Corrosion Modelling.: Piping Corrosion Circuit or Corrosion Loop / Piping Circuitization and
Corrosion Modelling.: Piping Corrosion Circuit or Corrosion Loop / Piping Circuitization and
Corrosion Modelling.: Piping Corrosion Circuit or Corrosion Loop / Piping Circuitization and
Material of Construction,
Pressure (if the damage mechanism/s of concern is/are reliant upon pressure), and
Velocity (again (if the damage mechanism of concern is reliant upon velocity).
By defining the barrier limits of Damage Susceptible Areas, the susceptibility of any part is similar to that of the
Corrosion Looping is carried out as part of either a Risk Based Inspection analysis (RBI) or Materials
Operating Envelope analysis (MOE). it is the systematization of the piping components versus failure modes
analysis into materials operating envelope . It groups piping materials / chemical make-up into systems / sub
systems and assigns corrosion mechanisms. These are then monitored over the operating lifetime of the
facility. This analysis is performed on circuit inspection results to determine and optimize circuit corrosion rates
and measured thickness/dates for circuit components. Corrosion Circuits are utilized in the Integrity
Management Plan (IMP) which forms a part of the overall Asset integrity management system and is an
integral part of any RBI analysis.
Background it is carried out in order to
Define corrosion circuits within each system based on materials of construction, operating conditions
and active damage mechanisms
Circuit identification and naming convention is used for both API RBI and IDBMS programs to provide
linking and sharing inspection data
Circuit corrosion rates are used in API RBI to calculate circuit risk
Determine the circuit and component next inspection date and inspection effectiveness, including
detailed inspection plan
yucao89 (Industrial)
25 Jun 14 10:40
Dear friends,
I've been assigned to do a draft RBI (RISK BASED INSPECTION) study of a hydrotreatment plant. Given to me
are all the P&ID and Process Flow Diagram, along with all datum to the corresponding machines. However I'm
struggling to find some help on the following issues.:
1) What criteria can you use to establish corrosion loops (CL). Given a plant, what should be the key criteria
to delimit which group of piping and equipment belongs to a single corrosion loop?
2) The same question for Inventory Groups. What is the criteria for establishing such groups and how do they
affect the consequences of failure? It is suggested that the user select the Inventory groups by the group of
equipment he can isolate in case of failure. What if my plant do not have isolation valves. Can the inventory
group be a single giant loop?
3) How do you model the piping. Should you do all the piping or select the representative piping inside a
corrosion loop. Or should you select the representative piping and also the entrance and exit piping of all
equipment. What criteria can you suggest me?
4) I find it extremely difficult to find an online case study and information regarding to the execution of RBI.
Can someone kindly offer some documentation that is either a case study or contains some answers to those
questions I have above? The recommended practices API 580, API 581 (which I have a physical copy) do not
answer my above questions. They are too much theory and too little about application.
Go back to your boss. Get your company's procedures for a risk assessment FIRST!
Get your company's requirements for approving a risk assessment FIRST!
Then - AFTER you know what YOUR company needs (is going to have to have) - THEN you can start
asking questions on-line to unknown observers.
For corrosion loops, the usual starting point is: same material, same process conditions
Steve Jones
Corrosion Management Consultant
All answers are personal opinions only and are in no way connected with any employer.
I never worked for DOW, but they were the people who invented RBI. I worked in pipelines and a ex Dow
employee wrote a book, pipeline RBI, kent mulberry. He lays out what eventually became the API 580. Api
gives a great outline and answers your questions
I'm assuming that you company hasn't adopted api 580 and it doesn't have it's own system.
Hi Yucao
As you said, there is no detail in API about how to define corrosion loops. I will describe you what criteria I
use to define my corrosion loops, which I had apply succesfully in different type off plants. First, I must say
that I´m
- What are corrosion loops?: corrosion loops are groups of equipment and pipes which have same damage
mechanisms susceptibility (not only corrosion)
- Why do we define corrosion loops? I define corrosion loops to improve my inspection and mechanical
integrity system effectivity. By analysing corrosion loops you will have a better understanding about damage
mechanisms presented in your process. Also, if by an inspection you detect degradation in a component of
one of your corrosion loops, you could analyse if the other componentes may have the same damage
mechanism severity and plan your next inspection. This is why I consider you improve effectivity.
About pipes. I recommend you to define groups of pipes inside your corrosion loops. I recommend you to
define groups of pipes that do not need more than half a day to be inspected.
yucao89 (Industrial)
23 Jul 14 07:17