P-Rez Et Al-2016-Chemistry - A European Journal
P-Rez Et Al-2016-Chemistry - A European Journal
P-Rez Et Al-2016-Chemistry - A European Journal
Abstract: Previous ambiguities in the conformational and provided structural information using the substitution and
structural landscape of the volatile anesthetic enflurane have effective procedures. The structural preferences were ration-
been solved combining microwave spectroscopy in a jet ex- alized with additional ab initio, natural-bond-orbital and
pansion and ab initio calculations. The broadband (2– non-covalent-interaction analysis, which suggest that plausi-
18 GHz) rotational spectra identified three different rotamers, ble anomeric effects at the difluoromethyl group could be
sharing a common trans ether skeleton but differing in the overridden by other intramolecular effects. The difluoro-
gauche/trans position of the terminal chlorine atom. For methyl orientation thus reflects a minimization of inter-fluo-
each chlorine conformation two different gauche orienta- rine repulsions while maximizing F···H attractive interactions.
tions were predicted for the opposite difluoromethyl group, A comparison with previous electron diffraction and spectro-
but only one is experimentally observable due to collisional scopic data in the gas and condensed phases finally resulted
relaxation in the jet. The experimental dataset comprised in a comprehensive description of this ether, completing
nine different isotopologues (35Cl, 37Cl, 13C) and a large a rotational description of the most common multi-halogen-
number (> 6500) of rotational transitions. The inertial data ated anesthetics.
Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 9804 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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NMR spectroscopy,[12] vibrational circular dichroism (VCD),[13] 25 kJ mol¢1. All these conformations were further re-optimized
low-resolution IR and Raman analysis[14–16] and laser photoa- by using ab initio methods. The conformational composition
coustic spectra.[17] using second-order Møller–Plesset theory (basis set 6/311 + +
Enflurane is a structural isomer of isoflurane,[9] with the G(2df,p)) includes 23 different structures, summarized in
chlorine atom displaced to the terminal ethyl carbon Table S1 and Figure S1 (Supporting Information). Vibrational
(Scheme 1). This change results in a more complicated confor- frequency calculations characterized these stationary points as
mational landscape and different conformational preferences. local minima. The six most stable conformations of enflurane
Isoflurane and its fluorinated analogue desflurane share an are close in energy, differing by less than 1 kJ mol¢1 (Table S2,
anti-arrangement of the carbon skeleton for their most stable Supporting Information). For these conformations the quan-
conformation (t(C1-C2-O-C3) = 137.88 and 145.48, respectively). tum chemical predictions suggest a common trans carbon
Characteristically, hyperconjugative anomeric effects play skeleton (T, dihedral f2(C1-C2-O-C3) ca. 1808). The threefold in-
a major role in the conformational stability of the haloeth- ternal rotation of the terminal chloro-fluoromethyl group gen-
ers,[9, 14, 18] making those systems difficult to disentangle. On the erates three alternative gauche + /gauche¢/trans (G + /G¢/T)
other hand, the previous GED work on enflurane reported that conformations, with staggered orientations with respect to the
the carbon skeleton was trans, as in the ethyl methyl ether neighboring difluoromethylene group (f1(Cl-C1-C2-O) ca. 608,
prototype. The GED conformational composition was repro- 1808). The opposed difluoromethyl group adopts two orienta-
duced with a mixture of three conformers differing in the tions slightly gauche + /gauche¢ (g + /g¢ , f3(C2-O-C3-H) ca.
chlorine position, but it could not distinguish between two of 208) that are practically isoenergetic, finally resulting in the
them and admitted that the molecule is “really underdeter- six lowest-lying conformations in Figure 1 ((S)-enflurane stereo-
mined experimentally”.[11] Moreover, the trans carbon skeleton chemistry was adopted throughout). Initial MP2 calculations
conflicts with the claim of a gauche conformation initially sug- suggested that conformer G¢Tg¢ (dihedrals f1/f2/f3, later ab-
gested from NMR coupling constants.[12] Later low-resolution breviated to G¢) is the global minimum, followed by his coun-
VCD[13] and IR studies[14, 15] based their conclusions on ab initio terpart G¢Tg + and the two pairs G + Tg + /G + Tg¢ and TTg¢/
predictions and are not conclusive. Moreover, the very small TTg + . Additional CCSD(T) calculations later confirmed this
energy difference between the most stable conformations (< energy ordering (B3LYP reverses the two higher energy con-
0.4 kJ mol¢1) has made it difficult to establish the global mini- formers). Molecular conformations with non-trans carbon skele-
mum, and a more recent calculation suggested a reversed tons start at relative higher energies above 4.6 kJ mol¢1 (MP2).
order for the two most stable species with a small change in Consequently, several species were initially expected to be
the basis set.[19] The latest IR and Raman spectra offered other populated in the spectrum. Atoms-in-molecules[24] (AIM), non-
improved ab initio calculations.[16] Recently, a conformational covalent index[25] (NCI) and natural bond orbitals[26] (NBO)
exploration of enflurane in solution was also reported.[20] We methodologies were additionally applied to the most stable
address here all these issues exploiting the sub-Doppler resolu- conformations.
tion [kHz], isotopologue-sensitivity and broadband capabilities
of modern microwave spectroscopy,[21, 22] supplemented with
high-level ab initio calculations. The results now establish un-
2. Rotational spectrum
ambiguously the conformational map and molecular structure
of enflurane, paving the way for future analysis of enflurane The quantum mechanical predictions were checked against
clustering properties with high-resolution techniques. the rotational spectrum, recorded in a jet-cooled supersonic
1. Conformational space
The conformational space of enflurane was explored systemati-
cally combining molecular mechanics search algorithms and
ab initio calculations. The conformational search (MMFFs) used
Figure 1. The six most stable conformers of enflurane differ in the orienta-
a specific combination of large-scale low-mode and Monte
tion of the chlorofluoro methyl (gauche¢, gauche + , trans, or G¢ , G + , T) and
Carlo multiple minimization procedures[23] and resulted in a set difluoromethyl groups (gauche or g + /g¢). The conformations observed ex-
of 43 different structures within an energy window of perimentally are labeled as A, B, C (MP2 relative energies).
Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9805 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9806 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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[a] Rotational constants (A, B, C) and Watson’s A-reduction centrifugal distortion constants (DJ, DJK, DK, dJ, dK). [b] Nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor cab
(a, b = a, b, c) and electric dipole moment ma (a = a, b, c). [c] Electronic (DE) and Gibbs free energies (DG, 298 K). [d] Number of fitted transitions (N) and mi-
crowave standard deviation (s) of the fit. [e] Standard errors in parentheses in units of the last digit. [f] MP2 structural and electrical parameters. The
CCSD(T) calculations used the MP2 geometry.
two most stable species and g + for the third one). The com-
Table 2. Rotational parameters of the 37Cl isotopologues of enflurane. parison between the ground-state rotational constants and the
Conf. C (G¢Tg¢) Conf. A (G + Tg¢) Conf. B (TTg + ) equilibrium ab initio values in Table 1 and Table S2 (Supporting
Cl 37
Cl 37
Cl Information) shows a definitive agreement for the proposed
A [MHz][a] 1830.71055(48) 1640.53612(16) 2380.92342(24) assignment. This conclusion is particularly reinforced by the
B [MHz] 714.22486(35) 730.734776(95) 619.03595(14) comparison of the nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor ele-
C [MHz] 597.21181(29) 671.970812(78) 564.49445(12) ments, which are extremely sensitivity to the molecular confor-
DJ [kHz] 0.0496(35) 0.40550(60) 0.02506(59) mation.[34] This fact allowed distinguishing even the minor dif-
DJK [kHz] ¢0.062(19) 1.6930(27) 0.1066(41)
DK [kHz] 0.517(29) 3.1987(64) 0.159(11) ferences between the difluoromethyl g¢/g + gauche orienta-
dJ [kHz] 0.0061(20) ¢0.12472(30) 0.00422(26) tions. The theoretical predictions in Table 1 additionally contain
dK [kHz] 0.285(68) 5.106(15) 0.656(41) conformational energies for three molecular models, including
caa [MHz] 18.2100(73) 21.0383(28) ¢37.1858(47) MP2, B3LYP and CCSD(T). The relative energies can be com-
cbb [MHz] ¢45.3488(99) ¢47.9635(40) 14.7407(63)
ccc [MHz] 27.1388(172) 26.9253(68) 22.4451(110) pared with the conformer populations in the jet, which were
j cab j [MHz] 27.67(14) 28.70(12) 29.33(15) estimated from relative intensity measurements.[35] This calcula-
j cac j [MHz] 7.41(55) [0.0000] 24.91(17) tion assumed a square dependence of the spectral intensities
j cbc j [MHz] 17.30(19) 9.992(75) 10.61(14) with the electric dipole moments for the chirped-pulse spectra
N 447 1341 705
s [kHz] 14.6 10.8 13.1 (weak pulse limit).[21] The dipole components were taken from
the MP2 ab initio predictions. Following different simulations
[a] Parameter definition as in Table 1.
for the three different conformers the experimental spectrum
Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9807 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9808 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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of enflurane primarily originates from the internal rotation of (gauche F) to the CO bond, to allow for optimal hyperconjuga-
the chlorofluoromethyl group, in combination with two pre- tive interactions between the oxygen lone pairs in Figure 4
ferred gauche orientations at the difluoromethyl side. The and the s*(C-F) orbitals.[40] The fluorinated methyl ethers are
gauche carbon structure suggested by the NMR study[12] is de- consistent with this effect, except difluoromethyl ether.[41] In
finitively dismissed, as the six most stable conformers of free enflurane, steric[11] and electrostatic[14] repulsions have been
enflurane share a trans skeleton. We observed three different proposed to override the anomeric effect, which could also ex-
chlorine conformations, suggesting that relatively high poten- plain that trifluoromethyl difluoromethyl ether (CF3OCF2H) is
tial barriers are hindering this internal rotation. Our ab initio stabilized in the H gauche form. We checked this hypothesis
(MP2) modeling in Figure S7 (Supporting Information) consis- combining the information from the NBO and NCI methods.
tently gave torsional barriers between 19.9 and 22.9 kJ mol¢1 Our NBO hyperconjugation results for the most stable con-
for the G¢ !T and G¢ !G + interconversions. The global mini- formers of enflurane in Table S20 are similar to those previous-
mum has a gauche G¢ chlorine orientation, while the gauche ly reported[14, 20] and confirm sizeable hyperconjugation ener-
G + and trans T species are slightly less stable (CCSD(T): 0.3 and gies in the three conformers. However, the NCI plots in
1.1 kJ mol¢1, respectively). The GED work incorrectly reported Figure 5 and Figure S8 (Supporting Information), which dis-
the T species as most stable, based on their theoretical calcula- criminate between hydrogen bonds, weak delocalized interac-
tions. Noticeably, two quasi isoenergetic possibilities exist for tions or destabilizing repulsions on the basis of the reduced
each of the three chlorine rotamers, differing in the gauche electron density gradient, offer additional information. The NCI
g + /g¢ orientations of the difluoromethyl group. In the jet analysis of CF3OCF2H and the three most stable conformers of
spectrum only one of these g + /g¢ possibilities is experimental- enflurane shows the presence of a weak attractive interaction
ly detectable, as the small potential barrier within each pair (green surface in Figure S8) between the hydrogen atom of
(calculated as 0.13 kJ mol¢1 in Figure S7) surely produces a con- the difluoromethyl group with the fluorine atoms in the adja-
formational relaxation of the higher-energy conformation to cent carbon. In consequence, the conformation of the CF2H
the most stable rotamers,[38] resulting in three detectable spe- group results from a compromise between the stabilization of
cies. The jet spectrum thus offers unquestionable evidence of the anomeric effect with the oxygen lone pairs and the inter-
the most stable species of enflurane. In the second G + confor- actions of the atoms of this group with the rest of the mole-
mation the difluoromethyl group adopts the same orientation cule. In the same way, the CF3OCF2H molecule shows a trans/
than in the global minimum, while it is different in the third T gauche conformation of the F atoms as the most stable struc-
conformer. The tiny energy difference between the two difluor- ture which simultaneously minimizes the F···F repulsion and
omethyl alternatives may justify this observation. optimizes a F···H attractive interaction.
The fact that the global minimum was the weaker species in The synergy between broadband and high-resolution rota-
the microwave spectrum put difficulties to its identification, tional data with the ab initio theoretical calculations has thus
but can be rationalized by the differences in the magnitudes proved very effective to disentangle the molecular properties
of the electric dipole moments (nearly one order of magnitude of enflurane, providing conformational populations and struc-
larger for G + compared to G¢). The situation is commonly ob- tural data which will be valuable for the analysis of the inter-
served in rotational spectra, an example being the difficulty to molecular clusters of this molecule. This analysis completes
initially detect the (low-dipole) global minimum of glycine.[39] a description of the conformational landscapes of the most rel-
The experimental spectrum was reproduced with a semirigid evant volatile anesthetics, permitting also a comparison be-
rotor model, but the sensitivity to the coupling constants tween enflurane and the molecules of sevoflurane, isoflurane,
might suggest some quadrupole mediated perturbations. desflurane and fluoroxene.
The experimental conformational composition obtained
from relative intensity measurements is now estimated as G¢/
G + /T = 1:1:1. This population ratio strikingly compares with the Experimental Section
inversed ratio of G¢/G + /T = 10:32:58 deduced in the electron
diffraction work.[11] Our new estimations are compatible with The rotational spectrum was measured initially with resonator-
based Balle–Flygare Fourier-transform microwave spectrome-
the ab initio predictions at room temperature (G¢/G + /T =
ters[27, 28] (8–26 GHz) and later with a chirped-pulse broadband
10:8:7), not only because of possible uncertainties in the rela- spectrometer[29] (2–18 GHz), fully described before. In these instru-
tive spectral intensities and/or ab initio data, but also on con- ments either a monochromatic or a chirped pulse are used to
sideration of possible conformational population transfer in excite a coherent polarization in a gaseous polar sample. The re-
the jet expansion. A supersonic jet cools down the vibrational sulting transient spontaneous emission is digitized in the time
populations under kinetic collisional control, so the pre-expan- domain and Fourier transformed to obtain the frequency domain
sion equilibrium populations within each vibrational potential spectrum. In the Balle–Flygare spectrometer the use of a microwave
well are only maintained in case of no conformational relaxa- resonator limits the operating bandwidth to about 1 MHz, requir-
ing mechanical retuning for frequency scans. The chirped-pulse
spectrometer simultaneously excites the full spectral bandwidth. In
The preference for a gauche orientation of the hydrogen all cases the sample was prepared as a molecular jet by co-expan-
atom at the difluoromethyl side is observed in the three de- sion with an inert carrier gas (backing pressures < 3 bar). The race-
tected conformations. However, it might be expected that the mic samples of (RS)-enflurane were obtained commercially and
enatiomeric effects would stabilize a trans H orientation used without further purification. Enflurane is a volatile liquid (b.p.
Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9809 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 9804 – 9811 www.chemeurj.org 9810 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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