The True Cause: of Diamagnetism

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The True Cause

of Diamagnetism

by Miles Mathis

First written September 7, 2019

The causes of diamagnetism and paramagnetism are not known by the mainstream to this day. You can
see this by studying either one for a few hours. The mainstream leads its explanations with the usual
misdirection and cloaking math. See Wikipedia for instance, which simply parrots the textbook
explanations. We start with diamagnetism's “opposite”, paramagnetism. Paramagnetism is said to be
caused by unpaired electrons, which each act like tiny magnets due to their spin. A magnetic field
causes these electrons in the substance to partially align, creating an attraction. If we ask why the
alignment does not last when the field is removed, we are told it is due to thermal agitation, which
constantly rearranges the alignments.

Anyone can see that this is not only insufficient, but totally false. All magnetism and electricity is
supposed to be caused by these alignments, so why do some persist and some not? If thermal agitation
destroys some forms of magnetism, why does it not destroy all forms of magnetism and current? Even
worse, how exactly do electrons cause alignment through empty space? How is the alignment created
mechanically? Isn't this force at a distance, which QED claims to have surpassed? And isn't this just
solution by fiat? Larger areas become magnetic because electrons are tiny magnets? But why are
electrons tiny magnets? How does spin around an axis create magnetism, and thereby attraction or
repulsion? If you study the explanations closely, you soon come to realize nothing is being said. It is
the usual going around in circles, explanation by naming, or explanation by math.

Besides, in other places, they tell us electrons don't really spin. The spins in quantum mechanics are
virtual or intrinsic, meaning they are place-fillers in math. You aren't allowed visualize them as real
spins about real axes. So how do intrinsic spins cause attractions and repulsions? The only answer we
get to that is. . . messenger photons, which can tell larger ions to move closer or further away. Pathetic.

Another problem is that we aren't told why unpaired electrons cause diamagnetism sometimes and
paramagnetism other times. Mercury and Gold are right next to eachother on the Periodic Table, with
79 and 80 electrons, but both are diamagnetic. How can Mercury, at an even number, have an unpaired
electron? Wouldn't it have to have two unpaired electrons? But I have hit this before.

Diamagnetism is even worse, since at Wiki we don't find even the attempt at an explanation. The
authors dodge immediately into math, not even bothering to assign the math to anything. We aren't
sure how the math is meant to explain the phenomenon, so we can be pretty sure it doesn't. Paul
Langevin's math is trotted out as fundamental, but in the next paragraph it is admitted it doesn't even
work in many situations. The only sentence that addresses the question tells us that in diamagnetism,
the electron alignments cause the opposite motion. Yeah, we know that, but how and why? No
We are assured that this “classical” explanation can be rounded out with a “quantum mechanical”
explanation, but of course that isn't true. We have not found it to be true with any other problem, so we
may assume it isn't true here. What they mean is that big operators can be used to fudge a gigantic ugly
solution, but of course those operators are never assigned to anything real. So the solution is
mathematical only, and very poor even as naked mathematics. The math at this level is so squishy they
could prove anything and it opposite simultaneously, and they often do.

The reason this hasn't been solved is that it couldn't be solved without a diagram of the nucleus, and
they didn't have that until I came along. Even now they prefer to ignore me, since I don't have bags of
cash to hand out to them to facilitate my promotion, or new ways to drain the treasury. New physics
isn't about answers, it is about money. But with my new diagrams, we can find a pretty easy answer

It starts with realizing that the nucleus is a charge engine, recycling and channeling real photons
through it all the time. It is these streams of photons that determine everything, not electrons in
orbitals. Yes, there are electrons connected to the nucleus, but they are mainly along for the ride. They
don't determine any of the foundational physics. Photons do. The electrons don't reside in orbitals or
clouds, they reside in defined loops at the pole of a proton in the nucleus. The important electrons pair
up with protons that reside at the nuclear poles.

So, to solve the current problem, we just have to study the nuclear diagrams. To be most efficient, we
will study the diagrams of Copper, Mercury, Gold, Bismuth, and Antimony, which are known to be
diamagnetic. We will also study why superconductors are diamagnetic.
You can ignore the green circles in Copper, which represent neutron positions. We won't need them
here. My Gold diagram is upside down to the two others, since I drew it several years earlier, before I
assigned the south pole to the main charge entry. What you should notice is that Copper, Mercury and
Gold all have very strong carousel levels. The carousel level is the equatorial level. I call it carousel
because it spins equatorially about the nuclear axis. The main line of charge channeling through any
nucleus is pole to equator, like the Earth or Galaxy. Charge comes in at both poles and is flung out
equatorially via the carousel level, due to angular momentum. The nucleus is roughly spherical
(though taller than it is wide), and the centrifugal effect forces charge out along the equator. All
spheres have more angular momentum at the equator than poles, remember.

We have previously seen that Copper and Gold are potential conductors due to the fact that they have
more protons on one pole than the other. The protons at the pole act like fans, pulling charge in. When
you have more protons on one pole than the other, you get charge moving more strongly in one
direction, which aids conduction. If you also have more protons on the poles than in the carousel
positions, you can get through-charge or conducted charge—charge that moves from pole to pole. The
nuclei can then align in that direction, creating long lines of charge, and thereby electricity. When you
have the same number of protons on both poles, you get the potential for magnetism, since the two
charge lines spin eachother up (by real photon collisions) as they meet along the axis.

Photons go in the south pole and antiphotons go in the north pole. They are spinning opposite. But
when opposite spins meet from opposite directions, they are no longer opposite. They are the same.
So, rather than spinning one another down, they spin up. The spins add rather than subtract.*

Mercury isn't as magnetic as it might be for two reasons: one, it has problems bonding to itself, which
also makes it a liquid. That problem also interferes with the alignment, since the polar bonds are
always weak. Two, its diagram is red all round in the fourth level, meaning the pole-to-equator stream
will always be competing with the pole-to-pole stream. Unless the carousel level can be slowed or
stopped, it will be stronger than the axial level. Eight protons are at the poles, while 16 are on the

The strong carousel levels make these elements strongly insulating in the right circumstances. Pole to
equator channeling is the fundamental cause of insulation, you see, since it causes the charge streams to
move in step or taxicab patterns. The charge motion is not linear, therefore it is delayed and weakened,
as a matter of current. This insulating effect is the main cause of diamagnetism, since the main charge
stream of the nucleus is moving 90 degrees to any applied stream that might cause electricity or

Bismuth is only four up from Gold, so it acts in a similar way. Two of the new protons go to the
carousel level, strengthening it even more. Antimony, at number 51, is a Krypton base (9 inner disks
all red), with 15 protons in the outer level. That is blue disks in all outer positions except the north
pole. So we again have a stronger carousel level.

For more, we can look at why Thallium and Lead aren't as diamagnetic as the elements around them.
Thallium is at number 81, so we lose the near-perfect symmetry of Mercury. We can't put this new
proton on the carousel, since it would lopside the nucleus. So it must go on the pole. This makes the
carousel level of Thallium relatively weaker than Mercury. [Thallium is three top, four bottom, and
two each in the inner holes. But the inner holes are plugged into the axis, so they count as polar, not
carousel. In those positions, they are not releasing charge out equatorially, as we have seen before.
Rather, they are plugging those inner holes.]

Lead is similar to Thallium, adding another proton to the pole, thereby weakening the carousel level.
[That is my previous diagram of Lead, which still seems like a good guess. Green is five protons. But
I now think it is possible lead bonds to itself via the inner level. Five bonds well with one in a hole that
can take six, you see. It is a work in progress.]

But this doesn't explain why superconductors are diamagnetic. I have proposed that in
superconduction, the carousel level has been stopped, forcing all charge to move pole-to-pole.
According to my analysis above, shouldn't that create a perfect paramagnet, not diamagnet? No, since
current and magnetism aren't the same thing. Superconduction creates perfect conduction, but not
perfect magnetism. Why? Because conduction is charge moving one way, from south pole to north,
say. But the creation of magnetism requires charge moving both directions, as I have shown previously.
In superconductors, magnetism at the nuclear level is short-circuited, because the anticharge has been
jettisoned. Since the carousel level has been taken toward zero, the magnetic field is nullified. See the
Meissner Effect. A magnetic field can't work in normal ways on a superconductor, since it has nothing
to align to. Therefore, the conducted charge of the superconductor hits the magnetic field like a wall,
causing repulsion. The charge can't be channeled, so it can only bounce off anything it hits.

Well, you will say, if that is true, then Bismuth, with a strong carousel level, should act the opposite of
a superconductor, with none. No, because a superconductor is strongly conducting, while Bismuth in
its normal state is not. This gives us a sort of double-negative (opposite twice) in the math, explaining
why Bismuth and a superconductor act much the same here. The channels in a superconductor are
moving pole to pole, while the channels in Bismuth are moving pole to equator. So Bismuth won't
even try to point its south pole at the magnetic field. Rather, it will align its equator to the magnetic
field, trying to match it. But once it does that, we have repulsion, since in magnetism like fields
repulse. The photons in the charge fields are in parallel planes or lines, spinning the same way, so that
when they collide, they can only spin one another up. This increases the energy in that immediate area,
similar to a rise in charge density (though it is a rise in spin). Greater energy in any area implies a
greater tendency to dissipate that energy, since by the rules of entropy any energy will try to move into
a less dense area. In this case, dissipation looks the same as repulsion, and any quanta in the area will
move apart if they can.

You will say that by this explanation, charge in a Copper wire should cause the wire to dissipate by the
same mechanism. Charge streams are aligned and parallel, and there is an energy rise, therefore the
wire should dissolve. Except that of course Copper wire is not the same as a bit of Bismuth next to a
magnetic field. Copper is previously bound to itself in a solid structure, caused by other bonds, while
Bismuth is not previously bound to the magnetic field. Bismuth is free to move away from the field,
while Copper is not free to move away from itself. However, there is a tendency in Copper wire to
expand when conducting, and it is caused by precisely this mechanism.

My explanation tells us why all elements show some degree of diamagnetism, even when exhibiting
stronger degrees of paramagnetism. All elements have a sort of carousel level, even the smaller ones.
To see this, let us look again at Carbon, which we were studying yesterday.

Although Carbon doesn't have a carousel level, it has a sort of sub-carousel level. Those two blue disks
at the equator are spinning and flinging out charge equatorially, so they act the same as a carousel level,
just weaker. Any equatorial charge stream will be diamagnetic, since the magnetic charge stream of
this nucleus or any other nucleus is polar. That is why magnetism moves with electricity. Both are
qualities of the conducted charge stream. The linear motion of the charge is the E field, the spin of the
(photons in the) charge stream is the B field. But both fields are created and move along the nuclear
pole. As we are seeing, the equatorial charge stream of the nucleus could also be called magnetic, but
it is not what causes the magnetic fields we are familiar with. Those magnetic fields are cohorts of the
electrical field, which is the conducted field, which moves pole to pole.

So you see how the diamagnetic stream is at 90 degrees to the paramagnetic stream. They have some
similarities, since they are both caused by spin, but the spin of each is at a different level. The spin that
creates the diamagnetic stream is at the level of the nucleus, since it is caused by the spin of the nucleus
as a whole. The spin of the paramagnetic stream is at the level of the photon, since it is caused by the
spin of each photon. So the two are not opposite as we are told. They cause the opposite effect in some
situations, but mechanically they are not strictly opposite. They are not even opposite in direction, as
you now see. They are at 90 degrees. They only cause opposite motion in greater fields.

To understand this better, let us return to paramagnetism, which causes an attraction. Paramagnetism is
a weaker form of ferromagnetism, so it must take place along the pole. Again, all elements are
paramagnetic to a degree, even the ones that are more diamagnetic. And we now understand why.
Copper and other nuclei that have more protons on one pole than the other are still paramagnetic to a
degree, and that is because we have opposing charge streams. Copper is stronger in one direction than
the other (about twice as strong), but the anticharge stream is still there in normal circumstances. This
is why Copper shows a minor degree of magnetism, and can show more when forced to do so. If we
create anticharge and force it into Copper's weaker north pole, we can make Copper more magnetic and
less conductive.

The reason we see a lot of elements that are paramagnetic is because a lot of elements have weak
carousel levels. The elements on the left side of the Periodic Table all have weak carousel levels, so
they are more or less paramagnetic. The reason they are not more strongly magnetic is that they do not
have many protons on the poles, either. To get stronger magnetism, you need more protons on the
poles and fewer on the equator. You also need an equal number on each pole. To make the best
magnet, you plug as many protons on the pole as you can, as with restructured Neodymium.

On the way out I will answer the first question we asked above: why does diamagnetism die when the
field is removed? Because the field is a real field of photons, not an alignment of domains or
something like that. It is not caused by electrons spinning, or by unpaired electrons. It is caused by
real streams of photons moving between objects. So if you remove the applied field, the ambient field
moves back in. That is to say, the field of the Earth+the field of objects on the Earth. If you remove an
applied field in an experiment, the object in question does not then exist in a charge vacuum, does it?
No, it exists in whatever field was there before you hit the switch. I will be told they create vacuums
for these experiments, but that doesn't answer since you cannot create a charge vacuum. They only
create ion and molecule vacuums. So once you turn off the machines, the local field moves back in and
the objects re-align to that. The Earth's E field is mostly up, but science labs are normally littered with
other fields, so you end up getting “thermal agitation”.

And ferromagnetism, why doesn't that die? Because the body in question now has charge streams that
are stronger than the Earth's stream at that point. The nuclei have created molecular structures and
channels so strong they cannot be turned by the Earth's field or by other ambient fields. They are
locked into linear charge streams by close and tight linkages (plugs), and they also recycle their greater
streams in some way (by creating closed loops). Which is pretty much to say the charge densities in
the material outweigh the charge densities in the ambient field, and trump it. They persist until a
stronger field is applied to break them.
The ONLY thing that can affect a charge field is a denser or more aligned charge field. Every
element has such a charge field, which is why it persists. Every nucleus is the locus of a very dense
charge field, compressed there by a star or galactic core, and fed each moment by the ambient field.

Since we have seen that diamagnetism is not really either antimagnetism or non-magnetism, we should
ask what happens when we have a non-magnetic substance. How can a substance be non-magnetic?
Well, it can't. All elements channel charge, so all elements are electric and magnetic in some way.
We have seen that some channel pole to pole, aiding conduction, and others channel mainly pole to
equator, aiding insulation, but all of them channel charge. They feed off of it, like little engines, so if
they stopped recycling they would dissolve. So there is no such thing as a non-magnetic substance,
technically. The reason some substances don't move in a magnetic field is that they have balanced their
paramagnetic and diamagnetic responses. In the given circumstances, they are channeling equally in
the two ways, pole to pole and pole to equator, offsetting the apparent attractions and repulsions. In
other words, their energy gains from spin-ups equal their energy losses from spin-downs, giving a
result near zero. Given the local field tension, they don't have enough energy to trump it, and remain
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*I was interested to discover recently that Rankine proposed real spin of molecules as the cause of the wave
motion of light almost 200 years ago, which Maxwell alludes to on p. 236 of his Theory of Heat. So real spin
was once a viable solution to physical problems, and apparently was only buried after Maxwell so conspicuously
failed with his theory of vortices. It was buried even deeper by Bohr and his minions. No one realized that all
such effects were caused not by the spin of ions or molecules, but by the spin of photons, and that these spins
had to be tracked through nuclear channels. Maxwell was also hampered by the belief that light was a field
wave, rather than a spin wave of each photon. No one saw that critical difference before me, or if they did they
have since been buried.

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