Decision Theory: States of Nature
Decision Theory: States of Nature
Decision Theory: States of Nature
At the opposite extreme is complete b. Using maximax, the best payoffs are:
uncertainty: no information is available on how
likely the various states of nature are. Under Small facility: $10 million
Medium facility: 12 million
those conditions, four possible decision criteria
Large facility: 16 million
are maximin, maximax, Laplace, and minimax
regret. These approaches can be defined as The best overall payoff is the $16 million in the
follows: third row. Hence, the maximax criterion leads
to building a large facility.
Maximin – Choose the alternative with the
best of the worst possible payoffs. The c. For the Laplace criterion, first find the row
maximin approach is essentially a pessimistic totals, and then divide each of those
one because it takes into account only the amounts by the number of states of nature.
worst possible outcome for each alternative. (three in this case). Thus, we have:
The actual outcome may not be as bad as that, Small facility: ($10 + $10 + $10)/3 = $10.00 million
but this approach establishes a “guaranteed Medium facility: ($7 + $12 + $12)/3 = $10.33 million
minimum.” Large facility: (– $4 + $2 + $16)/3 = $4.67 million
Maximax – Choose the alternative with the Because the medium facility has the highest
best possible payoff. The maximax approach average, it would be chosen under the Laplace
is an optimistic, “go for it” strategy; it does not criterion.
take into account any payoff other than the
best. Example 3. Determine which alternative would
be chosen using a minimax regret approach to
Laplace – Choose the alternative with the best the capacity planning program.
average payoff of any of the alternatives. The
Laplace approach treats the states of nature as Solution. The first step in this approach is to
equally likely. prepare a table of opportunity losses, or
regrets. To do this, subtract every payoff in
Minimax regret – Choose the alternative that each column from the best payoff in that
has the least of the worst regrets. This column. For instance, in the first column, the
approach seeks to minimize the difference best payoff is 10, so each of the three numbers
between the payoff that is realized and the best in that column must be subtracted from 10.
payoff for each state of nature.
Going down the column, the regrets will be 10 weighted by the probability for the relevant
– 10 = 0, 10 – 7 = 3, and 10 – (–4) = 14. In the state of nature. Thus, the approach is:
second column, the best payoff is 12.
Subtracting each payoff in that column from 12 Expected monetary value criterion (EMV) –
yields 2, 0, and 10. In the third column, 16 is Determine the expected payoff for each
the best payoff. The regrets are 6, 4, and 0. alternative, and choose the alternative that has
These results are summarized in a regret table: the best expected payoff.
After the tree has been drawn, it is Analyze the decisions from right to left:
analyzed from right to left; that is, starting with
the last decision that might be made. For each 1. Determine which alternative would be
decision, choose the alternative that will yield selected for each possible second decision.
the greatest return (or the lowest cost). If For a small facility with high demand, there
chance events follow a decision, choose the are three choices: do nothing, work
alternative that has the highest expected overtime, and expand. Because expand
monetary value (or the lowest expected cost). has the highest payoff, you would choose it.
Indicate this by placing a double slash
Example 5. A manager must decide on the through each of the other alternatives.
size of a video arcade to construct. The Similarly, for large facility with low demand,
manager has narrowed the choices to two: there are two choices: do nothing and
large or small. Information has been collected reduce prices. You would reduce prices
on payoffs, and a decision tree has been because it has the higher expected value,
constructed. Analyze the decision tree and so a double slash is placed on the other
determine which initial alternative (build small branch.
or build large) should be chosen in order to
maximize expected monetary value.
Solution. The dollar amounts at the branch Build small $16 + $33 = $49
ends indicate the estimated payoffs if the Build large $20 + $42 = $62
sequence of chance events and decisions that
is traced back to the initial decision occurs. For Hence, the choice should be to build the
example, if the decision is to build a small large facility because it has a larger expected
facility and it turns out that demand is low, the value than the small facility.
Expected Value of Perfect Information