Hypotension→ due to peripheral vasodilation, inhibition of Normeperidine @ high doseà seizures -Produce analgesia primarily by activating receptors in the brain and baroreceptor reflex and increase in histamine release Nausea and vomiting spinal cord Constipation→ universal (concomitant laxative use) Sedation -Close voltage gated Ca2+ channels on presynaptic nervesà↓NT Biliary colic→ contraction of biliary smooth muscle Itching release (glutamate, ACh, NE, serotonin and substance P) ↓renal function→ ↓renal blood flow Constipation -Open K+ channels on postsynaptic nerves→ inhibit of postsynaptic Prolong labor by unknown mechanism on the uterus Urinary retention neurons Pruritus→ due to central effects and histamine release Hypotension Spinal Analgesia: µ d and k receptors on spinal cord pain Stimulate ADH, PRL and somatotropin; inhibit LH Respiratory depression transmission neurons & presynaptically on 1° afferents -opioids inhibit release of excitatory NT (substance P and glutamate) CNS Effects Metabolism and Excretion and the dorsal horn pain transmission neuron Converted to polar metabolites (mostly glucuronides) -provide regional analgesia while minimizing unwanted resp -Morphine is conjugated to M3G (neuroexcitatory) or M6G(4-6x depression, N&V, and sedation assoc. w/ supraspinal actions more potent)à do not cross BBBàno CNS effects Analgesia→ reduce sensory and emotional components of Supraspinal Analgesia: opioids inhibit inhibitory -Effects of Morphine or hydromorphone should be considered in pts pain Euphoria→ floating sensation with ↓anxiety and NTs(GABA)àactivate pain-inhibitory descending neurons to inhibit with renal impairment distress pain transmission neurons in the spinal cord -Heroine (diacetylmorphine)àrapidly hydrolyzed to Sedation and drowsiness Peripheral Analgesia: µ receptors on peripheral terminals of sensory monoacetylmorphineà morphine Respiratory depression→ ↓central response to CO2 neuronsàanalgesia @ the knees for example -Remifentanil (ester)àrapidly hydrolyzed Cough suppression→ ↓central cough center reflex -Meperidine, normeperidine metabolites may accumulate in pts w/ Miosis→ excites PS→ pinpoint pupils are pathognomonic -Opioids act concurrently at both spinal and supraspinal decreased renal fxn & pts on multiple high doses following toxic dose (mediated by Morphine and most µ and sitesàincrease overall analgesic efficacy -Fentanyl is metabolized by CYP3A4 (no active metabolites) k agonists) - Opioid agonist (morphine) can act on µ receptors and evoke a -Codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone metabolized by CYP2D6à Truncal rigidity d/t action @ supraspinal level release of endogenous opioids that act at d and k receptors production of metabolites with greater potency Nausea & vomiting → activate brainstem trigger zone (Codeineàmorphine) - Glutamateàmain excitatory NT released from nociceptive nerve terminals -Polar metabolites + glucuronides excreted in urine mainly -Glucuronide conjugates can also be found in bile Receptors: µ, δ, κ→ Gi Clinical Uses Contraindications -Using a pure agonist(morphine) + weak partial agonist -Majority act at the µ receptor and produce analgesia, euphoria, (Pentazocine)→diminish analgesia or induce a state of withdrawal Analgesia→ moderate to severe pain respiratory depression, and physiologic dependence -Head injuries(ICP)→ CO2 retention causes cerebral vasodilation Acute pulmonary edema→ Morphine will ↓anxiety, preload -δ & κ are found primarily at the spinal level→ analgesia -Pregnancy→ fetal dependence and afterload; if resp depression is an issueàFurosemide -Impaired pulmonary function→ acute resp. failure Cough→ dextromethorphan, codeine, levopropoxyphene -Impaired hepatic function→ ↓metabolism of morphine and noscapine -Impaired renal function→ longer t½ Diarrhea→ Loperamide and Diphenoxylate -Endocrine disease→ adrenal insufficiency(Addison’s) or Anesthesia→ premedication and intraoperatively hypothyroidism(myxedema) can have prolonged or exaggerated Shivering → meperidine (activates α2 receptors) response to opioids -Concurrent use of Opioids and MAO-Is -Mixed agonist-antagonist compounds w/ agonist selectivity for the Tolerance/Dependence/Addiction Drug Interactions κ-receptor (Pentazocine, Butorphanol, and Nalbuphine)à“ceiling -Frequent use→ loss in effectiveness→ tolerance effect”àlimits the amount of analgesia attainable with these drugs -Sedatives/hypnotics→ increase CNS depression (respiratory) -Dependence→ physiologic withdrawal or abstinence -psychotomimetic effects (psychosis, delirium, -Antipsychotics→ increase sedation, variable effects on resp. syndrome hallucinations, etc.)ànot reversible with naloxone depression and accentuate CV effects of anti-M & α-blockers -Addiction→ euphoria, indifference to stimuli and sedation -precipitate withdrawal in opioid tolerant ptsàfurther -MAO-I’s → life-threatening rxn especially with meperidine and lead to compulsive use limit clinical use tramadolàexcitement, muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, -Physical dependence is common when used therapeutically, unconsciousness but addiction is not
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Properties of Specific Opioids Drug Name Class Description Metabolism Other High affinity for µ receptor Conjugated to M3G (neuroexcitatory) Metabolites are polar and do not readily cross the BBB Morphine Standard for analgesia or M6G (4-6x more potent) Metabolite effects may be increased in renal impairment Hydromorphone Treat severe pain Oxymorphone Rapid hydrolysis to 6- Heroin 6-monacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and heroine are more Pharmacological actions are due to 6-MAM and MAM→morphine (Diacetylmorphine) liposoluble than morphine and cross BBB morphine Excreted in urine as free or conjugated -µ receptor agonist; negative inotrope Normeperidine t½=15-20 hours so it accumulates when -Not recommended d/t high metabolite toxicity via Accumulation of normeperidine given large doses @ short intervals normeperidine→ tremor, twitching, pupil dilation, (excreted by both kidney and liver) Meperidine t½= 3 hours Meperidine Strong hyperactive reflexes & convulsions can occur in pts with decreased renal Agonists -Blocks reuptake of serotoninà Serotonin syndrome→ or hepatic functionàseizures, Significant antimuscarinic effectsàcontraindicated in pts delirium, hyperthermia, HA, rigidity, coma, dysregulation of dysphoria, myoclonus w/ tachycardia BP, death [DO NOT combine with MAO-I’s] µ receptor agonist; anesthetic adjuvant Metabolized by CYP3A4 in the liver Transdermal patches provide sustained release Fentanyl Rapid onset and shot duration (15-30min) No active metabolites TXT of chronic pain & breakthrough pain in cancer pts 100x more potent than morphine Equal potency to morphine but with less euphoria/sedation No active metabolites Used to manage opioid withdrawal, heroin addiction, and longer half-life Methadone Abstinence syndrome (withdrawal) is and chronic pain µ agonist, NMDA antagonist and serotonin/NE reuptake Levorphanol prolonged but less severe than in inhibitor heroine Can cause QT prolongation, torsades and death Levorphanol is even longer acting than methadone Codeine Less efficacious than morphine Codeine analgesic effect is due to Oxycodone Usually combined with aspirin, acetaminophen etc. Metabolites have greater potency Mild to metabolism by CYP2D6 to morphine Hydrocodone Codeine has low affinity for opioid receptors Moderate Increased risk of seizures Agonists Weak µ agonist and NE/serotonin reuptake inhibitor Tramadol May cause serotonin syndrome[DO NOT combine with Useful for neuropathic pain MAO-I’s, reuptake inhibitors or TCAs] Pentazocine µ partial Developed to reduce addiction potential of opioids agonist + κ Butorphanol Potent analgesics in opioid naïve patients, agonist Buprenorphineàmgmt. of opioid addiction (initially use alone, followed by maintenance therapy w/ but precipitate withdrawal in patients w/ κ agonist + µ Buprenorphine and Naloxone to minimize abuse potential) Nalbuphine Mixed Agonist- physical dependency antagonist Antagonists Used in mild to moderate pain, but are not routine due to ceiling effect µ partial 1st three may cause psychotomimetic Buprenorphine agonist + µ effects, but not buprenorphine Do NOT give to pts taking pure agonist drugsàreduction of analgesia or precipitation of antagonist withdrawal Naloxone Opioid TXT of acute opioid OD Naltrexone Antagonist Maintenance drug for addicts in TXT programs Longer duration of action ¯craving for alcohol in chronic alcoholics Most effective cough suppressors Receptors are different than those associated with Codeine Lower dose than that required for Antitussives Dextrometorphanàfree of addictive properties & produces opioid action Dextrometorphan analgesic effects less constipation than CodeineàOTC medication Caution in pts taking MAO-Is Prescription opioid (Schedule V) TXT diarrhea Diphenoxylate Act on µ or d High doseàCNS effects Commercial preps contain Atropine to discourage OD Antimotility receptors Prolonged useàdependence Agents No analgesic Nonprescription opioid Loperamide effect Does NOT cross BBB TXT diarrhea No potential for addiction