulla³, Asunción de species worldwide is a rather characteristic group
los Ríos², Israel Pérez- of lichenized fungi, easily recognizable by their
Vargas4 fruticose, usually straw-yellow thalli. Although
Ramalina occurs from the tropics to high
Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC), latitudes, included Antarctica, the highest diversity
Dept. de Micology, Claudio
Moyano 1, 28014 Madrid,
is found in subtropical xeric areas with constant
Spain fog, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. In
Museo Nacional de Ciencias the Canary and Madeira archipelagos, Ramalina
Naturales (CSIC), Serrano shows an amazing diversity (20% of total global
115-dpdo, 28006 Madrid,
diversity) including two putative radiations: the
Departamento de Ciencias Ramalina decipiens and Ramalina bourgaeana
de la Vida, Universidad de groups. The Ramalina decipiens group is defined
Alcalá, 28805 Alcalá de by the presence of chondroid strands adjoining the
Henares 28805, Madrid,
cortex. Last taxonomic work on the groups dates
Universidad de La Laguna, from 1980, including 4 species. Subsequent work
Facultad de Ciencias de la on Madeira archipelago added two extra species,
Salud, Sección Farmacia endemic from Porto Santo island. Based on a
Dpto. Botánica, Ecología y
Fisiología Vegetal, Campus
broad sampling in the Canary Islands, Madeira
de Anchieta, s/n, 38071 and also Cape Verde, we studied the phylogenetic
San Cristobal de La Laguna, relationships in the Ramalina decipiens group by
Tenerife, Spain means of novel molecular markers. Diversity of
the group was clearly underestimated in previous
works. Assumed morphological and chemical
plasticity in some species actually correspond to
independent and well delimited lineages.

poster communications
The genus Cladonia in Sicily (Italy)

Ana Rosa Burgaz1, Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean

Blanca Gutiérrez- and belongs to the Italian territory. It is located
Larruga1, Raquel Pino- in the southern part of the country separated
Bodas1 by the Messina Strait of the continent. The
island is montainous along the northern coast
UCM-Madrid, Spain with the mountain ranges of Madonie (2000
m), Nebrodi (1800 m) and Peloritani (1300 m).
In the east the Etna mount (3220 m) an active
volcano, is the highest pick. There are many
different geological domains represented by
metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks.
The climate is mediterranean temperate but very
variable related to its altitude. The vegetation
is constituted by woodlands of Quercus ilex, Q.
suber, deciduous woods of Quercus ssp., Fagus
sylvatica, Betula aetnensis, Castanea sativa in the
mountainous areas mixed with maquis shrubs
and garrigues in lower altitudes. There are no
previous studies of the group although there are
scattered data in the bibliography and by this the
study of the Cladoniaceae family has been carried
out being only represented the genus Cladonia.
The total number of localities visited was 70 and
the number of specimens collected was 225.
The catalog amounts to 24 taxa of which 6 are
new for the island: Cladonia cariosa, C. coccifera,
C. conista, C. humilis, C. rei and C. subulata. The
chemical variability and the distribution area of
the species is discussed.

A. R. Burgaz received financial support from the

project CGL2013-41839-P, Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness, Spain.

The genus Cladonia in Sardinia (Italy)

Ana Rosa Burgaz1, Sardinia is the second largest island in the

Blanca Gutiérrez- Mediterranean and belongs to the Italian territory.
Larruga1, Raquel Pino- It is located in the western part of the country. It
Bodas1 is a montainous island with complex geological
history. The oriental part is montainous and
UCM-Madrid, Spain largely granitic while the occidental is volcanic
and separated by a broad depression filled with
Tertiary deposits. The highest pick of Sardinia is
Punta La Marmora (1834 m) of the Gennangertu
Ranges located in the central part. The climate
is mediterranean temperate but very variable
related to its altitude. It is a very windy island
suffering differents winds as the Mistral in winter
and spring. The vegetation is constituted by
woodlands of Quercus suber, Q. ilex and deciduous
Quercus ssp. in the mountainous areas, mixed
with maquis shrubs in lower altitudes. There are
no previous studies of the group although there
are scattered data in the bibliography and by this
the study of the Cladoniaceae family has been
carried out only represented the genus Cladonia.
The total number of localities visited was 58 and
the number of specimens collected was 234. The
catalog amounts to 28 taxa of which 6 are new for
the island: Cladonia conista, C. diversa, C. firma, C.
novochlorophaea, C. subturgida and C. subulata.
The chemical variability and the distribution area
of the species is discussed.

A. R. Burgaz received financial support from the

project CGL2013-41839-P, Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness, Spain.

Study of gametophytic competence
between several saxicolous species of
spleenworts (Asplenium)

Andrea Seral¹, Sonia Interspecific competition in ferns could occur in

Molino¹, Pablo de la either of the two biological stages, gametophyte
Fuente¹, Jose Maria and sporophyte, because these two generations
Gabriel y Galán¹, are manifested as independent living individuals.
Rubén Vázquez¹, María The gametophytic phase is particularly interesting
Vicent¹, Sofía Ruano1 from an ecological perspective, because spore
germination controls ultimately the recruitment
Unit of Botany, Department of both gametophytic and sporophytic
of Biodiversity, Ecology and
Evolution, Faculty of Biology,
populations, so competitive species could gain
Universidad Complutense de advantage if competence is directed to the spore
Madrid. Avenida Jose Antonio germination and/or gametophyte reproduction of
Nováis, 12. 28040-Madrid the other species. In the Peninsula Iberica, ferns
are common as saxicolous plants, forming very
characteristic rock communities, dominated by
the spleenworts (Asplenium sps).
The objective of this work is increase knowledge
about the functioning of these communities,
beginning with the study of inter-specific
competition in the spore germination.To this aim,
we selected three common species: Asplenium
trichomanes, A. ceterach and A. billotii. We
sampled fertile fronds of two individuals per
species from two different populations. Spores
were sown in Petri dishes with agar mineral at
25 ºC. To observe the existence of competition in
spores germination we performed the following
experiments: controls (cultures with only spores
of one species) and competition experiments
(cultures with spores of two species). In
order to verify the existence of inter-specific
competition,we count the number of spores
germinated of each species over time in each

Placynthium coerulescens (Harm.) Gyeln.
in the Iberian Peninsula

Antonio Gómez- Placynthium coerulescens (Harm.) Gyeln. (Syn.

Bolea¹ Placynthium baumgartneri (Zhalbr.) Gyeln.)
is reported for the first time in the Iberian
Departament de Biologia Peninsula. Therefore, with the new record,
Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències
Ambientals, Universitat
the genus has a diversity of 10 species in the
de Barcelona - Institut de Iberian Peninsula if we consider Placynthium
Recerca de Biodiversitat dolichoterum in to the genus Sphaerulina
(IRBio), Spain belonging to the Mycosphaerellaceae.
P. coerulescens was found in the Cadí-
Moixeró Natural Park (Catalonia) grown on
limestone, at 2.200 m. Their thallus crustose-
placodioid, without hypothallus, is very similar
to P. subradiatum, but when they are fertile, P.
coerulescens has 3-septate ascospores and
P. subradiatum has 1-septate ascospores.
Previously, it was known from Austria, Croatia,
Slovakia, Switzerland, and France, with the
optimum between the supramediterranean and
subalpine belts.

Preliminary data from the lichenological
field trip of the Spanish Lichen Society
(SEL) in the Sierra Nevada National Park

Antonio Gómez-Bolea², In the second week of September 2018, the

Manuel Casares¹, Violeta Spanish Society of Lichenology (SEL) conducted
Atienza³, Ana Rosa a lichenological field trip to the Sierra Nevada
Burgaz4, María José National Park. Sierra Nevada, recognized as a
Chesa5, Salvador Chiva³, biosphere reserve, is a mountain range located in
Cristina Dumitru³, Laura the provinces of Granada and Almería (Andalucía,
Force², Sergio Muriel6, Spain). The main areas of the mountain range are
Maria Prieto6, Víctor J. included in the Sierra Nevada National Park. The
Rico7, Clara Rodríguez6 Park is integrated into the Penibaetic system and
has the highest altitude in Mulhacén (3479 m)
Departamento de Botánica, that is highest peak of the Iberian Peninsula. Here
Universidad de Granada, 18071,
Granada, Spain
more than 60 endemic plants and very original
Departament de Biologia communities find refuge. In a total of 7 localities,
Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències between 3,167 and 1,600 m a.s.l., saxicolous,
Ambientals, Universitat de terricolous and epiphytic lichens, as well as their
Barcelona - Institut de Recerca
de Biodiversitat (IRBio), Spain
lichenicolous fungi were prospected. These
Departament de Botànica localities included from siliceous to carbonated
i Geologia, Universitat de rocks and diverse types of forests and meadows.
València, Doctor Moliner 50, The first data on lichens from Sierra Nevada
46071 Burjassot, València,
were given by Colmeiro (1867) and the most
Departamento de recent compilation can be extracted from Burgaz
Biodiversidad, Ecología y (2014). Considering the limits of the Sierra
Evolución, Facultad de Biología, Nevada in a broad sense, a total of 457 lichen and
Universidad Complutense,
28040 Madrid, Spain
lichenicolous taxa had been published until now,
Ecologia Urbana, Ajuntament some of them of doubtful identification. In this
de Barcelona, C/Acer 16, study we present a list of the inventoried species
08038-Barcelona, Spain during this field trip widening the knowledge of
Departamento de Biología
y Geología, Física y Química
the already known lichen and lichenicolous biota.
Inorgánica. Universidad Rey So far and provisionally, 24 lichen species and
Juan Carlos, 28933 Móstoles, 6 of lichenicolous fungi have been added to the
Madrid, Spain Sierra Nevada check-list.
Departamento de
Farmacología, Farmacognosia
y Botánica, Facultad de
Farmacia, Universidad
Complutense, 28040 Madrid,
Unravelling the microalgae associated
with sphaerothallioid Circinaria: Trebouxia
izcoana sp. nov. as representative of a
new clade

Arantzazu Molins¹, The spaherothallioid lichen species are interesting

Patricia Moya¹, Jose candidates to analyze the phycobionts diversity
Reig-Armiñana¹, due to the different morphology and growth forms
Francisco García- wich occur under diverse ecological settings. The
Breijo¹, Eva Barreno¹ majority of molecular studies in sphaerothallioid
lichens are focused on mycobiont analyses, but
Universitat de València, Inst. phycobionts have been generally ignored and are
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
poorly known.
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, A previous study based on the genus Circinaria
46100 Burjassot, Spain has highlighted an interesting algal diversity.
In this investigation different Circinaria spp.
were explored, the adequate identification of
the fungal partners was corroborated by the
ITS rDNA barcode and phycobiont phylogenetic
analyses were also made with the ITS rDNA
using Sanger sequencing. Remarkably, a new
Trebouxia clade strongly supported was obtained
in Circinaria gyrosa, a vagrant lichen growing in
very continental areas in the Iberian Peninsula.
Here, in order to analyse more extensively the
microalgal taxa associated with the thalli of
these Circinaria, and to corroborate the presence
of this new Trebouxia species, we have increased
the number of specimens examined which
incorporate different locations of Circinaria gyrosa
along the Iberian Peninsula. We provide a detailed
ultrastructural characterization and phylogenetic
analyses of this novel phycobiont species, here
described as Trebouxia izcoana sp. nov.

(CGL2016-79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).

Assessing species-specific traits for
vegetative dispersal in six Iberian soil

Belén Estébanez¹, Bryophytes strongly rely on vegetative

Fernando Hurtado¹, reproduction for colonization and population
Manuel Molina¹, maintenance. Many moss species are able to
Cristina Ronquillo¹, regenerate from fragments of vegetative tissue.
Pedro Aragón¹, Joaquín However, little is known about how establishment
Hortal¹, Nagore G. potential differs between species, as well as how
Medina¹ it relates with the type and size of the fragments.
We evaluate the differences in size and viability
Museo Nacional de Ciencias of shoot fragments that were artificially obtained
Naturales, CSIC y Facultad de
Ciencias, UAM, Spain
through mechanical milling of dry samples, for
six soil moss species (Hypnum cupressiforme,
Dicranum scoparium, Ptychostomum capillare,
Homalothecium aureum, Tortella squarrosa
and Syntrichia ruralis). For each species, we
measured the specific breakage rate sieving
them into three size classes. We cultured the
fragments of each size class in controlled
conditions and measured the percentage
of colonized surface after two months.
The six species differed in the proportions of
fragment types and sizes after sieving, as well as
in the establishment success and growth rates.
For all fragment sizes, D. scoparium showed the
lowest colonization percentage (below 1% of the
cultured surface), whereas P. capillare showed
the highest success (above 30% of the surface).
The differences in viability and growth in the
propagules of the six species point at a specific
process of fragmentation, in which the singularity
of each species fragment size could promote
differences in vegetative dispersal.

Orthotrichum comosum F. Lara,
Medina & Garilletii (Orthotrichaceae,
Bryophyta) in the Iberian Peninsula
and the most important environmental
factors determining its occurrence

Cecília Sérgio1,2, Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Brid. s.l., one of

César Garcia¹, most common species in Iberian Peninsula, was
Manuela Sim-Sim¹, revised by Medina et al. (2013), who recognized
Anabela Martins¹, five species based on morphological and
Francisco Lara3,4 molecular approaches, each of them distributed
in different parts of Europe or Western North
cE3c Centre for Ecology, America. One of these species, Orthotrichum
Evolution and Environmental
Changes, Faculdade de
comosum F. Lara, Medina & Garilletii, resulted
Ciências da Universidade to be a moss frequently found in Iberian area.
de Lisboa, Edifício C2, 5º This taxon is nowadays known from several
Piso, Sala 2.5.46 Campo Macaronesian and Mediterranean disjunct
Grande,1749-016, Lisboa,
areas, namely Madeira, Canary Islands, Morocco
Museu Nacional de História and Sicily, being more recently reported from
Natural e da Ciência, Rua da the Nederlands. Orthotrichum comosum is an
Escola Politécnica 56/58, epiphytic species, growing on distinct trees, in
1250-102, Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Biology
areas of Mediterranean submontane climate,
(Botany). Universidad with mild, wet winters and hot dry summers. It
Autónoma de Madrid. C/ was initially reported from ca 10 sites in Spain
Darwin 2, E-28049 Madrid, and two from Portugal. However, after a recent
Centro de Investigación
revision of herbarium collections, it has been
en Biodiversidad y Cambio identified for ca 50 new localities in Portugal, the
Global (CIBC-UAM). majority in the Eastern areas and ca 40 in Spain
Departamento de Biología, peninsular. The objectives of this study are: 1)
Fac. Ciencias Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
to determine the most important environmental
factors influencing the distribution of this species
in the Iberian territory (based on herbarium
and/or bibliography); 2) based on the present
distribution in the Iberian Peninsula develop
predicting models indicating the areas with higher
probabilities of occurrence; 3) to recognise the of
phorophyte types that preferentially support this
species considering its future conservation.

Wild African Cryptogams: more than one
thousand specimens understudied at the
Natural History and Science Museum at
Porto University (PO) Herbarium

Cristiana Vieira¹, Ana The herbarium of the Natural History and Science
Rita Costa² Museum at Porto University (PO) is a reference
collection of Portuguese flora, comprising
Museu de História Natural collections since the 19th century including
e da Ciência da Universidade
do Porto, Praça Gomes
former Portuguese colonies. All specimens
Teixeira, 4099-002, Porto, deposited in this herbarium are readily accessible
Portugal with meta-data (location and date of collection
Faculdade de Ciências and name of collector). But some of the
da Universidade do Porto,
Departamento de Biologia,
cryptogamic collections generated as secondary
Rua do Campo Alegre, 4169- or opportunistic specimens in field surveys end up
007 Porto, Portugal as unnamed or unpublished. This worsens when
no documentation refers to these collections
or when collections resulted from personal or
casual collections made by botanists focused
on vascular plants. PO African cryptogams
comprise a total number of 3308 specimens
(algae, fungi, lichens, bryophytes, pteridophytes).
Some of these were the basis of new species to
science or the first records for some countries,
but 1484 are clearly understudied, being
potentially interesting discoveries awaiting at the
shelves. The main objective of this work was to
recognize, repackage, numerate, and database
these irreplaceable specimens. In this way, we
hope to ensure their accessibility to staff and
researchers. By presenting these collections,
from a curatorship perspective, the associated
missions, protagonists, and meta-data we hope
to promote their study and application.

We would like to acknowledge the support of the

Portuguese Infrastructure of Scientific Collections
- POCI-01-0145FEDER-022168 (

Survey of the bryophytes in the floodplain
habitats of Kopački rit Nature Park

Dragan Prlić¹ The Kopački Rit Nature Park is one of the largest
alluvial wetlands of Europe, with significant
Josip Juraj Strossmayer wildlife diversity and ecological importance. It is
University of Osijek,
Department of Biology, Osijek,
located in northeastern Croatia, between courses
Croatia of the Danube and Drava Rivers. Terrestrial,
wetland and aquatic habitats are in permanent
dynamic exchange, depending on the frequency
and duration of the Danube flooding, as well as
drought periods. The field surveys were conducted
in September 2017 and August 2018, at five
localities in various floodplain habitats. Samples
were taken from bark and lignum of deciduous
trees, concrete substrates, water and soil surface.
As a result, a total of 36 bryophyte taxa have been
recorded, classified into 9 liverworts (7 thallose
and 2 foliose) and 27 mosses (17 acrocarps
and 10 pleurocarps). According to the type of
substrate, the majority of taxa were found on soil
(21) and tree bark (8). Among the most frequently
recorded were Anomodon viticulosus and
Hypnum cupressiforme, as common epiphytic
mosses. Particularly noteworty was Riccia
cavernosa, growing in exceptional numbers on
exposed muddy or sandy bottoms during periods
of extreme droughts. Furthermore, two aquatic
liverworts, Riccia fluitans and Ricciocarpos
natans, have been observed as well. This survey
presents an important contribution to the
knowledge of bryophyte flora of the Kopački rit
Nature Park and floodplain of the Danube River in
its middle course.

Preliminary checklist of lichens and
lichenicolous fungi of Portugal

Graciela Paz- The Checklist of Iberian Lichens and Lichenicolous

Bermúdez¹, Palmira Fungi, published in 2001, provided an important
Carvalho², Rui Figueira³, account of the lichen flora in the Iberian Península,
Maria Eugenia López helping to shape the series Flora Liquenológica
de Silanes4, Joana Ibérica, currently under-way. However, a checklist
Marques5, Josefina of lichens of Portugal is needed, for research,
Alvarez6 conservation and management purposes. The
idea of a Portuguese checklist was originally
E.U. Enxeñería Forestal, placed by Pier Luigi Nimis, immediately after the
Campus A Xunqueira,
Universidade de Vigo,
publication of the Iberian work, but, although it had
E-36005 Pontevedra, Spain several start/stop periods, only recently the joint
Museu Nacional de História effort of the authors allowed the project to reach
Natural e da Ciência, Rua da a quasi-final, and consolidation phase. This work
Escola Politécnica, 58 1250-
102 Lisboa, Portugal
is a preliminary overview of the lichen diversity
Instituto Superior de from continental part of Portugal, between 1789
Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, and 2017. The compilation is based on circa
1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal 400 publications, which screening provided an
EUE Forestal, Campus
A Xunqueira, E-36005
aggregation of more than 28000 citations of
Pontevedra, Spain lichen occurrences in Portugal. The catalogue will
CIBIO/InBIO, Centro include all lichenised species, plus a set of non-
de Investigacão em or doubtfully lichenised taxa frequently treated by
Biodiversidade e Recursos
Genéticos, Universidade do
lichenologists. This work compiled, up to now, a
Porto, Porto, Portugal preliminary list of circa 1200 taxa (with synonyms)
Facultade de Bioloxía, hitherto reported from the country, including the
Campus As Lagoas- species distribution by the provinces applied in
Marcosende, 36310
Pontevedra, Spainal
botanical floras for Portugal. Data on the main
substrates and on the altitudinal distribution
whenever is possible are also provided.

Are the climatic responses of moss sister
taxa similar at both sides of the Atlantic?

Joaquín Hortal1,3, Bryophyte disjunctions between the New World

Cristina Ronquillo¹, and the Old World are common and often entail
Nagore G. Medina², morphological variations that are structured
Jennifer Morales- in space. These geographically structured
Barbero¹, Pedro differences lead to controversies regarding
Aragón¹, Vicente the taxonomic status of the populations at
Mazimpaka², Manuel both sides of the Atlantic. Those disjunctions
Molina-Bustamante² have often been evaluated through genetic and
morphological analyses, however, the ecological
Department of differences among disjunct mosses have rarely
Biogeography and Global
Change, Museo Nacional de
been assessed quantitatively, despite their
Ciencias Naturales (MNCN- potential importance for speciation processes.
CSIC), Madrid, Spain We evaluate the similarities on the climatic
Departamento de Biología responses between two pairs of soil mosses under
(Botánica), Facultad de
Ciencias, Universidad
controversial taxonomic status: Homalothecium
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain aureum and the synonymized H. pinnatifidum;
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Tortella squarrosa (= Pleurochaete squarrosa)
and Environmental Changes and the American P. luteola. We first model their
(cE3c), Faculdade de
Ciências, Universidade de
responses to large-scale environmental gradients
Lisboa, Portugal using publicly available data of their global
distributions. Then, we evaluate the reliability
of the modelling approach based on climatic
information and Ecological Niche Factor Analysis
(ENFA). Finally, we assess the similarities in
their responses using niche overlap analysis.
The results indicate that both moss taxa pairs
show climatic differentiation, corresponding
with a comparatively larger latitudinal range in
The Americas in Homalothecium but not so
clearly in the Pleurochaete-Tortella pair which
could suggest that they are the result of different
diversification or dispersal histories.

Biodiversidad liquénica en iglesias
graníticas del noroeste de la península
Ibérica. ¿Relación con el cambio

Mª Eugenia López Se estudian los líquenes de 4 iglesias de granito,

de Silanes, Graciela situadas en la provincia de Lugo, Galicia, NW de
Paz-Bermúdez, María España. Se eligieron teniendo en cuenta unas
Calviño-Cancela, características determinadas, una de ellas es
Beatriz Prieto que estuvieran situadas en una zona que es
análoga espacial de otra zona portuguesa. Para
conocer la biodiversidad, se realizan muestreos
en todas las orientaciones y cotas posibles. Para
conocer la riqueza y abundancia liquénica, se
eligieron las orientaciones N y S, los muestreos
se realizaron utilizando una red de 20 x 20 cm
dividida en cuadrados de 2 x 2 cm. Hasta la
fecha se han identificado 79 taxones, siendo
53 los encontrados en las orientaciones N-S,
domina el biotipo crustáceo con algas verdes y
reproducción sexual. Tanto la abundancia como
la riqueza están influenciadas significativamente
por la orientación, hay mayor cobertura en el
N y más riqueza en el S. Lecanora muralis, L
sulfurea, Physcia caesia, Xanthoparmelia tinctina,
X. verruculifera caracterizan la orientación
S y Cresponea premnea, Dirina massiliensis,
Haematomma ochroleucum caracterizan la

Análogos espaciais para o cambio

climático. Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de
Medioambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible.
Cap 30: 609-6015
para_o_cambio_climatico. Trabajo financiado
por el proyecto: Project CGL2016-79778-R (AEI/

Community assembly patterns of
byrophytes and tracheophytes and
future ecosystem vulnerability in boreal
peatlands of North-Western Québec

Marc-Frédéric Indorf¹, In a context of changing climate and humain

Tana Route¹, Yves activities, boreal peatlands in North-Western
Bergeron¹, Nicole Québec are facing a changing environment. Due
Fenton¹ to access difficulties, few inventories exist for the
region meaning that there is a need to improve
Université du Québec en scientific knowledge on plant communities and
ecosystem functionings. Forty-five peatlands
for this doctoral project are selected in 3 sectors
along a 1000 km transect representing several
environmental gradients: geology, topography and
climatic conditions. Peatlands are also selected
along a gradient of hydrological conditions,
minerotrophy and vegetation structure (Black
Spruce bogs vs. open bogs). Bryophytes and
tracheophytes are inventoried, but information
on lichens is included from a parallel Master’s
project. Assembly patterns are studied in
observed vegetation communities at 4 spatial
scales and according to 4 environmental filtres.
For example, we expect to observe strong effets
from abiotical conditions on local species pools
and the ecosystem community being affected by
niche differentiation and biological interactions.
Abiotical conditions are examined in detail so as
to better understand functions tied to hydrology,
peat accumulation and decomposition. Results
will then be used in combination with future
climate scenarios to assess risk. Final results
will serve to develop understanding of peatland
ecosystems in the region and as a baseline for
future studies. Preliminary results are presented
here concerning Black Spruce bogs.

Why are you here? Drivers of bryophyte
epiphytic community structure across

Nagore G. Medina1,2,3, The factors that influence species composition

Joaquín Calatayud4, across different spatial and temporal scales
Richard Ladle5, have been extensively investigated. However,
Francisco Lara1,2, most studies focus on specific sets of factors
Isabel Draper1,2, Vicente (e.g. environment, geographic distance, or
Mazimpaka¹, Joaquín species pool for example), while large sets
Hortal3,6 of factors and their interactions are seldom
considered. We focus on the combined impact
Department of Biology of species pool, environmental gradients,
(Botany). Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid. C/
geographic distance and scale on the diversity of
Darwin 2, E-28049 Madrid, epiphytic bryophytes. We identify biogeographic
Spain modules of co-occurring species using network
Centro de Investigación modularity analyses, evaluate their consistency
en Biodiversidad y Cambio
Global (CIBC-UAM).
at two scales of analysis (forest and tree), and
Departamento de Biología, study the relationships between environment
Fac. Ciencias Universidad and geographic distance at these two scales and
Autónoma de Madrid, Spain within each biogeographic unit. Our results show
Departamento de
Biogeografía y Cambio
that the structuring of the communities is a by-
Global, Museo Nacional de product of the balance between niche-related and
Ciencias Naturales (MNCN- stochastic processes. This balance changes with
CSIC), C/José Gutiérrez biogeographic region and scale in a structured
Abascal 2, E-28006 Madrid,
way so that environmental filters have a larger
Integrated Science Lab, impact in the most favorable regions and at the
Department of Physics, smaller scales.
Umea University, Sweden
Institute of Biological and
Health Sciences, Federal
University of Alagoas, Maceió,
cE3c – Centre for Ecology,
Evolution and Environmental
Changes, Faculdade de
Ciências da Universidade de
Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-
016 Lisboa, Portugal

The Phaeophyceae (marine macroalgae)
on the coast of Algeria: biodiversity and

Nora Ould Ahmed¹, The seaweed diversity of the Mediterranean is

Amelia Gómez still not completely known, especially in some
Garreta², María Antonia areas of its African coasts. As an effort to
Ribera Siguan² complete a more detailed catalogue to fill such
gap, an updated checklist of the brown seaweeds
Ecole Nationale Supérieure (Phaeophyceae) from Algeria, based on updated
des Sciences de la Mer et de
l'Aménagement du Littoral,
literature records, is provided using as starting
Algeria point the checklist of Perret-Boudouresque &
Laboratori de Botànica, Seridi published in 1989. As a result, the total
Facultat de Farmàcia, number of taxa at specific and infraspecific levels
Universitat de Barcelona,
Av. Joan XXIII s/n, E-08028
accepted for Algeria, under current taxonomy
Barcelona, Spain and nomenclature, is 95. Biogeographically, the
Algerian flora of Phaeophyceae is characterized
by a high number of Cosmopolitan or Sub-
cosmopolitantaxa followed by the Mediterranean

Rare Vascular Cryptogams on the territory
of Ukraine

Olesya Bezsmertna¹ There are about 100 species of Vascular

Cryptogams in Ukraine, namely 12 – Lycophytes,
Taras Shevchenko National 66 – True ferns, 11 – Horsetails and 6 –
University of Kyiv, Ukraine Ophioglossoid ferns. Among them 31species
are protected on the state level. 7 True ferns,
6 Horsetails and 2 Lycophytes species from
Ukraine are under only LC category in the IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species. The European
Red List includes 69 Vascular Cryptogams that
are occurred in Ukraine, but only 3 species are
considered as threatened: Botrychium simplex, B.
virginianum and Marsilea quadrifolia. B. simplex
in Ukraine is known only from the outskirts of
Kharkiv City. But indicated localities undergone
considerable urbanization and population
of this species is most likely lost. Among 29
known findings of B. virginianum in Ukraine only
three are confirmed during the last 20 years.
Populations are small (up to 6 individuals). After
our revision of 35 localities of M. quadrifolia we
have confirmed only 6 of them and 2 have been
found new in Transcarpathia and Kyiv regions.
Now 4 populations are threatened because the
reservoirs get dry and only in 2 localities thickets
are formed, thus these populations are in good

Competition and abiotic stress factors in
three species of Mediterranean mosses

Paula Martínez Interspecific competition is a conditioning factor

Domínguez¹, Belén of plant community structure, distribution and
Estébanez¹, María Leo² dynamics. Using three moss species, we aim
at assessing different factors affecting the
TFac. Ciencias, UAM, Spain coexistence of some species along an altitudinal
Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC,
gradient in both natural conditions and outdoors
experimental settings. We have selected three
terricolous species: Homalothecium aureum,
Hypnum cupressiforme and Tortella squarrosa, all
three very common in Central Spain, and studied
their interactions via two different approaches:
-Coexistence experiment: we established outdoor
cultures of artificial moss communities, both
monospecific and mixed (homogeneous tufts
with shoots of two or all three species), in three
localities at 490 m, 720 m and 1500 m.
-Systematic sampling of the species in natural
conditions: we established 10 altitudinal bands
covering the same gradient, in order to observe
and register the abundance and coexistence of
these species in their natural habitats.
Our results, in spite of a remarkable culture stress,
suggest species-dependent incongruences
between natural and experimental settings. For
instance, Tortella squarrosa shows better survival
and physiological status in all three outdoor
culture localities, whereas it is almost absent in
the higher altitudinal bands. We also recorded
some clear competition effects quite consistent
along the gradient, as mixed communities with all
three species tend to show a worse performance.

Diversity and ecology of the lichen family
Lobariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota:
Peltigerales) in Croatia

Sinisa Ozimec¹, The Lobariaceae is the second largest lichen

Dragan Prlic² family in the Ascomycota. In Croatia, findings
of five species were recorded, namely: Lobaria
Josip Juraj Strossmayer pulmonaria, Lobarina scrobiculata, Ricasolia
University of Osijek, Faculty of
Agrobiotechnical Sciences in
amplissima, Ricasolia virens and Sticta fuliginosa.
Osijek, Osijek, Croatia Data about locations and habitats were
Josip Juraj Strossmayer collected from literature, by checking at herbaria
University of Osijek, collections in Croatia and abroad, and from the
Department of Biology, Osijek,
records of recent field surveys. Distribution
maps has been produced for each species. All
studied species belong to the epiphytic alliance
Lobarion pulmonariae. Distribution maps show
frequent distribution in the montane belt of
the Dinaric Mountains, and in the Middle and
southern Dalmatia, with a disjunctive distribution
in the montane and lowland belt in the Pannonian
region. Distribution of the species is matching the
areas in Croatia with mean annual precipitation
above 1,000 mm. The main substrates are
Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, Quercus
pubescens, Quercus ilex, Picea abies and Abies
alba. Mean host tree circumference ranged 106-
179 cm, with maximum 390 cm. Bark pH was
in optimal range (5.8-6.9). Nowadays, in some
parts of Croatia, big and fertile thalli of Lobaria
pulmonaria, Lobarina scrobiculata and Ricasolia
amplissima can still be found. The number of
findings of Ricasolia virens is small, since it was
discovered in 2002. For Sticta fuliginosa, there
was only one historical record from 1869, up to
recent discovery in 2008. Conservation measures
are related to forest management practice.

Lichen communities in northwest Quebec,
Canada: Biodiversity and influencial
environmental factors

Tana Route¹, Nicole Our primary goal is to document lichen

Fenton¹, Marc-Frederic biodiversity in dominant peatland types in the
Indorf¹, Mireille Martel¹ Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of northwestern
Quebec, Canada. This region has been little
Université du Québec en studied for lichen diversity, so with increasing
development and climate change it is vital
information to obtain. With this we hope to
provide recommendations on management and
protection of lichens to managers and industries
in the region. Such biodiversity studies can also
be baselines for future research and monitoring.
Our secondary interest is to understand how
environmental factors affect lichen communities
in different peatlands. These environmental
factors are: relative air humidity, light availability,
microhabitats, tree/stand age, climate and
disturbance. This information will help us
understand regional lichen communities better
and assess future impacts.
We selected three roughly equidistant study sites
to reflect north-south and east-west gradients that
show wetter to dryer territory. At each site three
dominant peatland types were studied: Uniform
Bogs, Spruce Bogs and Uniform Ferns. Data on
lichens and environmental factors were collected
on two 20 meter transects in three replicates of
each peatland type per site. Lichen samples are
currently being identified in the laboratory. We
are still analyzing the preliminary results, which
we hope to present at this conference, but initial
findings include possible range expansions of
several hundred kilometers and new provincial

managment & conservation

oral communications
El estado actual de los líquenes,
briofitos y helechos, especies vedadas
en Colombia, una evaluación desde la
política ambiental colombiana

Angie Milena Charry En Colombia, para obtener el licenciamiento

Giraldo¹ ambiental de proyectos minero-energéticos y de
infraestructura por parte de entidades privadas,
Biología de las Criptógamas se requiere realizar un aprovechamiento de
de Colombia, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia,
flora nacional, que implica una afectación a
Colombia la vegetación criptogámica. Por lo tanto, se
debe realizar el trámite de levantamiento de
la veda para los líquenes, briofitos y helechos
establecido por la Autoridad Ambiental
según las Resoluciones 0213 y 0801 de
1977, configurando un procedimiento legal
de obligatorio cumplimiento. Esta revisión se
fundamentó en una evaluación formativa desde
su formulación, la naturaleza del instrumento
público y su contribución al conocimiento de la
diversidad direccionado hacia su conservación,
que podría aportar a la actualización del estado
de amenaza de las especies vedadas. Además,
permitió diagnosticar la capacidad institucional
de la Autoridad Ambiental y sus limitaciones;
indagar si las medidas de manejo ambiental
que se proponen actualmente son eficaces,
cuentan con un seguimiento que garantice
la restauración ecológica de los hábitats, y si
aportan herramientas útiles para la conservación
de las comunidades criptogámicas. Finalmente,
se concluye que el alcance de las resoluciones
administrativas de dichas políticas públicas
ambientales, deben tener mayor claridad
operativa, para que los proyectos de desarrollo
económico ejecuten medidas de mitigación
de impactos y de compensación adecuadas,
que favorezcan el estatus de las especies
criptogámicas vedadas.

Bringing the concept of nitrogen critical
levels into managing for conservation

Bernardo Rocha¹, Multiple agricultural activities often origin

Pedro Pinho¹, Cristina excessive nitrogen concentrations, which impact
Branquinho¹, Mário ecosystems structure and functioning. To protect
Boieiro², Paula Matos¹ them, critical levels where established but they
are often overlooked in management strategies.
Centre for Ecology, Evolution They are legal-binding concentration values above
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências,
which, according to present knowledge, direct
Universidade de Lisboa, adverse effects on ecosystems may arise. Our
Campo Grande, 1749-016 objective was to provide a tool to bring the concept
Lisboa, Portugal of critical levels into management of atmospheric
Centre for Ecology, Evolution
and Environmental Changes/
nitrogen impacts. Lichen diversity was sampled
Azorean Biodiversity Group in 19 sites in a cork oak woodland (Montado)
and Departamento de classified as a High Nature Value Farmland with
Ciências e Engenharia do multiple agricultural activities surrounded by
Ambiente, Universidade dos
Açores, Azores, Portugal
high-intensity agricultural activities. We selected
the best performing trait-based metrics and
determined the main environmental drivers of
change. The most responsive metric was the
abundance of oligotrophic lichen species, which
was responding to nitrogen deposition from
nearby high-intensity agricultural areas. Local
low intensity agricultural activities had no effect.
Using the known ammonia critical levels for that
ecosystem, we modelled and mapped the long-
term exceedance of critical levels for the entire
study area. Model interpretation allowed us to
identify and signal nearby crops as the source of
impact and thus where further attention should
be focused: either decreasing fertilization in
nearby fields or by considering these as buffer
areas, outside the scope of conservation (and of
the HNVF concept).

Evaluation of environmental factors
promoting the presence of forest
lichen species deserving an especial

Esteve Llop¹ Protected areas are committed to preserve and

increase biodiversity hosted within their borders,
Department Evolutionary as well as surrounding areas. In order to fulfil this
Biology, Ecology &
Environmental Sciences,
assignment, a careful survey on global diversity
Barcelona, Spain is required. However, achieving such goals is
limited by several aspects like budget availability,
expertise knowledge, etc. The Natural Park
“Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser” (PNCTF) is located
in the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula);
despite of its natural values, PNCTF lacks a
good survey on lichen diversity. The first priority
of PNCTF focused on locating and evaluating
the presence of lichen species included in the
Catalan catalogue of species deserving special
protection. A survey has been carried on three
species meant to be present in PNCTF and bound
to forest habitats: Lobaria pulmonaria, Nephroma
parile, and Sticta limbata. A hierarchical sampling
based on habitat and GIS was established to
prioritize potentially interesting localities. Because
the park is in a high mountain area; only seven
sites satisfied the criteria, and just one brought
in a positive match. Environmental factors from
surveyed sites were analysed and compared with
sites where these species have been certainly
reported from NE Iberian Peninsula. Two factors
arose as main drivers: forest cover continuity for
at least 60 years, and low summer precipitation.
Selected sites from PNCTF have high summer
precipitation and lack forest continuity, factors
prompting the absence of the selected species.

Azolla as a case study for biological and
environmental research in the context
of climate change

Francisco Carrapiço1 Azolla is a worldwide heterosporous floating

or semi-aquatic pteridophyte presenting an
Centro de Ecologia, overlapping scale-like bilobed leaves covering
Evolução e Alterações
Ambientais e Centro de
a slander and branched rhizome that floats
Filosofia das Ciências, horizontally on the freshwater surface. Each
Departamento de Biologia leaf contains a permanent endosymbiotic
Vegetal, Faculdade de prokaryote community (N2-fixing filamentous
Ciências, Universidade de
Lisboa, Portugal
cyanobacterium and bacteria) living immobilized
inside the dorsal lobe cavity of the leaves and
in the megasporocarps. The N2-fixing capacity
presented by the cyanobacterium, allows the fern
to grow in freshwater environments devoid of
combined nitrogen, but enriched in phosphorus.
Azolla filiculoides is the species present in Portugal
and was introduced in Europe in the mid-XIX
century as an ornamental plant. Due to climate
change, in particular the subtropicalization of the
South of Europe, and high nutrient concentration
present in water bodies, Azolla has spread, being
present in almost all of the Iberian Peninsula.
Over the last three decades, several major blooms
occurred in diverse regions of Portugal and Spain,
promoted by low river flows and the presence of
higher phosphorus concentration with serious
consequences for the ecology and economy of
the regions. In this communication, we highlight
major Azolla blooms that occurred 1993, 1995,
2009 and 2019 in the international rivers Guadiana
and Tagus. A transnational program for Azolla
control, integrated in a European Observatory for
Weeds Management, is proposed to avoid these
environmental hazards.

From ecophysiology to conservation:
Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.
as a model species for sensitive

Luca Paoli¹, Anna Forest management practices may heavily

Guttová², Renato impact epiphytic (tree inhabiting) organisms. An
Benesperi³, Elisabetta ecologically sustainable management should
Bianchi³, Stefano take into account also the survival of sensitive
Loppi4, Erika Bellini¹, organisms with long-lasting generation times
Luigi Sanità di Toppi¹, and, hence, ensure the overall protection of
Zuzana Fačkovcová² the ecosystems. Retaining tree patches and
buffer strips in logged stands may contribute to
Department of Biology, preserve ecosystem functioning and the vitality
University of Pisa, Italy
Plant Science and
of epiphytic organisms in managed forests. To
Biodiversity Centre, Slovak test these statements, the threatened forest
Academy of Sciences, Slovak macrolichen Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.
Republic was used as a model species, since it is a “flag”
Department of Biology,
University of Florence, Italy
indicator species of forest ecosystems with
Department of Life Sciences, long ecological continuity. To this purpose,
University of Siena, Italy photosynthetic performances, thallus anatomy
and water holding capacity (WHC) of samples
of L. pulmonaria were investigated in a logged
mixed oak forest (Tuscany, Italy), confronting
lichen thalli from retained-forest patches and
retained-isolated trees, 18 months after logging.
The analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence
emission, revealed a significant reduction of
the vitality of the thalli on retained-isolated
trees; furthermore such thalli were thinner and
showed a lower WHC. In contrast, thalli from
forest patches had performances comparable to
those of healthy samples from unlogged forests.
Our results provide important information
for the implementation of sustainable forest
management practices and the conservation
of sensitive macrolichens in Mediterranean oak

Effect of different levels of forest
management on epiphytic communities

Noelia Fernández Deforestation is the major cause of biodiversity

Prado¹, Gregorio loss in tropical ecosystems. Epiphytic species,
Aragón¹, Ángel lichens and bryophytes, are very sensitive to
Benítez², Isabel environmental changes, including those produced
Martínez¹, María by conversion of primary forests into secondary
Prieto¹ vegetation. We test the effect of different
levels of forest management on the epiphytic
Área de Biodiversidad y communities. The study was done in southern
Conservación, Departamento
de Biología, Geología, Física y
Ecuador where four types of forests representing
Química Inorgánica, ESCET, a management gradient were surveyed: Pinus
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, patula plantations, monospecific secondary
Móstoles, Spain forests of Tibuchina lepidota, monospecific
Sección de Sistemática y
Diversidad, Departamento
secondary forests of Alnus acuminata and mixed
de Ciencias Naturales, secondary forests. In each type of forest, we
Universidad Técnica surveyed 2 zones, established 10 plots per zone,
Particular de Loja, Ecuador with 4 trees per plot where we estimated lichen
and bryophyte cover in 4 inventories per tree
and calculated epiphytic richness, diversity and
composition. We identified 422 taxa (312 lichens
and 110 bryophytes). Richness was higher in
the least disturbed forests (mixed secondary
forests with 319 species), and lower in the most
disturbed forest (monospecific plantation, with
152 species). Canopy cover was the predictor
for total diversity. Multivariate ordination analysis
showed differences in epiphytic composition
and a segregation between forests. Functional
diversity was also different in relation with the type
of forest. In conclusion, we observed changes in
diversity (both taxonomic and functional) and
composition of the epiphytic communities along
the studied management gradient.

poster communications
Bryophytes as potential indicators of
forest degradation

Sarah Stow1 Bryophytes’ reliance on microclimate makes

them susceptible to forest degradation due to the
DICE & NHM, London, decrease in humidity and increase in insolation.
Species that are less desiccation tolerant (needing
humid and sheltered conditions) will be more
susceptible to degradation than tolerant ones.
Bryophytes therefore have the potential to be
indicators of fine-level changes not detectable by
other taxonomic groups. Additionally, bryophytes
are understudied, especially in the tropics, and
so exploring their potential as indicators will
add to the knowledge of tropical bryoflora.
To determine bryophytes’ potential as indicators
a trait database was created for 1430 taxa,
51 morphological and reproduction traits,
five environmental traits, 13 ecological and
distribution traits and three conservation traits.
Species, genera and families were assigned an
indicator value based on their environmental
preferences and traits. Many traits were found
to affect species’ environmental preferences,
from life-form and plant size to cell shape
and spore size. Taxa indicator values were
validated by sampling bryophytes in a humid
forest along a gradient of degradation.
Certain traits respond predictably to environmental
conditions and forest degradation. Species that
indicated humid and sheltered conditions tend
to be large with open life-forms. Bryophytes with
these traits could be used as a quick, simple and
cost-efficient measure of forest degradation and
therefore have potential as indicators.

Contribution to assessment of
threatened species in red list of lichen-
forming and lichenicolous fungi in
Spain and Portugal

Violeta Atienza¹, The Spanish Lichen Society (SEL) has recently

Simón Fos², Ana Rosa launched an initiative to create a Red Lists of
Burgaz³, Mª Eugenia lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi for Spain
López de Silanes4, and Portugal (including the Canary Islands,
Ana Millanes5, I. Madeira and Azores) in order to increase the
Olariaga5, Graciela knowledge on the extinction risk of putative
Paz-Bermúdez4, Israel threaten species by assessing threats according
Pérez-Vargas6, María IUCN criteria and to provide accurate information
Prieto, Sergio5, Pérez- for conservation measures. The profiles of
Ortega7 19 lichen-forming fungi including their threat
assessment are presented. Profiles follow
Departament de Botànica i recommendations proposed by Atienza & al.
Geologia, Facultat de Ciències
Biològiques, Universitat de
(2017, British Bulletin 120). Datasheets contribute
València, 46100 Valencia Spain the following aspects: 1) Main characters for
VAERSA. Avda. Corts identification; 2) Ecology and habitat description;
Valencianes, 20, 46015 Valencia, 3) Map of areas of occurrence and IUCN
Departamento de Biología
classification: extent of occurrence (EOO), area
Vegetal I, Facultad de Biología, of occupancy (AOO), number of localities; 4)
Universidad Complutense de Main threats to species survival; 5) IUCN Red list
Madrid, Spain category and criteria used for assessment; 6)
Departamento de Enxeñería
dos Recursos Naturais e Medio
Proposed conservation actions that are needed to
Ambiente, Enxeñería Forestal, mitigate these threats; and 7) Research needed.
Universidade de Vigo, 36005 The following species are documented : Buellia
Pontevedra, Spain zoharyi, Calicium corynellum, Cetraria islandica,
Departamento de Biología
y Geología, Física y Química
Cladonia bellidiflora, C. borealis, Cyphellium
Inorgánica, Área de Biodiversidad marcianum, Heteroplacidium contumescens,
y Conservación, Universidad Rey Leptogium cochleatum, Lobarina scrobiculata,
Juan Carlos, 28933 Móstoles, Polyblastiopsis subericola, Pseudocyphellaria
Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Botánica,
aurata, R. clementeana, Ramalina confertula, R.
Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal, deminuta, Ramalina erosa, R. parva, Ramalina
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, pluviariae, Seirophora lacunosa and S. villosa.
sección Farmacia, Universidad
de La Laguna, 38071 La Laguna,
Tenerife, Spain
Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC.
Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014, Madrid

technological applications

oral communications
Valoración de la capacidad antioxidante
de dos Fucales: Cystoseira amentacea
var. stricta (Mediterráneo) y
Cystosphaera jacquinotii (Antártida).

Carolina Pena- En los últimos años, se han estudiado la

Martín¹, Raquel composición química y la capacidad antioxidante
Serrano², Guillermo de numerosas especies de algas, a menudo
Grindlay², Manuel B. sobre especies del orden Fucales, ya que
Crespo¹ poseen gran capacidad antioxidante por su alta
composición en carotenoides y polifenoles. Así,
Departamento de Ciencias dentro del marco de un estudio de valoración
Ambientales y Recursos
Naturales, Universidad de
de la capacidad antioxidante de distintas
Alicante, Spain especies de Fucales a diferentes latitudes,
Departamento de Química presentamos estudios preliminares con las
Analítica, Nutrición y especies Cystoseira amentacea (C. Agardh)
Bromatología, Universidad de
Alicante, Spain
Bory var. stricta Mont. y Cystosphaera jacquinotii
(Mont.) Skott., evidenciando diferencias en la
capacidad antioxidante y su cinética. Para ello se
han escogido dos métodos: CUPRAC y DPPH. El
primero mide la capacidad antioxidante reductora
a través de una reacción redox, mientras que el
segundo, además, también mide la capacidad
antirradical. Los datos obtenidos muestran
que con CUPRAC la capacidad antioxidante en
Cystosphaera jacquinotii es un 40% mayor que en
Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta. Sin embargo,
con DPPH Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta
presenta una capacidad antioxidante un 30%
mayor que Cystosphaera jacquinotii. Además,
en este último método se evidencia una cinética
diferente para cada especie, presumiblemente
por su diferente composición química, lo cual
se comprobará en breve mediante técnicas
cromatográficas, evaluándose la correlación
entre composición y capacidad antioxidante.

Bioactivity of Fucus vesiculosus
(bodelha) from the Tagus estuary
(Lisbon, Portugal): correlation with
thallus age and genre

Diogo Nunes-da- Fucus vesiculosus L. (bladderwrack or bodelha)

Silva¹, Lia Ascensão¹, is a brown macroalga (Phaeophyceae, Fucaceae)
Bernardo Duarte¹, distributed along the Portuguese coast. This
Ricardo Melo¹, Maria common alga is reported to have several traditional
Luísa Serralheiro¹ uses with defined dosages. The beneficial effects
for health are attributed to different types of
Faculdade de Ciências biological macromolecules. The less studied
da Universidade de Lisboa,
Lisboa, Portugal
compounds are the phlorotannins, produced
generally by the brown algae. Phlorotannins are
synthesized by polymerization of phloroglucinol
produced via the shikimate pathway and seem
to have defense functions against ROS species
formed during photosynthesis. In this study of
F.vesiculosus from the Tagus river estuary (Lisbon,
Portugal), aqueous extracts were prepared and
analysed for phlorotannin concentration and
antioxidant activity and those values correlated
with thallus size classes (as a proxy for age) and
genre. SEM of each development stage was also
carried out, as well as ecotoxicological assays.
Phlorotannins were quantified by the Folin-
Ciocalteu method and determined as equivalent
of gallic acid. In young thalli, males have a higher
phenolic content while in adult stages the amount
of phlorotannins is approximately the same.
Antioxidant activity determined as the capacity to
scavenge free radicals like DPPH was higher in
the young male thalli.

A tale of two walls: bryophyte
establishment on green walls with
different irrigation levels

Juliana Monteiro¹, Green Walls (GWs) have been increasingly

Miguel Brilhante¹, recognized as an important restoration technique
Inês Domingues¹, for steep slopes resulting from quarrying
Rute Amaro², Dulce activities or major infrastructure construction.
Gonçalves³, Teresa GW irrigation is usually considered mandatory
Cavaco4, Gonçalo to ensure an adequate vegetation growth and
Fonseca5, Helena establishment. However, studies concerning the
C. Serrano¹, Cristina effects of sustainable irrigation practices on GW
Branquinho¹ vegetation are widely lacking. In this context, our
main goal was to assess differences in taxonomic
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and functional diversity and composition of
and Environmental Changes
(cE3c), Faculdade de
two hydro-seeded GWs with different irrigation
Ciências, Universidade de regimes, located in Peneda-Gerês National
Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Park (NW Portugal). Both GWs were installed to
Portugal minimize the visual impact of shotcrete walls and
BioSystems and Integrative
Sciences Institute (BioISI),
promote their ecological restoration. Bryophyte
Faculdade de Ciências, and vascular species cover was recorded 3 years
Universidade de Lisboa, after GW installation, and species were classified
1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal according to their growth-form, life-form, and life-
Arquitectura Paisagista, Lda.
Av. António Macedo 171,
strategy. Despite hydroseeding application, we
4700-374, Braga, Portugal observed that both GWs were already dominated
EDP – Gestão da Produção by spontaneous species, namely acrocarpous
de Energia, S.A., Av. 24 de mosses. Species and functional richness was
Julho, 12, 1249-300, Lisboa,
significantly higher in the irrigated GW, although
Projar, Alto da Bela Vista, no significant differences were found for trait
Pavilhão 2, 2735-336, composition. Overall, irrigation did not affect the
Agualva-Cacém, Portugal structure and functioning of GW communities,
given their similarity in functional composition.
These findings suggest that bryophytes should
be considered when hydroseeding GWs, as they
are highly adapted to their specific environmental

Spore cultures of the red seaweed
gracilariopsis longissima (gracilariales),
a species of high economic value

Malurisbel Lopez G. longissima is of economic importance

Campos¹, Hernández because it is consumed worldwide and is also an
Carrero Ignacio¹, agar source. The method of its mass cultivation
Pérez Llórens¹, José is mainly based on vegetative fragments. The
Lucas¹ use of carpospores as propagation unit can
be an alternative for the mass production of
Department of Biology, this species. Samples used for sporulation
University of Cadiz, Spain
were obtained in 2019 from Cadiz Bay. Fertile
gametophytes were cleaned in the laboratory with
sterile seawater and treated with 10µM of GeO2.
The fragments were cut to 1 cm length. Two
culture media, Provasoli (P1 and P2) and Miquel
(M1 and M2) were used at a temperature of 18 °C
and at irradiance of 30 µmol m-2 s-1. The extraction
was carried out after two days. Carpospores
were planted in multiple well plates. The spores
from the first day died after a week. However,
the spores obtained on the second day showed
a basal disc after 12 days and new microscopic
seedlings were observed after 20 days. After
one month the spores of M1 and M2 evidenced
an undeveloped frond whereas the spores of
P1 and P2 showed prominent fronds and even
bifurcated thalli. Diatoms grew in all wells but
apparently did not affect the development of the
spores. Seedlings are currently being grown in a
culture chamber and will be cultured in the field.
Vegetative cultures of G. longissima have been
previously monitored during 2017. The present
study is an important step for the development
of seaweed cultures in Cadiz bay, especially as
part of integrated cultures in earthen ponds.

poster communications
Novel lichen tissue culture methodology
suitable for the isolation and
propagation of microalgae in foliose

Cristina Dumitru¹, Lichen studies have traditionally focused on

Arantzazu Molins¹, the mycobiont, thus phycobionts diversity is
Salva Chiva¹, Patricia not so well surveyed. In current investigations,
Moya¹, Eva Barreno¹ phycobiont isolation is an essential procedure to
perform ultraestructural characterization. Here,
Universitat de València, Inst. we illustrate a novel lichen tissue culture method
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
to isolate and propagate lichen microalgae.
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, This methodology have been arranged for the
46100 Burjassot, Spain isolation of phycobionts foliose lichens, e.g.
Parmelia s. lat. genus, and is based on Muggia
et al., (Ann. Bot. 114: 464, 2014) protocol. As a
result of this procedure, a collection of axenic
cultures of symbiont microalgae was obtained
and allowed to provide the experimental basis
for physiological, ecophysiological and genomic
studies. In addition, ultrastructural features of the
isolated algae can be observed by transmission
electron microscopy to compare the anatomy
between lichenized and isolated microalgae
which normally varies under different culture
conditions. The approach here proposed
provides an improvement to identification
and characterization of the taxonomical
traits in intrathalline microalgal diversity

Supported by the Ministerio de Economía y

Competitividad (MINECO and FEDER, Spain)
(CGL2016-79158-P), and the Prometeo
Excellence in Research Program (Generalitat
Valenciana, Spain) (PROMETEO/2017/039).
Ayudas para la Iniciación a la investigación para
estudiantes de la Universitat de València, curso

Protocol for the isolation of yeasts
associated with lichens, modified
from the previous developed for lichen
bacteria (patent ES2575752B2)

Salvador Chiva¹, Traditional description of lichens has changed

Isabel Martínez-Nieto¹, during the last decade. Currently, lichens are
Arantzazu Molins¹, not only considered as symbiotic organisms
Patricia Moya¹, Eva composed of a fungal partner (mycobiont) and
Barreno¹ a photoautotrophic partner (photobiont). In
these symbioses more than a unique lineage
Universitat de València, Inst. of photoautotrophic partners have been found
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
in each individual, even more, diverse bacteria
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, and yeasts are also imbibed in thallus structure
46100 Burjassot, Spain (Muggia & Grube, Life 8: 15, 2017, and references
therein). Biosca et al. (PLoS One 11: 8, 2016)
developed a patented method to improve lichen
associated bacteria isolation using media
enriched with novel lichen extracts (ES2575752B2;
P201431971). This method has now adapted
to isolate yeasts associated with Ramalina
farinacea. Changes in medium composition,
washing and disinfection procedures and culture
temperatures have been needed. First results
revealed the presence of different genera and
species within the families Saccharomycetaceae,
Tremellaceae and Dothioraceae. Therefore, the
method may not only be adapted for bacteria
associated to other lichen species, but also to
other associated microorganisms.

(CGL2016-79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).


oral communications
Biomonitoring epiphytic macrolichens
plots after 21 years revealed severe
symptoms of injury and changes in
diversity in Maestrazgo territories (NE

Eva Barreno¹, Andreu Lichens are powerful and fast bioindicators for
Manzanera¹, Alfonso environmental changes and air pollution impacts.
Garmendia², Salvador Epiphytic lichen diversity has been widely used
Chiva¹ as a standard procedure for biomonitoring
the effects of air pollution. In 1984, due to the
Universitat de València, Inst. start-up of a thermal power-plant in Andorra
“Cavanilles” de Biodiversidad
y Biología Evolutiva, Botánica,
(Teruel), epiphytic lichen diversity and damage
Fac. CC. Biológicas, Valencia, surveys were done for the Maestrazgo territories,
46100 Burjassot, Spain which include parts of Castellón and Teruel
Inst. Agroforestal provinces (NE Spain). A sampling network was
Mediterráneo, Dpto. established in this area registering different air
Ecosistemas Agroforestales,
Universitat Politècnica de
pollution impacts, specially photo-oxidants and
València, Camino de Vera s/n. nitrogen deposition. These studies were regularly
46022-Valencia, Spain conducted until 1997. Methodology used to
assess the lichen communities diversity was
the one proposed by the European Union and
extensively used at the moment. Along time,
different damages were observed in several
macrolichens, accordingly the previous research
team developed a new method to quantify these
symptoms for target species. These species
were beforehand selected by the velocity of
the symptoms evolution in only five years.
After 21 years, in 2018 a great part of the
localities from this sampling network have been
re-evaluated to scrutinize the evolution of these
lichen communities after a so long time. The
results obtained show a decrease in the diversity
of several sampling plots and a strong and
generalized increase in the symptoms of injury on
the target lichen species proposed in 1997.

(CGL2016-79158-P) (PROMETEO/2017/039).

Mapping impacts of EU - Air Quality
Directive (NECD) at the ecosystem level

Helena Cristina To protect human health and the environment,

Serrano¹, Maria the 2001 EU Air Quality Directive imposed
Alexandra Oliveira¹, national emission ceilings for atmospheric
Ceres Barros², Sofia pollutants (Directive 2001/81/EC), including
Augusto1,3, Pedro the reduction of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N)
Pinho¹, Cristina emissions, by 2010. The evaluation of the
Branquinho¹ results of this emission reduction at the
ecosystem level has not been thoroughly done.
Our aim was to use biomonitors to map the
Centre for Ecology, Evolution emission’s reduction at the ecosystem level.
and Environmental Changes,
Faculdade de Ciências da
This was done in a region with multiple industrial
Universidade de Lisboa, activities using in situ ecological indicators
Campo Grande, 1749-016 (lichen: Parmotrema hypoleucinum), comparing
Lisbon, Portugal data at the onset of the Directive implementation
University of British (2002) and nine years after (2011).
Columbia - Department of
The reduction of sulfur emissions was a success
Forest, Canada
Institute of Public Health
at the ecosystem level, emphasizing that most
(ISPUP-EPIUnit), University of S deposited to the ecosystem had an industrial
Porto, Portugal origin. However, for nitrogen that was not the
case. Although a reduction of emissions was
achieved related to industries (NO2 and NO3-
measured in the air), on the other hand, there
was an increase in NH3. Thus, the impact at
the ecosystem level was insignificant except
near industries. These areas with more NH3 are
agriculture dominated, stressing the difficulty of
reducing N emissions originating in that sector.
Acknowledgements: Research supported
by project GISA; project NitroPortugal EU
H2020 research and innovation programme,
n.692331. NitroPortugal is a co-financer for the
project “Towards INMS”, implemented by UN

Evolución del estado ecológico en ríos de
la cuenca del duero usando organismos
fitobentónicos como bioindicadores
(diatomeas y macrófitos)

Núria Flor-Arnau¹, La Directiva Marco de Agua requiere la

Daniel Sanchís¹, identificación de los elementos de calidad
Miriam Ibáñez¹, biológica, parámetros y métricas más adecuados
Antonio Monleón², que permitan establecer el estado ecológico de
Henar de Meer las masas de agua epicontinentales. Algunos
de Soto³, Noemí de los indicadores biológicos más utilizados en
Hernández García³, ríos son las diatomeas epilíticas y los macrófitos,
Pablo Seisdedos de los que existen numerosos estudios que
Fidalgo³ confirman su sensibilidad ante las variaciones
ambientales y los cambios químicos del agua.
Laboratorio de Ecología El uso de estos bioindicadores en España se
Acuática, Investigación
y Proyectos de Medio
ha extendido a todas las cuencas hidrográficas,
Ambiente, S.L. (IPROMA), aunque aún dista de algunas regiones europeas
Spain con largas series de datos espacio-temporales.
Departamento de Genética, En el marco del “Servicio para la explotación
Microbiología y Estadística. parcial de los programas de seguimiento de las
Facultad de Biología.
Universidad de Barcelona,
masas de agua superficiales de las categorías
“ríos”, “lagos” y “embalses”, en aplicación del
Área de Calidad de las artículo 8 de la Directiva Marco del Agua en
Aguas de la Confederación la cuenca hidrográfica del Duero”, durante la
Hidrográfica del Duero primavera-verano de los años 2014 a 2017,
IPROMA como parte de la UTE adjudicataria
llevó a cabo el muestreo de las diatomeas
epilíticas y los macrófitos. Tanto la recogida de
muestras, como el tratamiento, identificación
y cuantificación de las especies se hicieron
siguiendo lo dictado por los protocolos vigentes.
Se presentan los resultados de la evolución
temporal del estado ecológico y la comparativa
de los índices diatomológicos y de macrófitos,
teniendo en cuenta la tipología fluvial de la masa
de agua y los más recientes valores de corte de
las categorías de calidad.

Using the bioaccumulative potential of
lichens to assess toxicity of environmental
pollutant mixtures to human lung cells in
a petrochemical and chemical industrial
area in Southern Europe

Sofia Augusto1,2, The aim of this study was to use lichens to assess
Jordi Sierra3, Marta toxicity of environmental pollutant mixtures
Schuhmacher4 to human lung cells. For that, we conducted a
study in the largest chemical and petrochemical
Institute of Public Health industrial complex in Southern Europe, located in
(ISPUP-EPIUnit), University of
Tarragona County, Spain. Lichens were collected
Porto, Portugal
Centre for Ecology, Evolution
from a background area and transplanted to
and Environmental Changes, 15 sites in the study area. After two months of
Faculdade de Ciências da exposure, lichen transplants were collected, and
Universidade de Lisboa, the toxicity of the pollutant mixture accumulated
Campo Grande, 1749-016
in each sample was evaluated. Toxicity tests
Lisbon, Portugal
Universitat de Barcelona,
consisted on a cytotoxic analysis using human
lung epithelial cancer cells A549 as target cells.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Incremental Lung Cell Mortality (ILCM) was
Spain calculated based on the increment of cytotoxic
effect of each lichen sample mixture after
exposure in relation to pre-exposed lichens.
In order to disclose relevant contaminants
contributing for the toxicity, the concentrations
of the 16 USEPA-PAHs and 17 metals were
quantified in the same lichen samples. Results
allowed identifying areas with highest potential
toxicity, located in the petrochemical complex (P),
followed by areas in the chemical complex (C);
urban areas (U) had the lowest potential toxicity.
The same decreasing trend P-C-U was found
for concentrations of ∑16 PAHs. These results
open new perspectives on the use of lichens in
environmental health studies.

Acknowledgments: SA acknowledges the

European Union Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF-624022) and FCT (SFRH/

poster communications
Effect of lead on shoots and spores
of four moss species with contrasted
ecological affinities

Alejandro R. Gijón¹, Mosses are regarded as good bioindicators of

Nagore G. Medina², the impact of pollutants in ecosystems, but it
Belén Estébanez² is necessary to understand to what extent the
resistance mechanisms they present interfere
Universidad Rey Juan with their utility as biomonitors. In this study,
Carlos,Madrid, Spain we assess the effect of experimentally supplied
Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain
lead in in vitro cultures of four common species
of mosses with contrasted sensitivity to
atmospheric pollution: Hypnum cupressiforme,
Homalothecium aureum, Ptychostomum capillare
and Syntrichia ruralis. We tested four lead nitrate
doses (0-10-3 M) in both spores and shoot tips
of all those four species. Both of them were
cultivated directly in liquid medium with the
corresponding lead dose. For shoot tips, we
recorded survival and damage rates, and for
germination experiments, we registered spore/
sporeling vitality and developmental stage. Our
results show a high degree of resistance in all
four species, as they show only minor effects
except for the highest dose (10-3 M). Even in this
dose, we have observed some survival on in vitro
cultures of the shoot tips in H. cupressiforme.
Spore germination and protonemal development
are observed in doses up to 10-4 M. The highest
dose (10-3 M) is lethal except for H. aureum,
where we observed protonemal growth. The
widespread resistance of mosses seems to be
related to their ability to exclude heavy metals a
mechanism that must be taken into account in
biomonitoring programs.

Estudio de bioacumulación con
trasplantes de Evernia prunastri (L.)
Ach.: Establecimiento del nivel de
referencia en un entorno urbano

Ana Belén Fernández La zona del Bierzo (León) cuenta con varias
Salegui¹, Sonia industrias emisoras de contaminantes
Trobajo Pérez¹, Darío atmosféricos en un entorno bastante urbanizado.
Fernández Santos¹, En los últimos meses, se está considerando la
Jorge Cara Jiménez², posibilidad del cambio de combustible en alguna
Jorge J. Blanes de esas industrias. Ante esta situación, se hace
Peiró², Arsenio Terrón necesario conocer el estado de la calidad del
Alfonso¹ aire en dicha zona, por lo que hemos realizado
un estudio de biomonitorización con líquenes.
Área de Botánica, Dpto. Por ello, se han recolectado talos de Evernia
de Biodiversidad y Gestión
Ambiental, Universidad de
prunastri (L.) Ach. de la localidad Tejedo de
León, León, Spain
Ancares, utilizada como control, y se han
Área de Ingeniería Química, trasplantado a 19 puntos en la zona de estudio.
Dpto. Química y Física Tras 11 semanas de trasplante, se han analizado
Aplicadas, Universidad de los datos de acumulación de 14 elementos en
León, León, Spain
dichos talos (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb,
Sn, Tl, V y Zn), y se han examinado los patrones
de deposición de estos en la zona de estudio.
Los datos se comparan con los obtenidos
antes del trasplante (tiempo 0) y con los de
la localidad control. Se observan diferencias
espaciales entre los distintos puntos estudiados
y, por tanto, se observa la existencia de zonas
con diferente calidad del aire. Por otro lado, se
aprecian diferentes patrones de deposición de
los elementos analizados. El resultado final es
un mapa sintético de elementos totales, donde
se ponen de manifiesto las zonas con mayor
deposición, en consecuencia, las que presentan
peor calidad del aire.

Fluorescencia de la clorofila como
indicador de estrés en cultivo ex situ de

Belén Estébanez¹, El cultivo ex situ de briófitos es de gran interés

Helena Palancar¹, en estudios experimentales y de conservación.
Patricia Haro¹ Sin embargo, se necesitan medidas sencillas
y no invasivas de las alteraciones por estrés de
Facultad de Ciencias, cultivo. En concreto, el análisis de la fluorescencia
Universidad Autónoma de
de la clorofila permite caracterizar los efectos
Madrid, Spain
de diferentes tipos de estrés ambiental.
Cultivamos tres meses en invernadero dos
especies de musgos con formas de crecimiento
y afinidades ecológicas contrastadas:
Homalothecium aureum y Tortula muralis.
El análisis de la fluorescencia de la clorofila
se realizó en 24 réplicas mediante 1) toma
de imágenes de fluorescencia mediante una
cámara CCD y 2) análisis espectroscópico
de su espectro de emisión. Como fuente
de excitación se utilizó un haz laser de baja
potencia (405 nm) y la detección se centró
en la región roja del espectro (600-700 nm).
Las imágenes y los espectros de fluorescencia
permiten observar las diferencias entre
ambas especies durante todo el experimento.
Inicialmente, se observa que el contenido
en clorofila es algo superior en H. aureum.
Transcurrido un tiempo, se observan daños
físicos en H. aureum, mientras que T. muralis
incluso fructifica. Las medidas de fluorescencia
corroboran esta observación, e indican
mayor contenido en clorofila en T. muralis.
En conclusión, ambas técnicas revelan
tanto diferencias interespecíficas como de
aclimatación, con lo que podrían ser adecuadas
para la monitorización de manera no invasiva de
cultivos en diversas especies de musgos.

Using mosses as indictors of
conservation in NW Iberian
ombrotrophic mires

Manuel Pimentel¹, Active ombrotrophic mires are rare in the Iberian

Víctor Andrés¹, Rubén Peninsula, being restricted to northern mountain
Entenza¹, Elvira areas with high precipitation. Human activities
Sahuquillo¹ such as pasture creation and wind farming, along
with climate change, pose a threat to these relict
Facultade de Ciencias, habitats. New, locally adequate biomonitoring tools
Universidade de A Coruña,
are needed to ensure an efficient management of
ombrotrophic mires. This work explores the use
of mosses as indicators of conservation in these
habitats protected by the Habitats Directive of
the European Union (92/43/CEE, Habitat 7130).
Four areas covered by ombrotrophic mires were
selected based on two criteria: (i), they were
adjacent, sharing parameters such as climatology
and altitude and (ii), they were subject to different
management practices, ranging from no human
intervention to active draining and manuring.
Vegetation sampling considering vascular plants
and bryophytes was conducted twice (late winter
and spring). In each of the areas, micro-habitats
were identified and three 1 m2 plots were analysed
per microhabitat. Soil samples were also collected
in each plot and different soil parameters
including pH were considered in the analyses.
Different multivariate analyses were used to
assess the correlation between environmental
parameters (mainly soil characteristics), vascular
vegetation and bryophyte diversity. A decrease
in bryophyte diversity was detected with the
intensification of human activities. More work
is needed to assess the efficacy of mosses as

Efecto de la contaminación del aire sobre
la vitalidad de líquenes trasplantados
en las inmediaciones de una industria
papelera, Morelia, México

Violeta Rangel Los líquenes Flavopunctelia praesignis (Nyl.) Hale

Osornio¹, Ana Belén y Usnea ceratina Ach. fueron utilizados como
Fernández Salegui², biomonitores de la contaminación del aire en las
Víctor Manuel Gómez inmediaciones de una industria papelera Kraft en
Reyes¹, Ruth Alfaro Morelia, México. El objetivo de este estudio fue
Cuevas Villanueva³ evaluar el efecto de la contaminación en el área
sobre la vitalidad de los líquenes, medida a través
Herbario de la Facultad del contenido de clorofila y la presencia de daños
de Biología, Universidad
Michoacana de San Nicolás
visibles en el talo. Para ello, muestras de ambas
de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico especies fueron trasplantadas a diferentes
Área de Botánica, Dpto. puntos alrededor de la industria y monitoreadas
de Biodiversidad y Gestión durante cuatro meses. De igual manera, se
Ambiental, Universidad de
León, Spain
colocaron trasplantes en dos sitios control.
Instituto de Investigaciones Tras la exposición, se registró un incremento
en Ciencias de la Tierra, significativo en el contenido de clorofila en los
Universidad Michoacana trasplantes de F. praesignis ubicados alrededor de
de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Morelia, Mexico
la papelera. Esta misma respuesta fue observada
en los sitios control, lo cual sugiere posibles
variaciones estacionales en el contenido de
pigmentos fotosintéticos. Los talos de U. ceratina
trasplantados cerca del área industrial y en
dirección de los vientos dominantes exhibieron
claros síntomas de estrés, al presentar mayores
daños visibles sobre el talo y una reducción
en su contenido de clorofila. La sensibilidad
mostrada por ambas especies de líquenes
pudiera variar debido a sus características
morfológicas. Los cambios observados sobre
la vitalidad parecen estar relacionados con la
presencia de contaminantes tóxicos como SO2
en los alrededores de la papelera. Se agradece a
CONACyT por el financiamiento.


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