B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3 Semester Et-201 Circuit Theory

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L T Marks
3 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.

Classification of circuits, sources and signals, standard signals, source transformations.

Network topology, graph matrices, formulation and solution of circuit equations based on graph
theory using different analysis techniques- circuit, cut set and mixed. Concept of duality.
Network theorems and their applications- Superposition, reciprocity, Thevenin, Norton,
Maximum power transfer, Millman, Substitution, Compensation and Tellegan’s theorem.
Analysis of circuits subject to periodic and non-periodic excitations using Fourier series and
Laplace transforms. Concept of free and forced response of circuits. Time constants and Transient
response under d.c. and a.c. excitation. Analysis of magnetically coupled circuits.
Series and parallel resonance circuits, bandwidth and Q-factor, response with variation in
parameters and frequency.
Introduction to non-linear circuits and their analysis. Analysis of circuits with dependent sources.


1. Desoer & Kuh, “ Basic Circuit theory”, McGraw Hill.

2. Van Valkenberg , “Network Analysis”, PHI.
3. Valkenberg & Kinariwala , “Linear Circuits”, PHI.
4. Trick , “Introduction to circuit Analysis”, Wiley.
5. Roy Choudhary , “Networks & systems”, Wiley.
6. Iyer, “Circuit Analysis”, TMH.
7. Aatre , “Network Theory & Filter Design”, New Age.

L T Marks
4 1 Sessional : 50
Theory 75
Time 3 Hrs.

Transistor biasing circuits: Base bias, Emitter-feedback bias, collector-feedback bias, Voltage-divider
bias, emitter bias.
CE, CC & CB amplifiers, Darlington amplifier.
h-parameters, CE, CC and CB analysis.
Class A, B, C, D and S power amplifiers. Push-pull operation.
JFET: Gate bias, Self bias, Voltage-divider bias and source bias, current source bias. CS, CD and CG
MOSFET: Depletion type, Enhancement type MOSFET and their biasing.
OP-AMP, Differential amplifier and its DC, AC analysis, OP-AMP characteristics, Non-
Inverting/Inverting Voltage and Current feedback.
Linear and Non-Linear OP-AMP circuits, Regulated power supplies.
Barkhausen criteria of oscillations, Wein-bridge, RC oscillator
555 timer: its monostable and astable operation.


1. Millman and Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill.

2. R. Boylested and L. Nashelsky, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall India.
3. Millman and Halkias, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, TMH Edition.
4. Malcolm Goodge, “Analog Electronics Analysis and Synthesis”, TMH Edition.
5. Malvino, “Electronics Principles”, TMH Edition.
ET-205 Measurement and Instrumentation-I

L T Marks
3 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.

SI System of units, dimensional analysis.

Standards for mass, length, and time. Standards and sub-standards for R,C,M and L. Standards
for temperature and luminous intensity. Laboratory standards of EMF. IEEE standards.
Errors in measurements, various types of error, error estimation, significant figures, uncertainty
in results.
Analog measuring instrument, classification, principle of operation, torque to weight ratio,
deflecting torque, control torque and damping torque. Scales.
Ammeters and voltmeters; Moving iron, moving coil, electrodynamic and rectifier type.
Ohmmeter, multimeter ratio meter and power factor meter.
DC potentiometer – Vernier type.
AC potentiometer; Polar and Co-ordinate type.
Wattmeter; Induction and electrodynamic type.
Energy meter; Induction type – single and three phase.
Measurement of low, medium and high resistances. Substitution and null methods.
Measurement of self-inductance and mutual inductance for low Q and high Q coils using
Maxwell’s. Hay’s, Anderson’s, Campbell’s, and capacitance using DeSauty’s, and Schering’s bridges,
shielding and grounding of bridges.
Magnetic measurements; Samples for Lloyd-Fisher square, separation of hysteresis loss and eddy
current loss.
Instrument transformers; Current transformer and potential transformer, their performance


1. AK Sawhney, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation”,Dhanpat

Rai, Delhi.
2. C.T. Baldwin , “Fundamentals of Electrical Measurement”, Lyall Book Depot.
3. E.W. Golding, “Electrical Measurement”.
ET-207 Electrical Machines-I
L T Marks
4 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.

1. Electromechanical Energy Conversion-

Basic principle Energy, Force and Torque in singly and multiply excited systems.
2. Transformers-
a) Principle, construction and operation of single phase transformers, phasor diagram,
equivalent circuit, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency.
b) Testing- Open & short circuit tests, Polarity test, Sumpner’s test, Separation of hysteresis
and eddy current losses.
c) Three phase Transformer: Construction, various types of connection and their
comparative features.
d) Parallel operation of single phase and three phase transformers.
e) Autotransformers- Construction, Principle, Applications and Comparison with two
winding transformer.
f) Excitation phenomenon in transformers, Harmonics in single phase and three phase
transformers, Suppression of harmonics.
g) Phase conversion- Scott connections, Three phase to six phase conversion.
h) Tap changing Transformers- No load and on load tap changing of transformers.
i) Three winding Transformers.
j) Cooling methods of transformers.
3. D.C. Machines-
a) Working principle, construction and methods of excitation.
b) Armature Winding- Detailed study of simple lap and wave windings.
c) D.C. Generators- emf equation. Circuit models, Armature reaction, Effect of brush shift.
Compensating winding, Characteristics of various types of generators, applications.
d) D.C. Motors- Torque equation, Circuit models Characteristics of d.c. shunt, series and
compound motors, applications.
e) Starting & Speed Control- Starting methods and speed control of d.c. shunt and series
f) Commutation- Causes of bad commutation, Methods of improvement.
g) Testing- Direct and regenerative methods to test d.c. machines.

1. Clayton. A.E.,”Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines “
2. Irving L.” Kosow, Electric Machinery and Transformers, Prentice-Hall of India”
3. George Mcphersion ,”An Introduction to Electrical Machines and Transformers”,
John Wiley & Sons., NY
4. Nagrath & Kothari, “Electric Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. PS Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers.
6. MG Say, Theory,” Performance & Design of A.C. Machines”, CBS
L T Marks
3 1 Sessionals 50
Exam. 75
Time 3 Hrs.
GENERAL- Importance of electric power, Power system components, Growth of power systems in
India, power supply network, effect of voltage on conductor size, comparison of conductor vol. in typical
supply systems elementary high voltage DC transmission and its advantages & disadvantages.
LINE PARAMETERS- Evaluation of inductance, capacitance, resistance for single phase, three- phase
symmetrical, unsymmetrical, transposed, untransposed single circuit, double circuit lines; skin and
proximity effect.
PERFORMANCE OF LINES- Classification of lines as short, medium and long, representation and
detailed performance analysis of these lines including A B C D parameters. Detailed measurements and
universal power circle diagram.
MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS- Various types of line conductors, line supports, poles and towers,
sag calculations, effect of wind, ice and temperature, stringing chart, sag template, line vibrations.
INSULATORS- Various types of insulators, voltage distribution, string efficiency, methods of increasing
string efficiency.
CORONA- Phenomenon of corona, disruptive critical voltage, visual critical voltage, corona loss, radio
UNDERGROUND CABLES – Classification and construction, insulation resistance, capacitance,
capacitance determination, power factor in cables, capacitance grading, use of intersheaths, losses, heat
dissipation and temperature rise in cables, current rating, comparison with overhead lines.


1. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari,” Power System Engineering,”

(Tata McGraw-Hill).
2. A Chakrabarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar,” Power System Engineering,”
(Dhanpat Rai & Sons).
3. CL Wadhwa,” Electric Power Systems”, (Wiley Eastern Ltd.).
4. WD Sterenson,” Elements of Power System Analysis,” Jr (McGraw-Hill).
5. “Electrical Transmission and Distribution”,
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.(East Pittsburgh).

L T Marks
3 1 Theory 75
Sessional : 50
Time 3 Hrs.
Types of Signals- Deterministic and stochastic, periodic and aperiodic, impulse function and
sequences, analog and discrete, singular functions.
Signal Representation in terms of singular functions, orthogonal functions and their use in signal
representation. Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms. Convolution theorem, geometrical
interpretation and applications.
Probability concepts, random variable, pdf. cdf. moments, distributions, correlation functions.
Characterization of stochastic signals.
Discretization of analog signals – Sampling, sampling theorem and its proof. Effect of under
sampling, recovery of analog signals from sampled signal. Characterization of Discrete Signals – in terms
of impulse sequences, Z-transforms. Properties, Inversion and applications of Laplace, Fourier and Z-
Classification-linear and Non-linear, Time invariant and time varying, Lumped and Distributed.
Deterministic and Stochastic. Causal and Non Causal, Analog and Discrete/Digital, memory and memory
less, 1-port and N-port, SISO, SIMO, MISO, MIMO.
System Modeling in terms of differential, equations, state variables, difference equations and
transfer functions.
Linear time invariant system properties, elementary idea of response determination to
deterministic and stochastic signals. Concept of Impulse response.


1. Fred J Taylor – “Principles of Signals and System,” MGII.

2. Simon Haykins – “Signals and Systems,” Wiley Eastern.
3. A Papoulis – “Circuits and System,” Modern Approach HRW.
4. AV Oppenheim and AS Winsky – ,”Signals and System”,PHI.
5. RP Singh and Sapre – Communication Systems TMH.
6. Sehwatz – Modulation, noise and spectral analysis MGH.
7. John Prokias – Digital signal processing PH.
8. RF Ziemen, WH Traiter and DR Frannin – Signals & System- Continuous and Discrete
ET-204 Electrical Machines - II

L T Marks
4 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.

1. Basic concepts of Electrical Machines-

Winding factors, generated e.m.f. and m.m.f. of distributed a.c. winding, rotating magnetic field.
2. Induction Machines-
a) Constructional features, production of torque, phasor diagram, equivalent circuit,
performance analysis, torque-slip characteristics.
b) Testing-Running light and blocked rotor test, load test.
c) Effect of rotor resistance, deep bar and double cage induction motor.
d) Generator Operation
e) Starting- Starting methods of squirrel cage and wound rotor induction motor.
f) Speed Control- Various methods of speed control of squirrel cage and wound rotor induction
g) Effects of space harmonics.
3. Single phase induction motors-
1. Constructional features, double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination
of parameters.
2. Split phase starting methods & applications.
4. Synchronous Machines-
a) Constructional features.
b) Cylindrical rotor machine-
I) Synchronous Generator- Generated e.m.f., circuit model and phasor
diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation
and different methods for its estimation.
II) Synchronous Motor- Operating principle, circuit model, phasor diagram,
effect of load.
III) Operating characteristics of synchronous machines, V-curves, starting
methods of synchronous motors.
c) Salient pole Machine-
Two reaction theory, analysis of phasor diagram, power angle characteristics,
determination of x dand xq.
d) Parallel operation of Alternators-
Synchronization and load division.
1. Fitzgerald & Kingsley, “Electric Machinery” McGraw Hill
2. Alexander S. Langsdorf, “AC Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. MG Say, “Theory Performance and Design of AC Machines” CBS
4. Nagrath & Kothari,” Electric Machines” TMH
5. PS Bhimbra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers.
ET-206 Power Electronics-I

L T Marks
3 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.

Characteristics and switching behavior of different solid-state devices namely Power Diode, SCR,
UJT, TRIAC, DIAC, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT and power transistor.
Two-transistor analogy of SCR, Firing circuits of SCR and TRIAC, SCR gate characteristics,
SCR ratings.
Protection of SCR against over current, over voltage, high dV/dt, high dI/dt. Thermal protection
Methods of commutation.
Series and Parallel operation of SCR.
Classification of Rectifiers, Phase controlled rectifiers: Single phase half wave controlled. Fully
controlled and half controlled rectifiers and their performance parameters.
Three phase half wave, full wave and half controlled rectifiers and their performance parameters.
Effect of source impedance on the performance of single phase and three phase controlled
rectifiers. Single-phase and three phase Dual Converter.


1. M. Ramamoorthy.Thyristor and their applications, East West Publication.

2. PS Bhimbra.Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers.
3. MD Singh and KB Khanchandani, Power Electronics ,TMH Edition.
4. AK Gupta and LP Singh, Power Electronics,Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.
5. Rama Reddy, Fundamental of Power Electronics, Narosa Publishing.

L T Marks
3 1 Theory 75
Sessional : 50
Time 3 Hrs.
1. Number System and Codes
Review of number systems, different codes and specifications, Integer and floating point systems.
2. Boolean Algebra: Basic theorems, commutative, associative, distributive laws, duality concept,
SOP and POS form of Boolean expressions, minimization techniques up to six variables using K maps,
QM method.

3. Logic gates and Logic Families

Logic gates, Universal gates, transistor as a switching element, Tri-state switch, Bipolar logic
Families: RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, 1 2L, MOS Logic families: NMOS, CMOS families and characteristics,
TTL to CMOS interface, CMOS to TTL interface, various logic functions and their implementation.
4. Combinational Logic gates
Introduction to combinational circuits, arithmatic and logical operation, design of Half adder &
full adder, subtractor circuits, parity generator & and checker, code converter, decoders, multiplexers,
demultiplexers, comparators, ROM, concept of PLD, PAL, PLA devices.
5. Sequential Circuits
Flip-flops, bistable circuits: RS, JK, D, T, Master/Slave Flip-flop, race around condition, latches,
synchronous and asynchronous counters up & down counters, shift registers, state transition diagram,
introduction to finite state machine concept.
6. Semiconductor Memory
Basics of memory, memory addressing, ROM, PROM, EPROM, static and dynamic RAM.
7. A/D & D/A Converters
D/A converter, accuracy, resolution and precision, variable resistor network, binary ladder, A/D
converter, accuracy and resolution, simultaneous conversion, counter method, continuous A/D converter,
dual slope, successive approximation method.


1. RP Jain, ‘Modern Electronics’.

2. AP Malvino and DP Leach, ‘ Digital Principles and applications’.
3. Floyd, ‘Digital Circuits’.
4. Charles Roth, ‘Fundamentals of Logic Design’.
5. H. Taub and D. Schilling, ‘Digital Integrated Electronics’.
6. Gothman, Digital Electronics.

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs
1. Review of Vector Analysis :
Coordinate Systems, Vectors, gradient, divergence, curl, Laplacian, divergence theorem,
Stoke’s theorem.
2. Electric and Magnetic fields:
Electric fields due to distributed charges configurations line(s) of charges, uniform plane surface
and spherical volume charge distributions; behavior of conductors and dielectrics in electrostatic fields,
boundary conditions, applications of ampere’s law and Biot-Savart’s law; capacitance and inductance
calculations for simple configurations; time varying fields – displacement current, Maxwell’s equations;
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.
3. Electromagnetic Waves:
Wave equation, uniform plane waves, plane wave propagation in dielectric and conducting
media. Reflection and refraction of plane wave (normal incidence). Wave propagation in bounded media,
ground waves, sky waves, and space waves. Transmission line: Distributed parameter circuits, traveling
and standing waves impedance matching, and smith chart.
Wave Guides: parallel plane guide, TE, TM and TEM waves, rectangular and cylindrical wave guides,
resonators, planes transmission line; strip lines, microstrip line.
4. Antenna and Microwaves:
Electromagnetic radiation, elements of antenna theory (gain, BW, Bandnwidth and polarization,
effect of ground) antenna coupling, high frequency antennas, microwave antennas (introduction to
microwave services, integrated circuits and measurements).


1. N.N. Rao Basic Electromagnetics with applications, PHI

2. E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain.Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems, PHI
3. J.D. Kraus Electromagnetism
4. D.J. Griffith Introduction to Electrodynamics, PHI .
5. Guru & Hiziroglu Electromagnetic field theory fundamentals Vikas Publishing House
Hayt’s book.
L T Marks
3 1 Sessionals 50
Exam. 75
Time 3 Hrs.
Loads and Load Forecasting
Load Curves, Maximum Demand, Load Factor, Diversity Factor, Capacity Factor, Utilization Factor,
Types of Load, Load Forecasting
Power Plant Economics
Choice of type of generation, Size of generator and number of units, Cost of Electrical Energy,
Depreciation of plant, effect of load factor on cost of Electrical Energy.
Thermal Power Plants
Choice of site, Main and auxiliary equipment, Flue Gas-flow diagram, Water-steam-flow diagram,
Working of power plants and their layout, Characteristics of turbo-generators.
Hydro-Electric Plants
Choice of site, Classification of Hydro-Electric plants, Main parts and working of plants and their
Layouts, Characteristics of Hydro-Electric generators
Nuclear Power Plants
Choice of site, Classification of plants, main parts, Layout and their working, Associated problems.
Diesel Power Plants
Diesel plant Equipment, Diesel plant Layout and its working, Application of diesel plants.
Combined working of Plants
Advantages of combined operation, plant requirements for Base load and Peak load Operation. Combined
working of Run-off River Plant and steam plant.
Power Station Equipment and Control
(i) Excitation Systems- Purpose and requirements of excitation systems, static excitation
systems, brushless excitation system.
(ii) Voltage Regulators- Functions and characteristics of automatic voltage regulators, Solid state
(iii) Speed Governing Systems- Purpose of speed governing system, Hydraulic type speed
governing system for steam turbines and hydro-turbines.
(iv) Automatic Generation Control- Types of interconnection, Advantages of interconnection,
Real and Reactive power control, Single area automatic generation control, Automatic
Generation control for two area system, Types of automatic generation control for
interconnected power systems.
Tariffs and Power Factor Improvement
Different types of tariffs and methods of power factor improvement
1. P.S.R.Murty, ‘Power System Operation and Control’, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
2. M.V. Deshpande, ‘Elements of Electrical Power System Design’, Wheeler Publishing
Co, Allahabad.
3. B.R. Gupta, ‘Generation of Electrical Energy’, Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt)Ltd, New
4. P.V. Gupta et al, ‘A Course in Electrical Power, ‘Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi-6.
5. S. Mukhopadhyay, ‘Modern Power System Control and Operation,’ Roorkee Publishing
House, Roorkee.
6. S.S. Vadhera, ‘Power System Analysis and Stability’, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
ET-301 Network Analysis and Synthesis

L T Marks
4 1 Sessional : 50
Exam 75
Time 3 Hrs.
Concept of generalized frequency, circuit representation and their response in terms of
generalized frequency.
Concept of one port, two-port networks, characteristics and parameters, interrelationships of
parameters, image & iterative impedance concept of characteristic impedance, scattering parameters,
insertion loss, interconnection of 2-port networks, analysis of terminated 2-port networks, extensions to
multiport networks.
Generalized network functions (Driving point and Transfer), concepts of poles and zeros,
determination of free and forced response from poles and zeros, concept of minimum phase networks,
analysis of ladder, lattice, T and bridged-T networks.
Introduction to state-space representation of networks and their analysis.
Concept of filtering, filter types and characteristics, classical design of T and PI passive filters,
frequency transformations. Introduction to active filters, active filter specifications, design of first and
second order RC –active filters, maximally flat and equi-ripple filter characteristics, implementation using
passive elements and op-amps. Introduction to switched capacitor networks.
Network synthesis- Synthesis problem formulation, properties of positive real functions, hurwitz
polynomials, properties of RC, LC and RL driving point functions, foster and cauer synthesis of LC and
RC circuits.


1. Temes & LaPatra – Introduction to circuit Synthesis & Design, McGra Hill.
2. Valkenberg – Modern Network Synthesis, PHI.
3. Weinberg – Network Analysis & Synthesis, McGraw Hill.
4. FF Kuo – Network Analysis.
5. SK Mitra – Analysis & Synthesis of Active Network.
6. Peikari – Fundamentals of Network Analysis & Synthesis, Wiley.
ET-303 Power Electronics-II

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
D.C. to D.C. Converter:
Classification of choppers. Principle of operation, steady state analysis of class A chopper, step
up chopper, switching mode regulators: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk regulators. Current commutated
and voltage commutated chopper.
A.C. to A.C. Converter:
Classification, principle of operation of step up and step down cycloconverter. Single phase to
single phase cycloconverter with resistive and inductive load. Three phase to single phase cycloconverter:
Half wave and full wave. Cosine wave crossing technique. Three phase to three phase cycloconverter.
Output voltage equation of cycloconverter.
D.C. to A.C. Converter:
Classification, basic series and improved series inverter, parallel inverter, single phase voltage
source inverter, steady state analysis, Half bridge and full bridge inverter: Modified Mc Murray and
Modified Mc Murray Bedford inverter, voltage control in single phase inverters, PWM inverter, reduction
of harmonics, current source inverter, three phase bridge inverter.
Power Supplies:
Switched mode D.C. and A.C. power supplies. Resonant D.C. and A.C. power supplies.
Applications: Dielectric and induction heating. Block diagram of D.C. and A.C. motor speed


1. Jacob, Michael Power Electronics: Principles & Application, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
2. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics : Circuits, devices and applications , PHI.
3. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, Power Electronics : Converters,
Applications and Design , John Wiley & Sons.
4. P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics .
5. M. Ramamoorthy An Introduction to Thyristors and their applications East-West Press.
6. M.D. Singh and K.B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
7. A.K. Gupta & L.P. Singh, Power Electronics and Introduction to Drives Dhanpat Rai
Publishing Co.
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
General Aspects:
Per-unit quantities, single-line diagrams, impedance diagram, reactance diagram.
Line performance improvement devices – Series and shunt compensation of lines, methods of
voltage control, tap-changing and regulating transformers, introduction to voltage stability, reactive
power injection, static var compensators (SVC), elementary ideas of various FACTS controllers
Travelling Waves:
Travelling waves on lines, reflection and refraction of waves at function points and for various
line terminations.
Neutral Grounding:
Need of neutral grounding, various types of neutral grounding, earthing transformer, equipment
earthing for safety.
Symmetrical Faults:
Three-phase short-circuit on a synchronous machine, transient analysis, various reactances,
current-limiting reactors, various types and the methods of locating the reactors, calculation of fault
Unsymmetrical Faults:
Symmetrical components transformation, Sequence impedance and Sequence networks of power
system components and power system, various unsymmetrical shunt faults on alternator and power
system, inter connection of sequence networks for various types of faults.
Stability Analysis:
The stability problem, steady-state, transient, and dynamic stability, rotor dynamics and the swing
equation, equal-area criterion and its applications, step-by-step solution of the swing curve, factors
affecting transient stability.
Economic Operation of Power Systems:
Operating cost of a thermal unit, incremental cost, coordination equations without and with
transmission losses, economic distribution of load between units and between plants, iterative method for
load distribution.
SCADA: Introduction, functions of SCADA.


1. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari Modern Power Systems Analysis, (Tata Mc-Graw Hill).
2. A Chakrabarty, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar Power System Engineering, (Dhanpat
Rai & Sons).
3. John J Grainger and William D Stevenson Jr. Power System Analysis, (McGraw-Hill, Inc.).
4. CL Wadhwa Electric Power Systems, (Wiley Eastern Limited).

L T Marks
2 1 Sessional : 50
Theory 50
Time 3 Hrs.

MATERIALS: Conductors- free electron theory and electron scattering

Dielectrics- Polarization, solid, liquid and gas dielectrics
Insulators- Classification, Application in electric devices.
Magnetic materials- classification based on orientation of magnetic
Optoelectronic materials
Semiconductors- simple and compound
Refractory Materials. Solders and contacts
Superconductivity and super conducting materials.

COMPONENTS: Resistors and Capacitors. Display units:- LED, LCD and Monitors. Effect of
environment on components.
PROCESSES: Basic processes used in the manufacture of integrated circuits such as
Epitaxy, masking, photolithography, diffusion, oxidation,
Etching, metallization, Scribing, wire bonding and
Encapsulation. Induction and Dielectric heating. Electron beam welding and cutting.


1. S.O. Kasap, ‘Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials,’ (NGH).

2. Mahajan, ‘Principles of growth and processing of semiconductors,’ (NGH).
3. Dhir, ‘Electronic components and Materials Principles manufacturing and Maintenance,’
4. Allison, ‘Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices,’ (TMH).
5. Ruska N Scot, ‘Microelectronic processing – an introduction to the manufacture of integrated
circuits,’ (MGH).
6. Deeker, ‘Electrical Engineering Materials,’(PHI).
7. Seth and Gupta, ‘A course in Electrical Engineering Materials,’ Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
L T P Marks:
4 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Introduction to Control Systems:
Concept of control, control system terminology, classification of Control Systems.
Mathematical Models of Systems:
Differential equations of physical systems, transfer function of linear systems, block diagram
models, and signal flow graph.
D.C. & A.C. Servomotors, Synchros.
State Variable Models:
State variables of a dynamic system, state equation, transfer function from the state equation and vice-
Feed back Control System Characteristics:-
Time domain and frequency domain responses and characteristics, steady state error, performance
indices, concept of stability.
Analysis of Linear Feedback Systems:-
R-H stability criterion, Nyquist criterion, Bode plot, Root locus and Liapunov’s criterion.
Design of Feedback Control System:-
Approaches to system design, phase lead, phase lag design using Bode-diagram and root locus
techniques Design using State variable Feedback:-
Controllability, observability, pole placement using state feedback, Ackerman’s formula,
limitations of state variable feedback.
Introduction to P/I/D and ON-OFF control actions.


1. Nagrath and Gopal, Control System Engg, TMH

2. Ogata.Control System Engg., PHI
3. BC Kuo, Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall
4. RC Dorf and RH Bishop,.Modern Control Systems, Addison-Wesley Publisher
ET-302 Electric Drives

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Classifications of Electric Drives, components of electric drives, advantages of electric drives,
Review of characteristics and speed control of d.c. and a.c. motors.
Dynamics of Electric Drives:-
Fundamental torque equation, speed-torque conventions and multiquadrant operation, equivalent
values of drive parameters, components of load torques, nature and classification of load torques,
calculation of time and energy-loss in transient operations, criteria for steady state stability, load
Rating and Heating of Motors:-
Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling, classes of motor duty, determination of motor
rating, frequency of operation of motors subjected to intermittent loads.
Rectifier Control of D.C. Drives:-
Controlled rectifier circuits, 1-phase fully controlled rectifier-fed separately excited d.c. motor, 1-
phase half-controlled rectifier-fed separately excited d.c. motor, 3-phase fully controlled rectifier-fed
separately excited d.c. motor, multiquadrant operation of fully-controlled rectifier-fed d.c. motor.
Chopper Control of D.C. Drives:
Principle of operation and control techniques, motoring operation of separately excited and series
excited motors, multiquadrant control of chopper-fed motors.
Induction Motor (IM) Drives:-
3-phase a.c. voltage controller-fed IM drive, voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source
inverter (CSI) variable frequency drives, comparison of VSI and CSI drives, cycloconverter-fed IM drive,
static rotor resistance control of 3-phase slipring IM.
Synchronous Motor Drives:-
VSI drive, CSI drive, CSI drive with load commutation, cycloconverter drive,
Braking methods:-
Various methods of braking d.c. and a.c. motors, regenerative braking of d.c. motors during
chopper control, static scherbius drive, commutatorless Kramer drive.
Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives:-
Dedicated hardware systems versus microprocessor control, application areas and functions of
microprocessor in drive technology, control of d.c. drives using microprocessors, vector control of IM
drive using microprocessor, some aspects of control system design of microprocessor based variable
speed drives.
1. G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives” Narosa Publishing House, 1995.
2. SK Pillai, “A First course on Electrical Drives” Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. V. Subrahmanyam, “ Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.
4. GK Dubey, “ Power semiconductor Controlled Drives, “Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, New
Jersey, 1989.
5. EL- Sharkawi & A Mohamad “ Fundamental of Electric Drive”, Vikas Publishing House
ET-304 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
L T P Marks:
4 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Microprocessor Architecture:
8085 microprocessor architecture, timing and control unit, machine cycles, interrupt diagram.
Addressing modes, instruction set, assembly language programming, program for multibyte
addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, block transfer.
Basic principles of interfacing memory and I /O devices. Data transfer techniques – programmed
interrupt and DMA. Details of interfacing devices 8255 and 8253. Interfacing of D/A and A/D converter.
Semi Conductor Memory:
Read only memories, random access memories. Interfacing of memories with 8085.
Architecture of 8051 microcontroller. Interrupt, serial and timer control. Instruction set and
programming. Interfacing with D/A and A/D converter.
Architecture of 8086 microprocessor.


1. R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications”, Penram

2. A.P. Mathur, “Introduction to Microprocessor”.
3. K.J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Penram International.
4. D.V. Hall, “Advanced Microprocessor”.
ET-306 Analog and Digital Communication
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Introduction to Communication Systems:
Block diagram, modulation and demodulation, need for modulation, transmission considerations
and decibel ratios.
Amplitutde modulation, generation of AM waves, concept of SSB and DSB modulation, vestigial
sideband transmission, power-relationships, AM receivers, S/N ratio.
Phase and frequency modulation, pre-and de-emphasis, generation of FM waves, CW modulation
systems, narrowband FM, FM detectors and superheterodyne receivers, S/N ratio.
Concepts of information, Shannon-Hartley theorem, bandwidth-S/N ratio tradeoff, coding, codes
for error detection and correction, convolution codes, block and trellis codes.
Pulse modulation, PAM, PPM, PWM systems. Concept of PCM, basic coding and quantization, sample
and hold, quantization noise, signal to noise ratio, companding, TDM, Delta modulation, adaptive delta
modulation, S/N ratio, comparison of PCM, delta and adaptive delta modulation ASK, PSK, FSK,
differential PSK and quadriphase shift keying, synchronization concepts and phase locked loops.
Block diagram of Fibre optic communication systems, light propogation in optical fibres,
numerical aperature and acceptance cones of OF s, losses in optical fibres. Multiplexing in optic fibre
An introduction to telephone exchange systems. Telecommunication traffic, circuit switching,
message switching and packet switching. Resource sharing and multiple access techniques.
An introduction to microwave, radar and satellite communication.


1. G. Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw-Hill, NY .

2. H.Taub and D.L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, TMH.
3. W.D. Stanley, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Reston Pub. Co. PH Virginia.
4. W. Tomari & V.F. Alisauskas, “Telecommunications”, PH Inc., NJ.
5. Dungan, Frank R “ Electronic Communication Systems’ Vikas Publishing B House
Pvt. Ltd
ET-308 Switchgear and Protection
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction, functions of a circuit breaker, contacts separation and arc phenomenon, theory of
arc formation and its extinction, recovery voltage, restriking voltage, interruption of capacitive and
inductive currents, resistance switching, double frequency transients, circuit breaker ratings, clearing
time, reclosing time, classification of circuit breakers, oil, air-blast, vacuum and SF 6 circuit breakers.
Protection Against Lightning:
Lightning mechanism and its characteristics, over-voltages due to lightning, protection of lines
and sub-stations against lightning using shield wires, tower footing resistance, counterpoises, ground
wires, rod gaps, lightning arrestors, their construction, working and ratings, surge absorbers and surge
Insulation Co-ordination:
Impulse volt-time characteristics of electrical apparatus, basic impulse insulation level, insulation
levels of sub-station equipments.
Protective Relays:
Introduction, basic requirements, operating principles and characteristics of electromagnetic type
over-current, differential, impedance and admittance relays. Detail of protection against abnormal
conditions for alternators, transformers, feeders transmission lines, and bus-bars. Carrier current
protection for long lines.
Static Relays:
Introduction, comparison with electromagnetic relays, working of instantaneous, definite time,
inverse time and directional over current relays, introduction to digital relays.
Types of sub-stations, sub-station equipments and outdoor yard layout, types of bus-bars, key
diagrams and bus-bar arrangements.


1. A Chakrabarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar, “Power System Engineering”

Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari,”Power System Engineering” Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. CL Wadhwa, “Electric Power Systems”, Wiley Eastern Limited.
4. Sunil S. Rao, “Switchgear, Protection and Power Systems”, Khanna Publishers.
5. Badriram and DN Vishwakarma, “Power System Protection and Switchgear”, Tata McGraw-
ET-310 Advanced Programming and Software Engineering
L T P Marks:
4 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Loader Schemes-absolute, binder, linking overlays and dynamic binder.
Operating Systems:
Functions of operating systems, Input/Output memory, Processor,Device, and file management,
some typical examples from UNIX/LINUX/WINDOWS/MS-DOS operating systems.
Functions, Lexical and system analysis, parsing techniques, storage assignment, code generation.
C++ Programming Language:
Concept of Object Oriented Programming Abstract data types & classes, data encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism, run time polymorphism, virtual functions, templates, standard template
library and container classes. Implementation using C++.


1. John J. Donovan, “System Programming” .

2. A.V. Aho and J.D. Ullman, “Principles of Compiler Design”, Addision Wesley Pub.Co.
3. D.M. Dhamdhere, “System Software”, TMH.
4. Peterson, “Operating Systems”,.
5. Herbert Schildt, “C++ - Complete reference”, TMH.
6. Stroustrup “C++”, Addision Wesley Pub. Comp.
7. Litvin, Maria, “Programming in C++”, Vikas Publishing House.
ET-312 Measurements and Instrumentation-II
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Thermocouple and rectifier type instruments, Electronic analog instruments for measurement of
direct and alternating currents, voltages and power.
Digital instruments – advantages over analog instruments. Measurement of voltage, resistance,
time and frequency by digital techniques. Digital wattmeters and energy meters.
Construction and synchronization of C.R.O. measurement of voltages, currents, phase and
frequency by C.R.O. Distortion meter, harmonic analyzer, Q meters.
Recorders – X-Y recorder, strip chart recorder and magnetic recorder. Frequency modulation and
pulse duration recording. Digital tape recording. Noise in reproduction. ` Digital display methods.
Display systems – LED, LCD. Medical display devices – Cardioscope.
Principles of telemetry, wire link channels, radio channels, microwave channels, multiplexers.
Digital and Analog Data Acquisition Systems.
Measurements of high direct and alternating voltages and currents.
Measurement of phase and frequency:
Single phase and three- phase electrodynamometer type power factor meters, electrical
resonance frequency meter, Weston frequency meter, ratio meter type frequency meter.
Classification, transducers for measurement of position, force, pressure, temperature,
torque, flow, velocity (linear and angular) strains, humidity, vibrations and p.H. value.


1. A.K. Sawhney “Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. W.D. Cooper- “Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, Prentice Hall
3. B.C. Nakra and K.K. Chaudhry- “Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis”, Tata Mc-
Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
7th Semester
ET-401Computer Methods in Power Systems

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Impact of computers, orientation of Engineering problems to computers, review of matrices and
matrix operations.
Incidence and Network Matrices:
Network graph, various incidence matrices, generalized element representation, primitive
network and primitive network matrices, formation of various network matrices by singular
transformations, inter-relations between various incidence matrices and network matrices.
Bus impedance and admittance matrices:
Building algorithm for bus impedance matrix, modification of bus impedance matrix for change
of reference bus and for network changes, formation of bus admittance matrix and modification,
calculation of Z Bus elements from Y Bus.
Three-phase Elements:
Representation of three-phase network elements, treatment under balanced and unbalanced
excitation, transformation matrices, unbalanced elements.
Short-Circuit Studies:
Introduction, network short-circuit studies using Z bus, short-circuit calculations using
symmetrical components for various types of faults.
Load-Flow Studies:
Introduction, importance of load-flow studies, classification of buses, load-flow equations,
iterative methods, computer algorithm and load flow solutions using Gauss-Seidel and Newton-raphson
methods, decoupled and fast decoupled load-flow solutions, representation of regulating and off-nominal
ratio transformers, comparison of load-flow solution methods.
Sparsity :
Introduction, optimally ordered triangular factorization, schemes of optimal ordering.
Stability Studies:
Algorithmic flow chart and transient stability solution using modified euler method.
Power System Security:
Introduction, contingency analysis using Z Bus and various distribution factors.

1. Glenn W. Stagg and Ahmed El-Abiad, “ Computer Methods in Power System Analysis”,
2. George L Kusic, “ Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis”, PHI.
3. John J Grainger and William D Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, Jr. .McGraw-Hill.
4. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari , “Power System Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
ET-403 Digital Signal Processing

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

The Z-Transform analysis of LTI Systems:

Analysis of LTI systems in z-domain, transient and steady -state response, causality and stability,
Shur-Cohn stability test, Jury test, Shur-Cohn-Fuzzivera stability criterion.
DFT and FFT:
DFT and its properties, linear filtering using DFT, Direct computation of DFT, circular
convolution, FFT algorithms; Geortzel algorithm, Radix-2 and Radix-4 algorithms, Chirp-Z algorithm.
Circular convolution and fast linear convolution.
Implementation of Discrete time Systems:
Direct form, cascade form, frequency selective and lattice structure for FIR filters, direct form,
signal flow graph and transposed structure for IIR filters, cascade, parallel and lattice structure for IIR
filters, state space structure.
Design of Digital Filters:
Design of FIR filters, window method, frequency sampling method, design of IIR filters by
approximation of derivatives, quantization effects in digital filters. Bilinear transformation, characteristics
of some commonly used analog filters for design of IIR filters, least square methods.
Time- Frequency Analysis:
Introduction to wavelets and wavelet transforms.
Brief introduction to DSP architecture:
Pipeline, lattice and systolic architecture.

1. S.K. Mitra, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
2. Rabinar, Gold, “ Digital Signal Processing” ,PHI.
3. J.G. Proakis and DG Manolakis, “ Digital Signal Processing”,PHI.
4. Oppenheim and Schafer, “ Discrete Time Signal Processing” ,PHI.
5. S. Salivahanan, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
6. Ingle, Vinay K, “ Digital Signal Processing using Matlab”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
ET-415 Computer Organisation and Architecture
(Computer Application)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction to basic computer architecture, register transfer, bus and memory transfers,
arithmetic, logic and shift microperations.
Instruction codes, computer registers, computer instructions, timing and control, instruction cycle,
memory reference instructions, I/O interrupt, complete computer description, design of basic computer,
design of accumulator logic.

Microprogrammed control, control memory, address sequencing, microprogram example, design

of control unit.
Central Processing Unit:
Introduction, general register organization, stack organization, instruction formats, addressing
modes, data transfer and manipulation, program control, RISC.
Pipeline and Vector Processing:
Parallel processing, pipelining, arithmetic pipeline, instruction pipeline, RISC pipeline, vector
processing, array processors.
Input-output Organisation:
Peripheral devices, input-output interface, asynchronous data transfer, modes of transfer, priority
interrupt, DMA, IOP serial communication.
Memory Organisation:
Memory hierarchy, main memory, auxillary memory, associative memory, cache memory, virtual
memory, memory management, hardware multiprocessor architectures and their characteristics,
interconnection structures, interprocessor arbitration, interprocessor communication and synchronization,
cache coherence.


1. Morris Mano, “ Computer System Architecture”, PHI.

2. J.F. Heys, “ Computer Organization and Architecture”,TMH.
3. Hwang K. and F.A. Briggs, “ Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”, TMH.
ET-423 Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms
(Computer Application)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Problem Solving Strategies:
Statements, goals and rules, abstraction, problem spaces, inference, subproblems and subgoals,
hill climbing, working backwards, heuristics, back tracking, iteration and recursion.

Basic Data Structures:

Arrays, strings, stacks, queues – linear and circular, single- linked lists, double linked lists –
linear and circular, trees, binary trees, implementation using linked lists.

Introduction to analysis of algorithms, asymptotic notation, features of a structured program.
Recursion, top down and bottom up programming techniques. Divide and conquer strategy.

Sorting methods –
internal and external sort, double, exchange, insertion, selection, merge, heap, radix and quick
sort. Comparison with respect to their efficiency.

Searching methods, Sequential, Binary search, indexed search, hashing techniques and collision handling

Graphs and their applications – computer representation of graphs traversal techniques like depth –
first/breadth-first.Greedy algorithms – study with respect to shortest path, minimum spanning trees,
knapsack problems, traveeling salesman problem.

Mathematical methods:
Sparse matrices their representation manipulations, strassen’s matrix multiplication,
permutations & combinations, random number generation techniques.

1. Trembley and Sorenson, “An Introduction of Data Structures with Applications”, McGraw
2. Goodman, S.E., and Hetedniemi, S.T., “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of
Algorithms”, McGraw Hill.
3. Sahni, “Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++”, TMH.
4. Horowitz, Ellis and Sahni, Sartaj, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Galgotia
5. Gorgono, “Problem Solving & Computer Programming”, Narosa Nelwn.
6. Horowitz, E. and Sahani, S. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publications.
System Engineering and Reliability
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Generalised principles of system modeling, some examples.

Linear programming, concept of convexity, simplex method, duality in linear programming, cost
flow and routing problems, critical path scheduling.
Elementary ideas of genetic algorithms.
Reliability and its importance, mortality curve, hazard rate, courses of failure, modes of failure,
general reliability function and other reliability functions. Mean time to failure (MTTF), repair rate,
mean-time-between failures (MTBF), availability, uptime, downtime. Failure frequency and failure
distributions. Reliability testing.
Reliability models – statistical, structural, Markov, and fault tree. Reliability evaluation using
various models. Redundancy techniques. Reliability allocation and optimization.
Basic principles of maintainability, availability and security.
Basic concepts of fuzzy reliability, failure frequency and loss of load probability.


1. S.S. Rao, “.Optimization Techniques”.

2. R.J. Richards, “Introduction to Dynamic and Control”.
3. E. Balaguruswamy, “ Reliability Engineering”.
4. A.K. Govil, “Reliability Engineering” .
5. KK Aggarwal, “Reliability Engineering”.
6. Martin L. Shooman, “Probabilistic Reliability-An Engineering approach” .
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Conduction & Breakdown in Gases, Liquid & Solid Dielectrics:

Gases - Ionization process, town send’s current growth equation. Ist & 2nd ionisation
coefficients. Town send’s criterion for breakdown. Streamer theory of breakdown. Paschen’s law of
gases. Gases used in practice.
Liquid Dielectrics- Conduction & breakdown in pure & commercial liquids, suspended particle
theory, stressed oil volume theory, liquid dielectrics used in practice.
Solid Dielectrics- Intrinsic, electromechanical, & thermal breakdown, composit dielectric, solid
dielectrics used in practice.
Applications of Insulating Materials:
Application of insulating materials in power transformers, rotating machines, circuit breakers,
cables & power capacitors.
Generation of High Voltages & Currents:
Generation of high D.C., A.C., impulse voltage & impulse currents. Tripping & control of
impulse generators.
Measurement of High Voltages & Currents:
Measurement of high D.C., A.C. (Power frequency & high frequency) voltages, various types of
potential dividers, generating voltmeter, peak reading A.C. voltmeter, Digital peak voltmeter, electrostatic
voltmeter. Sphere gap method, factors influencing the spark voltage of sphere gaps.
High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus:
Testing of insulators, bushings, circuit breakers power capaitors & power transformers.
Over voltage Phenomenon & Insulation Co-ordination:
Theory of physics of lightning flashes & strokes. Insulation co-ordination, volt-time and circuit
time characteristics.
Boys camera, standard voltage & current shapes produced in Lab., Horn gap, single diverters,
ground wires, surge absorbers.
E.H.V. Transmission & Corona Labs:
Need for E.H.V. transmission, use of bundled conductors, corona characteristics of smooth
bundled conductors with different configurations, corona loss, factors affecting the corona. Shunt & series
compensation of E.H.V. lines. Tuned power lines.
8. H.V.D.C. Transmission:
Advantages, disadvantages & economics of HVDC transmission system. Types of d.c. links,
converter station equipment, their characteristics.

1. Kamaraju & Naidu, “H.V. Engg.” .
2. RS Jha, “H.V. Engg.” .
3. Rakesh Das Bagamudre, “E.H.V. AC Transmission Engg.”.
4. Kuffel & Abdullah, “H.V. Engg.”
5. Kimbark, “HVDC Transmission”.
ET-414 System Analysis & Data Base Management
(Computer Applications)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Identification of need for computerization; Pole, Tasks, Attributes and Tools of System Analyst;
Information Collection: Sources, searching Methods, Interviewing Techniques; Feasibility, Economic and
Technical Analysis, Allocation and Trade –off. Requirements Specifications.
Need for a DBMS, Uses of a DBMS, Advantages. Introduction to Data models, Schemes, Architecture,
Languages and Environment.
Entity-Relationship concepts, Attributes, Domains, keys, Foreign Keys, ER Diagram, Naming Secondary
storage devices, file operations. File organization- Sequential, direct, indexed, Btrees, Inverted lists.
Relational models- Order, tuple Keys, relational algebraic operations- Set operations, select, project, join,
division operation.
Hierarchial data models- Parent child relationships, Occurrence trees, data definition and manipulation.
Network Models
Structures, Sets, Constraints on insertion and retention, special sets, user work area, currency indicators,
DML commands. Relational languages: SQL-Data definition, queries in SQL, update statements, views,
Relational Calculus- Tuple calculus, well formed formula, specifications, quantifiers.
QBE- data retrieval, update, conditions, aggregate operators, directory.
Relational data base design
Functional dependencies- Anomalies, rules, axioms, equivalence of sets, minimal representation, Normal
forms- first, second. Third and Boyce Codd; algorithms for conversion, dependency preservation
multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form.
An Elementary Introduction to Oracle.
Concept of object oriented database management systems, Distributed Data Base Management Systems.


1. Pralf,“Concept of Data base Management System”, Vikas Publishing House.

2. Pressman, “Software Engg.” McGraw Hill.
3. Korth & Silberschatz, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill.
4. Rajaraman, “Analysis & Design of Information Systems”, PHI.
5. Hanrysskiewycz, “Introduction to System Analysis and Design”, PHI.
ET-422 Advances in Computers
(Computer Applications)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Concepts of Parallel and distributed processing. Computer Networks, LAN/WAN, Network

components. ISO-OSI Architecture, Introduction to Broadband-ISDN and ATM.
Basic Features of Multimedia systems, Main features of Internet and Intranet. FTP, Telnet,
HTTP, Gopher, Browsing of WWW, Introduction to HTML and Java Script.
Principles of Artificial intelligence, Problem representation, Solution, Knowledge representation,
searching techniques, game playing, Rule based expert system.
Classification of Programming: Procedure, object oriented, Functional and logic programming
comparison.Introduction to logic programming PROLOG.


1. Miller, “Data and Communication Network”, , Vikas Publishing House.

2. Behrouz & Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, TMH.
3. Tennenbaum, “Computer Communication Networks”, PHI.
4. Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill.
5. Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison-Wwesley.
6. Waterman, “A Guide to Expert Systems”, Addison-Wesley.
7. Clocksin & Mellish, “Programming in PROLOG”, Narosa.
8. Bratko, “PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence”,Addison-Wesley.
9. Brain J Thomas, “The Internet for Scientists & Engineers”, SPIE Press.

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