Integrity Management With S-RBI: Using The w-IMS Tool

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Integrity Management with S-RBI

Using the w-IMS tool

M.A. Tazelaar
SME Risk-Based Inspection & Integrity

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Amine Unit FLOCs and Equipment
V-1102 C-1101 E-1101 E-1103 A/B V-1104 C-1102 E-1104 A/B E-1102
Treated gas Solvent Lean solvent Lean/rich solvent Reflux Solvent Regenerator Regenerator
Flash vessel
KO drum absorber cooler heat exchanger accumulator regenerator reboiler condensor
Treated gas
Unit 1400

V-1102 P11007

E-1101 V-1104
P11002 P11006


P11005 P11008

P11003 P-1102


E-1103 A/B

LP steam

Fuel gas
Unit 4400
E-1104 A/B



Feed gas

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Amine Unit Generic Process Conditions

Treated gas
Unit 1400 1
V-1102 54 54 E-1102
34 E-1101 45
45 1
90-95 V-1104
40-48 P-1102
C-1101 40
E-1103 A/B

LP steam
Fuel gas
Unit 4400 E-1104 A/B

P-1101 100


Feed gas
19 °C

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Amine Unit Expected Damage Mechanisms

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Amine Unit Material Selection

Treated gas
Unit 1400




E-1103 A/B

LP steam
Fuel gas
Unit 4400 E-1104 A/B


Feed gas

304L clad

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Exercise: Create Corrosion Loops for Amine Treater Unit

Discuss the corrosion loops in the Amine Unit

Use the MCI-Infobase Generic Corrosion Control
Document if necessary:
Create the first four Corrosion Loops in w-IMS for unit:
INSPxx-AMINE; e.g.
INSP01-CL01 – Feed Gas
INSP01-CL02 – Rich Amine
INSP01-CL03 – Flash Gas Vessel
INSP01-CL04 – Hot Rich Amine

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Exercise: Create Components in Corrosion Loops

Create the following components for equipment:

C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02
V1102 BOTTOM in INSPxx-CL02
E1103A Exchanger
E1103A Bundle

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Demo: Show the Corrosion Control and CMF Fields in w-IMS
Exercise: Populate Corrosion Control and CMF for INSPxx-CL02
Populate the corrosion loop INSPxx-CL02
The Corrosion Loop Description (See Word Document)
The Process Description (See Word Document)
The Corrosion Description (See Word Document)
Add a Corrosion Loop Drawing (JPG file provided)
Look up the Degradation Module for likely Damage
Mechanisms on MCI infobase
Add the Damage Mechanisms to the Corrosion Loop:
Rich Amine Corrosion
Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking
Atmospheric Corrosion (external)

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Demo: Add IOW variables and complete CMF in w-IMS
Exercise: Add IOW and CMF for INSPxx-CL02
Add the following variables to the IOW
Variable Failure Mode Meas. Unit Int. Min Int. Max Meas. Location Obs. freq. Limit Type
Acid Gas Loading Rich Amine Corrosion mol/mol - 0.6 010XY104.PV 1M STD
HSAS Rich Amine Corrosion wt.% - 4 LIMS1234/HSAS 1M STD
The CorrosionRich
Temperature Loop Description
Amine Corrosion °C - 88 010TIA112.PV 1M STD
pH HIC/SOHIC - - 7.9 010QIA105.PV 1M STD

Create CMF Rich Amine Corrosion and the barriers:

Corrosion Allowance (3 mm, mitigated 0.15 mm/y, unmitigated 2 mm/y)
Other barrier: Acid gas loading
Other barrier: HSAS
Make the Corrosion Allowance the Primary barrier
Make the two process control barriers Secondary
Put all barriers on healthy:

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Demo: S-RBI Component Damage Mechanism & Remnant Life
Exercise: Add Damage Mechanism, Remnant Life & Link Circuit
For Component C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02
Add the damage mechanism RICH AMINE CORROSION and HIC/SOHIC
Open the S-RBI analysis screen and make the following Remnant Life Calc:
Remaining CA: 3 mm
Selected CR: theoretical rate from degradation module SR.16.10662
Enter the explanation: “Theoretical Corrosion Rate”
Open the details for component C1101 SHELL and
Change the “inherit” status to “ Circuit + IF
Select Circuit “” from drop down
Reload remnant life calculation for C1101 SHELL – Rich Amine Corrosion
Load the Circuit calculations into component remnant life calculation

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Demo: Review of Inspection History
For Component C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02 set the LID for RICH AMINE CORROSION and HIC/SOHIC
Go to corrosion loop INSPxx-CL02
Open the S-RBI analysis
Select C1101 SHELL
Open the Tab Inspection History
Select the latest ECH and apply this for HIC/SOHIC
Select the latest CalcSum and apply this for RICH AMINE CORR

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Demo: Susceptibility to Failure (Age & Non-Age Related)
Exercise: StF for rich amine and HIC
For Component C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02 complete the StF assessment
Determine the design corrosion rate (design-CA 3 mm & -life 20 years)
Check the remnant life calculation and select appropriate StF in Risk Matrix
Add Degradation Mechanism HIC/SOHIC to Component C1101 SHELL
(if you had not already done so)
Open the Degradation module for HIC/SOHIC
Complete the StF for the following case:
1200 ppm H2S
Cyanide 0 ppmw (none)
pH 9 – 10
Post Weld Heat Treated A516 Gr60 Carbon Steel
with 0.008 wt.% sulphur

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Demo: Consequence Assessment
Exercise: Write Failure Scenario and Complete Consequence
For Component C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02
Write a credible failure scenario for a failure from Rich Amine Corrosion in the S-RBI criticality assessment
(note: in the S-RBI RP on the MEC site there are suggested hole sizes for all
damage mechanisms)

Complete the consequence assessment:

$: 2.5 M unit shut-down consequential business loss
H&S: detailed using the failure scenario above
Env.: directly based on your assessment of failure scenario
using the guidance w-IMS provides under the blue

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Demo: Overall Criticality
Exercise: Complete consequence for HIC and overall Criticality
For Component C1101 SHELL in INSPxx-CL02 complete the Consequence assessment for HIC:
For failure scenario, assume a leak in the liquid containing bottom and depressurisation before gas release
Complete H&S in detailed mode
Complete others by using the same consequence as Rich Amine Corrosion
What is the overall criticality for C1101 SHELL:
Rich Amine Corrosion

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Demo: Confidence
Exercise: Complete Confidence Assessment
Rich Amine corrosion for C1101 SHELL:
Open the Calc Summary for C1101 Circuit and review (stable corrosion rate? Mutiple reliable inspections?)
Open the ECH for C1101 and review (stable corrosion? Multiple reliable inspections?)
Review the IOW for INSPxx-CL02; applicable for degradation mechanism?
Complete Confidence in w-IMS
(add note why these answers)
Review ECH for C1101
Review the IOW for INSPxx-CL02
Complete Confidence Assessment
in w-IMS
(add note why these answers)

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Demo: Add Component Degradation Mechanism to Scope
Exercise: Remnant Life, Interval Factor and MII
Rich Amine corrosion for C1101 SHELL:
Determine what the maximum inspection interval is for RICH AMINE CORROSION
Determine the Next Inspection Date for this degradation mechanism
Determine what the maximum inspection interval is for HIC/SOHIC
Determine the Next Inspection Date for this degradation mechanism
Add both HIC/SOHIC and RICH AMINE CORR to the scope of the
INSP schedule and adjust the next inspection date to S-RBI NID
Review the CORR schedule for corresponding circuit and apply
the IF to the schedule

Note: The last two tasks should have been covered in the w-IMS Super User Training

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Demo: Add Atmospheric Corrosion and Coating Credits
Exercise: Take Credit for External Coating
Add Atmospheric Corrosion to Corrosion Loop INSPxx-CL02:
Add Atmospheric Corrosion to component C1101 SHELL
Define that the equipment has Organic external coating in Component
Date: Install date C1101
Organic Coating
Film Thickness: Thick
Open the last ECH and assess coating condition based on
the picture on the computer screen
Do the Coating Credit assessment
Application quality: under equipment manufacturer
QA/QC system
Use Shop Coated Organic Coating Life from Degradation Module
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Demo: Add Atmospheric Corrosion and Coating Credits
Exercise: Take Credit for External Coating
Do remnant life calculation using the design corrosion allowance for the C1101
Use best estimated corrosion rate from Degradation Module for this climate
Complete the criticality using the consequences from Rich Amine Corrosion
Complete Confidence based on ECH available
Add component / degradation mechanism to the scope of a new
External Schedule with S-RBI Next Inspection Date and Interval

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Demo: Complete a PRV S-RBI Assessment
Exercise: Create a PRV
Create the FLOC: INSPxx-RV1101A
Create Equipment: INSPxx-RV1101A
Install date 01/01/2009
Description: Relief Valve for INSPxx—C1101
Activate “RBI” checkbox
Create Component INSPxx-RV1101A BODY
Component type: BODY => must be body!
Corrosion loop: INSPxx-CL02 (Absorber Loop)
Check that Degradation Mechanism/Failure Mode
“Relief Scenarios” has been added (if not add this failure mode manually)

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Exercise: Assess the Susceptibility to Failure on Demand

Create the Demand Scenarios based on the information in the Safeguarding Narrative:
Clarify the scenarios in free text, for example:
“External Pool fire in immediate vicinity of C1101”
“valve …. fails in closed/open position Or valve …. fails…”
Complete Susceptibility to Failure Assessment:
Assess the likelihood that a carbon steel relief valve in
Rich Amine Service:
Gets plugged (by fouling)
Is sticking to its seat because of fouling or corrosion product
Mechanically jams
Assess the demand rates for each of the Demand Scenarios
Use the demand rate table in the PRV S-RBI RP

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Exercise: Assess the Consequence of Failure on Demand

Complete the Consequence to Failure on Demand for each of the Demand Scenarios
Write a failure scenario using the “overpressurisation table” and the overpressurisation information from the
safeguarding narrative for each of the demand scenarios
Complete the Health and Safety consequences based on the failure scenario
What is the Maximum Inspection Interval for each of the Demand Scenarios?
What is the Ultimate Next Inspection Date for INPxx-RV1101A?
Add the assessment to the scope of a new inspection schedule called:
Recurring at MII
User date at MII from today (note: that may be overdue)

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Exercise back-ground info: Safeguarding Narrative Information

Fire: External Pool Fire 100% Relief required
Control failure
Feed control valve 1100PCV001 (FC) fails in the open position 100% relief
Failure of pressure control valve exposes system to 110 barg wet-gas header pressure
Treated gas valve 100PCV002 (FO) fails in the closed position 100% relief
Failure of column pressure controller causes a no flow condition and exposes the system to the upstream
Rich amine valve 100LCV003 (FC) fails in closed position 50% relief
Failure of the liquid control valve will cause increase in liquid hold up in column potentially increasing the
pressure to twice the normal operating pressure.

Note: These demand scenarios are completely fictional and intended to complete this exercise.
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Answers Sheet for: ……………………………………………………………….

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

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S-RBI Assignment in w-IMS

1. Create Corrosion Loop INSPxx-CL05 “Amine Regenerator Bottom”

2. Add the component C1102 BOTTOM with description “C1102 below demister”

3. Write a very short descriptions for loop and process

a. Loop description based on the corrosion loop drawing in this presentation

b. Process description based on this information:

“Reboiler is operated on steam and temperature controlled.
The rich amine solution is made lean with a and managed between the integrity
minimum and maximum 0.05 to 0.1 mol/mol”

4. Open the MCI Infobase and the presentation and determine potential internal and external
degradation mechanisms for this loop using the generic Corrosion Control Document
considering that:

a. All material in this loop is Post Weld Heat Treated Carbon Steel and insulated for heat

b. The Amine strength is approximately 29 wt.% DEA

c. Piping design is such that flow rates are below 5 m/s

d. Acid gas loading of Rich Amine into column is 0.55 mol/mol and of Lean Amine leaving
the column < 0.1 mol/mol; the lower limit to avoid iron chelate formation and the
higher limit because of ‘rich amine corrosion’ at elevated temperature

e. Like in the rich amine circuit, HSAS are managed below 4 wt.%

f. The temperature is above 100°C

5. Describe at least two of the following damage mechanisms (select most applicable) in the
corrosion description (use the degradation modules on the MCI Infobase):

a. Lean Amine Corrosion

b. Rich Amine Corrosion

c. Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking

d. Corrosion Under Insulation

e. Atmospheric Corrosion

f. Wet H2S Corrosion


i. If equipment has a design corrosion allowance, add at least one internal wall loss mechanism
ii. Though no strict rule, it makes good sense to select only one internal wall loss damage mechanism to a

6. Assign these two, three or four damage mechanisms to the corrosion loop

7. Suggest IOW variables for the selected damage mechanisms. (suggestions/hints: amine strength,
acid gas loading, temperature)

8. Complete the S-RBI assessment for C1102 BOTTOM:

a. Review the ECH and determine its applicability to the damage mechanisms you selected for the
column. Ignore the CalcSum which shows a much higher corrosion rate.

b. Do the remnant life calculation of the internal wall loss mechanism using the theoretical
corrosion rate from the degradation module (and CUI if you selected that too); use ECH
information to determine remaining corrosion allowance.
Note: When an ECH mentions 0.5 mm wall loss, it is the total wall loss, not the incremental wall loss
between the two inspections.
Note: If you assume CUI and also complete the coating life assessment you get one bonus point

c. Determine the StF

d. Determine the consequence of failure scenario for each degradation mechanism (in

1. Assume one week unit down time for repair, do a guess what economic
consequences would be.

2. Complete a detailed People (health and safety) consequence

3. Make rough estimates for Environment and Community (Reputation)

9. Based on the data in w-IMS complete the confidence assessment assuming

a. The change in corrosion rate when operating outside the IOW

b. An effective Proactive Technical Monitoring program is in place

c. The number of inspections completed for C1102 and the discrepancy between CalcSum
and ECH

You should now have a maximum inspection interval for each of the damage
mechanisms assessed in S-RBI. Check the S-RBI next inspection date for each of the
damage mechanisms before proceeding.

10. Add all internal damage mechanisms to the scope of the existing inspection (INSP) schedule for
C1102 and adjust its due date to the first upcoming S-RBI next inspection date.
Threat Identification – Corrosion Loop Example Generic Amine Unit

Treated gas
Unit 1400




E-1103 A/B

LP steam
Fuel gas
Unit 4400 E-1104 A/B


Feed gas

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Integrity Management using S-RBI in w-IMS training Feedback

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