Richelle Zapata (Practical Research 2)
Richelle Zapata (Practical Research 2)
Richelle Zapata (Practical Research 2)
3. Note-taking 3. Examination
Study Habit, Conceptually, It refers to the ways and the habits that formed during school
years and it can be good one, or bad ones. Good study habits include being organized, keeping
good notes, making a group study, listening in class, reading your textbook and working
everyday. Bad study habits include skipping class, not doing your work, watching TV or playing
video games instead of studying, and losing your work (learning Tips and Study Habits, 2002).
Operationally, the term refers to the frequency of practices of good study habit duch as: Always,
sometimes, Poor and Frequently.
According to Palani (2012) reading habit is an essential and important aspect for creating a
literate society in this world. It shapes the personality of individuals and it helps them to develop
proper thinking methods, and create new ideas. However, the developments in the Mass Media
and continued to influence interest in reading books, magazines and journals, among others.
Effective study skills are necessary for a high school students to excel academically. The
student must develop these skills in order to rerain information learned in the present for their
future benefit. Study Skills can be a combination of several techniques, including time
management, note-taking, group study and active listening.
Education plays a vital role in the development of a learner. The acquisition of new
knowledge, information and the way one responds to the learning environment makes him
holistic learner. It must be uncalculated in our minds the one of the purposes of education is to
train learners on how to grow independently, how to apply what they learned inside the
classroom in their real life situations, and how to understand things and make them useful to
ones life. You cannot learn simply by being told what to do or by watching others, you have to
practice and practice frequently.
As a result; the researcher was prompted to conduct this study to help the students provide
basis for awareness and better understanding of how their current study habits affected their
academic performance. Likewise gives them a more focused and clear perspective on hoe the
specific behaviours related to their studies influenced study habits. This study also carried out to
determine the independent variables that affect the academic performance of the students.
Research Questions
This study tries to determine and analyze the relationship of Study Habits and Academic
1. What is the perception of the student - respondents on the extemt of Study Habits in terms of:
2. What is the perception of the student - respondents on the level of Academic Performance in
terms of:
2.1 Seatwork,
2.2 Activities,
2.3 Examination?
This study focused on the Study Habits in relation to Academic Performance with the total __
in EMA EMITS College Philippines S.Y. 2019 - 2020.