Basic of Multiplexing
Basic of Multiplexing
Basic of Multiplexing
Techniques of multiplexing
In communication, under the simplest conditions, a medium can carry only one signal at anymoment
in time. For multiple signals to share one medium, the medium must somehow bedivided, giving
each signal a portion of the total bandwidth. This is where the concept ofMultiplexing comes!
transmission in which one communication channel carries several transmissions at the sametime. In
simple words, the method of dividing a single channel into many channels so that anumber of
independent signals may be transmitted on it is known as Multiplexing.
In FDM the available bandwidth is divided into a number of smaller independent logical
channels with each channel having a small bandwidth. It assigns “frequency ranges” to each“user” or
“signal” on a medium. Thus, all signals are transmitted at the same
time, each usingdifferent frequencies. The method of using a number of carrier frequencies, each of
which ismodulated by an independent signal is in fact frequency division multiplexing. In
FrequencyDivision Multiplexing, Data Streams are carried simultaneously on the same
Transmissionmedium by allocating to each of them a different Frequency Band within the Bandwidth
ofthe Single Channel.
medium/channel among users. Each user of the channel is allotted a small time intervalduring which
he transmits a message. Total time available in the channel is divided, and eachuser is allocated a
time slice. In TDM, users send message sequentially one after another.Each user can use the full
channel bandwidth during the period he has control over thechannel. In Time Division Multiplexing,
Transmission Time on a Single Channel is dividedinto non-overlapped Time Slots. Data Streams from
different Sources are divided into Unitswith same size and interleaved successively into the Time
Time-compression multiplexing (TCM)
demonstrates the significant advantages of TCM over FDM when used over narrowbandradio
systems which contain inherent nonlinearities. Indeed, these nonlinearities can renderFDM unusable
for many applications, producing quite unacceptable levels of crosstalk for anadequate signal/noise
performance. TCM, however, is shown to overcome this problemwithout utilising excessive
bandwidth, usually associated with time-domain multiplexingsystems that employ digital
modulation: for example, pulse code modulation.
TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) and FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) are twomethods of
multiplexing multiple signals into a single carrier. Multiplexing is the process ofcombining multiple
signals into one, in such a manner that each individual signal can beretrieved at the destination.
Since multiple signals are occupying the channel, theyneed toshare the resource in some manner.
The primary difference between FDM and TDM is howthey divide the channel. FDM divides the
channel into two or more frequency ranges that donot overlap, while TDM divides and allocates
certain time periods to each channel in analternating manner. Due to this fact, we can say that for
TDM, each signal uses all of
the bandwidth some of the time, while for FDM, each signal uses a small portion of the bandwidth
all of the time.
TDM provides greater flexibility and efficiency, by dynamically allocating more time periodsto the
signals that need more of the bandwidth, while reducing the time periods to thosesignals that do not
need it. FDM lacks this type of flexibility, as it cannot dynamically changethe width of the allocated
frequency.The advantage of FDM over TDM is in latency. Latency is the time it takes for
the datatoreach its destination. As TDM allocates time periods, only one channel can transmit at a
given time, and some data would often be delayed, though it’s often only in milliseconds.
Since channels in FDM can transmit at any time, their latencies would be much lowercompared to
TDM. FDM is often used in applications where latency is of utmost priority,such as those that require
real-time information.FDM and TDM are often used in tandem, to create even more channels in a
given frequencyrange. The common practice is to divide the channel with FDM, so that you have a
dedicatedchannel with a smaller frequency range. Each of the FDM channels is then occupied by
multiple channels that are multiplexed using TDM. This is what telecoms do to allow a hugenumber
of users to use a certain frequency band. In summary:1.
FDM divides the channel into multiple, but smaller frequency ranges to accommodatemore users,
while TDM divides a channel by allocating a time period for eachchannel.2.
Multiplexer are used in various fields where multiple data need to be transmitted using asingle line.
Following are some of the applications of multiplexers -
Communication system:
Communication system is a set of system that enablescommunication like transmission system, relay
and tributary station, and communicationnetwork. The efficiency of communication system can be
increased considerably usingmultiplexer. Multiplexer allow the process of transmitting different type
of data such asaudio, video at the same time using a single transmission line.
Telephone network
: In telephone network, multiple audio signals are integrated on a singleline for transmission with
the help of multiplexers. In this way, multiple audio signals can beisolated and eventually, the desire
audio signals reach the intended recipients.
Computer memory:
Multiplexers are used to implement huge amount of memory into thecomputer, at the same time
reduces the number of copper lines required to connect thememory to other parts of the computer
Multiplexer can be used for thetransmission of data signals from the computer system of a satellite
or spacecraft to theground system using the GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites.
Under the simplest conditions, a medium can carry only one signal at any moment in time. Ifwe try
to pass multiple signals through a common medium, they will possibly interfere with each
other. Multiplexing is name given to techniques which allow more than one message to be
transferred via the same communication channel. Multiplexing are techniques which allowusers to
occupy a channel for the duration in time that the channel is available. Channel:could be a
transmission line, twisted pair, Co-axial cable, A radio system and Fibre opticcable. Channel will offer
a specified bandwidth, which is available for a time, t, where t-
>∞.With reference to the channel there are 3 ‘degrees of freedom’: Bandwidth or freq