Motor Weg

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Metso Minerals (New Zealand) Limited

Waihou Street, PO Box 242, Matamata, New Zealand

Matamata Auckland Christchurch
Telephone 0-7-881 9086 Telephone 0-9-276 9050 Telephone 0-3-338 0000
Telefax 0-7-888 4317 Telefax 0-9-276 9052 Telefax 0-3-338 0012

High and Low Voltage
Installation and Maintenance Manual




AGA Line H Line

F Line MASTER Line

---- IMPORTANT ----


9300.0009 I/2
February 2003

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 5
2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................... 5
2.1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................ 5
2.2. UNPACKING ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. STORAGE ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1. BEARING.......................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3.2. SLEEVE BEARINGS....................................................................................................................................................6
2.3.3. INSULATION RESISTANCE ......................................................................................................................................6
2.4. HANDLING .............................................................................................................................. 7
3. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1. MECHANICAL ASPECTS ......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1. FOUNDATIONS............................................................................................................................................................7 TYPES OF BASES ....................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.2. ALIGNMENT/LEVELING.......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3. COUPLINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 COUPLING ARRANGEMENT FOR SLEEVE BEARING MOTORS - AXIAL CLEARANCE.....................................14
3.2. ELECTRICAL ASPECTS .........................................................................................................14
3.2.1. SUPPLY SYSTEM..................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2. CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3. GENERAL CONNECTION DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................ 15
3.2.4. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS FOR STATORS AND ROTORS ........................................................................... 15
3.2.5. STARTING METHODS FOR ELECTRIC MOTORS ........................................................................................... 16
3.2.6. MOTOR PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................................ 19 TEMPERATURE LIMITS FOR WINDINGS..............................................................................................................19
3.2.7. SPACE HEATERS .................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.3. COMMISSIONING ..................................................................................................................24
3.3.1. PRELIMINARY INSPECTION ................................................................................................................................. 24
3.3.2. PARTIDA INICIAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.3. OPERATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.3.4. SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................... 25
3.4. ACOUSTICAL PROPERTIES ..................................................................................................25
3.5.1. GENERAL CARE WITH ZHAZARDOUS LOCATION MOTORS ...................................................................... 28
3.5.2. ADDITIONAL CARE RECOMMENDED FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATION MOTORS .................................... 28
4. MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................28
4.1. CLEANLINESS .......................................................................................................................28
4.1.1. PARTIAL MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.2. COMPLETE MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................. 29
4.2. LUBRICATION........................................................................................................................29
4.2.1. GREASE LUBRICATED BEARINGS ..................................................................................................................... 29 LUBRICATION INTERVALS...................................................................................................................................29 QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF GREASE................................................................................................................33 COMPATIBILITY......................................................................................................................................................33 LUBRICATING INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................................................33 REPLACEMENT OF BEARINGS.............................................................................................................................34
4.2.2. ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY OF SLEEVE BEARINGS...................................................................................... 34 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................34 DISASSEMBLY OF THE SLEEVE BEARING SYSTEM (TYPE "EF")......................................................................34 SLEEVE BEARING ASSEMBLY..............................................................................................................................37 SETTING OF THERMAL PROTECTIONS (PT100).................................................................................................37 WATER COOLING SYSTEM...................................................................................................................................37 LUBRICATION .........................................................................................................................................................38 SHAFT SEALS.........................................................................................................................................................38 OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................38
4.3. AIR GAP CHECKING (LARGE ODP MOTORS ) ............................................................................38
4.4. SLIP RINGS (FOR SLIP RING MOTORS ) .......................................................................................38
4.5. BRUSH HOLDERS .................................................................................................................39
4.6. BRUSHES (FOR SLIP RING MOTORS ) ..........................................................................................39
4.7. LIFTABLE BRUSH HOLDERS .................................................................................................40
4.7.1. CONNECTION DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................................... 40

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
4.7.2. OPERATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 42 PROCEDURE AFTER MOTOR STARTING ............................................................................................................42
4.7.3. ASSEMBLY................................................................................................................................................................ 44 BRUSH HOLDER LIFTING DEVICE........................................................................................................................44 SHORT-CIRCUIT BUSHING MOVEMENT SET ......................................................................................................45 BRUSH HOLDER OPERATION SET.......................................................................................................................46 RETURN PIN SET ...................................................................................................................................................47 BRUSH HOLDER SET.............................................................................................................................................47
4.7.4. DISASSEMBLY.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.7.5. ADJUSTMENT OF THE BRUSH LIFTING SYSTEM.......................................................................................... 48
4.8. DRYING OF THE WINDINGS ..................................................................................................48
4.9. DESMANTLING AND REASSEMBLY.......................................................................................48
4.9.1. " MASTER" LINE ....................................................................................................................................................... 48 ROTOR REMOVING................................................................................................................................................48
4.9.2. " A " AND " H " LINES............................................................................................................................................... 49
4.9.3. FAF LINE .................................................................................................................................................................... 49
4.10. GENERAL ADVICES.............................................................................................................49
4.11. MAINTENA NCE SCHEDULE .................................................................................................50
5. SPARE PARTS ............................................................................................................................51
5.1. HOW TO ORDER ...................................................................................................................51
5.2. KEEPING STOCK ...................................................................................................................51
6. ABNORMAL SITUATIONS DURING OPERATION .........................................................................51
6.1. COMMON FAILURES ON INDUCTION MOTORS ....................................................................51
6.1.1. SHORT BETWEEN TURNS.................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1.2. WINDING FAILURES ............................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1.3. ROTOR FAILURES (SQUIRREL CAGE) ............................................................................................................. 52
6.1.4. SLIP RING ROTOR FAILURES.............................................................................................................................. 52
6.1.5. SHORT BETWEEN TURNS ON SLIP RING MOTORS ..................................................................................... 52
6.1.6. BEARING FAILURES ............................................................................................................................................... 52
6.1.7. SHAFT BREAKING................................................................................................................................................... 52
ALIGNMENT.......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
6.2. ABNORMAL SITUATIONS DURING OPERATION ....................................................................54
WARRANTY TERMS FOR ENGINEERING PRODUCTS ....................................................................57

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

IMPORTANT: Prior to shipment motors are factory-tested and

This manual concerns all Weg three dynamically balanced.
phase asynchronous squirrel cage The adjusting and sliding surfaces are protected
and slip ring motors. For motors built with corrosion inhibitors.
with high number of special features, Upon receipt, we recommend to check the
contact Weg Máquinas whenever an additional boxes to see if any damage has occurred during
support is required. transportation.
All standard and procedures included in this The motors are shipped with a shaft locking
manual must be followed accordingly to ensure device to avoid any damage to the bearings. We
a proper operation to the equipment as well as recommended to keep this device in stock to be
to ensure safety conditions to the personnel used on all further transportation.
involved in the motor operation.
Following these procedures is also important for If any damage, contact the carrier and Weg
the warranty policy as explained at the end of Máquinas. The lack of notice will void the
this manual. warranty.
Therefore, we strongly recommend to any user
of Weg motors to read carefully this manual When lifting the boxes, it is important to observe
before motor installation and operation. In case the locals appropriate for this purpose as well as
you still have further doubts, please contact Weg to check the weight of the box and the hoist
Máquinas. capacity.
The motors shipped in wooden boxes must be
always lifted by the eyebolts or by forklift
2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS machines and never by the shaft. The box never
can be turned around. Lifting and lowering of
2.1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS such boxes must be done gently in order to
avoid damage to the bearings.
All personnel involved with electrical Make a visual inspection after the unpacking has
installations, either handling, lifting, operation been effected. Do not remove the protecting
grease from the shaft end neither the stoppers
and maintenance, should be well-informed and
up-to-dated concerning the safety standard and from the terminal boxes. These protecting
principles that govern the work and furthermore, devices should remain at their places until the
installation is finished. For motors fitted with
they should be advised to heed them.
Before work commences, it is the responsibility shaft locking device, this device must be
of the person in charge to ascertain that these removed. For motors fitted with ball bearings,
rotate manually the rotor several times. If
have been duly complied with and to alert his
personnel of the inherent hazards of the job in damages are noticed, contact the carrier and
hand. Weg Máquinas immediately.
It is recommended that these tasks be
undertaken by qualified personnel and they
should be instructed to: 2.3. STORAGE
- Avoid contact with energized circuits or
rotating parts; When motors are not immediately unpacked,
- Avoid by-passing or rendering inoperative boxes should be stored in their normal upright
position in a dry temperature place, free of dust
any safeguards or protective devices;
- Avoid extended exposure in close proximity dirt, gases and corrosive atmosphere. Any other
to machinery with high noise levels; objects should not be stacked over or against
the boxes.
- Use proper care and procedures in handling,
lifting, installing, operating and maintaining Motors must be storaged in places free from
the equipment, and vibrations in order to avoid damage to the
bearings. For motors fitted with space heaters,
- Follow consistently any instructions and
product documentation supplied when they these accessories must be kept switched-on. If
do such work. painting has suffered any damage, this must be
repainted to avoid rusting. The same appliers to
Before initiating maintenance procedures, be
sure that all power sources are disconnected the machined surfaces when protecting grease
from the motor and accessories to avoid electric has been wasted.
For slip ring motors, brushes must be lifted and
removed from their pocket to avoid oxidation

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
between contacts and rings when these motors expected from a clean and dry motor at 40ºC
are storage for more than 2 months. temperature ambient, when test voltage is
applied for a period of one minute, supplied by
NOTE: Before operating the motor, the curve of figure 2.1, as per NBR 5383.
brushes must be reset in their pocket The RM insulation resistance is given by the
and the fitting must be checked. formula:

RM = Un + 1

2.3.1. BEARING
When a motor is kept in stock for a period of six RM - Minimum insulation resistance
months or less, it is not necessary to effect a full recommended in Mega Ohm with the winding at
inspection on the bearings before running it. a temperature of 40ºC;
What has to be done is to rotate manually the Un - Rated voltage of the motor in kV.
shaft monthly. However, when motor is kept in
stock for more than six months, the bearings If the test is performed at a different
must be regreased, before operation, according temperature, it is necessary to correct the
to item on the other hand, if motor is kept reading to 40ºC by using an insulation
in stock for approximately 2 year or more, resistance variation curve in relation to
bearings must be disassembled, according to temperature, given by the motor it self. If this
item and washed with ether and curve is not available it is possible to use an
checked. approximate correction given by the curve of
All the old grease must be removed. After the figure 2.1, as per NBR 5383 Standard.
reassembly, bearings must be regreased On new motors, lower values are sometimes
according to item of this manual. obtained, as solvents are present in the
insulating varnishes which become volatile in a
later stage during normal operation. This does
2.3.2. SLEEVE BEARINGS not necessarily mean that the motor in not
suitable for operation considering that the
The performance of sleeve bearings depends on insulation resistance will increase after a period
its proper installation, lubrication and of operation.
maintenance. Before assembling and
disassembling it, read carefully the instructions On old motors, still in operation,
of this manual. The procedure described under higher values are normally
item 4.2.2 refers to the assembly and obtained. The comparison with
disassembly of bearings in motors with the rotor values obtained from previous tests
already mounted. on the same motor under identical load,
temperature and humidity conditions will be a
better indication of the insulation conditions in
2.3.3. INSULATION RESISTANCE comparison to the value obtained from a single
test. Any sudden or high reduction of the value
When a motor is not immediately put into requires careful attention.
operation, it should be protected against The insulation resistance is normally measured
moisture, high temperatures and impurities in with a MEGOMETER.
order to avoid damage to the insulation. The
winding insulation resistance must be measured If the insulation resistance is lower than the
before operating the motor. values obtained by the above mentioned
If the ambient contains high humidity, a formula, motors must be submitted to a drying
periodical inspection is recommended during process, as per item 4.8.
storage. It is difficult to determine rules for the
actual insulation resistance value of a motor as
the resistance varies according to type, size,
rated voltage, condition of the insulating material
used and method of construction of the motor. A
lot of experience is required to decide when a
motor is ready for operation. Periodical records
will help to take such decision.
The following guidelines show the approximate
insulation resistance values that can be

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

Use only the existing eyebolts to lift the motor.

Never lift the motor by the shaft. Check the
motor weight. Lifting and lowering must be done
gently in order to avoid damage to the bearings.
The eyebolts attached to bearing housing, heat
exchanger, endbells, etc, should be used to
handle these components only.


Electric motors should be installed in locations of

easy access for inspection and maintenance. If
the surrounding atmosphere contains humid,
corrosive or flammable substances or particles,
it is essential to ensure an adequate degree of
protection. The installation of motors in ambient
where there are vapours, gases or dusts,
flammable or combustible materials, subject to
fire or explosion, should be done in accordance
with ABNT NBR, NEC Art. 500 (National
Electrical Code) and UL-674 (Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc.) Standard.
Under no circumstances, motors can be
enclosed in boxes or covered with materials
which may impede or reduce the free circulation
of cooling air. Motors fitted with external cooling
must be located at least 50mm from the ground
to permit free air circulation. The air inlet and
Figure 2.1. outlet should never be obstructed or reduced by
conductors, pipes or other objects. The
Table 2.1. - Reference limits for insulation installation site should permit conditions of air
resistant of electric motors. renewal at a rate of 30m³ per minute for each
100kW motor output.
Insulation Resistance
Insulation Level
2MΩ or smaller Bad
< 50MΩ Dangerous 3.1.1. FOUNDATIONS
50...100MΩ Abnormal
Good The motor base must be level and free from
vibrations. For this reason, concrete foundation
500...1000MΩ Very good is recommended.
> 1000MΩ Excellent The type of base to be built will depend on the
nature of the soil at the installation site or on the
floor capacity.
Table 2.2. - Polarization index (ratio between When designing the motor foundation, it must be
1 and 10 minutes). taken into consideration the fact that the motor
might, occasionally, be submitted to a torque
Polarization Index Insulation Level higher than the rated torque. If such designing is
1 or smaller Bad not correctly made, vibration problems can occur
to the unit (foundation, motor and driven
< 1,5 Dangerous machine).
1,5 a 2,0 Abnormal
2,0 a 3,0 Good NOTE: On the concrete base, a metallic plate to
3,0 a 4,0 Very Good support the leveling bolt must be provided.
> 4,0 Excellent

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Based on figure 3.1, the forces over the
foundation can be calculated by the following

( 4C max)
F1 = +0.5.m.g . +
( A)

( 4C max)
F2 = +0.5.m.g . −
( A)

F1 and F2 - Forces on the base (N).
g - Gravity acceleration (9.81m/s²).
m - Motor weight (N).
Cmax - Breakdown torque (Nm).
A - Taken from motor dimensional drawing (m).

NOTE: The drawing above shows the forces

over the motor when running clockwise. For
counter clockwise rotation, forces are reversed
(F1, F2, 4.Cmax.).

Steel or iron blocks, plane surfaces blocks with

anchorage devices can be fitted in the concrete
foundation to fix the motor feet as suggested in
figure 3.2. It is important that all the structure
equipment are made in such a way that they can
transmit any force or torque which may occur
during the operation.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

a) Concrete bases
As mentioned above, the concrete bases are the
most commonly used for the fixation of these

The type and size of the foundation - as well as

other fixing devices for this purpose will depend
on the type and size of the motor.

The motors can be mounted on a concrete base

with four foundation blocks. See dimensions of
the installation components in the table below.
Installation and examples:

Figure 3.2. Motor Fixation Types.

Fastening bolts Tapered pins

Hole diameter in the Foundation block
(DIN 933) (DIN 258)
motor feet
Number Dimension Number Dimension Number Dimension
28 4 M24 4 M24 x 60 2 14 x 100
36 4 M30 4 M30 x 70 2 14 x 100
42 4 M36 4 M36 x 80 2 14 x 100
48 4 M42 4 M42 x 90 2 14 x 100

Table 3.1 - Anchorage measurements (example of installation).

Mounting dimensions
s t u v w
M26 and M30 50 450 220 265 315
M36 70 539 240 300 350
M42 70 600 270 355 400

Example 1
Example 2

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Examples of preparation:
Remove all dirt from the foundation blocks in
order to ensure a perfect anchorage between
the foundation blocks and the motor. Fix the
foundation blocks at the motor feet by means of
Provi de shims of different thickness (total
trickiness of about 2mm) between the motor feet
and the foundation base to ensure a further
accurate alignment vertically.
Inside the feet holes, the fastening bolts must be
covered with a metal sheet or presspan in order
to center the foundation blocks exactly to the
feet holes and perform an accurate alignment
Place shims or leveling bolts under the
foundation blocks in order to obtain a perfect
motor leveling and alignment between the motor Figure 3.3.
and the driven machine. After introducing the
concrete, make an accurate control of the c) Metallic bases
alignment. Eventual small corrections can be The metallic bases must have a flat surface
done by washers or metal plates or by means of under motor feet in order to avoid frame
a new adjustment of the fastening bolt deformation. The bearing housing surface
clearences. Tighten now firmly all fastening should be so determined that under the feet of
bolts. the motor one can place shim plates of
Make sure all motor feet surfaces are supported approximately 2mm thickness.
uniformly without damaging motor frame. After Motor should not be removed from their
completing the test, introduce two tapered pins common metallic bases for alignment, the
for correct fastening. For this purpose, use the metallic bases should be leveled on the actual
pre-drilled holes in the feet. foundation.
When a metallic base is used to adjust the
b) Slide rails height of the motor shaft end with the machine
When drive system is done by pulleys, the shaft end, it should be leveled on the concrete
motor should be mounted on slide rails and the base.
lower part of the belt must be pulling. After the base has been leveled, foundation
The rail that stays near the drive pulley is studs tightened, and the coupling checked, the
positioned in such a manner that the adjusting metal base and the studs are then cemented.
bolt be between the motor and the driven
machine. The other rail must be positioned with
the bolt in the opposite position, as shown in fig. 3.1.2. ALIGNMENT/LEVELING
3.3. The motor is bolted to the rails and set on
the base. The electric motor must be accurately aligned
The drive pulley is then aligned in such a way with the driven machine, particularly in cases of
that its center be in the same level of the driven direct coupling. An incorrect alignment can
pulley center. cause bearing defects, vibrations and even shaft
Motor and driven machine shafts must be in a breaking.
parallel position. The best way to ensure correct alignment is to
The belt should not be excessively stretched, use dial indicator placed on each coupling half,
see fig. 3.9.After the alignment, rails are to be one reading radially and the other axially.
fixed. In this way, simultaneous readings can be
informed and one can check any parallel (fig.
3.4a) or concentricity deviations (fig. 3.4b) by
rotating the shaft. The dial indicator should not
exceed 0.05mm. If the operator is sufficiently
skilled, he can obtain alignment with clearance
gauge and a steel ruler, providing that the
couplings be perfect and centered (fig. 3.4c)

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
A measurement at 4 different points of the NOTE: Bolts, nuts and washers can be supplied
circumference should not give a reading with the motor, if required.
difference larger than 0.03mm.


a) Direct coupling
Whenever possible, it is recommended to use
direct coupling due to lower cost, less space
required, no belt slippage and lower accident
In case of speed ratio drives, it is also common
to use direct coupling with a gearbox.
Figure 3.4a- Angular alignment (parallelism).
IMPORTANT: Align carefully the shaft ends
using, whenever possible, flexible coupling.

Clearance values recommended

for direct coupling
2 ≥4
Radial 0,03mm 0,05mm
Figure 3.4b - Radial alignment (concentricity). Axial 3 to 4mm 3 to 4mm
Angular 0,10mm 0,10mm

b) Gearbox coupling
Poorly aligned gearbox couplings normally
cause jerking motions which provoke vibration to
the coupling and to the motor. Therefore, due
care must be given to correct shaft alignment,
perfectly parallel in cases of straight gears, and
at the correct angle for bevel or helical gears.
Perfect gear arrangements can be checked by
Figure 3.4b - Radial alignment (concentricity).
inserting a strip of paper on which the teeth
marks will be traced after a single rotation.
On the alignment/leveling it is important to take
into consideration the effect of the temperature
c) Belt and pulley coupling
over the motor and driven machine. The
Belt transmission is the most commonly used
different expansion levels of the coupled
when a speed ratio is required.
machines can modify the alignment/leveling
during motor operation.
ASSEMBLY OF PULLEYS: The assembly of
After the set (motor and base) is perfectly
pulleys on shafts featured with keyway and
aligned either at cold or at hot, motor must be
threaded hole must be done by inserting it
bolted, as shown in fig. 3.5. There are
halfway up to the keyway merely by manual
instruments which use visible laser ray added by
specific computer programs that can perform
On shafts without threaded hole it is
and ensure high precision alignment.
recommended to heat up the pulley to about
80ºC (fig. 3.6).

Figure 3.6. - Assembly or pulleys.

Figure 3.5.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
of pulleys it is recommended to use the devices
shown in figure 3.7 in order not to damage the
key neither shaft surface.

Figure 3.7. - Disassembly of pulleys.

Hammers should be avoided when fitting pulleys

and bearings. The fitting of bearings with the aid
of hammers causes spots in the bearing races.
These initially small spots increase with usage
and can develop to a stage that completely Figure 3.9 - Correct pulley alignment.
damage the bearing. The correct positioning of a
pulley is shown in figure 3.8. Laterally misaligned pulleys, when running,
transmit alternating knocks to the rotor and can
damage the bearing housing. Belt slippage can
be avoided by applying a resin type material
such as rosin.
Belt tension is only required to avoid slippage
during operation (figure 3.10). Excessively small
pulleys should be avoided; these cause shaft
flexion as belt traction increases with the
decrease of pulley size.

Figure 3.10 - Belt tension

NOTE: A belt with excessive tension increases
the force on the shaft end causing vibrations and
fatigue leading to a possible shaft rupture.
When specific pulleys are required, contact Weg
RUNNING: Avoid unnecessary thrusts on the
Máquinas in order to insure a correct designing.
bearings by ensuring that the shafts are parallel
and the pulleys perfectly aligned (figure 3.9).
Due to the existing tensions on the belts, there is
a reaction acting as radial load over the motor
shaft end.
The data to calculate such reaction (radial force)
- Output transmitted [kW] (P);
- Motor speed [rpm] (RPM);
- Diameter of driven pulley [mm] (DPMV);
- Diameter of driven pulley [mm] (DPMT);
- Distance between centers [mm] (I);

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
- Friction coefficient [-] (MI) - (normally 0.5);
- Slip coefficient [-] (K);
- Belt contact angle on smaller pulley [RAD]
- FR: Radial force acting over the shaft end [N]

ALFA = π −  
 1 
 ε(MIxALFA) + 1
K = 1.1x  
 ε( MIxALFA) − 1
18836,25 χN K 2 x[1 − COS ( ALFA] + 1.21x[1 + COS ( ALFA)]
FR = x

The following graph indicate the maximum radial

thrusts acceptable by motor bearings up to
frame 450. Frame 500 and largeh will require an
analysis by Weg Máquinas.

NOTE: Always use couplings and pulleys duly

machined and balance with concentric and
equidistant holes.
Avoid, in all cases, oversized keys as these can
cause unbalancing.
In case these instructions are not followed
accordingly, vibration levels will occur.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
13 COUPLING ARRANGEMENT FOR Figure below shows part of the drive end
SLEEVE BEARING MOTORS - AXIAL bearing highlighting a basic configuration of the
CLEARANCE shaft/bearing set as well as axial clearances.

Motors fitted with sleeve bearings should be

directly coupled to the driven machine or even
using a gearbox. Pulley/belt coupling is not
These sleeve bearing motors have three
identification marks on the shaft end. The central
mark (red painted) indicated the magnetic
center; the other two indicate the limits for the
rotor axial displacement
When coupling the motor, the following aspects
must be considered:
- Bearing axial clearance which is shown on
the chart below for each bearing size.
- Axial displacement of the driven machine, if
Maximum axial clearance allowed by the

Clearances applied to sleeve bearings for The figure below shows part of the bearing
motor supplied by Weg Máquinas frame where the arrow indicates the magnetic
center and the three marks on the shaft.
Total axial clearance
Bearing size
in mm
9 3+3=6
11 4+4=8
14 5 + 5 = 10
18 7,5 + 7,5 = 15
22 12 + 12 = 24
28 12 + 12 = 24

The motor must be coupled in such a way that

the arrow attached to the bearing frame be
positioned exactly on the central mark (red
painted) while motor is in operation.
During motor starting or even under operation,
rotor should move freely between the two
external lots if the driven machine creates any
axial force on the motor shaft. Under no
circumstance, motor can operate continuously
with axial force on the bearing.
Sleeve bearings normally used by Weg
Máquinas are not designed to withstand axial
forces continuously.
Proper electric power supply is very important.
All the wires and protection system must ensure
an excellent quality of electric power supply on
the motor terminals within the following
- Voltage: It can fluctuate within a range of
more or less 10% in relation to rated value.
- Frequency: It can fluctuate within a range of
more or less 15% in relation to rated value.
- Voltage/frequency: It can occur a combined
fluctuation of more or less 10%.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
3.2.2. CONNECTION General connection diagram for slip ring motors:

In order to connect the supply conductors,

remove the covers of the rotor and stator
terminal boxes (if any).
Cut the sealing rings (standard motors are not
supplied with cable glands) according to the
diameter to be used.
Insert the conductors into the rings. Cut the .
supply conductors to desired length, disbarkt the
ends and assemble the terminals on them.
Connect the metallic covering of the conductors
(if any) to the common grounding.
Cut the grounding terminal to size and connect it
to the existing connector in the terminal box
and/or frame.
Fasten all connections firmly.

NOTE: Do not use, for terminal fastening, eel

washers or other material which do not have
excellent electric conductivity characteristics.

It is recommended to apply a grease protection

on all connections before performing the
connection. Insert all sealing rings into the
respective grooves. Screw the terminal box General connection diagram for motors supplied
cover carefully, ensuring that the sealing rings with lightning arrestors and capacitors:
are correctly introduced.


We are presenting below orientative connection

diagrams for squirrel cage and slip ring induction
motors as well as motors supplied with lighting
arrestors and surge capacitors:

General connection diagram for squirrel cage




The following connection diagrams show the

number of terminals and how they have to be
There is a nameplate on the motor indicating the
connection diagram code that must be used.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

Whenever possible, three-phase squirrel cage
motors should be started directly at full voltage
through a contactor.
DOL is the easiest method of starting; only
feasible, however, when the starting current
does not affect the power supply.
Normally, the starting current of induction motors
is six to seven times the rated current. Note that
high starting current can cause supply
disturbances to other consumers due to voltage
drops in the main power supply.

Starting Duty
C1 Close Close

This situation can be corrected with one of

the following options:
a) The power supply rated current is so high
that the starting current is not proportionally
b) Motor is started under no-load conditions
with a short starting cycle and, as a
consequence, a low starting current with a
transient voltage drop tolerable to other
c) When duly authorized by the regional Hydro
Company (utility);

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
SWITCH. C1 Close Close
If DOL starting is not feasible, either due to
restrictions imposed by the utility or due to the C2 Close Open
installation itself, reduced voltage indirect C3 Open Close
starting methods can be used in order to reduce
the starting current.
The single line connection diagram (b) shows
the basic components of a compensating switch
featuring a transformer (usually an auto-
transformer) with a series of taps corresponding
to the different values of the reduced voltage.
Only three motor terminals are connected to the
switch, being the others interconnected as per
diagram for the indicated voltage.

Starting Duty
C1 Close Open
C2 Open Close
C3 Close Open


Motor with part winding. The starting is made
using only fifty percent of the winding.

d1) Part-winding start (12 leads).

Starting Duty
C1 Close Close
C2 Open Close

For wye-delta starting it is important that the
motor allows dual-voltage connections, and the
higher voltage must be equal to the lower
multiplied by 3.

For example:
The wye-delta connection is normally used only
for low-voltage motors due to availability of
control and protection devices:

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
d2) (Y/ ) Lower voltage. E) SERIES-PARALLEL STARTING.

Starting Duty e1) Series-parallel starting / (12 leads).

C1 Close Close
Starting Duty
C2 Open Close
C1 Close Close
C3 Close Open
C2 Open Close
C3 Open Close
C4 Close Open

d3) (Y/ ) Higher voltage.

Starting Duty
C1 Close Close
e2) Series-parallel starting / (9 leads).
C2 Open Close
C3 Close Open
Starting Duty
C1 Close Close
C2 Open Close
C3 Open Close
C4 Close Open

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
For starting of slip ring motors an external Motors have, in principle, two types of
rheostat is connected to the rotor by means of a protection: protection against overload/locked
set of brushes and slip rings (connection rotor, and short circuits.
diagram F). Motors in continuous use should be protected
The extra rotor resistance is held in the circuit from overloading by means of a device
during the starting to reduce the starting current incorporated into the motor, or by independent
and increase torque. Furthermore, it is possible device, usually a fixed or adjustable thermal
to regulate the external resistance so as to have relay equal or inferior to the value derived from
a starting torque equal to, or close to the motor multiplying the rated power supply current at full
breakdown torque. load by:
- 1.25 for motors with a service factor equal or
NOTE: Every time customers intend to use superior to 1.15 or
other than DOL, inform WEG Máquinas in - 1.15 for motors with service factor equal to
advance so we can analyse the starting torques 1.0.
required by the load . Electric motors are fitted, under customers
request, with overheating protective devices (in
Starting Duty case of overload, locked rotor, voltage drop,
C1 Close Close inadequate motor ventilation) such as a
thermostat (thermal probe), thermistors, RTD s.
These overheating protective devices do not
require other independent devices. TEMPERATURE LIMITS FOR


The temperature of the winding hottest point

must be kept below the thermal class limit.
The total temperature corresponds to the sum of
ambient temperature plus temperature rise (T)
plus the difference between average
temperature of the winding and the hottest point.
By standard, maximum ambient temperature is
40°C. any temperature above this is considered
The temperature values and the permissible
total temperature at the hottest point are given in
the chart below:

Insulation class B F H

Ambient temperature °C 40 40 40

T = Temperature rise
°C 80 100 125
(resistance method)
Difference between hottest
°C 10 15 15
point and average temperature

Total: Hottest point temperature °C 130 155 180

C1, C2, C3 = contactors
C1, F2, F3 = fuses THERMOSTAT (Thermal probe):
FT1 = overload relay These are bimetallic thermal detectors with
normally closed silver contacts and they trip at
pre-determined temperatures. Thermostats are
series-connected or independent according to
the connection diagram.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
They are thermal detectors composed of
semi-conductors PTC which sharply change
their resistance when reaching a set
temperature. They are series-connected or
independent according to the connection

NOTE: Thermostats and thermistors are

connected to a control unit that cuts off the
motor power supply or switches on an alarm
system, in response to the thermistors reaction.


RTD's are resistance thermal detectors usually
made of platinum.
Basically, RTD's operate on the principle that
the electrical resistance of a metallic conductor
varies linearly with the temperature. The
detector terminals are connected to a control
panel, usually fitted with a temperature gauge.
Normally Weg Motors are supplied with one
RTD per phase and one per bearing where
these protective devices are regulated for alarm
and subsequent switch-off. For extra safety
reasons, it is possible to fit two RTD's per
Table 3.2 shows a comparison between the
protection systems.


1) If required by the application, other protective

devices must be used besides the ones
indicated above.
2) Table 3.3 shows the temperature values in
relation to the measured Ohmic resistance.
3) It is recommended to adjust the relays
according to table 3, that is:
Class F:
Alarm: 140°C.
Tripping: 155°C.
Class H:
Alarm: 155°C.
Tripping: 180°C.
The alarm and tripping values can be defined
based on experience. However, they can not
exceed the values given previously.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
TABLE 3.2 - Comparison between Motor Protection Systems.

Current-based protection Protection with

Causes of overheating thermal probe in
Fuse and thermal
Fuse only the motor
1. Overload with 1.2 times the rated current. unprotected totally protected totally protected

2. Duty cycles S1 to S8, EB 120. unprotected partially protected totally protected

3. Brakings, reversion and operation with unprotected partially protected totally protected
frequent starts.
4. Operation with more than 15 starts p/hour. unprotected partially protected totally protected

5. Locked rotor. partially protected partially protected totally protected

6. Fault on one phase. unprotected partially protected totally protected

7. Excessive voltage fluctuation. unprotected totally protected totally protected

8. Frequency fluctuation on power supply. unprotected totally protected totally protected

9. Excessive ambient temperature. unprotected totally protected totally protected

10. External heating caused by bearings, belts, unprotected unprotected totally protected
pulleys etc.
11. Obstructed ventilation. unprotected unprotected totally protected

Table 3.3 - Variation of Platinum RTD's.

ºC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 100.00 100.39 100.78 101.17 101.56 101.95 102.34 102.73 103.12 103.51
10 103.90 104.29 104.68 105.07 105.46 105.95 106.24 106.63 107.02 107.40
20 107.79 108.18 108.57 108.96 109.35 109.73 110.12 110.51 110.90 111.28
30 111.67 112.06 112.45 112.83 113.22 113.61 113.99 114.38 114.77 115.15
40 115.54 115.93 116.31 116.70 117.08 117.47 117.85 118.24 118.62 119.01
50 119.40 119.78 120.16 120.55 120.93 121.32 121.70 122.09 122.47 122.86
60 123.24 123.62 124.01 124.39 124.77 125.16 125.54 125.92 126.31 126.69
70 127.07 127.45 127.84 128.22 128.60 128.98 129.37 129.75 130.13 130.51
80 130.89 131.27 131.66 132.04 132.42 132.80 133.18 133.56 133.94 134.32
90 134.70 135.08 135.46 135.84 136.22 136.60 136.98 137.36 137.74 138.12
100 138.50 138.88 139.26 139.64 140.02 140.39 140.77 141.15 141.53 141.91
110 142.29 142.66 143.04 143.42 143.80 144.17 144.55 144.93 145.31 145.68
120 146.06 146.44 146.81 147.19 147.57 147.94 148.32 148.70 149.07 149.45
130 149.82 150.20 150.57 150.95 151.33 151.70 152.08 152.45 152.83 153.20
140 153.58 153.95 154.32 154.70 155.07 155.45 155.82 156.19 156.57 156.94
150 157.31 157.69 158.06 158.43 158.81 159.18 159.55 159.93 160.30 160.67

NOTE: When motors are supplied with accessories T-box, the connection terminals for thermal
protectors and other accessories are fitted in this T-box.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
01 to 12 = Stator.
13 to 15 = Rotor.
16 to 19 = Space heater.
20 to 27 = RTD (PT100)in winding.
36 to 43 = Thermistors (PTC) in winding.
52 to 59 = Thermostats in winding (Klixon,
68 to 71 = RTD's in the bearings.
72 to 75 = Thermistors in the bearings.
76 to 79 = Thermostats.
80 to 82 = Thermometer.
92 to 93 = Brakes.
94 to 99 = Current transformers.


(Klixon, Compela)


Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors


When motors are fitted with space heaters to

avoid water condensation during long periods o
the space heaters must be connected so that
they are energized immediately after the motor
is switched-off and are energized immediately
after the motor is switched-on. A dimensional
drawing and a specific nameplate existing on the
motor indicate the supply voltage and the
characteristics of the space heaters installed.



Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
3.3. COMMISSIONING To reverse rotation direction, contact Weg
Máquinas in order to analyze the fan.
3.3.1. PRELIMINARY INSPECTION 6) The "Master" line motors are also built with
unidirectional fans. So if rotation direction
Before starting a motor for the first time, or after has to be reversed, contact Weg Máquinas
long period of standstill, check the following in order to analyze the fan.

1) Is the motor clean? Were all packing

materials and cleaning materials removed?
2) Make sure the supply voltage and
frequency correspond to those indicated on WARNING:
the nameplate. The non observation of the items described
3) Ascertain that the endbell and bearing- above can lead to serious problems to motor
housing fastening bolts are firmly tightened. performance, causing excessive wear to
4) Make sure the motor is correctly aligned (as brushes and slip rings (for wound rotor motors),
per item 3.1.2). overheating and possible damage to motor
5) Are the bearings correctly lubricated (as per windings. These problems are not covered
item 4.2). under the warranty terms included in this
6) Are the rotor terminals connected? (Only for manual.
slip ring motors).
7) Are the thermal protector conductors, the
rounding terminal and the space heaters 3.3.2. START-UP
8) Is the insulation resistance of the rotor and THREE-PHASE SQUIRREL CAGE ROTOR
stator according to the prescribed value ? MOTOR
(as per item 2.3.3). After careful examination on the motor, follow
9) Were all objects such as tools, measuring the normal sequence of starting operation listed
instruments and alignment devices above.
removed from the area of the motor?
10) Are the brush-holders in order? Are the THREE-PHASE SLIP RING MOTORS
brushes making contact? (see item 4.6). The starting method must follow the
11) Are all motor fixing bolts duly tightened? manufacturer instructions for starting methods.
12) When the motor is started at no load, does On motors with permanent contact brushes, the
it rotate freely without abnormal noise? Is starting rheostat remains in the "run" position
the direction of rotation correct? (To reverse while the motor is running. Special speed control
the rotation, invert any of two terminal leads rheostat designed for permanent connection to
of the power supply). resistance contacts within a given range of
13) Is the motor ventilation OK? Note the settings are an exception to the above.
direction of rotation of unidirectional motors.
NOTES: (permanent contact of brush with slip ring)
1) The gap between brush holder and Slip ring Brushes must be correctly set against the slip
surfaces should be between 2mm to 4mm. ring.
2) Brush pressure on the slip ring should be in
accordance with the specified value, and the ADJUSTABLE BRUSH-HOLDER SYSTEM
brush incidence to the contact surface (manual or automatic)
should be perpendicular. Brushes must be in contact and correctly set
3) If the load (operation rated current) applied against the slip rings.
to the motor are not in accordance with the After complete motor acceleration, make sure
rated characteristics of such motor (above that the brush lifting system has worked.
or below), the brushes specification must be
analyzed in relation to the actual load
requirements. Check data given in item 4.6. 3.3.3. OPERATION
4) Before changing rotation direction of two-
pole motors, contact Weg Máquinas for Run the motor coupled to the load for a period of
analysis. at least one hour to check if abnormal noises or
5) The "H" line motors with special noise level sign of overheating occur. If there will be
are built with unidirectional fan (all RPM´s). excessive vibrations in the unit between the

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
initial operation condition and the condition after the foundation, walls or ducts. This type of
thermal stability, alignment and leveling must be sound propagation, via structural components of
rechecked. Compare the line current drawn with an installation, can be reduced by installing the
the value shown on the nameplate. motor on suitable designed vibration dampers. It
Under continuous duty without load fluctuation, is important to note that improper dampers can
this should not exceed the rated current times even increase vibration.
the service factor, also shown on the nameplate. The graphs in figures 3.11 to 3.18 show noise
All measuring instruments and devices should reduction attainable with different devices. The
be continuously checked in order to correct any illustrations below each graph represent
abnormal operation, if required. imaginary motors.
The dotted line indicates the noise level without
any steps have been taken to reduce noise; the
3.3.4. SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE continuous line shows noise level after the
suggested measures have been taken
Before proceeding any task on the motor, it is
extremely important to observe the following: to
touch any moving part on a running motor, even
switched-off, is a danger to life.

a) Three-phase squirrel cage motors:

It suffices to open stator circuit switch, and with
the motor stopped, reset the auto-transformer, if
any, to the "start" position;

b) Three-phase slip ring motors:

Open the stator circuit switch. When the motor is
stopped, reset the rheostat to the "start"


Day by day, electrical motors are increasingly

used in offices and homes. Under these
circumstances, it is essential that motors
operate silently and safe without contributing to
ambient discomfort. The solution lies in the ever
closer collaboration of the user and the motor
The proper planning of home, office and factory
acoustics requires a knowledge of the sources
of motor noises and how they affect the ambient
noise level wherever motors are located.
The following parts of a motor can generate
noise within the audio-frequency range:
1. Cooling system.
2. Brushes.
3. Bearings.
4. Magnetic circuit.
The part of the motor mainly responsible as
noise source depends on its size, speed,
degree of mechanical protection (casing) and of
the driven machine design. Cooling system
noise is airborne and usually affects only the
noise level in the ambient where motor is
installed. How ever, it is a different matter if the
noise source is in the bearings or in the
magnetic circuit. In this case, the noise is due to
mechanical vibration of the part itself, or of the
entire motor, and the sound is spreaded through

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Figure 3.11 - Motor without dampers

Figure 3.13 - Motor without dampers but with

wall covered with sound absorbent material

Figure 3.12 - Motor mounted on dampers. Figure 3.14 - Motor installed in a cubicle covered
with absorbent material

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Figure 3.15 - Motor enclosed in solid-walled Figure 3.17 - Motor in solid-walled cubicle
cubicle. Wall material is of high density covered by absorbent material and mounted on

Figure 3.16 - Motor in solid-walled cubicle and

additionally mounted on dampers

Figure 3.18 - Motor in double solid-walled

cubicle with internal surfaces covered with
absorbent material and mounted on a double set
of dampers.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
A well-programmed maintenance of electric
Motors designed for hazardous areas are fitted motors can be summed up as a periodical
with additional safety features which are defined inspection of insulation levels, temperature rise
in specific standards for each type of hazardous (winding and bearings), wears, bearing
location, based on its classification. lubrication and useful life, and occasional
The general requirements for electrical checking of fan air flow, vibration levels, brushes
apparatus for hazardous locations are described and slip rings wears.
in the following Brazilian and foreign standards, In case one of the above items are not followed
respectively: accordingly, you might have unexpected stops
NBR 9815 = Electrical apparatus for explosive of the equipment. Inspection cycles depend on
gas atmospheres. the type of the motor and conditions under which
General requirements (specifications) it operates.
IEC 79-0 = Electrical apparatus for explosive Frame must be kept clean, free of dust, dirt or oil
gas atmospheres. in order to make the cooling process easier.
EN 50014 = Electrical apparatus for potentially
explosive atmosphere. Transportation care:
General requirements On any transportation, motors fitted with roller or
ball bearings must have their shaft locked in
order to avoid bearing damage.
3.5.1. GENERAL CARE WITH HAZARDOUS To lock the shaft use the shaft locking device
LOCATION MOTORS shipped together with the motor. See item 2.2.

Before installing, operating or carrying out

maintenance services on electric motors used 4.1. CLEANLINESS
on hazardous locations, care must be taken on
the following: Motors should be kept clean, free of dust, dirt
- The standards listed below, applied to each and oil. Soft brushes or clean cotton rags should
case, must be studied and understood; be used to clean the motors. A jet of
- All requirements included in the applicable compressed air should be used to remove
standards must be understood accordingly. non-abrasive dust from the fan cover and any
accumulated grime from the fan and cooling fins.
Exe – Increased Safety: IEC 79-7 / NBR 9883 / The heat exchanger tubes (if any) must be kept
EN 50019. clean and free of any obstructing object to
Exp. – Pressurized: IEC 79-2 / NBR 5420. facilitate the air circulation. For the cleanliness of
Exn – Non sparking: IEC 7915. the tubes, a stick with a round brush at the ends
can be used which, inserted in such tubes,
removed all accumulated dirt.
FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATION MOTORS NOTE: To perform such cleanliness, remove
the ND endbell of the heat exchanger and insert
- Before carrying out maintenance services, the brush into the tubes.
inspections or repairs on the motor, make
sure it is de-energized and completely In order to effect this cleanliness, a stick can be
stopped; used which, inserted into the tubes, remove all
- All motor protections must be correctly the accumulated dust. If motor is fitted with air-
installed and duly adjusted before starting the water heat exchanger, a periodical cleanliness is
operation; inside the radiator tube is required to remove
- Make sure motors are properly grounded; any dirt condensation.
- Connection terminals must be properly On slip ring motors, brushes and brush-holders
connected so as to avoid poor contacts should never be cleaned with compressed air,
which can result in overheating or sparking. but with vacuum cleaner or any cotton rag
soaked in a suitable solvent (see item 4.4. and
NOTE: All other recommendations referring to 4.5).
storage, handling, installation and maintenance Oil or damp impregnated impurities can be
included in this manual and applied to the motor removed with rags soaked in a suitable solvent.
in question must also be followed accordingly. Terminal boxes of IP54 protection motors should
also be cleaned; their terminals should be free of
oxidation, in perfect mechanical condition, and

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
all unused space dust-free. For aggressive Motor noise should be measured at regular
environment, IP(W)55 protection motors are intervals of one to four months. A well-tuned ear
recommended. is perfect capable of distinguishing unusual
noises, even with rudimentary tools such as a
screw driver, etc. For a more reliable analysis of
4.1.1. PARTIAL MAINTENANCE the bearings, sophisticated equipment is
- Drain the condensed water.
- Clean the inside of the terminal boxes. Bearing temperature control is
- Make a visual inspection of the winding also part of routine maintenance.
insulation. The temperature rise of grease
- Clean the slip rings (see 4.4 and 4.5). lubricated bearings as
- Check the condition of the brushes. recommended under item
- Clean the heat exchanger. should not exceed 60ºC (T = 60°C/max.
ambient = 40°C, absolute temperature = T +
ambient) measured at the external bearing

- Clean the dirty windings with a soft brush. Constant temperature control can be done by
- Grease, oil and other impurities which means of external thermometers or by
adhered on the winding can be removed with embedded thermal elements.
a rag soaked in alcohol. Dry the windings
with a jet of compressed air. Alarm and tripping temperatures
- A jet of compressed air should be used to for ball bearings can be set for
clean the bearings and the air ducts in the 90°C and 100°C respectively.
stator and rotor cores.
- Drain the condensed water and clean the Weg motors are normally supplied with grease
inside of the terminal boxes as well as the lubricated ball or roller bearings.
slip rings. Bearings should be lubricated to avoid metallic
- Measure the insulation resistance (see table contact of the moving parts, and also for
2.1). protection against corrosion and wear. Lubricant
- Clean the brushes/brush holders according properties deteriorate in the course of time and
to items 4.4 and 4.5. due to mechanical operation and, furthermore,
- Clean the heat exchanger accordingly. all lubricants are subject to contamination under
working conditions. For this reason, lubricants
NOTE: When motor is fitted with air must be renewed or replaced from time to time.
inlet and/or air outlet filters, these
should be cleaned with a jet of
compressed air. If the dust is LUBRICATION INTERVALS
difficult to be removed with a jet of
compressed air, then they should be washed in WEG motors are supplied with Polyurea-based
cold water with neutral detergent. After that, dry POLIREX EM grease (Supplier: ESSO) enough
them in horizontal position. for the running period given on the data sheet
and bearing nameplate..
Lubrication intervals depend on the size of the
4.2. LUBRICATION motor, speed, working conditions, type of grease
used and working temperature. The lubrication
4.2.1. GREASE LUBRICATED BEARINGS period and type of bearings are indicated on the
motor nameplate.
The purpose of this maintenance is to lengthen Motors kept in stock should be
bearing life. relubricated every six months. Once
a month, shaft must be in order to
MAINTENANCE INCLUDES: have the grease homogenized.
a) Attention to the overall status of the bearings;
b) Cleaning and lubrication;
c) Inspection in details of the bearings.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Table 1
Amount Lubrication Amount
Lubrication of Bearings speed of Bearings speed
Interval (hours) Grease limit (rpm) Grease limit (rpm)
Bearings Poles (hours)
Bearings Poles (grams) (grams)
60 Hz 50 Hz 100% 75% 60 Hz 50 Hz 100% 75%
8 or + 12000 13200 8 or + 8000 9000
6204 5 15000 11250 6216 20 4500 3375
6 10200 11300 6 6600 7500
8 or + 11100 12300 4 4800 5600
6205 5 13000 9750 6316 35 3800 2850
6 9500 10500 2 750 1800
8 or + 10500 11600 8 or + 7700 8700
6206 5 11000 8250 6218 25 4000 3000
6 9000 9900 6 6300 7200

4 7100 7800 4 4500 5300 45 3600 2700

6306 6318
10 9500 7125 6220 2 - 650 35 3600 2700
2 4500 5100
8 or + 7500 8400
6220 35 3600 2700
4 6800 7500 6 6000 6900
6307 10 8500 6375
2 4100 4800 6320 4 4200 5000 50 2800 2100
8 or + 9600 10700 8 or + 7200 8300
6208 10 8500 6375 6222 40 2800 2100
6 8100 9200 6 5900 6800
4 6300 7200 6322 4 3900 4800 60 2400 1800
6308 10 7500 5625
2 3800 4500 8 or + 7100 8000
6224 45 2600 1950
6209 8 or + 9300 10400 6 5600 6500
10 7500 5625
6 8000 8900 6324 4 3500 4500 75 2200 1650
6309 4 6200 6900 8 or + 6600 7700
15 6700 5025 6226 50 2400 1800
2 3500 4200 6 5300 6200
8 or + 9000 10100 6326 4 2700 4100 85 2200 1650
6210 10 7100 5325
6 7700 8600 8 or + 6200 7100
6228 55 2200 1650
4 5900 6600 6 4800 5700
6310 15 6000 4500
2 2900 3900 6328 4 2000 3600 95 2000 1500
8 or + 8900 9800 8 or + 5700 6800
6211 15 6300 4725 6230 65 2000 1500
6 7400 8300 6 4400 5300
4 5700 6500 6230 4 1500 3000 105 1800 1350
6311 20 5600 4200
2 2400 3800 6232 8 or + 5400 6300 70 1900 1425
8 or + 8600 9600 6332 6 4100 5000 120 1700 1275
6212 15 5600 4200
6 7200 8100 6234 8 or + 5100 6000 85 1800 1350
4 5400 6200 6334 6 3800 3800 130 1600 1200
6312 20 5300 3975
2 2100 3300 6238 8 or + 4500 5300 95 1600 1200
8 or + 8300 9300 6338 6 2600 3900 160 1400 1050
6214 15 5000 3750
6 6900 7800 6244 8 or + 3600 4500 130 1300 975
4 5100 5900 6344 6 1400 2700 205 1200 900
6314 30 4500 3375
2 1400 2600 6252 8 or + 2000 3300 195 1100 825
6315 2 1050 2100 30 4300 3225

NOTE: - Standard lubrication interval applied to 40°C ambient temperature and types of grease
according to table 4.1;
- For vertically mounted motors, lubrication interval must be reduced by half;
- Bearing average temperature considered T = 90°C;
- For ambient temperature other than 40°C, use the following corrections:
Tamb = 45°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.6;
Tamb = 50°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.36.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Table 2
Lubrication Amount Bearing
Lubrication Amount of Bearing speed Limit
Interval of speed Limit
Bearing Pole Bearing Pole Interval (hours) Grease (rpm)
(hours) Grease (rpm)
60 Hz 50 Hz (grams) 100% 75% 60 Hz 50 Hz 100% 70%
NU310 4 4700 5300 15 5600 4200 8 or + 5600 6500
NU224 45 2400 1800
8 or + 6900 7700 6 4200 5100
NU212 15 5000 3750
6 5700 6500 NU324 4 1700 2700 75 1900 1425
NU312 4 4100 5000 20 4000 3000 8 or + 5300 6000
NU226 50 2200 1650
8 or + 6600 7400 6 3600 4800
NU214 15 4500 3375
6 5400 6200 NU326 4 1400 2300 85 1800 1350
NU314 4 3500 4700 30 3600 2700 8 or + 5000 5700
NU228 55 2000 1500
8 or + 6300 7200 6 3000 4400
NU216 20 4000 3000
6 5300 6000 NU328 4 1050 1800 95 1800 1350
NU316 4 3000 4200 35 3200 2400 NU230 8 or + 4500 5400 65 1900 1425
8 or + 6200 6900 NU330 6 2600 3800 105 1700 1275
NU218 25 3600 2700
6 5000 5700 NU232 8 or + 3900 5000 70 1800 1325
NU318 4 2700 3800 45 2800 2100 NU332 6 2300 3300 120 1500 1125
8 or + 6000 6800 NU234 8 or + 3500 4800 85 1800 1325
NU220 35 3200 2400
6 4800 5600 NU334 6 1800 2900 130 1600 1200
NU320 4 2400 3300 50 2400 1800
8 or + 5700 6600
NU222 40 2800 2100
6 4500 5400
NU322 4 2000 3000 60 2000 1500

NOTE: - Standard lubrication interval applied to 40°C ambient temperature and types of grease
according to table 4.1;
- For vertically mounted motors, lubrication interval must be reduced by half;
- Bearing average temperature considered T = 90°C;
- For ambient temperature other than 40°C, use the following corrections:
Tamb = 45°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.6;
Tamb = 50°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.36.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
(GRAMS) 60 Hz 50 Hz
100% 75%
12 or + 2400 3000
10 1800 2400
23032 75 1700 1275
8 1300 1700
6 700 1100
12 or + 1800 2400
10 1500 1800
23036 105 1400 1050
8 1000 1400
6 - 800
12 or + 1500 2000
23040 130 1200 900 10 1200 1500
8 750 1100

NOTE: - Standard lubrication interval applied to 40°C ambient temperature and types of grease
according to table 4.1;
- For vertically mounted motors, lubrication interval must be reduced by half;
- Bearing average temperature considered T = 90°C;
- For ambient temperature other than 40°C, use the following corrections:
§ Tamb = 45°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.6;
§ Tamb = 50°C (lubrication interval at 40°C) x 0.36.




Table 4.1 shows some types of grease.

NOTE: (*) If use the grease ALVÃNIA R3, do the correction:

LUBRICATION INTERVAL (ALVÂNIA R3) = Normal Lubrication Interval x 0.65

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
32 QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF Standard grease used on WEG
GREASE motors is Polyurea-based
POLIREX EM (Supplier: ESSO).
Correct lubrication is important for proper The specification of this grease
bearing operation. It means to say the grease as well as lubrication intervals
must be applied correctly and in sufficient are supplied on the bearing nameplate
amount. On the other hand, insufficient or attached to motor frame.
excessive greasing are prejudicial.
Excessive greasing causes overheating due to
high resistance encountered by the rotating LUBRICATING INSTRUCTIONS
parts and, in particular, by the compacting of the
lubricant and its eventual loss of lubricating All high and low voltage motors are fitted with
qualities. grease fitting for the bearing lubrication.
This can cause leakage with the grease The lubrication system was designed to allow,
penetrating into the motor winding, commutator when regreasing, the removal of all grease from
rings or brushes. the bearings races through a grease relief which
A lithium based grease is commonly used for the at the same time impedes the entry of dust or
lubrication of electric motor bearings as it is of other contaminants harmful to the bearing.
good mechanical stability, insoluble in water This grease relief also avoids injury to the
and has a melting point of approximately 200ºC. bearings from the already known problem of
This grease should never be mixed with sodium over-greasing. It is advisable to relublicated
or calcium based grease. while the motor is running so as to allow the
renewal of grease in the bearings housing.
If this procedure is not possible due to existing
parts near the nipple (pulleys, etc), which can
be harmful to the operator, the following
procedure should be followed:
- Inject about half the estimated amount of
Never mix greases with different base grease and run the motor at full speed for
components. approximately one minute;
Example: A calcium based grease must not - Switch off the motor and inject the remaining
be mixed with a polyurea based grease. grease.
The injection of all the grease with the motor
stopped can cause penetration of a portion of
the lubricant into the motor through the internal COMPATIBILITY seal of the bearing housing.

The compatibility of different types of grease can NOTE: Grease fittings must be clean before
create occasional problems. When the greasing the motor in order to avoid entry of any
properties of the mixture remain within t he foreign bodies into the bearing. For lubrication,
individual property range of the greases, we use only a manual grease gun.
can say the greases are compatible. To avoid
any possible incompatibility grease problem we
recommend to perform an appropriate
lubrication which can be summarized as follows:
after removing the old grease and caring out a
complete cleanliness of the grease cavity, new
grease must be pumped in. When this
procedure is not allowed, pump in new grease
by pressure. This must be repeated until a new
grease is drained out through the grease relief.
As a general rule, greases with same
soponification type are compatible. However
depending on the mixture rate, they can then be
recommended to mix different types of grease
before contacting a service agent and/or WEG.
Same and basic oils can not be mixed as they
will not produce a homogeneous mixture. In this
case, either a hardening or a softening (or drop Figure 4.1.
of the resulting mixture melting point) can occur. - Bearings and lubrication system.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
1) Remove the grease relief cover. SLEEVE BEARINGS
2) Clean the area around the grease fitting with
a clean cotton fabric. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
3) With the motor running, add grease with a
manual grease gun until the lubricant Sleeve bearing performance is dependent on
commences to expelle from the grease relief, proper installation, lubrication and maintenance.
or insert the amount of grease recommended Before assembling the bearing carefully read all
in Tables herewith indicated. instructions contained herein to become familiar
4) Leave the motor running enough time to with the complete bearing assembly procedure.
drain all excess of grease. A proper maintenance of sleeve bearings
include periodical checking of the level and
actual condition of the lubricating oil, checking of REPLACEMENT OF BEARINGS noise level and vibration of the bearings, follow-
up of the operating temperature, and fastening
After removing the bearing cap, avoid demage of the fixing and assembly bolts. The frame must
to the cores by filling the air gap between the be kept clean, free from dust, oil and dirt to
rotor and the stator with stiff paper of a proper facilitate cooling system.
thickness. Providing suitable tooling is Threaded holes for connecting the thermometer,
employed, disassembly of bearings is not oil sight glass, oil inlet, and immersion heater, or
difficult. (See bearing extractor with 3 grips in fig. cooling coil (for oil sump thermometer or
4.2). circulating pump with adapter) are provided on
either side, so that all connections can be made
on the right or left side of the bearing housing as
The oil drain plug is located centrally on the
underside of the bearing housing.
In case of circulating oil lubrication, the outlet
connection should be screwed into the threaded
hole of an oil sight glass.
If the bearing is electrically insulated, the
spherical liner seat surfaces in the housing are
lined with a non-conducting material.
Do not remove this lining.
The antirotation pin is also insulated and the
shaft seals are manufactured from a special
Figure 4.2 - Bearing Extractor. non-conducting material.
Temperature monitoring instruments with
The extractor grips must be applied to the contact to the bearing liner should be insulated
sidewall of the inner ring to be stripped, or to an appropriately (i.e., insulated protection tubes,
adjacent part. synthetic fittings, etc.)
To ensure perfect functioning and no injury to Water-cooled bearings are provided with the
the bearing parts, it is essential that the cooling coil installed. Care must be taken to
assembly be done under conditions of complete protect the connections from damage when
cleanliness and by skilled personnel. New handling the housing prior to installation.
bearings should not be removed from their
packages until they are assembled. Prior to
fitting a new bearing, ascertain that the shaft has DISASSEMBLY OF THE SLEEVE
no rough edges or signs of hammering. BEARING SYSTEM (TYPE "EF")
During assembly, bearings cannot be subjected
to direct blows. To make the assembly easier, it To disassemble the bearing liner and all
is recommended to heat up (inductive heater) associated parts from the bearing housing, carry
the bearing. The aid used to press or strike the out the following instructions. Carefully store all
bearings should be applied to the inner ring. disassembled parts in a safe location (see fig.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Figure 4.3.

1) Drain plug;
2) Bearing housing;
3) Motor frame;
4) Fixing bolts;
5) Bearing housing cap;
6) Bearing housing cap split line bolt;
7) Machine seal;
8) Machine seal bolt;
9) Lifting eyebolt;
10) External cover bolts;
11) External cover;
12) Bearing liner - bottom half;
13) Bearing liner - top half;
14) Oil ring;
15) Oil inlet;
16) Connection for temperature sensor;
17) Oil sight glass or oil outlet for
18) Lubrication;
19) Drain for pipe;
20) External protection bolts;
21) Labyrinth seal carrier;
22) Labyrinth seal carrier - bottom half.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Drive end side: - Loosen and remove the bolts (8) securing the
- Throughly clean the exterior of the bearing machine seal (7) to the bearing housing.
housing. Loosen and remove the oil drain Remove the machine seal.
plug (1) at the bottom of the bearing housing. - Thoroughly clean and inspect all individual
Drain the oil from the bearing housing. parts which have been removed. Clean the
- Loosen and remove the bolts (4) connecting interior of the bearing housing.
the frame cover (3) to the flange of the - To reassemble the bearing system, follow the
bearing housing cap (5). Remove the frame preceding instructions in the reverse order.
- Loosen and remove the bolts (6) at the split NOTE: Festening torque of the bearing fixing
line of the bearing housing (2) and bearing bolts to the motor = 10 Kgfm.
housing cap (2 and 5).
- Use the lifting eyebolts (9) to lift (by hand or Non drive end side:
hoist) the bearing housing cap (5) straight up, - Thoroughly clean the exterior of the bearing
so that the cap is completely disengaged housing. Loosen and remove the oil drain
from the lower halves of the stationary baffle plug at the bottom of the bearing housing.
(11) labyrinth seals labyrinth seal carrier (20), Drain the oil from the bearing housing.
machine seal bearing housing and the - Loosen and remove the bolts (19) connecting
bearing liner (12). the frame cover to the flange of the bearing
- Pull the bearing housing cap forward out of housing cap (11). Remove the frame cover.
and away from the bearing area. - Loosen and remove the bolts (4) securing the
- Loosen and remove the bolts (19) securing end cover (5) to the bearing housing and to
the upper half of the stationary baffle. Loosen the bearing housing cap. Remove the end
and remove the bolts (10) securing the upper cover.
half of the seal carrier (20) to the bearing - Loosen and remove the bolts (6) at the
housing cap. splitine of the bearing housing and bearing
- Lift (by hand or hoist) the upper half of the housing cap (2 and 5).
bearing liner (13) and remove it. - Use the lifting eyebolts (9) to lift (by hand or
- Loosen and remove the bolts at the split line hoist) the bearing housing cap (5) straight up,
of the oil ring (14). Carefully disengage the that the cap is completely disengaged from
dowels holding the oil ring halves together the lower halves of the labyrinth seal and
and remove the oil ring. bearing housing (2) and the bearing liner
- Remove the garter springs that encircle the (12).
labyrinth seals. Lift off the upper half of each - Lift (by hand or hoist) the upper half of the
seal, then rotate the lower half of each seal bearing liner (13) and remove it.
out of the grooves in the seal carrier and - Loosen and remove the bolts at the split line
bearing housing. of the oil ring (14). Carefully disengage the
- Disconnect and remove RTD's, dowels holding the oil ring halves together
thermocouples, or any other temperature and remove the oil ring.
detecting instruments that enter the lower - Remove the garter spring that encircles the
half of the bearing liner. labyrinth seal. Lift of the upper half of the
- Using a hoist or jack, raise the shaft slightly seal, then rotate the lower half of the seal out
so that the lower half of the bearing liner can the groove in the bearing housing.
be rolled out of the bearing housing. - Disconnect and remove RTD's,
IMPORTANT: To make that feasible it is thermocouples, or any other temperature
necessary that bolts 4 and 6 of the other detecting instruments that enter the lower
bearing half be loose. half of the bearing liner.
- Roll out (be careful not to use excessive - Using a hoist or jack, raise the shaft slightly
force) the lower half of the bearing liner and so that the lower half of the bearing liner (12)
remove it. can be rolled out of the bearing housing.
- Loosen and remove the bolts (19) securing - Roll out (be careful not to use excessive
the bottom half of the stationary baffle (11) to force) the lower half of the bearing liner (12)
the seal carrier. Loosen and remove the bolts and remove it.
(10) securing the bottom half of the seal - Loosen and remove the bolts (4) securing the
carrier (21) to the bearing housing. Remove bearing housing (2) to the motor frame.
the seal carrier. - Remove the bearing housing. Loosen and
- Loosen and remove the bolts (4) securing the remove the bolts (8) securing the machine
bearing housing (2) to the motor frame. seal (7) to the bearing hosing (2). Remove
the machine seal (7).

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
- Thoroughly clean and inspect all individual liner half into position. Incorrect fitting may lead
parts which have been removed. Clean the to heavy damage to the bearing liners.
interior of the bearing housing. Check to ensure that the loose oil ring can still
To reassemble the Bearing System, follow he rotate freely on the shaft. With the top liner half
preceding instructions in the reverse order. in place, install the seal on the flange side (see
paragraph "Shaft Seals").
NOTE: Festening torque of the bearing fixing After coating the split faces with a nonhardening
bolts to the motor = 10 Kgfm. sealing compound, place the housing cap into
position. Care must be taken that the seal fits
properly into the groove. Ensure also that the SLEEVE BEARING ASSEMBLY antirotation pin is seated without any contact
with the corresponding hole in the liner.
Check contact face and mounting recess of the
bracket making sure it is clean and properly NOTE: Housing or liner may be
machined. Inspect shaft to ensure it is smooth interchanged as complete
(Ra 0.4, equivalent to 32 micro-inch finish, or assemblies only. Individual halves
better), within the dimensions and tolerances are not interchangeable.
given by RENK and free of burr or any rough
After removing the upper part of the housing (2) SETTING OF THERMAL
and the bearing liner (12 and 13) the interior of PROTECTIONS (PT100)
the housing and the running surfaces of the liner
are to be cleaned thoroughly and checked for Each bearing is fitted with a Pt100 temperature
any damage caused in transit. detector installed directly in the bearing liner
With the shaft slightly, locate the bearing base near the point where the load is applied. This
into the mounting recess of the machine end device must be connected to a controlling panel
shield and bolt into position. with the purpose of detecting overheating and
Apply oil to spherical seats in the housing base protect the bearing when operating under high
and the shaft and rotate the bottom liner half temperature.
(12) into position. Special care must be taken so
that the axial surfaces of the locating bearing are IMPORTANT: The following
not damaged. temperature must be set on the
After the split faces of the bottom liner half and bearing protecting system:
the housing base are aligned, lower the shaft
into place. With a slight hammer blow against ALARM 100ºC.
the housing base settle the liner into its seating TRIPPING OFF 120ºC.
so that the liner axis and shaft axis are parallel.
The slight hammer blow produces a high
frequency vibration which reduces the static WATER COOLING SYSTEM
friction between the liner and the housing and
allows the correct adjustment of the liner. The When using water cooling system, the oil
self-alignment feature of the bearing is to reservoir at the bearing is equipped with a
compensate for normal shaft deflection during cooling coils through which the water circulates.
the assembling procedure only. This circulating water must present at the
The loose oil ring is installed next. The ring must bearing inlet a temperature smaller or equal to
be handled with special care as safe operation the ambient one in order to make the cooling
of the bearing is also dependent on the effective possible.
and safe functioning of the oil ring. The bolts The water pressure must be 0.1 bar and the
must be tightly fastened. Split misalignment water flow must be 0.7 L/s. The pH must be
must be avoided and any burrs or edges neutral.
carefully removed in order to ensure smooth
running of the ring. In any maintenance care NOTE: When connecting the
must be taken that the ring is not distorced and cooling coils, leaks in or on the
its geometrical shape is maintained. bearings housing and oil
reservoir must be avoided so
The outside of the two liner halves is stamped that lubricating oil is not
with identification numbers or marks near the contaminated.
split line. Make sure that these marks align and
the split faces are clean when placing the top

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
37 LUBRICATION half of the seal, press it lightly against the
underside of the shaft.
The oil change of the bearings must be effected An additional sealing is installed inside the motor
every 8000 operating hours, or every time the oil to prevent sugging of oil due to low pressure
modifies its characteristics. Viscosity and oil pH generated by the motor cooling system.
must be checked periodically.

Oil level must be checked daily OPERATION

which must be kept
approximately at the center of The operation of motors fitted with sleeve
the oil level sight glass. bearings is similar to motors fitted with roller
The bearing must be filled with the prescribed It is recommended that the oil circulating system
type of oil through the oil port after removing the be accompanied carefully and also the first
pipe plug. hours of operation.
All holes and threads not used are to be closed Before the start-up, check the following:
by pipe plugs. Also check all connections for oil - If the oil used has been prescribed
leaks. accordingly.
Filling the bearing with lubricant beyond the - Characteristics of the lubricating oil.
middie of the oil sight glass (II) does not impair - Oil level.
the function of the bearing, but there is a - Alarm and tripping off temperatures set for
possibility that excess oil may leak out through the bearings (100ºC for alarm and 120 C for
the shaft seals. tripping off).
During the first start-up, check for vibrations or
IMPORTANT: noises. In case bearing operation is not quiet
The cares taken with bearing and not uniform, motor is to be stopped at once.
lubrication will determine the life for Motor must operate for several hours until the
such bearings as well as the bearing temperature is fixed within the limits
assurance of motor operation. For previously indicated. If a temperature
this reason, it is essential to follow these overheating occurs, motor must be stopped
recommendations: immediately and the temperatures detectors
- The oil selected must have a viscosity checked.
suitable for the bearing operating When bearing operating temperature is reached
temperature. This must be checked during check for any oil leakage by the plugs joints or
eventual oil change or during periodical by the shaft end.
- If the bearing is filled with oil bellow the
required oil level, or if the oil level is not 4.3. AIR GAP CHECKING (Large ODP
checked periodically, insufficient lubrication motors)
may lead to damage to the bearing liner. The
minimum oil level is reached when the oil can After disassembly and assembly of the motor it
just be seen in the oil sight glass when the is necessary to check the air gap measurement
machine is not in operation. between the stator and the rotor by using
appropriate gauges. The gap variation at any
two vertically opposite points must be less than SHAFT SEALS 10% of the average air gap measurement.

The two halves of the floating labyrinth seal are

held together by a garter spring. They must be 4.4. SLIP RINGS (For slip ring motors)
inserted into the groove of the carrier ring in
such a way that the stop pin is always in the Rings must be accurately centered as at high
corresponding recess in the upper half of the speed the mechanical vibrations cause contact
housing or carrier ring. Incorrect installation faults, which in turn cause sparking. Rings must
destroys the seal. also be kept clean and polished.
As a general rule, cleaning should be done
The seal is to be carefully cleaned and coated monthly in order to remove the dust
with a nonhardening seating compound on the accumulated between the rings (see item 4.10).
faces in contact with the grooves. The drain Stained or slightly rough ring surfaces can be
holes in the lower part of the seal must be clean polished with fine sandpaper. Oval or rough
and disobstructed. When installing the bottom surfaced rings will require machining and

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
repolishing to avoid wear problems to brushes Brushes should be constantly checked during
and brush-holders. operation. Any brush presenting signs of wear
should be exceeding the mark indicated figure
4.5, immediately replaced.
4.5. BRUSH HOLDERS At the time of replacement and whenever
feasible, all brushes should be replaced. Having
Brush holders must be set radially to the slip ring replaced the first one, the second brush should
and adjusted approximately 4mm away from the be replaced after a suitable running-in-period.
contact surface to avoid brush rupture or injury Replacement brushes should be sanded to set
(Fig. 4.4). perfectly on the ring surface curvature (min.

INCORRECT Figure 4.5

On machines that always rotate in the same

direction, the brushes should be set in a single
direction only. During the backward movement
of the shaft the brushes must be lifted (fig.4.6)

Figure 4.4. - Air gap between brush holder and

ring contact surface.

OBS.: Brushes must be checked weekly to

ensure free sliding inside the brush-holder.

Figure 4.6
4.6. BRUSHES (For slip ring motors)
Brush pressure control is done by dynamometer.
There is a factory-specified brush type for each "Tired" springs should be replaced.
electric motor fitted with slip rings.

NOTA: In case motor is operating

below its rated output (low load) or
intermittent load, the set of brushes
(brush type and quantity) must be
adjusted to the actual operating
conditions, avoiding in this way motor damage.
This adjustment must be done with the help of
Weg Máquinas.

Never use assorted brushes of different types on

the same rings. Any change of brush type must
be authotized by WEG Máquinas, as different
brushes cause performance alterations to the
machine in operation.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors


Condition: Lifted brushes and short circuited Description of components:
collector ring. A - Electromechanical Actuator ATIS
In order to assure the brushes are lowered, the Type: MAI-25.B3.d9-25.10-F10-2CC-2CT-IP65
switches: B - Three Phase induction motor FS 71
CCL1 - contacts 34 and 35, 6 pole, 0.25kW, Mounting B3L, IPW55
CCL2 - contacts 22 and 23, Flange C105-DIN 42948
CCE - contacts 13 and 14, must have the Voltage and frequency as per client request.
contacts simultaneously closed (logic "AND"). C - End-of-course
At this logic the motor is in ready to run. Type XCK-P121 - Telemecanique

33 3435 3637 38 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 R S T 3233 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

333435 3637 38 21 22 23 24 25 26 3031 R S T 3233 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

333435 363738 21 22 23 2425 26 R S T 3233 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3


M Thermostat


Space Heaters

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
Condition: Lifted brushes and short circuited CCL2 - contacts 28 and 29,
collector ring. CCE - contacts 16 and 17, must have the
In order to assure the brushes are lifted, the contacts simultaneously closed (logic "AND").
switches: At this condition the motor is in continuous
CCL1 - contacts 37 and 38, operation.

33 34 35 36 37 38 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 R S T 32 33 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

33 34 35 36 37 38 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 R S T 32 33 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

33 34 35 36 37 38 21 22 23 24 25 26 R S T 3233 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3


M Thermostat

Space Heaters

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
MANUAL OPERATION: CCA1 and CCA2 = End-of-course to indicate
when the brushes are totally lowered.


Brush position or through a signal coming from

the CCE switch which indicates the brush
position, totally lowered.
In case the signal is not indicating the brush
position totally lowered, motor can not be started
before adjusting the commanding switch to the
position of
brushes totally lowered.
This can be done manually through the flywheel
(7), operating the lever (8) or automatically
operating the brake motor (9). If the manual
Simbology: system(7) is used, the lever (8) returns
CLD = Torque switch for overload switching off automatically to the previous position operating
during lowering of the brushes (or phase the brake motor (9). Under this condition
reversion). (brushes totally lowered), the rings (5) are not
short-circuited, allowing in this way a series
connection of the external resistances (rheostat)
with the rotor winding through the brushes (6).
In case of fault on the CCD.
NOTE: Perform the commanding tests with the
complete liftable brush holder system before
running the motor under load.
CLE = Torque switch for overload switching off
during lifting of the brushes (or phase reversion). PROCEDURE AFTER MOTOR
In cause the fault on the CCE.
At the moment motor has reached its rated
speed, the short-circuit procedure of the
collector rings must be started, operating the
CCD = End-of-course switch for switching off lifting and short-circuit device (1), on the reserve
when brushes are totally lowered. way, through the brake motor (9), or manually
through the flywheel (7).
CCE = End-of-course switch for switching off The short-circuit is done through the slide
when brushes are totally lifted. brushing (2) which holds the silver contacts (3).
Furtherly, the brush lifting mechanism (4) is
CLR = Selecting switch indicating manual or operated.
motorized position. When brushes are totally lifted, the device is
automatically switched-off through the CCE
18 19 20 18 19 20 switch.

NOTE 1: The automatic brush lifting system is

provided with an overload protection system for
CLR the operation brake motor (9), through the
torque switches for overload switching off during
lowering (CLD) or lifting of brushes (CLE).

ADDITIONAL END-OF-COURSE SWITCHES NOTE 2: Before motor start up, make sure CLD,
FOR SIGNALIZATION. LE, CCD and CCE switches are correctly
connected to the panel.
CCL1 and CCL2 = End-of-course to indicate
when the brushes are totally lifted.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
NOTE 3: When one of the CLE or CLD switches
operate, the system must to be reconnected
before checking the reason they have operated.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

1) Fix the pin support disc with the lifting set

fixer on the protection box of the brush holder

2) Mount the bearing in the support pin and fix

with a fixing pin which must be fixed with a
retaining ring.

3) Fix the bearing support pin on the support


NOTE: Bearing support pin: 6305 2ZRS1.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

1) Mount the roll on the roll bearing on short

bushing movement lever, and then the
bearings, the spacing bushing and fix the
bearing cover.

2) Fix the upper pins on one of the movement


3) Mount the support pin on the movement


4) Fix the guide support on the support base

and the movement lever on the support. The
rolls must be aligved with the short circuit
bushing in such way that both touch the
bushing simultaneously.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
45 BRUSH HOLDER OPERATION SET 6) Fix the locking device cover on the
electromechanical device and then fix it to
1) Mount the bearing on the shaft and fix it with the device frame.
retaining rings. Then put a retaining ring to
hold the second bearing. After that, mount it 7) Fix the operation set on the brush holder
with retaining ring. protection box.

2) Mount and fix the disc on the operation shaft. NOTE 1: The operation shaft must be fitted
between the upper pins of the lifting lever.
3) Insert the operation shaft in the set flange.
NOTE 2: All the parts touching mechanically
4) Fix the lifting disc on the operation shaft. must be lubricated. After 6 months of use, check
the lubrication of such parts.
5) Mount the bushing on the lever operation
shaft and fix it with a retaining ring. Fix the
shaft on the operation disc.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

1) Mount the spring shaft on the shaft support.

Mount the shaft guide washer; fit it on the
shaft and lock it on the shaft and lock it with a
2) Close the set with an external fixing ring and
fix on the brush holder protection box. BRUSH HOLDER SET

1) Fix the brushes on the brush holder.

2) Fix the isolated pins on the support; mount
the isolated discs, brush holders and contact
rings on the pins.
3) Adjust the curvature ray existing on the
brushes with the collector rings and put a
sandpaper between brush and ring. The
sandpaper must be moved back and forth in
order to make a better fitting of the brush ray
with the ring ray. Unfasten the brush holder
fixing bolt and turn the brush holder
clockwise until the brush ray matches
perfectly the ring.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
4.7.4. DISASSEMBLY 3) Remove the temperature detectors from the
bearing (if any).
For the disassembly of the liftable brush holder, 4) Unscrew the bolts which fasten the bearing
proceed in the reserve way in relation to assembly.
assembly procedures. 5) Remove the external bearing caps (for roller
bearing motors).
4.1. For ball bearing motors, follow the
4.7.5. ADJUSTMENT OF THE BRUSH LIFTING procedures described in item
SYSTEM 6) Unscrew the bolts of the endshield. After
being removed, the bolts should be screwed
1) Turn the lifting disc up to the short-circuit endshields in order to force its removing. To
position and then turn it a bit more to release prevent the rotor falling onto the rotor,
the rolls to avoid unnecessary thrusts on the provide a support for it.
roller bearings. 7) Remove the bearing(s) (for roller bearing
2) Fasten the adjusting bolt up to the backstop 8) Remove the internal bearing cap (for roller
disc and then lock the adjusting bolt. bearing motors).

3) Turn the lifting disc up to the position of non NON DRIVE-END

short-circuit (brushes lowered) and repeat 1) Unscrew the protecting screen of the fan
the same procedure carried out for the short (enclosed motors).
circuit position. 2) Remove the fan by unscrewing the bolts
which fasten it on the shaft.
3) Loosen the four nuts which fasten the fan
4.8. DRYING OF THE WINDINGS cover and remove it.
4) Repeat the procedures 2 to 7 of previous
It is recommended that this task be undertaken paragraph.
carefully and by qualified personnel. The rate of
temperature rise should not exceed 5ºC per
hour and the winding should not be heated up to B) Slip Ring Motors:
more than 150ºC.
Excessive temperature as well as too quick DRIVE-END:
temperature rise can generate steams which The procedures are the same as for squirrel
damage the windings. During the drying cage rotor motors.
process, the temperature should be controlled
carefully and the insulation resistance should be NON DRIVE-END:
measured at regular intervals. 1) Remove the back protecting cover of the
In the beginning, the ins ulation resistance will brush holders.
decrease due to the temperature increase, but it 2) Disconnect the cables from the collector ring.
will increase during the drying process. Dismantle the brush holders.
The drying process should be continued until 3) Unscrew the brush holder protecting box
successive measurements of the insulation from the cooling box. Remove the collector
resistance show a constant insulation resistance rings and the ventilating.
which should be higher than the minimum value 4) Repeat the procedures 2 to 4 as mentioned
specified, as indicated in item 2.3.3. for disc.
It is important to provide a good ventilation 5) the dismantling of the "Non drive-end" of
inside the motor during the drying process squirrel cage rotor motors.
assuring that the moisture is removed
effectively. ROTOR REMOVING

4.9. DESMANTLING AND REASSEMBLY Remove the rotor from the inside of the stator by
means of hoisting ropes or other devices. The
4.9.1. " MASTER" LINE device must avoid that the rotor rubs on the
stator or on the coil heads.
A) Squirrel-cage rotor:

1) Remove the heat exchanger (if any).

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
4.9.2. " A " AND " H " LINES

1) Disconnect the space heater leads from the
terminal boxes.
2) Remove the bearing temperature detectors
(if any).
3) Unscrew the bolts of the bearing assembly.
4) Remove the external bearing caps (for roller
bearing motors). For ball bearing motors,
follow the procedures described in item
5) Unscrew the endshield. By using an
appropriate tool, force the endshield to
release and at the same time turn it to help
the removal. Make sure that the shaft is held
on a plate and so an eventual fall of the rotor
on the stator is avoided.
6) Remove the bearing(s) (for roller bearing
7) Remove the internal bearing cap.


1) Remove the fan cover.
2) Release the fan retaining ring.
3) Repeat the procedures from 2 to 7 of item
4.8.2. (a).

1) For removing of rotor, observe section
2) It is not necessary to remove the stator from
the frame to perform an eventual rewinding.

4.9.3. FAF LINE

A) Drand "H" lines.

B) Non drive end:

1) Repeat the procedures 1 to 3 of item 4.8.2
2) Remove back protecting cover of the brush
3) Disconnect the cables from the collector ring.
4) Remove the brushes and dismantle the


Any damaged part (cracked, or distorted

machined parts, damaged threads) should be
replaced and never recovered.
All services herewith described should be
undertaken by qualified personnel in order not to
damage the equipment. In case of further
doubts, contact WEG Máquinas.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors


- Check the
- Drain
noise and the - Retighten the - Dismantle the motor.
- Complete motor. condensed
vibration bolts. Check spare parts.
water (it any).
- Visual inspection. - Cleanliness: check the
- Winding of the Measure fastenings and the slot
stator and rotor. insulation wedges; measure the
resistance. insulation resistance.
- Clean the bearings.
Replace them, if
required, check bearing
- Regrease; for
- Check the liner and replace it, if
- Bearings. intervals see the
noise level. required (sleeve
greasing plate.
bearing) check sleeve
race (shaft) and rebuild,
if required.

- Terminal boxes - Clean the inside

- Clean the inside area
and grounding area retighten the
retighten the bolts.
lugs. bolts.

- Coupling: follow
the maintenance
instructions - After the first week
of operation: check - Check alignment - Check alignment and
contained in the
the alignment and and fastening. fastening.
manual of the
coupling fastening.

- Record the - If possible,

- Monitoring
measurement disassemble and check
values. its operating condition.

- Clean it, if - Clean it, if - Clean it (see section

- Filter. required. required. 4.1.2).

- Check the
- Inspect the
cleanliness and
- Slip rings area. cleanliness and
clean it, if
clean it, if required.

- Check surface and

- Slip rings.
contact area.

- Check and replace

them when 2/3 of
- Brushes. their height is worn
(check wear mark in
fig. 4.5).

- Air/air heat - Clean the pipes of the

exchanger. heat exchanger.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

5.1. HOW TO ORDER A short circuit between turns can be a

consequence of two coincident insulation
When ordering spare parts, motor type and defects, or the result of defects arising
serial number must be always given as indicated simultaneously on two adjacent wires.
on the nameplate or on the frame. In some cases, the three-phase current
imbalance can be so insignificant that the motor
protective device fails to react. A short circuit
5.2. KEEPING STOCK between turns, and phases to ground due to
insulation failure is rare, and even so, it normally
It is recommended to keep in stock the spare occurs during the early stages of operation.
parts that, under normal use, can have some
kind of wear such as:

6. ABNORMAL SITUATIONS DURING a) One winding phase burnt

This failure occurs when a motor runs wired in
OPERATION delta and current fails in one power supply
conductor. Current rises from 2 to 2.5 times in
The majority of the abnormal situations during the remaining winding with a simultaneous drop
operation that affect the running of electric
of speed. If the motor stops, the current will
motors can be avoided by a predictive increase from 3.5 to 4 times its rated value. In
maintenance. most cases, this defect is due to lack of a
Sufficient ventilation, cleanliness and careful
protective switch, or because this switch has
maintenance are the main factors. A further been set too high.
essential factor is the prompt attention to any
abnormal situation such as vibrations, shaft b) Two winding phases burnt
knocks, declining insulation resistance, smoke This failure occurs when current fails in one
or fire, sparking or unusual slip ring or brush power supply conductor and the motor winding
wear, sudden changes of bearing temperature. is star-connected. One of the winding phases
When failures of an electric or mechanical remains currentless while the other absorb the
nature arise, the first step to be taken is to stop voltage and carries an excessive current. The
the motor and perform a subsequent slip almost doubles.
examination of all mechanical and electrical
parts of the installation. c) Three winding phases burnt.
In the event of having a fire, the motor should be - Probable cause 1:
disconnected from the power supply, which is Motor protected only by fuses. An overload on
normally done by turning off the respective the motor will be the cause of the trouble. As a
switches. consequence, progressive carbonizing of the
In case of starting of fire inside the motor itself, wires and insulation will generate a short
steps should be taken to retrain and suffocate it between turns, or a short against the frame. A
by covering the ventilation openings. To protective switch placed before the motor would
extinguish a fire, dry chemical or CO² easily solve this problem.
extinguishers should be used. Never use water.
- Probable cause 2:
Motor incorrectly connected.
6.1. COMMON FAILURES ON INDUCTION For example: a motor with windings designed for
MOTORS 220/380V is connected through a stat-delta
switch of 380V. The drawn current will be so
Motors built by WEG Máquinas are normally high that the winding will burn out in a few
designed for Class F insulation (155ºC) and for seconds if the fuses or a protective switch
ambient temperatures up to 40ºC(as indicated incorrectly set fail to react promptly.
on the motor nameplate). Most winding failures
occur when temperature limits, due to current - Probable cause 3:
overload, are surpassed throughout the winding The star-delta switch is not commutated and the
or even in only portions thereof. These failures motor continues to run for a certain time
are identified by the darkening or carbonizing of connected to the star under overload conditions.
the wire insulation. As it only develops 1/3 of its torque, the motor
cannot reach rated speed. The increase of slip

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
results in higher ohmic losses arising from the 6.1.4. SLIP RING ROTOR FAILURES
Joule effect. As the stator current, consistent
with the load, may not exceed the rated value for A break in one phase of the rotor winding is
delta connection, the protective switch will not noticed by a strong noise that varies according
react. Consequent to increased winding and to the slip and, in addition, stronger periodical
motor losses the motor will overheat and the stator current fluctuations occur.
winding will burn out. It is possible, but rarely so, that a rupture could
have occurred in the connection between the
- Probable cause 4: winding and the slip ring. However, it is
Failures from this cause are caused by thermal advisable to first check if there is a break in the
overload, due to excessive starts under rheostat starter connection, or even in the part
intermittent operation or to an overly long itself.
starting cycle.
The perfect functioning of motors operating
under these conditions is only assured when the 6.1.5. SHORT BETWEEN TURNS ON SLIP
following values are taken into account. RING MOTORS
a) Number of starts per hour;
b) starting with or without load; This abnormal situation occurs only under
c) Mechanical brake or current inversion; extremely rare circumstances. Depending on the
d) Acceleration of load connected to motor magnitude of the short circuit, the start can be
shaft; violent even if the rheostat is at the first tap of
e) Load torque related to speed during its starting position. In this case, heavy starting
acceleration and braking. currents are not carried through the rings and so
no burn marks will be noticed on them.
The continuous effort withstood by the higher
rotor during intermittent starting brings about
losses which provoke overheating. Under certain 6.1.6. BEARING FAILURES
circumstances, there is a possibility that the
stator winding be subject to damage with the Bearing failure are the most frequent causes for
motor stopped as a result of the heating on the delayed breakdowns.
motor. The most common reasons for this failure are
identified as excessive vibration, incorrect
operation, bad alignment, unbalanced couplings,
6.1.3. ROTOR FAILURES (SQUIRREL CAGE) excessive radial and/or axial loads.
Check item 4.2 for bearing maintenance.
If a motor running under load conditions
produces a noises of varied intensity and
decreasing frequency while the load is 6.1.7. SHAFT BREAKING
increased, the reason, in most cases, will be an
unsymmetrical rotor winding. Although bearings traditionally constitute the
In squirrel-cage motors the cause will nearly weakest. part, and the shafts are designed with
always be a break in one or more of the rotor wide safety margins, it is possible that a shaft
bars; simultaneously, periodical stator current may break by fatigue from bending stress
fluctuations may be recorded. As a rule, this caused by excessive belt tension. In most
defect appears only in molded or die cast cases, breaking occur right behind the drive end
aluminum cages. Failures due to spot heating in bearing.
one or another of the bars in the rotor care are As a consequence of alternating bending stress
identified by blue coloration at the affected induced by a rotating shaft, breaking travel
points. inwards from the outside of the shaft until the
If there are failures in various contiguous bars, point of rupture is reached when resistance of
vibrations and shuddering can occur. When the the remaining shaft cross-section no longer
rotor core gets a blue or violet coloration, it is a suffices. At this point, avoid additional drilling on
sign of overloading. the shaft (fastening screw holes) as such
This can be caused by overly high slip, by too operations tend to cause stress concentration.
many starts or overlong starting cycles. This The replacement of only one or two belts of a
failure can also come from insufficient power belt drive system is frequently a cause of shaft
supply voltage. breaking, besides being an incorrect practice.
Any used and consequently stretched belts on a
drive system, specially those closer to the motor,
while new and unstretched belts are placed on

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
the same drive but farther from the bearing, can
cause shaft stress.



Damaged to bearing and breaking of shafts are

often resulted from inadequate fitting of pulley,
couplings or pinions on the shaft.
These parts "knock" when rotating. The defect
can be recognized by the scratches that appear
on the shaft or the eventual scalelike flaking of
the shaft end. Keyways with edges pitted by
loosely fitted keys can also cause shaft failures.
Poorly aligned couplings cause knocks and
radial and axial shaking to shaft and bearings.
Within a short while, these bad practices cause
the deterioration of the bearings and the
enlargement of the bearing on the drive end
side. In other cases, motor shaft can break.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

NOTE: The following chart presents a list of abnormal situations during motor operation, the probable
cause for such abnormal situations, and the corrective measures. In case of further doubts, contact Weg


- Check commanding board, switch, fuses,
- At least two feeding conductors are
power supply conductors, terminals and
- Motor fails to start, neither coupled, broken, no voltage supply. setting of brushes.
- The rotor is locked. - The brushes might be worn or set
nor uncoupled.
- Brushes problem. incorrectly.
- Bearing is damaged.
- Replace the bearing.
- Do not apply load on the machine during
- Too high load during start. - Measure supply voltage, set the correct
- Supply voltage too low.
- Motor starts very slowly with load and value.
- Too high voltage drop on the feeding
does not reach rated speed. - Check the cross section of the feeding
- Motor starts under no load, but is fails conductors. conductors.
- Rotor bars damaged or interrupted. - Check and repair the rotor winding
when the load is applied .
- One supply conductor remained
(squirrel cage), test the short circuit
interrupted after the starting.
device (slip ring).
- Check the supply conductors.

- Check and repair rotor winding and short-

- Stator current changes with double
- Rotor winding is interrupted. circuit device.
frequency of the slip; during start
- Brushes problem. - Clean, set correctly or replace the
humming can be heard.
- Measure the supply voltage and set it to
- No load current too high. - Supply current too high. the correct value.
- Measure the resistance of all winding
- Rapid overheating of the stator, there - Parallel or in phase connected wires of
phases. Replace the stator core with the
is a humming during the operation. the stator winding are broken.

- Short between turns.

- Areas of heating on the stator - Interruption of conductors connected in - Rewind the motor.
winding parallel or in phase of the stator winding - Remake the connections.
- Poor connection.
- Areas of heating on the rotor. - Interruption in the rotor winding. - Repair the rotor winding, or replace it

- Noise decreases generally with the

- Abnormal noise with motor connected - Mechanical problems. speed drop; see also "Noisy operation
when uncoupled"
to load. - Electric problems.
- Noise disappears when motor is switched
on. Contact the manufacturer

- Check the power transmission, coupling

- Failure in the drive components, or on
and alignment.
the driven machine.
- Align the driving, check the position
- Failure on the gearing.
(coupling) of the gearing.
- Coupling problem.
- Noise occurs when coupled and - Align the motor and the driven machine.
- Foundation is sunk.
disappears when not coupled. - Repair the foundation.
- Poor balancing of the parts or of the
- Test the supply voltage and the noload
driven machine.
- Supply voltage too high.
- Reverse the connections of two phases.
- Direction of rotation is not correct.
- Rebalance the unit.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors
- Clean the air tubes of the cooling
- Poor cooling due to dirty air tubes.
- Load too high.
- Measure the stator voltage, decrease
- Excessive number of starts, or the
the load, use a larger motor.
inertia is too high.
- Reduce the number of starts.
- Voltage too high and consequently
- Do not exceed more than 110% the
also the iron losses are too high.
rated voltage, unless specifications on
- The voltage is too low and
the nameplate are different.
consequently the current is too high.
- Check the voltage supply and the
- One feeding conductor is interrupted,
voltage drop.
or one phase of the winding is
- Overheating of the stator winding with - Check the current in all phases and
make correction.
load. - Rotor is rubbing on the stator.
- Check air gap, operation conditions,
- The operation mode does not
bearings, vibrations.
correspond to the data on the
- Maintain the operation mode as
specified on the nameplate, or reduce
- Electrical load unbalanced (blown
the load.
fuse, incorrect control).
- Verify if there are unbalanced voltages,
- Dirty windings.
or if the two phases are operating.
- Obstructed cooling system.
- Clean.
- Dirty filter.
- Clean the felt of the filter.
- Rotation direction not compatible with
- Analyze the fan in relation to motor
the fan used.
rotation direction.

- Noisy operation continues during

rundown time after switching off the
- Unbalancing.
voltage; rebalance the motor.
- One phase of the stator winding is
interrupted. - Test current input of all feeding
- Dirt in the air gap.
- Remove the dirt and clean the air gap.
- Fastening bolts are loose.
- Tighten and block bolts.
- Unbalancing of the rotor increase after
- Noisy operation when uncoupled. the assembling of the driving - Check balancing.
- Level the foundation.
components. Unbalanced rotor.
- Check the alignment.
- Foundation resonance.
- Motor frame is deformed. - The shaft can be bent, check the
balancing and the eccentricity of the
- Bent shaft.
- Uneven air gap.
- Check if the shaft is bent or if the
bearings are damaged.
- Install heavier conductors on control
- Bring control closer to motor.
- Test circuit with a magneto, or other
- Control circuit conductors too light.
means, and undertake necessary
- Open circuit on rotor circuits.
- Dirt between brush and slip ring.
- Slip ring motor operating at low - Clean slip rings and insulation
- Brushes gripe on brush holders.
speed with external resistance - Incorrect pressure on brushes.
- Select brushes of correct size.
disconnected. - Rough surfaces on slip rings.
- Check pressure on each brush and
- Eccentric rings.
adjust it accordingly.
- High current density on brushes.
- Clean, sand and polish.
- Brushes incorrectly set.
- Machine on lathe or with portable tool
without removing from machine.
- Reduce load or replace brushes.
- Reset brushes correctly.

- Check brush setting, adjust for correct

- Poorly set brushes with insufficient pressure.
- Reduce load or install motor with higher
- Overload.
- Clean rings and reset brushes.
- Slip rings in poor condition.
- Brush sparking. - Oval slip rings. - Polish the slip rings and machine the
same on lathe.
- Excess of vibration. Rough surfaces
- Balance the rotor, check the brushes for
and scored rings.
- Low load causing damage to slip free movement within holders.
- Check origin of vibration and correct it.
- Adjust the brushes to the actual load
requirement and machine the slip rings.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

NOTE: The following chart presents abnormal bearing situations and failures during motor operation, the
probable cause for such abnormal situation and the corrective measures. In certain cases, bearing
manufacturer must be contacted to find out the cause of the failure.


- The motor "snores" during operation. - Damaged bearings. - Replace the bearing.
- Bearing noisy, dull spots, grooves in - Align the bearing and machine the
- Bearing was slanting mounted.
the ball races. bearing seat.
- Cage corrosion, small chips in the - Clean and replace the grease according
- High bearing noise and a high
grease, race failure due to insufficient to the specifications. Replace the
overheating of the bearing.
grease, or inadequate clearance. bearing.

- Remove the grease relief and run the

- Excessive grease.
motor until excess grease is expelled.
- Excessive axial or radial strain on belt.
- Reduce belt tension.
- Bent shaft.
- Have shaft straightened and check rotor
- Overheating of bearings. - Lack of grease.
- Hardened grease cause locking on
- Add grease to bearing.
- Replace bearing.
- Foreign material in the grease.
- Flush out housing and lubricant; regress.

- Dark spots on one side of the ball

- Check the condition between coupling
races subsequently the formation of - Excessive axial strength.
and driving.

- Clean and replace the bearing insulation.

- Dark lines on the ball races or very Install an insulation if there was not any.
- Current on the bearings.
close transversal grooves. - Branch the current avoiding that it
circulates through the bearing.

- If the motor is stopped during a long

- Grooves in the races and - External vibration, mainly when the
period, turn the shaft to an other position
depressions in the division of the motor stopped for a long period of time.
from time to time. This is mainly required
cylindrical elements. - Lack of maintenance during storage.
for spare motors.

The motors listed in this manual are constantly updated. For this reason,
the information here with included may change without prior notice.

Installation and Maintenance Manual for Low and High Voltage Three-Phase WEG Induction Motors

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