Machine Tending Applications
Machine Tending Applications
Machine Tending Applications
Robotic machine tending automation offers a KUKA offers over 300 different robot models The KUKA jet series, is a combination of a linear For more than three decades. With an inno- KUKA was founded in Augsburg, Germany in KUKA Robotics is proud to have become a
variety of benefits: from 5kg to 1,300kg payload capacity, many unit and jointed-arm robot, stands out for its vative drive that has revolutionized industrial 1898 by Johann Keller and Jakob Knappich. The member of the Okuma Partners in THINC.
of which offer unique solutions for machine maximized work envelope. As an alliance of manufacturing. As a ground-breaking source name KUKA is derived from the initial letters of the The goal of Partners in THINC is to provide a
Reduce direct labor costs
tending applications, such as; state-of-the-art linear and jointed-arm robot of new ideas, setting the pace in the develop- company name “Keller und Knappich Augsburg”. complete manufacturing solution to our
Improve spindle utilization
Floor mounted robot designed to tend machi- technology that enables maximum speed in even ment of 6-axis robots, or as a pioneer in PC- KUKA launched into automation in 1956 with the customers.
Automation of secondary processes
nes with front door access the tightest spaces. As a system with extremely controlled programming – KUKA has always construction of automatic welding solutions and
Shelf Mount Robots designed to be riser large and flexible workspaces, offering automa- been ahead of its time. Then as now. And also the delivery of the first multi-spot welding line. - One Source for all the latest in Technology.
mounted and access machines through the ted machine tending and material handling for in the future, with the goal of continuously
Part Marking
top door, allowing operator access to the the most diverse manufacturing processes. consolidating our technological and market In 1973, KUKA positioned itself at the forefront This collaborative environment and
Consistent predictable production
front of the machine KUKA jet – more space for more productivity. leadership and keeping our customers a step of international technical progress with the technology center, created by Okuma
Ability to run machine tool unattended
Overhead Rail Mounted Jet Robots designed ahead of the competition. development of the world’s first industrial robot America Corporation, connects leading
Integrated vision robot guidance
to tend multiple machines from robots on with six electromechanically driven axes. Since technology providers and creates a partner-
linear rails allowing clear floor access for main- then, the KUKA Robot Group has revolutionized ship that will provide the lowest cost, best
tenance and improved housekeeping the world of robotics time and time again. And solution to meet the needs of manufactu-
we’re already working toward the next milestone… ring worldwide.
»The KUKA Robot Group: Your strong partner