McKnight Pg. 41 - 44
McKnight Pg. 41 - 44
McKnight Pg. 41 - 44
You're eithera citizenor a client
John McKnight
oower to m*€ d.cisioos- t u t c f o . E l l p r o b l c ms o | l , n * i n P o o rn e i g h b o r
It's th. samc with a community. If it is sur- hoods.H€ finrshadhh prcs.nliilionallhc debateby
roundcd by a for€s{ of scrvicca, lhcn ir losca the t.Urn8 Shlver, Yo!r Sodd:.rn.d Programi\ Po'
poeer ro d€cidc as I conmunity ll should 8o litical pomotraphyl"
wrthout sayinS,thrl corntuuDrlyorgr zcrs should Ahnsly rllhzed lhrr 3ll thc Inonc! lhar *<nt
nor rcl !s attorists, tcachinS pcoPlc how to golv 0 rn(o lhr social s.wic. \yrrchs ,n a cod,mun,ty
forc. t oa scd i..s {ound tbem. Thtt is rbc appro..h codFr.d d iEcdy wirh rhco.s!trizins prcccs5.Thc
of rhe mrsintormed comnunny ort$izcr' Tlus morc scrv'c.s .nd money for scrvic.s 'n lhe .om_
munity, th. hldcr rt r3 to or8an'zeand cmPo*er
42 spnwc,su^r',ren
Paqe 50
rhepnif.\si.nal\ !r thetop.bu! lEavingihcsynem vic€s,not srraightincomc.In Chic.80, for insrancc,
oi prollssion.rlcontrolin plnccwas not goingto 25,000publicdollars.omcs into th€ city forevery
: n l . i . : i 1 l r l g . W i : ! * 3 s ' . a l l v n e . d . r lw a r s c n u - Iow incofte f.mily of four p.oplc. Bqr rh,sfinily
jnc 1(lornr Th.r nrclnt .hlngint Pow.r rclanon- recciv.sonly9,OOOdollc incash. Th. rcsrol (hc
shipsby redeiinir)gwho was 'n cotrtrol. ThcEfor€. moncy is consumcdby hcalthand humanscmcc
Chr, ri'u I r' ghbomuodoBanr.dtionsworl€d sircnu- profcrsionllsprovidcdfor lowrncomc.omnrunr
ousl) Io gel lcSrslalioop8ss.d thal would ctum Lic.. Thu5. thc low-incooc lamily i! serv,c. nch
coNrol oi rheschoolsto rhe local conmuniiics and nloncypoor. This is. in effecl legrshtcdpov-
As r .csuh. thc statc legislalutc passcda law cny bccauscad.qlrre public incomc is .pprcpa
di!rdio_{rh€ schoolsysr€minto 468 schoolboards ar.d but is notavlrl{blc for choice.Ir rstvail3bl! (or
. , c c r c db ) l o c J ( r t r z . n ' \ o w . f t . l G a l l y . l ( c l c d
boJd h.! rhc power to hire nnd tirc lhc priDcipal, Pcoplc will arguc how€verthrl poor pcople
. e v . l o p c u r ' c u l u n ra n db u d g €lrh cs c h o o lt m o n . ' . crn'tberrustcdwirhft sh-Thcr will ruyth. so!cm-
The inrenr of fte neiShborhoods to rcSain control mcnlknowsbasrhowrospcldpoorp€oplisDotr y.
ov.r th. prokssioDll s.rvice syst€m succc.dcd. Thn notion is whlt buill $c socid sr.vac€cmprrc
\ci!lburnood powll hasr(pltced thc ptolcrsionil on lhc blcks of Amcric! s poor. As pcoplc h3vc
d o , n , n r o ( co f t h ec r r ' t r r l i z e dm a n i g c r n c nst ) s l c m . nor€ poecr th€y b€com.morc rcsponsible, nol the
lr,, ronr tr"s.rJ,nplc rhtr the commoniry orhci vnt !rcund. Raponsibiliry grows with !u
.,Srn,zfl,ois lho{id n€v.r let rhe f'rof€isionals rhority. Communiry organizinglcrds neighbor-
hoodr.sdcnts ro becomcrcaponsiblc p.oblcmrolv-
t l t ( ( r v c o , g J o ' z , n g! r ) o m o b i l i z ? sF o p l . i o e$ in thc n.ighborhood. Wh.n rc5rdcntsreJliz.
hclp enchorhcr Humln icrviccs arc a sccondrrt. lhct hav! th. powcr toch.nA. thin8s,rheysr!r( lo
{l\,iru. r o , t h c c o m m u n i r yb u i l d i n 8 p r o c c s s . scc how lhc co munity givesrway its oqn po*€r
sc' cJrlor ter pconlc loScthcr(o form 0 dr) in.xchlrgc for rcrviccs.
cJrc coop(rrt,rc or d ncrShborhood *atcn. TIis 's
rh. un,qu. power oi cnrzcn Associltios, t.cklihg
cornnruorry-wrdc lik.,nd dtugs.or
s t , r l ' n g r o l c r p . l d c r l y r c ( r d c n l si n r h . n c i g h b o r
Education,welfare,so(idl sctviccs.ull thir motley
needsto be redeJiiedand connolled br lrokps
c'omrnun,tyorg6i2at ro!t th!t h.!. rcal powcr
hlve un.conomic mthcr ihan a s.rvic. focus.
In our serery, poq€r .quals orglnizcd p.opL ot
orE!nizcdmoney Erflcrivc cootrr!dity org.nir:-
trons,tbr rh. n6rt pfft, osc p.oplc poscr lo affoct Unfortun!, someof tlle b'ggesrcommunrr)
Inoncy puuer Thc organiring q'r.stion is. brsrcN vnhu th. ncrghborhoo(.havc becnsornr
catrwc hlvc a localccooomytharoffcrs rarlchoics o l t h c c h u E h c s .I n r h . s cc h u r c h . \r h t r . , s r h e a , )
rnd th. pot.nbll lo. a tood livingl" .mphftis or che.iry. lt i! in ch!rch
Becrosepowcrcomcsfromchoicc.comlnunity m c m b c r vl h o h c a ri c a l l l u _ s . r v c o r h c r r .W h r l (
o.! niz nons should rcllizc thar if moncy in $c rhis is a nrlural part of rhc church expcriencc,il
.ommua,ry Bo.\ ro rhe U rcd w.y *rvic. syr- dcge...rrcs .6ily intu rhc doori{aoF{,bois$v., rnd nor clrtionship so common in profcssionalscrviccs
ronrc dcvelopmcnt,rhcn thc.ommuoity n€€dsto Tt€s€chrirch$ 3!y lhcy rrc involvedinor sponsot
s u . t h r r r l I o r e s a . nc o n r r o lo r € r t h c m o n . y t h c orsariEalionsihat b.nctlr the commuriry. Br rhe
, ( ^ . c c , ) \ r c m . r p l u h o f f . E d u c a t , o n*. c l f u r , ( h u r c h! c h r n t ym o l i v . * . u l . n ( t h . . u f J h r l ( ) o l
\oc,irr\.^ rccs.3llthrsmoncync.ds Lob€ rcdcfin.d bo'ld'ng .npowcrcd community n5t{ur,onsdcdi
. ' r ( lc o n r o l L e db y l o c a lg r o u p s . cJlcdto sarllchan8c. In rhcscchurchcsrhc rcsul'
A hx rndrcrtoro f an.m Powercdconrmunrryis ot lhe congr.g on s concemis ro cr. e, Lorddl
, l . r ' n N r . f ( ' @ d sr r J I n { o ' n .b c ' n Be . n c n l . d b t b.comc plln of.r profcssionl rcr!ice nerwo*. ftr
r ( . r . . r r c n t \ l , o o s c r l c \ ' c o m m u 'ftl ' . s . g o o d sl J l d Itcse ch$rchcrrhe pr\tor .espond\ ro rho5cwirh
. v c m m fn r p r o S 1 1 n ' t .
r n \ r e . , l tl o probl€msby scndinSrhcmto:cr!ice!r.!. iry-
' h r U , r . r ( Jw . y r n d p n v l t c f o l n d J I r o n so r ' f c rs c i n t i n e i f e c rr.h ep o v c ri s r o r i n r h i : c h u r c hr on t v c
yourproblcm,rhcpowcrlicscl5cwhcr.rtrprole!_ Ar cilcctivc communily is one whete people
sionrls-Thcscarl thccommunrtybuslifi8churchcs, arc comnrtted ro each orher cnd rolve lroblem'
rhorcwhoassumc thet.skolcllalingmor!scwic€s togdhcr. An.r-fe.rive community,s movrngawirv
reth..thanb!ildingp.obleInsolving.cligiouscon- f r o r ub . ' n g f r l l . d e i r h c l i < n r s A
. p o s e ! r u !l o m m L
grcgaooo9, nity is lhc hom. ofthr ciLizcn.lnd can harn€rsrhr
Efl6rtvc paslols conn..t p.oplc to hclp clch powcrof ciuzcnsthrouth thc vch,clcof cum1lunn,
orh.!. Tlry wdk ro lhc tnowl.dge .nd
capacitics of thc conSrcSationlogclhcr. How?ver,
many mainlinc ch!rchcs {f! powcrlc$ todly bc-
(aus€ thcy rclNcly Ervc away thc pov.r of thc
corgEgrtion to h.lp c8ch othcror ils @molutrily.
Tl'.fl tasror *rllEIer a probl.m kid" to a prctes. John McKnigbr i! Dnccror or
sional youtl couNlor and wrll lcad t dnv. to gcl C@dlrity Studi.i.t ihc
morc youth couns.llinEscFicct roto lh. commu_ C.nt rlor Uftd Afr.i6 ind
niry. This &t'on obt hi! ch!rch ..ld hidcodmunnt !bli.r Rcs.dh J( Noahwes'.m
44 spatxo,sutiflentggt