Ice Flake Making Machine
Ice Flake Making Machine
Ice Flake Making Machine
PATENTED JUL 20 (97. 3,593. 539
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Referring now to the drawings, and particularly to FIG. 1,
ICE-FLAKE-MAKING MACHINE there is fragmentarily illustrated an ice-flake-making machine
This invention relates generally to icemaking and more par 10 comprising a vertical cylinder or tube 11 that forms the
ticularly to improvements in machines for making small pieces sidewall of a vertically extending cylindrical freezing chamber
or flakes of ice suitable for use in drinks or the like. 5 12. Surrounding the central portion of the tube 11 are.
It is commercially known in the art to make ice by freezing evaporator coils 13 which extend over a substantial portion of
water on the inside wall of a vertical cylinder and continuously the length of the tube 11 and are connected to a conventional
scraping the ice from the inside vertical wall by means of a refrigeration compressor and condenser (not shown).
rotating screw conveyor or auger that has an outside diameter O A discharge chamber 15 is defined at the top of the tube 11
almost equal to the diameter of the cylinder. by a pair of end walls 16 and 17 interconnected by a cylindri
The rotating screw conveyor raises the ice in the shape of a cal sidewall 18 and held together by suitable tie members 19.
hollow cylindrical column that has a helical cut or slot The lower end wall 17 is provided with a central opening 20 so
therethrough where the thread of the helix extends. This that the discharge chamber 15 may be positioned against a
thread or cut in the vertically moving column of ice facilitates shoulder 21 formed on the outer wall of the tube 11. The
breaking of the column of ice into small pieces. One such 15 cylindrical sidewall 18 is cut away to form an ice discharge
icemaking machine is illustrated and described in my U.S. Pat. opening 22 opening into an ice discharge chute 23.
No. 3,326,014 granted June 20, 1967. The present invention Rotatably mounted within the tube 11 and coaxial therewith
may be considered as an improvement over the icemaking is a screw conveyor assembly 26 including an upper portion 27
machine disclosed therein. In all the various designs of flake 20 journaled in an opening 28 in the upper end wall 16 of the
ice mechanisms that employ a screw to eject the ice, the tem discharge chamber 15. The screw conveyor 26 also includes a
perature and density of the ejected ice is dependent upon a lower portion 29 having a helical screw thread 30 defined
number of fixed and variable factors or conditions. Fixed fac thereon. The upper and lower portions 27 and 29 form a
tors include the screw design (pitch and depth of thread) and shoulder 31 at their juncture. The screw conveyor 26, may be
screw speed. Variable factors are water and air temperatures 25 driven in a conventional manner. - . . .. .
that affect the refrigerating capacity and the heat load. To It will be understood that in use water is maintained at a
compensate for these variable factors, according to the desirable level just below the top of the evaporator coils 13.
present invention, a spring-loaded or resilient member is used The water freezes against the inner surface of the tube 11. The
to automatically open the path for an increased flow of ice, screw conveyor assembly 26 is rotated so that the helical
keeping a uniform load on the drive and motor and providing 30 threads 30 thereon scrape the ice from the tube wall and con
an ice of uniform temperature and density. Setting the ten vey it in a column of ice upwardly toward the upper end of the
sions of the spring or resilient member makes it possible to ad tube 11. .. . .
just for the type of ice desired. For breaking up the column of ice, there is provided a
Accordingly it is an object of the present invention to pro generally annular breaker member 34 around the upper por
vide an arrangement for facilitating the breaking up of the up 35 tion 27 of the screw conveyor assembly 26 and positioned in
ward-moving column of ice at the top of the vertical cylinder. the path of the column of ice moving toward the discharge
A further object of the present invention is to provide anar opening 23. In the illustrated embodiment the breaker
rangement for controlling the temperature and density of the member 34 comprises an annular member normally seated
ice as it is broken off at the top of a moving column of ice. against the shoulder 31 and having an arcuate lower surface
Yet a further object of the present invention is to provide 40 34a directed upwardly and outwardly from the freezing
means for adjustably selecting the ice condition of the ice chamber 12. The breaker member 34 may be biased
leaving the icemaking machine. , downwardly against the seat 31 by a suitable spring 35 and the
A further object of the present invention is to provide anim biasing force may be selectively adjusted by an adjusting nut
proved ice-flake-making machine. 45 36 threaded on threads 37 contained on the upper outer sur
Further objects and advantages of the present invention will face of the upper portion 27 of the screw conveyor assembly.
become apparent as the following description proceeds and Thus the characteristics of the ice flake formed by the ice
the features of novelty which characterize the invention will flake-making machine 10 may be varied and controlled by the
be pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and selective adjustment of the biasing load so as to provide the
forming a part of this specification. desired temperature and density of ice flakes.
In accordance with these and other objects of the present 50 FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of an ice-flake-making
invention, there is provided means for discharging ice parti machine 40 similar to that of FIG. 1, but having a modified
cles from the upper end of a vertical ice-flake-making breaker member. More specifically the ice-flake-making
cylinder, the cylinder being formed with a recessed area or cu machine 40 comprises the vertical cylinder or tube 11 forming
taway section to which is connected a discharge chute. A 55 the sidewall of the vertically extending cylindrical freezing
generally annular breaker member is positioned around the chamber 12. Surrounding the central portion of the tube 11
upper portion of the screw conveyor in the icemaking are the evaporator coils 13. Connected to the upper end of the
machine such that it extends into the path of the column of ice tube 11 is a discharge chamber 15 formed of the end walls 16
moving toward the opening. In a preferred embodiment the and 17 and the cylindrical sidewall 18 held together by the tie
breaker member is biased toward the screw conveyor. Ac 60 members 19. The lower end wall 17 is formed with the central
cording to yet another feature, the bias of the breaker member opening 20 fitting in the shoulder 21 of the tube 11. Moreover
may be selectively adjustable to provide for varying the the cylindrical sidewall 18 is provided with an ice discharge
characteristics of the ice produced by the icemaking machine. opening 22 opening into an ice discharge chute 23.
For a better understanding of the present invention, Rotatably mounted within the tube 11 and coaxial therewith
reference may be had to the accompanying drawings wherein: 65 is an auger or screw conveyor assembly 43 having an upper
FIG. 1 is a fragmentary sectional view, of an icemaking. portion 44 journaled within the opening 28 in the upper end
machine constructed in accordance with and embodying the wall 16. A lower portion 45 is provided with helical threads 46
present invention; to provide for removing the ice which forms on the inner
FIG. 2 is a fragmentary sectional view of another embodi sidewall of the tube 11. The upper and lower portions 44 and
ment of an icemaking machine constructed in accordance 70 45 define a shoulder 47 at their juncture substantially in line
with an embodiment of the present invention; with the top 11a of the tube 11.
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of yet another embodiment For breaking up the ice, there is provided a breaker member
of the present invention; and 50 in the form of a resilient disc or washer positioned on the
FIG. 4 is a fragmentary sectional view of still another em upper portion 44 of the screw conveyor assembly 43 and
bodiment of the present invention. 75
seated on the shoulder 47 thereof. The breaker member 50
3 4.
moreover is normally seated against the top. 11a of the cylin screw conveyor assembly 73. The sidewall 82 is provided with
drical tube 11. a discharge opening 82a remotic from the taper 84 thereof and
In the embodiment of FIG. 2 there is provided biasing adjacent to the bottom wall, aligned with the ice discharge
means in the form of the spring 35 interposed between the ad opening 22 and ice discharge chute 23 to provide for the
justing nut 36 on the threads 37 of the screw conveyor as discharge of the ice through the breaker member 80.
sembly 43, and the resilient disc 50. A washer 52 may be pro It has been found that the upwardly moving column of ice
vided as a bearing surface for the spring 35 against the will be deflected inwardly to pass through the annular space
resilient disc 50. -
85 formed between the tapers 77 and 84, and will pass
FIG. 3 illustrates an ice-flake-making machine 55 having yet therebetween to provide the desired characteristics to the ice
another automatic form of breaker member. Specifically, as 10 flakes.
therein illustrated, the icemaking machine 55 comprises the In the illustrated embodiment the breaker member 80 is .
vertical tube 11 forming the sidewall of the vertically extend biased downwardly so as to rest upon the upper end 11 of the
ing cylindrical freezing chamber 12. Surrounding the central tube 11 by means of the spring 35 bearing against the upper sur
portion of the tube. 11 are the evaporator coils 13. The face of the breaker member 80 and the adjusting nut 36 ad
discharge chamber 15 is secured to the top of the tube 11 and justably held on the threads 37 of the screw conveyor assembly
consists of the end walls 16 and 17 and the cylindrical sidewall 73.
18 held together by the tie members 19. The lower end wall 17 From the above-detailed descriptions of the invention, it
is provided with the central opening 21 fitted over a shoulder will be understood that the upwardly moving column of ice
22 of the tube 1. The cylindrical sidewall 18 is provided with 20 will strike the breaker members which assist in providing ice
the ice discharge opening 22 aligned with the ice discharge. with a desired temperature and density. Moreover the desired
chute 23. characteristics of ice may be varied by adjusting the position
Rotatably mounted within the tube 11 and coaxial therewith or tensioning of the breaker members. By the use of rcsilient
is a screw conveyor assembly 56 having an upper portion 57 breaker members, the icemaking machinc will readily adjust
journaled within the opening 28 in the upper end wall 16. The 25 for various rates and feeds of the column of ice.
screw conveyor assembly S6 also includes a lower portion 59 Although the present invention has been described by
having helical screw threads 60 thcreon. The upper and lower reference to several embodiments thcreof, it will be apparcnt
portions 57 and 59 form a shoulder 61 at their juncture. that numerous other modifications and embodiments may be
in accordance with the embodiment of FIG. 3, there is pro devised by those skilled in the art and it is intended by the ap
vided a breaker member 65 in the form of a resilient torus or 30 pended claims to cover all modifications and embodiments
doughnut of generally D-shape cross section with the outer which fall within the true spirit and scope of the present inven
most edge 65a thereof in close proximity to the inside surface tion.
of the cylindrical cylinder 11. The torus 65 is biased against What I claim as new and desire to be secured by Letters
the shoulder 61 by the spring 35 positioned between the ad Patent of the United States is:
justing nut 36 and the torus 65. A washer 66 may be posi 35 1. In an icemaking machine, means forming a vertical cylin
tioned between the spring 35 and the torus 65 to form a wear drical freezing chamber having a discharge opening, at its
surface. upper end defined by the chamber sidewall at the upper end
In operation the torus 65 will squeeze together and deflect thereof, means forming a water supply inlet to the chamber
under the force of the upwardly moving column of ice so that adjacent the lower end thereof, refrigeration means for freez
the outermost edge 65a thereof will be squeezed closer or 40 ing the water on the inside surface of said wall, a screw con
further from the inner sidewall of the tube 11, thereby regulat veyor rotatably mounted within the chamber including an
ing the characteristics and condition of the ice flakes upper portion and a lower portion having a helical thread in
discharged from the device. sufficiently close proximity to said inside surface of said
FIG. 4 illustrates yet another embodiment of an icemaking 45 chamber to scrape office therefrom as the conveyor rotates
machine. 70 having another embodiment of a breaker and delivers a column of ice toward said opening, a generally
member. As therein illustrated the icemaking machine 70 in annular breaker member around said upper portion in the
cludes the vertical cylinder or tube 11 forming the sidewall of path of the column of ice moving toward said opening for clos
the vertically extending cylindrical freezing chamber 12. Sur ing the same, and biasing means for biasing said member
rounding the central portion of the tube 11 arc the evaporator 50 toward a closed position against said upper end of said
coils 13. The upper end of the tube 11 defines the shoulder or chamber sidewall whereby said ice is extruded radially out
seat 11a. Secured to the top of the tube 11 is the discharge ward under resilient pressure exerted thereon between said
chamber 15 formed of the end walls 16 and 17 and the cylin breaker member and said upper end of said chamber sidewall.
drical sidewall 18 held together by the tie members 19. The
lower end wall 17 is provided with the central opening 20 55 said2. upper An icemaking machine as set forth in claim 1 wherein
and lower portions form a shoulder at their junc
fitted over the shoulder 21 on the outer wall of the tube 11. ture defining a seat, and said member rests on said seat. . .
The cylindrical sidewall 18 is provided with an opening 22 3. An icemaking machine as set forth in claim 2 wherein
defining an ice discharge and connecting to the ice discharge said breaker member has an upwardly and outwardly directed
chute 23. arcuate lower surface.
Rotatably mounted within the tube 11 is a screw conveyor 60 4. An icemaking machine as set forth in claim 2 wherein
assembly 73 having an upper portion 74 journaled within the said breaker member is a resilient disc normally seated against
opening 28 in the upper end wall 16, and a lower portion 75 the top of said cylindrical chamber.
containing helical screw threads 76. The upper edge of the 5. An icemaking machine as set forth in claim 2 wherein
lower portion 75 and helical threads 76 is tapered upwardly said breaker member is a resilient torus having its outermost
and inwardly, as illustrated at 77, terminating in a shoulder 78 65 edge in close proximity to the inside surface of said cylindrical
defined between the taper 77 and the upper portion 74 of the chamber.
screw conveyor assembly 73. 6. An icemaking machine as set froth in claim wherein
In accordance with the present invention there is provided a said breaker member includes an inverted cup-shaped
breaker member 80 of generally inverted cup shape having a member having a cone-shaped lower inner surface and a
bottom wall 81 and a generally cylindrical sidewall 82 and an 70 discharge opening in its sidewall remote from said lower inner
annular upwardly extending flange 83 is formed integrally surface, said lower portion and said helical thread having a
with the sidewall 82 intermediate its length and rests upon the complementary taper.
upper end 11a of the tube A. The lower inner surface of the 7. An icemaking machine as set forth in claim 1 including
sidewall 82 is generally cone shaped having a downward and means for selectively adjusting the biasing force exerted by
outward taper 84 complementary with the taper 77 on the 75 said biasing means.