Master of Science in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

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1.1 Preamble
The School of Veterinary Medicine has been running a Master of Science (MSc) course in
Molecular Biology since October 2001. However, considering the course content which includes
biotechnology, the name needs to be changed to Master of Science (MSc) in Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology. Thus, it is proposed that the new name takes effect with the 2011/2012 intake.
The course is coordinated in the Department of Veterinary Parasitology & Microbiology where
molecular biology facilities and expertise exist. This is an applied and practical course emphasizing
the application of molecular biology technology in research and in generation of higher knowledge
and tools for diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases and transformation of organisms for the
benefit of human kind and animals. In Africa, infectious diseases constitute the bulk of the animal,
plant and public health problems. Therefore the course emphasizes the role of molecular biology
and biotechnology in disciplines such as parasitology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology
and plant biology, as well as more basic aspects of cell biology. The program is run in
collaboration with the Colleges of Natural Sciences; Health Sciences; and Agriculture and
Environmental Sciences in Makerere University. The external collaborators include among others;
Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC), Med Biotech Laboratories (MBL), Uganda Virus Research
Institute (UVRI) and overseas institutions.
1.2 Program Justification
Molecular biology and biotechnology comprises the most recent technologies applied to solve
problems in forensic medicine, animal and plant breeding, drug & vaccine development, diagnosis
of diseases of all forms of life, anthropology, conservation biology, population genetics,
epidemiology, pathogenesis, teratology/embryology, oncogenesis and other disciplines. Molecular
biology and biotechnology techniques allow researchers to understand the molecular mechanisms
underlying the survival and replication of disease causative agents and the pathogenesis of diseases.
With this knowledge powerful new therapeutics, or prophylactics and diagnostic tools or control
strategies can be developed to manage diseases more efficiently. For example recombinant DNA
technology can facilitate the development of recombinant vaccines such as DNA vaccines that can
be produced at a lower cost and are more thermal stable than conventional vaccines. In addition
vaccines can be engineered to have a wider spectrum of protection especially useful if mutations or
variants occur. Animals or plants with new desirable characteristics can be developed using
genetic engineering in order to improve productivity and food security. The basic molecular
biology techniques are essentially the same for plant, animal or human scientists. Therefore,
molecular biology and biotechnology has a demand that cuts across many disciplines. Molecular
biology and biotechnology is highly demanded in the study of emerging problems such as
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Rift Valley Fever. Some of our local institutions especially the
Uganda Virus Research Institute and the Joint Clinical Research Center need molecular biology
and biotechnology to make modest advances in control of diseases. Therefore molecular biology
and biotechnology is highly relevant in Uganda and Africa just like in other parts of the developed
1.3 Target group
This programme targets graduates of veterinary or agricultural sciences, medicine and other
biology based disciplines or subjects. The course will particularly be valuable for those working or
researchers, in nutrition, animal and human health care, crop and pharmaceutical firms and
educational institutions, who need molecular biology and biotechnology knowledge for their
research, training, doctoral studies or other activities.

2.1 Physical Facilities
The programme is housed and administered by the School of Veterinary Medicine in its
Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Microbiology where the human and laboratory
resources exist. Spacious facilities are available and furnished to house laboratory animals, in
addition to an internet connected computer and well equipped teaching and research laboratories.
2.2 Personnel
In addition to the academic staff of the School of Veterinary Medicine who are currently teaching
in the MSc. Programme, others are affiliated to the Colleges of Natural Sciences; Health Sciences;
and Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in Makerere University and from outside the
2.3 Funding
Each Ugandan candidate will pay a tuition fee of Uganda shillings Four millions, one hundred sixty
two thousand and five hundred only (4,162,500/=) per year, while foreign students will pay US
dollars 5,000 per year. Capital equipment to run the programme is available but depreciates fast
and there is need to plan for replacement. In addition, laboratory chemicals and supplies used in
molecular biology and biotechnology studies are normally very expensive. Therefore, it is
suggested that each student should pay an additional $250 per semester for maintenance of the
laboratory equipment and replenishment of supplies. All candidates are expected to pay the other
standard University fees (application & registration fees etc) and meet the cost of their dissertation
research and personal expenses.

The MSc. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology programme will:
a) Enable graduate students to acquire knowledge in molecular biology and biotechnology, which
will make them better equipped to do research and solve problems in veterinary and human
medicine, agriculture and other biological sciences.
b) Train graduates with a qualification sufficient to meet the needs of staff development of local
universities and research institutions.


At the completion of this graduate program, students will be able to:
 To apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems in forensic medicine, animal and plant
 To design and develop drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for diseases for both animals and
 To engineer plants, animals and microorganisms with new desirable characteristics that can be
applied for food security and production
 To apply the acquired knowledge in the study of emerging and re-emerging diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, Haemorrhagic fevers and Rift Valley Fever

5.1 Nature of the Programme
The MSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology shall consist of course work, practicals plus a
dissertation. The MSc Programme runs on a semester system during day/evening; and a candidate
shall take core courses plus at least three elective subjects in the student’s field of interest. The
language of instruction shall be English; hence proficiency in English language is a requirement.
5.2 Admission requirements
A candidate will be admitted to the MSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology program if he/she
has at least a degree of second-class or equivalent grade in Veterinary or Human Medicine,
Agriculture or other Biological Sciences. Graduate studies regulations as listed on p152 – 155 in
the Makerere University Prospectus 2007/2010 5th Edition, shall apply. A copy of the regulations
can be found in the SGS handbook or online at http//

6.1 Duration
The Masters program shall normally run as Plan A (Coursework and Dissertation) for two
academic years of two semesters each. The first two semesters shall be devoted to teaching,
seminars/tutorials and practicals but the second year will be devoted to seminars, research and
dissertation writing.
6.2 Credit Unit System
The programme shall be conducted on credit unit system. One credit unit shall be equivalent to one
contact hour per week per semester or a series of 15 contact hours. One contact hour is equivalent
to one hour of lecture or two hours of practicals/tutorial/seminars.
6.3 Structure of the Programme
The course shall consist of Core and Elective courses as indicated below.

Compulsory courses

Course Code Course Name LH PH/TH CH CU

MBS 7111 Cell and Molecular Biology 60 30 75 5

MBS 7112 Protein Biotechnology 45 30 60 4

MBS 7113 Molecular Microbiology 30 30 45 3

MBS 7114 Immunobiology 20 20 30 2

MBS 7115 Seminar/Tutorial - 60 30 2

Compulsory courses

Course Code Course Name LH PH/TH CH CU

MBS 7212 Nucleic acid biotechnology 45 30 60 4

MBS 7213 Molecular epidemiology and 20 20 30 2

Population genetics

MBS 7214 Research Methods and 20 20 30 2


MBS 7215 Seminar/Tutorial - 60 30 2

Elective courses (Choose 3 courses)

Course Code Course Name LH PH/TH CH CU

MBS 7217 Advanced Parasitology 20 20 30 2

MBS 7218 Applied Molecular Parasitology 5 50 30 2

MBS 7219 Applied Molecular 12 36 30 2


MBS 7220 Immunobiotechnology 12 36 30 2

MBS 7221 Applied Molecular Crop 10 40 30 2


MBS 7222 Molecular and Biochemical 10 40 30 2


YEAR II (All courses are compulsory)


Course Code Course Name LH PH/TH CH CU

MBS 7311 Seminar/Tutorial - 60 30 2


Course Code Course Name LH PH/TH CH CU

MBS 7411 Seminar/Tutorial - 60 30 2

MBS 7412 Research and dissertation N/A N/A 150 10

LH = Lecture Hour, PH = Practical Hour, TH = Tutorial Hour, CU = Credit Unit.

The courses shall be assessed as stipulated in the Graduate Training and Research Hand Book,
School of Graduate Studies, August 2008.


Candidates shall carry out research during the second year of their study. The assessment of the
dissertation shall be according to the general University regulations.
8.1 Passing a Dissertation
 The dissertation shall be assessed as stipulated in the Graduate Training and Research Hand
Book, School of Graduate Studies, August 2008.
 A candidate shall have passed a dissertation after satisfying three examiners (including
external) in written dissertation and at the viva voce.
 A candidate who fails to satisfy examiners shall re-submit a revised dissertation in accordance
with the guidance of the viva voce committee within six months after notification.


The degree of Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBS) shall be awarded
to a candidate who satisfies the three conditions below:
a) Passes the course work as described under progression in University regulations cited in 7.0
b) Accumulates at least 30 credit units from the compulsory courses and 6 from the electives.
c) Passes the dissertation


Course Name: Cell and Molecular Biology

Course Code: MBS 7111
Credit Units: 5
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to cell and molecular biology and the basic knowledge
required for other courses in biology such as Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Developmental
Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology and Physiology. Emphasis will be placed on the molecular
basis of gene regulation and its role in directing normal and abnormal cell processes. Laboratory
experimentation and research will provide hands-on experience of the techniques used in cell and
molecular biology laboratories; in so doing will emphasize lecture sessions and enhance students’
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge and hands on experience on laboratory techniques employed in the
Molecular laboratory
2. To expose students to biomolecules of life, their function and mechanism of action in
maintaining, functioning and replication of cells as well as cell communication.
3. To impart knowledge on gene activity, expression and genetic regulation.
4. Understand the mechanism and importance of DNA replication and repair.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should
1. Appreciate the biochemical and physical properties of biomolecules.
2. Describe how biomolecules work together to create and sustain a system and allows
3. Describe how cells communicate within themselves and with one another.
4. Explain genetic regulation, control of gene activity and gene expression.
5. Explain the importance of the cytoskeleton and how its components function in cell
assembling, shape regulation and contraction.
6. Describe mechanism and importance of DNA replication and repair.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction  General introduction to cell and molecular biology, Lectures
History, scope, definition terms and related
Biomolecules  Organic and inorganic components of the cell Lectures
 Nature of biochemical reactions and bonding;
central role of water in cell structure, physiology and
 Thermodynamics and biological order: concepts of
work, enthalpy, entropy, Gibb’s energy, heat etc in
Cell structure  Cell organization; structure and functions of various Lectures and
and physiology organelles; cell membrane structure and physiology Practicals
of animal and
 Methods for studying cell structure and physiology
plant cells
especially microscopic theory and practice
 Cell cycle; cell division and oncogenesis; vesicular
trafficking; the cytoskeleton
 Cell adhesions and extracellular matrix; principles of
cell to cell communication
 Cell motility and chemotaxis
Nucleic acid  Structure and characteristics of DNA & RNA Lectures,
structure and  DNA replication Seminars
function  DNA and genes: What are genes and how do they
 Genome structure and function, brief description of
examples of bacterial, viral and eukaryotic genomes
and central concepts of genome structure
 Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes:
Structure and function of mRNAs; details of the
transcription and related process.
 Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: History
and characteristics of the genetic code; structure and
Topic Content Delivery Mode
function of tRNA, rRNA and other molecules that
take part in translation
 Control of gene expression in prokaryotic and
eukaryotic organism: basic patterns and principles;
role of DNA binding proteins; promoters; concept
and detailed description of operons and multi-gene
Protein  General structure, chemistry, characteristics and Lectures
structure and classification of amino acids. Seminars
function  Protein structure, assembly, function and Practicals
 Post-translational protein modifications.
 Kinetics and regulation of enzymes and other
 Protein structure determination: Protein sequencing
methods, X-ray crystallography, NMR etc.
 Deducing protein function from its structure.
Advanced cell  3-D structure of DNA: The DNA double helix; Lectures
biology twisting, curving and super-coiling of the DNA Tutorials
double helix; assembly into chromosomes; DNA-
protein interactions; how chromosome structure
influences DNA function etc.
 Signal transduction mechanisms
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (60 hours); 15 tutorial/seminar hours and 15 practical hours; equivalent to 5 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar presentations (5%) and written examination (60%) at the end of
the 1st semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student
computer laboratory with internet connectivity, selected reference books.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Assoc. Prof. E. Matovu (PhD), Assoc. Prof. R. Muwazi (PhD), Dr. A.
Nanteza (PhD), Dr. E. Nyatia (PhD)
Reading List
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, and Martin
Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2002, Publisher Garland Science Fourth edition. ISBN-10:
0815332181, ISBN-13: 978-0815332183
2. Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Approach by John Wilson and Tim Hunt 2007
Publisher Garland Science Fifth Edition. ISBN-10: 0815341105, ISBN-13: 978-0815341109
3. Introduction to Protein Structure by Carl Branden and John Tooze 1999, Publisher Garland
Science 2nd edition. ISBN-10: 0815323050, ISBN-13: 978-0815323051
4. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes by Leland Hartwell, Leroy Hood, Michael Goldberg, Ann
Reynolds, Lee Silver 2010, Publisher McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4 edition.
ISBN-10: 007352526X, ISBN-13: 978-0073525266
5. Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson,
Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2003.Publisher Garland Science/Taylor
& Francis Group Second Edition. ISBN-10: 081533480X, ISBN-13: 978-0815334804.
6. Molecular Biology by David P. Clark (Author), 2009 ACACL 1 st ed. ISBN-10: 0123785898;
ISBN-13: 978-0123785893
Teaching Requirements:
Laboratory consumables and assorted molecular laboratory equipment, stationary, biological
specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: Protein Biotechnology

Course Code: MBS 7112
Credit Units: 4
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to protein biotechnology and provides the basic knowledge
required for biotechnology laboratory set up and biotech materials/supplies. The molecular basis of
protein expression, recovery and analysis will be emphasized. Laboratory experimentation and
research will provide hands-on experience of the techniques used in protein biotechnology
laboratories; in so doing will supplement the lecture sessions and enhance students’ learning.
Course Objectives:
1. To equip the student with knowledge on protein analysis at a molecular level and
applications in biotechnology.
2. To impart knowledge and hands-on experience on laboratory techniques employed in the
protein laboratory and industry.
3. To impart knowledge on protein activity, expression and characterization.
4. To illustrate the mechanism and importance of protein expression, protein post –translation
modifications and their applications.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able:
1. To describe the biochemical and physical properties of proteins.
2. To explain how proteins create, sustain a biological system and allow cell to cell
3. To express, measure and control protein activity in the laboratory.
4. To extract, quantify, purify and preserve proteins.
5. To explain the mechanism and importance of protein synthesis and how it relates to day-
today applications.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction  Purpose, scope, Lectures and
 Biotechnology laboratory set up and practicals
biotechnology materials/supplies
Protein extraction  Cell disintegration methods for yeast and bacterial Lectures,
cells, and of various mammalian and plant tissues practicals

Topic Content Delivery Mode
 Extraction of membrane proteins and organelles
Quantification of  Protein concentration determination: the Biuret Lectures,
proteins and reaction, Lowry method, UV absorption, Dye practicals
protein activity binding methods, bicichonic acid method
 Enzyme activity determination and
characterization: Stopped, continuous and coupled
methods; effects of substrates, activators, pH, ionic
strength and temperature, on enzyme/protein
activity and stability
Protein  General introduction and definitions Lectures,
purification  Purification by precipitation: salting-in and salting- practicals,
out; precipitation by organic solvents and organic seminars and
polymers; separation by selective denaturation. tutorials
 Chromatography theory and practice for large
molecules (proteins) and small molecules (drugs),
liquid column chromatography, types of
chromatographic techniques
 Adsorption methods (ion exchange, reverse phase
affinity etc)
 Purification of special types of proteins such as
recombinant proteins, membrane proteins,
antibodies etc.
 Adaptation of the above techniques for large scale
purification: Scaling up principles and procedures;
purification for industrial purposes.
Protein  Buffer theory; prevention of denaturation by pH Lectures,
preservation and control, enzyme inhibitors, temperature control or practicals,
storage freezing; seminars and
 Protein storage by crystallization: general tutorials
crystallization theory and practice; other purposes
of protein crystallization;
 Freeze-drying or lypholization theory and
Protein  Electrophoretic methods; Lectures,
characterization  Molecular weight determination; practicals,
and purity  Amino acid composition analysis; N-terminal seminars and
analysis methods analysis; tutorials
 Protein blotting (Western blot)
 Analytical HPLC; Mass spectrophotometry;
Protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment

Lectures (45 hours); 15 tutorial/seminar hours and 15 practical hours; equivalent to 4 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar/tutorial presentations (5%) and written theoretical examination
(60%) at the end of the 1st semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory, Computer laboratory with internet.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G. W. Lubega, Assoc Prof E. Matovu, Dr. A. Nanteza (PhD), Dr. C. Mugasa (PhD), Dr. E.
Wampande (PhD candidate), Ms. M. Namayanja (PhD candidate)
Reading List:
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, and
Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2002, Publisher Garland Science Fourth edition.
ISBN-10: 0815332181, ISBN-13: 978-0815332183
2. Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Problems Approach by John Wilson and Tim Hunt 2007
Publisher Garland Science Fifth Edition. ISBN-10: 0815341105, ISBN-13: 978-
3. Introduction to Protein Structure by Carl Branden and John Tooze 1999, Publisher Garland
Science 2nd edition. ISBN-10: 0815323050, ISBN-13: 978-0815323051
4. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes by Leland Hartwell, Leroy Hood, Michael Goldberg,
Ann Reynolds, Lee Silver 2010, Publisher McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4
edition. ISBN-10: 007352526X, ISBN-13: 978-0073525266
5. Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson,
Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter 2003.Publisher Garland
Science/Taylor & Francis Group Second Edition. ISBN-10: 081533480X, ISBN-13: 978-
Teaching Requirements
Laboratory chemicals, buffers and reagents and assorted molecular laboratory equipment,
stationary, biological specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: Molecular Microbiology

Course Code: 7113
Credit Units: 3
Course Description
The course is concerned with aspects of microbiology including description of the detailed
organizational structure of bacteria, fungi and viruses; an examination of the regulation of the
growth of viruses, bacteria and fungi and the molecular determination of virulence in pathogenic
microorganisms. The action of antimicrobial drugs and drug resistance mechanisms by the
microbes is also considered. Insights into the taxonomy of microorganisms based on phenetic and
phylogenetic approaches are also discussed. The course also describes how growth and interaction
between microorganisms and the environment is regulated at the molecular level. During practical
sessions, students will have the opportunity of applying the techniques of microbial isolation, pure
culture preparation and genetic analyses of selected microbes.
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on the major ultrastructural features and classification of fungi,
bacteria and viruses.
2. To explain the basic features of virus replication at the molecular level with specific
reference to the molecular pathogenesis of selected viruses
3. To familiarize the student with the general aspects of microbial genetics

4. To enlighten the student on the mechanisms by which microorganisms interact with each
other, grow and survive extreme environmental conditions.
5. To enable students distinguish the mechanisms of microbes and virus interaction with the
host cells at a molecular level, and understand the mechanisms of survival within the host
6. To impart knowledge on how bacteria and fungi grow and develop including the process of
cell division and spore formation.
7. To familiarize the students with the general principles of antimicrobial drug action and drug
resistance mechanisms and their application in controlling microbial growth
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able:
1. To describe the detailed structure of the virion and the bacterial and fungal cells and the
major structures of importance to a molecular biologist
2. To evaluate and select appropriate approaches for taxonomical studies
3. To describe the mechanisms of virus replication and their applicability in viral disease
control or treatment
4. To identify the likely microflora in a given environment, mechanisms of survival and how
they can be isolated
5. To identify and detect and the microbial virulence factors by phenotypic and genotypic
methods in the laboratory
6. To describe the mechanisms of drug action against the microbes and drug resistance
mechanisms at a molecular level.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Microbial structure  Organizational structure of bacterial cells Lecture,
 Organizational structure of fungal cells practical,
 Organizational structure of viruses seminar
Microbial physiology  Bacterial and fungal physiology Lecture,
and Virus replication  Microbial adaptations in various environmental practical,
conditions seminar
 Mechanisms of viral replication
Microbial genetics  Microbial genetics, biodiversity & Lecture,
epidemiology demonstrations/
 Bacterial genetics, genetic exchange, plasmids, practical,
phage genetics seminars
Microbial Taxonomy  Introduction to Systematics, phenetic and Lecture,
phylogenetic taxonomy, molecular seminars,
chronometers, computer-based
 Taxonomy of bacteria including the simulations
approaches and criteria employed
 Taxonomy of fungi and fungal-like organisms
 Taxonomy of viruses including the Baltimore
classification schemes
Microbial  Pathogenic determinants at molecular level for Lecture,
pathogenesis bacteria, fungi and viruses seminars

Topic Content Delivery Mode
Microbial  Biochemical differences between host and Lecture,
chemotherapeutics microbial cells exploitable for chemotherapy demonstrations/p
 Biochemical mechanisms of drug resistance ractical,
seminars, field
visits or
industrial tours
Genotyping of  Genetic manipulations: selected bacteria and/or Lecture,
Microorganisms bacterial diseases demonstrations/p
 Genetic manipulations: selected fungi and/or ractical,
fungal diseases seminars
 Genetic manipulations: selected viruses and/or
viral diseases
Diagnostic  Microbiological detection and/or isolation, Lecturette,
microbiology identification, preservation and maintenance Practical
 Conventional microbiological techniques
 Molecular diagnostic methods
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (15 hours); 15 tutorial/seminar hours and 15 practical hours equivalent to 2 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar presentations (5%) and a written examination (60%) at the end
of the semester.
Available Resources
LCD projector; a fairly equipped Bacteriology laboratory, Class II Virology Laboratory; Molecular
Biology Laboratory; collaborating laboratories such as UVRI; Post-graduate computer lab with 12
computers, Internet access.
Teaching Requirements: Stationery, Consumables, Laptop and multi-functional printer; additional
equipment such as a 100L-capacity autoclave; hot air oven; refrigerated incubator; ordinary
incubators, -80°C Deep freezer; Lyophilizer/freeze-drier.
Resourse Persons (Staffing):
Dr. Jesca Nakavuma (PhD, Coordinator); Dr. Joseph Erume (PhD), Dr. Denis K. Byarugaba (PhD),
Dr. Samuel Majalija (PhD), Dr. Immaculate Nakalembe (PhD); Mr Musisi Lubowa (MSc. Principal
Technician/Technologist) Dr. William Olaho Mukani (PhD, external facilitator)
Reading List
1. Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Madigan, M. T., Martiniko, J. M. and Parker J; 1996
Prentice Hall College Div; 8th Package edition, ISBN-10: 0135208750 / ISBN-13: 978-
2. Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach by Brenda A. Wilson, Abigail A. Salyers,
Dixie D. Whitt and Malcolm E. Winkler ( 2010) Amer Society for Microbiology; 3 Revised
edition ISBN-10: 1555814182 ISBN-13: 978-1555814182
3. Virology: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis by Leonard C. Norkin (2006) John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.; 1 edition ISBN-10: 0471351512 ISBN-13: 978-0471351511
4. Prokaryotic Genomics by Michel Blot (Ed) (2003) Birkhäuser Basel; 1 edition ISBN-10:
376436596X ISBN-13: 978-3764365967
5. Fundamental Bacterial Genetics by Nancy Jo Trun and J. E. Trempy (2003) Wiley-
Blackwell; 1 edition, ISBN-10: 0632044489 ISBN-13: 978-0632044481

6. Molecular and Cell Biology Methods for Fungi (Methods in Molecular Biology) Amir
Sharon (Ed) 2010, Humana Press; 1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1607616106 ISBN-13: 978-
7. Fungal Biology by Jim Deacon (Author) 2005 Wiley-Blackwell; 4 th edition ISBN-10:
1405130660 ISBN-13: 978-1405130660
8. Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular Techniques by Kevin Kavanagh (Ed) 2006
Wiley; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0470019239 ISBN-13: 978-0470019238
9. Molecular Biology of Fungal Development (Mycology, 15) by Heinz D. Osiewacz (Ed)
2002 Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0824707443 ISBN-13: 978-0824707446
10. Current Advances in Molecular Mycology by Youssuf Gherbawy, Robert Ludwig Mach
and Mahendra Rai (Eds) 2008 Nova Science Pub Inc; 1 st edition ISBN-10: 1604569093
ISBN-13: 978-1604569094
11. Molecular and Cellular Biology of Filamentous Fungi: A Practical Approach by Nick
Talbot (Editor) 2001, Oxford University Press, USA ISBN-10: 0199638373 ISBN-13: 978-
12. Microbial Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach by J Vaun McArthur (Author) 2006
Academic Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0123694914 ISBN-13: 978-0123694911
13. Methods for General and Molecular Microbiology by C. A. Reddy, Terry J. Beveridge and
John A. Breznak 2007 Publisher: ASM Press; 3 edition ISBN-10: 1555812236, ISBN-13:
14. Methods for General and Molecular Bacteriology by Gerhardt, Murray, Wood and Krieg
ISBN-10: 1555810489, ISBN-13: 978-1555810481
15. Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) Louise O'Connor
(Editor) 2006 Publisher: Humana Press; 2nd ed. ISBN-10: 1617376663, ISBN-13: 978-
16. Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) by Jenny Howard
(Author), David M. Whitcombe Publisher: Humana Press; 1st edition (July 15, 1995)
ISBN-10: 0896032973, ISBN-13: 978-0896032972
17. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, Third Edition (Snyder, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria) by
Larry Snyder and Wendy Champness (Authors) Publisher: ASM Press; 3 rd edition (May 31,
2007) ISBN-10: 1555813992, ISBN-13: 978-1555813994
18. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes by David White (Author) Publisher:
Oxford University Press, USA; 3rd edition (March 16, 2006) ISBN-10: 0195301684, ISBN-
13: 978-0195301687
19. Basic Virology by Edward K. Wagner, Martinez J. Hewlett, David C. Bloom and David
Camerini (Authors) Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3rd edition (November 6, 2007) ISBN-10:
1405147156, ISBN-13: 978-1405147156
20. Principles of Virology (2 Volume Set) by S. Jane Flint, L. W. Enquist and Vincent R.
Racaniello (Authors) Publisher: ASM Press; 3rd edition (January 2009) ISBN-10:
1555814433, ISBN-13: 978-1555814434
21. Bacterial Stress Responses by Gisela Storz and Regine Henegge (Editors) Publisher: ASM
Press; 2nd edition (October 2010) ISBN-10: 1555816215, ISBN-13: 978-1555816216
22. Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish, Molecular Cell Biology) by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk,
Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh and
Paul Matsudaira Publisher: W. H. Freeman; 6 th edition (June 15, 2007) ISBN-10:
0716776014, ISBN-13: 978-0716776017

Course Name: Immunobiology
Course Code: MBS 7114
Credit Units: 2
Course Description
Immunobiology is the study of the immune response and the biological aspects of immunity to
disease. This course provides an introduction to host resistance and immunoregulation and is the
basis for the Immunobiotechnology course offered during the 2 nd semester of the program. It also
provides the basic knowledge required for immunology laboratory set up and immunological
materials/supplies. The molecular basis of immune system will be emphasized. Laboratory
experimentation and research will provide hands-on experience of the techniques used in
immunology laboratories; in so doing will supplement the lecture sessions and enhance students’
Course Objectives:
1. To equip the student with knowledge on the principles and applications of the immune
system responses, especially at molecular level.
2. To impart knowledge and hands-on experience on laboratory techniques employed in the
immunology laboratory.
3. To impart skills on detection of immune response or immunological reactions and their
application in medical interventions such as skin grafting and organ transplantation.
4. To enlighten the students on the mechanisms and importance of body defense mechanisms.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Appreciate the biochemical and physical properties of antibodies and cell mediated
2. Explain how the body responds to presence of foreign bodies.
3. Describe how the two arms of immunity interact with each other and how the immune
responses are regulated.
4. Appreciate the mechanisms and importance of immune system.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction  Purpose, scope, immunology laboratory set up and Lectures and
immunology materials/supplies practicals
Basic concepts  Innate immunity and acquired immunity Lectures,
of immunology  Cells and tissues of the immune system, seminars and
 Anatomy and functions of the lymphoid tissue, tutorials
maturation of B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes

Topic Content Delivery Mode
Recognition of  Recognition by antibodies: Natural distribution and Lectures,
antigens production of antibodies; Molecular structure of a practicals,
typical antibody molecule (Immunoglobulin); seminars and
biological features of antigens, structural and molecular tutorials
basis of antigen binding, immunogenicity and
 Recognition by T-lymphocytes: T-lymphocyte
recognition, antigen presentation, antigen processing,
T-cell surveillance for foreign antigens, selections and
CD4 effector molecules of T-lymphocytes.
Immunogenetics  Pathogenesis of chronic inflammation, autoimmune Lectures,
and infectious diseases; and malignancy practicals,
 Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) and non‐HLA genes seminars and
and autoimmunity tutorials
 Regulation of gene expression
 Natural Killer (NK) cells and Killer cell
immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) genes
 The major histocompatibility complex (MHC): MHC
genes organization and polymorphism,
 Histocompatibility testing for solid organ and
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
 Tissue graft and transplantation immunity
Regulation of  Germline organization, expression of antigens receptor Lectures,
lymphocytes genes, clonal selection hypothesis practicals,
seminars and
Effector  Activation of lymphocytes, cell mediated immunity; Lectures,
mechanisms of cytokines; humoral immunity; cell mediated practicals,
immune opsonization and phagocytes; the complement system; seminars and
responses mucosal and neonatal immunity tutorials
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (20 hours); 10 tutorial/seminar hours and 10 practical hours; equivalent to 2 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar/tutorial presentations (5%) and written theoretical examination
(60%) at the end of the 1st semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology/immunology Laboratory, Computer laboratory with internet
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Dr. M. Saimo (PhD candidate), Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Dr. A. Nanteza (PhD), Ms. M.
Namayanja (PhD Candidate); Prof. J. Olobo (PhD), Dr. R. Tweyongyere (PhD)
Reading List:
1. Janeway's Immunobiology by Ken Murphy, Paul Travers, and Mark Walport (Authors) 2011
Taylor & Francis, 8th Illustrated Ed, ISBN-10: 0815342438, ISBN-13: 9780815342434
2. Immunobiology: The immune system in health and disease by Charles Janeway (Author) 2005
Garland Science, 6th Illustrated Edition, ISBN-10: 0815341016, ISBN -13: 978081534101

3. Cellular and molecular immunology by Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, Jordan S. Pober
(Authors) 1994 W.B. Saunders 2nd Illustrated ed, ISBN-10: 072165505X, ISBN -13:
4. Immunobiology of organ transplantation by David S. Wilkes, William J. Burlingham 2004
Springer Illustrated Edition ISBN-10: 0306483289, ISBN -13: 9780306483288
5. Immunobiology of natural killer cell receptors Volume 298 of Current topics in microbiology
and immunology by E. Vivier, Marco Colonna 2006 Birkhäuser Illustrated Ed, ISBN-10:
3540260838, ISBN -13: 9783540260837

Course Name: Seminar/Tutorial

Course Code: 7115
Credit Units: 2
Course Description: Students will be trained and assessed in how to prepare scientific
presentations, use of audiovisual aids and how to critique scientific literature.
Course Objectives:
1. To train students to better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the
2. To prepare students to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. To enable students develop skills of critical thinking and be able to critique scientific
4. To appreciate how research is conducted through reviewing previous scientific reports; to
acquire knowledge on how scientific papers written.
5. To equip the student with skills in designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific
research work
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should:
1. Be able better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues
2. Be able to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. Have acquired critical thinking skills and be able to critique scientific literature
4. Be able to designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific research work; and
assess the experimental designs being employed for their research.
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
The course will be oral presentation of power point slide show using a LCD projector. Seminars
will be allocated 4 hours per week making 2 CUs. Each student will make a presentation for 20
minutes after which questions and comments will be presented from the audience (10 minutes). The
student is given 10 minutes to respond. Each student presents at least twice per semester and must
attend 75% of the seminar sessions. The course is assessed on spot, during the presentation;
following an in-house developed guideline.
Available Resources
Source recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Various personnel who facilitate in other taught courses of the Masters programme

Reading List
1. Recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
2. Internet search engines open to Makerere University students and staff (AGORA, HINARI)
Teaching Requirements:
Laptop, Printer, USB stick-8GB; LCD projector

Course Name: Nucleic Acid Biotechnology

Course Code: MBS 7212
Credit Units: 4
Course Description
This course introduces students to the benefits and applications of biotechnology and how it uses
the products and processes of living organisms to improve quality of life. Nucleic acid
biotechnology has many different applications including gene therapies to treat genetic disorders;
more effective medicines tailored to individuals; vaccines to prevent disease; environmental
decontamination to restore polluted spaces; genetic engineering of crops and livestock to improve
their yield, nutrition including modified starter cultures for making cheese, yogurt of desired
quality. Different aspects of biotechnology in the areas of genetics, microbiology, fermentation and
forensics are introduced. The fundamentals of genetic analyses and genetic engineering will allow
students to apply the same techniques used to engineer genetically modified organisms (GMOs),
solve crimes and determine paternity, including PCR and DNA profiling.
Course Objectives
1. To apply various aspects of biotechnology to solve day-to-day problems in medicine,
agriculture, environment, forensic and nutrition.
2. To provide students with practical training in the skills and techniques of biotechnology and
instill adaptable skills relevant to the changing world of biotechnology
3. To integrate the laboratory and lecture components of the program through the use of an
experimental approach to learning
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should
1. Be able to select, design and apply appropriate nucleic acid biotechnology to solve day-to-
day problems in medicine, agriculture, environment, forensic and nutrition.
2. Be able to apply nucleic acid biotechnology to living organisms to improve quality of life
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction:  Scope and definitions of common DNA technologies; Lecture
 Equipment/supplies;
 Biological systems for gene cloning/propagation.
Preparation  Isolation and purification of DNA and other nucleic Lecture
and analysis acids from mammalian and plant sources; separation of Practical
of nucleic total cell DNA, genomic DNA and plasmid DNA from
acid samples bacteria; Preparation of bacteriophage DNA;
 Methods for quantitation of DNA and other nucleic
Topic Content Delivery Mode
 Preparation and use of nucleic acid probes;
 Nucleic acid detection methods, electrophoresis and
blotting; nucleic acid hybridization; and gel
documentation (auto radiography and non-radioactive
Gene cloning  Gene cloning vectors for E.coli, yeast, higher plants Practical
and gene and animal cells; artificial chromosome construction Seminars
libraries and use
 Manipulation of purified DNA: range of DNA
manipulative enzymes; restriction and ligation
 DNA transformation and transfection methodology for
bacteria, yeast and cells of higher organisms
 Identification of transformants and recombinants
Polymerase  The basic PCR assay; Template preparation; collection Lecturette,
chain of samples. Seminars and
reaction  The design, precautions and optimization of the PCR; Practicals
(PCR) PCR errors
technology  The various types and uses of DNA polymerases; target
 Types of PCR-technologies: Restriction Fragment
Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP); Random
Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD);
amplification with single primers to repetitive DNA
elements; Analysis of mini and micro satellites using
PCR; Amplified fragment length polymorphism
(AFLP); reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR)
 Genome representational difference analysis (RDA)
 PCR-linked sequencing;
 PCR-based construction of expression libraries
 Application of PCR in Medicine, genetics biodiversity,
evolution and forensic studies; etc.
Nucleic acid  In vitro DNA sequencing methods and their Lectures
sequencing applications, Manual versus automated sequencing
and sequence  Sequencing entire genomes: Strategies for genome
analysis sequencing (The shotgun approach; sequencing
methods mapped clones; sequencing complex genomes).
Gene  Special vectors for expression of foreign genes in Lecture
expression E.coli; overcoming problems associated with Practicals
production of recombinant proteins in E.coli;
 Expression of proteins in eukaryotic cells (yeast, insect
cell lines etc)
 Production of recombinant commercial products
Studying  Gene cloning and its transcription Lecturette,
gene  Regulation of gene expression; Practicals
expression  Identifying and analysing expression products;
and gene  Mutagenesis and protein engineering; homologous
function recombination;
 Gene knockouts; Oligonucleotide antisense technology,
Topic Content Delivery Mode
RNA interference (RNAi); transgenics.
Omics  Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics,differential Lecture
gene display; micro array technology etc. Seminars,
Overview of  Applications in human health, animal health and Seminars
Molecular production; crop health and production; environment
biotechnology and industry.
 Ethical issues in molecular biotechnology
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (45 hours); 15 tutorial/seminar hours and 15 practical hours; equivalent to 4 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar/tutorial presentations (5%) and written theoretical examination
(60%) at the end of the 2nd semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory, Computer laboratory with internet.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Assoc. Prof. E. Matovu (PhD), Dr. A. Nanteza (PhD), Ms. C. Aguttu
(PhD candidate), Ms. M. Namayanja (PhD candidate)
Reading List
1. DNA and Biotechnology by Molly Fitzgerald-Hayes and Frieda Reichsman (Authors) 2009,
Academic Press 3rd ed ISBN-10: 0120489309; ISBN-13: 978-0120489305.
2. Ethical Issues in Biotechnology Richard Sherlock and John D. Morrey (Editors) 2002,
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ISBN-10: 0742513777; ISBN-13: 978-0742513778.
3. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA by Bernard R.
Glick, Jack J. Pasternak and Cheryl L. Patten (Authors), 2009 Amer Society for
Microbiology; 4th ed. ISBN-10: 1555814980; ISBN-13: 978-1555814984.
4. Basic Biotechnology by Colin Ratledge and Bjorn Kristiansen (Editors) 2006, Cambridge
University press 3rd ed. ISBN-10: 0521549582; ISBN-13: 978-0521549585.
5. An introduction to Forensic DNA Analysis by Norah Rudin, Keith Inman 2001, CRC
Press; 2nd edition ISBN: 0849302331

Course Name: Molecular Epidemiology and Population genetics

Course Code: MBS7213
Credit Units: 2
Course description
Molecular epidemiology focuses on the contribution of potential genetic and environmental risk
factors, identified at the molecular level, to the cause, distribution and prevention of disease within
and across populations. The course is centered on the in-depth knowledge of health related states or
events in specified populations and its application in disease investigations and mitigation.
Course Objectives
1. To introduce students to the basic molecular epidemiological principles and features of
molecular epidemiological research

2. To provide students with the latest information in scientific molecular epidemiological
3. To provide advanced knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking appropriate for the
application of molecular epidemiology and population genetics in solving health related
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Distinguish between conventional and molecular epidemiology in terms of focus,
investigative tools, study approaches and factors influencing outcomes
2. Demonstrate the molecular biomarkers applied in molecular epidemiological investigations,
their selection and pivotal role in understanding health states and scientific applications in
diagnostics, assessing disease progression and / or cure.
3. Clearly show the role of molecular evolution in population dynamics leading to the
emergence of new agents/species/strains or microbes, changes of vector populations and
competence and how this genetic diversification can be viewed phylogenetically and
applied scientifically.
4. Demonstrate important markers for genetic relationships within and between populations
and methods applied for delineating genetic relationships among individuals and groups.
Course Outline
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction  History and definition of epidemiological terms Lecture,
to molecular  Measures of epidemiology, absolute and relative seminars
epidemiology comparisons
 Types of epidemiological studies
 Errors and statistical measurements in epidemiology
 Factors and agents that influence epidemiological
Molecular  Biomarkers and their validation Lectures,
markers in  Integration of biomarkers into design of seminars
epidemiologica epidemiological studies
l studies  Exposure assessment using biomarkers
 Markers in: infectious diseases, carcinogenesis,
cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases,
genitourinary diseases, neurologic diseases,
musculoskeletal disorders, reproduction,
immunological conditions etc
Molecular  Microbial population dynamics, emergence of new Lectures,
evolution agents/species/strains computer-
 Changes in populations of vectors and their based
competence or capacity, molecular markers of these simulations,
and other evolutionary studies seminars
 Gene-environment interactions
 Construction and computerization of phylogenetic
data, trees, etc
Population  Markers for genetic relationships within and between Lectures
molecular populations seminars
genetics  Genetic epidemiology
 Fingerprinting methods including paternity and
Topic Content Delivery Mode
maternity testing and any other relevant diagnostic
Time Allocation and Mode of assessment
To achieve these goals, the molecular epidemiology and population genetics course consists of a
combination of lectures (20h and seminars (20h) equivalent to 2CUs. During the program, students
will be encouraged to participate in seminar series so as to gain in-depth application of molecular
epidemiology tools in understanding disease states and population dynamics. Course assessment
consists of course work and assignments (30%); evaluation of seminar presentations (10%) and a
written examination (60%) at the end of the second semester.
Available Resources
LCD projector; a fairly equipped Bacteriology laboratory, Class II Virology Laboratory; Molecular
Biology Laboratory; collaborating laboratories such as UVRI; Post-graduate computer lab with 12
computers, Internet access.
Resource Persons (Staffing)
Dr. Joseph Erume (PhD, Coordinator); Dr. Samuel Majalija (PhD); Dr. Benon Asiimwe (PhD); Dr.
Charles Masembe (PhD), Mr. Nathan Musisi Lubowa (Technician, MSc).
Teaching Requirements: Stationery, Consumables, Laptop and multi-functional printer; additional
equipment such as a 100L-capacity autoclave; hot air oven; refrigerated incubator; ordinary
incubators, -80°C Deep freezer; Lyophilizer/freeze-drier.
Reading List
1. Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Madigan, M. T., Martiniko, J. M. and Parker J. 2005
Prentice Hall; 11th edition ISBN-10: 0131443291. ISBN-13: 978-0131443297
2. Molecular Epidemiology: Principles and Practices by Schulte P. A. and Perera F. P. 1998
Academic Press ISBN-10: 0126323461, ISBN-13: 978-0126323467
3. Molecular Epidemiology: A practical Approach by Carrington A. and Rus Hoelzel A.
2001Oxford University Press, ISBN-10: 0199638101, ISBN-13:9780199638109
4. Bioinformatics and Biomarker Discovery: “omic” data analysis for personalized medicine
by by Azuaje F. 2010 Wiley; 1st edition ISBN-10: 047074460X, ISBN-13: 978-
5. Cancer Biomarkers: Analytical Techniques for Discovery by Mahmoud H. Hamdan
(Author), Dominic M. Desiderio, Nico M. Nibbering (Editors). 2007 Wiley-Interscience 1st
edition ISBN-10: 0471745162, ISBN-13: 978-0471745167.
6. Molecular Epidemiology of infectious Diseases: Principles and Practices by Lee Riley W
2004 Amer Society for Microbiology ISBN-10: 1555812686, ISBN-13: 978-1555812683
7. Molecular Epidemiology: applications in cancer and other human diseases by Rebbeck T.R,
Ambrosone C.B, Shield P.G (Editors) 2008 Informa Healthcare; 1st edition ISBN-10:
1420052918, ISBN-13: 978-142005291
8. Population genetics and microevolutionary theory by Templeton A.R (Author) 2006 Wiley-
Liss; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0471409510, ISBN-13: 978-0471409519
9. Population Genetics by Hamilton M. 2009 Wiley-Blackwell; 1st edition, ISBN-10:
1405132779, ISBN-13: 978-1405132770

Course Name: Research Methods and Biometry

Course Code: MBS 7214
Credit Units: 2

Course description:
This course is aimed at grounding students in the art and science of scientific inquiry, research
design, implementation and interpretation of research finding in such a way as to solve a problem at
hand. The course emphasizes presentation and application of the statistical procedures that are
commonly encountered in biomedical related disciplines. The course presents ideas in designing
experiments, analyzing data, and presenting the statistical results in standard scientific formats such
as tabular and graphical modes.
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on approaches to biomedical research.
2. To introduce the basic research designs and their relative strengths and weaknesses.
3. To impart skills in conceptualizing, designing and critiquing biomedical research
4. To ground the student in the fundamental aids to analysis, planning and implementation and
report preparation.
5. Enlighten the students on the major ethical issues in doing biomedical research

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student should
1. Understand the process of writing a research proposal
2. Be able to design, execute, analyze and critique research in a biomedical field
3. Be able to write and present a scientific report
4. Use biostatics in designing, implementing and interpreting scientific research
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Research Philosophy of scientific research; participatory Lecture
Methods research methods; experimentation principles; Seminars
conducting surveys; scientific writing including
proposal writing; research project planning and
implementation. Research ethics and use and
dissemination of research findings, Copyright issues
Biometry Descriptive statistics: Frequency distributions, Lectures
ways of data presentation, measures of central Tutorials
tendency and measures of variations/dispersions.
Normal distribution and simple discrete distributions,
poisson, Binomial and Bernouli distribution, hyper
geometric distribution
Analytical statistics (estimation theory):
Confidence interval, hypothesis testing,
Analysis of variance: One way ANOVA, Two way
ANOVA, Ballets test, Hartley’s test, Duncan’s
multiple range test and Fisher’s LSD.
Regression and correlation analysis: Contingency
table analysis, Non parametric methods
Probability theory: Mutually exclusive events,
independent events, conditional probability, Bayers
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (20 hours); 20 tutorial/seminar hours; equivalent to 2 CUs Assessment is through
assignments (5%), course work (15%), evaluation of seminar presentations (20%) and written
examination (60%) at the end of the semester.
Available Resources
Teaching Laboratory, Post-graduate student computer laboratory with internet connectivity
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. Rubaire-Akiiki (PhD), Dr. I. Nabukenya (PhD candidate)
Reading List
1. An Introduction to Qualitative Research Flick, Uwe. 2009. Publisher Sage Publications Ltd.
4th ed. ISBN-10: 1847873243, ISBN-13: 978-1847873248
2. Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach Kenneth Bordens, & Bruce Barrington
Abbott 2010. Publisher McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages 8th edition.
ISBN-10: 0073532029, ISBN-13: 978-0073532028
3. Biometry, the Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research by Robert R.
Sokal, F. James Rohlf 1994 Publisher W. H. Freeman 3rd edition. ISBN-10: 0716724111
ISBN-13: 978-0716724117
4. Health Services Research Methods by L. Shi. 2008 Thomson/Delmar Learning 2 nd
illustrated edition., ISBN-10: 1428352295, ISBN-13: 9781428352292
5. Research Methods (Examples and Explanations Series) Donald H. McBurney, and Theresia
L. White, 2009. Publisher Wadsworth 8th edition. ISBN-10: 0495602191, ISBN-13: 978-
6. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists by Gerry P. Quinn, Michael J.
Keough 2002. Publisher Cambridge University Press; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 0521009766,
ISBN-13: 978-0521009768
Teaching Requirements:
Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector, Up to date statistical software

Course Name: Seminar/Tutorial
Course Code: 7215
Credit Units: 2
Course description: Students will be trained further and assessed on how to prepare scientific
presentations, use of audiovisual aids and how to critique scientific literature.
Course Objectives:
1. To train students to better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the
2. To prepare students to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. To enable students develop skills of critical thinking and be able to critique scientific
4. To appreciate how research is conducted through reviewing previous scientific reports; to
acquire knowledge on how scientific papers written.
5. To equip the student with skills in designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific
research work
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should:
1. Be able to better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues in
form of seminars or lectures
2. Have acquired critical thinking skills and be able to critique scientific literature
3. Be able to design methodologies/ techniques for future scientific research work; and assess
the experimental designs being employed for their research.
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
The course will be oral presentation of power point slide show using a LCD projector. Seminars
will be allocated 4 hours per week, each student will make a presentation for 20 minutes after
which questions and comments will be presented from the audience (10 minutes). The student is
given 10 minutes to respond. Each student presents twice per semester and must attend 75% of the
seminar sessions. The course is assessed on spot, during the presentation; following an in-house
developed guideline.
Available Resources
Source recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Various personnel who facilitate in other taught courses of the Masters programme
Reading List
Recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Internet search engines open to Makerere University students and staff (AGORA, HINARI)
Teaching Requirements:
Laptop, Printer, USB stick-8GB; LCD projector

Course Name: Advanced Parasitology
Course Code: MBS 7217
Credit Units: 2
Course description
This course deals with more current and comprehensive reviews of selected groups of zoonotic
parasites of economic value. It discusses mechanisms used by parasites to evade their hosts’
immune system, how parasites have evolved to survive in their hosts and to develop resistance to
antiparasitic drugs. It explores recent findings and advances in parasitology that assist in parasite
detection, diagnosis and control of parasitic infection and transmission. The use of parasites as an
experimental tool will also be considered. Students will complete a review paper on a topic of their
choice in the field of Parasitology.
Course Objectives
1. To provide additional training prior to embarking on a research career in parasitology,
entomology, immunology or molecular biology.
2. To provide an up-to-date insight into the major vector groups of arthropods and zoonotic
parasites, their behavior, transmission potential, and the application of modern techniques in
their control.
3. To facilitate the ability to design a laboratory or field-based research project, and apply
relevant research skills in a given parasitology field.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should:
1. Be abreast with the current knowledge in the zoonotic protozoa, helminths and arthropods.
2. Be able to execute research in the parasitological field in the areas of invasion mechanisms
of parasites, diagnostic and control mechanisms.

Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction to  A review of the general biology, classification and Lecture
parasitology importance of major protozoa, helminths and
arthropods parasitic in or on humans, livestock and
crops of major importance.
Advanced  Molecular structure and physiology of parasites: Lectures
parasitology the cytoskeleton, helminth surfaces, Tutorials
neurotransmission, reproduction and development,
cytology and special organelles of parasites; anti-
oxidant mechanisms of parasites.
Parasite  Carbohydrate and energy metabolism of aerobic Lectures
biochemistry and anaerobic protozoa; Seminars
 Carbohydrate and energy metabolism in helminths;
amino acid and protein metabolism; purine and
pyrimidine metabolism; polyamine metabolism,
lipid and membrane metabolism of selected
Advances in  Students will complete a review paper on a topic Seminars
Parasitology of their choice in the field of Parasitology.

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (20 hours); 20 tutorial/seminar hours; equivalent to 2 CUs. Assessment is through
assignments (5%), course work (10%), evaluation of Review paper (5%); evaluation of seminar
presentations (20%) and written examination (60%) at the end of the semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student
computer laboratory with internet connectivity
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Assoc. Prof. E. Matovu (PhD), Assoc. Prof. JCK Enyaru (PhD), Dr. A.
Nanteza (PhD), Dr. C. Mugasa (PhD).
Reading List
1. Advances in Parasitology, Volume 65 by R. Muller, D. Rollinson and S.I. Hay 2007,
Publisher: Academic Press ISBN: 0123741661
2. Parasitic infections and the immune system by Felipe Kierzenbaum 1994. Publisher
Academic Press Inc. ISBN 10: 0124065759, ISBN 13: 9780124065758
3. Protocols in Molecular Parasitology (Methods in Molecular Biology) by John E. Hyde 1993
Humana Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0896032396, ISBN-13: 978-0896032392
4. Molecular Medical Parasitology by Joseph Marr, Tim W. Nilsen and Richard W.
Komuniecki (Editors) 2003 Academic Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0124733468, ISBN-13:
5. Molecular Biology of Parasitic Protozoa (Frontiers in Molecular Biology) by Deborah F.
Smith, Marilyn Parsons (Editors) 1996 Oxford University Press, USA; 1st edition ISBN-10:
019963601X, ISBN-13: 978-0199636013
6. Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology by Malcolm W.
Kennedy and William Harnett (Editors) February 2012 CABI; 2nd Edition, ISBN-10:
1845937597, ISBN-13: 978-1845937591
7. Molecular Biology of Insect Disease Vectors: A methods manual by J.M. Crampton, C.B.
Beard, C. Louis (Editors) 1997 Springer; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0412736608, ISBN-13: 978-
Teaching Requirements:
Laboratory consumables and assorted molecular laboratory equipment, stationary, biological
specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: Applied Molecular Parasitology

Course Code: MBS 7218
Credit Units: 2
Course Description
This course endeavors to explicate the various applications of assorted molecular based aspects in
the field of parasitology including understanding the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of
parasites, possible tools for combating parasitic infections in man and his livestock. The course also
looks at successes, emerging knowledge, and challenges in the field of vaccine and drug
development with special emphasis on neglected tropical diseases. It highlights need to understand
parasite adaptations for survival within the host and correlates of immune protection in order to
translate them to effective drugs and vaccines against parasitic infection, disease control and
Course Objectives:
1. To impart knowledge on current trends in molecular parasitology and applications of
molecular biology in the study and detection of parasites and parasitic infections
2. To stimulate critical thinking in the area of molecular biology of parasites, host parasite
relationship and thereby identifying gaps that need to be filled through research
3. To stimulate students to develop independent research projects to fill gaps that are sited in
areas of diagnosis of parasitic infections, drug and vaccine development or delivery
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student should
1. Be able to discuss various applications of Molecular biology in parasitology
2. Design and implement modern experimental molecular research techniques used in the
study of parasites and diagnosis of parasitic diseases.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Perspective in  Cross-cutting molecular aspects and molecular Lecture
molecular biology adaptations for parasitological phenomena;
of parasites  Comparison of the molecular biology of
protozoa, helminths and arthropods;
 Codon usage and bias in parasites;
 General biology and applications of satellite
DNA; mobile genetic elements; ribosomal DNA
and mitochondria DNA in parasitology.
Molecular tools Molecular-Based Approaches Lecturettes,
for diagnosis of  Nucleic acid based approaches Seminar series
human and  Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-
livestock parasitic PCR).
diseases  Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
 Luminex xMAP Technology
 Proteomics
 Applications of molecular diagnostics and
related issues
Molecular  The molecular and cellular basis of parasite Seminar series
pathogenesis of pathogenesis,
human and  parasite genetics and physiology, immune
livestock parasitic response to infection,
diseases  Host-parasite interactions at cellular level
Vaccine discovery  Development of vaccine for selected parasites; Seminar series
and development Protozoa, helminths (gut and blood-borne), of
for human and humans and livestock
livestock parasitic  Success, challenges and opportunities for
diseases development of new vaccines especially for
neglected tropical diseases
 Latest developments in recombinant vaccine
technology, vaccine delivery systems, “naked
DNA” vaccines, “designer” vaccines (“edible
Topic Content Delivery Mode
 Challenges for implementation and delivery of
Molecular targets  Discovery, characterization and validation of Lectures,
for drug drug targets in selected parasites with special Seminar series
discovery and emphasis to neglected tropical diseases.
development  Fundamentals of drug target translation into a
usable product.

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment

Lectures (5 hours); tutorial/seminar (50 hours); equivalent to 2 CUs. Course assignments (5%),
course work (10%), evaluation of seminar presentations (25%) and written examination (60%) at
the end of the semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student
computer laboratory with internet connectivity
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G. W. Lubega (PhD), Assoc. Prof. E. Matovu (PhD), Assoc. Prof. JCK Enyaru (PhD), Dr. A.
Nanteza (PhD), Dr. C. Mugasa (PhD), Prof. J. Olobo (PhD)
Reading List
1. Fundamentals of molecular diagnostics by David E. Bruns, Edward R. Ashwood, Carl A.
Burtis, 2007 Publisher Elsevier Health Sciences, illustrated edition, ISBN-10: 1416037373,
ISBN-13: 9781416037378
2. Molecular Diagnostics: Current Technology and Applications (Horizon Bioscience) by
Juluri R. Roa, Colin C. Fleming, John E. Moore 2006 Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1
edition. ISBN-10: 190493319X; ISBN-13: 978-1904933199
3. Molecular diagnostics: a training and study guide by Gregory J. Tsongalis, William B.
Coleman 2002 Publisher Amer. Assoc. for Clinical Chemistry, illustrated edition. ISBN-10:
189088376X; ISBN-13:9781890883768
4. Molecular Biology of Insect Disease Vectors: A methods manual by J.M. Crampton, C.B.
Beard, C. Louis (Editors) 1997 Springer; 1 st edition ISBN-10: 0412736608, ISBN-13: 978-
5. Protocols in Molecular Parasitology (Methods in Molecular Biology) by John E. Hyde 1993
Humana Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0896032396, ISBN-13: 978-0896032392
6. Molecular biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombination DNA by Bernard
R. Glick and Jack. J. Pasternak (2003) American Society Microbiology; 2nd edition. ISBN-
10: 1555811361; ISBN-13: 978-1555811365
Teaching Requirements
Laboratory consumables and assorted molecular laboratory equipment, stationary, biological
specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: Applied Molecular Microbiology
Course Code: 7219
Credit Units: 2
Course Description
In this course, broad subjects in applied aspects of microorganisms and viruses in the
environmental, food and medical microbiology; and biotechnology are covered. The basic concept
of bio-production processes; applied molecular biology techniques in vaccine and drug discovery,
tracking of infectious transmissible environmental microbes (e.g. food, zoonoses, biological
warfare) and of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are also considered.
Course Objectives
1. Review the molecular pathogenesis of microbial and viral agents
2. To acquaint the student with the molecular tools used for studying/investigating and
detecting the microbial and viral agents
3. To impart knowledge on the principles of microbial vaccine development and drug
4. To instruct students on the principles behind microbial applications within biotechnology
and environmental sciences and to impart skills to screen and isolate useful microbes/genes
for a given purpose
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Analyze the phylogenetic relationships of microorganisms and evaluate their potential for
production of enzymes and other bioactive molecules.
2. Select and discuss basic and advanced methods for investigation of microorganisms in
complex environments
3. Evaluate the application potentials of microorganisms in various fields of life
4. Identify new and improved candidate vaccine strains and drug targets for the important
microbial and viral pathogens
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Molecular  Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis Lecture,
pathogenesis of  Host-microbe interactions, seminars,
microbial diseases  Use of molecular biology, genomic and computer based
bioinformatic technology to study simulations
Molecular tools for  16S rDNA–based methodologies Lecture,
identification or  DNA fingerprinting techniques demonstrations/p
diagnosis of microbial  DNA arrays ractical, seminars
agents  Macromolecule analysis
Vaccine discovery and  Types of vaccines; production, pros and Lecture,
development in cons seminars,
microbiology  Screening and identifying potential vaccine computer-based
candidate strains and targets simulations
Drug discovery and  Review of mechanisms of drugs action Lecture,

Topic Content Delivery Mode
development in  Exploration and identification of novel seminars,
microbiology drug targets computer-based
Biotechnological  Environment; Bioremediation & Lecture,
applications of biodegradation, microbes as living sensors demonstrations/p
microbes (biosensors) ractical,
 Medical; Production of novel (therapeutic) seminars, field
agents, detection of disease-causing visits or
organisms and diagnostics industrial tours
 Energy generation & development of
renewable energy sources (bio-fuels)
 Industry; Biocatalysts, reagents, &
 Food industry; (spoilage and quality
improvement), monitoring of food the
safety and water supplies
 Agriculture; Improved soil fertility and
crop production, biological control agents
Applied microbial and  Methods frequently used in molecular Lecturette,
viral genetics manipulations and application of seminars
microbial/viral genes or genomes
 Genetic manipulations and application :
selected bacteria and/or bacterial genes
 Genetic manipulations and application:
selected fungi and/or fungal genes
 Genetic manipulations and application:
selected viruses and/or viral genes
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (12 hours); 20 tutorial/seminar hours and 16 practical hours equivalent to 2 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar presentations (5%) and a written examination (60%) at the end
of the semester.
Available Resources
LCD projector; a fairly equipped Bacteriology laboratory, Class II Virology Laboratory; Molecular
Biology Laboratory; collaborating laboratories such as UVRI; Post-graduate computer lab with 12
computers, Internet access.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Dr. Jesca Nakavuma (PhD, Coordinator); Dr. Joseph Erume (PhD), Dr. Denis K. Byarugaba (PhD),
Dr. Samuel Majalija (PhD), Dr. Immaculate Nakalembe (PhD); Mr Musisi Lubowa (MSc. Principal
Technician/Technologist) Dr. William Olaho Mukani (PhD, external facilitator)
Reading List
1. Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach by Brenda A. Wilson, Abigail A. Salyers,
Dixie D. Whitt and Malcolm E. Winkler ( 2010) Amer Society for Microbiology; 3rd
Revised edition ISBN-10: 1555814182 ISBN-13: 978-1555814182
2. Molecular Genetics of Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Tribute to Stanley Falkow (ASM) by
Virginia L. Miller (1994) Amer Society for Microbiology; 1st edition ISBN-10:
1555810829 ISBN-13: 978-1555810825

3. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism and Applications by Roland J. Siezen, Jan Kok,
Tjakko Abee and Gertjan Schaafsma (Editors) 2010 Springer; 1st edition. ISBN-10:
904816141X ISBN-13: 978-9048161416
4. Bacterial Population Genetics in Infectious Disease by D. Ashley Robinson, Edward J Feil
and Daniel Falush (Eds) (2010) Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition ISBN-10: 0470424745 ISBN-
13: 978-0470424742
5. Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular Techniques by Kevin Kavanagh (Editors) 2006
Wiley; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0470019239 ISBN-13: 978-0470019238
6. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (The Mycota) by Robert Brambl and George A.
Marzluf (Editors) 2004 Springer; 2nd edition ISBN-10: 3540426302 ISBN-13: 978-
7. Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens by Dongyou Liu (Ed), 2011 CRC Press;
1st edition ISBN-10: 1439812403 ISBN-13: 978-1439812402
8. The Aspergilli: Genomics, Medical Aspects, Biotechnology, and Research Methods
(Mycology) by Gustavo H. Goldman and Stephen A. Osmani (Editors) 2007 CRC Press
ISBN-10: 084939080X ISBN-13: 978-0849390807
9. Molecular Biology and Its Application to Medical Mycology (Nato a S I Series Series H,
Cell Biology) by Bruno Maresca, George S. Kobayashi and Hideyo Yamaguchi (Editors)
1993 Springer; 1st edition ISBN-10: 038754609X ISBN-13: 978-0387546094
10. Molecular and Cellular Biology of Filamentous Fungi: A Practical Approach by Nick
Talbot (Editor) 2001, Oxford University Press, USA ISBN-10: 0199638373 ISBN-13: 978-
11. Fungal Genomics, Volume 4 (Applied Mycology and Biotechnology) by G.G.
Khachatourians and Dilip K Arora (Eds) 2004, Elsevier Science; 1st edition ISBN-10:
0444516425 ISBN-13: 978-0444516428
12. Microbial Production of Biopolymers and Polymer Precursors: Applications and
Perspectives by Bernd H.A. Rehm (Editor) 2009, Publisher: Caister Academic Press ISBN-
10: 1904455360 ISBN-13: 978-1904455363
13. Microbial Biosorption of Metals by Pavel Kotrba, Martina Mackova and Tomas Macek
(Eds) 2011 Springer; 1st Edition ISBN-10: 9400704429, ISBN-13: 978-9400704428
14. Bioremediation Engineering: Design and Applications by John Cookson (Author) 1994
McGraw-Hill Professional; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0070126143 ISBN-13: 978-0070126145
15. Development of Vaccines: From Discovery to Clinical Testing by Manmohan Singh
(Editor), Indresh K. Srivastava (Editor) 2011Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition ISBN-10:
0470256370 ISBN-13: 978-0470256374
16. Vaccine Adjuvants and Delivery Systems by Manmohan Singh (Editor) 2007 Wiley-
Interscience; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0471739073 ISBN-13: 978-0471739074
17. Vaccine Design: Innovative Approaches and Novel Strategies by Rino Rappuoli and Fabio
Bagnoli (Editors) 2011 Caister Academic Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 1904455743, ISBN-
13: 978-1904455745
18. Computer-aided Vaccine Design (Bioinformatics) by Tong Joo Chuan and Shoba
Ranganathan (Authors) 2012 Biohealth care Publishing; 1st edition ISBN-10: 1907568417
ISBN-13: 978-1907568411
19. Novel Strategies in the Design and Production of Vaccines (Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology) by Sara Cohen and Avigdor Shafferman (Editors)1996 Springer; 1st
edition ISBN-10: 0306452111 ISBN-13: 978-0306452116
20. Functional Microbial Genomics, Volume 33 (Methods in Microbiology) by Brendan Wren
and Nick Dorrell (Editors) 2002 Academic Press; 1st edition ISBN-10: 0125215339 ISBN-
13: 978-0125215336
Teaching Requirements: Stationery, Consumables, Laptop and multi-functional printer; additional
equipment such as a 100L-capacity autoclave; hot air oven; refrigerated incubator; ordinary
incubators, -80°C Deep freezer; Lyophilizer/freeze-drier.

Course Name: Immunobiotechnology
Course Code: MBS 7220
Credit Units: 2
Course Description
Immunobiotechnology is one of the fastest emerging fields because of its importance in areas like
biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical, industry and biochemistry with a direct impact on man.
The course is based on the background of molecular immunology and how it is applied in disease
control, in other words it explores the knowledge on immunobiology in relation to biotechnology.
Genetic engineering techniques allow large scale production of substances generated during the
immune response and these may have therapeutic value by modifying the biological response to
cancer and other diseases. The course aims at evaluating new opportunities to immunotherapeutic
and immunodiagnostic approaches using recombinant antibody derivatives. It includes information
on the clinical use of antibodies and bi-specific antibodies, as well as how to make the latter. It also
introduces the student to various applications of the subject in numerous sectors of life including
medicine, therapy and food safety.
Course Objectives
 To provide a theoretical basis to help students understand immunology in relation to
 To illustrate how the techniques are applied in modern proteomics and immunology studies
 To help students design their own experiments that relate to immunobiotechnology
 To provide practical instruction in laboratory techniques especially relating to applications
of antigen-antibody interactions
 To provide extensive tutorial/discussion sessions
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
 Understand, perform and evaluate the techniques like immunodiagnostic tests,
characterization of lymphocytes, purification of antigens, antibody engineering, etc.
 Assess health problems with immunological background in order to discern whether
immunotherapy is applicable
 Develop approaches for the immune intervention of diseases
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Detection of  Isotopic and non-isotopic immune assays; Lecture
immune responses  Precipitation reactions in gels and free solutions
and fixed support matrices.
Production of  Antigen preparation and modification, adjuvants Practicals
antibodies  Doses and route of antigen administration,
collection of sera, purification of antibodies
 Mass Production of Antibodies
Antigen detection  Specimen preparation Lecture
in cells & tissues  Methods of antigen retrieval Practicals
(in situ detection)  Immunohistochemistry/immunocytochemistry
Hybridoma  Procedure of hybridoma technology Lecture
technology  Identification and isolation of the hybridoma Practicals

 Uses/ applications of hybridoma technology,
 Advancements/ improvements in hybridoma
technology for diagnosis and therapy
Cancer  Molecular basis of cancer, Lecture
Immunology  Tumour Immunology,
 Cancer Vaccines,
 Monoclonal antibodies,
 Host and tumor interface
Techniques used  Types of immunodiffusion methods, ELISA, Practicals
in immunology RIA, Western blot analysis, Electrophoresis and
Hybridization techniques, immunohistochemistry,
Immunoflow cytometry, Immunofluoroscence.
Immunobiotechno  Production of cellular chemicals like Interferons, Seminars
logy in practice / Interleukin etc. Practicals
Industrial  Production and standardization of Immunoassay
applications test kits and consumables.
 Production of subunit viral and microbial
 Production of Polyclonal antibodies
 Antibody engineering including, catalytic
antibodies, antibody immunotherapy, production
of drugs to allergies.
 Applications of antisera in the detection of
various diseases, such as typhoid, streptococcal
infections, HIV, various types of Hepatitis
 Immobilization of enzymes, Examples and their
industrial and clinical applications. Production of
DNA antigens.
Intellectual  Transgenic organisms and their uses, Patenting, Lecturette,
Property Rights General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) Seminar
on and Intellectual Property Rights.
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (12 hours); 20 tutorial/seminar hours and 16 practical hours, equivalent to 2 CUs.
Assessment is through assignments (10%), course work (20%), evaluation of written practical
reports (5%); evaluation of seminar presentations (5%) and a written examination (60%) at the end
of the semester.
Available Resources
LCD projector; a fairly equipped molecular biology laboratory; collaborating laboratories such as
Uganda Virus research Institute (UVRI); Post-graduate computer laboratory with Internet access;
and Animal housing facilities.
Reading List
1. Immunobiotechnology by Virendra Gomase and Sunilkumar Dwivedi 2010, VDM Verlag,
ISBN-10: 3639250176, ISBN-13: 9783639250176
2. Biotechnology: Plant biotechnology, animal cell culture, immunobiotechnology by Jack G.
Chirikjian, Edward Clement Kisailus (Authors) 1995, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN-10:
0867208953, ISBN-13: 9780867208955
3. Immuno Biotechnology by M. Sharma and N. Tripathi (Authors), 2009 Campus books.
ISBN-10: 8183420915; ISBN-13:9788183420914
4. Biotechnology: Textbook of Industrial microbiology By Wulf Crueger and Anneliese
Crueger (2000). Sinauer Associates Inc; Sub edition2 nd Ed. ISBN-10: 0878931317; ISBN-
13: 978-0878931316
5. Molecular biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombination DNA by Bernard
R. Glick and Jack. J. Pasternak (2003) American Society Microbiology; 2nd edition. ISBN-
10: 1555811361; ISBN-13: 978-1555811365
6. Vaccine adjuvants: methods and protocols
Volume 626 of Methods in molecular biology
Springer protocols by Gwyn Davies 2010 illustrated Edition Humana Press, ISBN-10:
1607615843, ISBN-13: 9781607615842
7. Topics in vaccine adjuvant research by Dole R. Springs and Wayne C Koff (Authors) 1991.
CRC Press ISBN 10: 0849357195; ISNB-13: 978-0849357190
Teaching Requirements: Stationery, Consumables, Laptop and multi-functional printer; additional
equipment such as a 100L-capacity autoclave; hot air oven; refrigerated incubator; ordinary
incubators, -80°C Deep freezer; Lyophilizer/freeze-drier, Liquid nitrogen plant for constant supply.

Course Name: Applied Molecular Crop biotechnology

Course Code: MBS 7221
Credit Units: 2
Course description:
Crop biotechnology deals with production of a crop plant that has been genetically engineered
using recombinant DNA technology either to promote or to prevent the production of a particular
protein, with the objective of introducing or enhancing a desirable characteristic in the plant or
seed. This course is aimed at training crop biotechnology technical personnel, who are competent in
the field of biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, traditional and molecular genetics, transgenic
breeding, reproduction and dissemination biology. The course will equip the students with
theoretical knowledge and skills which will allow them to become efficient researchers, design
technicians in the crop production sector. The students will be exposed to recent and advanced
aspects of molecular biology and biotechnology related to crop applications through critical
reading, discussions and seminars on current research problems in these areas.
Course Objectives:
1. Expand working expressions and knowledge of crop biotechnology,
2. Enhance the development of an in depth appreciation for specific topics in crop
3. To encourage the application of information learned in the classroom to solve real life
problems pertaining to crop production.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student should
1. Be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to grow, maintain, and manipulate
cells in culture.
2. Have an understanding of the theory, practice, and application of recombinant DNA
techniques in crop production.
3. Be able to demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking skills in decision-making related to
bioethical issues in crop biotechnology.

Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction  History of cytogenetics. Chromosome Lectures
structure and behaviour. Aberrant
chromosome structure. Genomes.
Karyotypes banding, pachytene analysis, in
situ hybridization, cytological basis of
crossing over, linkage and sex linkage, basic
Chromosomal  Mapping variation in chromosome Lectures
arrangements structure- deletions, inversions,
 Variation in chromosome number:
aneuploidy, haploidy, polyploids,
 Evaluation of economic species,
exploitation for breeding.
Organellar  Epidonetic phenomena. Lectures
genome  Deviant cytogenetic systems.
Basic methods in  Techniques used in recombinant DNA Lecturettes,
biotechnology for technology, including PCR, restriction practical
the manipulation digests, mapping, cloning, and forensics. Seminar series
of nucleic acids  Molecular diagnostic tools for
Advances in crop  Tissue culture Lectures
biotechnology  Marker assisted selection and breeding Seminar series
 Genetic engineering and transformation
 Production of transgenic plants for
resistance to biotic stress
 Crop regeneration by somatic
 Crop transgenics and map-based breeding
 Plant proteomics
 Immunologic techniques
Bioethics and  Risk assessment Seminars
current ethical  Relationships between science, technology,
issues surrounding and society
the biotechnology  Effects of new biotechnology products upon
industries the natural world.
Laboratory work  Microscopy study of cell structure, mitosis, Practical
meiosis and histology sessions,
 Grow, maintain, and manipulate cells in Seminar series
 Make monoclonal antibody-producing

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (10 hours); tutorial/seminar (20 hours); Practicals (20hours) equivalent to 2 CUs. Course
assignments (5%), course work (10%), evaluation of seminar presentations (25%) and written
examination (60%) at the end of the semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student
computer laboratory with internet connectivity.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. Rubaihayo (PhD),
Reading List
1. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and applications of recombinant DNA by Glick, B.R.
and J.J. Pasternak (Authors) 2009 4th edition. Amer Society for Microbiology ISBN-10:
1555814980; ISBN-13: 978-1555814984.
2. Biotechnology: Plant biotechnology, animal cell culture, immunobiotechnology by Jack G.
Chirikjian, Edward Clement Kisailus (Authors) 1995, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN-10:
0867208953, ISBN-13: 9780867208955
3. Crop Biotechnology by P.R. Yadav 2006, Discovery Publishing House, ISBN-10:
8183560822, ISBN-13: 9788183560825
4. Crop Biotechnology: Issue 829 of ACS symposium series by K. Rajasekaran, Thomas J.
Jacks, John W. Finley (Editors) 2002 Illustrated Edition, American Chemical Society
ISBN-10: 0841237662, ISBN-13: 9780841237667
5. Plants, Genes, and Crop Botechnology: Botany and Plant Biotechnology Series by Maarten
J. Chrispeels, David E. Sadava (Authors) 2003 Illustrated 2 nd Edition, Jones & Bartlett
Learning ISBN-10: 0763715867, ISBN-13: 9780763715861
6. The media, the public and agricultural biotechnology: CABI Publishing Series by
Dominique Brossard, James Shanahan, T. Clint Nesbitt (Authors) 2007 Illustrated Edition,
CABI ISBN-10: 1845932048, ISBN-13: 9781845932046
7. Agricultural biotechnology: country case studies : A decade of development Issue 25 of
Biotechnology in Agriculture series by G. J. Persley, Reginald MacIntyre (Authors) 2002
Illustrated Edition, CABI ISBN-10: 0851988164, ISBN-13: 9780851988160
Teaching Requirements:
Greenhouses, culture rooms, field trial plots,

Course Name: Molecular and Biochemical Pharmacology

Course Code: MBS 7222
Credit Units: 2
Course Description:
This course aims at enhancing the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the
interaction between certain ligands and their receptors using methods of biochemistry, biophysics,
molecular biology, structural biology, cell biology, and cell physiology. The course also focuses on
the mechanisms of drug action and how drugs influence the organs/organism. It also aims at
elucidating the molecular basis for drug actions, interactions between drug molecules, the cell and
pathophysiological mechanisms that pave way for further drug discovery. In this course various
methods of molecular pharmacology are used to understand how cells respond to hormones and/or
pharmacologic agents, and how chemical structure correlates with biological activity. These
methods include physical, chemical, mathematical, molecular biological and all biochemical and
cell biological techniques.
Course Objectives:
1. To review fundamentals of various aspects of Pharmacology
2. To impart knowledge about drug action, interactions and dynamics at a molecular level
3. Explicate how cells respond to hormones or pharmacologic agents, to impact cellular
response or biological activity.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student should
1. Explain how drugs act and interact at a molecular level
2. Explain and describe how cells/ organs/ organisms respond to pharmacological agents
3. Explain and describe molecular mechanisms of drug action and drug resistance.
4. Be able to design and implement molecular tools to detect and monitor drug resistance.
Course Content
Topic Content Delivery Mode
Introduction:  Scope and definition of various branches Lectures
of pharmacology.
 Receptor-lagan interactions: quantitative
analysis of binding data, and application of
binding data in drug discovery and
Review of  Effects of drugs on various systems (e.g. Lectures
systematic cardiovascular, GIT, etc) of living
pharmacology: organisms (humans, livestock; plants).
Pharmacokinetics  Ethno pharmacology; xenobiotics. Lectures, practical
and  Methods of studying drug effects, and Seminars
pharmacodynamics pharmacokinetics.
 Emphasis on drugs; mechanism of action
at molecular level; historical, classical and
novel concepts; current discoveries; trends
in pharmacology
 Drug metabolism
Integrative  Integrated concepts of biomechanical and Lectures
Molecular bioenergetics, structure and function,
Pharmacology and excitation-contraction coupling, ion
Medicine transport, regulatory mechanisms,
 Biomechanics and drug actions.
Drug resistance  Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance Seminars/
 Molecular diagnosis and monitoring of Tutorials, practical
drug resistance.
 Cell culture systems for drug studies.

Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
Lectures (10 hours); tutorial/seminar (30 hours), practicals (10); equivalent to 2 CUs. Course
assignments (5%), course work (10%), evaluation of seminar presentations (25%) and written
examination (60%) at the end of the semester.
Available Resources
Molecular Biology Laboratory with selected molecular laboratory equipment, Post-graduate student
computer laboratory with internet connectivity, Animal houses and laboratory animals
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Prof. G.W. Lubega (PhD), Prof. JCK Enyaru (PhD) Assoc Prof. Matovu E (PhD).
Reading List
1. Molecular Pharmacology: A Short Course by Terry Kenakin 1997 Publisher Wiley-
Blackwell 1st edition ISBN-10: 086542540X ; ISBN-13: 978-0865425408
2. Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology (2 volume set) by Walter Rosenthal 2008,
Publisher Springer 2nd Edition. ISBN-10: 3540389164; ISBN-13: 978-3540389163
3. Nitric oxide: biochemistry, molecular biology, and therapeutic implications Volume 34 of
Advances in pharmacology by Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad, 1995 Publisher Academic
Press, Illustrated edition ISBN-10: 0120329352; ISBN-13: 9780120329359
4. Molecular and cellular biology of pharmacological targets: Volume 7 of Methods in
pharmacology by Hartmut Glossmann and Jörg Striessnig (Authors) 1993 Illustrated
Edition Springer, ISBN-10: 0306444240, ISBN-13: 9780306444241
Teaching Requirements
Laboratory consumables and assorted molecular laboratory equipment, stationary, biological
specimens, Reference books, Laptop, LCD projector.

Course Name: Seminar/Tutorial

Course Code: 7311
Credit Units: 2
Course description: Students will be trained further and assessed in how to prepare scientific
presentations, use of audiovisual aids and how to critique scientific literature. Where possible,
presentation of research progress to get advice on the agenda will also be considered.
Course Objectives:
1. To train students to better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues
2. To prepare students to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. To enable students develop skills of critical thinking and be able to critique scientific literature
4. To appreciate how research is conducted through reviewing previous scientific reports; to
acquire knowledge on how scientific papers written.
5. To equip the student with skills in designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific
research work
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should:
1. Be able better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues

2. Be able to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. Have acquired critical thinking skills and be able to critique scientific literature
4. Be able to designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific research work; and assess
the experimental designs being employed for their research.
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
The course will be oral presentation of power point slide show using a LCD projector. Seminars
will be allocated 4 hours per week, each student will make a presentation for 20 minutes after
which questions and comments will be presented from the audience (10 minutes). The student is
given 10 minutes to respond. Each student presents twice per semester and must attend 75% of the
seminar sessions. The course is assessed on spot, during the presentation; following an in-house
developed guideline.
Available Resources
Source recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Resource persons (Staffing):
Various personnel who facilitate in other taught courses of the Masters programme
Reading List
Recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Internet search engines open to Makerere University students and staff (AGORA, HINARI)
Teaching Requirements:
Laptop, Printer, USB stick-8GB; LCD projector

Course Name: Seminar/Tutorial

Course Code: 7411
Credit Units: 2
Course description: Students will be trained further and assessed in how to prepare scientific
presentations, use of audiovisual aids and how to critique scientific literature. In addition,
presentation of research progress to get advice on the agenda will be considered.
Course Objectives:
1. To train students to better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues
2. To prepare students to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. To enable students develop skills of critical thinking and be able to critique scientific literature
4. To appreciate how research is conducted through reviewing previous scientific reports; to
acquire knowledge on how scientific papers written.
5. To equip the student with skills in designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific
research work
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should:
1. Be able better communicate one’s own scientific ideas to the rest of the colleagues
2. Be able to give scientific presentations in form of seminars or lectures
3. Have acquired critical thinking skills and be able to critique scientific literature

4. Be able to designing methodologies/ techniques for future scientific research work; and assess
the experimental designs being employed for their research.
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
The course will be oral presentation of power point slide show using a LCD projector. Seminars
will be allocated 4 hours per week, each student will make a presentation for 20 minutes after
which questions and comments will be presented from the audience (10 minutes). The student is
given 10 minutes to respond. Each student presents twice per semester and must attend 77% of the
seminar sessions. The course is assessed on spot, during the presentation; following an in-house
developed guideline.
Available Resources
Source recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Resource Persons (Staffing):
Various personnel who facilitate in other taught courses of the Masters programme
Reading List
Recent journal articles relevant to various subjects covered in the program.
Internet search engines open to Makerere University students and staff (AGORA, HINARI)
Teaching Requirements:
Laptop, Printer, USB stick-8GB; LCD projector

Course Name: Research and Dissertation

Course code: MBS 7412
Credit units: 10
Course description
Dissertation research will start during the third semester of study with proposal writing and
presentation, and will continue throughout the 4th semester. The Dissertation will be worth of 10
CUs and will be assessed following the grading system stipulated in the SGS hand book (August
Course Objectives:
1. To allow students to design, implement and defend research work in a given area of
molecular biology and biotechnology.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to
1. Design, implement and defend their research work in a given area of molecular biology and
Course Content
The content will be tailored by the student and the supervisor(s) depending on the area of research
to be done. The content should be at least 50% based on molecular biology and/or biotechnology
Time Allocation and Mode of Assessment
The course will span over a period of 8months. The research will be assessed following the grading
system stipulated in the SGS hand book (August 2008).
Resource Persons (Staffing)
Various personnel who facilitate in other taught courses of the Masters programme and personnel
in research institutions where the research (or part) will be conducted
Reading List
1. Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach by Kenneth Bordens, & Bruce Barrington
Abbott 2010. Publisher McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages 8 th edition.
ISBN-10: 0073532029, ISBN-13: 978-0073532028
2. Health Services Research Methods by L. Shi. 2008 Thomson/Delmar Learning 2 nd illustrated
edition., ISBN-10: 1428352295, ISBN-13: 9781428352292
3. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists by Gerry P. Quinn, Michael J. Keough
2002. Publisher Cambridge University Press; 1 st edition. ISBN-10: 0521009766, ISBN-13:


Item Amount Quantity Rate Cost

Income from tuition of 30 Ugandan students @ 4,126,500 30 2 247,590,000

1. University Council (45%) 111,415,500
Subtotal 111,415,500
2. Teaching expenses
Lecture, seminar & practical (CHs) 75,000 540 1 40,500,000
Technicians, field assistants 50,000 10 5 2,500,000
Guest lectures 80,000 10 2 1,600,000
Lab supplies 4,000,000 1 3 12,000,000
Equipment: acquisition and repairs 2,200,000 1 3 6,600,000
Dissertation examination 567,394 30 1 17,021,813
Subtotal 80,221,813
3. Contribution to workshop practice
Seminar /workshop panel costs 700,000 6 2 8,400,000
Transparencies 200,000 3 2 1,200,000
Subtotal 9,600,000
4. Administrative expenses
Board meetings 3 600,000 1 3 1,800,000
Faculty levy (5%) 6,808,725 1 1 6,808,725
Dean 120,000 6 4 2,880,000
Associate Dean 100,000 6 4 2,400,000
Program Coordinator 150,000 6 4 3,600,000
Assistant Program coordinator 100,000 6 4 2,400,000
Secretary @ 60,000/ month 60,000 6 4 1,440,000
Stationary & photocopying 800,000 1 4 3,200,000
Subtotal 24,528,725
5. Utilities and services
Telephone & postages 100,000 6 4 2,400,000
Audiovisuals 80,000 6 4 1,920,000
Furniture & other infrastructure 300,000 6 4 7,200,000
Subtotal 11,520,000
6. Transport -
Field excursions per semester 600,000 3 3 5,400,000
Operational 200,000 1 24 4,800,000
Subtotal 10,200,000
Total Expenditure 247,486,038


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