ADAPT-Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide: Index (II)

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Index (II)

1 Overview of ADAPT-Builder SUITE ......................................................................... 12
1.1 ADAPT Builder 2015 ............................................................................................ 12
1.1.1 ADAPT-Modeler ........................................................................................ 13
1.1.2 ADAPT-Edge ............................................................................................. 13
1.1.3 ADAPT-Floor Pro ...................................................................................... 14
1.1.4 ADAPT-MAT............................................................................................. 14
1.1.5 ADAPT-SOG.............................................................................................. 14
1.1.6 Dynamic Rebar Designer (DRD) ............................................................... 14
1.1.7 Post-tensioning Shop Drawing ................................................................... 14
1.1.8 Strip Modeling & PT/RC Export ................................................................ 15
1.1.9 Other Options on Initial Screen .................................................................. 15
1.2 ADAPT-Modeler Main Screen .............................................................................. 15
ADAPT-Builder 2015 1.2.1 Mouse Function and Operation .................................................................. 17
1.2.2 View Toolbar .............................................................................................. 17
Getting Started Guide 1.2.3 Build Toolbar.............................................................................................. 18
1.2.4 Transform to Structural Components Toolbar............................................ 19
1.2.5 Selection Toolbar ........................................................................................ 21
1.2.6 Camera and Viewports Toolbar .................................................................. 24
1.2.7 Settings Toolbar.......................................................................................... 25
1.2.8 Snap Toolbar............................................................................................... 26
1.2.9 Model/Design Strips Toolbar ..................................................................... 27
1.2.10 Modeling Toolbar ....................................................................................... 27
1.2.11 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar ........................................................... 30
1.2.12 Reinforcement Toolbar ............................................................................... 32
1.2.13 Tendon Toolbar .......................................................................................... 32
1.2.14 Cursor Function and Operation .................................................................. 35
1.2.15 Story Manager Toolbar ............................................................................... 36
1.2.16 Save As Project Template........................................................................... 38
1.2.17 Modify/Selection Toolbar........................................................................... 39
2 Generation of 3D Structural Model through DWG Import ......................................... 43
2.1 First Drawing Import ............................................................................................. 43
2.2 Transformation of Structural Components ............................................................ 47
3 Generation of 3D Structural Model through Revit import .......................................... 53
3.1 Export the ADAPT Exchange File from Autodesk Revit ..................................... 54
3.2 Import the ADAPT Exchange file into ADAPT-Builder ...................................... 56
3.3 Material Modifications and Component Connectivity .......................................... 61
4 Generation of 3D Structural Model using ADAPT-Builder Modeling Tools ............. 65
4.1 Defining a Grid System ......................................................................................... 65
4.2 Manual Addition of Levels to an Existing Model ................................................. 66
4.3 Modeling Tendons ................................................................................................. 68
4.3.1 Defining Banded Tendons .......................................................................... 69
4.3.2 Additional Comments ................................................................................. 74
4.4 Copying/Moving Components Vertically ............................................................. 74
Version 1 4.5 Modifying Existing Slab Regions and Nested Slabs ............................................. 76
4.6 Modifying Beam Sizes and Properties .................................................................. 81
Update: January 2016 4.7 Regeneration of Component Connectivity ............................................................ 83
Copyright © ADAPT Corporation all rights reserved 5 Materials, Assigning Supports, Criteria, loads & load combinations, tributary loads,
and stiffness modifiers ........................................................................................................ 84
Index (III) Index (IV)

5.1 Set and Assign Material Properties ....................................................................... 84 7.3 Design the Design Sections ................................................................................. 206
5.2 Assigning support conditions ................................................................................ 88 7.4 Results for Support Lines .................................................................................... 209
5.3 Set Design Criteria................................................................................................. 91 7.4.1 Result Display Settings ............................................................................. 211
5.4 Loading .................................................................................................................. 94 7.5 Generate Rebar Drawing ..................................................................................... 219
5.4.1 Patch Load Generation ............................................................................... 94 7.6 Cracked Deflection Check ................................................................................... 221
5.4.2 Wind Load Generation ............................................................................... 97 7.7 Compiled Report Generator................................................................................. 224
5.4.3 Seismic Load Generation.......................................................................... 100 8 ADAPT-MAT Workflow with ADAPT Edge ........................................................... 227
5.4.4 Lateral Load Solution Sets ....................................................................... 106 8.1 ADAPT-MAT Workflow 1 ................................................................................. 228
5.4.5 Load Combinations................................................................................... 107 8.2 ADAPT-MAT Workflow 2 ................................................................................. 233
5.4.6 Tributary Loads ........................................................................................ 110 9 Design of Columns .................................................................................................... 236
5.4.7 Live Load Reduction ................................................................................ 118 9.1 Design Groups ..................................................................................................... 237
5.5 Stiffness Modifiers .............................................................................................. 119 9.1.1 Assigning Columns to Design Groups ..................................................... 240
5.5.1 Modifying Stiffness Property of One Structural Component ................... 120 9.2 Column Unbraced Length ................................................................................... 246
5.5.2 Modifying Stiffness Property of one or more Structural Components ..... 121 9.3 Component Design Options................................................................................. 247
6 Finite Element Meshing, Analysis, and View Results............................................... 123 9.4 Design the Design Groups ................................................................................... 251
6.1 Generation of Finite Element Mesh..................................................................... 123 9.5 Code Check / Design of Individual Columns ...................................................... 258
6.2 Analysis Options and Analyze ............................................................................ 126 9.5.1 Iterating on Individual Column Design .................................................... 261
6.2.1 Load Transfer Between Global and Single-Level Analysis ..................... 132
6.3 Viewing Analysis Results in The Main Interface Using Result Display Settings
(Red Eyeglasses) .......................................................................................................... 134
6.3.1 Viewing Global Z-Direction displacement for Selfweight....................... 139
6.3.2 Viewing Global X and Y displacement for WindX and EQY ................. 143
6.3.3 Viewing Column Actions ......................................................................... 147
6.3.4 Viewing Beam Actions ............................................................................. 149
6.3.5 Viewing Slab Actions ............................................................................... 150
6.3.6 Viewing Extreme Fiber Slab Stresses ...................................................... 151
6.3.7 Viewing Mid-depth Slab Stress (Precompression) ................................... 152
6.3.8 Graphical Column and Wall Reactions .................................................... 153
6.3.9 Line Contours ........................................................................................... 155
6.3.10 Punching Shear Check .............................................................................. 158
6.3.11 Manual Design Sections ........................................................................... 162
6.4 Viewing Analysis Results Using ADViewer....................................................... 164
6.4.1 View Analysis Results (ADViewer)......................................................... 165 Viewing Global Z-direction displacement for Selfweight ..................... 170 Viewing Global X and Y displacement for WindX and EQY ............... 174 Viewing Column Actions ....................................................................... 177 Viewing Beam Actions........................................................................... 179 Viewing Slab Actions ............................................................................. 180 Section Cut Tool for Viewing Slab Actions (M, V, N) .......................... 181 Viewing Extreme Fiber Slab Stresses .................................................... 183 Viewing Mid-depth Slab Stress (Precompression)................................. 184
6.5 Tabular Reports for Analysis Results .................................................................. 185
7 ADAPT-Floor Pro – Design of Slab Systems ........................................................... 187
7.1 Support Lines and Splitters.................................................................................. 188
7.1.1 X-Direction ............................................................................................... 189
7.1.2 Y-Direction ............................................................................................... 194
7.2 Generating Design Strips and Design Sections ................................................... 197
7.2.1 Manual Strip Generation .......................................................................... 198
7.2.2 Automatic Strip Generation ...................................................................... 199
7.2.3 Manual Modifications for Automatically-Generated Strips ..................... 201

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

Index (V) Index (VI)

TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE 3-2 Export Model to ADAPT ................................................................................... 54

FIGURE 3-3 ADAPT-Revit Link 2013 Export screens .......................................................... 55
FIGURE 1-1 ADAPT 2015 Builder Initial Screen .................................................................. 13 FIGURE 3-4 ADAPT data exchange file save-as dialogue window ....................................... 55
FIGURE 1-2 ADAPT Modeler Main Screen in MAT Mode .................................................. 15 FIGURE 3-5 Builder Platform Module Selection ................................................................... 56
FIGURE 1-3 Right-Click Options Of The Mouse ................................................................... 17 FIGURE 3-6 Import REVIT Model into Builder .................................................................... 57
FIGURE 1-4 View Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 17 FIGURE 3-7 ADAPT Data Exchange File Open Dialogue Window ...................................... 58
FIGURE 1-5 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar ..................................................... 20 FIGURE 3-8 Import Options Dialogue Window ..................................................................... 59
FIGURE 1-6 Selection Toolbar ............................................................................................... 21 FIGURE 3-9 Imported 7-Story Structure Shown in Plan View in ADAPT-Edge .................. 60
FIGURE 1-7 Select Layers Dialog Window ........................................................................... 22 FIGURE 3-10 Imported Multistory Structure Shown in 3D Isometric Wireframe View in
FIGURE 1-8 Select by Type Dialog ........................................................................................ 23 ADAPT-Edge ........................................................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 1-9 Camera and Viewports Toolbar ......................................................................... 24 FIGURE 3-11 Concrete Material Input Window..................................................................... 62
FIGURE 1-10 Setting Toolbar ................................................................................................. 25 FIGURE 3-12 Modify Item Properties window used to change material property of all
FIGURE 1-11 Snap Toolbar .................................................................................................... 26 selected components ................................................................................................................ 63
FIGURE 1-12 Model/Design Strips Toolbar ........................................................................... 27 FIGURE 3-13 Column offset relative to slab position ............................................................ 64
FIGURE 1-13 Modeling Toolbar............................................................................................. 27 FIGURE 4-1 Grid Settings (Snap Toolbar) ............................................................................. 66
FIGURE 1-14 Support Line Wizard ........................................................................................ 28 FIGURE 4-2 Reference Plane Manager .................................................................................. 66
FIGURE 1-15 Splitter Property dialogue screen ..................................................................... 29 FIGURE 4-3 Reference Plane Manager after adding new levels ............................................ 67
FIGURE 1-16 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar................................................................. 30 FIGURE 4-4 Reference Plane Manager with new names and heights .................................... 68
FIGURE 1-17 Result Display Settings .................................................................................... 31 FIGURE 4-5 Left elevation view showing added levels ......................................................... 68
FIGURE 1-18 Reinforcement Toolbar .................................................................................... 32 FIGURE 4-6 Tendon Toolbar .................................................................................................. 69
FIGURE 1-19 Tendon Toolbar ................................................................................................ 33 FIGURE 4-7 Tendon 1 Modeling Location ............................................................................. 69
FIGURE 1-20 Map Distributed Tendon Dialogue box............................................................ 33 FIGURE 4-8 Tendon 1 Plan View ........................................................................................... 70
FIGURE 1-21 Map Banded (Grouped) Tendons Dialogue ..................................................... 34 FIGURE 4-9 Tendon Properties Input Screen ......................................................................... 70
FIGURE 1-22 Tendon Elevation Section ................................................................................ 34 FIGURE 4-10 Tendon Stressing Method Input Screen ........................................................... 71
FIGURE 1-23 Tendon Properties Shape/System/Friction display, with Minimum Radius of FIGURE 4-11 Tendon Shape/System/Friction input ............................................................... 71
Curvature (R) input at bottom of screen .................................................................................. 35 FIGURE 4-12 Criteria window where default tendon heights are defined ............................. 72
FIGURE 1-24 Cursor Modes and Options............................................................................... 36 FIGURE 4-13 3D View of Single Tendon in Transfer Beam at Level 4 ................................ 72
FIGURE 1-25 Story Manager Toolbar .................................................................................... 36 FIGURE 4-14 Plan View of Tendons with CGS values .......................................................... 73
FIGURE 1-26 Copy Reference Planes Input ........................................................................... 37 FIGURE 4-15 3D View of Banded Tendons in Transfer Beams at Level 4 ........................... 73
FIGURE 1-27 Copy/Move Vertical Input Screen ................................................................... 37 FIGURE 4-16 Highlighted Components at Level 7 ................................................................ 75
FIGURE 1-28 Reference Plane Manager ................................................................................ 37 FIGURE 4-17 Copy and Move Vertical Settings .................................................................... 75
FIGURE 1-29 Elevation view of Reference Planes ................................................................. 38 FIGURE 4-18 Side Elevation View of the Structure including Levels 8-10 ........................... 75
FIGURE 1-30 Save as Project Template ................................................................................. 39 FIGURE 4-19 Changing Thickness for Multiple Slab Regions .............................................. 76
FIGURE 1-31 Modify Selection Toolbar ................................................................................ 39 FIGURE 4-20 Level 10 Prior to Slab Modifications ............................................................... 77
FIGURE 1-32 Modify Item Properties Input Screen ............................................................... 42 FIGURE 4-21 Level 10 after slab modifications ..................................................................... 77
FIGURE 2-1 Import DWG / DXF Dialog ............................................................................... 44 FIGURE 4-22 Level 10 Right Slab with Column and Wall labels .......................................... 78
FIGURE 2-2 Start and End Points of Calibration Line ........................................................... 44 FIGURE 4-23 Construction lines used to modify slab region ................................................. 79
FIGURE 2-3 Grouping Dialog box.......................................................................................... 45 FIGURE 4-24 Final Slab Position ........................................................................................... 80
FIGURE 2-4 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box ............................... 46 FIGURE 4-25 Thickened Slab Section Cuts ........................................................................... 81
FIGURE 2-5 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box updated.................. 46 FIGURE 4-26 Beam labels ...................................................................................................... 82
FIGURE 2-6 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar ..................................................... 47 FIGURE 4-27 Beam Release Input Window ........................................................................... 83
FIGURE 2-7 Layers Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 47 FIGURE 4-28 Rendered 3D View of Upturned Beam ............................................................ 83
FIGURE 2-8 Top-Front-Right View with Transformed Column and Column Dialog ........... 48 FIGURE 5-1 Concrete Material xnput ..................................................................................... 84
FIGURE 2-9 Design Group Manager showing column automatic assignment and roundup FIGURE 5-2 Material Modifications for Multiple Components ............................................. 86
options ...................................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE 5-3 Slab Region Properties to Verify Concrete Material ......................................... 87
FIGURE 2-10 Slab Region Properties ..................................................................................... 50 FIGURE 5-4 Mild Steel Material Input ................................................................................... 87
FIGURE 2-11 Select by Type Dialog box ............................................................................... 51 FIGURE 5-5 Prestressing Steel Material Input ....................................................................... 88
FIGURE 2-12 View Toolbar and View Menu (partial) ........................................................... 51 FIGURE 5-6 Support Conditions Input (partial) ..................................................................... 89
FIGURE 2-13 Select/ Set View Items Dialog Box .................................................................. 52 FIGURE 5-7 Graphically Displaying Supports in Select/Set View Items .............................. 90
FIGURE 3-1 Hybrid PT/RC structure as modeled in Autodesk Revit Structure .................... 53 FIGURE 5-8 3D View of Model with Base Supports Shown ................................................. 90

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

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FIGURE 5-9 Manual Modification of Point Supports (partial) ............................................... 91 FIGURE 6-10 Analysis Options when in Single-Level Mode and Global Solutions Exist .. 134
FIGURE 5-10 Design Code Section of Criteria (partial)......................................................... 91 Figure 6-11 Result Display Settings ...................................................................................... 135
FIGURE 5-11 Reinforcement Bar Lengths in Criteria (partial) .............................................. 92 FIGURE 6-12 Result Display Settings Tab ........................................................................... 137
FIGURE 5-12 Rebar Minimum Cover – Two-way slabs (partial) .......................................... 92 FIGURE 6-13 Settings in Result Display Settings ................................................................ 138
FIGURE 5-13 Rebar Minimum Cover – Beams (partial) ........................................................ 92 FIGURE 6-14 Set Result Display Units ................................................................................ 139
FIGURE 5-14 Tendon Height Defaults – Beams (FEM) (partial) ......................................... 93 FIGURE 6-15 Z-Translation under Selfweight ..................................................................... 140
FIGURE 5-15 Allowable stresses – Beams ............................................................................. 93 FIGURE 6-16 Z-Translation: Beams under Selfweight ........................................................ 140
FIGURE 5-16 Rebar Round Up............................................................................................... 94 FIGURE 6-17 Z-Translation – 3D View of Single Level...................................................... 141
FIGURE 5-17 Patch Load Wizard Input ................................................................................. 95 FIGURE 6-18 Z-Translation – Contoured Warped View for Level 4 ................................... 141
FIGURE 5-18 3D Graphical Representation of Patch (Area) Loads ....................................... 96 Figure 6-19 Z-Translation - Warped View for Level 4 ......................................................... 142
FIGURE 5-19 Patch Load Properties Input ............................................................................. 97 FIGURE 6-20 Global Deformation for Selfweight ............................................................... 143
FIGURE 5-20 Load Case Library ............................................................................................ 98 FIGURE 6-21 X-Translation for Frame Elements – Columns .............................................. 144
FIGURE 5-21 Wind Load Wizard ........................................................................................... 99 Figure 6-22 Column Drift Display X-Direction .................................................................... 145
FIGURE 5-22 Graphical Representation of Wind Loads ...................................................... 100 FIGURE 6-23 Y-Translation for Frame Elements – Columns .............................................. 146
FIGURE 5-23 Seismic Load Wizard Screen ......................................................................... 101 FIGURE 6-24 Global Deformation for SeismicY ................................................................. 147
FIGURE 5-24 Vibration Combination Input ......................................................................... 102 FIGURE 6-25 Column Axial Forces for SeismicY ............................................................... 148
FIGURE 5-25 Seismic Load Wizard – User Defined Input .................................................. 103 FIGURE 6-26 Column Moments for SeismicY – Level 4 .................................................... 149
FIGURE 5-26 Story Force Input............................................................................................ 103 FIGURE 6-27 Beam Moments for WindX – Level 4 ............................................................ 150
FIGURE 5-27 Example of Seismic Data File for EQX Located in Databases Folder .......... 104 FIGURE 6-28 Slab Moments about Y-Y Axis for Service (Total Load) Combination ........ 151
FIGURE 5-28 Example of Summary Seismic Loading Data in Tabular Reports ................. 105 FIGURE 6-29 Bottom Fiber Stress along XX Direction ....................................................... 152
FIGURE 5-29 Graphical Display of Seismic Force Applied to Slab .................................... 106 FIGURE 6-30 Mid-Depth Slab Stress along XX Direction................................................... 153
FIGURE 5-30 Load Combinations ........................................................................................ 107 FIGURE 6-31 Column Reaction Settings .............................................................................. 154
FIGURE 5-31 Analysis and Design Options Available for Load Combinations .................. 110 FIGURE 6-32 Column Reactions at Level 1 ......................................................................... 155
FIGURE 5-32 Creep and Shrinkage Factor Input.................................................................. 110 FIGURE 6-33 Contour Toolbar ............................................................................................. 155
FIGURE 5-33 Tributary Load Screen.................................................................................... 111 FIGURE 6-34 Generate Line Contour Options ..................................................................... 156
FIGURE 5-34 Tributary Boundaries of Multi-level Structure .............................................. 112 FIGURE 6-35 Slab Bending Actions M11 for Strength Condition ....................................... 157
FIGURE 5-35 Select Transferred Column ............................................................................ 113 FIGURE 6-36 Slab Bending Actions M11 – Increased contour density ............................... 158
FIGURE 5-36 Plan View of Load Transfer Path ................................................................... 113 FIGURE 6-37 Punching Shear Check Results at Level 1...................................................... 160
FIGURE 5-37 New Load Path / Support assigned ................................................................ 114 FIGURE 6-38 Punching Shear Check Tabular Reports (partial)........................................... 161
FIGURE 5-38 Result Display Settings .................................................................................. 115 FIGURE 6-39 Manual Design Sections – Level 1................................................................. 163
FIGURE 5-39 Tributary Results in Plan View ...................................................................... 116 FIGURE 6-40 Manual Design Sections Results Window ..................................................... 164
FIGURE 5-40 Zoomed-in View Tributary Results ............................................................... 117 FIGURE 6-41 ADViewer Graphical Interface ...................................................................... 165
FIGURE 5-41 Export Column Tributary ............................................................................... 117 FIGURE 6-42 ADViewer Options......................................................................................... 166
FIGURE 5-42 Excel Tributary Report for Unstacked Columns............................................ 118 FIGURE 6-43 Load Cases/Combinations Tab ...................................................................... 167
FIGURE 5-43 Excel Tributary Report for Stacked Columns (Labels reset) ......................... 118 FIGURE 6-44 Vibration Results Tab .................................................................................... 168
FIGURE 5-44 Live Load Reduction Factors ......................................................................... 119 FIGURE 6-45 Components and Entities Tab ........................................................................ 169
FIGURE 5-45 General Loads with Reducible definition ...................................................... 119 FIGURE 6-46 Groups/Planes for Display Tab ...................................................................... 169
FIGURE 5-46 Stiffness Modifier Usage Cases ..................................................................... 120 FIGURE 6-47 Z-Translation under Selfweight ..................................................................... 170
FIGURE 5-47 Stiffness Modifiers Tab in Item Properties .................................................... 121 FIGURE 6-48 Z-Translation – 3D View ............................................................................... 171
FIGURE 5-48 Stiffness Modifier Input in Modify Item Properties ...................................... 121 FIGURE 6-49 Z-Translation for Selfweight – Level 4 .......................................................... 171
FIGURE 5-49 Slab Region Stiffness Modification in Modify Item Properties..................... 122 FIGURE 6-50 Z-Translation – Warped View for Level 4 ..................................................... 172
FIGURE 6-1 Automatic Mesh Generation ............................................................................ 124 FIGURE 6-51 Z-Translation for Frame Elements – Beams and Columns ............................ 173
FIGURE 6-2 Meshing Error Message ................................................................................... 125 FIGURE 6-52 Global Deformatin for Selfweight ................................................................. 174
FIGURE 6-3 Completed Model displaying Finite Element Meshing ................................... 125 FIGURE 6-53 X-Translation for Frame Elements – Columns .............................................. 175
FIGURE 6-4 Analysis Options .............................................................................................. 127 FIGURE 6-54 Y-Translation for Frame Elements – Columns .............................................. 176
FIGURE 6-5 Option to Include Reactions from Global Analysis in Single Level Analysis . 128 FIGURE 6-55 Global Deformation for SeismicY ................................................................. 177
FIGURE 6-6 Options to Include Global Vertical Gravity Loads in Single-Level Analysis . 128 FIGURE 6-56 Column Axial Forces for SeismicY ............................................................... 178
FIGURE 6-7 Options to include Stiffness Modifiers in Analysis ......................................... 129 FIGURE 6-57 Column Moments for SeismicY – Level 4 .................................................... 179
FIGURE 6-8 Load Case Warning at Analysis Onset............................................................. 131 FIGURE 6-58 Beam Moments for WindX – Level 4 ............................................................ 180
FIGURE 6-9 Analysis Status ................................................................................................. 132 FIGURE 6-59 Slab Moments about Y-Y Axis for Service (Total Load) Combination ........ 181

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

Index (IX) Index (X)

FIGURE 6-60 Slab Action Section Cut ................................................................................. 182 FIGURE 7-42 Compiled Report Generator ........................................................................... 225
FIGURE 6-61 Slab Action Section Cut – Moment Value ..................................................... 183 FIGURE 7-43 Compiled Report Generator with expanded sections ..................................... 225
FIGURE 6-62 Bottom Fiber Stress along XX Direction ....................................................... 184 FIGURE 7-44 Compiled Report Generator with selected reports ......................................... 226
FIGURE 6-63 Mid-Depth Slab Stress along XX Direction................................................... 185 FIGURE 7-45 Print Options for Compiled Reports .............................................................. 227
FIGURE 6-64 Point Support Reactions Report (Partial) ....................................................... 186 FIGURE 8-1 Builder Platform Module Selection – MAT Workflow 1 ................................ 229
FIGURE 7-1 Builder Platform Module Selection – Floor Pro only ...................................... 188 FIGURE 8-2 Plan View of Base Level Mat Foundation ....................................................... 230
FIGURE 7-2 FEM Menu ....................................................................................................... 189 FIGURE 8-3 Plan View of Base Level Mat Foundation ....................................................... 230
FIGURE 7-3 Support Line in X-Direction ............................................................................ 190 FIGURE 8-4 Soil Spring Properties ...................................................................................... 231
FIGURE 7-4 Support Lines in X-Direction ........................................................................... 191 FIGURE 8-5 Side View of Model with Mat Foundation and Soil Support.......................... 231
FIGURE 7-5 Support Line Design Section Options .............................................................. 192 FIGURE 8-6 Z-deformation at Base Level for Service (Total Load) Condition ................... 232
FIGURE 7-6 Support Line Design Criteria ........................................................................... 192 FIGURE 8-7 Soil Pressure at Base Level – Workflow 1...................................................... 233
FIGURE 7-7 Splitters for X-Direction .................................................................................. 193 FIGURE 8-8 Warped Mat Soil Pressure at Base Level - Workflow 1 .................................. 233
FIGURE 7-8 Support Line in Y-Direction ............................................................................ 195 FIGURE 8-9 Analysis Options for MAT Workflow 2 .......................................................... 235
FIGURE 7-9 Support Lines in Y-Direction ........................................................................... 196 FIGURE 8-10 Z-Deformation at Base Level – Workflow 2 ................................................. 236
FIGURE 7-10 Splitters for Y-Direction ................................................................................ 197 FIGURE 9-1 Design Group Manager - Roundup .................................................................. 238
FIGURE 7-11 Manually-Generated Design Strip for Support Line 9 ................................... 198 FIGURE 9-2 Enlarged view Roundup Amount ..................................................................... 238
FIGURE 7-12 Manually-Generated Design Strips for Y-Direction ...................................... 199 FIGURE 9-3 Column Properties before Assigned to Design Group ..................................... 239
FIGURE 7-13 Automatically-Generated Design Strips and Sections ................................... 200 FIGURE 9-4 Column Properties (enlarged) after Assigned to Design Group ...................... 240
FIGURE 7-14 Viewing Options for Design Sections ............................................................ 201 FIGURE 9-5 Column - Modify Item Properties Design Group Definition ........................... 242
FIGURE 7-15 Design Strips and Sections for Y-Direction ................................................... 202 FIGURE 9-6 Enlarged Design Group Library with Duplicate Group Names ....................... 242
FIGURE 7-16 Idealized Design Tributaries for Y-Direction ................................................ 203 FIGURE 9-7 Design Group drop-down Menu ...................................................................... 243
FIGURE 7-17 Support Line 9 Tributary Region ................................................................... 203 FIGURE 9-8 Assign Selected Columns to Design Group ..................................................... 243
FIGURE 7-18 Support Line 9 Modified Tributary at Opening ............................................. 204 FIGURE 9-9 Columns-only Elevation View with Lower Levels Selected ........................... 244
FIGURE 7-19 Support Line 10 Tributary Region ................................................................. 205 FIGURE 9-10 Right-Click Column Selection - Open Design Group.................................... 245
FIGURE 7-20 Support Line 10 Modified Tributary at Opening ........................................... 206 FIGURE 9-11 Edited Design Group Names and Design Group Details ............................... 245
FIGURE 7-21 Modified Design Strips and Sections for Y-Direction ................................... 206 FIGURE 9-12 Modified 24x24 Lower Design Group Details............................................... 246
FIGURE 7-22 Design Criteria Display Option ...................................................................... 207 FIGURE 9-13 Column Unbraced Length .............................................................................. 247
FIGURE 7-23 Design Criteria Display Option, Y-Direction ................................................ 208 FIGURE 9-14 Component/Column Design Options ............................................................. 248
FIGURE 7-24 RC-Only: Analysis/Design Options [Column Strip, Middle Strip] ............... 209 FIGURE 9-15 Force Source Options ..................................................................................... 249
FIGURE 7-25 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar............................................................... 210 FIGURE 9-16 Design Constraints under Component Design Options ................................. 250
FIGURE 7-26 Result Display Settings for Design Section Checks ...................................... 212 FIGURE 9-17 Design the Design Groups Selection.............................................................. 252
FIGURE 7-27 Deflections along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination .......... 214 FIGURE 9-18 Design Summary after Design of Design Groups .......................................... 252
FIGURE 7-28 Bending Moments along X-Direction for Service (Total Load) Combination FIGURE 9-19 HTML S-CONCRETE Report from Design Summary ................................. 254
................................................................................................................................................ 215 FIGURE 9-20 Design Summary Selected for Update, Only Differences Shown ................. 255
FIGURE 7-29 Bottom Fiber Stresses along X-direction for Service (Total Load) FIGURE 9-21 Design Group with Updated Design Status ................................................... 255
Combination ........................................................................................................................... 215 FIGURE 9-22 Design Group N vs M Utilization .................................................................. 256
FIGURE 7-30 Bottom Stress: Overstressed Section ............................................................. 216 FIGURE 9-23 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 1.0 Utilization Limit ........ 257
FIGURE 7-31 Top Fiber Stresses along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination FIGURE 9-24 Status (Pass/Fail) for Design Group Results with 0.85 Utilization Limit ...... 257
................................................................................................................................................ 216 FIGURE 9-25 Change Utilization Display in Result Display Settings ................................. 258
FIGURE 7-32 Precompression along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination ... 217 FIGURE 9-26 Design Group Selection for Code Check ....................................................... 260
FIGURE 7-33 Contribution of Prestressing to Moment Capacity of Beams - Negative ....... 217 FIGURE 9-27 Individual Column Design N vs M Results - Value Display ......................... 260
FIGURE 7-34 Balanced Loading along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination 218 FIGURE 9-28 Select Top Columns in Single-Level Mode, Elevation View ........................ 260
FIGURE 7-35 Moment Capacity along X-direction for Service (Total Load) Combination 218 FIGURE 9-29 Individual Column NvsM utilization, Design Loads, Axial Capacity ........... 261
FIGURE 7-36 Moment Capacity with Demand along X-direction for Service (Total Load) FIGURE 9-30 Select By Type: Underutilized Columns........................................................ 263
Combination ........................................................................................................................... 219 FIGURE 9-31 Design New Design Group ............................................................................ 263
FIGURE 7-37 Generate Rebar Drawing Options .................................................................. 220 FIGURE 9-32 Individual Code Check for New Design Group ............................................. 264
FIGURE 7-38 Rebar Drawing for Level 4 ............................................................................ 221 FIGURE 9-33 Select Columns Exceeding NvsM Allowable Value ..................................... 264
FIGURE 7-39 Z-Translation for Cracked_Sustained Load Combination ............................. 222
FIGURE 7-40 ADViewer Load Cases/Combinations with Cracking ................................... 223
FIGURE 7-41 Z-Translation for Cracked_Sustained Load Combination in ADViewer ...... 224

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

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Developed from the ground up with ADAPT Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Technology, the ADAPT-Builder Suite is a collection of fully integrated design and
analysis tools for concrete buildings, floor systems, foundations, and beam structures,
with or without post-tensioning. The solution's intuitive and easy-to-use 3D
component modeling capabilities allow you to quickly model any structure. Builder
contains specialized design tools for concrete buildings, one-way or two-way column-
supported flat slabs, parking structures, mat foundations, and ground-supported slabs.
New in the 2015 release is an integrated design feature for concrete columns, with
partner software S-CONCRETE. Built-in building codes include American (ACI),
International (IBC), Canadian (A23), British (BS), European (EC), Australian (AS),
Brazilian (NBR), and Indian (IS).

The purpose of this Getting Started Guide is to provide the User with details and
information for common workflows and tools to model, analyze and design concrete
structures using Builder 2015 Floor Pro, Edge, MAT, and S-CONCRETE
programs. The most common and straightforward instructions will be provided in
this guide. Other alternatives may exist to perform the same functions, but the purpose
of this guide is to provide a quick and useful resource for a user new to Builder 2015

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

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with SOG. If SOG is selected, the Edge option will automatically be de-selected.
Edge can perform multi-level (global) or single-level analysis. The only design scope
of Edge is limited to the use of Manual Design Sections (See Section 6.3.11) Edge
must be enabled for tributary load takedown feature and integrated column design
option to be used.

1.1.3 ADAPT-Floor Pro

Floor Pro is a modeling, analysis, and design tool for elevated concrete slabs, beams,
and floor systems. Floor Pro can run independently or together with Edge.


MAT is a modeling, analysis and design tool for soil-support mat/raft foundations,
spread footings, pier caps, grade beams, and combined or strip footings. MAT can
run independently or together with Edge.


SOG is a modeling and analysis tool for post-tensioned slab-on-ground projects on

expansive or contractive soils, utilizing an enhanced PTI method. SOG will only run
independently, and cannot be used with Edge. Description of the workflow of SOG
analysis is outside the scope of this Guide.

1.1.6 Dynamic Rebar Designer (DRD)

FIGURE 1-1 ADAPT 2015 Builder Initial Screen The Dynamic Rebar Design (DRD) extension module provides additional
capabilities in Builder by giving the user full interactive access to the graphical
Programs in ADAPT-Builder are: Modeler, Edge, Floor Pro, MAT, and SOG, with definition or modification of slab and beam reinforcement, including orientation, bar
extension modules. size, spacing, cover, mesh, and more. The DRD module allows the user to specify
existing reinforcing in a structure, or typical bars such as corner bars, rebar above
ADAPT Builder’s initial screen is shown in the FIGURE 1-1. The user can select the supports, or around openings. In this way, the DRD module enables engineers to
Structure Type, and choose among the following: accurately investigate existing structural capacity of slabs, foundations and floors
(i) Full building modeling and analysis (Edge) systems. Additionally, the DRD module provides the user with automated report
(ii) Elevated Floor Systems, Beam Frames, Grid Frames (Floor Pro) generation of post-tensioning steel and conventional reinforcing steel quantities.
(iii) Mat/Raft Foundation, Grade Beams (MAT) Detailed usage of the DRD module is outside the scope of this guide. For more
(iv) Post-Tensioned Slab-On-Ground (SOG) information on how to use the DRD module to optimize rebar placement or carry out
investigative analysis, refer to the specialized workflow chapters.

1.1.7 Post-tensioning Shop Drawing

1.1.1 ADAPT-Modeler
The Post-tensioning Shop Drawing extension module provides the user with
additional functionality as pertains to the creation of post-tension shop drawings.
Modeler is the modeling component of Builder. As a basic interface of the Builder
With this module it is possible to perform friction and elongation calculations,
platform, Modeler will remain on anytime Builder is open and supports the modeling
manage the display of tendon chair/ support heights, and calculate tendon quantities
of single- and multilevel structures.
and generate tendon-specific reports. Detailed usage of the Post-tensioning Shop
Drawing module is outside the scope of this guide. For more information on this
1.1.2 ADAPT-Edge
module, refer to the specialized workflow chapters.
Edge is a modeling and analysis tool for multistory concrete structures. The User can
select Edge independently, or with either Floor Pro or MAT. Edge cannot be selected

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1.1.8 Strip Modeling & PT/RC Export ADAPT-Modeler operates the same way as other Windows programs. All program
tools are accessed from one of the toolbars provided by the program or through the
ADAPT also offers 2D, Equivalent Frame Solution software for post-tensioned and menus provided in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Toolbars may be opened,
conventionally reinforced beams and slabs: ADAPT-PT/RC. These strip programs closed, “docked” to the edge of the screen, or dragged to any position on the screen. A
operate independently of Builder. However, it is possible to create a 3D model in list of all available Toolbars can also be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
Modeler/Edge/Floor Pro and export support lines for analysis and design in ADAPT- while the cursor is in the Menu Bar or Toolbar areas of the screen, or through the
PT/RC. The use of this feature is outside the scope of this guide. For more User Interface drop down menu. ADAPT-Modeler is pre-configured with the most
information on this feature, refer to the specialized workflow chapters. commonly used Toolbars visible and docked at the top border of your window. The
program remembers any additional Toolbars the user displays and will show them
1.1.9 Other Options on Initial Screen again in their last position when re-opening ADAPT-Builder. The configuration of
Toolbars may change if ADAPT-Builder is opened in different design modes like
System of Units: The user can choose the system of units by selecting SI, American, Floor Pro or SOG.
or MKS from the drop-down menu. In this guide, we will use American units.
The User Information Bar displays tool-specific information, program prompts, and
Design Scope: The user can model a conventional Reinforced Concrete (RC) any values that may be typed by the user for specific program procedures. The Status
Structure or a Post-tensioned Structure (RC & PT) by selecting either option from the Bar displays such information as the mouse cursor coordinates (location), current unit
drop-down menu. In this guide, we will use both RC and RC&PT design scopes. system, current level, current drawing layer, and gridline spacing and status. A short
description of each specific tool also appears in this area when the mouse cursor is
Import/Exports: The user can import geometry and/or loading from other 3rd party placed over the corresponding tool button.
general structural analysis and modeling solutions. Select Revit (Autodesk Revit
Structure), STAAD.Pro, and/or ETABS as applies to your projects. General is the
default import/export option, and will remain on while Builder is open.


FIGURE 1-2 shows the full-screen display of the ADAPT-Modeler program, with
typical features labeled for easy identification.

Menu Bar Toolbars

Docked Toolbar

Floating Toolbar

Main Windows
User Information Bar Status Bar

FIGURE 1-2 ADAPT Modeler Main Screen in MAT Mode

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1.2.1 Mouse Function and Operation Select/Set View Items This feature is used to manage the visibility of all non
CAD and reinforcement objects in your model. The Color Palette function
The primary function of the mouse is through its left-click. Depending on the mode of within the interface is used to define the default colors of components and to
the program, as outlined in the next section, the left-click will result in selecting the reset colors if they have changed color. The Save as Default function can be
entity below the cursor, inserting an entity or performing an operation at the location used to define the user’s visibility preference.
of the cursor.
Go to Default Display This button resets a model’s visibility to the user
The right-click of the mouse with cursor on the display portion of the screen will defined default.
display the window shown in FIGURE 1-3. Right-click options are context specific
and may change depending on the type of component selected while carrying out this Group Library The Grouping feature in Builder supports the definition of
operation. special groups that can be used to manage the visibility of components, in
particular imported CAD elements, with more flexibility.

Result Display Settings This feature is used to display analysis and design
results on the model.

View Model This button launches a 3D model viewer. This viewer can be
used to view a rendered image of the model, or to display analysis results once
an FEM analysis has been completed. The displayed information will correlate
to the single-level or multi-level mode the user has selected in the main
interface. CAD files can also be displayed along with model rendering. See
Section 6.4 for more information on this viewer.
FIGURE 1-3 Right-Click Options Of The Mouse
Render Design Strip Use this tool to display and shade design strips in your
Click on a menu item listed to perform the operation described. Functions including model.
layout of poly regions or polylines require the Close/End/Accept option to be
selected. Alternately, the user can select the ‘C’ key on the keyboard to close the Wire Frame This default view of the model shows it in wire frame.
operation. If you right-click the mouse while the cursor is outside the Main Window,
a list of all available toolbars appears. From this list, you can select the toolbars you Hidden Line Displays model in hidden line mode. This is display mode is for
want to display. visualization only and does not allow any modeling while active.

Double-clicking on an entity opens its properties dialog box. Solid Fill This view of the model displays all components with a solid
shading. The default is set at 50% opacity.
If more than one item exists in a location in the display screen, left click on the area,
and use the Tab key on your keyboard to toggle between the multiple items in the 1.2.3 Build Toolbar
same area.
This toolbar contains all tools related to creation of structural elements including slab
1.2.2 View Toolbar regions, columns, walls, beams, openings, drop caps/panels, plus options to bring up

be accessed through User Interface or BuildxDisplay Modeling Toolbars.

rebar tools, reference plane manager, and copy/move vertical tools. This toolbar can
This default toolbar contains all tools used to manage the visibility of components in
your model. The detailed visibility of reinforcement is managed through a separate set
of tools found on the on the Reinforcement Toolbar described in Section 1.2.12. All
viewing tools are described below.

Create Slab Region This tool allows the user to define points in plan which
bound a slab region. When all points defining a slab boundary have been
clicked, right-click and select Close/End/Accept and then right-click Exit to
FIGURE 1-4 View Toolbar stop the operation.

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Create Column This tool allows the user to define column sections in plan
by clicking and inserting column centerpoint at the mouse-click location. In
Floor Pro mode, Columns are below the slab of the active level, by default. In
MAT mode, columns are above the active level.
FIGURE 1-5 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar
Create Wall This tool allows the user to define wall elements, which are
defined in plan by a start point and an end point. In Floor Pro mode, walls are Once you import a DWG or DXF drawing, your first choice is to transform the items
below the slab of the active level, by default. In MAT mode, walls are above on the imported drawing directly to structural model. The items shown on the
the active level. imported drawing are simply lines (graphics). The process of conversion is to (1) pick
a cad object representing an item on the drawing, such as a column, and (2) click on
Create Beam This tool allows the user to draw beam elements which are the associated structural component tool (Transform to Column), in order to convert it
defined in plan by a start point and end point. to a structural component.

Create Opening This tool allows the user to define openings in the slab, Transform Polygon Only items that are in form of a closed polygon can be picked
which are defined by 3 or more points. When all points defining an opening and converted directly into structural components. In case the items in the DWD
boundary have been clicked, right-click and select Close/End/Accept and then or DXF drawing were not drawn as enclosed polygons, select the line items using
right-click Exit to stop the operation. the Ctrl key or by selecting them using the left-click of the mouse, and click this
icon. The program will create a new polyline in the desired shape. This shape can
Create Drop Cap/Panel This tool allows the user to define drop capitals or then be selected to be transformed.
panels. The cap/panel will be placed with its centerpoint at the location of the
mouse click; typically coinciding with a column centerpoint. Transform Slab Region. This tool is used to transform a polygon (closed
polyline) to a slab region. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform
Show Rebar Tool This tool links to 5 rebar-specific tools: Column tool .
Create Banded Rebar. This tool enables you to model banded
reinforcement bars in your project. Transform Column. This tool is used to transform a rectangle (polygon) or circle
to a column. To transform a (polygon) rectangle into a column do the following:

Create Distributed Rebar: This tool enables you to model distributed
reinforcement bars in your project. Select one or more rectangles and/or circles that are made up of

polygons that you intend to model as columns.
Define Beam Rebar: This tool enables the definition of default corner Click on the Transform Column tool . All selected entities will be
beam reinforcement, but is being phased out and being replaced with a transformed into columns with the same dimensions as the rectangle or
more comprehensive option. circle.

x Create Mesh Reinforcement. This tool enables you to specify a wire Transform Wall. This tool is used to transform a rectangle (closed polyline) into a
mesh fabric or rebar layout over one or several areas of the floor system. wall. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column tool .

Mesh Rebar Wizard. The wizard lets you define mesh reinforcement Transform into Several Walls. When a polygon represents two or more
over a specific region of slab that you select. intersecting walls, this button is used to transform it into several individual walls,
each having a rectangular cross-section. In the analysis, however, the program
Level Assignment: Displays Reference Plane Manager screen, as described treats the walls integrated into one along their common vertical joints. The tool
in Section 1.2.15 (Story Manager Toolbar). operates in the same manner as the Transform Column tool .

Copy/Move Vertical: Displays the Copy/Move Vertical tool as defined in Transform Drop Cap/Panel. This button is used to transform a rectangle (closed
Section 1.2.15 (Story Manager Toolbar). polyline) into a drop cap or panel. The tool operates in the same manner as the
Transform Column tool .

1.2.4 Transform to Structural Components Toolbar Transform Beam. This button is used to transform a polygon (closed polyline)
into a beam. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column tool
This toolbar contains all tools related to converting 2D DWG or DXF files into 3D . To be correctly considered in analysis, beams must be modeled from support
structural components. Each tool is described below. to support. Ensure the polygon definition of the beam extent reflects this.

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Transform Opening. This button is used to transform a polygon (closed polyline)

into an opening. The tool operates in the same manner as the Transform Column
tool .

1.2.5 Selection Toolbar

This default toolbar contains all tools related to selecting specific elements, objects
and structural components in the model. Each tool is described below.

FIGURE 1-6 Selection Toolbar

Hint Mode. When activated, the arrow displays the identification of the entities to
which it points. In this mode you cannot select an entity by clicking on it. FIGURE 1-7 Select Layers Dialog Window

Window Selection. When this tool is highlighted, the Pick/Select mode is active. Select by Type. This button is used to open a dialog box (FIGURE 1-8) in which
You can select an entity by clicking on it, or a group of entities by opening a one or more component types can be selected as a group. For example, all
window around the items while the left mouse key is held down. columns or all support lines can be selected at once. To use the tool, do the

Lasso Selection. This tool allows you to draw an arbitrary polygon around a series
of entities. When the lasso is closed, all entities located within or along the lasso
Click on the Select by Type tool. The dialog box below will open.
perimeter are selected. To use this tool, do the following: Select an entity type from the list. If more than one type is to be selected, it

x x
is not necessary to hold down the Ctrl key while selecting from the list.

Click on the Lasso Selection tool . Choose the selection criteria from the check boxes at the bottom of the

Draw segments of the polygon around the entities to be selected. dialog box and press OK. Entities of the type chosen in the list will be

Press C to close the lasso. The entities inside the lasso are selected selected, or removed from selection, depending on the option chosen.
automatically. A particular beam/line/cell/etc. may be selected by its label number using
the keyword option. For example, to select Column 5 using this tool, first
Path Selection. With this tool you can select entities by drawing a polyline click “Column” from the components list, and select “ By keyword”, then

through them. To use this tool, do the following: enter in the value 5, as shown in FIGURE 1-8.

If trying to select columns in your model, you can also filter the selection

Click on the Path Selection tool . by choosing from one of the existing design groups or column sizes.

Draw polyline through the entities to be selected. Additionally, design groups can be further filtered by N vs M (Axial and
Press C to end the line. The entities through which the line passes will be Moment) utilization.
selected automatically. o NvsM Utilization min: Use this option to enter a value as the lower
bound of utilization by which columns in design will be selected.
Select by Layer. This tool enables you to select all the entities on a specific layer For example, after a Code Check has been performed, the user can

x Click on the Select by Layer tool. The dialog box shown in FIGURE 1-7
of the drawing. To use the tool, do the following: easily select those columns which are too close to NvsM of 1.00,
and perhaps select all those above 0.9 using this option.

x Select a layer from the list. If more than one layer is to be selected, hold
will open. o NvsM Utilization max: Use this option to enter a value as the upper
bound of utilization by which columns in design will be selected.
For example, after a Code Check has been performed, the user can
x The items on the layers chosen from the list will be selected.
down the Ctrl key while selecting from the list. Click OK.
easily select those columns which may be under-utilized in design,
and perhaps have a Utilization interaction (NvsM) value of 0.3 or
o The user may choose to use one or both options above to select the
exact columns intended based on NvsM interaction.

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x Selection Type section: User may choose to holding the left-click, move the mouse to the new location of that vertex. Once
o Refresh all selection – a new selection of components will be the mouse is released, the selected items will be moved to the new location.
defined based on the parameters entered in this screen
o Add to current selection – any selected components prior to starting Move Selected Point. With this tool you can move only the vertex of an entity to a
this tool will remain and those selected by the parameters of this new location, while the positions of the remainder of the entity’s vertices remain
Select By Type process will be added unchanged. Select the entity first. Then pick the vertex you wish to move. Drag it
o Remove from current selection – any selected components prior to to the new location. The selected vertex will move independently; all other
starting this tool will remain, though those selected by the vertices will remain in their original location.
parameters of this Select By Type process will be excluded from
current selection Delete Point. This tool deletes the selected vertex of an entity. Select the entity
first. Then click on the Delete Point tool, and left-click the mouse on the point
that you wish to delete.

Insert Vertex. This tool is used to insert an additional vertex into an entity that
contains multiple insertion points. The new vertex is placed between the selected
vertex and the previous vertex. If the first vertex is chosen, then the new vertex is

x Select the entity.

added at this end. To add a vertex, do the following:

x Click on the Insert Vertex tool .

x Click on one of the entities’ vertices. Another vertex will be added to the
entity, adjacent to the selected vertex.

Item’s Properties (Alt + Enter). This tool opens up the Properties dialog box for
the selected entity. The properties may then be edited, as specified in other parts
of this manual. This dialog will also come up when an entity is double-clicked.

Group Selection. This tool creates a block containing all entities currently
selected. The block may then be dragged as one unit across the screen.

Explode Block. This tool breaks down a previously created block into its
components. It also works with blocks of imported DWG or DXF files.

1.2.6 Camera and Viewports Toolbar

This default toolbar is used to display different views of the model, zoom in or out,
pan and show multiple port views of the structure. The tools on the toolbar are self-
explanatory. The hint text associated with each tool provides additional information.
The following describes several of the less commonly used tools.

FIGURE 1-8 Select by Type Dialog FIGURE 1-9 Camera and Viewports Toolbar
Select All. This tool selects all the entities visible on the screen.
Redraw. This button clears and then re-draws the entire display.
Move Selection. This tool enables you to move the entire group of entities that are
currently selected. Pick a vertex of one of the entities with a mouse left-click, and The following buttons display the model from different angles.

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Top View Layer Setting. The name, color, and line settings for each layer can also be
modified in this window.
Left View
Line Style Setting. Click on this tool to open a list of the available line styles and
Front View descriptions. Select the line style of your choice.

Top-Front-Right View, this shows isometric view of the model Colors Setting. This tool opens a color palette, from which you can select the
color of the next entity you will draw/model, assign colors by layer, and the
Top and Back Side View, this shows isometric view of the model background of the modeling window.

Rotate View, this tool allows the user to rotate the view of the structure to any Display WCS. This toggle tool displays or hides the World Coordinate System
horizontal or vertical orientation so as to generate a custom 3D view. A custom view icon at its real position in (0,0,0).
can be saved and restored using the provided buttons in the Rotate View window.

1.2.8 Snap Toolbar

Other tools are: This default toolbar contains all the snapping tools of the program. To snap to an
entity, the mouse must be in Select/Pick mode, and you must bring the cursor close to
Zoom Window the location where you will snap the mouse.

Zoom Extents

Zoom In
FIGURE 1-11 Snap Toolbar
Zoom Out
Snap to Endpoint
Dynamic Zoom
Snap to Midpoint
Dynamic Pan
Snap to Center
Undo Zoom / Pan
Snap to Intersection
Redo Zoom / Pan
Snap to Perpendicular. This tool forces the mouse cursor to snap to a point that is
Single Viewport at the intersection of the perpendicular extension of the drawn line/entity.

Two Vertical Viewports Snap to Nearest

Snap to Grid. This tool forces the mouse cursor to snap to the nearest grid point.
1.2.7 Settings Toolbar
Grid Settings. This tool opens the Grid Settings dialog box where grid spacing,
This default toolbar is used to set up the Universal Coordinate System, line types, angle and other parameters can be set.
colors and layers in the program. The settings are also accessed from the Settings
menu. Snap Settings. This tool opens the Snap Settings dialog box, where all snapping
features may be selected or deselected.

Snap to Vertices of a Component. Using the previously described tools, you will
not be able to snap arbitrarily to the vertices or edges of structural components,
FIGURE 1-10 Setting Toolbar such as a beam. Since a structural component that is displayed as solid is defined
by its insertion points, the insertion points will not necessarily be the vertices or

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edges of the entity. By clicking on the above tool, you can make the vertices and Support Line Wizard. This tool creates a support line automatically. The Support
edges of all the structural components of your project capable of being snapped to. Line Wizard automatically generates a support line in the direction that you
specify. The wizard searches for possible supports over a strip specified by the
Create/Draw Orthogonal. This tool forces the entity being drawn or created to be band width you define. The wizard detects slab edges, column ends, wall ends and
positioned along either the global X-axis or Y-axis. wall center lines that are located within the band you define. Once it creates a
support line and displays it on the screen, you will be able to edit it, if needed.
1.2.9 Model/Design Strips Toolbar

This toolbar provides tools pertaining to the use and display of design strips. It can be
opened using the User Interface drop down menu.

FIGURE 1-12 Model/Design Strips Toolbar

Generate Design Strips. This button is used to create the design strips
automatically using the Regenerate Tributaries option. The function is also found
in the FEM drop down menu. It concludes by generating as many design strips as
support lines created by you, taking into account the splitters that you may have
used, in order to impose your preferences. The definition of support lines and
splitters will be covered in Section 7.1.

Discard Strips Modeled. This tool erases the data of the last automatically
generated design strip calculations, but retains all the information that you entered
manually, such as support lines and splitters. This tool is generally used when you
decide to modify design strips calculated by the program. This tool is also found
in the Strips drop down menu. FIGURE 1-14 Support Line Wizard

Display Strip X Splitter. This tool creates a new splitter. Splitters are used to delineate a separation
in the slab as pertains to support lines. You can use them to identify the boundary
Display Strip Y of a region that you wish to consider in your design. Also, they can be used to
identify the boundaries of a design strip tributary. They have other important and
1.2.10 Modeling Toolbar useful functions too. Each splitter is associated with the design intended for one of
the orthogonal directions, referred to as X- or Y-directions. It is defined according
The first three tools of this toolbar that can be displayed using the User Interface drop to the strip direction the splitter is meant to affect. Each splitter affects strips in
down menu deal specifically with the creation of design strips. The remainder helps one specified direction at a time. Therefore, separate splitters should be drawn for
you to improve or correct your work. each direction. For example, if a splitter is intended to affect the strips in the X-
direction, it must be defined as X-direction.

FIGURE 1-13 Modeling Toolbar

Support Line. Use this tool to create a new support line manually. In most
instances the second tool (Support Line Wizard) will be simpler and faster to use.
Generally, it is recommended to use the Support Line Wizard and edit the support
line it creates, if needed.

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This tool will search for such instances in your model and will establish the

Support Lines Extension. This tool extends all existing support lines to the edges
of the slab. Use this tool if you created a support line manually, and you missed
snapping its ends to the slab edges. If the distance of the support line end to a slab
edge is more than the program’s tolerance, you must make the connection

Align Structural Components. This tool automatically shifts the selected

structural component to one or the other side of its centerline. This is a useful tool
if you need to place columns, walls or beams along a slab edge. For example, you
can quickly model the linear elements using their centerline insertion points along
the slab edge and then use this tool to shift them automatically.

1.2.11 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar

Design results can be viewed graphically by using this toolbar. It can be displayed by
selecting the View Design Results Toolbar option under the FEM drop down menu.
Results for actions, stresses, precompression, balanced loading, deflection and
punching shear can be viewed graphically in the main screen after analysis and design
FIGURE 1-15 Splitter Property dialogue screen are completed. These features are described in further detail in Section 6.3.

Strip Method Load Transfer (Specific to exporting a design strip to ADAPT-

PTRC or ADAPT-RC). When a support line is to be supported by another support
line that it intersects and transfer its load to the supporting line, but there is no
physical support such as a column or wall at the intersection, the reinforcement or FIGURE 1-16 Support Line/Results Scale Toolbar
post-tensioning in the slab is designed to carry the load of the support recipient
support line. In this scenario, the Strip Method Load Transfer tool is used to Display Graphically. Select this button to graphically display support line results
generate a point support at the intersection. In modeling for strip method, you such as stress, moment, and deflection along the length of the support line or lines.
must mark the location where a support line is shedding load without the presence
of a supporting wall or column. Display Design Sections. Click this button to turn on or off the display of design
sections for support lines. As soon as this button is selected, a floating toolbar is
Connect Drop Caps to Columns. This tool is used to connect all existing drop displayed that allows you to toggle between the display of support lines in the X
cap endpoints with the endpoint of the adjacent column. The center point of the and Y direction.
drop cap is moved to the center point of the column. The connection of column
and cap makes sure that the complete cross-sectional area is taken into account at Scale Down Values. Use this button to scale down values for any graphical result
the support. The resulting offset due to this shift is automatically calculated and that is displayed along the support lines.
Default Scale Values. Use this button to scale the curves back to a default scale,
Connect Support Lines to Columns and Walls. Use this tool to connect the for instance in situation where curves are displayed and the maxima are too large
existing support lines to walls and columns. Support lines have to be connected to to fit, or the minima are too small to notice a variance.
the endpoint of a column or the both endpoints of a wall to account for them fully
in the design stage of your work. Scale Up Values. Use this button to scale up values for any graphical result that is
displayed along the support lines.
Connect Beams to Columns and Walls. This tool establishes the snapping
connection between all existing beams and adjacent walls or columns, where Perpendicular Projection. By default, all curves are displayed perpendicular to
beam ends are adjacent to a support but are not snapped to it. While the program the slab surface, in the XY plane, and this icon is selected. De-select this to flip
can analyze a condition where a beam terminates short of a column, for proper the curves into the Z plane. This option is generally used when viewing results in
treatment of beams that are connected to columns you should use the Snap option. a 3D view.

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punching shear design (FEM xPunching Shear Check), the results can be
Display Punching Shear Design Outcome. Once you have executed the
Numerical Display. Select this button to display the numerical result values for
each design section along the support lines. reviewed in the model by clicking on this button. The design outcome and stress
ratios for columns and walls checked for two way punching shear will be
Display Min/Max Values. Select this button to only display the minimum and displayed.
maximum result values along the support lines.
1.2.12 Reinforcement Toolbar

Result Display Settings. Select this button to open the “Result Display Settings” This toolbar is accessible through the User Interface drop down menu and contains
window, to select the desired results to be displayed and to show general adequacy various options for the modeling of user-defined reinforcement and rebar visibility.
status for serviceability limits.

FIGURE 1-18 Reinforcement Toolbar

Generate Rebar Drawing. This tool creates/refreshes the generation of rebar


Open Rebar Display Options. The dialog window gives you full control over the
display of reinforcement.

Display/Hide Rebar. This is simply a toggle switch to turn the display of the
entire reinforcement on the plan on or off.

Create Banded Rebar. This tool enables you to model banded

reinforcement bars in your project.

Create Distributed Rebar: This tool enables you to model distributed

reinforcement bars in your project.

x Create Mesh Reinforcement. This tool enables you to specify a wire

mesh fabric or rebar layout over one or several areas of the floor system.

Mesh Rebar Wizard. The wizard lets you define mesh reinforcement
over a specific region of slab that you select.

Define Beam Rebar: This tool enables the definition of default corner
beam reinforcement, but is being phased out and being replaced with a
more comprehensive option.

1.2.13 Tendon Toolbar

This toolbar is accessible through the User Interface drop down menu and contains
various options for tendon modeling, validation, and visibility.

FIGURE 1-17 Result Display Settings

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spacing. The effective force per post-tensioning strand can be defined, as well as
the basic profile shape of the tendon for each span.

FIGURE 1-19 Tendon Toolbar

Create Tendon. This tool enables you to draw a new tendon.

Display Tendon. This tool turns on or off the graphical display of tendons.

Map Distributed Tendon. This tool enables the user to optimize distributed
tendon layout based on a selected tendon. Once a tendon is selected, click this
tool to open the Map Distributed Tendons dialogue (FIGURE 1-20). The user can
choose how to distribute the tendons, either based on a specific number of times to
replicate the tendon, or by optimizing the tendon layout and design based on
precompression, % self-weight to balance, and the master span of the originally
selected tendon. The tendons can be spaced according to a maximum fixed
dimension or based on the program’s calculations.

FIGURE 1-21 Map Banded (Grouped) Tendons Dialogue

Display Tendon Elevation. This tool enables you to generate a section showing
the tendon profile in elevation along with the related concrete outline. See
FIGURE 1-22.

FIGURE 1-22 Tendon Elevation Section

FIGURE 1-20 Map Distributed Tendon Dialogue box

Map Banded Tendon. The tool allows you to map banded/grouped tendons from Show CGS Values From Bottom. This tool displays or hides from display the
a support line. First, select one or more support lines, then click this tool. A CGS, or center of gravity of steel points, as measured from the bottom of the
dialogue box will open as shown in FIGURE 1-21. The user can choose between concrete section, along tendons. The CGS values are shown at the tendon control
using the associated support line’s tributary, or some fixed width. The tendons points.
design optimization is performed according to specified precompression and %
balanced selfweight ranges. The tendons can be shown as an idealized pair of Tendon Intersection Detector. This tool checks the tendons in the model to see if
tendons at a given spacing, or with each tendon shown discreetly, with a given and where tendons intersect one another. The program accounts for the defined

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tendon diameter/height when making this check. Where tendons intersect, the x Right-click the mouse, and select Exit
program denotes this by placing an “X” mark at the point of intersection.
Click on one of the Selection Tools
Hint In this mode, the program displays the identification of an
Show/Hide Radius of Curvature. This tool displays the radius of curvature for entity that the point of the arrow touches. To change to
the tendons in the model at each tendon mid-point and support point, as well as a
check of whether or not this curvature meets the specified minimum radius as this mode, click on the Hint Mode Tool
defined in the Shape/System/Friction tab in the Tendon Properties screen. See Creation In this mode, the program will create an entity, such as a
FIGURE 1-23. line, column or slab. Place the cross at the location where
you want the entity to be created and left-click the mouse.
Detailed instruction for creation of each entity will be
prompted on the User Information Bar at the bottom of
the screen.

To enable Creation Mode, left-click the mouse on the tool

of the entity you intend to create. Then follow the
instructions at the bottom of the screen.
Snap In this mode, the magnet indicates that the cursor is in
Snap Mode and is searching to snap onto an entity. The
cursor will search for one or more entities. Once the
cursor becomes close to any of the entities or conditions it
is searching for, it will display a yellow sign over the
location to be snapped. The shape of the yellow sign
displayed identifies the entity for snapping.
Undefined In this mode, the program can be requested to create an
Creation entity, although the plane on which the entity is to be
created is not displayed. You must change the screen view
(go to Plan View, if you are in Elevation) before you can
create the entity in mind.
FIGURE 1-24 Cursor Modes and Options

FIGURE 1-23 Tendon Properties Shape/System/Friction display, with Minimum 1.2.15 Story Manager Toolbar
Radius of Curvature (R) input at bottom of screen
ADAPT-Builder can operate in single-or multi-level modes. The tools on the Story
Trim/Extend Tendon. This tool enables you to trim or extend one or more Manager Toolbar support the management of Reference planes (levels), copying of
tendons to a nearby slab edge. components between levels and one-click navigation up and down the model.

1.2.14 Cursor Function and Operation

Depending on the cursor mode, the program responds differently. Cursor mode option
FIGURE 1-25 Story Manager Toolbar
buttons are part of the default toolbars. Before starting an operation, it
is important to make sure that the cursor is in the appropriate mode. Copy Reference Planes. This tool allows the user to copy up all the model
information on a Reference plane. The operation will insert a new level(s) into the
Shape Mode Description structure at the height specified, above the current level. The new levels will be
Selection/Pick In this mode, you can select an entity displayed on the inserted in between any pre-existing levels above the reference plane that is being
screen by placing the cross over it and left-clicking the replicated upwards.
mouse. Once an entity is selected, its color changes. If
using the Lasso or Path Selection option, this mode will
create the selection lasso or path and not select
components directly.
There are two ways to enable Selection/Pick mode:

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FIGURE 1-26 Copy Reference Planes Input

Copy/Move Vertical. This tool gives the user the option to copy, move or assign
elements. Structural elements and loads can be copied to a level, or up or down a
specified number of times. Elements can be moved from one level or plane to
another level or plane. Elements can be assigned from one level or plane to
another level or plane. CAD elements/groupings can also be copied and moved
vertically using this tool.

FIGURE 1-27 Copy/Move Vertical Input Screen

FIGURE 1-29 Elevation view of Reference Planes
Level Assignment / Reference Plane Manager. This is where the user defines
the number and naming of levels/planes in the structure, as well as each story Active Level Up. When in Single-Level mode, this tool toggles up to the next
height. Using the input screen, the user can set a level to the Current or Active highest level in the structure. If the user is already at the top-most level, this tool
level, if desired. For a graphical representation of Reference planes, view the will temporarily become inactive.
model in Left or Front view . The active plane is highlighted in red in these
views, and displayed in the Status Bar of the main Builder interface, on the bottom Active Level Down. When in Single-Level mode, this tool toggles up to the next
right corner. lower level in the structure. If the user is already at the bottom-most level, this
tool will temporarily become inactive.

Single-Level Mode. This option affects all operations on the structure. Using this,
the user can select to work on only one level at a time within the full structure. All
actions in Builder, including Loading, Meshing, Analysis, Design, and Viewer
(etc.) will only apply to the individual level shown when modeling in Single-
Level mode. The user can easily switch between single-level and multi-level
modes by clicking one option or the other.

View Full Structure (aka Multi-Level Mode or Full Structure Mode) This
option affects all operations on the structure. Using this, the user can work
globally on all levels of the structure at once. All actions in Builder, including
Loading, Meshing, Analysis, Design, and Viewer (etc.) will apply to the entire
global structure when modeling in Multi-Level mode. The user can easily switch
between single-level and multi-level modes by clicking one option or the other.

1.2.16 Save As Project Template

FIGURE 1-28 Reference Plane Manager

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This feature allows the user to save a project template which can include Criteria,

x Label is used to provide a user-specific labeling of components and be

Materials, and/or Load Combinations. The user may provide “Notes” to annotate the Generic properties that can be changed and applied to any selected component:
applicability of the template, for example its use for a particular project, or for a given

x Material can be selected

code, region, etc. Once the user clicks “OK”, you will be prompted to enter a name modified
and saved location of the template file. This “.apt” file can then be shared with other
x FEM for elements to be considered or disregarded in analysis
between different users. This feature can be accessed through FilexSave as Project
members of your team for shared use, to simplify and streamline model creation
x Group to assign/modify a group to associate elements
Template. x Node shift, a finite element meshing option, can be turned on or off
x Line style can be selected
x Outline color can be set
x Fill color can be defined
x Line thickness changes the outline appearance of components
x Filling is used to set the fill mode of components (fill patterns other

x Opacity is a value set from 0 to 1 that defines a component’s

than solid may slow down model viewing performance)

transparency when in solid fill mode

x Beam width, depth, vertical offset, first/second end translational and

Components whose properties can be changed:

x Gridlines defined as circular or rectangular

rotational releases, and stiffness modifiers

x Column shape (rectangular, square or circle), size, angle of rotation in

plan, (X,Y,Z) offset of top and bottom ends, design group assignment,
top and bottom releases in translation and rotation, and stiffness

x Drop Cap/Panel shape (rectangular or square), size, angle of rotation

FIGURE 1-30 Save as Project Template modifiers

x Wall thickness, vertical offset of top and bottom, boundary conditions,

in plan, vertical offset
1.2.17 Modify/Selection Toolbar
top and bottom releases in translation and rotation, and stiffness

x Slab Region thickness, vertical offset, and stiffness modifiers


x Point support degrees of freedom, fixity in translation and rotation,

x Patch Load for modifying applied forces and moments in the x, y, and
FIGURE 1-31 Modify Selection Toolbar and vertical offset

x Line Load for modifying applied forces and moments in the x, y, and
Modify Item Properties. Using this tool, the user can modify many properties of z directions, with vertical offset
one or more selected structural elements. The tool is available if at least one

x Point Load for modifying applied forces and moments in the x and y
structural component is selected and can either be found in the default toolbars or z directions, with vertical offset
under the Modify drop down menu. See FIGURE 1-32. The Modify Item

x Support Line for modifying the direction (x-direction or y-direction)

Properties tool is quite powerful and can be used to efficiently modify the directions, with vertical offset
properties of many components at the same time. The ability to modify properties
is split into two categories: generic properties that apply to any type of selected and criteria of a support line (two-way slab, one-way slab, or beam), as
component and component-specific properties. Generic properties are listed in the well as display of design sections, display of results, maximum number
left pane of the interface, while the component-specific properties are presented of design sections per span, distance from face of column, top and

x Line Support to modify a support line’s degree of freedom (fixed,

under each component type’s own tab at the right side of the interface. By default, bottom rebar to be in outer layer or inner layer
all parameters in the Modify Item Properties tool are locked. To activate a
property, select the checkbox to its left. This will allow you to modify the hinged, or user-defined), releases in translation and rotation, and
property’s value. Once you select the OK button to close the window, all active vertical offset
properties of those selected components will be given the values you entered for
those properties in this tool. All available properties types are listed below.

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x Line Spring to modify a line spring’s stiffness in the kx, ky and kz

directions, as well as rotational stiffness kxx and kyy, whether the

spring is Compression and Tension or Tension only, and vertical offset
Point Spring to modify a point spring’s stiffness in the kx, ky and kz
directions, as well as rotational stiffness kxx, kyy, and kzz, whether the

spring is Compression and Tension or Tension only, and vertical offset
Area Spring to modify an area spring (aka soil spring) in stiffness kz,

and define as Compression and Tension or Tension only
Tendon to modify area per strand, tendon diameter, number of strands,
vertical offset, display parameters including line thickness, display of
control points and color, tendon profile, unbounded or bonded system,

effective or calculated force, and the minimum radius of curvature
Rebar to modify user defined rebar to base reinforcement, bar
material, bar orientation/angle, bar specification (USA, MKS, SI), bar
size, bar description, rebar distribution, appearance including color,
thickness and line style, and bar length to be calculated or library

FIGURE 1-32 Modify Item Properties Input Screen

Display All. This tool turns on the display of all elements in the model previously
hidden. This does not change selections made in Select/Set View Items.

Display Selection. This tool turns on the display of only the elements selected by
the user, and hides all other elements.

Hide Selection. This tool hides the elements selected by the user.

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The steps to follow for the generation of a 3D structural model of the floor system or
multi-level building structure through import of a drawing file are detailed below.
After the initial drawing has been transformed into a structural model, the steps to
import a revised drawing are outlined.


FIGURE 2-1 Import DWG / DXF Dialog
At this step, the simplified structural or architectural drawing will be imported to the
Builder program and converted to a structural model. Follow the steps below: x Calibrate the drawing using any of the dimension lines shown in the drawing.
Look into User Information Bar (UIB), it will ask you to “Enter the Start
Open ADAPT-Builder in Floor Pro and Edge mode with American unit Point of Calibration Line”. As shown in FIGURE 2-2, at top left corner snap
system (as shown in FIGURE 1-1). one end of the 90 feet long dimension line. Now the UIB will ask to “Enter
o It is recommended, if this model will be used for design of columns, to the End Point of Calibration Line”. Click on the other point of the same
first take one extra step prior to importing the DWG file. This step is to dimension line. Now it will ask to “Enter the Correct distance in feet between
select Buildx Design Group Manager to bring up the screen as shown
define a tolerance of column design section auto-roundup. To do so, the two Points you Selected”. Input 90 and select enter. This will complete
calibration of the drawing.

x From File pull-down menu select Filex Import xDXF/DWG.

in Section 9.1, and follow the steps defined there.

x Open the desired file. Note the file cannot be open at the same time you try to
import it. Be sure to save the file down to a version compatible with ADAPT
(ADAPT-Builder is designed to support the import of cad files created up to
Autocad 2014, however, sometimes you may encounter a file with
unsupported special objects. If you encounter an error message when trying to
import a new Autocad file, we recommend you save it as an earlier 2007

Import DWG / DXF (FIGURE 2-1) will pop-up. Select the first check box to
Calibrate imported objects. Cursor will be in Snap mode. For the first import,
there is no need to Move imported objects to position in the XY plane unless
other elements are already in the file. New in 2015 if the ability for you to
select which Z level you would like the imported cad objects to end up on. To
use this feature, select the check box and Reference Plane from the pull-down
options. For multi-level modeling where the floors are have different outlines,
it may be helpful to assign each imported level to a group. For example, the
user can assign the first imported group to Level 1. Assign Group is used to
group the imported CAD linework to a specific group. These groups can then
be displayed (on/off), purged, or deleted easily, using the Group Library icon

on the View Toolbar (Section 1.2.2). Click OK. FIGURE 2-2 Start and End Points of Calibration Line
Before you click, make sure the Snap to End button is selected from the Snap
Toolbar. x Import additional level(s) into the same model the same way as detailed
above. However, for each subsequent level, upon selecting the file to import,
the user shall select to Calibrate imported objects and Move imported objects
to position. Again, it will be helpful to assign each imported level to its own
group or Z level. If multiple levels have the same DWG/DXF file, and hence
the same layer naming convention, the user can name them as such, i.e.

“Levels3-7”, etc.
Calibrate each imported level as detailed above.

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x Sometimes, the imported level will be brought into ADAPT in the same the name will be shown in the box on the right under Features. In this box,
location in plan as the previous level(s). In this case, there is no need to move rename the level as desired, until your levels are defined correctly, as shown in
the imported objects, and the user can select Escape when the UIB prompts to FIGURE 2-5. Note that with each level, the user may also define the story
move the imported objects. However, after scaling, if the user notices the height of that level. For this example, the default story height of 10’-0” will
plans are in different locations, the user shall need to move the most recently remain. Note that it is not required to rename the levels, but it is helpful to

imported drawing. The UIB will ask to “Select first point for moving imported name them to correlate with the structure you are analyzing/designing.
objects”. Click on a known point of the drawing, for example the start point as To begin with this example, turn on Group “Level 1” in the Group Library,
shown in FIGURE 2-2. Now it will ask to “Select second point for moving and set Level 1 to active in Story Manager by selecting Level 1 from the list
imported objects”. Select the same start point of the first imported level and and clicking Set as Active. Then click Close. User will notice on the bottom

the new drawing will move into the same position. right of the screen, in the Status Bar, Level 1 is shown as the active Level and
With each level that is imported, follow the steps above to calibrate, assign to active Layer.
group, and move objects to get all levels into correct position before

transforming the 2D drawing files into structural components.
To isolate each set of imported cad objects, the user can view by group using

SettingsxGrouping. Each Group that was defined during the Import

the Group Library icon in the View Toolbar or through

DWG/DXF process is now shown in the Group Library. The user can turn
Group(s) on or off by clicking the lightbulb for each layer, or by clicking All
Groups On or All Groups Off. When the lightbulb is yellow, the Group is
turned on for display, when the lightbulb is gray, the Group is turned off. See
FIGURE 2-3. If the lightbulb is half gray and half yellow, this indicates some
components within the grouping are displayed while others are not.

FIGURE 2-4 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box

FIGURE 2-3 Grouping Dialog box

x Users can also Unload CAD, Re-Load CAD and Purge CAD using the
respective buttons in the Grouping dialog box as shown in FIGURE 2-3.
Unloading improves model performance and purging provides a one-click
option for clearing out old CAD elements in the models once they become out
of date or no longer necessary/applicable.

x Now the structure’s level assignments need to be defined. Go to the Level

Toolbar, or through BuildxConstruction AidsxLevel Assignment. See

Assignment tool from either the Story Manager Toolbar or the Build
FIGURE 2-5 Reference Plane Manager / Level Assignment Dialog box updated
FIGURE 2-4. Click Add as many times as necessary to get to the total number
of levels in your structure. Then click on each level name to highlight it, and

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2.2 TRANSFORMATION OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS Select the layer for Columns and click OK. This will select all elements shown in the

drawing in that layer.
This section assumes that all structural elements have been drawn in such a way that
Once the column polygons are selected use Transform Column tool from
each column, wall, slab boundary, opening, drop cap/panel, etc. is drawn as an
BuildxTransform Drawing EntitiesxTransform entity into Column. These columns
Transform to Structural Component Toolbar. Alternatively you can use the menu item
enclosed polygon. For elements which are not drawn in this way, first select the
individual line elements in ADAPT and transform them into polygons using the
will automatically have the same size in plan as the DWG/DXF file, and the height of
Transform Polygon tool in the Transform to Structural Component Toolbar. the columns will have been defined in the Level Assignment screen.

x Open the Transform To Structural Component Toolbar for conversion of the drawing x To view better you may select Top-Front-Right View from Camera and Viewports
Structural Component Toolbar. Alternatively use menu item BuildxDisplay
to structural model. Use the User Interface menu and click on the Transform To Toolbar. You will notice all polygons are changed to three-dimensional Column
entities in the drawing that are inserted at the currently active plane and extend down
Modeling Toolbars to view this toolbar along with Build Toolbar. to the plane defined below the active level. You may double click on any column to
view or change its General Properties, Location, FEM Properties and CAD properties
(as shown in FIGURE 2-8). Notice as we are in Floor Pro mode all columns will be
below the slab, i.e. modeled as Lower Column and placed under
Current_Plane_Column layer. If in MAT model, the columns will be created as upper
columns. Note that each column will be transformed in the same X & Y dimensions
FIGURE 2-6 Transform to Structural Component Toolbar
as drawn in the DWG/DWX file. The height of automatically created columns is
x Use menu item SettingsxDrawingxLayers, to open Layers dialog box, or open same
determined by the distance between levels and adjusted for any user-defined offsets.

dialog box by clicking Layers tool in the Settings Toolbar. Click on the button All
Layers Off. This will turn off all the layers. Now click on the bulb sign in the On/Off
column for the layer in your file corresponding to Columns. In this case, the layer is
Adapt_Column (FIGURE 2-7). Doing this will turn on only the objects in this layer
and Group while others are turned off. Click OK.

FIGURE 2-8 Top-Front-Right View with Transformed Column and Column Dialog

x A new feature in Builder 2015 is the ability for users to define and manage the
physical properties of columns by Design Groups. The default mode of the program
is set to Assign existing at creation. In this mode, a new design group is created for
each unique width (A) and depth (B) pair Builder encounters when transforming
polygons to columns and columns with duplicate dimensions are assigned to existing

roundup options, go to the menu item BuildxDesign Groups to open the Design
FIGURE 2-7 Layers Dialog Box design groups. To change the automatic assignment settings and define geometry

x Now only the polygons drawn in Adapt_Column layer will be displayed in the screen Group Manager window. See FIGURE 2-9.
for Level 1. Select all of them using Ctrl+A, by selecting all polygons with the mouse,
or by selecting by layer. To select by layer, open the Selection Toolbar and use the
Select by Layer tool which will bring up a dialog box similar to FIGURE 2-7.

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FIGURE 2-10 Slab Region Properties

x Finally open Layer dialog once again. You may also use Layers Setting icon from
Settings Toolbar. This time turn All Layers Off while turning on only the wall layer.
x Select all the polygons (representing walls) and use Transform Wall tool from
FIGURE 2-9 Design Group Manager showing column automatic assignment and Transform to Structural Component Toolbar to convert all polygons as walls. If walls
roundup options are drawn in a way that they are combined walls drawn together, rather than

x Again use menu item SettingsxDrawingxLayers, to open Layers dialog box. Click
individual walls, you may use the Transform into Several Walls tool . All walls

will be Lower Walls and will be placed under Current_plane_Wall layer.
on the button All Layers Off, then turn on the layer for the structural slab, to display
The user may transform Drop Caps/Panels, Beams, and Openings in the same manner
only the polygon representing the floor slab.
as described above, using the Transform Drop Cap/Panel tool , Transform Beam
Select the polygon and use Transform Slab Region tool from Transform to
Structural Component Toolbar to convert the polygon into a slab. The Level 1 slab tool icon, and the Transform Opening tool icon from the Transform to
will be placed in Current_plane_Slab_Region layer. Double click on the slab to Structural Component Toolbar. For Drop Caps/Panels, be sure to define the thickness
define the slab thickness in the Slab Region properties box, see FIGURE 2-10. The of the Cap in the Item Properties box. For beams, be sure to note where the end point
default thickness is 8 inches, or the last defined slab thickness. Click on the Location of the beam falls. A sound modeling approach would be to model beams from
tab to verify that the slab is located at Level 1. support centroid to support centroid (i.e. column to column, or girder to girder, etc) to
ensure connectivity. Often, beams are drawn from faces of supports in DWG/DXF
files. In this case, click on the beam and, using the mouse, drag the end point/s of the
beam to the center of its supporting member. This ensures that the beam ends will
fall onto a support line, and that the beam will be correctly considered in the

analysis/design. Support lines are covered later in this guide.
To continue modeling up or down the building, the user can repeat the process of
displaying the next imported set of DWG/DXF using the Group Library tool and
setting the next level up to be Active, and continuing through the steps

outlined above.
For Columns and Walls or other elements that the user knows are continuous up the
building, an alternative which may be faster, is to select the elements that continue up,
either individually using the mouse while depressing the ‘control’ key, or by selecting
by type. To select by type, click the Select by Type tool in the Selection Toolbar.
Click on appropriate elements for your model and click OK. See FIGURE 2-11. This
will highlight all columns and walls in the model. Select the Copy/Move Vertical tool

Builder 2015 Getting Started Guide

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