Drive Systems With 8C SERIES Brushless Servomotors and 500 Series BIVECTOR Converters
Drive Systems With 8C SERIES Brushless Servomotors and 500 Series BIVECTOR Converters
Drive Systems With 8C SERIES Brushless Servomotors and 500 Series BIVECTOR Converters
with 8C SERIES
Brushless Servomotors
and 500 Series BIVECTOR
In compliance with EEC Directives and marking
Ref. MANIU10.9906 GB
Update 01
Issue September 1999
This document contains confidential information owned by ABB Servomotors S.r.l. With the
acceptance of the present document, the receiver agrees not to reproduce, copy by any
system, or transmit to third parties the document itself and the related information in part or
as a whole and not to allow third parties, for any reason, to carry out any of these actions
without the previous written permission of ABB Servomotors S.r.l.
1.1 Preliminary note
1.2 Reference and standard documents
1.3 Compliance with EEC Directives and marking
1.4 References to safety regulations
1.5 Guidelines on the application of electromagnetic compatibility
1.6 References for technical assistance
For definitions related to power drive systems, used in this manual, see the CEI 301-1 (1997-10) document,
Issue 3977 “Azionamenti elettrici – Dizionario” (Power drive systems – Dictionary); this document also reports the
corresponding English term for each item.
All the bibliographic references are called with a number in brackets.
MANIU10.9906 GB (First Part) – ABB Servomotors S.r.l. Page 1.1
Chapter 1 – Introduction
FIRST ENVIRONMENT [8]: Environment that includes domestic premises. It also includes
establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low voltage power
supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
SECOND ENVIRONMENT [8]: Environment that includes all establishments other than
those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings
used for domestic purposes.
1.2 Reference and standard documents
The main documents (European directives, related Italian legislation of implementation,
normative documents) to which the text of this manual refers are indicated below. The
references in the text are reported between brackets.
1.2.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
[1] Directive 89/336/EEC, “On the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to electromagnetic compatibility” and the subsequent amendments
92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC.
[2] Italian Legislative Decree, 4 December 1992, No. 476 “Attuazione della direttiva
89/336/CEE del Consiglio del 3 maggio 1989, in materia di ravvicinamento delle
legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica, modificata
dalla direttiva 92/31/CEE del Consiglio del 28 aprile 1992” (Directive 89/336/EEC,
“On the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility” and the subsequent amendments 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC).
[3] Italian Legislative Decree, 12 November 1996, No. 615 “ Attuazione della direttiva
89/336/CEE del Consiglio del 3 maggio 1989, in materia di ravvicinamento delle
legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica, modificata
ed integrata dalla direttiva 92/31/CEE del Consiglio del 22 luglio 1993 e dalla direttiva
93/97/CEE del Consiglio del 29 ottobre 1993” (Implementation of the directive
89/336/EEC, 3 May 1989, “On the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to electromagnetic compatibility” changed and integrated by the Directive of
the Council 92/31/EEC, 22 July 1993 and by the Directive of the Council 93/97/EEC,
29 October 1993).
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Legislative Decree repeals the Legislative Decree [2],
excepting article 14, sub-section 2.
1.2.2 Low Voltage Directive
1.3.1 Conditions for compliance with EMC Directives of the drive systems composed by the
500 Series BIVECTOR converters and 8C Series servomotors.
The compliance of the drive systems, defined in the title of this section, with the directives
and/or legislative provisions [1], [2] and [3], related to the Electromagnetic Compatibility, are
only valid under the following conditions.
The drive systems defined in the title of this section are only delivered as PDS (Complex
component), “Restricted distribution” Class, and only sold to professional assemblers to
be included as part of a system or of an installation. The actual EMC behaviour is under the
responsibility of the equipment manufacturer of the system or of the installation, to which the
specific standards apply.
Therefore the CE marking, placed on the converter and the servomotor, only certifies the
compliance of the said components with the directives and the laws specified in section
1.2.2. “Low Voltage Directive”.
The drive systems specified in the title of this section must be installed according to the
instructions contained in Chapter 3 of this manual; provisions indicated in section 1.5
“Application guide to Electromagnetic Compatibility” must also be strictly followed.
The drives defined in the title of this section are intended for use in the “Second
Environment” and in the “First Environment”, remembering the following caution.
CAUTION • The drives with 500 Series BIVECTOR converters size S, type 3, 5 and 9
(see Table 2/1 in Chapter 2) can be used in both environments without input
filters for conducted emissions, because they comply inherently with the EMC
• If the drives with 500 Series BIVECTOR converters size M1, type 13 and 18
and size M2 type 25 (see Table 2/1 in Chapter 2) have to be used in the “First
Environment”, the professional assembler must follow the precautions
described in section, Chapter 3, and he must install filters on the
power supply line.
1.3.2 Compliance of the drive systems with the Directives
Declaration of Conformity
ABB Servomotors declares that, under the conditions specified in this document, in particular
in section 1.3.1, the drive systems composed of the 500 Series BIVECTOR converters and
8C Series servomotors comply with EMC European Directives [1], including the most
recent changes, with the related endorsement Italian legislation [2] and [3], and with the Low
Voltage European Directives [4], [5] and [6]; the applicable regulatory references are
indicated in section 1.2.3.
Certificate of Incorporation
ABB Servomotors, according to what required in the Machine Directive (MD) 89/392 EEC
and subsequent changes, declares that the drive systems, composed of the 500 Series
BIVECTOR converters and 8C Series servomotors, must be installed in accordance with
our installation instructions and must not be put into service until the machinery into which it
is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the Machinery Directive.
WARNING! Dangerous voltage: it signals dangerous situations,
according to subsection 1.4.1, caused by electrical voltages.
WARNING! Generic danger: it signals dangerous situations,
according to subsection 1.4.1, not caused by electrical voltage.
CAUTION This symbol is used to signal a lower danger level than the one
indicated by “WARNING!”. Situations signaled by this symbol could
result in minor injuries to human body or things.
NOTE Sections indicated in this way contain specific warnings, that have
always to be taken into consideration in the commissioning and
operation of the drive systems.
Personnel must refer to the specific documentation supplied by ABB Servomotors, and in
particular to this manual.
For no reason should an unskilled operator work on the terminal block of the converter or
open the servomotor connection box.
For no reason should any person access the internal part of the converter, before at
least two minutes from the power outage.
Potentially lethal voltages are present on a DC intermediate circuit and on the
associated circuits!
On the 500 Series BIVECTOR converter, an appropriate warning placed in a visible place
warns of this danger, according to EN 60204-1 § 6.2.4. Disconnecting device on the power supply
WARNING! Since the converter must be integrated in an electrical
control cabinet, which may contain other equipment, the manual
control power supply disconnecting device, required by EN
60204-2 § 5.3.1, can be shared by all the electrical control cabinet
and must be, in any case, installed by the machine manufacturer.
The arrangement of the components within the electrical control cabinet, both in
terms of positioning and distances, must be carried out to minimize the mutual
influences of the equipment mounted for the electromagnetic noises.
As an example, note that some types of transformers, power chokes or also contactor coils
can generate rather strong fields at short distance.
The power circuit wirings must be physically separated from the driving and control
circuit wirings (signal circuits); the power circuits must be carefully shielded against
signal circuits; this can be achieved by using metal wire channels and metal sheaths
or shielded cables, even power cables, arranged within plastic channels.
As an example, the power circuits (cables provided with U, V, W, R1, R2, R3, R, S, T, 230
V~ end terminals, as shown in Fig. 3-2, Chapter 3) must be physically separated, in the
above mentioned way, from the cables provided with end terminals or connectors with signal
cables, such as DIGITAL I/O, RESOLVER, etc.
All the equipment, for which supplementary units are prescribed in order to comply
with EMC standards, must be provided with these units, mounted according to the
manufacturers prescriptions.
Example: anti-noise units to be mounted in line with AC contactor coils, diodes to be installed
in parallel with relays or DC coil contactors, filters against high frequency conducted noise to
be mounted at the line input of some converters.
Cable shields must end as close as possible to the terminal block; if the shield has to
be connected to ground or sometimes to earth, the connections must be as short as
possible and the conductors must have an adequate section.
Within the electrical control cabinet, it is important that all the panels are connected
one to the other with mechanical connections and that they have low electrical
impedance at high frequencies.
As an example, to achieve this connection, it could be necessary to add locking screws,
remove the paint in the interconnecting points and use special EMC metal gaskets.
1.5.9 Electrical equipment
As stated in section 1.5.7, we refer to the on-site installation, in the final installation of the
machine. For some types of machines (such as small machine tools), the electrical control
cabinet is physically connected to the machine and therefore the on-site electrical equipment
is reduced to the connection of the machine to the power mains. Nevertheless, the electrical
control cabinet is usually placed at a certain distance from the machine, on which the motor
assembly is mounted; sometimes there is also a remote control desk, to which conductors
could be connected.
In this case, since the emission problem is strictly linked to installation factors, the following
recommendations come from good technique standards and from experience in field and
must be basically considered as guidelines and not as sure solutions.
For use in a “Second Environment”, i.e. industrial environments where the low
voltage network does not feed residential buildings, it is necessary to follow the
instructions as per section 1.5; If the drive system is used in a “First Environment”
and for the sizes listed in subsection, Chapter 1, the solutions prescribed in
subsection, Chapter 3, have to be adopted.
(This point is cancelled).
The connections in the electrical control cabinet from the MAINS (R,S,T) terminal
block of the 500 Series BIVECTOR converter and the mains circuit breaker (see
subsection as well as the connection lines from this device and the secondary
of the medium voltage transformer of the plant must avoid voltage drops which can
get the power supply voltage values at converter terminals out of contractual
Sometimes, the low tension power factor compensation systems of the power supply
line can cause problems, with possible resonances.
Carefully study the installation cable routes, minimizing length.
All the metal channels and sheaths and, in general, all the shields, if not otherwise
specified, must be earthed both on the electrical control cabinet side and on the
motor side; the earthing connections must have a largely dimensioned section and
their route must be as short as possible.
This is an EMC specific need, which can seem in contrast with what is often prescribed, that
is to say the need to earth shields at only one side; this prescription requires very efficient
1.6 References for technical assistance
Note For lack of space, some data related to the converter are not contained in the
nameplate. Refer to section 2.4 “500 Series BIVECTOR (CDM) converter specifications”,
Chapter 2.
Table 2/1
500 Series BIVECTOR Size S M1 M2
Type 3 5 9 13 18 25
Power supply: phase to phase rated [VRMS] Three-phase
voltage UVN 400 V -15% ÷ 440 V +10%
50/60 Hz
Auxiliary power supply UAUXNN [VRMS] Single-phase, 230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz
Rated input current IVN
[ARMS] 3,8 5,7 9,4 13,8 19 26,5
Rated output voltage UaN1
[VRMS] Three-phase, 400 V
Output continuous current IaN
[ARMS ] 3,5 5,3 8,8 13 18 25
Output continuous power
[kVA] 2,4 3,6 5,5 9 12,4 17,3
@ U VN = 400 V
Output continuous power
[kVA] 2,6 4 6 9,9 13,7 19
@ U VN = 440 V
Overload time
[s] 1,8
@ I aM = 2 x I aN
Power dissipation @ IaN (excluding
[W] 100 130 180 270 360 485
possible brake internal resistor)
Ambient temperature [°C] +5 ÷ +40
Maximum ambient temperature [°C] 55
Derating in the 40÷55 °C range [%/ °C] 2,5
Humidity [%] max 85 (condensation is not allowed)
Altitude [m a.s.l.] 1000
Maximum altitude [m a.s.l.] 2000
Derating in the
[%] 1% every 100 m
1000 ÷ 2000 m a.s.l. range
Weight [kg] 4,6 8,6 10,5
Dimensions See Fig. 3-1b
Table 2/2
01 Processor HITACHI H8/3003
02 IGBT IPM module
03 Switching frequency 10 kHz
04 Encoder emulator Configurable: pulses/rev., width and position of
the North Marker
05 Multiturn positioner Absolute, time optimal based
06 Synchronization (high dynamic) Phase control, variable gear ratio
07 Special functions “On-fly” tables change, homing, jog, limit switch
protection (hardware and software)
08 Autotuning functions currently being prepared
09 Digital and analog inputs 10 digital inputs (2 dedicated and 8
configurable), 2 differential analog inputs
10 Digital and analog outputs 7 digital outputs (1 relay and 6 configurable), 2
analog outputs
11 Serial interface RS232 / RS485
Table 2/1 indicates the size and some features of power section, while Table 2/2 specifies
some technical performance of the series. As far as UVN power supply voltage is concerned,
note that power supply source should have a maximum value of the internal impedance such
as to allow the power supply voltage at converter terminals, under overloading conditions,
not to be less than 360 V. For the meaning and the use of functions, listed in Table 2/2, see
the Second Part of this manual.
Table 2/3
Servomotor Speed Sealed bearing type Radial load Axial load Distance
type [rpm] FR [N] FA [N] z
(1) Values for simultaneous axial stresses are available on request.
(2) Values for versions with integrated brake (special versions) are available on
(3) The permissible axial load values refer to the FA force direction towards the
motor; for reverse direction a reduction is necessary (values are available on
WARNING For motors provided with brake, if axial loads are present, please contact
the Customer Service.
WARNING Taking into consideration the foreseen duration, FR radial loads must not
exceed the values indicated, even for a transient period (accelerations,
decelerations). In particular, shocks caused, for example, by the
assembling of mechanical parts (couplings, keys, nuts, etc.) on the shaft
end are not allowed.
2.5.3 Overall dimensions
The overall dimensions drawings of 8C Series servomotors are shown in Fig. 2-2; Fig. 2-2a
is referred to the version with the power connector as well as the signal connector; the Fig.
2-2b is referred to the version with the signal connector and connection box for power
connections (available only for 8C4 and 8C5); the mm dimensions related to the a.m.
drawings are shown in Table 2/4.
Fig. 2-2b: Overall dimension drawings of 8C Series servomotors with connection box
(only for 8C4 and 8C5)
Table 2/4
8C1.1 185
8C1.2 xx0xxxxxSE3M 212 80 60 2,5 75 M5x10 / / 100 16 j6 40 M5x12,5 5 18 83 80 -
8C1.3 239
8C1.4 266
8C1.1 185
8C1.2 xx1xxxxxSG3M 212 100 95 3 115 Ø10 / / 140 19 k6 40 M6x16 6 21,5 83 80 -
8C1.3 239
8C1.4 266
8C1.1 185
8C1.2 xx2xxxxxSC3M 212 90 80 3 100 Ø7 / / 120 14 k6 30 M5x12,5 5 16 83 80 -
8C1.3 239
8C1.4 266
8C4.0 220
8C4.1 251
8C4.2 xx0xxxxxSG3M 276 118 110 3,5 130 Ø10 / / 150 19 j6 40 M6x16 6 21,5 91 118 116
8C4.3 299
8C4.4 332
8C4.0 220
8C4.1 251
8C4.2 xx1xxAxxSG3M 276 118 95 3 115 Ø10 / / 150 19 k6 40 M6x16 6 21,5 91 118 116
8C4.3 299
8C4.4 332
8C4.0 220
8C4.1 251
8C4.2 xx9xxxxxSL3M 276 140 130 3,5 165 Ø12 / / 190 24 j6 50 M8x19 8 27 91 118 116
8C4.3 299
8C4.4 332
8C5.0 266
8C5.1 xx0xxAxxSL3M 296 24 j6 50 M8x19 8 27
8C5.2 326
8C5.3 356 148 130 3,5 165 Ø12 / / 190 106 148 133
8C5.4 xx0xxxxxSN3M 387 32 k6 58 M12x28 10 35
8C5.5 418
8C5.6 447
8C5.0 266
8C5.1 xx4xxxxxSL3M 296 M 24 j6 50 M8x19 8 27
8C5.2 326 8
8C5.3 356 148 110 4 165 Ø12 130 x 190 106 148 133
8C5.4 xx4xxxxxSN3M 387 1 32 k6 58 M12x28 10 35
8C5.5 418 2
8C5.6 447
The motor code (or better, the motor assembly code) is made of a combination of letters
and/or digits. In the “TYPE” column of Table 2/4, the first two positions (8C) indicate the
series, the third position indicates the axis height (1, 4, etc.), the forth indicates the motor
size (1, 2, etc.) related to axial length, the sixteenth indicated the servomotor/converter
matching (letter E: 300 Series BIVECTOR, letter M: 500 Series BIVECTOR).
The other letters/digits indicate further specifications of the servomotor.
2.5.4 8C Series servomotor technical specifications
The most important performance data of 8C Series servomotors are shown in Table 2/5,
while data mainly related to the electrical features of the series are illustrated in Table 2/6.
Note that all of these data are provided for information, but only a part of them is currently
used by users.
Table 2/5
Continuous Current at Rated Rated Rated Mechanical Peak Current at Motor
torque at continuous torque current speed rated torque peak current
zero speed torque power torque limit
TYPE M0 I0 MN IN nN PN Mmax Imax Ilimit
[Nm] [A] [Nm] [A] [revi/min] [kW] [Nm] [A] [A]
(4) (3) (1) (2) (3) (3) (1) (2) (3) (3) (1)
8C1.1.30... ..M 1,3 1,4 1,2 1,3 3000 0,38 4,6 5,5 9,3
8C1.1.60... ..M 1,3 2,1 1,05 1,8 6000 0,66 4,6 8,1 13,8
8C1.2.30... ..M 2,5 2,5 2,2 2,3 3000 0,69 8,8 9,7 16,4
8C1.2.60... ..M 2,5 3,1 1,8 2,4 6000 1,13 8,8 12,2 20,7
8C1.3.30... ..M 3,6 2,4 3,1 2,2 3000 0,97 12,6 9,3 15,8
8C1.3.60... ..M 3,6 4,3 2,3 2,9 6000 1,45 12,6 16,7 28,3
8C1.4.30... ..M 4,5 2,8 3,8 2,5 3000 1,19 15,8 10,8 18,4
8C1.4.60... ..M 4,5 4,9 2,5 3,0 6000 1,57 15,8 19,2 32,5
8C4.0.15... ..M 4 1,5 3,9 1,5 1500 0,61 14 5,8 9,9
8C4.0.30... ..M 4 2,8 3,6 2,6 3000 1,13 14 10,8 18,3
8C4.1.15... ..M 7,5 2,6 7,2 2,6 1500 1,13 26,3 10,3 17,5
8C4.1.30... ..M 7,5 4,7 6,5 4,3 3000 2,04 26,3 18,3 31,1
8C4.2.15... ..M 10 3,4 9,4 3,4 1500 1,48 35 13,4 22,7
8C4.2.30... ..M 10 6,1 8,4 5,4 3000 2,64 35 23,8 40,4
8C4.3.15... ..M 12,2 4,1 11,5 4,0 1500 1,81 42,7 15,9 26,9
8C4.3.30... ..M 12,2 7,6 10 6,6 3000 3,14 42,7 29,5 50,0
8C4.4.15... ..M 15,1 4,9 14 4,8 1500 2,2 52,9 19,2 32,5
8C4.4.30... ..M 15,1 8,5 12,2 7,3 3000 3,83 52,9 33,0 56,1
8C5.0.15... ..M 12,2 4,2 11,6 4,1 1500 1,82 42,7 16,3 27,7
8C5.0.30... ..M 12,2 8,0 10 6,8 3000 3,14 42,7 31,0 52,6
8C5.1.15... ..M 16,9 5,3 16 5,1 1500 2,51 59,2 20,5 34,7
8C5.1.30... ..M 16,9 11,0 13 8,8 3000 4,08 59,2 43,0 72,9
8C5.2.15... ..M 21,5 7,5 20 7,1 1500 3,14 75,3 29,3 49,7
8C5.2.30... ..M 21,5 14,1 16 10,9 3000 5,03 75,3 54,6 92,7
8C5.3.15... ..M 25,8 8,4 23,5 7,8 1500 3,69 90,3 32,8 55,6
8C5.3.30... ..M 25,8 15,6 18,5 11,6 3000 5,81 90,3 60,5 102,7
8C5.4.15... ..M 30 9,8 27 9,0 1500 4,24 105 38,1 64,7
8C5.4.30... ..M 30 17,8 21 13,0 3000 6,6 105 69,3 117,6
8C5.5.15... ..M 34,1 11,9 30,5 10,9 1500 4,79 119 46,4 78,8
8C5.5.30... ..M 34,1 21,2 22,7 14,8 3000 7,13 119 82,5 140,1
8C5.6.15... ..M 38,2 12,5 33 11,0 1500 5,18 134 48,5 82,4
8C5.6.30... ..M 38,2 23,4 24 15,5 3000 7,54 134 91,0 154,5
(1) Current values shown in table are RMS values.
(2) Tolerance ± 5%.
(3) Duty type S1, ambient temperature mounted on 40°C, steel flange (dim.
300x300x20 mm), altitude ≤ 1000 m above sea level.
(4) See Note to Table 2/4 about the servomotor code.
Table 2/6
Torque constant B.e.m.f. between Resistance at Inductance at Moment of Weight
phases at rated terminals terminals inertia of
TYPE speed rotor
Kt0 V RUV LUV Jm m
[Nm/A] [V] [Ω] [mH] [kgcm2] [kg]
(5) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (3) (4) (3) (6)
8C1.1.30... ..M 1,05 190 20,8 47 0,9 3,1
8C1.1.60... ..M 0,71 257 9,07 21 0,9 3,1
8C1.2.30... ..M 1,14 208 6,85 23 1,65 4,1
8C1.2.60... ..M 0,90 328 4,26 14 1,65 4,1
8C1.3.30... ..M 1,71 310 8,33 31 2,35 4,9
8C1.3.60... ..M 0,95 346 2,60 9,6 2,35 4,9
8C1.4.30... ..M 1,84 333 6,27 25 3 5,8
8C1.4.60... ..M 1,04 376 2,02 8 3 5,8
8C4.0.15... ..M 3,04 276 29,3 113 5 6,9
8C4.0.30... ..M 1,63 296 8,51 33 5 6,9
8C4.1.15... ..M 3,22 292 10,7 52 9,4 9,2
8C4.1.30... ..M 1,81 328 3,22 16 9,4 9,2
8C4.2.15... ..M 3,30 299 6,76 38 12,8 10,8
8C4.2.30... ..M 1,85 336 2,12 12 12,8 10,8
8C4.3.15... ..M 3,40 308 5,13 30 16 12,4
8C4.3.30... ..M 1,83 332 1,46 8,7 16 12,4
8C4.4.15... ..M 3,48 316 3,76 24 20,5 14,8
8C4.4.30... ..M 2,02 366 1,30 8 20,5 14,8
8C5.0.15... ..M 3,30 300 5,71 44 21 15
8C5.0.30... ..M 1,74 315 1,58 12 21 15
8C5.1.15... ..M 3,65 331 3,65 32 30,2 18,3
8C5.1.30... ..M 1,74 315 0,82 7,3 30,2 18,3
8C5.2.15... ..M 3,25 294 1,91 19 40 21,9
8C5.2.30... ..M 1,74 315 0,55 5,3 40 21,9
8C5.3.15... ..M 3,48 315 1,59 17 49,2 25,3
8C5.3.30... ..M 1,88 342 0,46 4,9 49,2 25,3
8C5.4.15... ..M 3,48 315 1,23 13 59 28,6
8C5.4.30... ..M 1,91 347 0,38 4,1 59 28,6
8C5.5.15... ..M 3,25 294 0,89 9,8 68,4 32
8C5.5.30... ..M 1,83 331 0,28 3,1 68,4 32
8C5.6.15... ..M 3,48 315 0,86 9,7 78 35,4
8C5.6.30... ..M 1,85 336 0,24 2,8 78 35,4
(1) All parts of motor at 20°C.
(2) Voltage and current values are RMS values.
(3) Tolerances ±5 %.
(4) Tolerances ±10 %.
(5) See Note to Table 2/4 about the servomotor code.
(6) Rotor inertia can be increased on request.
Table 2/7
Technical data related to the permanent magnet brakes
Power supply voltage: 24 VDC; Tolerance: ±10%
TYPE Holding torque Moment of inertia Weight Excitation current
Mbr Jbr M Ibr
[Nm] [kgcm²] [kg] [A]
8C1.1.30 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.1.60 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.2.30 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.2.60 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.3.30 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.3.60 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.4.30 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C1.4.60 2 0,4 0,4 0,5
8C4.0.15 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.0.30 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.1.15 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.1.30 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.2.15 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.2.30 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.3.15 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.3.30 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.4.15 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C4.4.30 10 4 1,2 0,75
8C5.0.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.0.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.1.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.1.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.2.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.2.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.3.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.3.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.4.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.4.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.5.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.5.30 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.6.15 18 11 2 0,9
8C5.6.30 18 11 2 0,9
Brakes with higher torques are available on request with following features:
motor type 8C1: 4 Nm
motor type 8C4: 20 Nm
motor type 8C5: 36 Nm
The addition of the above mentioned brakes does not increase servomotor length.
(1) The peak torque provided by the PDS is limited by the converter maximum
current value. On request, it is possible to create servomotor/converter
matchings or windings to allow the PDS to supply higher peak torques (see
Table 2/5)
(2) Mmn: it si the maximum peak torque (except for rotational losses) the PDS can
supply, at rated speed, with a rated value of the power supply voltage.
(3) The operational curves representing the continuous and intermittent operating
torque at various speeds are available on request.
(4) See Note to Table 2/4 about the servomotor code.
3.1 General
As described in Chapter 2, the power drive system (PDS) is generally made up of different
physically separated components, basically connected by electric wires. Therefore, the
installation of the whole drive system begins with the mechanical installation of its individual
components, followed by the laying of cables and the related connection to the various
terminal blocks and/or connectors.
The following sections provide first of all a detailed description of the basic components1
mechanical installation and, subsequently, of the drive system electrical installation.
See section 2.1, Chapter 2.
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
Based on what explained above, not only is it necessary to avoid placing the converter too
close to foreign objects, in order to provide for cooling air flow circulation, and to keep it far
from heat sources, but it is also necessary to calculate the power dissipated inside the metal
cabinet and take appropriate cooling measures to keep the temperature inside the cabinet
within the prescribed limit.
A 30 mm 30 mm
L 150 mm
Fig.3-1a: 500 Series
Dimensions Size S Size M1 Size M2
BIVECTOR converter front
[mm] (3 – 5 – 9) (13 – 18) (25)
A 91 96 124
B 300 321 325
C 324 347 352
D 336 359 366
E 248 333 309
The strict definitions of the IM code numbers are laid down in CEI EN 60034-7 (1993), number 2179 E; the
practical meaning is provided below.
IMB5: flange mounted with passing holes on the flange, horizontal.
IMV1: flange mounted with passing holes on the flange, vertical, shaft down.
IMV3: flange mounted with passing holes on the flange, vertical, shaft up.
IMB14: flange mounted with tapped blind holes on the flange, horizontal.
IMV18: flange mounted with tapped blind holes on the flange, vertical, shaft down.
IMV19: flange mounted with tapped blind holes on the flange, vertical axis, shaft up.
Upon request, 8C1.x.xx.0..x.x.x.x.x.S.x.3.M servomotors are also available with IMB5, IMV1 and IMV3 design.
WARNING! This oil sealer shall be installed (by the user or by ABB
Servomotors on request) only if the motor shaft and the oil sealer
itself are actually wet by oil. If lubricating fluids other than common
mineral and synthetic oils are used and in case of over-pressure of
these fluids, ABB Servomotors should be contacted.
3.4.1 Introduction
After completing the mechanical installation of the 500 Series BIVECTOR converter and of
the 8C Series servomotor, as well as of the additional components described under 2.2 of
Chapter 2, the cables for the various equipment are to be connected.
The notes provided under 1.5.7 of Chapter 1, concerning the distinction between electrical
wiring inside the electrical cabinet and external system, apply here as well; the external
system can in turn be divided into two parts: system on the machine and on-site electrical
system which is installed by the construction electrician at the machine final installation
This manual does not obviously indicate the specific procedures for the installation of the
various electrical system parts, except for the particular instructions relating to the use of
power drive systems, as was the case under 1.5.7 of Chapter 1 with regard to EMC issues.
With respect to the installation aspects, please note:
- the connection diagrams, included in this manual (for example Fig. 3-2), are basic
diagrams; it is necessary to provide for standardized diagrams, with all the required
- the maximum allowable length of the connection cables, when indicated, refers to the
overall length of the various cable stretches;
- in some particular cases it may be necessary to avoid interrupting the cable with
intermediate terminals.
It is advisable to examine the power cable connections and signal connections separately;
please note that by the latter term we indiscriminately refer to conductors of various kind,
able to carry analog, logical and digital signals.
3.4.2 Power cable installation
As showed in Fig. 3-2, the power cables are:
- converter input power supply cables (three-phase power supply and single-phase
auxiliary power supply);
- converter output cables for the motor assembly (see item;
- converter output cables for the external braking resistor (only if the resistor is actually
In this respect, see for example the reference to regulations [7] and standard CEI 44-6 “Equipaggiamenti
elettrici di macchine industriali Parte 2: Designazione dei componenti ed esempi di disegni, schemi, tabelle,
istruzioni” (Electrical equipment of industrial machines Part 2: Components designation and examples of
drawings, diagrams, tables, instructions); this standard conforms to Modification 1 of standard CENELEC EN
Page 3.4 ABB Servomotors S.r.l. – MANIU10.9906 GB (First Part)
Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
Case A
Case B
To PE of the installation
Fig. 3-2: Power supply and related drive system connection diagram Auxiliary power supply
BIVECTOR side connections connect to: External connection
SUPPLY AUX terminal block single-phase transformer secondary
no. 2 terminals at 230 V~ (TC), 230 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 40 VA
1 - WARNING! The auxiliary power supply single-phase line must be protected by an
automatic circuit breaker or, as shown in Fig. 3-2, by two fuses (F2); the use of a
disconnecting switch (QS2) can also be useful. These devices need to be sized based on
the TC transformer power rating.
2 - WARNING! It is not allowed to use an autotransformer instead of the TC transformer,
because the auxiliary circuit must have a galvanic insulation from any other circuit and
MANIU10.9906 GB (First Part) – ABB Servomotors S.r.l. Page 3.5
Chapter 3 – Drive system installation Connection of the mains filter (only for BIVECTOR size M1 and M2, used in First
With reference to Chapter 1, item, if the drive system with BIVECTOR size M1 or
M2, (see Table 2/1) is to be installed in a “First Environment”, the mains connection needs to
be provided with an appropriate line filter, installed on the connection to factory electrical net.
No filter is required when a drive system with 500 Series BIVECTOR size S (type 3A – 5A –
9A) is to be installed.
When many converters BIVECTOR size M1 and/or M2 are in one installation, it is useful and
advisable to use only one filter for all converters; therefore the filter input must be connected
to three phase power line and all converters must be connected in parallel to the filter output.
In this case it is necessary to size the filter according to: a) the sum of the apparent powers
(rated power as well as peak power) of all converters; b) the simultaneous operation
function; c) the duty type of each drive system.
400 VAC L3 L3’
E E’
To PE of the installation
Fig. 3-3 shows, for instance, the filter connection diagram for two converters. The filter
needs to be installed as close as possible to the converters, so that the connections between
R, S and T of two converters and connections L1’, L2’, L3’ on the “LOAD” side of the filter
are as short as possible. It is useful to connect the cables coming from the converters
directly on the filter terminal block; it is allowed to use an intermediate terminal block, on
condition that the cables between the filter and the converters are as short as possible and
the cable size is suitable.
Of paramount importance is the connection between the BIVECTOR converter earth
(marked by the earth symbol in Fig. 3-2 and in Fig. 3-3), the earth E and E’ of the filter and
the installation PE. These earth connections have to be performed as shown in Fig. 3-3,
with cable section not smaller than the transformer power cable and with short routes.
Please contact the Customer Service for the available filter codes for BIVECTOR size M1
and M2.
The type of resistors compliant with standards can be purchased from ABB Servomotors;
see codes and features in Table 3/2.
For the connection between the converter and the resistor, use cables with section at least
equal to the section of power supply cables; the cables must be twisted and as short as
possible; the maximum length must be 2 m. The route of these cables must be such as to
prevent any interaction with other signal or power cables.
In order to choose the features (resistance and power) of the braking resistor, both internal
and external, it is necessary to know quite in detail the driven load conditions. A possible way
to obtain the required values is suggested below. First of all some fundamental data need to
be remembered.
a) The drive system consisting of 8C Series servomotors and 500 Series BIVECTOR
converters is characterized by four quadrant operation, with dissipating braking (or
dynamic)3; this means that, during the cycle phases where there is a deceleration, the kinetic
See items 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 of CEI 301-1 1997-10 “Power drive systems – Dictionary”.
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
energy of the motor and of the connected mechanical load is converted into electric energy
which is dissipated on a resistor.
b) The BIVECTOR converter power circuit can be represented as in the diagram of Fig. 3-4;
DI is a three-phase diode bridge, which rectifies the input AC current and powers the DC
intermediate circuit IC, where the capacitor C and the braking circuit CF are located; CO is
the power converter in the strict sense of the word, whose variable frequency AC output
supplies the servomotor.
+ R2
- CF
T R1 W
Inside the braking circuit CF, IE is an electronic switch (for example an IGBT) used to adjust
the braking current, RFI is a braking internal resistor, RFE is the optional external braking
resistor, while R1, R2 and R3 are the terminals mentioned under; as clearly
illustrated in Fig. 3-4 and as deduced from the connections prescribed in the above
mentioned section, one or the other resistor can be used.
The adjusting circuit controlling I.E. depends on the VBUS voltage to the C capacitor ends
(rated value: 565 VDC @ input voltage UVN = 400 VAC); the CF circuit trip threshold is 775 VDC.
If the power generated by the braking motor exceeds the power that can be dissipated by
resistor RFI or by resistor RFE and the VBUS voltage rises beyond 775 VDC, an alarm circuit,
not represented in Fig. 3-4, stops the operation of the entire converter4.
c) The braking power can be established based, for example, on the mechanical
performance required by the load5. It can be constant over time or slowly change as in the
drive mechanisms of continuous cycle machines (e.g. paper machines, printing machines) or
- as is more frequently the case for operating machines - there can be repetitive cycles with
periods of acceleration, constant speed, deceleration. A simple example of braking cycle is
provided in Fig. 3-5.
See second Part of the manual, alarm O.1 “Overvoltage DC Bus_HW”.
The mechanical power, expressed in [W], results from PM = T ω, where torque T is expressed in [Nm] and the
motor angular speed ω in [rad/s].
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
[kW ]
t [s]
t off P fm
t tot
The braking power is in the negative half plane, because in this case the motor acts as
generator. In Fig. 3-5, ttot is the overall cycle duration, ton the actual braking duration and toff
the time when there is no braking (but there could be, for example, acceleration or constant
speed). During ton the braking power value PFP remains constant and is defined as “peak
power”; the braking power cycle average value is indicated with Pfm.
In more complex cycles, the power average value needs to be adequately calculated,
considering the different peak values and related duration:
Pfm = Σ (PFPi ⋅ toni) I ttot .
For the sake of simplicity, it is suggested to divide complex cycles into sub-cycles as
illustrated in Fig. 3-5.
d) To correctly use the braking circuit, it is necessary to abide by all the three following
d1) PFP can never exceed the PPEAK value of Table 3/2
d2) ton must always be lower or equal to TP(PEAK) of Table 3/2
d3) the cycle average value Pfm must be lower or equal to the PCONT value of Table
Table 3/2
Size S Size M1 Size M2
3-5-9A 13 - 18 A 25 A
Internal External Internal External External
Quantities resistor resistor resistor resistor resistor
Resistance [Ω] 75 75 54 54 38
PCONT. [W] 120 max. 1000 200 max. 1500 max. 2000
PPEAK [W] 7000 7000 10000 10000 16500
Tp(PEAK) [s] 0,6 0,8 0,6 0,8 0,8
Tp(0) [s] 35 (see Note 2) 30 (see Note 2) (see Note 2)
1) time tP(0) corresponds to time toff of Fig. 3-8, when PFP = PPEAK.
2) tp(0) = (PPEAK /PCONT – 1)*tp(PEAK)
3) please contact the Customer Service (see section 1.6.4) when the external brake resistor
is used.
Fig. 3-6 shows the electric diagram of motor assembly components, with terminal
identification either in the case a) (digit in the square) or in the case b) (letter in the circle).
The specific connections are showed in next items.
Fig. 3-7a: Front view of the power connector Fig. 3-7b: Front view of the signal connector
when right-angled fixed on the motor frame when right-angled fixed on the motor frame
See section 2.4 in Chapter 2.
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
Earth connected to
pin 3 of signal connector
Fig. 3-8a: Connection box (only for 8C4 e 8C5) Fig. 3-8b: Fixed on the connection box
signal connector (only for 8C4 e 8C5) Connection to servomotor
Case a) (power connector on the motor)
BIVECTOR side connections Motor assembly side connection
MOTOR terminal block Power connector (Fig. 3-7a)
Terminal U connect to: pin 3
Terminal V connect to: pin 1
Terminal W connect to: pin 4
The connection cables must be connected, motor assembly side, to a suitable female plug
connector (code on request), which is to be inserted on the power connector when right-
angled fixed on the motor frame.
1 – For cable connections, the connection box contains a kit of loose nuts and washers.
2 – The cable must be introduced into the box through the PG21 hole (see Fig.2-2b) using
an adequate cable gland.
Notes for both cases a) and b)
1 - At least for the route between the electrical control cabinet and the motor, it is suggested
to use a shielded four-pole cable (three-phases + yellow-green), with appropriate section for
the 500 series BIVECTOR converter output rated current. For each size, see values
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
indicated in Table 2/1 of Chapter 2. For these connections it is also possible to use metal
sheath cables. In any case, the external shield must be connected to the motor earth.
2 - It is important to keep in mind that it is necessary to strictly observe what described in
section 1.5 of Chapter 1 “Application guide to electromagnetic compatibility ”.
Table 3/3
Cable code Length [m]
8 4
PTC Signals 12
If users prefer to prepare the complete cable by themselves, cabling the flying connectors,
the following rules should be observed:
a) the assembly must be performed by skilled personnel;
b) only ABB Servomotors S.r.l. approved cable type can be used, code 16080125;
connections must be those described in Fig. 3-9;
c) only flying connectors can be used, which are supplied on request;
d) the prescriptions contained under section 1.5 “Guidelines on the application of
electromagnetic compatibility” of Chapter 1 must be complied with;
e) for no reason should the cable be interrupted between the motor assembly
connector and the converter connector: no intermediate terminal blocks and/or
connectors are allowed;
f) the maximum cable length must not exceed 30 m;
g) if, for special reasons, a non-approved type of cable needs to be used, the Customer
Service should be contacted (see section 1.6). Connection to the thermal sensor
Inside the motor a PTC thermal sensor is provided; this device informs the BIVECTOR
control circuit about a possible overtemperature of the motor. The connection of the PTC
sensor to the converter is made through the resolver cable see Table 3/4.
The incorrect connection of the thermal sensor prevents the drive system from operating.
In the standard version of Series 8C servomotors only the PTC sensor is provided; it is
possible to supply a special version of the servomotor, in which a thermal switch – instead
the PTC thermal sensor - is included. This special version is identified by the fifteenth digit in
the motor code. For the special version, the shielded bipolar cable, connecting the thermal
switch to the converter, must be connected to terminal block TH MOT (see Fig.3-1a) and
absolutely it cannot be connected to the signal connector. For this special application please
contact Customer Service. Brake connections at the motors axis (only if the brake option is available)
When the brake option is available, the connection must be performed observing the
WARNING! The brake management is fully under the care and
responsibility of the electrical control cabinet manufacturer. The
installed brake is a safety brake and so it is operating (i.e. it brakes)
when it is not powered. It is therefore absolutely necessary for the
motor to be free (without brake) before being powered, so the logic of
the electrical control cabinet must provide for a timely and adequate
power supply to the brake, also checking that during the servomotor
operation the brake is always powered.
All the electrical and mechanical data relating to the brakes are reported in Table 2/7, for the
various servomotor sizes. In this respect, it must be remembered:
a) the brake is powered by DC current, coming from a power supply (not included in the
drive system supply) having adequate power and the specified voltage tolerance;
b) the power supplied to the brake must come from a mains separated circuit;
c) the connections of the power supply circuit must be compliant with what indicated under
section 3.3;
d) the power supply polarity must absolutely be respected (positive pole on terminal D
and negative pole on terminal E): exchanging the poles means failure of supply and
therefore a braking action on the motor.
3.4.3 Signal cable installation Warning
As shown in Fig. 3-1a, the 500 Series BIVECTOR converter front features 4 terminal blocks,
4 drawer connectors and an earth terminal. The previous sections have specified
connections that depend on the power terminal block (MOTOR, BRAKE, MAINS, AUX
SUPPLY), on the TH MOT terminal block and on the RESOLVER connector.
In this section, the connections depending on the other terminal blocks and connectors will
be presented– essentially from an installation point of view. Please note that the information
provided on the type of signals and their management, with regard to the various
connections, is exclusively meant as useful guidance for electrical installation purposes; for
the complete description of the control and monitoring functions and related software, refer
to the Second Part of Manual “Commissioning and use”.
Table 3/5
Type Maximum distance Some features
RS-232-C 20 m Single-point Full-duplex single-pole
RS-485 1000 m Multi-point Half-duplex differential
Fig. 3-10 shows the flying connector (500 Series BIVECTOR side) of the connection cable
for external devices, as well as the pin numbering, for the connection in the two different
cases; as can be seen, the references GND (ground) and SHIELD (shield) are controlled by
the same pins, whereas the active conductors are controlled by pairs of pins, different for
each type of protocol.
This connection is designed to connect, alternatively, the following equipment:
A) KEY-B type control keyboard;
B) Personal computer (PC);
C) Any other equipment with serial input.
B – Connection with PC
The PC must be equipped with a RS232-C serial port and be DOS compatible; connection
requires a cable prepared by the installer in accordance with Fig. 3-11 diagram which must
not be longer than 20 m. On the converter side, the flying connector is male, while on the PC
it is normally female and must be connected to a serial port.
This connection is particularly important because, as described in the Second Part, one of
the most convenient way to install, control and monitor the drive system is a special
program, called BIVCOM, installed on a PC, connected to the BIVECTOR through the
hereby described connection.
TX ( RS232 )
SERIAL 2 2 RS232/RS485
LINE RX ( RS232 )
3 3
5 5
G 4 4 S
RS232/RS485 RS232/RS485
N 8 8 H
D 5 5 I 5 9 8 1 CONNECTOR 5 9 8 1 CONNECTOR
A B E 4 4 4 4
L 8 8 8 8
D 5 5 5 5
(PC, Controller,
PLC, etc. )
6 nA
7 nB
R 3 NM
8 nNM
5 Shield
Through digital signals, this output provides the rotor angular position against the servomotor
stator. Therefore it can be considered equivalent to that provided by an incremental binary
encoder. The signal provided by this output is shown in Fig. 3-14; while this part provides
some hardware-related data, for the meaning and use of the signals refer to the Second Part
of this manual.
The nine pins (see Fig. 3-13) should be connected as follows:
- six are used for the outputs in the strict sense of the word (as explained further on);
- one pin, marked SHIELD, is intended for the cable shield connection;
- two pins are to receive the DC power, to be externally supplied; more precisely, between
pin PV5 (positive pole) and pin NV5 (negative pole) a DC voltage source must be
connected (12 V ± 3 V, maximum current required: 60 mA).
This power supply is not necessary in case of type A application (see below).
The output signals are three (A, B and NM) and can be used differentially; in this case the
outputs are, respectively, pairs A-nA, B-nB and NM-nNM corresponding to the connector
pins indicated in Fig. 3-13. As shown in Fig. 3-14, signal A has a 90° phase lag angle in
respect to signal B. Signal NM (North Marker) is a synchronism signal, provided every
mechanical 360° angle, whose position can be configured by the user at any angle of the
round angle. The main features of the signals are:
- output voltage: typically 10 Vpp, without load;
- output voltage: 5 Vpp, with output current of 20 mA;
- bandwidth: 500 kHz;
- user device impedance: Rmin = 500 Ω, Rmax = 10 kΩ; 200 pF in parallel; (note: a
resistance greater than 10 kΩ can generate reflection; it is therefore suggested to
terminate the connection with a 1 kΩ resistor, again connected in differential);
- cable maximum length: 10 m.
Note: The three signals mentioned above can also be taken with reference to pin NV5; in
this case the output signals are taken from the pin pairs A-NV5, B-NV5, NM-NV5 and the
available voltage is typically 5 V in no load condition and 2,5 V with load.
Two typical applications for the output signals from this connector can be mentioned.
A – Connection with another converter of BIVECTOR 500 Series, as a position slave
(synchronization, electrical axis).
This is the typical application for which this output has been implemented; in this case the
connection must be carried out between the converter ENCODER OUT connector acting as
master and the converter FREQUENCY IN connector acting as slave; the complete
connection is shown in Fig. 3-15. The master converter can only have one slave.
The cable terminates with a SUB-D type 9-pin female drawer flying connector for the master
converter side connection and with a SUB-D type 9-pin male flying drawer connector for the
slave converter side connection. The maximum length of this cable is 10 m.
B – Connection to other equipment for rotor position data transmission. This application
implies knowledge of the device to be connected and must be regarded as a particular
application; for the ENCODER OUT connector output signals, refer to Fig. 3-14 and to the
signal features described above.
IN 1 1 IN
2 2
4 4
5 5
7 7
8 8
9 9
150 Ω
IB 2
150 Ω
InB 7
150 Ω
150 Ω
InNM 8
Shield 5
- N. 1 output for non powered contact of internal relay, terminals RDY1 and RDY2;
Note maximum voltage 48 V (AC or DC);
maximum current 0,5 A.
each output). For example, if an output current of 1 mA is required and voltage +24 V
available on terminal 1 is used, a 24 kΩ resistor between +24 V and the used output is
(e.g. +24V)
Output logic level “L”
Vout means Vout =Logic 0
Towards DOUT1
(e.g. +24V)
Output logic level “L”
means lit LED
Fig. 3-18: Some examples of connection and interpretation of the digital outputs
B – Inputs:
- N. 2 ENAB and RESET status logical inputs, referred to the COMMON terminal;
- N. 8 digital inputs DIN3 ÷ DIN10, referred to the COMMON terminal;
Note optoinsulated and protected inputs;
maximum input voltage: 30 VDC;
typical input resistance: 10 kΩ;
SW configurable;
maximum input voltage for logical level 0: VIL = 4 V (differential)
minimum input voltage for logical level 1: VIH = 7,5 V (differential)
Fig. 3-19: Example: status of the drive system versus ENABLE and RESET inputs
(1) At first the converter is in RFO status.
(2) LOW-HIGH transition on ENAB moves the drive in GO status.
(3) If an external failure occurs (for instance the resolver cable is disconnected), then the
drive moves in Fault status (Converter display Failure message: F1).
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Chapter 3 – Drive system installation
(4) When the problem is solved, the LOW-HIGH transition on the reset INPUT moves the
drive in RFO status.
(5) A next LOW-HIGH transition on ENAB input moves the drive in GO status.
(6) The HIGH-LOW transition moves the drive in RFO status.
Note on the wiring. It is almost needless to say that the cables to this terminal block must be
connected observing the general principles for signal connections. It is recommended to
separate the inputs from the outputs, (separate shielded cables), to keep away from the
power cables, to prepare cables as short as possible (max. 10 m) with section not smaller
than 0,5 mm², essentially for mechanical reasons. ANALOG I/O terminal block
This box with 10 terminals is essentially, but not exclusively, meant for input and output
analog signals. While this section provides some data concerning the installation part, for the
description of signals and their use refer to the Second Part of this manual.
Note: The mobile part of this terminal block is included in the converter scope of supply.
Fig. 3-20 shows the electronic circuits leading to this terminal block.
1 +10 V
+/- 10 V
2 -10 V
100 kΩ
3 +AIN 1 +
100 kΩ
4 -AIN 1 -
5 Shield
6 +AIN 2
7 -AIN 2
8 AOUT 1
9 AOUT 2 Filter
10 GND
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